Tuesday, September 13, 2022 ResidentialECRWSSCustomer Local 1525INPostagePresortedStandardU.S.PaidIndianapolis,PermitNo. CommissionBicentennialseeks hosts for traveling exhibit / P3 Indy man charged withmurderattempted/P5 Historic Home Tour set for Sept. 17 / P7 SCAN HERE TO HAVE CURRENT DELIVERED TO YOUR PHONE Mentoring program at Noblesville Schools works to positively impact students / P17 CHANGING LIVES


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“Bier Brewery is known for its quality and taste, and I know their commitment to excellence will make them a success in Noblesville,” Noblesville Mayor Chris Jen sen said. “Our administration has invested heavily into our city’s gateways, including a new trail and road improvements along the South Tenth Street corridor. I’m excited for our residents to have Bier Brewery as a new dining and recreation option in this area of the community.”
The Hamilton County Bicentennial Commission is seeking hosts next year for its upcoming travelservession,Theexhibit.commiswhichasthe
News tips/story ideas: stories@youarecurrent.com
To view and sign up for an exhibition date, visit hamcoturns200.com/ traveling-exhibit. Exhibition dates are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis with the deadline to sign up being Oct. 1.
Expansion will be third location, largest for family business
By Matthew Kent matthew@youarecurrent.com
“Weago.are very excited to be adding our third location in Noblesville,” said Ryan Connor, director of sales and distribution for Bier Brewery. “The city of Noblesville has been a great partner and very welcoming to our ideas and goals. We are anxious to get started as soon as we tie up loose ends.”
Obituaries: obits@youarecurrent.com
Commission seeks hosts for traveling exhibit
Hamilton Co. 5K for Food Security planned for Oct. 8 — The Hamilton County 5K for Food Security will be held at 9 a.m. Oct. 8 at Dr. James A. Dillon Park, 6001 Eden shall Lane, Noblesville. The cost to register is $35. For registration information, Noblesville/HamiltonCounty5kforFoodSecurityvisitrunsignup.com/Race/IN/

County to celebrate 200th anniversary in 2023
Boating course to be offered Sept. 17 — A boating course will be offered Sept. 17 by America’s Boating Club of Central Indiana in Cicero. The course will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Red Bridge Community Park build ing, 697 W. Jackson St., Cicero. Taking the course reduc es the risk of accidents and injuries, saves money on boat insurance or operator certificate in states where it is required. For more information, contact Bob Beall at 765-414-2499 or email bobm.beall@gmail.com.
Bier Brewery to open taproom in Noblesville
The taproom also plans to host communi ty organizations and local musicians on its outdoor patio when it opens next summer. For more, visit bierbrewery.com/home.
Bier Brewery plans to open a fami ly-friendly taproom in Noblesville that is ex pected to open next summer. Plans were announced by the city earlier this month that Bier Brewery was opening a 6,000-square-foot taproom at 1618 S. 10th St. that will also feature a dog park, a kids’ playground, covered outdoor seating and bike access to the Allisonville Road Trail. It will mark the third and largest location for Bier Brewery, which also has taprooms at 5133 E. 65th St. in Indianapolis and another
The exhibit will encompass all five themes of the 2023 Bicentennial: art, diversity/inclusion, education, historic preservation and parks/environment. The historical content based on the themes will educate on history topics that long-time citizens may not be aware of, according to the commission.
Legal advertising: legals@youarecurrent.com
governing body of the Bicentennial Celebration, said that businesses, nonprofits, schools, libraries, retire ment communities and any organi zation with indoor space capable of housing the exhibit are eligible to host. There is no charge to be a host, according to the commission.
Children’s consignment event at Grand Park Sept. 16-18 — A children’s consignment event will be held Sept. 18 at the Grand Park Sports Complex, 19000 Grand Park Blvd., Westfield. The event, “Whale of a Sale,” will be held from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sept. 16; 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and again from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Sept. 17; and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 18. Tickets can be purchased in advance by visiting whale-of-a-sale-fall-2022-tickets/https://whale-sale.ticketleap.com/
Contact the editor:
September 13, 2022
Send us your stories and photos — Please email story suggestions on new businesses, interesting residents, upcoming events and photos to Current in Noblesville Managing Editor Matthew Kent at matthew@youarecur rent.com. For photo submissions, please provide the full names of individuals, along with a short description of the event, location and the date of when it took place.
location at 13720 N. Meridian St. in Carmel.
If you’re interested in reaching virtually 100 percent of the Noblesville market (28,656 households), you may obtain more information by emailing ads@youarecurrent (subject: Noblesville advertising) or by calling 317.748.2662.
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Bier Brewery is a local, family-owned and operated brewery that has been open since 2010. It was started by Jerry Connor and his son, Darren, as a small-scale nano brewery. The business has since evolved to include Darren’s siblings, Ryan Connor and Leah Keene, and now offers more than 130 beer selections.
When the new brewery is up and running, it will also feature a private room, in addi tion to coworking office space with room to accommodate staff, guests and families. It opened its 4,300-square-foot all-ages taproom with food service in Carmel four years
Founded Sept. 15, 2009, at Noblesville, IN Vol. XIV, No. 1 Copyright 2022 Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444
Contact Managing Editor Matthew Kent Remembercurrentnoblesville.com.onsubmitext.commatthew@youarecurrent.atorcall317.489.4444804.Youmayalsoinformationourwebsite,ournewsdeadline is typically eight days prior to publication.

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The traveling exhibit will include two 8-by-8-foot, one-sided, free-standing panels with educational and historical information about Hamilton County’s history. A team of local historians will produce the content for the exhibit, while a graphic designer will design it, the commission said.
By Matthew Kent matthew@youarecurrent.com
Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.com
The views of the columnists in Current in Noblesville are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
Each host will receive the exhibit for one week with pick-up and drop-off to be arranged with each host. An opening reception for the exhibit will be held at 6 p.m. Feb. 17, 2023, at the Collaboration Hub, 11810 Technology Dr., Fishers, and will run from March through the end of October.
4 September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.com

By Matthew Kent matthew@youarecurrent.com

Authorities said that two victims flagged down police and said that a man had as saulted them. One of the victims, who said he worked for the City of Westfield Street Dept., told police that he and his co-worker had parked their vehicle on Grassy Branch Road near the intersection of 196th Street and Grassy Branch to trim grass.
field Police Dept. were dispatched to the area of Scofield Ridge Boulevard and Hay ward Way, where they found Weir’s truck parked on the street.
Fortunately, the gun did not fire. The victim was then pistol whipped before the suspect left the area shouting racial slurs at the two men.
A police detective eventually saw Weir walk outside of a home where the pickup truck was parked and yelled at the suspect, asking whose truck was parked behind him. Weir allegedly said, “I don’t have to answer that,” according to the probable cause statement.Authorities said that Weir “began to act very fidgety, moving his hands around” and was eventually taken into custody. Police say they found a black semi-automatic handgun stuck in Weir’s waistband.
This incident has left me shaken and angry. This behavior has no place in our society and it won’t be tolerated in this city. Neither will intolerance and racism. The safety of our employees has always been my priority as mayor and an as sault on one is an assault on our city.
Weir allegedly told police that he was car rying the gun to protect his family and that he was attacked by two individuals carrying Weed Eaters and that he had to fight them off, according to the probable cause state ment. One of the victims positively identi fied Weir as the individual who pointed a firearm and hit his co-worker, police said.
An Indianapolis man is facing a charge of attempted murder after allegedly assaulting a Westfield city employee with a handgun last Austinmonth.J.Weir, 38, was charged in Hamilton Coun ty Circuit Court Aug. 30 with Level 1 felony attempt ed murder, Level 5 felony battery with a deadly weapon, Level 6 felony bat tery resulting in moderate bodily injury and two Level 6 felony counts of pointing a firearm.

