Tuesday, September 5, 2017
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St. George Festival returns, brings Middle Eastern touch to Fishers / P9 McDermott named CEO for The Center for the PerformingArts / P3
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September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
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September 5, 2017
COMMUNITY Contact the Editor
Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact editor Anna Skinner at anna@youarecurrent.com. You may also submit information on our website, currentinfishers.com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication. To contact Editorial Director Sophie Pappas, call 489.4444 ext. 7.
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Current in Fishers
McDermott named CFTPA CEO By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com
“It was imperative for us to conduct an independent search, but Jeff has a stellar reputation in the community and has clearly demonstrated When Jeffrey McDermott took over as interim his ability to lead the organization,” Payne stated president and CEO of the Center for the Performin a press release. ing Arts in August leadership 2016, he had no intenMcDermott, a longtime partner at Krieg DeVault who will now transition tion of it being a perinto a more limited role of senior counmanent post. sel with the law firm, said he realized “It was not a goal. It was more a call of he wanted to remain as president halfduty to step in, and I felt I was in a good way through his term. position to do it,” McDermott, an attorney, “I think we have a lot of forward mosaid. “I was certainly planning it to be McDermott mentum, and the staff is working at a short term to medium term. As time went great level right now,” McDermott said. on I realized this is kind of a wonderful position, McDermott said “the professionalism of the a wonderful opportunity to make a difference. In people that work here and the dedication of the a way it spoke to me in terms of doing the next mission” were key factors as well. thing in the next phase of my career of doing “After 31 years of practicing law, this was a something I really enjoy.” McDermott, 56, will get that opportunity to con- new challenge and allowed me to use a lot of skills I had in different ways,” McDermott said. “I tinue. It was announced Aug. 30 that he has been became very interested in doing more, so I saw promoted from interim to the permanent full-time if they might consider me.” position of both the Center for the Performing McDermott, who graduated from Notre Dame’s Arts and the affiliated Great American Songbook law school in 1986, said his experience as a lawFoundation. McDermott, who has lived in Carmel yer has been an asset. for 30 years, had taken over when Tania CastroMcDermott joined the Center’s board of direcverde Moskalenko left to take a post at the Auditors in 2010 before the Center opened and has torium Theatre of Roosevelt University in Chicago. since served as the board’s legal counsel and Eric Payne, chair of the Center’s board, said a member of its executive committee, developthe CEO search committee retained a national ment committee, audit committee, finance comsearch firm, reviewed more than 40 resumes and interviewed five candidates before making a mittee and governance committee. From 2011 to 2016, he served as the Songbook Foundation unanimous decision to promote McDermott. board chair.
City to beautify area By Renee Larr • news@currentinfishers.com
On the cover
Rami ElSharaiha prepares gyro meat at a previous St. George Festival. (Submitted photo) Founded Jan. 25, 2011, at Fishers, IN Vol. VI, No. 35 Copyright 2013. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Fishers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
waterways, specifically the White River. “The brunt of 2017 will be addressing beautification of roadways and partnering with the The City of Fishers’ beautification initiative, White River Alliance for the White River Cleanup. Keep Fishers Beautiful, will take place from 8 All ages are welcome. We appreciate if they sign a.m. to noon Sept. 9 and environment is themed "Waup in advance, but they can also sign up the morning of the event,” Cawthon said. terways and Those interested in participating in the Roadways." The city will focus on WRCU can register as individuals or as cleaning up corridors within Fishers. teams. Those interested in working on the The program began in 2015 as a way roadway cleanups should contact Dan Doto help beautify neighborhoods but misc at domsicd@fishers.in.us. Volunteers quickly evolved. must be at least 16 years old. “It started as a neighborhood beauCawthon “One of the things we've been trying to tification project and as a way for do is really position our volunteer opportuthe city to come alongside residents nities as great team-building opportunities for and address certain issues our code enforcenew businesses. We still have businesses movment team usually finds. We wanted to offer our ing in all the time. “Keep Fishers Beautiful” is an residents assistance in meeting those codes,” awesome opportunity for businesses to come said Casey Cawthon, assistant director of public out and connect with the community while dorelations. ing something meaningful,” Cawthon said. Officials learned fairly quickly Fishers didn’t Each volunteer will receive a free T-shirt. have a huge need for property beautification but For more, visit fishers.in.us/index. rather public-space cleanup. This will be the first aspx?NID=476. year the city is focusing solely on roadways and
Dispatches Current’s websites undergoing change — Current Publishing’s websites have been undergoing an overhaul since Sept. 1. It is anticipated the work will be completed no later than Sept. 8. Please feel free to view our Facebook and Twitter feeds if you are having difficulty accessing information from our sites during the period of revision. Current is streamlining its web packaging; all newspaper sites, as well as currentnightandday.com, will be accessible from youarecurrent.com upon the project’s completion. New director of development hired – Legacy Fund, the Central Indiana Community Foundation affiliate serving Hamilton County, announced Brittany Rayburn as its director of development, a new position for the foundation. In her new role, Rayburn will cultivate new and existing relationships with donors and professional advisors in Hamilton County. Quilters Guild tag sale – The Mudsock Quilters Guild will hold its annual tag sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 9 at Fishers United Methodist Church, 9691 E. 116th St. Quilting and sewing fabric will be sold at $4 per yard and fat quarters will be $1 each. Quilt patterns, magazines, yarn, sewing and quilting tools and many other craft items will be offered at discount prices. Opportunity baskets loaded with quilting and sewing supplies will also be available. Humorous speech contest – Toastmasters Club of Fishers is pleased to announce the results of the humorous speech contest held at the Fishers YMCA. First-place winner Matthew Molter will be competing at the area level in Carmel Sept. 14 and has the potential to advance to the division and district contests. Irish dance classes – The Fishers YMCA will offer new evening classes in adult Irish dance beginning Sept. 14 at 7:50 p.m. and Sept. 15 at 6:45 p.m. Beginning and new dancers are welcome. Classes will be on Thursday and Friday evenings. Dancers can take one or both classes each week. More information is available at the YMCA or the facebook page for Irish Blessings Dancers.
September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
Rotary Club hosts Fishers on Tap
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Tim and Bethany McDonald attend the event.
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On Aug. 18, the Fishers Rotary Club hosted the Fishers on Tap event in downtown Fishers. Attendees sampled offerings from different breweries and purchased food. Will Breeden, left, and Becky Hoberty raise their glasses. (Photos by Anna Skinner)
Chris and Heather Stith.
