Tuesday, November 24, 2020
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$7 million innovation center and maintenance building under construction at Camp Belzer / P19
Health officials issue guidance for holiday gatherings / P3
Hamilton County sees 7 percent increase in voter turnout / P7
Lawrence library branch reopens / P9
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November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
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November 24, 2020
COMMUNITY Contact the Editor
Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@ youarecurrent. com, or call 317.489.4444 ext. 804. You may also submit information on our website, geistcurrent.com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication.
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Scout Executive/CEO Joseph E. Wiltrout speaks at the groundbreaking ceremony. (Photos by Ann Marie Shambaugh)
Founded Jan. 27, 2015, at Fishers, IN Vol. VI, No. 44 Copyright 2020. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com
The views of the columnists in Current in Geist are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
Current in Geist
Health officials issue guidance for holiday gatherings as COVID-19 surges By Jarred Meeks jarred@youarecurrent.com Indiana health officials have offered guidance for the holiday season in response to a surge in PANDEMIC COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations across the state. Indiana State Health Commissioner Dr. Kristina Box said during a Nov. 18 Box virtual press briefing that “staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others.” Box said the Indiana State Dept. of Health advocates guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which grouped an array of activities into low-, moderate- and high-risk categories ahead of Thanksgiving. Low-risk activities, according to the CDC, include small dinners with only people who live in the same household, hosting virtual dinners and shopping online instead of in person. Moderate-risk activities include hosting a small outdoor dinner with family and friends. High-risk activities include shopping in crowded malls, consuming alcohol or other substances that could impair judgment and attending large, indoor gatherings with people who don’t live in the same household. “These are things you can do to save lives, and those lives might just be your own family members’ lives,” Box said. “Holiday celebrations need to look different this year. The CDC has issued holiday guidance that stresses that even with friends and family, people need to be cautious during the holidays so that they don’t add to the trend of increasing cases.”
To our valued readers: It seems as though it was years ago when we communicated our revised distribution plan for Geist, but it was actually only the end of March. Time flies when you’re battling the fallout from the pandemic, we suppose. Current in Geist remains exposed to the financial repercussions of the pandemic, although we’re proud to state we have retained all full-time staff at the levels
Additional guidance for the holidays from the ISDH can be viewed at coronavirus. in.gov. “Thanksgiving is a time when families traditionally plan to join larger groups or to celebrate together, but travel increases the chance of getting and spreading the virus that causes COVID-19, especially when you look at the high levels of transmission that many states are experiencing,” Holcomb Box said. Box also noted that anyone planning to travel to Chicago, which requires a 14-day quarantine, and other states may need to consider what travel restrictions are in place before leaving Indiana. “There will be more than 5,000 empty seats at Indiana Thanksgiving tables this year because of COVID-19,” Box said. “Let’s all make those hard choices to prevent that number from growing so Hoosier families are able to celebrate for years to come.” As community spread has increased across the state and Midwest, Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb said he is particularly concerned with the state’s hospital capacity, which has been strained since early October. As of press time, more than 3,000 Indiana residents were hospitalized with COVID-19, a record thus far. In the spring, no more than 1,800 Hoosiers were hospitalized at any one time. “As we see community spread occur and arise, that leads to cases rising. That leads to hospital admissions rising, and with that, beds are filled,” Holcomb said during the briefing. “And that has an effect on a myriad of things, such as elective procedures being postponed or canceled or cancer patients or heart patients having to reschedule apof compensation to which they are accustomed. As a result, we must extend our revised circulation plan for the time being. We will continue deliver to a different 25 percent of the community, as has been the case since April 7. That means, in a four-week month, a different quadrant of the community each week will receive Current by mail. Our practice of making the newspapers available in their entirety online ensues and never will change.
pointments, schools across the state having to go virtual.” COVID-19 cases have reached record highs in Indiana since the beginning of October. The county’s color-coded coronavirus map, viewable at coronavirus.in.gov., shows 21 counties are classified red, one is yellow and the remaining are orange (the map classifies counties with the lowest level of spread as blue, and the rest are ranked yellow, orange or red). As of press time, Boone and Hamilton counties were orange. Box said that if the map only used the number of cases per 100,000 residents to determine a county’s color, every county would be red (the map also uses a county’s positivity rate to determine color). On Nov. 11, Holcomb announced new gathering restrictions for orange and red counties. Box said she expects all state COVID-19 metrics to trend in concerning directions in the coming weeks, meaning more counties will likely be red. “We do not expect this to turn around quickly,” Box said. “In the next several weeks, we will continue to see cases climb, individuals hospitalized and, unfortunately, more deaths. That is why the plea now (is) to do those basic, simple things that may seem small and very irritating to you but could make a tremendous difference in the lives of other individuals and the health of individuals and the support our hospital systems are able to provide.” Dr. Eric Fish, CEO of Schneck Medical Center in Seymour, who spoke during the briefing, said his hospital system is battling the patient surge with substantial staffing shortages and that some staff have been so overwhelmed that they have left the profession. He said personal protective equipment and testing shortages have delayed other medical procedures. As of this writing, we can’t predict when “normal” will return, but we’re aching for it to happen much sooner than later. Thank you for your understanding as we continue to strive to get back to business as usual. Please let us know if you have questions, and please be well and stay well. Sincerely, Brian Kelly Steve Greenberg President/ Executive Vice Publisher President/GM
November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
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November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
County expecting first doses of COVID-19 vaccine very soon By Ann Marie Shambaugh AnnMarie@youarecurrent.com
monumental undertaking to get all of these partners onboard and ready to administer the vaccine.” The earliest doses of a COVID-19 vaccine IU North in Carmel, St. Vincent Carmel could arrive in Hamilton County within two Hospital and Riverview Health in Noblesweeks, but it’s ville have been designated as the PANDEMIC unknown when it sites in Hamilton County to receive could become availand distribute the first doses of able to the general public. COVID-19 vaccine to health care When the vaccine becomes workers, including those that work available in Hamilton County, it is in other hospitals or settings. planned to first be distributed to The Hamilton County hospitals health care workers and people won’t be among the first in the Walker living in long-term care facilities. It state to receive the vaccine. State would then go to public safety and other officials said Nov. 11 that Community Hoscritical personnel before becoming available pital in Munster, Clark Memorial Health in to the general public. Jeffersonville, Deaconess Hospital in EvansThe distribution priorities in Hamilton ville, IU Health Methodist Hospital in IndiaCounty have been developed based on napolis and Parkview Health in Fort Wayne guidance from the Centers for Disease Conwill receive Indiana’s initial doses. trol and Prevention and the Indiana State However, Walker said he expects hospiDept. of Health. Hamilton County Health tals in Marion and surrounding counties to Dept. Emergency Preparedness Coordinator be “at or near the top of the list” to receive Christian Walker said the priorities could early doses of the vaccine. change as the pandemic develops and as a State officials said that Pfizer’s vaccine new presidential administration begins in will likely be the first available in Indiana, January 2021. and they anticipate the company could reThe HCHD will most likely be the coordiquest emergency-use authorization as early nating agency to provide the vaccine for the as the third week of November. A vaccine general population in the county, Walker by Moderna could be available by the end said. of the year. None of the vaccine candidates “Our goal is to engage as many health have been approved by the U.S. Food and care partners as possible to distribute the Drug Administration at this point. vaccine,” Walker said. “This would include Whichever vaccine Hamilton County primary care providers, pharmacies and receives, Walker said residents should exother settings where they are authorized to pect two doses, administered three to four administer the vaccine. This is going to be a weeks apart for peak effectiveness.
