Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Voter Guide P20 -23
taxing for a trail A portion of the 2019 4-cent increase to Fishers’ tax rate will transform railroad /P10 Residential Customer Local Woodruff gives update on Ind. 27 /P3
Church holds prayer vigil /P5
Conner Prairie partners with schools /P9
Indianapolis, IN Permit No. 1525 U.S. Postage Paid Presorted Standard
November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
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November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
It’s time for a Campfire!
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Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@ youarecurrent.com, or call 317.489.4444 ext. 804. You may also submit information on our website, geistcurrent.com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication.
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Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Voter Guide P20-23
TA XING FOR A TR AIL A portion of the 2019 4-cent increase to Woodruff gives update on Ind. 27 /P3
Fishers’ tax rate will transform railroad
Church holds prayer vigil /P5
Conner Prairie partners with schools /P9
Residential Customer Local ECRWSS
U.S. Postage Paid Indianapolis, IN Permit No. 1525 Presorted Standard
With a Heart Attack...
Minutes Matter.
On the cover
A 4-cent raise to Fishers’ tax rate will allow for construction on the first leg of the Nickel Plate Trail as well as rebuild two fire stations and finish several road projects throughout the city. (Submitted photo) Founded Jan. 25, 2011, at Fishers, IN Vol. VIII, No. 3 Copyright 2018. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Fishers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
The pizza that won the Best Classic Pizza in America at the World Pizza Championship in Parma, Italy!
37 to resemble Keystone By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com Troy Woodruff, co-CEO of the engineering and architecture firm RQAW, construction provided an update on the Ind. 37 project to neighbors and business owners Oct. 23. The $124 million project will create roundabout bridges along Ind. 37 at 126th Street, 131st Street and 141st Street. 146th Street will be a single-point, at-grade intersection. “It will have the look and feel of what they did on Keystone (Avenue),” Woodruff said. “They will depress State Road 37, dig it up and take it below grade for the project.” 146th Street will be the only at-grade intersection Woodruff said two lanes of northbound and when construction is complete on Ind. 37 through southbound traffic will remain open throughFishers. The other intersections will be roundabout out construction. bridges. (Submitted rendering) “The pinch point will be east and west traffic. To build a bridge, we will have to shut roundabouts; 135th Street will become a rightoff that cross-traffic at some time,” he said. in, right-out only intersection with no access “There’s going to be a period of time it will be across Ind. 37. Woodruff said he expects the closed, and we are going to try to make it as 135th Street portion to occur last. quick as possible, but it’s going to happen. It’s Fishers City Council member Eric Moeller important to remember there are going said neighborhoods, especially those to be inconveniences. It is a massive near Cumberland Road, may see more project.” traffic when construction begins. Woodruff compared the project to “We may not feel it directly as combeing only one step less involved than muters (on Ind. 37), but there will be building an entire interstate. some increased traffic on our normal “This is big,” he said. “It’s going to be routes like Cumberland Road and 126th a great project when it’s done, but it’s Street,” Moeller said. Woodruff also going to come with a little bit of The Indiana Dept. of Transportation pain.” contributed $100 million to the project with Drainage lines are being placed along the the City of Fishers and Hamilton County each highway. Major construction will begin in Febcontributing $12 million. When construction is ruary 2019, with construction occurring at the finished, INDOT will resume maintenance re126th Street intersection first. sponsibilities for the highway. The remaining intersections will be adWoodruff said the city and county learned dressed later next year. from mistakes while Keystone Avenue and Woodruff assured neighbors and business U.S. 31 were under construction. Each entity owners that construction wouldn’t happen on contributed $250,000 for a marketing plan to more than two intersections at one time. help businesses operate smoothly during conWhile intersections are under construction, struction. Imavex was awarded the marketing Woodruff said the plan is to allow right-in and contract. right-out turns, so although drivers may not be “Their job is to make sure we are effectively able to cross Ind. 37 while a specific interseccommunicating and working with everybody tion is under construction, they can turn onto we can and those businesses specifically to the highway. make sure we help maintain as healthy of a When construction is finished, 141st Street business environment as we can down there,” will be a single-lane roundabout while the Woodruff said. remaining intersections will be dual-lane For more on the project, visit drivesr37.com.
dispatches Clarification – Delaware Township Trustee Debbie Driskell’s opponent in the 2018 General Election is Dan Greenhalgh. Quilters Guild meeting – Mudsock Quilters Guild meets on the second Monday of every month from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Cornerstone Lutheran Church, 13450 E. 116th St. The November speaker will be Heather Givans from Crimson Tate. There will be a $5 fee for visitors. For more, visit mudsockquiltersguild.org. Kendra Kendall engaged to marry Jaren Summers – Jaren Summers, of Fishers, is to marry Kendra Kendall of Fishers. Jaren is the son of Terry and Michele Summers. Future bride Kendra is the daughter of Brad and Nannette Kendall. Jaren graduated from Hamilton Southeastern High School and now attends Ball State University studying social studies education with a concentration in history and political science. Kendra graduated from Hamilton Southeastern High School and now attends Ball State University studying elementary education. The wedding date is March 24, 2019, in Indianapolis. Democratic women to meet – The Democratic Women of Hamilton County will hold a meeting Nov. 17 at the Delaware Township Trustee Building, 9090 E. 131st St. in Fishers. Coffee will be available starting at 9:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 10 a.m. Attendees are encouraged to bring canned goods for donation to a food pantry. MutualBank announces Daniel Cobb as VP – MutualBank recently announced senior commercial banker Daniel Cobb as its new vice president. The Hagerman Group adds to team – The Hagerman Group in Fishers added six new members to its team. They are Project Estimator Kevin Sexton, Project Coordinator Elisa Meredith, Project Engineer Lee Emenhiser, Business Development Coordinator Maranda Taylor, Assistant Project Manager Nick Kortepeter and Project Engineer Trent Meyer. The Hagerman Group also promoted Steve Meier to preconstruction manager.
November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
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November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
Hamilton Hills Church holds prayer vigil at Hoosier Road Elementary By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com Hamilton Hills Church held a prayer vigil on the evening of Oct. 25 at IN MEMORY Hoosier Road Elementary, where Fishers teachers, students and residents gathered to remember the lives of two Hamilton Southeastern Schools teachers. Kristal Sergi, a Hoosier Road Elementary teacher, and Frank Sergi, a Fall Creek Intermediate art teacher, died Oct. 24 in a murdersuicide, according to police. Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness, State Sen. Jim Merritt, Prevail Executive Director Susan Ferguson and Hamilton Hills Church Pastor Mark Neal spoke prior to the crowd lighting candles and singing “Amazing Grace” and “How He Loves Us.” “I encourage you tonight to not contemplate on the why or the fear or the anger, but pursue solace in your family, in your faith, in your friends, in your community,” Fadness said. Neal said his heart was broken for the victims and all who had been involved.
Mayor Scott Fadness speaks during an Oct. 25 prayer vigil at Hoosier Road Elementary. (Photos by Anna Skinner)
“The truth is nobody knows the exact answers to the question, ‘why?’” Neal said. “That word can haunt you and it can chase you forever, and I cannot tell you why, but I can tell you even in the midst of this tragedy there is hope.” Neal called life messy and said tragedy shows humans how much they need each other. “Tragedies like this must remind ourselves we cannot live this life alone,” he said. “This world is broken, and no matter who you are, we are all in the same boat dealing with the messiness of life.”
Open House Thursday, November 8 from 5:30-8:00 p.m.
November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
Delaware Township named Township of the Year
FHS band to compete in national event By Jessica Hoover news@currentinfishers.com
From left, Delaware Township board member Marilyn Schenkel, Delaware Township board member Ed Pierce, Delaware Township board member Rick Fain, Delaware Township Trustee Debbie Driskell, Township Clerk Heather Willman, Township Administrator Christy D’Onofrio and Deputy Administrator Jan McCrory following the announcement of Delaware Township being named the 2018 Township of the Year by the Indiana Township Association. (Submitted photo)
The Fishers High School Marching Tiger Band is one of 110 accomplishment bands to compete at the Nov. 8-10 Bands of America Grand National Championships at Lucas Oil Stadium. Rich Howard, junior vice president for the Fishers High School Band Boosters, said the FHS band has been practicing its performance five to six days a week since June. “These students are especially driven,” Howard said. “They’ve got a great show this year. The name of the show is ‘WILD.’ The show is driven based off of trials and tribulations that kids go through today. It’s really a story of life and it really resonates with the kids. They feel it, and they want to be able to share that with everybody.” The bands will compete in a preliminary competition Nov. 8 and Nov. 9. Thirty bands will move on from the preliminary competition to the Nov. 9 semifinals. The top 12 will then compete in the finals, where the
The Fishers High School Marching Tiger Band will compete at the Bands of America Grand National Championships. (Submitted photo)
Grand National Champion will be named by a panel of music educators and marching arts experts. In addition to the high school band competition, there also will be six college marching bands performing throughout the event, an expo with more than 100 booths and a student leadership workshop. Tickets range from $16 to $120. Children 10 and under are free for general admission seats. Tickets are available at the Lucas Oil Stadium ticket office or at musicforall. org/what-we-do/boa-marching-championships/grand-national-championships/ grand-national-championships.
Meet The New
Hamilton County Democratic Party We are the new Hamilton County Democratic Party and we’re very pleased to meet you.
Hamilton County is a rapidly growing community that is changing every day. The Hamilton County Democratic Party has changed along with it. We have been re-energized with new leadership on many levels, an inclusive platform of issues, a fresh perspective and a roster of highly-qualified candidates eager to go to work for you. As we look ahead to the most important election of this generation, we are excited to re-introduce ourselves to the community we are committed to serve. New leadership that is open to new ideas and welcomes input An inclusive platform that embraces all residents Transparent communication with the public A genuine desire to work collaboratively and across party lines to better the community Bold, innovative ideas to grow the community
Authorized and paid for by the Hamilton County Democratic Party, Joe Weingarten, chair and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
We are very pleased to offer these highly qualified candidates for your consideration: United States Senate Joe Donnelly
Coroner Karin Maloney Anderson
United States House of Representatives, District 5 Dee Thornton
Sheriff Jason Straw
State Senate District 31 Derek Camp State Representative, District 37 Aimee Rivera Cole State Representative, District 88 Poonam Gill Clerk of Circuit Court Cathy Sutton
County Commissioner, District 1 Rosemary Dunkle County Council, District 1 Jeremy Eltz Fall Creek Township Board Rachna Greulach Delaware Township Trustee Dan Greenhalgh Delaware Township Board Dayna Colbert Mary Ray Bianca Zaklikowski
Visit www.hcdemocrats.org to learn more.
November 6, 2018
COMMUNITY FISHERS • 131st Street at Allisonville Road will be closed to all traffic. This project will include resurfacing and intersection improvements. • The intersection at Florida Road and 113th Street is closed for the realignment and construction of a new roundabout. • 106th Street is closed to through traffic from Eller Road to Allisonville Road and from Allisonville Road to Hague Road for the 106th Street Infrastructure Project. Closures will also take place from Hague Road to the Crosspoint Boulevard/Lantern Road roundabout. The project will be complete this fall. Eller Road is closed to through traffic south of White Horse Lane for concrete work associated with the 106th Street Infrastructure Project and also should reopen this fall. CARMEL • Lane restrictions are under way near Keystone Parkway and 96th Street, where a new roundabout interchange will be built. Construction is expected to last through 2019.
Current in Fishers
• Construction on a new access ramp from Lowes Way to Keystone Parkway is under way. Phase 1 of the project will be complete this month. • West 96th Street is closed west of Ditch Road for a storm water culvert project. The project will last through the end of the year. • Range Line Road is closed to northbound traffic between Eighth Street to just south of Clay Terrace for installation of a stormwater collection system and pedestrian connectivity. The project will be complete before the end of the year. GEIST • For approximately 3 miles on I-465 between I-70 and I-69 in Lawrence, road patching work is ongoing through Nov. 19. Crews will be on-site Thursday and Friday evenings and Monday mornings each week. Multiple lanes will be restricted in the area, and drivers should expect delays. • Speed and shoulder restrictions are in place though Nov. 16 on I-70 between Mohawk Road and Exit 104 for Ind. 9 near Greenfield for general construction work.
