The HSE Board of School Trustees has also issued an apology stating that the school district does not advocate defunding the police and works to create a safe envi ronment for students.
By Taylor Dixon taylor@youarecurrent.com
School officials, who declined to identify the teacher or release further details, said the poster was removed from the classroom and released the following statement ex pressing regret for the incident: “Our teachers strive to incorporate stu dent-driven, relevant lessons into curriculum while meeting the academic standards as set by the Indiana Department of Education.
“The Hamilton Southeastern Schools Board of School Trustees deeply regrets the pain that was caused due to a student-made research poster that was displayed in one of our high school classrooms. As a district we recognize our responsibility to provide a safe environment for students to learn and we failed to provide that in this case.
The Hamilton Southeastern Schools board of trustees met Aug. 10 to learn more about a grant the district will receive from the Indiana Dept. of Education. The $630,000 Ford Next Generation 3E Grant, which stands for explore, engage and experience, will be split between the district’s schools to fund programs to help students find their path after graduation. The district will use $270,000 in funds from the grant to hire a staff member for two years to lead efforts related to preparing students for graduation and beyond. The district is one of seven in the state set to receive the grant. HSE Supt. Yvonne Stokes will be among those from school districts set to re ceive the gran to visit Akron, Ohio, at the end of September to see how other districts are using similar grants and network with other districts about how to help students prepare for life after graduation. At the meeting, the board also approved fee revisions for German 3 and Spanish 5 classes at HSE high school. The fee statements for those classes will be sent to parents in September. The board also approved J Everett Light Career Center fees for both Fishers and HSE high schools. Stokes
HSE to receive grant to help students be prepared beyond high school
HSE apologizes for “Defund the Police?” poster in classroom of fallen officer’s brother
“While we allow teachers and students to examine social issues that are relevant to their lives, we affirm publicly through our partnership with local law enforcement that we stand in solidarity of the men and women who willing face dangerous circumstances each day to keep us safe.”
Hamilton Southeastern Schools and the HSE Board of School Trustees issued apol ogies Aug. 20 for a recent incident involving the young er brother of fallen Elwood Police Dept. Officer Noah Shahnavaz. Officer Shahnavaz’s brother attends Fishers High School.After recently returning to class, the brother of Officer Shahnavaz encountered a sign in his classroom that read “Defund the Police?” Officer Shahnavaz, a Fishers native, was a 2016 Fishers High School graduate who was fatally shot during a July 31 traffic stop in Elwood. HSE officials said the poster was from a research project from the previous school year made by a student who looked at the pros and cons of defunding the police.
“A student’s research project from the previous school year, listing the arguments both for and against the movement of “de funding the police” was left on display in a classroom at Fishers High School. As soon as the school was made aware of the issue, the concern was swiftly dealt with. Howev er, we understand the impact was hurtful for individuals, and we deeply regret the pain it “Whilecaused.weallow teachers and students to examine social issues that are relevant to their lives, we affirm publicly through our partnership with local law enforcement that we stand in solidarity of the men and women who willing face dangerous circum stances each day to keep us safe.”
By Taylor Dixon taylor@youarecurrent.com
“Losing Officer Shahnavaz, a young alum nus of HSE Schools, who not only served his country selflessly, but was protecting oth ers in his job as a police officer, was dev astating. HSE has let the Shahnavaz family know how deeply sorry we are to have contributed to more heartache for them. The teacher involved has apologized as well and is deeply remorseful for causing additional pain to her student and their family. “HSE does not advocate for defunding the police. HSE works closely with the Fish ers Police Department with the resource officers that are present in our buildings, the officers who help with traffic at our schools, and the officers who help monitor our community 24/7 to keep our students safe. We are and continue to be tremen dously grateful for their service. Our stu dents, staff and community are much safer because of our relationship with our police department.“HSESchools will use this experience as an example of how we can and must do bet ter in the future to ensure all our students feel safe, accepted, and supported.”
