Tuesday, September 20, 2022 ResidentialECRWSSCustomer Local 1525INPostagePresortedStandardU.S.PaidIndianapolis,PermitNo. Indy FishersmovingFuelto/P3 HSE Jr. High fan saved at Carmel Middle School football game / P6 131st and 146th street interchangeopen/P21 SCAN HERE TO HAVE CURRENT DELIVERED TO YOUR PHONE Property owner wants to build home made from shipping containers in Fisher / P16 UNIQUE PROPOSAL

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Manufacturing firm to bring 500-plus jobs to city
families and groups, and bring a multitude of different types of events and attendees to the city and region.”
The Fishers City Council will vote on the economic developments for the Stevanato Group at its Sept. 19 meeting.
Advertise your business: Fishers
If you’re interested in reaching virtually 100 percent of the Fishers market (29,403 households), you may obtain more information by emailing ads@youarecurrent (subject:
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Financing for the event center and the rezoning process for the Thompson Thrift expansion will be introduced at the Sept. 19 Fishers City Council meeting.
the editor: Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Taylor DIxon at com.website,informationYoucallyouarecurrent.comtaylor@or317.489.4444ext.804.mayalsosubmitonourcurrentinfishers.Rememberournews deadline is typically eight days prior to publication. News tips/story ideas: stories@youarecurrent.com Letters to the editor/ guest columns: letters@youarecurrent.com

Fishers is incredibly encouraging for the market, this sector, and reaffirming Fishers’ position as a destination for life science firms,” Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness. “By more than doubling their investment in Fishers, Stevanato’s position as a global
An artist rendering of the new expansion of Stevanato Group set to open in 2024. (Rendering courte sy the City of Fishers).
The total expansion of the Fishers District is slated to cost $550 million and will be located east of I-69 between 106th and 116th Street, southeast of IKEA. The expansion will also include new retail, restaurant, entertainment and residential businesses, including The Union — a multi-family and en tertainment option at the new district that
Earlier this year, Stevanato executives approached the City of Fishers about expan sion of the planned facility. The company will propose an investment of $512 million and hire a total of 515 employees by 2031. If approved by the Fishers City Council, the Stevanto facility will open in early 2024.
A rendering of the new event center that will be home to the Indy Fuel hockey team. (Rendering courtesy of the city of Fishers)

The pizza that won the Best Classic Pizza in America at the World Pizza Championship in Parma, Italy!
Jan. 25, 2011, at Fishers, IN Vol. XII, No. 35 Copyright 2022 Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 Join our community: instagram.com/youarecurrentwww.twitter.com/CI_Fisherswww.facebook.com/currentinfishers
advertising) or by calling 317.748.2662. Obituaries: obits@youarecurrent.com Legal advertising: legals@youarecurrent.com
Expansion includes new home for Indy Fuel
3September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.comCOMMUNITY

The views of the columnists in Current in Fishers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
announced plans to build a 200,000-squarefoot, $140 million facility at the Fishers Life Science and Innovation Park.
leader will undoubtedly positively impact our community and regional neighbors.”
Another multi-use facility will be The Commons, which will be an event center and also have restaurant, retail and residen tial
Celebrate fall with a Campfire!
Southwest corner of 116th & I-69
“I’m thrilled to bring the fun and excite ment of Indy Fuel hockey and its fan base to Fishers,” stated Hallett, who is also chair man of Hallett Sports & Entertainment. “We are beyond excited to not only bring the Fuel to Fishers but also have Hallett Sports & Entertainment manage the new facility for the community. We intend for the event center to be the best facility of its size any where, create unique experiences for fans,
The new event center will be home to the Indy Fuel hockey team.Indy Fuel owner Jim Hallett said the pro fessional minor league hockey affiliate of the NHL’s Chicago Black Hawks will play in the event center beginning in the 2024-25 season. The center will hold up to 8,500 spectators and be managed by Hallett Sports & Entertainment. The Indy Fuel, which cur rently plays in the Indiana Farmers Coliseum at the Indiana State Fairgrounds, utilizes the Fuel Tank in Fishers for practice.

Fishers announced Sept. 14 new economic developments, including a new event center that will grow the Fishers District.
“Thisspace.is a monumental day for our city,” Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness stated. “Fish ers is thriving and today’s announcement demonstrates that our momentum isn’t slowing down. Since 2019, residents and visitors of Fishers have enjoyed The Yard at Fishers District with a demand we haven’t experienced elsewhere. This announcement to expand the District into even more neigh borhoods is exciting news from an enter tainment perspective, but also because of the economic development promise to come. This expansion not only answers the call from CEOs and employees looking for restaurants and entertainment but can now be home to our schools’ graduations and statewide sporting events.”
The City of Fishers announced Sept. 14 the expansion of ItaliantheGroup.company,manufacturingStevanatoInJune2021,StevanatoGroup
“Stevanato’s additional commitment to
Thompson Thrift, the master developer of the Fishers District, also announced plans to expand the district. At its heart, the ex pansion will feature the event center, which will host sporting, theatrical and other en tertainment events.
will include about 250 luxury apartments, 60,000 square feet of retail and restaurant space, 150 hotel rooms and up to 80,000 feet of office space.
Shaalea Davis, 38, of McCordsville, was arrested Sept. 10 for attempted murder. She also is being charged with bat tery, domestic battery, criminal recklessness, intimidation and pointing a firearm.

CRIME news@currentinfishers.com
FPD attemptedwomanarrestsformurder
The Fishers Police Dept. responded to a welfare check called to Interstate 69, north of 116th Street, a little before 3 p.m. on Sept. 10. When officers arrived, they found an SUV parked on the shoulder and an adult male and female standing outside. The male told officers he had been shot and was then transported to a local hospital. The female was then taken into custody for allegedly shooting the male.
Davis is being held in the Hamilton County Jail.
Volunteers needed for water availability study — The Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office is seeking volunteers for the county’s three year Water Availability Study. The study is being done by INTERA, the engi neering firm employed by the county, and will monitor aquifer levels throughout the county in order to better understand the groundwater availability within the county. The monitoring system uses next-gener ation acoustic sensor technology to turn residential, agricultural, industrial and irri gation wells into real-time monitoring net works. The county is looking for volunteers interested in having their well outfitted with a real-time sensor to add their water data to the groundwater network. The installation is free and the data will con tribute valuable information to the study. If interested, reach out to the Hamilton Coun ty Surveyor’s Office at 317-776-8495 or email at surveyor@hamiltoncounty.in.gov.
4 September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.com COMMUNITY
Fishers police detectives and evidence technicians responded to process the scene, collect evidence and interview wit nesses. During the process, they recovered a handgun suspected to be used in the incident.Theinitial hearing was set for Sept. 15 and the identity of the male shot has not been released. Davis

The second Battle of the Badges softball game will be played Sept. 24 from noon-3 p.m. at Holland Park in Fishers, where the Fishers Police Dept. will play to defend its title against the Fishers FireTheDept.game is hosted by the Donaide Foun dation and Behind Thin Lines nonprofit, which works to address mental health needs of first responders.

5September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.comCOMMUNITY Personalized Care With A Gentle Touch Email: www.fishersdentalcare.comkwarddds@fishersdentalcare.com Kevin D. Ward, D.D.S.11959 Lakeside Drive | Fishers, Indiana 46038 317.577.1911 | Fax 317.576.8070 FAMILY DENTISTRY FOR ALL AGES Kevin D. Ward, D.D.S. Molly E. Dwenger, D.D.S. info@fishersdentalcare.com Personalized Care With A Gentle Touch Email: www.fishersdentalcare.comkwarddds@fishersdentalcare.com Kevin D. Ward, D.D.S.11959 Lakeside Drive | Fishers, Indiana 46038 317.577.1911 | Fax 317.576.8070 FAMILY DENTISTRY FOR ALL AGES Kevin D. Ward, D.D.S. Molly E. Dwenger, D.D.S. info@fishersdentalcare.com Personalized Care With A Gentle Touch Email: www.fishersdentalcare.comkwarddds@fishersdentalcare.com Kevin D. Ward, D.D.S.11959 Lakeside Drive | Fishers, Indiana 46038 317.577.1911 | Fax 317.576.8070 FAMILY DENTISTRY FOR ALL AGES Kevin D. Ward, D.D.S. Molly E. Dwenger, D.D.S. info@fishersdentalcare.com Personalized Care With A Gentle Touch Email:www.fishersdentalcare.comkwarddds@fishersdentalcare.com Kevin D. Ward, D.D.S.11959 Lakeside Drive | Fishers, Indiana 46038 317.577.1911 Fax 317.576.8070 FAMILY DENTISTRY FOR ALL AGES Kevin D. Ward, D.D.S. Molly E. Dwenger, D.D.S. info@fishersdentalcare.com Personalized Care With A Gentle Touch Email: www.fishersdentalcare.comkwarddds@fishersdentalcare.com Kevin D. Ward, D.D.S.11959 Lakeside Drive | Fishers, Indiana 46038 317.577.1911 | Fax 317.576.8070 FAMILY DENTISTRY FOR ALL AGES Kevin D. Ward, D.D.S. Molly E. Dwenger, D.D.S. info@fishersdentalcare.com Personalized Care With A Gentle Touch Email:www.fishersdentalcare.comkwarddds@fishersdentalcare.com Kevin D. Ward, D.D.S.11959 Lakeside Drive Fishers, Indiana 46038 317.577.1911 | Fax 317.576.8070 FAMILY DENTISTRY FOR ALL AGES Kevin D. Ward, D.D.S. Molly E. Dwenger, D.D.S. info@fishersdentalcare.com Personalized Care With A Gentle Touch Email: www.fishersdentalcare.comkwarddds@fishersdentalcare.com Kevin D. Ward, D.D.S.11959 Lakeside Drive | Fishers, Indiana 46038 317.577.1911 | Fax 317.576.8070

D. Ward, D.D.S. Molly E. Dwenger, D.D.S. info@fishersdentalcare.com

“I think it’s great for the community to see the first responders out there having fun, not in any uniforms, not in a crisis situ ation (but), just having a good time and in teracting with the community,” Phelps said.
Softball game supports first responders
officer to retire from the force because of PTSD, so the process of finding him help was costly, especially because there ar en’t many crisis centers that specialize in mental health issues for first responders and military personnel. Although some in surance plans cover some treatment, not all expenses are covered. That’s where Behind Thin Line steps in.
By Taylor Dixon taylor@youarecurrent.com

Karie Phelps, owner of Dragonfly Salon and co-founder of Behind Thin Lines, said the cause is special to her because her hus band medically retired two years ago from the police department with post-traumatic stress disorder. Phelps said he was the first
(Photo pro vided by FFD.)


