October 10, 2011

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voting begins monday / P7 • state of the city / P9 • fall festival friday / P17

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Tuesday October 4, 2011

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Hinkle Creek Friends Church celebrates 175 years of rich history, faith / P10




Pastor Bob Stubbs holds a 1910s picture of the congregation Photos by Robert Herrington

Coming soon–Specialty care that’s as close as it is exceptional. ©2011 IU Health 10/11 HY73711_4204

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9/21/11 5:11 PM

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Protect our trees Founded Sept. 15, 2009, at Noblesville, IN Vol. III, No. 3 Copyright 2011. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 1 South Range Line Road, Suite 220 Carmel, IN 46032


Managing Editor – Robert Herrington robert@youarecurrent.com / 489.4444 ext. 204 Associate Editor – Terry Anker terry@currentincarmel.com Copy Editor – Lindsay Eckert lindsay@youarecurrent.com Art Director – Zachary Ross zach@youarecurrent.com / 489.4444 Associate Artist – Andrea Nickas andrea@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444


It is our position Hamilton County residents, should be aware of the damage caused to trees by the use of the herbicide, Imprelis. The DuPont-manufactured product, was recently approved by the EPA to treat broadleaf weeds and has been widely used on lawns, athletic fields, cemeteries, golf courses and sod farms. Touted as “environmentally- friendly”, Imprelis seems to be unfriendly to Norway Spruces, Eastern White Pines, and other trees with shallow root systems. DuPont began receiving reports of dying trees around Memorial Day of this year. Hamilton County has been hit hard hit by Imprelis usage. Visual symptoms of damage include browning, twisting and the curling of needles and leaves. The Indiana Chemist’s office has issued a stop- sale on Imprelis usage in Indiana and a recall is underway. Dupont has set up a hotline, 866-796-4783 to report damage. For more information about Imprelis, visit www.imprelis-facts.com/faqs/. DuPont also initiated a product return and refund program in mid-August. Trees seem to be under siege in Indiana— drought, the Emerald Ash borer, and now Imprelis. Trees add so much to our environment, whether it’s aesthetics or economics or environmentallysafe, it behooves us to pay attention to their survival and care.

School buses

It is our position school buses must strictly adhere to posted speed limits. Far too often we see the familiar yellow vehicles careening through neighborhoods at excessive speeds, as measured by both the law and reasonable standards of safety. Even in school zones, the buses are frequently the primary violators of the speed limits. School bus safety concerns increase as daylight slips away making morning routes take place before the sun rises. Young children hurrying to the bus stop might not be seen as easily, and there is less time to react if there is an obstacle in the way. We understand the bus drivers are on a tight schedule to gather their riders and get them to school on time. Traffic concerns and lagging children may cause even more delays. If these are the sole reasons for their excessive speed, then either more time has to be built into the schedules or the schools must make provisions for an occasional late bus. But we cannot allow the safety of our children – both on foot and already on board – and our fellow commuters to be jeopardized by bus drivers who ignore the rules.

The views in these editorials are of reader participants. They do not represent those of Current Publishing ownership and management.


Sales Executive – Mary Mahlstadt mary@youarecurrent.com / 379.7016 Senior Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia dennis@youarecurrent.com / 370.0749

Business Office

Bookkeeper – Heather Cole heather@youarecurrent.com / 489.4444 Publisher – Brian Kelly brian@youarecurrent.com / 414.7879 General Manager – Steve Greenberg steve@youarecurrent.com / 847.5022 The views of the columnists in Current In Noblesville are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.



strange laws V E C TO R B U TT O N S . CO M V E C TO R B U TT O N S . CO M


Photo Illustration

Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you.

In Louisiana, biting someone with your natural teeth is “simple assault,” while biting someone with your false teeth is “aggravated assault.” -dumblaws.com

2 | October 4, 2011

Every week, we will print a portion of the U.S. Constitution, followed by a portion of the Indiana Constitution. We encourage you to benchmark government policies against these bedrock documents. Today: the Indiana Constitution. ARTICLE 12. Militia Section 4. Conscientious objectors No person, conscientiously opposed to bearing arms, shall be compelled to do so in the militia. (History: As Amended Nov. 5, 1974). Section 5. Repealed (Repealed Nov. 5, 1974). Section 6. Repealed (Repealed Nov. 5, 1974). ARTICLE 13. Political and Municipal Corporations

Current in Noblesville

Section 1. Debt limitation No political or municipal corporation in this State shall ever become indebted, in any manner or for any purpose, to an amount, in the aggregate, exceeding two per centum on the value of the taxable property within such corporation, to be ascertained by the last assessment for State and county taxes, previous to the incurring of such indebtedness; and all bonds or obligations, in excess of such amount, given by such corporations, shall be void: Provided, That in time of war, foreign invasion, or other great public calamity, on petition of a majority of the property owners in number and value, within the limits of such corporation, the public authorities in their discretion, may incur obligation necessary for the public protection and defense to such amount as may be requested in such petition.


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It’s your newspaper, take part

FROM THE BACKSHOP Are we sure city’s is a fat-free budget? Financially, Noblesville is in the black – where it should be – and at the start of 2012, city workers will be getting their first pay raises in two years. Every employee gets a 1.5-percent bump, courtesy of a Common Council vote last week. We haven’t seen the budget, but we hope there is not one ounce of fat in it. To have pork and to have to mete out salary increases would be wholly unacceptable to us – and you, we assume. ••• We have our reasons, and so do five finalists that have posted videos in the I HEART Noblesville Video Contest. Now, we need you to vote in a winning entry. Go to www. destinationnoblesville.com/iheartnoblesville to do so. The winner will be announced at the city’s First Friday Movie Night on the square this week. Voting continues through then. Kudos to the city’s economic development group on the initiative. ••• As you might know, Current is a proud sponsor of Chaucie’s Place’s Treasure Our Children Beach Bash at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 13 at the Ritz Charles in Carmel. Without a doubt, this will be a fun – and meaningful – Thursday night out. Not only are we attempting to help raise money for the facility, we’re trying to bring awareness of its reason for existence. So, plan to put on some sum-

Brian Kelly & Steve Greenberg mer wear – yes, it’s autumn; get over it – and register today to join us: www.chauciesplace. org/treasure-our-children-beach-bash. You’ll be glad you did! ••• Want hope that the future of print journalism is alive and well? Noblesville High School’s student newspaper, Mill Stream, received an International Second Place Award from Quill and Scroll, an honor society for high school journalists, during its yearly News Media Evaluation that critiques high school publications and offers feedback to help students improve their publications. All involved, take a well-deserved bow. ••• Fair warning: Only 27 days until Halloween. Dark chocolate. Just sayin’.

Commentary By Robert Herrington You may have noticed a few small changes over the past two months. My goal as managing editor is to add more local stories and include a photo package each week. Basically, more names and faces of those who make this community so great. So I’m happy to announce another change. Starting this week, the Current will include a weekly rotating column from officials “in the know.” Once a month Common Council President Mark Boice, Mayor John Ditslear, State Rep. Kathy Richardson and a city of Noblesville department head will inform you about what’s going on – locally and at the statehouse – and how it affects you. The list of topics will vary week to week but could include services you didn’t know existed, thoughts behind potential ordinances, what lawmakers are doing an hour south, and how your tax dollars are being spent. We are also looking for ways to make the newspaper more interactive with our readers. I have received several nominations for the new Teacher of the Month program with Hare Chevrolet. It’s going to be awfully tough to select which deserving educator stands out from all the nominations, but I have a feeling that will be a reoccurring problem month to month. In case you missed last week’s announcement, Current also has introduced a Halloween writing contest open to anyone who has a Noblesville mailing address. Winners will be selected

in the following categories: youth ages 13 and younger through Oct. 17; and anyone ages 13 and older on Oct. 17. The rules of the contest are simple: have fun, don’t write longer than 450 words and make sure the writing is your own. E-mail your story in a Word or compatible document to robert@ youarecurrent.com no later than noon on Oct. 17. Be sure to include your name, address, phone number and birthday/age. Please include Halloween Writing Contest in the e-mail subject heading. Stories also may be mailed to Current Publishing, 30 S. Range Line Rd., Carmel 46032. Since I began my new job here I was told that “news is what our readers say it is,” and I love receiving news tips – and especially love hearing feedback. It was an e-mail from Kelly Haemmerle that led to this week’s cover. If you have something you’d like to share, please e-mail me at robert@youarecurrent.com. Lastly, I want to thank Michaela Watson, Guy Barger and the numerous people who have talked with me at assignments for their kind words about our publication, Marty Dobosz for his story suggestion, and Jerry and Becky Ravencraft for sharing their thoughts. Robert Herrington is the managing editor of Current in Noblesville. You can reach him via e-mail at robert@ youarecurrent.com.

