November 15, 2011

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city foregoing repaving / P10 • WINTER MARKET BEGINS / P13 • THE ‘OTHER CARMEL’ / P22

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The redevelopment of Mohawk Hills might be back on track / P9 Photo Illustration

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11/1/11 10:07 AM

Day or Night,

the PallaDium is always at the CeNter of the aCtioN. basile gift shop grand opening, november 17-19

shop hours, Monday–saturday, 11 aM– 4 pM ribbon Cutting CereMony, saturday, noveMber 19, 7 pM

no trip to the Center is complete without visiting the new Basile Gift Shop. you’ll find a wide variety of musical gifts, apparel, compact discs and more.

basile café

Café hours, Monday–saturday, 11 aM–2 pM

With a menu this tasty, why wait until the performance? stop by the Basile Café during lunchtime and enjoy a delicious salad, sandwich or wrap.

RPA-290-Current-11.15-FNL.indd 1

palladium tours

noveMber 19 free tours, 11:30 aM & 1 pM

be our guest november 19! take a free tour and see for yourself that there’s always something happening at the Center for the performing arts. the michael feinstein great american songbook archive & gallery

gallery hours, Monday–friday, 11 aM– 4 pM open house hours, saturday, noveMber 19, 11 aM– 4 pM

The Michael Feinstein Great American Songbook Archive & Gallery is one of the greatest collections of music memorabilia ever assembled. the current exhibit, GI JIVE, features photographs and rare footage of the music and entertainers of World War ii.

11/9/11 11:37 AM

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Capacity to lead Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, IN Vol. VI, No. 3 Copyright 2011. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032

317.489.4444 Managing Editor – Kevin Kane / 489.4444 ext. 204 Associate Editor – Terry Anker Art Director – Zachary Ross / 489.4444 Associate Artist – Andrea Nickas / 489.4444 Cartoonist – Tim Campbell


It is our position Hamilton County will be wellserved by the re-election of Mayors Jim Brainard in Carmel, John Distlear in Noblesville and Andy Cook in Westfield. After a robust discussion over the past few months, we voters ultimately made our choice last week stating emphatically existing leadership (at least for the largest majority) was on-target. We concur. Hamilton County continues to be a beacon of economic growth and distinction the categories of quality of life, education and stability. These men can take their share of the credit. All have made bold steps to position our communities to take advantage of a growing trend in population and wealth distribution. However, this election cycle did not pass without raising several important questions to be considered and resolved during the coming four years. Will there be a taxpayer reckoning for the spending required to realize the ambitious dreams of these leaders? Will, as the saying goes, they come if we build it? The world is a rapidly changing and evolving place – perhaps now more than ever. Therefore, we intend to continue to expect real answers to hard questions, we believe we have the right leadership for the job.

Training facility

It is our position the potential for the construction of a single law enforcement and fire personnel training facility by the neighboring communities of Hamilton County is welcome. Ongoing training for all of the law and fire personnel is imperative to allow them to keep up with new technology and equipment. The lack of a local facility requires the personnel to obtain instruction at other locations, and may involve payment by the cities to other entities for training. The development is unique because it is apparent a genuine effort is being pursued to accomplish something uniformly beneficial to the communities, without the frequent tug-of-war which has resulted in duplication of efforts and diluting of the effects of actions in each city. A single facility can jointly use the contribution of funding and personnel from the participating cities, and all personnel will have access to the best instructors from all of the units. The completed center should be able to include more equipment to enhance the experience of the personnel because of the cooperation. We strongly support this budding effort, and hope the communities will throw their visible support behind the project as it matures.

The views in these editorials are of reader participants. They do not represent those of Current Publishing ownership and management.

Advertising Senior Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia / 370.0749

Business Office Bookkeeper – Heather Cole / 489.4444 Publisher – Brian Kelly / 414.7879 General Manager – Steve Greenberg / 847.5022 The views of the columnists in Current In Carmel are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.


strange laws V E C TO R BU T TO N S . CO M V E C TO R BU T TO N S . CO M


Photo Illustration

Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you.

In Maine, shotguns are required to be taken to church in the event of a Native American attack.

Every week, we will print a portion of the U.S. Constitution, followed by a portion of the Indiana Constitution. We encourage you to benchmark government policies against these bedrock documents. Today: the U.S. Constitution. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Article. I. Section 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be

Current in Carmel

vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Section. 2. Clause 1: The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature. Clause 2: No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.

November 15, 2011 | 3

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How do they know I’m not a car thief?

FROM THE BACKSHOP Retirement not currently in Basile’s vocabulary This is some “retirement” Frank Basile is enjoying. The former senior vice president of the Gene B. Glick Co., as you might know, has been the acting president and chief executive officer for The Center for the Performing Arts since late July. Basile is a man of many passions, chief among them travel, dining, authorship and, now, seeing to it that the Center rises to the all-important next level. It strikes us that the native Louisianan actually is happily un-retired, if you will. He has the staying power – and the blessings of his wife, Katrina, a Realtor – to work consecutive 14-hour days. Too, together they funded an eponymous gift shop, which opens Saturday in the Center; that underscores an even heavier commitment to the facility. In his workweek, when it’s time to grab dinner, Katrina picks him up and they roll away to sample the ample gastronomic fare in the area – and then it’s back to the office. He could be off on another “adventure of a lifetime” in a remote outpost on the other side of the world, yet he has no complaints. There will be time for that. In the interim, it’s strictly about making the Center all that it can be, and our community should be grateful to Basile for stepping up and engineering the mission.

Brian Kelly & Steve Greenberg ••• We’re confused about the Occupy Wall Street movement, and here’s why: We’re sure you’re well aware of the whole Solyndra scandal, which ultimately will cost taxpayers $535 million. Back in February, the Energy Department agreed to restructure Solyndra’s loan that allowed $75 million from a fund controlled by a major Barack Obama supporter to be ranked ahead of the government (Read: taxpayers) in the event of bankruptcy. Isn’t this the ultimate in cronyism? So, why aren’t the occupiers protesting outside the White House?

COMMENTARY By Kevin Kane The name Grand Theft Auto might imply that stealing cars in the videogame is easy, but that’s not always the case. Like in real life, some actually have alarms, and you can’t drive two blocks in these cars without being chased by the virtual cops, which is understandable. That’s why I wonder why my neighbors haven’t called the police on me. I’m not stealing cars, but I’m not sure how my neighbors know this. You see, the alarm on my Saab 9-5 goes off a couple times per week without provocation. It’s a common Saab problem, I hear, and there’s absolutely no way to shut off the incredibly obnoxious, high-pitched alarm once it gets going. It just has to run its course. Sometimes this is only a few seconds. But there have been multiple times when I’ve been forced to drive the squealing car around my apartment complex, trying my best to spread out the inconvenience equally amongst my neighbors. It surely must look suspicious. The alarm begins to sound and I get into the car. That’s questionable sign No. 1. I then frantically try the few adjustments I superstitiously think have shut off the alarm in the past, yet it keeps whaling. Sign No. 2. When all else fails, I start the car and hurriedly drive it away. This last part, I would believe, should prompt the dog-walkers and

business was busy and my mom had just sold her condo and moved in with us. We were not ready for a home of monthly surprises. But now, again time is asserting itself; and I’ve learned. Lifetime shingles last about 12 years. Lifetime windows last about a decade (if one is lucky) and lifetime-manufactured siding lasts even less. We’ve learned the lesson of the fine print – and of folks not standing behind their products. But more than anything, I suppose we’ve learned there is not life without stewardship. Even as we hoped to avoid caretaking, we are reminded humans consume: Carpets wear out and refrigerators fail after too many ice cubes. But instead of consumers, should we think of ourselves as stewards?

We’ve learned the lesson of the fine print – and of folks not standing behind their products. We’ve learned there is not life without stewardship.

4 | November 15, 2011

Kevin Kane is the managing editor of Current in Carmel. You can reach him via e-mail at Kevin@

Riverwalk Commons

Lifetime stewardship Commentary By Terry Anker Time may heal all wounds, but it wreaks havoc on infrastructure. For many years, Carolyn and I lived in a house built in the 1930s. Taking shape during the depression, the home was built at a time when craftsman were, perhaps because of a lack of competition for their skills, able to focus on one project at a time. Plus given then economic conditions, folks expected things to last. By the time we took possession of the home it was a senior citizen and things were in need of repair. We tackled projects in order of significance in an ongoing and almost perpetual way. We completed infrastructure (think septic) with cosmetic (think interior paint) imagining every good meal includes nutrition and taste. Now, we are in a house built during a boom time – the late 1990s. Builders could barely keep up with demand. When we made the move, we needed a house ready to operate without failure. Our youngest was in diapers,

people peering through their blinds to dial 9-11, but no. I’m glad I haven’t had to explain myself to the Carmel police, but are my neighbors’ reasons for not alerting the authorities based on apathy or an assumption that this is Carmel and, therefore, I am not a criminal? And is there really a preferable option? I’d like to think that my neighbors think I have an innocent face and don’t give off a criminal vibe, but let’s be realistic. I live in an apartment and consequently don’t know my neighbors. They have no prior experience with me to know for sure that I didn’t, and wouldn’t steal a Saab. More likely is that they – like most of us would do in this situation – determine that the odds of my suspicious actions being the result of a fluke misunderstanding are greater than their interest in getting involved. So they don’t. I guess I would probably do the same thing, but it still makes me wonder. The only thing I know for sure is that my car is one of the easiest to steal, because it’s clear that neither its owner nor the people living nearby find a sounding alarm on a moving vehicle to be out of the ordinary.

Salutes Our Veterans

At Riverwalk Commons we salute you and thank you for your service. This November, we are proud to offer veterans and their surviving spouses special benefits. Veterans who sign a lease with our community in November, 2011 will receive*: • 5% price reduction for the life of the lease and we will waive the move-in fee • Assistance applying for Veterans Aid & Attendance Program • The Five Star Senior Living lifestyle you deserve

*Does not include levels of care services. Normal yearly rent increases will apply. Must take financial possession of your apartment home by November 30th.


Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may e-mail him at terry@

7235 Riverwalk Way North • Noblesville, IN 46062


Pet Friendly

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ReADERS’ VIEWS ATI deserves a larger audience Editor, We have attended four shows put on by the Actors Theatre of Indiana since it opened at the Studio Theatre at The Center for the Performing Arts, and have been so impressed with the talent. Unfortunately, the attendance at their shows hasn’t been stellar, and we would love to help this talented group of people get more exposure. It seems that the big-ticket shows at the Palladium get a lot of press, but this smaller group is left to

struggle. They are local and talented. Their present production of Forbidden Broadway is demonstrative of the effort and talent that this small troupe puts on the table. We laughed so hard during their Oct. 29 performance and were thoroughly entertained. They truly need some exposure. Please consider taking in one of their performances to see for yourself what we are talking about. Jim and PJ Reilly, 46032

A better solution is needed Editor, I am surprised that you were against moving up construction at Keystone Parkway and 96th Street in Nov. 1’s From the Backshop. However, I am happy to see your comments about the local businesses. This is a bit too late for all the businesses that went broke when 116th and Keystone was being done. Perhaps you have

seen what happened then and don’t want to see it again. Keystone already has been a nightmare during the Interstate 465 construction. I agree with you, there must be a better (and less costly) solution. Hopefully we don’t build another roundabout. The others on Keystone already are dangerous when exiting, especially at rush hour. Kevin Williams, 46032

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DREYER & REINBOLD INFINITI Wanna write us a letter? You can do it a couple ways. The easiest is to e-mail it to The old-fashioned way is to snail mail it to Current in Carmel, 1 South Range Line Road, Carmel, IN 46032. Keep letters to 200 words max (we may make exceptions), and be sure to include your home zip code and a daytime number for verification.