“Our goal is to engage as many health care partners as possible to distribute the vaccine. This would include primary care providers, pharmacies and other settings where they are authorized to administer the vaccine. This is going to be a monumental undertaking to get all of these partners onboard and ready to administer the vaccine.” — Hamilton County Health Dept. Emergency Response Coordinator Christian Walker
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November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
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November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
Hamilton County sees 7 percent increase in voter turnout By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com In her 45 years serving as the Hamilton County clerk or working in the the clerk’s office, Kathy Williams has ELECTION never seen a voter turnout quite like 2020’s. Compared to the 2016 presidential election, Hamilton County saw a 7 percent increase in voter turnout. In 2016, of the county’ 230,786 registered voters, 104,441 cast ballots on ElecWilliams tion Day; 11,463 voted by absentee ballot; and 42,132 voted early, for a combined voter turnout of 68 percent. In 2020, of the county’s 260,082 registered voters, 53,147 voted on Election Day; 44,376 voted by absentee ballot; and 158,036 voted early, for a combined voter turnout of 75 percent. Williams, who is in her second term as clerk, said the turnout is the largest she’s ever seen. “I think it was the presidential election, yes,” she said. “Then the number of early voters had more to do with COVID-19 and people just wanting to get their vote counted.” In a non-presidential election year, the county’s voter turnout is traditionally much lower. For a city election, turnout is typically between 10 and 12 percent of registered voters. About 30 percent vote in county elections. Although the clerk’s office expects a higher turnout for presidential elections, Williams said the office hired nearly double the staff it had for the 2016 election. Williams said the county hires a group to work early voting by staffing satellite locations and hires an additional group for Election Day made up of Republican and Democrats. This year marks the second time it’s taken two days to count all the county’s votes,
BY THE NUMBERS: 2020 VOTER TURNOUT 75 percent voter turnout 158,036 early voters 53,147 Election Day voters 44,376 absentee ballot voters the first time being in the June primary election. “In the primary, it stretched to two days, but before that, we’ve had years where we might still be counting until 1 or 2 in the morning,” Williams said. “But to physically go to the second day to finish counting, the first time was June.” Election workers finished counting votes around 3 p.m. the second day after the June primary. For the general election, it took counters until 8 p.m. the second day to finish. Although the 2020 election was Nov. 3, the clerk’s office is still busy. “We just had a recount filed (Nov. 16),” Williams said. “It was for the Hamilton Southeastern Schools Delaware Township District, so we will have 71 precincts we will be recounting.” Amanda Shera, the board member for that district, filed the recount. In the general election, Sarah Donsbach beat Shera by 20 votes, less than .05 percent. Williams said anyone can file for a recount, but the cost to recount increases if the difference is more than 1 percent. Since the race between Shera and Donsbach was so close, Shera only paid $10 per precinct for a recount, totaling $710. If the difference is larger than 1 percent, those wanting a recount must pay $100 per precinct. Williams commended staff on their perseverance throughout this year’s primary and general election. “We started with filing in January and never quit,” she said. “It’s been an incredible year for a lot of people who worked really, really hard to make it all work.”
“We started with filing in January and never quit. It’s been an incredible year for a lot of people who worked really, really hard to make it all work.”
— Hamilton County Clerk Kathy Williams
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November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
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November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
Library reopens in Lawrence By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com It took several months longer than expected, but the Indianapolis Public Library’s Lawrence Branch reRENOVATION opened Nov. 13. The branch, 7898 Hague Dr., was closed 10 months for renovations that were delayed in part because of the coronavirus pandemic. “I believe May was the original target date, but with COVID and supply chain disruptions, we unfortunately needed to push back the date,” said Marianne Kruppa, interim branch manager for Lawrence. “We are very happy to be open now.” The $1.5 million project was the first major renovation since the 13,500-square-foot library opened in 1983. New features include an updated entrance, more windows for natural lighting, new public restrooms and improved access to technology. Windows were added on the east and west sides to brighten up the whole building, Kruppa said. An emphasis was added to improve con-
The children’s area in the Lawrence Branch after renovations. (Submitted photos)
nectivity with more charging outlets and bench seating. Because more people have mobile devices, they don’t necessarily need library computers, but they do need library Wi-Fi. More soft seating was added for children in the children’s area. There is a new vending area and three new study rooms. “Our renovated community room has fully integrated audio/visual and presentation capability,” Kruppa said However, the study rooms and community room are not open due to restrictions. There also is a renovated checkout desk, along with an outside drop box.
Old Town Design Group is ready to design your next home. Visit OldTownVirtual.com to tour our move-in ready homes. Our models are now open! Visit us Thursday through Sunday from noon to 5PM.
This year, we found homes for 73 dogs The Humane Society for Hamilton and 163 cats in October. One special County loves partnering with Tom Wood adoption in particular was Dripps. Dripps is Subaru. Their dedication and support a 2 year old dog that had been in the shelter for animal welfare with HSHC and other organizations is impactful in making a dif- for almost 8 months. Dripps had begun to deteriorate by being in the shelter that long. ference in our communities. Their month He was restless, stressed and in serious long awareness campaign in October need of a family of his own. Toreally drives home the need to wards the end of the month, Dripps find homeless animals their forfound his special person. It was a ever homes. Subaru is donating day the staff at HSHC, and Dripps $100 per dog – for every dog of course, had been waiting on for that was adopted out over the 31 almost a year. Dripps is now thrivdays of October to the Humane ing in his new home with his new SocEiety for Hamilton County. people and could not be happier. The month long campaign ended Without the support of partners with their annual “Make a Dogs Dripps like Tom Wood Subaru, a lot of peoDay”, which helps the ‘underdogs’ find homes. These are the dogs that ple would not hear their stories and come to their rescue. We cannot thank Tom Wood have special needs and can be the most Subaru enough for helping tell these stories. difficult to place. It is a great way to end Thank you, a great month of finding these animals Max Williams loving homes and results in hundreds of Director of Marketing amazing stories of redemption and strong Humane Society for Hamilton County new bonds.
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November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
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November 24, 2020
COMMUNITY Democrat Club seeks members – The Lawrence Township Democrat Club is looking for new members to join the ongoing work of supporting local, state and national Democratic candidate campaigns. The club meets the last Wednesday of every month (currently via ZOOM) to hear from speakers and discuss ways to help the community. For more, send an email to ltdemclub@gmail.com and or visit the Facebook page Lawrence Township Democrat Club. City of Lawrence parks survey - The City of Lawrence is conducting a survey about its parks system. To take the survey, visit surveymonkey.com/r/LawrenceParks. Schools recertified with STEM designation - The Metropolitan School District of Lawrence Townships had several schools recertified with an Indiana Dept. of Education STEM designation. The schools are Skiles Test Elementary, Belzer Middle School and McKenzie Center of Innovation & Technology. MVCSC offers 65+ club – The Mt. Vernon Community School Corp. is offering any resident living in our district who is at least 65 years old an opportunity to receive an “Mt. Vernon 65+ Club” event pass. This 65+ Club card will provide free admission to most Mt. Vernon Middle School and Mt. Vernon High School events. There are a few event exclusions. For more, visit mvcsc.k12.in.us/65Club. Due to the pandemic, no event passes, including the 65+ Club Event Passes, are being accepted this school year. MVCSC is still currently issuing 65+ Club Event Passes to be used in subsequent school years. MVHS ranked as one of top high schools– The U.S. News and World Report recently ranked Mt. Vernon High School in the top tier of the national high school rankings. MVHS was ranked No. 17 in the central region and No. 64 in Indiana. Schools are ranked based on performance on state-required tests, graduation rates and how well students are prepared for college. The U.S. News and World Report ranked 17.790 high schools in the nation. Arts for Lawrence brick campaign – Residents can support local arts by purchasing a brick for $100. The brick will be placed in Arts for Lawrence’s new Cultural Campus. Those who purchase the brick will receive three lines of text for commemoration and a miniature replica keepsake brick. To purchase a brick, call Arts for Lawrence at 317-875-1900.
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November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
COMEBACK PATIENT OF THE MONTH This is one in a series of case studies of triumph over injury. For previous installments, visit www.methodistsports.com. BACKGROUND: Andy Byers is a law-enforcement professional who was involved in an accident while riding his motorcycle. He was struck by a car and a semi-tractor trailer during the incident, sustaining multiple severe injuries. He turned to Methodist Sports Medicine orthopedic surgeon Dr. Mark Ritter, who reconstructed a portion of Andy’s right shoulder. FROM THE PATIENT: “I was riding my motorcycle on I-465 near I-69 when a The aftermath of the accident. passenger car entered my lane, striking my left leg and pushing me and my bike into the back of a semi-tractor trailer,” Byers said. “Upon impact with the truck, I was launched in the air and landed about 60 feet away, landing on the pavement, in a different lane of travel. I was transported to a trauma facility in downtown Indianapolis. Some of my injuries included a broken back, broken neck, shattered pelvis, fractured left hip, compound fracture of the left femur, compound fracture of the left tibia and fibula above the ankle, multiple broken ribs, and my right shoulder was damaged with my right collarbone disconnected. I also had internal injuries and internal bleeding.” “After several months of rehabilitation and learning to walk again, I met with Dr. Mark Ritter at Methodist Sports Medicine at the end of October 2019 for an examination and to find out what he could do to repair my right shoulder. After evaluation, he determined that he could repair my shoulder. Still, he said we should wait for my left leg’s recovery because I needed to walk without the cane in my right hand. I had follow-up appointments prior to surgery, which was scheduled for late May this year.” “Dr. Ritter and his team did a great job preparing me for surgery and recovery. The shoulder repair was the final surgery to repair the damage done in the crash. Dr. Ritter and his team were very positive and very helpful in explaining the procedure and the recovery process. My recovery has gone great, and I am doing very well.”