The list may be better unchecked COMMENTARY By Terry Anker What was the best year of “Saturday Night Live?” Over its three-decade run, this late-night comedy television show has become a cultural touchstone with each ensuing group claiming memorable catchphrases and skits at the heart of a shared self-definition. Such as the question of whether “The Tonight Show” belongs to Carson or Leno, these public figures have framed our shared community. Ultimately these common memories are devices used to enhance communication with our peers. Recently, I made reference to a Dana Carvey moment on “SNL.” Carvey’s character, upon his death, found the gate to heaven with the angel of God. Similar to a fine hotel’s busboy, the angel outlined each of the amenities one could expect as a new resident of heaven. “The buffet is open 24 hours. The pool is always warm and filled with beautiful girls. Moreover, in heaven we have omnipotence – the answer to

the unanswered questions of human life.” Since that day years ago, I have maintained a list of questions to ask, should I be so lucky as to find myself similarly disposed. Was there a second shooter? Are ghosts real? Who stole my favorite shirt in college? What is the most disturbing thing I’ve ever eaten without my knowledge? I wonder if it is better not to know. But then again, how could the afterlife be complete without knowing the secret ingredient of the seven herbs and spices? Do we all keep lists of things for which we seek answers? And if we do, do we really expect those questions to ever find resolution? Or is our interest only a part of our natural curiosity as humans? Could it be the pursuit of responses is more important than the answers?

Could it be the pursuit of responses is more important than the answers?


Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may e-mail him at terry@ currentincarmell.com.

Current in Noblesville

October 4, 2011 | 3

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9/23/11 3:25 PM

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DISPATCHES » Road completion – The Indiana Dept. of Transportation and the city of Noblesville will hold a ribbon cutting celebration at 10 a.m. Thursday to signify the end of construction and opening of the new intersection of Ind. 38 and Little Chicago Road. INDOT Deputy Commissioner Brandye Hendrickson and Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear will co-officiate the event. » Prevention training – Chaucie’s Place will host a Stewards of Children Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Oct. 19 at the Hamilton East Public Library, 5 Municipal Drive. Stewards of Children is a comprehensive sexual abuse prevention program that educates adults to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. The program is designed for parents or anyone who works with children and adolescents. Cost is $15. For more information, call 582-8251. » Classis movies – The Classic Movies Fall Film Festival will being at 7 p.m. Oct. 28 with the double feature of 1966’s “The Ghost & Mr. Chicken” starring Don Knotts and 1948’s “Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein.” Movies are free to attend and will be held in Exhibition Center Hall C of the Hamilton County 4-H Grounds, 2003 Pleasant St. in Noblesville. Doors open one hour before the movies start. » Teen drivers program – The AAA Hoosier Motor Club and Hamilton East Public Library will present a Dare to Prepare Program to provide the critical information you need to know before those teens get in the driver’s seat at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 13 at the Fishers branch. This prepermit presentation is designed for teens and parents, and will cover the steps necessary to obtain a learner’s permit and driver’s license as well as useful tips to help make the process a little less stressful for everyone. For more information or to reserve your spot, call the Noblesville Library TeenZone at 770-33242 or register online at www.hepl.lib.in.us.

Blurring the lines of nanny and mom COMMENTARY By Danielle Wilson I finally appreciate why rich people have nannies and man-servants. My mom was in town during the weekend, and it was magical. We are currently in negotiations to retain her services as a full-time au pair, and it’s not going well. She has visited us before, but this is the first time she has visited when my kids are in school, sports and theater. Plus Doo and I are going gray by the minute over work-related issues. Technically, red heads do not “go gray,” but “white,” like Santa Claus and Queen Elizabeth I. Gingers may be mutants, but we’re royal mutants. Mom arrived at the house on Friday before the school bus, which meant my children were not latch-key orphans for once. And when I called a bit later to check in, she asked what I needed from the grocery. No one has ever asked me that question. Confounded, I mumbled something like “List … frig … flarjkwee.” After literally crashing my minivan into the side of the garage and walking in the door, the contents of my grocery list were miraculously sitting on the counter. I’m not kidding about the car, but that’ll be in my next article, titled “You Might Be Going Senile If ”

This nanny thing was turning out great. She bought us Chinese take-out and did 23 loads of laundry; she took the kids to an early morning soccer game so Doo and I could sleep. She made (fighting back tears, here) the (sniffle, gulp) beds (full-blown weeping). I think the best part about having a Mama Poppins comes down to simple math. We had three adults instead of two managing four kids. Doo spent the entirety of Saturday rebuilding something involving computers, which normally would have driven me straight to black widow mode; however, everything was cool because my mom was there to play dodgeball and jump-stick with the kids while I caught up on neglected domestic tasks. No Child Left Behind, see? So I totally get why the wealthy hire nannies. And now I want one too. Guilt wreaks havoc with the consciences of working parents, and nannies quiet the crazy. Now, if I can only convince Mom this is the life for her! Peace out.

Friday Oct 7 Noblesville MOVIES ARE FREE AND START @ DUSK



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Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.

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Fishers Hospitality & Conference Center 9785 North by Northeast Blvd. Fishers, IN 46037 Featuring:

» Correction – The dates for Noblesville author Larry Sweazy’s book signings were incorrect in the Sept. 27 edition. He will be signing copies of his books from 4 to 8 p.m. today at Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 17090 Mercantile Blvd. in Noblesville; 1 to 3 p.m. Oct. 15 at Mudsock Books, 11850 Allisonville Rd. in Fishers; and 2 to 5 p.m. Oct. 22 at Black Dog Books, 115 S. Main St. in Zionsville.


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Current in Noblesville


October 4, 2011 | 5

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Rounding out the benefits of roundabouts

By Robert Herrington robert@youarecurrent.com The Noblesville Fire Dept. has a long tradition of excellence fostered by the outstanding service of many dedicated firefighters like Division Chief Rick Russell, who was honored with the Public Safety Award during the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce luncheon on Sept. 29. “It’s real humbling,” RusNFD Division Chief Rick Russell is presented with the sell said of the award. “It’s Public Safety Award by Mayor John Ditslear. easy to come to work when Photo by Robert Herrington I have great bosses, great above the average.” mayors. I take a lot of pride in serving the Russell has received numerous commendacommunity and making it a safe place to live.” tions and was named the 2000 Noblesville After graduating from Marion College with Firefighter of the Year and was a 2009 nomia degree in business administration, Russell nee for the prestigious Mason Lankford Award began his career with NFD on Oct. 1, 1991. which is a national honor awarded for outDuring his 20 years of service, he has been standing service to public safety. He also rea top performer while working his way up cently completed the four year Executive Fire through the ranks to the position of division Officer Program at the National Fire Academy. chief of investigation and public education. “He has appeared at countless public educa“In this role he also serves as the departtion events for both children and adults and ment’s public information officer so he is we are especially proud of his role in establishlikely a very familiar face to all of you,” said ing a program known as Project Lifesaver deNoblesville Mayor John Ditslear. “He is recsigned to improve our ability to locate autistic ognized throughout Indiana as one of the top children who have become lost,” Ditslear said. arson investigators with a conviction rate well


COMMENTARY By Mark Boice There are very few things with as polarizing opposite views as roundabouts. People tend to love them or strongly dislike them with few in the middle. There are a number of drivers who don’t feel safe because they haven’t been educated on how to drive on roundabouts. They are nervous they will make mistakes, and don’t know when to yield or where to exit. Some visually-impaired drivers have difficulties seeing traffic on roundabouts, especially at night. Also, at a time when counties and municipalities are fighting for every dollar, there are complaints about the cost of roundabouts and the increased amount of land required to build them. Although some dislike roundabouts, there are a large number of citizens who tell me how much they like them. Roundabouts handle four to five times the amount of traffic as a stoplight and many citizens say they have this experience. Others tell me they like not having to make a complete stop at intersections. Many residents believe roundabouts are more visually appealing than a stoplight. With so many different opinions, why are municipalities gravitating toward them? There are some statistics about roundabouts leading Noblesville to install them: Roundabouts are safer and reduce accident costs. Although the number of accidents is very similar with roundabouts and traditional intersections, injury accidents are reduced by 80 percent and the average cost per accident drops from $13,000 to $2,000. The roundabouts prevent costly right-angle crashes and require motorists to slow down. They reduce emissions and fuel usage. Roundabouts keep traffic moving smoothly and save approximately 24,000 gallons of fuel per year over traditional intersections. This is a savings of approximately 30 percent in emissions. Roundabouts cost less than traditional intersections. Although initial construction costs are similar or slightly greater for roundabouts, signals cost significantly more when electricity, maintenance and service costs are considered. We are going to be seeing more roundabouts. Noblesville currently has 26 roundabouts with an additional four engineered for construction. Hopefully our great city can find ways to help mitigate the objections and get those who dislike roundabouts to come around to them.