A pretrial conference in the case has been scheduled for Nov. 10 with a jury trial set at 9 a.m. Dec. 14.
According to a probable cause statement filed in the case, the victim said he noticed a black, older model pickup truck driving eastbound on 196th Street traveling at a high rate of speed and put his hand out to signal the driver to slow down. The driver of the vehicle allegedly told the victim to “get the (expletive) out of my way” and retrieved a handgun, chased one of the victims and struck him in the head with the weapon, causing him to fall to the ground, according to the probable cause statement.
Weir, who was appointed an attorney in the case earlier this month, remains in the Hamilton County Jail on a $500,000 cash or surety bond, according to jail records.
The arrest of a suspect in the assault and attempted murder of a City of West field Street Department employee this week, shocked and stunned the citizens of our city. Two of our Street Department employees were involved in an unpro voked attack on Monday afternoon when they were assaulted by a male with a handgun who attempted to discharge the weapon at one of our employees.
Indy man charged with attempted murder
5September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.comCOMMUNITY

While on the ground, it is alleged that Weir struck him again with the firearm and that a struggle occurred between the two men. Weir allegedly got up, pointed the handgun at the victim’s chest and pulled the trigger, according to the probable cause statement.Thevictim told police that after Weir pulled to the side of the road on 196th Street, he began arguing with one of the victims, the probable cause statement said. As the two men were arguing, Weir swung at one of them, but was blocked by a Weed Eater that one of the victims was holding. After hitting one of the victims two times on the top of his head, Weir allegedly got back into his truck, yelled an expletive and racial slur, then drove off eastbound on 196th Street, according to the probable cause statement. Officers from the West

6 September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.com Merchants Bank of Indiana is a unique bank. Hop on over to the best-performing public bank in the U.S.**HopOnOver.comOur Money Market rates are ten times the national average.* Yes, ten times! *FDIC national average report as of April 2022. **2021 S&P Global Market Intelligence Rating. © All rights reserved.

New this year is a collaboration with Main Street in hosting Upstairs Downtown from 5 to 9 p.m. Sept. 16, allowing attendees to take a guided tour of historic buildings on or around the square.
99 E. Carmel Drive Suite 100 Carmel, IN
Noblesville Preservation Alliance’s 35th annual Historic Home Tour has a unique twist this year.
Roush said it is a rule that NPA doesn’t put homes on tour for five years since they have last been finished.
“My neighbor Kurt Meyer salvaged mate rials for the treehouse from various local businesses and built it for his grandchil dren,” said Roush, who also has a home on Cherry Street on the tour.
A treehouse is a featured part of the Noblesville Preservation Alliance’s 35th annual Historic Home Tour. (Photo courtesy of Noblesville Preservation Alliance)

7September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.comCOMMUNITY KITCHENS | BATHS | INTERIORS | ADDITIONS | OUTDOOR LIVING

Treehouse earns spot on Historic Home Tour
By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com
“We are calling it seven-anda-quarter houses on the tour since we have a historic treehouse, which is unusual for our tour,” said Amanda Roush, Historic Home Tour chair and vice president of the Noblesville Preservation Alliance. “There also are three businesses to tour.” The home tour is set for Sept. 17 and will feature homes in the southwest quadrant of Old Town. There will be live and recorded music during the event at Seminary Park.
117 S. First Street Zionsville, IN
5912 N. College Avenue Indianapolis, IN
Roush said combination tickets for both events are discounted online at both web sites. For more, visit noblesvillemainstreet. org and Ticketspreservationhall.org.fortheHistoricHome Tour can be picked up, if purchased online, at the Old Sheriff’s Residence, 810 Conner St., or Semi nary Park, 350 St. 10th St., in Noblesville the day of the event. Ticket buyers will receive a wristband and booklet for the tour. The tour is self-guided during the hours of 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tickets are required for at tendees ages 13 and older.
Location: The intersection of 191st Street and Grassy Branch Road is closed for roundabout construction. Expected completion: The estimated completion date is Oct. 8 due to delays in utility relocation.
Expected completion: Summer Project: New roundabout Location: E. Main Street and Richland Avenue.

Expected completion: Fall Project: New roundabout Location: E. Main Street and Lexington Boulevard
Location: The project will construct an 8-foot-wide asphalt trail north from Wellington Parkway of the Wellington Northeast subdivision to the 5-point roundabout at Greenfield Avenue. Southbound 10th Street (also known as Allisonville Road) will be detoured to Eighth Street. Two more closures will happen later.

Project: Interchange construction on 146th streetLocation: The intersection of Ind. 37 and 146th Street. Best detour is bypassing 146th street by taking 141st street. Expected completion: The project was scheduled to be complete in May but appears behind schedule. The City of Fishers has not responded to multiple requests for comment regarding an update on the project. The updated completion date on the 37 Thrives construction website claims expected completion is set for this summer, but the Drive Fishers website stated construction is expected to be complete in the fall.
Location: A section of 181st Street between Dartown Road and Wheeler Road 9 is closed through September for construction of the future Grand Park Blvd. extension.
Expected completion: The road will be closed through September, but motorists can use the detour route, which is 186th Street to Wheeler Road.
Location: Between the Monon Greenway and U.S. 31. The road will be fully closed during the project. The Monon Greenway is closed until later this month. Expected completion: End of year Project: Widening of the Monon Greenway Location: Between City Center Drive and Carmel Drive
Expected completion: November.
Expected completion: Fall Project: Widening and improvements along Smoky Row Road
Expected completion: November
Project: I-65 reconstruction and widening Location: INDOT is reconstructing and widening I-65 from north of Ind. 32 to north of Ind. 47 in Boone County.
Location: 116th Street to Carmel Drive. A roundabout is under construction at 116th Street
Project: New roundabout

Project: Reconstruction of 151st Street from Towne Road to Buchanan Lane Location: A section of 151st Street from Towne Road to Buchanan Lane (the entrance to Kimblewick on 151st Street) is closed for reconstruction.

Project: New trail

Project: Grand Park Boulevard extension

the project will be completed this month. The intersection of 151st Street and Towne Road will remain open during construction.
Project: Range Line Road reconstruction

Expected completion: Officials anticipate
8 September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.com openCathedralhouseHighSchool REGISTER TODAY AT GOCATHEDRAL.COM/OPENHOUSE open openCathedralhouseHighSchoolhouse Thursday, October 13 Mass - 5:00 p.m. • Open House - 5:30 - 8 p.m. Cathedral High School EXPLORE OUR 40-ACRE CAMPUS, MEET TEACHERS, COACHES, STUDENTS, AND TOUR OUR BEAUTIFUL INNOVATION CENTER. REGISTER TODAY AT GOCATHEDRAL.COM/OPENHOUSE BUY ONLINE FLINGBUNGEEFITNESS.COMAT50%OFF Any Fling Bungee Fitness Class Use code: CURRENT50 Deal ends 9/30/22. LOW IMPACT/ HIGH ENERGYWORKOUTCARDIO ClientsNewOnly COMMUNITY 317.843.3800 | THECENTERPRESENTS.ORG SCAN THIS CODE TO PURCHASE GIFT CERTIFICATES /CPAPRESENTS
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the team, even though he couldn’t be out there playing. He and Luke would split time, which was beneficial for us as a team. It
Zionsville Community High School senior quarterback Christian Abney helped lead the Eagles to the Class 5A state championship game last season. (Photo courtesy of Tom Marron Photography)

Favorite athlete: Jonathan Taylor
“Although the injury was tough, I was pleased with how I was able to come back and finish the season,” Abney said.
Favorite subject: Math
“He fit right in and then the injury (happened), which would be adversity for anybody,” Turnquist said. “But he took it in stride and remained a steady influence on
Favorite TV show: “Stranger Things”
Abney, who said he had his growth spurt as a freshman, became the Eagles’ start er in 2021. After playing in the first three games, he suffered a broken collarbone and didn’t return until the final regular season game, seeing limited action. He then shared duties with Luke Murphy for the first few postseason games.