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November 15, 2011 | 5

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DISPATCHES » Local pianist to compete nationally – Avery Susemichel of Carmel was the local winner of the Youth 1 Division at the Roland Piano Susemichel Festival held at Piano Solution in September. Susemichel has been selected to compete in the national finals in California. » Comedy at Bub’s – Comedian and Carmel native Dave Dugan will perform at Bub’s Burgers & Ice Cream, 210 W. Main St., Nov. 19 at 9:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased in advance. » Thanksgiving service – King of Glory Lutheran Church, 2201 E. 106th St. in Carmel, invites the public to come for a Thanksgiving service, Nov. 22 at 7 p.m. For more information, visit www. » IWS to make memories in new home – Holiday Memories is a festive musical celebration of the holiday season presented by the Indiana Wind Symphony under the musical direction of Charles Conrad. IWS will perform a mix of traditional and contemporary Christmas and Hanukkah pieces including the world premiere of James Syler’s Fantasia on Silent Night. Carmel’s own award-winning vocalist Jessamyn Anderson will join the IWS at the Palladium as the featured soloist for this performance. The performance begins at 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 2at the Palladium, the ensemble’s new home. For more information, visit » Sculpture unveiling – Mayor Jim Brainard was scheduled to unveil the city’s latest piece of public art over the weekend – the $80,000 Cyclo sculpture by Los Angeles artist Brad Howe at the intersection of 136th Street and Range Line Road. » Trichology relocating – Trichology Salon at 630 N. Range Line Rd will relocate to Clay Terrace in December. Construction on the new location will begin this week and last approximately six weeks. For more information, visit

6 | November 15, 2011

The tales of twins COMMENTARY By Danielle Wilson I had the pleasure of participating in a twins’ panel the other night, both as a twin myself and as a mother of twins. Most of the questions pertained to the unique circumstances of raising multiples, but there were a few relevant to parenting in general. So I thought I’d share my responses with you: 1. “Now you’re back to work, do you miss your kids?” No. Nor have I ever. Even when I went back eight weeks postpartum after my first born. I do experience guilt, almost on a daily basis. I occasionally have emotional breakdowns in my car over whether I’m a horrible mom for wanting to spend eight to hours away from short people, but I can’t honestly say I miss my kids. Bottom line? I’m a better mom when I don’t have to focus my attention on nutritional lunches, laundry apartheid, and choosing which day we’re going to contract pink eye from the Children’s Museum. 2. “With four kids, how do you balance all the activities and still have time for family?” We don’t. We try our best, but during soccer season, we rarely eat a meal together. We even limit them to one sport/ class per season, but the schedule still

is out of control. Having kids in all age groups where in multiple practices and games a week are the norm, we are chalking up serious mileage. But studies show busy, engaged kids are less likely to end up on drugs or pregnant, so we’re sticking with the crazy. 3. “Do you ever get to spend one-on-one time with your children?” Sometimes, yes. But generally, no. We dedicate the month of January to taking each child out for a special “afternoon” of their design, like Wendy’s goodness followed by Laser Tag madness. If I’m not already asleep by 8:30, I will occasionally crawl in bed with a kid and read for about 10 minutes. I’m not super proud of this lack of parental attention, but no one needs therapy yet, so they can’t be suffering too badly. There you have it. Enough “Danielle Wilson” fodder for you to make it through the week, whether you’re criticizing or commiserating. Peace out! Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@

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Carmel churches step up VOLUNTEERS By Jeff Worrell On Oct. 16, the big talk and competitive strategizing came to an end as the congregations of Carmel United Methodist Church and St. Marks United Methodist Church had to put their feet where their mouths are, so to speak. According to Pastor Patti Payntor, “Our Church can out walk, out raise and out talk Reverend Bill Keith and his St. Marks gang with our eyes closed.” Well, maybe the always reverent reverend didn’t exactly say that, but she could have, as Carmel United is the defending champion in the newly established rivalry between the two churches to raise the greatest amount of money and bring the most walkers to the CROP Walk each year. All in good fun and for a really good cause, several local churches from the Carmel area came together to support the 2011 event. Ed King is an expert, having participated in every CROP Walk since 1994 and was the coordinator for the team from Carmel United Methodist. He summed it up by saying, “CROP walks are certainly one of the many ways God can use all of us to do all the good you can. I also love the ecumenical spirit of the CROP walk that supports Church World Service ministries. It is inspiring to witness local churches working together in Christian love to help those in need.” He is referring to the way local faith commu-

nities came together this year in a big way; 375 walkers from 25 different churches in Hamilton County collected more than $28,000. St. Christopher Episcopal in Carmel created a theme called “sock it to hunger.” They provided a sock to each family that could be used to give thanks for their food and think of those who did not have adequate food each time they had a meal. Orchard Park Presbyterian in Carmel turned their event into a parent-youth activity to build a special bond while helping others. Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church sponsored a food drive for CROP Walk at their Greek festival (folks could bring in cans of food instead of paying the entrance fee) and collected a whopping 1,800 pounds of food. Twenty-five percent of the money raised this year will stay in Hamilton County with the Good Samaritan Network. The rest of the money goes to fight world hunger. And, if Reverend Payntor said anything, it probably sounded more like, “We have a fun and unique contest where the only goal is to stamp out hunger.” That means everyone wins.

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Jeff Worrell is a local businessman. He recognizes volunteers on “Connecting with Carmel” on cable channel 16. Contact him at

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Current in Carmel

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The redevelopment of Mohawk Hills might be back on track By Kevin Kane The apartment buildings at Mohawk Hills have seen better days. Many of the roofs are discolored, even missing shingles. Some gutters are in need of repair and the once-high-end residential buildings today are showing their age after nearly 40 years of use. But now plans for Gramercy are getting back on track, meaning Mohawk Hills could undergo a major makeover in the near future. Original plans for Gramercy date to 2006, two years after Buckingham Companies acquired the 116-acre property at Keystone Parkway and 126th Street. The company was successful in getting the area zoned as a planned unit development for its $500 million, mixeduse project that would replace Mohawk Hills with a combination of single- and multi-family housing, offices and retail units. Responding to feedback from residents living close to the development site, Buckingham Companies agreed to change its plans, trading some townhouses for more single-family houses

and reducing maximum building heights from 100 to 60 feet, among other changes. Still, the project was to be completed in about 10 years from that time, but work on the site never began. “There were some pretty elaborate plans but then all of the sudden it just died down,” said Plan Commission member Sue Westermeier, who also served Westermeier on the commission at this time. In 2008, Buckingham Companies pulled the plug on the project, citing a slowed economy and housing market. But now the company again is seeking project approval for the site. A public hearing on the site plan was on the agenda of tonight’s Plan Commission meeting, but Mike Hollibaugh Dept. of Community Services director, said the item was tabled until the commission’s Dec. 20 meeting as Buckingham did not provide the public a minimum of 25 days notice prior to the meeting. Buckingham Companies representatives declined to comment about the details

what has changed? Buckingham Companies’ plans for Gramercy have changed since 2006 based on the current marketplace. Changes include: • The complete renovation of about 420 existing Mohawk Hills units • 1,100 new units instead of 2,400 • Two- to four-story buildings instead of six to seven stories

Mohawk Hills was built in the early 1970s and appears to be in need of renovations. of the project, but according to the minutes from the Oct. 19 meeting of the Technical Advisory Meeting, the company has made significant changes to its plans for Gramercy. Hollibaugh “In the past five years the economy and marketplace has changed dramatically,” the minutes read. “Since this project has been in the works for the past five years it has been re-envisioned into something that would be able to take root and be successful in the current economy and community.” The changes, presented by Buckingham Companies at the Oct. 19 TAC meeting, include dramatically scaling back the amount of work that would be done. Original plans called for the construction of about 2,400 total new units in buildings reaching up to seven stories in height. According to the minutes, the revised project plans would be completed in two phases and would include the renovation of some existing Mohawk Hills units and construction of about 1,100 new units in a variety of

Buildings will be four stories tall in Gramercy’s ‘urban core.’

public hearing The public hearing on Gramercy was tabled until the Plan Commission’s Dec. 20 meeting, which will be held at 6 p.m. in the council chambers of City Hall. For more information, visit

building types. The structures in the new plans would mostly be two or three stories, with four-story buildings in the community’s “urban core.” The company intends to begin work in the project’s first phase in the spring, and this phase would include “the complete renovation of the 420 remaining units, the addition of 700 new units and the removal of eight to nine buildings,” according to the minutes. While Buckingham Companies put Gramercy on hold a few years ago, Plan Commission member Alan Potasnik said Potasnik the fact that this project has reached the commission’s agenda is a sign that the company is definitely ready to proceed with its plans. “There’s too much at stake,” he said. “If the project is turned down, there’s a waiting period to bring it back…There are a lot of costs involved to get to this point.”

The first phase of the project calls for the complete renovation of about 420 existing units.

Current in Carmel

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City streets will not be resurfaced October, adding that the schedule is By Kevin Kane largely dictated by temperatures. Now, nearly a month later, it is The city will end 2011 without too cold for contractors to begin resurfacing any of its streets. resurfacing. These projects can be The Street Dept. each year comdone as late as November in most piles a list of streets in need of reyears, but once the temperature besurfacing. This year, the department gins consistently dropping below 45 has a list of projects but does not or 50 degrees, new asphalt will cool have the necessary funding. And Huffman too quickly, causing it to lose some with the time left to complete this of its physical properties, Noblesville City Engiwork rapidly dwindling, the City Council last week voted against providing funds to the Street neer John Beery said. Beery added that letting the streets in need Dept. this year, pushing all resurfacing work of work go through another harsh winter could back to spring or summer of 2012. make repairs and resurfacing more costly next “This is money that can be used for other summer. projects,” said Councilman Kevin Rider. “Be“It’s not necessarily going to be more expencause we won’t get (the resurfacing) done, we sive,” he said. “But if you skip a road this year decided to leave our options open.” that has a pretty significant tree canopy and we The $3 million needed for paving this year have another hard winter, you’re going to lose was cut by Mayor Jim Brainard last year, as he more of it.” and the council worked to balance the 2011 Huffman said his department’s proactive efbudget. In October, a 2006 county option forts to keep the city’s streets in good condition income tax bond was presented as a potential likely will prevent one additional winter from funding source for this work. But with this making a significant difference. coming before the council so late in the year, “What we’ve often heard from contractors Street Dept. Director Dave Huffman said it was (when they are resurfacing Carmel’s streets) is unlikely that any paving would be done this ‘These streets would not be repaved in other year even if the funding was approved. cities,” he said. “The lion’s share of the work will be done in the spring of 2012,” Huffman said in mid-

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Council fails to override weapons veto that banning weapons would have been a positive step forward. Weapons are still permitted in“City Hall isn’t completely safe; side City Hall. we’ve had a number of incidents,” she The City Council last week failed said. “We had one (two weeks ago).” to save an ordinance banning guns In his veto memorandum to the and other weapons in the governcouncil, Brainard said screening for ment building. Mayor Jim Brainard weapons in City Hall could have had vetoed the weapons ordinance, negative repercussions. which the council approved with Brainard “If the city were to enact this law a 4-2 vote on Oct. 19. Five votes and then screen every person enterwere needed to override the veto, ing City Hall and a weapon is snuck but the council voted 3-3. Councilinto the building and used to harm man Rick Sharp was absent from someone, the taxpayers would be liable the meeting. for three times the normal recovery as During the original vote in Octowell as attorney fees for both parties,” ber, councilmen John Accetturo and Brainard said in the memo. ”This Kevin Rider voted against the ordiconstitutes an unacceptable liability for nance because there were no plans taxpayers. To enact this law and not to immediately add security personRider screen all members of the public that nel or metal detectors after the orvisited City Hall would also put the dinance became effective. With no taxpayers at risk for a judgment and attorney means of enforcement, the two said they found fees. I am also concerned that if the ordinance the ordinance to be an unnecessary change. was enacted and we did not screen that only the “I can’t vote for something that we can’t ‘bad’ guys would have weapons in the buildenforce,” Rider said. “That just doesn’t make ing. Money was not appropriated for screening sense.” Councilwoman Luci Snyder, however, argued when the ordinance was passed.”