NFD’s Russell wins Public Safety Award

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Mark Boice is president of the Noblesville Common Council. The council meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. in City Hall.

6 | October 4, 2011

Polka Boy


Sponsored by: The City of Carmel, Merchants’ Square Ramco-Gershenson, Marsh, Current in Carmel, and Knauss Property Services

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Voting by absentees to begin Monday thing that can be directly assessed to them is. By Robert Herrington “Everything else is pulled together and pro-rated,” robert@youarecurrent.com she said. Absentee and early voting for the 2011 general elecItems grouped together and pro-rated include fees tion will begin Monday and if you are not yet registered for ballot counters, machine setup, MicroVote usage, to vote time is running out. legal advertising, election board and canvas board. Voter registration will end next Tuesday. Those who Richardson said the county pays a fourth of the bill are not registered can do so online at www.indianavoters. and the remaining three-fourths are divided amongst com (if they have a driver’s license) or can fill out a form in the municipalities. Richardson said many believe it person in the lower level of the Hamilton County Judicial Richardson should be based on population, but in actuality the Center, 1 Hamilton County Square in Noblesville. Those cost is based on voting percentage. who are registered to vote and would like a mailed ballot have until “Fishers has more people but if it has less of a turnout than Oct. 31 to apply for one. Kathy Richardson, Hamilton County elecNoblesville, Noblesville picks up a larger chunk,” she explained. tions administrator, said there are approximately 176,105 registered Richardson said Carmel had 50 percent of the total county voters in Hamilton County. County residents cast a total of 24,173 turnout in May’s primary election and thus paid 50 percent of ballots (14.62 percent) in May – down around 3 percent from the the remaining amount – approximately $56,640. Other costs 2007 primary election which saw 17.3 percent of registered voters passed onto Hamilton County townships from this year’s primary cast ballots. During the last non-presidential, municipality general election were: Fishers, $32,519; Noblesville, $25,470; Westfield, election in 2007 the turnout was 19.8 percent. “Traditionally, municipality election turnout is lower anyways,” $16,429; and Sheridan, $3,021. “Only in municipal elections do they have to pay this,” Richsaid Richardson. “Having just one of the races up on the ballot ardson said. may have an effect on turnout as well.” Noblesville has two contested races – Mayor and Common Those who decide to not cast their vote because of a limited Council Distrist 5. Incumbent John Ditslear (Republican) faces ballot will miss out. opposition from Independent candidate Mike Corbett in the may“Local officials affect you more on a day-to-day basis, even oral race. Libertarian candidate Joseph Patrick Tucker is looking to more than the president,” said Richardson. “It’s too bad more take the council seat away from Republican Greg O’Connor. people don’t participate in local elections.” All city of Noblesville registered voters will cast ballots for the Cicero and Carmel will not hold an election this November. mayoral race. Only voters in the precincts of Delaware 2, Fall Richardson said by not holding an election the areas are saving Creek 13, Noblesville 8, 9, 21, 26, 32 and 38, and Wayne 3, 4 money. Richardson said direct costs for municipalities having an and 5 will vote for Common Council District 5. election include poll workers, janitors, supply kits, rent, meals, Richardson the following Noblesville candidates – all Repub rent, postage for absentee ballots and poll lists – essentially any-

important election dates Monday to Nov. 4: Absentee/early voting begins. Polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Hamilton County Judicial Center in Noblesville. Next Tuesday: Voter registration ends. Oct. 31: Last day to apply for a ballot by mail. Nov. 3, 4 and 7: Confined voting takes place. Applications must be made by noon Nov. 7. Nov. 5: Polls open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Hamilton County Judicial Center. Nov. 7: Polls open from 8 a.m. to noon at the Hamilton County Judicial Center. Nov. 8: General Election. Polling precincts will be open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information about voter registration, call 776-9632. For more information about the general election, call 776-8476 or visit www.hamiltoncounty.in.gov.

licans – are unopposed and have won their election because no other candidates filed for the General Election. Their names will not be listed on the ballot: Clerk-Treasurer – Janet Jaros Judge – Greg Caldwell Council At Large – Brian Ayer and Jeff Zeckel Council District 1 – Roy Johnson Council District 2 – Steve Wood Council District 3 – Rick L. Taylor Council District 4 – Mark Boice

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Current in Noblesville

9/27/11 10:35 AM

October 4, 2011 | 7


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Ditslear: City positioned to compete with any community By Robert Herrington robert@youarecurrent.com Finances, economic development and city services were all items Mayor John Ditslear highlighted during his annual State of the City address to the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce. The city’s revenue was down $2.9 million last year and another $1.2 million this year, but as other cities and towns across the state and nation struggle, Noblesville has weathered the financial storm. Ditslear said cost-saving measures have included not replacing personnel unless absolutely necessary (the city has not filled 27 positions), renegotiating contracts whenever possible, and having employees help out other departments for special projects. “Without question I wish we lived in a world where there was no recession. But to wish that and to stick our head in the sand and say that the recession hasn’t affected Noblesville would be negligent and misleading,” said Ditslear. “Despite losing millions of dollars of revenue over the last few years, we have adjusted for that revenue reduction and have not had to cut back on city services, nor have we gone into the red.” Good financial management was not only practiced by the city but several local businesses. Ditslear said Industrial Dielectrics, TraTack Inc., SMC Corp. and Gordon Marketing all have

announced plans to expand and add employees. Employers like The Farmers Bank, Garden Ridge, Courtney’s Kitchen and Rochester Medical Implants have or will be opening their offices in Noblesville soon. “Our biggest success so far this year in terms of size of corporate investment occurred a few months ago,” said Ditslear. “Positron will invest in a $55 million facility, which in turn, will not only bring jobs to Noblesville for that firm but will also attract complementary businesses that need to be in close proximity to such a facility.” The city’s economic development department has rolled out many new initiatives to help all businesses – big or small – succeed in Noblesville. City Hall now houses the SCORE satellite office and offers an MBA program through the Anderson University Falls School of Business. The Small Business Loan Guaranty program assists small business owners who are looking to secure a loan to start or expand a business but are not approved for the full loan amount. The Business and Development Process was debuted on the city’s website. This feature provides businesses with a checklist of what is required for various projects and includes link to required forms and documents. “The goal is to make it as simple as possible to do business in Noblesville,” Ditslear said.


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9/27/11 10:36 AM

October 4, 2011 | 9

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Hinkle Creek Friends Church celebrates 175 years of rich history, faith By Robert Herrington robert@youarecurrent.com The story of Hinkle Creek Friends Church, 21617 Hinkle Rd., Noblesville, is now in its 175th year, but the tale of the congregation begins all the way back in 1833. Settlers began moving into the Deming community at that time and homesteaded much of the land in this area. Most who moved here – Quakers wishing to establish a Quaker Meeting (church) – were from North Carolina and Virginia. According to historical records at the Hamilton East Public Library Noblesville Branch, early pioneers had trouble settling on this land because of wolves, black panthers and Indians. The pioneers identified a location on high ground with a fresh spring for drinking water and used the nearby Hinkles Creek, as it was named at the time, as a water source for their horses. In 1836, they started meeting in their makeshift homes until they could clear enough trees on this knoll – now the intersection of Hinkle Road and 216th Street – and used logs to build the first Meeting House, which was where the church stands today. “We call Hinkle ‘a place where love grows,’” said Hinkle Creek Friend Kelly Haemmerle. “When you step through the doors you can sense the history and there is a timeless quality. You feel a part of something bigger than yourself. It is a special place and all who are part of her past, present or future are surely blessed.” Charter member Joseph Sumner sold a tract to Hinkles Creek Meeting for $3.71 an acre. They purchased 3.5 acres for the meeting house and the cemetery to the north, and it was deeded on June 9, 1841. The very early records of Hinkle Creek Friends Meeting were stored in a safe at Westfield Friends Meeting, which oversaw the church as it became established. Local Indians living in the woods nearby blew open the safe thinking there was money in it and during this process destroyed all the records. Although all the early records were burned, history of the church was passed on from its pioneer members. Bob Stubbs, Hinkle Creek Friends pastor, said the early Friends did not have paid ministers so much of the worship service was sitting in silence waiting upon the movement of the Holy Spirit to speak through the congregation. “After sitting in silence and waiting for at least one hour, the timer would determine if all hearts were clear, then he would rise from his seat and shake hands with the Head of the Meeting – indicating that the service was over,” Stubbs explained. In the early part of the 1840s, a new 26-by26 foot Meeting House was built; however, the building was destroyed by fire in January 1872. The congregation then raised $1,500 to rebuild the church.