The event is free, but donations and sponsorships are welcome. About 10 sponsors are donating between $500 to $5,000 to the cause. Besides the softball game, there will also be a relay race, which FFD won last year, and face painting, a hair-braiding station hosted by Dragonfly Salon and an ice cream truck.
“I think that (mental health) is one of those things that doesn’t really cross many people’s minds when it comes to thinking of public safety,” FPD Lt. Will Ortiz said. “Even though we have specialized training to help us deal with our circumstances and certain situations, we have very limited resources to help people when they’re unable to cope or deal with some of the things that we see on the Besidesjob.”fundraising, organizers say the softball game is a good way for the public to interact with first responders in a posi tive way.
“We’re fortunate at Carmel Clay Schools to have multiple AEDs around,” Monke said. “We were able to use it on the man until the ambulance arrived. She was taking his pulse and the AED did its job, thankfully. He was taken to the hospital, where he recovered.”Monkesaid two AEDs are stationed outside for wellness classes and athletic events.“Our St. Vincent athletic trainer carries one on him at all times during practice and games,” Monke said. “He was inside doing something, so I ran to get the one that was on the north end of the field in a little stor ageMonkearea.”said staff and assistant coaches opened gates to get the ambulance in.
6 September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.com Please present at time of estimate. Residential customers only. Not to be combined with any other offers, discounts, or previous purchase. 18 month same as cash offer valid with approved credit, no interest if paid in full within 18 months. Restrictions may apply. Expires: 09/30/22 Call Now to Schedule a FREE Estimate! 317-296-6922 COMMUNITY 317-848-7634 www.centennialremodelers.com QUALITY PRODUCTS, EXPERTGUARANTEED!INSTALLATION BATHROOMS 317-848-7634 www.centennialremodelers.com QUALITY PRODUCTS, EXPERTGUARANTEED!INSTALLATION BATHROOMS REMODELERS 317-848-7634 www.centennialremodelers.com SINCE 1993 QUALITY PRODUCTS, EXPERTGUARANTEED!INSTALLATION BATHROOMS REMODELERS 317-848-7634 www.centennialremodelers.com LICENSED BONDED INSURED SINCE 1993 QUALITY PRODUCTS, EXPERTGUARANTEED!INSTALLATION BATHROOMS ADDITIONS

The importance of having an automated external defibrillator on-site at athletic events was proven again. An AED was used to save the life of a Hamilton Southeastern Junior High fan who suffered a medical emergency and was unresponsive before an Aug. 17 eighth-grade football game at Carmel Middle School.

“Everybody did their part,” he said. “We’re fortunate to have staff members that were aware and people in the stands who helped.”Monke said some Carmel Police Dept.
officers stayed on the scene, and when the fan was stable, they radioed an update on his“Wecondition.wereable to tell the coaching staff and some of the fans that had assisted and the Hamilton Southeastern bench as well,” he said. “So, we weren’t waiting all game to hear the outcome.”
Carmel Middle School athletic director Darren Monke, left, and football coach Kevin Vogt played key roles in assisting a fan during a recent medical emergency. (Photo courtesy of Carmel Clay Schools)

Monke said CMS head coach Kevin Vogt saw the commotion and assisted with CPR. An HSE Junior High spectator, who identified herself as a medical professional, assisted with the CPR and later used the AED.
By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com

“We were fortunate that there were some willing fans with medical backgrounds who jumped in and started the process,” CMS athletic director Darren Monke said.
Monke said he has been at CMS for 11 years and it’s the first time an AED has been used at a home athletic event.
CMS staff help save life at game
Location: A section of 151st Street from Towne Road to Buchanan Lane is closed for reconstruction. The intersection of 151st Street and Towne Road will remain open during construction.
Expected completion: TBD
Project: Range Line Road reconstruction Location: 116th Street to Carmel Drive. A roundabout is under construction at 116th Street
Location: A section of 191st Street west of U.S. 31 is being converted into a boulevard with a roundabout at Chad Hittle Drive.
Expected completion: End of the year
Thursday, October 13

Location: Between the Monon Greenway
Location: A section of 151st Street from Towne Road to Buchanan Lane (the entrance to Kimblewick on 151st Street) is closed for reconstruction.
Expected completion: Fall Project: New roundabout Location: E. Main Street and Lexington Boulevard
Project: Widening and improvements along Smoky Row Road
and U.S. 31. The road will be fully closed during the project. The Monon Greenway is closed until later this month. Expected completion: End of year
Mass - 5:00 p.m. • Open House - 5:30 - 8 p.m.

Project: Reconstruction of 151st Street from Towne Road to Buchanan Lane

Project: Roundabout, multi-use path
constructionLocation:The intersection of 106th Street and College Avenue is closed for construction of a roundabout. The multiuse path is under construction along 106th Street from Pennsylvania Parkway to College Avenue. 106th Street is not expected to be closed during construction of the path.
Project: New trail
Cathedral High School

Project: Reconstruction of 151st Street
Location: E. Main Street and Richland Avenue.
Expected completion: Due to delays with utility relocation, the estimated completion date is Oct. 8.
Expected completion: Summer
Project: Boulevard with a roundabout
191st Street is open to traffic going westbound using Westmore Lane and Chatham Commons Boulevard. The road will remain closed for eastbound traffic.
Expected completion: November WESTFIELD
Expected completion: Officials anticipate the project will be completed this month. The intersection of 151st Street and Towne Road will remain open during construction.
Expected completion: November Project: Culvert reconstruction Location: The Monon Greenway is closed from north of west Smoky Row Road to the Hagan Burke Trail.
Expected completion: Summer Project: New roundabout
Project: New roundabout

7September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.comCOMMUNITY openCathedralhouseHighSchool REGISTER TODAY AT GOCATHEDRAL.COM/OPENHOUSE open openCathedralhouseHighSchoolhouse
Location: The project will construct an 8-foot-wide asphalt trail north from Wellington Parkway of the Wellington Northeast subdivision to the 5-point roundabout at Greenfield Avenue. Southbound 10th Street (also known as Allisonville Road) will be detoured to Eighth Street. Two more closures will happen later.

Expected completion: November.
Project: Widening of the Monon GreenwayLocation: Between City Center Drive and Carmel Drive
Expected completion: Fall
Location: The intersection of 191st Street and Grassy Branch Road is closed.
One lesson he said he had to learn was to calm down.
“It’s not that I went out seeking it, it basically hap pened to me, and then I was all about it because I knew my life was changing and I knew other people’s lives could change,” he said.
Chad Malone wanted to share his life les sons to help others.Malone’sbook“FindingYourPassionFromTheInsideOut:7StrategiesToGetYouFromHeretoThere”wasreleasedAug.31.
Malone said some people in industries tell people they have to have a niche.

“I tell people that goals and values have to match if you are going to take it up a step,” he said.
Malone said a conversation with the late Zig Ziglar, a motivational speaker and author, in 2008 changed his own life about personal growth.
“I always wanted to get to the finish end and finish the race, but that’s not life,” he said. “Life is a journey.”
The book is available on Amazon and pen itpublications.com.
Voting info for college students — The League of Women Voters of Hamilton County is reminding college students to plan ahead to be able to participate in voting on Election Day on Nov. 8. College students living away from home may use absentee ballots to cast their votes, but they should allow time for applying for the ballot and receiving it by mail at their campus location. The deadline to request absentee ballots is Oct. 27, but students are advised to request a ballot as soon as they have their campus mailing address. Learn more and request an absentee ballot at IndianaVoters.org and Vote411.org.
By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com
Malone was recently asked how he ended up in the per sonal development field.

