April 27, 2021 — Fishers

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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

THE BUS DRIVER WHO FLEW AIR FORCE TWO Substitute bus driver once responsible for safely transporting U.S. vice presidents / P14

Councilwoman DeLong resigns, moving to Nevada / P5

Police purchasing new gun racks with forfeiture funds / P7


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April 27, 2021

Current in Fishers


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April 27, 2021

COMMUNITY Contact the editor:

Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Jonathan Matthes at jonathan@ youarecurrent.com or call 317.489.4444. You may also submit information on our website, currentinfishers. com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication.

News tips/story ideas: stories@youarecurrent.com

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Founded Jan. 25, 2011, at Fishers, IN Vol. XI, No. 14 Copyright 2021 Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032

317.489.4444 The views of the columnists in Current in Fishers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

Current in Fishers



Slick Leonard remembered for toughness, kindness By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com For years, Robin Miller has campaigned on Indianapolis radio shows for the Indiana Pacers to put a statue of Bobby “Slick” Leonard outside Bankers Life Fieldhouse. “He put the Pacers on the map,” said Miller, who covers IndyCar for Racer.com. Leonard, the legendary Pacers coach and broadcaster who lived with his wife, Nancy, in Carmel for decades, died April 13 at home. “He lived like a wild man for 88 years and died in his sleep. He would laugh his (rear end) off about that,” said Miller, who first met Leonard when he was writing Pacers features for the IndiIN MEMORIAM anapolis Star when he was 19. “He went through a lot (health-wise) the last three years. He and A.J. Foyt are the two toughest (guys) who ever graced the face of the earth.” Bob Netolicky, who played with the Pacers under Leonard, joked that maybe Leonard’s statue should have him holding a hockey stick. One time in Minnesota, Leonard found a hockey stick in the visiting locker room and chased Netolicky around with it. “He thought I was dogging it,” Netolicky said. “I locked myself in the bathroom and he smashed the stick against the door. I came out and had a hell of a second half.” Like Miller, Netolicky remained close to Leonard for more than 50 years, talking to him for the final time on April 11. “He was a father figure to all of us,” said Netolicky, even though Leonard was only 10 years older than he was. Netolicky said Leonard formed the Pacers into an unselfish team. “We only cared about winning, and that was all installed by old Slicko,” Netolicky said. “He was a great guy off the court. But as soon as he walked on the court, he changed like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He was all business. He’d do anything it took to win.” Leonard led the Pacers to three ABA

To our valued readers: While Current remains exposed to the financial repercussions of the pandemic, we’re pleased to bring some good news on that front. Beginning with this edition, Current in Fishers will be distributed to 50 percent of the audience every other

From left, Bob Netolicky, Billy Shepherd, Bobby “Slick” Leonard, George McGinnis and Robin Miller. (Submitted photo)

championships (1970, ’72, ’73) and 529 victories in 12 seasons with the Pacers, eight in the ABA and four in the NBA. “He was a master motivator,” Miller said. “He could read people better than anyone I’ve seen in sports. He knew basketball, but he knew people better.” Billy Shepherd, a 1968 Mr. Basketball from Carmel High School who played for three different teams in three ABA seasons, first met Leonard as an opposing coach. They became regular golfing buddies in the 1980s. “He just loved to compete,” Shepherd said. “If you had him beat, it was hard to get out of there because he wanted to get even.” Pacers radio play-by-play announcer Mark Boyle, who worked with Leonard for more than three decades, said early on he was taken on how people gravitated toward Leonard. “He had a knack around people,” Boyle said. “The way he connected with people even on the broadcast. People would say, ‘I heard ‘Slick say this the other night. He’s the best.’” Boyle said he never met a truer people week. We appreciate your patience as we continue our recovery and we’re still proud to state that we still have retained all fulltime staff at the levels of compensation to which they are accustomed. As we indicated before, exactly when we can return to 100-percent delivery is anyone’s guess, but is something we still

person than Leonard. “I laugh when I say that, because he did make me want to be a better person. I guess not enough that I ever did it,” Boyle said. Boyle never saw an NBA game in person until he got the Pacers job in 1988. “I knew the sport, but I didn’t know the NBA game, which is dramatically different than the amateur game,” Boyle said. “He didn’t have to go out of his way to teach me stuff. He was never intrusive. He never offered anything unless I asked, and when I did, he always made time for me. He went out of his way to help me acclimate and feel reasonably comfortable with the NBA game and people.” Pacers Media Relations Director David Benner said many described Leonard as a character. “Yes, but a high-quality character,” Benner said. “His genuine caring of others — I will miss his hugs and kisses on the cheek — was unique and came genuinely from his heart. One of a kind? No doubt. Blessed to have had many good times with this wonderful man.” badly want to restore. Thank you for your understanding as we continue to work to get back to business as usual. Brian Kelly Steve Greenberg President/ Executive Vice Publisher President/GM


home and roof. However, there are times that hail is not as bad as it seems and you don’t need to worry about your home and roof. Below are examples of what you can look for before worrying about there being damage on your roof.

INSPECTING YOUR HAIL DAMAGE INSPECTINGYOUR YOUR HAIL INSPECTING HAILDAMAGE DAMAGE INSPECTING YOUR HAIL DAMAGE WHAT IS THE OF THE HAIL? Preparing forSIZE hail damage is difficult. If the fallen hail is severe enough, it can cause damage to your April 27, 2021

Current in Fishers


Preparing for hail damage difficult. the fallen severe it canand cause damage to yourto worry home and roof. However, there isare timesIfthat hail ishail notis as bad enough, as it seems you don’t need

If thePreparing hail around isare in home and roof. However, there times that hail ishail notwhat bad as can it seems you don’tworrying need to worry WHAT IS SIZE OF THE HAIL? about your home andhome roof. Below are examples of you lookand before about forTHE hailyour damage is difficult. If the fallen isassevere enough, itfor can cause damage to your about your home and roof. Below are examples of what you can look for before worrying about between the size of a pea or a quarter, being damage youras roof. home and roof. However, there are there times thatfallen hail ishail notison as bad it seems andcause you don’t needto toyour worry Preparing foraround hail damage is difficult. enough, it can damage If the hail your home is there inIf the being damage onsevere your roof. don’t worry your roofand is roof. fine.Below But, if the about home are examples youas can look forand before worrying about home and your roof. However, that hail is of notwhat as bad it seems you don’t need to worry between the size of there a peaare or times a quarter, there being damage on your roof. hail is don’t the size of a golf ball or larger, aboutworry your home Below are of what you can look for before worrying about yourand roofroof. is fine. But, if examples the your roof should beofchecked a being damage on your roof. hail is the size a golf ball by orthere larger, your WHAT roof should be checked byHAIL? a WHAT IS THE SIZE OFOF THE HAIL? IS THE SIZE THE

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your roof should be checked by a

If your plants and trees in your

Many times if the hail damage is

Check the sidings of your home

If your plants and trees in times enough, if the hail damage of your home yard are shredded toyour pieces Many significant your gutters is for Check holes. If the theresidings is new damage yard are tobypieces enough, gutters for holes. If there new damage andshredded was caused hail falling, significant will be heavily dentedyour or ripped in to your siding, that is is a good and wasthere caused by hail falling, is a good chance there will be heavily dented or ripped to your siding, a good places. If this is the case, you inindicator that your roofthat mayisalso If your plants and trees in your Manya times ifreason the hail to damage is Check the sidings of your home damage to your roof. have good be conbe damaged. there is a isgood chance there places. If this is the case, you indicator that your roof may also yard are shredded to pieces significant enough, your gutters for holes. If there is new damage cerned about your roof. is damage to your roof. have a good reason toripped be conbe damaged. was and caused by hail falling, will betimes heavily dented inis to your siding, that is aofgood If yourand plants trees in your Many if the hailordamage Check the sidings your home cerned about your roof. there is a good chance there places. Ifenough, this is theyour case,gutters you indicator that Ifyour roofismay yard are shredded to pieces significant for holes. there newalso damage is damage tohail your roof. have a good reason be con- is be damaged. and was caused falling, If your plants andby trees in your will be times heavily or ripped in Check to your siding, that a good Many if dented the hailto damage the sidings of is your home cerned about your roof. there is a good chance there shredded to pieces places. If this is the case, youis for indicator that yourisof roof may also significant enough, your gutters holes. If sidings there new damage Ifyard yourare plants and trees in your Many times if the hail damage Check the your home If you are experiencing all of these hail warning iswas damage to by your and hail falling, will have good reason to con-in fortoholes. be damaged. be aheavily dentedyour or be ripped your siding, that is adamage good yard arecaused shredded to roof. pieces significant enough, gutters If there is new there is acaused good chance there are cerned about your places. Ifnext this is the case, you indicator your roof also signs, the steps you take: and was by hail here falling, will be heavily dented orroof. ripped in should to your that siding, that is amay good is damage tochance your roof. have a good to be conbe damaged. there is a good places. If thisreason isall theof case, you hail indicator that your roof may also If youthere are experiencing these warning cerned about your roof. 1. Call your insurance agent is damage to your roof. have the a good reason to beyou con- should take: be damaged. signs, here are next steps 2. Call Hays + Sons for an inspection cerned about your roof.

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April 27, 2021


Current in Fishers


DeLong resigns from city council By Jonathan Matthes jonathan@youarecurrent.com

both as she was running and (when) she was elected, and she served admirably on the city council.” In a decision Samantha DeLong called DeLong was elected to the council seat in bittersweet, she has resigned her seat on 2019. She said she was especially proud to the Fishers City have been a part of an environmenGOVERNMENT Council. She tal working group that the council represented organized. the North Central district. Her final “I’m sad that I won’t be able to city council meeting was April 19. continue on with that and I hope “I worked very hard for this pothat they make great strides since sition, so to be leaving is very hard it was just in the beginning phases but I’m trying to do what’s best for when I joined,” DeLong said. DeLong my family,” said DeLong, one of the DeLong isn’t sure if she will two Democrats on the city council. pursue politics again in Henderson. She is DeLong resigned because her husband looking forward to spending some time with Joe accepted a new position as a network her family and not having to deal with cold engineer for the City of Henderson in Neweather anymore. vada. The family is moving to Henderson at The Hamilton county Democratic Party the end of the month. was scheduled to hold a caucus April 25 to “We really appreciate everything she has replace Delong. Candidates had until 3 p.m. done,” said Dayna Colbert, chair of the HamApril 22 to submitted their nominations. ilton County Democratic Party. “She put in For ongoing coverage visit, the hard work talking to her constituents, youarecurrent.com/fishers.

Developers, neighbors at odds about fence placement By Jonathan Matthes jonathan@youarecurrent.com The Fishers City Council voted 6-2 at its April 19 meeting to approve The Villas of Fishers despite conCITY COUNCIL cerns from nearby residents who expressed their frustration after not being permitted to speak during the meeting. The project consists of 250 residential units — 210 duplexes and eight five-plex townhomes — on 36 acres on 116th Street south of Fishers District. About a half dozen nearby residents wanted to remonstrate against the location of an exterior fence, which they said had been changed from previous versions of the plan. Developers claimed the fence location had not been changed. The residents attended the council meeting to raise their objections, but they were informed that the forum for public comments was offered at the plan commission meeting the previous week and that they would not be permitted to speak at the council meeting. They were not happy and raised objections from the public seating area, at times shouting while city council-

ors tried to discuss the matter. “What we agreed on, as a community, was changed between the final meeting and today, which is why we showed up. It had to do with things that were important to properties back there,” Fishers resident Lisa Miller said after the meeting. “What we were presented with was the fence was going to be on one side, and that changed between our agreeing and today.” Attorney Steve Hardin of Faegre Baker Daniel, representing developer Thompson Thrift, said he was surprised by the negative reaction to the placement of the fence. “It was the first I had heard about it,” Hardin said. Mayor Scott Fadness spoke to some of the concerned residents during and after the meeting to come up with a compromise and path forward. “We’re making progress,” Chad Litton, one of the concerned residents, said after the meeting and after the discussion with Fadness and developers. “We’ve got the next step that we can address with them.” Eric Wojak of Thompson Thrift said it can be challenging to get everyone on the same page but that developers will attempt to do so.



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April 27, 2021


Current in Fishers


Terry Lee Cares Program awards $500 to monthly nonprofits By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com Terry Lee Hyundai and Genesis is approached by a lot of different sports teams and organizations with GIVING BACK requests for donations, and Internet Marketing Manager Julie Janssen said it’s difficult for a single-point dealership to award multiple sponsorships. “(We don’t have multiple locations), so it’s really hard and you really want to give in your community as much as you can,” Janssen said. “We brainstormed, ‘What can we do to try to bring awareness to different not-for-profits? Unfortunately, we can’t give to all of them.’” The brainstorming led to the establishment of the Terry Lee Cares Program in January 2020. “We decided we would set up a program where at the beginning of the month, you can nominate a nonprofit. We post the

winner on our Facebook, tell about the nonprofit, what it does, where it’s located, who it benefits, and the winner receives $500,” Janssen said. Last month’s winner was Janus Developmental Services in Noblesville. Janssen said there’s no requirement on where the nonprofit must be located to win, but many are in Hamilton County. Typically, there are six to eight nominations a month. “We’ve been really excited about the awareness it’s brought,” Janssen said. “We have people who say, ‘We didn’t even know that organization existed.’ That’s gotten to be the exciting part to us. Even if we can’t give everybody money every month, we are still bringing a lot of awareness to each of the charities every month.” If an organization doesn’t win when it is nominated, it can reapply. Each organization can win once a year. For more, visit terryleehyundai.com/ terry-lee-cares-program/.