10 | October 4, 2011


2011 In 1905, remodeling of the building began ing area that could be divided for Sunday school following a revival service by Evangelist Carrie class space. The pillars in the basement that supTaylor. Stubbs said the Meeting House’s wall, port the building – and remain intact today – which ran through the center of the room and are old gas street light posts from Cicero. Other divided worship areas between men, women changes made included sloping the sanctuary and children, was removed. The candles that lit floor, building a stage/pulpit, and installing a tin the church were replaced with coal oil lights and ceiling and electric lighting. heating stoves were installed on both sides of the Not all of the additions were accepted by the building. The old, obscure glass windows were congregation. Stubbs said that during this period a replaced with stained great controversy arose glass. over the introduction To celebrate the church’s 175th Homecoming, “There was nothing of a musical instrument former members and the public are invited to elaborate, no decorato enhance the singing attend the 10:30 a.m. worship service on Oct. 16. tions,” Stubbs said of of hymns. A carry-in meal will follow worship and Stubbs the Meeting House “After much discuswill create a historical museum for the event. prior to 1905. “Addsion and dissention, it The church will also host a concert featuring ing the stained glass was finally approved Woody and Vonnie Wright, who perform with was really fancy for to purchase one (a the Gaithers, at 5 p.m. Oct. 15. A dessert reception Quakers to do then.” pump organ) and with Dan’s Famous Pies and Alexander’s Ice Cream The two doors for there has been an will follow the concert. Tickets are $10 for adults, entrance to each side instrument here since $5 for children 16 to 6 years old, and no charge for of the worship area that time,” he said. children 5 years old and younger. were replaced with The most recent upFor more information on the church, call 691windows and a double dating of the church 2329 or visit www.hinklecreekfriends.org. door was installed in came last year. When the center of the south side. Stubbs said this Stubbs arrived to the church prior to a wedding was done to accommodate caskets and became rehearsal in August he walked in to find ceiling known as the “funeral doors.” tiles lying on top of the pews. After inspection, Another major renovation occurred in 1932, it was discovered that the 139-year-old building when the Rev. Frank Klingensmith began work had suffered structural damage. to raise the Meeting House to a higher level and “The structure in the attic was built like a barn a full basement was hand-dug, with the dirt with wooden beams mortised and tendoned tobeing removed by slip scoops drawn by horses. gether with wooden pegs. The pegs gave way and The basement became a kitchen and large dinthe roof began to shift and bulged the outside

Current in Noblesville

south wall of the Meeting House,” Stubbs said. The congregation was forced to move out of the Meeting House on Sept. 5, 2010, and hold its services in the old Cicero Christian Church as repairs were being done – including a complete gutting so all of the old wood could be inspected and repairs made. The congregation moved back into the facility two weeks before Easter earlier this year. “This old building is in wonderful shape and many hands of the local membership were instrumental in accomplishing this great task,” Stubbs said. Despite the multiple changes and upgrades made throughout the years, Stubbs said the sanctuary is still the original one and the old hand hewn pews of solid oak are likely more than 100 years old. “It was the Quakers who founded Hamilton County and this little church on the hill. It has stood its ground since 1836 and continues to be a beacon in the community. The fact that it is still a thriving place of worship after all these years is quite remarkable,” said Haemmerle. “It has been through the dedication and perseverance of its members that this little church has survived at all. Each generation has its own story to tell. The pioneers of this place were remarkably hard working, driven people. The church was the center of their lives and everything branched out from there.” With a renewed sense of accomplishment and purpose the “little white church that could” is poised for another 175 years serving God, His people and its purpose – to give hope to the lost and shelter from the storms of life. In addition to its own rich history, the church has been a staple in county history. The basement served as the meeting place for many Hamilton County Republican Party dinners in the past. Between the late 1830s and 1850s, families of Hinkle Creek Meeting were active in helping to hide and transport slaves in the Deming community as part of the Underground Railroad. Some of those slaves were moved north into the Roberts Settlement in northern Hamilton County. The cemetery is one of the oldest in Hamilton County and is the final resting place for 22 Civil War soldiers; William Sumner, a veteran of the war of 1812; and several pioneer members of the church that date back more than 150 years. “What could the wallpaper tell us? It’s so fascinating to me to think about the stories because Hinkle Creek Friends has spent so many years in the same spot and reached so many people in the community,” Stubbs said. Stubbs’ parents joined Hinkle Creek Friends months after his birth and he has been a member for most of his life. While working as a manager at Indiana Bell in 1983, Stubbs heard God’s calling during a dream.

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disownment Many people were held accountable to the Monthly Meeting for various reasons. For example: members could not marry out of the Quaker faith. If they chose to do that they were disowned. They were not allowed to play music within the walls of the Meeting House. According to early records, Thomas Lindley was disowned by the meeting for playing his violin. Other reasons for disownment according to the old records include: not being in regular attendance for worship service, gossiping about another person, growing tobacco and selling it, dancing, colorful dress, attending ball games, or speaking in a worldly manner during worship service without the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

“You’re to walk away from everything and follow me. I’ll be your teacher,” While still trying to decide if he would follow his calling, Stubbs and his wife, Paulette, went out to visit a Meeting in Oklahoma. It was at that time he delivered his first sermon and began his new career behind the pulpit. Stubbs has served as Hinkle Creek’s pastor three times. When he arrived for the last time seven years ago the congregation had dropped to around a dozen weekly attendees. “The last three years we’ve taken in 45 new members. If everyone would come we’d probably have 90 people,” he said. “The church has just taken off and grown.” Stubbs attributes part of the growth to the church never changing to a contemporary style worship service. “New families tell me, ‘We want our kids to learn these old hymns,’” he said.

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• The charter members of Hinkles Creek Friends Meeting were William and Sarah Rich, Richard and Hannah Rich, James Rees and wife, John and Mary Beals, Jesse and Dinah Beals, Jacob and Esther Carson, Amer and Achsiah Hiatt, Jonathan and Ester Haworth, Joel and Phoebe Rees, Jonathan and Esther Rees, Enos and Lydia Hiatt, Joseph Sumner and wife, Samuel Sumner and wife, James Harris and wife, Edward and Elizabeth Bray, and others whose names were not recorded. • The first burial in the Hinkle Cemetery was Jane Fisher, the 16-year-old daughter of James and Nancy Fisher. She was laid to rest in a coffin hewn from a walnut log. Men carried the coffin a distance of two miles to the cemetery. • The first marriage was between Stephen Burris and Susanna Carey. Their intention to marry was announced July 2, 1850, and the marriage was completed on Sept. 3, 1850. • The first – and only – name change came in the 1930s when “s” was dropped from the name and the church was called Hinkle Creek Friends Meeting thereafter. • The first indoor restrooms were added in 1959.