By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com

10 September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.com COMMUNITY
ZCHS quarterback develops into strong athlete, leader

“Postseason success definitely made me hungry for more, and my past postseason experiences will definitely be fuel for this year,” Abney said.
“He’s surrounded by players who are new and developing,” Turnquist said. “The biggest thing I’m proud of him is hanging in there through the difficult times, not just through the great times.”
Turnquist said Abney is dealing with a younger group on offense this season.
Turnquist said Abney performed well ear ly last season leading a talented group.
Through the first three games this sea son, Abney had completed 41 of 87 passes for 484 yards with five touchdowns and five interceptions.BallStatewas
As a Zionsville Community High School freshman, Christian Abney stood 6-foot and weighed 155 pounds.Abney is now the Eagles’ 6-5, 215-pound starting senior quarter back and headed to play for Ball State University in “He2023.definitely dedicat ed himself to the weight room and in the offseason to the strength and movement development and the things we do,” ZCHS football coach Scott Turnquist said. “He dedicated himself to preparing his body and his mind as well to perform at a high level.”
was nice to see him weather that storm and come out the other side in a really pos itiveLastmanner.”season, Abney completed 70 of 126 passes for 1,006 yards with 11 TDs and two interceptions for the Eagles (9-6). He rushed for 184 yards on 58 carries and seven TDs last season. Zionsville reached the Class 5A state championship game before losing to Cathedral for the second consecutive year.
Abney’s first major schol arship offer, and he committed shortly after in June.
Staff and board members from The Cooper House pause during an Aug. 20 fundraiser for the orga nization at the Lucas Estate private residence in Carmel. From left, D.J. Tirado, Margo Tirado, Erin Townsend, M.C. Youngblood, Kyle Howe, Brooke Howe, Courtney Beyers, Danielle Baum and Beth Sabelhaus. (Photo provided by Margo Tirado)

“We strive to create a space, a place, a home-like environment where all who enter are seen, heard, chosen and loved,” Tirado said. “We wouldn’t be able to do that with
Cooper House fundraiser brings in nearly $100K
The Cooper House held its second annual “Bright as the Noonday Soirée” Aug. 20 at the Lucas Estate private residence in Car mel that drew about 200 individuals this year, said Margo Tirado, who serves on the organization’s board of directors.
A Noblesville nonprofit organization that works with families who have children in volved with the Indiana Dept. of Child Services raised nearly $100,000 during a recent fundraiser.
out the support of our sponsors, donors and guests. And we are thankful for the Lucas Estate and their staff helping to make our event a success.”
“We would like to thank all of our spon sors, donors and guests for coming out to this event,” Tirado said. “Without their support, this evening wouldn’t have hap pened. It was a huge success, tons of fun and we’ve heard people state they had an incredible time.”


By Matthew Kent matthew@youarecurrent.com
Money raised from the event will assist The Cooper House, which is at 239 S. 8th St., with covering operating and programming costs so that it can continue opening its facility free of charge to families and youths involved in the foster care system.

12 September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.com 525 David Brown Dr Westfield IN 46074 tomroushmitsubishi.com | 317-399-7481 *Lifetime powertrain warranty not available on leased vehicles. See dealer for complete details. Outlander 39-month lease 10,000 miles per year with $2999 Due at signing plus tax title and $199 doc fee. Eclipse Cross, 39-month lease, 10,000 miles per year with $2999 due at signing plus tax, title and $199 doc fee. See dealer for complete details. APR for well qualified buyers. Check out the all new 2022 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross & Mitsubishi Outlander here at Tom Roush Mitsubishi! SALESFALLEVENT

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“We accept animals 365 days a year,” Yoder said. “It is because of grants like this that we can give all animals the chance to live, love and beOneloved.”dog that benefits from the Grey Muzzle grant is Amelia, a 10-year-old female.“Thanks to Grey Muzzle, Amelia was able to receive the medication she needed for her arthritis so that she could run and play without pain,” Yoder said. “Certainly, a staff and volunteer favorite, we are so happy to share that Amelia recently found her forever family.”Formore on the Grey Muzzle Organiza tion, visit greymuzzle.org. For more about the HSHC, visit hamiltonhumane.com/.
HSHC has sheltered 196 senior dogs this year alone.
The Humane Society for Hamilton County recently received a $10,000 grant from the Grey Muzzle Or ganization. The grant will provide support for the lives of at-risk se niorThedogs.Grey Muzzle Organization is a national nonprofit that works to support at-risk senior dogs by financially supporting shelters, res cues, sanctuaries and other nonprofits.
Humane Society for Hamilton County receives $10,000 grant

“I am able to regularly exercise and I can complete my job without discomfort. It has made it easier to select a of for the and not have to worry about the comfort of my foot.”

“HSHC’s mission is saving lives, educating communities, and completing families,” said Suzanne Yoder, director of marketing for the HSHC. “The grant will help save the lives of dogs that are not just young. Every animal deserves the second chance at life, no mat ter their age or extra care they may need.”
16411 Southpark Dr., Ste B Westfield, IN 46074 (317) www.westfieldfoot.com896-6655 David Sullivan, DPM Board Certified Foot Surgeon & Wound Specialist CHECK OUT OUR THE LATEST AND MOST COMPLETE TREATMENT OPTIONS • Achilles Tendonitis • Arthritis • Bunions • Bursitis • Diabetic Foot Care • Flat Feet • Hammertoes • Heel, Arch & Ball of Foot Pain • Ingrown or Fungal Nails • Morton’s Neuroma • Nerve Pain • Neuropathy • Pediatric Conditions • Plantar Fasciitis • Sprains, Strains & Fractures • Tired Achy Feet • Ulcer/Wound Care • Work and Sports Injuries • Warts & Skin Lesion

By Sammy Bredar news@currentnoblesville.com
As the population of senior and super-se nior dogs increases at HSHC, the need for financial support also rises, Yoder said. “The money will help save the lives of
13September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.comCOMMUNITY
senior dogs by paying for the cost of their care,” Yoder said. “Senior animals in general have a higher cost due to needing more initial bloodwork and, typically, they are on medication. This is why we need additional funding for them.”
Farmers Bank Assistant Vice President and Market Manager Sydney Loomis, right, met with Bruce Oldham, deputy director of Hamilton County Parks and Recreation, and donated nearly $500 to the department. Funds were generated through the bank’s “Blue Jean Friday” charity fundraising program, in which participating Farmers Bank employees agree to pay a fee for the privilege of wearing blue jeans at work on select Fridays. The money will be put toward parks maintenance and improvements, according to Oldham. (Photo provided by Hamilton County)

Surveyor’s office seeking volunteers — The Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office is seeking volunteers for the county’s threeyear water availability study. The study will monitor aquifer levels throughout the county in order to better understand the groundwater availability throughout the county. Anyone interested in having their well outfitted with a real-time sensor to add their water data to the groundwater network should call the Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office at 317-776-8495 or e-mail surveyor@hamiltoncounty.in.gov.

Pantries Laundry Rooms Hobby Rooms Call for a free in home design consultation and estimate (317)676 - 2627 www.closetbydesign.comLocallyOwnedandOperatedFollow us: CC 40% Off Plus Free InstallationSPECIALFINANCINGFOR 18 MONTHS With approved credit. Call or ask your Designerfor details. Not available in all areas 202 2 Inc.Design,byClosetsReserved.RightsAll©

Dinner Party on Union is Sept. 17 — The Westfield Downtown Association will host its Dinner Party on Union event from 6 to 11 p.m. Sept. 17. The event will feature a three-course meal from Prime 47 Carmel, live entertain ment from The Bishops! and a live and silent auction. Proceeds from the event will go toward enhancing and enriching downtown Westfield. Tickets are $400 per couple, $1,600 for an eight-person table and $2,000 for a 10-person table. To reserve seats or a table, contact Steve Latour by emailing slatour@ westfieldchamberindy.com.
Police department accepting pre-applica tions for screening — The Noblesville Police Department is accepting pre-applications for its applicant screening process. Individ uals will be required to complete a physical fitness assessment, written exam, an oral interview and writing exercise, a complete personal history statement, a polygraph, background and psychological exam, a complete physical exam and drug test and receive approval of the Police Merit Commis sion. The deadline to apply is Sept. 16. For more information, visit cityofnoblesville.org/ employment.
14 September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.com COMMUNITY Imagine your home, totally organized! Custom Closets, Garage Cabinets, Home Office, Pantries, Laundries, Wall Beds, Wall Units, Hobby Rooms, Garage Flooring and more... Walk-In-Closets Terms and Conditions: 40% off any order of $1000 or more, 30% off any order of $700-$1000 on any complete Closet, Garage, or Home Office unit. Not valid with any other offer. Free installation with any complete unit order of $600 or more. Offer expires in 30 days. With incoming order, at time of purchase only. Not valid at all franchise locations. Reach -In- Closets
Garage Cabinets

Care-oke to benefit United Way program — United Way of Central Indiana is hosting a karaoke competition this fall to benefit its ReadUP childhood literacy program. Reg istration is open for soloists and musical groups interested in competing for a spot to perform live at Care-oke on Nov. 9 at Old National Centre in Indianapolis. The top 12 fundraisers will automatically qualify for the finale, and the remaining performers will be selected at random. Individual performers commit to raising at least $250, and groups commit to raising $500. The competition is open to singers across the state of all ages. The deadline to register is Oct. 10. Learn more at uwci.org/careoke.