Carmel Arts Competition

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April 27, 2021


Current in Fishers


Forfeiture funds to purchase new gun racks for FPD vehicles By Jonathan Matthes jonathan@youarecurrent.com

from residents that this is sensitive, and if there is a better, different way of funding it, that’s what we should have done.” The Fishers City Council voted April 19 to Councilor Todd Zimmerman said it was a use $25,000 in forfeiture funds earmarked mischaracterization to say that FPD officers for the police would be “benefiting” from the forCITY COUNCIL department to feiture funds. buy gun racks “Words in our society today are for police vehicles, although at least very important,” Zimmerman said. one councilor had concerns about “We are on an edge, and it seems how the purchase could appear to like the edge keeps getting more the public. intense by the day.” Other police departments have FPD Chief Ed Gebhart said the Gebhart used forfeiture funds, which are department’s existing gun racks cash and property seized during investigaare defective. He said a firearm had recently tions, to purchase items for police departbeen stolen from an officer’s vehicle, but ments. For example, in Greenfield, forfeiture that it was found and returned the same funds were recently used to outfit officers day. In another instance, he said a policewith body cameras. man was followed home by a suspect who The council agreed that it would be legal intended to steal firearms from the officer’s for FPD to use the funds to purchase new vehicle. The attempt was thwarted before it gun racks, but not everyone agreed it was could be attempted. the best use of the funds. Forfeiture funds may be used to reim“Not only did one resident step forward burse law enforcement agencies for the to express concern (during the public comcost of an investigation. Other state entities ments), but we had two comments online receive funds from it, too, including public that were submitted as public record for schools. The funds Gebhart sought to cover this meeting that were concerned about the racks could not go to schools because (the police potentially benefiting from the the annual percentage that goes to schools fund),” said councilor Jocelyn Vare, who had already been allocated. cast the lone opposing vote. “I’m hearing

DISPATCHES Fishers resident earns prestigous scholarship — Fishers High School Senior, Kara Van Dyke is a recipient of the 2021 Founders’ Scholarship at Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, IL. Van Dyke is active in the Students in Action service club, volunteers as a children’s ministry teacher, and participates in dance. She plans to major in psychology and is a third generation Trinity Christian Troll, her father, Leon, is a 1986 alum and her grandfather Gerrit is an emeritus professor in Trinity’s biology program. The Founders’ Scholarship is renewable and only award annually to two incoming freshmen. SWCD offers native plant kits, rain barrels for sale — The Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District is selling native plant kits and rain barrels. Each native plant kit contains 50 native plant plugs for $125. Each kit contains 10 species of native

perennials and can fill a space 50 to 150 square feet. Rain barrels are available for pre-order for $75. The re-purposed barrels capture rainwater from your downspout and roof and hold it for use at a later time. Rain barrel water is great for watering plants and gardens or even washing the car. In peak summer months, a rain barrel can save around 1,300 gallons of free, naturally soft water for use. Pre-pay for a barrel and choose between gray, terra cotta, and black, 55-gallon rain barrels. Diverters systems for easily installation are also available for $25 and wooden pedestal stands are available for $30. Plant kit and rain barrel pre-orders can be placed online at hamiltonswcd.org. Orders for plants are due April 14 and rain barrel pre-orders are due May 26. Orders will be available for pick up June 4 in Noblesville. All proceeds support conservation projects and education in Hamilton County.

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April 27, 2021

Current in Fishers


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April 27, 2021


Current in Fishers


GEIST Location: There are lane restrictions in place for east and west Project: Admirals Pointe bound traffic on 106th Street Drive Location: Indianapolis DPW CONSTRUCTION at Hague Road. Through lanes will be restricted and traffic currently has closed Admiwill use the left turn lanes as rals Pointe Drive to replace through lanes. Left turn access onto Hague the timber bridge over Geist and the Road will remain open. Advanced warning north fork of Dry Branch. The detour will signs will be in place. These restrictions are consist of Old Stone Dr. east to Carroll Rd. for bypass pumping for improvements to the / 700 W., then south to E. 79th St. and then Hague Road Lift Station. west to Oaklandon Rd. Expected completion: Mid-May Expected completion: Midsummer 2021



FISHERS Project: 146th Street at Ind. 37 Location: All left-turn lanes are currently restricted on Ind. 37 and on 146th Street with traffic moved to the interior lanes. Through traffic and right turns on Ind. 37 and 146th Street will remain open. Drivers are encouraged to seek alternate routes for all left turn access. For more about the State Road 37 Improvement Project and to receive text updates, visit 37Thrives.com. Expected completion: This phase of the State Road 37 Improvement Project will continue into 2021. The overall State Road 37 Improvement Project will be complete in 2022. Project: Hague Road Lift Station improvements



Project: Range Line Road reconstruction Location: Between City Center Drive and Elm Street. The project will include construction of a new roundabout at Walnut Street (6th Street) and Range Line Road. Expected completion: Work on the roundabout is set to begin after July 6 with a full closure of the intersection expected for approximately 75 days. Project: Westfield Boulevard roundabout and culvert installation Location: South of 116th Street to 111th Street. The project includes a new roundabout at 111th Street and culvert installation at Carmel Creek. Expected completion: Work on the round-


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April 27, 2021


Current in Fishers


COMEBACK PATIENT OF THE MONTH This is one in a series of case studies of triumph over injury. For previous installments, visit www.methodistsports.com.

By Haley Miller news@currentnoblesville.com

BACKGROUND: Michael, 8th grader at Noblesville West Middle school, plays football and baseball both at school and through travel leagues. Since his first injury in 5th grade, Michael has dealt with reoccurring sports related knee injuries. When Michael was first injured, his father, Brandon, knew Michael Bennett is an 8th he wanted to get his son over to Methodist Sports grader at Noblesville West Medicine for an evaluation. Brandon had surgery Middle School performed on his knee at MSM years ago when he was injured in high school sports. Knowing the level of care that he received then, and how smoothly the recovery process was, Brandon got Michael set up at MSM. WHY MSM: “Every experience throughout this process has been fantastic,” said Brandon, Michael’s father. “From the care that he received the moment we walked in, to the treatment by Dr. Ritter and his associates, the surgery at Beltway, to the physical therapy at Finch Creek with Nate and Melissa, it has all been phenomenal!” THE JOURNEY: During his appointment with Dr. Mark Ritter, specialist in orthopedic sports medicine & trauma, Michael was informed that he had a hereditary condition which offset his kneecaps, causing ongoing patella instability. With the need to hold off on surgery until his growth plates were closed, Michael received physical therapy at MSM until the time was right. At a checkup appointment in the fall of 2020, Michael was informed that his growth plates were officially closed, and that it was time to make a tough decision to either keep playing through the pain, or go through with the surgery. Ultimately, Michael decided to have the surgery so that he would be back on the field for summer ball and freshman football. “I thought I would not be able to try out for the Middle School baseball team,” said Michael. “My recovery was so far ahead of schedule I was able to try out for the team and make it.” A surgery that typically takes six to nine months for recovery took Michael only four and a half. “Michael poured dedication and energy into his rehabilitation,” said Dr. Ritter. “He’s returning to the baseball diamond just a few months after his reconstructive surgery. His quick return is a product of his hard work with MSM’s physical therapy staff.” Michael continues to receive physical therapy at MSM’s Finch Creek Noblesville location as he gets back in the swing of things. He has been able to return to doing the things that he loves most - fishing, catching baseballs behind the plate, and being active with friends and family.

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THE MSM TEAM: The MSM team included Dr. Mark Ritter, Specialist in Orthopedic Sports Medicine & Trauma, Nate Mejeur, Physical Therapist, and Melissa Schnepp, Certified Athletic Trainer/Physical Therapist Assistant.

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CarDon communities earn Customer Experience Award Three senior living communities in Westfield, Noblesville and Fishers won the Customer ExperiACHIEVEMENT ence Award this year from a third-party company that measures customer satisfaction in senior health care. The company, Pinnacle Quality Insight, presents the award to clients that score in the 85th percentile or higher in a series of interviews and customer surveys. The communities are part of CarDon & Associates, a senior-living services provider based in Bloomington. Thirteen CarDon communities won the 2021 Customer Experience Award. “As we all know, 2020 was more than a challenging year for everyone in healthcare and senior living,” CarDon Chief Marketing Officer Kendra Fauth-Edwards wrote in an email to Current. “We are so honored that during such an incredibly difficult year, the responses from our residents and family members warranted these awards for our communities.” The winning communities in Westfield, Noblesville and Fishers were Copper Trace, Harbour Manor & The Lodge and The Reserve at Hamilton Trace, respectively. According to a press release from CarDon, a sampling of residents and family members participated in monthly telephone interviews to determine if the communities qualified for the award. “Knowing that our residents and their families feel at home in our communities is the best prize of all,” CarDon CEO Gregg Gormal stated in the press release. All of the CarDon senior living communities had to adjust to COVID-19 restrictions, including changes to dietary, housekeeping and maintenance operations, Fauth-Edwards wrote. She also stated the company is excited about allowing family members to visit in person again and are still following COVID-19 guidelines closely.

April 27, 2021


Current in Fishers


Making table tennis affordable By Jonathan Matthes jonathan@youarecurrent.com Eric Baker was frustrated. He had a passion for table tennis, ran a club for it at Anderson University and wanted NEW BIZ others to share his passion, but people kept quitting. They would show up to the club eager to play with cheap paddles, get trounced by someone more skilled with expensive equipment and not return. Baker, a 34-year-old Fishers resident from Naperville, Ill., saw an opportunity to make the game more cost-friendly to the average player by creating an Olympic-grade paddle for considerably less cost than Olympic-quality equipment. He recently founded CountersStrike Table Tennis, which manufactures and sells Olympic-grade table tennis paddles and accessories at dramatically lower prices than high-end competitors. “I’ve always seen some sort of need for pro equipment but not at $300. I’ve known that for almost 20 years,” said Baker, whose also is a senior director of marketing and communication with Kittle Property Group. “I’ve been working on this for two years. The

Eric Baker wanted to make elite table tennis equipment accessible to the average player. (Submitted photo)

first step was buying the most expensive and best-selling table tennis equipment and then doing research and development on which wood they use and how many layers they use, which carbon, and mocking my first set of paddles to it.” CounterStrike paddles range in price from $41 to $75. The company sells pre-assembled paddles, accessories for custom paddles and table tennis balls. CounterStrike has offensive- and defensive-oriented paddles and combination paddles that are good for beginners. For more, visit cstabletennis.com/shop/.

Summer Job Carmel Pond Labor Wanted


• Full Time Pond Laborer(s) needed to start ASAP, 9am – 4pm, 4 - 6 days per week, to approximately August 30th, 2021. Must be highly responsible and be in strong physical shape. No criminal record or DUIs. • Duties include: pitchfork out dead leaves, cut out string water weed, and net algae from 3 Retention Ponds, and haul netted algae to our algae dumpsites at the end of each workday. All nets, equipment, and supplies provided. • Canoe Owner Preferred, but will supply a canoe if need be. • Owning a lightweight portable canoe is a huge plus because a canoe is the only suitable craft for netting pond algae in the middle of the ponds. Only a canoe has room for 6-8 buckets to load the algae. • Pickup truck or Work Van a plus for hauling algae to on site dumpsites, but wagon and wheelbarrow provided. • This heavy outdoor workout is on the peaceful water surrounded by abundant wildlife and nature.


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April 27, 2021

Current in Fishers


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Tuesdays & Thursdays 6 to 8pm Events contingent on weather conditions. Check website/social for schedule.

April 27, 2021


COMMUNITY Shepherd’s Center accredited by United Way of Central Indiana – United Way of Central Indiana recently announced that Shepherd’s Center of Hamilton County has been approved for accreditation and can apply for United Way grants in basic needs, family opportunity and social innovation as well as access training, technical assistance and capacity building programs. Fishers residents join Martin University’s board — Fishers residents Bishop Lambert Gates, Sr. and Terry Morris are serving Martin University’s Board of Trustees as a new member and as board secretary, respectively. Comprised of community, corporate, and alumni leaders, the board is charged with legal authority, control, and responsibility for governance of the University in the

Current in Fishers


areas of institutional mission, planning, fiscal affairs, and related activities that support Martin University and its strategic initiatives. Graduate school scholarships -- The Beryl Showers Holland Fellowship will offer a $3,000 first place and $2,000 second place scholarship to graduating seniors at Indiana University who will attend graduate school in the fall. Learn more and apply at trikappa.org/wp-content/ uploads/2020/12/BSH-Application-2021-Packet-FF-2.pdf. Harris makes dean’s list – Carthage College has named Rachel Harris of Fishers to its dean’s list for academic excellence during the fall 2020 semester.

Baker named to dean’s list – Vanessa Baker of Fishers was named to the dean’s list at Rochester Institute of Technology for the 2020 Fall Semester. Baker is in the environmental science program. Feurestine named to dean’s list – Kyle Feuerstine of Fishers was named to the Ashland University Dean’s List for the fall 2020 semester. Feurstine is majoring in analytics. Christopher makes dean’s list – Andrew Christopher of Fishers has been named to Dean’s List at Youngstown State University for the 2020 fall semester. Christopher is majoring in Exercise Science at YSU.