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Current in Noblesville

9/27/11 10:35 AM

October 4, 2011 | 11

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Meguschar joins Noblesville High School staff

Crowds marvel at ‘superhero’ floats By Robert Herrrington robert@youarecurrent.com The comic book pages came alive with a Miller twist as Homecoming floats made their way through downtown Noblesville on Aug. 23. “We chose superheroes because we thought there would be plenty of options for floats,” Jenna Elwert, a Noblesville High School Senior, said. Each class had its own superherothemed float customized for the parade: Spiderman for the seniors, the “caped crusader” (Batman) belonged to the juniors,” the sophomores were green with envy as The Hulk, and the freshmen had Ironman. Elwert previously participated on her class float two years ago as a sophomore. “It’s fun to see all the little kids’ faces light up when they see the floats coming,” she said. “I think they’ll be excited to see Spiderman.” The seniors, who won the float building competition, used the tips and techniques they had learned over the years to ensure they were the most creative and went out on top. “We’ve learned from past experiences that we need to work hard early,” said senior Stephanie Schneider. “Make sure you hand-make everything,” Schneider said this year’s float was the

Junior float

Sophomore float easiest of all years because of the amount of students who wanted to lend a hand and be involved in the building process. “People are very willing to help – it’s surprising,” she said. “It’s more exciting when your classmates come together.” “You like to do a lot more things your senior year – helping out with float is one of them,” added senior Shane McNally. “You want to be involved in as much as possible before you graduate.”

Senior float

Freshman float Photos by Robert Herrington

Current in Noblesville Beth Meguschar has been named interim assistant principal at Noblesville High School and joined the administrative staff at the main campus Monday. Meguschar, a resident of NoblesMeguschar ville, was principal at Clinton Central Clinton Central Jr./Sr. High School before she was hired by the Noblesville School Board on Sept. 20. She previously was employed at Lawrence Central High School for 18 years, first as an English teacher and literacy coach and then as an assistant principal over curriculum and instruction for four years. “I am so excited to be a part of the Noblesville team and I look forward to getting started,” she said. Meguschar received her bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in English education from Purdue University and her administrative degree from Butler University. She and her husband Chris, a Japanese and government teacher at Lawrence Central High School, have four children: Lucy, an eighth-grader at Noblesville Middle School; Eliza and Max, sixth grade students at Noblesville Intermediate School; and Samantha, a first-grader at Noble Crossing Elementary. The family attends Genesis Church in Noblesville.

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Current in Noblesville

9/27/11 10:37 AM

October 4, 2011 | 13

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DISPATCHES » Pumpkin patch festival – RE/MAX Legends Group will hold its annual Pumpkin Patch Festival Staurday from noon to 3 p.m. The event is hosted by Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health North. The festival is open to the public with free admission and parking available. » Holiday travel more expensive – Flying over the holidays is going to cost more this year. And the longer you wait to book, the pricier it’s likely to get. The average domestic airfare for the weeks of Thanksgiving and Christmas is $383, 4 percent higher than last year, according to Expedia. As airlines fly fewer routes and planes to cut costs, there are fewer seats available. Flights are fuller than ever, and airlines can charge more. -Associated Press » Breakfast with beer? – With flavors ranging from coffee to maple syrup, the right brew can be as perfect a breakfast accompaniment as O.J. Try Left Hand Milk Stout with cereal or granola. Beer yeast can’t digest lactose, or milk sugar, so it remains unfermented in milk stouts like this one, giving it a sweet, Hershey-bar tang, like the milky dregs of chocolate cereal. This is how creamy coffee should taste (but never quite does): a bitter edge polished silky smooth. 6.0 percent ABV. -www.wsj.com

Katherine Prater twirls a baton around her neck

14 | October 4, 2011

ish Marching Millers

Seniors Jacklynn Bansbach, from left, Monica Lamirand and Ashtin Wilcoxen

Jenna Elwert, left, and Stephanie Schneider paint buildings for the senior float.

Grand Marshal Krissi Davis

Snapshot: NHS Homecoming Photos by Robert Herrington


» HCAA exhibit – The Hamilton County Artists’ Association invites the public to “In the Style of,” paintings in the style of famous artists, now through Oct. 28 at the Hamilton County Art Center & Birdie Gallery, 195 S. Fifth St., Noblesville. The Birdie Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday through Saturday. The event is free. For more information, visit www. hcaa-in.org or call 776-2278. » Harvest festival – The 39th Annual Pumpkin Harvest Festival at Stonycreek Farm will run now through Oct. 31, 11366 Ind. 38 East, Noblesville. Open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., parking is $5 per car on Saturday and Sunday. There is no parking fee Monday through Friday. This year’s newest attraction is a 400 foot-long zipline. For more information, call 776-9427 or go to www.stonycreekfarm.net.

Parr 80) and Jaime M iranda (No. cy Lu n en so hm Ty es Fr ionna sophomore Br (No. 83) chas e


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Views | Community | Cover Story | Education | Diversions | Anti-Aging | Dough | Panache | Inside & Out | Lifestyle | Puzzles | Classifieds more than 100 different Coke products. Also among Firehouse’s offerings are chili, soups, chips, cookies and brownies. Firehouse Subs is a familyoriented restaurant with comfortable seating, dualplasma televisions and outdoor seating. Type of food: Hot and cold submarine sandwiches Price of entrees: Medium subs: $5-6; large subs: $7-8; combos (includes chips and drink): medium: $7-9 and large: $9-10. Specialties: Hot specialty subs Smoking: Not permitted Reservations: Not allowed Dress: Casual Hours: 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, 10:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Phone: 317-773-7333 Address: 17053 Mercantile Blvd., Noblesville Website: www.firehousesubs.com

Firehouse Subs The scoop: “Welcome to Firehouse Subs!” Those words, exclaimed by an enthusiastic staff member, are the rousing greeting you receive upon entering Firehouse Subs. The restaurant, which opened in November 2010, features a wide variety of submarine sandwiches. The featured sandwiches range from cold subs to hot subs and hot specialty subs. Firehouse is the first to feature a new technology known as the Freestyle Coke Machine, which allows customers to choose from

Chad Keefe, General Manager, Logan’s Roadhouse Where do you like to eat? My wife, our kids and I like to go to Hong Kong Cuisine. What do you like to eat at Hong Kong Cuisine? I like to get the “Happy Family.” I like the way it’s prepared with the lobster, the pork and the beef. Why do you like Hong Kong Cuisine? I like it because it’s family-owned and operated. You know they take great care when it’s privately owned. Hong Kong Cuisine is located at 9524 E. 126th St. in Fishers. Their phone number is 577-8333.

Piña Colada The king of all tropical frozen drinks, the pineapple-crowned piña colada comes from the island of Puerto Rico and was invented in the mid-1950s. Pineapple juice, rum, and coconut cream are the tried-andtrue ingredients. Ingredients: 1 1/4 ounces Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum, 6 ounces piña colada mix, 1 spear pineapple, 1 maraschino cherry Directions: 1. Add Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum and piña colada mix over crushed ice in a blender. 2. Blend until smooth and pour into specialty glass. 3. Garnish with pineapple spear and maraschino cherry.

In 15th century Europe, the nobility often spoke in Latin, to hide their conversations from the less educated. Similarly, today’s “preppy” tailgaters, especially in the Ivy League, are known use nautical flags to represent their team in a way that only sailboaters would understand. For example, a flag with white and red vertical halves represents an H (Harvard). A Y flag (Yale) is yellow with five slanted red

16 | October 4, 2011

Ingredients • 1/2 cup teriyaki sauce or marinade • 1/2 cup hoisin sauce • 2 tablespoons cider vinegar • 1 tablespoon sugar • 1 1/2 teaspoons hot sauce • 1 1/2 pounds sirloin steak, trimmed of fat and cut into 1/4-inch slices • 2 large hearts of romaine, roughly chopped • 1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese • 1 cup halved cherry or grape tomatoes • Seasoned croutons (optional)

Directions • In a medium bowl, whisk together the teriyaki, hoisin, vinegar, sugar and hot sauce. Add the steak, turning to coat well, then cover and refrigerate for one hour. • Meanwhile, arrange the lettuce on 4 serving plates. • Heat the grill to high. Coat the grates with cooking spray.

• Use tongs to transfer the steak, leaving as much of the marinade clinging to it as possible, to the grill. Cook for 1 to 2 minutes per side. • Divide the steak between the serving plates, heaping it over the lettuce. Sprinkle with blue cheese. Divide the tomato halves between the salads. Sprinkle with croutons. Serves 4.

