Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Noblesville senator’s bill could aid in financing rural broadband projects if signed into law / P19
County commissioner gives parking garage update / P3
Rental assistance available for financial impact from COVID-19 / P7
Many high-risk Hoosiers still waiting for COVID-19 vaccine / P16-17
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February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
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February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
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Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@youarecurrent.com or call 317.489.4444 ext. 804. You may also submit information on our website, currentnoblesville.com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication.
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Agricultural businesses could benefit from high-speed connectivity and broadband access if Sen. Scott Baldwin’s Senate Bill 359 is signed into law. (Submitted photos) Founded Sept. 15, 2009, at Noblesville, IN Vol. XII, No. 23 Copyright 2021 Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com
The views of the columnists in Current in Noblesville are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
Building elevations for the Hamilton County parking garage to be built at 225 N. 9th St. (Submitted rendering)
County commissioners propose fifth story for Noblesville parking garage By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com
create 375 parking spaces. A fifth level would as the rest of the garage, the county could add 100 more. The garage would be open to save $1.5 million in costs versus if it is conthe public after 5 p.m. and on weekends. structed at a later date, such as five to 10 Hamilton County Commissioner Mark Heir- years down the road. Council member Aaron Smith asked about brandt gave an updated presentation about the timeline for the garage, and Heirbrandt Heirbrandt said one of the reasons the the Hamilton commissioners are asking for a fifth said it’s expected to break ground in May. DEVELOPMENT County parkConstruction would finish nine months after level now is because State Rep. ing garage it starts. Smith also asked what impact the Donna Schaibley (R-Carmel) is workat the Feb. 9 Noblesville Common garage migh have on traffic flow on Ind. 32. ing on a bill to add another judge to Council meeting. Heirbrandt said there likely won’t be much the Hamilton County court system. The parking garage, which will “With judges, you typically get difference. be built on a lot the county already “(The employees) all have their own ways juries, and you have to provide owns at 225 N. 9th St. behind Syd’s they travel to go home, and there are some parking for that, too,” Heirbrandt Heirbrandt Bar and Grill in downtown Noblessaid. “With that, we felt comfortable employees that stay afterwards, so it’s realville, has already received approval for fund- to get additional pricing to add the fifth ly staggered quite a bit,” Heirbrandt said. ing four levels, expected to cost roughly Currently, county employees park in sevfloor for additional capacity. In the next five $9.5 million. However, the commissioners to six years, we may need that additional eral lots in downtown Noblesville, one of recently approached the Hamilton County which is on the south side of Conner Street. space, so given that fact, we felt it was Council requesting funding for a fifth story, That property was purchased for $4.5 milappropriate to propose (the additional floor) which would add $2 million to the price tag. to county council at this time to save cost lion, and now the City of Noblesville and J.C. The fifth story has not yet been approved Hart plan to develop a $47 million mixed-use on construction to do it now, do it right and by the county council, but the county coundevelopment with commercial and retail plan for the future.” cil is expected to vote on it during its March space. The approved four-story version would 3 meeting. Heirbrandt said the garage was always “We felt it was appropriate to propose (the additional floor) designed to accommodate a fifth level in to county council at this time to save cost on construction the future, but recent studies showed the to do it now, do it right and plan for the future.” extra space may be needed sooner. If the — Hamilton County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt fifth story is constructed at the same time
To our valued readers: It seems as though it was years ago when we communicated our revised distribution plan for Noblesville, but it was actually only the end of March 2020. Time flies when you’re battling the fallout from the pandemic, we suppose. Current in Noblesville remains exposed to the financial repercussions of the pandemic, although we’re proud to state we have retained all full-time staff at the
levels of compensation to which they are accustomed. As a result, we must extend our revised circulation plan for the time being. We will continue to deliver to a different 25 percent of the community, as has been the case since April 7, 2020. That means, in a four-week month, a different quadrant of the community each week will receive Current by mail. Our practice of making the newspapers available in their entirety online continues and never will change.
As of this writing, we can’t predict when “normal” will return, but we’re aching for it to happen much sooner than later. Thank you for your understanding as we continue to strive to get back to business as usual. Please let us know if you have questions, and please be well and stay well. Sincerely, Brian Kelly Steve Greenberg President/ Executive Vice Publisher President/GM
February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
“Fun, Informative & Inspirational”
Area superintendents ask state to reconsider ILEARN requirements By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com
population.” Typically, ILEARN is conducted in the spring. ILEARN replaced ISTEP in 2019 as the state’s standardized testing Noblesville Schools Supt. Beth Niedermeyer and several mechanism. This year, superintendents claim that since other superintendents across Hamilton County and central districts are operating with different learning models, inIndiana recently wrote a letter to cluding in-person instruction and virtual instruction EDUCATION the Indiana State Dept. of Edubecause of health department guidelines, testing cation expressing concern about time could increase for ILEARN requirements, the state’s plan for ILEARN testing for the 2020-21 meaning it could take eight to 12 days to complete. school year. During the Noblesville Schools NWEA testing in the The letter states that school districts are workfall, only 50 percent of virtual students attended an ing hard to plan for the upcoming ILEARN testing in-person session at Noblesville Schools to take the requirements. test. Niedermeyer “During this unprecedented year, we have found “Factoring in additional time for makeup testing this to be a daunting task,” the letter stated. “The current due to higher COVID absenteeism, we are not confident that testing plan would divert much needed time, attention ILEARN can even be completed during the testing window,” and resources away from critical student learning needs. the letter stated. “Large numbers of virtual students have It would also place an excessive burden on our virtual refused to come to school for NWEA testing, despite mulfamilies, which this year make up approximately 10% of our tiple invitations and implementation of aggressive safety
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measures. We believe that most virtual learners will not come in for ILEARN, jeopardizing our ability to meet federally required 95% participation.” If the schools don’t meet the 95 percent threshold for testing, it could lower their overall academic rating and put federal funding in jeopardy. District superintendents also claimed they are experiencing high absenteeism rates among staff because of COVID-19, and ILEARN administration increases the number of staff needed. The superintendents ended the letter by asking the state officials to reconsider the ILEARN requirements. Superintendents who signed the letter are Beth Niedermeyer, Noblesville; Mike Beresford, Carmel; Derek Arrowood, Hamilton Heights; Allen Bourff, Hamilton Southeastern; Mary Roberson, Sheridan; Ryan Glaze, Tipton; Chris Baldwin, Westfield; and Scott Robison, Zionsville. As of press time, Noblesville Schools said the state had not responded to the letter.
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February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
Council hears introduction to Marilyn Woods development By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com
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Marilyn Road
The Noblesville Common Council heard introductory information about the Marilyn Woods planned unit GOVERNMENT development during its Feb. 9 meeting. The proposed development would encompass 56 acres northwest of 141st Street and Marilyn Road. The parcel is within the City of Noblesville but is part of Fall Creek Township. Attorney Matt Skelton with Church, Church, Hittle and Antrim presented on the project. If approved, David Weekley Homes would build the houses. Skelton said Noblesville’s comprehensive plan envisions the area as a mix of high-density residential that would include attached homes or multi-family homes. “The concept plan is Marilyn Woods is designed to provide a transition from what is residential to the east and to the south of this site to corporate uses to the west,” Skelton said. The proposal would offer three collections from David Weekley Homes: patio homes, traditional single-family homes and alley-load homes, a concept in which the garage is typically at the rear of the house, usually located on an alley that runs behind the home. Starting prices would range from $250,000 to $350,000, depending on the concept. Skelton said a nature trail is planned through the open space to the north and south of the development. “That will really provide a nice opportunity for a dog walk or a nature walk or just to get out of the darn house for a while,” Skelton said. Because the proposal was only an introduction, the council did not vote on it. It will do so at a future meeting. Another item that appeared before council was an introduction to authorize bond
An Inspiring Story
141st Street A concept plan for the proposed Marilyn Woods development. (Submitted image)
issuance for the previously approved Nexus project planned in the former Marsh site at the northwest corner of Ind. 32 and River Road. Nexus is a $48 million project that includes 290 multi-family units and commercial development. The council also heard an introduction to an ordinance that would repeal and replace the city’s animal ordinance. Noblesville Police Dept. Deputy Chief Shane Ginnan presented on the proposal and said the animal ordinance has not changed since 2004 and contained antiquated language. The Humane Society for Hamilton County also is working to ensure that animal ordinances in Hamilton County cities are universal. The council also approved the Noblesville Small Business Resilience Grant agreements, which include 45 agreements signed by the recipients of the city’s second round of grant funding. The next Noblesville Common Council meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Feb. 23. For more, visit cityofnoblesville.org.
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February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
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BACKGROUND: Madelyn has always had a love for tennis, but after injuring her ankle, she struggled to get back on the court without experiencing pain. “I went to several other doctors for treatment but it was not getting better,” said Madelyn. With hopes of making the tennis team at Fishers High School as a freshman, Madelyn knew it was time to seek another opinion.
Madelyn Barron is a freshman at Fishers High School.
WHY MSM: “Everyone at MSM has been so nice and helpful,” said Madelyn. “Each physical therapist makes every session individualized to the limitations that I may be feeling that day. The best part is that I can now play without pain!”
THE JOURNEY: After a year of dealing with ongoing ankle pain, Madelyn saw Dr. Arthur Rettig for a second opinion. Dr. Rettig recommended that Madelyn rest in a boot for a month before starting the rehab process. Melissa Schnepp, ATC/PTA, developed a personalized plan for Madelyn’s recovery process. “Treatments ranged from hands on manual therapy techniques to decrease pain and improve mobility in her joint, to higher level strengthening and sport specific activities,” said Melissa.