The three-year study is the first of its kind in Indiana. Through the study, Hamilton County aims to better understand its water supply and ensure water availability for future generations and potential development.
“We need to know where all the water is,” County Surveyor Kenton Ward said. “We already know that we have a huge aquifer that runs along White River. As Hamilton County develops, if there’s no water there, we can’t put people there. This is another thing that will help us develop differently in someVolunteersareas.” will have a sensor installed on their well, measuring and tracking water levels throughout the next three years. The laser beam sensor does not interfere with the functioning of the well.
Ward said a full group of 50 volunteers is needed to start the study by the end of 2022. Those interested can contact the Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office at 317776-8495 or email surveyor@hamiltoncoun ty.in.gov.
“We have some areas that we still need to fill in,” Ward said. “The northern area of the county is a little sparse, especially in
15September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.comCOMMUNITY Think olympics with violins.

the northeastern section in White River Township, the northwestern section in Adams Township and the Geist area. If we could get some volunteers up there, that’d beWellgreat.”owners will be able to get access to their well’s data throughout the study.
Volunteers with wells needed for water availability study
COUNTY By Jillian Kurtz news@currentnoblesville.com
The Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office is in need of volunteers who use wells to help provide information for a wa ter availability study.
A sensor installed on a well. The sensor will measure the well’s water levels throughout the year as a part of Hamilton County’s water avail ability study. (Photo courtesy of Kenton Ward)
Hamilton County group combats invasive species — The Hamilton County Invasives Part nership and Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District are offering a trade-in program. Through the program, Hamilton County property owners can show proof of remov al of an invasive species on their Hamilton County property and receive up to three, 3-gallon native trees or shrubs for free. Over 80 percent of invasive species growing in Indiana are thought to have come from the landscape trade. Many popular landscape trees and shrubs such as callery pear species and burning bush easily escape landscape cultivation and take over nearby right of ways, roadsides and natural areas. For more, visit hcinvasives.org.

16 September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.com COMMUNITY 765-419-8609 OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE www.parrishhvac.com Callnow! $10 OFF Furnace or AC tune ups REGULAR $79 $100 OFF Any furnace and/or AC replacement

Tennessee man, child killed in crash
By Matthew Kent matthew@youarecurrent.com

Christopher A. Edwards, 28, and his 4-year-old son, whose identity was not provided, were found inside a Chevy Camaro that was discovered on the creek bed where Ind. 32 crosses Stony Creek. A Hamilton Coun ty sheriff’s deputy observed heavy black smoke around 12:48 a.m. Sept. 3 and found the scene of a single-car crash on Ind. 32 east of Deshane Ave., which is east of Noblesville.Authorities said a preliminary investi gation indicates the vehicle was traveling westbound on Ind. 32 and that multiple road closure signs were posted. The vehicle drove westbound past the signs and struck
a “Road Closed” sign.
The sheriff’s office said the vehicle con tinued traveling to where a bridge was removed by the Indiana Dept. of Transporta tion and became airborne, police said. The bridge is being replaced by INDOT.
The vehicle traveled at a high rate of speed as it crossed the creek and struck an abutment on the other side, author ities said. Officials said the vehicle was completely engulfed in flames and heavily damaged.Oncethe fire was extinguished by the Wayne Township Volunteer Fire Dept. and the Noblesville Fire Dept., the bodies of an adult male and an unknown child were found inside. Authorities said that Edwards likely lived in Tennessee and is originally fromTheAnderson.crashisunder investigation by the Hamilton County Crash Investigation Team.
A Tennessee man and his 4-year-old son were killed in a crash on Ind. 32 east of No blesville Sept. 3.
“If you’re real and willing to be a friend, you’ve got what it takes,” he said. “It’s such a blast. It’s a really good time.”
The program, which started with eight students, is now serving 30 individuals this school year, according to Mc Clain, who hopes to see that figure grow as time goes on.
Bocko said in his discussions with Bonesho, he attempt ed to find out what were some things that the student looked forward to or what might have been a challenge. But Bocko also stressed that it wasn’t just about him being there, saying he would also share things that he was also working on in his life.
“This kid’s pretty sharp, not exaggerating, he’s pretty sharp,” Bocko said with a smile.
Occasionally, Bocko and the young student would discuss school-related material from a book when they met every other week. However, he noted that “a lot of it is being con sistent, being authentic and having a conversation.”
Individuals who are selected as mentors after going through a comprehensive background check meet with stu dents for about 30 to 45 minutes every other week during the school year. Materials and training are provided to men tors, according to McClain.
17September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.com
Rob Bocko, a father of four children, is a mentor in the program and was paired with 9-year-old Cooper Bonesho, who attends Noble Crossing Elementary School, during the first year of the program. Bonesho’s mother, Brittany, is a kindergarten teacher at the elementary school.

Bocko also said as a mentor, he tried to focus their dis cussions regarding the youth’s future.
By Matthew Kent matthew@youarecurrent.com
“There are things that I’m continually trying to get better
Mentoring program at Noblesville Schools works to positively impact students
“I’m just one piece in a bigger web of connections of support, and I think that’s important in any kid’s life,” Bocko said. “I’m just happy to be a part of it and it’s been a plea sure to get to know this young fella.”
A mentoring program offered at Noblesville Schools that pairs community members with students with a focus on developing positive relationships is seeing continued growth.Theprogram, known as Compass Mentoring, was launched a year ago and is designed to help students expand their access to caring adults while enhancing their strengths, said Nicole McClain, mentor coordinator with Noblesville Schools.
“We’re looking for more mentors who are just passionate about working with our students,” McClain said. “Really, we have it student-led, what the students are interested in, and we like to individualize each match.”
ON THE COVER: Cooper Bonesho, a fourth-grader at Noble Crossing Elementary School, enjoys an activity in the school library with mentor Rob Bocko. Bonesho and Bocko met each other nearly a year ago through a school mentoring program known as Compass Mentoring. (Photo by Matthew Kent)
For more information on the Compass Mentoring program or to participate as a mentor, contact mentor coordinator Nicole McClain by emailing nicole_mcclain@nobl.k12.in.us. Information can also be found by visiting noblesvilleschools.org/ Page/8363
“When I saw (the program), I thought, ‘This looks kind of fun,’” Bocko said. “It’s about showing up and being yourself. We never really had an agenda.”
Cooper Bonesho, a fourth-grader, smiles as he prepares to fist-bump his mentor Rob Bocko in the hallway at Noble Crossing Elementary School. (Photo by Matthew Kent) at and just being real,” Bocko said.
One thing that both individuals have in common is chess.
Brittany Bonesho also said she’s seen a change in her son as an individual through his interactions with Bocko.
Bocko also encouraged other adults to get involved and make a positive impact in students’ lives.
McClain noted that part of her job involves working with school counselors and school social workers to identify students who could benefit from a trusted adult in their life. From that point, McClain said she works with communi ty “Throughmembers.common interests, personality traits, we make those matches and hang out and have fun,” she said.
“We would talk about how our week went,” he said.
That sentiment was shared by the fourth-grader, who said he enjoyed having discussions about life in general with Bocko whenever they met.
“I think he has really conquered a lot of his fears and I think that has a lot to do with meeting Rob, being more confident and meeting another grown-up who is a trusted advisor in his life,” she said.
Currently, the program is offered at five elementary schools and one of the district’s two middle schools, but the hope is that it can be eventually expanded to seven elementary schools and both middle schools, McClain said.
18 September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.com
Letters to the editor: Current Publishing will consider verifiable letters of up to 150 words. Letters must be thoroughly vetted prior to submission. Current retains the right to reject or return any letter it deems to carry unsubstantiated content. Current also retains the right to edit letters, but not their intent. Send letters to info@youarecurrent.com. Writers must include a hometown and a daytime phone number for verification. Guest columns: The policy for guest columns is the same as the aforementioned, but the allowable length is 240 words. Guest columns should address the whole of Current’s readership, not simply special-interest groups, and may not in any way contain a commercial message.
Afoul CommentarylanguageofbyTerryAnker
Last year, I’d been hyper aware as this date approached, spending the preceding days dwelling on that final summer and the hours leading up to his passing. This time? I hadn’t given Dad a single thought in over a week, and it was only in the context of being frustrated that he’d failed once again to use his heavenly presence to secure me lottery tickets to the Masters. Am I a terrible daughter? Sibling? Merely human?Myhusband believes my forgetting is a sign that I’m healing -- that I’ve moved through the grief to a place where Dad isn’t gone, but also isn’t ever-present. I hope he’s right. I kind of feel like a cry runPeacemyself.out.
“There is no week nor day nor hour when tyranny may not enter upon this country, if the people lose their roughness and spirit of defiance.”
Mid-century country crooner Roger Miller penned an iconic song in 1964 retelling the story of the ne’er-do-well recognizing his own shortcomings while sitting in a bar instead of being home with his wife and 1-month old child: “Dang me, dang me. They ought to take a rope and hang me.” Capital punishment may have been too great for the transgression, but it was clear that he saw the error in his ways. Still, he didn’t rush home. And then he found a way to put some of the blame upon his upbringing: “My Pappy was a pistol, I’m a son of a gun,” he sang. Although the errant subject of the tune did not learn his lesson, the record did earn a Grammy Award for best Country & West ern song. It seemed that the repentant, but not too much, tone resonated with audiences.Bytoday’s standards, the lyrics are quite tame. Notably absent are the ag gressive use of profanity and assertive, if not hardcore, references to victims. Somewhere along the line, our posture has changed. It is unlikely that Miller was unfamiliar with the vocabulary that would ultimately become commonplace in popular music. Still, he elected to use the more colloquial and less intended to offend.Much of the humanities has shifted into the profane in the last few decades. The internet is filled with vile and un productive uses of modern language. So-called news and creative writing aggregators push out article after ar ticle expressing a number of opinions wrapped in strong language. Mostly, we ignore them. Today’s retinue included “&$^#-less in Seattle” and “@#%^ Writ ing.” Studies show that expletive use can reduce stress for individuals. But for mass consumption, does it reduce anything other than IQ?
Might make a cry run
Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@ youarecurrent.com.