FROM THE SURGEON: Dr. Mark Ritter is fellowship trained in orthopedic sports medicine and trauma. He specializes in arthroscopic shoulder and knee reconstruction including cartilage restoration, rotator cuff repairs, complex knee reconstruction, fractures and trauma. “Mr. Byers had an unfortunate accident and sustained a lot of trauma, including an injury to his dominant shoulder. With immense perseverance, a great attitude, and dedication to rehabilitation, he’s getting back to normal life with the goal of becoming an active law enforcement officer again soon.” - Dr. Mark Ritter
Dr. Mark Ritter
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Holy Cross Lutheran Church gets new pastor - Pastor Daniel Hauser has accepted the position as new lead pastor for Holy Cross Lutheran Church. Founded in 1989, Holy Cross Lutheran Church is a member congregation of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, and serves northeastern Indianapolis and southeastern Hamilton County, Indiana, including the communities of Fishers, Geist, Lawrence, Fortville, McCordsville and Oaklandon. The church has a long-standing relationship with The Sharing Place in Lawrence and has hosted a number of community events, including a FamJam Parenting Workshop, The Awestruck Music Festival and annual neighborhood garage sale. Holy Cross Lutheran Church has been waiting for a new pastor since their longtime pastor of 27 years, John Sattler, retired a year ago. The church is excited to have Hauser lead the congregation and Christian school. COVID-19 complaint line - The Hamilton County Health Dept. has established a COVID-19 complaint line at 317-776-8237. Callers are asked to limit complaints to employees and staff at restaurants, bars and food stores not complying with the mask mandate. Complaints related to patrons of these establishments should be directed to the business owner. Legislative internships - Applications are open for paid internships with the Indiana State Democratic Caucus. Interns are assigned to assist legislators and staff as they expand their knowledge of the Indiana General Assembly and legislative process. For more information and to learn how to apply, visit indianasenatedemocrats.org/opportunities/internships. COVID-19 grants - Two Hamilton County organizations are among recipients of $500,000 awarded by IU Health to organizations statewide to address community needs brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Carmel-based Trinity Free Clinic received $11,600 to purchase equipment to support deep cleaning and to purchase two touch-free temperature scanner kiosks. Noblesville-based Shepherd’s Center of Hamilton County received $25,000 to fund its Crisis Response Plan for low-income seniors and virtual programming to keep seniors connected to each other.
November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
A history of health departments in Hamilton County Commentary by Robert Bowling In April 2020, the City of Fishers announced that it was creating a city health department. It was BACK IN THE DAY touted as a bold move to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic, at a time when most mayors are traditionally focused on infrastructure and public safety. However, it immediately raised questions as to how it would differ from the county health department and if there would be any overlap of responsibilities. But the concept of a health department in Fishers is not a new idea. We have to go back to 1899, when a different pandemic was threatening Fishers: smallpox. The Indiana Dept. of Health was established in 1881, but the early years were not very productive due to a lack of funds and personnel changes. The State Board of Health, as it was originally known, focused on establishing local boards of health in counties, cities and towns throughout the state. In October 1899, in part to new legislation passed by the General Assembly, the Fishers Town Council appointed its first public health officer, Dr. John P. Heath. Every city in Hamilton County would have a health officer except for Arcadia and Atlanta. The health officers reported directly to Dr. E.C. Loehr, head of the Hamilton County Board of Health, who would later go on to become mayor of Noblesville. The duty of the health officer is to prevent the outbreak and the spread of contagious diseases. At the turn of the century, there were plenty to contend with. Scarlet fever, cholera, yellow fever, whooping cough and diphtheria were causes for alarm. Any one of them required quarantine. It also
was the duty of the health officer to enforce the quarantine, and they were vested with the power to charge those who violated the law. Of all the diseases, smallpox was the most feared. On one occasion in 1903, there was an outbreak in Hamilton County, and it was traced to Fishers, where 15 people were stricken and forced to quarantine. Per COVID-19, residents are not forced to quarantine, but it is more of a personal responsibility to your fellow neighbor to do so. That wasn’t the case when the quarantine law was passed in 1903. Upon hearing of someone with a contagious disease, the health officer would notify the household that they were to remain in the house until they’re told they could leave. The township trustee’s office would supply food during the quarantine period. HIPAA didn’t exist in 1903. Everyone in town knew who was infected. The health officer would placard the house with the name of the afflicted. The color of the placard would reveal the disease: Black for cholera, red for smallpox and yellow for most of the diseases mentioned above. The penalty for violating quarantine or removing a placard was a fine of $10 to $50 and up to six months in jail. The objective was that fighting a contagious disease at the local level was the most effective method. More history on this will be published in a following article. Robert Bowling is a retired Fishers Police Dept. officer who is a high school criminal justice teacher. As an officer, he was the department’s first historian. Since retirement, he has served as a board member for the Ambassador House and the newly formed Fishers Historical Society, where he also serves as historian.
Upon hearing of someone with a contagious disease, the health officer would notify the household that they are to remain in the house until they are told they can leave. The township trustee’s office would supply food during the quarantine period. HIPAA didn’t exist in 1903. Everyone in town knew who was infected.
November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
Fishers Health Dept. to open second site news@geistcurrent.com The Fishers Health Dept. has opened a second COVID-19 testing site. It is dedicated to prioritized testing for school-related exposures within Hamilton TESTING Southeastern Schools and private schools in Fishers. The site opened Nov. 23. The site is at 8933 Technology Dr. It is open Monday through Saturday. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays. It is closed on Sundays. A press release from the FHD stated: “As COVID-19 cases have increased over the last several weeks, the Health Department has been working with its suppliers to dedicate additional testing for schools. Students, teachers, and staff of all Fishers-based schools (including Noblesville-based Durbin Elementary) will receive priority testing at this location. This includes testing for any same-household individuals of those with a positive case or confirmed close contact.” Hours for Thanksgiving week are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 23, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Nov. 24 and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 25. To make an appointment, visit fishers.in.us/testing.
5 minutes with David Decker news@currentinfishers.com David Decker lives in Fishers with his wife, Stephanie. He is the founder of Hub & Spoke and is presiHOLIDAYS dent of ACo. What are some of your holiday traditions? My wife, her mom and sister make Christmas cookies every year. Typically, we go to see Christmas lights like Newfields, and we also enjoy The Polar Express with our niece and nephews. As far as decorating goes, it’s my job to carry down all the holiday supplies, then Stephanie does the decorating. How are you planning on celebrating this year? We are hopeful to be able to spend time in-person with family, but given the status of COVID-19 outbreaks, we will continue to monitor the health risks and ensure we keep our family safe. What do your decorations look like? Real or artificial tree/lights/inside decorations, etc.? We have two artificial trees and if I let my wife, she’d have a 16-foot tree, plus the two we have. We do a red and silver theme. Do you wrap gifts leading up to Christmas or do you wrap them all on Christmas eve? My wife wraps them as soon as she gets them. I usually get all my gifts together and ask her to wrap them for me.
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David and Stephanie Decker live in Fishers. (Submitted photo)
Favorite place to shop for gifts? Amazon. Favorite Christmas song? Stephanie: “All I Want for Christmas is You” David: “White Christmas” Favorite recipes to use around Christmas time? Kieffles, which is a polish pastry, and my mom’s homemade cinnamon rolls. All I want for Christmas is.... Health, happiness and for COVID to go away.
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November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
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DISPATCHES MVHS names Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship finalists — Mt. Vernon High School seniors Alycia Arkenau and Kayden Bensheimer recently were named as finalists for the Hancock County Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship, which is a four-year tuition scholarship at any Indiana public university. Fishers business wins top PR award – Communications Redefined, a public relations and communications firm, recently took home the Best of Show award at the 2020 Hoosier Public Relations Society of America Pinnacle Awards Program. Real estate statistics – The Fishers residential real estate market was dynamic in October 2020, with homes selling quickly and home prices continuing to increase. According to F.C. Tucker Company, the average sale price for a home in Fishers increased 17.7 percent, to $369,164, compared to October 2019. Fishers homes also sold in 26 days, leaving the market 31.6 percent faster than this time last year. The average price per square foot for a home in Fishers increased 11.8 percent, to $145.20, compared to October 2019. North Central Beekeepers Club – The North Central Beekeepers Club meets the third Wednesday of each month at the Cool Creek Park Nature Center in Westfield. Socializing begins at 6 p.m. and meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. The club is for all levels of beekeepers from centrally north of Indianapolis. Those interested in becoming a beekeeper are welcome. There are no dues. 4-H Photo Challenge set – The 4-H Photo Challenge is open to youth in third through 12th grade. Participants should take photos fitting the monthly theme and submit entries online at bit.ly/hamco4hcameracorp by the last day of the month. Monthly themes for 2020 include: November – Occupations; December – Holiday Happenings. CarSnoop announces new board members – Fortville-based tech company CarSnoop is an inventory-independent marketplace that provides an anonymous, dealership-free car buying and leasing experience. CarSnoop recently announced Scott Jones as a board of directors member and Shawn Schwegman as an advisory member. Jones and Schwegman are both entrepreneurs with careers in the technology and startup sector and will bring their expertise and experience to the CarSnoop business model.