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HCSWCD holds annual meeting — The Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District will conduct its annual meeting at 4 p.m. Feb. 18. The HCSWCD Board Supervisors are encouraging the public to attend the meeting virtually. Limited in-person attendance will be allowed at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds in the O.V. Winks & Annex buildings at 2003 Pleasant St., Noblesville. The HCSWCD Board of Supervisors will highlight the district successes of 2020, present awards to conservation partners as well as recognize the service of past and present district staff. Registration is free. RSVP by Feb. 16 at hamiltonswcd.org. For more, contact Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District at soil.water@hamiltoncounty.in.gov or by calling 317-773-2181. Indiana Fire Chiefs Association, Methodist Sports Medicine announce partnership — The Indiana Fire Chiefs Association and Methodist Sports Medicine recently announced their partnership. This partnership will bring Methodist Sports Medicine’s expertise and resources to the Indiana Fire Chiefs Association and its members. Methodist Sports Medicine will provide seminars, programming and training for the Indiana Fire Chiefs Association across the entire state. To become a member of the Indiana Fire Chiefs Association, call 877-733-1850 or join online at indfirechiefs.org/index.html. For more information on Methodist Sports Medicine’s public safety programs, call 317-817-1200 or visit methodistsports.com/ tactical-athlete. Kindergarten registration to open — Noblesville Schools opened 2021-2022 enrollment for kindergartners and other students new to the district Feb. 1. Enrollment remains open through March 12. Children must be at least 5 years of age on or before Aug. 1 in order to enroll for kindergarten. Parents will enroll virtually and evening Spanish interpreter services will be available. For more, visit noblesvilleschools.org or call 317-773-3171. Old Town Design Group establishes scholarship — Old Town Design Group has established the Orchard Project Scholarship to provide tuition assistance to a Hamilton, Boone or Johnson County student preparing for a career in the construction industry. Applications are being accepted through March 19. For more or to request an application, please email casey@oldtowncompanies.com
February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
Rental assistance available By Ann Marie Shambaugh AnnMarie@youarecurrent.com
can choose not to renew their lease. That’s where we’re getting into this very sticky situation.” Hamilton County renters soon will have The local program is expected to launch access to more than $10 million in federal within a month. Hamilton County Commisgrant funds to prosioner Christine Altman said she PANDEMIC vide housing asrequested the county’s trustees to sistance for those coordinate the effort since they are financially impacted by the COVID-19 already responsible for providing pandemic. emergency assistance to residents. The Hamilton County Council Renters can apply for grant funds on Feb. 3 approved a fund for the if one or more members of the CARES Act Rental Assistance grant, household qualifies for unemployTolan which is available to municipalities ment or has experienced a reducor counties with a population of at least tion in household income, incurred signifi200,000. It is among $25 billion approved by cant costs or experienced a financial hardCongress in December 2020 to help people ship because of COVID-19, according to the nationwide remain in their homes. ApproxU.S. Dept. of the Treasury. They also must imately 21 percent of Hamilton County residemonstrate a risk of experiencing homedents are renters. lessness or housing instability and have a Westfield Washington Township Trustee household income at or below 80 percent of Danielle Carey Tolan, who oversees the prothe area median, which in Hamilton County gram in Hamilton County, said she expects is $45,950 for a single-person household the funds to be used quickly. The trustees and up to $86,600 for an eight-person office has seen an increase in requests for household. The funds will not be available rental assistance since the pandemic began. to households already receiving another “(Renters) are having major backpays type of federal rental assistance. of $6,000, $8,000 in rent and utilities, and Learn more about the program at they’re coming to our office for assistance,” home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/cares/ she said. “Landlords still can’t evict (beemergency-rental-assistance-program. cause of a federal moratorium), but they
County hires staff for clinic news@currentnoblesville.com More than a dozen health care providers have been hired and began working Feb. 8 at the Hamilton County PANDEMIC Health Dept. COVID-19 vaccination clinic at the 4-H Fairgrounds, 2003 Pleasant St., Noblesville. Prior to the personnel additions, Hamilton County Health Dept. employees and local fire department employees have staffed the clinic. “The way that the health department is working right now is unsustainable,” Hamilton County Commissioner Christine Altman stated. “We need to give them the support they need to do the other vital work they’re tasked with, but don’t currently have time to do — things like food inspections, health education, HIV testing, immunizations and vital records.” A press release from Hamilton County stated the county is in a position to bring on more contract help as vaccine supplies
increase. All expenses are expected to be fully reimbursed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency as part of President Joe Biden’s “American Rescue Plan.” In addition to increasing staff, the clinic also moved from the Annex Building to the Exhibition Hall, which is six times larger. The new facility will allow the health department to administer four times the number of vaccinations it now administers when more doses become available. In addition to canceling all events originally scheduled for the Exhibition Hall, the building had to be retrofitted to meet the health department’s needs. The county’s Building and Grounds Dept. installed refrigeration storage for the Moderna vaccine. The department also installed a generator to ensure doses aren’t lost due to power outages. The county’s information technology department ran 600 feet of network cables to provide internet access and provided dozens of computers.
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February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
CONSTRUCTION NOBLESVILLE AND NORTH Project: Road rehabilitation Location: A 3-mile stretch of 236th Street will be closed for two separate phases for road rehabilitation. The first phase is from west of Devaney Road to east of Tollgate Road. This phase has reopened. The second phase is from west of Deming Road to west of Devaney Road. Expected completion: The second phase is expected to begin in the spring. FISHERS Project: 146th Street at Ind. 37 Location: All left turn lanes are restricted on Ind. 37 and on 146th Street with traffic moved to the interior lanes. Through traffic and right turns on Ind. 37 and 146th Street will remain open. Drivers are encouraged to seek alternate routes for all left turn access. For more about the State Road 37 Improvement Project and to receive text updates, visit 37Thrives.com. Expected completion: This phase of the State Road 37 Improvement Project will continue into 2021. The overall State Road 37 Improvement Project will be complete in 2022. Project: 96th Street resurfacing and median island project Location: Periodic, short-term closures will occur along 96th Street as signal work continues east of I-69. Drivers are encouraged to use caution driving through the area. WESTFIELD Project: Jersey Street Location: From Union Street to Mill Street Expected completion: Jersey Street will be closed for the remainder of the Grand Junction Plaza construction. Project: Grand Junction Plaza Location: The parking lot west of Union Street and south of Main Street Expected completion: The gravel parking lot on the east end of Park Street is permanently closed as the Grand Junction Plaza is moving into the construction phase. Parking is available on the west end of Park Street. Project: East Street extension Location: East Street is being extended north from 196th Street to Ind. 38. Utility relocations are ongoing.
February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
White River Word Millers boast 3 award winners By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com
my ability as a trainer. My strength has always been to over prepare, and sometimes in life we don’t have time to over prepare. Although Noblesville’s Toastmasters That was one of my personal challenges to Club, White River Word Millers, was only deliver effectively without over preparing.” chartered in June, Her third goal was to improve her ACHIEVEMENT it already has a storytelling. distinction. “I wanted to have a safe place to try new Noblesville residents things and improve on Tricia Fox, John LaBore and that and get feedback as I Fishers resident Peiming went,” Fox said. Sun have all earned the Fox chose two different Distinguished Toastmaspaths, competent comters award, the highest municator and dynamic level of educational leadership, to complete program. to earn her Distinguished Fox LaBore Fox, LaBore and Sun are Toastmaster honor. There co-founders of the White River Word are 30 projects within each path. Millers. They worked for several Other requirements are to be an months forming the club before it officer and district officer. was chartered. “You take on a different role each LaBore moved to Noblesville from meeting, so you learn how to run Greenfield three years ago. meetings effectively,” Fox said. “You “To my surprise, there was not an also learn how to give other people Sun active club in Noblesville,” LaBore feedback. It’s a really inexpensive said. “I ran into Peiming Sun, and she was way to grow professionally.” interested in trying to get a club started. Sun joined approximately 15 years ago She asked if I’d be willing to help.” but said she has been an active member for LaBore and Sun had been involved with about eight years. the Greenfield club. LaBore, a retired Eli Lilly “I have a coaching program online,” she employee, was president of the Greenfield said. “Before that, I was a scientist at Lilly’s. club from July 2019 through June 2020. I worked there for 11 years and then became LaBore, who started with the club when a small business owner.” he was working at Lilly’s office in GreenSun said impromptu speaking has helped field, had been an officer in that club for 11 her respond to questions right away. years. “We call it table topics. Impromptu LaBore said Toastmasters’ education speeches are part of the training we have,” program helps people improve their public she said. “The training helped me in life. speaking skills. The Word Millers have been I don’t have to rehearse a speech. I just meeting at 7 p.m. on Thursdays through have to (have) bullet points. It helps me to Zoom since March 2020, when the COVID-19 organize my thoughts and present it in a pandemic hit. concise way that people can relate.” “It’s been a great additional tool to be LaBore has watched as others have imable do things through Zoom,” LaBore said. proved through the years. Fox was active in the Westfield Toast“Every person has significant increase masters Club, serving as president and then in their public speaking ability around the area director. fourth or fifth speech they give to the rest “I am an executive coach, and most of of the club,” he said. “Not only are they my execs were Toastmasters,” Fox said. “I practicing speeches and getting better, but asked, ‘What is Toastmasters?’ And one of by that point they are also evaluating other them challenged me to get into it. I decided speakers. The verbal evaluation reinforces I wanted to improve my impromptu speakwhat you are learning in giving your own ing. My second goal is I wanted to improve speech.”
“The training helped me in life… It helps me to organize my thoughts and present it in a concise way that people can relate.”
— Peiming Sun
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February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
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Walmart receives COVID-19 vaccines — The Walmart at 16865 Clover Rd., Noblesville received COVID-19 vaccines and began inoculating patients Jan. 26. The vaccinations are only available to state-designated groups and not the general public. IEHA offering eight scholarships — Indiana Extension Homemakers Association, an organization affiliated with the Purdue Extension Service, is offering eight $500 scholarships to Indiana homemakers who are 25 or older. The scholarships are to be used to complete education or upgrade vocational skills. One must be admitted, or cleared for admission, to an academic or vocational school which is state-licensed or accredited. Preference will be given to a person studying at an undergraduate level. Scholarships will be awarded with regard for financial need. Former winners may apply again. Scholarship applications may be obtained at the Purdue Extension Hamilton County office on the Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds, 2003 Pleasant St., Noblesville or online at ieha-families.org/programs.php. Applications are due by March 15. For more, contact Purdue Extension Hamilton County at 317-776-0854. Email scam — MetroNet is alerting customers of a scam email claiming to be from MetroNet asking for payment information to be updated in MetroNet Customer Portal accounts. The email contains a link to click to update information, but it may distribute malware of viruses. All emails from MetroNet will come from the @metronetinc. com domain. Learn more at metronetinc. com or by calling 877-407-3224. International travelers could be required to quarantine upon return — Noblesville Schools recently announced that if families are planning to visit a COVID-19 Level 4 international area during spring break, they must notify the school nurse and will be required to quarantine upon return. For more, visit https://tinyurl.com/y3zov3vm Noblesville Common Council meeting scheduled — The next Noblesville Common Council meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Feb. 23. To view the agenda or for more information, visit cityofnoblesville.org. County council meeting — The next Hamilton County Council meeting will be at 7 p.m. March 3. For more, visit hamiltoncounty. in.gov.