Recently, I received a text from my youngest sister saying she’d just ex perienced a cry run, where one bursts into tears while jogging. I asked why, and she replied that she’d been think ing about our father who passed away in 2020. Then my twin chimed in. She, too, had been remembering Dad and had spent the morning a little weepy. Sisters 2 and 3 followed with similar remarks, and I was left wondering what was going on. Why was everyone sad? When a photo came through from the cemetery, it finally dawned on me: It was the two-year anniversary of Dad’s death, and I’d forgotten. Like, completely and totally forgotten. If I hadn’t been singing John Denver in a hallway full of teens at the exact moment of this discovery, I would have fallen apart. But Friday karaoke must go on, so I stifled my emotions and continued mangling, “Take Me Home, Country Roads.” Take me home, indeed.
Commentary by Danielle Wilson

Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at info@youarecurrent.com.

How did Prelutsky scratch his way into the No. 1 slot, the perfect place in the peck ing order for an author? We’ll never know, but on a side note, I want to assure all my readers that there will be no more fowl puns in this column.
“I am 24 years old. I think I have parasites in my stomach because I keep hearing strange noises in my gut and a few days ago I actually found a 6-inch worm in my Fruit of the Looms.” These symptoms scared the you-know-what out of me. Here I am searching the internet when I should be scouring my own underwear.
“wallet and glasses,” followed by “crackers.” I won’t feel so stupid anymore when I forget where I put my keys—not when so many people in the free world have apparently lost track of their Triscuits.
19September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.com

Just for fun, I typed, “My favorite person is ...” There are thousands of sites refer encing this topic. Approximately none of them mentioned my name. A little depress ing, to be sure, but Google is only 23 years old. People don’t take to me right away.

Michigan? But how did the other three get to the top of the list? Who cares where Chuck Norris is? I don’t really understand the calculus behind search results, so I experimented a little to see if I could figure out how certain sites or references get primo ranking. Being slightly neurotic, I first plugged in, “I think I have …” Before I finished entering the mala dy I’m currently obsessing about, up popped some serious illnesses like monkeypox, AIDS, and COVID-19. No. 4 was, “worms.” I clicked on it out of curiosity, and it took me to some poor sap’s blog.
Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.

for internet logic OK, who wouldn’t like to find Michigan?Frankenmuth,Buthowdidtheotherthreegettothetopofthelist? WhocareswhereChuckNorrisis?

I just finished listening to a discussion on the radio about internet search engines. One of the guests wanted to determine the longitude and latitude of an emerging Afri can nation and had begun his hunt with the phrase, “Where is …” Before he started typing the name of the country, Google offered him likeNorris. Michigan;refund;tionsinitialbepatingsuggestions,auto-filledanticiwhathemighttryingtofind.Theirrecommendawere:MytaxFrankenmuth,andChuckOK,whowouldn’ttofindFrankenmuth,
Having just had a nightmare the previ ous evening, I put in, “Last night I dreamed about …” The first supplied answer -- and I swear this is true – was, “chickens.” If you have ever wondered whether other people have the same weird dreams as you, you’re in for a rude awak ening, probably by a rooster. I clicked on that link and up came a poem by children’s author Jack Prelutsky, which read in part:

I tried, “I can’t find my …” Google offered
Commentary by Dick Wolfsie

Last night I dreamed of therechickens,were chickens everywhere, they were standing on my stomach, they were nesting in my hair …
Westfield resident Ben Braun has been selected to participate in the Stanley K. Lacy Executive Leadership Series. (Photo courtesy of American Structurepoint)

By Matthew Kent matthew@youarecurrent.com
Braun, who joined American Structure point after graduating from Purdue Univer sity in 2001, has held several roles in his 21 years with the company, including inspec tor, engineer and was the company’s first recruiting manager. He was promoted to vice president of corporate affairs in 2014, became a partner in 2017 and was promoted again to executive vice president in 2020.

20 September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.com These activities made possible in part with support from the Indiana Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. 317.843.3800 | THECENTERPRESENTS.ORG SEASON PARTNER ASK ABOUT THE SUITE EXPERIENCE! 10 SEATS WITH COMPLIMENTARY WINE & VALET HERB ALPERT & LANI HALL IN CONCERT Thu Sep 22 at TROMBONE7:30pmSHORTY&ORLEANSAVENUEFriSep23at8pmLEWISBLACK:OFFTHERAILSSatSep24at8pm JOSHUA BELL AND PETER DUGAN Thu Sep 29 at TOWER7:30pmOFPOWERFriSep30at8pmEUROPAGALANTEWITHFABIOBIONDIThuOct6at7:30pm BUSINESS LOCAL

tinues to serve on the executive committee at St. Mary’s, which offers high-quality preschool programs for children living in poverty and provides professional training forIneducators.2014,hefounded and became the lead er of the All Pro Dads chapter at Oak Trace Elementary School in Westfield, where his children attend school. Each chapter en courages fathers to become more involved in their children’s lives and be strong role models.“Itisa true role honor to be selected for the Stanley K. Lacy program,” Braun said. “I look forward to my classmates in exploring ways to build on initiatives to advance cen tral Indiana.
A Westfield resident who works at Amer ican Structurepoint has been selected to participate in the Stan ley K. Lacy Executive Leadership Series.
Indiana’s best college values — With the first “early decision” college-application deadline looming Nov. 1 and tuition costs having more than doubled since the 1980s, the personal-finance website WalletHub has released its 2019 Best College & University Rankings. To help college-bound seniors make the most informed school choices, WalletHub compared nearly 1,000 higher-ed ucation institutions in the U.S. based on 30 key measures grouped into seven catego ries, such as student selectivity, cost and financing and career outcomes. The data set ranges from student-faculty ratio to graduation rate to post-attendance median salary. Indiana’s top 10 colleges, in order, are the University Notre Dame, Purdue Uni versity, Depauw University, Wabash College,
Braun is responsible for company-wide recruitment, human resources and special projects to increase the company’s growth. He also has 12 years of volunteering in lead ership roles at St. Mary’s Early Childhood Center in Indianapolis, where he served as president of the board of directors in 2017 andHe2018.leads the program committee and con

Ben Braun, who serves as executive vice president with the Indianapolis-based en gineering consultant, is among 25 central Indiana leaders who will participate in the program, which encourages leaders to help address community-wide issues in the area. Participants meet monthly from September to June with local leaders, professional experts and community decision makers to learn more about community issues.
University of Evansville, Indiana University, Goshen College, Ball State University, Butler University and St. Mary’s College.

Lying about money — A new study from Finder.com reveals that lying about money is the American way. More than three-quar ters of people surveyed fessed up to having committed dishonest acts for financial gain, mostly without any feelings of guilt or remorse. The study polled more than 2,000 American adults and found that 78 percent intentionally lied about money. The most common acts were pocketing found money and keeping quiet when undercharged.