November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
Through traffic and right-turn lanes will remain open. DrivProject: Ind. 37 Improveers should seek alternate ment Project routes for left turns. Location: 126th Street cloCONSTRUCTION Expected completion: sure switched to the east November side. During this time, cross Detour: Drivers will be directed to use access will be restricted, with only right 141st Street to Allisonville Road or 131st in and right out. Northbound Ind. 37 traffic Street to Cumberland Road. will not have access to 126th Street. Traffic CARMEL
on northbound Ind. 37 will shift to southbound lanes and two lanes will remain in each direction. Local access to businesses will remain open. All left-turn lanes have been restricted on Ind. 37 at 146th Street.
Project: Shelborne Road and 146th Street road shift Location: 146th Street will be under a traffic shift for each direction of travel
for approximately 60 calendar days to allow crews to work on a roundabout. Once motorists reach Shelborne Road heading eastbound, they will stop at Shelborne Road and be directed south onto Shelborne Road via signage onto the roundabout that will connect back to the existing 146th Street. Once motorists reach Shelborne Road heading westbound, they will be directed north onto Shelborne Road via signage and must turn left onto the new frontage road that will connect back to the existing 146th Street. Expected completion: Dec. 1.
Project: New roundabout Location: 111th Street and Lexington Drive Expected completion: Mid-November Project: New roundabout Location: 116th Street and Guilford Road. East and westbound traffic flow will be maintained,but north and southbound connectivity will be limited. Expected completion: Mid-November Project: New roundabout Location: 116th Street and College Avenue. East and westbound traffic flow will be maintained, but north and southbound connectivity will be limited. Expected completion: Mid-November
Welcome your baby close to home in Fishers Ascension Medical Group St. Vincent Fishers Primary and Specialty Care is here for you and your family. For women’s health and pregnancy care, our care teams listen to you as a woman and an expecting mom. By taking the time to understand the care you need, together we create a care plan that’s right for you, your baby and your new family. When it’s time to deliver, our experienced care team will welcome your baby — or babies — at Ascension St. Vincent, located in Fishers. • • • •
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November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
SPOTLIGHT M.A.S.H. takes on new sponsor M.A.S.H. Ministries, or Mobile Assistance for Service men and women at Home, has taken on a new sponsor. Gaylor Electric will be a Silver Sponsor of the first annual M.A.S.H. Gala and Silent Auction. M.A.S.H Ministries is an Indianapolis-based counseling group focused on assisting veterans, first responders, and others who are struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder and its effects. The goal of M.A.S.H Ministries is to raise awareness of veteran suicide and PTSD, while offering a variety of resources to provide hope for these veterans and their families. M.A.S.H offers both virtual and in-person counseling services, local retreats and rehabilitation camps across the Midwest. Versiti Blood Center issues emergency appeal for blood donations Versiti Blood Center of Indiana, a nonprofit organization that relies on Hoosier blood donations, recently issued an emergency appeal for blood donations. Versiti strives for a three-day supply of blood available to its partner hospitals. Schools and businesses are typically Versiti’s largest source of blood donations this time of year. Because of remote work and virtual schooling, many of those drives have been canceled.
Compared to an average year, Versiti is down more than 50 percent in donations, or nearly 20,000 units of blood. O-negative and O-positive blood donors are most needed. Versiti Blood Center of Indiana has donor centers in Indianapolis, Fishers, Carmel, Greenwood, Terre Haute and Lafayette. Open Doors of Washington Township seeks volunteers The Westfield-based Open Doors of Washington Township is seeking volunteers to work on Monday evenings from 5 to 8 p.m. Duties are signing clients in and assisting them with their shopping. If interested, please contact Volunteer Coordinator Ann Godby at 317-867-8670 or 317-625-5752. MVEF receives grant The Mt. Vernon Education Foundation has received a $12,000 Central Indiana COVID-19 Community Economic Relief Fund grant which will benefit Mt. Vernon students. The grant is made possible by the Lilly Endowment, Inc. and awarded by the United Way of Central Indiana. The Lilly Endowment donated a total of $1,712,500 to help meet needs affected by the pandemic in Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks and Morgan counties. The funds given to MVEF will be used to sustain operations and/or provide
866.459.5360 W W W. A X I A T P. C O M services that support individuals and families who are affected directly and indirectly by the economic impacts related to the COVID-19 crisis; meaning the money will be able to best help the community, including internet connectivity and meeting students’ social-emotional needs. Individuals and families at or below 185 percent of the Federal Poverty Level will be prioritized. Amanda Strong Food for the Needy in need of donations Amanda Strong Food for the Needy is in need of various donations for its holiday food/gift baskets. Donations needed include $25 gift cards to Walmart, Target, Kohls, Meijer or monetary donations. All donations are needed by Dec. 1. Other donations needed include canned fruit and vegetables, canned meats, soups, meat meals, cereals, canned fruit, peanut butter, jelly, breakfast bars, fruit snacks, Goldfish crackers, crackers, breakfast drinks, diapers, wipes, toiletries and new, unwrapped toys for all ages. Make checks out to Amanda Strong Food For The Needy, 19120 Tomlinson Rd., Westfield, IN 46074. For more or to donate, call Sharon Hodson at 317-896-2064, visit amandastrongfftninc.tripod.com or email hodsonars@msn.com.
sits down with nonprofits in the local Indiana community weekly to learn more about the great things they are doing and how we can help support them. Watch the lastest video at http://bit.do/CIPF
Fishers conducts Veterans Day event online By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com The City of Fishers transformed its annual Veterans Day ceremony into a streamed video event due to the reCEREMONY cent rise in COVID-19 cases across Hamilton County. The video ican be viewed at fishers.in.us/1215/ Fishers-Honors. “It’s a privilege to stand before you and to be with you today as a fellow veteran who served in Braggs the United States Navy,” retired Navy Cmdr.El Ahlwardt, said in the video. “It’s the intent of this ceremony, even streamed, to convey the thanks of the City of Fishers to the United States Armed Forces veterans and their families who call Fishers home.” Indiana Guard Reserve Col. Charles Bragg served as the ceremony’s keynote speaker. “I descend from pioneer families who came to Indiana in the early 1800s. Several of their ancestors were Revolutionary War soldiers and patriots,” Bragg said. “My family has been encouragers and have always looked for something to serve regardless of the situation.” Bragg described his family’s history with service to America. His father served as a civil defense warden with the Picatinny Arsenal. After his father died at age 46, Bragg and his mother moved to his dad’s family in Jay County, Indiana. Bragg’s uncle was an Air Force veteran and Bragg’s older brother served in the Air Force. Bragg joined the Indiana National Guard at Baer Field in Fort Wayne in December 1955. He began teaching U.S. and world history and government in August 1961. That December, he was set to complete his six-year obligation with the Guard, but after President Kennedy called for combat-ready tactical Air National Guard units to active duty for deployment to Europe, Bragg was sent to Chambley Air Base near Metz, France. Bragg then described about how he spent his leaves and traveled Europe exploring history.
November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
$7 million innovation center and maintenance building under construction at Camp Belzer
City plans holiday event with additions such as ice skating
By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com By 2023, Boy Scouts visiting Camp Belzer in Lawrence will have an enhanced experience. On Nov. 10, Crossroads of America Council broke ground on two new facilities at Camp Belzer: The Skip & Alex Lange Innovation Center and a maintenance facility. Both are part of a multi-year plan. When finished, the $7 million project will include a 9,400-square-foot innovation center with STEM labs, makerspace, team-building areas, climbing and rappelling areas, BB gun and archery ranges and a conference space for events up to 150 people. A press release from the Crossroads of America Council said the center will be “at the heart of Camp Belzer” and “will become ‘activity central’ for the 200-acre campus.” The renovation will restore Belzer Fieldhouse and improve and add structural assets. Included in the cost is a 9,700-squarefoot maintenance building that will offer increased ability to maintain, organize and operate Camp Belzer’s 200 acres. The facility will have tool and tent storage and a storage yard for vehicles. Crossroads of America Council is contracted with Garmong Construction Services, RATIO Architects, Fink Roberts & Petrie, Inc., R.E. Dimond and Associates, Inc., Design 27, American Structurepoint and FBi Buildings, Inc. for the construction and renovation of the facilities. The camp opened 102 years ago. Its most recent update was in 2007, when a multiple-activity center, cabins and other structures were constructed. It is at 6102 Boy Scout Rd., Lawrence. Crossroads of America Council Scout Executive/CEO Joseph E. Wiltrout, of Noblesville, said plans for Camp Belzer to benefit the entire community, not just Scouts. “Really, we’ve gone through about a three-year master plan process and building implementation process all around our ‘Growing Future Leaders’ capital campaign,”
Crossroads of America Council Board President John T. Thompson speaks at the groundbreaking ceremony. (Photos by Ann Marie Shambaugh)
The Skip & Alex Lange Innovation Center • 9,400 square feet • Two classrooms • A ropes course • Rock walls • RCI Activity Course • Indoor archery range • Indoor BB shooting range Maintenance building • 9,700-square-foot, pre-engineered metal building • Used by camp rangers to address all current and future maintenance needs • Tool and tent storage • Storage yard for vehicles
Crossroads of America Council officials break ground for two new developments at Camp Belzer in Lawrence.