Malone said self-publishing a book in 2013 didn’t go well.
Fishers personal growth coach shares tips in book

“They said if you are interested you can sign a contract with us and we can help you get it published,” he said.
Malone, who lives in Fishers with his wife Andrea, performs leadership and training devel opment and serves as a per sonal growth coach. He is the founder of Best Foot Forward Seminars.“Ihadan opportunity to speak at a writ ers’ conference in 2019 and the owner of the publishing company invited me,” Malone said. “They asked if I ever considered writ ing a book and I told them about my experi ence in the past (with self-publishing).”
“He helped me understand it’s not about Chad, it’s about others,” Malone said. “He helped me understand if I want to be some thing in life, I have to go after it. I felt like at that moment in 2008, he was handing that torch off to me.”
Malone’s book “Finding Your Passion From The Inside Out: 7 Strategies To Get You From Here to There” was released Aug. 31.

Malone said he has worked with the pub lisher, Pen It Publications, for the past three years.Malone said the seven strategies are: 1. What are your values?; 2. Where are you vul nerable?; 3. Calm Down: enjoy your journey; 4. Respect yourself; you are on a journey of growth: 5. Live in the NOW; 6. Admit your errors: nobody is perfect; 7. Surrender, move out of your own way.
“I tell people all the time my niche is peo ple,” he said. “I love people. A lot of advance readers told me people coming out of a divorce or a newly single parent could really get something out of this (book).”
When Ziglar asked Malone what he want ed to get out of life, Malone said he wanted to be like Ziglar.
“He said, ‘You are never going to be like me and I’m never going to be like you, but I also know you are going to be able to reach like I’ve never be able to reach,’” Malone said. “That is the day my personal growth really got ignited. I started a company in 2011. I fell on my face a few times but keep getting back up.”
8 September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.com COMMUNITY SHOP ONLINE AND WE WILL DELIVER IT TO YOU! THE CAR YOU WANT. THE WAY YOU 317.608.0019TomWoodSubaru.comWANT. 3300 E 96th St Indianapolis, IN 46240 *Offer ends 6/30/22. On approved credit. Security deposit waived. Finance deal may not include vehicle trim levels shown. Fees subject to the state of residency. Specials dependent on credit. WAC. See dealer for details. Finance As Low As 2.99AP%R For up to 36 months.* With Approved Credit Subject to $199 Documentation FeeSalesPre-OwnedCertifiedEventAtTomWoodSubaru. THE CAR YOU WANT. THE WAY YOU WANT. 317.608.0019TomWoodSubaru.com 3300 E 96th St Indianapolis, IN 46240 SHOP ONLINE AND WE WILL DELIVER IT TO YOU! *Offer ends 6/30/22. On approved credit. Security deposit waived. Finance deal may not include vehicle trim levels shown. Fees subject to the state of residency. Specials dependent on credit. WAC. See dealer for details. 3.99%APR Finance As Low As For up to 48 months. On Select Models. With Approved Credit Subject to $199 Documentation FeeSalesPre-OwnedCertifiedEventAtTomWoodSubaru. 9/30/22 THE CAR YOU WANT. THE WAY YOU WANT. 317.608.0019TomWoodSubaru.com 3300 E 96th St Indianapolis, IN 46240 SHOP ONLINE AND WE WILL DELIVER IT TO YOU! *Offer ends 6/30/22. On approved credit. Security deposit waived. Finance deal may not include vehicle trim levels shown. Fees subject to the state of residency. Specials dependent on credit. WAC. See dealer for details. 3.99%APR Finance As Low As For up to 48 months. On Select Models. With Approved Credit Subject to $199 Documentation FeeSalesPre-OwnedCertifiedEventAtTomWoodSubaru. 9/30/22

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“I think it has given her a taste for the level of play that the national team re quires,” Young said. “It has pushed her to be a better player and play at a higher level.”
“We talked about what I need to do to make the national team and how hard I need to continue to work if that is some thing I want to do in my future,” she said.
Young said Harden has always been a good leader.
Powerful outside hitter helps Royals to a successful start
Favorite subject: Math or English
Harden said she always learns a great deal from coaches on the national team.
everyone,” Harden said. “For me, person ally, I knew I wanted to be a big leader on the team this season. I’m trying to lead by example and have a positive attitude with everyone on my team.”
As a team, Harden said the Royals are concentrating on improving their defense.
Harden, a first-team all-state player as a sophomore, was invited to the USA Vol leyball National Team Development Spring Training Series in May in Chicago.
Favorite athlete: Kobe Bryant
At 6-foot-3 with athletic skills, Hamilton Southeastern High School junior outside hitter Lauren Harden is a dominant force on the volleyball court.

Harden took swimming lessons and com peted in races when she was younger.

“I started playing volleyball when I was 7, so I stuck with that,” she said. “I loved it the most. The only time I did basketball was in the elementary school with the YMCA before- and after-school program and we’d play knockout or something. I’ve just always been a volleyball person.”
Lauren Harden is a dominant player for the Hamilton Southeastern High School volleyball team. (Photo by Paul Quirke)
in her back row play
Favorite movie or TV show: Any thing with Marvel characters
“She is a dynamic athlete,” Royals coach Jason Young said. “She has always been a tre mendous attacker and a force to be reckoned with.”It’s no wonder Harden has already received multiple NCAA Division I offers.TheClass 4A No. 1 Royals were 13-1 as of Sept.“We12.definitely think there are things we can work on, but I’m pleased with our growth,” said Harden, a three-year starter who also plays right-side hitter for the Royals.TheRoyals have only one senior, so Harden said juniors have helped with the leadership.“We’realways open to feedback from
“We want to hold each other accountable for that,” she said.
kid, which can be a rare trait these days. She has always worked hard to improve her ballHardencontrol.”said she has made improvement
By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com

10 September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.com COMMUNITY
“I have seen her become a great leader this year,” Young said. “She is a team-first

COVID-19 pandemic got in the way, and the Carmel-based nonprofit’s annual Treasure Our Children Gala fundraiser was postponed for the second consecutive year.
so we have this event in September for that reason, so we can raise awareness.”
Owens said she is expecting between 250 to 300 people to attend the gala.
The Indiana Center for the Prevention of Youth Abuse & Suicide had planned to cele brate its 20th anniversa ry in Unfortunately,2021. the
“Like most nonprofits, we’ve had an im pact from not being able to do some of our fundraising events,” said Maggie Owens, di rector of education and community relations for the nonprofit.
“Art is how we decorate space. Music is how we decorate time.”
So, the 20th anniversary will be celebrated with this year’s gala, which is set to begin at 6 p.m. Sept. 24 at the 502 East Event Centre in Carmel. The nonprofit provides support in 11 counties in central Indiana.

Tickets are $125 per person or $235 for a pair and can be purchased at one.bidpal.net/ treasureourchildren22. This event will have a discount for a Lyft ride upon registration. If interested in sponsoring, contact Owens at maggie@indianaprevention.org.Formore,visitindianaprevention.org.
Jai Baker 3 will perform at the Indiana Center for the Prevention of Youth Abuse & Suicide’s Treasure Our Children Gala. (Photo courtesy of Jai Baker 3)

Following dinner, there will be a live auc tion and update from the nonprofit’s execu tive director, Melissa Peregrin.
Treasure Our Children Gala set
11September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.comCOMMUNITY
The event will include dinner and silent and live auctions. Jai Baker 3 will perform live music at approximately 9 p.m.

By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com
“We’re celebrating what we have done and where we are going,” Owens said. “Septem ber is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month,
Groups partner to beautify parks
Along with litter cleanup, different efforts are needed at each site, such as invasive species removal, undergrowth trimming, tree and trail maintenance and garden im provement, Burroughs said.
By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com

Burroughs said the Carmel event will be the biggest one and usually has the most volunteers.“Thatispartly because Carmel is the one we started first,” he said.
Scouts pitch in to help at a past Good Turn for Nature event. (Photo courtesy of Doug Burroughs)

Westfield resident Doug Bur roughs, who serves as chair for the Carmel session, said the projects involve Scouts of various age groups. Scouts earn conservation credits toward merit badge requirements and rank advancements.
The fifth annual Good Turn for Nature project is set for 9 a.m. to noon Sept. 24 at Founders Park, 11675 Hazel Dell Pkwy., Car mel; Geist Park, 10979, Florida Rd, Fortville; and 208 Division St., Noblesville. The Nobles ville project is along the White River Trail.
The aim of the Good Turn for Nature proj ect is to beautify parks through three hours of volunteer conservation.

teers through Scouting troops.
Burroughs said more volunteers are needed for the efforts in Fortville and Noblesville.“It’safun day to get out and clean things up for the community,” said Burroughs, who is assistant scoutmaster with Troop 107 in Westfield. “This is the biggest one we have done so far.”
For more, visit crossroadsbsa.org/ districts/monon.