Different by design
HOME TOUR See inside 19 of the area’s finest new homes, Sept. 9-10 and 16-17 For details and tour map visit estridge.com
September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
Dr. Kellams
Katy Liddell. (Submitted photo)
Graduate Profile: Katy Liddell
Q: What do you miss about high school? A: I miss everything. Just growing up with the same people, living here my whole life and going to high school and taking on Katy Liddell graduated from Fishers High high school with everybody that I knew was School in 2013 and graduated from Purdue very different than college, especially going University in May. She maeducation jored in speech, language to Purdue, which was so big. Just knowing and hearing sciences with so many people and being comfortable all the time, I definitely miss that. a minor in human development and family Q: Did you join any other teams in studies. college? Q: What was your favorite subject in A: I was on the Purdue Golduster Dance high school? Team for all four years I was at Purdue, A: I’d probably have to say science was which was a great oppormy favorite just because Get involved and do tunity. I got to do a lot of it was the most interestthings that you love, or that performances at sporting ing to me. It was a lot of like hands-on projects and are fun to you, because ul- events, around the comjust different from all the timately that will, I think, munity and at Purdue, other classes. make the journey better. which was really nice and helped get me more inQ: Do you remember volved in the campus and your most influential the community. high school class or teacher? Q: What would you say is your dream A: I’d say anatomy because that was kind job? of the class that got me interested in the A: Hopefully, the end goal is to work as health care field and wanting to have a caa speech pathologist in the school system reer in the field. with younger kids. Q: Were you involved in any teams or Q: Do you have any advice for kids goclubs in high school? ing into high school or college? A: The dance team for four years. I was A: Just work hard, obviously, through all on the varsity team for four years, which the academics, even when it’s things you kept me pretty busy. don’t want to do, but it’s worth it in the Q: What was your favorite part about end. Get involved and do things that you that? love, or that are fun to you, because ultiA: My favorite was competing and gomately that will, I think, make the journey ing to nationals, where we got to travel to Florida and compete in a bigger atmosphere better. with more teams. By Desiree Williams news@currentinfishers.com
Hand & Arm Pain Seminar Join Dr. Christy Kellams, a fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeon, as she presents treatment options for common hand and arm problems such as rheumatoid arthritis, carpal tunnel, repetitive use and other conditions. A light dinner will be served.
When: Tuesday, Sept. 19 6-7 p.m. Location: Riverview Health 395 Westfield Rd., Noblesville Krieg DeVault Conference Room (Lower level of Women’s Pavilion) Registration: Visit riverview.org/classes or call 317.776.7999. The program is free, but registration is required.
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September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
NFL alumni works with Pint Cycle By Jessica Hoover news@currentinfishers.com
Genevieve Keegan-Bedano
Anne-Marie Briscoe
Catherine Michael
Thomas Blessing
Ashley Roncevic
Robin Kelly
Andrew Bartlet
The Pint Cycle, a local business known for touring bars and resgiving back taurants around Fishers on a 16-person bicycle, will offer a new kind of riding experience from 6 to 8 p.m. Sept. 15. President and owner Chris Hutchinson has partnered with the NFL Alumni Indianapolis Chapter to create a charity ride to benefit Caring for Kids, a scholarship fund for students in need. With nearly 100 percent of the proceeds being donated to charity, the tour will be a chance for adults 21 and over to give back while pedaling with their bartender for the night, former Indianapolis Colts player Bill Schultz. The first stop is at Four Day Ray Brewery. “(Four Day Ray) will do kind of like a hosted sampling and education demonstration, so they’ll get a chance to not only taste the beer, but also hear the story behind it,” Hutchinson said. Next, riders will get a tour of the City of Fishers before stopping at their final destination, Nickel Plate Bar and Grill, which happens to be Schultz’s favorite bar. Hutchinson said Schultz will likely bartend at Nickel Plate and sign footballs for all the
Charity ride attendees will ride the Pint Cycle, a 16-person bicycle with former Indianapolis Colts player Bill Schultz serving as the bartender. (File photo)
riders. The tour also includes a souvenir Pint Cycle cup. Hutchinson said he wants the charity ride to raise awareness for the NFL Alumni organization and its mission. “As you can imagine, there are a ton of former NFL players across the U.S.,” Hutchinson said. “The amount of time and energy that they put in to try and help, particularly kids that come from troubled backgrounds, is pretty impressive. So if I can help give back in any way, that’s a big part of the mission of the Pint Cycle.” Tickets for the two-hour charity tour are $100 per person. To reserve a spot, visit thepintcycle.com/ availability-online-booking/.
I-465, I-69 plans considered By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com
Kristyn Horvath
Erin Connell
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INDOT’s Christopher Myers sees the mission of Clear Path 465 as perfectly clear. “The goal of transportation this project is to maximize safety and minimize congestion throughout the interchange,” said Myers, communications director for the Greenfield district. INDOT held an open house for area residents, commuters and business owners Aug. 23 at Heritage Christian School. The proposed Clear Path 465 includes added travel lanes on I-465 from the White River Bridge (approximately 2.4 miles west of I-69) to Fall Creek (approximately 2.15 miles south of 1-69) on the northeast side of Indianapolis. Portions of I-69 are set to be reconstructed between I-465 and 82nd Street to accommodate a modified I-465 and I-69 interchange configuration. This fall the selection of a preferred alternative is expected to be made. In the spring of 2019, INDOT will publish a draft environmental assessment and hold a public
INDOT presented several possibilities for the future of the I-465, I-69 interchange. (Submitted image)
hearing. In the summer of 2019, INDOT will publish its final environmental assessment. The project construction will begin in the spring of 2020. Between 2011 and 2013, there were more than 1,000 crashes in the project area. According to INDOT, contributing factors include congestion, excessive delays and inadequate weaving distances. For more, visit in.gov/indot/3654.htm. For the full version of this story, visit currentinwestfield.com.
September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
Safety Day to attract thousands By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com Fishers Fire and Emergency Services will partner with St. Vincent Fishers to put on the annual Safety Day, 10 wellness a.m. to 2 p.m., Sept. 9, outside of St. Vincent Fishers Hospital, 13861 Olio Rd. “The overriding theme of the day is all things safety,” Fishers Fire Dept. Public Information Officer Capt. John Mehling said. “So you’re going to have the standard fire trucks, police cars and other emergency equipment, but we take it a little step further and we get into fall safety. We get into drone safety, we get into gun safety, healthy living. There’s even a booth called music safety. Pretty much anything in our life that puts us at risk, there’s a good chance that something is going to be at Safety Day to appeal to you and let you live a healthier, safer lifestyle.” Military units also will be on-site. Last year, the event added a component called Taste of 210, where multiple restaurants near Exit 210 on I-69 offer free samples during Safety Day. The event is free and open to the public. Safety Day has
SECOND SATURDAY GALLERY WALK Fishers Fire and Emergency Services has put on Safety Day for more than 20 years. (Submitted photo)
been conducted for more than 20 years by the City of Fishers, and Mehling said this is the 17th year partnering with St. Vincent. In the past, up to 7,000 people have attended. “It’s open to all ages because we will have things there like a text-and-drive simulator, and we also have things for the older population like talking about healthy eating and salts in our diet,” he said. “We will have kids there to sing the national anthem, and we have another symphony from schools. The fire department is tearing up cars as a demonstration.” For more, visit fishers.in.us/safetyday.