Lifelong construction worker finds relief from severe leg pain through vein procedure Credits care team at Ascension St. Vincent for going ‘out of their way’ to answer his questions and concerns Bruce Brosius began noticing varicose veins in his legs about 10 years ago. But he said it wasn’t until recently that they started to cause him severe pain. His wife encouraged him to seek care. Bruce said an ultrasound at Ascension St. Vincent detected clotting in both of his legs. “The clotting was causing me a great deal of pain and swelling,” said Bruce. “The clot was probably the size of a nickel in the side of my right leg, near my knee. It was hard to the touch and very tender.” Bruce said he believes several factors may have led to the varicose veins in his legs, including being a reformed smoker, his genetics and his demanding construction job. “I spend a lot of hours standing on my feet, wearing boots and carrying a tool belt,” Bruce said. “I’m doing high-impact work all day long.” Bruce had a radiofrequency vein ablation procedure on his right leg at Ascension St. Vincent. This minimally invasive procedure uses heat created from radiofrequency waves, delivered through a small catheter, to close off the abnormal superficial veins that cause varicose veins. © Ascension 2021. All rights reserved.

“Vein problems run a broad spectrum, from unsightly cosmetic issues to significant health issues and disability,” said Richard Chitwood, MD, a vascular surgeon at Ascension St. Vincent. “Our team of vascular surgeons listens to each patient to determine the care plan for their particular issues and provide appropriate treatment.” “If I would have known that this treatment was going to be so painless, and that I was going to meet so many wonderful people involved, I would have done this a long time ago.” — Bruce Brosius Bruce said the procedure was quick and simple, and relieved a large amount of pressure from his leg. He speaks highly of the care he received. “The team at Ascension St. Vincent has gone out of their way to be respectful of my wishes and to listen to all my questions and concerns,” said Bruce. “I cannot say enough good things about them.”


Bruce Brosius, who has been a construction worker for over 40 years, had a minimally invasive procedure to relieve his leg pain.

Bruce said he will continue to see his care teams at Ascension St. Vincent for follow-up care and that he is looking forward to working and riding his bike without leg pain getting in the way. “If I would have known that this treatment was going to be so painless, and that I was going to meet so many wonderful people involved, I would have done this a long time ago,” said Bruce. Vascular specialists at Ascension St. Vincent provide a variety of innovative treatment options for men and women needing vascular care, from injection sclerotherapy for spider veins to minimally invasive venous ablation for varicose veins. When bulging leg veins are uncomfortable or when you want help adjusting vein-related skin discoloration, our care teams are ready to help. Put uncomfortable leg pain behind you. Schedule an appointment today. ascension.org/INVeinSolutions


April 27, 2021


Current in Fishers


Substitute bus driver once responsible for safely transporting U.S. vice presidents Jonathan Matthes jonathan@youarecurrent.com It was May 1989 and new Vice President Dan Quayle and his family were aboard Air Force Two to fly home to Indiana to give a speech and attend the Indianapolis 500. The intercom crackled to life. “It will be a beautiful day for a race,” the pilot said through the intercom. “And, Mr. vice president, both of your pilots are Hoosiers.” The co-pilot was from Kokomo. The pilot, and the voice on the intercom, was Jim White of Fishers, a Lafayette native who is spending part of his retirement driving a school bus for Carmel Clay Schools. White, 70, is the type of guy who does not bask in the afterglow of a career that included flying two future presidents aboard Air Force Two after 20 years as a pilot in the Air Force that took him all across Europe and the Southeast Asia, flying transports during the Vietnam War, flying supersonic in a T-38 and winning a professor of the year award while teaching aviation students for several years at his alma mater, Purdue University. Instead, he’s the type of person who arrives at work at 6:30 a.m. and drives whatever bus needs driven. The aviator is now a substitute bus driver. “When I’m driving, it brings back memories,” White said. “You’re in the cockpit and throwing switches, and then you’re picking up young kids. It’s fun. You get to interact with the kids. The elementary kids are brutally honest. They’ll tell you exactly what’s on their minds.” When White arrives in the morning, he finds a printed-off route with all the stops numbered in order, along with the estimated time that he is supposed to arrive at each stop. He then drives the route, picks up the students, drops them off at school and returns the bus before he enjoys his free middle of the day. Later in the afternoon, he repeats the routine in opposite order, returning the children home safely. In White’s view, the job is not all that dis-

Jim also filled in driving school buses during his 15 years as a Transportation Director at Hamilton Southeastern. (Submitted photo)

similar to flying a McDonnell Douglas DC-9. It is the same principal: Get everyone home safe and on schedule.

AN UNBLEMISHED RECORD An unblemished flying record was how White got his transfer to Air Force Two. He was tired of the long oceanic flights. The longest one he ever flew was 16 hours from Albuquerque to Aviano in northern Italy. The plane had to refuel in midair, a common maneuver today but one White helped pioneer on C-141s. He spent part of his time in the Air Force training pilots how to refuel mid-flight. “You’re going to spend about 30 minutes, on track, hooked up to the tanker,” White said. “We were taking on 36,000 gallons of fuel at the time. We’d get hooked up, then you’d turn off your radar and radio, (the tanker) is your guidance. If he makes a turn, you make a turn. While you’re sitting there you have to keep adding power because you’re getting heavier as (the tanker’s) getting lighter, otherwise you’ll fall right off the boom. It was tense. Thirty minutes on the boom, you were beat.” White wanted to scale back from the lengthy flights that took three days for his body to recover from. So, in the mid-1980s

Jim White before a T-38. During his time in the Air Force White almost never flew fighter jets, but he did fly supersonic when he gave this model a spin. (Submitted photo)

he applied for an opening at Andrews Air Force base in Washington, D.C., to fly presidential support. “I had all the experience they needed. My flight record was good,” White said. “They hired me.” White’s wife, Ann, vividly recalls the hiring process. “When you interview for Air Force Two, you interview and they just pick a few of the pilots,” she said. “The FBI came to talk to our neighbors to check and see if we were nice people, and our neighbors said, ‘Oh, yes, they’re very nice. They go to church every Sunday.’ “And so, he got that job and we moved to Northern Virginia.”

JOKING WITH WORLD LEADERS White flew a DC-9, which he was thankful wasn’t a transoceanic-type plane. He flew major decision-makers in the federal government. At various times, members of Congress, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and secretaries of defense and state were all on his plane. White flew former first lady Nancy

Reagan, too. She was a white-knuckled flier, White said. He would mostly talk with her about the weather to calm her. On Air Force Two, then-Vice President George H.W. Bush was his main passenger, followed by Quayle when he eventually became Bush’s vice president. When Bush flew on Air Force Two as Ronald Reagan’s vice president, he would occasionally come up to the cockpit and visit because of his interest in aviation. Bush was a U.S. Navy pilot during World War II. “(Bush) had a good sense of humor, so we could joke around with him,” White said. “One time he came up, we were taking him to Mexico and were over the Gulf of Mexico, and he asked where we were. I had the map open, and I said, ‘I really don’t know, I was hoping you could tell us.’ And he said, ‘Well, let me see.’ We all laughed. He was the kind of guy you could kid along with.” White flew the Bush family -- including future President George W. Bush -- to their vacation home in Kennebunkport, Maine, on Continued on PAGE 15

April 27, 2021

COVER STORY Continued from PAGE 14 a few occasions. On one occasion, then-Vice President Bush invited his pilots to a cookout at Kennebunkport, but White was not on the crew that day and missed out on the opportunity. From 1986 to 1991, White flew the second-most powerful man in the U.S. across the nation before moving on. For a couple years, he directed the U.S. operation moving Army tactical nuclear weapons out of Europe. Then the Air Force wanted to assign him to a post in Turkey, but he declined because he wanted to stay stateside. He soon retired and returned home to Indiana.

TRANSITIONING TO CIVILIAN LIFE For a time, White taught at Purdue, but eventually he found a transportation director position at Hamilton Southeastern Schools that required logistical knowledge, one of the many skills that he had mastered during his time in the Air Force. “I didn’t know a lot about buses, but I did know a lot about logistics,” White said. “I applied and got the job.” For 15 years he directed the bus operations, making sure that they safely got where they needed to go and did so on time. Occasionally, he drove a bus when needed. Ann was happy to have him at home at night but eventually the demands

Current in Fishers


of the position wore on him and he was ready for something else. “It was a 24/7 job for the most part,” White said. “I was pretty hands on. I’ve always been, so it took a lot of my time, and I wanted to relax and do something different.” Something like driving a bus for Carmel schools. White wasn’t looking for a full-time job but offered to be a substitute bus driver. And for three years that is what he has done almost every morning. But sometimes, while shuttling children to school, the present and past blur and memories flood back of a younger man piloting a different type of machine. “Sometimes my flying comes to mind,” he said. “As many years that I flew in different types of airplanes, there is no better feeling than to be sitting at the end of the runway, release the brakes and push the power up to take off. There’s so much adrenaline there. It was a rush and I never got tired of that. I miss that. It was a thrill. You go running down the runway, the engines are fired up and you’re ready to take off and away you go. That part you kind of miss. I remember that a lot, but that’s in the past.” ON THE COVER: Jim Davis sits in one of the buses he drives for Carmel schools. He’s retired so drives almost every morning he is in town but has the freedom to head to Florida each January and take time off when he desires.





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GET STARTED TODAY! The DC-9 that Jim White flew most frequently was Air Force Two. (Submitted photo)

Most people know that Air Force One is the plane that carries the president of the United States, but Air Force Two does not work the same way. Air Force Two is the designation for whatever airplane the vice president is aboard, so the model of airplane can change but the call sign does not. Most of the time, Jim White flew Vice Presi-

dents George Bush or Dan Quayle aboard a DC-9. If the vice president was not on board, the plane would just be identified by its tail number. Air Force Two was not the only fun call-sign to know. If a plane identified itself as “Executive One Foxtrot,” it meant the first lady was aboard.

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April 27, 2021

Current in Fishers


Issue 6 | SPRING 2021



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55 AND BETTER Spring 2021

Hoosier Mobility Solutions in Carmel offers an array of customized products, including power scooters, lift chairs, power wheelchairs and stairlifts. (Submitted photo)

HMS specializes in mobility products and services By Rick Morwick rick@youarecurrent.com


esides quality products and an ownership team steeped in industry experience, Hoosier Mobility Solutions co-founder Jason Bond attributes another quality for what he feels sets the family-owned business apart from competitors. “HMS prides itself on our high level of customer service,” said Bond, who has spent 20 years in the health care industry. “We go above and beyond to meet the distinctive needs of each individual patient and family. “We take the time to listen to our customers, learn what their current and future needs are and put together a custom solution that is tailored to provide what they need.” Owned and operated by Bond and his wife Jennifer Bond and family friend Angela Dodson, Hoosier Mobility Solutions opened Feb. 1 at 162 W. Carmel Dr. in Carmel. A ribbon-cutting ceremony was conducted April 1 for the new business, which serves the nine-county Indianapolis metropolitan area. With an emphasis on personalized care and customization, Hoosier Mobility Solutions sells a wide range of mobility products, including power scooters, lift chairs, power wheelchairs, stairlifts, mobility ramps, patient lifts and compression and diabetic products, among other items.

“Having spent the past 20 years in the health care industry, including the last seven-plus years in the senior care market, I’ve seen an increase in the need for health care equipment and resources for patients and their families,” Bond said. “As a result, we were looking for an opportunity to use that background and experience to provide products and services to meet the needs of patients. “HMS allows me to be a part of something I enjoy, which is working with patients and families to customize unique solutions that increase their freedom and improves their quality of life.” Although Hoosier Mobility Solutions has only been open for a few months, Bond said the business has been warmly received by customers, the health care industry and the area business community at large. “The local response has been tremendous,” Bond said. “The feedback and support we’ve received from the community, each of the local chambers (of commerce) and health care providers in the area has been extremely positive.” In addition to selling products, Hoosier Mobility Solutions also offers rental and repair services. For more, visit hoosiermobility.com.

Three steps to beating the pandemic blues Commentary by Dave Stewart


f you are feeling COVID-19 has had a negative impact on your physical and emotional well-being, you are not alone. According to a survey by the American Psychology Association in February of 2021, 61 percent of adults reported experiencing unwanted weight change since the start of the pandemic, with 42 percent saying they gained more weight than they intended. On average, this group gained 29 pounds. Nineteen percent of these adults reported they lost more weight than they wanted to, with an average of 26 pounds lost. Nearly half of parents reported an increase in stress during the pandemic, and all age groups reported that their mental health had worsened since the pandemic. These survey results are not surprising. As a personal trainer during the past year, I have witnessed the decline in mental and physical health during the two-month shutdown one year ago and throughout the year. We reassessed the functional fitness of our members upon return, and it was common to see a decline. Within a month of exercising, many of our members were able to restore their functional fitness and reported feeling mentally better now that they had a place to safely work out with friends. As vaccinations continue to increase, along with activity in our grocery stores, restaurants and on the roads, many individuals are asking how to regain mental and physical health. Based on what I have seen the past several months, I recommend three key steps to getting your well-being back on track. First, start moving! With the weather sunny and warmer, start outside and begin walking. Even if you are concerned about COVID-19, you can maintain social distancing while walking. Find a friend to join you, wear masks and take a brisk walk daily. Second, join a fitness facility with comprehensive COVID-19 protocols.