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November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
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Marathon aims to pack 1 million meals Nov. 13 By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com
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Million Meal Movement General Manager Shane Scarlett, right, and volunteer Stacey Raifsnider pack meals during last year’s Million Meal Marathon. (Submitted photo)
Member FDIC
Million Meal Movement will host a hand-packing meals giving back marathon in downtown Indianapolis Nov. 13. General Manager Shane Scarlett said the organization hopes to pack 1 million meals in one day. “Million Meal Movement is a hungerrelief organization in Indianapolis,” the Fishers resident said. “All the food is hand-packed by Hoosiers, and it stays right here to help Hoosiers struggling with hunger. The Million Meal Marathon is a single-day event in the fall where we have over 3,000 people come through and attempt to pack a million meals in one day.” Scarlett said the Million Meal Movement’s mission is feeding the hungry and promoting volunteerism. “We want to make sure every Hoosier doesn’t go to bed hungry and make sure every kid has a warm meal to the best
of our ability,” Scarlett said. “The second prong is volunteerism. We highlight our volunteers. There’s a job for everyone to do. We highlight ourselves on that we have an opportunity for anybody who wants to volunteer with us.” Scarlett said the Million Meal Movement accepts volunteers of all ages and abilities. The organization recently partnered with the Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired to create volunteer opportunities for its students. The Million Meal Movement has many families volunteering to accomplish its mission. The Million Meal Marathon is from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Nov. 13 at Lucas Oil Stadium, 500 S. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis. Volunteers will work in four, two-hour shifts alongside Indianapolis Colts players and cheerleaders. The meal packs include a blend of six dehydrated vegetables, enriched soy with 52 percent protein and 10 vitamins and white rice. They can be prepared by adding boiling water. For more or to volunteer, visit millionmealmovement.org.
November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
–9 P.M . 5 , 0 1 R E B M E N OV
From left, John DeLucia, Terry Tolle, Norman Burns, Amanda Shera, Mayor Scott Fadness, Dr. Allen Bourff, Matt Burke, Sylvia Shepler, Michelle Fullhart and Mike Bottorff pause after announcing a fiveyear partnership between Conner Prairie and Hamilton Southeastern Schools. (Submitted photo)
Conner Prairie, HSE partner on new STEM program By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com
Trustees signed a contract at the Oct. 10 school board meeting, so Murch will work as a teacher-in-residence at Conner Prairie for the next five years. She has classes Hamilton Southeastern Schools teacher Tuesday through Friday. Teachers will bring Amy Murch doesn’t work education in a traditional classroom. fourth-grade students to Conner Prairie for two consecutive days. Murch said there are She’s part of a new program at Conner Prairie where she will serve 70 sections of fourth-graders within the district, or 1,500 kids. Teachers attend the as a teacher-in-residence, working with day with their students. students at the interactive history park. “It’s co-teaching at its best,” “It’s a brand-new idea in a posiMurch said. “I am just so excited tion the district has created, so for this opportunity for our kids. essentially it’s an opportunity to It’s just a really neat way to have build a partnership with our HSE our kids and our families realize students and a business in our they can learn absolutely anycommunity,” Murch said. “I get where. It doesn’t have to be in a to create standard-based experisetting of a classroom anymore. ences for our district’s fourthThey really can bring the outside graders and teachers that will world in and just engage in differenhance their learning.” Murch ent experiences that they’ll hopeMurch previously taught fourth grade for 10 years at Brooks School Elemen- fully never forget.” Conner Prairie CEO Norman Burns said tary and second grade for three years prior the partnership redefines the way people to that. She said fourth-grade students are engage with museums. her favorite. In her new position, she will “Conner Prairie has always been an ininvolve Conner Prairie’s entire campus. novator of museum experiences and educa“My primary focus will be on science, tion,” Burns stated. “It allows Conner Prairie math and engineering while incorporating to gain valuable insight into how we can some historical components as well, being better serve educators and evolve to meet that we’re at Conner Prairie,” she said. the needs of a 21st-century curriculum. We So far this year, she has taught flight believe that this partnership will serve as a and forces of motion by demonstrating a model for museums and schools across the tomahawk throw and archery. Students also learned about buoyancy through build- nation and provide a road map on how they can leverage each other’s resources to creing cardboard boats and floating them on ate a dynamic learning environment.” the White River. For more, visit hseschools.org. Conner Prairie and HSE Schools Board of
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November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
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Renee Jimison works on a panel build for her house through Habitat for Humanity Sept. 29 at Fishers United Methodist Church. (Photo by Matt Detrich)
Church participates in panel build By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com
Many people who had never even swung a hammer reGiving back cently helped complete a panel build in Fishers through Habitat for Humanity. Fishers United Methodist Church members came together Sept. 29 to help Renee Jimison build the panels that will shape her house. Jimison, an Indianapolis resident, recently completed 300 hours of “sweat equity” – meaning she took financial classes and volunteered on other Habitat for Humanity builds. Jimison’s three-bedroom home should be complete 10 days before Christmas. She will move into it in mid-December with her 12-year-old son, Damont, and 4-year-old daughter, Riannah. The house will be built on Pasadena Street in Indianapolis. FUMC members have aided Habitat for Humanity on site-builds before, but the church has never hosted a panel build on its property. Members will gather again Nov. 10 to help build the home. “We just saw this as an opportunity to be a force for good in our community and to bring people together,” FUMC Associate Pastor Jared Kendall said. “We want to form partnerships with the surrounding businesses as a way we can all come together on our corner in Fishers.” FUMC, 9691 E. 116th St., is in the middle of all the new developments coming to Fishers’ 116th Street and I-69 corridor. The church is between Portillo’s and The Yard at Fishers District development, across from TopGolf. Next year, the church plans to host another panel build through Habitat for
Humanity and recruit volunteers from the surrounding businesses. Kendall said even though the majority of the congregation had little or no experience with tools, Habitat for Humanity set the volunteers up for success. Habitat for Humanity’s Tiger Team, a crew of leaders, were on-site ensuring the work was done correctly. “We don’t want this house to fall over, so we have to make sure the nails are square. They provided us with all the nails and hammers, and we support it financially,” Kendall said. “We pay for the wood and stuff, but they bring everything.” Jimison said she’s happy to soon own a home. “I’m excited really to just have something to call my own, something to raise my kids in,” she said. For more, visit habitat.org.
a common misconception about habitat for humanity homes The most common misconception about Habitat for Humanity homes is that homeowners get their homes free. They do not. Homeowners pay a mortgage, but they do so with zeropercent interest. Homes are sold based on appraised value. “All our homeowners go through an application process and we check income and debt,” Habitat for Humanity Events Manager Amy Donhardt said. “The No. 1 common misconception is that Habitat gives homes away. We don’t. Our homeowners do a lot of work and do take on a mortgage.”
November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
obituary: anne michele felts
H e r i t a g e
Anne Michele Felts, 62, of Fishers, died spending time with her friends and spoiling Oct. 21 while vacationing in Florida. She her dog, Bridget. She loved playing with her was born Jan. 28, 1956, to Jack grandsons as well as hosting and Rae (Duckworth) Donahue in frequent family gatherings. MiPortsmouth, Ohio. chele’s kids and grandkids were Michele was a lifelong Cathoher greatest joy. lic and a member of St. Louis She is survived by her daughde Montfort Catholic Church. ters Laura Ann (Jason) Fletcher For more than 20 years, she and Karen Lynn (Matthew) worked as a registered nurse. Hamang; son, Patrick Joseph A caretaker by nature, Michele (Amanda) Felts; grandsons Luke, took over both roles of mother Ethan and Parker; sister, Denise and father when her husband, (Charles) Bohle; father-in-law, Felts Ken, died in 2004. She was a Sonny Felts; brothers- and sissource of strength for the entire family ters-in-law; and nieces and nephews. and would always drop what she was doIn addition to her parents, Michele was ing to help others. Michele was very handy preceded in death by her husband of more around the house and was never one to than 25 years, Kenneth D. Felts; and her call a repairman, as she took pride in fixing mother-in-law, Barbara Felts. everything herself. She enjoyed gardening,
obituary: dianne watson foxworthy Dianne Watson Foxworthy, 31, formerly states. When choosing a place to retire, of Fishers, died Sept. 24 in Alpine, Texas. they logged more than 5,000 miles,before Dianne was born to Maybelle choosing Alpine, Texas. High and Dovey Watson in WilDianne was a proud member son, N.C. She graduated from of the Daughters of the Amerithe University of North Carolina can Revolution and served as with a degree in education. chairman for the Good CitiShortly after college, she zen’s Essay committee for the married the love of her life, Horseshoe Prairie chapter in Brian Foxworthy. They moved Noblesville. She served as secto Germany, where Brian was retary for the Paisano chapter stationed in the U.S. Army. After in Alpine. She enjoyed promotexploring Europe via motoring a love of the U.S. and was Foxworthy cycle, they returned to the U.S. concerned about causes for and settled in Fishers. Their only child, Suveterans. She had a variety of interests, sanna, was born Oct. 25, 1986. Two years including archaeology, ancient history, art, ago, Dianne’s most personally beloved genealogy, Shakespeare and astronomy. adventure began – that of being “Foxma” Dianne is survived by a loving family, to her only grandson, Theodore. including her husband, Brian, daughter, Throughout their marriage, Brian and Susanna Scott (Daniel), and grandson, Dianne shared a love of travel. They visTheodore Scott. ited five continents and almost all 50
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November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
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process,” she said. “There’s not an issue the political world doesn’t touch – health care, education, the business environment, taxes, Last month, the Richard G. Lugar Excelhow we spend our time at war and at peace. lence in Public Service Sepolitics ries announced its 29th class Just learning more about what those processes look like and just hearing more from of Republican women for those people who have actually served in this leadership training in government and policapacity and the challenges they face tics. Fishers resident Angela Morris is after completing this program may be among the group of 20 leaders. being a good resource when it comes Morris said she applied because to making decisions, especially at the she wanted to learn more about the state and local level on issues related process of getting involved and how to health care, emergency services, she can serve. child protective services, those kinds “Basically, why I decided to apply is Morris of things.” just that there’s so much going on in The Lugar Series meets once each the political arena right now, and it’s month through May. Participants receive not great and we all know that, so I thought training on public service, running a camthis would be a good opportunity to join a supportive network of female leaders,” Morris paign, networking with state and local leaders and listening to business professionals said. on societal issues. Morris is an emergency room nurse at St. Other Hamilton County women participatVincent and IU Health. She said she hopes ing in the program are Elizabeth Brier, Teresa to build her sphere of influence and use her expertise in the health care industry through- Griffin, Kate Snedeker and Megan Wiles. For more, visit lugarseries.com. out the series. “I’m just really excited about the whole
dispatches Community North Quilt Show – See more than 200 quilts at the Community North Quilt Show from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 17 at Cornerstone Lutheran Church, 13450 E. 116th St. Entrance is a $5.The quilts were made for Community North Hospital. Police chief announces two promotions – Fishers Police Chief Ed Gebhart recently announced two promotions within the Fishers Police Dept. Sgt. Ryan Jones was promoted to the rank of lieutenant, and he will now serve as shift commander in the patrol division. Officer Jason Arnold was promoted to the rank of sergeant, and he will now serve as shift supervisor in the patrol division. Engineering opportunities for students – The Indiana Dept. of Transportation is offering civil engineering students scholarships and paid employment during summer breaks and upon graduation. Students must be accepted or enrolled full time in one of Indiana’s certified civil engineering schools and apply using the form at INDOTScholarship.IN.gov. Applications must be submitted by Dec. 31.
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November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
Graduate profile: Megan Sopoci By Desiree Williams news@currentinfishers.com
achievement of competing in gymnastics in college.
Megan Sopoci is a 2013 graduate of Fishers High School. Sopoci, education 24, earned a bachelor’s degree in communicative disorders with a minor in child and family studies from Northern Illinois University in May 2017, where she also competed on the gymnastics team. She is pursuing a master’s degree in speech pathology from Kent State University.
Q: What do you miss about high school? A: I miss the simplicity of everything. When I look back at high school, I miss the friendships and how stress-free academics were.
Q: What was your favorite subject and why? A: English and art. Art, specifically ceramics, felt like an academic break that I was also passionate about. English was a strength for me. So, both art and English seemed to relieve stress during my school day. Q: What were you involved in during high school? A: The main thing that I was involved with in high school was gymnastics at DeVeau’s (School of Gymnastics). I am very grateful for DeVeau’s because it played a large role in my
Q: Who has been your most influential teacher? A: Mr. (Glenn) Seland because he taught with such passion, excitement and kindness. That definitely has influenced the way I interact with clients and students.
tary or specialized school, hospital or clinic. If I enjoy my work, then I will never work a day in my life. Q: Do you have any advice for younger students? A: Enjoy the little things because time goes quickly. Cherish relationships, never turn down an opportunity to make memories and don’t take people for granted.