The Good Turn For Nature Project is a collaboration between Crossroads of Amer ica Scout Council-Monon District and the Hamilton County Parks Dept. Burroughs said officials have been primarily seeking volun


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13September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.com
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National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists — Twenty high school students were announced from Fishers as National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists. From Fishers Highschool: Belush, Grant A.; Brahma, Aparupa; Butts, Brooke A.; Clark, Thomas B.; Connelly, Benjamin D.; Culwell, Landon G.; Davuluri, Srilekha; Hosier-Hartman, Braden M.; Iskandar, Rachel D.; Lewton, Bridgette; Sundquist, Gillian Q.; Uribe, Ethan L.; White, Anderson J.; Young, Micah Y. From Hamilton Southeastern Highschool: Chintalacharuvu, Suhita S.; Ding, Chouchi; Wan, Rachel; Wil liams, Abigail E.; Williams, Kamryn A.
Prevent catalytic converter theft — Jiffy Lube of Indiana and Indianapolis Metropol itan Police Dept. have partnered to launch the Catalytic Converter Identification Initia tive to combat a trend of catalytic converter thefts and support vehicle safety. Through this initiative, Hoosiers that visit a Jiffy Lube store in central Indiana can opt to have their technician engrave the last 8 dig its of the vehicle’s VIN on the catalytic con verter and add a stripe of high-temp paint, which adds an extra layer of protection to any vehicle at no additional cost (and no purchase necessary). Services will remain in effect indefinitely.
Winter seasonal hiring events — INDOT will host winter seasonal hiring events from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 28 at 13 locations across the state. Winter seasonal positions run between Nov. 1 and April 1. Pay starts at $20 per hour for full-time operations and $14 per hour for snowplow-only operations. Job duties include performing general highway maintenance, traffic maintenance, snow and ice removal and other duties related to winter operations. A valid CDL is required to be considered for a seasonal role. Regis tration is not required to attend. For a list of hiring fair locations, visit bit.ly/INDOTHir ing. Interested candidates may text INDOT Careers to 468311 to receive additional job postings.
Send us your stories — Have a story Want an event covered? Know of a new business or have photos for submission? Please email Current in Fishers Managing Editor Taylor Dixon at taylor@ youarecurrent.com or call 317-489-4444. Remember our deadline is about eight days prior to publication.

and photos
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For more on the Grey Muzzle Organiza tion, visit greymuzzle.org. For more about the HSHC, visit hamiltonhumane.com/.
By Sammy Bredar news@currentinfishers.com

The Humane Society for Hamilton County recently received a $10,000 grant from the Grey Muzzle Organiza tion. The grant will pro vide support for the lives of at-risk senior dogs.

As the population of senior and super-se nior dogs increases at HSHC, the need for financial support also rises, Yoder said.

Grey Muzzle grant to aid senior dogs

“The money will help save the lives of senior dogs by paying for the cost of their care,” Yoder said. “Senior animals in general have a higher cost due to needing more initial bloodwork and, typically, they are on medication.”HSHChas sheltered 196 senior dogs this year alone.
“We accept animals 365 days a year,” Yoder said. “It is because of grants like this that we can give all animals the chance to live, love and beOneloved.”dog that benefits from the Grey Muzzle grant is Amelia, a 10-year-old female.“Thanks to Grey Muzzle, Amelia was able to receive the medication she needed for her arthritis so that she could run and play with out pain,” Yoder said. “Certainly, a staff and volunteer favorite, we are so happy to share that Amelia recently found her forever family.”
The Grey Muzzle Organization is a national nonprofit that works to support at-risk senior dogs by financially supporting shelters, rescues, sanctuaries and other nonprofits.“HSHC’smission is saving lives, educating communities and completing families,” said Suzanne Yoder, director of marketing for HSHC. “The grant will help save the lives of dogs that are not just young. Every animal deserves the second chance at life, no mat ter their age or extra care they may need.”
By Taylor Dixon taylor@youarecurrent.com
Fall Creek primary care providers
Fishers primary care providers

Every Sunday, a group of Hamilton County volunteers spend time providing hot meals to people in downtown Indianapolis who are without stable housing.

The volunteers are from Food 4 Souls, a Fishers-based nonprofit that has been help ing homeless people in Indianapolis for nine years. The meals served in downtown India napolis are provided by volunteers through local partnerships with restaurants like Dom ino’s and the Dametra Cafe in Carmel, which alternate months providing food for the week ly excursions. The volunteers also help at Dan iel’s House on Eastern Avenue in Indianapolis. Daniel’s House serves as a food pantry, helps with laundry and hygiene needs and provides local resources for those in need.
Adrienne Einhorn, MD Subha Elango, MD James Horton, MD
Fishers, IN 46038 Fall Creek 4405 Allisonville Rd Indianapolis, IN 46205 Sabrina Williams, MD Don’t put off your routine health screenings! AHN_Fishers_FallCreek_TheCurrent_Ad_4.7667x9.5_220329.indd 1 3/30/22 8:39 AM
“When we go downtown to provide a meal and these basic necessities, we are focused on meeting that need, but we are also focused on building relationships with these individuals so that they learn to trust us because it goes so much deeper (than providing a meal),” Tyner said.
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“So, we are very intentional about being relational with our friends because we do more than just provide a meal on Sunday.”
Vickie Tyner, Jeff Tyner, Chris Johnson and Heather Turner serve a meal to those in need. (Photos provided by Vickie Tyner.)
Michelle Bliley, PA

Bonnie Webster, FNP-CTina Lawson, MD

We’re now accepting new patients – To find a primary care provider or schedule a video visit, call our Fishers primary care office at 317-842-7928 or our Fall Creek primary care office at 317-613-0918.
15September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.comCOMMUNITY
American Health Network does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in its health programs and activities. For accommodations of persons with special needs at meetings, call 888.255.2246.
Now accepting and Fall Creek health services
new patients! Fishers
We founded American Health Network, part of Optum on the belief that health care is a collaborative effort. It needs to be proactive, not just reactive, meaning we need to help patients stay healthy and avoid sickness in the first place.
Food 4 Souls helps homeless
Food 4 Souls also is planning to launch a new volunteer program that will begin at the beginning of the year by making a mobile shower available in downtown Indianapolis.VickieTyner, operations director for Food 4 Souls, said it is important for the volun
teers to interact with the people they serve to build a sense of trust.
For more or to donate to Food 4 Souls, contact Vickie Tyner at vickie@food4souls. org or call 317-402-7623. To donate, visit visit food4souls.org.
Get in touch!
ATTENTION: We provide free services to help you communicate with us such as letters in other languages or large print. Or, you can ask for an interpreter. To ask for help, please call 888-255-2246. ATENCIÓN: Si habla español (Spanish), hay servicios de asistencia de idiomas, sin cargo, a su disposición. Llame al 888-255-2246. Allisonville Ste 100

After the July 23 meeting, Nixon met with City of Fishers planning and zoning staff to make changes to his proposed rendering of the building. He added more wood siding and reduced the amount of steel on the outside and addressed other issues the committee recommended, but the request was denied again at the Aug. 24 meeting, where the city had more aesthetic concerns and questioned if it fit the vision for Village Center and the Nickel Plate District.
However, when first brought to the Nickel Plate Review Committee, July 23, committee members raised concerns about the amount of steel proposed and requested more wood siding be added. Originally, the planning and zoning staff recommended that the amount of steel used in the home be reduced from 72 percent to 40 percent.
Committee member Selina Stoller, who also serves on the Fishers City Council, said she brought the container home idea to the Fishers City Council, which raised its own concerns about how it would fit into the larger vision of the city.
Henok Cronin, a Fishers resident, expressed“Anotherconcerns.important thing to con sider is the carbon footprint of the container home,” Cronin said. “Steel construction is not as environmental ly friendly as wood.”
Carly Vanarsdall, a Fishers resi dent, said that shipping containers are more common in cities on the West Coast and would be a good ad dition to Fishers.
“This is not the vision we have for Village Center. Metal is basically used as an accent and I do agree with staff that a waiver like this would be unprecedented in this area, and I don’t think it’s a good avenue for this committee to go down and to make a waiv er of such a magnitude given such materi als,” Stoller said during the Aug. 24 meeting.
A map showing the location of home on Lan tern Rd. (Source: Hamilton County GIS)
Later, when reached by Current, Stoller said she believed the project would fit in with the character of the Village Cen ter with the other unique housing in the neighborhood.MeganVukusich, director of planning and zoning,“Overall,agreed.theuse and form of the struc ture align with the vision for the Village Center,” Vukusich said. “We are working with the petitioner to ensure the building materials and overall architecture align with the Nickel Plate Code and character of the area. The petitioner is expected to submit revisions in the coming week(s) that will then be placed on the next Nickel Plate Re view Committee meeting agenda.” Committee member Rich Block asked about the longevity of the shipping contain er home, saying that the steel material usu ally only has a 25-year lifespan. Mike Lewis, petitioner from Custom Container Builders, said that while typical shipping containers
“I could plop an ordinary 2,000-squarefoot house with fiber cement siding on that lot for a lot less money than I’m putting into the proposed project. It wouldn’t generate much interest and wouldn’t add much to the area, but it would quickly get approved architecturally,” Nixon said. “Instead, I’m trying to go above and beyond and build something that’s really stunning, unique andNixonvibrant.”said he believes the house fits within the style of Village Center and shares commonalities with other homes in the area, the only difference being the material it would be made out of.
ON THE COVER: A new proposed home is unlike any other in the Village Center neighborhood in Fishers. A shipping container home was first put forward to the Nickel Plate Review Committee July 23rd.
A proposal for a shipping container home, a house made of upcycled materials that were once used to transport cargo, was first presented to the Nickel Plate Review Committee July 23 on behalf of the builder by Ross Hilleary, the city’s assistant direc tor of planning and zoning. The proposal was tabled after the committee recom mended less steel be used in the construc tion. The proposal was brought up again at the Aug. 24 meeting, but the project was once again tabled for review despite the petitioner – Joe Nixon, owner of Joe Nixon Properties – working with the planning and zoning staff to make the comittees recom mended changes..
Other residents, however, said they support the idea of the unique home and applaud the fact it would be constructed of upcycled materials.
“I think it’s cool and a great way to reuse material,” Vanarsdall said. “(The house) is its own style, for sure, but it’s recycling and being conscious of our Earth footprint.”
Custom Container Builders, the firm Nixon hired to build the container home, requested approval of site design, architecture and waiv ers for a 2,260-square-foot home to be built at 11405 Lantern Rd. using repurposed shipping containers. One of the area’s first shipping container homes was built in a northern Indi anapolis neighborhood. The $5 million project utilized 32 shipping containers to construct a three-story, multi-unit home.
A unique home proposed in the Village Center neighborhood is unlike any other in the City of Fishers. But the path to approval has been rocky.
16 September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.com
Rendering of the proposed shipping container home. (Photo provided by Joe Nixon)