Wiltrout said. “What we have really decided is Camp Belzer is going to be the front door to the public for Scouting to be introduced to, and we really are looking for the innovation center to be a vehicle that can be a collaborative partner for our school systems and educational partner for our school systems and a place where Camp Belzer and the innovation center can be woven into the fabric of the community’s outdoor needs and wants. “So, you don’t necessarily have to be a member of the Scouting organization to participate in the activities at the intervention center or at camp.” Wiltrout envisions more improvements in the future. “There’s much more planned,” he said.
“There’s RV sites planned, there’s family camping tents planned, there’s a welcome center planned, there’s a new pool planned. It’s all a matter of the more money you raise, the more you can do. Scouting is living, growing and strong in the 26 counties here in central Indiana, from Illinois to Ohio, that the Crossroads of America Council serves. “We continue to grow, we continue to impact our families and the communities we serve, and we feel that these improvements and this strategic direction is only going to put us in a better spot to serve those families and even more families in a much better way in the future.” To donate, visit crossroadsbsa.org.
Renderings of the Skip & Alex Lange Innovation Center under construction at Camp Belzer. (Submitted renderings)
A rendering of the maintenance facility. (Submitted rendering)
November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
Enduring the Final cut
Indoor dining reckless during surge
Editor, According to the Hamilton County Health Dept., Hamilton County has reached 11,268 cases of COVID-19, but you wouldn’t think so from the sight of Carmel’s restaurant and bar scene. Even though Indiana is (progressing through) its reopening plan, that does not mean that Carmel has to be careless. With the uptick of cases in Hamilton County, Carmel should consider closing bars/restaurants for in-person dining in the winter. According to the Poynter institute, the director of the CDC predicts the fall and winter will be the worst time for the spread of COVID-19. So, opening restaurants/bars to indoor dining would be reckless. For the full letter, visit youarecurrent. com Jordyn Blakey, Carmel
Commentary by Terry Anker Through the beginning of the last century, the Chinese government endorsed the use of lingchi as a method of torture and execution for those unlucky enough to defy the commanded order. Without being too descriptive, the intent was to slowly, as slowly as possible, inflict torment. In the West, the tradition, which dates as early as 900 A.D., is often known as “death by a thousand cuts.” While deliberately gruesome, it served the intended purpose to both punish and prevent resistance. We humans, almost without exception, despise suffering. We run from it. We complain about it. We fantasize about a world where it is completely eradicated by technology or social compact. A loose pebble in our shoe can cause us, over time, to collapse. In rage, we cry out from the hinderance. Sure, most mature adults have come to accept that a bit of inconvenience is inure to a life well-lived. Good dental care, it is reported, has prolonged humanity more than any other single effort. Still, so many of us refuse to endure the trouble of regular visits. We are slighted oh, so often by life and those around us. The tiny cuts occur. But if we react too aggressively to the slights, are we missing some longer-term benefit from simply enduring them? Should we disown our neighbor because of their yard sign, or remember that they spent an hour clearing our drive of snow when we returned from the maternity ward with our first? Sure, there may be a cumulative tipping point. Yet, what is the “final” cut? When can we take no more? With the incumbent aches and pains, are we missing a much larger picture? Are we suffering less than we think, or is it time to fully resist the march to an inevitable demise?
Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@ youarecurrent.com.
Woe is me; really, really woe Commentary by Danielle Wilson It’s official: I am one hot mess. This may not come as a surprise to anyone else experiencing a particularly surly HUMOR 2020, but the revelation gives me pause. I have zero chance of surviving the holidays if I continue with my present M.O. After spending 10 hours at school each day attempting to navigate whatever hybrid, rotating-block cohort, nonsensical schedule is the current COVID-mitigating pedagogical flavor of the month, I come home, collapse on the couch and stuff my mask-marked face with the most easily accessible food. Twice, my dinner has consisted of microwave kettle corn. And once, an entire Meijer pumpkin pie. I won’t apologize. Next is the nightly Netflix binge — “Derry Girls,” “Queen’s Gambit,” “Dash and Lily,” the terrible “Holidate,” it truly makes no difference — followed by the dragging of my sorry self upstairs, where I desperately try to stay awake until the acceptable bedtime hour of 9 p.m. by reading apocalyptic young
adult fiction. I rarely succeed. What’s the point? It’s perpetually dark and cold, anyway, just like my soul. Incoherent grunts constitute the bulk of communication with my housemates — Husband, Daughter, Dog and Cat. Names no longer matter. And god forbid if Husband tries to talk to me. The urge to throat-punch has never been stronger. I love my family but don’t like any of them right now. Even more telling, I’ve been drinking from the same coffee mug for two weeks and dressing without underwear for almost as long because I haven’t yet unloaded the dishwasher or dryer. And horrifying Halloween animatronics still occupy my dining room, silently shaming me when I pass. Yep, I’m one hot mess. And the holidays are nigh. Peace out.
Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at info@youarecurrent.com.
“Twice, my dinner has consist- ed of microwave kettle corn. And once, an entire Meijer pumpkin pie. I won’t apologize”
Thanks for making tough time a little better Editor, Thanks so much for giving us some laughs and info during this horrid time. I get relief and smiles from reading the wonderful, satiric column by Danielle Wilson. Then I like to disagree with Terry (Anker). Finally, I have fun trying to figure out the meaning of the Currentoon. All very soothing at this time. Clyde Crockett, Carmel
POLICIES Letters to the editor: Current Publishing will consider verifiable letters of up to 150 words. Letters must be thoroughly vetted prior to submission. Current retains the right to reject or return any letter it deems to carry unsubstantiated content. Current also retains the right to edit letters, but not their intent. Send letters to info@youarecurrent.com. Writers must include a hometown and a daytime phone number for verification. Guest columns: The policy for guest columns is the same as the aforementioned, but the allowable length is 240 words. Guest columns should address the whole of Current’s readership, not simply specialinterest groups, and may not in any way contain a commercial message.
November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
Unmasking weighty issues Commentary by Dick Wolfsie Thanksgiving will no doubt be different this year. I know there will be less weight gain at the Wolfsies’ because HUMOR Mary Ellen is requiring that we put on our mask between every bite. That will slow down the time to consume the meal, which, according to my wife, results in less food intake. This is why I try to hide her holiday editions of Prevention magazine. Here’s a look at some of the stupid advice that will be clogging your airways. By the way, avoid eating the candied yams too quickly. That also can clog your airways. Don’t sit down on an empty stomach No, use a chair. But seriously, if you’re afraid you’ll eat too much, experts say eat a little something before you sit down at the table. Like a drumstick and a bowl of mashed potatoes. Then, you’ll only eat half as much for dinner. Eat smaller portions Everyone I have ever known who did this on Thanksgiving or Christmas did it only so they had room for three more pieces of that lemon chiffon cream cheese pie (see above). Take a walk after dinner It takes the average American half an hour to walk off 50 calories. At that blinding rate, you could erase most of the calories from that holiday meal by simply strolling from Indiana to Puerto Rico. And if you do the swimming part, you will be 1,500 calories ahead.
Put your fork down between bites My uncle Sidney managed to eat 50 percent less this way, but he also gulped down a six-pack of Bud Light in between all the bites. One Thanksgiving, he eliminated a fork completely. My wife’s mask technique is more effective. Tighten your belt a notch so you feel full Hoosiers go the other way. Many wear dress sweatpants on Turkey Day to allow for maximum expansion. In Kentucky, some people at Thanksgiving don’t even wear pants. Take what you want, then just eat half This works — as long as you don’t start by putting twice as much on your plate to begin with. Also, do not watch TV documentaries that destroy the folklore about Thanksgiving. You’ll be told the Pilgrims likely didn’t eat turkey, so the idea of stuffing would never have dawned on them. They had no cranberry relish and there wasn’t a single string bean casserole on the table, assuming they had tables. And the Indians weren’t invited (they crashed the party). The next day, no stores were open, so no Black Friday. This is a very stressful time in the world but count the blessings you have. That’s why we call it Thanksgiving, which, by the way, the Pilgrims probably didn’t.
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Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.
But seriously, if you’re afraid you’ll eat too much, experts say eat a little something before you sit down at the table. Like a drumstick and a bowl of mashed potatoes. Then, you’ll only eat half as much for dinner.