Q: Why did you choose speech and language pathology? A: I was interested to work with children with all types of disabilities. Communication is such a powerful tool that many people take for granted. It is such a difficult yet rewarding job, but when you see a child improve in their communication skills, it is definitely worth the time and effort. Q: What is your dream job? A: To become a speech pathologist in a center that I enjoy, whether that’s in an elemen-
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Megan Sopoci graduated from Fishers High School in 2013. (Photo by Kelly Applegate Photography)
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November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
From left, Megha Sinha, Jeanette Thebeau, Mayor Scott Fadness, Kirk Enright, Ed Michelson, John Weingardt, Kevin Stotts, Amanda Welu, Tony Murry and Leah McGrath support the 4.5 miles of the Nickel Plate Trail. (Photo by Brian Brosmer)
taxing for a trail A portion of the 2019 4-cent increase to Fishers’ tax rate will transform railroad By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com
and tackling several road projects. “The City of Fishers looked at that, and we felt like for the investments of two new fire stations, several road projects and the first Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness said he leg of the Nickel Plate Trail, along with funddoesn’t take raising cover story taxes lightly, ing operating priorities, a 4-cent increase still put us at the lowest of and he’s kept a the four major metropolitan areas relatively stable tax rate in the City and the second-lowest in Hamilton of Fishers since he was elected in County,” Fadness said. 2013. Construction of the first leg of the The tax rate has only seen mitrail is funded from between 1 and nor fluctuations, staying within a 1.5 cents of the tax increase nickel of the 2013 rate, which was Fadness The 2019 trail project is expected 63.98 cents per $100 of assessed to cost approximately $9 million, value. The tax rate is now at 65.38 which will create a trail from 106th cents, but that will change in 2019, Street to 126th Street, with a poswhen the rate will increase to 69.60 sible tunnel under 116th Street cents, which will help fund several instead of a pedestrian crossing. projects. The trail will be 16 feet wide to allow Among those projects is the first for two-way pedestrian traffic. If phase of transforming the Nickel all goes as planned and the bonded Plate railroad into a trail. Day projects cost below city estimates, The 4-cent increase, however, the trail will extend the trail further doesn’t apply to just the trail. Other applications include rebuilding fire stations 91 north and south. “We don’t take raising taxes lightly at all, and 93, investing in public safety personnel
but if we’re going to do it, I want to do it for things that are going to live for a very long time in our city, like infrastructure,” Fadness said. “I support these types of things even though I believe in keeping taxes as low as humanly possible. When it comes to the time to do a strategic investment, I think we need to have the courage to do it.” City officials said they have only received opposition to the trail from the Save Our Train group. Logan Day, the group’s executive director, said the organization represents more than 11,000 residents who have signed a petition to keep the railroad tracks. Day said there would be historical and economical benefits by keeping the railway. He said he wished the city would construct a trail alongside the railroad. “There’s no need to kill a dinosaur and build a museum to put it in,” Day said. “That’s kind of what they’re doing. They’re saying they’re going to honor the heritage of this railroad by building a trail, but the real thing is right there and it was active and there was no reason for it to be shut down.” The Nickel Plate Trail could break ground as
early as next spring, with construction from 106th Street to 126th Street possibly wrapping up by the end of next year.
STUDENT INPUT As part of a preliminary design phase, the City of Fishers sought input on what students would like to see with the creation of a Nickel Plate Trail. “There have been a couple opportunities we have had to go talk to students about what they want to see from the trail, and I think those are some of our most creative ideas,” Public Relations Director for the City of Fishers Ashley Elrod said. Students from both high schools, New Britton and Harrison Parkway elementary schools participated. Community members also have submitted more than 1,500 ideas for the city to consider when constructing the trail. Ideas include pop-up retail shops, a hammock area, places for relaxation and meditation along the trail.
November 6, 2018
2018 ELECTION election information The 2018 General Election is Nov. 6. Hamilton County polls open at 6 a.m. and close at 6 p.m. To check voting status, find polling location and check precinct, visit indianavoters.in.gov. Voters must bring a photo ID to cast their votes. Otherwise, voters will be issued a provisional ballot. Early voting ends at noon, Nov. 5.
U.S. Senate Mike Braun (R)
Personal: Braun is married to Maureen. They have four children, Jason, Jeff, Kristen and Ashley. Background: Braun graduated from Jasper High School in 1972. He graduated from Wabash College in 1976 with a bachelor’s degree in economics and earned his master’s from Harvard Business School in 1978. Braun is the president and CEO of Meyer Distributing. Website: mikebraunforindiana.com
Joe Donnelly (D)
Personal: Donnelly is married to Jill. Together they have two children, Molly and Joe Jr. Background: Donnelly is a U.S. Senator for Indiana. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a bachelor’s degree in government and attended Notre Dame Law School for his juris doctorate. He also is a member of the Kiwanis Club of Mishawaka and St. Anthony’s Parish of South Bend. Website: joeforindiana.com
Lucy M. Brenton (L)
Personal: Brenton is married to Dorn. Together they have 10 children, Jasmine, Phoenix, Sierra, Raven, Falcon, Cheyenne, Laurel, Wakiya, Ozuye and Hanwi. Background: Brenton graduated from Northwest High School in 1989 and from IUPUI with a bachelor’s degree in French. She is the vice president of sales and finance at TieDye Digital, LLC. Brenton also is a co-organizer of Indiana Women’s Small Business Owners and is an organizer for Entrepreneur Mastermind and Small Business Meetup. Website: lucyforsenate.com
U.S. Rep. (District 5) Dee Thornton (D)
Personal: Thornton lives in Carmel with her husband of 33 years, Don. She has three children and two grandchildren and attends North Central Church of Christ. Background: Thornton graduated from the University of Louisville with a degree in communications and public relations. She has an MBA from Indiana Wesleyan University. She works as a business coach and previously spent 30 years working for Xerox. She serves on the Carmel Mayor’s Advisory Commission on Human Relations. Website: deethorntonforcongress.com Read more at youarecurrent.com/?p=165157
Current in Fishers
Susan W. Brooks (R)
Personal: Brooks has been married to David for 32 years and has two children, Jessica, 28, and Conner, 25 Background: Brooks is the U.S. Representative for Indiana’s Fifth District. She graduated from Homestead High School in Fort Wayne in 1978 and earned her bachelor’s degree from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, in 1982. She received her law degree from the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law in 1985. Brooks is a member of St. Monica’s Catholic Church in Indianapolis, serves as a board advisor for the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, is an emeritus board member of the Women’s Fund of Central Indiana and is the sustainer of the Junior League of Indianapolis. Website: susanbrooksforcongress.com Read more at youarecurrent.com/?p=168600.
secretary of state Connie Lawson (R)
Personal: Lawson is married to Jack and has two children and six grandchildren. Background: Lawson is Indiana’s secretary of state. She formerly was a state senator and the Hendricks County Clerk. She is a precinct committeeman in Hendricks County. Website: voteconnielawson.com
Jim Harper (D)
Personal: Harper is from Valparaiso. Background: Harper is a 2001 graduate of Valparaiso High School. He graduated in 2004 from Indiana University and from from Georgetown Law in 2008. He is a lawyer at Harper & Harper. He serves on the board of a nonprofit law firm that provides free and reduced-cost legal services to veterans. He also serves on the board of Hilltop House, a Valparaisobased nonprofit that provides early-childhood education and other services to families in Porter County. Website: harperforindiana.com
Mark W. Rutherford (L)
Background: Rutherford is a graduate of Carmel High School, Wabash College and Valparaiso University School of Law. He practices business law with Thrasher Buschmann & Voelkel, PC in Indianapolis. He also serves on the Indiana Public Defender Commission and with the National Liberterian Party. Website: markforindiana.com
auditor of state Tera Klutz (R)
Personal: Klutz is married to Zach. She has two children, Alyx and Julian. Background: Klutz is Indiana’s state auditor. She graduated from Elmhurst High School in Fort Wayne in 1995 and earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Indiana University Fort Wayne in 1999. Klutz is a member of Pass the Torch, an organization that provides professional mentoring for women in order to provide networking and leadership development. She also is a member of Cornertsone Lutheran Church in Fishers. Website: teraklutz.com
Joselyn Whitticker (D)
Personal: Whitticker lives in Marion and has a son, eight stepchildren and 15 stepgrandchildren. Background: Whitticker graduated from Tennessee State University with a bachelor’s degree in home economics. She earned master’s degrees in vocational home economics and secondary administration and supervision from Indiana State University. Whitticker is a former educator, teaching at Plaza Park Middle School in Evansville for 15 years and was principal at McCulloch Middle School in Marion for 11 years and Wayne High School for seven years. She owns a small business that specializes in instruction curriculum consulting. She also is president of the Marion NAACP Branch 305 and the Marion Grant County Minority Health Coalition. Website: joselyn4indiana.com
John Schick (L)
Personal: Schick has been married for 37 years and has three sons. Background: Schick graduated from high school in Marcellus, Mich., and earned his master’s degree from Indiana University. He works as a management consultant and is involved with F.A.A.M. and Special Olympics. Website: schickforauditor2018.org
treasurer of state Kelly Mitchell (R)
Personal: Mitchell is married to Larry. She has two children, Chloe and Colin. Background: Mitchell is Indiana’s treasurer. She graduated from Woodstock High School in Woodstock, Ill., in 1985, from Valparaiso University in 1989 with a bachelor’s degree in political science and government, from IUPUI in 2011 with a master’s degree in philanthropic studies and from the U.S. Army War College in 2018 with a master’s degree in strategic studies. Mitchell also is a member of Common Ground Christian Church and is an alumna of the Richard G. Lugar Excellence in Public Service Series. Website: votekellymitchell.com.
John C. Aguilera (D)
Personal: Aguilera is married to Vanessa and has four daughters and two granddaughters. Background: Aguilera graduated from East Chicago Roosevelt High School in 1978. He earned degrees in business management and computer information systems from Calumet College of St. Joseph. Aguilera has owned a consulting company since 1996. He has served four terms as a state representative and two terms as a Lake County Councilor. Aguilera also is the former CEO of the Indiana Latino Institute. Website: aguileraforindiana.com
November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
state senate (district 31) James W. Merritt, Jr. (R)
Personal: Merritt is married to Kelley. They are parents to Abby, Jennifer and Will. Background: Merritt is the state senator for District 31. He received a bachelor’s in political science from Indiana University in 1981. Merritt is vice president of corporate affairs for the Indiana Rail Road Company. He was first elected to the Indiana Senate in 1990. Website: merrittforindiana.com
Derek Camp (D)
Personal: Camp is married to Nicole. Background: Camp graduated from DeKalb High School in Waterloo in 2008 and from Purdue University in 2012 with a bachelor’s degree in political science and history. He attends the Robert H. McKinney School of law. Camp is a paralegal at the Chapter 13 Trustee Office of Ann M. DeLaney and is the president of Indiana Young Democrats. Website: derekcamp.com
state Rep. (district 237) Todd Huston (R)
Personal: Huston is married to Denise. They have two children, Elizabeth and Jake. Background: Huston is the Indiana state representative for District 37. He graduated from Hamilton Southeastern High School in 1990 and from Indiana University with a degree in political science. He is the senior vice president for The College Board. Huston is a member of the Hamilton Southeastern Foundation Advisory Board. He also is a former member of the Hamilton Southeastern School Board, Hamilton Southeastern Schools Foundation and Fishers Planning Commission. He attends iTown Church.
Aimee Rivera Cole (D)
Personal: Cole is married to Randy and has two children, A.J. and Ally. Background: Cole graduated from Western High School in Russiaville and earned a bachelor’s in business in 1998 from Indiana University and a juris doctorate from Valparaiso University in 2003. Cole is an attorney for Travelers Staff Counsel. She also is the treasurer of the Fishers Gridiron board, vice president of Sagamore Inn of Court, a member of the Hamilton County Democrats Club and a member at Holy Spirit Parish at Geist. Website: coleforindrep.com
state Rep. (district 88) Brian C. Bosma
Personal: Bosma is from Beech Grove. He is married to Cheryl and has two children, Allison and Chris. Background: Bosma is the Indiana state representative for District 88 and Speaker of the Indiana House. He graduated from Beech Grove High School. He graduated in 1981 from Purdue University’s School of Engineering and from the Indiana University School of Law in 1984. Bosma is the founder of Bosma Industries for the Blind, Inc. He attends Grace Community Church in Noblesville and was named Government Leader of the Year in 2003 by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce.