Although you may have been walking this past year, strength loss is a common concern of our returning members. Walking is good for the heart; however, strength is vital to everyday activities. Work with a personal trainer who understands the importance of safe and age-appropriate exercise to regain your strength, balance, flexibility and to work toward better movement. Third, socialize while exercising. The attendance at our fitness classes has increased significantly the past two months. With more vaccinations, social distancing during exercise, COVID-19 protocols and significant equipment cleaning, members feel safe exercising together. More important, this time with others includes laughter, camaraderie and caring for one another. I hear on a daily basis how important this socialization has been and continues to be during the pandemic. Some of our members did not leave their house during the shutdown and were not able to see family or friends either. One of our members. Anne, said, “I always forget how much better exercise makes me feel until I stop and start again. That is the way it was during the COVID shutdown and subsequent re-opening of Motion 4 Life Fitness. Working out in a safe, friendly place gave me more energy and a much more positive outlook.” The stress of the pandemic has negatively impacted our mental, physical and emotional health. However, with a focus on eating healthy, engaging socially and exercising, you can regain your strength and improve how you feel on a daily basis. Beat the pandemic blues and take a step toward a better you. Remember, staying fit never gets old!

Dave Stewart is the director of personal training at Motion 4 Life Fitness.


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8275 CRAIG ST · INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46250 55 AND BETTER Spring 2021


Durham finds perfect fit

Hoosier Village suits couple

By Steve Schneider editiorial@youarecurrent.com

By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com


s an 84-year-old widowed woman trying to find the perfect place to reside, Margaret Durham wasn’t sure where to start. She wanted a place where she felt comfortable and a location that was convenient for church, medical visits and shopping. “It was a complete relief when I found Encore 55+ Boutique Apartments,” Durham said. “It was just what Durham I was looking for. The amenities are great, along with the staff, (and) the grounds and inside of the community is immaculate.” Prior to her retirement, she worked at a bank in its residential and commercial real estate divisions. Because of her hard work, she had a successful career and saved enough for retirement to travel to places like Alaska, Hawaii, Jamaica and other Caribbean destinations. COVID-19 has prevented her from

traveling to visit family. “I have three adult children, six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, so I’m looking forward to seeing them and having them visit me at Encore,” Durham said. “But I’ve kept very busy the past year enjoying my beautiful apartment and doing jigsaw puzzles, internet games and watching television shows. I also keep active one or two days a week with ministry work making telephone calls and participating in conference calls. I have been a member of Eastern Star Church over 25 years and have stayed busy even during the pandemic. It’s a great source of pleasure and very rewarding for me. “Hopefully, the pandemic will be over soon, plus as the weather gets better, that will allow myself and my fellow residents to start to enjoy our wonderful outdoor amenities.” The apartments are located at 75th Street and Binford Boulevard, close to shops, medical, grocery stores, dining and parks.


im and Donna Fleming moved to The Oaks in Hoosier Village for two major reasons. The Flemings, who have been married 47 years, have lived in The Oaks, an independent living section, since June 2019. They previously lived in Columbus, Ind. A main motivation was wanting to be closer to their daughter, Katie Delp, who lives in Thorntown with her two children, an 8-year-old boy and 10-year-old girl. “The other reason is maintaining the house was starting to be a problem, keeping the lawn up and garden,” Jim said. “One of the big drivers of coming to a retirement community was having that work taken care of for us. I’m really impressed and happy for the work they’ve done for us, not just keep up the property, but when we have a problem with the house coming over to fix it. That’s been a real blessing.” Donna said they moved into a brandnew duplex with a finished basement. “There’s an area there that gives the

Jim and Donna Fleming have lived in Hoosier Village for nearly two years. (Submitted photo)

kids a lot of room to play when they can’t go outdoors,” she said. Donna worked as a family consumer science teacher at Columbus East High School, retiring in 2004. She taught for 37 years, previously teaching at Columbus North and Connersville high schools. Jim, 74, worked several different jobs during nearly 40 years with Cummins. He was a business systems analyst before retiring in 2006. Donna, 76, grew up in Connersville.

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I cleaned my equipment and then saw a staff member pick it up and reclean it. I realized M4L was serious about protecting their members, so I continue to go back each week. I feel really blessed to have a safe place to go during the pandemic to exercise and actually talk to someone face to face. My trainer is extremely careful, always wearing a mask and staying socially distant. Joyce, M4L member


55 AND BETTER Spring 2021

Real estate market is impacting downsizing Commentary by Todd Howard


f you haven’t heard by now, housing inventory is historically low. Sellers have been receiving multiple offers and buyers are standing in line. There aren’t enough homes for sale to offer a balanced market. So, how is this impacting those who are downsizing? There are positives and negatives. If you are downsizing and moving into a community for older adults, it’s a great time to sell. In fact, it’s never better. Why? Because you won’t be on the “buying end” of an unbalanced market. Even if your home is not market-ready, there is a high likelihood you should still “go to market.” Because of this unbalanced “seller’s market,” you will get away with not doing all of those home improvements/deferred maintenance items that you have put off. Caution though, you should be ready for a feeding frenzy when you list: multiple showings every hour, multiple offers, lots of information to digest and the need to make quick/educated decisions. I would strongly suggest the guidance of a professional senior real estate specialist to help you. If you are selling then planning to buy a smaller resale home, this is where it can get tough. You need to be prepared to enter a very competitive market. This means you’ll likely lose out on many offers you make. That can get aggravating and drain you emotionally. You might even consider renting if only for one or two years and see what the market does. Your lifestyle might change significantly as you age during that time. If you know which neighborhoods you are interested in, your Realtor might be able to reach out to residents to find out if anyone is interested in selling. Working with a professional is more important than ever to help navigate you through the buying process.

Todd Howard is the president and owner of Halo Senior Solutions. For more, visit haloseniorsolutions.com or call 317225-0420.

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55 AND BETTER Spring 2021



IU HEALTH ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON ADDRESSES TOTAL JOINT REPLACEMENT QUESTIONS Dr. Leonard Buller, orthopedic surgeon at IU Health North and Saxony Hospitals, answers questions about total joint replacement. What is a total joint replacement? Total joint replacement (hip or knee replacement) is a surgical procedure in which the damaged cartilage and bone are removed from the hip or knee joint and replaced with artificial components. In a hip replacement, the damaged femoral head is removed and replaced with a metal stem that is placed into the hollow center of the femur, which may be either cemented or “press fit” into the bone. A metal or ceramic ball is placed on the upper part of the stem, which replaces the damaged femoral head that was removed. The damaged cartilage surface of the socket (acetabulum) is also removed and replaced with a metal socket with screws or cement sometimes used to hold the socket in place. A plastic, ceramic, or metal spacer is then inserted between the new ball and the socket to allow for a smooth gliding surface. A total knee replacement might be more accurately termed a knee “resurfacing” because only the surface of the bones are actually replaced. The bone is prepared by removing the damaged cartilage surfaces at the ends of the femur and tibia. The removed cartilage and bone are then replaced with metal components that recreate the surface of the joint, which may be cemented or “press-fit” into the bone. In some cases, the undersurface of the patella (kneecap) is cut and resurfaced with a plastic button. Finally, a medical-grade plastic spacer is inserted between the metal components to create a smooth gliding surface. How do I know if I need a total joint replacement? The main indication for total joint replacement is arthritis. Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease, is the most common form of arthritis. It occurs most often in the elderly. This disease affects the tissue covering the ends of bones in a joint called cartilage. In osteoarthritis, the cartilage becomes damaged and worn out, causing pain, swelling, stiffness and restricted movement in the affected joint. The pain and decreased function eventual markedly impact a patient’s activities of daily living. Patients may become unable to climb stairs or put on shoes or may need a cane and at that point should begin to think about joint replacement. When a patient has to change their activities or avoid social outings because of pain, it may be time to consider this procedure. What are my options when it comes to a total joint replacement? There are many approaches to joint replacement.


55 AND BETTER Spring 2021

Some cutting-edge techniques include minimally invasive total joint replacement, in which the surgical procedure is performed through a smaller incision. Direct anterior approach hip replacement is an example of a minimally invasive hip surgery to replace the hip joint without cutting through any muscles or tendons, which is different than a traditional hip replacement that involves cutting major muscles to access the hip joint. This may result in an accelerated recovery and potentially has some decreased risks, as well. Another cutting-edge technique for joint replacement is the utilization of computer navigation, which provides the surgeon with real-time 3-D images of a mapped knee or hip and the surgical instruments during surgery. The data for the images is provided by infrared sensors fixed to the bones of the knee and surgical instruments and helps restore normal anatomy more reliably and accurately. Finally, short-stay and fasttrack hip and knee replacement is another innovation that utilizes a synchronized perioperative approach directed at decreasing surgical stress and promoting quicker postoperative recovery. How do I know if I qualify for a total joint replacement and when should I talk to my doctor? You should consult with an orthopedic joint replacement specialist to discuss your hip or knee symptoms. If you are experiencing the following symptoms it might be the right time: the joint pain is causing you sleep loss, you have difficulty walking up or down stairs, you feel a “grinding” or “grating” of your hip

or knee joint, your range of motion (bending and straightening) is limited, you experience stiffness and swelling, especially after sitting for longer periods, the pain is by activity and/or exercise, you have already tried pain medication and non-operative treatments with no improvement to your pain level, the pain is preventing you from leading the kind of healthy, active life that you want or is affecting your quality of life.

What does the recovery process look like? The recovery after a total joint replacement varies by individual, but there are some common milestones. Once your surgery is done, you’ll be taken to a recovery room, where nurses or other medical personnel will monitor your vital signs while the anesthesia wears off. That day you will work with a physical therapist on getting up and walking on the new joint and practicing returning to your normal activities. You will be discharged to your home either the same day or the next day after surgery. And will be working with a therapist at your home or doing the exercises on your own at home for the next several weeks. Most people are able to resume the majority of their normal activities of daily living independently within three to six weeks. It usually takes about four to six weeks to start feeling stronger and to be able to get around with less pain than before the surgery. The full recovery after a joint replacement, however, is oftentimes up to a year long recovery as you continue to improve your strength, endurance, flexibility, joint motion and overall balance.

Wish you could distance yourself from knee or hip pain? You can. We can help. Learn how to distance yourself from the pain without leaving home. View one of our free, online seminars to learn the facts about hip and knee surgery. At our seminar you’ll: ■

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Leonard Buller, MD

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Get answers to the most common questions about hip and knee pain

Register for a free, online hip & knee pain seminar. Visit iuhealth.org/joints. ©2021 IUHealth

IU Health Saxony Hospital | 13100 E. 136th Street in Fishers

55 AND BETTER Spring 2021



MEMORIES Perfect Harmony program connects older adults with music of youth

By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com


usic always brings back memories. “Perfect Harmony was developed five years ago by the Great American Songbook Foundation with the idea of returning to the way music was originally enjoyed – as a community experience in which family, friends and loved ones grabbed a piece of sheet music, gathered around a piano and enjoyed music together,” said Renée La Schiazza, director of programs for the Great American Songbook Foundation. “The songs that the Perfect Harmony program selects are aligned with the music that was popular when most older adults were in their late teens or early adulthood. Research suggests that music from this period of a person’s life has a special significance due to biological factors and life experiences that connect our memories to feelings we experienced during that transformational time. For older adults today, this tends to be music from the Great American Songbook, the most important and influential American popular songs, Broadway hits, and jazz standards from the early 20th century that have stood the test of time.” La Schiazza, a Carmel resident and 2012 Carmel High School graduate, said over the last year, Perfect Harmony has evolved into an online resource to serve older adults in Indiana and across the U.S., especially those who are struggling with isolation and limited social engagement due to the COVID-19 health crisis. Family caregivers, activity directors, and other healthcare professionals from over one hundred eldercare organizations across the state of Indiana and as far as Canada take advantage of Perfect Harmony’s free online resources each month by signing up to receive monthly emails and accessing materials at TheSongbook.org/ PerfectHarmony. Indianapolis resident Allegra Hein, a board-certified music therapist, has been consulting with Perfect Harmony since 2018. “The consultation I provide to Perfect Harmony is based on my clinical experience with older adults as the regional music therapist for Justus Senior Living,” Hein


55 AND BETTER Spring 2021

Olivia Broadwater with her late grandmother Sara Broadwater (Submitted photo)

Allegra Hein, a board-certified music therapist, has been consulting with Perfect Harmony since 2018. (Wayne Images) said. “Growing up in a family of professional musicians, I had early exposure to the benefits of music listening and participation. However, it was not until I started studying music therapy that I began to understand just how beneficial music can be when used as a therapeutic tool by a trained professional. In music therapy, we use music in a clinical setting to improve functioning in areas such as cognition, communication, physical skills, social skills, and mental and emotional health. It’s incredible how the brain’s processing of music, which occurs throughout the brain rather than in one localized region, can improve the quality of life of an individual needing to increase physical strength, regain speech after a stroke, maintain cognition, etc.”

‘Singing for Smiles’ Olivia Broadwater, a 2020 Zionsville Community High School graduate, saw the impact music had on her grandfather with Alzheimer’s disease when she was

younger. “I would go to the nursing home and I would sing and dance for him in the room,” Broadwater said. “It got to point where his abilities deteriorated and he couldn’t speak, or feed himself and he would look at the corner. He would always look up when I sang. It was the one thing that brought him back to us. That stuck with me because I realized at an early age how powerful music is.” So when she had to create a platform when she was Miss Fall Festival’s Outstanding Teen in 2018 it occurred to her she should combine her passion for the Alzheimer’s Association and music. So she created “Singing for Smiles.” “My grandmother (Sara Broadwater) recently passed away from Alzheimer’s and my other grandma (Diane Perkins) was recently diagnosed with dementia,” Broadwater said. “It’s something that has been so relevant in my life. I think it’s been comforting for me to know I have music and it’s a way for me to continually reach them as well as continue to honor them through my work with the organization and platform.” Before COVID-19 pandemic, Broadwater was performing at nursing homes and memory centers. She sang with the Perfect Harmony program at an outdoor event in the summer of 2020. “We sang outside at a Carmel nursing home,” she said. “We made a virtual show for nursing homes with some of my Ball State classmates and also made a link for the public with a link to my The Longest Day donation page for Alzheimer’s. Broadwater, who will compete for Miss Indiana in June, was a Songbook Academy Top 10 finisher in 2018.