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Kick off the holiday season this Saturday Help bring the holiday spirit to Carmel this weekend at this year’s Holiday on the Square. The city’s annual lighting ceremony and holiday entertainment event will take place this Saturday, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Carmel Civic Square. In addition to the lighting ceremony, the event will offer families the chance to visit Santa, pet live reindeer and other animals as well as enjoy food, music, children’s activities, goods

from the Carmel Farmers Market and other local entertainment. This year, families also can help fill Santa’s sleigh by donating items to the Carmel Fire Dept.’s Christmas Assistance Program. A gingerbread house created and donated by CASE Design/Remodeling and ArtSplash will be given away through a raffle, with these proceeds also supporting the Christmas Assistance Program.

Winter Market begins this weekend Carmel’s first Winter Market will begin this Saturday. The Winter Market at City Center will be held every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon, beginning this weekend and lasting through March 17 – with the exception of Dec. 24 and 3. The market will be held in one the City Center storefronts at 719 Hanover Place. Those planning to attend these events are advised to use the entrance from City Center Drive, and parking will be available on street level and in the underground garage. Currently, the following vendors from the

Carmel Farmers Market are confirmed to participate in the full season of the Winter Market: Amazing Potato Chip Company, Becker Farms, Chocolate for the Spirit, Grabow Orchard & Bakery, Happy Everything, Homestead Heritage, Lena’s Mediterranean Kitchen, Phelps Family Farms and Mission Coffee. In addition, How Sweet It Is, Norman Mullet Farms and Viking Lamb are confirmed for a partial season. Additional applications continue to be received. The Winter Market at Carmel City Center is being presented by Pedcor Companies with assistance from the Carmel Farmers Market, the city and Current in Carmel.

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Basile Gift Shop opens Saturday Another feature inside The Center for the Performing Arts will become available to the public beginning this weekend. The Basile Gift Shop will officially open for business from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, with a ribbon cutting ceremony at 7 p.m. The Basile Gift Shop is in the East Lobby of the Palladium, and features a wide variety of musical gifts, apparel, music and many items only available at

the Palladium. Its normal business hours will be Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The public also is invited to take free tours of the Palladium on Saturday. An open house is scheduled for 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., with free tours being offered at 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. The open house also includes the Michael Feinstein Great American Songbook Archive and Gallery. For more information, visit

Upcoming Carmel meetings » Rotary meeting – Rotary Club of Carmel will meet Friday, noon to 1:30 p.m., at the Mansion at Oak Hill, 5801 E. 116th St. Program: Club Assembly. Contact: Wendy Phillips, 501-4955. » Kiwanis meeting – Carmel Golden K Kiwanis will meet this Thursday, 10 a.m. at the American Legion Hall, 852 W. Main St. Speaker: David Heighway, Hamilton County historian, on the Midland and other railroads in Hamilton County. Contact: Don Moehn, 873-1956.

Profoundly shaping the way

» Special meeting – The City Council Finance, Administration and Rules Committee will hold a special meeting tomorrow, 5:30 p.m., in the council chambers at City Hall. For more information, visit

Gehlhausen named Meals on Wheels interim director By Jordan Fischer Beth Gehlhausen has been appointed interim executive director of Meals on Wheels of Hamilton County. She will succeed Marti Lindell as head of the nonGehlhausen profit which has been delivering hot, nutritious meals for 36 years to the doors of county residents who cannot prepare food on their own due to age, illness or disability. Lindell resigned in September after five years at the helm of the organization. “Meals on Wheels of Hamilton County is on the cusp of change and growth in serving those who need a little help in staying self-sufficient in their own home,” Gehlhausen added. “I am honored to have been selected to take part in

this exciting time in the life of the organization.” Gehlhausen has provided a variety of services to numerous social services organizations through her firm, Gehlhausen Consulting. She was the founder of Prevail, Inc., and executive director there for 18 years. She chairs the Hamilton County Community Corrections Advisory Board, and has been actively involved in the Fishers Redevelopment Authority, the M&I Bank Advisory Board and the Fishers Branch Board of Advisors for the YMCA, among other organizations. “We are so pleased to have Beth partnering with us,” said Board President Susan Wack. “Her expertise in leadership and knowledge about the county is a valuable asset, and will be particularly important as Meals on Wheels prepares for an explosive need as baby boomers age and the nation sees the so-called Silver Tsunami.” For more information about Meals on Wheels of Hamilton County, visit

Business owners support CSOL Carmel Symphony Orchestra League president Barbara Crawford receives a check from Arnie’s Restaurant owner, Kurt Cohen. Arnie’s was one of the local eateries to participate in CSOL’s fall fundraiser, Dining in Tune, for the CSO’s opening concert at the Palladium. Also pictured is Carolyn Hoyt, co-chair for the event. Submitted photo

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Talk like a royal

GRAMMAR LESSON By Brandie Bohney Among the many questions about word usage I got after the further-farther column, one of the most interesting is today’s topic: is family singular or plural? I wrote about this a few months ago, but I’ve since learned I’m apparently British. Rhonda wrote with the question after her daughter heard a British reporter start a sentence, “The Royal Family are….” Could this be correct? It sounds so, well, foreign. But the Brits speak English. How could they sound so foreign? And I loved that Rhonda asked, “Does the Royal Family get special treatment with their verb?” Here’s the deal: the reporter was correct (probably). In American English, we generally always treat collective nouns like family as singular. The only time we don’t treat family as singular here on this side of the pond, in fact, is when we use a personal pronoun. In that case, we use they: My family used to eat meat, but now they are vegetarians. This has more to do with our discomfort in referring to our families as it than it has to do with recognizing family can be either singular or plural, and grammatically speaking, it’s not quite correct. We – in the U.S., anyhow – wouldn’t generally say, “My family are vegetarians,” but it wouldn’t be wrong to do so.

In British English, the difference between a singular group and a plural group is more frequently recognized with a difference in verb, and that was the explanation I gave a few months ago (hence my previously unrecognized Britishness). The nice thing about the way the Brits treat collective nouns is you always know whether they are speaking of the group as a singular unit or as individuals who are part of a whole – it’s precise. The nice thing about the way we treat collective nouns in the U.S. is it’s easy. If the reporter in question was speaking of the Royal Family as individuals (The Royal Family are vacationing at various times this year), the use of a plural verb is correct and not just because it’s the Royal Family. The average Brit might say, “My family are living in several countries.” That same Brit might also say, “My family is very close.” The difference is in the first sentence, family refers to individuals who are members of the family, and in the second example, family refers to the group as a whole. Again, the way we treat the collective nouns in the U.S. is easier. Perhaps not as precise, but definitely easier.

the best legs at the thanksgiving dinner table shouldn’t be the turkey’s.

Brandie Bohney is a grammar enthusiast and former English teacher. If you have a grammarrelated question, please email her at

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DISPATCHES » Gym dedication ceremony – Clay Middle School will hold a ceremony this Thursday at 5 p.m. during which it will dedicate the Bob Weber Gymnasium. Basketball contests between the Clay and Carmel Middle School boys’ teams will immediately follow the ceremony. » Greyhound Trail opening – A celebration to officially open the new Greyhound Trail located along the north side of 136th Street connecting to the Hagan – Burke Trail will be held tomorrow at noon. The Greyhound Trail bridge is accessible from the Carmel Stadium parking lot. Look for the tent and balloons. Vehicle parking will be available on the west side of the Carmel High School Stadium Parking lot north of 136th St.


» Football champions – The Carmel Dads’ Club All-Star A-Team won a championship earlier this month. The team allowed zero points in its five games against Noblesville, Lawrence, Hamilton Southeastern, Zionsville, and Ben Davis while scoring 109 points in those games. » Study on teen safety – Teen drivers are about 50 percent more likely to crash in the first month of unsupervised driving than they are after a full year of experience driving on their own, and they are nearly twice as likely to crash in their first month as they are after two full years of experience, according to a new study. Researchers analyzed the crashes of new drivers in North Carolina and found three common mistakes: failure to reduce speed, inattention, and failure to yield.

CCPL to hold final community forum The Carmel Clay Public Library began a journey in August to determine the library’s future and to craft a strategic plan through significant engagement with the community, as well as CCPL’s stakeholders, leadership and staff. Over the past three months, CCPL has narrowed and refined its strategic direction and wants to hear the community’s thoughts before finalizing the plan. On Sunday, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the

library’s program room, CCPL’s consultant and staff will facilitate an informative and interactive inquiry to validate and clarify the path forward. The public is invited to join in this conversation about the direction the community is headed and discuss the opportunities presented to the library to support Carmel’s present and future successes. Direct any questions to the library’s communications manager, Beth Smietana, at or 571-4292.


In the event your divorce case does not settle, how can you best be prepared for Court? With more than 15 years as a divorce attorney, Lanae Harden, who chairs the Family Law Practice Group at HARDEN JACKSON, LLC, offers the following suggestions:

First, you must always remember that every action that you take in your divorce proceeding will be judged by the court. Therefore, err on the side of caution and do not behave in a manner that might be viewed unfavorably by the judge if spun the right way by opposing counsel. The easiest way to follow this advice is always put your children’s interests first. For example, if your estranged spouse wants to exchange parenting time weekends for a family reunion, be flexible to allow your children the opportunity to spend time with extended family. Do so even if you know the favor will not be returned when you need to rearrange parenting time. It is the right thing to do. Plus, the judge will notice that you and not your estranged spouse have placed the children’s interests above all else. Be prepared for court by requesting that your attorney give you an outline of questions that she will ask you at court. Meet with your attorney prior to the hearing as a practice run before court. Have your attorney play the role of opposing counsel and ask you questions that opposing counsel may pose to you at court. At court, never be sarcastic or rude to the court, its staff, or opposing counsel. Do not sigh or make negative facial expressions when other witnesses are testifying because the court is taking into account the demeanor of the parties at all times. If questioned about a clear mistake that you have made, own up to the mistake. Do not rationalize, instead make it clear that you’ve learned from the mistake, and it will not be repeated. Give due credit to your estranged spouse when warranted but point out issues that concern you regarding their parenting style or judgment. Finally, make a reasonable request to the court. Do not assume that you need to ask for more than you believe is fair because the other party will do the same and the court will split the difference. Courts tend to appreciate the party who proposes practical and reasonable solutions to the parties’ differences. Remember, these suggestions are not meant to be legal advice. You should consult an attorney to discuss the specifics of your situation. If you have questions, you may contact our firm at 317-569-0770 or

317-569-0770 .




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DISPATCHES Âť Thanksgiving side dish – Sweet potatoes with pecan praline streusel: Ingredients – (for potatoes) 6 to 8 sweet potatoes, 1/4 cup butter, 1 dash cinnamon, 2 tbsp brown sugar, 1 (16-oz) bag mini marshmallows, (for topping) 1/2 cup flour, 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup melted butter, cinnamon, 1 cup chopped toasted pecans. Directions – Skin potatoes and chop into large chunks. Boil and mash. Stir in butter, cinnamon, brown sugar and mini marshmallows to taste. Mix in a separate bowl, flour, sugar, cinnamon, and pecans, drizzle melted butter over mixture and stir to moisten, mixture should resemble chunky crumbs. Pour potatoes mixture into casserole dish and cover with a thin layer of mini-marshmallows. Top with pecan mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until brown and bubbly. Âť The body as art – As part of the 2011 Spirit & Place Festival – which carries the theme “The Bodyâ€? – a group show at Stutz Art Space, 212 W. 10th St., Indianapolis, will explore the question of the art nude’s place in public venues. The exhibition includes 33 figurative pieces by 29 artists from Indianapolis and beyond and will be on display in the

gallery, which is open from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on weekdays, through Nov. 25. For details, visit Âť November gardening tips – 1. Work a trowelful of bonemeal into the soil around your rosebush, then hill up more soil around the base. 2. It’s never too late to apply lime to your lawn, as long as snow doesn’t stop you from pushing the spreader. The minerals in lime retain their value until the grass is ready to grow again. 3. Give the compost pile a good turning before winter sets in. Âť Special hotel packages – Many hotels will be serving up traditional Thanksgiving meals and offering special holiday rates. For example, the Mandarin Oriental, New York’s â€œI Love a Paradeâ€? package includes parade-day access to the hotel’s ballroom, which offers a great viewing, food and activities. Rate: $1,155 per night, Nov. 22 through 25. And the Hotel Palomar in San Francisco is offering a â€œPie + Family + Booze = Splendid Holidayâ€? package that includes a bottle of Wild Turkey bourbon and a Thanksgiving dinner. Rates start at $229 and are valid through Dec. 29.

