Tuesday December 14, 2010 FREE
History underground Can slow and steady win the race against time and the elements to save area cemeteries? / P9
Photo by Darla Kinney Scoles
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2 | December 14, 2010
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Civil pursuit Founded Oct. 24, 2006, at Carmel, IN Vol. V, No. 7 Copyright 2009. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 1 South Range Line Road, Suite 220 Carmel, IN 46032
317.489.4444 Publisher – Brian Kelly / 414.7879 General Manager – Steve Greenberg / 847.5022 Managing Editor – Margaret Sutherlin Associate Editor – Terry Anker Art Director – Zachary Ross / 787-3291 Associate Artist – Haley Henderson / 787.3291 Senior Reporter – Brandie Bohney /260.750.4266 Cartoonist – Tim Campbell
It is our position that the recent lawsuit over Civil Forfeitures highlights some questionable procedures that require correction. The Indiana Attorney General is spot-on when he advocates legislation to “clean up” and standardize the current procedures. First, it seems un-American (and anti-Constitutional) to seize personal property before a party is convicted of a crime. Second, it seems to be an invitation for “mischief” for the law to not specify with total clarity how the seized property is to be used for the public good. And third, the use of private attorneys who are compensated by any means other than a reasonable hourly rate for the verified time spent on the forfeiture should be prohibited. The current practice of allowing the receipt of a percentage of the forfeiture for services seems a recipe for concern and is, in our opinion, unnecessary. While we fully support requiring those guilty of crimes to pay for the law enforcement costs and to not profit from their illegal activities, the legislation must provide unambiguous directions for distributing the proceeds from the forfeitures and not allow local law enforcement officials to be improperly incentivized to specifically benefit from an overly zealous pursuit of justice.
It is our position that unemployment insurance is a good thing. It is paid for by employers and is cost adjusted according to each employer’s history of layoffs. However, Government “handouts” (currently between 27 and 99 weeks) seems to move beyond unemployment to a taxpayer subsidy of those who are not working. Can unemployment be sustained without encouraging dependence or should displaced workers be moved into a different social program after months of failed seeking? Many will admit the refusal of tasks compensated for little more than extended unemployment provides. Say they – it’s not worth it to work. Others abuse unemployment not intending to reenter the workforce. Certainly, most of us would (or are) diligently seek employment to no avail. Americans are generous people and it is our belief that the truly needy would be better served by other existing government programs or community charity rather than the creation of a permanent entitlement guised as unemployment. Employers routinely cite a refusal by American workers to perform certain tasks as the impetus behind a significant portion of our illegal immigration challenges. Of course, many of these jobs would be inappropriate for some unemployed. Scientific jobs routinely require importation of labor.
The views in these editorials are of reader participants. They do not represent those of Current Publishing ownership and management.
Advertising Carmel Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia / 370.0749 Indianapolis Sales Consultant – Kevin Messmer / 513.4359
Business Office Bookkeeper - Deb Vlasich / 489.4444 The views of the columnists in Current In Carmel are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
strange laws
Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Sarasota, Fla., it is illegal to sing while wearing a bathing suit. Source: Weird Laws (iPhone application)
Every week, we will print a portion of the U.S. Constitution, followed by a portion of the Indiana Constitution. We encourage you to benchmark government policies against these bedrock documents. Today: the Indiana Constitution. ARTICLE 4. Legislative. Section 15. Either House, during its session, may punish, by imprisonment, any person not a member, who shall have been guilty of disrespect to the House, by disorderly or contemptuous behavior, in its presence; but such imprisonment shall not, at any one time, exceed twenty-four hours. Section 16. Each House shall have all powers, necessary for a branch of the Legislative department of a free and independent State. Section 17. Bills may originate in either House, but may be amended
Current in Carmel
or rejected in the other; except that bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives. Section 18. Every bill shall be read, by title, on three several days, in each House; unless, in case of emergency, two-thirds of the House where such bill may be pending shall, by a vote of yeas and nays, deem it expedient to dispense with this rule; but the reading of a bill, by title, on its final passage, shall, in no case, be dispensed with; and the vote on the passage of every bill or joint resolution shall be taken by yeas and nays. Section 19. An act, except an act for the codification, revision or rearrangement of laws, shall be confined to one subject and matters properly connected therewith.
December 14, 2010 | 3
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From the backshop
ObamaCare waivers: Did you get yours?
Making a point to say Christmas
“Your employer, it’s estimated, would see premiums fall by as much as 3,000 (dollars), which means they could give you a raise.” – President Barack Obama, Sept. 10, 2010. The Obama Administration has handed out, as of earlier this month, 222 ObamaCare waivers to “special” U.S. companies and organizations. Only a few news sources have reported this. However, if you go to and click on the link titled ObamaCare Waivers, you’ll be saved from five of the six click-thrus we had to endure on the Health and Human Services Web site. It is, in our opinion, tantamount to hiding from the American taxpayer. The sad thing is if you’re a small-business owner or you don’t have the right connections, you can’t get a waiver for your company. Do you really believe any of the employees at the 222 companies will get a raise as a result? Neither do we. ••• Hamilton County government has eliminated 15 positions in order to make the 2011 budget work. As much as it’s never a good time to let someone go, we still commend leadership for doing what is necessary – as the private sector would do – to be fiscally
Editor, There is one reason we are celebrating in December and that is because of Christmas. Christmas does bring us to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. I am asking you, Current in Carmel, to join with all of us that want to put Christ back in Christmas and make this a
Brian Kelly & Steve Greenberg responsible. It should have been done earlier. ••• We heard from a few spies last week that there is a virtual impasse between Carmel City Council and Mayor Jim Brainard on a number of issues. There supposedly is fingerpointing, ill will and perhaps some sour grapes in the mix. With more than one year before any appreciable change in the lineup – too soon to tell if there will be any – our community deserves better. Too many initiatives are hanging in the balance. We’d like to see one side or the other – or each! – extend an olive branch and get down to what matters: doing what’s best for this city.
Cranky critics COMMENTARY By Terry Anker There is one cranky critic in every group. Even in the One Hundred Acre Woods, Christopher Robin suffered the oppressive sad-sack Eeyore. But for the most part the habitually unhappy and the constantly cranky do little to debilitate the comings and goings of modern society. In fact, a little bit of pessimism is often a good thing in the mix. It helps prevent the dreaded side effect of optimism in a public setting – groupthink. We all must beware of the negative. But isn’t it better to consider it with some sense of relativity? And, what happens when a group or board is controlled by an abject hater – especially when we have dedicated a good deal of emotion, time, and resources over the years. While a dash of cynicism might be helpful, some assemblies are gripped by individuals who, by their very nature, live to disparage the work, contribution, and in some cases, the very existence of others. Certainly, disparate points of view are important. When does criticism sim-
ply become entertainment for the critic? Social structures encourage cooperation. And, most of us find our way, through retribution and reinforcement, to behave in a way that keeps the collective on track. However, some simply refuse to be on the same program as the rest. In business, those folks are invited to seek other opportunities. But when the naysayer is a superior or the group is a not-for-profit, how best should we react? I find myself now contemplating exiting an organization populated by one too many angry members. To me, it seems snarky e-mail messages and abrupt personal communications destroy the Board’s esprit de corps. Others write off bad behavior to personality. Perhaps, camaraderie cannot be measured as easily as other metrics; but, I’m confident that it matters. And, it matters a good deal. Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may e-mail him at terry@
Solve redistricting with pre-registration process Editor, I liken the redistricting process to a leaky pipe. Do you walk into your bathroom and clean up the water on the floor day after or day, or do you look for the root cause of the leak?? Concrete data would not be that difficult to obtain, all the school board has to do is ask. As a parent of two future Carmel Clay students, I would love to see some sort of “Pre-Registration” process where I can provide my contact info along with the ages of my children to help forecast future start dates. An annual survey could be conducted to account for the attrition of people moving out of the district (as simple as an email correspondence from the contact information provided by the parents), and a simple mailer providing “Pre-
registration” sign up to account for new parents moving into the district. I understand the concept of redistricting, especially the aspect of teacher to student ratio’s. There are some things that cannot be changed such as the physical location of the schools (the majority being on the east side of Carmel and the “future growth” happening on the west side of Carmel. It just seems like an awful lot of guessing is going on (wiping up the water) instead of gathering concrete data from parents (finding the root cause of the leak). Redistricting is a necessary evil, but do so many children need to be affected? Alex Porterfield 46032
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Certainly, disparate points of view are important. When does criticism simply become entertainment for the critic? 4 | December 14, 2010
Christmas celebration instead of “Holidays.” The word Holidays is taking away the meaning of this celebration which is at the heart of the formation of our country. Please join with us in celebrating “Christmas.” Donna Thomas 46032
Current in Carmel
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DISPATCHES » Gardener anniversary – Hamilton County Master Gardeners celebrated their 25 anniversary and Janus honored the Master Gardeners with the Volunteer of the Year Award for its dedication and time spent in the Janus Community Garden, and 46 new members were inducted to the organization. This year in Hamilton County, members donated 13,628 hours in service. For more information on the Master Gardener’s program, go to http://www.hort.purdue. edu/mg/ » Meals on Wheels fundraiser – The Hamilton County Marketplace, this Saturday, Dec. 18, will feature holiday gifts, foods and crafts, and a special appearance by Santa for pictures. Admission is $1 and will support Meals on Wheels of Hamilton County. The Marketplace will be at the 4H Fairgrounds Exhibition Hall 2003 Pleasant Street, Noblesville, IN (West of SR 37 behind Tractor Supply), from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. » Holiday services – King of Glory Lutheran Church will have several holiday services on Christmas Eve this year. At 4pm the Family Worship, 7pm Contemporary Candlelight Service, and 9pm Traditional Candlelight Services will all be options on Friday Dec. 24. King of Glory is located at 2201 E. 106 St. in Carmel. » Gingerbread scavenger hunt – Join the fun on a scavenger hunt to find gingerbread houses in the Carmel Arts and Design District, now until Dec. 18. Participants begin their hunt for by obtaining the list of clues and map at the Simply Sweet Shoppe (30 N. Range Line Rd). The hunters then can walk the District and find the gingerbread houses in the windows of the shops and eateries, answering questions about each house. Upon completing the scavenger hunt, participants are awarded treats and entered to win a gift basket by visiting ArtSplash Gallery, 111 W. Main St., Suite 140. Scavenger Hunt hours are TuesdaySunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. » Correction – In Jeff Worrell’s column (Current in Carmel, Dec. 7), it inadvertently was incorrectly noted that the Hamilton County Veterans Association was collecting wheelchairs for wounded soldiers in Afghanistan. In actuality, blankets for those in wheelchairs were being collected.