3August 30, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.comCOMMUNITY Founded Jan. 25, 2011, at Fishers, IN Vol. XII, No. 32 Copyright 2022 Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 Join our community: instagram.com/youarecurrentwww.twitter.com/CI_Fisherswww.facebook.com/currentinfishers Contact the editor: Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Taylor DIxon at com.website,informationYoucallyouarecurrent.comtaylor@or317.489.4444ext.804.mayalsosubmitonourcurrentinfishers.Rememberournews deadline is typically eight days prior to publication. News tips/story ideas: stories@youarecurrent.com Letters to the editor/ guest columns: letters@youarecurrent.com Advertise your business: If you’re interested in reaching virtually 100 percent of the Fishers market (29,403 households), you may obtain more information by emailing ads@youarecurrent (subject: Fishers advertising) or by calling 317.748.2662. Obituaries: obits@youarecurrent.com Legal advertising: legals@youarecurrent.com Delivery questions circulation@youarecurrent.com: The views of the columnists in Current in Fishers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

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Editor, On Aug. 13, I attended a public meeting with our representative in Congress, Victoria Spartz. In addressing the recent search of an ex-president’s property by the FBI, she likened it to something that happens in a “police state” and equated the FBI with the KGB. These comments came after visiting the ex-president the day after the search and publicly stating that she stands with him, after days of threats of violence against the FBI and the Dept of Justice, and after an actual attack on an FBI office in Ohio. For a member of Congress to make such reckless, inflammatory comments in this context is grossly irresponsible. While every American has the right to express their beliefs, elected officials should be held to the higher standard they signed up for when they took the oath. I call on Rep. Spartz to publicly apol ogize for her remarks and to reaffirm her promise to defend the Constitution and the values it enshrines. Mike Senuta, Carmel
14 August 30, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.com Ascension St. Vincent Heart Center — Indiana’s only 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospital* Led by a nationally recognized cardiac team Are you out of breath when climbing stairs? Or have you noticed a heart flutter? Don’t delay caring for your heart. Start a conversation with a nationally recognized cardiologist at Ascension St. Vincent Heart Center about any heart symptom. From screenings to advanced heart care or help managing a chronic condition, get leading heart care close to home. Schedule an appointment at ascension.org/StVincentHeart *Fortune/IBM Watson Health 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals 2022 © Ascension 2022. All rights reserved. VIEWS LETTERS Health care costs concern for business Spartz’s remarks ‘grossly irresponsible’
Brandon Reeve, Fishers
Editor, As a business owner, the health of my employees is incredibly important, both personally and professionally. If our team is not healthy, we cannot be successful, and our customers will no longer be able to rely on us to get them the products they need. While everyone is feeling the impact of a significant inflation, health care costs continue to skyrocket in Indi ana without any solution in sight. Since health care is a large business expense, that does not bode well when it comes time to give raises or hire additional staff.Ihope that our elected leaders on both sides of the aisle, both state and federal, take this opportunity to develop solutions to address the cost of healthcare. Indiana prides itself on being a leader in many categories, but I don’t think “most expen sive health care costs in the nation” is a list we want to be on ever again.

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Summer Camp Time: 9am-3pm, June 12-30, 2023. Summer Camp Location: Ball State University Fishers Center, 12175 Visionary Way, Fishers, IN 46038
Application Deadline: Oct. 31, 2022 bsu.edu/modernlanguages/startalkSpaceislimited,soapplynow!
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For more information, Contact Dr. Liu Li lli5@bsu.edu
Application Deadline: Oct. 31, 2022 Space is limited, so click here to apply now!
Format: 20-hour online classes in Spring and Fall Semester of 2023 respectively (4:10-5:10pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. See our website for specific dates), and inperson summer camp from Monday to Friday between June 12 and June 30, 2023
Format: 20-hour online classes in Spring and Fall Semester of 2023 respectively (4:10-5:10pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. See our website for specific dates), and in person summer camp from Monday to Friday between June 12 and June 30, 2023
Tuition-free Offered by Ball State University Ball State University offers a unique opportunity for middle and high school students with little or no formal learning of Chinese to immerse themselves in a culturally rich and academically stimulating program. Who is eligible to apply? Any student who will be in 6th-12th grade in August 2023 is invited to apply. Student will Learn to converse in Chinese with native speakers; Participate in cultural activities; schoolReceive 4 creditsjuniors andforseniorsboth take ithigh school andas a dual-credit course.college graduation if rising high 12175 Visionary Way, Fishers, IN 46038 Learn Chinese with us! For more information, visit our website here. Or email Dr. Liu Li: lli5@bsu.edu
Tuition-free - Offered by Ball State University Ball State University offers a unique opportunity for middle and high school students with little or no formal learning of Chinese to immerse themselves in a culturally rich and academically stimulating program. Who is eligible to apply?