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All New & Refurbished PCs and Macs come with full warranties. Holiday offer includes any additional service at $49 with purchase. Accept all major credit cards. Computer Troubleshooters is a locally owned and operated franchise offering a full line of computer sales and services for residential and business customers.

*3.99% 30-year fixed conventional rate (4.112% APR based upon 80% LTV, loan amount of $320,000, and a minimum credit score of 740) offered through First Equity Mortgage, Incorporated, Equal Housing Lender. Licensed by the Department of Financial Institutions, License #10900. Subject to borrower qualification. Borrower must have minimum credit score of 740 and 10% down payment; maximum loan amount $417,000. Borrower to pay 1% origination fee. Offer available on firm non-contingent Purchase Agreements written and accepted between November 7 and December 31, 2011 on select market homes. Borrower must close within 45 days of writing Purchase Agreement. Subject to underwriting approval. Prices, programs, and rates are subject to change or withdrawal without notice. Other restrictions may apply. First Equity Mortgage, Incorporated is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Drees Company. Not all homes shown may qualify for this rate. Home prices subject to change without notice. **Offer for 2” custom faux wood window blinds (provided by Drees’ Preferred Vendor) and appliances available when you use First Equity Mortgage, Incorporated and applicable on non-contingent Purchase Agreements written and accepted for select market homes only between November 7 and December 31, 2011. Offer not available with other promotions and discounts. Prices subject to change without notice.

316 S. Range Line Rd., Downtown Carmel Mon. - Fri. 9-6 | Sat. 10-3 • 317-867-0900 •

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November 15, 2011 | 19

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Sahm’s Restaurant The Scoop: Sahm’s is a family-owned group of restaurants offering the very best in food, service and value. The flagship restaurant opened in Fishers in 1986 and has become a local landmark. The menus feature unique salads and sandwiches, pasta and stir fry dishes, fresh seafood and mesquite grilled steaks. All of their soups, sauces and breads are made from scratch every day and no visit is complete without a serving of their famous sour cream coffee cake. Sahm’s also provides catering and banquet rental facility services. Type of food: American Price of entrees: $9.99 to $24.99 Specialties: Italian, seafood and steaks Reservations: Accepted

Dress: Casual Hours: 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to midnight Friday and Saturday, and 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday. Phone: 842-1577 Website: Address: 11505 Allisonville Rd., Fishers

Adios Mother Mike Pratt, manager, McAllister’s Deli Where do you like to eat? Kona Grill What do you eat there? The first time I was there, I had the macadamia nut chicken. I loved it! What do you like about Kona Grill? I really like the atmosphere. It’s very nice, very elegant. The service was also great. My server was very knowledgeable about the entrees. The Kona Grill is located at 14395 Clay Terrace Blvd., Carmel. The phone number is 566-1400.

Ingredients: • 1 oz Vodka • 1 oz Gin • 1 oz White rum • 1 oz Blue Curacao • 6 oz Sour mix • 6 oz 7-Up Preparation: Fill Hurricane glass with ice: add 1 oz Vodka: add 1 oz Gin: add 1 oz White Rum: add 1 oz Blue Curacao: Fill glass with equal parts sour mix and Seven Up: Garnish with a cherry.

like Home.

While the rest of the Indianapolis area will be stuck inside and constrained by the various ice and snow storms coming this winter, we’ll be living it up at The Stratford!

Sandwiches for football What do our favorite food, an English Earl, and the 50th state have in common? Here’s the story. The eighth Earl of Sandwich (John Montague 1718-1792) discovered the Sandwich Islands (now Hawaii). The Earl was a serious gambler who could stand for hours at the gambling tables. To

eat and not interrupt his betting, Montagu ordered a servant to put some meat between two pieces of bread, hence inventing the world’s first sandwich. Since that day in 1762, the sandwich has become the world’s favorite meal and is the staple of tailgating.

Ingredients: dijon mustard 2 tsp; balsamic vinegar 1 tsp; olive oil 4oz; warm water 2oz; salt and pepper – ground; large loaf of Italian, French or other rough bread; red, green and yellow peppers sliced and roasted mushrooms sliced and roasted; thin sliced polish ham or prosciutto 1 lb; very thin sliced turkey breast 1 lb; feta cheese 8 oz; fresh herbs like basil, parsley and or cilantro. To prepare: In a bowl, combine mustard and vinegar. Mix in olive oil and then warm water. Salt and pepper this mixture to taste and put aside for now. Slice the large loaf of bread length wise. Scoop out the bulk of the bread. Drizzle olive oil and sprinkle feta cheese on sandwich Add sliced peppers and mushrooms, layers of ham and turkey and drizzle with a little of the vinegar mix. Place the top

crust on the sandwich and then wrap it in plastic wrap. Place a large iron skillet on top of the bread and press it for one hour. Place the sandwich into the fridge overnight. On game day, unwrap the sandwich and slice it with a sharp knife. Rewrap it and place it into your food cooler. At the game the sandwich can be placed on a wooden board and served with a pie spatula. In cold weather wrap each slice in aluminum foil and throw them individually on the grill before serving in foil.

20 | November 15, 2011

There’s SNOW place At The Stratford we don’t have to go outside to get to our grand dining room for a delicious, hot meal. We don’t have to drive anywhere to pick out a good read from our library. No one has to hit the sidewalk to travel to the wellness center for some exercise (ours is just down the hall in the clubhouse). We don’t even have to clean up after our parties because the amazing staff here does it for us. In short, while the rest of the area is digging out—we‘ll be living it up! This could be you this winter, so call 317-733-9560 now and ask our Lifestyle Advisors about the benefits of living at The Stratford. By the first snow of this year—you’ll be glad you did!

Joe Drozda is a Carmel resident and an author about sports and food. You may contact him at drozda@ or visit www.

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The Stratford | Carmel’s Premier Continuing Care Retirement Community 2460 Glebe Street | Carmel, IN 46032 www.Stratford-Living

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Have you seen us lately? COMMENTARY By Susan Beaurain Carmel Clay Parks and Recreation is a great place to find your escape. As the time for resolutions approaches, take another look at all CCPR has to offer you and your family. Did you know that you can sign up with a personal trainer to help get you motivated and achieve your fitness goals, even if you aren’t a member of the Monon Community Center? Did you know that we partner with many local organizations to offer the best quality programs for all ages, abilities, and interests? Did you know that Hazel Landing Park has a mountain bike trail designed and installed by the Hoosier Mountain Bike Association? Did you know that there are classes at the MCC such as adult dance, preschool pottery, teen yoga, pet manners, and more? Did you know that registration for CCPR’s Summer Camp Series begins as early as Dec.

15? Did you know that CCPR has some of the best adaptive programming in the state of Indiana, including one-on-one recreation therapy? Did you know that the MCC has a state-ofthe-art fitness center with little to no waiting? Did you know that Founders Park opened in August of this year with an engaging playground, welcoming shelter, boardwalk pond trails, and soon-to-be-finished sports fields? While looking to improve your quality of life, consider letting CCPR help. Our unique and complete offerings allow you and your family to come, escape, and enjoy. Susan Beaurain is a division manager at the Monon Community Center. E-mail her at

CRT begins new season this week The Carmel Repertory Theatre’s Season of New Beginnings will kick off this week with its opening production of Annie, Thursday at 8 p.m. The season is CRT’s first full campaign as a resident of The Center for the Performing Arts.

CRT’s director of marketing Jose Carlo Nepomuceno said the cast and director have put their own spin on the classic show, but said he would leave specific details to be a surprise. For show times, tickets and other details, visit

Now to Friday The 61st annual Fall Art Show presented by the Hamilton County Artists’ Association will be on display at the Hamilton East Public Library Noblesville branch, 1 Library Plaza. The display will be open to the public during regular library hours. Thursday to Saturday Follow the North Star – Conner Prairie, 13400 Allisonville Rd., Fishers, will host its annual Follow the North Star at 7:30 p.m. Learn what it was like to be a runaway slave on the Underground Railroad and explore the fears and challenges faced by fugitive slaves making their way through 1839 Indiana. Cost is $20 for non-members, $17 for members. For more information, call 776-6006 or visit Thursday to Sunday Carmel Community Playhouse, 14299 Clay Terrace Blvd., Carmel, presents “Six Degrees of Separation.” The humorous drama by John Guare is

LIVE MUSIC Mickey’s Irish Pub, 13644 N. Meridian St. For more information call 573-9746. Friday – Endless Summer Band Saturday – Lemon Wheel Mo’s Irish Pub, 13193 Levinson Lane in the Hamilton Town Center, Noblesville. For more

directed by Nick Crisafulli. For more information, call 815-9387 or visit Friday Refuge Christian Church will be having their annual Chili Supper from 4:30 to 7 p.m. at the church, 11772 196th St., Noblesville. The menu includes chili, crackers, vegetables and dip, hot dogs, dessert and drink. Donations will be accepted and money raised will go to Noblesville school children to help with Christmas. Saturday Co-sponsored by the city of Carmel and the Carmel Arts Council, Holiday on the Square in Carmel kicks off the holiday season in Carmel from 4 to 8 p.m. at Carmel Civic Square. Holiday entertainment, Santa, Santa’s elves, and live reindeer provide a festive atmosphere for the city’s holiday lighting ceremony on Civic Square. Join the fun and have your picture taken with Santa. For more information, visit information, call 770-9020. Friday – The Bishops Saturday – Loo Abby Moon Dog Tavern, 825 E 96th St., Indianapolis, 46240. Call 575-6364 for more information. Friday – Blonde Sonja Saturday – The Late Show

The Holidays are coming!

LADIES NIGHT! December 8th from 6-8 pm.

Call now to schedule your Holiday lighting!

Wine, food, music, giveaways! Free LASIK evaluations by TLC, Chair massages by Kearns Chiropractic, Free Cosmetic Dental Evaluations by Dr. Cami Hovda, skincare information by Phases Skincare, and much more! No admission fee but reservations required. Doreen Byrd, Carmel, IN

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November 15, 2011 | 21

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The ‘other Carmel’ remains connected to its rich past and present By Zach Dunkin In 1924, one of the first automatic traffic signals in America was installed in Carmel, Ind., at the intersection of Main Street and Range Line Road. Carmel-by-the-Sea, often simply called Carmel, still doesn’t have one. Neither does the California coastal city have street lights, parking meters or even street addresses. Resisting temptation to become “citified,” Carmel’s founding fathers rejected home mail delivery in favor of a central post office. To this day, Carmelites walk or drive to the post office to collect their mail. In the business district, there are no fast-food restaurants or neon signs. And, until 1986, there was no selling or eating of ice cream on public streets. Mayor Clint Eastwood – yes, that Clint Eastwood -- got that frivolous law overturned. Such is the life in the “other Carmel,” unlike our Carmel, pronounced with the accent on the second syllable. On the Pacific coast about 120 miles south of San Francisco, residents – including Eastwood – share one square mile of some of the priciest real estate in the U.S. The average price of a home in Carmel is $2 million. That’s average. Founded in 1902 and incorporated in 1916, early city councils were dominated by artists, and Carmel has had several mayors who were poets or actors, including Eastwood’s one term from 1986 to 1988. Carmel remains a mecca for artists, writers, actors and musicians. More than 100 art studios, galleries and antique stores

Actor Clint Eastwood (shown in portrait below) was the mayor of Carmel, Cali. from 1986 to 1988. Photos by Zach Dunkin

are just part the adventure of exploring Carmel by foot. The compact downtown is made up of a few short blocks, filled with low, one- and two-story buildings housing nearly 50 inns and hotels and more than 60 coffee houses, bakeries, pubs and restaurants. Within the business district, visitors will discover stonepaved alleyways with more than 60 hidden courtyards containing miniature gardens tucked away among the shops. Pick up a map for a courtyard walking tour at the Carmel Chamber Visitor Center on San Carlos between 5th and 6th avenues. Carmel is ultra dog-friendly with numerous hotels, restaurants (some with doggie menus)

and retail shops admitting guests with dogs and providing the canines with bowls of fresh water and dog biscuits along the “dog route.” On the edge of the shopping district is the “residential” area, with its eclectic a blend of rustic cottages, beach houses, modern glass structures and log cabins. Unique to Carmel architecture are the fairy tale-like Comstock cottages, designed by Hugh Comstock in the 1920s. The homes feature rounded doors, rolled eaves, asymmetrical stone chimneys and “stick” fences that probably would fail most neighborhood ordinances in Carmel, Ind. Twenty-one of the original Comstock cottages remain, including

the Cottage of Sweets candy store, filled with fudge, local chocolates, British specialties and more than 50 types of licorices. Also popular are sunset strolls along the paved Carmel Beach trail, which begins at the end of Ocean Avenue. Here visitors see the locals gathering with their families, friends and dogs for wine, picnics and campfires, while wannabe surfers take “beginners’ lessons” on the short, friendly waves. Oh, and, ladies shouldn’t even think about wearing heels higher than 2 inches or with a base of less than 1 square inch – unless they want a permit from city hall. According to urban legend, when out-of-town folks complained about the uneven pavement in town, the wearing of high heels became a liability problem for the city. So, the city responded by requiring a license to wear such “perilous” footwear. That’s one law even Dirty Harry didn’t touch.