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November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
FRAME OF THE Clear reasons to visit eye doctor MONTH: Commentary by Hannah Wilson
More than 270 systemic conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, multiple There is a common misconception that in coastal sclerosis and various forms of cancer, can Designed California, only individuals who wear glasses be identified through an in-person eye exam SALT.oriscontact a premium eyewear brand lenses need to have their eyes before they produce more dedicated to timeless style and serious sympVISION checked on a regular basis. Thebeauty. toms.Committed In 2018, optometrists effortless to helped detect reality is that this could not be signs of diabetes in more than 300,000 quality construction, each SALT. further from the truth. Ocular health and patients who were not aware that they had frame goes through a 130 step vision problems can develop without any the disease, leading to earlier and more process durable signs or symptoms. In fact, research shows to produce effective management. eyewear, which stands up towho has been putting that more than 16 million Americans struggle If you are someone the rigors of a life well-lived. with undiagnosed visual impairments. off your eye care because you think you see An in-person, comprehensive eye exam perfectly, there is no better time to schedIf you want higher value from your healthcare plan, consider this covers so much more than, “Which is clearule an appointment than 2020, the year of Humana is here to help make getting care more affordable with our $0 premium er, Option 1 or 2?” In addition to determinthe eye exam. If you have vision benefits or Call the office schedule plans. Enjoy all the benefits you’ve come to expect, like: ing any refractive error that may warrant extra to HSA money to use, do not wait until your appointment today! correction, it includes a full assessment Dec. 31 to get your eyes checked. Beat the $0 copay for testing and treatment services for COVID-19 844-2020 of the internal and external health of the(317) end of the year rush and schedule your Dental, hearing and vision coverage www.Revolution-EYES.com eyes, which cannot be accurately evaluated in-person, comprehensive eye exam today! Your LOCAL EyeCare Concierge 14250 Clay without a face-to-face consultation. ManyTerrace Blvd. Suite 160, Carmel $45 over-the-counter allowance every three months* ocular diseases, such as glaucoma, a leadSilverSneakers® fitness program ing cause of blindness, are treatable with Hannah Wilson is an optometrist at RevolutionEYES and Little Eyes early detection before detrimental effects Meals delivered to you after a hospital stay Pediatric Eye Care in Carmel. She on vision take place. can be reached at DrWilson@ Your dollar already has enough to do. Helping you with the budget is only right. Furthermore, the eyes often serve as a Revolution-EYES.com. window into an individual’s overall health. Dr. Jeremy Ciano OD Dr. Katherine Schuetz OD Dr. Hannah Wilson OD Call a licensed Humana sales agent Bi-Focal Contacts Astigmatism Contacts Daily Disposable Contacts
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Plasma demand surges in Indiana hospitals — Hospital demand for convalescent plasma throughout Indiana is now far exceeding donations coming in. Demand is 50 percent in recent days compared to what it was just 30 days ago. Convalescent plasma is used by hospitals across Indiana to help treat a surging number of patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Versiti Blood Center of Indiana is appealing to Hoosiers who have recovered from coronavirus to donate their antibody-rich plasma immediately at any one of its donor centers throughout Indiana, in Indianapolis, Fishers, Carmel, Greenwood, Lafayette and Terre Haute. Versiti collects then supplies convalescent plasma, blood and blood products to more than 80 hospitals throughout the state thanks to generous Hoosier donations. Arugula for ulcers — Arugula, a peppery type of salad green, contains sulforaphane, a compound already known to reduce the risk of cancer. Now it appears that the same compound can also help prevent ulcers. It helps the body eliminate H. pylori, a bacterium that causes peptic ulcers and increases the risk for gastric cancer. Source: BottomLineHealth.com
Eat sprouted garlic — If your old garlic has started to sprout, is it safe to eat, or should you throw it away? Actually, garlic that has been sprouted for five days has twice as many antioxidants as unsprouted garlic, and it has greater flavor and pungency than the clove itself. So, it is safe to eat, and also is better for you. Source: Dr. John La Puma, ChefMD Get some sun — Sunlight is necessary for vitamin D production, and low levels are associated with increased risk for death from cardiovascular disease and other causes. A recent study showed that women who avoided the sun entirely were twice as likely to die over a 20-year period as women with the greatest sun exposure. So, enjoy the sun - in moderation. Source: Journal of Internal Medicine. Track your water consumption — A clever new water bottle can help you keep track of how much water you’ve had for the day. The Hidrate Spark 2.0 is a water bottle with an internal sensor. Using the free Hidrate app, you can sync the bottle to your smartphone for updates on your water consumption. You can also use the app to set hydration goals. Source: BottomLineInc.com
November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
Books & Brews Noblesville establishes GoFundMe By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com
We Help Your Feet Go The Extra Mile Treating Children and Adults
Like many businesses, Books & Brews Noblesville has struggled to stay afloat during the COVID-19 DEVELOPMENT pandemic, but its patio seating has played a major role in aiding the business. But with temperatures dropping, co-owner Jordan Fox said the company is experiencing a dramatic decrease in business. “Most of our customers this summer have been patio seaters, so without having a warm, covered patio, we really saw our sales drop,” Fox said. Fox and her husband, co-owner Stephen Fox, decided to organize a GoFundMe to help pay the business’s bills. “We wanted to see if we can raise money to pay the basic bills and our loan and lease at the mall (Hamilton Town Center),” Fox said. “A lot of people want to support us but aren’t comfortable coming out right now.” As of press time, more than $7,950 has been raised through the GoFundMe. The business spends approximately $10,000 a month for the loan, lease and utility bills. “I hope people know if we can make it to patio weather again, we will be a successful business once again,” Fox said. “All restaurants are feeling that hurt right now.
From left, Books & Brews Noblesville co-owner Stephen Fox, Layla Fox and Books & Brews co-owner Jordan Fox. (Submitted photo)
We just have a really amazing customer base that wants to help us through the winter, so we appreciate the support we have gotten so far.” Fox said Hamilton Town Center gifted the business two heaters for the patio to extend the outdoor season. Books & Brews Noblesville opened May 15, 2019. The Foxes grew up in Noblesville. For more or to donate to the GoFundMe, visit gofundme.com/f/keep-the-lights-on-atbooks-amp-brews-noblesville.
DISPATCH Tech stocks for a new era — Tech is not only surviving the coronavirus pandemic, it’s thriving. As the outbreak and the looming recession pummeled many sectors of the stock market this year, cash-rich technology giants ranging from Amazon to Microsoft to Netflix held up well and some younger, smaller tech firms such as the digital-signature software firm DocuSign and Zoom Video Communications raced ahead. As people spent more time at home, companies that helped them make the best use of the internet served as a lifeline for functions, ranging from business transactions, communications and health to shopping and entertainment, such as: Zoom Video Communications (ZM) -- The number of daily users of this online videoconferencing service, which went public last year, soared from 10 million last December to 200 million in late March. The stock already jumped 157 percent in 2020 as of
May 15, even as Zoom’s growing popularity made it vulnerable to hackers who hijacked videoconferences and harassed participants, the stock can continue to rise. DocuSign (DOCU). If you have signed digital documents to refinance your mortgage, update your will or open a brokerage account recently, you probably have used this leading provider of digital-signature software. Thousands of law firms, real estate companies, financial institutions and other companies use it to reduce the time and cost of everyday deal-making, negotiations and approval of contracts. DocuSign, whose stock jumped 70 percent as of May 15, has a long runway for growth because the industry is expected to expand by 35 percent a year and hit $9 billion in global sales by 2024. Source: BottomLineInc.com
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November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
ATI Drive-In Theatre concert will feature variety of music By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com The Actors Theatre of Indiana’s DriveIn Theatre concert will have a holiday feel, but it won’t all be CONCERT traditional. “It’s a diverse amount of music,” ATI co-founder Cynthia Collins said. “You’ll have jazz versions of some songs. You have traditional songs. Come on, we’re going to sing ‘White Christmas,’ and that will be traditional. All of Select Sound’s songs are jazz oriented.” Collins said she and co-founders Don Farrell and Judy Fitzgerald will perform different arrangements of songs. “There will be traditional and contemporary holiday music as well,” Collins said. The concert is set for 7 to 9 p.m. Nov. 27 at the Monon Square Shopping Center in Carmel. “Having Carmel High School’s Select Sound perform was Judy’s idea,” Collins said. “It is always special to have young performers on the stage. They are exceptional. The group usually gets hired for different events during the holiday season, but because of COVID, they are not doing as many gigs as usual, so we are glad we can give them this opportunity.” Collins said the 14 members of Select Sound will wear face masks and be spread across the stage. Lizzie Farrell, daughter of Farrell and Fitzgerald, is part of Select Sound, an a cappella jazz group. “They usually do gigs during the holiday and I don’t know if they are doing any other jobs. This might be it,” Collins said. In addition, Duane McDevitt and his wife Michele McConnell, who are based in the New York City area, will join the ATI trio as vocalists. “They are our friends and peers and have extensive credits to their names,” Collins said. “Michele played the role of Carlotta in ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ on Broadway. She had the distinct honor of playing the role for six years, being the longest-running Carlota in Broadway
Actors Theatre of Indiana Actors Theatre of Indiana Drive-In Theatre concert, 7 to 9 p.m. Nov. 27, Monon Square Shopping Center. Featuring ATI co-founders Don Farrell, Judy Fitzgerald and Cynthia Collins. Carmel High School Select Sound and Duane McDevitt and his wife Michele McConnell also will perform. For more, visit atistage,org. Civic Theatre “Elf The Musical,” stream of 2019 performance of Civic Theatre show from The Tarkington in Carmel with added features, 7 p.m. Dec. 4. For more, visit civictheatre.org. Performing Arts Connect Performing Arts Connect: Jim Henson Trivia Night, 7 p.m. Dec. 1. $12 per household for virtual event. For more, visit thecenterpresents.org.