Poonam Gill
Personal: Gill has been married to Mike for 14 years. They have three children, ages 2, 4 and 7. Background: Gill graduated from Franklin Central High School. She earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering with a minor in mathematics from Purdue University. She is a Geist Elementary PTO volunteer and is a member of the March of Dimes Volunteer Committee. Website: gillforindiana.com
COUNTY CLERK OF COURTS Kathy Kreag Richardson (R)
Personal: Richardson is married to Perry Williams. Her children are Mary Ann and Sam Haymaker and Melissa and Jason Joslin. She has seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Background: Richardson graduated from Noblesville High School in 1974 and attended Purdue University. She works as the Hamilton County Clerk’s Office Election Administrator and holds memberships with the Noblesville Noon Kiwanis, Noblesville Alumni Association, Noblesville Lions Club, Hamilton County Historical Society, Hamilton County Purdue Extension Board, Hamilton County 4-H Council, Hamilton County Republican Women, Indiana Association of Clerks of the Circuit Courts, Association of Indiana Counties and First Christian Church. Read more at youarecurrent.com/?p=169844
Cathy Sutton (D)
Personal: Sutton has two children. Background: Sutton has worked at Zionsville West Middle School for seven years as a media specialist and library. Website: facebook.com/sutton4clerk Read more at youarecurrent.com/?p=169511
COUNTY SHERIFF Dennis Quakenbush (R)
Personal: Quakenbush lives in Cicero with his wife, Christen, and four sons, Henry, Paul, George and Charles. Background: Quakenbush is captain of the Patrol Division for the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office. He earned an associate’s degree from Ivy Tech in business administration in 2000, a bachelor’s degree in business management from Indiana Wesleyan University in 2002 and a master’s degree in business administration from Indiana Wesleyan University in 2005. Quakenbush is a member of Genesis Church and owns two small businesses in Hamilton County. He has previously volunteered with Little Lambs Ministries, serving in orphan camps in Ukraine, and served as a Sunday school teacher and youth leader. Website: quakenbushforsheriff.com Read more at youarecurrent.com/?p= 169804
Jason Straw (D)
Personal: Straw is married to Wendy and has three children, Zachary, Hope and Leah. Background: Straw graduated from Northridge High School in 1992. He earned bachelor’s degrees in 2003 in general studies, mathematics and science, and in 2004, in nursing. Straw is a retired captain of the U.S. Air Force, where he served as a critical care nurse. He is a member of Northview Church, Carmel Kiwanis, American Legions, AMVETS, VFW, DAV, 82nd Airborne Association, Air Force Association and Hoosier Veterans for Medical Cannabis. Straw also is a medical advisor for the National Chronic Pancreatitis Support Network and a Disability Party national research officer. Website: strawforsheriff.com Read more at youarecurrent.com/?p=169801
Duane “Dorn” Brenton (L)
Personal: Brenton is married to Lucy and has 10 kids, Jasmine, Phoenix, Sierra, Raven, Falcon, Cheyenne, Laurel, Wakiya, Ozuye and Hanwi. Background: Brenton graduated from Crispus Attucks Medical Magnet High School and studied chemistry, biology and computer science at IUPUI. He is a member of the Hamilton County Liberterian Party. Read more at youarecurrent.com/?p=170073
COUNTY CORONER Karin Anderson (D)
Personal: Anderson is married to Tom and has four children, Eamonn, Hollyn, Liam and Tiernan. Background: Anderson graduated from Eaton High School in Ohio. She graduated from Ball State University in 1990 with a bachelor’s degree in anthropology and from Ohio State University with a master’s in anthropology in 1994. Anderson is self-employed, working as the owner-operator at Mobile Archaeology Project. She is a member of the Indiana Archaeological Council. Website: karin4coroner.weebly.com Read more at youarecurrent.com/?p=169546
November 6, 2018
Personal: Chalfin has been married to Ellen Marie for 32 years and has three children, Jon Alan Chalfin (deceased), Lonny Chalfin and step-son Andre K. Richardson. Background: Chalfin is the Hamilton County Coroner. He graduated Fostoria High School in Fostoria, Ohio, in 1962. He earned an associate’s degree from Terra Tech College in Fremont, Ohio, and a bachelor’s degree from Indiana University Kokomo in 1989. In 2008, he earned an associate’s degree from Ivy Tech Kokomo in paramedic science. Chalfin also earned paramedic certification from Methodist Hospital in 2007 and is an Ohio Apprenticeship Journeyman Electrician. He is a past deputy coroner, paramedic program chair at Ivy Tech, plant manager at Doehler Jarvis Corp. in Toledo, Ohio and a plant engineering manager at Chrysler. Chalfin is a member of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, the Noblesville Masonic Lodge No. 57, Indiana State Coroners Association, the Frank Huntzinger American Legion Post No. 470 and Navy Club Ship No. 29. Website: chalfinforcoroner.com Read more at youarecurrent.com/?p=169549
Personal: Altman is married to John and has three children and one grandchild. Background: Altman is the Hamilton County Commissioner in District 1 and is a business and real estate attorney at Altman, Poindexter & Wyatt, LLC. She graduated from Northrop High School in Fort Wayne in 1973. In 1978, Altman earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting, and in 1981, her juris doctorate degree from the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law. She is a member and former chair of The Indiana Commission for Women, the Hamilton County representative and immediate past president of the Central Indiana Regional Transportation Authority, board member and treasurer for the U.S. 31 Coalition, the Hamilton County point of contact for the Homeland Security Urban Area Security Initiative, board member and vice chair at Conner Prairie, board member of The Alliance Place, Inc. and a member of OneZone Website: christinealtman.com Read more at youarecurrent.com/?p=169778
Rosemary Dunkle (D)
Personal: Dunkle is married to bob and has three children, David, Jeffrey and Richard, and two grandchildren. Background: Dunkle graduated from Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls in Philadelphia, Pa. She is obtaining an associate’s degree in human serves from Ivy Tech. Dunkle worked for 40 years with the Social Security Administration, retiring as an area director. She is the vice chair of the Hamilton County Democratic Party and is a member of the Hamilton County Democratic Club, where she previously served as vice president and president. She also is a member of International women Indiana and a member of the Carmel Historic Preservation Commission. Read more at youarecurrent.com/?p=169780
Current in Fishers
Fred Glynn (R)
Steve Schwartz (R)
Personal: Glynn is married to Beth and has a daughter, Jayda. Background: Glynn is the Hamilton County Councilor in District 1. He earned a bachelor’s degree in aviation business from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and works as a loan officer. Glynn and his family are members of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church. Website: fredforcouncil.com Read more at youarecurrent.com/?p=169433
Jeremy Eltz (D)
Personal: Eltz is married to Missy and has two children, Macy and Mallory. Background: Eltz graduated from Martinsville High School in 2002. He earned a bachelor’s degree in biology in 2006 from Indiana University, a master’s degree in teaching from Marian University in 2008 and a doctorate degree in educational leadership in 2016 from Indiana State University. Eltz works as an independent educational consultant. He is a member of St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church, Hamilton County Democrats, the EmployIndy Youth Committee, and previously coached and commissioned for Carmel Dads’ Club. Website: electeltz.com Read more at youarecurrent.com/?p=169435
Personal: Alexander is married to Jenni and has three children, stepson Andy, Katelynn and Connor. Background: Alexander graduated from Osbourn High School in Virginia in 1991 and from Purdue University in 1996 with a bachelor’s degree in construction engineering and management. Alexander is the vice president of CTI Construction, LLC. He is a member of St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, a board member of the ACE mentor Program of Indiana, an associate member of the Indiana Subcontractors Association, a member of Marian University’s Forging Leaders Committee, a member of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and a member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity’s Beta Mu chapter at Purdue University. Website: electkenalexander.com Read more at youarecurrent.com/?p= 163136
William L. Howard II
Personal: Howard is married to Danette and has two children, William (III) and Ava. Background: Howard graduated from Freeport Memorial High School in 1992. He earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration in 1996 from Bethune-Cookman University and a master’s degree in business administration in 2001 from Webster University. Howard is a stay-athome dad and is the owner of Lovely Day Photo Works. He also holds memberships at Northview Church in Carmel, Alpha Phi Alpha’s Iota Lambda Chapter, Carmel Masonic Lodge No. 421, Noble/St. Vincent Hospital in Carmel, Merciful H.E.L.P. Center and the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Website: williamlhoward.com Read more at youarecurrent.com/?p=168971
Personal: Schwartz is married to Lori and has two children, Pete and Ed. Background: Schwartz is the Hamilton County Councilor in District 3. He graduated from Shawnee Mission East (Kansas City, Kan.) in 1979. He is self-employed at Schwartz, Inc. and also serves on the Hamilton County Community Corrections Advisory Board, the Janus Developmental Services board and is Hamilton County Council president. Website: facebook.com/SteveSchwartzforHCC
Jeremy Hawk (D)
Personal: Hawk is married to Breanne and has two daughters, Juliana and Isla. Background: Hawk graduated from Center Grove High School in 2002. He earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Purdue University in 2006 and a master’s degree in business administration from Butler University in 2016. Hawk works as the chief financial and operations officer at the Indiana School for the Deaf. Website: facebook.com/HawkforHCC
delaware TWP. Trustee Debbie Driskell (R)
Personal: Driskell has two children, Allison and Ben, and four grandchildren. Background: Driskell is the Delaware Township Trustee. She graduated from Heritage Christian High School in 1980 and studied at Denver Baptist Bible College. She also is the executive director of the Indiana Township Association and is a member of the local Optimist Club. Website: facebook.com/Re-elect-Debbie-Driskell-Trusteeof-Delaware-Township-141584312593031
Daniel J. “Dan” Greenhalgh (D)
Personal: Greenhalgh is married to Jackie and has a child, Renley. Background: Greenhalgh graduated from John F. Kennedy High School in Missouri in 1998. He earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Dayton in 2003 and a juris doctorate in 2011 from Michigan State University. Greenhalgh is an intellectual property attorney at Maginot, Moore & Beck LLP. He is a parishioner at St. Louis de Montfort Catholic Church in Fishers, a member of OneZone Chamber of Commerce, a sponor of the Indiana Internet of Things Lab in Fishers, is a precinct committeeperson for Delaware Township and serves as a volunteer patent attorney for Indiana University Maurer School of Law’s PatentConnect program. Website: danfortrustee.com
November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
Delaware TWp. Board (vote for 3) David Giffel (R)
Personal: Giffel lives in Fishers with his wife, Toni. Together they have two children, Tyler, 27, and Allie, 25. Background: Giffel graduated from Woodlawn High School in Baton Rouge, La., and earned a bachelor’s in business from Louisiana State University. He works for Klöckner Pentaplast of American in manufactured plastic technical films sales and marketing. He is the treasurer for Fiscal Conservatives of Hamilton County, chairman for the International Organization of Packaging Professionals Central Indiana Chapter, secretary of the Pine Bluff Overlook Association and Stephen Minister at St. Louis de Montfort Catholic Church. Website: giffel.com
Ed Pierce (R)
Personal: Pierce is married to Dorothy and has four children. Background: Pierce is a member of the Delaware Township Board. He retired from the U.S. Air Force after 21 years and worked for Roadway Express until retiremet. Pierce is a member of Hamilton Lodge 533, has worked for the Fishers Freedom Festival and previously served on the Cottingham Estates HOA board. In 2013, Pierce was awarded as the 2013 William D. Kehl, Jr. Volunteer of the Year and Township Board Member of the Year by the Indiana Township Association.
Marilyn A. Schenkel (R)
Personal: Schenkel is married to Doug. They have three children, Patrick, Morgan and Josh. Background: Schenkel graduated from Hobart High School In 1980 and from Indiana University in 1984 with a degree in finance. Schenkel serves on the Delaware Township Board and is a member of Tri Kappa, IAAO and the St. Louis de Montfort Funeral Committee.
Dayna Colbert (D)
Personal: Colbert lives in Fishers and has a rescue dog, Brutus. Background: Colbert graduated from Neuqua Valley High School in Illinois in 2008. She earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in information and communication sciences from Ball State University. Colbert works as a regional field director, is president of Hamilton County Young Democrats and is the communications chair for Spark Progressive Co-op. Website: daynacolbert.com
fall creek TWp. Board (vote for 3) Brian Baehl (R)
Personal: Baehl is married to Shelly and has two children, Nicholas and Brianna Background: Baehl is a member of the Fall Creek Township Board. He graduated from Castle High School and from the University of Evansville in 1986 with a degree in electrical engineering. He is a computer engineer at a biomedical company. Baehl also is an assistant Scoutmaster for Boy Scouts of America and a volunteer with Hamilton Southeastern Schools. Website: facebook.com/Brian-Baehl-Fall-Creek-TownshipBoard-Member-1455295128023078
Greg Dewald (R)
Personal: Dewald is married and has two children, Megan and Jacob. Background: Dewald has worked as a police officer for more than 20 years, most recently with the Carmel Police Dept., where he is assigned as the school resource officer at Clay Middle School. He also is a board member for the Indiana School Resource Officers Association. Website: facebook.com/dewald4fallcreek
Jason Meyer (R)
Personal: Meyer is married to Nicole and has two daughters, Claire and Lydia. They are active members of East 91st Street Church. Background: Meyer graduated from Carmel High School in 1987. He attended Ball State University and Purdue University. Meyer serves on the Fall Creek Township Board and is a partner a VAI Technology in Fishers. He is a member of East 91st Street Church.