Saturday, November 19, 2011 • 4:30 - 6:30pm at Carmel Civic Square

Presented by The City of Carmel and The Carmel Arts Council

Santa Claus is Coming

Gingerbread Playhouse

Tree lighting at 5:45 with Mayor Jim Brainard

Carmel Farmer’s Market

Reindeer, & Entertainment

A Special Thanks to Our Sponsors & Partners • National Bank of Indianapolis • Duke Energy • Lake City Bank • Pedcor Companies • Meijer • Chipotle • Buckingham Companies • Crossroad Engineers • St. Vincent Carmel Hospital • IU Health North Hospital • ArtSplash Gallery • Case Design/Remodeling • Chick-fil-A at Westfield • Carmel Arts & Design District • B & J Tree Farms • Carmel Fire Department and Auxiliary • Current in Carmel • Meridian Music • American Dairy Association • Sonata • Sign-A-Rama • Runner’s Forum • Porter Paints • Primrose School of Carmel • Turkey Hill Minit Markets • Burtner Electric • iCafe • MEG and Associates • Brad Osborne Prudential Indiana Realty Group * Vine & Branch • Douglas Haney and Family • The McCune Family • Simply Sweet Shoppe/Simply Sweet Studios • Shapiro’s Delicatessen • Snapperz Family Fun Center • White’s Ace Hardware • Carmel Swim Club

Find out more information & how you can help Santa fill his sleigh at our “City of Carmel Holiday on the Square” Facebook Page! 22 | November 15, 2011

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DISPATCHES » Are your shoes hurting you? – Many women think flats are a safer bet than heels, but shoes that are totally flat, with no cushioning or arch support, can pose problems as well. Not only do super-thin soles fail to absorb the shock of your feet hitting the ground, but a lack of arch support can lead to your feet rolling inward, stretching ligaments and tendons up to the knee. If you start to sag through your arch, your ankle is next, and with continued stress it could drive your knee out. “And your hip then has to respond,” a doctor told “The problems go right up your body.” » Stop grazing – A few years back, “grazing” came into vogue in dieting circles. But a study published in 2010 found that people who eat low-calorie diets feel more satisfied when they eat three times a day compared to six times a day, suggesting that mini meals aren’t beneficial for appetite control. Eating constantly throughout the day increases salivary secretion and the production of digestive enzymes that stimulate the gut. Instead, divide your calories around three meals and one or two snacks, going at least three hours and up to four or five without eating. The goal is to eat when you’re hungry but not starving, which reduces the risk of overeating. » New allergy shots on horizon? – New methods of allergy immunotherapy were discussed at last week’s annual scientific meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Potential new techniques include: 1. Intralymphatic immunotherapy, which involves injecting allergens into a lymph node. Initial research shows that this approach provides a longer-lasting and more effective response, suggesting the dose and length of treatment could be shortened. 2. Epicutaneous immunotherapy, which involves lightly scraping a patient’s skin and then applying a patch that delivers the allergens through the bloodstream. Accelerated allergy immunotherapy and the cost benefits of immunotherapy were also discussed at the meeting. -HealthDay News

Interesting questions of the week Fine Lines, Inc

COMMENTARY By Barry Eppley Q: I have gained 40 pounds since I had a hysterectomy seven years ago. My stomach is extremely disproportional to the rest of my body. I am interested in fat-injection treatments. Will insurance cover any type of non-surgical treatment to reduce my stomach fat? What is your input on this fat treatment method? A: Insurance will not cover stomach bulge removal, no matter the method of treatment. Lipodissolve, a type of fat injection, is a blend of phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholic acid solution. Although it can help reduce small collections of fat, it won’t be effective for a fat collection. The injection has lost its popularity as it proved ineffective for abdominal fat collections many people want to reduce. I still use it occasionally but only as a treatment for small postoperative liposuction ‘high spots’. You are seeking a nonsurgical solution to a surgical problem and it does not exist. Q: I am 38 years old and have had noticeable nasolabial folds for the past several years. I have used injectable fillers, specifically Juvederm Ultra XC, with some improvement. I also had my

cheeks injected. However, less than six months after the injections, my nasolabial folds are back. What are some more permanent options for someone my age? A: Deep nasolabial folds at a young age can be a very difficult problem. Some facial shapes and skin types are simply more prone to them and, if this is an issue at the young age of 38, it is going to continue to be a long-term facial issue. Injectable fillers for the nasolabial folds offer both advantages and disadvantages. Their advantage is they work when properly placed. Although most injections work the same, some simply last longer at a greater price. More expensive options can work instantaneously without significant problems. However, the injection’s results aren’t permanent. You are too young to justify surgeries such as a cheek lift and surgery isn’t a permanent solution. It would be best to continue with injectable fillers even though they have limited duration.

Insurance will not cover stomach bulge removal, no matter the method of treatment.

Dr. Eppley is an Indianapolis board-certified plastic surgeon. Comments can be sent to info@

815-8480 hair & nail opening in



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November 15, 2011 | 23

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DISPATCHES » Quad-core processor unveiled – Nvidia has unveiled its long-anticipated Tegra 3 processor, the world’s first quadcore chip designed specifically for mobile devices. The Tegra 3 is the world’s first quad-core ARM A9-based processor, and features a 12-core GeForce graphics unit. Nvidia says the Tegra 3 offers three times the performance of its previous dual-core Tegra generation, and boasts improved multitasking, better Web browsing, and smoother app performance. The new chip will make its first appearance in the Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime. » Power up Outlook – The free Xobni Outlook add-on integrates with Facebook and LinkedIn so that you can see updates from your friends within Outlook--but it does Microsoft’s Connector one better by including Twitter integration, as well. What’s nice about the feature is that you see tweets only when you’re in contact with the person via Outlook, so you aren’t inundated with irrelevant tweets. That’s just the start of what Xobni can do, though: It also checks Hoover’s business database for background information about e-mail senders, and it helps organize all of your email, so you can easily see all the communications between you and your contacts (including message threads, meetings, and files exchanged) in a simple list. It even offers statistical analysis of your e-mail use.

Set new standards for e-mail TECHNOLOGY By Ken Colburn I don’t know how to setup e-mail on my laptop so it will send through Outlook. - Sue Although Outlook and Outlook Express have been the standards for Windows, I’d recommend you consider alternatives. Outlook requires configuring for the specific e-mail provider’s incoming and outgoing mail servers. However, if the computer malfunctions, you lose it or you are without it, you have no e-mail. Another problem for mobile users is if you take your laptop on the road, often times you won’t be able to send any mail while you are connected to other networks because the outgoing mail setting won’t work on foreign networks. A better solution is a webmail program. You can get to your e-mail account from any computer with an Internet connection and you eliminate the chance of losing everything because your contacts, messages and replies all live ‘in the cloud’. You are no longer tied to any one machine when it comes to e-mail, which has many benefits:

It’s especially helpful for users who want to access e-mail from home and work. Everything you send and receive will appear exactly the same no matter where you are checking your mail. This is handy at work to confirm a message

visit, Google’s help Web site TjzGN . Gmail’s spam filters are the best in the market, you even get 7GB of space to store file attachments. The conversation view, which is now common with many e-mail systems, groups relevant messages together so you can follow a string of messages from multiple senders, even if they weren’t all cc’d in the same message. If you deal with a large quantity of mail, their new priority inbox feature may become your new best friend. Gmail can start to figure out what you consider important mail based on many signals such as what you open and reply to and separate those messages as they come in so you can get right to the good stuff. I recognize change is hard, but I encourage you to push through the learning curve. You will wonder how you ever lived without webmail!

Although Outlook and Outlook Express have been the standards for Windows, I’d recommend you consider alternatives. you sent when you were at home. All of this becomes more useful if you have a smartphone, because the same seamless use is available on your phone. My favorite webmail system is Google’s Gmail, which is free and extremely powerful. Getting Gmail to connect with your e-mail account is fairly straightforward. For support

Ken Colburn is the president of Data Doctors. E-mail him at kenc@

Soft-filtered water ... not a hard decision

» No Siri for older devices – For all of you who were hoping to upgrade your not-quite-the-latest-model iPhone to include the wise-cracking Siri, it appears you may not get it any time soon. According to a report, Apple says that its personal assistant feature will not come to non-iPhone 4S users. A user contacted Apple with a bug report, and also suggested to the company that Siri could be made available as a paid upgrade for owners of oldermodel iPhones. Apple was quick to dismiss any possibilities, saying: “Engineering has provided the following feedback regarding this issue. Siri only works on iPhone 4S and we currently have no plans to support older devices.” That said, don’t be too surprised if older iPhones show up with unofficial versions of Siri that work just as well as the official version. Just don’t expect an official version straight from Apple in the near future.

24 | November 15, 2011

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DISPATCHES » Business climate ranks sixth – For the fourth time in as many years, Indiana’s business climate ranked in the top 10 nationally in Site Selection magazine’s 2011 business climate rankings. Feedback from a survey of national real estate executives and a review of Indiana’s economic development record earned the state recognition as the sixth best place for business in the U.S., up two spots from in 2010. This comes a little more than a month after Area Development magazine rated Indiana’s business climate best in the Midwest and fifth overall in the U.S., according to a survey of national site selection consultants. » Tax strategy seminar – Somerset CPAs will host a seminar on year-end tax strategies for contractors Dec. 1, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at the Somerset Conference Center, 3925 River Crossing Parkway, Indianapolis. Price is $149 for individuals. For details or to register, visit » Women becoming less ambitious? – A survey conducted by More magazine found that 40 percent of women said they’d take less money for more flexibility. And 43 percent of these women (ages 35 to 60) considered themselves less ambitious than they were a decade ago. “Valuing time over money may signal a shift in ambition, and the beginning of a more nuanced definition of success, one that takes into account the many facets of a woman’s life,” said Jennifer Braunschweiger, deputy editor of More. » Visit the mechanic – Replacing a clogged air filter for about $20 increases fuel efficiency by up to 10 percent, or about 37 cents per gallon at current gas prices. That means it would pay for itself after you’ve driven enough to burn about 54 gallons of gas. An engine tune-up can increase a car’s mileage by up to 4 percent, or about 15 cents a gallon. » Cheapest days to shop online – and have studied pricing data from the previous two years and discovered the cheapest days of the week to shop online for certain types of merchandise. Computer prices tend hit their lowest prices on Mondays, according to the data. Like electronics, online jewelry prices fall the most when searches skyrocket. In this case, that’s Wednesday. Saturday is often when you’ll find the lowest online prices for books and Sundays are best for buying major appliances.