February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
Electric SUV lands in Carmel By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com Ben Weir had never thought of buying an electric car. “I just wasn’t with the craze,” CARS he said. “But I’ve always been a huge Ford fan, specifically Mustang. So, when they decided to build this electric car and use the Mustang heritage, I became interested. I started reading more about it.” Weir, a Carmel resident and Current Publishing Inc. general manager, vice president and partner, picked up his 2021 Mustang Mach-E First Edition Feb. 1 from Pearson Ford in Zionsville. The First Edition models cost approximately $59,000. Buyers receive a $7,500 federal tax credit by purchasing an electric car. Phil Mattingly, marketing coordinator for Pearson Ford, said Weir likely received the first Mach-E First Edition in the Indianapolis area. The First Edition sold out several months ago with pre-orders. “I was still a little skeptical before I went to get it, but since having it, I absolutely
The Mustang Mach-E is the first electric Mustang and first electric SUV produced by Ford. (Submitted photo)
love it,” said Weir, who worked at Pearson Ford before joining Current Publishing in 2020. “The technology is amazing in it. The pickup is better than I thought it would be. It’s a fast car.” Weir said he charges the car each night. The total radius is approximately 200 miles on a full charge on a standard battery, Weir said. Weir said it’s a stylish, fast option for the electric SUV market that doesn’t cost $100,000 like some Tesla models. A Mustang Mach-E GT model will come out later this year, which will cost approximately $61,000. For the full story, visit youarecurrent. com.
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February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
Schools request vaccines By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com In Hamilton County, Noblesville Schools and Westfield Washington Schools have called on Gov. Eric Holcomb PANDEMIC to prioritize making teachers and school staff eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations. Currently, only residents 65 and older are eligible for the vaccine. Noblesville Schools Supt. Beth Niedermeyer and WWS Interim Supt. Chris Baldwin wrote letters to Holcomb requesting that teachers be prioritized. “We know you recognize the critical importance of ensuring that our children can safely continue their education, and their access to support services, during this difficult time,” the Noblesville letter stated. “We ask you to take additional action to support and protect the continuing operation of schools by prioritizing vaccinations for our staff. We believe we are one of only a few school districts in the state that has been able to continually serve our students in-person since August 4, 2020 thanks to the dedication of our over 1,500 teach-
ers and support staff. They have pushed through fears for their own health and overcome significant challenges to be present and engaged in support of students. They have also worked hard to follow safety protocols aimed at keeping schools open. Despite this, our staffing continues to be delicately balanced and absences among any employee group (teachers, bus drivers, food personnel, custodians, principals, etc.) could quickly turn into a situation that forces us to close our buildings. Indiana students must not fall further behind. We take care of our staff so they can take care of our children. We urge you to authorize the vaccination for school staff now, with the goal of keeping our facilities open and operating to best serve Hoosier families.” So far, the state hasn’t authorized teachers or school staff to receive the vaccine, except for anyone 65 or older. At a recent Hamilton County Health Dept. COVID-19 town hall meeting, several attendees asked for teachers to be prioritized, but HCHD staff said they weren’t sure when that will happen because they are following instruction from Holcomb and the state.
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February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
TWO HOMES, ONE PAYMENT. TWO HOMES, Lennar’s Spencer designONE offersPAYMENT. multigenerational TWO HOMES, ONE PAYMENT. Lennar’s Spencer design offers multigenerational with a full suite benefits Lennar’sliving Spencer design offersof multigenerational living with a full suite of benefits living with a full suite of benefits
Lennar is bringing back that multigenerational magic. In Indianapolis, Lennar now offers four communities featuring the innovative NextGen® - The Home Within a Home®, an expansive two-homein-one floorplan showcasing a fully self-contained private suite.
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In every new Lennar Indianapolis home, Everything’s Included®. With exclusive entrances at the front of the home and with the option of its own garage, the suite comprises a kitchenette, living room and bedroom and bath.
Today, about 20% of Americans, or 64 million people, live in a home with parents, grandparents and children, TODAY reported. In 1980, only about 12% lived in a multi-gen household, according to Marketplace, the public-radio business program. TODAY also cited a survey showing 45% of homeowners say they want next- gen living, and Marketplace noted the economic benefits of sharing mortgage and utilities expenses.*
Standard upgrades throughout the home include quartz countertops and stainless-steel appliances, among others. Imagine one home with an independent living space for elderly parents, an adult child needing an apartment or a full- time caregiver, to name a few opportunities.The flexible suite can also be used as a convenience - filled distraction-free
Lennar, one of the nation’s largest homebuilders, introduced The Home Within a Home in 2019, and NBC’s TODAY show immediately took notice.
Lennar meets that growing demand, while adding to the emotional well being that comes with living in a home well-shared. The Spencer Next Gen® floor plan is offered in the Lennar communities
of Welchel Springs and Steeplechase Estates in Fishers, Albany Ridge in Noblesville and Hampshire in Zionsville. For more information about Next Gen® living in the Spencer and to learn more about Lennar’s new homes for sale throughout greater Indianapolis, contact Lennar’s Internet Sales Consultants at (317) 659-3230 and LennarIND@Lennar.com
*SOURCES: https://www.today.com/video/multigenerational-homes-are-on-the-rise-offering-a-sense-of-community-1420746307534; https://www.marketplace.org/2021/01/05/ multigenerational-households-recession-pandemic-economics-child-care-caregiving-rent-utilities-costs/. Features, amenities, floor plans, elevations, and designs vary and are subject *SOURCES: https://www.marketplace.org/2021/01/05/ to changes orhttps://www.today.com/video/multigenerational-homes-are-on-the-rise-offering-a-sense-of-community-1420746307534; substitution without notice. Items shown are artist’s renderings and may contain options that are not standard on all models or not included in the purchase price. Availability multigenerational-households-recession-pandemic-economics-child-care-caregiving-rent-utilities-costs/. Features,asamenities, floor splans, elevations, designs vary and are subject *SOURCES: https://www.today.com/video/multigenerational-homes-are-on-the-rise-offering-a-sense-of-community-1420746307534; https://www.marketplace.org/2021/01/05/ may vary. Please see your New Home Consultant and/or home purchase agreement for actual features designated an Everything’ Included feature.and Models/lifestyle photos do not to changes or substitution without notice. Items shown are artist’ s renderings and may contain options that are not standard on all models or not included in the purchase Availability multigenerational-households-recession-pandemic-economics-child-care-caregiving-rent-utilities-costs/. Features, amenities, plans, elevations, and designs varyprice. and are subject reflect racial or ethnic preference. Third party companies are not affiliated with this promotion, nor do the third-party companiesfloor sponsor, endorse or support this promotion. This is not may vary. Please see your New Home Consultant and/or home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’ s Included feature. Models/lifestyle photos do nots to changes or substitution without notice.isItems shown arewhere artist’sprohibited renderings contain©options that are not standard on allthe models or not included in thespurchase Availability an offer in states where prior registration required. Void byand law.may Copyright 2021 Lennar Corporation. Lennar, Lennar logo, Everything’ Included, price. the Everything’ reflect racial or ethnic preference. Third party companies are not affiliated with this promotion, nor do the third-party companies sponsor, endorse or support this promotion. This is not may vary.logo, Please seeGen your New Consultant home purchase agreement for actual designated asand/or an Everything’ s Included feature. photos do Included Next and theHome Next Gen logo areand/or U.S. registered service marks or service marksfeatures of Lennar Corporation its subsidiaries. Date 01/21Models/lifestyle LNIND920 an offerracial in states where prior registration is required. Voidare where by law. © 2021 Corporation. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’ Included, the Everything’ reflect or ethnic preference. Third party companies notprohibited affiliated with thisCopyright promotion, nor doLennar the third-party companies sponsor, endorse or supportsthis promotion. This is nots Included Next Gen and Next Genislogo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar and/or itsthe subsidiaries. DateEverything’ 01/21 LNIND920 an offer inlogo, states where priorthe registration required. Void where prohibited by law. Copyright © 2021 LennarCorporation Corporation. Lennar, Lennar logo, s Included, the Everything’s Included logo, Next Gen and the Next Gen logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. Date 01/21 LNIND920
Hamilton County flood information announcement — In past years, heavy rains caused the White River and various creeks and streams within Hamilton County to overflow and cause floods. The Hamilton County Plan Commission offers assistance to current, new and future property owners, insurance companies, banks, mortgage companies and others concerning a property’s flood zone classification and whether it is in a floodway. Other information provided are flood depths, areas of historical flooding, how to get flood insurance, contour information and wetland nature functions when available for the jurisdictional areas of Hamilton County. For more, visit the Hamilton County Government and Judicial Center, One Hamilton County Square Suite 306, Noblesville, or by calling 317-776-8490. Beekeepers club meeting — The North Central Beekeepers Club will hold its next meeting at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 17 at Cool Creek Nature Center, 2000 E. 151st St. in Westfield. Presentations will cover young beekeepers, apiary locations/relocations, feeding options and cluster physics. Meetings are free to attend in-person or online by all levels of beekeepers located centrally north of Indianapolis. Learn more at facebook.com/ncbclub/. Board president elected — Mark Heirbrandt has been elected president of the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners. He replaces Christine Altman in the role. Steve Dillinger will serve as vice president. Election of officers is an annual practice at the first meeting of each year. Graduate school scholarships — The Beryl Showers Holland Fellowship will offer a $3,000 first place and $2,000 second place scholarship to graduating seniors at Indiana University who will attend graduate school in the fall. Learn more and apply at trikappa. org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/BSH-Application-2021-Packet-FF-2.pdf. Noblesville Schools Education Foundation to conduct virtual fundraiser — Miller-Palooza, the Noblesville Schools Education Foundation’s largest annual fundraiser, will occur virtually for 2021. The event will be streamed through a YouTube Live link, and it will include interactive trivia, prize giveaways and a silent auction. Participants can play solo or on teams of up to 8. Solo tickets are $30, couples’ tickets are $55 and the cost of teams of up to eight players is $175. To register, visit http://bidpal.net/ millerpalooza
February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
Ages 60-64 next up for vaccines By Jarred Meeks jarred@youarecurrent.com
fore they open eligibility to more residents. The state is allotted an estimated 100,000 vaccines each week from the federal Indiana state officials announced they government. will next open COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to State health officials say limited COVID-19 Hoosiers ages 60 to 64, but not unvaccine allotments are the only til more doses are thing preventing more Hoosiers PANDEMIC available. from being vaccinated. State officials “We have 290 sites now with the said the next group after that opportunity to expand that three would be Hoosiers 50 to 59 and or four times,” said Indiana State people younger than 50 with cerHealth Commissioner Kristina Box. tain comorbidities, although a timeIndiana has chosen to prioritize Box table has not been set. Teachers its oldest residents. Since adopting were not included in either group, despite the approach, daily deaths and hospitalizacalls from teachers, superintendents and tions have rapidly decreased, as have daily other groups to include them. COVID-19 cases. During a Feb. 10 virtual press briefing, State officials estimate 51,000 Hoosiers health officials said Hoosiers ages 60 to 64 younger than 50, with certain conditions, would not be granted eligibility for at least will be contacted by their health care one more week. Currently, residents 65 and provider to arrange an appointment for a older and health care workers, long-term vaccination. Those who will be considered care residents and first responders who are include dialysis patients, people with Down regularly called to the scene of an emergen- syndrome, post-solid organ transplant cy are eligible to receive vaccinations. recipients, sickle cell disease patients and State health officials said they want to people who are receiving cancer treatment ensure all eligible Hoosiers can receive a or who have recently received cancer second dose of the two-dose vaccine betreatment.