Rachna Greulach (D)
Personal: Greulach is married to Scot and has two sons, Ronak and Milan. Background: Greulach graduated from Dublin Coffman High School in Ohio in 1997. In 2001, she graduated from Ohio State University with a bachelor’s degree in accounting and management information systems. Greulach works as an assistant corporate controller at Hillenbrand, Inc. Website: rachnaforfallcreek.com
hamilton southeastern School Board (District 1) Bradley M. Boyer
Personal: Boyer is married to Heidi and has three children, Rachel, Mackenzie and Caleb. Background: Boyer graduated from Hamilton High School in 1986. He earned a bachelor’s degree in economics in 1989, a law degree in 1993 and a master’s degree in business in 1993 from Indiana University. Boyer is the president of Watermark Engineered Product Sales in Noblesville. He is a member of the East 91st Street Christian Church is serves on the board for Hamilton Southeastern’s S.P.O.R.T.S. He also is a USSF soccer referee. Website: facebook.com/forHSEstudents
Benjamin Elsbury
Personal: Elsbury is married to Heidi and has a child, Jule. Background: Elsbury graduated from Warren Central High School in 1994. He is the vice president, branch manager and registered investment representative at Huntington Bank. He also is a member of First United Methodist Church. Website: facebook.com/ Elsbury-for-HSE-School-Board-District-1-153969808877039
Joshua D. Richardson
Personal: Richardson is married to Kari and has two children, Carter and Alex. Background: Richardson graduated from Blackford High School in 2001, from Ball State University in 2005 and from the Indiana University McKinney School of Law in 2008. He is the chief of staff for the Indiana Dept. of Workforce Development. Website: facebook.com/HSEJRichardson
hamilton southeastern School Board (District 2) Matt Molter
Personal: Molter is married to Emilie and has three children, Nick, Dan and Luke. Background: Molter attended Columbus North High School and Father Gabriel Richard High School, graduating in 1997. He earned a bachelor’s degree in 2001 and a master’s degree in informatics in 2003 from Indiana University. Molter is a small business owner and entrepreneur. He has memberships at the local YMCA, St. Louis De Montfort, Toastmasters Club of Fishers and Launch Fishers. Website: molterforschoolboard.com
Janet Pritchett
Personal: Pritchett is married to Mike and has four children, P.J., Carter, Lexie and Audra. Background: Pritchett graduated in 2000 from Indiana State University with a degree in textiles, apparel and merchandising and marketing. She is an at-large member of the Riverside Intermediate PTO, a member of the Riverside Junior High PTO and the Fishers High School PTO. She also is co-president of the Hamilton Southeastern District PTO Forum and a member of the Disciple of Cornerstone Lutheran Church in Fishers. Website: pritchett4hseschools.com
Frank Whelan
Personal: Frank is married to Cathy and has three children, Jessica, James and John. Background: Whelan graduated from The Episcopal Academy in Bryn Mawr, Penn., in 1987. He eared a bachelor’s degree in political science and art history in 1991 from Hobart College. Whelan is the vice president and a commercial banker for Salin Bank and Trust. He is a member of the Fishers Rotary Club. He also is president of the Fishers High School Choir Booster Club, is a crew leader and backstage manager for FHS show choirs and is a volunteer and judge for the Riverside Junior High School Speech Team. Website: whelan4hseschools.com
November 6, 2018
2018 ELECTION hamilton southeastern School Board (District 3) Michelle Fullhart
Personal: Fullhart is arried to Greg and has three children, Andrew, Adam and Alex. Background: Fullhart graduated from Snider High School in Fort Wayne. She earned a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Miami University of Ohio and a master’s degree in elementary education from Ball State University. She works as a branch administrator for Edward Jones. Fullhart is a member of the Hamilton Southeastern Schools Foundation, Holy Spirit Parish at Geist, HSE Destination Imagination, Parents in Partnership, Royal Pride PTO and the Royal Varsity Club. Website: Facebook: Fullhart for HSE School Board
Jennifer Reardon McSoley
Personal: Reardon McSoley is married to Jake and has two children, Jackson and Jace. Background: Reardon McSoley graduated from Stevenson High School in Michigan in 1995. She earned a bachelor’s degree in 2008 from Butler University and a master’s degree in education from Ball State University. Reardon McSoley is the senior director of Adventureland School and Childcare at Heartland Church. She is a member of the church, NAEYC and IAYEC. She also serves as a YMI mentor and is involved in a parent-teacher organization. Website: reardonmcsoleyforhse.com
hamilton southeastern School Board (District 4) Bradley L. Banks
Personal: Banks is married to Jennifer and has to children, Trevor and Sydney. Background: Banks is a 1993 graduate of Marion High School. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Communications from Purdue University in 1997 and a law degree in 2000 from Valparaiso University. Banks is the owner of Banks & Brower law firm. He is a parishioner at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, a big brother at Central Indiana Big Brothers Big Sisters, a member of the Hamilton County Bar Association and immediate past president of the Indy Premier Soccer Club. Website: bankonbanks4hse.com
Julie Chambers
Personal: Chambers is married to Sean and has two children, Emily and Morgan. Background: Chambers graduated from Bedord High School in Michigan in 1999. She earned a bachelor’s degree in political science in 2003 from the University of Michigan and a law degree in 2007 from the University of Toledo. Chambers is an attorney and the owner of Chambers Law Office, LLC. She formerly served as a deputy prosecutor at the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office. Chambers also is a Daisy Troop leader for Girl Scout Troop 4516, a mentor through the Indianapolis Bar Association Mentor Connect, and is a precinct chairperson. Website: chambers4hse.com
Current in Fishers
Polling places Delaware Township
• 0301 Delaware 01, Harrison Parkway Elementary, 14135 Harrison Pwky. • 0302 Delaware 02, Harrison Parkway Elementary, 14135 Harrison Pwky. • 0303 Delaware 03, Fishers City Hall, 1 Municipal Dr. • 0304 Delaware 04, Delaware Township Community Center, 9094 E. 131st St. • 0305 Delaware 05, Delaware Township Community Center, 9094 E. 131st St. • 0306 Delaware 06, Fishers City Hall, 1 Municipal Dr. • 0307 Delaware 07, Trinity Church, 9709 Allisonville Rd. • 0308 Delaware 08, River Glen, 12010 Clubhouse Dr. • 0309 Delaware 09, Christ Community Church, 13097 Allisonville Rd. • 0310 Delaware 10, Fishers City Hall, 1 Municipal Dr. • 0311 Delaware 11, Delaware Township Community Center, 9094 E. 131st St. • 0312 Delaware 12, Riverside Intermediate School, 11014 Eller Rd. • 0313 Delaware 13, Trinity Church, 9709 Allisonville Rd. • 0314 Delaware 14, River Glen, 12010 Clubhouse Dr. • 0315 Delaware 15, Lantern Road Elementary, 10595 Lantern Rd. • 0316 Delaware 16, Riverside Intermediate School, 11014 Eller Rd. • 0317 Delaware 17, Harrison Parkway Elementary, 14135 Harrison Pwky. • 0318 Delaware 18, Christ Community Church, 13097 Allisonville Rd. • 0319 Delaware 19, Hoosier Road Elementary, 11300 E. 121st St. • 0320 Delaware 20, Fishers City Hall, 1 Municipal Dr. • 0321 Delaware 21, Trinity Church, 9709 Allisonville Rd. • 0322 Delaware 22, Delaware Township Community Center, 9094 E. 131st St. • 0323 Delaware 23, Delaware Township Community Center, 9094 E. 131st St. • 0324 Delaware 24, Lantern Road Elementary, 10595 Lantern Rd. • 0325 Delaware 25, Fishers City Hall, 1 Municipal Dr.
Fall Creek Township
• 0401 Fall Creek 01, HSE Intermediate & Junior High, 12278 Cyntheanne Rd. • 0402 Fall Creek 02, Fishers Junior High, 13257 Cumberland Rd. • 0403 Fall Creek 03, Holy Spirit Parish at Geist, 10350 Glaser Way • 0404 Fall Creek 04, Holy Spirit Parish at Geist, 10350 Glaser Way • 0405 Fall Creek 05, Fall Creek Township Office, 11595 Brooks School Rd. • 0406 Fall Creek 06, New Hope Presbyterian Church, 12550 Brooks School Rd. • 0407 Fall Creek 07, Hoosier Road Elementary, 11300 E. 121st St.
Polling places • 0408 Fall Creek 08, Holy Spirit Parish at Geist, 10350 Glaser Way • 0409 Fall Creek 09, Lantern Road Elementary, 10595 Lantern Rd. • 0410 Fall Creek 10, Holy Spirit Parish at Geist, 10350 Glaser Way • 0411 Fall Creek 11, Fall Creek Junior High, 12001 Olio Rd. • 0412 Fall Creek 12, New Hope Presbyterian Church, 12550 Brooks School Road • 0413 Fall Creek 13, Fishers Junior High, 13257 Cumberland Rd. • 0414 Fall Creek 14, Life Church, 9820 E. 141st St. • 0415 Fall Creek 15, Geist Elementary, 14051 E. 104th St. • 0416 Fall Creek 16, Christ the Savior Lutheran Church, 10500 E. 126th St. • 0417 Fall Creek 17, Christ the Savior Lutheran Church, 10500 E. 126th St. • 0418 Fall Creek 18, Christ the Savior Lutheran Church, 10500 E. 126th St. • 0419 Fall Creek 19, Brooks School Elementary, 12451 Brooks School Rd. • 0420 Fall Creek 20, Fall Creek Junior High, 12002 Olio Rd. • 0421 Fall Creek 21, Holy Spirit Parish at Geist, 10350 Glaser Way • 0422 Fall Creek 22, Holy Spirit Parish at Geist, 10350 Glaser Way • 0423 Fall Creek 23, Trinity Church East, 11721 Olio Rd. • 0424 Fall Creek 24, Brooks School Elementary, 12451 Brooks School Rd. • 0425 Fall Creek 25, Christ the Savior Lutheran Church, 10500 E. 126th St. • 0426 Fall Creek 26, Geist Elementary, 14051 E. 104th St. • 0427 Fall Creek 27, HSE Intermediate & Junior High, 12278 Cyntheanne Rd. • 0428 Fall Creek 28, Fall Creek Township Office, 11595 Brooks School Rd. • 0429 Fall Creek 29, Lantern Road Elementary, 10595 Lanter Rd. • 0430 Fall Creek 30, Geist Christian Church, 12756 Promise Rd. • 0431 Fall Creek 31, The Promise Church, 12648 E. 116th St. • 0432 Fall Creek 32, Sand Creek Intermediate, 11550 E. 131st St. • 0433 Fall Creek 33, Sand Creek Intermediate, 11550 E. 131st St. • 0434 Fall Creek 34, Fall Creek Junior High, 12001 Olio Rd. • 0435 Fall Creek 35, Geist Elementary, 14051 E. 104th St. • 0436 Fall Creek 36, Life Church, 9820 E. 141st St. • 0437 Fall Creek 37, The Chateua of Britton falls, 13070 Del Webb Pkwy. • 0438 Fall Creek 38, Geist Elementary, 14051 E. 104th St. • 0439 Fall Creek 39, New Hope Presbyterian Church, 12550 Brooks School Road • 0440 Fall Creek 40, Geist Christian Church, 12756 Promise Rd.