Kids really do say the darndest things COMMENTARY By Danielle Wilson Out of the mouths of babes come the darndest things. We all know that. We’ve all been there. Just the other day I was talking to my husband about some friends of ours who were at that very moment in labor with their first babies. (Yes, plural, as in twin boys.) I recalled the morning Mr. Prego called to tell me the news: “Twins mother-f*%#er!” he sang the minute I answered the phone. No “hi” or “hello,” just a joyful chorus of cursing. As I’m laughing with Doo about the story, I hear, with perfect emotion, inflection and pitch, my 6-year old daughter belt out, “Twins –f*%#er!” Huh. I hadn’t realized she was in the kitchen. Now she’ll probably repeat it at school or, worse, her Religious Ed class. Sorry, Father! Later that day, my little potty mouth asks, “Will the Prego’s babies have brown skin?” Granted, this seems like an odd question, until you know that my children have twin cousins who were adopted from Ethiopia and do in fact have very brown skin. So actually, this is a rather astute observation from a first grader. (She’s
gifted.) I go on to explain that no, because Mr. and Mrs. Prego have white skin, their boys will most likely have white skin too. She’s satisfied and scampers off on her merry, innocent way. The next morning, as I’m updating the kids on the progress of the Prego’s labor, which is turning in to a marathon event, my 9-year old son says, “I really hope Ms. Prego has her twins today. She’s been wanting a baby for so long. It’ll be a dream come true for her.” Gulp. Tear. How sweet was that? The Pregos have been wait101?? INFINITI Carmel Current_F_12_14 ing a long time for kids; four years of infertility
and various treatments. And this is, most definitely, a dream come true for them. But hearing a comment like that out of a boy who occasionally picks his nose and often pushes me to the brink of crazy made me both reorder our kid rankings with him at the top and remember just how wise and observant children can be. Yes, kids say the darndest things. Some funny, some suprising, and some just downright adult-like. Of course, I think the Pregos would say that the best thing to hear out of the mouths of babes is those first healthy cries in the delivery room. (The Pregos did eventually have their twin boys, by the way, after a very long and difficult labor, just one day shy of Thanksgiving.) I agree, but secretly I can’t wait to hear the things that come out of those two little boys in a couple of years. Twins mother-f*%#er! Peace out.
Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@ AM Page 1
DREYER & REINBOLD INFINITI This year, make the holidays especially moving. “Our mission includes recoginizing opportunities to support the performing arts in our community”
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December 14, 2010 | 5
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Food drive success in 19th year By Margaret Sutherlin Current in Carmel The 19th annual Carmel Financial Holiday Food Drive collected a record number of goods for the Good Samaritan Network. Since March, Carmel Financial has been working collecting monetary donations, food and support for the drive, through a variety of community fundraisers and internal drives. Locally owned and operated, Carmel Financial has been a community staple since 1967 and the food drive has become just as well known since its start in 1992. “The best part of this whole experience is to see those A. Arnold Moving semis pull up to the fire department, just filled with donations,” said Kathleen Thomas, the Food Drive Coordinator and Carmel Financial employee. “It’s so wonderful to see the results of a yearlong project.” Partnering with other area businesses and organizations has been key to the success of the drive according to Thomas and Sharon Van Hoozer, Senior Vice President. Through CarX and A. Arnold Moving, and working with other businesses to collect donations, Carmel Financial has helped to build a network for the drive to get the most food, monetary and in-kind donations possible. Internally, Carmel Financial employees can pay to wear jeans to work, and participate in walkathons, cook offs, and gold outings.
Food from the drive will be used to feed needy families across Hamilton County. This is just part of the donations collected.
Van Hoozer said that by donating through the Good Samaritan Network, which is a nonprofit conglomerate, they are able to effectively reach the people in need. “We have a saying that no gift is too small when we come together,” said Van Hoozer. “The goal for us is to reach as many as we can year round, and especially during the holidays. With the economy, people who might have given in the past might be in need now.” This year’s donations totaled 96,513 items that were delivered to needy families across Hamilton County. All extra food is donated to local food pantries. To learn more about the drive visit, www., or learn about the Good Samaritan Network visit,
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Common council addresses Keystone speed limits By Jordan Fischer Current in Carmel The Carmel City Council met Dec. 6 with a full agenda, notably including tax abatements for new business, and the normalization of speed limits on Keystone Avenue. After receiving updates from committee leaders, the council moved to open a public hearing on a proposed tax abatement for KAR Auction Services, Inc. According to Councilwoman Luci Snyder, who sponsored the resolution, the abatements would remove taxes on telecommunications equipment for the business, which purportedly plans to bring nearly 250 new jobs to the Carmel area. Councilman John Accetturo was in agreement with Snyder’s proposal. “In order for our city to be competitive, we must continue to use these tax abatements to attract jobs,” Accetturo said. The council also heard a first reading for an ordinance to set the speed limit to 50 mph for Keystone from 96 St. to 146 St. The ordinance was intended to amend an earlier version, which had allowed for discrepancies on Keystone. With unanimous support, the council moved to suspend the rules and vote on the ordinance immediately. It was approved with no dissenting votes. As Councilwoman Snyder noted, the State of Indiana recently amended Public Law 113,
which concerned the use of a special fund generated by cigarette taxes. Changes to the relevant city ordinance were sponsored by Snyder, who explained that under the new law, these funds would be available for government use on a much wider variety of expenditures. “This money used to be only useable for capital improvement,” Sndyer said. “Now it can be used on software, equipment, and many other things.” Of particular note to public safety, a resolution amending the contract with the Carmel Professional Firefighters Association was brought before the council. According to the firefighter’s union president Orbie Bowles, the contract is essentially the same as the previous year. “We’ve brought a new ambulance into service in the annexed areas, and moved our rescue truck team and equipment into a tiller truck,” Bowles said, adding that no additional costs were set before the taxpayers. The resolution was sent before the utilities, transportation and public safety committee for further inspection. The final resolution before the council called for the repayment of $800,000 from the 2009 General Fund to the Rainy Day Fund, which had been promised earlier in the year. The resolution was approved unanimously.
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Chuck and Lynn Lazzara
Ritz Charles named business of the year, Chamber Commerce leader recognized Current in Carmel At the Carmel Chamber of Commerce’s annual awards luncheon, outstanding local businesses and volunteers were recognized and Chamber President, Mo Merhoff, was Merhoff honored for her 10 years with the Chamber. Ritz Charles won the Applause Award, or as business of the year for 2010. The recognition goes to businesses who have had shown outstanding success in growth and stability, commitment to quality, creative and unique solu-
8 | December 14, 2010
tions to challenges, entrepreneurial spirit and overall contribution to the community. Chamber of Commerce President Mo Merhoff was honored for her service for 10 years employment with the Chamber and her leadership in the business community. Rich Taylor, Assistant Vice President at The National Bank of Indianapolis Carmel Banking Center was awarded Most Valuable Volunteer, Carmel Clay Schools won the Green Award for its sustainability practices, and the Palladium and Keystone Parkway projects were recognized as particularly special projects which benefit the Carmel community.
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History underground
Can slow and steady win the race against time and the elements to save area cemeteries? By Darla Kinney Scoles Current in Carmel Wilkerson Farley had a dream one day back in early 1838 about his death and burial. He pictured exactly where he wanted to be put to rest, near a specific tree in what is now Carmel, Indiana. Since Farley was only 17 years old at the time, no one gave his vision much thought - until he passed away August 27 of that same year. Wanting to honor his wishes, a family plot was established at the corner of North Keystone Avenue and East 106th Street and Wilkerson was buried by that very tree in Farley Cemetery*. The site now accommodates 339 plots with some still available for purchase, which is a boon to Clay Township Trustee Doug Callahan. Responsible for the care and upkeep of his township’s abandoned cemeteries, Callahan has limited funds to see that all such grounds are not only mowed and fenced, but repaired as needed. And the need is great. Income from Farley plot purchases has allowed Callahan the luxury of hiring cemetery restoration expert John Walters, The Graveyard Groomer, to come out and at least give estimates on the work needed at several of Clay’s oldest burial grounds. Little by little, as budget allows, Callahan has Walters work on the areas neediest stones. At the top of the list? The stone that marked the spot of which Wilkerson Farley dreamed. Over the years, Farley’s stone had
disappeared, though records showed where it should have been standing. Walters probed the area (something only a DNR certified, permitted individual can do) and found Wilkerson Farley’s stone, 17 inches below ground. Today the stone stands tall and pristine, though others in the same cemetery are in desperate need of cleaning and restoration work, which does not require certification or permitting. Callahan utilizes volunteers like the Boy Scouts and Military Veterans to clean and improve the four abandoned graveyards under his care. He has even garnered help from an IUPUI graduate student to survey and map the ground. Most abandoned cemeteries, some of which were affiliated with long-gone churches, families or communities, are closed to further burials and are often hidden away in farm fields or country woodlands. All but forgotten by some, Callahan has a deep appreciation for these sacred places but admits that was not always the case. “When I started I didn’t realize how big this was for people,” said the three-year-trustee. “But I soon found out that genealogy is the number one hobby in the country. I decided I needed to jump in and get to work. “We still have work to do,” said Callahan, “and there always will be. But it’s so important to take care of these cemeteries. This is history out here.” Noblesville’s Graveyard Guardians restoration team, Lorraine Doty and Timothy Moore, hope more trustees will catch a bit of the enthusiasm Callahan displays, citing
Photos by Darla Kinney Scoles
Doug Callahan at the Farley Cemetery.
safety and liability concerns along with the damage time and the elements are doing to older stones. That’s why Indiana Code 23-14-68-1, charging local Township Trustees with the “care, repair and maintenance” of the State’s abandoned cemeteries, was put in place ten years ago. “We constantly have people approach us and ask; ‘Can you do something about this old cemetery?’” stated Doty, “but we can’t until township and county governments make budgeting for restoration work a priority. “A budget as small as $10,000 per township each year could do wonders for getting this mandated restoration on the right track,” Doty continued. “Yet many in government do not see this as a priority. But most residents do. People need to contact their government leaders and make sure this becomes a priority.” For most trustees the current game plan is ‘slow and steady wins the race’ with modest amounts of progress made each year. The problem is, the elements work at a faster pace, eroding and degrading the stones faster than the trustees can garner the funds or free labor to save them. Trustee Doug Callahan dreams in 2010 of a Farley Cemetery shining like it did when young Wilkerson was laid to rest there 172 years ago. *Farley Cemetery has also been known as Old Blue Cemetery
make contact To talk with your Township Trustee (click on “Indiana Townships” for a State Directory) Make a difference at the county level (For Hamilton County Council information) Let your voice be heard at the Statehouse (IN House of Representatives and Senate contact information)
Current in Carmel
December 14, 2010 | 9
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10 | December 14, 2010
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Wishes do come true! Drees Holiday Home Tour
Current in Carmel Carmel Police Chief Michael Fogarty was recognized by his peers and members of the community last week, before his January retirement. At an open house honoring Chief Fogarty’s 15 years as Carmel’s Police Chief and over 40 years of public service, city leaders and members of the public safety departments spoke about his dedicated service to community focused and
interactive public safety and service, and wished the best for the Chief. “It is such a high honor for me to see so many out to wish me well,” said Fogarty. “I will miss dearly the friends I’ve made during my tenure as Carmel Police Chief.” Chief Fogarty retires in January and will be succeeded by current Assistant Chief of Police Tim Green.