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February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
Hoosiers in high-risk groups wait their turn as state follows age-based COVID-19 vaccinations By Ann Marie Shambaugh and Janelle Morrison For Lauren Alexander, the wait for the COVID-19 vaccine has felt especially long. After being diagnosed with a rare form PANDEMIC of lymphoma in 2017, the 33-year-old Carmel resident underwent 60 cycles of radiation to her chest, leaving her immunocompromised and resulting in damage to her lungs. Both of those long-term effects could make her more susceptible to a severe case of COVID-19, a disease that is particularly dangerous for the elderly but also can wreak havoc on younger people with certain conditions. That knowledge is with Alexander each day as she heads to work as franchise director at dog-care facility Camp Bow Wow in Carmel, a job impossible to do from home. “I am now approximately 18 months cancer-free, but I will struggle to regain normal lung function long-term,” Alexander said. “If I get (COVID-19), it’s going to be a huge problem. If I could be vaccinated, that would give me peace of mind. I am not opening my lobby up until I get vaccinated. So, until I get (vaccinated), I won’t be able to do business as usual.” Alexander is but one of millions of Hoosiers with medical conditions or jobs that — according to guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — could put them near the top of the queue for a COVID-19 vaccine. But in Indiana, the state thus far has deviated from the CDC’s advice and primarily taken an age-based approach, opening up the vaccine only to those 65 and older as well as health care workers, first responders and residents of long-term care facilities. State officials said their strategy has been to vaccinate people most likely to be hospitalized or die from the disease, with age being the strongest contributing factor. In Indiana, those 60 and older have accounted for 22.5 percent of COVID-19 cases and nearly 93 percent of deaths. Those 80 and older make up 4.6 percent of all cases and nearly 53 percent of deaths. Gov. Eric Holcomb said Feb. 3 that 78,000 Hoosiers died in 2020. On average, the annual total is about 66,000. The higher 2020 total includes approximately 11,000 COVID-19 deaths. “How do we reduce those deaths that otherwise probably would’ve been more consistent (with past years)?” Holcomb said. Holcomb “That’s where we’re starting. How do we save lives, and who is most at risk, and then we’ll work our way down to the most healthy, strapping 17-year-old that wants (the vaccine).” According to a database compiled by the New York Times, as of Feb. 9, Indiana and all of its neighboring states have given
Lauren Alexander, 33, has lung damage and a compromised immune system after battling cancer, but she continues to work at Camp Bow Wow in Carmel despite concerns about contracting COVID-19. (Submitted photo)
at least one dose of the vaccine to between 8.8 and 9.4 percent of its residents, with 67 to 78 percent of received doses used (although Indiana was at the low end of both).
As the pandemic rages on, so does the pressure to begin vaccinating other groups, such as those with comorbidities, teachers and essential workers. All of Indiana’s neighboring states have begun vaccinating teachers, and Ohio is vaccinating people with certain severe congenital and developmental disorders. “I think there’s many ways to slice this,” said Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease specialist at Johns Hopkins University. “It’s not obviously wrong to do it one way or another (as long as) there is a good faith effort to stick to these priority groups.” State Sen. J.D. Ford has been helping to lead a push to expand eligibility to teachers, but he’d like to see other high-risk groups added, as well. “Why can’t we have an ‘and’ rather than an ‘or’ situation where we’re vaccinating first responders, health care workers, folks in assisted care facilities, teachers, comorbidities and people of color — who we know are experiencing a very high rate of COVID-19 positivity rates?” said Ford, adding that he plans to address the issue with state decision makers. According to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, a CDC committee that provides guidance on vaccines, after health care workers and residents of long-term care facilities, the vaccine should be available to those 75 and older and non-health care front-line essential workers, such as grocery store employees and teachers. In the next phase, it recommends adding those ages 65 to 74, those 16 to 64 with
comorbidities and the remaining essential workers. Adalja said some entities that strictly followed the CDC guidance ended up throwing away vaccine doses at the end of the day, which doesn’t benefit anyone. He said an age-based approach simplifies the process and provides the vaccine for the largest at-risk population, which also covers many people with comorbidities. He said a COVID-19 diagnosis isn’t as dangerous for younger people with certain comorbidities compared to a case in an older person. “A 30-year-old asthmatic is less likely to be admitted (to the hospital). They might have a tough course at home, but they may not require hospitalization,” Adalja said. “But if you’re a 68-year-old person, even if you’re in good health, you may end up being hospitalized at a higher rate.” Hamilton County Health Dept. Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Christian Walker said using an age-based approach has ensured that everyone who receives the vaccine is a high-risk individual. He said opening up vaccine eligibility beyond age groups while the vaccine is scarce would make it easier for lowrisk Hoosiers to claim certain conditions and jump the line. “I want to believe people are honest, but by the same token, I’ve got to safeguard the vaccine and the integrity of the process,” he said. It might not be much longer, however, before state officials expand vaccine eligibility beyond age groups to those with certain medical conditions. “When the age risk starts to equal the risk of a particular comorbidity, that is how we are starting to add those comorbidities in,” Indiana State Health Commissioner Kristina Box said Feb. 3. At a Feb. 10 press conference, Box said the next phase will be opening vaccines to those 60 and older, followed by those between 50 and 59 years old along with younger people on dialysis or those that have Down syndrome, sickle cell disease, organ transplant recipients and those actively being treated for cancer.
States are not required to follow the CDC’s recommendations, but in Indiana counties must heed the state’s guidelines. Walker said local health officials are invited to provide input for the vaccination plan but that decisions are made at the state level. He said HCHD has a bit of leeway if unused vaccine remains at the end of the day but that every effort is made to provide it to someone who is eligible per state guidelines. “We do try to stay within the confines as much as we can,” Walker said. “I don’t know that we’ve ever really strayed very far from (the state committee’s) guidelines as far as who is authorized and who’s not.” In Boone County, however, people with certain qualifications
Bob and Rose-Marie Goodman are the owners and sole employees at Robert Goodman Jewelers in Zionsville. They both have conditions that could make contracting COVID-19 especially dangerous but are unable to operate their business from home. (Submitted photo)
— such as chronic kidney disease, obesity, heart conditions and smokers — can be added to a waitlist to be notified if excess vaccine is available. Boone County Health Dept. RN Administrator Lisa Younts said the ISDH in early February authorized but did not require counties to create vaccine waitlists. When Indiana lowered the vaccine age limit from 70 to 65, an additional 375,000 Hoosiers became eligible. With the state receiving 100,000 doses a week, it will take nearly a month to vaccinate the entire age group. HCHD has been receiving 1,200 doses per week and has been told it will start receiving 1,600 doses per week later this month or early March. It has the space and resources to administer 3,600 doses per week; it’s only lacking the vaccine.
The same is true for Boone County, which receives 1,300 vaccine doses per week, a number guaranteed through the end of this month. “We are ready to ramp up and give as many vaccines as we’re allocated,” Younts said. “We’re ready to go. We just need more vaccines.” The Fishers Health Dept., one of only a handful of municipal health departments in Indiana, did not respond to a request for comment. Online vaccine appointments through the state’s portal are booked through late March. If additional supply becomes available, appointments will be added, but only for those already eligible. And for those who aren’t, the wait — and uncertainty — continues. For Bob Goodman, 62, and his wife, Rose-Marie, 63, owners of Robert Goodman Jewelers in Zionsville, each day at work comes with concern about contracting COVID-19. The shop’s only two employees, Bob has a compromised immune system and Rose-Marie is asthmatic. Staying home isn’t an option. “If we have to shut down because Rose-Marie or I have tested positive, there’s going to be a significant problem,” Bob said. “And there’s a stigma that goes with it when you shut down (due to COVID-19).” Editor’s note: This story is a result of a collaboration between Current Publishing and Carmel Monthly.
Eligible Hoosiers without access to a computer can call 2-1-1 to register by phone. Assistance also is available at local senior centers, public libraries and through AARP. WHERE Riverview Health Ascension St. Vincent Hamilton County Fairgrounds Walmart (Noblesville) Fishers Health Dept. IU Health North Boone County Farm Bureau Building Witham Health Services
ADDRESS 395 Westfield Rd, Noblesville Use Hospital Entrance 2 9460 E 146th St, Noblesville 2003 Pleasant Street. Noblesville 16865 Clover Rd, Noblesville 12520 E 116th St, Fishers 11700 N Meridian St, Carmel Located in Lower Level Room 050 1300 East 100 S. Lebanon 2605 Lebanon St, Lebanon North Pavilion, Entrance B, Lower Level 14800 Hazel Dell Crossing, Noblesville 172 W. Logan St., Noblesville 9799 E. 116th St., Fishers 7272 Fishers Crossing Dr., Fishers 17447 Carey Rd., Westfield 10679 N. Michigan Rd, Zionsville 5 Boone Village, Zionsville 2420 N. Lebanon St., Lebanon 17000 Mercantile Blvd, Noblesville 1424 W Carmel Dr, Carmel 6650 Whitestown Pkwy, Zionsville
February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
WHO IS ELIGIBLE? In Indiana, the vaccine is available for health care workers, first responders and those older than 65.