Business angles learned from baldness COMMENTARY By David Cain I’ve been without hair on my head so long I don’t even remember what it’s like to brush my hair. However, I’m reminded every morning at my house when screams of terror echo in the kitchen as my girls get their hair brushed. Tangles from a night of tossing and turning, which is a likely outcome when your bedtime is before nine. Although they are not big fans of having their hair brushed, they love to brush hair. They beg to sit behind their mother and brush her hair for hours. Part of it is getting even, I suppose, but part of it is simply the joy of brushing. On Sunday, the girls had been brushing for a good 30 minutes when their mother had had enough. She said, “No more!” and sent the girls on their way, brush in hand. They were upset. I wanted to help so I jokingly offered to the youngest, “Jacquie, you can brush my hair.” She stomped her feet and shot me her angry face.

Her sister chimed in, “Yeah Jacquie, you can brush Daddy’s hair,” also in a playful way. Jacquie reluctantly agreed and marched toward me with a hairbrush in hand. She walked up, with the angry face still on display, to brush my hair. She looked directly at me and said with a menacing tone, “Okay Daddy, roll up your sleeves!” I’d not considered my offer from that perspective. I guess it’s true you should look at things with fresh eyes. This week, in business and at home, I’ll be making it a point to change my perspective and look for new angles on the same old problems. It appears just when you think there are no options, there are options.

It’s true you should look at things with fresh eyes. This week, in business and at home, I’ll be making it a point to change my perspective.

David Cain works at MediaSauce, a digital media and online marketing company in Carmel. David welcomes your questions or comments at

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November 15, 2011 | 25

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Stock Tips Three large cap stocks with fat dividends France Telecom (FTE) – FTE provides data, fixed line and mobile phone services to France, Spain, Portugal, the UK and internationally. It has a $46.28 billion market cap and a forward P/E ratio of just 8.56. FTE offers a dividend yield of 11.11 percent and has a beta of 0.86. Its biggest competitor is Vodafone (VOD). VOD is much bigger, with a market cap of $144B, but FTE has greater relative revenue, earning $63.46B (almost $20B more than its market cap) while VOD’s revenue is just over half its market cap at $73.58B. FTE also has a lower P/E ratio than VOD’s 11.54. FTE recently traded at $17.47. Analysts expect the stock to hit $21 within the next 12 months. Annaly Capital Management (NLY) – This real estate investment trust has a $15.85 billion market cap and a forward P/E ratio of 6.52. The company offers a 14.67percent dividend yield and has an ultra low beta of just .30. One of NLY’s competitors is Host Hotels & Resorts (HST). In

comparison, HST pays a 1.10 percent dividend yield and is actually estimated to go down in value over the next 12 months. NLY is currently trading at $16.36 a share, and is expected to hit $18.10 in the next year. Bill Miller’s Legg Mason Capital Management had more than $66 million in the company at the end of June. YPF SA (YPF) – This energy company based in Argentina is involved in the production and exploration of crude oil, natural gas and liquified petroleum gas (LPG). YPF has a $12.39 billion market cap and a forward P/E of 8.03. It pays a 10.10 percent dividend yield and has a beta of 0.79. Its closest competitor is Petrobas Argentina SA (PZE). PZE is smaller (its market cap is just $1.37 billion) and it pays a much lower dividend yield at 3.27 percent. YPF is trading at $31.49 but analysts expect the stock will reach $50.89 a share within the next year.

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Are you prepared? We offer competitive disability plans from several reputable insurance carriers. Call us for more information.

Café St. Tropez Café St. Tropez opened up in downtown Carmel as summer was approaching an end in late August. The new café is a chic, cozy atmosphere that provides many unique foods and beverages. It is not your average café, and it serves breakfast, lunch, and dessert menus that include various options. Some of their best sellers include crepes, soups, salads, paninis, and the café’s exclusive beverages. From pancakes to oatmeal to salads, smoothies, cheesecake and more, this menu has something to satisfy any craving. Owner Bulent Yurtsever is very proud of the 45 different types of coffee his café offers. This wide range is a special luxury that is not offered at most cafés. There is sure to be a coffee for everyone’s taste buds. Not in the mood for cof-

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Scott Wharton is a registered representative with and securities are offered through LPL Financial, 9785 Towne Centre Drive, San Diego, CA, 92121-1968, USA (800) 877-7210. Member FINRA. Scott Wharton is a registered representative with and securities are offered through LPL Financial, 9785 Towne Centre Drive, San Diego, CA, 92121-1968, USA (800) 877-7210. Member FINRA/SIPC... Wharton Insurance Insurance and and Financial Financial Services, Services, Inc., Inc., and and LPL LPL Financial Financial are are independently independently owned owned and and operated. operated. The The information information set set forth forth herein herein has has been been derived derived from from sources sources believed believed to to be be reliable, reliable, but but Wharton is not not guaranteed guaranteed as as to to accuracy accuracy and and does does not not purport purport to to be be complete complete analysis analysis of of the the securities, securities, companies companies or or industries industries involved. involved. The The opinions opinions expressed expressed herein herein are are those those of of the the authors authors and and not not itit is necessarily those of LPL Financial. Additional information is available upon request.

Stay home. home. Be moved. Stay moved. landscape

fee? The café also boasts an assortment of wines and champagnes. Located right on the Monon Trail in the Arts & Design District, Café St. Tropez is providing patrons with a nice spot to go unwind, enjoy free Wi-Fi and have a nice cup of coffee.

Papier Mache Sculptures by DiVitto and Andrea Kelly Unique, long-lasting sculptures for your home, children’s room, business and more!

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DISPATCHES » Fashion Mall improvements – Simon Property Group has announced upcoming renovations for the Fashion Mall at Keystone. The most dramatic enhancement will be a widening of the bridge that currently links the west side of the property and the east side and a new functionality for that space. Eight to 10 fashion retailers will be housed in that area and open for business by the 2012 holiday season. A re-imagined food hall will be relocated to the first level of the mall, just to the west of the bridge. It will contain six to eight unique local and national concepts, some of which will be new to the market. In addition, the entire mall will undergo a renovation that will begin in early 2012 and be finished by the 2012 holiday season.

» No more enlarged pores – Trapped dirt and oil give pores their oversized appearance. Keeping your face clean can reduce dirt and bacteria within the pores,” says Adean Kingston, M.D., a dermatologist at Cooper Clinic in Dallas. Kingston also recommends Allumera Photocure, a new topical treatment (done by a derm) that has promising results. Need an OTC fix? LaseResults, from $36, contains a patented blend of ingredients to exfoliate skin cells and unclog pores. » Pull-on jeans in style – Pull-on jeans sound like something your grandma might wear. But zipper-less denim is trendier than ever – and most pairs are less than $100. Sold Design Denim Labspioneered the movement, making sleek and substantial denim that lacks a zipper, but boasts a functional button. They have a ton of stretch, so they’re a snap to pull on. And they come in a variety of leg styles, from bell-bottom to skinny and bootcut. You’ll find Sold at stores such as Neiman Marcus, Bergdorf Goodman andBloomingdale’s, all for $118 and under. The Bowery Bootcut Medium Washstyle is just $58 at Neiman Marcus.

Feast like a decorator this Thanksgiving

COMMENTARY By Vicky Earley Thanksgiving is a time of family, friends and tradition; however, tradition does not have to translate to boredom. Set the table with creativity and you will set the mood. Beyond the warm colors of the season, there are textures, patterns and fragrances ready to set the stage for an incredible gathering. This year consider tapping into the vintage plates handed down from grandparents, aunts or just collected. Mixing these patterns is a tribute to the family and friends who will gather at your table. This is the perfect time to toast those who used the dinnerware for many Thanksgivings before. Flowers, gourds and pinecones are staples for centerpieces but consider the unexpected. Try an arrangement of ornamental Kale, pears, apples and twigs of bittersweet displayed in a crystal compote. A large candle in a glass bowl filled with cranberries or small apples is a striking centerpiece. Since this is a time to be grateful for family, old family photos might be tucked into the centerpiece as a tribute. For a designer touch, grab a can of gold or silver spray paint and turn normal orange pumpkins into something special. Spray paint pumpkins of varying shapes and sizes, position

12451 SPRINGBROOKE $285,550 BLC# 21105997 Impeccibly maintained 5BR/2.5Ba Hm w/ lots of upgds, grnt isle, full fnsh bsmt, Woodbrook Elem. Waterstone amenities. Must See!

ANGELA RAAB, 442-4295

ANGELA RAAB, 442-4295


8054 TALLIHO DR $123,900 MLS# 21104243 Spacious, open floor plan in this 2BR/2.5Ba condo w/loft. Second from shopping, restaurants, & Geist. Wow!

To-Do List

Drywall repair

Bathroom remodel

Shelving install & repair Grout & caulk

Light bulb replacement


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12465 CHARING CROSS 7601 E SR 334 $195,000 $2,400,000 BLC#21126099 BLC# 21004780 Follow your dreams to this 40 acres! Live in this home while you build your dream ANGELA RAAB 3BR/2+BA Traditional-style. ANGELA RAAB home or update this home! 442-4295 442-4295 Huge foyer, high ceilings, hardwoods & tile flooring. Garden tub. Wildlife & pond is great for swimming.

13283 COLLIERS CT $224,500 BLC#21120835 Enjoy the beauty. Wooded backyard in this “hard to BRAD find” 3BR, 2.5BA, loft 2sty in DONALDSON Carmel’s Plum Creek nbhood. 432-1775 Unfin. Bsmt ready for your ideas!

13010 TREATY LINE ST. $619,000 BLC#21101172 Take the prize with this exhilarating 4BR/3+BA Traditional-style. 2 fireplaces, 3-car garage. Huge foyer, garden tub.

SUSAN VANDENHEUVAL, 508-1276 Gutter cleaning & repair

Online Ticketing and on Facebook

Vicky Earley is the principal designer for Artichoke Designs in downtown Carmel. If you have an interior design question, please contact

7601 E SR 334 $2,400,000 BLC# 21004780 40 acres! Live in this home while you build your dream home or update this home! Wildlife & pond is great for swimming

Christmas Lighting

317-708-3600 I69 at 146th St. by the Verizon Music Center

them down the center of the table and mix in candles in crystal. You’ll be amazed at the professional outcome you’ll achieve. If your feast includes a buffet, vary the heights of the items you are serving. Use cake plates, candle holders and trays to elevate the components. This will make even the most simple of elements look impressive. Gather twigs with colorful leaves for fresh arrangements. Since it is free, consider the decor Mother Nature’s contribution to the festivities. For a more traditional twist, focus on the pumpkins and apples since they are the traditional symbols of autumn. Small pumpkins, pinecones, gourds, pears and apples arranged in low baskets make a beautiful and easy centerpiece. Name cards are a classic touch and are as simple as tucking a card with a beautifully written name in a pinecone and tied with a silk ribbon. Finally, remember Thanksgiving is a time of abundance. Whatever you do to decorate your table, this is a time to use the rule of plenty.

I gave my “To-Do” list to Mr. Handyman... and he took care of everything!

110 JAMES CT $300,000 BLC# 21114899 Over 4100SF in this 5BR 3.5BA ranch w/walkout bsmt. Beautiful private, wooded back yard with stream. Huge deck.


N o b l e s v i l l e / C a r m e l / We s t fi e l d / F i s h e r s

5203 AVIAN WAY $399,900 BLC# 21104063 Discover the delights of this custom blt Carmel Gem! Features: 4/5BR,3+BA & 3 frplcs! Enjoy the lakefront, 3C Gar. Soaring GR & Fin. Bsmt!

13283 COLLIERS CT $227,500 BLC# 21120835 Enhance your life with this cul-desac 3BR/2+BA14766 MACDUFF residence on $595,000 a corner lot. GasBLC# 21112271 fireplace, Huge foyer, high 5BR/4.5BA, Elegant & inviting ceilings.