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Behind the scenes, the Accents find support COMMENTARY By Jeff Worrell As the crowd made their way out of the Carmel High School Auditorium, it was obvious the show was a huge hit. I was in awe of the tremendous vocal and dance talent at CHS. But, I couldn’t help but wonder about all of the talent it must take behind the scenes to make Holiday Spectacular 2010 such an amazing event. It did not take me long to find an answer. Once back stage, I first ran into Parent Volunteer Coordinator Lucy Hunter. Going on some seven years of service, Lucy clearly is dedicated and gifted at making sure there is enough help to herd 540 some kids, through five shows and practice after practice. But the great thing about all of the volunteers I met backstage at Holiday Spectacular is that none of them wants to take any credit. “Our family believes in service, she said. This is how I give back.” Denise Wright calls herself a “Professional Volunteer.” Her job was to make sure each performer received goody bags and other impressive, personalized mementos of their participation. She ensures before each performance, the cast raises a glass of cider to toast a good show. But of course, I could not get Denise to take any credit either. She thought I should talk to Judith Hicks. Maybe Judith would take a bow, but she was too busy for credit. This lady uses safety pins like I use duct tape. She was the 2010 Costume
12 | December 14, 2010
Coordinator for the Accents, managing about four costume changes for the 40 plus members of the Accents choir. It was her second year and you can count on her to be back for more, but that’s only after she removes all of the bling from every dress, prepares them for the laundry and neatly puts each item away for a future show. Linda Maurer, Patty Keller, Dawn Michaelis, Jennifer Stoesz, Natalie Maenhout, Pam White and countless unnamed moms and dads built sets, steamed costumes, brushed out wigs and sewed, sewed, sewed. Anyone that knows anything about Holiday Spectacular, knows without Mrs. Conrad, Mr. Kuskye and Mrs. Gillespie, nothing else matters. But the volunteer parents that showed up to help on weekends and evenings were following a longstanding tradition started generations ago that guarantees kids in the choir can count on their parents. The best part of my backstage experience was the gratitude I witnessed from some of the Accents showing appreciation for the amazing parent support. Parents and kids were together, feeling loved and carrying on a strong choral tradition. Jeff Worrell is a local businessman. He recognizes volunteers on “Connecting with Carmel” on cable channel 16. Contact him at
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•Caviar•Wine •Pate •Gift Boxes •Baskets Large wine selection for all your holiday entertaining and gift giving
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Remembering the fallen
Navy Club Hamilton County Ship #29 showed its respect to the victims of the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor with a memorial service held Dec. 4. The event featured United States Navy veteran and Pearl Harbor attack survivor Harley Guynn and Mayor John Ditslear as guest speakers. Seven members of the Indiana Guard Reserve (pictured) fired three shots each outside city hall before the playing of "Taps."
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The American Legion Women’s Auxiliary Post 155 in Carmel has decorated their annual patriotic Christmas tree in support of U.S. veterans, and the men and women in the military service today. The tree is on display at the American Legion 852 West Main Street, Carmel.
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» Students win scholarship – Local student Lyndon Ji of Carmel, and his teammate Santhosh Narayan of Munster, Indiana won major scholarships at the Siemens Competition in Math, Science and Technology in Washington DC. Jeffrey Shen, Youkow Homma and Lyndon Ji, Carmel, Indiana won $50,000 scholarships. Santhosh Narayan won the $30,000 scholarship. » High school recycles – On America Recycles Day, Carmel High School International Baccalaureate students held an electronics and general recycling drop-off. Electronic items filled three semi-truck trailers and a 40 yard dumpster was filled entirely with various other recyclable materials. Nearly 150,000 pounds were collected during the drive! » Study: Drugs improperly prescribed to kids – The annual number of children prescribed anti-psychotic drugs jumped fivefold between 1995 and 2002, to an estimated 2.5 million, a recent study says. But more than half of the prescriptions were for attention deficit and other non-psychotic conditions, the researchers said. The increasing use of anti-psychotics since the mid-1990s corresponds with the introduction of costly and heavily marketed medications such as Zyprexa and Risperdal. The packaging information for both says their safety and effectiveness in children have not been established. Anti-psychotics are intended for use against schizophrenia and other psychotic illnesses. » Science performance scores inch up – American students’ performance in science improved to the international average for industrialized nations, though outstanding performance in mathematics was still lagging. The highlights of the global PISA study, which surveyed 15-yearolds, showed that in science, the U.S. score increased from 2006’s score of 489 to 502. The score was on the same level as nations such as Portugal, Belgium and the Czech Republic. South Korea, Japan, and Finland scored the highest in science. The response to the results of the study, from the U.S. Department of Education was not positive as they emphasized the need to further improve education.
PARENTING By Becky Kapsalis When I became a parent coach, it created a different perspective on parenting for me. I don’t recall the first time I began listening to myself as a parent and hearing my words through the ears of my children. Becoming a coach helped me hear my words. Yes, there is a difference, and it’s more than just words. I began listening to myself, yet I didn’t hear the trust the children were placing with me. I heard myself saying, “C’mon kids, I’ll give you a ride to your friends house.” What I didn’t hear was, “Thanks Mom, I trust you’ll get us there safely.” Actually, they never said that, but think about it. Trust is the subconscious message our kids give us each and every time they trust us to get them to where they want to go – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. What is trust? Experts have found that the first emotionally intelligent feeling we are born with is trust. This, of course, applies to our kids too. Trust is not something we can grab a hold of and give to our kids, but it is something we can help them feel. In the field of child development, disciplines refer to methods of modeling character and of teaching self-control and acceptable behavior. Some disciplines of trust are reliability, faithfulness, confidence, believability and hopefulness.
Being aware of the disciplines of trust we are teaching our children is helping our children be aware of the disciplines of trust they are capable of. They will know they can be trusted to be … • Reliable children who can be counted on. • Faithful children who are loyal. • Confident children who make good choices. • Believable children who keep their word. • Hopeful children who have a positive vision. Behavioral issues are practically nonexistent when we instill these disciplines of trust. To build a sustaining, trusting relationship with our children, include them in family decisions, avoid evaluations, judgments or comparisons, offer choices – not demands or orders, avoid labeling and enabling – they are disabling, and listen to our words and hear them from our children’s perspective. Finally, using the word trust in as many sentences as we can fit in encourages our kids to want to live up to the trust we put in them. “Thank you for your trust.” is just one example. Hugs!
» Winter break for schools' – Carmel Clay Schools last day of classes for the semester is Thursday, Dec. 16. Classes resume Monday, Jan. 3, 2011 for all students. For a copy of the district calendar visit,
Whom do you trust?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_1 PER _ PERSON _ _OFFER _ EXPIRES _ _12-31-10 _ _
You can contact Becky Kapsalis at or 317508-1667 for Parenting Classes.
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**Appointment to be scheduled at a later date. *Excluding Botox and fillers December 14, 2010 | 15
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It’s time to revisit the ‘who’ GRAMMAR LESSON By Brandie Bohney No, I’m not talking about the band, though I do love “Pinball Wizard,” among other songs. This week, I’m revisiting a few rules about using who, whom, and that. I’ve covered many topics regard who before, but I continue to email asking about its use, so I thought I’d review a bit. Who vs. that For reasons I cannot explain, this is one of my bigger pet peeves. It doesn’t make sense that it would irritate me so much when there are so many more grave errors out there to get worked up about. I think it’s just because most people don’t realize it’s a rule at all. Who should only be used to refer to people. Not even your beloved Pomeranian dog Trixie gets to be referred to as who. Just people. On the flip side, that should not refer to people, and referring to people as that is the biggest misuse of this rule. So you should never say, “The guy that cleans my car is bald,” unless the guy is a hairless gorilla or other glabrous nonhuman entity. Say instead, “The guy who cleans my car is bald.” Who vs. whom Knowing when to use who versus when to use
16 | December 14, 2010
whom is really a matter of knowing the difference between subject and object pronouns. If the person in question is doing the action, use who, but if the person is being acted upon, use whom. If the terms subject and object pronouns make you break out in hives, however, there is a little trick to remember which to use when: Think of the use of who and whom in terms of questions. If you can answer the question with him (or her, but him ends in m, so it works better in this analogy), use whom, but if you need to answer the question with he (again, or she), you’ll need who. For example: I need to know who/whom ate this pie. He did. (Use who.) I need to know who/whom she took to prom. She took him. (Use whom.) If you’re using the first explanation, in the first sentence who is doing the action of eating, but in the second sentence whom is being acted upon by being taken to prom. Brandie Bohney is a grammar enthusiast and former English teacher. If you have a grammarrelated question, please email her at
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DISPATCHES » DIY treetopper – Make this glistening version of the ever-popular star treetopper from lengths of wired pearl beads. Twist five strands of pearls around a three-inch foam circle to form a five-point star. Stick the pearl sprigs into the foam, and secure them with glue. Cut some pearls from extra sprigs and glue them to the front of the star to fill in the shape. » December gardening tips – 1. To protect tender perennials from harsh winter weather, build a wooden box with no top or bottom. Place it over the plants after the ground has frozen and fill with leaves. 2. Cover your compost pile to prevent rains and snows from leaching out nutrients. 3. If iris foliage is hit with heavy frost, remove and destroy it to eliminate borer eggs. » Small lights, big impact – Looking to throw a great holiday party on the cheap? Buy a 100 pack of tea lights for about $10. Break out a few dozen and cluster them together in between trays of snacks, on your coffee table and throughout the party room. There’s just something about twinkling candlelight that makes even your everyday stuff seem more special. » Look for midweek airfare sales – Airline sales are invariably short-lived and typically last no more than three days. Airlines tend to roll them out late Monday or early Tuesday morning; by Thursday, they’re gone. That brief window is your optimum time to search for the best deal of the week. » Lunar eclipse Dec. 21 – A total eclipse of the moon will occur in the early hours of Dec. 21. A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth passes between the sun and the moon, dimming the moon and giving it unusual coloring. While every eclipse is special, this one is attended by many stars and constellations. The prominent constellations of Orion, Gemini, Auriga and Taurus frame the Moon on eclipse night.
Civic’s latest show a sample of what is coming to Carmel By Lauren Burdick Current in Carmel From now through Jan. 1, holiday theater enthusiasts can see “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” at the Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre on the campus of Marian University. This Andrew Lloyd Webber rock musical follows the life of Joseph and his brothers from the Bible and is the featured holiday show at Civic. According to Laura Lockwood, a Carmel resident, who plays one of the wives and Mrs. Potiphar in the show, “Joseph” is a great way to reign in the holiday season during these busy months. “It’s a great holiday show because it is truly for family. So kids, parents: you can bring the whole family and enjoy it,” she said. Michael J. Lasley, producing director for the Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre, also described the show as a family event, saying that it holds appeal for all ages. “It’s really a show for the entire family. Particularly we use children’s choirs in the show,” Lasley said. “Kids love it because it’s fast-paced and colorful with lots of fun music, and there are lots of simple funny things for them, and there’s also some complex adult humor that’s woven into it as well.” In addition to the children’s choirs, which have singers ranging in age from 6 to 15, Lasley said that there is a wide variety of music in the show, including country-western, 50s Elvisinspired and Broadway pop.
Civic actors perform songs from the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical
As the Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre prepares to move to Carmel next year, Lockwood said that everyone in the staff is looking forward to bringing more shows like “Joseph” to Carmel and Hamilton County. “We are all very excited about the move. The new space that’s going to be built is going to be phenomenal,” she said. “We’re excited as performers to have a new rehearsal space, and also to have a new audience to reach out to that maybe hasn’t seen a show at the Civic before.” For Matthew Altman, a Carmel resident
who plays one of Joseph’s brothers, Dan, in the show, performing arts and shows like “Joseph” are essential to the community and especially important for children. “We don’t get a lot of theater around Indiana in general,” Altman said. “Because of the fact that Civic is now moving to Carmel, I think that it’s important that we get all people to support theater. What Civic does is they inspire people out there who might want to come into theater to do something fun, and we have kids in the show, so it really gets their creative minds going.”