This weeks special: Joe’s Reserve Sirloin Steak $ave $2/lb Joes Butcher Shop and Fish Market • 111 W. Main St., Carmel • 846-8877 Hours: Mon-Fri. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. • Sat. 8 a.m. - 7p.m. • Sun. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. INDIANA RAISED • HORMONE AND ANTIBIOTIC FREE CHICKEN BEEF AND PORK • FRESH SUSTAINABLE SEAFOOD


stripes. Locally an I is a yellow flag with a black dot and a U is a flag with four quarters (squares) of red and white on the left and white and red on the right. The letter P is a blue flag with a white square centered. Why not get creative at your next tailgate and run some nautical flags up your pole, or should I say halyard?

Cucumber in sour cream salad Ingredients: 4 large cucumbers peeled and thinly sliced, 16 oz sour cream, Kosher Salt, Rice vinegar Preparation: Place the cucumber slices in a large bowl that is wide enough to hold a dinner plate for the pressing stage. These slices should be salted to keep in their crispness and to remove the water. Cover the slices, in the bowl, with a dinner

Simple Sirloin Salad

plate weighted to press the cucumbers to remove the liquid overnight. Occasionally (several times) drain off the liquid. Game day: On game day remove the weighted plate and drain the liquid again. Add 3/4 to all of the sour cream to coat the slices and reach a consistency to your taste. Add 1/2 tsp. of the rice vinegar to remove some of the creaminess. Mix all

this together gently. Place into a resealable plastic container and pack chilled into your food cooler. Serve this warm-weather side dish as a balance to spicy sandwiches or with chicken or steaks.

Did you know...Breast cancer can spread to the eye? October is breast cancer awareness month. Call to nominate your favorite breast cancer survivor for a complimentary comprehensive eye examination and 30% off a complete pair of glasses. "Orange is Dr. Wittmann's favorite color. It makes a point by being deliberate and bold while being full of light and hope. That's Tammy Wittmann to me, in a nutshell. Dr. Wittmann loves what she does, helping people. She is my eye doctor because she's an awesome one and she takes every step along the way to keep being the best and to earn the trust of her patients." -Jennie DeVoe, singer and songwriter

Joe Drozda is a Carmel resident and an author about sports and food. You may contact him at drozda@ tailgatershandbook.com or visit www.tailgatershandbook.com.

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Vote now for your favorite video By Robert Herrington robert@youarecurrent.com Reflecting on the best aspects of their hometown has inspired residents to share their creativity, and the city of Noblesville invites the community to review them and vote for your favorite as the I HEART Noblesville video contest is open for voting. The city’s favorite five videos are posted online at www.destinationnoblesville. com/iheartnoblesville and voting will be open now through Friday morning. In a truly genuine fashion, you’ll see the city’s authenticity through the creative eyes of your neighbors. “We are excited to share the videos with the community,” said Christy Langley, assistant economic development director. “It’s a testament to the people, places and experiences that make Noblesville a great place to live, work and play.” The grand prize, first runner-up and second runner-up winners will all be announced Friday at the First Friday Movie Night in downtown Noblesville, Ninth and Logan streets. For a brief time prior to the announcement, paper votes will be accepted for those who may not have

placed a vote online. The following community members submitted the five videos posted online: Cyndi Kirby, Donna Arrivo, Sara Sterley and Danya Pysh, who had two videos in the top five. “We tried to get a mix of different perspectives for the top five – some were children based, some were artistic, but all showcased Noblesville – and that’s what we were looking for,” Langley said. Langley said the video contest was the first of its kind for the economic development department. She said the marketing effort worked well because it didn’t cost the city a lot of money and used a lot of viral media; however, she thinks some people may have not completely gotten the message. “Some commented that they were intimidated to make a movie because it wasn’t going to be ‘professional’. Our response was—that’s exactly what we want,” said Langley. “We wanted amateur and everyday Noblesville citizens just to express why they love Noblesville—no special effects or soundtracks. Therefore in total we did not get as many videos as we were expecting, which honestly surprised us.”

Main Street’s Fall Festival Friday By Robert Herrington robert@youarecurrent.com Kick off the autumn season with Noblesville Main Street’s annual Fall Festival First Friday this week. From 5 to 8 p.m. the downtown square will host a variety of fall games and crafts for residents to enjoy. Executive Director Joe Arrowood said Friday’s event will include live music by local children, a caricature artist, pumpkin painting, children’s crafts, hot dogs and chips, kettle corn, ghost tours and hayrides from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Arrowood added patrons are welcome to come dressed in costumes to the event. “We’re hopeful there will be several merchants who will do trick-or-treating too,” he said. “We’ll have a list and probably some bags.” Following the conclusion of First Friday, guests are invited to stay downtown as the city of Noblesville and the Parks and Recreation Dept. will host the final installment of its movie series. The 1985 classic “The Goonies” will be shown on a giant inflatable screen at dusk. The screen will be setup on Ninth and Logan streets. Written by Steven Spielberg and Chris Columbus, “The Goonies” revolves around a group of kids who embark on a wild adventure after finding a pirate treasure map. The film is rated PG and runs 114 minutes. Guests are invited to bring lawn chairs,

File photo by Robert Herrington

blankets and picnics to the movie. Arrowood said patrons should dress appropriately for the weather conditions. “We don’t mind if the weather is a little nippy as long as it doesn’t rain,” he said. Since the First Fridays began in May, Arrowood described this season as “very successful.” “We combined a lot this year with First Fridays and Jazz on the Square. Most of our activities are getting over when Jazz starts,” he said. “It’s worked out great. We’ve had a little more going on at the square which has brought more people downtown.” Only three First Friday events remain this year. Arrowood said November’s event is annual soup cook-off and the always jolly Christmas on the Square will be in December. “The soup cook-off is really successful and we always have a lot of things taking place for Christmas on the Square,” he said.

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October 4, 2011 | 17

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Super Saturday teen Carmel’s Most Anticipated event at Boys & Girls Club Luxury Apartment Community By Robert Herrington robert@youarecurrent.com The Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville announces the launch of a community-wide event on Saturday. Spearheaded by the Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville Teen Center, 1448 Conner St., Super Saturday will hold numerous classes geared to teens 13 to 18 years old and parents taught by outside instructors. Unit Director Abigail Stutesman said the purpose of the event is to utilize the Boys & Girls Club’s many resources to reach out to the community and meet the demands of its youth and parents. The main focus of this Super Saturday is safety and prevention. “It’s a way to open our doors to the community and for our members to offer some classes outside of what we offer on a daily basis,” Stutesman said. Members, non-members and parents will have the opportunity to register for an array of free classes at the Boys & Girls Club at 1448 Conner St. Classes consist of a self-defense awareness prevention class for girls ages 13 to 18 years old taught by Indy Fitness Camp, an Internet Safety class taught by a local Internet task force detective for teens and parents, a Safe Sitter class for teens 13 to 16 years old, and a

Now Open! 3-on-3 basketball tournament with members of the Noblesville Police Department taking on teams of teens 13 to 18 years old. “People sign up and pay for what we are doing for free,” Stutesman said. Stutesman said some classes require preregistration and interested members of the public should contact the Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville to hear requirements and to register by calling 773-4372. As a special incentive to join in on the fun and education, Stutesman said all those who participate will receive a free Subway lunch – provided by the store on 10th Street in Noblesville – prizes, and an entry to win a Nintendo Wii gaming system. The Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville Teen Center is open 2:45 to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday for 13 to 18 year olds.


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18 | October 4, 2011

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Views | Community | Cover Story | Education | Diversions | Anti-Aging | Dough | Panache | Inside & Out | Lifestyle | Puzzles | Classifieds Capt. Critic’s DVD pick

Fast Five Now – Oct. 9 Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre: Singin’ in the Rain 9301 N. Michigan Road, Carmel Details and ticket information available online at www.beefandboards.com.

PG-13, 130 minutes

Redline the action with ‘Fast Five’ DVDs By Chris Lloyd The formula for “Fast Five,” the fifth installment in the street racing franchise, seems to be: 1. Put Vin Diesel back in the action, the actor was absent for the second and third movies. 2. Add Dwayne Johnson as a testosteronepumped federal agent on the gang’s trail, setting up a flying-fists showdown with Diesel. 3. Ratchet up the computer-generated imagery during the races, to the point cars pinwheel and slalom all over the street with barely a nod to the laws of physics. The most surprising thing is this combination largely works, easily delivering the most entertaining movie in the series. Although at 130 minutes, it’s still way too long and the amount of juvenile and macho posing occasionally

reaches choking levels. After being framed for the murder of some DEA agents, Vin and the crew (Paul Walker, Jordana Brewster) head down to Rio de Janeiro to hide out, and run into trouble with local crime lord Reyes (Joaquim de Almeida). They’re soon snooping out their next big score, assembling some familiar faces to help out. There’s no denying “Fast Five” is an improvement over the previous four, and it’s nice to see a decade-old movie franchise discover another gear. Read more of Chris Lloyd’s review of current films and DVD’s at www. captaincritic.blogspot.com or www. TheFilmYap.com.