Forum employee celebrates 90th birthday
NEW EXHIBITS & FEATURES IN DISTRICT GALLERIES Make Your Own Hot-Glass Pumpkin ($30) 2 – 9 p.m. – Reservations on the hour Search Gallery Walk Glass Forming on Eventbrite for reservations Near Scotty's Brewhouse 2nd Avenue Northwest
Chinese Mooncake Festival 6:30 – 8:30pm Indiana Design Center Musical Entertainment Michelle Qureshi Dianna Davis Emma Hendrick & the Main Street Jazz Band Free Caricatures by Custom Eyes Design All Things Carmel 110 W. Main Street, Ste. 104 Scavenger Hunt with Prizes Starting point at California Closets 1 S. Range Line Road From left, Forum COO Jenny Budreau, Vice President of Administration Jim Moran, Jeanne Bunes, Research and Administration Manager Dawn Laughlin and CEO Doug True. Forum Credit Union employees recently threw a surprise birthday party for Jeanne Bunes, who celebrated her 90th birthday. Bunes has worked in the Forum research and administration department since 2009. Pictured, fellow employees take part in her birthday celebration. (Submitted photo)
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September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
HSE Mock Trial team is runners-up
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Front, from left, Emma Leonard, Nathan Brown and Rebecca Liu. Back, from left, Kaleb Oliver, Madison Rossillo, Jill Grant, Kaitlyn Ross and Bryana Tuemler. The Hamilton Southeastern Mock Trial team was runner-up in the National Judicial Competition last month in Chicago. (Submitted photo)
Fishers Safety Day 2017 St. Vincent Fishers and Fishers Fire and Emergency Services want YOU to join us for a FREE day of health and safety activities, demonstrations, live entertainment and food! For more information, call 317-338-CARE. www.fishers.in.us/safetyday
Saturday, September 9 • 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. St. Vincent Fishers 13861 Olio Road, Fishers
September 5, 2017
COMMUNITY St. George Festival returns, brings Middle Eastern touch to Fishers By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com
St. George Orthodox Christian Church prides itself on its faithful traditions and the diversity of its parish, and it will bring a taste of that to the St. George Festival Sept. 15-17 in Fishers. Parishioners are from Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, Jorcover story dan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Cyprus, Greece, Russia, Romania, Moldova and the U.S. The festival began in 1995 when the church was in Indianapolis. In 2013, the festival was halted for a year because the church moved and adapted to the Fishers community. This will be the fourth year the family oriented event takes place at the Fishers church. David Sumner, a parishioner and the festival’s Hanna marketing and communications director, said the goal of the event is multi-layered. “We’ve always said we have three purposes. One of them is outreach to introduce our church and faith to the community,” Sumner said. “The church is very unique architecturally, so we give tours and explain the architecture and a little about the faith. Fellowship is a chance for members to work with each other and get to know Sumner each other better. And finally, fundraising. We have a large mortgage and are paying for the church, and this event is something that helps to make payments.”
Current in Fishers
A recipe for Stuffed grape leaves
A popular Middle Eastern dish available at the St. George Festival is stuffed grape leaves. Meat and vegan options will be sold at the festival. Ingredients: • 1 jar prepared grape leaves • 14-ounce can chicken broth • 1/2 cup lemon juice • 2 sliced potatoes (to line the pot) • 1 lb. 90 percent lean ground beef • 1/2 cup converted white rice • 3/4 tsp. salt, ½ tsp. pepper • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon • 1/4 tsp. allspice, 2 T. lemon juice Elaine Eckhart prepares stuffed grape leaves for the St. George Festival. (Photo by Sadie Hunter)
Lena Merchot, left, and Laila Nahas attend a previous St. George Festival. (Submitted photo)
Event admission is free but food purchases and a portion of funds from vendors benefit he church. “The unique attraction of the festival is always the food,” Sumner said. “You can eat ethnic food. It’s mainly what draws most people. We always have a live band that plays Middle Eastern music. There’s dancing. We have a woman who trains and leads dancers and adult and children dancers. There are children’s activities.” Last year, more than 30,000 people attended the event, but Sumner said previous festivals have drawn 50,000. St. George’s Pastor Nabil Hanna encourages people to attend from the Fishers and Indianapolis area. “We have a wonderful spirit of hospitality that really portrays our parish,” Hanna said. “We put on this festival as an outreach and open house to the community. We think they will find us to be very hospitable and friendly, and we would like to get to know our neighbors in the immediate Fishers area and the Indianapolis area.” Eighty to 90 percent of the food is prepared by parishioners approximately a month prior to the event and then frozen. Food options include gyros, spinach pies, stuffed grape leaves and more. In addition to sampling ethnic food, attendees have the opportunity to browse vendors selling groceries and gifts. “There are different vendors there every year,” Sumner said. “We always have a vendor that sells gifts from the Holy Land, wood carvings and crosses and manger scenes, and various arts and crafts vendors. There are some grocery vendors that sell Middle Eastern food like tahini and things typical to get in Middle Eastern stores.”
Directions: Drain grape leaves and rinse in cold water to remove brine. If grape leaves are tough or stiff, tenderize by blanching in boiling water for two minutes. Trim stems. Line a medium stew pot with a layer of sliced potatoes and cover with two or three broken grape leaves. Prepare the filling by mixing ground beef, rice, salt, pepper, cinnamon, allspice and lemon juice. If filling becomes dry add a few tablespoons of cold water. Place grape leave, vein side up, on a cutting board or clean work surface. Put one to two teaspoons of meat mixture at the base of the leaf, just above the trimmed stem, in an elongated row, about 3 to 4 inches long and ½-inch in diameter. Roll the leaf from the base of the leaf toward the top, folding in the sides as you go until the leaf is completely rolled. Arrange grape leaves tightly in the pot, stacking the first layer in one direction and the next layer in the opposite direction, and so on, until the pot is filled. Cover grape leaves with liquid, using chicken broth, lemon juice and water (if needed). Simmer on low heat with the lid on the pot for 45 minutes to one hour. Rice should be completely cooked and fluffy. NOTE: Grape leaves are available at Middle Eastern grocery stores and on the foreign-food aisle at the grocery.
If you go
What: St. George Festival When: 5-10 p.m. Sept. 15, 1-10 p.m. Sept. 16 and 1-5 p.m. Sept. 17 Where: St. George Orthodox Christian Church, 10748 E. 116th St. Admission: Free. Parking: Offsite parking available for $5 at Journey Lutheran Ministries, 10401 E. 116th St. For more: stgfest.org
September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
Suffering the insufferable
o b s e r v a tion Food for thought Commentary by Terry Anker
Commentary by Danielle Wilson
The silly little rituals that we do become the distinct and enormously important markers that identify us as a part of, or excluded from, a social group. A pierced ear can imply one thing for a man, a different thing for a woman, and yet another for a child. Why don’t we pierce our pet’s ears but we do to the animals we eat? And a piercing in the eyebrow, nose or nether region can project an entirely different message. Still, why do we feel compelled to stick any foreign object through our bodies? The rituals around food are among the most varied and interesting. Much is related to resources. If we keep animals that produce milk, we eat cheese. If we live by the sea, we eat fish. We prepare, serve, share and consume our meals along very old and established lines. Growing up in rural Indiana, fresh vegetables were abundant and cheap. Each meal included crudités, a platter of them, raw. No civilized restaurant would dare start a meal without them. Today, this pattern, one could imagine, has been replaced by the review and consideration of the appetizer. How is it that we came to need food to make us hungry for more food? It may be true that there is nothing better than a deep-fried jalapeno popper with a cold beer. Yet, isn’t small food still food? When is the thing that we believe to be the warm-up actually the thing itself? Can we claim that the set-up is somehow different from the doing without deceiving ourselves into believing that small food calories don’t count? When we imagine that we are waiting to begin living our lives, are we simply living a different life already?