Pick of the week
Christmas at the zoo
When: Dec 3-30, 5-9:00 p.m. (Closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day) Where: Indianapolis Zoo, 1200 W. Washington Street Details: Visit the Indianapolis Zoo for a holiday tradition. The grounds are a winter wonderland with twinkling lights and decorations, and the animals all have the holiday spirit too! Visit Santa Claus before Christmas and help Mrs. Claus decorate Christmas cookies and participate in a scavenger hunt across the zoo. See a holiday themed dolphin show and take a holiday train ride. Christmas at the Zoo is a great option for families, but just be sure to dress warmly since most activities are outside. Included in general admission to the zoo: $6.50-8.50. Parking $10. For details visit,
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December 14, 2010 | 17
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Mary Lou McCracken
Sangiovese Ristorante
Waitress at La Mie Emilie Where do you like to eat? I love this wonderful little breakfast place in Noblesville called Uptown Café. There are only nine or 10 tables and its very quaint. What do you like to order there? They have delicious breakfast foods. I love getting the scrambled eggs with everything in them. Uptown Café 809 Connor Street, Noblesville (317) 674-8668
Any restaurant that combines top-notch fare with wine, art and music is our kind of place. With Sangiovese, the combination certainly clicks. Many patrons believe Sangivese serves the best Italian fare around. We’ll leave that to you to decide, but the warm, inviting décor, the attentiveness of the staff and the skillful artistry of the chefs seem to be the perfect ingredients for a memorable meal. The restaurant’s signature dishes include Scaloppini alla Picatta (tender sliced veal sautéed with capers in a white wine lemon butter sauce), Salomone al Piatto (poached Atlantic salmon topped with tomatoes, fresh basil and olive oil finished with a pinot grigio reduction ), Rosticciana (sautéed pork loin stuffed with mortadella cheese, Italian sausage, fennel and provolone topped with a gorgonzola cream sauce) and Pollo Arrosto (roasted half chicken marinated in fresh rosemary, lemon and garlic infused olive oil). The wine list seems to be more than adequate and the pairings are expertly suggested. Indiana artists’ works are on display (currently those of Michelle Morocco of Bloomington) and the vibe is enhanced by background music from the likes of Dave Hepler, Dave Lowe and Jes and Vicky Richmond, among others. Reservations suggested: 348-4786 4110 E. 82nd St., Indianapolis
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Speedlight Flash
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Originally, Santa’s ninth reindeer was featured in a book written by Robert May for Montgomery Ward’s department store in the 1930s. The popular story was turned into a song by May’s brother-in-law Johnny Marks in 1948, and soon became the well-known for the recording by singing cowboy, Gene Autry. Marks went on to become a prolific songwriter of holiday tunes and other popular songs, and in the late 1950s served as the director of the Association of Composers, Authors and Publishers. He started St. Nicholas Music to manage and publish Christmas music, and had one of the widest catalogs of popular holiday songs through his company, including hits such as “A Holly Jolly Christmas” and “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree”.
18 | December 14, 2010
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Holiday Cooking Solutions by Local Chefs Michael Vlasich Indianapolis Marriott Hotel What is your favorite holiday dish to prepare? I prepare a baked stuffed Brie which is great for entertaining especially if you need to take something or a pot luck, I have made it many times and people rave. I have had to teach my mom, sister and in-laws, etc. I also like to make some good hearty foods like beef brisket braised with orange juice and barbeque sauce, and homemade Butternut squash and Mascarpone cheese raviolis, or baked individual Apple Dumplings. Fresh ingredients of the season are always the best, and I utilize them in my dishes. What do you do with your holiday leftovers? I do three things at home. First, I make a full plate as to be ready to eat but in a disposable container. I then freeze it to eat later in the month, or give to my kids to take back to college for their freezer. I also take the ingredients useable and make soups, like turkey vegetable soup with rice, or cream of mashed potato with chopped turkey and beans. And last, I make a pasta topping and/or sauce, cook my favorite
pasta and pour over the top for a nice gourmet pasta dish, like diced honey ham with peas, diced potatoes and mushrooms with Alfredo sauce over noodles, or sautéed turkey with left over vegetables in a turkey cream sauce over rigatoni. Michael Richards Kincaid’s What is your favorite holiday dish to prepare?Well I usually work Christmas Eve, but go home for Christmas. My mom usually cooks for us but over the past several years I’ve taken over a bit more of the responsibility to carry out our traditional meals. We usually make leg of lamb at Christmas and use fresh herbs like rosemary and sage. It’s unique also because we serve it with Major Grey’s Chutney. And my mom makes the best yams, still. What do you do with your holiday leftovers? I usually take the lamb and make a kind of lamb lettuce cup, with tzatziki sauce and Greek spices and wrap the lamb in the lettuce so it’s a much fresher taste than a regular gyro.
Holiday Cocktails ANGEL’S KISS
Ingredients: • Crème de cacao • Crème Yvette • Prunelle • Rich cream Preparation: Layer ingredients, one on top of the other in the order given in a Pousse-Cafe or specialty glass.
Ingredients: • 2 parts Pearl Lo Coco (Coconut) Vodka • 1/2 part Amaretto • 1/2 part Coffee Liqueur • 1/2 part rum • 1/2 part Irish Crème • splash Half & Half • dash chocolate syrup • topped with grated white chocolate Preparation: Coat a martini glass with the dark chocolate syrup. Wet the rim with chocolate syrup and dip in grated white chocolate. In a pint glass, mix liquid ingredients with ice, shake and strain into chocolate-coated glass. Garnish with the grated chocolate on the surface of the cocktail.
Adam Stanridgd Charleston’s What is your favorite holiday dish to prepare? I like to make a really great turkey breast. What do you do with your holiday leftovers? With the leftovers, open turkey sandwiches made with gravy from turkey drippings on bread are always a good choice.
Justin Sisson Ted’s Montana Grill What is your favorite holiday dish to prepare? I love to make sausage balls during the holidays. What do you do with your holiday leftovers? I love to create a spaghetti dish in pasta sauce.
Chef Vlasich's Recipe
Butternut & Marscapone Ravioli Makes 50 each Ingredients • Pasta Sheets • Egg wash • [use a 4.75 inch round cutter filled then folded in half] • Filling: [yields • 3 cups Butternut Mash [Butternut steamed,
cinnamon, Honey, S&P] • 1 cup parmesan • 1 16 oz container Marscapone Cheese • ½ cup egg liquid • 2 cups Panko breadcrumbs • Salt and pepper Directions • Steam filled ravioli 5 minutes
This recipe makes 27 individual drinks when served in white wine glasses making it a perfect holiday party punch. As with any drink that is flamed, caution should be taken when making English Christmas Punch and igniting the ladle filled with rum. Ingredients: • 750 mL bottle dark rum • 750 mL bottle dry red wine • 3 cups strong tea • 1 lb superfine sugar • juice of 1 large orange • juice of 1 lemon Preparation: Heat, but do not allow to boil, the wine, tea, lemon and orange juices in a saucepan or chafing dish. Pour the heated mix into a heat proof punch bowl. Place as much sugar as possible into a large ladle and any excess sugar into the punch bowl. Saturate the sugar in the ladle with rum. Ignite the rum and sugar in the ladle and pour it while still aflame into the punch. Stir well and extinguish the flames. Pour the remainder of the rum into the punch. Stir well. Serve in white wine glasses.
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THEATRE A Christmas Carol
St.Vincent Health presents “A Christmas Carol” on the OneAmerica stage at the Indiana Repertory Theatre through Dec. 26. All performances are on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays until the week of Christmas, which features Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday shows as well. Tickets are $50 or $55 each, depending on seating. For show times, tickets or more information, visit
A Beef & Boards Christmas
Tradition takes a twist this holiday season with “A Beef & Boards Christmas 2010,” on stage now through Dec. 23. Inspired by the Golden Age of television, this annual production offers an entertaining cavalcade of comedy, dance and music with performances by many Beef & Boards favorites. There are 36 performances of “A Beef & Boards Christmas 2010” scheduled in the intimate space of Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre. Tickets range from $35 to $58, and include Chef Odell Ward’s holiday buffet. For reservations, call 872-9664 or visit
Every Christmas Story Ever Told
Three actors, instead of performing “A Christmas Carol” yet again, decide to throw together a Christmas show based on stories and traditions from all over the world. The Carmel Community Players will present this show at the Carmel Community Playhouse at Clay Terrace through Dec. 19 with performances Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sunday matinees at 2:30 pm. Tickets are $15 for adults and $12 for seniors and students. Visit or call 815-9387 for tickets or details.
A Very Phoenix Xmas
This comedic holiday tradition is back with its “greatest hits” material. As always, there will be music (both traditional and I-can’t-believethey-did-that), dance, sketches and more videos. Show times: Thursday at 7 p.m.; Friday at 8 p.m.; Saturday at 8 p.m.; Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets range from $15 to $25 depending on show times. For more information, visit www.
20 | December 14, 2010
LIVE MUSIC Mickey's Irish Pub
The following performances and events will take place this week at Mickey's Irish Pub, 13644 N. Meridian Street. For more information call 573-9746. Friday – Aberdeen Project Saturday – Whiskey Biscuits
Mo’s Irish Pub
The following musical acts will be performing live at Mo’s Irish Pub, 13193 Levinson Lane in the Hamilton Town Center, Noblesville. For more information, call 770-9020. Friday – The Bishops Saturday – Blonde Sonja
Moon Dog Tavern
The following musical acts will be performing live at Moon Dog Tavern, 825 E 96th St., Indianapolis, 46240. Call 575-6364 for more information. Friday – Living Proof, 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday – Meatball Band, 9 p.m. to midnight
Slippery Noodle Inn
The following musical acts will be performing live at the Slippery Noodle Inn, 372 South Meridian Street, Indianapolis. For more information, visit Wednesday – Blues Jam with Gordan Bonham Thursday – Tad Robinson with Paul Holdman Friday and Saturday – Dicky James and The Blues Flames, Phoebe and The Mojo Makers
Handel's Messiah at Clowes
The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra and Indianapolis Symphonic Choir again join forces for Handel’s holiday classic with its joyous “Hallelujah” Chorus, this Saturday, 8 p.m. at Clowes Memorial Hall of Butler University. Tickets range from $21 to $56. Visit www.
BALLET IBC Nutcracker
The Indiana Ballet Conservatory will present “The Nutcracker” Dec. 17 at 7 p.m., Dec. 18 at 2 and 7 p.m. and Dec. 19 at 2 p.m. at the Madame Walker Theatre Center, 617 Indiana Avenue, Indianapolis. Tickets are $20 for adults, $15 for teens, seniors and military personnel and $10 for children age 2 and older. For tickets or more information, call 866-398-NUT or visit
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Love your home?
DISPATCHES » Black-tie basics – Your black-tie attire should consist of the following foundational components: a black, single-button, single-breasted jacket with a peak lapel (the points of the lapel point should point upward) and trousers that have a silk stripe or braiding running along the outside seam of the leg. Your shirt should be of white Marcella. French cuffs are a must. A regular fold-down collar is the purist’s choice. A cummerbund also is a must, and make sure the pleats are facing upward. A shawl collar is acceptable, but less formal. Also remember that dinner suits fit closer to the body than business suits. » Get a tan – When it comes to winter coats, a tan camel coat is this season’s most noteworthy style. The one shown, by Ann Taylor, is available at for $398. » Small tweaks for the holidays – The tiniest twists on the average beauty routine may be all you need to feel festive this holiday season. For example, switch from your standard liner hue to sapphire or plum. "Either tone really brightens the whites of the eyes, which tend to yellow as we age," says celebrity makeup artist Mally Roncal. So this swap not only adds a dash of color, but also makes you look younger. Try Maybelline New York Line Express Eyeliner in Blackened Sapphire ($5.50, drugstores) or NYC New York Color Waterproof Eyeliner Pencil in Smoky Plum ($4, drugstores). » Store jewelry, save space – Create works of art and keep your jewelry safe and tangle-free at the same time by creating shadow jewelry boxes. Use plain shadow boxes with front hinges so that contents are easily accessible. Arrange necklaces, earrings, and bracelets in each box and hang with silk or T pins, and hang the boxes in a grouping on your bedroom wall.