Daugherty has new adventure By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com


t 91, Patty Daugherty recently accomplished a first. She went to California April 16 for the first time to visit her youngest son, Doug. Daugherty, who still drives and doesn’t need a walker or cane, traveled by herself. Daugherty has an older son, John, who lives in Chicago, and a daughter, Diane Freeland, who lives in Westfield. She has seven Daugherty grandchildren Patty Daugherty is in the independent living section at The Reserve at Hamilton Trace in Fishers since 2017. Daugherty previously lived in Lawrence area. “Everyone was so positive and there was so much going on,” Daugherty said. “The minute I walked in here all I saw was happy faces. That’s what I loved.” During the lockdown, Daugherty said The Reserve at Hamilton Trace Life Enrichment Director Valerie Howard or

another staff member would knock at the door and bring a popsicle, ice cream or some treat. Daugherty, who grew up in Indianapolis and attended Howe High School, worked as a vice president of branch administration for 25 years. After her husband, Don, died in 2009, her children gave her a cat for company. The cat is named Bella, although it was seven years before she found out it was a male cat. The grandchildren named him. “I was always thought if I wanted a cat or dog, I wanted it to be a female because I thought they would be easier to take care of,” Daugherty said. “After seven years, I went to the vet and he said ‘you know Bella is a boy, right?’ I laughed all the way home. I got after my grandchildren but they thought it was really funny.’ She sometimes calls him Mr. Bell. “Sometimes I think he doesn’t want to be called a lady’s name but he answers to everything,” Daugherty said.

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55 AND BETTER Spring 2021


Website created for seniors By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com


r. Gene Helveston wanted to create a format for adults 55 and older. The Marquette Manor resident created Your Good Life website, which is produced for seniors by seniors Helveston, a retired pediatric ophthalmologist, moved into Marquette Manor in Indianapolis in 2011 with his wife, Barbara, who died in 2018. Helveston also Helveston is an emeritus professor of ophthalmology at the Indiana University School of Medicine. Since he has been in Marquette Manor, Helveston, 87, has written five books, including three thrillers he described as G“We started an online book club in September of 2018,” said Helveston, who previously lived in various spots around the Indianapolis area, including Carmel. . We kept working and putting things together. Then in December 2019,

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55 AND BETTER Spring 2021

we published our first full-time continuing website. We’ve continued that weekly.” The website is open to any seniors anywhere to contribute. “It’s billed as the only literary book club available for seniors,” Helveston said. “I’ve tried to find a literary website for seniors and they are all dating sites, travel agencies, selling books, selling medical substitutes. But ours is just literary, no advertising, no paid sponsorship and all free.” Helveston said he approves all contributions. “We establish a format and it’s kind of rigid,” he said. “I write a 500 to 700word column every week. It’s about anything I feel like.” The Chapbook, called by Savvy Senior, is a 500 to 700 word story about a memory, thought and idea that seniors have. “There is no political ranting or provocative points,” Helveston said. For more, visit yourgoodlife.org.

Medicaid needs should be planned early Commentary by Lisa Dillman


edicaid has become the single-largest provider of financial assistance for nursing home residents. Why? Long-term care is so expensive that most families exhaust their hard-earned savings within two years of a family member moving into a nursing home. However, families can use Medicaid Planning to protect their assets.

Don’t delay Families often think they have plenty of time to worry about paying for longterm care or to protect assets. However, Medicaid planning needs to occur at least five years before the Medicaid application process because of the program’s five-year look-back period. Medicaid can look back over a period of five years in Indiana when running the financial analysis to determine if you qualify for coverage. Medicaid checks to

ensure no assets were sold or given away for less than they are worth in order for an applicant to meet the asset eligibility limit. For Medicaid purposes, the transfer of assets to a Medicaid Asset Protection Trust is seen as a gift and violates the look back rule, which can result in a period of Medicaid ineligibility. Medicaid Asset Protection Trust Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts, MAPT, are irrevocable trusts that can be

valuable tools for Medicaid planning. When an irrevocable trust is established, there is a trustee appointed that manages all assets and decisions regarding the trust. Lisa Dillman is the Managing Attorney at Applegate & Dillman Elder Law. The firm specializes in elder law and Life Care Planning, a holistic approach to deal with the legal, financial, medical and emotional issues involved in growing older. The firm has offices in Indianapolis, Carmel and Zionsville. Find out more at www.applegate-dillman.com


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Don’t live with back pain Commentary By Linda Barnes, Therapy on Wheels


f you have back pain, physical therapy may be your ticket to relief. Physical therapy can relieve pain, promote healing and restore function and movement. If you get physical therapy when your back problems first begin, you may even be able to avoid surgery. And if you do need surgery, physical therapy can greatly help you recover. Getting Started Some spine specialists recommend physical therapy sooner, particularly if the pain is severe. In general, the goals of physical therapy are to decrease pain, increase function, and get the patient on a maintenance program to prevent further recurrences. Depending upon your needs, your physical therapist will come up with a treatment plan to assist you. The first thing they will do is work on treatments to ease your back pain and improve your flexibility including: • Massage: Helps relax your mus-

cles, increases circulation, and eases pain in your soft tissues. • Mobilization: Measured movements to move bones and joints into position helping with flexibility. • Manipulation: Pressure on your body with the hands or a device ranging from gentle to strong, and slow to fast helping improve strength and endurance. Therapy on Wheels is one of the few companies that has Physical Therapists who specialize in the treatment of back pain in the home. All one-on-one therapy is provided in the comfort of your own home with no homebound restrictions. Therapy On Wheels accepts most insurance plans, including Medicare. Therapy On Wheels can help you manage your back pain. Contact our office to set up an appointment at (317) 332-9861 or visit our website at therapyonwheelsinc.com.

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55 AND BETTER Spring 2021

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Tips for older adults to avoid heat stress Commentary by Patrick Broccolo


ith spring in full swing, summer will be here before you know it. Did you know that older adults are more prone to heat stress? It is important that they and those who care for them be proactive in the increased temperatures that sunny summers can bring. As people age, they tend to dehydrate more quickly, and their skin is more susceptible to the sun. Other contributing factors can be prescription medications and chronic medical conditions. To help stay proactive, consider the following: • Stay hydrated with adequate daily fluid intake throughout the day. Water is the best choice as soda, coffee and tea contain diuretics which increase water removal from the body. • Stay protected by wearing a hat, sunscreen and sunglasses when outside. Even while driving in the car, the sun’s rays can penetrate the front windshield and cause sunburn. • Stay cool and find some shade. Wearing loose, lightweight, or light-colored clothing can make a big difference. While a little Vitamin D is good for us all, it is important to remain mindful of our own heat and humidity tolerance. Enjoy your safe and sun-filled summer days. Patrick Broccolo, CNA, is coowner of Senior1Care, which provides trained, in-home caregivers who assist with dementia care, homemaker and companion services throughout Hamilton and Boone counties. Visit Senior1Care.com for more information.

Book to help children understand Alzheimer’s disease — To help adults discuss Alzheimer’s disease with young children in an age-appropriate way, the Alzheimer’s Foundation of Americ has published “Dancing with Granddad: An Alzheimer’s Story for Children and Their Families” in both English and Spanish. The book can be purchased through AFA’s e-store at shop.alzfdn.org. Proceeds go toward AFA programs, services and research toward a more effective treatment/cure for Alzheimer’s disease.

Cedarwood is Now Open! Welcome to the newest apartments at Hoosier Village. Our unrivaled amenities and laid-back lifestyle at Hoosier Village are unmatched in the Indianapolis area. We’ve met demand by expanding our assisted living apartments so you can enjoy maintenance-free living in one of the finest communities in town, while taking advantage of a wide variety of on-campus social engagements, organized activities, impromptu gatherings, and much more. Hoosier Village is a BHI Community, a non-profit, faithbased organization. Come see for yourself what all the excitement is about. Call 317.873.3349 or visit www.hoosiervillage.com for more information.

www.hoosiervillage.com 9935 Wood View Pkwy. Indianapolis, IN 46268 | 317-873-3349 55 AND BETTER Spring 2021


April 27, 2021


Current in Fishers





Freedom of choice?

Starting to see the bright side

Commentary by Terry Anker

Commentary by Danielle Wilson

We all like to have our choice. Good, we have earned the right to lead our own lives. We go to work. We pay our bills. We follow the general rules of an organized society. So why wouldn’t we be able to decide things for ourselves? If such is our whim to have tacos tonight, no one should force us into a Chinese restaurant, no matter how much they might like eggrolls. It all seems orderly enough. Still, even as the word choice appears printed here on this page, it generates a trigger for some good readers. Is school choice or gender choice or health care choice intended? As we move from the important question of Taco Bell versus Panda Express, we humans can become a little trickier in our handling of choice – what it is and who should get it. Many who support choice on any of the above don’t believe that the others make any sense at all. The opposite is just as likely true. While there are legitimate matters to be contemplated in the specific examples, the intended point is that what some think to be a basic human choice, others just as strongly consider off-the-table, even immoral. Is the choice of choice the thing? Or is it who gets to choose the chooser that raises our ire? Indiana is way ahead, and soon all Hoosiers who want to be vaccinated will be. Some will be OK with objectors and others not. The FDA chose to let the vaccines go to market with different standards than might apply to other drugs. Can the same chooser choose to expedite a needed experimental cancer drug? Can the desperate patient knowingly choose to take the risk? When are we free to choose, and when are we free to choose for others?

COVID-19 has disrupted working norms for most people, from mask requirements to social distancing to even conducting business at home. I can’t speak to everyone’s experience, but as a teacher, I can say that this year has been the most challenging of my career, and not in a good way. The combination of in-person and remote learners, Zoom instruction and health mitigations has created an atmosphere of almost constant stress and self-doubt that is utterly exhausting. But with the arrival of spring and vaccinations, I’m beginning to remember why I love my job. This week held a couple of joyful moments that I think even non-educators can appreciate. The first can be captured in two words: pastry ring. I occasionally receive leftover doughnuts or an unwanted cupcake, but I’ve never been gifted 10 cherry and cheese Danishes fused together into a delectable baked wreath. And what made it even sweeter (pun intended) was that this kid is a Zoomer; he had to recruit his friend to deliver it because he never steps foot in the building! They like me, they really like me! The following day, as we in the social studies department began our hallway karaoke session, another remarkable event unfolded. Toward the end of a decent rendition of “I’ve Had the Time of My Life” from “Dirty Dancing” by yours truly, two male teachers signaled to each other across the way, backed up, and then, you guessed it, performed … The Lift. Right? I nearly wept as cheers erupted. We’ve all been affected by the pandemic, but hopefully you’re starting to find joy again in your work. I know I am. Peace out.

Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@ youarecurrent.com.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK “When your mother asks, ‘Do you want a piece of advice?’ it is a mere formality. It doesn’t matter if you answer yes or no. You’re going to get it anyway.” – ERMA BOMBECK

POLICIES Letters to the editor: Current Publishing will consider verifiable letters of up to 150 words. Letters must be thoroughly vetted prior to submission. Current retains the right to reject or return any letter it deems to carry unsubstantiated content. Current also retains the right to edit letters, but not their intent. Send letters to info@youarecurrent.com. Writers must include a hometown and a daytime phone number for verification. Guest columns: The policy for guest columns is the same as the aforementioned, but the allowable length is 240 words. Guest columns should address the whole of Current’s readership, not simply special-interest groups, and may not in any way contain a commercial message.

Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at info@youarecurrent.com.


April 27, 2021


Current in Fishers



Fishers needs more green space Editor, I love the outdoors. I love to go to lots of different parks to hike and mountain bike and do other fun outdoor activities, so I am very sad to say I think that there is a lack of green space in our community of Fishers. I think that one of the reasons for this is that there is not much undeveloped area left in our city. This makes it hard for people like the parks and recreation department to find more green space.