Any student who will be in 6th-12thgrade in August 2023 is invited to apply. Student will: ☐ Learn to converse in Chinese with native speakers Participate in cultural activities Receive 4 credits for both high school and college graduation if rising high school juniors and seniors take it as a dual-credit course. Learn Chinese with us!
Summer Camp Time: 9am-3pm, June 12-30, 2023.
Summer Camp Location: Ball State University Fishers Center, Classes: Two classes at the beginning level and one class at the intermediate level
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STARTALK Chinese Program for Middle/High School Students
STARTALK Chinese Program for Middle/High School Students
Classes: two classes at the beginning level and one class at the intermediate level

Carmel Community Players has two perfor mances remaining of “Shipwrecked! An En tertainment” set for 7:30 p.m. Sept. 4 and 2:30 p.m. Sept. 5 at The Cat, 254 Veterans Way, Carmel. For more, visit carmelplayers.org.
‘One Dark Night’ set for Palladium editorial@youarecurrent.com
BLUES FEST The Blues Fest will host the 10th annual Blues Fest from 4:15 to 10:45 p.m. Sept. 2-3 at Nickel Plate District Amphitheater in Fish ers. For more on the two-night free festival, visit npdamp.com.
Judy Fitzgerald will perform “Walk-in’ After Midnight: The Music of Patsy Cline” at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 31 at Feinstein’s cabaret at Hotel Carmichael in Carmel. For more, visit fein steinshc.com.
The Fishers Blues Fest will have a spe cial theme. The two-day free festival, set for Sept. 2-3, will feature a Ladies in Blues lineup Sept. 3 at the Nickel Plate District Amphitheater in Fishers.There will be four female performers with the headliner being Joanna Connor from“SheChicago.iscalled the Queen of Blues and she is great,” said Marissa Deckert, as sistant director for the Fishers Parks and Recreation Dept. “We had her booked last year and it got rained out (the second night) and she wasn’t able to play, so we’re really excited.”
22 August 30, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.com currentnightandday.com
By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com
Conceived as “a terrifying orchestral exploration of all things evil and dark from the world’s greatest composers,” “One Dark Night” is a classical/rock stage extravaganza assembled around electrified arrangements of spooky masterworks by composers such as Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin and Prokofiev. Classically trained rock guitarist Neil Zaza, known for his viral YouTube videos, leads a six-piece band, accompanied by vocalists, costumed actors, narration and multimedia clips from classic horror and monster films to a create an immersive sea sonal experience. For more, visit thecenterpresents.org.
“With this event, people seem to come and go throughout,” Deckert said of the festival, which is for all ages. There will be multiple food and beverage vendors. Four Day Ray Brewing and Mash Craft will offer beverages for sale. Free parking is available in the Switch, police and Spark Apartment garages. Street parking also is available throughout the Nickel Plate District and downtown Fishers.Formore, visit npdAMP.com.
Ladies will sing the blues at music festival
Sept. 2 4:15-5:15 p.m.: Jamiah Rogers 5:45-6:45 p.m.: Nick Alexander 7:15-8:45 p.m.: Grady Champion 9:15-10:45 p.m.: Larry McCray Sept. 3 4:15-5:15 p.m.: Veronika Jackson 5:45- 6:45 p.m.: Nora Jean Wallace 7:15-8:45 p.m.: Melody Angel 9:15-10:45 p.m.: Joanna Connor BLUES FEST LINEUP
This is Connor’s first appearance in the Blues Fest. She will start her set at 9:15 p.m. Performances begin at 4:15 p.m. each night and end at 10:45 p.m. Deckert said to commemorate the 10th annual Blues Fest, organizers wanted to do something a little different and dis cussed different ideas. “As we started looking through various acts, we realized we hadn’t ever highlight ed women entertainers in blues, and there are so many of them,” Deckert said.