Insufferable (adjective): too extreme to bear; intolerable. I’m bringing the term back, humor my friends. Why? Because I find myself using this wonderfully crafted word almost every single day – starting with one of my daughters. Don’t get me wrong. I love her. She’s weird, but in a cool, I-don’t-give-a-rat’stail-about-what-any-of-you-think way. Her self-confidence is truly astonishing, given her questionable sense of style and her often-untamable mane of red hair. But she spends a large portion of her week with her color guard pals, 70-plus teenage girls who are wading through the drama of high school; sometimes together, sometimes not so much. Every night when I drive her home, I’m subjected to the latest “Mom, can you believe she did that?” and “Can I just tell you what happened with (insert girl’s name here)?” Trust me when I say it is with sheer force of will that I can keep from openly eye-rolling. Verdict? My daughter has become insufferable. Because I never hear “Hi, Mom. How was your day?” Or even “Can we talk about those Kardashians?” Our half-hour together is literally her venting about people I don’t know and how she’s clearly above it all. Insufferable also comes to mind whenever I hear our president. Whether he’s tweeting, campaigning or speaking offscript, I’m reminded of my 16-year-old. Just like her, he’s too extreme to bear. That’s insufferable, folks. I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s far more poetic than “poop show,” which is what I used to call him and, arguably, more on point. Luckily, I’m not required by parenting law to love him!
Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@youarecurrent.com.
BEL I EVE I T ! Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Washington, people may not buy a mattress on Sunday. Source: dumblaws.com
Golf to benefit Indiana charities
Commentary by Lynn Wolf
Knights of Columbus of Fishers is holding a charity golf outing at the Sagamore Golf Club in event Noblesville, 10900 Golden Bear Way. The outing is Sept. 7, with registration starting at 9 a.m. Proceeds from the 23rd annual golf outing will benefit Indiana charities, including Gibault, Little Sisters of the Poor, Birthright International, The Cherish Center, the Lord's Pantry at Anna's House and Third Phase Christian Center. Thanks to generous sponsors and golfers, the Knights of Columbus of Fishers has contributed more than $400,000 to charities throughout Indiana. With more than 1.6 million members, The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic family fraternal organization. The Fishers council works closely with St. Louis de Montfort parish in Fishers and the Holy Spirit at Geist parish. The Knights of Columbus of Fishers combine brotherhood with philanthropic events to help those in need throughout the community. One of the organizations benefiting from this golf outing is Gibault in Terre Haute. Gibault was founded by the Indiana Knights of Columbus in 1921 and has grown through the years to serve
more than 10,000 children and their families. Serving children who have been victims of emotional or physical trauma and neglect, Gibault has helped kids from every county in Indiana. The Knights of Columbus golf outing also benefits The Little Sisters of the Poor, an international congregation of Roman Catholic women serving the elderly poor in more than 30 nations around the world. Their mission is to provide the neediest elderly of every race and religion a home. Locally, they operate the St. Augustine Home in Indianapolis. Because of the generosity of the community and organizations such as the Knights of Columbus, The St. Augustine Home is able to serve about 100 residents. Most are native Hoosiers in their mid- to late 80s. For more information on the St. Augustine Home or The Little Sisters of the Poor, go to www.littlesistersofthepoortindianapolis.org. There is still time to sign up for the Knights of Columbus golf outing. Register at kofc6923.org/golf and enjoy a fun day of golf while supporting these worthy charities. For the full version of this column, visit currentinfishers.com
Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.
Want to respond to the columnists or send a letter to the editor? Email Letters@youarecurrent.com.
September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
Remembering Jerry Lewis Commentary by Dick Wolfsie I dedicated my performance at Indy Fringe last week to the late Jerry Lewis. Born Jerry Levtich, he humor traced his ancestry to Eastern Europe, the origins of classic Jewish literature and the humor that came as a response to the repression Jews experienced for millennia. I never met Jerry Lewis, but my closest friend for almost 60 years, Burt Dubrow (now an independent TV producer in L.A)., worked with Jerry on several of his Muscular Dystrophy Telethons. I talked to Burt about his hero and mine. How would Jerry like to be remembered? He’d want to be remembered as someone who made a difference. I don’t think he felt appreciated for what he did for MD. He raised billions of dollars for kids with neuromuscular diseases. Did other comics recognize his value? My favorite quote was from Jim Carrey, who said in so many words after he heard about Jerry’s death, that there would be no Jim Carrey without Jerry Lewis. Do you think he felt underestimated as a filmmaker?
In this country, yes. In France, no. There, they compared him to Chaplin. “The Nutty Professor” was one of the biggest films of its time. He didn’t get credit until way after. Why did he not get the credit due? Slapstick may look silly, but he was meticulous in what he did. If you look at his sight gags in his movies, even the Dean Martin/Jerry Lewis movies, it was all very choreographed. The MD Telethon was part of my childhood. That’s the first time I saw some of those amazing stars and performers, all there for Jerry and for the kids. Jerry did the telethon between 1966 and 2010, and he raised something like $2.5 billion. He was the face of those MD children. He loved those kids,
For an extended version of this column, visit currentinwestfield.com
Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.
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September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
Friends combine skills to launch boutique
Dispatches Next level job prep – In a desire to prepare the state’s workforce for high-priority industries and high-demand jobs, Indiana has launched NextLevelJobs.com. This website connects workers with resources and training to get them ready for higher-paying jobs. An individual inputs some basic information and is given links to education or training providers who can help them on their path. For more, visit NextLevelJobs. com.
By Renee Larr • news@currentinfishers.com Each year, H&R Block teaches thousands of people to prepare taxes. Take the H&R Block Income Tax Course to learn how to prepare taxes like a pro. Class times and locations are flexible to fit your current job, school and family schedules. Successful completion of this course could mean extra income as a tax professional for you.*
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Open House/Job Fair September 9th from 10a-4pm, , Sunblest Shoppes, 11803 Allisonville Rd. Fishers, IN 46038 317-764-6605 FOR CLASS TIMES AND LOCATIONS, VISIT HRBLOCK.COM/CLASS |800-HRBLOCK (800-472-5625) Enrollment restrictions and course material fees apply. Enrollment in, or completion of, the H&R Block Income Tax course is neither an offer nor a guarantee of employment. See hrblock.com/class for more details on the course.
Fishers resident Libby Springer and her friend Lindsey Welcher are opening a new women’s boutique in Fishers, State of Grace, at 11679 Olio Rd. new biz The two friends combined their skillsets in order to achieve their dream. The business partners will have a grand opening party from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sept. 16 with mimosas, wine, cupcakes and giveaways. Fishers has many boutiques, but most are downtown. State of Grance wants to offer unique items not already offered in Fishers. “We also have a kids’ area. It was an important thing to us because we knew we would have some moms that were shopping with kids,” Springer said. “We're both moms, and we know what that's like to try and go shopping with them.” As female business owners, they want to empower other women by carrying women-
Lindsey Welcher, left, and Libby Springer will soon open the State of Grace Boutique in Fishers. (Submitted photo)
owned brands. “It's really important to us to represent that. Then we are obviously hoping to expand that selection as time goes and we meet more women business owners,” Springer said. “Lindsey and I talked about the whole reasoning for naming our store State of Grace. It’s because we want to be there to extend that grace and that uplifting feeling when they come into our store.” For more, visit stateofgrace.shop.