BRAD DONALDSON, 432-1775 basement, custom finishes


625 MARANA DRIVE $203,500 BLC# 21105409 Set your sights on luxury in this exceptional 3BR/2+BA condo. Security system. Walk-in closets, Dual Vanities. Patio.

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Current in Carmel

$349,900 BLC#21051410 Spectacluar 4BR/3BA cottage style hm is on a c-d-s & huge verandas on front & back of hm! Kit w/cntr isle, FR w/grand FP.

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NINA KLEMM, 582-9130

5327 WOODFIELD DR N $440,000 BLC# 21134706 Inspect the elegant design of this exquisite 5BR/4BA HELEN METKEN 281-7020 Traditional-style nicely sited on 0.53 acres. 2 fireplaces.

13551 SILVER SPUR $230,900 BLC# 21116152 Match your dreams to this cul-de-sac, 12677 TREATY LINE ST fenced 4BR/2+BA Traditional-style. $475,000 3-car garage.BLC# 21100193 Bonus room, walk-in closets. Compare SF price & finishes to

5700SF main floor mst. JOHN LEWIS other West Clay listings. Finished BR. Gorgeous finished 430-4183 5BR/3+BA Traditional. New HELEN METKEN, 281-7020 hardwoods, 3-c garage, gas throughout. fireplace.

2421 LAUREL LAKES $525,000 BLC# 21119482 Totally updated waterfront home in SW Carmel. 4BR/3.5BA hardwoods, ss appls, granite in baths & Full bsmt, oversize 3 car g JOHN LEWIS Terrific Home!



TUDORTRAIL DR LANE 483 FIREFLYCT LANE 77713144 GREENFORD 5841 MORAINE $319,900 $260,000 $300,000 $178,900 BLC#21113860 BLC# 21133919 BLC#BLC#21047158 21145566 Gorgeous hm in Treat yourself to Savor a triumphant end to Welcome to this tempting, Brookshire Lakes! the charms of your3Br/3BA search with this inspired Traditional-style on a KIM WALSH NINA KLEMM 3BR/2BA ranch w/ this newly-built 3BR/2+BA woodland-view cul-de-sac site. condo. Gas fireplace. 402-4907 lake setting on 3BR/2BA 460-1692 almost Cozy 1/2ac. Fin bsmt, Cozy Two-story foyer, townhome. fireplace. Sun open flr pln, Foyer, greatfireplace. room. Deck. 2 Fps, hdwd flrs. bonus room. Patio. room.

NINA KLEMM, 582-9130

NINA KLEMM, 582-9130


$197 Must present this card. Valid one time per household.

12293 HEATHERSTONE PLACE $869,900 BLC#21139147 Spectacular 6 BD & 5 1/2 BA custom-blt home with ANDY DEEMER gorgeous views of lake, 997-0281 includes boat dock! Great RM w/Brazilian cherry flrs, blt-ins, and FRPLC! gourment KIT w/custom cabinets.

November 15, 2011 | 27

Fake Fresh! • Hair • Skin • Nails • Massage

Tired of hearing "you look tired" after a night without as much sleep as you had hoped for? Try these few steps to make sure you glow, even if you don't feel like it. 1. Instead of matte foundation, use a light tinted moisturizer. This will hydrate your skin, combating the dry, worn out look. 2. Don't opt for your black eyeliner when you are tired. This is too harsh. Try a navy blue liner which will help open up your eyes. 3. Use a light pink blush instead of mauve. This color brightens up your skin and creates a fresh look. 4. Remember that lip gloss helps bring light to your smile with its reflective nature. Try a shimmery peach, which also gives the impression of plumping your lips. For other makeup and skincare tips, call Salon 01 and book a makeup consultation with a trained esthetician. 317-580-0101.



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A Guide to Your Perfect Mascara • Choose the right shade. The best way to get great lashes is to start with the right shade of mascara. Black can work on anyone, but for fair-skinned individuals, and those with red hair, try a brown-black for a softer look. • Add Heat Blast your eyelash curler with your hair dryer before very carefully curling the lashes. Squeeze the eyelash curler for a couple seconds once in the middle of the lashes, and once near the tips. • Enhance For a more dramatic look, apply single, false lashes that come in tiny clumps. Using tweezers, dip the lashes in lash glue and place at the outer corner of your eyelid. • Add Volume A translucent powder at the ends of lashes gives mascara volume and stay-power. Using an eye shadow brush, sweep powder on the ends and tops of your lashes. • Apply Start with the wand at the root of your lashes and wiggle the brush to your ends. Apply multiple coats for a bolder look, being careful not to let it dry between applications, in order to avoid clumping.


$20 haircut with our Men’s Specialist, Norma. ($5 off) Offer go o d t hr o ugh N o v . 3 0 , 2011.

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5 Foods for Fabulous Hair You've got the lather, rinse, and repeat down, but do you know what it takes nutritionally to have remarkable hair? These 5 foods can help in taking your hair from fine to fabulous. • Salmon is known for its high amounts of healthy omega-3 fatty acids, iron and high quality protein. The healthy fats can give hair an unbelievable shine while protein is responsible for hair strength. Keep the integrity of your hair with iron and Vitamin B-12, also found in this wonder fish. • Beans are beautiful. With zinc, iron, biotin and protein, these little power players pack a punch when it comes to nutrition. Biotin deficiency is often responsible for brittle hair. Help keep your locks long and strong by getting plenty of this fiber-rich food. • Carrots and sweet potatoes are high in carotenoid, which creates the orange color and is an excellent source of Vitamin A, which helps protect your scalp's health. • Skim milk, yogurt and light cheese are high in calcium and quality protein which are two ingredients that will also help increase hair strength. • Whole grains help lower cholesterol and prevent thinning hair simultaneously. Don't be fooled by "whole wheat", however. That is not the same as whole grain.


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WWJD? – No ifs, ands or buts Spirituality By Bob Walters Christians ask “What Would Jesus Do?” A better question is “What DOES Jesus Do?” Asking what Jesus “would” do splits a couple of linguistically problematic hairs. A common critique of “WWJD” is it comes dangerously close to putting “me” in the place of Jesus. Becoming “like” Christ (Philippians 3:10), and actually being Christ, are two dramatically different things. Jesus commands us to love God, not to be God. Jesus said, “Remember me,” not “Be me.” Be careful. Also, the word “would” signifies what grammar class calls a subjunctive mood or “conditional” phrase; it implies “if ” and introduces doubt. Jesus is not an “if,” He is eternally God and human. That’s the final answer, mystery and all. “Jesus is,” not “Jesus if.” Certainly our earthly, human lives are full of subjunctives and contradictions. I project my worldly pride and fight for my “rights” yet often realize later, I’m not in the right.

Jesus had perfect integrity and never wavered in his responsibility. Not one thing about Jesus was “proud” but everything about Jesus had integrity. Jesus came as a servant without pride or rights, only responsibility to God. He was steadfast in integrity, despite those who hated Him for it. If we are shooting for “like Christ,” the starting line is to emulate the integrity of Christ’s commitment to God. On the up-side, “WWJD” very importantly puts Jesus in our lives today. “What Would Jesus Do … right now?” We carry our cross today because Christ is alive today, and because what Jesus did on the Cross perpetually restores our eternal human relationship with God . Jesus is never past tense. Jesus is “I am.” Right now and forever.

Jesus is not an “if,” He is eternally God and human.

Bob Walters ( observes that pride and rights are almost always about “me,” and that integrity and responsibility are almost always about God.


Calling Carmel’s religious leaders Current in Carmel wants to hear from the city’s priests, rabbis, ministers – all of its religious and spiritual leaders. Beginning immediately, we would like to begin featuring guest columns from these people in our community. What will these articles be about? That’s really up to them. Perhaps one will write about a unique community service project conceived at a local congregation. Another could be a truncated version of a recent sermon. The possibilities are numerous, but by running these articles, we would like to help better connect Carmel with its local places of worship and the people who lead them. We hope to feature submissions from as many different voices as possible. Those interested in participating should send a 400-word article, a mug shot of its author to Managing Editor Kevin Kane at


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Obituary Pamela Layton Smith, 57, of Carmel died Nov. 8. She was born July 31, 1954 in New Albany, the daughter of Don N. and Sara Jane (Springmier) Layton. She received her master’s degree from Butler University in 1976 and her teaching certificates from Indiana University in 1978. She was a teacher at Carmel Clay Junior High School for 34 years. She was a member of the First Baptist Church Greensburg, the Delta Gamma Sorority, and the Indiana State Teacher’s Association. She married Robert A. Smith on March 31, 1984 at the Sandusky United Method-

ist Church in Greesnburg, and he survives. Pamela also is survived by two step-daughters: Shannon Barnes and Christy Schlemmer both of Greensburg; one sister: Peggy A. Layton of Indianapolis and six grandchildren: Brooklyn and Alyssa Barnes Tessa Schott, Nicholas and Megan Schlemmer and Addison Meyer. She was preceded in death by her parents, and one brother: Larry S. Layton. /current Or Call

and talk to an Expert (317) 575-9540 AFFORDABLE


Current in Carmel

1000 3rd Ave. SW • Suite 120 • Carmel, Indiana 46032 PH (317) 575-9540

November 15, 2011 | 29

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Transforming a master bath from 1990 to contemporary COMMENTARY By Larry Greene ORIGINAL MASTER BATH: This home was built in 1990 in the Springmill Crossing Subdivision on the west side of Carmel. The master bath was the second bathroom of two to get remodeled. The homeowner noted “We decided to remodel the master bathroom mainly because it was old and outdated. We didn’t like the carpet in the bathroom. We needed a bigger shower. It just needed to be updated.” The homeowners weren’t fond of the large garden tub. “We had a large cultured-marble jetted tub in the master bath. When the kids were little, it was perfect. But our children are now 28 and 24.” FAVORITE FEATURES: When asked what they like most about their new bathroom, their reply was “Everything”. They added, “We like the big shower, the square-shaped vessel sinks, the tiled floor and the enlarged shower. We have heated floors, too. It’s such a change from what we had before. It feels like a spa in there now. The rain showerhead feels great. We have great water pressure too.” TUB & SHOWER DETAILS: The old tub and shower areas were totally gutted and new framing for the new tub decking, shower and shower

30 | November 15, 2011

Before storage niches was installed. A new Kohler 60x32 Archer drop in air tub was installed with a Delta Vero brushed nickel tub filler. The new shower includes a combined stationary/ handheld Delta faucet with a diverter and Delta brushed nickel ceiling-mounted square rain head faucet. The shower area was finished off

After with a 3/8” heavy glass frameless enclosure with brushed nickel hardware. FINAL RESULT: The homeowner commented, “Our kids came home to see the new remodeled bathroom and they think it looks like a hotel bathroom.”

Current in Carmel

Larry Greene is the president of Case Design/Remodeling, a fullservice design/build firm serving Hamilton County. Contact him at

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of Flavor h nt the Mo y Turke r Dinne

Come in and see our huge variety of: • Thanksgiving & Christmas Treats • Greeting Cards for Pets • Doggie Holiday Gift Packages

We have perfect stocking stuffers for your Pet's Christmas Stocking!

Also come in and see our NEW "Paw Print" necklaces This Week Only: Dry dog food clearance sale! $ave Bucks at Izzy’s with our “Frequent Shopper and Izzy/s Customer Appreciation Rewards”

DISPATCHES » Tinsel and Tails – The Humane Society for Hamilton County will host its sixth annual Tinsel and Tails Holiday Petacular on Thursday, 6 p.m., at the Ritz Charles in Carmel. Tinsel and Tails is one of the Humane Society’s largest fundraisers of the year, and funds raised will help cover the cost of the thousands of abandoned, unwanted, injured and sick animals that come to the HSHC every year. Tickets are $75 per individual, $300 per half table of four or $600 for a full table. To order tickets or for more information, go to www., or call Jennifer Judd at 219-3324. » Dry versus canned dog food – Dry dog food costs less per serving than semimoist or canned foods and its nutrients are more concentrated, meaning you’ll need to feed less. But canned food might be better for dogs with urinary tract problems because of its higher moisture content. Canned foods also allow feeding a greater volume of food for the same amount of calories, which may help if your dog is overweight. Some dry foods are designed to help clean the teeth during chewing, but dogs with severe dental problems may do better on a moist food. Canned foods tend to be higher in fat and protein, with fewer carbohydrates, and dry foods will always contain some starch.