‘ESCAPE TO MARGARITAVILLE’ “Escape to Margaritaville” runs through Oct. 2 at Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre in Indi anapolis. For more, visit beefandboards.com.
Attendance was not limited in 2021, but Deckert said social distancing was encouraged.“Atthispoint, the comfort level is a little different from last year,” Deckert said. “We’ll still encourage people to stay home if you are sick and distance yourself at your own comfort level.” Deckert said about 4,000 people annu ally attend Blues Fest, which is near maxi mum capacity for the space.
The other women performering are Veronika Jackson, Nora Jean Wallace and Melody“EveryAngel.genre of music is deeply rooted in the blues and deeply rooted in the South, and that’s what we are trying to highlight this year,” said Deckert, whose husband, Justin Deckert, has played bass in a variety of blues bands. “You can lis ten to blues that are pop influenced and rhythm and blues. We’re trying to get that guttural blues music this year.” Deckert said all eight acts are making their first appearance at Fishers Blues Fest.The music festival was held in 2020 amid the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. “What I love about this event is that this was one of the only events we held through COVID in 2020,” Deckert said. “We ended up striping the grid within 6 feet of each other. It was incredibly successful during one of the most challenging times. It speaks to the desire for people to come out and want to see blues in Fishers.”
Halloween lovers can get into the spirit Oct. 22 at the Palladium when the Center for the Performing Arts presents “One Dark Night… A Rock Symphony of the Macabre.”
Joanna Connor will be the headliner Sept. 3 at the Fishers Blues Fest. (Photo courtesy of Joanna Connor)

Straight No Chaser will perform Sept. 16 at The Center Celebration 2022. (Photo courtesy of Jimmy Fontaine) a go,” Trepp said. “Now, we’re here 14 years later, still performing and recording. We took that chance and tried to do the best we can with performing and recording al bums that our fans will like.”
“The beginning when we step out and see the crowd,” Trepp said. “That to me as a per former is a feeling you can’t really describe. It’s something that hits you right in the heart. Then the final moment of the show we usually do an off-mic number where we stand in front of the stage and sing a song without microphones. It’s kind of a cool ef fect for people to hear that. We change that song from time to time.”
Tyler Trepp specifically chose to attend Indiana University to participate in Straight NoTrepp,Chaser.who is from Urban dale, Iowa, had always been interested in a cappella groups and heard of Straight No Chaser’s reputation. “I auditioned for the collegiate version of the group when I was still a senior in high school,” he said. “It’s crazy that I’m doing it for a living now.”
Trepp said with such a large repertoire, it is easy to draw from different setlists.
“Everybody in the group was in the colle giate version at some point in their college career,” said Trepp, who lives in Tulsa, Okla. “There are five members from the original group that started in 1996. Then there are four of us who went to Indiana and were members of the collegiate group there.”
23August 30, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.comNIGHT & DAY
Trepp said there are two special mo ments in the concert for him.
The Center Celebration evening begins at 5 p.m. with registration and a cocktail reception. After dinner and a live auction, Straight No Chaser will perform at 8:20 p.m. Three bands, Roughouse, Gary Walters Jazz Trio and pianist David Duncan and guest singers will perform in different rooms for the afterparty. For more, visit thecenter presents.org.
Trepp, a tenor, has been a member of the professional version of Straight No Chaser since 2009, shortly after it formed.