Source: Finder.com

Source: WalletHub.com
Westfield resident to participate in executive leadership series
I enjoy teaching, singing, photography, outdoor activities and spending time with my family.
SarahWelcome,Standish, DPM Podiatry
Wake up faster – If you have trouble waking up in the morning, try using your shower as a stimulant. Switch the water temperature from hot to cold several times, holding each temperature for about 10 sec onds. The changes in temperature can rev up your blood flow, which can help make you more alert.
Source: The Thin Commandments Diet
The testing space was created by scien tists and technicians at IU Health Pathology Laboratory in downtown Indianapolis in less than two months.
What do you do for fun?
Improve your focus – Do you have more trouble concentrating than you used to? Studies show that our attention spans are declining, largely due to the use of technol ogy. We feel we have to respond to every text, alert and call immediately. Instead, try putting the phone on “do not disturb” mode for a few minutes when you need to focus on something else.
activate the virus in incoming samples and test them for the presence of the monkey pox virus. Current test capacity is 500 sam ples per day and can grow with demand.
Natural pain remedy – If over-the-counter pain relievers cause you stomach distress, or you just want to try a natural remedy, try white willow bark. It’s a pain reliever that has anti-inflammatory benefits similar to those of aspirin, but unlike aspirin, it doesn’t appear to damage the stomach lin ing. It can be used as a remedy for relieving the pain of headaches, menstrual cramps, low back pain, osteoarthritis and more. White willow bark is available online and in health food stores in capsule form.
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Standish, call 317.770.3777 or visit riverview.org.
Source: BottomLineHouseholdMagic.com
Source: Cynthia Green, Ph.D.
Music and menu choices – It’s no secret that restaurants use colors, lighting and music to influence diner’s food choices. Now a study suggests that theory may be fact. The study analyzed customers’ food choices during periods of loud, upbeat music and during periods of quiet music. When the music was quiet, customers made healthier menu choices than when the
music was loud. The takeaway is that you should focus on the healthy choices regard less of the noise level.
IU Health opens lab to test monkeypox samples
SCIENCE By Matthew Kent matthew@youarecurrent.com
The lab enables scientists to safely de
Curb nighttime snacking – Late-night munchies can sabotage your efforts to lose weight, or even to remain healthy. To help prevent the evening snack urges, try eating a high-protein dinner. Avoid high-carb foods like pasta and potatoes late in the day. They stimulate insulin production and can make you feel hungry two hours later.
Source: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Sciences
Indiana University Health has opened a bio-secure lab that will serve as the primary testing site for suspected monkeypox samples in the state.
Officials say the on-site testing turnaround time for results has drastically improved from eight to 14 days to only 24 to 48 hours. Clark Day, vice president of the IU Health Laboratory System, said this contribution will be invaluable to Indiana residents.“Ourability to develop this test is testa ment to the expertise of Dr. Ryan Relich, our virologist and molecular pathology medical director, and his team,” Day said. “To launch our test locally means patients throughout Indiana do not have to wait an extended time for their important test results.”
21September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.comHEALTH
Source: MedicalDaily.com
Men who have sex with men have been disproportionately affected by the outbreak, but cases have also been reported among women and children. The disease spreads by skin-to-skin contact with an infected person, according to IU Health.
Dr. Sarah Standish strives to treat everyone who enters her office like a family member. She prides herself on providing patients with options for care in a manner they can understand, ensuring they are well-informed about how to maximize their lower extremity health and quality of life. Dr. Standish attended medical school at New York College of Podiatric Medicine and is board-certified by the American Board of Podiatric Medicine and the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery.
Since May, Indiana has 162 reported cases of monkeypox, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. At the na tional level as of last week, there were an average of 337 new daily cases, according to IU Health.
IU Health created a dedicated lab to support the state’s efforts to test for mon keypox, a highly infectious disease that has spread rapidly across the country since the first case was discovered in May.

“Blair Clark: The Soulful of The Great Ameri can Songbook” is set for 7:30 p.m. Sept. 17 at Feinstein’s cabaret at Hotel Carmichael in Carmel. For more, visit feinsteinshc.com.
After 49 years of marriage, Alpert said
Alpert definitely missed performing when the COVID-19 pandemic forced can cellations of many concerts in 2020 and 2021.“Imiss working with the band, too,” Alpert said. “We are doing 52 concerts this year. A lot of them are makeup con certs from two years (ago). We’re booked through 2023 already. I enjoy the process. I like to make people happy. It gives me energy to do these concerts.”
In January, Hall released her first al bum in 24 years, called “Seasons of Love.” Alpert said his wife wasn’t planning on recording.“Iknew there was a song she real ly liked,” he said. “She got excited and started singing. All of a sudden, she was revved up about doing another project.”
Hall first drew attention in the music world as the lead singer for Sergio Mendes & Brasil ’66 and sang the James Bond mov ie title theme for “Never Say Never Again.”
The award winners will be named Sept. 21 at Nickel Plate Arts’ 10th Anniversary Dia mond Gala at Conner Prairie in Fishers. The gala is the primary annual fundraiser and is an important event to bring the area’s arts community together each year.
semi-pops. I try to make it my own. I feel I have a unique way of producing. I try to do songs in a way that they haven’t been heard before. It’s a fresh look to old songs. I like playing a mix of songs. I try scram bling it up for the musicians behind us. At a given moment, I might start to pick up a song and start playing it and wait for the band to chime in behind me. It’s not like a perfect set, there is a lot of spontaneity. I like to have everyone on their toes, even me.”Anine-time Grammy Award winner, Alp ert has sold more than 72 million records. In addition to his music, Alpert is pas sionate about his artwork.
The Actors Theatre of Indiana presents “Nunsense” through Sept. 25 at the Studio Theater at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. For more, visit atistage.org.
For more, visit thecenterpresents.org and herbalpert.com.
Alpert and his wife Lani Hall will perform at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 22 at the Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts in Car mel. This is the first time Alpert and Hall have appeared at the Palladium, which opened in 2011.
Legendary trumpeter Herb Alpert and his wife Lani Hall will appear Sept. 22 at the Palladium. (Photo courtesy of the Center for the Performing Arts)

This year, Nickel Plate Arts will feature an Emerging Artist of the Year; an Artist of the Year; an Arts Patron of the Year; and an “Arts Champion of the Year.”
New this year is an award for “Cultural Venture of the Year,” which recognizes indi viduals who put effort into creating some thing new in the arts community.
By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com
“Escape to Margaritaville” runs through Oct. 2 at Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre in Indi anapolis. For more, visit beefandboards.com.
Alpert said he is not performing for his ego.“It’s just for the sake of making good music and having people respond in a pos itive way,” Alpert said. “It’s a good feeling.”
“Unfortunately for my wife, I have over 1,000 paintings and lots of sculptures all over our property,” he said. “I’ve been do ing it for 50 years. “
Alpert to bring unique sound to the Palladium
Alpert said the Tijuana Brass medley he performs is always a fan favorite. He is the only musician to have No. 1 hits as a vocalist with “This Guy’s in Love with You” in 1968 and as an instrumentalist with “Rise” in 1979.
Nickel Plate Arts to issue awards
For more, visit nickelplatearts.org.
Mud Creek Players’ production of “Hands on a Hardbody” continues through Sept. 24 at Mud Creek Barn Theater, 9740 E. 86th St., Indianapolis. For more, visit mudcreekplay ers.org
22 September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.com currentnightandday.com
Despite staying home during the height of the pandemic, Alpert picked up the trumpet every day.
At 87, legendary trumpeter Herb Alpert is driven to perform.“Because of the success I’ve had and the amount of people who get pleasure out of my music, I feel like I need to do it until I’m not able to do it,” Alpert said. “It gives me pleasure, too.”
it’s still enjoyable to tour with his wife.
“We have a great time together,” he said. “She’s a great artist and a great com plement to the show. We’ve been doing it for 14 years. The reaction we get from the crowd is fantastic.”
“I try to do it in a spontaneous way, so it doesn’t sound like a cookie-cutter performance,” he said. “I try to be of the moment. That’s what keeps me going. If I had to do the same exact show night after night, I would get bored.”
Alpert said he will change the arrangement.“It’sstillidentifiable with the songs,” he said. “We are doing some semi-jazz,
“It gave me a chance to reboot,” he said. “I was thinking about different teachers I studied with and what they said. It gave me a chance to revisit things.”
Every year, the Nickel Plate Arts Awards recognize some of the most inspirational artists and art advocates in the region’s thriving arts scene. The awards started in 2016, with nominations coming from the entire central Indiana region. Members of the community submit each nomination.
“We are again calling the Late Night on Main event, our ‘PorchFest Favorites’ night and we will have two Carmel PorchFest bands performing on stage,” said Sondra Schwieterman, Carmel PorchFest and Late Night on Main event manager.
The Failers have been part of Carmel PorchFest’s success since it started.
“It’s hard to believe that it’s been nine years,” said Aaron Adelsperger, singer/guitarist of the Indianapolis-based band. “We love being a part of Carmel Porchfest, and always look forward to it. We’ll keep coming back until they get tired of us.”
The Brothers Footman, which has per formed at PorchFest since 2018, will per form from 9 to 10:30 p.m. Lisa Frank and the
Kate Shipp from St. Elmo’s Steakhouse mixed THE BEAUREGARDE. It features Malfy Gin, blueberry lavender simple syrup and fresh squeezed lemon juice