One of the things that should be done to address this issue is that we should stop building on the little open green space we have left in our area. We should also be putting more money toward turning those little bits of green space into nice parks. Also, despite all of these issues, we are slowly making progress. For example, there is a new park called the Agri-Park that was just created and hopefully there will be lots more parks to come. Olivia Smith, Fishers

Time for stricter background checks Editor, Brandon Scott Hole was placed on a mental health temporary hold in March 2020. Yet in July and September 2020, he purchased two assault rifles. Could a sensible background check have prevented the deaths of eight people, the wounding of others and the suffering of their families and many of the workers at FedEx? To the Second Amendment rights people,

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clearly your thoughts and prayers have not worked. Our Declaration of Independence states, “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,” and to me that outweighs your right, just like many other laws to protect people. It is time to enact laws to require total background checks on anyone wanting to purchase a firearm or even to be given a firearm. It would be a simple firearm license. Joe Weingarten, Fishers

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April 27, 2021


Current in Fishers


Seems like Saturday was only yesterday last Sunday

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Commentary by Dick Wolfsie

“Maybe you knew that Brett came to dinner at our house Saturday night instead of “Doesn’t it feel like Sunday?” Mary Ellen Sunday. But today is Monday. So, this hapasked a couple weeks ago. pens to you guys, too?” “Yes, come to think of it, it “All the time. A couple of weekends ago HUMOR does seem like a Sunday, even we stayed up until 11:30 to watch ‘Saturday though it’s Saturday. Why do Night Live’ because it felt like Saturday all you ask?” I said. day, but it was really Friday. Actually, it was “Dick, it’s just less confusing if we both Good Friday. That should have been a clue think it’s the same day, even though it’s the that it wasn’t Saturday.” wrong day.” The end of April, That night, I asked we’re invited to They changed the date to the Mary Ellen if we were have dinner with our following Sunday so the days in the going to watch “60 friends, the Murphys. rest of the week would seem right. Minutes” as we norThey live about an mally do. – DICK WOLFSIE hour away, so I called “It’s Saturto be sure we were day, Dick. ‘60 Minall on the same page. utes’ is on tomorrow night.” “Jane, it’s Dick. We’re supposed to have “Oh, that’s right, it just feels like Sunday. dinner with you in a couple weeks, correct?” Then why did Brett come for dinner tonight? “Yes, Wednesday the 28th. Why? Is that a He always comes over on Sunday night. bad night for you?” That’s what’s confusing me.” “Well, we always watch ‘Chicago “I know. I keep thinking we missed our PD’ Wednesday nights at 10. Never miss it. Zoom church service this morning, but it’s If we record the show and come to your tomorrow. That’s the last time we feed our house that night, then we will have to son on a Saturday.” watch it on Thursday night and then all day I then asked Mary Ellen what our plans Friday. We’ll think it’s Thursday.” were for the next few days. John and Jane were very understanding. “We have something fun on Monday at They changed the date to the following noon. We’re meeting Bob and Cathy for a Sunday so the days in the rest of the week picnic in the park. Looks like it will be beauwould seem right. Sunday will now feel like tiful weather.” Sunday … as long as the Murphys invite We got to the park on time at noon, but Brett for dinner, too. Bob and Cathy hadn’t shown up, so I called to see if they were on their way. “Bob, where are you? You’re never late. Dick Wolfsie is an author, We’re here, waiting.” columnist and speaker. Contact “Dick, today is Sunday. Our picnic is tohim at wolfsie@aol.com. morrow. Although, for some reason it does feel like a Monday. I wonder why that is?”




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April 27, 2021


Current in Fishers


Traveling with Medicare coverage Commentary by Mandi Baker Medicare’s coverage of health care services while traveling depends on where you travel and how you receive PLANNING your Medicare benefits. Traveling within the U.S. If you have Original Medicare or Original Medicare with Medigap coverage, you will typically have the same level of coverage anywhere in the United States (including Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and other territories of the U.S.), if services are provided by doctors and hospitals that accept Original Medicare. If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan, your benefits may or may not cover services received outside of your service area. Some plans may cover providers that are out-of-network or out of your service area, but may have higher cost-sharing or restrictions, such as prior authorization. Some plans offer telehealth services which would allow you to connect with a physician via phone or video chat to receive a medical assessment. All Medicare Advantage Plans are required to provide coverage for emergency and

urgent care anywhere in the U.S. without additional cost-sharing. You should contact your plan prior to traveling to determine what rules and costs apply when you travel within the U.S. Check the rules closely to determine if your plan offers a visitor or travel benefit. Only certain areas or time frames may be included, certain services may not be covered, you may have cost-sharing or potentially be responsible for the entire cost of care if you see providers that are outside the plan’s network. Traveling outside the U.S. Medicare usually does not cover medical care outside the U.S. However, some Medigap policies provide limited coverage for travel abroad. Medigap Plans C through G, M and N may cover 80 percent of the cost of emergency care abroad (with a $250 annual deductible and $50,000 lifetime maximum). Some Medicare Advantage Plans also have limited emergency coverage. Keep in mind that although your plan may provide travel benefits, you may still be responsible for the entire cost at the time of services and then be responsible to seek reimbursement upon your return home. Check your policy for specific coverage rules.

Traveling by cruise ship Medicare may pay for medical care you get on a cruise ship if you receive the care while the ship is in U.S. territorial waters. This means the ship is in a U.S. port or within six hours of arrival at or departure from a U.S. port. Medical care received while in a foreign port or foreign waters will likely not be covered, depending on how you receive your Medicare benefits. Travel Health Insurance is strongly encouraged, and sometimes required, when traveling out of the U.S. We recommend all Medicare beneficiaries call and discuss your health plan benefits and the options for travel insurance with your trusted Medicare insurance advisor when planning any trip outside of your service area. Happy traveling!

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Mandi Baker is the strategy & compliance manager for the Medicare insurance division for Shepherd Insurance.

DISPATCH Video game stock growth — The video game industry is booming. The global video game market is likely to double to $300 billion in revenue by 2025, according to tech research firm GlobalData, driven by the expansion of mobile-phone and online gaming. Rather than buying individual games in stores such as GameStop, players are paying fees for monthly subscriptions to online services that allow them to stream or download games. Two subscription services, Apple Arcade and Google Stadia, were launched last year, but they’ve had lukewarm results, partly because of competition from free online video game providers such as Epic Games. Investors should focus on third-party video game publishers with a history of churning out blockbuster games for consoles, PCs and mobile devices. Two attractive video game publishers now are: Activision Blizzard (ATVI) hits include World of Warcraft, which has had $9 billion in revenue since 2004. Electronic Arts (EA) makes bestselling games such as the FIFA soccer series, Madden NFL and Battlefield. Source: BottomLineInc.com

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April 27, 2021


Current in Fishers



Extra weight affects feet Commentary by Dr. David Sullivan April is Foot Health Awareness Month, and this month’s focus is on how your weight can affect your foot PODIATRY health. Carrying extra weight is not only bad for the heart and waistline, it’s also hard on the feet. Extra weight is a risk for foot pain because the feet, toes and ankles are the foundation of the body. They absorb shock when running or walking. By adding extra pounds to their load, they can get overworked. Even gaining between 5 and 10 pounds could be enough to hurt the feet. Foot problems linked to weight gain Extra pounds can flatten your arches, putting more pressure on your feet and changing the way you walk. Gaining weight could also increase the risk for bunions and hammertoes. When it comes to bunions, extra weight can make the feet pronate (roll inward). This overpronation can make the big toe shift towards the second toe, leaving a bony bump on your foot. Obesity contributes to hammertoes by causing the toes to buckle and bend at their middle joints. They become rigid, so

they stay in this painful shape. Gaining weight could also trigger heel pain or ball-of-foot pain as well as tendonitis. It also increases the risk for foot fractures or ankle sprains and, in the long term, arthritis of the foot. Treating weight-related foot conditions The best way to protect your feet is to maintain a healthy weight (according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a healthy BMI falls between 18.5 and 24.9). But while you’re working on your weight, we can help manage foot pain with certain devices or treatments. The best way to prevent damage is to take the load off the feet, with supportive shoes and custom orthotics. If you’re already experiencing foot pain, we can help with anti-inflammatory medication or with stretching/strengthening exercises and/or physical therapy. MLS Laser Therapy also may be an option.

Healthier bread — Like it or not, bread just isn’t that good for you, especially white

catering for any honeybaked

occasion this spring!

A board-certified foot surgeon and wound specialist, Dr. David Sullivan is the owner of Westfield Foot and Ankle, LLC. Contact him at drs@westfieldfoot.com.

DISPATCHES Sunscreen tip — Most skin cancers are a result of exposure to UV radiation. UV radiation comes in two forms – UVA and UVB. Sunscreen products list an SPF on the label, but the SPF only refers to protection from UVB rays. Make sure to buy products that are labeled as “broad spectrum” in order to obtain protection from both types of radiation. Source: fda.gov


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bread. Even though whole grain bread is a better option, it is still low in nutrients. Now, though, there is a healthy bread substitute. Called Barely Bread, it’s a soy-, yeast- and gluten-free, paleo-friendly bread substitute that actually tastes a lot like real bread. The texture isn’t identical to regular bread, but it is close. Available online or at Whole Foods, it’s worth trying. Source: MSN.com

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April 27, 2021

Current in Fishers



Civic Theatre’s ‘Light on the Horizon’ gives sneak preview of upcoming shows By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com Westfield resident Melissa Sosnowski is convinced “Light on the Horizon” is a great way for Civic Theatre to return MUSIC to live performances. The performances, set for April 29 to May 15 at The Tarkington at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel, will be the first shows since March 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic forced a lockSosnowski down. Attendance will be restricted for social distancing. There is a livestream option as well. Most of the songs are from the 2021-22 season or shows Civic Theatre officials plan to present in the future. “I love that this format is giving audiences a taste of what is to come for the season, and it gives us a chance to perform in numbers that we would otherwise not be able to do,” Sosnowski said. “The first half is very high energy with a lot of dancing and group numbers, and the second half has more of a focus on individual features or smaller numbers. The entire cast is incredibly talented, and I am so happy to be a part of this show.” A 2007 Carmel High School graduate, Sosnowski is on stage for all of the group numbers. She has a dance feature in “You Should Be Dancing” and is a member of the quartet doing “Go Into Your Dance.” “I was in rehearsals for a show when everything got shut down,” Sosnowski said. “I have not been on stage since Civic’s performance of ‘Elf’ in December 2019. To say I was eager to get back is definitely an understatement. Civic is my home away from home, and I have never gone this long without being on stage at The Tarkington. It feels so good to finally be returning to normal.” Carmel High School senior Emily Chrzanowski has performed in one production since the pandemic began. The show was

“Light on the Horizon” Civic Theatre will present “Light on the Horizon” April 29 through May 15 at The Tarkington at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. Performances are at 7 p.m. April 29-30 and 2 p.m. May 2. In-person and livestream options are available. For more, visit civictheatre.org. “Live at the Center” Pavel & Direct Contact will perform in the “Live at the Center” series at 8 p.m. April 30 at the Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. To register for the free livestream, visit thecenterpresents.org. Beef & Boards Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre will present “Smoke on the Mountain” from May 4 to June 20. For more, visit beefandboards.com.

From left, Bridgette Ludlow, Emily Schaab, Steve Kruze and David Cunningham rehearse a number. Music Director Brent Marty is behind the group while Tenéh Karimu plays piano. (Submitted photo)

“Holiday Lights,” which was Civic Theatre’s virtual holiday cabaret. “But this will be my first time performing for a live audience since the pandemic, which I am absolutely thrilled about,” she said. Chrzanowski sings Chrzanowski “Journey to the Past from the musical “Anastasia.” In addition, she has a part in various group numbers. “The thing I most like about the format of this show is the ability to tell a beautiful and unique story without the songs being from the same show,” said Chrzanowski, who will attend Ball State University as a musical theater major in the fall. “We get to welcome the audience back to live theater and show them all of the productions to look forward to in the amazing upcoming season.” Zionsville resident Mikayla Koharchik will sing “Loud” from “Matilda the Musical.” She was cast in the role of Mrs. Wormwood in “Matilda,” which has twice

been postponed. It is now scheduled for the spring of 2022. Koharchik also sings “Part of Your World” from “The Little Mermaid” as a duet with Bridgette Ludlow. Koharchik said it will be special to perform before a live audience in more Koharchik than a year. “It is a preview of the excitement to come. However, the songs have been changed just a bit to give the show more of a cabaret feel,” she said. “There will be mashups and some new arrangements, too. The audience also will hear a couple of well-known tunes which are given a new twist to honor being back in theater.” Koharchik said the pandemic created some unique opportunities for her to perform. In October 2020, she was a part of Civic’s “Ghost Light Cabaret,” a livestream production. The performances are at 7 p.m. April 29-30, May 7-9 and May 14-15. There is a 2 p.m. matinee May 2. For more, visit civictheatre.org.

Art on the Prairie set for Aug. 22 editorial@youarecurrent.com Fishers Arts Council and Conner Prairie Museum will present Art on the Prairie, an outdoor arts festival, at Conner Prairie from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Aug. 22. The event will feature up to 50 visual artists and artisans exhibiting and selling art, jewelry and crafts along with live musical performances. “This event is something we have wanted in Fishers for several years,” stated Tom Rich, president of the Fishers Arts Council. “We just never could find the right opportunity and venue until now. We have always wanted the festival at Conner Prairie, but scheduling was always a problem. When they finally found a date, we couldn’t have been more excited.” There is no entrance fee to Art on the Prairie. Admission will be included in the entry fee to the Conner Prairie living history museum. Artists, artisans and performers can find information about participating at fishersartscouncil.org/blog.

April 27, 2021


HSE’s Jones embraces new role By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com

able to work through a seismic shift in their lives.” Audiences can stream the show at 7 p.m. Hamilton Southeastern High School senior April 30 and May 1 and at 2 p.m. May 2. Sam Jones is able to have some fun with his Jones said his favorite number is “Go,” character of Adam in and it involves nearly the whole MUSICAL “Freaky Friday.” cast. “One thing I love Audrey Waite is serving as a stuabout playing Adam is how confident director for the third time this dent the character is,” Jones said. school year. “He steals the stage and other “I have really enjoyed getting to characters just know when he is know the ins and outs of theater on stage. Adam is definitely my in a way I never had before,” Waite Jones favorite role I have had at HSE and said. “Getting to see the detail-oriprobably my biggest.’” ented process directors go through to “Freaky Friday” is a new musical based make shows happen is really fascinating, on the novel by Mary Rodgers and the Disespecially since I get to be part of some ney films of the same name. discussions as I gain more experience. A re“It has a catchy, pop-rock score with hearsal hardly passes where I don’t sit with lots of comedy and heart,” said HSE theater a director and throw ideas at a wall until teacher Ethan Mathias, who is directing the something works, and I absolutely love that. musical. “When we announced the show, It’s the perfect environment for me.” many students were surprised to learn that Mathias’ wife, Devan Mathias, is the costhe movie had been turned into a musical. tume designer and assistant director. Other At a time when so much of our world feels members of the team are Brent Marty, vocal upside down, there is something comforting director; Laura Beck, technical director; and and encouraging in spending a few hours Elizabeth Pike, choreographer. sharing a story about a stressed-out family For more, visit HSEDrama.org.