HOW DO I PAY FOR THE VACCINE? The vaccine is free, although those with insurance are asked to provide that information. The vaccine provider may bill the insurance company, but there will be no cost to the patient receive the vaccine. Those without insurance will receive the vaccine for free.
WHICH VACCINE IS USED IN HAMILTON COUNTY? The Hamilton County Health Dept. is only using the Moderna vaccine, but some other sites are using Pfizer’s vaccine. Both require two doses and have efficacy rates near 95 percent.
HOW LONG DOES A VACCINE APPOINTMENT TAKE? Those receiving the vaccine are encouraged to arrive 15 minutes before their scheduled appointment. The appointment consists of a check-in process, vaccination and 15- to 30-minute observation period after receiving the vaccine. The entire process takes less than an hour.
WILL I RECEIVE PROOF OF VACCINATION? Yes, those vaccinated will receive a card that confirms the dates of the first and second vaccination doses.
Online: coronavirus.in.gov/ vaccine/index.htm
WILL THESE VACCINES WORK AGAINST DIFFERENT VARIANTS OF THE VIRUS? Maybe. Research studies are under way that show the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines may work against new variants, but more clinical data is needed.
Call 866-211-5320 to schedule Kroger appts. ONLY. (Do not call 211.) Online: kroger.com/i/ coronavirus-update/vaccine
Online: clinic.meijer.com
HOW LONG WILL THE VACCINE PROTECT ME? Clinical trials are being conducted to see how long immunity from the vaccines lasts.
WHEN WILL HERD IMMUNITY OCCUR? Herd immunity is expected to occur when 70 percent of the state’s population has been vaccinated. Less than 10 percent of the population has been vaccinated.
February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
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February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
Noblesville senator’s bill could aid in financing rural broadband projects if signed into law By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com A bill authored by State Sen. Scott Baldwin (R-Noblesville) could close the gap in financing with regard to high-speed broadband projects. Senate Bill 359 addresses the need for high-speed connectivity across Indiana to allow local governments to finance high-speed Baldwin broadband infrastructure in their communities by leveraging anticipated service fee revenue that the project would generate to pay back the bonds. “The Senate bill I’ve proposed is very simply a measure to allow local communities to identify and finance their own broadband problems,” Baldwin said. “Right now, in order to finance a project like this as a public/ private project, one of the tools they have is tax increment (financing), but that’s predicated on the future growth of taxes, and in this particular case, in a broadband project, there’s no real estate tax growth. “This bill allows redevelopment commissions with the county or city or town to create and engage in a public/private project with private enterprises and then pledge the future broadband service fees generated by (the) project as the first payment obligation against (the) bond.” Federal Communications Commission data shows more than 600,000 Indiana residents lack access to adequate broadband service. Indiana ranks 32nd in the nation for access to fixed broadband and mobile connectivity that meets FCC standards. The bill would allow counties and local governments to finance high-speed broadband infrastructure in their communities by leveraging anticipated service fee revenue that the project would generate to pay back bonds. “Now more than ever, Indiana’s businesses, remote workers, farmers, students and Hoosiers seeking access to virtual health care or other services must have access to reliable, high-speed internet,” Baldwin said. “Yet, many Indiana communities and residents still lack high-quality connectivity. We
Beck’s Hybrids uses technology to determine exact rates of chemicals, among other applications, and slow broadband speeds can negatively impact the processes. (Submitted photo)
should empower local communities to identify these needs and give them the tools to finance local broadband deployment to help sustain their communities and energize their economies.” Baldwin said the lack of high-speed connectivity in rural areas negatively affects health care systems, agriculture and education. “We have kids pulling up to McDonald’s and libraries trying to get Wi-Fi to do homework. Health care systems struggle with access to the right speeds of internet,” Baldwin said. “My bill speaks to empower local communities to finance some of these local problems.” The bill has been assigned to the Senate’s utilities committee and was heard by the committee Feb. 11. To become law, it must pass the committee, then be recommitted to the tax and fiscal committee, and then go through the Indiana House. If the bill is passed, it will be sent to Gov. Eric Holcomb, who could sign it into law July 1. In the agriculture industry, Beck’s Hy-
brids CEO Sonny Beck said broadband access is critical, especially in today’s technology-driven world. “Smaller companies, in order to take it to the last mile, that’s where we’re at when we say rural, we need rural broadband,” Beck said. Broadband speeds vary widely throughout Indiana but can be as slow as 10MB/1MB, whereas the naBeck tional suggested speed is much faster at 25MB/3MB. The first number represents download speed, and the second number represents upload speed. “We are using chemicals at the exact right rates. All those things are done by computer, and we need rural Indiana to be very competitive because it’s such a big part of our community,” Beck said. “We need this public and private partnership to get this job done. It’s nothing new being invented, but (10MB/1MB) is not sufficient in today’s world. It’s like only having a refrig-
erator, stove and (a) few lights on in your house (at one time). We don’t expect free funding. We don’t expect free money. “We just want the way to get the borrowing capacity in terms of bonds to be able to use for these projects in individual areas.”
WHY BROADBAND? Beck’s Hybrids CEO Sonny Beck said increasing broadband access is important because current signals are heavily impacted by natural causes, such as wind or trees. “There are too many variants in the air, like trees,” Beck said. “That’s why you have power running to every house with a line. That’s why DirectTV isn’t as good as cable. When the weather or wind gets bad, our broadband signal doesn’t work. That’s the reason why we need to get as much as possible.”
February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
Update overload
Trump must be held accountable
Commentary by Terry Anker “It is time for an update,” our computers, smartphones and other electronic devices bark. Like some finger-wagging curmudgeon, they seem to be telling us that we’ve not kept up! What if we don’t have time to install? What if we like things the way they are? Our Silicon Valley overlords assure us that they have our best interests at heart. This revision, it is promised, will make us more safe, secure and happy. All good things come in this update. Mention of how the new version will likely conflict with everything from our other applications to the 4-year-oldprinter that we’d like to keep because it took us three hours and seven calls to the help desk to set up is noticeably absent from the spin. Sure, the downsides, along with a detailed description of how the edition will enhance our “shopping preferences” by keeping tabs on everything we do, are all extensively covered on Pages 47 through 53 of the fine-print manual that falls somewhere below the convenient agree button. If we don’t upgrade, they warn, the world may stop spinning and the stars could fall from the sky. So, we endure the blue screens and conflict errors, the demands for reboot and the notices that our favorite features are no longer available. The sea of social media rises up in complaint. Quickly, the Gates or Zuckerbergs cut a check to some fad of a social cause and deflect the attention from their own failings, a million dollars here in getting people not to care about the new ad-bot in their software that will make them billions more in a year. Still, some of the new features are terrific. Aren’t they mostly? Interfaces are better, faster and more intuitive than ever. Do they really know better? Let’s hope not.
Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@ youarecurrent.com.
An opinionated note to haters Commentary by Danielle Wilson I’ve been receiving some truly fantastic hate mail lately from readers who call my opinions, get this, opinionated, HUMOR and who feel I’m unfit to be a teacher (actually, that email went straight to the school board!). Alas, it’s time for my biannual disclosure piece. Enjoy! Or don’t. Whatevs. First, my classification. Because I generally “comment” on my teenagers’ inherent desires to see me on blood pressure meds, my columns are labeled “commentary.” Even when I discuss the obscene amount of hours I waste at dance competitions and Cloroxing dog poo out of carpet, I’m technically just offering my opinion on the matters at hand. I rarely address politics because I can only focus on so many things at once, like keeping my family COVID-19-free and the fridge dairyfull, but when I do, I’m offering my opinion. In the opinion section. Deal with it. This leads me to the next accusation that I’m unfit to be in a classroom setting
because, apparently, I’m an emotionally unstable, pre-menopausal, raging alcoholic. It’s called “keepin’ it real,” folks. I share my occasional low points publicly to ensure that other non-Super Moms feel less alone in this supposedly perfect suburban bubble we’re all trying to navigate. Do I have days when teaching feels impossible? Absolutely, especially when I’m juggling a hundred remote and in-person learners and Zoom crashes. But the kids will never know it because I’m a professional, and the lessons, like the show, must go on. Bottom line? I’m not here to change the world, but simply to impart observations on surviving middle age, 2020 PTSD and K-pop. So, can we cease and desist with the hatemail? At least until August? Peace out.
Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at info@youarecurrent.com.
I share my occasional low points publicly to ensure that other non-Super Moms feel less alone in this supposedly perfect suburban bubble we’re all trying to navigate.
Editor, Indiana Sens. Mike Braun and Todd Young must not hide behind an argument that it is too late to hold former President Trump culpable for his actions while president. He must be held accountable, convicted and disqualified from holding office in the future. The Constitution is crystal clear about the impeachment process, as the House impeachment leaders thoroughly illustrated in the opening day of the trial. The future of our great democracy depends on integrity. I urge our senators to stop excusing Trump’s reprehensible behavior in fomenting insurrection. Nancy Kohn, Indianapolis
The future of our great democracy depends on integrity. I urge our senators to stop excusing Trump’s reprehensible behavior in fomenting insurrection.
POLICIES Letters to the editor: Current Publishing will consider verifiable letters of up to 150 words. Letters must be thoroughly vetted prior to submission. Current retains the right to reject or return any letter it deems to carry unsubstantiated content. Current also retains the right to edit letters, but not their intent. Send letters to info@youarecurrent.com. Writers must include a hometown and a daytime phone number for verification. Guest columns: The policy for guest columns is the same as the aforementioned, but the allowable length is 240 words. Guest columns should address the whole of Current’s readership, not simply specialinterest groups, and may not in any way contain a commercial message.