Commentary By Vicky Earley Do you recall the first time you walked through the door of house that was destined to become yours? Do you remember the moment you realized that this was the house that you wanted to make a home? The days and weeks that led up to the moment when the keys would cross a closing table were filled with daydreams and plans on how you could decorate this new house and truly make it your home. Chances are, you moved in, life happened, and your best intentions fell by the wayside. Much of your home has remained the way it was on move-in day. It is no wonder it has lost its luster and is no longer the house that you fell in love with. Rather than continue living in house mediocrity and boredom, be pro-active. You can rekindle the love you once had for this house that was to become your home. Here are eight steps to begin with that don’t require huge sums of money for remodeling. 1. If you still have the original builder beige wall, jump in the deep end and start rolling the paint! 2. If the house that you purchased came with older shades and vertical blinds, consider ditching them and let the sun shine in
your sparkling clean windows! 3. Move your furniture around. Living rooms contain furniture that is hardly ever used, and it’s usually in much better condition than what’s in the family room. Move the furniture around and put beautiful slipcovers on the older items for a fresh appearance to match the new color design.
4. Get rid of clutter ... nothing feels better than a home that is tidy and organized. 5. Update light fixtures! If you still have the bright brass from the 1980s, stop waiting for the style to come back around. If it does, it won’t look like the fixture that has been hanging in your house since Ronald Reagan was in office. 6. Update plumbing fixtures! It is amazing what a new faucet can do to a powder room or a kitchen sink 7. If the bedding in your master bedroom was once marketed as a “bed in a bag,” bag it and purchase grown-up bedding! 8. Lose the half-alive (aka almost dead) plants in your home. Remember, plants are not pets ... they are vegetation. If that hurts too much, relocate them to the laundry room and declare it the Intensive Care Unit. If you implement some of these changes, there is a good chance you will remember why you love your home. If not, you can always consider “counseling” with a design professional! Vicky Earley is the principal designer for Artichoke Designs in downtown Carmel. If you have an interior design question, please contact
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2201 E. 106th at Keystone • Carmel (317) 846-1555 • Current in Carmel
Dr. David Sullivan
December 14, 2010 | 21
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DISPATCHES » Shellfish may help eyesight – Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and tuna, seems to be good for not only the heart and mind but the eyes. A new study adds shellfish to that group. It found that seniors who ate at least one serving a week of fish or shellfish high in omega-3s reduced their risk of developing advanced age-related macular degeneration, a disease that affects vision, by 60 percent. » New St.Vincent president – St.Vincent Health officials announced that Blake A. Dye is the new president of the St.Vincent Heart Center of Indiana. Dye will officially start on January 17. Dye is a graduate of Indiana University and is chairman of the Indiana Hospital Association. He comes to St.Vincent from an 11-year tenure as president and chief executive officer of Henry County Hospital in New Castle, Ind.
A natural answer for low testosterone in aging men? COMMENTARY By Laura Marenco As men grow older, testosterone production drops. Testosterone is the androgen hormone that makes men men, and it plays key roles in the male sex drive, maintaining muscle and bone mass and hair growth. It is also is essential in overall health and well being, and even in the prevention of health issues such as the onset of osteoporosis. The loss of testosterone in men can start as early as 35, with levels dropping 1 to 1.5 percent every year on average. With some men the loss can be fairly dramatic, with symptoms such as loss of energy, depression and low libido. Some doctors and researchers believe that it’s as if men go through a male menopause, termed andropause, characterized by loss of testosterone. Just like menopause in women, andropause wreaks havoc on the hormonal balance of middle-aged men. Although the loss of testosterone as men age is inevitable, there are natural ways to increase testosterone production. Two natural herbs can help increase the production of testosterone: Tribulus and Fenuside, also known as Testofen. Tribulus is a flowering plant native to Europe with active components that are steroidal saponins, the most active of which is called protodiascin. Steroidal sapnins are simply building blocks
the body uses to manufacture hormones. Protodiascin has been shown to increase the production of luteinizing hormone LH, which signals the human body to produce more testosterone. Fenucide, also known as Testofen, is derived from the seeds of the plant fenugreek. Testofen boosts mechanisms in the body that enhance the production of the key adrenocorticotrophin hormone (ACTH). ACTH is a potent stimulant on the adrenal cortex to increase androgen synthesis, which is precursor to testosterone. A small double-blind placebo study, conducted in 2009 by Gencor Pacific, showed that Testofen can enhance testosterone levels by as much as 100 percent over an 8-week period in the male participants receiving the supplement. Both Tribulus and Testofen can be taken safely by any health adult as they work with the body’s mechanisms to increase testosterone levels within natural limits, and adverse side effects are rare. Of course always consult with a doctor before taking if you have health conditions or are taking medication. Laura Marenco is a certified personal trainer and nutritional advisor for PointBlank Nutrition. You may e-mail her at laura@pointblanknutrition. com.
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Merry Christmas
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22 | December 14, 2010
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Medical media: Hope or hype? COMMENTARY By Angela LaSalle, M.D. Here we go again. A recent study from the Institute of Medicine has suggested that patients do not need higher levels of Vitamin D. Their recommendations seem to fly in the face of recent recommendations touting that improving Vitamin D levels may reduce the risks of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and autoimmune disease. Media headlines are suggesting that perhaps patients are being misdiagnosed with deficiency, and physicians, including one of my colleagues, are asking, “So, do I give my patient a handout regarding the importance of Vitamin D or not?” A similar situation ensued with recent headlines about hormone replacement. Media headlines regarding medical topics can create problems for both patients and physicians, and unfortunately, it is up to the reader to sort out whether a particular report is of merit and how it applies to their care. This is a difficult task given that medical topics are not most people’s area of expertise. Due to time constraints, even physicians are prone to be misled by the latest headlines, making it critical for the patients to be proactive and ask the right questions of their practitioners.
Here are some questions that you might consider when talking to your doctor: 1. Have you heard about the recent report/ study regarding this topic? Chances are that you may have seen the news or read about it before your doctor has. Don’t be afraid to supply a copy of the article or reference. 2. Does this in any way affect my current therapy? 3. Am I on the same medication/treatment that was used in this study? 4. Should I modify the dose or change what I am doing currently? 5. Do any of the risk factors listed in the study apply to me? By asking the right questions of your physician, you’ll be able to protect your health with the latest treatment recommendations. After all, two rules apply: “Don’t believe everything you read” and “everything in moderation.”
13385 Sherbern Dr W virtual tour: | BLC# 21024556
$1,299,999 Best ranch in Hamilton County. Listed under current appraised price! • 4201 main floor • 4201 finished basement • 3 bedroom / 3.5 bath • Custom built ranch 2007 • Geothermal heating/cooling • Hardwood/Tile floors
Angela LaSalle, M.D. practices integrative medicine with the Indiana Health Group in Carmel and is board certified in family medicine. For more information, visit, www.
• Gourmet kitchen • 4–6 car gar with epoxy floors • Theater • Bar/wine cellar • Office • Heated floors
Bill works hard … so you don’t have to. Bill Mitchell,
SOUPS-IRISH STEW-CHILI -fresh cut daily-
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DISPATCHES » A fund the bad market couldn’t touch – Yacktman ( YACKX; 15-year return: 10.4 percent) has shown what can happen when you are dogged about valuation but bold about portfolio construction. A lack of financials and a regular cash stake helped this fund in late 2007 and throughout 2008. Managers Don and Stephen Yacktman followed that performance with a 59.3 percent gain in 2009's recovery. » High unemployment through 2011? – Many analysts are raising their forecasts for the economy's growth. Goldman Sachs, for instance, just revised its gloomy prediction of a 2 percent increase in gross domestic product in 2011 to 2.7 percent and forecast 3.6 percent growth for 2012. Still, employers aren't hiring freely. The economy added a net total of just 39,000 jobs in November, the government said recently. That's far too few even to stabilize the unemployment rate, which rose from 9.6 percent in October to 9.8 percent last month. Unemployment is widely expected to stay above 9 percent through next year.
Misunderstandings, confusion and lack of clarity
COMMENTARY By David Cain Little Jacquie is about to turn three. She is a spirited child with a determined mind and seemingly rigid attitude. She is, however, the sweetest and most loving little girl you’ll ever meet – when she wants to be. Last weekend the girls and I were about to head out for breakfast. I put her 4-year-old sister in the car, buckled her in and then went around to do the same for little Jacquie. Suddenly, she began to mumble through her pacifier a group of words that sounded like French. I abruptly pulled the pacifier from her mouth and asked her to repeat the words that accompanied such anger. She kept saying something I didn’t understand. Again and again she shouted so loudly, but I couldn’t make out what she said. Frustrated, I looked to her older sister for advice. “Zoe, what does she want?” Her sister responded, “The tinkle book Daddy.” I said it aloud, “The tinkle book?” Jacquie echoed with force, “Yeah, the tinkle book!” She said it again and again each time swinging her arms to show her distaste. I asked her sister again, “What is she talking about?” The same calm reply followed, “She wants the tinkle book Daddy.” Again I asked Jacquie, who was getting so mad that I too was about ready to blow my top, scuttle the entire excursion, and call
in their mother. With one final request of, “What does she want?” the older daughter Zoe pointed to a small book on the floorboard of the car. It was piled with other books next to what appeared to be an applejuice stain on the vinyl floor mat. I looked down at the dull pink book and squinted to see the title. It read, “The Princess and the Pea.” My anger was silenced. I handed the book to Jacquie and she got in her seat quietly and showed great signs of content. It was a simple equation I had missed. In her world, pea means pee and pee is tinkle. This book title involved two of their three favorite things to talk about – princesses and tinkle. Clarity and understanding are critical concepts. Wars, divorces, and fights of all kinds have started with misunderstandings and lack of clarity. Clarity is the single greatest asset in the fight against fighting. Without understanding, emotions take over. People get frustrated, saying and doing things that don’t exhibit mutual purpose and respect. David Cain works at MediaSauce, a digital media and online marketing company in Carmel. David welcomes your questions or comments at
Gorgeous bedding Ever made a BIG always stock decoratinginmistake?
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Home Store 571.8087 Home Store 317.571.8087 240 West Main (just west of the Monon) 240 West Main Boutique 587.7411 10 South Rangeline (corner of Rangeline Boutique 317.587.7411 and Main)
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» Mercedes SL drivers get more tickets – Quality Planning, an auto insurance analytics firm, examined a year's worth of traffic-citation data to rank cars that are most and least likely to be cited for traffic violations. Drivers of the Mercedes-Benz SL-class convertible received more than four times the average number of citations per 100,000 miles, while Buick Rainier drivers received less than one-fourth. » Biggest CEO gaffe – BP chief executive Tony Hayward topped Forbes’ list of the biggest CEO screw-ups of 2010 for his shocking lack of empathy while millions of barrels of oil spilled into the Gulf. Hayward once described the spill's environmental impact as "very, very modest” and famously told the “Today” show that he'd "like my life back." He also attended a regatta on the Isle of Wight two days after a U.S. congressional committee questioned him.