on the ocean do have a limited lifespan, the home would not have such issues.
Nixon said he is hopeful that the project gets approved at the next meeting, which is set for 5 p.m. Sept. 28.
Property owner wants to build home made from shipping containers in Fisher
11405 Lantern Rd.
By Taylor Dixon taylor@youarecurrent.com
If approved, Nixon said he plans to turn the home into an Airbnb to rent out to visitors.
Nixon said he believes the home, which sits on a property only 29-by-82 feet, or 1/18th of an acre, would be a good use of the space, which he said could not accommo date a traditional home because of the com pact size and power lines that run through theNixonproperty.noted that although the price of building the house hasn’t been determined, it could end up costing more than a tradi tional home of similar size.
Some members of the Fishers community have expressed varying opinions on the container homes on online platforms. Some said they do not think the home will not last very long and not with stand Indiana’s climate, among other concerns.


Letters to the editor: Current Publishing will consider verifiable letters of up to 150 words. Letters must be thoroughly vetted prior to submission. Current retains the right to reject or return any letter it deems to carry unsubstantiated content. Current also retains the right to edit letters, but not their intent. Send letters to info@youarecurrent.com. Writers must include a hometown and a daytime phone number for verification. Guest columns: The policy for guest columns is the same as the aforementioned, but the allowable length is 240 words. Guest columns should address the whole of Current’s readership, not simply special-interest groups, and may not in any way contain a commercial message.
Well, I might. Usually, I lose a key player in the first month or realize too late that all my point scorers have the same bye week. And to this day, I truly have minimal knowledge of the strength and weaknesses of the 30-odd teams in the NFL (but at least I didn’t write NHL!).
I do have an appropriately awesome name though — A Girl Has No Name — (Game of Thrones fans, you’re welcome!), which is half the battle, and the help of my stats-fanatic son, who dutifully scans my lineup every Thursday to make sure I didn’t start a defense that’s pitted against my premier offensive minions. I also hold two distinct advantages: I finished in eighth place in 2021 and I am female. There are literally no expecta tions of me winning anything. I can only impress!So,here’s to a victorious football sea son. For me and for women everywhere! Peace Out.
Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at info@youarecurrent.com.

WHERE IS TIM? — Tim Campbell, a Carmel resident and internationally decorated cartoonist, is taking a break from Current in an effort to focus on his work for a newer cartoon syndi cate, Counterpoint, as well as other projects. Campbell had drawn nearly weekly for Current since October 2006.
17September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.comVIEWS
Has the American body politic changed to the point that the melting pot has cooled? When we boast of the 2020 “record-high” voter turnout of a tick more than 66 percent, should we instead be talking about the third of us who opted out? Who is starting busi nesses? Who is guiding us into faith? Who is volunteering to serve? Who is raising their children to become the next generation of leaders?
Commentary by Danielle Wilson
A meltingcoolingpot?CommentarybyTerryAnker
Living the fantasy dream
It is easy to sit up and take notice. What is difficult is getting up and taking action.
Slight of stature and not a doppel ganger for an evening news anchor, Diego Morales is iconoclastic. Arriving with his family from Santa Cruz, Guate mala, he learned to speak English, went to college, served in the U.S. Army, then became a naturalized citizen, settled down and started his family. Now, he wants to be the first Hispanic to serve as Indiana Secretary of State. How is it that Diego, and countless others like him, in spite of what must not have been an easy journey, still pushes to march on, even charge the hill? Hope? Ambition? Fear? Gratitude? Responsi bility? A bit of each? Asked why, Diego points to the Parable of the Talents. He may be right.
Heads up, people. Football season is here, and this retired dance mom actually has a chance to dominate my all-guys-except-for-me fantasy league. After countless years of losing in the Toilet Bowl, I finally kinda know what I’m doing. I recognize most of the bigname athletes and understand when to start a WR over a RB in the swing position. And I orchestrated my draft to pseudo-perfection, even though most will question my selection of QBs (Justin Fields is a dark horse, my friends!). The time to dominate a bunch of beer-guz zling men-children is nigh. I have no contractual obligations to attend week end-long dance competitions anymore, and I take very seriously the incredible responsibility I have to represent wom ankind. I will not fail!
Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@ youarecurrent.com.

Many of us grew up with parents or grandparents who spoke with a dis tinctly not-native accent. As a kid, it all seemed to make perfect sense. It wasn’t until later that we came to realize that there was something different about our grandmother from those of our friends. Still, we all integrated into a community. A community, at least, where everybody sounded a bit different from each other but a community, nonetheless. It wasn’t equally easy for everyone. The occasional bigot would try to block the path. But in time, where and how people could con tribute would prevail. Perhaps it is in this very notion of service that hearts and minds are thawed.

Sounds of silence
Aspects of Barney’s walks changed. He would waddle along with his body almost at a right angle, bent in the middle, so he could see me at every step. He had lost his radar. Despite the loss of his hearing, he lived a happy life right up to the end. He could still smell a dough nut a block away and he isn’thearall;Barneysmart.”peopleday.alertbright-eyedremainedanduntilhislast“Heissocute,”said.“And“Andfunny.” hadheardithejustcouldn’titanymore.Withdogs,theremuchyoucan
Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.

Commentary by Dick Wolfsie
On workdays, we both arose about 3:30 in the morning to begin our early broadcasting of feature stories around Indy. Barney was usually waiting for me at the front door. Then one day, he wasn’t there. He hadn’t heard the shower, my electric toothbrush or my car keys jingling. He was still asleep, his body vibrating to some fantasy canine dream.Beagles are bred to travel in packs when
do to remedy this problem. Not so, with humans. I ordered a pair of hearing aids at Costco this week. They cost more than I expected, but I did the math: For the next 1,200 times I’m in that store, if I can resist walking out with an all-beef hot dog from the snack stand, I’ll pretty much break even.
Despite the loss of his hearing, he lived a happy life right up to the end. He could still smell a doughnut a block away and he remained bright-eyed and alert until his last day.

they hunt. Barney often walked ahead of me but would twist his head around to be sure I was nearby, still part of the hunting party. When I would hide behind a tree and my footsteps ceased, he predictably turned to check my whereabouts. This method never worked with my wife, who once walked ahead of me for 3 miles while I waited be hind a tree to see if she would notice.
In the past, Bar ney could hear me chomp on a pretzel three rooms away. He expected the doorbell seconds before it chimed because of foot steps on the walk. If he ran off, I only needed to shake a box of Milk Bones. He was at my feet in a Hisflash.ears were failing him, but I chose to ignore it (as I had with my own hearing loss). When I said, “Bad dog!” or “Get out of the trash!” he paid no mind. He never lis tened to me. Was he deaf or stubborn?
What’s the connection? Toward the end of Barney’s life, he was beginning to lose his ability to tune in to the sounds around him. Those big floppy ears were nothing but window dressing.
18 September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.com VIEWS Join us for the 7th annual Registration and light breakfast at humane society for Hamilton county Tour of new state of the art facility Kickstands up, Police escort begins 9:00am 9:15am 11:00am After Party at harley davidson of 1indianapolis :00pm Includes lunch, drinks, and live music from The Tempos Presented by October 1, 2022 Escorted ride through Hamilton County Event T Shirt | Lunch | After Party Riders: $50 | Passengers: $25 Tickets available at HamiltonHumane.com/RuffRide Event is rain or shine Tickets are non refundable Benefiting the Pets Healing Vets program of Humane Society for Hamilton County: Pairing Hoosier veterans with emotional support animals • Water heater repair • Water heater replacement • Tankless water heaters • Water Softeners • Sump pump repair attaboyphc.com $150 OFF Water Heater Installation $500 OFF New Tankless Water Heater Please present coupon at time of service. Coupons may not be combined with any other offer. Please present coupon at time of service. Coupons may not be combined with any other offer. Please present coupon at time of service. Coupons may not be combined with any other offer. $350 OFF New Water Softener

This column was prompted by two events. First was the recent 20th anniversa ry of the passing of my beagle, Barney, who accompanied me on more than 2,500 TV seg ments between 1991 and 2002. And second, that I have finally agreed with my wife (and all my friends) that I need hearing aids.

student in these discussions and listen to theirEducateinput.the student: The student needs to understand their support document (IHP, 504, IEP) and what the accommodations mean, as age appropriate. A student will feel much more confident when they can talk about their condition, understand how the accommodations support them and how the plan
Practice:works.Discuss the appropriate times and situations when the student might need to be a self-advocate. Set up practice sessions where you act as a coach, so your student can gain some confidence. Practicing with other trusted adults can be very beneficial.