“Fishers’ Oldest Heating & Cooling Co.” 134th Anniversary Sale e Sav5 $4
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Sellers’ market in Fishers - It’s still a seller’s market in Fishers. According to F.C. Tucker, homes in the city sold in an average of 49 days in July 2017, consistent with this time last year. In July 2017, the average sale price for homes sold in Fishers was $295,755 at $121.14 per square foot. This sale price represented an 11.1 percent increase from July 2016. Avoid public charging stations – Using public charging stations at airports and convention centers can be risky. The provided cables can be swapped out for twoway data collection cables that feed your private financial information to a hacker. Best to plug your devices in with your own cables, using a wall outlet if possible. Source: BottomLineInc. Free seminars for seniors – CarDon & Associates is partnering with Indy Mature Living to help educate Indianapolis-area seniors about issues related to home ownership and post-retirement downsizing. The free seminars will highlight senior living options for those over the age of 55, downsizing and other educational topics. Upcoming topics include: Downsizing – Senior Panelists, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Sept. 14 at Aspen Trace, 3154 S. SR 135, Greenwood. Reservations can be made by phone or email at 317-600-2056 or straighttalk@ cardon.us. Arts and education grants available – The Telamon Foundation, the charitable arm of Telamon Corp., has announced that its grant application for 2017 is now available. This marks the Telamon Foundation’s fourth annual round of grants that focus primarily on the Foundation’s pillars of arts and education. The application for 2017 can now be found at telamon.com/telamonfoundation/. Applications are due Sept. 15. Questions can be directed to foundation@ telamon.com.
September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
Women of Style Show set By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com
models as well as utilize the style show with The Secret Ingredient and Day Furs doing the styling of our women,” Owens said. Riverview Health is combining two anMegan Wiles, executive director of the nual events into one. foundation and president of the The Women of Style event Show, presented by RivNoblesville Common Council, will be a speaker. erview Health Auxiliary “Representatives from The Secret and Riverview Health Foundation, Ingredient and Day Furs will speak is set for Sept. 14 at Ritz Charles, about the clothing and introduce 12156 N. Meridian St., Carmel. Registhe women,” Owens said. “It’s a tration and shipping begins at 10:30 good luncheon with good women, a.m., with lunch at noon. Wiles all benefiting a good cause.” “This is the first time we’ve done Owens said the eight Women of Vision the event like this,” said Maggie Owens, honorees will be announced prior to the philanthropy officer for Riverview Health luncheon. Foundation. “In years past, we have done “The women selected are those that have a Women of Vision luncheon, which is put on by the the foundation, and that’s usually a high vision of a philanthropic heart that are helping to really set the tone for womin the spring. The Health Auxiliary does a en’s issues, whether that’s (physical) health fashion show this time of year.” issues or mental health,” Owens said. “We Owens said Riverview Health was going also talk about the different grants that the through a new electronic medical records Women of Vision Giving Club program gives launch in the spring and decided to put off to different parts of the hospital.” the Women of Vision luncheon, so it joined Tickets are $45 for individuals and $600 with Riverview Health Auxiliary to do a for a corporate table. To register, visit rivercombined show. view.org/classes/women-of-style-luncheon/. “We can feature the Women of Vision
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Dispatches New doctor on staff – Northwest Radiology Network welcomes Dr. Brian Graner as a new neuroradiologist. Graner is a specialized radiologist who focuses on abnormalities of the brain, central and peripheral nervous system, spine, head and neck. To schedule an appointment with Graner, call 317-972-9669.
Norman Mindrebo, a board-certified orthopedic surgeon, will share information on common shoulder issues and treatments including rotator cuff tears, shoulder arthritis, and shoulder replacements. A light dinner will be served. The program is free but registration is required. Register at riverview.org/classes or call 317-776-7999.
Senior health education series – The next event in this series by IU Health will be 6 p.m. Sept. 6 at Roy G. Holland Memorial Park Building, 1 Park Dr., and will discuss heart attack warning signs, treatment and recovery.
Hand and arm pain seminar – Riverview Health will host a hand and arm pain seminar from 6 to 7 p.m. on Sept. 19 at Riverview Health in the Krieg DeVault Conference Room. Dr. Christy Kellams, a fellowshiptrained orthopedic surgeon, will present different treatment options for common hand and arm problems such as rheumatoid arthritis, carpal tunnel, repetitive use and other conditions. A light dinner will be served. The program is free but registration is required. Register at riverview.org/ classes or call 317-776-7999.
Healthy cooking class – The St. Vincent Carmel Women’s Center is hosting a cooking class to teach community members how to cook a healthy breakfast that will set the stage for blood sugar control the rest of the day. The class will be held at 6 p.m. Sept. 12 at the Women’s Center, 13420 N. Meridian St. The event is free but registration is required. Visit BreakfastUpgrade. eventbrite.com to register. Shoulder pain seminar – Riverview Health will host a shoulder pain seminar from 6 to 7 p.m. Sept. 13 at the Renaissance Indianapolis North Hotel, 11925 N. Meridian St. Dr.
Free meditation class – Sahaja Meditation Indiana presents a free mediation class at 7 p.m. on Fridays. Learn to reduce stress and experience inner peace through meditation. The class will be held at Old National Bank, 1430 S. Range Line Rd. For more, visit IndianaMeditation.org.
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September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
briefly …
Fall pit stops Discover unique, fall-inspired stops to explore and experience as the leaves change
What to do: Take a two-hour pedalpowered tour through Fishers on a 16-person bicycle. Where: Tours start and end at the corner of 9002 Technology Lane and Visionary Way in Fishers. Cost: Weekday tour: $315 for a group of up to 16 people. Weekend tour: $415 for a group of up to 16 people. Individual sign-ups are $30 per person, with a minimum of 10 total riders needed for each tour. Price includes a free, reusable souvenir cup for all riders. Tour stops include Four Day Ray Brewery, Brixx, LouVino and The Nickel Plate Bar and Grill. The fall touch: Get active, enjoy the cool autumn weather and visit some of Fishers’ breweries, bars and restaurants while touring The Nickel Plate Amphitheater and surrounding district. How to attend: Visit thepintcycle.com to book a tour, or call 844-746-8292 What to do: Take the 6-mile Rusty Oar Canoe and Kayak Trip for a relaxing twoNoblesville to three-hour, up-river experience. Trips depart on the hour from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. throughout the week. The most popular trip, the Rusty Oar Canoe and Kayak Trip, is available through October. Where: 17180 River Rd., Noblesville Cost: $47 for canoe rental, $27 for kayak rental (special fall kayak price). The fall touch: Explore the majestic fall colors and wildlife along the White River on a canoe or kayak. How to attend: Book online at whiterivercanoe.com.
White River Canoe Company
What to do: Take an extended flight over the beauty of Hamilton County. Above & CARMEL Beyond Balloon Co., owned & by Carmel residents Nick and Ruthie Hoffbauer, offers a view of the sprawling suburbia, cornfields and reservoirs that create the county’s landscape. Where: The hot air balloons take off from several locations in Carmel. Balloons fly over Hamilton County and Indianapolis. Cost: $195 for a fourpassenger shared ride. The fall touch: Get a unique view of the changing leaves during a 45-minute hot air balloon ride. How to attend: visit aboveandbeyondballoon.com, or call 317844-3718 to inquire about availability.