Carmel PorchFest, featuring 18 porch hosts and 53 bands, is set for noon to 6 p.m. Sept. 18 in downtown Carmel.
Trapper Keepers will perform from 10:40 p.m. to “Newmidnight.this year at Late Night on Main, we are blocking off two city blocks to allow more room for vendors, we created a desig nated dance floor and we are opening the event at 7 p.m. instead of 9 p.m.,” Schwiet erman said. “We are also working with the School of Rock to open for the other bands.”
For more, visit carmelporchfest.org.
Carmel PorchFest keeps growing
Carmel PorchFest, featuring 53 bands, started in 2014. (Photo courtesy of Carmel PorchFest)

23September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.com For more information and to purchase tickets, visit the Center’s Fifth Third Bank Box Office at the Palladium, call 317.843.3800 or visit atistage.org. NIGHT & DAY
Schwieterman said PorchFest is partner ing with Carmel on Canvas to give their art ists an exciting location to paint. The artists will be set up at 2nd Street NW.
This is the second year that Late Night on Main will be held the Friday night before Carmel PorchFest. Late Night on Main is scheduled for Sept. 16 in the Carmel Arts & Design District.
A cocktail competition was part of Devour Indy’s Summerfest. Throughout the next few weeks, we will share a few of the entries. This week, both cocktails featured Malfy Gin. For more about participating restaurants, visit devourindy.com.
By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com
Claire McGuiness from Grindstone Public House mixed BLOOD & WATER. It features Malfy Gin, Malfy Lemon Gin, dry vermouth, Solerno Blood Orange, clarified lemon juice and blood orange & beet syrup.

Conceived by local musicians as a way to combine live performances with fund raising, the second RISE Fest — featuring a combined eight local bands and artists on two stages — will be presented from 1 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Sept. 17 at Spencer Farm Winery, 7015 E. 161st St., in Noblesville.

Ninety percent of proceeds from the free, family-friendly event will benefit four Hamilton County nonprofits: The Cooper House (Noblesville), Open Doors (Westfield), Resounding Joy (Carmel) and Highmark Church (Fishers). The other 10 percent will be awarded as a scholarship to a Hamilton County high school senior who plans to pur sue a music-related degree.

Among the goals for last year’s inaugural RISE Fest fundraiser was for the daylong music festival to be come an annual event. So far, organizers seem poised to accomplish that objective.

The local band Board Meeting performs at last year’s inaugural RISE Fest. The band is among eight acts lined up for the second RISE Fest at Spencer Farm Winery in Noblesville.

RISE Fest rocks for nonprofits

By Rick Morwick rick@youarecurrent.com

24 September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.com WITH Friday, September 16 7 p .m. – M idnigh t 9 p .m. - THE BROTHERS FOOTMAN 10:30 p.m . - LFTK THE BROTHERS FOOTMAN & LFTK CarmelPorchFest.org Join us for an evening of fun in the street, with vendors opening at 7 p.m.! The stage will be located at W. Main Street and 2nd Ave NW. NIGHT & DAY
Last year’s event raised $4,550 and this year’s goal is $6,000. RISE stands for “rock ers impacting and serving everyone.”
“The feedback (last year) was very posi tive from the bands, the attendees, Spencer Farm Winery and the sponsors,” said Andy Binford, RISE Fest founder and executive director.Binford, a Westfield resident who plays bass in two of the participating bands, expects more than 750 people to attend at some point throughout the event. Each band/artist will perform for 20 minutes.
The performers are John Prince, Jett Haddix, Board Meeting, Audio Hygiene, Blind Vision, Rain Dogs, Rhino Down and Naptown Hepcats. For more or to donate online, visit RiseFest.net.

25September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.com A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A PRESENTED BY childrensmuseum.org/haunted-house #HauntedTCM Oct. 12–30
Then the musical legacy of Duke Ellington is celebrated in “Sophisticated Ladies,” a retrospective that takes audiences from The Duke’s early days at The Cotton Club through his widening acceptance around the world. Opening July 13, the high-stepping salute is inspired by the glamorous nightlife of a man who lived to love. Rated G, “Sophisticated Ladies” is on stage through Aug. 20.
The comedic duo of Eddie Curry and Jeff Stockberger bring the iconic characters of Max and John to the stage in the mov ie-turned-musical, “Grumpy Old Men,” open ing Aug. 24. Rated PG-13 for adult content, “Grumpy Old Men The Musical” is on stage through Oct. 1.
Also returning in Beef & Boards’ 2023 season is its popular one-hour production of the Charles Dickens favorite, “A Christmas Carol,” which will be presented for select dates Dec. 1-22, 2023.
Beef & Boards’ 50th Anniversary Season culminates in a classic celebration of the holidays with Irving Berlin’s “White Christ mas” starting Nov. 24. In this stage version of the famous film, Broadway partners vacation at the Vermont ski resort of their former Army general. The theatrical treat is on stage through Dec. 31.
“White Christmas” will return to the Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre stage Nov. 24, 2023. (Photo courte sy of Beef & Boards)

For more, visit beefandboards.com.
It all begins Dec. 28, 2022, with the play “Clue,” based on the beloved Hasbro board game of the same name. “Clue” is a hilari ous farce-meets-murder mystery in which six mysterious guests arrive at a remote mansion for an unusual dinner party, where murder and blackmail are on the menu. Led by Wadsworth, the butler, all the usual sus pects are on hand, including Miss Scarlett, Professor Plum, Mrs. White, Mr. Green, Mrs. Peacock and Colonel Mustard. The come dy whodunit is rated PG and is on stage through Feb. 5, 2023.

Originally scheduled for the 2020 season, “An American in Paris” will finally make its Beef & Boards debut March 30. The musical by George and Ira Gershwin tells the story of a young American soldier, a beautiful French girl and a romantic French city — each yearning for a new beginning in the wake of World War II. “An American in Paris” continues through May 14.

Then it’s time to cut loose for the first musical of the 2023 season, “Footloose.” The explosive movie musical bursts onto the stage featuring the powerhouse hits of the Oscar-nominated score, including “Footloose” and “Holding Out for a Hero.” When Ren moves to a small town that has outlawed dancing, he takes the steps nec essary for a better future. Footloose is on stage through March 26.
Opening Oct. 5 is the show that’s brought more people into Beef & Boards than any other: Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” Also featuring the largest cast to appear in a Beef & Boards production, “Joseph” follows the Biblical story of Jacob’s favorite son.
For its 2023 Season Family Show, Beef & Boards brings to the stage the epic Disney favorite, “Beauty and the Beast,” starting May 18. The enchanting story tells of Belle, a young woman in a provincial town, and the Beast, who is really a prince trapped under a magic spell. Rated G and featuring Beef & Boards’ $10 Family Show discount for all kids ages 3-15, Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” is on stage through July 9.
Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2023. It’s a celebra tion that includes three new shows to the Beef & Boards stage, fan and family favor ites and a return of the most successful show ever presented at the theater.
Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre announces 50th season



Crabtree said she loves Mangrum’s spirit.
Nicole Crabtree plays the role of Kelli Mangrum in Mud Creek Players’ production of “Hands on a Hardbody.” (Photo courtesy of Rob Slaven/Indy GhostLight.com)

ly becomes a favorite to win.
“It’s bright and alive and I really relate to her resilience and willpower,” Crabtree said. “I wish I had more of her positivity and energy, though. The toughest part about playing her is her character arc. I won’t tell you how it ends, but the place she is at the end of the story is hard to get to with the amount of time changes we have in the show.”Formore, visit mudcreekplayers.org.
Actress key in Mud Creek musical