Current in Fishers


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April 27, 2021

Current in Fishers


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April 27, 2021


Current in Fishers



Civic Theatre releases schedule By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com

Alongside with the mainstage productions, “The Cat in the Hat” also will return in February 2022. In 2022, the Jr. Civic muDespite frustrations the past 13-plus sical will be “The Little Mermaid Jr.” and the months during the COVID-19 pandemic, Young Artists Program will perform “42nd Civic Theatre Street and “Revue!” PRODUCTION Executive Ar“The Color Purple” was originally tistic Director scheduled for this spring but with Michael Lasley is optimistic about the significant limits on attendance, the future. Lasley said it was best to move it to “This past year has been a strugthe opening of the 2021-22 season. gle for us and everyone that relies Civic Theatre had planned to on large groups of people gathering bring “Elf The Musical” back in 2020, Lasley together for the shared experience but instead it showed the recorded of live performance, so announcing version of the 2019 performance a season for 2021-2022 is particularly exbecause of gathering restrictions. citing,” Lasley said. “While we are certain “While we know the 2019 production there will still be uncertainties for the next would be successful, we were astounded by several months, we believe that we will be the level of success,” Lasley said. “The show able to return to a kind of normal for the fall broke all previous records for a single show and the holidays.” at Civic and we believe it will be a special The 2021-22 schedule includes “The Color experience for our patrons as it returns this Purple,” Oct. 7-23; “Elf the Musical,” Dec. holiday season.” 3-24; “The Diary of Anne Frank,” Feb. 4-19, Like “The Color Purple” and “Elf The Mu2022; “Wait Until Dark,” March 11-26, 2022; sical,” both “The Diary of Anne Frank” and and “Matilda The Musical,” April 29 to May “Matilida” were postponed because of the 14, 2022 pandemic. “Matilda” was rescheduled twice.

A P R I L 2 9 - M AY 1 5 , 2 0 2 1


Band set for ‘Live at the Center’ By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com Pavel Polanco-Safadit describes his brand of Latin jazz as fiery. Pavel & Direct Contact will CONCERT perform in the “Live at the Center” series, which will be livestreamed at 8 p.m. April 30 from the Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. “As a musician, you have to reach out to different audiences,” Polanco-Safadit said. “For this concert, we will be playing all original music. We play instrumental music, and we sing in both English and Spanish.” Polanco-Safadit sings and plays the piano and fellow Indianapolis resident Leah Crane joins him as a vocalist. There will be 10 band members in the concert, but Polanco-Safadit said there are normally eight. “They (Palladium staff) seem to have a fantastic team with the lighting and sound,” Polanco-Safadit said. Polanco-Safadit, originally from the Dominican Republic, said he does have a following internationally in the Dominican Republic, Japan, Mexico and Argentina. Prior

Leah Crane and Pavel Polanco-Safadit form Pavel & Direct Contact, which plays in the “Live at the Center” series April 30. (Submitted photo)

to the COVID-19 pandemic, he traveled to those nations. When Polanco-Safadit plays in other nations and areas outside of the Midwest, he performs with local musicians. “It was zero last year,” he said. “My only trip in 2020 was to New York in January.” Polanco-Safadit regularly plays at the Jazz Kitchen and will perform again at 7 and 9:30 p.m. May 1. His music can be found on Apple Music and Spotify, among other digital platforms. The band’s albums are available on Amazon. Pavel & Direct Contact also has a Facebook page. For more, visit thecenterpresents.org.


M AY 7 - M AY 2 2 , 2 0 2 1



April 27, 2021


Current in Fishers



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MAY 2021 NICKEL PLATE ARTS Events, Exhibits, and Classes May 7, 6–9 p.m. Join us in-person on Nickel Plate Arts campus as we celebrate the creativity of our community. Enjoy an interactive musical experience with Indy Music and Wellness (C/@IndyMusicandWellness). Be sure to wear a face covering and help us enjoy a socially distanced evening together.

MAKER FAIRE June 19, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. The Nickel Plate Arts Maker Faire will showcase the works of our talented local artisans and makers on the downtown Noblesville Courthouse Square in conjunction with St. Michael’s Strawberry Festival, a beloved (and delicious!) annual event. Don’t miss this family-friendly event!

JUDGE STONE HOUSE EXHIBIT Process: The Healing Power of Art May 7-Jun 26; Wed.–Fri., Noon–5 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m.–5 p.m.


Tony Schillaci May 7-May 29, Wed.– Fri., Noon–5 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m.–5 p.m.

Office to offer free week-long summer camps this July! Registration required: Embroidery Class with Tammy Limit of 20 campers per session. Camp Schedule (projects change daily) Burke May 6, 6-9 p.m., Cost: $20 11 a.m.-Noon Mini Artists (age 4-6) Classes with Jeanette Pomeroy- 1-2 p.m. Little Artists (age 7-9) 3-4 p.m. Tween Artists (age 10-12) Parssi *single sessions available *Link for registration will be made soon. **No class Memorial Day, May 31

Monday Night Drawing Class May 24-Aug 2** (10 sessions*); 7–9 p.m. | Cost: $120 Monday Oil Painting 201 May 24-Aug 2** (10 sessions*), 10 a.m.-12 p.m. | Cost: $150 Wednesday Teen and Tween Drawing Class May 26- July 28 (10 sessions*), 4:30-5:30 p.m. | Cost: $100 Wednesday Oil Painting 201 May 26-July 28 (10 sessions*), 6:30-8:30 p.m. | Cost: $150

2021 Adventures in Art Summer Camp for Noblesville Residents* July 12-16 or July 19-23 Nickel Plate Arts is partnering with Noblesville Township Trustee

Our Reality, Our Dreams: The Photography of Freddie Kelvin & Tom Mueller Reception at Fishers City Hall on Friday, May 14, 6-8 p.m. Meet Freddie Kelvin and Tom Mueller, along with Alcove Featured Artist, Brinton Farrand. This free reception is open to the public. Meet the artists on display and enjoy their works. Special musical guest TBD. Some artwork will be available for purchase. More info: bit.ly/fishersevents

High Frequency Arts Spring Artist Open House & Fishers Arts Council Reception: Art Gallery at Fishers City Hall June 18, 5-9 p.m. FREE Fishers Arts Council opens the Art High Frequency Arts at the Hub Gallery at City Hall every Satur- & Spoke Design Center day from 10am-12pm during the 8100 E 106th Street Fishers Farmers Market. Opening highfrequencyarts.com/events Saturday, May 1, 2021. Nickel Plate Arts is brought to you by:


Bobbi Samples “Come on, Spring! Indiana Wildflowers!” April-June; Meyer Najem Building Reception: June 5, 6-7:30 p.m.


Sharon Jiskra Brooks “Observations” April-June; Four Day Ray Brewing Reception: May 4, 5-7:30 p.m.


Craig Mullins & Sherry Haines "Neighbors” Hub & Spoke Design Center Reception: June 18, 5-9 p.m.

esville main stree obl


Caravan Classes Happy Babies (& Tots) Online Thursdays at 10am Wednesday Art Classes $15 per session 4:30–5:30 p.m.: After-school Art 5:30–6:30 p.m.: Teen Art caravanclasses@gmail.com or call 765-557-1969 CEA (Community Education Arts) Callout for “Summer Sizzle” Original artwork, poetry/short prose, and music Deadline June 9 cearts.org/arts-showcase/






Noblesville Main Street Noblesville Farmers Market May 1-October 9, 8 a.m.-Noon The Noblesville Farmers Market is proud of our diverse and unique vendor base. All market vendors produce the products they sell! From honey, to fresh meat, to flowers to candles, the Noblesville Farmers Market has something for everyone! The market will run from May 1st until October 9th from 8AM-12PM at Federal Hill Commons. Upstairs Downtown May 7, 5-9 p.m. Upstairs Downtown is back this year! We will be exploring downtown Noblesville’s coolest

buildings! This is your chance to see what’s above your favorite stores. Self-Guided Tour: $10 Tour with Guide: $20 Please adhere to state and local COVID-19 guidelines while participating in this event. If you are over the age of 65, we recommend you do not participate in this event. More info: noblesvillemainstreet.org White River Sound Every Tuesday starting May 11 7-9 p.m. Ivy Tech in Lawrence Visit the White River Sound Chorus as they start in person rehearsals for the first time in over a year! More info: whiteriversoundchorus.org

Commentary by Anna Skinner Address: 90 W. Jackson St., Cicero What to get: The Trotsky Price: $8.50 Anna’s take: The thing that impressed me the most about Bronko’s is its ability to do many things well. Typically, when I go to a restaurant that specializes in something, such as a steakhouse, a pizza place, sandwich shop, etc., it does that one item exceptionally well but the other items, maybe not so much. The incredible thing about Bronko’s is, although known for being a pizza joint, it offers incredible fried chicken, sandwiches, appetizers and, of course, pizza. I started off with stuffed mushrooms ($8.75) — six mushrooms stuffed with Bronko’s sausage and topped with melted cheese. They were hot and delectable. I also tried the Trotsky ($8.50), an Italian beef and cheese sandwich with giardiniera on Italian bread. This was probably my favorite just because I am a sucker for sandwiches and I also like food to have a little spicy kick. I

The Combination is a pizza with sausage, pepperoni, green pepper, mushrooms and onion. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

also tried the fried chicken and ordered a breast/wing combo for $6.89 with a side of Serbian potato salad. The fried chicken is crispy and not overly greasy, which I loved. For pizza, I tried The Combination (prices range from $6.50 to $24.50 depending on size), which has sausage, pepperoni, green pepper, mushrooms and onion. The pizza is cut in rectangular slices and in my opinion has the perfect crust — somewhere between thin and deep dish. I don’t like thin crust or deep dish, but I do like crust to be what I call “normal,” which is right in the middle. Bronko’s has great prices and even better food, so I encourage you to make the trip to downtown Cicero to check it out! Bronko’s also has several craft beer options.

Behind bars: Orange is the New Whack Get it at Hotel Tango, Zionsville Ingredients: 2 oz. orangecello, 1 oz. lemon juice, .75 oz. simple syrup, 3 dashes angostura bitters, orange swath Directions: Shake ingredients and double-strain over a large block of ice. Garnish with orange swath.

DISPATCH Westfield Washington Public Library hosts artisan sale — The Westfield Washington Public Library will host Art, Love & Friendship, an artisan sale with book displays of love and friendship, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 8. Booths throughout the library will showcase ceramics, jewelry, fiber arts, home décor, wall hangings, clothing and more. Prices range from $5 to $100. There will be a quick-fix eye makeup session by a professional available for purchase. Visitors can purchase handmade, gift-packaged cookies and sweets or create a gift package with a handmade ceramic plate and sweets. There will be literature that celebrates love and friendship with special displays of books, vintage love letters and photographs. For children, there will be a friendship-themed story time and an all-ages takehome activity, among other activities. Vendors only accept cash or checks. The library does not make change. The free event is presented by the Westfield Washington Public Library, 333 W. Hoover St. For more, visit wwpl.librarycalendar.com/events/ALF_2021.

April 27, 2021


Current in Fishers



STARTALK STARTALK Chinese Chinese Summer Summ Ca for High for High School School Students Stude Sponsored Sponsored by the byU.S. the Department U.S. Departme of STARTALK Chinese Summer Camp STARTALK Chinese Summer Camp Tuition-free Tuition-free (If accepted, (If accepted, you onlyyou need only toneed pay $50 to pr STARTALK Chinese Summer Camp for School Students for High High School Students by Ball by State Ball State Universi Uni for High Offered SchoolOffered Students

Sponsored by ofof Defense Sponsored bythe theU.S. U.S.Department Department Defense Ball (If State Ballthe University State University offers apay offers unique aDefense unique opportunity opportunity for hig Tuition-free accepted, you only need to $50 registration fee.) Sponsored by U.S. Department of Tuition-free (If accepted, you only need to pay $50 registration fee.) with little orlittle noyouformal or learning learning of Chinese offee.) Chinese to immerse to i Tuition-free (Ifwith accepted, onlyno needformal to pay $50 registration Offered Offeredby byBall BallState StateUniversity University

STARTALK Chinese Summer Camp Chinese Summer C culturally culturally rich and rich academically and academically stimulating stimulating program. program. Lunch Offered Chinese Summer Camp Ball State University Ball State State STARTALK University aaSTARTALK unique opportunity for school students Ball University offers offersby unique opportunity forhigh high school students Ball State University offers a unique opportunity for high school students with little little or learning ofofChinese to immerse themselves in ain a for High School Students for High School Students with or no no formal formal learning Chinese to immerse themselves for High School Students with little formal learning of Chinese to immerse themselves in a culturally rich or andnoacademically stimulating program. Lunch is free. culturally rich and stimulating program. Lunch isAny free.student Who Who isby eligible is eligible to apply? to apply? studen who o w Sponsored the U.S. Department ofAny Defens culturally rich andacademically academically stimulating program. Lunch is free. Sponsored by the U.S. Department

Scenes from Bratislava, Slovak Republic. (Photo by Don Knebel)

Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense Grade ofGrade high school of highor school the first or the year first oftoonly college year of in college August in $50 Aug 2021 Tuition-free (If accepted, you only need pay $50 registration Tuition-free (If accepted, you need to payfee.) Who is eligible to apply? Any student who will be inregistration 9th-12th Tuition-free (If accepted, you only need to pay $50 STARTALK Chinese Summer Camp Who iseligible eligible to apply? Any student whowho willwill be 9th-12th Who is to apply? Any student willinbe in 9th-12th Student Student in the Summer in the Summer Camp will Camp Grade of high schoolOffered or the first yearby of college in State August 2021 is invited to apply. Ball High School Offered byUniversity Ball State Univers is invited to apply. Grade of high school orStudents theby first year of college in August 2021University century by connecting three older buildings, for Offered Ball State Grade the first Studentofinhigh the school SummerorCamp willyear of college in August 2021 is invited to apply.