24 | December 14, 2010
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MONEY MATTERS How will the increasing price of food impact your holiday meal plans? I usually spend the holidays with my parents, so I don’t end up spending a lot. Cierra McGriff Carmel
I don’t know. I don’t think it will impact them a lot. Everything that we rely has been increasing, and I think we’re getting used to it. Kim Goldenstein Carmel
I don’t think so. My relatives will just have to buy more and pitch in. Rob Foraker Carmel
Bucky's grill and pub MY OPINION
Type: Traditional, two-story Age: Built in 1999 Location: Near 131st Street and Spring Mill Road Neighborhood: Spring Farms Square Footage: 4,102 square feet (includes finished basement) Rooms: Stylish four-bedroom, 3.5 bath home with finished basement. Oak wood detailing can be found throughout. Huge kitchen features oak cabinets, pantry, center island and large breakfast nook. Main floor also has a spacious sunken family room, formal dining room and den with French doors and bay window. Upstairs features a master suite with vaulted ceilings and generous sized bedrooms & closets. Strengths: Fantastic brick fireplace in family room. Spacious finished basement with recreation room, bar and full bath. Great value in desirable neighborhood; close to community pool! Challenges: Unique floor plan lacks some of the amenities of other comparable homes. Although the fenced-in yard is a strength, the home is situated on a corner lot.
Keith Albrecht is a Realtor with RE/MAX serving Hamilton County and Indianapolis. Contact the Albrecht Team by phone at 580-9955 or via e-mail at
Bucky’s Grill and Pub is a well known Westfield hangout, but has been under new ownership since February 2010. Nate Vanpeit has been sure to keep Bucky’s as a traditional, neighborhood pub. With a wide range of customers, this pub is a social, lively, and entertaining spot for both the weekday and weekend. They offer exceptional bar fare food from burgers, to salads, to pizza. Bucky’s also offers a famous burrito called, the Bucky Burrito. Proud of their dynamic restaurant, Bucky’s offers live music on Fridays and Thursdays, karaoke on Wednesdays, poker on Sundays and Thursdays, and even Minute to Win It styled games on Saturdays. Catch Bucky’s off Main Street by looking for the beaver on the restaurant sign. Address: 781 E. Main Street | Phone: 317 867 3500 Hours: Sunday – Wednesday and Sunday: 4 p.m. - 3 a.m. Thursday and Wednesday: 11 a.m. - 3 a.m.
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26 | December 14, 2010
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My email has been hacked (or has it?)
COMMENTARY By Gary Hubbard If an email account has been hacked, is it advisable to delete the old account to keep it from continuing to be used, or is it too late? There is much confusion about what many perceive as having their email account “hacked.” When I hear that term in that context, I envision an email account that has been taken over by a third party and the rightful owner has been locked out. If a “hacker” wants to gain access to your email account, it’s for nefarious purposes and if they don’t lock you out, you can easily lock them out once you realize something funny is going on (being locked out is standard operating procedure in “hacking” an account). If you have been locked out, you can’t shut down the account until you regain control of it, and depending upon which e-mail service you are using, doing so can be fairly easy to impossible. If you are part of a corporate mail system or a national Internet service provider, contact the tech support departments to work through the process of regaining control of the account. If you are using a free-mail system like Yahoo! Mail and Gmail, they require you when you originally set up the account to designate a “primary” email address (usually on another system) in case you forget or need to reset your password.
If you can’t use this method to regain access, then the “hacker” has already changed the primary e-mail address (the one that allows you to reset) to something they control, so you’ll need to report it to the mail service provider. If you still have access to the account but think someone else may have the password and is using the account to send unauthorized messages, you need only to look in the “sent” folder to see if any messages that were sent aren’t familiar. If you see anything along those lines, make sure to change the password immediately so they can’t continue to access the account. A more common scenario that causes many to proclaim that their email address has been “hacked” is actually the simple tactic of “spoofing” the return address on messages. It’s the same lack of control with standard postal service mail; anyone can jot down any address as the “sender” without any way to verify if it’s true and drop the mail into any mailbox. Email spoofing is a common tactic with spammers because you are more likely to open a message from an email account that you recognize. Most Internet Service Providers and spam detection systems employ a process that tries to validate the senders address via the “header” tucked inside of every message, but it’s pretty easy to fool these filters into thinking the message is righteous. If you think about it, you get e-mail every day that has a
spoofed senders address (most phishing scams and spam use spoofed ‘From:’ addresses). Even if you switch to another email address, it’s just a matter of time before the new address starts getting used in spoofing scams, so I wouldn’t get too carried away with switching email accounts if this is what is happening to you. Understanding the difference between having your email account compromised and having it spoofed is critical. If, in fact, your email account has been compromised (even for short period of time) your identity may be at risk. Any email account that is used in conjunction with an online banking account is the gateway to your personal identity (think about where the reset instructions are sent when you tell your online bank that your forgot your password). If you suspect someone has gained access to an account that you use for banking purposes, be sure to also change the passcodes and review your “challenge” questions to play it safe!
Gary Hubbard is the owner of Data Doctors Computer Services - Have a technology question? Send it to
DISPATCHES » Your Internet history may be tracked – Dozens of Web sites have been secretly harvesting lists of places that their users previously visited online, everything from news articles to bank sites to pornography. The information is valuable for con artists to learn more about their targets and send them personalized attacks. It also allows ecommerce companies to adjust ads or prices — for instance, if the site knows you've just come from a competitor that is offering a lower price. Current versions of the Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers still allow this, as do older versions of Chrome and Safari. » Facebook to undergo facelift – Facebook is redesigning the profile pages of its 500 million-plus users to make it more of a reflection of their real lives and emphasize one of the site's most popular features, photos. The changes are meant to make it easier for users to tell their story. A new biography section includes a set of the most recent photos that your friends have "tagged" you in. Previously users had to click on a tab to see the latest photos on a profile. Users also can feature important friends in their profile, while previously only random selection appeared. -Associated Press
1218/1222 Turner Dr $149,900 BLC# 2948762 One-year-old 4BR/2+BA home. Vinyl/brick townhome w/ private master suite, huge foyer. Walk-in closets, 2nd-floor laundry. Two-car garage, mature trees
7601 e Sr 334 $2,400,000 BLC# 21004780 40 acres! Live in this home while you build your dream home or update this home! Wildlife & pond is great for swimming
540 CAHiLL LAne $126,900 BLC# 21040670 Settle serenly in this very pleasing 3Br/2BA Trad, Intercom system. Foyer, great room, vaulted ceilings.
10109 HoLADAy Dr. w $129,900 BLC# 21043562 Meet all your expectations in this fenced 3 bedroom Ranch. Cozy fireplace. Sunroom, hardwood flooring. Mature trees.
1433 gwynMere $464,900 BLC# 21040588 Immaculate 4BR/3+BA home in Claridge Farm. Brand new gourmet kitchen w/granite, SS appliances, hdwd floors, fin bsmt. 3-car garage, backs up to preserve
1338 wooDponD n rounABouT $349,900 BLC# 21051487 4BR 3.5BA custom home in Woodgate. Gourmet Kit w/ SS appls, granite contrs tile flr & bksplsh. Fnsh LL w/wet bar. Huge 2 Lvl deck.
AngeLA rAAB, 442-4295
AngeLA rAAB, 442-4295
AngeLA rAAB, 442-4295
AngeLA rAAB, 442-4295
SpenCer kLine, 753-7282
SpenCer kLine, 753-7282
12451 SpringBrooke $285,550 BLC# 21052073 Impeccibly maintained 5BR/2.5Ba Hm w/ lots of upgds, grnt isle, full fnsh bsmt, Woodbrook Elem. Waterstone amenities. Must See!
5694 BLACkfooT $358,900 BLC# 21032402 Outstanding family home in “sought after” Carmel location! Feat: 5BR’s, 3.5BA, 9’ clgs & fin bsmt. Backs to common area.
656 ALLenHurST $379,900 BLC# 21051771 Just the ticket! No mowing or shoveling. 2BRs + den on main level. 3rd BR, rec rm & bath up! Quality built Carmel Ranch!
13897 nAnSeMonD $169,900 BLC# 21034444 Brand new carpet & paint. Hardwd flooring in GR, gas frplc, updtd kitchen. (All appl & refrigerator stay.) Mstr bath remodeled 12/5/10.
SpenCer kLine, 753-7282
BrAD DonALDSon, 290-4592
BrAD DonALDSon, 290-4592
kriSTen HowArD, 833-4279
1346 HoLDen CT $239,900 BLC# 21045953 Welcoming front porch, flexible LR/den w/French doors, vaulted clg in GR, maple cabs, island in kit, 12x10 deck overlooking bkyd.
13744 SMokey riDge Dr $560,000 BLC# 21052893 5BR, 4.5BA is loaded w/ character. Spacious main flr mstr w/ walkin closet & frplc. Remodeled kit w/granite cntr tops & butcher block isle.
13701 SMokey riDge Dr $449,000 BLC# 21050749 C-D-S w/spacious front yd. Main flr mstr ste w/ adjoining den & spacious BA, open flr plan dramatic entry & hdwd flrs. Gourmet kit w/stainless appl.
12130 THiCkeT HiLL Ci $675,000 BLC# 21052292 Exceptional 5BR/4.5BA brick hm on a wooded cul-de-sac lot in Bayhill. Fantastic woodwork throughout entire home. Hdwd floors & lots of built-ins.
kriSTen HowArD, 833-4279
kriSTen HowArD, 833-4279
kriSTen HowArD, 833-4279
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Are you looking for perfection? RELATIONSHIPS By Rachel Noble For those of you who have ever dated online, have you ever noticed that many profiles start out saying, “If you’ve got baggage, you’re a head case, you’re full of drama, you’re psycho, etc., I’m not interested!”? I have to say, I’m immediately turned off when I read this. I get the feeling these days that many people are single because they’re looking for extreme perfection. The ironic thing is that any time I’ve dated someone whose profile starts out like this, it turns out they all seem to have the same personality: selfish, egotistical, a bit sociopathic and only interested in talking about themselves and how much they can’t stand their exes (hmmm … I wonder what they may have done to turn their ex “psycho”). Let me tell you, singles out there – everybody’s got a story to tell. In other words, EVERY individual out there has experienced pain, “drama,” emotion and heartache – especially the older we get and the more experiences we’ve had. However, not every person who has experienced these things is unhealthy. Many of us have learned from our trials and tribulations and have come out stronger and healthier than ever. When you’re in the pursuit for love, don’t expect perfection. For instance, don’t look for a
guy who has had only less than five relationships in his lifetime and who never has a bad day ever, etc. First of all, this needle in the haystack is going to be impossible to find, and by being so narrow-minded, you’re probably going to end up forever single. Plus, don’t forget the fact that you’re not exactly the epitome of perfection yourself. I remember in my younger, more selfish years of dating. I would only date dark-headed men who were of a certain height. I wonder how many wonderful men I turned away just because they didn’t fit my perfect criteria. And who was I to think I was such a catch? When you’re out looking for your soul mate, take a moment to reflect on the lasting and positive things you ARE looking for, rather than all the things you DON’T want. For instance, instead of saying you won’t date anyone whose parents are divorced, instead, look for someone who values marriage and believes in commitment. You just might find that you’ll be surprised by what really mattered in the long run. Rachael Noble is a single Carmel resident and contributing columnist. She can be reached at
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Finding Christ in Christmas, Part 3 SPIRITUALITY By Bob Walters I once visited a local church to hear an internationally known Christian minister and author preach at an evening worship service. Shockingly, this visiting purveyor of the loving Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Holy Word of the Bible stopped speaking midway in his sermon and in mid-sentence demanded that a young mother – at whom he actually stretched out his arm and pointed – remove both herself and her somewhat-crying baby from the room. The child was distracting him, he said. “Sorry,” he said. “That’s my fault,” he said. “I couldn’t concentrate.” Nothing else the famous preacher said was as memorable as that. Most likely the humiliated young mother hasn’t forgotten the rebuke, either. As she retreated from the room holding her baby, my momentary relief at the silence turned to shame at my own impatience. My sympathies grew toward the mother, and away from the famous preacher’s broken concentration. I thought of another young mother, a couple thousand years ago, who also had to hide a real, live human baby – Jesus – from earthly authority and social convention. Mary, with God’s grace, was patient with her circumstances. I have narcissistic tendencies, which make me not naturally patient. When we love ourselves
too much, one finds, we have difficulty loving the world amid the world’s inconveniences. Christmas too often is an exercise in impatience. One might rightly notice that the first victim of impatience is joy. Perhaps “Joy to the World” ought to be understood to mean, “Be patient with the world.” God is. Christ is. The Holy Spirit is. Patient, I mean. Sinful man usually is not. Try this as an antidote. Next time you’re inconvenienced, pray for the person that is inconveniencing you. That would include each person in line ahead of you. Or the relative whose Christmas plans conflict with yours. Or the baby crying in church. As our Pastor Derek Duncan once advised, let a crying baby remind you of the one in the manger whose birth we celebrate at Christmas. Christ came to reconnect mankind’s loving relationship with God, and to build our human communion with the Holy Trinity and with each other. Crowds at Christmas are an awesome time to do that, but to find Christ amid the chaos, you have to be patient.