February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
Here’s a thing or two – or 23 Commentary by Dick Wolfsie
told me it wasn’t one of those things worth discussing. Regarding the photo of Bernie Sanders Here’s another new thing: Grape Nuts wearing his mittens, late-night host James cereal. Apparently, there is a huge shortage Corden said, “I wonder if Berof this stuff. If you go on Amazon or eBay, HUMOR nie knows it’s a thing.” Bernie you can get a box for about a hundred probably isn’t the most social bucks. My book about my dog Barney also is media-savvy politician, so this meme could selling for $95 on Amazon. The thing is that have appeared tens of thousands of times they are both a lot of money. And another on the internet before he learned of it. thing: I have a case of Barney books in my I love this use garage available for of the word “thing.” five bucks each. So far, I have used “thing” When I was growing By the way, Grape 21 times in this column in up, things were difNuts cereal is a good one way or another, which ferent. I remember breakfast food if you is something to write home my mother saying, are trying to avoid “Put your things about (now it’s 22). I need to unhealthy things. The away.” She also was take a break. Maybe I’ll watch company is ramping a frequent user of the up manufacturing that old sci-fi movie about expression, “If it’s not to make up for the the 7-foot extraterrestrial one thing, it’s anothshortage, including that lands his craft in the er.” She reprimanded increasing production me after I broke an of another product, Arctic and then terrorizes the expensive vase while Grape Nuts Flakes, to research scientists. wrestling with my meet demand. I think brother: “This is why we can’t have nice we already have enough flakes — like those things.” people who are paying a hundred bucks for So, here’s the thing: We have a new use a box of cereal. Or my book. of the word thing. We have all observed so So far, I have used “thing” 21 times in many things that have become things. Here this column in one way or another, which are some examples: is something to write home about (now it’s • Eating Tide Pods (the thing is, you 22). I need to take a break. Maybe I’ll watch could die). that old sci-fi movie about the 7-foot extra• The Ice Bucket Challenge (the thing is, terrestrial that lands his craft in the Arctic you freeze). and then terrorizes the research scientists. • Taking selfies while you’re committing I love that movie. It’s just “The Thing” to a crime (the thing is, you get arrested). watch after writing a column (OK, now it’s • Watching “Tiger King,” “The Bache23). lorette” or “Jerry Springer” on TV (the thing is, you are wasting your life). I have a friend who knows a thing or two Dick Wolfsie is an author, about words. David teaches linguistics at columnist and speaker. Contact NYU, so I thought he’d have some insight him at wolfsie@aol.com. into this popular use of the word. But he
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LEGAL NOTICE DUKE ENERGY INDIANA, LLC Public notice is hereby given to affected property owners pursuant to 170 IAC 4-9-4(f) that within two (2) to six (6) weeks of the date of this notice, weather permitting, Duke Energy Indiana, LLC will be performing vegetation management as part of its power line maintenance program in the area described below. As part of this project, one of its contractors that employ qualified utility line clearance tree workers will be trimming and/or removing trees and brush to clear the lines of vegetation in order to provide safe and reliable electric service. Vegetation management will be performed in/near Fishers on or near streets identified below: Beginning at the substation located near the corner of Cumberland Rd & E 126th St, to include the areas around & near: N of the substation, S of E 141st St, E of Allisonville Rd, W of Sinclair Pl The date this notice is published initiates the two (2) week period for calculating implied consent by an affected property owner under 170 IAC 4-9. If you have any questions you may contact the Duke Energy Vegetation Management toll free number, 866-385-3675. Duke Energy Indiana, LLC Vegetation Management Department LEGAL NOTICE DUKE ENERGY INDIANA, LLC Public notice is hereby given to affected property owners pursuant to 170 IAC 4-9-4(f) that within two (2) to six (6) weeks of the date of this notice, weather permitting, Duke Energy Indiana, LLC will be performing vegetation management as part of its power line maintenance program in the area described below. As part of this project, one of its contractors that employ qualified utility line clearance tree workers will be trimming and/or removing trees and brush to clear the lines of vegetation in order to provide safe and reliable electric service. Vegetation management will be performed in/near Arcadia, Cicero, Noblesville on or near streets identified below: Beginning at the substation located near the corner of Hwy 19 & E 216th St, to include the areas around & near: N of the substation, S of E 281st St, W of Walnut Grove Rd, E of Morse Reservoir The date this notice is published initiates the two (2) week period for calculating implied consent by an affected property owner under 170 IAC 4-9. If you have any questions you may contact the Duke Energy Vegetation Management toll free number, 866-385-3675. Duke Energy Indiana, LLC Vegetation Management Department
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February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
WESTFIELD RESIDENT RECEIVES IU HEALTH NORTH’S 10,000TH COVID-19 VACCINE At 9:30 a.m. Jan. 22, Dr. Rachel Chhiba, podiatrist and Westfield resident, received Indiana University Health North Hospital’s 10,000th dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Noah Scholl, left, administers the vaccine. The Carmel hospital is vaccinating more than 350 people each day. IU Health COVID-19 vaccine clinics have administered more than 75,000 doses so far. (Submitted photo)
DISPATCHES Cracked heels — If you suffer from cracked heels and no amount of cream or lotion seems to help, it might not be dry skin. Instead, it might be because of a Vitamin A deficiency. Eat more foods with beta-carotene i. You may also want to take a supplement of 50,000 IUs daily. Source: BottomLineInc.com Whey for blood sugar — Recent research has shown that people who consumed a whey protein drink before a meal accumulated 28 percent less blood glucose after the meal on average. And the whey had a strong and protective impact — insulin levels nearly doubled in whey drinkers within the first halfhour after eating and remained high. The test subjects were given 50 grams of whey isolate protein dissolved in water. Source: Diabetologia
18 CC
February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
Janus CEO Sorensen to retire By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com
are expanding their horizons,” she said. “It’s bringing different members of the community in and teaching them there are so many Janus Development Services President/ more similarities. Sometimes you see a perCEO Chris Sorensen is convinced she is leav- son with a disability, and you tend to focus ing with the nonprofit in on the differences, but we’ve been able to RETIREMENT solid shape. create opportunities where people Sorensen, 61, can see there are a lot of similariannounced her retirement in Deties. People have the same needs cember 2020 and it will be effective and same dreams.” March 1. She has been president/ Another source of pride is the CEO of Janus since November 2014. strong partnership Janus has built She started with the organization in with Purdue University, starting in 2012 as vice president of operations. 2016. Sorensen The Noblesville resident and her “We have worked with the Dept. husband, Kurt, who recently retired, plan to of Industrial Engineering in providing oppormove to Colorado to be close to their sons, tunities for their senior students to conduct Scott and Trevor, who live in Crested Butte. their capstone projects at Janus,” Sorensen Scott married Lainy in September 2020. said. “We had one team of students assess Along with being near their sons, Sorenour contract work floor and make recomson said she looks forward to having more mendations for redesigning the workflow time to ski and hike and ride her horse. to enable the Janus clients to work more Janus has secured the services of Charefficiently and therefore earn more income. itable Advisors to help with the search Two other capstone projects were focused for a new president/CEO. Janus provides on researching and setting up a hydroponics adults with disabilities the opportunity to growing system, with the intent to start participate and communicate within the another program providing Janus clients an community. opportunity to earn income. “I’m most proud that Janus is in a strong “In addition, Purdue Office of Engagefinancial position, and just the fact we’ve ment has been a sponsor of the annual got such a strong team of employees,” SoJanus Create, Connect, Commit Fundraising rensen said. “I can’t imagine working with Breakfast beginning in 2017. I feel we are a better group of people. When I see their opening those students’ eyes that people passion and commitment for our mission with disabilities have a lot of skills and a lot and for the people we are serving, it’s hard of capabilities.” to put that in words how much that means Riverview Health Rides, the contracted and what a great job they do.” transportation service for Riverview, was Sorensen said she is proud of the relaunched in 2015 to ensure that patients lationships Janus has formed with other can receive required medical care. groups. Janus operates Hamilton County Express, “The programs we have for our clients the county’s public transit system.
DISPATCHES Toxic stocks — According to some investment experts who specialize in analyzing beaten-down stocks and separating longterm potential winners from likely losers. Stocks likely to not recover from the downturn include: Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings (NCLH) 2020 stock performance: –71%. The company faced scathing criticism after leaked emails showed that sales staff had been told to mislead customers about coronavirus risks. Macy’s (M) 2020 performance: –57%. The embattled department store icon, which operates more than 700 stores including Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s locations, has been able
to skirt bankruptcy so far this year, unlike Brooks Brothers, J.Crew and Neiman Marcus. But the pandemic has greatly accelerated online shopping trends and the decline of American malls. Occidental Petroleum (OXY) 2020 performance: –67%. Oil-price wars and global travel restrictions led to a massive oil glut this year and the lowest prices in two decades. While a recent rebound in oil prices to $42 a barrel and hopes of a recovery in global demand by 2022 could boost some energy stocks, it won’t do much for Occidental Petroleum, the largest shale-oil producer in the US, which posted a $1.8 billion loss in the second quarter.
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February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
Carmel Christian Church to feature ‘Faces of Jesus’ paintings with messages during Lent By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com Carmel Christian Church Pastor Jerry Zehr wanted to try something unique during the season of Lent. Zehr will present the paintings ART of R. Scott Colglazier, along with Zehr’s message to the congregation, during Lent. The series of six presentations is entitled “Faces of Jesus” and begins Feb. 21. The series runs each Sunday, startZehr ing at 10:30 a.m., through the March 28 Palm Sunday service. The service will be conducted in-person with face masks required and social distancing. The service also will be livestreamed on Carmel Christian Church’s Facebook page. Colglazier, a Bloomington resident, is a retired minister who focuses on his art. “What I appreciate about Scott is he has this insight and depth to his paintings as well,” Colglazier Zehr said. “I hope it gives people different aspects of what Jesus is feeling.” Zehr said Colglazier will videotape a segment and give some background about each painting’s meaning. Zehr will then deliver a message on the theme. “He’s giving insight into some of the aspects of the paintings,” Zehr said. “The ‘Faces of Jesus’ reflect to us some of Jesus’ own issues, some of his reflections and thoughts, especially in his days coming into Jerusalem to Palm Sunday in that last week. It may awaken in each of us how we can connect to that.” Zehr and Colglazier have been friends for more than 35 years. They met at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis. The first painting to start Lent is “I Just Wanted to Live My Life.” “I think as Jesus was getting ready to
Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre Carmel-based Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre’s “Dances for a New World: Part Two” will be available on-demand through Feb. 20. It was presented as a livestream Feb. 13. For more, visit gregoryhancockdancetheatre.org. Civic Theatre Civic Theatre will present “Pride & Prejudice” as a livestream from The Tarkington at the Center for the Performing arts in Carmel at 7 p.m. on Feb. 19, 20, 26 and 27. An on-demand option is available for viewing. For more, visit civictheatre.org. Indiana Wind Symphony The Indiana Wind Symphony Chamber Ensemble presents “A Celebration of Romantic Miniatures” at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 21 as a virtual presentation on Facebook Live. For more, indianawindsymphony.org.