November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
ESSA Y Go vote
LE T T ER Say a prayer for first responders
Commentary by Terry Anker Perhaps we’ve already heard it. Maybe a passing billboard caught our eye. Or, it could have been a television commercial that planted the suggestion. For the intelligent and erudite, it might have been a well-placed advertisement in this very newspaper that brought it to your attention. Regardless of the genesis, it seems difficult to believe that it is time for another election. On Nov. 6, many of us will march to the polls. Millions already have made the trip through the newly instituted early voting in addition to the time-tested standard of advanced absentee suffrage. Good, and add this voice to the many that urge us to exercise the right. If you haven’t yet done it, drop this paper and vote – now. For those of us who have, well done. Still, millions will skip the ballot box entirely. Some for reasons that may seem good enough but most for convenience or lack of will. Sure, politics is more than a bit unpleasant. It always has been. Fantasy writer and would-be Minnesotan office-bearer Will Shetterly once correctly remarked that “politics is a dirty business, but if you do not do politics, politics will be done to you.” In this acrimonious electorate, there are those who have decided to take a break by working to avoid participation in the whole circus. If we don’t vote, for any candidate, how can they be responsible for the behavior of those elected? If we feel uninformed, how can we make an informed choice? Hmm. Can one be a conscientious objector to elections? Perhaps. Yet, isn’t a nonvote, in most cases, the same as a consent to the rule of the minority? Our resistance is registered as an advantage to the largest of the sets of those motivated to participate. There is no “opt out.” Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@ youarecurrent.com.
Reelin’ in the years Commentary by Danielle Wilson My baby is 20 today. Twenty! I think I’m in shock. I am way too young to have a 20-yearold and he’s way too young to humor be 20. Another startling development? Yesterday, my twins were accepted to college. What the what! How is this happening? When I asked a colleague, he said, “The days go by slowly, but the years? The years fly by.” Preach. I remember when I had three under 3. I’d wake up at the crack of dawn, already anxious about what kind of parenting hell I’d have to survive. Physically exhausting, emotionally challenging and psychologically punishing – each day seemed interminable. Odds were good that I wouldn’t eat anything other than a stray Gerber puff and a toasted-hours-ago bagel, and that at some point I’d be exposed to a biochemical substance that required a Clorox hose-down and several shouted expletives. By nightfall, I’d usually collapse into bed, say a quick
prayer that everyone would sleep through the night and fall into a fitful repose only to do it all again come sunrise. I can recall with vivid detail harrowing trips to the Fishers YMCA, the Children’s Museum and a particularly controversial de-pantsing at the Carmel Library that nearly earned me a story-hour lifetime ban. I remember individual playdates, specific neighborhood walks and even the guest lists for all the birthday parties. But I can’t tell you where all the years went. I cannot remember when my two sons suddenly needed razors or when my daughters began wearing makeup. I literally have no idea when my kids grew up. Seriously, where has the time gone? My baby is 20! Peace out.
Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.
Q U O T E O F T HE WEEK “Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.” — John Adams
Editor, In case you missed last month’s Hamilton County Prayer Breakfast, supporting first responders and their families, we want you to consider the challenge we all received that morning. Pray for a first responder each time you hear a siren or see a first responder in public. Can you imagine how much continual prayer coverage they and their family members would receive throughout the year if we do so? Prayer is one of the most powerful blessings we can give to others, and our first responders deserve that blessing in addition to our thanks for their service. Please join us in accepting this challenge and lift our first responders in prayer! Rob and Ruth Griepentrog, Westfield
“Prayer is one of the most powerful blessings we can give to others, and our first responders deserve that blessing in addition to our thanks for their service.”
P O L I C I ES Letters to the editor: Current Publishing will consider verifiable letters of up to 200 words. Anything longer will be returned to the writer for editing. Anything presented as factual matter must be thoroughly vetted prior to submission. Current retains the right to reject or return any letter it deems to carry unsubstantiated content. Current also retains the right to edit letters for style, grammar, punctuation and spelling. Send letters to info@youarecurrent. com. Writers must include a hometown and a daytime phone number for verification. Guest columns: The policy for guest columns is the same as the aforementioned, but the allowable length is 300 words. Guest columns should address the whole of Current’s readership, not simply special-interest groups, and may not in any way contain a commercial message.
November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
Long live coffee and debates I just read on AOL that coffee first thing in the morning is bad for you. Hard to believe, isn’t it? No, not the coffee humor part — the fact I still have AOL. Apparently, you mess with your internal clock when you drink java on an empty stomach. That morning cup of joe can backfire and make you feel sleepier and grumpier. Has no one noticed this in 300 years? Beneath that article was another medical finding, that women who keep quiet during an argument with their husbands are four times more likely to die from heart disease. So, if I argue with my wife, I’m a boorish brute and a sexist. But if she wants to argue with me, she’ll live longer. We have debated just about everything in our 39 years of marriage: How to eat popcorn; if it’s a good idea to nap in the middle of the day; how to load a dishwasher; and high flame or low for scrambled eggs. We once debated whether my mother knew how to raise children. I thought my mom had done a pretty good job, but Mary Ellen provided some very strong evidence to the contrary: Me!
I must not be a very good debater because I seem to lose the exchange, even if I have most facts in my favor. For example, I was pretty sure this past July was my wife’s 67th birthday, but she claimed she was only 66. I dug out her passport and birth certificate from our safe deposit box. I tried to further bolster my position with this argument: “Mary Ellen, remember when we got married, we talked about there being a four-year difference in our age?” “Oh, Dick, you’re living in the past. That was 38 years ago.” I hope the two of us have many more heated discussions. I figure if she keeps arguing with me, she will stay healthy. And I’m still going to continue to drink huge amounts of coffee, even if it makes me sleepy and cantankerous. I know you’re tempted to say, “Wouldn’t that be grounds for divorce?” Thanks for beating me to it.
Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.
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November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
Rose Senior Living celebrates opening
1ST PLACE PAYSin$10,000 Over $25,000 prizes CASH! guaranteed! Over $25,000 in prizes guaranteed! (dealers provided) (dealers Nov 16thprovided) & Nov 17th April 28thCounty & AprilFairgrounds 29th Hamilton Hamilton County Fairgrounds 2003 Pleasant Street, Noblesville, IN 2003 Pleasant Street, Noblesville, IN QUALIFYING SESSIONS: QUALIFYING SESSIONS: Friday, Nov. 16 | 10AM - 4PM Friday, April 28th 10 a.m-4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 16 | |6PM - Midnight Friday, April 28th | 6 p.m-12 a.m. Saturday,April Nov.29th 17 | |10AM - 4PM Saturday, 10 a.m-4 p.m. Top15% 15%ofofthe theplayers players from each session advance to the Top from each session advance to the Championship Saturday, April 29th Championshipround: round: Saturday, Nov. 17 || 5:30 5:30 p.m. p.m. --midnight midnight
Rose Senior Living staff members join elected officials and dignitaries to cut the ribbon. Rose Senior Living Carmel celebrated its official dedication with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house Oct. 25. The senior living community at 1285 Fairfax Manor Drive has 159 rental apartments and 30 secure memory care apartments. Learn more at roseseniorliving.com. (Photos by Ben Stout)
Buy-in as low as $100 Visit www.lionspoker.org for details and tournament rules or call 317.804.1875 with questions Register on line! Walk-ins welcome! Proceeds go to support the Westfield Lions Club’s projects including free eye exams & glasses for children, disaster relief efforts, educational grants, leader dog training for the blind, the Indiana Eye & Tissue Bank and many other worthy causes
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Rose Senior Living Executive Director George Ferriell gives opening remarks at the dedication ceremony.
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The Gatherings Café at Rose Senior Living.
Dispatches Centier Bank continues growth — Centier Bank has continued building on another year of success and growth, recording the highest quarterly net income of $14.8 million. This represents the highest quarterly net income in the bank’s 123-year history. The strong third quarter has come at the tail end of a nine-month stretch featuring the highest year-to-date income through September in the bank’s history as well. During a time when many banks in the Midwest are merging or closing altogether, Centier’s growth continues throughout the state. After the bank’s 60th branch opening in Fishers in July 2018, Centier’s 61st branch, at 2809 Emerson Drive in Elkhart, will begin welcoming the public in mid-November. Source: Centier.com
Indiana 8th-least vulnerable state for identity theft — With businesses such as Adidas, Best Buy, Delta, Kmart, Macy’s and Sears experiencing data breaches this year, the free credit-monitoring website WalletHub recently released its report on 2018’s States Most Vulnerable to Identity Theft & Fraud as well as accompanying videos. Indiana was ranked the 8th-least vulnerable state on the list. The data set ranges from identity-theft complaints per capita to average loss amount due to fraud. Source: WalleHub.com
November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
How the flu can spread and why the vaccine is vital
Commentary by Dr. Charles Harris
Have you and your family received your yearly influenza vaccinations? Influenza season is prevention upon us, and in Indiana, it usually starts in October and continues until late May. The contagious, respiratory illness is caused by a virus that infects the nose, throat and lungs. The disease can cause mild to severe symptoms of chills, aches, runny nose, fever, sore throat and can even lead to death. Influenza is spread mainly by droplets made when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of anyone nearby or be inhaled into the lungs. People who have influenza can spread the virus to anyone within 6 feet, and this can happen before they know they are sick. Most healthy adults may be able to infect others beginning one day before symptoms develop and five to seven days after they become sick. Younger children and people with weakened immune systems may be able to infect others for longer periods of time. The best ways to prevent influenza are known – cover your cough and wash your
hands thoroughly and often. But most importantly, you should receive your annual influenza vaccine as soon as possible. After receiving the vaccine, it takes about two weeks for the body to develop antibodies to the most common viruses of the season. Influenza vaccines are available in different types, including both live and inactive injections. Those most at-risk vary widely in age and demographic, including children younger than 5 and especially younger than 2; adults 65 and older; pregnant women, who often have weakened immune systems and passes antibodies onto her developing baby; residents in long-term care facilities; and American Indians and Alaska Natives. Those 65 and older should receive the highdose vaccine. Vaccines are available at your doctor’s office, local pharmacies and clinics, community centers and the Hamilton County Health Dept. For more, visit hamiltoncounty. in.gov/278/immunization-information. Dr. Charles Harris is the Hamilton County Health Officer and can be reached at the Hamilton County Health Dept. at health@ hamiltoncounty.in.gov.
Join us at Rose Senior Living Carmel
to hear Elaine Voci speak on
Aging with Positivity Wednesday, November 14th | 1 – 3pm at Rose Senior Living Carmel Beverages and desserts will be served.
Dispatches Riverview welcomes new physician — Riverview Health is pleased to welcome Dr. Laura Johnson to Noblesville Family Medicine. As a board-certified family physician that focuses on preventive medical techniques and wellness, Johnson finds it crucial to address issues before they are detrimental to her patients. She became interested in joining Riverview Health after witnessing the impressive care her mother received there after breaking her hip. Johnson earned her medical degree from Indiana University. Breastfeeding can reduce cancer risk — Research has shown that women who breastfeed greatly lower their risk of developing breast cancer, but in a new study published in the journal Breastfeeding Medicine, researchers at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center find that very few women have received this information from their doctor. Findings show 60 percent of moms knew of the link between breastfeeding and breast cancer, but of those women, only 16 percent received the
information from a medical professional. Of the women who didn’t breastfeed, 60 percent said having the information would have influenced their decision African American women, who have a greater risk of developing triple negative breast cancer, were less likely to be informed about the health benefits of breastfeeding when compared with women of other ethnicities. Source: The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center Riverview hosts cooking event — Riverview Health will host a healthy cooking for the holidays event Nov. 8 from 6 to 8 p.m. Join our registered dietitian and professionally trained chef as they prepare holiday favorites with a healthy twist. Attendees will receive a copy of each recipe and cooking tips. The event will take place at Riverview Health in the Krieg DeVault Conference Room, located in the lower level of the Women’s Pavilion. The program is free but registration is required, Register at riverview.org/classes or call 317-776-7999.
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November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
Pianist Jon Nakamatsu to make debut appearance with Carmel Symphony Orchestra By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com Classical pianist Jon Nakamatsu’s journey has been one of perseverance. Nakamatsu was a high music school German language teacher in California when he won the gold medal at Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in June 1997. “It went by in a flash. I can’t believe it’s been (more than) 20 years,” Nakamatsu said. “It seems like a dream and I have to go back to my real job teaching school. I think it went by so fast. Right after the competition, the tour started three days later and because they (concerts) never stopped, it’s just been a whirlwind. In that time what transformed my life is being on stage constantly. I guess because I never knew if this career was going to happen for me, it’s kind of a pinch yourself moment when I get to walk on stage. That’s why coming to Carmel is so special. I never would have been there if it wouldn’t have been for an event 20 years ago.” Nakamatsu will make his first appearance with Carmel Symphony Orchestra at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 10 at the Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts. Nakamatsu, who has worked with CSO Music Director Janna Hymes previously with another orchestra, will perform Sergei Rachmaninoff’s “Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini.” “The wonderful moment for the audience is the 18th variation, which is the famous one,” Nakamatsu said. “Rachmaninoff is a love, of course. He wrote so many great things for the piano. I enjoy playing it every time. It’s one of those pieces where you always find something new, different and exciting. It reveals its secrets over time to us.” Hymes stated Rachmaninoff has “a way of transporting listeners to another place with his work, and this piece is no exception, especially performed by Jon.” Nakamatsu compared winning the Van Cliburn competition to winning the musical equivalent of the Olympics.