Ensure back-to-school success despite chronic illness
Back to school time means new places and new faces for kids, which can be ex citing and intimidating. All kids need to develop self-advocacy skills to be sure that they can confidently ask ques tions and speak up for their needs in the classroom. Kids with chronic illness can experience extra challenges in the school setting, making it even more important for them to develop self-advocacy skills.
Commentary By Brenda McLean
19September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.com

Put supports in place: All parties will feel more at ease when a good plan is in place. An Individualized Health Plan (IHP), 504 Plan — or where appropriate, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) — can get everyone on the same page. Be sure to include your
Brenda McLean is a Noblesville resident and school counselor with the Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center (IHTC). She helps school-aged patients and their families navigate education settings with their health concerns in mind. She also works directly with school staff and administration to help advocate for children’s unique needs in the school setting.

Educate the school: Parents of students with chronic illness must have a realistic conversation with school regarding the student’s diagnosis and how attendance, learning challenges, participation and social situations could be affected.
S&P Global Ratings recently affirmed its AAA long-term rating of Hamilton County, which is the highest rating that can be given.
Hamilton County bond rating affirmed
Heirbrandt said to improve the county’s credit rating while it continues to recover from the effects of the pandemic and ramp up numerous projects is simply exceptional.
tion with the city of Noblesville. The city’s project, known as Reimagine Pleasant Street, is estimated to cost $115 million and will be completed in three phases, said City Engineer Alison Krupski.
This is the second year the county has received a AAA rating. Hamilton County is the only county in Indiana that holds a AAA rating from S&P.
In its report, S&P analysts noted that the county has “[a] very strong economic profile, characterized by robust eco nomic growth … wealth levels that are among the highest in the state, (and) robust tax base growth and strong budget ary management practices.”
20 September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.com BUSINESS LOCAL Discover firsthand the innovative design and quality of AR Homes® by visiting one of our new, fully-furnished model homes. Experience Effortless Luxury ©2022 All rights reserves. Christopher Scott Investments, Inc. is an independently owned and operated franchise. CREEKSIDE The Ventura at Chatham Hills 1301 Chatham Ridge Court, Westfield, IN 46074 317-258-2443 The Creekside at Holliday Farms 10600 Holliday Farms Blvd, Zionsville, IN 46077 317-430-2642 MODELS OPEN MONDAY – FRIDAY: 10AM TO 5PM & SATURDAY – SUNDAY 12PM TO 5PM

“This rating not only saves our residents money, but also signals a sound and stable economic climate,” Hamilton County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt said. “It certainly speaks to the hard work and teamwork of our county com missioners, county council and finance team.”
“Our county is fiscally strong, disciplined, resilient and poised for more growth in the future,” he said. “This rating not only saves our residents money, but also signals a sound and stable economic climate.”
By Matthew Kent matthew@youarecurrent.com
The agency assigned its AAA rating to the county’s bridge improvement bonds that are scheduled to close this month. The outlook is stable.Thebond proceeds will be used to finance a new bridge project over the White River, which will be done in conjunc
Now, motorists can enter and exit 131st and 146th streets.
By Taylor Dixon taylor@youarecurrent.com City of Fishers, in partnership with the State Road 37 Improvement Project team, held a rib bon-cutting ceremo ny Sept. 12 to cele brate the completion of the 131st Street and 146th Street interchanges.
“We understand the restrictions our busi nesses and community have endured over the last several months and we appreciate

The first car drives on the interchange.146thcompletednewlyStreet (Photo provid ed by the city of Fishers)
their perseverance more than we can put into words,” Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness stated. “This is a monumental milestone for the State Road 37 Improvement Project, and we are thrilled to be celebrating the official opening of these interchanges.”

21September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.comBUSINESS LOCAL SAVINGS WORTH CELEBRATING! Centier.com/Connect | 1-888-CENTIER *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APY for Connect Savings is accurate as of 9/1/2022 If 50 or more qualified debit card transactions post per statement cycle, earn 1.01% APY. If 18 - 49 qualified debit card transactions post per statement cycle, earn 0.50% APY, less than 18 qualified debit card transactions results in entire savings balance earn 0.01% APY. Connect Checking requires $50 to open; direct deposit or e-Statements or $100 minimum daily balance is required to avoid a $2 monthly fee. Connect Savings requires $100 to open. Fees could reduce account earnings. If qualifications are not met, Connect Checking converts to a Centier Checking and Connect Savings converts to Statement Savings. ATM transactions do not count as qualified debit card transactions. Bank is not responsible for merchant settlement delays. Rates are subject to change without notice. Other terms and conditions of those accounts will apply. Member FDIC EARN UP TO .APY*0 1%1 Yardvarks...doing a common thing uncommonly well! AerateYARDVARKSLAWNCARE.COM317-565-3540andOverseed?FallCleanup?LeafRemoval? Two major completedinterchangesinFishers CONSTRUCTION

The State Road 37 Improvements Project will continue as 135th Street to add a rightin and right-out intersection that is expect ed to be completed in 2023. Construction on the 141st Street roundabout is temporarily postponed because of high inflation costs, according to city officials. Work is expected to continue next year. For construction up dates, visit 37Thrives.com.

A grand-opening celebration, including a performance, of Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre’s new black box theater called The Florence will be presented at 7 p.m. Sept. 24 and 3 p.m. Sept. 25 at 329 Gradle Dr., Carmel. For tickets, visit ghdttheflorence. eventbrite.com.
Cooper fell in love with the music of leg endary film score composer John Williams as well. Cooper, a 2006 Carmel High School graduate and Franklin Central High School director of bands, will guest conduct for two pieces at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 25 during the Indiana Wind Symphony’s “John Williams Festival” concert at the Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel.
“My cousin and I would love wearing hats like his and div ing around the living room furniture trying to escape the bad guys,” Cooper said.
22 September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.com currentnightandday.com
“If I had to choose, the soundtracks from the original ‘Star Wars’ films might just be my favorite,” he said.
ly high-level transcriptions of the pieces.
“I’m incredibly excited for the opportu nity to conduct the fine musicians of the IWS,” he said. “The (recent) rehearsal was exhilarating and the performance will put smiles on anyone’s face and bring back some melodic memories of some of the most iconic movies of all time. I’m hon ored and thankful to be conducting. It’s a dream come true.”
Evan Cooper has fond memories of watching the “Indiana Jones” adventure movies with his cousin.
By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com
“DECEPTION: An Evening of Magic & Lies” is set for 7:30 p.m. Sept. 22 at Feinstein’s cabaret at Hotel Carmichael in Carmel. For more, visit feinsteinshc.com.
Indiana Wind Symphony to celebrate famous film score composer
“At 90, Williams is still guest conducting at least once a year with them, so each year a couple new ones come out. It’s been wonderful the last 10 years to get a couple new pieces each year that come from thatTherecollaboration.”willbeone piece in the concert not by Williams.
The Actors Theatre of Indiana presents “Nunsense” through Sept. 25 at the Studio Theater at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. For more, visit atistage.org.
Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue will per form a concert at 8 p.m. Sept. 23 at the Pal ladium. For more, visit the centerpresents. org.
Cooper will conduct the “Harry Potter Symphonic Suite” and “Raiders March” from “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost“MyArk.”wife and I are definitely Harry Potter fans,” Cooper said. “We love the books, the movies, the theme park, the trivia nights, the costumes — anything Harry Potter. It’s special to conduct the John Williams melodies, not only from the movies, but the soundtrack to many of my most fond memories.”
“Escape to Margaritaville” runs through Oct. 2 at Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre in Indi anapolis. For more, visit beefandboards.com.
“We could have had another six to eight films to choose from,” Conrad said. “The reason there are so many concert band versions available is John Williams is a regular guest conductor with the United States Marine Band. Most of the pieces we are going to play were written specifically for the Marine Band for one of his con ducting appearances. So, they will be real
There will be a memorial tribute to Indiana Wind Symphony founding musi cian Tom Sands, who recently died. Sands, who played clarinet, had retired from playing about three years ago amid a bat tle with cancer. A Fishers resident, Sands died July 30 at age 68.