Exploring Slovakia’s capital Commentary by Don Knebel Bratislava is one of the least known of Europe’s capitals. It also is one of the easiest to explore on foot. TRAVEL Bratislava is the capital of the Slovak Republic (also known as Slovakia), which separated from Czechoslovakia on Jan. 1, 1993, as a result of the Velvet Revolution. The city straddles the Danube River at the foot of the Little Carpathian Mountains in the southwest of the nation, near both Austria and Hungary. Between 1536 and 1783, Bratislava, known by its German name of Pressburg, was the capital of the Kingdom of Hungary. It changed its name to Bratislava in 1919 to reflect its increasingly Slovak population. The city, with an estimated population of 650,000, is among the most prosperous cities in Europe based on GDP per capita. More than 1 million people visit Bratislava every year, many arriving on cruise boats on the Danube. The most visited sites are all in Old Town and within easy walking distances of each other. The Main Square (Hlavné Námestie) includes the Old Town Hall, a towered building created in the 15th

and the Baroque Palace of the Hungarian Student in the Summer Camp will ❑ Learn ❑ to Learn to converse inDefense Chinese ina Chinese withfor native with native Ball State University offers a of unique opportunity forspeakers; high school Student in U.S. the Summer Camp will Ball State University offers unique opportunity for hi Sponsored the Department Ball by State University offers aconverse unique opportunity high schoolspeakers; studen Exchange Bank. Nearby is St. Martin’s Ca❑ Learn to converse in Chinese with native speakers; STARTALK Chinese Summer Camp ❑ Learn ❑ to converse in Chinese with native speakers; with little or no formal learning of Chinese to immerse themselv ❑ Participate ❑learning Participate in cultural in cultural activities; activities; with little orpay no formal learning of Chinese to immers accepted, you only need to $50 registration fee.) thedral, the site of the Tuition-free coronation of 11 kings with(If❑little ortono formal of Chinese to immerse themselves in Learn converse in Chinese with native speakers; ❑ Participate in in cultural activities; ❑ cultural activities; ❑ Participate for High School Students and queens of the Kingdom of Hungary, culturally rich and academically stimulating program. Lunch is free. rich and academically stimulating program. Lunc Receive ❑activities; Receive 3 credits 3 for credits both for high both school high and school and college graduat culturally rich andculturally academically stimulating program. Lunch iscollege free. Offered by Ball State University ❑ Participate in❑ cultural including Maria Theresa. ❑ Receive ❑ Receive 3 credits forfor both high school and college graduation ifrising rising high ❑ 3 credits both highU.S. school and college graduation ifdual-credit high school juniors school and juniors seniors and take seniors it as take a it as a dual-credit course. c Sponsored by the Department of Defense school juniors and seniors ititschool as aa dual-credit course. Ball Square State (HviezdoUniversity offers a unique opportunity for school students school and seniors take ashigh dual-credit course. Tree-lined Hviezdoslav ❑ Receive 3juniors credits for bothtake high and college graduation if rising high Tuition-free (If accepted, you only need to pay $50 registration fee.) juniors and seniors it as a dual-credit course. slavovo Námestie) includes a statue Pavol with little or ofno formal school learning of Chinese to take immerse themselves in a Any student who will be in 9thaC Any student who w Class: AnyUniversity student will be in 9th-12th Chinese beginning level Chinese Chineseatatwho beginning level Országh Hviezdoslav, a Slovak poet after Class: Class: Class: Offered by Ball State culturally rich and academically stimulating program. 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The Primate’s Palace, now Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00speakers; p.m., ❑ Learn toof converse Chinese with native Time: ❑ college Learn toAugust converse inis Chinese with native of high school or the first year inin 2021 invited tospeakers; apply. Monday-F M ❑ Learn to converse in Chinese with native speakers; home of the mayor Grade of Bratislava, includes Center for Academic Location: Fishers Monday-Friday in its courtyard a magnificent 17th-century Student in the Summer Camp will Fishers Center for Academic Location: ❑ Participate cultural activities; and who Economic Who isineligible to apply? Anyactivities; student will Innovation, be in 9th-12th ❑ in Participate in cultural ❑ Participate cultural activities; andState Economic Innovation, fountain depicting St. George slaying the Ball University, Fishers CF Location: Location: Grade of high school or the first year of college in August 2021 is invited to apply. Fishers Center for Academic Location: Receive credits for3high both high and college graduation ifgradua rising ❑ Learn to converse in ❑ Chinese with3❑ native speakers; dragon. Among the most photographed (and Ball State University, Receive credits forschool bothcollege high school and college 12175 Visionary Way, ❑ Receive 3 credits for both school and graduation if rising high and Econa and Economic Innovation, Student in the Summer Camp will school juniors and seniors take it as a dual-credit course. Chinese with us! touched) attractions in Old Town is umil, the schoolLearn school juniors and seniors take it as a dual-credit course. 12175 Visionary Way, Fishers, IN 46038 juniors and seniors take it as a dual-credit course. ❑ Participate in cultural activities; Ball State University, Ball State B Learn Chinese with us! iconic “Man at Work” statue, peering at visiFishers, IN 46038 ❑ Learn to converse in Chinese with native speakers; 12175 Visionary Way, 12175 Vis1 tors from a manhole.❑ Receive 3 credits for both high school and college graduation if rising high

is Who eligible to apply? is eligible to apply? WhoWho is eligible to apply?

at beginning la Learn Chinese with us!Chinese Class: Chinese more Contact Dr. Liu Li: lli5@bsu.edu Class: ❑ For Participate activities; school juniors and seniors take it information, asin a cultural dual-credit course. Chinese at beginning level IF INChinese 46038 Learn Learn Chinese with us!with us! Fishers, Class: Fishers, st For more information, Contact Dr. Liuand Li:college lli5@bsu.edu th-July th Application Deadline: May 21 graduation ,Date: 2021thJuly ❑ Receive 3 credits for both high school if rising high30July 6Date: 6th-J 30th , 2021 , 2021 July 6 -July Date: school juniors and Class: seniors take it as at a dual-credit course. Don Knebel is a local resident who Chinese beginning level st Deadline: May 21 , 2021 works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. Forbsu.edu/modernlanguages/startalk moreApplication information, Contact Dr. Liu Li: lli5@bsu.edu 9:00to a.m. to 3:00 9:00p.m., a.m. th,Contact Time: For the full column visit donknebel. 9:00 3:00 p.m., Time: For more For information, more information, Contact Dr.a.m. Liu Dr. Li: Liu lli5@bsu.ed Li: lli5@ 30Class: 2021 July 6th-July Date: Time: Chinese beginning level st, at bsu.edu/modernlanguages/startalk com. You may contact him at Application Deadline: May 21 2021 Monday-Friday MondayOnly the first 20 eligible applicants will be accepted, so apply now! Monday-Friday editorial@youarecurrent.com. st, 20 9:00 a.m. to 3:00Date: p.m., -July 30th, 2021 July 6thDeadline: Application Application Deadline: May 21 May 21 Time: Only the first 20 eligible applicants will be accepted, so apply now! bsu.edu/modernlanguages/startalk Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Center Fishers for AcaC Time: Location: Fishers Location: Fishers Center for Academic Location: bsu.edu/modernlanguages/startalk bsu.edu/modernlanguages/startalk Monday-Friday and Economic Innova Econ and Economic Only the first 20 eligible will accepted, so apply Innovation, now!and Fishers Center forbe Academic Location:applicants CALL ON US AT ANY TIME Ball State University, Ball State ONE OF and Economic Innovation, Ball State University, Fishers applicants Centerwill for Academic Location: FOR SERVICES INCLUDING: Only the Only first the 20first eligible 20 eligible applicants be will accepted, beWay, acc 12175 Visionary Troubleshooting 12175 Vi Innovation, THOSE DAYS? Hardware Ball State University, and Economic 12175 Visionary Way, Software Troubleshooting Learn Chinese with us! Learn Chinese with us! Ball State University, Learn Chinese with us! Fishers, IN 46038 12175 Visionary Way, Internet/Email Setup and Assistance Fishers, IN 46038 Fishers, HELP IS JUST NetworkingLearn Wired & Chinese Wireless with us! 12175 Visionary Way, Fishers, IN 46038





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Learn Chinese with us!

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For more information, Contact Dr.Contact Liu Li: Dr. lli5@bsu.edu For more information, Liu Li: lli5@bsu.ed

For more information, Dr. Liu Li: lli5@bsu.edu For more information, Contact Dr. Liu Li:Contact lli5@bsu.edu For more information, Contact Dr. Liu Li: lli5@bsu.edu st, 2021 st Application May Deadline: May 21 , 2 Application Deadline: May 21st,21 2021 Application Deadline: MayApplication 21stDeadline: , 2021 Application Deadline: May 21st, 2021

bsu.edu/modernlanguages/startalk bsu.edu/modernlanguages/startalk bsu.edu/modernlanguages/startalk bsu.edu/modernlanguages/startalk bsu.edu/modernlanguages/startalk


Only the 20will eligible applicants be be accepted, so apply Only thefirst first 20 eligible applicants will be accepted, so apply Only the first 20 eligible applicants be first accepted, sowill apply now! Only the 20 eligible applicants will be accepted, Only the first 20 eligible applicants will accepted, so now! apply now!n

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April 27, 2021


Current in Fishers








13 16 19








8 6

2 7 6 2



24 29













61 65

52 59




63 68


Across 1. Current edition 6. Drench 10. ET transporter 13. Turn aside 14. Penzeys Spices seasoning 16. National Bank of Indianapolis secondary location 17. Reached 18. Zionsville street between Cedar and Pine 19. Hoist 21. Carmel Symphony’s URL ending 22. Put back on the City Council 24. “Let’s talk outside” 28. If all ___ fails... 29. Dove’s call 31. Bucky, at the Children’s Museum 32. Papa Fattoush bread 35. Tiffany product 38. Indianapolis trio?


39. She’s out for a buck 41. Payless Liquors buy 43. Evansville summer hrs. 44. IND announcement 45. Tub stopper 46. Imaginary tale 48. Alternative to -ville 50. Shapiro’s bread choice 52. Butler frat letter 55. Awesome, slangily 58. Mischief-maker 61. Singer DiFranco 62. Gravy thickener 63. Scoundrel 64. Lawn ornament 68. Part of ROM 70. City Market underground chamber 71. ___ donna 72. Katz, Sapper & Miller audit pro 73. Deco designer 74. Pierces Down 1. Syria’s neighbor






6 9 4

8 9









8 7

38 43

46 50










9 15











7 8 3 4 8

2. Bard of Avon 3. Great ball o’ fire 4. “I give!” 5. Principle 6. IU Health’s “Now!” 7. Victory Field call 8. “Star Wars” droid, informally 9. Disappearing discount chain 10. Coffee dispenser 11. “Fee, ___ foe, fum” 12. Anxiety disorder, briefly 15. WISH-TV channel 16. Use a drill 20. Consumer protection agcy. 23. Floral necklace 24. ___ Grant’s Grill House & Oyster Bar 25. One of four Indiana governors who graduated from Hanover College...and a hint to the letters in the puzzle’s circles 26. Former US Senate Major-

2 7 4

ity Leader: Harry ___ 27. Way out 30. Suffix meaning “science” 33. Spigot 34. Completely 36. She has a day in May 37. Tissue layer 39. Red ink 40. Texter’s “Then again” 42. Road side 47. Indiana State Senator Lanane 49. Biden’s ex-boss 51. Sense of self 53. Miss Indiana crowns 54. Car czar Mohr 56. Chilling 57. Underage one 59. Joe’s Butcher Shop cuts 60. Bring to bear 62. Indiana Supreme Court garb 64. Q-95 watchdog 65. Once around the Westfield HS track

6 Types of Lettuce ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ 5 Home Repair Supplies ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

4 Fasion Mall Stores ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ 3 Southern Indiana State Forests ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ 2 Louvre Attractions ____________________ ____________________

1 Famous Hoosier Puzzler ________________________________ 66. Letters on a plane at IND last seen in 2008 67. It’s five hrs. later than

43-Across 69. “Mamma ___!” Answers on Page 31

April 27, 2021





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April 27, 2021

Current in Fishers





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8 4 7 2 3 6 1 9 5

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1 5 2 7 4 9 6 8 3

9 1 8 4 2 7 5 3 6

2 7 5 3 6 1 9 4 8

U F O R I C N E D E R I C H O L C O M B 3 6 4 8 9 5 7 2 1

R E E X I I D T T I A R A S 7 2 1 6 8 4 3 5 9

4 8 6 9 5 3 2 1 7


5 9 3 1 7 2 8 6 4



April 27, 2021

Current in Fishers



We know good health can mean more playtime. riverview.org/orthopedics RIGHT SIZE. RIGHT CARE. RIGHT HERE. NOBLESVILLE / WESTFIELD / CARMEL / CICERO / FISHERS / SHERIDAN

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