New pet owner tips

COMMENTARY By John Mikesell Arm yourself with these practical pet care tips: Consider the commitment - Think about what you are getting yourself into before getting a pet. This is a long-term commitment. Pets are 100 percent dependent on you to provide a healthy and happy life for them. Ask yourself if they fit in your current lifestyle. What changes or sacrifices are you willing to make to properly care for them? There is also a financial responsibility to keeping your pets healthy and veterinary bills aren’t cheap. Pet proof your home - Owners should take pre-emptive measures. Move household chemicals, medications, plants and decora-

tive pieces to hard-to-reach locations. Keep your shoes tucked away from puppy teeth and incorporate scratching posts in your home for cats. Excerise preparedness - Microchip your pets, obtain updated identification tags and create an emergency plan.Make a list of emergency phone numbers and keep a pet kit in a waterproof container. Have a high quality probiotic on hand. They are great for digestive problems bound to happen. Stress from being in a new home can cause diarrhea and probiotics work great for it. Spay and neuter your pets It is better for your pet’s health. Unspayed females can suffer from a uterus infection and mammary tumors. Males can develop testicular prostate inflammation, infections or cancer.

Implement a routine - Keep the first few days of excitement for a new pet parent to a minimum. Practice early socialization - The critical socialization period for puppies lasts from about three to 12 weeks of age. Kittens are most receptive to socialization between the ages of two and seven weeks. I suggest leaving your puppy with its mother for at least eight weeks. Provide a healthy diet - Don’t underestimate the importance of good nutrition. Contol your pet’s food intake. Obesty in pets is just has bad for pets as it is for humans. Focus on health - Find a like-minded veternarian. A healthy pet is a happy pet. Check with your local pet store professional for tips on food and treats for your dogs and cats. John Mikesell, owner of Izzy’s Place, A dog Bakery in Carmel, can be reached at

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Current in Carmel

November 15, 2011 | 31

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Clearing up a problem COMMENTARY By Dick Wolfsie A dermatologist in Southern California may avoid jail time by the skin of his teeth. He has been marketing a $1.99 app for smart phones that emits both a bluish and reddish light, which he claims will cure acne. Dr. Smith has sold about 20,000 of these. Now, ironically, he has a blotch on his once-unblemished medical record. Most of the experts agree the lights can’t hurt you, but if a kid is holding his Blackberry against his pimply nose while driving, he’s likely to back the car into a mailbox. No instructions are provided with the app, so one of the difficulties is knowing where to hold the device for treatment. Some of Dr. Smith’s accomplices, I mean associates, are thinking of adding a GPS, a Global Pimple Searcher, to zero in on facial imperfections. Doctors at Baylor University are upset about the apparent scam: “There should be more studies.” Doc, here’s one for you: Nine out of 10 adolescents with zits will believe anything you tell them if they think it will clear up their face. That is why I spent most of the ninth grade with lemon wedges and a heating pad on my fore-

head. Another researcher was equally concerned, noting: “I am worried about the teenager with open sores, because bacteria on the phone could lead to a minor skin infection.” Hey, I was just an American Lit major, but this is the last thing in the world a 14-year-old is worried about. The app emits 660 nanometers of light, which anyone with a post-doctoral degree in laser science knows can’t hold a candle to what a good glob of Clearasil can do. If you are one of those people who paid for this cyber rip-off, it still might not be a bad idea to rub the smart phone across your forehead. Maybe the smart part will rub off. Whether Dr. Smith can avoid prison is still in question, but he maintains he’ll take his punishment like a man. Whenever he’s asked by the media about doing time in the slammer, he’s directed by his PR people to say: “Breaking out is not an option.”

Nine out of 10 adolescents with zits will believe anything you tell them if they think it will clear up their face.

E. Davis Coots

James K. Wheeler

Daniel E. Coots

Jay Curts

Brandi A. Gibson

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at

James D. Crum

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Blake N. Shelby

Elizabeth I. Van Tassel Matthew L. Hinkle

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32 | November 15, 2011

Current in Carmel

Views | Community | Cover Story | Education | Diversions | Anti-Aging | Toys | Dough | Panache | In Spirit | Inside & Out | Pets | Laughs | Puzzles | Classifieds Across 1. Local place for a Van Gogh, briefly 4. Indianapolis Indians bat wood 7. Party favors container (2 wds.) 14. Nashville restaurant: Hob ___ 15. Bob & Tom’s Kristi 16. Indianapolis Opera production: “The Barber of ___” 17. Indy-to-Ft. Wayne dir. 18. James Whitcomb Riley’s “always” 19. Got a pet from the Hamilton County Humane Society 20. 24-hour period at Holcomb Observatory (2 wds.) 23. Be in debt to Chase Bank 24. Like a professional cut at Salon01 26. Carvey of “Wayne’s World” 30. “___, Brute?” 33. Intimidate 36. Hoosier National Forest tree juice 37. Indiana blue-ribbon events 39. See-through 40. Have dinner at Peterson’s 41. “Feel ___ help yourself!” (2 wds.) 43. Bewilder 45. UFO crew 46. Not suitable 50. “M*A*S*H” setting 51. Jim Davis’ Garfield, for one 52. University HS mathematical proportion 53. Lunch or dinner at Woody’s Library Restaurant 54. Hoosier Park pace 56. The courtyard at Courtyard by Marriott 59. Palladium ticket word 62. “The Charge of the Light Brigade” poet 66. Tropical tourist’s concern 70. Roulette bet at French Lick Resort Casino 71. 1991 Crooked Stick event: ___ Championship 72. Finishing last in a Guerin Catholic HS track event 73. Fee-___-fo-fum 74. Ready for Sanders Glen Retirement Community 75. Incline 76. Way off, like Evansville 77. Starbucks alternative drink Down 1. Hampton and Residence, e.g. 2. Like recordings at Old Town Antique Mall 3. Cain’s brother 4. On one’s toes 5. Unattractive, as a neighborhood 6. Newspapers in Boston, Miami and Indiana 7. Troop 88’s cookie selling org. 8. Decorate anew 9. Swear to 10. Any two-footed creature at the Indianapolis Zoo 11. Patachou sandwich, for short 12. Mickey’s Irish Pub drink 13. Hamilton Southeastern HS dropout’s option 21. “It’s ___ thing!” (2 wds.) 22. Slangy assent 25. Expected to arrive 27. Leave no doubt about 28. Queasy feeling 29. WFYI fund-raising pitch 30. Cause go-with 31. Kind of sauce at Mitchell’s Fish Market 32. Connects with (2 wds.) 34. Kan. neighbor 35. Arduous journey 38. Kiss Z Cook class direction 42. “Put ___ Happy Face” (2 wds.)


















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39 42











63 70













Using the letters in Handel's (Homemade Ice Cream), create as many common words of 4+ letters as you can in 20 minutes. No proper nouns or foreign words.

HANDEL'S __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

40+: Word wizard 30-39: Brainiac 20-29: Not too shabby <20: Try again next week

Use all the letter segments below to fill in the answers to the clues. The number of segments you will use in each answer is shown in parentheses. The dashes indicate the number of letters in each answer. Each segment is used only once.

IndianaDAG Wordsmith DALE Challenge DAN FRA GLEN NCI OST QUA RICH SAN SCO WOOD YLE 1) Indiana V.P. (3) ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

2) Golden Gate City (4) ___ ___ ___

2008 LX570 2007 ES350 BLUE/IVORY LOADED!...........$25,888 FLAGSHIP SUV!...........................$64,495 P6541 C1370A 2010 LX570 2008 ES350s IN STOCK STARTING AT.........$27,777 BLACK/IVORY JUST REDUCED!..........................$70,995 111116A 2009 ES350s 5 AVAILABLE AS LOW AS..........$30,995 2010 LS460s AWD 3 IN STOCK FROM..........................$58,995 2010 ES350s 4 CERTIFIED FROM.....................$34,688 2008 LS460s 4 AVAILABLE STARTING AT.........$44,888 2006 GS300 AWD GORGEOUS!..............................$24,695 2006 IS250 AWD 11985B JUST 18K MILES!........................$25,995 P6519A1 2009 GX470 WHITE/IVORY LOADED W/OPTIONS............$43,888 2008 IS250 AWD W/NAV...........................................$29,995 1233A P6539 2010 GX460 2009 IS250 AWD NEW BODY! 15K MILES!............................... $53,988 LOADED!.......................................$29,995 1295A 1215A 2010 IS250 AWD 2011 GX460s 3 IN STOCK STARTING AT.........$56,995 NICE!...............................................$35,995 LDR546 2008 SC430 LIKE NEW!..................................$40,995 2008 RX350s 5 IN STOCK FROM.........................$29,995 1221A

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

3) Broad Ripple-Area Mall (2) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

4) Blondie Husband (2) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

5) Big Bird (2) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

44. Daddy’s counterpart 47. Fmr. Indianapolis-based airline 48. Aniston’s ex 49. Detached, as a check (2 wds.) build the words 55. Fish with a net at Morse Reservoir 57. Delhi’s land 58. Anesthetized at IU Health 60. Black-and-white cookie

2010 RX450H 2007 ES350 BLACK/BLACK W/NAV...........$25,995 ALMOST NEW!..........................$47,995 LDR545 1248A

HARVARD, 61. Bit of smoke 63. Denison Parking place 64. Gawk at the Pacemates 65. Zilch 66. Big Ten sch. at East Lansing 67. Swiss peak 68. ___ Alamos 69. Had a panini at Panera Bread

2009 RX350'S 7 2008 RX400H FRESH TRADE!......................... $34,995 AVAILABLE STARTING AT.........$33,888 1296A 2010 RX350s 12 IN STOCK 2010 RX450H 17K MILES!.................................$48,995 AND PRICED FROM...................$37,995 1249A

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Current in Carmel

November 15, 2011 | 33

Hamilton County Business Contacts Get your card in front of more than 93,000 households in Hamilton County! Call Dennis O’Malia @ 370-0749 for details



2:23 PM




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handyman , repairs hauling, yard work call Tom – 847-3753



Fully Equipped Grooming Van For information of to make an appointment call: 317-202-1005 Hair by Linda in Noblesville 317/650-2303 New Client Special With This Ad $65 All over color, cut & brow wax $75 Highlight, cut & brow wax 1802 Conner St. Noblesville

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Happy Dog Hotel and Spa in Carmel seeks experienced groomers for professional spa. Upscale, new facility with high volume. General front desk staff and dog handlers also needed To apply: email resume or info to Beverly at or call 317-580-5050.

Part-Time Receptionist

Upscale Optometry office in Carmel is seeking a part-time receptionist. High energy personality and great computer skills with scheduling and billing software a must. Saturday mornings required.

Now Hiring

Local computer center seeking qualified tech for computer work. send resume to

Installer Wanted.

Local window covering business is looking for a part time or as needed installer to install blinds, shades, and shutters. Flexible hours and good pay. Please send resume or letter of interest to info@

School Bus Drivers Carmel Clay School Corporation is now training School Bus Drivers Must be able to obtain Class B, CDL Starting at $88 day after successful completion of training, no benefits Paid Bi-weekly Available to earn attendance bonus Must be able to pass criminal history and BMV background checks Will work approx 4 hours per day running morning and afternoon routes Apply on-line to, AA/EOE • Intuitive Reader • Spiritual Guide • Clairvoyant Medium • Healing Services

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Executive conference table. Nearly new. Mahogany with 8 matching leather swivel chairs. Too large for our new space. Value approx. $9,300. Will sell for $3,000 OBO. Call 847.5022.

Call Dennis O’MAlia TO have your classified ad


here next week

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November 15, 2011 | 35

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