Above Beyond Balloon Co.
Evanescence to play at Palladium — Evanescence, in support of new album “Synthesis,” will perform at 8 p.m. Dec. 2 at The Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. The Synthesis Live tour will feature a 28-piece orchestra and reflects the sound of the fourth studio album, which reimagines some of the band’s most popular songs with a spotlight on orchestral arrangements, electronic beats and textures, and Amy Lee’s virtuoso piano and voice. Tickets are available online at TheCenterPresents.org or by phone at 317-843-3800. Every ticket purchased online comes with one digital download of the “Synthesis” album. Free movies at Clay Terrace — A four-film, free series, where attendees are encouraged to dress in costume, will be screened on the lawn consecutive Saturdays at 7 p.m. In order, the movies are: Beauty and the Beast (Sept. 9, Princess Night), Secret Life of Pets (Sept. 16, Pet Night, and pets are encouraged), The Avengers (Sept. 23, Superhero Night) and Moana (Sept. 30, Beach Night). For more, call 317-818-0725 or visit clayterrace.com. Fishers –Fishers Blues Fest will provide free music from multiple artists Sept. 2 at the Nickel Plate District Amphitheater, 6 Municipal Dr. For more, visit fishers.in.us/bluesfest. Westfield – Trivia Night will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Sept. 7 at Urban Vines, 303 E. 161st St. There is a $5 entry fee. First place receives 75 percent of pot in Urban Vines gift cards, second place receives 25 percent. For more, visit the Urban Vines Facebook page. Carmel – Dave Neal will perform from 8 to 11 p.m. Sept. 2 at Carmel American Legion Post 155, 852 W. Main St. Noblesville – Learn about artist Louise Nevelson and make works to reflect her style from 6-8 p.m. Sept. 7 at Caravan Classes, 92 S. 9th St. For more, visit squareup.com/store/caravan-classes. Zionsville – Zionsville Performing Arts Center will host a College Exploration Night at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 6 at 1000 Mulberry St. For more, visit zvilleperformingarts.org/events.
September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
Where’s Amy? Amy Pauszek is a photographer, film producer and scouting and casting associate for Talent Fusion Agency in Indianapolis. She can be reached at Amy@youarecurrent.com. To see more of her photos, visit currentnightandday.com.
A N I MA L PRINT SHE ARED MINK J A C K E T Alex Welling (Fishers) with Eric Welling and baby Harper Welling.
Where’s Where’s Amy Amy attends attends Artomobilia Artomobilia 1361 S Rangeline Rd, Carmel, IN 46032 317.844.8733 • www.dayfurs.com
Pictured, Gloria Kottlowski (Fishers) and Debbie Higgins (Fishers). Where’s Amy attended the 10th annual Carmel Artomoblilia Aug. 26. A record-crowd of more than 15,000 visitors from Carmel and surrounding areas attended. Carmel Artomobilia focuses on display and appreciation vs. competition. The event embraces the essence of automotive art and design by uniquely combining the artwork of local galleries and artists with the presentation of significant automobiles and their iconic detail. It’s a fun, family event and celebration for all ages to enjoy. (Photos by Amy Pauszek)
Daryl Randall and pal Jack (Geist).
CELEBRATION! SEPTEMBER 22 & 23, 2017 - 7:00 PM
The Tarkington
Tickets: 317-843-3800
A milestone theatrical dance production capturing a sampling of classic works from years of GHDT!
Kombucha now offered at Four Day Ray Circle City Kombucha, 1121 N. Arlington Ave., Indianapolis, has begun partnering with various breweries around the Indianapolis area. The most recent partnership is with Four Day Ray, 11671 Lantern Rd., Fishers. The brewery will offer kombucha on tap as a non-alcoholic options for restaurant guests. Kombucha is a fermented tea-type drink known for its probiotic properties. Its popularity began on the west coast. For more, visit circlecitykombucha.com. Salute to Vietnam Veterans – Indiana Public Broadcasting Stations will host the Salute to Vietnam Veterans at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 13 at the Old National Centre in Indianapolis. For tickets, visit ipbssalute. eventbrite.com. American Legion events – The Carmel Amerigan Legion Post 155, 852 W. Main St. will present Royce Live from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. Sept. 15 and Karaoke by Jayme Sams 8 p.m. to midnight Sept. 16. There will be a $15 prime rib dinner available from 6 to 8 p.m. Sept. 16 before the show. Both events are open to the public.
Noblesville family movie series – The Noblesville summer movie series start at dusk and concessions are available. For more, visit noblesvilleparks.org. Movies to be shown are: - “The BFG,” Sept. 2, Forest Park Shelter 1 - “Storks,” Sept. 9, Forest Park Shelter 1 - “Sing,” Sept. 15, Federal Hill Commons Summer Family Concert Series at the Gazebo – The Summer Family Concert Series at the Gazebo in Carmel will expand in 2017 with three additional concerts and a season that now extends into September. To see the full lineup, visit CarmelGazeboConcerts.org. Peewinkle’s Puppet Studio show – Peewinkle’s Puppet Studio, 650 W. Washington St., Indianapolis, will host a show from Sept. 14-23 for kids ages pre-kindergarten to second grade called “Peewinkle Goes Fishing.” Tickets are $10, and children under 2 is free. Popcorn is included. Postshow workshop tickets are $3. For more, visit peewinklespuppets.org.
September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
Down by the Sea: Child & Adult Music Class, Robert Adam Room, The Palladium
Compiled by Zach Dunkin zach.dunkin@youarecurrent.com Pipe Organ Dedication, Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Carmel
7 p.m., Sept. 8
Cost: $70 (includes all seven class sessions); siblings under 10 months old can attend free of charge.
Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” is transported to New York City as two young idealistic lovers struggle to survive in a world of hate, violence and prejudice More: beefandboards.com, 317-872-9664.
Jr. Civic, Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre, Carmel
Various times
Enrollment is open for fall classes for the Jr. Civic program. Classes for students ages 18 months through eighth grade will begin the week of Sept. 11 Cost: Various fees.
Michael Bolton, the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel
More: pilgrimindy.org
8 p.m. Sept. 5-Sept. 9 and Sept. “West Side Story,” Beef & Boards Dinner 12; 1 p.m., Sept. 6; and 7 p.m., Theatre, Indianapolis Sept. 10 (continues through Oct.
Cost: $42.50-$67.50 (includes buffet dinner)
9:30-10:15 a.m., Fridays Sept. 8, 15, 22, and Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27
Adults and children ages 10 months to 5 years take a musical seaside adventure as they swim with fish, row in boats and sing songs about sunshine as summer comes to a close.
The church celebrates the installation of a new pipe organ with a dedication concert by world-renowned Todd Wilson, professor of organ at Cleveland Institute of Music. Cost: Free.
More: Register at civictheatre.org/ classes.
“Celebration,” The Tarkington, The Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel
7 p.m., Sept. 22-23.
The Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre announces its 20th season-opening performance, “Celebration,” that will bring back some audience and dancer favorites as well as the premiere of Hancock’s newest ballet. Cost: $42.50 adults; $37.50 More: thecenterfortheperformingarts.org, 317-843-3800. students and seniors.