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Bob Walters (www.believerbob., email rlwcom@aol. com) doesn’t mind a baby’s cry in church as much as … alas … he minds its parents’ deafness.
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Making the most of a family room
COMMENTARY By Larry Greene ORIGINAL ROOM: This home in the Lakeside Park subdivision on the west side of Carmel was built about five years ago and included the original family room. The family room included a simple fireplace with wood mantel but did not include any storage cabinets or shelving. The homeowner had a standalone piece of furniture for the TV. The room seemed large and empty and was missing any storage. The goal of this project was to design a wall of built-in shelving and cabinets to house games and toys and the TV. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: The project architect presented several design schemes to the homeowner. The final design included flanking cabinets on each side of the fireplace and a center addition above the fireplace. All wood for the built-in cabinets was maple and poplar. INTERIOR FINISH DETAILS: The new built-ins included the following: • Materials: The cabinets were constructed using poplar trim and maple plywood material including face frames with center stile and one adjustable shelf for each base cabinet. • Shelves: Each base cabinet included new maple adjustable shelving. • Doors: New maple full overlay doors with raised square panels and concealed hinges. • Center Built-In: The center section included panel molding over drywall which was painted to match the trim. This
area included new two piece crown stack and fluted panels and a new mantel. • Painting: All new material was primed and spray painted with two coats of paint. • Hardware: New satin Befire nickel cabinet door hardware was installed. • Carpet: The existing carpet was cut and restretched to fit against the new cabinets. MISC ELECTRICAL WORK: • TV Electrical Work: Electrical receptacles and cable jacks were relocated for placement of the new flat screen TV. • New electrical receptacles were installed in the base cabinets. UPGRADE TO GRANITE COUNTERTOPS: • Finally the new base cabinets were topped with a new 3cm granite top with a half bull nose edge.
• its ce wsu EOC tion a R a E na A • II • Lcy • rimi rets D V an sc ec EA A r • itle egn • Di e S • AD hts e • e Larry Greene is owner of Case Remodeling. You may nd • T Pr ce ad s Rig pet LA e-mail him at or call Ge ges ce • • Ra • Tr rgeivil com • FMes • s ag e • ce A Wa an A 846-2600. Visit for more ts ha C nML n • ver • AD sui C Cion •• No ract • W ncAfter Ra information. F w • O o e t i S er La E at ts n ion era A • s s o s • D ts v • d • E in e ct is ra omm LSA Gen VII ncy crim ecr A • Cmmis • Se r • A sui C on t S E o w O ti e n C F • s A le a Co ts te • LA Tit egn • Di ade • AD s C FLS endI • La • EE ina ts • h • M G r t r e y EA Rig mp s • F ges • P ace • T ges igh te • A • e VIanc crimcre A D L tl n is Se DE ts • a ce • R ts ar R pe A il co t s • Civ on-trac • Wran DA sui Ch ivilcom • FM • Ti reg e • D de • A igh ete A e • w C s R n e a N L C P c s g s A artion ts • ConssioSev r • • La EO n • Non act age ce • • Ra • Tr rgeivil omp• FMes h o c e a i I E • r i s e C na r • nd VI • h • C n ts ag t • W an A it • m t A OCrimi Sec DE Com LSA Ge tle ncy minarets Conion ver • ADwsu C Cion • No rac • W nce E i A • i O a • e E isc de a E at s nt on ra A s •F A • r ec A T r n ss S D Tra ges ightete ML es • regDisc e S DE mmi A • nde II • Ly • Eimin cret• Co issi eve• ADui • har il R mp s • F ag • P e • rad s • A Co FLS • Ge e V nc cr Se EA mm • S er ws O C Civ -co ct • W nce ac • T ge hts e • LA Titl gna Dis de AD Co LSA nd • La EE • Non tra ion era • R its har ig pet FM s • Pre e • Tra s • hts • F • Ge VII cy • im R m r e g te A e • e • C ac • • on iss ev DA suput e ML itl nanDisc Se matters C ivil -co cts Wag ce • R its hargl Ri p • Comm • S r • A LawE g O i n C m T u n your in order a F e A C SA de II • • E n • No ntr n • era AD aws C C Civ -co s • s • Pre ce • rad es • FLGen e V cy atio ts • Co ssioSev r • • L EO n • on act age ce • Ra • T rg ivil • Titl nan in re A • mmi A • nde VII • E atios • Nntr • W an A • its Cha • C n • reg crim Sec DE Co LS Ge tle ncy min et Co ion ver AD su C on No r P Dis de • A s • F A • Ti na ri ecr A • ss Se r • aw EO ati s • nt • Tra ges ightete ML es • regDisc e S DE mmi A • nde II • Ly • Eimin cret• Co iss • har il R mp s • F ag • P e • rad s • A Co FLS • Ge e V nc cr Se EA mm C Civ -co ct • W nce ac • T ge hts e • LA Titl gna Dis de AD Co LSA • Non tra ion era • R its har ig pet FM s • Pre e • Tra s • hts • F • Ge ac • • ge ig te A e on iss ev DA su C il R om s • ge • • Comm • S r • A LawEOC Civ n-c act Wa nce A • Ruits har il R mpe FML Titleg C SA de II • • E n • No ntr n • era AD aws C C Civ -co s • s • Pr FLGen e V cy atio ts • Co ssioSev r • • L EO n • on act age ce • Ra elegal Iservices attorneys wide of e A •provide • Titl nan inOurr • array • Etoabusinesses mi aA tios • Nntr • Wran DA • ts • nd e VI law yand E om including e employment litigation. n c • reg crim SecandDindividuals S i A ui r l n et Co on ve G L C P Dis de • A ts • F A • • Titgna crim ecr A • issi Se er • aws Cha s E m&mKorin, a g h te ML sfor more S e gKazmierczak • TrCall Kris about il is DKatz A •PC.nd • L C re information • har il Ri mpes • F age • P e • Drades • A Co FLS • Ge VII EEO • Civ C Civ -co ct • W nce ac • T ge hts e • LA tle y • ion • Non tra ion era • R its har ig pet FM • Ti anc at • on iss ev DA su C il R om s • es gn min • Comm • S r • A LawEOC Civ n-c act ag Pre cri C SA de II • • E n • No ntr • We • Dis FLGen e V cy atio ts • Co sion nc ce • • Titl nan in re A • mis era Ra E our • our community • reg opportunitiEs Envisioning m cliEnts ev and rim ec Dfor P Disc de S • A s CoA • S ADA • Tra ges ht LS r • ig • F • har deavenue n indianapoliS, in 46204-2964 The emelie Building n 334 norTh e GSenaTe enn k l Ret464-1100 C ivi[317] C mp A • co ML •F Current in Carmel
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30 | December 14, 2010
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Look back at laughter COMMENTARY By Dick Wolfsie I’m proud to have written another 50 columns in 2010. All right, who am I kidding? I’m only proud of about half of them. For those I have been kidding all year, here’s a thank you for all the story ideas. I do repeat a few of my own jokes here, but if Letterman can do it, that’s good enough for me. So, thanks ... ... to the people who make the Miracle Neck Slimmer, a device only available on TV, because it’s for television watchers who spend their lives on the couch mulling over their imperfect bodies. You place the apparatus under your jaw and then bob your head up and down like a turkey in heat. Last I checked, the company was still in business, but sales were down and the owner had angered his primary investor with the insufferable refrain to “keep his chins up.” ... to the Swedish medical team that discovered the newest virus to hit the computer world: erythema ab igne. It’s not really a virus; it’s a rash caused by the heat of your laptop when you leave the device on your thighs too long. The more common name is Toasted Leg Syndrome, but one sandwich chain asked the docs if they could find another term because it sounded too much like Toasted Egg Surprise, which was Subway’s new breakfast offering that already had such bad reviews, even Jared wouldn’t eat it. ... to the fine folks who publish the Zoo Book (now the Discover Book). The Wolfsies contemplated using every coupon offered, an estimated savings of $14,450 in just one year. All we had to do was go duckpin bowling, canoeing and ballroom dancing, then play six games of laser tag and four games of miniature golf, followed by six sliders at White Castle and four burritos at Taco Bell. That would pretty much kill most of Monday. We decided not to try. Mary Ellen and I wanted to save money, but we just couldn’t afford it. ... to Chris Voigt, executive director of the Washington State Potato Commission, who spent 60 days on an all-spud diet to bring attention to the culinary and nutritional benefits of this underrated food staple. Chris completed his potato marathon the night before Thanksgiving, so that on Turkey Day he could R E L I C S
savor the drumstick, enjoy his wife’s green bean casserole and devour his sister’s pumpkin pie. He skipped the yams. And talking about food, thanks to the physician on Facebook who posted photos of everything he ate for one year. All his meals, snacks and late-night refrigerator raids were included. As I reported before, I’ve been uploading meals and then downloading them onto my dress shirts for most of my life. Been there, dripped that. ... to the Dentyne gum research division that determined the average person spends 20,000 minutes in his or her lifetime kissing. (We can be thankful that a similar study was not done by the makers of GasX.) I don’t want to brag, but between my years as a swingin’ bachelor and my long and happy marriage, I believe I have surpassed the smooching median. Of course, having been in television for 30 years, I’m also counting all the kissing up. ... to the Google search engine for helping me find information on how to stop my dog from snoring. I tried the nasal strips, but sticking one of those on a Beagle’s nose is like trying to keep a bandage on a peeled banana. They suggested a nice foam rubber pillow to prop up his head, thus opening his nasal airway. Toby loved the pillow. Every bite of it. ... to Dr. Hess Udder Ointment, a concoction created over 100 years ago that makes your hands smooth and feet callus-free. Dr. Hess was rubbing his cream on the cows’ semi-privates to make them supple and discovered that the emollient was actually a better moisturizer for humans than animals. So much for Bessie and her herd. Cows have had bad luck over the centuries. They started out as pets, and then someone accidentally ate one. ... to the woman from Idaho arrested for more than a dozen condiment-related crimes. Not only did she pour mayo down the public library’s book shoot, but she shmeared tartar sauce over her neighbor’s Kindle. Her husband stuck by her. “She’s still my main squeeze,” he said.”