Straight No Chaser to headline The Center Celebration
CONCERT By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com
Straight No Chaser will perform Sept. 16 at The Center Celebration 2022 at the Palla dium at the Center for the Performing Arts. The group is celebrating its 25th anniversa ry Straightseason. No Chaser was supposed to appear in 2020 but The Center Celebration was canceled that year amid the COVID-19 pandemic. It was decided not to have the group appear in 2021 because the show was virtual.“This is our last makeup show from 2020,” Trepp said. “Saving the best for last. We’ve definitely been looking forward to it. We love any show we can do in Indiana. Those are our people.” After the show, Straight No Chaser will be inducted into the Great American Songbook Hall of Fame. “To get any award is an honor,” Trepp said. “This one is really special because of who else has been inducted into it. To be among some of those names is really spe cial. We’re very humbled and very honored.” Trepp said Straight No Chaser got lucky with its viral video in 2008 that launched its“Atlanticfame. Records gave us a shot to try this thing professionally and a lot of guys took risks and quit their day jobs to give it


27August 30, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.comLIFESTYLE 16TH INDIANAPOLISANNUALVISIONWALKSEPTEMBER17,2022 9am - noon give.fightingblindness.org/indianapolisvisionwalk Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired 7725 North College Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46240 For more information, please see TRAVEL Visiting
Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel. com. You may contact him editorial@youarecurrent.com.at
Somewhere here in the middle
Commentary by Don Knebel
GRAMMAR GUY Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt
My kids still don’t know that Santa can’t live at the North Pole. There’s no land underneath the ice sheets that melt and atthroughoutrefreezetheyeartheplacewhere elves allegedly make toys. However, there is land underneath the snow and ice at the South Pole. This isn’t meant to be a geography les son (although I found both of those facts interesting). Moreover, it’s an icebreaker meant to introduce the term “miranym.”
A miranym is a word that lies in between two polar opposite words. It’s not “hot” or “cold” — it’s “lukewarm.”
In our continuing road trip, we come to Hyde Park, N.Y., where we will visit three sites associated with Franklin Roosevelt and his wife (Anna) Eleanor. Today, we visit Spring wood, the Roosevelts’ home. In 1866, James Roosevelt, a wealthy businessman, purchased a 640-acre estate, including a 17-room Italianate-style house and cropland, overlooking the Hudson River in Hyde Park. Roosevelt named the estate “Springwood.”
On Jan. 30, 1882, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born to 54-year-old James and Sara Delano Roosevelt, his much younger second wife, in the upstairs master bedroom of the Springwood house. When FDR married Eleanor in 1905, the newlyweds moved into the Springwood house, owned by Sara since James’ death in 1900. In 1915, FDR, an amateur architect, convinced his strong-willed mother to un dertake a major expansion of the house to accommodate his and Eleanor’s growing family and his growing political ambitions. The remodeling added a third story to the center section, enlarged the entrance hall, added a north wing with eight servant rooms and recast the exterior in the Colo nial Revival style. During his years as pres ident, FDR visited Springwood more than 200 times, often for extended periods with his staff. After Franklin died in 1945, he was buried in Springwood’s rose garden and his family donated the estate to the United States, which opened the house to the pub lic in 1946. When Eleanor died in 1962, she was buried alongside her husband. Today, the Springwood house looks much as it did at the time of FDR’s death. The en trance hall includes a life-size sculpture of Franklin as a young man. Downstairs walls and cabinets are filled with items reflecting his varied interests, including birds and ships. Visitors can see where Franklin was born and the converted freight elevator he used after becoming paralyzed from the waist down in 1921. Entrance Hall in Springwood House. Curtis Honeycutt is a national award-winning, syndicated humor writer. Connect with him on Twitter (@curtishoneycutt) or at curtishoneycutt.com.
Of course, nobody wants to be “luke warm,” so let’s examine a few more ex amples of miranyms. Think about “open” and “closed.” Some would say a door is either open or closed — there is no middle ground. However, when a door is ajar, it’s a little bit of both. In our old house, none of the doors fully close, but that’s a topic for my other newspaper column, “Grumble Guy.” Now, consider the opposites “all” and “none.” It’s not all or nothing if it’s “some.” In the same way, you don’t have to be “early” or “late” to something; you can simply be “on time.” Is there something in between “coming” and “going”? Yes — you can “stay.” Now shake. That’s a good boy. I think we’re quick to assign polar opposite words to many things these days. Their side is bad, while ours is good. Your opinions are either totally right or completely wrong. You’re an idiot! She’s a genius! It doesn’t take more than a brief glance at our Facebook or Twitter feeds to see people flocking to the opposite ends of the earth: I only shop at Target! People who shop at Walmart are the worst! Needless to say, social media ar guments generally focus on polarized politics.
Front of Springwood House in Hyde Park, N.Y.. (Photo by Don Knebel)

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