Now – Oct. 23 Phoenix Theatre: Spring Awakening 749 N. Park Ave., Indianapolis In “Spring Awakening” adolescents discover the inner and outer tumult of their sensuality. Details: For tickets visit www.phoenixtheatre.org or call 635-7529 Oct. 28 – Nov. 2 Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre: Amadeus 3 Center Green, Suite 200, Carmel Peter Shaffer’s award-winning “Amadeus” combines fiction and history to explore the dramatic

LIVE MUSIC Mickey’s Irish Pub, 13644 N. Meridian St. For more information call 573-9746. Friday – Kyxx Saturday – Zanna-Doo! Mo’s Irish Pub, 13193 Levinson Lane in the Hamilton Town Center, Noblesville. For more

rivalry between Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Salieri, the late 18th century court composer for the “Emperor of Austria,” who escorts the audience through his recollection of the events leading to Mozart’s death. Details: For tickets visit www.civictheatre.org or call 317-843-3800. Oct. 28 – Nov. 20 Actors Theatre of Indiana: Forbidden Broadway 160 W. Carmel Drive, Suite #207, Carmel Journey through more than 20 Broadway shows and spend the evening with Carol Channing, Julie Andrews, Ethel Merman, not to mention the casts of “The Lion King”, “Wicked”, “Mamma Mia”, “Hairspray” and so many more in this entertaining tribute to some of Broadway’s greatest shows and stars. Details: For tickets, visit www.actorstheatreofindiana.org or call 317-669-7983. information, call 770-9020. Friday – Parasia Saturday – Something Rather Naughty Moon Dog Tavern, 825 E 96th St., Indianapolis, 46240. Call 575-6364 for more information. Friday – Henry Lee Summer & Friends Saturday – The Jester Kings

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October 4, 2011 | 19

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DISPATCHES » Couch potato workout – Leg-up couch crunches: Lie on your back on a couch with your knees bent, your feet up on one end, and your hands behind your head. Pressing your lower back into the couch, slowly lift your head, shoulders, and upper back off the couch. Hold, then slowly lower. (If your couch is too soft, you may need to do this exercise on the floor.) Cardio finish: Do knee lifts. While standing, alternate bringing your right elbow down to meet your left knee, and vice versa. -www.prevention.com » IU North to turn pink – Indiana University Health North Hospital will turn its campus pink this month to raise funds for a local breast cancer organization during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The public can make online donations that will allow pink solar lights to be placed on IU Health North Hospital grounds in recognition of those whose lives have been touched by breast cancer. Lights are $5 each and can be dedicated to honor, remember, or thank a friend or family member. Pink solar lights can be dedicated online at IWINfoundation.org. » Whiten teeth naturally? – If you want to avoid the pain and the cost of overthe-counter whiteners, you can try a few different at-home treatments. If you make a paste from lemon juice and salt, you can use this as whitening gel. This can be rubbed on the teeth to slowly wear down the dull color. To make your teeth shinier, you can rub your teeth with the inner white part of an orange peel. This gives discolored teeth a bright shine. This is good to use in combination with other home-whitening products. -www.thebrightersmile.com » Do you have less energy? – If so, you may need some more vitamin B12. This nutrient helps regulate your metabolism and energy production and is key to maintaining a healthy brain and nervous system. Chewing a lot of antacids to relieve heartburn can also lead to B12 deficiency, because antacids interfere with B12 absorption. Food fix: Have two servings of nonfat dairy foods and 3 to 4 ounces of lean protein daily. Good sources of B12 include seafood such as fish, clams, oysters, and mussels, as well as lean beef and pork, chicken, and fortified cereal. -www.health.msn.com

20 | October 4, 2011

Tough Mudder challenges body, mind Commentary By April Conard Having just honored the 10th anniversary of 9/11, I still feel helpless sometimes and it makes me want to do something. I know many of you feel the same way. Although we can’t go back 10 years and undo what happened, we can help what is happening now. How about using your favorite pastime to help a worthy cause? Ever heard of something called Tough Mudder? Tough Mudder is not your average run. The 10-mile obstacle courses are designed by British Special Forces. Forget finish times. Simply completing a Tough Mudder is a badge of honor. The real honor comes from knowing you are raising money for the Wounded Warrior Project. Tough Mudder participants have raised more than $2 million for wounded soldiers. The funds will help support thousands of warriors from the battlefield to the bedside. The Tough Mudder series was created to have an American fitness event to test toughness, stamina and mental grit all in one place and all in one day. This is also about experiencing a true sense of camaraderie rarely seen outside of the military. To get over some of the obstacles you will need the help of others – they are simply too much for one man to tackle alone. Tough Mudders are team players, they help each other out and make sure no man is left behind; they do not care about their finish time.

There will be a Tough Mudder run in Indiana Nov. 19. Not sure you are ready to crawl through the mud or scale walls? Well, Noblesville Athletic Club is willing to help with your training. One of our fitness instructors, Leah, is putting together a team to train for the race. If you would like to join the Crazy Crusaders team you can do so at www. toughmudder.com under registration. To find out more information on the run or training, contact Leah at www.nacfitness.com. Regardless of your political views, supporting our troops is something we should all do; considering what our soldiers do for us day in and day out. So get ready for the mud and when the run gets to hard, think of the challenges the injured soldiers are facing and then look at that wall and say, “bring it on!” Noblesville resident April Conard is an NETA- certified trainer and Group Fitness Director at the Noblesville Athletic Club. You may contact her at nac@nacfitness.com

with Lowrey Artist Jim Vogelman !"#$%&''()*+**(+,--,'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''./0&''()*+**(+*--1

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DISPATCHES » Axiom opens in Carmel – Axiom Human Resource Solutions (axiomhrs.com), a complete human resource outsourcing firm, is officially open for business and will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony followed by a launch party with the Carmel Chamber of Commerce on Oct. 13 at 4 p.m. at its headquarters, 1528 E. Greyhound Pass. Axiom HRS offers small and medium-sized businesses customizable employee management services. » Free e-books – Save $10 per download by borrowing e-books from your local library, two-thirds of which now offer e-book borrowing. You can also borrow eBooks for free from Barnes & Noble’s LendMe service, via Amazon’s Kindle (which also offers free downloads of classic books), Project Gutenberg and Daily Lit, among other Web sites. -www.bnet.com » Innovation through failure – Many people succeed at producing innovations because they churn out a very large number of ideas, both good and bad, says psychology professor Dean Keith Simonton. Some companies, to encourage innovation, tolerate failures and even reward employees for them

in some cases. Employers use a variety of tactics to foster innovation. Grey New York, for example, blocks off a “no meeting zone” each week to allow employees sustained time for work on creative projects. Some add game or nap rooms, expansive art-filled atriums, hiking trails or private meditation rooms with music and adjustable lighting. -www.wsj.com » Track expenses online – Simplee.com is a new expense tracker – co-founded by a former Shopping.com executive – that keeps all your claims and billing information in one place and lets you see at a glance how much money is left in your flexible spending account. Plus, it has good (VeriSign Trusted) security. -www.money.cnn.com » Crooks can buy ATMs – Hop on over to eBay and Craigslist and type in “ATM.” Availability varies, but often you can find machines for sale that cost just a few hundred bucks. Bad guys can buy these, get a computer programmer to rewrite the code and set them up just about anywhere to collect people’s card information and PINs. Sometimes the machines actually dispense some cash, but often they’re set up just to display an error message – after stealing your data. -www.money.msn.com