Carmel High School’s Select Sound, pictured from a 2019-2020 show, will perform in the ATI DriveIn Theatre concert. (Submitted photo)
Duane McDevitt and his wife Michele McConnell will appear in the Actors Theatre of Indiana’s Drive-In Theatre concert.
history.” Collins said McDevitt and McConnell will each perform a set in each act. They will join the ATI trio for some songs, too. McConnell, a Mt. Vernon High School graduate who grew up in McCordsville,
went to New York City to perform after graduating from Butler University. Collins said McDevitt has performed in shows with ATI. Since it will be colder, Collins expects attendees will stay in their cars. The concert will be presented through the radio in the cars. There will be a large screen for cars parked farther away. There will be a livestream of the concert for those who choose to watch from home. “Santa Claus will make an appearance and have one reindeer with him from Silly Safari,” Collins said. The Drive-In concert is the third ATI has attempted. The first was Sept. 17. The second was scheduled for Oct. 23 but was canceled due to inclement weather. It was later transformed into a virtual concert. “The livestream was just like performing in a studio, but I was glad we could do it,” Collins said. “We know that it’s going to be chilly. We just hope it doesn’t rain.” For more, visit atistage.org.
CIAF 2021 applications open editorial@youarecurrent.com After being forced to go virtual in September due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual Carmel International Arts Festival will return in 2021. The admission-free event, which attracts 30,000 people in Carmel, will take place Sept. 25-26. The festival has opened the applications for artists who want to have a booth and have their artwork entered in the juried competition. As in years past, there is a total of $7,000 in prize money and additional scholarship monies are awarded to local high school students. The 2021 festival will be from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m, Sept. 25, and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 26. Artist judging begins at 10:30 a.m. Sept. 25, and awards will be announced as soon as the judging is complete. All award monies will be mailed to the winners within two weeks of the conclusion of the festival. The Festival Board is still planning to have the Art Rocks concert Sept. 25 at the main event stage on Main Street.
November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
Taylor’s Bakery
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Commentary by Anna Skinner Address: 8935 E. 116th St., Fishers, and 6216 Allisonville Rd., Indianapolis What to get: Triple chocolate ganache cake Price: $23 Anna’s take: Taylor’s Bakery has more than 100 years of experience creating delicious items appealing to your sweet tooth, and I was thoroughly impressed with my visit. I munched on doughnuts (prices vary); cookies decorated with icing to look like turkeys ($3); sweet, chewy caramels ($12.99 for a package of individually wrapped caramels); decadent triple chocolate ganache cake ($23); fluffy spinach onion parmesan quiche ($15); and Taylor’s Bakery’s famous butter flake rolls ($7.75 a dozen). In addition
Triple chocolate ganache cake is three layers that is a chocolate lover’s dream. (Photo by Anna Skinner)
to the sugar rush, my favorite thing about Taylor’s Bakery are the take-home items to freeze and enjoy later. The quiches are baked then flash frozen. They come with directions on how to finish baking at home for a delicious homemade quiche without all the work. The rolls can be frozen, too. I simply peeled off the wrapper and popped them in the oven at 325 degrees for 10 minutes and, voila, warm, buttery, flaky rolls ready for serving. Taylor’s Bakery co-owner Drew Allen said the bakery’s white cake and cake doughnuts are the top sellers, but I assure you, all the items are wonderful, beautifully made and delicious.
Behind bars: Smoked Brown County Old Fashioned Get it at Big Woods, Noblesville Ingredients: 1.5 oz. Knob Creek Rye, .75 oz. Hard Truth Cinnamon Vodka, .25 oz. simple syrup, 3 dashes orange bitters, 1 dash angostura bitters, marshmallow, orange peel, Luxardo Cherry Directions: Add ingredients to an ice-filled beaker, stir to chill. Strain into a rocks glass with one-fourth cup of ice. Rim glass with an orange peel and garnish with an orange peel and Luxardo Cherry. Place cocktail in a smoking box and add applewood into the smoking caddy. Turn on the box and light the applewood and allow the smoke to fill the box. Open the box and place a coaster over the drink to capture the smoke. Place a toasted marshmallow and a Luxardo Cherry on top of the coaster.
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November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
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Rear of Casino in Monte Carlo, Monaco. (Photo by Don Knebel)
History of Monte Carlo Casino Commentary by Don Knebel Monte Carlo is synonymous with gambling around the world, but the citizens of Monaco cannot take advantage of their TRAVEL famous casino. In 1848, the towns of Menton and Roquebrune declared their independence from the Principality of Monaco, then governed by Prince Florestan, a member of the Grimaldi family that still controls Monaco. Princess Caroline, Florestan’s business-minded wife, convinced her husband to replace the lost tax revenue by constructing a casino along the lines of the Bad Hamburg Casino in Germany and engaged their son Charles to raise the necessary funds. When Florestan died in 1856, Prince Charles III took over the project. In 1858, work began on a casino in an area of Monaco called “Les Spelugues” (the Caves). When the building and a nearby hotel were completed in 1863, Princess Caroline convinced François Blanc, who operated the Bad Hamburg Casino, to manage the facility. To increase its appeal, Blanc renamed the area “Monte Carlo” (Mount
Charles) in honor of Prince Charles, and then set about building roads and rail lines so that people could more easily travel to Monaco. Blanc’s efforts were so successful in creating an international destination that he became known as the “Magician of Monte Carlo.” In 1878 the casino was rebuilt according to the Beaux-Arts design of French architect Charles Garnier. Monte Carlo’s new casino building also included a 524-seat opera house, now known as Salle Garnier. Today, the opulent Monte Carlo Casino is the world’s best-known place for gambling, attracting high rollers from all around the world. Citizens of Monaco are not allowed to enter the gaming rooms because of a decree engineered by Princess Caroline, who thought that gambling is immoral.
Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel. com. You may contact him at editorial@youarecurrent.com.
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PUBLIC NOTICE Hearing on Petition for the Establishment of Geist Conservancy District A petition for the establishment of a conservancy district has been filed (pursuant to Ind. Code § 14-33-2) (the “Petition”) with the Hamilton County Superior Court No. 5. The name for the proposed district shall be “Geist Conservancy District” (the “District”). Pursuant to Ind. Code § 14-33-1-1(6) and (9), the purposes of the District shall be as follows: (1) developing forests, wildlife areas, parks, and recreational facilities if feasible in connection with beneficial water management, and (2) operation, maintenance, and improvement of works of improvement including, but not limited to, Geist Reservoir. The District lies within, in whole or in part, Marion County, Hamilton County, Hancock County, the City of Indianapolis, the City of Fishers, the Town of McCordsville, Lawrence Township, Fall Creek Township, and Vernon Township. The hearing to determine whether the Petition meets the statutory requirements and can therefore be referred to the Natural Resources Commission for further proceedings will be conducted before the Hamilton Superior Court No. 5 at 9:00 A.M. on December 11, 2020, by Zoom videoconference. Any member of the public interested in attending can obtain the videoconference link by emailing Geist@dentons.com.