R. Scott Colglazier’s painting “I Just Wanted to Live My Life” is part of the “Faces of Jesus” series. (Submitted photos)
R. Scott Colglazier’s painting of “The Cost of Purple” is part of the “Faces of Jesus” series.
go into Jerusalem, he knew a lot of the power brokers were threatened by him and there was a part of him that wanted to live a normal life,” Zehr said. “He didn’t want to cause trouble. He didn’t want to be the lightning rod of everybody’s focus. He felt compelled to do this. He wanted to bring this message to say God’s love is there for the untouchable and the gentiles. I think of Martin Luther King Jr. a lot of the same way. Here he was a minister and was probably just, ‘Let me do my thing,’ but he couldn’t deny the call that God was putting on his life. He felt he needed to do something, and he couldn’t just live a normal life. “So, Scott talks about that in the video as he was painting it. Each painting has a certain meaning to it in some aspect of Jesus.” For instance, for the “Blue Jesus” painting, Zehr will share a message about mental health. “People get the blues and how Jesus must have felt at times, very depressed,” Zehr said. “We see (it) in some of his words when he looked over Jerusalem and
he wept. Each painting carries an aspect of Jesus, and I hope it will engage people in a different way.” Colglazier said he painted the various “Faces of Jesus” paintings over the past couple of years. “Jesus is such a big and important figure that there are a variety of ways of approaching that and approaching religion itself through art, literature, poetry, theology, all of those things help us grab hold of this big topic of life,” Colglazier said. “It’s kind of an ongoing topic for me in terms of a subject. But mine are nontraditional and much more expressive. It’s not quite abstract but expressionistic. I’m not trying to paint a portrait. I’m trying to present a mood or dimension of Jesus.” Colglazier said he is interested to see if the paintings and messages connect with Zehr’s congregation. Colglazier, originally from Salem, is retired from First Congregational Church of Los Angeles, which Colglazier describes as one of the most progressive churches in the nation. For more, colglazierart.com.
GHDT presents virtual performance editorial@youarecurrent.com Carmel-based Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre’s “Dances for a New World: Part Two,” which was scheduled to be presented as virtual performance Feb. 13, will be available on-demand until Feb. 20. Executive Artistic Director Gregory Hancock created works for the GHDT 23rd performance season with the constantly evolving world in mind amid the coronavirus pandemic. “The productions have been created in parts and each designed to reflect the current times,” Hancock stated. “Dances for a New World: Part One to Part Three” are each comprised of multiple stories told through creative theatrical art experiences. GHDT worked with Fishers resident Chris Lingner, a professional dancer and videographer, to produce the production. For more, visit gregoryhancockdancetheatre.org. The cost is $21.95 for a single viewing and $51.95 for family viewing.
February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
Kraft hones craft in performance By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com
“I’m really excited for people to see our take on it.” Kraft said rehearsals have gone well as Matt Kraft is finding playing his characthe cast has practiced with face masks ter in “Pride & Prejudice” an entertaining amid the COVID-19 pandemic. challenge on a few “I feel lucky to have something THEATER different levels. to focus on during this crazy time “I like that Mr. in the world,” Kraft said. “Everyone Darcy is someone who sets the bar at Civic has been extremely careful really high for himself,” the Carmel as far as wearing masks and stayresident said. “He wants so badly ing socially distant whenever we to live up to this image of the ideal are rehearsing at the theater, and man that he has created, but when we all have been wearing masks Kraft he meets Elizabeth, it throws his throughout rehearsal. It is definitely ideals and identity out the window. strange, but I hope we will look The conflict between his head and his heart back on this one day and be proud that we makes him a fun and challenging character adapted to the situation and still put on a to play. And let’s be honest, the (British) show during this time.” accent is fun, too.” The 2009 Carmel High School graduate The production of “Pride & Prejudice” will was set to be in Civic Theatre’s “A Few Good be streamed live from The Tarkington at the Men” at The Tarkington in March 2020, but Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel at it was halted a few hours before opening 7 p.m. Feb. 19, 20, 26 and 27. An on-demand night March 13 because of the virus. “A Few option is available through Feb. 27 . The Good Men,” is slated to run May 7-22. show started Feb. 12.. “I am very glad to be performing again,” Kraft has never been in the play, based Kraft said. “The entire ‘Pride & Prejudice’ on the classic Jane Austen novel, or seen it cast and crew is so awesome, and it has performed. given me something to look forward to after “I’ve never seen a film version of ‘Pride work every day. I can’t wait for an audience & Prejudice,’ either, which is actually nice to see the show.” because I don’t have any preconceptions For more, visit civictheatre.org. of how it should be performed,” Kraft said.
Winter Blast returns editorial@youarecurrent.com Clay Terrace invites residents to enjoy the sixth annual Winter Blast from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Feb. 20. The event will EVENT feature carriage rides, train rides, face painters, ice sculpture carvings, a hot chocolate bar, marshmallow trail and even guaranteed snow. “Clay Terrace is excited for the return of this family-friendly winter (activity),” Clay Terrace General Manager Jennifer Jones stated. Winter Blast activities will be inside the Clay Terrace Village Green and all throughout Clay Terrace property. Guests can shop for unique finds at Clay Terrace stores, with access to special sales and deals. Clay Terrace remains focused on providing a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone, Jones stated. In the continued need to address COVID-19, the town center has proactively implemented additions to the code of conduct, effective until further
notice. The additions include the following guidelines: Practice social distancing and stay at least 6 feet from other people; cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover in accordance with state and local guidelines; do not gather in groups; adhere to each individual tenant’s COVID-19 policies; and follow all federal, state and local regulations, recommendations and mandates regarding COVID-19. The code of conduct is posted at the center and available at clayterrace.com/legal/ code-of-conduct. Clay Terrace’s already rigorous disinfectant and cleaning practices also will continue many times per day, including periodically disinfecting areas most susceptible to the spread of germs. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer dispensers are located in highly trafficked areas and walkways for public use. For more, visit Clayterrace.com or call 317-818-0725.
this isn’t your grandmother’s austen!
2/12/21 - 2/27/21
s i x l i ve - st re a m e d p e rfo r ma n c e s
T I C K E TS O N SA LE N OW c i v i c t h e at re . o rg / 3 1 7 . 8 4 3 . 3 8 0 0
February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
La Chinita Poblana
Commentary by Anna Skinner Address: 906 Carrollton Ave., Indianapolis What to get: Peanut noodle salad Price: $6 Anna’s take: La Chinita Poblana is a Mexican-Asian fusion taqueria within The Garage food hall in the Bottleworks development in downtown Indianapolis. Owner George Munoz previously operated the restaurant in Broad Ripple, but that location has closed. Munoz also owns Festiva on 16th Street. La Chinita Poblana is an incredible restaurant, and I look forward to returning. I tried two kinds of tacos, my favorite of which was the tilapia taco ($4). It has yellow curry and blackened tilapia, chipotle mayo, napa cabbage slaw and a ginger dressing. I tried a side of Mexican-style street corn ($3.50 or $6 depending on size), and let me tell you, you need to order the largest size possible.
Clockwise from left, tacos, peanut noodle salad, Mexican-style street corn. (Photo by Anna Skinner)
It has chipotle morita mayo, cotija cheese and crushed Takis Corn Chips, and it is such an incredible little dish that I can’t wait to try it again. My favorite dish was the peanut noodle salad ($6). It is made with cold noodles, julienned cucumber, bean sprouts, an herb mix and ground peanuts with a peanut sauce for a most delicious, refreshing Asian dish. Add protein for $3.50. If you can’t choose between Asian or Mexican, visit La Chinita Poblana so you can have the best of both worlds.
Behind bars: Gin Bravo Get it at Hotel Tango, Zionsville Ingredients: 4 blackberries, 2 basil leaves, 2 oz. Hotel Tango Gin, .75 oz. green tea simple syrup, .75 oz. lemon juice Directions: Muddle fruit in a glass, shake with all other ingredients except the basil and double strain over chipped ice in a double rocks glass. Garnish with basil leaves.
Soft: COTTON BALL, FEATHER, FLEECE, FUR, MARSHMALLOW, PILLOW; Crimes: ARSON, FRAUD, PIRACY, ROBBERY, TREASON; Words: BOLDLY, GLADLY, LOVELY, SADLY; Champs: NOBLESVILLE, NORTH CENTRAL, RONCALLI; Bugs: TICK, 4 9 7 1 2 3 6 8 5 MOSQUITO; Lady: SUSAN 8 5 2 6 9 7 1 4 3 1 3 6 8 5 4 7 9 2 BAYH 7 8 4 3 6 2 9 5 1 5 6 3 7 1 9 4 2 8 9 2 1 5 4 8 3 7 6 3 7 9 2 8 1 5 6 4 2 1 5 4 7 6 8 3 9 6 4 8 9 3 5 2 1 7
February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
Phrop it like it’s hot Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt
Golden Gate of St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague, Czech Republic. (Photo by Don Knebel)
Prague’s Last Judgment mosaics Commentary by Don Knebel The St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague, Czech Republic, features one of the world’s most important exterior mosaics, graphically illustrating the medieval concepTRAVEL tion of the Last Judgment. In 1344, Bohemian King John the Blind laid the cornerstone for a cathedral on the site of two earlier Prague churches dedicated to St. Vitus. When John died in battle in 1346, his son, Charles IV, succeeded him. King Charles, determined to make the cathedral the most important in Europe, engaged a noted French architect to design a massive cathedral in the French Gothic style. In 1370, after the 407-foot by 197-foot structure had been enclosed, Charles commissioned mosaics above the three arched portals of the south entrance, intended to provide those approaching the cathedral a powerful reason to go inside. The mosaics, completed in 1371 and encompassing about 1,000 square feet, incorporated approximately 1 million pieces of colored glass and gold leaf. The middle panel portrays Jesus at the end of time, executing the Last Judgment.
On Jesus’ right, the resurrected bodies of the righteous dead are climbing from their hillside tombs, assisted by angels. On Jesus’ left, the damned are being driven into the fires of hell. The gilded south entrance became known as the “Golden Gate,” the name of the gate through which Jewish tradition expects the Messiah to enter the Temple in Jerusalem after resurrecting the dead on the nearby Mount of Olives. In the 15th century, wars and a shortage of funds halted work on the half-finished St. Vitus Cathedral. Construction resumed in the 19th century. When the cathedral was finally dedicated in 1929, the brilliant colors and gold of the Last Judgment mosaics had been obscured by potassium leaching from the medieval glass. Between 1992 and 2000, the mosaics were restored by the Getty Conservation Institute.