One of the more disgusting crimes in recent memory
doctor’s office. They usually post them right HUMOR next to the scales. They’re real comedians, By Mike Redmond those doctors. Especially since the charts show I’m sure we all saw the story about the two that any adult human who weighs more than Oklahoma women who were caught shoplift135 pounds is Fat Albert. ing by stashing the (allegedly) stolen goods in Actually, my former primary care cometheir skin folds. dian, Dr. Shecky, used to tell me that I wasn’t And I’m sure I speak for many of us when overweight at all. In fact, I was the perfect I say: weight. The problem was my height. I was 4 Eeeeuw. feet undertall. Just … eeeeuw. But back to Oklahoma. As I said, I’m not Here’s part of the wire service account: making fun of these women for being large. “Ailene Brown, 28, and Shmeco Thomas, I’m making fun of them for being stupid. 37, (were arrested) on suspicion of shoplifting And, let’s be honest, kind of gross. Boots and after the pair allegedly stuffed $2,600 worth denim? You can’t exactly fold a pair of jeans of footwear, denim and accessories under rolls down into a small, concealable package. Well, of fat on their stomachs and beneath their maybe baby overalls or something. But logic breasts. says if they were buying for themselves they “These two individuals were actually conwould have some pretty deep skin folds, all cealing them in areas of their body where right. excess skin was, underneath their chest area Of course, the plus side would be that the and up around their armpits,” Edmond Police shoplifting possibilities are endless: bicycles, Officer James Hamm told furniture, Smart Cars … Once again, all together now: Eeeeuw. Oh, well. Time for justice to run its course. Here’s what really got me: Part of the haul The women have been charged with felony included boots. Boots. Four pair. How deep does a body crevice have to be to shoplifting for their alleged crime. (Newspaper rules require the use of the hold one pair of boots, let alone multiples? word alleged, you know, and rightfully so, Don’t answer. I don’t want to know. although it can get a little out of hand someNow, I don’t want you thinking I am picktimes. I mean, one of these days some overing on Ms. Brown and Ms. Thomas. Well, I zealous newsie is going to write that the sun am, but not for being … um, how to put this allegedly rose in the east this morning.) politely? I know. Ginormous. Heck, accordBut in the case of the Bodyfat Bandits, aling to the Centers for Disease Control, 34 leged is correct. This could be a big mistake percent of US adults were considered obese in and they might well have been planning to 2007-2008. pay for their selections. Although I do not (In Indiana, the level is estimated at 29.5 want to know where they were keeping the percent of the population. Oklahoma, where money. the alleged Plus-Size Perpetrators were caught Eeeeuw. by the long, skinny arm of the law, weighed in at 31.4 percent. The Big Kahuna, as it were, Mike Redmond is an author, is Mississippi, which led the charge at a fulljournalist, humorist and figured 34 percent.) speaker. Write him at mike@ Now that is statistical obesity, often quoted or Dick Wolfsie is to an author, Answers BUILD THE WORDS: BELLS,I’mKROGER, JIMMY CARTER, by doctors andJINGLE insurance companies. sure P.O. Box 44385, Indianapolis, IN columnist, and speaker. Contact you’ve seen the height/weight charts at your 46244. HOOSIER PARK, PENSACOLA him at
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December 14, 2010 | 31
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Pets of the week
» Puppy pads can confuse – Owners should be cautious about not turning to puppy pads as a crutch, preventing their dogs from fully becoming housebroken, Pamela Reid, vice president of the ASPCA’ s Animal Behavior Center, told ZooToo. Puppy pads can ultimately confuse dogs, especially young dogs still learning, and make them think that relieving themselves inside the house is okay. If owners decide to train their puppy with puppy pads, they should try to begin weaning their puppies off the pads as soon as possible, at the latest around four, five or six months of age.
Hombre is a seven-year-old male brown Shepherd/Lab/Terrier mix. Hombre is a very sweet and loving boy who loves going for walks and rolling around in the grass (when it’s not snowing). He is well mannered and good with people of all ages. He also likes doggie biscuits and is willing to learn a few new tricks in order to get one. Hombre is pretty low maintenance and really just wants a family who will give him a comfy bed to nap on, a belly rub a few times a week and a loving forever home.
» Wolf and grizzly protections to be lifted? – The Obama administration is seeking to lift Endangered Species Act protections from two of the most iconic symbols of the American West, the gray wolf and grizzly bear, which have exceeded their respective population recovery goals. Environmentalists have raised concerns that while both species have made a comeback under protection as endangered species, their recovery could falter if they were de-listed, a move that would likely open the animals to public hunting. -Reuters
32 | December 14, 2010
In praise of probiotics COMMENTARY By John Mikesell Feed the “good guy” bacteria in your dog’s gut to help him get the most out of his food. Adding supplemental Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacteruim bifidum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, or other probiotic organisms to your dog’s diet is almost always a good idea. This will support the resident micro flora that are always present in your dog’s gut, enhancing digestion and adsorption of nutrients, supporting detoxification and elimination processes, and helping to boost his immune system. The digestive system is the largest immune organ in the body; roughly 70 percent of the body’s immune cells, entrecotes, goblet cells and other immune waters reside in the mucosal linings of the intestinal tract. Probiotics work in concert with these immune warriors by producing special enzymes and other chemicals that support immune functions at many levels. Probiotics will also help
keep populations of “bad guys” pathogens, like Salmonella spp and Escherichia coli, in check. One of the fundamental rules of holistic pet care is to always remember that no two animals are alike. Your dog may look and behave like others, but his (or her) inner nature is different from any other dog. What you can do: • Give your dog a probiotic supplement that offers a variety of strains of beneficial bacteria. • Nourish those good guy bacteria with a probiotic supplement. • Monitor your dog’s weight, the condition of his coat, his energy level, and the quality of his daily stool for signs that his diet needs to be adjusted in some way. What works well for some dogs may not benefit another dog in other circumstances. John Mikesell, owner of Izzy’s Place, A dog Bakery in Carmel, can be reached at
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Monroe is a six-month-old male tabby with white DSH. Monroe is an outgoing guy who isn’t shy about letting other cats know that he’s in charge despite his young age. He has developed a nickname to describe him – spunky – and he is very playful and just loves to have fun. He has been neutered and is litter box trained and is currently staying at a local business in hopes of someone seeing him while shopping! Monroe would do well in a home with children of any age. For more information on these and other animals at the Humane Society, call 317-773-4974 or go to
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A.M. REAL ESTATE - Village Farms Amazing 4 BR & 3.5 BA, 2-story home with a bright, open floor plan & beautiful hardwood floors. Eat-in kitchen w/center island & huge breakfast room that opens to a family room w/fireplace. Formal dining room. 1st floor den/office. Oversized laundry room w/craft space, storage & a rear stairwell leading to bonus & exercise room. Master suite w/tray ceiling, walk-in closet & private, master bath w/garden tub. Huge sun room w/cathedral ceiling leads to patio area & fully fenced backyard w/custom playset. 3472 total sq ft.
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Your full service Real Estate and Property Management Company Visit us at
Crossword 1
Find the items in the puzzle going up, down, sideways or diagonally and list them. Each letter is used no more than once.
52 56
55 61
63 68
Across 1. Indian prince or former Pacer Roger Brown’s nickname 5. The ___ of Northwest Indiana newspaper 10. Give off 14. Biblical twin 15. Counting everything (2 wds.) 16. Tree trunk growth 17. Taste the ice cream in a cone at Stone Cold Creamery 18. “Jack and Diane” performer 20. The Current printing supply 21. Mo. for Indy’s annual Labor Day parade 22. Expected 23. USSR successor 24. Saint Maria Goretti church part 26. IU Dental School concern 30. 86th Street restaurant: ___ Fox 32. Possesses 34. Hirosaki Restaurant ornamental fish 35. A deadly sin 36. The other woman 37. Heslar Naval Armory rank: Abbr. 38. Competitions for military supremacy (2 wds.)
62 67
Hoosier Hodgepodge 9
43. Chop down 46. IndyGo vehicle 47. Tundra ___ ox 50. In the past 51. Harrison Paving goo 52. Coordinating the pace 54. 2010 film: “___ Hex” 56. Hot coal 59. WFYI benefactor 60. Sis’s sib 62. Angers 63. Figure out 64. “Beating My Heart” performer 68. Parts of a min. 69. Future’s opposite 70. IUPUI Natatorium pool divisions 71. Desert Wind show horse 72. Jekyll’s counterpart 73. Carmel Nail board 74. Catch sight of Down 1. Religious antiquities 2. Laughable 3. “Beat It” performer 4. Arctic bird at the Indianapolis Zoo 5. Apropos 6. Klutzy 7. Mediterranean island republic 8. Building wing
Use logic to fill in the boxes so J every row, column O L and N 2Dx 3I box contains O D O theP letters F I O N A C-A-R-M-E-L. N O L D J A Z Z U R
Build the word Use all the letter segments below to fill in the answers to the clues. The number of segments you will use in each answer is shown in parentheses. The dashes indicate the number of letters in each answer. Each segment is used only once. BE GER GLE HOO JIM JIN KRO LLS MYCA OLA PEN RK RPA RTER SAC SIE 1) Holiday Tune (4)
6 NBA Teams
4 "Shrek" Characters
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
5 IU Campuses
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
3 Lady _______
__________________ __________________ __________________
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
2) Popular Grocery Store (2) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
3) Plains, Ga., President (3) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
4) Anderson Casino (4) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___
5) Florida Panhandle City (3) 2 "J" Sandwich Guy
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
__________________ __________________
1 Circle Theatre Name
9. Musher’s transport 10. Roast host at Indiana Roof 11. Extinct flightless bird 12. School of thought 13. Meas. at Kiss Z Cook 19. Almonds and cashews at Marsh 21. Woodland deity 25. Perlman of “Cheers” 27. Just make, with “out”
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
28. Carter Truck Lines freight weight 29. Towel stitching 31. Egg cells 33. Circle segment in Noblesville HS math class 36. Mins. and mins. 39. Butler degree for a future CEO 40. Without a doubt 41. Mideast leaders
Current in Carmel
42. White River Elementary Library? School arithmetic total car-mel-ku 55. Lessen 43. “The ___” (Uris novel) 57. Pooh’s creator 44. Freudianbuild topictheinwords UIndy psych 58. Hardwicke’s Tobacco pipe class type 45. Hit the jackpot at Hoosier 61. Eye up and down Park Casino 64. IMS dashboard initials 48. Puzzle theme and hint to 65. Islet Hoosiers at 18- and 64-Across 66. It was dropped in the ‘60s and 3-Down 67. Honey Baked ___ 49. Patella 68. Franklin College frat 51. Like some Carmel streets 52. Itty-bitty 53. Great one in the Westfield Puzzle Solutions Page 31
December 14, 2010 | 33
34 | December 14, 2010
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December 14, 2010 | 35
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36 | December 14, 2010
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