“Nicole Crabtree has quickly become a favorite for Mud Creek regulars, having performed in or directed several of the theater’s recent productions,” said Mi chelle Moore, who is directing “Hands on a Hardbody.”Crabtree, a Fishers resident, also has served as an assistant director and stage manager.Crabtree has a key role in Mud Creek Play ers’ production of “Hands on a Hardbody,” which began Sept. 9 and runs through Sept. 24 at Mud Creek Barn Theater in Indianapo lis. The musical is based on a documentary of 10 down-on-their-luck Texans engaged in a contest of human endurance as they vie to be the last contestant standing with their hand still on a brand-new Nissan Hard body pickup truck.
Crabtree plays the role of Kelli Mangrum. In the documentary, the real-life Mangrum is one of the toughest competitors and quick
26 September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.com At 11:45 am, the cruise through Carmel begins. Be sure and pull up your chair along the route to check out the cars as they drive by! Carmel, IN - 8:30am – 12:30pm A BENEFIT FOR FOLDS OF HONOR & THE SCOLIOSIS PROJECT OF INDIANA 13225 N. Meridian, Carmel, IN 46032 SEPT.SATURDAY,17,2022 Car Cruise Route Food | Face Painting | Military Flyover Silent Auction | Cruise Indy Swag Scavenger Hunt for kids age 5 – 12 For more INFO or to register your car: www.CruiseIndy.com or 317.275.1947 W. 136th St. 31 Rd.Rangeline Pennsylvania 116th St. W. Main St. Blvd.Guilford CityCenter Dr BlMononvd. Walnut St. Start/Finish CAR SHOW & CAR CRUISE $20 to enter car before 09/15 $25 day of show NIGHT & DAY
Nicole Crabtree has become a valuable and versatile Mud Creek Players member.
By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com

Don Knebel is a local resident. For the full column visit donknebel.com. You may contact him at editorial@ youarecurrent.com.
Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt
Statues of Eleanor and Franklin D. Roosevelt outside the museum.

Curtis Honeycutt is a national award-winning, syndicated humor writer. Connect with him on Twitter (@curtishoneycutt) or at curtishoneycutt.com.

In November 1992, the Seattle grunge music scene was exploding in its popu larity. While the angsty grunge fans were rocking in their flannel shirts, Nir vana frontman Kurt Cobain was penning hits including “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” “Come As You Are” and “Lithium.”Ifthose songs don’t sound familiar, that’s OK. What’s notable is what hap penedWhilenext.fans were riding the grunge wave, a reporter at The New York Times wanted to inform readers about the growing subculture. A freelance reporter named Rick Marin phoned Megan Jasper, who, at the time, was a sales represen tative for Seattle record label Caroline Records.Jasper, who had recently been laid off from legendary grunge label Sub Pop Re cords as its receptionist, decided to have a little fun at the Times’ expense. Marin phoned to ask about any slang terms used in the grunge subculture. Jasper
was more than happy to rattle off some fake terms, which became known as “grunge speak.”
This wasn’t the first, or last, time fake news showed up in a well-respected newspaper. The fact that Marin swallowed Jasper’s made-up terms hook. line and sinker surprised even Jasper herself.
When Marin inquired about grunge terminology, Jasper enlightened him with these made-up phrases, which soon after appeared in the pages of the Times: “wack slacks” (old ripped jeans, “cob nobbler” (loser), “fuzz” (heavy wool sweaters), “bound-and-hagged” (staying home on Fri day or Saturday night) and even “swingin’ on the flippity-flop” (hanging out). These terms and 10 others appeared as grunge gospel in Marin’s Nov. 15 article, “Grunge: A Success Story.”
Smells like fake teen news
kitchen, allows visitors to listen to record ings of FDR’s fireside chats. Other exhibits remember his four campaigns for president, including rare recordings from the earliest days of television. Other exhibits display some of his famous statements and speech es, including his famous articulation of the “four freedoms” in January 1941. If you are near Hyde Park, a visit to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library and Museum is a must.
13, 2022
Today, as we continue our road trip to and from Cape Cod, we make the last stop in Hyde Park, N.Y., visiting the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presiden tial Library and Museum. Before Franklin D. Roosevelt, presidents considered documents and other materials created during their terms their personal property. Some sold or destroyed them, and others donated them to the Library of Con gress or other institutions. President Roos evelt wanted a better system for preserving what he considered public property. In 1939, Roosevelt convinced his mother, Sara, to do nate 16 acres of land from her Springwood Estate for a library for items created during his service as president and his prior public service, including as governor of New York. Roosevelt, an amateur architect, helped de sign the library building in the Dutch Colo nial style. This first presidential library, built with private funds, was dedicated on June 30, 1941, early in FDR’s unprecedented third term. Roosevelt often visited the library and made some of his famous fireside chats from a studio inside the building.
FDR’s desk inside the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. (Photo by Don Knebel)

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Visiting the FDR Library and Museum
Email your resume and a sales success story to: ben@youarecurrent.comAPPLY TODAY

Commentary by Don Knebel

Today, the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presi dential Library and Museum contains about 50 million items related to FDR, which he donated to the United States. Wings com pleted in 1972 contain 3 million items related to his wife, Eleanor. Besides documents and similar materials, the museum con tains exhibits related to FDR’s four terms as president, including one displaying his desk. Another exhibit, depicting a 1940s-era
in Noblesville currentnoblesville.com
The Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum in Hyde Park, N.Y.

Part-Time Advertising Sales Executive
28 September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville currentnoblesville.com LIFESTYLE Across 1. Baby’s bed 5. Westfield HS test choice 10. Carve in stone 14. Actress Russo 15. Delight 16. Rip 17. Gillette razor 18. Chemo target 19. Pacers foe 20. Local campus with road side assistants? 23. Clutch 24. “Whatever” 25. Noblesville HS play part 27. Since Jan. 1 28. Arctic native 32. 1980s president 34. Latin neighborhood 36. Chap 37. Local campus with in a sewing attachment?machine 33.NoirGot older 34. Inter 35. “Pick me! Pick me!” 37. Nightmare 38. Poem of praise 39. Easy two-pointer 40. ___-mo 41. Future frog 44. Uno + uno 45. Colts receiver’s cry 47. Wig 48. Liqueur flavorings 49. Discourages 52. Little garden guy 54. Biblical song 56. Maladies 57. Agree 58. Not new 59. CVS orders 60 ___ Rorem (Pulitzer Prize-winning composer from Richmond, Ind.) 40. Indy newspaper 42. Thingamajig 43. Prince William’s mum, 46.familiarly“___went thataway!” 47. Tiny bit 50. Peculiar 51. Texter’s “Wow!” 53. Barely ahead 55. Local campus in Plain field Correctional Facility 60.garb?Late, great Zionsville artist Nancy 61. Self-confidence 62. Church section 63. Israeli airline 64. Firmly implant 65. Lecherous look 66. GOP rivals 67. Must-haves 68. Disorder Answers on Page 31 Down 1. Rock-strewn and steep 2. Sharp reply 3. Bit of progress 4. Rosary units 5. Papa Fattoush cheese 6. HSE grad 7. Dalai ___ 8. Reason for a Kevin Grego ry update 9. More ghostly 10. Sicilian spouter 11. Carmel HS senior, 12.typicallyMRI’s kin 13. Time card abbr. 21. Water balloon sound 22. Tarkington title: “___ Magnificent Ambersons” 26. Explosive letters 29. Kuaba Gallery display 30. Nudge 31. Vine & Table variety: ___ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 9 4 8 5 6 9 5 2 4 2 5 9 2 6 8 3 1 4 2 3 6 4 3 2 6 Supreme Court Justices 4 Vacuum Brands 5 Western US States 3 WRTV 6 Segments 2 DowntownGroceriesIndy 1 Park near IUPUI

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32 September 13, 2022 Current in Noblesville Peace of Mind for Just $59 Please present coupon at time of service. System must be operating properly. Not to be combined with any other offers, discounts, or previous purchase. Restrictions may apply. Expires 09/30/22 Get Ready BEFORE the Cold Weather! LLL Improve Your Air Quality Keep Your Energy Bill Lower Extend the Life of Your System Scan QR Pre-ApprovalforFreeEstimateScheduleService!LLL 317-296-6922 PetermanBros.com Please present at time of service. Residential customers only. Not to be combined with any other offers, discounts, or previous purchase. 18 month same as cash offer valid with approved credit, no interest if paid in full within 18 months. Restrictions may apply. Expires: 09/30/22 Please present at time of service. Reasonable outside clean-out access required, or additional access charges may apply. Owner-occupied homes only. Valid M-F, during regular business hours. Not to be combined with any other offers, discounts, or previous purchase. Restrictions may apply. Expires: 09/30/22 PL#: PC11700082 DrainClearingAnyDrainforOnly$83