Hip Hop Dance Workshop, Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre, Carmel
When: 3-5:30 p.m., Sept. 9.
Enrollment is open for YAP’s Hip Hop Dance workshop for ages 14-18 with Sawyer Harvey. Pre-enrollment is required. Cost: More: Register at civictheatre.org/classes/yap$20 enrollment/. Contact AnneBeck@CivicTheatre.org for questions.
Imagine your home, totally organized!
More: centerfortheperformingarts.org, 317-843-3800
7:30 p.m., Dec. 27
How are we supposed to live without him? We can’t. The ‘80s crooner brings a full band and decades of hits on his return to The Palladium
Cost: Tickets on sale More: centerforthe now, starting at $36. performingarts.org, 317-843-3800
SUBMIT YOUR EVENT NEWS If you represent a local arts organization — performance, visual, literary or otherwise — and have an event schedule that you believe should be shared with our readers, please send it to zach.dunkin@youarecurrent.com with Showtime as the subject line of the email. Current will publish for professional, amateur and scholastic efforts. Please send information at least two weeks prior to the first or only performance.
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September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
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Commentary by Mark Johnson Saturday, Sept. 9 8AM-12PM 131st & Olio Weather Permitting take a FREE ride in the RE/MAX Complete hot air balloon! SaxonyMarket.com
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Where to go: Michaelangelo’s Italian Bistro Where it is: 550 Westfield Rd., Noblesville When it’s open: 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday. Mark’s take: Family owned and operated since the 1960s, Michaelangelo’s Italian Bistro is a Noblesville original. Great Italian cuisine is the order of the day with an impressive wine list. What to get: My all-time favorite is the Lasagna Classico with crumbled meatballs and sausage ricotta. It’s a traditional favorite that tastes best with a red wine. What’s the cost: Entrees run $12 to $16 Reservations: Accepted Carry-Out: Available
Michaelangelo’s Italian Bistro offers a dining setting for everyone. (Submitted photo)
Want to know more: Visit michaelangelobistro.com or call 317-773-6066.
Behind Bars: Jalapeno Princess Margarita
Get it at Four Day Ray, Fishers Ingredients: 2 oz. Milagro Silver, 1 oz. Cointreau, 2 oz. orange Juice, 1 full lime squeezed, 1 oz. simple syrup, 1 oz. of muddled roasted jalapenos with seeds Directions: Muddle the roasted jalapenos, tequila and Cointreau in the bottom of a mixing tin. Add ice and the rest of the ingredients and shake very well. Pour contents of shaker into a slat-rimmed tulip glass and serve with a lime wedge.
Presented By Welcome Tent
6th Street NW 20
1:00 PM 1 Kaitlyn Rene and the Renegades 3 Amy Thorn & The Nightcaps
19 18
1st Ave. NW
5th Street NW
13 Philadelphia Phil & Friends 16 Witch Hazel Valley People
18 DysFUNKtion Brass Band
1:30 PM
13 12
5 6 8 19
Entry B
Champagne Supernova The Failers Past Due Chloe Marie
2:00 PM
2 CW & The Working Class Trio 14 Emily Rhodes 15 Circuit Thursday 11 Rusty Bladen
2nd Street NW 2nd Ave. NW
1:45 PM
2:15 PM 3
Welcome Tent
11 Peter Taylor
3rd Street NW 5
Entry C
2:30 PM
Command Central
1st Street NW Sophia Square
Welcome Tent
7 Ryan M Brewer 10 Steve Fulton 20 String Quest Project
Entry A
Rangeline Road
Monon Trail
4th Street NW
7 Sydney Paige 9 Emma & Main Street Jazz
Entry D
2:45 PM
Adult Beverages Available From
Food Offerings Available From
1 Eric Pedigo & Company 3 Sean Imboden Trio
3:00 PM 11 Kassey King 13 Red Idol Rejects 17 Brandon Wilson
3:15 PM 6 Amy Lou & the Braxton Hicks 9 The Hippie Dream 18 Brittany Crone & Global Citizens
3:45 PM 2 4 12 14 16
Derek Lee Bishop Kennedy & Justin Maren Huelsman AJ Sandlin Slates Family Band
4:00 PM 5 7 8 19
Jeff Russell Jaxson Deno Fuzzy Bunny Fish Fry No Pit Cherries
4:30 PM 15 Indy Ukers
4:45 PM 1 3 6 10 13 20
Cause and Effect Amy Thorn & The Nightcaps The Cold Crew Duo J. Elliot Johnny Caribe & The Island Girl Brigantine
September 17
Don’t get hot under the collar Commentary by Joe Drozda and Bob Bley Due to longer football seasons, it seems those early season games are always in really hot weather, even in the northern states. Here is a great sandwich that is tops for hot-weather tailgate parties. Chicken Salad Ingredients: 4 chicken breasts, 1 red bell pepper diced, 1/4 cup diced purple onion, 1 small diced Granny Smith apple, 1 small can of crushed pineapple (drained well), 1/4 cup pecan pieces Preparation: Grill or cook 4 chicken breasts. Shred/cut and mix with 1 small red pepper, 1/4 cup purple onion, 1 small can of crushed pineapple (well-drained), Granny Smith apple and pecan pieces. Add olives and/or grapes if you like, then mix-in mayo to your liking.
Use cool foods for hotter weather tailgates. (Submitted photo)
Serve with Swiss cheese on your favorite bread. Joe Drozda writes about sports and food. You may contact him at drozda@tailgatershandbook. com or visit www.tailgatershandbook.com.
September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
Interior of Mausoleum of Muhammad V in Rabat, Morocco. (Photo by Don Knebel)
A monument of tolerance
Rabat, situated along the Atlantic Ocean, is the capital of Morocco. Its most visited site honors a king who protravel tected Morocco’s Jews during the Holocaust. In 1927, the French, who gained control of Morocco in 1912, designated 18-year-old Sidi Mohammed ben Yusef as Morocco’s sultan, or ruler. In 1940, the pro-Nazi regime of Vichy France ordered the sultan, a direct descendant of Muhammad, to impose severe restrictions on Morocco’s 250,000 Jews, who had lived in Morocco for centuries. Insisting that his title as Commander of the Faithful required that he treat all Moroccans equally, he refused. When Allied forces liberated Morocco in 1942, its Jewish comDon Knebel is a local resident munity remained unharmed, with Jews still who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column working in the sultan’s government. Sultan visit donknebel.com. You may Muhammad, grateful for Morocco’s liberacontact him at news@curtion, hosted the historic Allied conference rentzionsville.com. in Casablanca in 1943. When Morocco gained LEGAL NOTICE TO ALL MBE’S, WBE’S, VBE’S AND DBE’S The City of Fishers, Department of Public Works is seeking bids its independence in 1957, for the 106th Street Force Main Extension I-69 to Cheeney Creek Sultan Muhammad became WWTP which bids on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 at 10:00 King Muhammad V. After AM. Infrastructure Systems, Inc. is bidding this project as a general he died suddenly in 1961, contractor and would appreciate your quote on any part. Plans and Specs may be viewed at the Fishers City Hall, Department of Public 75,000 Jews were among Works, One Municipal Drive, Fishers, IN 46038. Quotes must be the public mourners. In received in our office no later than Tuesday, September 19, 2017. 1962, King Muhammad’s Please feel free to contact us with any questions. son, King Hassan II, began Infrastructure Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 148 construction of a mauso260 W. Vincennes Street leum for his father near the Orleans, IN 47452 river Bou Regreg. The mauPhone: (812) 865-3309 Fax: (812) 865-3009
The Children’s Museum Guild’s
Presented by
soleum, completed in 1971, is a magnificent example of classic Moroccan architecture, with a gleaming white exterior and a green tile roof. Interior walls are covered with mosaics, and the carved ceiling is covered in gold leaf. The mausoleum now includes the white onyx tombs of King Hassan II and his brother, along with that of Muhammad V, located in the center. Visitors of all religions are allowed inside the mausoleum, which also serves as a mosque, where they can also observe a traditionally dressed man sitting in the corner, reading from the Quran. Rabat’s mausoleum is not only a monument to a king, it is a monument to tolerance and respect.