November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
Downside of becoming a household name Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt What do you say when you need to blow your nose and the box of the tissues you want to use is across the room? You probably say something GRAMMAR GUY like, “Janet, will you please bring me a Kleenex?” This assumes there is someone named Janet on the other side of the room. How about when your lips are dry, and you know your significant other always carries lip balm in his pocket? “Hey, can I borrow your ChapStick?” The words “Kleenex” and “ChapStick” are examples of trademarked words that have become so common they often replace the generic term for the item. Kleenex is trade-
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE FISHERS CITY COUNCIL Annexation: ANX-20-3 The Fishers City Council (“Council”) hereby gives notice that it will hold a public hearing on Monday, the 21ST day of December, 2020 at 7:00 o’clock p.m. (the “Public Hearing”), via Virtual / Teleconference Meeting. The meeting agenda, with information on how to access this meeting, will be available online the Friday prior to the meeting date at: https://www.fishers.in.us/AgendaCenter, to consider a Petition for voluntary Annexation (the “Petition”) of two (2) lots known as Hoosier Estates (Lots 2R-B / 2R-C), located at 11240 and 11280 E 106TH Street, consisting of approximately 1.22 acres. The legal description can be found at the Fishers City Hall in the Planning & Zoning Department. A copy of the Petition is on file for examination with the Planning & Zoning Department located at 1 Municipal Drive, Fishers, Indiana, 46038. For those interested in providing public comment, the City of Fishers has established an online form to submit your comment(s), which will be read during the meeting. This form can be found at www.fishers.in.us. Alternatively, written comments, e-mails, and/or questions about the project request may be provided to the department contact prior to the public hearing meeting and/or they may contact Ross Hilleary, Planner III with the Planning and Zoning Department at 317-588-1436 prior to the Public Hearing for assistance. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above Petition, either in writing or verbally, will be given the opportunity to be heard at the above-specified time and place. The Public Hearing may be continued from time to time as may be found necessary. FISHERS CITY COUNCIL PETITIONER: City of Fishers City Hall 1 Municipal Drive Fishers, IN 46038 CITY OF FISHERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the City of Fishers Board of Zoning Appeals at 6:00 PM, Wednesday, December 16. The Fishers Board of Zoning Appeals meeting will be conducted as a VIRTUAL/TELECONFERENCE MEETING. The meeting agenda, with information on how to access this meeting, will be available online the Friday prior to the meeting date at: https://www.fishers.in.us/ AgendaCenter REQUEST: At that hearing, the public will be invited to offer comments on the following request (“Proposal”): Consideration of a Development Standards Variance from Section 3.2.2.B.2b of the City of Fishers UDO to encroach into the minimum R1 side-yard setback for the purpose of building a home garage addition. LOCATION: The Proposal is located at 10518 Tremont Lane, Fishers, IN 46037, also known as 19-1508-01-03-024.000. The case file about this project is available for public review in the office of the Department of Planning and Zoning, located on the 2nd floor at Fishers City Hall. The meeting agenda with room location details and case related information will be posted on the City’s website forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the meeting specified above. Written objections filed with the secretary of the Board of Zoning Appeals before the hearing will be considered. If you would like your written comments to be provided to the Fishers Board of Zoning Appeals, you must submit them one (1) week prior to the hearing date noted above. Oral comments will be heard during the public hearing. Department of Planning and Zoning City of Fishers 1 Municipal Drive, Fishers, IN 46038 (317) 595-3120 www.fishers.in.us
marked by the Kimberly-Clark company. They’re tissues, but the words “Kleenex” and “tissues” are interchangeable at this point. It’s the same with ChapStick. By the way, the trademarked “ChapStick” word is an example of bicapitalization, which is when a company sticks a capital letter in the middle of a word. ChapStick is a trademarked lip balm, but when I’m looking for my Burt’s Bees lip balm, I say, “Have you seen my chapstick?” The term has become genericized. You’ll be surprised at some of the other terms that have become household names but are actually trademarked products. They include Band-Aid, Allen wrench, Frisbee, Popsicle and Velcro. These terms are still trademarked today. Sometimes a term becomes so ubiquitous that it actually loses its legal trademarked status. In other words, the company has been so successful in dominating the market share for its industry that the people at the trademark office take away the trademark and lowercase the item in question. This has happened with the escalator, flip
phone, trampoline, thermos and heroin. Yes, heroin was trademarked by Bayer back in 1898, but it lost the trademark as part of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. At the same time, Bayer lost its trademark for aspirin. The Pelz Group (also a German company) owns the trademark for the term “Q-tip.” Believe it or not, the little cotton-tipped sticks were originally marketed as “Baby Gays” by American inventor Leo Gerstenzang in 1925. However, Gerstenzang had trouble selling his “Baby Gays,” so the next year he began calling them “Q-tips Baby Gays.” Eventually, they were just “Q-tips” (the “q” stands for quality). I doubt that yours truly will ever become a household name, but if I do start raking in the cash for my patent-pending 24/7 grammar hotline, I’ll be sure to hire a great team of lawyers.
Curtis Honeycutt is a national award-winning, syndicated humor writer. Connect with him on Twitter (@curtishoneycutt) or at curtishoneycutt.com.
CITY OF FISHERS ADVISORY PLAN COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the City of Fishers Advisory Plan Commission at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, December 2, 2020. For those interested in providing public comment, the City of Fishers has established an online form to submit your comment(s), which will be read during the meeting. This form can be found at www.fishers.in.us. Alternatively, written comments, e-mails, and/or questions about the project request may be provided to the department contact prior to the public hearing meeting. The meeting will be livestreamed online at www.fishers.in.us during the meeting time. We recommend that residents follow the recently released guidelines to avoid gatherings and meeting due to the risk of COVID-19. REQUEST: At that hearing, the public will be invited to offer comments on the following request (“Proposal”): Consideration of a Text Amendment (TA-20-2) to the City of Fishers Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) as a cleanup ordinance. The cleanup ordinance is necessary to address the following items: 1. Uses permitted in the C1 zone, and telecommunication towers in AG zones. 2. Addition of alcohol sales to permitted retail uses. 3. Conformity with other regulations. 4. Height of accessory structures in residential zones. 5. Content changes to Sign Standards. 6. Removal of sewer standards to comply with City’s new Health Department Ordinances. 7. Definition of Lot Coverage. These changes are due changes made during the 2018 UDO rewrite and/or updated ordinances in other City codes. LOCATION: City Wide The case file about this project is available for public review in the office of the Department of Planning and Zoning, located on the 2nd floor at Fishers City Hall. The meeting agenda with room location details and case related information will be posted on the City’s website forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the meeting specified above. Written objections filed with the secretary of the Advisory Plan Commission before the hearing will be considered. If you would like your written comments to be provided to the Fishers Advisory Plan Commission, you must submit them one (1) week prior to the hearing date noted above. Oral comments will be heard during the public hearing. Tony Bagato Department of Planning and Zoning City of Fishers 1 Municipal Drive, Fishers, IN 46038 (317) 595-3120 www.fishers.in.us
ve Carefree 28
November 24, 2020
ow-Maintenance Villa!
Current in Geist
Across 1. Job safety org. 5. Kind of IU prof 9. Bottomless pit 14. Type of earring 15. Tropical Smoothie Cafe berry 16. Worries 17. Help 19. “Peanuts” character 20. Chose 21. Zionsville Farmers’ Market onionlike veggie 23. Indiana tax IDs 24. Owner’s document 26. Tennis do-over 28. Hubert’s running mate in 1968 31. Most modest 36. “Look before you ___” 37. Fishers HS transcript figs. 39. Morse Park sandy area 40. Half of bi41. Record players 43. ___ Lanka 44. Iranian money 46. In abundance 47. Printer’s blue 48. Honorably retired Purdue professor
1 50. Triangular house 52. Indy 500 stat 14 53. Old Palm phone 17 54. Site for a 14-Across 57. “That hurt!” 20 60. Fortuneteller’s card 64. Upright 66. 41-Across activity... 28 and a hint to the letters in the puzzle’s circles 36 68. Annoy a fellow mo40 torist on I-69, perhaps 69. Hoosier National 44 Forest tree 48 70. Current notice 71. Writer Asimov 72. Cheep housing? 73. Now, in Lilly memos 54 Down 64 1. Norse capital 68 2. Bop to the Top race segment 71 3. Fox-and-hounds event 4. Totaled 5. Satisfied sigh 6. Hot water burn 7. Of sound mind 8. Ocean motion 9. Indiana Firebirds’ defunct org.
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d are subject to changes or substitution without notice. Items shown are artist’s renderings and may contain options that are not standard on all models or not ot include closing costs and other fees to be paid by buyer (including a builder fee as described in the purchase agreement) and are subject to change without chase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature. Models/lifestyle photos do not reflect racial or ethnic preference. This is not prohibited by law. Copyright © 2020 Lennar Corporation. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included, and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered
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November 24, 2020
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Looking for job security? Simpson Construction Services has so much work that it must hire five people for residential remodeling NOW. The skilled carpenters we select will have strong abilities in bathroom remodeling, but also with respect to kitchens, decks, basements, wood and tile flooring, doors and windows, interior and exterior painting, drywall, plumbing and electrical, siding and room additions. Again: Only skilled carpenters need apply. For immediate consideration, call Gary Simpson at 317.703.9575.
Call Dennis O’Malia 317-370-0749
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November 24, 2020
Current in Geist
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