Ready to BATHROOMS Transform SINCE 1993 Your Home? Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel. com. You may contact him at editorial@youarecurrent.com.
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I have a new favorite word and, no, it’s not “hygge.” Similar to “hygge,” though, this word looks like you dropped a random handful of GRAMMAR GUY Scrabble letters onto the gameboard in an attempt to convince your friend that it’s a real word. My new favorite word is “phrop.” Coined by Sir Arnold Lunn in the late 1940s, “phrop” was Lunn’s entry in a made-up word competition in “The New Statesman,” according to Philip Howard in his 1984 book, “The State of Language.” It seems Sir Arnold created the word “phrop” as a combination of the words “phrase” and “opposite.” When you break down this idea, you get a phrase that means the opposite of what it actually means. A classic example of this comes from Jerry Seinfeld’s stand-up comedy. At the end of a date where you don’t want to see that person ever again, Seinfeld quips, “What do you say?” So, he goes with, “Take care now.” The reason, he states, is because “I’m not going to
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317-848-7634 www.centennialremodelers.com Member Central Indiana
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be taking care of you, so you should take care of yourself now.” Phrops appear in social settings to put a misleading face on a less-than-polite statement. Notice that when someone starts a sentence with, “With all due respect,” they proceed to tee off on the other person’s position or opinion. “With all due respect” gets used as a license to tear the other person apart. I give “with all due respect” mad phrops. How can you avoid dropping a casual phrop while speaking with your closest frenemy? Phrops are an easy way to passively aggressively drop a “sick burn” on someone. My advice? Pick one thing about your “friend” that you can genuinely compliment (even if it is her ringtone). Say it, mean it, and then get out of there before you accidentally say, “I’ll call you.”
Curtis Honeycutt is a national award-winning, syndicated humor writer. Connect with him on Twitter (@curtishoneycutt) or at curtishoneycutt.com.
February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
14 18 21
27 33
37 41
47 52
9 5
45 50
55 57
65 67
Across 1 Local radio station at 95.5 (4) 5 Sidestep (5) 10 Pal (4) 14 Meditative exercises (3,3) 15 Ditto (4) 16 Monument Circle musical grp. (3) 17 Jazz Kitchen horn (3) 18 Brewer’s kiln (4) 19 Gold-coated (6) 20 Hamilton County ___ (10) 24 James Whitcomb Riley’s “before” (3) 25 Dada co-founder (3) 26 Westfield HS wrestler’s win (3) 27 Irrational fears (7) 31 Pending, in law (4) 33 Moon of Jupiter (6) 36 Table scrap (3) 37 Indianapolis ___ (13)
2 3 1
40 Brockway Pub pint (3) 41 Revealing, as a bikini (6) 44 Like this puzzle, for some (4) 46 Second edition (7) 49 Former WRTV anchor Clyde (3) 50 Crooked Stick score (3) 51 “Wheel of Fortune” buy (3) 54 Indiana ___ (10) 56 Hotel at 50 W. Washington St. (6) 58 Indian dress (4) 60 The “N” of NIMBY (3) 63 Newfields collection (3) 64 Nautical direction (4) 65 Make calm (6) 66 It may be rigged at Geist (4) 67 Like some upscale Carmel communities (5) 68 Iditarod end (4)
4 2 6 2 9 5
6 4
17 20
9 3 2 6 Down 1 Lbs. and ozs. (3) 2 IND watchdog (3) 3 Jumble (3-2) 4 Most November babies (8) 5 “Eureka!” (3) 6 Hindu god (6) 7 Legally bar (5) 8 Prego rival (4) 9 “I’ve heard enough!” (3) 10 Limo rider, often (5) 11 Conceal (4) 12 Addict (4) 13 Trait lacking in egotists (7) 20 Part of a six-pack (3) 21 Avon HS mascot (6) 22 Lucas Oil Stadium level (4) 23 Soak in gravy (3) 28 Garden tool (3) 29 Hawkeye state (4) 30 Noah’s landfall (6)
3 8 1 7
4 8
32 One of 780 in the Bop to the Top (4) 34 NASCAR dashboard letters (3) 35 Stick-to-it-iveness? (8) 37 Salsa band shakers (7) 38 Confessional topic (3) 39 Watcher (4) 42 They’re all in the family (3) 43 Polite request (6) 45 Parched (3) 47 Urban opposite (5) 48 RCA product (2,3) 50 Type of bean or horse (5) 52 Director Ephron (4) 53 Opposed (4) 55 Concept (4) 57 Fishers HS subj. before Trig. and Calc. (3) 59 White River angler’s need (3) 61 IPL unit (3)
6 Things that are Soft ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ 5 Crimes ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
4 Words Ending in “LY” ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ 3 Girls B-Ball Sectional Champs ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ 2 Annoying Indiana Bugs ____________________ ____________________
1 Former Indiana First Lady ________________________________ 62 Wolf Run golfer’s prop (3)
Answers on Page 26
February 16, 2021
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February 16, 2021
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Current in Noblesville
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REAL ESTATE “Under Construction” (Cash Only) 161 Wellington Pkwy, Noblesville 2 Story Home W/Walkout Basement Approximately 3500 SF, 3/4 Acre lot. $225,000.00 For An Appointment Call 317-223-4587
Professional & Economical Remove tree stumps, ugly tree roots, stumps in and around chain link or wood fences. We also remove tree stumps that are protruding up onto sidewalks and around sidewalks. We grind them and/or remove. Please Call & Text at 816-778-4690 or 317-341-4905.
Seeking experience. mature person to walk dogs and care for cats. Flexible, part time work. Apply at: www.FetchPetCare.com
COMPUTER TECHNICIAN NEEDED Local Computer repair shop in need of PC and Mac techs with experience pref both PC and Macs, certification strongly desired, pleasant personality & some sales experience. Pay starting at $16/ hour and up for F/T. Send resume with cover letter to jobs@ctcarmel.com
Looking for job security? Simpson Construction Services has so much work that it must hire five people for residential remodeling NOW. The skilled carpenters we select will have strong abilities in bathroom remodeling, but also with respect to kitchens, decks, basements, wood and tile flooring, doors and windows, interior and exterior painting, drywall, plumbing and electrical, siding and room additions. Again: Only skilled carpenters need apply. For immediate consideration, call Gary Simpson at 317.703.9575.
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February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
Do you love the excitement of NCAA and Pacer’s basketball, concerts, the Indy 500, the State Fair and The Palladium?
Get paid to be part of the action! ESG Security is hiring enthusiastic and dependable people to work security for our various venues in Indianapolis and Carmel! Join the ESGSecurity Team by calling (317) 261-0866 today! Licensed insurance agent, Indianapolis, IN. The ideal candidate enjoys talking to people and proactively solving issues. Responsibilities include, Servicing home, auto, & commercial lines of business. Communicate with customers via phone, email & chat. Provide knowledgeable answers to questions about product, pricing and availability. Work with internal departments. Qualifications: 1-3 years relevant work experience. Send resume to: rkh156@aol.com
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY TEACHER ASSISTANT POSITION The International Montessori School (www.intlmontessori.com), located in Carmel, Indiana, has a Teacher Assistant position available immediately. Working hours will be between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM Monday through Friday. Qualifying candidates should have an undergraduate degree or a diploma from a technical school and experience working with children ages 3 through 6 years old, should be enthusiastic, kind, and creative with a love for children. Compensation is competitive and based on experience. PLEASE REPLY TO: RKD1948@SBCGLOBAL.NET ***** No phone calls, please. *****
Looking for an entry level employee to round out my help desk. It is a perfect job for college aged students or someone looking to return to the workforce. Primary duties would be inbound tech support calls, emails, and light office work. Mid-morning, approximately 15 hours per week. Please send resumes, work history, or questions to: mkress@theankerconsultinggroup.com
UPSCALE HOTEL AND SPA FOR DOGS IN CARMEL SEEKS ADDITIONAL STAFF: We are seeking excellent candidates for our front desk. Greeting our guest, answering the phones, making appointments for hotel, daycare, and grooming. Also, some general cleaning. Some office experience preferred. High school grads and above. We are also looking for daycare members. This job entails you to be familiar with dogs and their behaviors. We need individuals who enjoy taking care of dogs in a setting where dogs play together , that includes cleaning up after messes, playing with them, watching body behavior and make sure dogs are getting along. Hotel Staff Members: We also need hotel staff members who can follow feeding instructions, walk dogs, and engage their minds. Keep up with simple chores: such as dishes, laundry, and suite cleaning. Our staff works as a team and we require a team minded spirt, client driven, detail oriented. Professional and a dog loving candidates. Full time and part time positions available. If you meet the criteria, we want to hear from you. Email your resume to : Kim@happydoghotelandspa.com
Clevernest is a growing company servicing homebuilders, architects, and residential clients throughout central Indiana, as an Anderson Window and Door Dealer, specializing in the installation of all that we sell. We are looking for an Operations Manager, who possesses a strong supportive mindset of “how can I help” and deeply appreciates finding joy on executing tasks and projects on a daily basis. This position is responsible for the activities related to operations after the sale; therefore, one must have the ability to juggle multiple projects at once and be an advocate for our clients. REQUIREMENTS: The ideal candidate is professional entrepreneurial minded, and able to lead and assist with all aspects of a project post sale until completion, and day to day warehouse, inventory, and field supervision. APPLY AT Clevernest Inc. 240 W. Carmel Drive In 46032 tom@clevernest.com, 317-688-8100 www.clevernest.com
Clevernest is a growing company servicing homebuilders, architects, and residential clients throughout central Indiana, as an Andersen Window and Door Dealer, specializing in the installation of all that we sell. We are looking for more than an Office Manager, we are looking for someone who possesses a strong supportive mindset of “how can I help” and deeply appreciates finding joy on executing tasks and projects on a daily basis. This position is responsible for the activities related to office operations; therefore, one must have the ability to juggle multiple projects at once and be an advocate for our clients. Requirements: The ideal candidate is professional, entrepreneurial minded, and able to lead and assist with all aspects of an incoming project and day to day office functions. TO APPLY Clevernest Inc. 240 W. Carmel Drive Carmel IN 46032 tom@clevernest.com; 317-688-8100; www.clevernest.com
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February 16, 2021
Current in Noblesville
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