Pianist Jon Nakamatsu will perform with Carmel Symphony Orchestra at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 10 at the Palladium. (Submitted photo)
“It’s every four years and basically can make your career,” Nakamatsu said. “But while the Olympics is often the height of an athlete’s career, for musicians, the competition is just the start. What winning does is allows you marketability. I was the same person the day before the competition as I was the day after, but suddenly I was set for a tour. It’s not the most glamorous entree into the world, but that’s how the business works. The competition sets up tours for you for a year or two years, but then you are on your own.” The victory abruptly ended Nakamatsu’s teaching career. “It was just a magical opportunity,” he said. Nakamatsu worked with private teacher Marina Derryberry starting at age 6. “She knew how to prepare someone for a competition 20 years later, so we had a long journey together and she was there when I won,” Nakamatsu said. “She was there when I first played at Carnegie Hall.
It was a huge common trip for both of us. I feel so lucky we had that.” Derryberry died in 2009. Before his Van Cliburn competition success, Nakamatsu had his ups and downs in competitions. “You lose more than you win, that’s for sure,” he said. “There’s no chance of winning if you don’t risk losing. I’ve learned more from the things that I lost and the number of times people slammed doors in my face. It wasn’t just competitions. It was knocking on managements’ doors. Having people tell you you’re not good enough, you’ll never make it, there’s no reason why you should be here. If you can weather that in any profession and get through the ugliness of that, I think you have a chance for something amazing.” There will be a pre-concert discussion, called “Meet the Music with Nakamatsu and Hymes,” at 6:30 p.m. For more, visit carmelsymphony.org.
Fishers Arts Council seeking artists editorial@youarecurrent.com The Fishers Arts Council, along with Nickel Plate Arts and the City of Fishers, is seeking 2-D artists to exhibit in December at the Gallery of Art at City Hall in Fishers. The theme is “Winter Wonderland.” The Arts Council is looking for three to five pieces from each artist. The gallery space available consists of two floors with 210 linear feet of exhibit space. Based on the size of the art, the gallery can accommodate approximately 60 pieces. In 2018, it hosted exhibited art by more than 100 artists. Those interested in exhibiting can submit an application to thomasrich1952@gmail. com or sknox0031@comcast.net by Nov. 7. The application must include the following: Your name and contact information (phone, email and address); residency; statement detailing what you will provide along with jpegs if art exists or description of art to be created. Noblesville — The Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers will perform at 8 p.m. Nov. 10 at Logan Street Sanctuary, 1274 Logan St. Whitestown — Peter Harper and the Midwest Kind will perform from 8 to 11 p.m. Nov. 10 at Moontown Brewing Company, Whitestown. For more, visit events.ontaptickets.com/events/Harper Lawrence — Bashiri Asad and Arts for Lawrence presents the Al Green Tribute Concert at 7 and 9:30 p.m. Nov. 10 at the Theater at the Fort, 8920 Otis Ave. For more, visit artsforlawrence.org. Carmel — The Second Saturday Gallery Walk is set from 5 to 9 p.m. Nov. 10. Musical entertainment is provided by Kassey Elizabeth, Dianna Davis and Circle City Street. Carmel — New Orleans-based Lightwire Theater will present “The Ugly Duckling” at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Nov. 11. The classical tale includes full-body puppetry, classical and pop music and choreography lit by electroluminescent technology. For more, visit thecenterpresents.org.
November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
HSE to stage ‘Done to Death’ By Renee Larr editorial@youarecurrent.com Murder and mayhem don’t usually pair well with laughter and comedy. The Hamilton Southeastern High School drama Drama Club will do just that when it brings to life the 1970 play “Done to Death.” “It’s a comedic mystery by Fred Carmichael,” said Ethan Mathias, co-director of the HSE Drama Club. “It’s essentially about a group of mystery writers who have seen better days in terms of popularity who are gathered together to write the ultimate mystery for a television show.” The play will run at 7 p.m. at HSE Nov. 15, 16 and 17 in the Little Theatre. While attempting to write their swan song, real murders start happening. Each writer uses their own style of writing to solve the murders. Comedy can be difficult to perform because it’s all about timing, according to cast members. HSE senior Tadd Nyland plays Rodney Duckton, the eldest of the writers. “I love this play so much because it is a challenge,” he said. “I am a funny person,
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Director Mary Armstrong (center) works with senior Tadd Nyland (left) and junior Avery Susemichel (right) during rehearsals for “Done to Death.” (Submitted photo)
so it’s kind of fun to put my funny side out there, but through my character.” Unlike previous performances, the 21-student production doesn’t have lead roles. “I also like it because there are a lot of people in the cast, and I just love being around people all the time,” Nyland said. “Rehearsals are always so fun when there’s so many people there. I can’t wait to see the end results of the show.” Tickets are $8 for students (6 to 18), $6 for children (ages 5 and under), $9 for adults and $8 for seniors (ages 65 and above). For more or to purchase tickets, visit hsedrama.org.
Holiday Craft Boutique enters 35th year By Maria Cook editorial@youarecurrent.com The Lawrence Central Performing Arts Association will host its annual Holiday Craft Boutique at Lawrence event Central High School this month, marking the event’s 35th year. The boutique will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 17 at Lawrence Central High School. Admission is $3 per person. All proceeds from ticket sales, booth fees and concession stand sales benefit the Lawrence Central Performing Arts Dept. “It’s supporting the kids whose parents can’t quite come up with their performing arts fees and it helps support the salary of the Performing Arts secretary,” Event Coordinator Dorsey Reinke said. Boutique vendors will offer goods ranging from traditional holiday items, such as ornaments and wreaths, to clothing and food. “It’s 100 percent handcrafted items. You don’t have commercial businesses in there,
and the people that made them are the people that man their booths,” Reinke said. “We have clothing, bedding, pet toys, pet bedding, pet food. We have a couple different vendors who are selling food items, and the Performing Arts Dept. has our concession stand open, too. We do Otis Spunkmeyer cookies - that’s a big seller.” Reinke said the event is family focused, with vendor booths specifically placed in wide hallways to accommodate large groups and strollers. “The atmosphere is very Christmasy,” Reinke said. “We have Performing Arts students who wander the halls and sing Christmas carols. A lot of the vendors will dress up in Christmas attire. We also have Christmas music playing in certain parts of the school as you go through.” Reinke said the proceeds make a real difference. “I’ve done it for around 20 years, and I just do it because I believe in it,” Reinke said. “I believe it’s such a good program for these kids.”
By Joe Landry
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November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
Cabaret presents Schott By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com
Sun Nov 11 at 1 & 4pm // The Tarkington
Fri Nov 16 at 8pm // The Palladium
Fri Nov 16 at 8pm // The Tarkington
Sat Nov 17 at 8pm // The Palladium
Thurs Nov 29 at 7:30pm // The Palladium
40th ANNIVERSARY ALBUM TOUR Fri Nov 30 at 8pm // The Palladium
A SWINGIN’ LITTLE CHRISTMAS Sat Dec 1 at 8pm // The Palladium
DAVE KOZ & FRIENDS CHRISTMAS TOUR 2018 Sun Dec 9 at 7pm // The Palladium
TheCenterPresents.org 317.843.3800 These activities made possible in part with support from Indiana Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.
when I was a young girl,” Schott said. “We have some folk and country songs and pop, of course.” Melissa Schott will be sharing songs Schott, who teaches tap dancing at which have shaped her musical career. Broadway Dance Center in the heart The New York production singer-dancerof Times Square, will bring her tap shoes as well. actress-chore“I can’t do a show without singographer will perform in “Melissa ing ’42nd Street,’” Schott said. “It Schott: The Key of Me,” a Magic was my first show back at Footlite Thread Cabaret production, Nov. 16 Musicals in 2005. I got to play Peggy to 18 at The Cat Theatre, 254 Veterand it’s been a favorite role ever ans Way, Carmel. Schott since. I’ll be donning my tap shoes Schott, from New Palestine, has for that. It’s definitely a favorite showtune known Tom Alvarez for years through her appearances in the Indianapolis-area theater of mine and I don’t think the show would be complete without that.” scene. Alvarez approached her about perSchott was an understudy for Peggy in forming Cabaret shows. Alvarez and Dustin Klein formed Magic Thread Cabaret as a non- “42nd Street” in Boston in the fall of 2017. Schott said she hasn’t performed in Indiaprofit in 2017. napolis in several years. Schott will be accompanied by her musi“I’m excited that a lot of family and friends cal director and pianist Scott Harris, from get to see me perform,” said Schott, who Nashville, Tenn. regularly performed in “Yuletide Celebration” “It will just be us on stage, so very intiwith Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra. mate,” Schott said. “It will be a lot of my faThe performances are set for 7:30 p.m. vorites and songs that were instrumental in Nov. 16 and 17 and 4 p.m. Nov. 18. Tickets my career. That covers a wide variety. There are $35 and $25 and are available online at will be a lot of Broadway tunes in there.” magicthreadcabaret.com, by calling 800The set includes a Carpenters song. 838-3006 or at the door. “Karen Carpenter was a huge influence
TV reporter to appear in ATI play By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com
worked as a videotape editor for three years after graduating from Ball State. Burdette, who has worked as an anchor, “Where is Sherman” will take on a whole reporter, producer, photographer and editor new meaning during the Actors Theatre of in local TV news, was involved in Indiana’s production. play stage productions at Broad Ripple Sherman Burdette is High School and Ball State. He also the feature reporter and did some local commercial work and producer for “Where is Sherman” on print modeling in Indianapolis in the Fox59 Morning News. He checks out 1980s. new restaurants, shops and events “I spent 3 1/2 years as an actor on the morning show. training and auditioning in Los AnThe Zionsville resident will be Burdette geles,” he said. “I had a few minor easily found on stage as a celebrity roles and came close to landing a role in the guest actor during ATI’s “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play” Nov. 16 to Dec. 23. Bur- popular TV series, ‘In the Heat of the Night.’ Recently, I got back into acting through dette was approached by ATI about taking a classes at the Indy Actors Academy, workrole. His Fox59 employer said it was fine to ing on acting techniques for TV and film. play Art Foley, the radio sound effects guy. I just finished a small role in a local film “He’s visible throughout the play, pretty production.” much center stage,” Burdette said. “But he His role at ATI will be his first stage role in doesn’t have any lines, per se. His dialogue several years, he said. comes mostly through the sound effects, “At this point, I’m planning to continue crowd noises, doors slamming, car horns my on-air duties each morning and get to honking, that sort of thing.” Burdette has been at Fox59 for nine years. rehearsals at ATI,” he said “It’s going to be a grind as I usually get up at 4 a.m. for a 5 a.m. His on-air TV career began in 1990. His first call at work, but I’m set on making it work.” TV news role was behind-the-scenes at WISH-TV in Indianapolis in 1982, where he
November 6, 2018
Oakley’s Bistro
Commentary by Anna Skinner Address: 1464 W. 186th St., Indianapolis What to get: Tilapia Price: $25.75 Anna’s take: I sampled several dishes at Oakley’s Bistro on the north side of Indianapolis, all of which blew me away. The meal started with chef Steve Oakley’s famous shrimp corndog, the recipe that beat Bobby Flay last year in a 2017 Food Network episode of “Beat Bobby Flay.” The corndogs are al a carte at $2.75 each. They consist of cocktail-sized shrimp dipped in Oakley’s secret corndog batter and then fried. They are topped with bistro honey mustard, lending a sweet finish. The corndogs are topped with microgreens. I then ordered the Lobster Waffle ( $14.75). This was my favorite dish because of its taste and uniqueness. Essentially, the Lobster Waffle is exactly as it sounds – a basil roasted garlic waffle topped with lobster bites, sautéed zucchini, crispy leeks, mustard cream and tomato jam. It is an exotic twist on the traditional chicken-andwaffles dish, and it was phenomenal. I then tried the Three Little Pigs ($16.75),
Current in Fishers
The tilapia at Oakley’s Bistro is served on top of tender baby vegetables and paired with a side of butternut squash risotto served in an edible potato basket. (Photo by Anna Skinner)
which are three small, individual pork dishes. One is a suckling pig croquette. Another is a country pate. The other is pork belly. This dish was rich and decadent. If you look closely throughout the restaurant, pigs are everywhere in the decorations because chef Oakley loves to create pork-centered dishes. For my entrée, I opted for the tilapia. The thick slab of mild fish is served with a side of butternut squash risotto inside an edible potato basket, adorned by pine nuts around the plate. The tilapia is seared and served atop tender baby vegetables and wholeroasted tomatoes. A tomato fennel fondue adds a bright flash of color. Much of the menu changes seasonally, but a few items are staples, such as the Mac-N-Goat Cheese ($6.75), which is mixed with a pesto sauce. The goat cheese gives the dish a rich taste. For dessert, my sweet tooth craved the chocolate whiskey cake ($8.75), served with caramelized bananas, chocolate mousse and a hearty scoop of Cookie Monster ice cream. It was a fantastic finisher. Suggested pairings: If ordering the tilapia, pair it with a 2017 Joseph Drouhin Macon-Villages, a dry, white French Chardonnay that tastes minerally and crisp, not oaky and buttery. For the beer drinkers, order the Hefeweizen Grapefruit Bier Schofferhofer.