The Belfry Theatre will present “Rehearsal for Murder,” a murder mystery, from Sept. 23 to Oct. 2 at the Ivy Tech Auditorium in Nobles ville. For more, visit thebelfrytheatre.com.
IWS Music Director Charles Conrad said
all the music will be John Williams’ compo sitions, so he expects the audience will be familiar with most.
“He was with us for more than 20 years,” said Conrad, who founded IWS in 1997. For more, indianawindsymphony.org.
Comedian Lewis Black’s “Off the Rails” show is set for 8 p.m. Sept. 24 at the Palladium. For more, visit the centerpresents.org.
Conrad said there also will be music from “Star Wars” movies, “Jaws,” “Jurassic Park,” “ET,” “Su perman” and “Schindler’s List.”
Herp Alpert and Lani Hall are set to perform a concert at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 22 at the Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts in Car mel. For more, visit the centerpresents.org.
Evan Cooper will be a guest conductor Sept. 25 at the Indiana Wind Symphony concert featuring music of John Williams. (Photo courtesy of Evan Cooper)

Cooper has previously subbed on trom bone for Indiana Wind Symphony, most recently this summer.
Although IWS has often featured Williams’ music in the past, he’s not sure if an entire concert has been devoted to the composer.
When he isn’t conducting “Star Wars” music, he said he can’t wait to hear IWS play iconic melodies from that franchise.
Mud Creek Players’ production of “Hands on a Hardbody” continues through Sept. 24 at Mud Creek Barn Theater, 9740 E. 86th St., Indianapolis. For more, visit mudcreekplay ers.org
“It’s relaxing in a way. It flows on the silk, and the silk is really shiny. It makes my artwork glow and is easier to set up,” Gray said. “My art is mainly about colors and shapes, and I create a lot of patterns in my work. I look outside, I paint outside, and I see a lot of simple shapes.
Join the Indiana Wind Symphony for a concert this season! Great for all ages, and tickets start at $10

The Palladium
By Mike Beas editorial@youarecurrent.com
“I started doing art in 1995. I always drew, and I always loved art, so I took classes at the Indianapolis Art Center in Broad Ripple.”
Nolan Daugherty, a Geist-area resident who is a junior at Mission Christian Acade my in Fishers, said the show branches out from the shows CYT normally does because of the more serious subject matter.
love the shows but also love the com munity,” he said.
For more, visit cytindy.org.
By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com
A high percentage of what Gray, a resident of Westfield since 1980, creates is made with colorful dyes on silk scarves, making for wearable art ranging from small to large.
23September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.com
The Palladium
Sunday, Feb. 26 6:30 p.m.
Lusk plays Sylvia Barrett, a new teacher who is determined to change the lives of her students, in the Christian Youth The ater’s production. It is set for Sept. 23-25 at The Cat, 254 Veterans Way, Carmel.
Saturday, March 4 7:30 Studiop.m.Theater
The scarves are priced between $100 and $400. Gray also creates abstract and expressionist paintings, those being on a more traditional surface (canvas) measuring 45 inches wide and 45 inches long and cost ing between $500 and $2,000.
Sunday, Nov. 6 6:30 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 11 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 11 2:00 p.m.
The production is Daugherty’s 10th with
Gray, who won Southside Art League Inc. National Abstract Art Exhibition XVII Best of Show in 2021, estimates she spends six to eight hours to make a single scarf and devotes roughly 35 hours per week, some times more, to her art. The 2022 SALI Nation al Abstract Art Exhibition XVIII is set for Oct. 7-29 at the Garfield Park Arts Center.
Resident creates wearable artARTISTPLAY
The play deals with mental illness and poverty. The 1964 novel by Bel Kaufman was first made into a movie in 1967.
Indiana Wind Symphony
The Palladium
The Palladium
Sunday, April 16 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 8 7:30 Studiop.m.Theater
ZCHS junior gets lead CYT role
The Palladium
Daugherty said his character is a fun role to “Heplay,loves his school but doesn’t necessar ily love the other staff,” Daugherty said. “All he wants is a smooth day with no issues.”
The backdrop to Sylvia Gray’s artistic self-expression is highly distinctive, which is just the way she prefers.
Gray’s websites are sylviagray.net and sylviagrayart.com. To receive Gray’s news letter, email her at sylvia@sylviagray.net.

Sylvia Gray’s painting, “Burgundy Even Tension,” won the Southside Art League Inc. National Abstract Art Exhibition XVII Best of Show in 2021. (Photo courtesy of Southside Art League)

PURCHASE TICKETS AT IndianaWindSymphony.org/events
Sunday, May 21 6:30 p.m.
Mara Lusk and Nolan Daugherty perform in Christian Youth Theater’s production of “Up the Down Staircase” (Photo courtesy of CYT).

Music is in the air.
Mara Lusk embraces the passion her character displays in “Up the Down Staircase.”“Ilikejust how much hope she has,” the Zionsville Community High School junior said. “I think it’s admi rable how she continues to fight for these kids who maybe don’t have anybody else in their lives fighting for them.”
She also creates jackets and capes.
“But I believe it addresses important topics of the challenges of running a school in an area that has inequalities. That’s why
the 1960s movie was successful,” he said.
“To help her learn about mounting art and merchandising, we’ve also given Flor ence an area of the store that is hers to decorate/display, and I hope to add more learning experiences to her time with us,” DemareeHargitt’ssaid.most memorable experience so far was meeting one of her favorite artists in the gallery by chance on a day that she came to work early. She said it felt like meeting a celebrity.
CHS senior seeks career in arts
Hargitt has been working alongside Jen Bubp, the CHS arts department chair, and fellow Indiana Artisan employee Mackenzie Fletcher, a 2011 Ivy Tech fine arts graduate, to organize a voting process for a People’s Choice Award for the Sept. 24-25 student art competition during the Carmel International Arts Festival. The winner will receive a $500 scholarship from Indiana Artisan.
At first, she wanted to be an art director but soon realized that she could have a job dealing with art and have a business at the sameShortlytime.after that revelation, she went to downtown Carmel with her dad to visit art galleries. Although she had no prior expe rience, she walked away from her search with two job offers.
24 September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.com NIGHT & DAY

By Jackie Grigg jackie@youarecurrent.com
A few years ago, she took a trip to Paris with her parents and fell in love with the Louvre. She realized art was something she liked and wanted to incorporate it into her life and began look ing through jobs that were involved with art but didn’t require being an artist.
Voting for the award will be available in the Indiana Artisan store during the Carmel International Arts Festival.
Carmel High School senior Florence Hargitt has big plans.
After a suggestion from Demaree, Hargitt and Fletcher started to work together via video conferencing to create their plan to incentivize students and reward them for doing what they love.
“Being face-to-face with someone who made something so beautiful and has stuck with you for so long was a surprising mo ment for me,” Hargitt said.
Hargitt now works at Indiana Artisan and Magdalena Gallery of Arts. At Indiana Arti san, she is under the guidance of Indiana Artisan Executive Director Rosalyn Demaree, who is teaching Hargitt about the industry.
‘Rent’ holds meaning to actor

So, when Sumpter, 40, was cast in the ensemble in Civic Theatre’s production of
Commentary by Mark LaFay
This weekend, try a little taste of Spain with these three items and either some toasted bread or mild flatbread crackers. Want to be extra authentic? Serve with a chilled Albariño wine or a bottle of Cava, a sparkling Spanish wine.
“Rent,” he said it was huge for him. The show runs Oct. 7-22 at The Tarkington at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. So, Sumpter has encouraged other cast members to join him in Indiana AIDS Walk at 1 p.m. Sept. 25 at the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center, 450 W. Ohio St., in SumpterIndianapolis.formed a team with a goal of raising $1,000. Six cast members have joined theTowalk.donate to the cast’s efforts for the AIDS Walk, visit bit.ly/3AjPFGq.
By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com

Matthew Schuster, left, and Matthew Sumpter in 1998. (Photo courtesy of Matthew Sumpter)

Fermin Iberico Chorizo is a dried sausage (salami) made with Iberico pork, a Spanish hog breed that is rich and flavorful. The pork is seasoned with salt, sweet paprika (pimento) and garlic. It is ground, stuffed into casings and dried. Remove the casing before slicing and then thinly slice for your presentation. This chorizo is mild, earthy andManchegodelicious!cheese is made with milk from the Manchega breed of sheep in the La Mancha region of Spain. The El Atrio Viejo is aged for a year and is much firmer than the younger versions of Manchego cheese.
Quince paste, or “membrillo” in Spain, is a rich, delicious fruit spread made with the quince fruit. It is firmer than jam or jelly because it is naturally high in pectin. The pectin is activated by the heat from the can ning process and causes it to firm up nicely. Quince is made with fresh puree, cane sugar and lemon juice. It is both sweet and slightly tart, with hints of baking spices. Quince has numerous culinary applications, but it is par ticularly awesome with Manchego cheese.
One of the things I love about charcuterie is that we can dive into the cultures of various regions of the world by sampling bits and bites on a charcuterie board. Spain has all sorts of incredible options for your munching enjoy ment. Today, I want to draw your attention to three Spanish ingredients that go won derfully together: Fermin Iberico Chorizo; El Atrio Manchego Cheese Viejo; and Santa Teresa Quince Paste.
25September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.comNIGHT & DAY civictheatre.org | 317.843.3800 BOOK, MUSIC, AND LYRICS BY JONATHAN LARSON RENT Is presented through special arrangement wit Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. www.mtishows.com 10/7 - 10/22 RENT Current Ad.indd 1 9/9/2022 10:18:14 AM
“Rent” will always have a special place in Matthew Sumpter’s heart.The Geist area resi dent first attended the show on Broadway in 1997 with his mother, Sally Sumpter, and a close family friend, Matthew Schuster, who Sumpter describes as his older brother.
Mark LaFay is a butcher, certified sommelier and founder of Old Major Market, 4011 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis.

Two years later, Schuster told Sumpter and his mother that he had contracted HIV, which had turned into full-blown AIDS. In 2012, he lost a battle with brain cancer — which was a complication from HIV and AIDS — at age 42.

It has a sharper flavor, hints of black pep per and in some bites you may get a small crunch from minerals that develop from extended aging. I love this cheese!
A taste of Spain
“I got to see three-fourths of the original cast,” said Sumpter, a Lawrence Central High School graduate. “In 1996, it had al ready become my favorite Broadway show and I got to see it in ’97. It was a very life-changing moment for me. It was a spe cial experience sharing it with my mom and my older brother. We didn’t know how spe cial it would be.”