Commentary by Don Knebel
1 mile/5K Indy’s Halloween Fun Run Saturday, Oct. 28 10 a.m.
Starts and finishes at The Children’s Museum Discounts for early registrations—prior to Oct. 6. Costume Contest • FreeMuseum T-shirt Guild’s • FreeHaunted Haunted House E-Ticket The Children’s House
Presented by
Registration fee does not include museum admission. Registration and more information can be found at childrensmuseum.org/dash.
September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
Across 1. Once around the Noblesville HS track 4. Start another hitch 8. Boone County Fair little ones 13. HSE French class assent 14. Tom Wood offering 15. IU Dental School gas:
nitrous ___ 16. Circle segment in a Westfield HS math class 17. Indiana Toll Road service area 18. Gather, as information 19. Like a gimme putt at Crooked Stick 21. Subj.’s counterpart
23. Big Apple newspaper, initially 24. LA winter hrs. 25. Bar order, with “the” 27. Devastated by fighting 30. Low grade at Zionsville HS 34. Form 1040 org. 35. WRTV’s Flye
37. Dance in a pit 38. Indiana Grand Casino video game 40. A Manning 41. Bulgaria’s capital 42. Toiling 43. Skeleton’s place? 45. South Bend sch. 46. North America’s highest peak 48. PT’s Showclub garb 50. Sounds of relief 52. Dig in at Logan’s Roadhouse 53. 100.9 FM: Radio___ 56. Deflategate inits. 57. Hoosier Park tack items 61. Cover story in Hamilton County Court 63. Short trip 65. Addams Family cousin 66. In a snit 67. Old Broad Ripple supermarket 68. Wish undone 69. Local team...and a hint to the place found in the puzzle’s circles 70. Grammy Award-winning Hoosier violinist 71. Set one’s sights Down 1. Rich soil 2. Subtle glow 3. Dentist’s tool 4. Bif Ward, e.g. 5. “___ on Down the Road” 6. Evansville coll. 7. Cancun Restaurant bread? 8. Backup on I-65 9. Lafayette rocker Rose
10. Appearance 11. Feb. 6 for 9-Down 12. Shipped 14. Seasons 52 selection 20. Busy mo. for 34-Across 22. ___ di Beppo Restaurant 25. Does a plumbing job 26. Carmel HS prom rental 27. Composed a Current article 28. Invite to enter 29. Cambodian money 31. Bo-o-oring 32. Operating 33. Mitchell’s Fish Market catch 34. Popular tablet 36. Smooch
39. PU frat letters 41. Narrow waterways 43. Smokes, for short 44. Everlasting 47. Fatty cell parts 49. “___ be an honor” 51. Muslim veil 53. IMPD drug buster 54. Fishers road 55. Indy 500’s Power 57. Pacer foe 58. Pre-euro currency 59. Needle case 60. Part of an Oberer’s flower 62. Wager 64. Had a wrap at Woody’s Answers on Page 23
September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
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September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
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September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
now hiring
now AUCTION hiring
Office Professional/Administrative Assistant Republic Development is currently seeking an office professional with recent experience for full-time hire position for the north side office. The qualified candidate should be an outgoing, polished individual who meets the following criteria: • Availability on a set weekly schedule • Well versed in Microsoft Office. • Professional appearance and attitude • Excellent verbal and written communication skills • Ability to manage multiple tasks and meet deadlines simultaneously This is an excellent opportunity where the selected candidate will receive hands-on experience handling daily tasks related to residential and commercial real estate. The administrative assistant will participate in planning meetings (when appropriate), accommodating office visitors, general administrative duties and other tasks as assigned. Please send resume and references to info@saxony-indiana.com.
Financial Assistant
Part-time position, 15 hours per week Flexible work schedule. Position is responsible for processing weekly offerings, electronic funds transfers, and other receivables. Position also responsible for maintaining the accounting system (Servant Keeper). Must have Microsoft Excel, Word, and Outlook expertise. Accounting background desired. Candidates should submit a cover letter and resume to jobs@stmarkscarmel.org. Please respond by September 11, 2017. Clarity Care Givers is a locally owned Personal Service Agency. We are rapidly growing and looking for compassionate people to serve as caregivers for our adult population in a non-medical environment. Certification is a plus, but not required. If you possess integrity, are dependable and have a passion for service – we are interested in you. We offer a competitive salary (ask about our tiered pay scale), a 401K, a referral bonus and flexible scheduling. We require a valid driver’s license and clean background checks. Apply on-line at https://clarity.clearcareonline.com/apply/
now hiring We are an Industrial Panel Shop looking for a great person to join our team. Our small team consists of highly educated and highly skilled workers who come to work everyday, do a great job and come back the next day for more. Skills and Abilities: Operate small hand tools (mostly drills) efficiently. Lift 75 lbs. Read electrical schematics. Wire to small terminals (with 3mm panel screwdriver). *Work with others *Neatness and craftsmanship. Experience preferred, but not required. *The last 2 items are critical for this position, please don’t apply if that does not describe you as we can train for everything except those. Benefits: Fully paid health insurance 10% contribution to 401k Please email resume to panelbuilderindy@outlook.com
College not for you?
Background or Not in dance! Join the team at Fred Astaire Dance Studio Carmel, Indiana. We will train you in all aspects of the ballroom dance business. Why Fred Astaire? We offer a great environment, guaranteed starting salary, great training and opportunities to travel and compete. Need we say more? Call Dan at 317-846-3237
now hiring
now hiring
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Job Fair
MANY NEW GREAT OPPORTUNITIES: Program Instructor (DSP), Human Resources Intern, Employment Specialist, PAC/Respite, & Driver Positions Available Saturday September 9th, 10a-2pm Janus Developmental Services, Inc. 317-773-8781 1555 Westfield Road, Noblesville, IN 46062 Bring Your Resume/Apply Online Prepare for an Onsite Interview Apply at: https://janusinc.hirecentric.com/jobsearch/
puzzle Answers
If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, that’s our business. Call Alcoholics Anonymous (317) 632-7864 www.indyaa.org
September 5, 2017
Current in Fishers
Isn’t it time to listen to your body?
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Register at iuhealth.org /joints or call 317.678.DOCS (3627)
A free light meal will be served.
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