Behind bars: The Bay Fog Get it at Oakley’s Bistro, Indianapolis Ingredients: 1.5 oz. Patron XO coffee liqueur, .5 oz. chai tea syrup, .5 oz Lazzaroni Maraschino, .5 oz. cream Directions: Shake, strain into an up glass rimmed with cinnamon sugar.
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November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
“Rapunzel,” Children’s Theatre, Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre
Children’s Theatre presents “Rapunzel,” a familiar tale with a new spin. Rapunzel’s 16th birthday arrives and she is able to leave the tower and live in the outside world.
Compiled by Mark Ambrogi
8 p.m. Nov. 3, 9, 10, 13; 1:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Nov. 4, 11; 1 p.m. Nov. 7
“Man of La Mancha,” Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre, Indianapolis
Cost: $16.50 (includes juice and snack)
Beef & Boards presents the classic musical, which won the Tony Award in 1966 for best musical, for the first time. The play follows Don Quixote’s quest for the impossible dream. Cost: $44-$69. Discount of $10 for children ages 3-15
Cost: $10 (students) to $89 More: indianapolissymphony.org
“In Flanders Fields: World War I Centennial,” Indiana Wind Symphony, the Palladium, the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel John Hiatt will perform at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 9 at the Palladium in Carmel. (Submitted photo)
More: carmelsymphony.org
“The Comedy of Errors,” The Cat 8 p.m. Nov. 3, 9, 10; Theatre, 254 Veterans Way, Carmel 2 p.m. Nov. 11 Improbable Fiction Theatre Company presents Shakespeare’s farce of mistaken identities. Shakespeare’s shortest play features outrageous characters. Cost: $15
More: thecattheatre.com
8 p.m., Nov. 9; 5:30 p.m. Nov. 10
“Shostakovich’s Fourth Symphony,” which took 25 years to have a performance, is an interpretation of what it was like to live in Soviet Russia.
7:30 p.m. Nov. 10
Pianist Jon Nakamatsu, who won the gold medal in the 1997 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, will perform Rachmaninoff’s “Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini.” A preconcert talk is set for 6:30 p.m. Cost: $15 (student) to $65
More: beefandboards.com, 317-872-9664
“Shostakovich’s Fourth Symphony,” Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Hilbert Circle Theatre, Indianapolis
More: beefandboards.com, 317-872-9664.
Jon Nakamatsu, Carmel Symphony Orchestra, the Palladium, the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel
10 a.m. Nov. 9; 10 a.m., 1 p.m., 3:30 p.m. Nov. 3, 10
“An Acoustic Evening with John Hiatt: The Eclipse Sessions Tour,” the Palladium, the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel
The Indiana Wind Symphony honors the centennial of the signing of the armistice which ended World War I. Cost: $10 (student) to $35 More: indianawindsymphony.org
8 p.m. Nov. 9
John Hiatt is one of the most respected songwriters in U.S. roots rock music, with hits like “Thing Called Love,” “Slow Turning” and “Have a Little Faith in Me.” “The Eclipse Sessions” is Hiatt’s 23rd studio album. Cost: $25 to $130
More: thecenterpresents.org
3 p.m. Nov. 11
“Alice and her Bizarre Adventures in Wonderland,” Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre, 329 Gradle Dr., Carmel
7 p.m. Nov. 9, 10
Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre takes a gothic turn in this retelling of Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland.” Cost: $20
More: gregoryhancockdancetheatre.org
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November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
Blueprint for Improvement: Outdoor living on Geist Reservoir Commentary by Larry Greene
Background Info: This 1998 home on Geist Reservoir was the perfect place for the homeowners to settle down in retirement. They completed their basement and kitchen remodel last year. The outdoor living expansion was the last piece of the puzzle to complete.
Before problems The owners wanted to create more space for guests, update their guest and master bathrooms and make their outdoor living space easier to maintain and take advantage of the spectacular lake views.
After solutions Focusing on the exterior, the goal was to make a more functional and appealing outdoor living space for the homeowners to entertain their family and friends. 1. One of the dramatic changes came from replacing the deck with more durable Trex composite decking, railings, lighting and rain-escape system. These materials are easier for the homeowner to maintain. 2. A new covered porch roof was extended to cover part of the upper deck and a new screened porch was added. 3. The new custom exterior staircase is the focal point of the space. Its curved design adds visual appeal to the home. 4. The concrete patio was replaced with a larger paver patio, retaining walls and terraced landscape beds. Larry Greene is the owner of Case Design/Remodeling. You may email him at lgreene@ caseindy.com. To see more before-and-after pictures of this project, visit caseindy. com/blog.
November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
Arlington House from Arlington National Cemetery. (Photo by Don Knebel)
Arlington House and cemetery CHECK OUT THE NORTHSIDE’S FINEST ROOFTOP BAR! 3UP Rooftop Bar is a swanky indoor/outdoor “Chef’s Playground” bar with unparalleled views of downtown Carmel.
Wed-Sat, 5-11p.m. all year long First come, first served (No reservations)
Commentary by Don Knebel Visitors to Arlington National Cemetery are often surprised to find an imposing Greek revival-style mansion close to rows of tombstones a few hundred travel yards uphill from President John F. Kennedy’s Eternal Flame. The mansion’s twisted history explains both the cemetery’s location and its name. In 1802, George Washington Parke Custis, the adopted son of George Washington, began building a massive house atop Washington Hill, just across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. Custis wanted the house, visible from the just-completed Capitol, to be a memorial to President Washington and a repository for his memorabilia. The completed house was 140 feet wide and featured enormous Doric columns. Custis named it Arlington House after the family homestead. Upon Custis’ death, Arlington House and the surrounding 1,100 acres passed to his daughter, Mary, who had lived in the house with Robert E. Lee since her marriage to him in 1831. When Virginia seceded from the Union in April 1861, Lee left Arlington House
to command Confederate forces and Mary left for her own safety. Union forces soon occupied Arlington House to prevent Confederate forces from lobbing cannon balls onto the Capitol from Washington Hill. In 1864, the United States government obtained Arlington House and its grounds in a tax sale the Supreme Court later ruled was illegal. To prevent Lee and his family from ever again using Arlington House as a residence, the Army designated the area Arlington National Cemetery and began burying Union dead close to the house. Today, Arlington National Cemetery contains more than 400,000 graves, including that of President Kennedy. Jacqueline Kennedy selected the burial site just east of Arlington House for its spectacular view of Washington, D.C. Arlington House (previously called the Custis-Lee Mansion) is now maintained by the National Park Service as a memorial to Robert E. Lee. Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel.com. You may contact him at news@currentzionsville.com.
Dispatch Snag these cars before prices jump — Most of the time, prices in the collector car market don’t make dramatic leaps or dips.But when you’ve had your eye on a long-desired car, and then it suddenly ticks up in value, you just want kick yourself for not acting sooner. Nobody can predict the future, but our insurance quote activity and the frequency a vehicle is added to our insurance policies are generally helpful indicators of how in-demand a car is at a given moment. If all signs are pointing to a car about to get hot, but prices are steady at the moment, it’s a good time to check the bank account and decide how badly you want to scratch that itch. Here are seven cars that fit the bill right now: 1968-69 Ford Farlane; 1960-65 Ford Ranchero; 1993-2002 Chevrolet Camaro; 1981-86-Jeep CJ-8 Scrambler; 1956-75 Volkswagen Karmann Ghia; 1997-2004 Chevrolet Corvette; and 1955-59 GMC Series 100 (Blue Chip) Pickup. Source: Hagerty.com
November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
Jerks, snobs and tasers “I always correct people when they call an initialism that is not an acronym an acronym. Although, I grammar guy think I come across a bit like a snob or a jerk, or both.” -Rick, Fishers Rick, you bring up a great point. Are you a snob, jerk, or both? When you wear your gold-rimmed monocle to the grocery store, it’s a bit over the top. So, maybe you’re a snob with jerk-like tendencies. Regarding your grammar distinction, let’s tackle it head-on. Most people probably think they know what an acronym is, but let’s review. An acronym is an abbreviation where the abbreviation is formed from letters of other words, usually the first letter of each word. This abbreviation (to be considered an acronym) needs to be pronounceable as its own word. Examples include NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), radar (Radio Detection and Ranging), SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) and Taser (Thomas A. Swift’s Electric Rifle). If you are pronouncing the abbreviation as its own word, your resulting word is an
acronym. On the other hand, if you’re pronouncing the letters of each word, you’ve got an initialism on your hands. Examples of initialisms include DVD (digital versatile disc), FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and FYI (for your information). Initialisms are traditionally capitalized. Now, things get murky, thanks to the internet. Are internet slang abbreviations like LOL (laughing out loud) and ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing) acronyms or initialisms? I’ve heard people pronounce each of these abbreviated phrases using just the letters as well as spoken phonetically. In the case of ROFL, the acronym version rhymes with “awful.” And, with the proliferation of texting and social media commenting, these abbreviations are increasingly not capitalized. As popular usage of the term acronym has expanded to include initialisms, I wouldn’t be surprised if dictionaries follow suit to include initialisms in the definition of acronyms. Curtis Honeycutt is a national award-winning, syndicated humor writer. Connect with him on Twitter (@curtishoneycutt) or email him at curtishoneycutt@gmail.com.
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Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt
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November 6, 2018
Current in Fishers
Across 1. Lip-___ 5. Palladium happening 10. Like the Indiana Statehouse 15. Blacken at Ruth’s Chris 16. Brawl 17. Clarifying words 18. Memorial Stadium
entryway 19. Courageous 20. Brown County State Park summit offering 21. Start of a Henry Cate VII quip 24. Food connoisseur Allen 25. Gloomy 26. Brown letters
29. ISU major 33. Rest against 38. WTHR teaser 40. Say “not guilty” in Hamilton County Court 42. Chewy candy 43. Quip, Part 2 46. 12/24 and 12/31 47. Frenzy
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48. Overly trusting 49. Baggage porter 51. Kinda 53. Hi-___ monitor 54. Browns on a Lucas Oil Stadium scoreboard 56. Midwest Fertility lab eggs 58. End of quip 66. Sat no more 68. Panera buy 69. Flooring choice 70. Asian capital 71. “Dear” book 72. Sit in I-69 traffic 73. Sphinx locale 74. Gal’s guy 75. Zig orr zag Down 1. Ind. National Guard rank 2. “You bet!” 3. Pacers Coach McMillan 4. Moved cautiously 5. Personify 6. Westfield Middle School grammar class subject 7. Israeli airline 8. Actress Campbell 9. Is overrun 10. Fishers Elementary School math term 11. Leave out 12. Net fabric 13. Have a melt at Sahm’s 14. IMPD evidence 22. Transplant 23. Ralph ___ Emerson 26. Type of hand 27. Show for sure 28. Repaired shoes 30. Watchdog org.? 31. Family groups
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November 6, 2018
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November 6, 2018
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November 6, 2018
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November 6, 2018
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Introducing the new Riverview Health Westfield Hospital. Featuring the area’s first combined ER and Urgent Care. Sometimes you don’t know whether you need to go to an ER or Urgent Care. At Riverview Health Westfield Hospital, our combined ER and Urgent Care will offer a single access point – where you’ll be guided to the level of care you need. The hospital will also house an inpatient unit, surgery suites, physician offices, drive-thru pharmacy and a walk-in orthopedic and sports medicine clinic. Now Open. To learn more, visit riverview.org/westfieldhospital
RIGHT SIZE. RIGHT CARE. RIGHT HERE. NOBLESVILLE / WESTFIELD / CARMEL / CICERO / FISHERS / SHERIDAN Riverview Health has hospitals in Noblesville and Westfield with advanced, 24/7 ER capabilities and doctor offices located throughout Hamilton County.