Kevin and Pam O’Connell (Geist)

26 September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.com NIGHT & DAY These activities made possible in part with support from the Indiana Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. 317.843.3800 | THECENTERPRESENTS.ORG SEASON PARTNER ASK ABOUT THE SUITE EXPERIENCE! 10 SEATS WITH COMPLIMENTARY WINE & VALET HERB ALPERT & LANI HALL IN SHORTYThuCONCERTSep22at7:30pmTROMBONE&ORLEANSAVENUEFriSep23at8pmLEWISBLACK:OFFTHERAILSSatSep24at8pmJOSHUABELLANDPETERDUGANThuSep29at7:30pmTOWEROFPOWERFriSep30at8pmEUROPAGALANTEWITHFABIOBIONDIThuOct6at7:30pmDIANAKRALLTueOct11at7:30pmSCOTTBRADLEE’SPOSTMODERNJUKEBOX:LIFEINTHEPASTLANEThuOct13at7:30pmSOLD OUT
Amy Pauszek is a photographer, award winning film producer and scouting and casting associate for Talent Fusion Agency in Indianapolis. She can be reached at Amy@ youarecurrent.com. To see more of her photos, visit currentnightandday.com.

Cynthia Collins (Carmel) and Phillip Paluso (Fishers) attend Actors Theatre of Indiana’s Sept. 9 opening-night performance of “Nunsense” at the Studio Theater at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. The talented cast of five women portraying nuns entertained the audience with hysterical songs and dances. Do not miss this show, which runs through Sept, 25. Next up for ATI is “Violet” running Oct. 28-Nov. 13. For more. visit atistage.org. (Photo by Amy Pauszek)

Where’s Amy?

Where’s Amy attends opening of ATI’s ‘Nunsense’Words: SEED,ROOT,PRUNE,GROW,COMPOST,TILL; Cities: VENICE;ROME,PISA,NAPLES,FLORENCE, Performers: GUY, HIATT, MELLENCAMP, WILSON; Banks: CENTIER, CHASE, MERCHANTS; Names: BUTLER, TARKINGTON; Game: SUPER BOWL PUZZLE ANSWERS – SPONSORED BY SHEPHERD INSURANCE 8 9 7 6 5 4 1 3 2 4 1 6 2 7 3 9 5 8 2 3 5 9 8 1 7 4 6 5 8 9 3 6 7 4 2 1 7 4 1 8 2 5 3 6 9 3 6 2 1 4 9 8 7 5 9 5 8 4 3 2 6 1 7 6 2 4 7 1 8 5 9 3 1 7 3 5 9 6 2 8 4 S A C K S A R A B D E L I P L A N E L O B E E C O N A P R O N I D E S B O L D W H A T I S B E T T E R N A T O H I O A I R E S T R Y A C T S O U T A C R E T A R S I A R A T H A N A T A L K I N G D O G R I D C O R P S S S S S I V A N H O E F I N A E R I E B E R G A S L A S P E L L I N G B E E S Y N C D R A T I N A W E R A N I F I D O T A S E R O P E N S E E N E W E R S

Jody Tuttle (Noblesville), left, and Carol Johnides (Carmel).

Built in 1960 in Indy’s Nora neighborhood, this home’s owners were ready to bring function and style to their kitchen, while preserving the home’s midcentury roots.
• Cambria quartz countertops provide a natural stone appearance with added durability and minimal maintenance.

27September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.comINSIDE & OUT A A A A A A PRESENTED BY childrensmuseum.org/haunted-house #HauntedTCM Oct. 12–30
Larry Greene is the owner of Worthington Design & Remodeling (formerly Case). You may email him at lgreene@worthingtonindy.com or visit worthingtonindy.com for more remodeling inspiration and advice.

SCAN ME! for more photos


Blueprint for Improvement: Midcentury modern-inspired kitchen

• A window replaced a portion of upper cabinetry, helping brighten and open the space, while additional storage solutions increase functionality in the lower cabinetry.

• Maple cabinets in a warm wood tone with flat-panel door and drawer fronts bring a modern touch and a sleek midcentury feel.
Ceramic tile creates a grid pattern along the backsplash, echoing the geometry of the cabinetry and infusing the space with midcentury style.
Before After
• Cool gray tones weaved with a hint of green balance the warm wood tones, providing visual harmony and a pop of color.

Commentary by Larry Greene

Pursuant to Ind. Code §§ 6-9-44-3 and 5-3-1 et. seq., the City of Fishers, Hamilton County, Indiana, hereby provides NOTICE that it will hold a special City Council meeting and public hearing on October 6, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. at the Fishers Police Department, Training Room, 4 Municipal Drive, Fishers, IN 46038, to discuss a proposed ordinance to impose a food and beverage tax within Fishers. The discussion of the proposed ordinance to impose the city food and beverage tax is the only substantive issue on the agenda for that public hearing.

Provincetown, with a population of about 3,600, is a picturesque resort town, long known for its liberal and gay-friendly attitude. Boats along the pier in Province town Harbor offer whale sighting trips and leisurely cruises. Visitors can get a spec tacular view of the entire area by climb ing to the top of the 252-foot-tall Pilgrim Monument, erected between 1907 and 1910, to commemorate the first landfall of the Mayflower and still the tallest all-granite structure in the United States. A nearby museum chronicles the history of Cape Cod. A stone memorial honors the signing of the Mayflower Compact in Provincetown Harbor and includes the text of that document. Don’t miss Provincetown.
A view of downtown Provincetown.
Provincetown: Where the Pilgrims really landed

28 September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.com LIFESTYLE
Commentary by Don Knebel

On Sept. 6, 1620, the Mayflower left Plymouth, England, with 102 passengers, including 41 “Separatists” (later called “Pil grims”) seeking freedom from the Church of England. Their intended destination was the English Virginia Colony, established in 1607. But storms blew the 100-foot ship off course, and it anchored on Nov. 11, 1620, near the tip of Cape Cod. Because they were now beyond existing legal authority, 41 male passengers, including non-Separatists, signed the “Mayflower Compact” while still onboard, the first American document es tablishing a self-governing community. The passengers then went ashore near what is now Provincetown. Three expeditions on a small boat around Cape Cod Bay deter mined that what is now Plymouth, Mass., would make a suitable settlement site. The Mayflower then sailed to Plymouth Harbor,
Don Knebel is a local resident. For the full column visit donknebel.com. You may contact him at editorial@ youarecurrent.com.
Today, our road trip reaches Cape Cod, a narrow peninsula curving upwardly from the southeastern corner of Massachusetts. We will visit historic Provincetown, where the so-called “Pilgrims” first landed.
Pilgrim Monument in Provincetown, Mass. (Photos by Don Knebel).
arriving on Dec. 18. The passengers stayed aboard the ship during the harsh winter. Although the indigenous Wampanoag aided them, about half the passengers and crew died of various diseases before the survi vors went on shore in March 1621.
29September 20, 2022 Current in Fishers currentinfishers.comLIFESTYLE Across 1. Colts statistics 6. Part of UAE 10. Shapiro’s, e.g. 14. Noblesville Airport lander 15. Earring spot 16. IU business major’s class 17. Yats kitchen wear 18. ___ of March 19. Typeface option 20. Start of a riddle 23. Turner or Cole 24. Kentucky neighbor 25. Buenos ___ 29. Attempt 30. Does charades 32. Cornfield measure 35. Ankle bones 37. Coach Parseghian 38. Riddle, Part 2 42. Expunge 43. Troop group 44. Tire leak sound 36. Swiss peak 39. Partner of pains 40. In addition 41. “Family Feud” reruns 47.46.channelBvitaminDaybefore Sat. 48. Set on fire 50. Razor ___ 51. “Rocketman” John 52. Degrade 53. Ninja Turtles’ home 54. Lewd looks 56. Some PC files 57. Eiteljorg Museum tribe 58. Bite like a beaver 59. Sellout letters 60. Shrill bark 61. dir.Bloomington-to-Fishers Answers on Page 26 45. Sir Walter Scott novel 47. Cod piece 49. Eagle’s nest 50. Ice chunk 52. Indiana School for the Deaf subj. 55. Riddle answer 59. Lip-___ 62. “Phooey!” 63. Amazed 64. Indian royal 65. Rover’s pal 66. IMPD stun gun 67. Store sign 68. Spotted 69. Decorative jugs Down 1. Breed, as salmon 2. Butler frat letter 3. One of the 5 Cs at Pierce 4.JewelersVillage Spa massage target 5. Purdue upperclassman 6. Hamilton County Court cover story 7. Cowboy contest 8. Aid in crime 9. map 27. French coins 28. Does’ beaus 29. Big ___ Conference 30. Torah chests 31. WTTV forensic drama 32. Skylit lobbies 33. Onion’s kin 34. Brian Wilkes storm 35.trackerEmpty truck’s weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 8 9 4 7 3 9 5 5 7 6 5 3 6 7 7 9 1 4 9 5 9 8 6 2 4 7 1 5 8 4 6 Gardening Words 4 Performers at Colts/ Irsay Event 5 Italian Cities 3 Local Banks 2 Names in NeighborhoodNorthside 1 Park near IUPUI

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Indiana Ballet Conservatory offers an intense level of training for seriousminded students ages 10-19 and is by audition-only. This program is dedicated to elevating the artistry and technique for those striving to pursue a professional career in ballet.
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Indiana Ballet Conservatory is looking for host families for our advanced level students who travel to study at Indiana Ballet Conservatory. Students would be between the ages of 16-18 and would provide their own transportation.
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