Five ways to spoil a meeting COMMENTARY By David Cain Nothing blows the potential to have a great meeting like the following five things. Meetings, meetings, meetings, so much time, so much potential, so often wasted. Avoid these top five spoilers and enjoy better get-togethers with happier attendees. Start late. “Hey, sorry I’m late, let me just grab some coffee and hit the restroom and I’ll be right there.” That’s nice, show up a few minutes late and then take your time getting started. Everyone loves it when people impose their own life on you. If you want to start your meeting at 9:15, set it for 9:15. Be unprepared. No forethought or advance preparation is the rain on your meeting day. Whether you were invited to the meeting or originated it, you should always be prepared. Nothing looks more amateur than showing up to a meeting with nothing but a pen and paper eager to learn. Be prepared and lead the way to better outcomes. Interrupt. After all, everyone showed up to hear you talk. Just keep blurting out anything that runs through the scrolling LED in your head and you’ll look like a star. It’s expected to have ideas, but consider listening more than you talk. Go freestyle. Agenda-free meetings with no real thought to what you want to accomplish


are great spoilers. Just get in a room, start with small talk and see where it goes. Want to kickstart your effectiveness? Go into every meeting and start with a list of what the group will accomplish in that meeting and how much time you all agree to commit. Go around the room and ask, “What do you want to accomplish to make this meeting a great use of your time?” Everyone agrees and everyone is working toward the same goals. Run over. Well, you started late, why not run over on time too? It just makes good sense. Want to be sure you run over? Invite too many people. And, use every bit of time allotted even if you finish early is just as annoying. It’s okay to get things done faster. Business requires meetings. For that matter, all aspects of life require discussions of some sort, so why not work to make all that time more productive and effective? If you do, you’ll eventually eliminate meetings. If you are always prepared and know everyone’s goals for the encounter, you’ll find some of the meetings just go away.

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While the rest of the Indianapolis area will be stuck inside and constrained by the various ice and snow storms coming this winter, we’ll be living it up at The Stratford!

At The Stratford we don’t have to go outside to get to our grand dining room for a delicious, hot meal. We don’t have to drive anywhere to pick out a good read from our library. No one has to hit the sidewalk to travel to the wellness center for some exercise (ours is just down the hall in the clubhouse). We don’t even have to clean up after our parties because the amazing staff here does it for us. In short, while the rest of the area is digging out—we‘ll be living it up! This could be you this winter, so call 317-733-9560 now and ask our Lifestyle Advisors about the benefits of living at The Stratford. By the first snow of this year—you’ll be glad you did!

David Cain works at MediaSauce, a digital media and online marketing company in Carmel. David welcomes your questions or comments at David.Cain@MediaSauce. com.

Current in Noblesville

The Stratford | Carmel’s Premier Continuing Care Retirement Community 2460 Glebe Street | Carmel, IN 46032 www.Stratford-Living

October 4, 2011 | 21

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STOCK TIPS Opportunities to own in these volatile markets 1. Regis (RGS), which owns and operates more than 10,000 hair fashion and beauty-product salons in the U.S. and overseas, now trading at $14 a share. 2. Oshkosh (OSK), a manufacturer of specialty trucks for the defense, fire and emergency, and hauling markets, trading at $17. 3. CSG Systems International (CSGS), a customer and billing service outfit used by telecom, cable-TV and direct broadcast satellite companies, now at $14. 4. CoreLogic (CLGX), which provides informa-

tion technology services, financial data and data processing to various enterprises, now selling at $11 a share. 5. Bio-Lab Laboratories (BIO), a maker of instruments and consumables such as diagnostic products for blood, diabetes and autoimmune diseases, now trading at $91 a share. 6. Aspen Insurance Holdings (AHL), a Bermuda-based specialty insurance and propertyand-casualty reinsurer, now at $22. -www.forbes.com

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Make-Up Shop new stop for beauty in Fishers By Jordan Fischer jordan@youarecurrent.com Motorists driving along 116th Street in Fishers may have noticed a new storefront, nestled on South Street just off the main thoroughfare, proclaiming the Make-Up Shop is now open. The shop is owned by make-up artist Brenda Sotolongo, who claims clients ranging from Peyton Manning to the President of the United States across a 30-year career in television and film. Sotolongo’s goal with the business, she said, is to take what she has learned professionally and teach it to her new clients – the women of Hamilton County. “I find that women will come in with their buddies and have a million and one questions,” Sotolongo said. “The goal is to help the average, everyday woman to update their look, or to

learn new techniques.” The Make-Up Shop will offer full-service skin care, including microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and waxing services, as well as three hairdressers and hair and eyelash extensions. The store also sells the full line of Pro Soto make-up, Sotolongo’s own brand. “It offers people the chance to use a full line of high-quality make-up without having to break the bank to do it,” she said. The store is operated by Sotolongo along with her daughter, Jennifer, and husband, Mike – all three aestheticians. The Make-Up Shop is located at 8856 South St. in Fishers. The are open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday. For reservations call 577-9400.

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Lindell resigns from Meals on Wheels


for our clients and their families.” Current in Noblesville The departure comes at a time Marti Lindell resigned as executive when Meals on Wheels, located at 395 director of Meals on Wheels of HamilWestfield Road in Noblesville, is feedton County on Sept. 23. ing more people than it ever has in its Under Lindell’s leadership since 2006, 36-year history. More than 4,800 hot, the nonprofit organization now provides nutritious meals were delivered in Aumore than 200 homebound seniors with Lindell gust. Wack said meal service will conlow-cost or no-cost meals every weekday. tinue without interruption as the board “We wish Marti well. She has a true passion for searches for Lindell’s successor. ending senior hunger,” said Board President Susan “Our staff is dedicated and a small army of volunWack in accepting the resignation, which Lindell offered for personal reasons. “As the voice of Meals teers is devoted to getting noontime meals to residents of every Hamilton County community,” Wack said. on Wheels, she has been an outspoken advocate


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Lambert’s to celebrate anniversary Thursday with organ concert By Robert Herrington robert@youarecurrent.com Lambert’s Lowrey Organ Center is celebrating its twoyear anniversary with an open house celebration Thursday. Lowrey artist Jim Vogelman will meet guests beginVogelman ning at 10:30 a.m. and will perform a free concert at 1:30 p.m. Vogelman attended the University of Judy Lambert, back, and Dorothy Russell Indianapolis and has recently traveled play a virtual orchestra. the United Kingdom and arranged for plete orchestra at your fingertips,” Lambert said. musical groups. Lambert’s is currently offering a special where “He’s familiar with the Indianapolis area,” they will put the instrument in your home for said Judy Lambert of Lambert’s Lowrey Organ eight weeks for $29.95. The cost includes eight Center. “He’s quite an organist. . . We are quite weeks of classes and two one-on-one sessions. privileged to have him.” “We want to introduce the virtual orchestra to Lambert said the annual anniversary celebrathe community because people have this feeling tion started years ago with their store in Anderson, which is celebrating its five-year anniversary they can’t learn to play a musical instrument,” said Lambert. “This is one of the easiest instruWednesday at its location, 1325 Meridian St. ments to learn to play. In the first five minutes “We’re celebrating and giving back to our they will learn to play a song. We are teaching customers,” she said. people to play songs not notes and scales.” The event also provides an occasion to introLambert’s Lowrey Organ Center is located in duce the “virtual orchestra” to the general public the Noblesville Shopping Center, 573 Westfield who may not be aware of its opportunities. Road. For more information, call 773-2002. “When you sit down to play you have a com-



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October 4, 2011 | 23

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Gentlemen and interior decorating

DISPATCHES » Don’t fasten in the same spot – Because hair strands tend to get caught — and broken — in bands, it’s a good idea to alternate the fastening point of your ponytail. “Move it up a half inch one day, then down the next,” says celebrity stylist Richard Marin. Using seamless elastic bands, like Goody Ouchless Elastics, will further minimize damage. -www.goodhousekeeping.com » Perk up lips with pink – Dark or bright colors call attention to the size of your lips, emphasizing thinness and fine lines around your mouth. Instead, choose a lipstick that mimics the color of your lips when you were younger. -www.today.msnbc.com

COMMENTARY By Vicky Earley I am always inspired by the gentlemen who walk through my studio door in search of a better living space. These are not men who cross the threshold with great reluctance at the strong insistence of a wife or girlfriend. They are not coerced and they are not in search of the stereotypical man cave. No, these gentlemen walk in on their own accord and bring with them a strong sense of self. These men recognize their environment impacts how they feel about the space they live in, work from and the centerpiece for entertaining. They want their homes to reflect who they are, not who decorating magazines say they should be. Wood is a customary foundation for a strong and masculine space. It’s not too difficult to imagine a rich library complete with coffered-wood walls, bookcases from floor to ceiling and mahogany furnishings. I think a faithful golden Lab just walked in my imaginary room. Leather is the next element for a masculine space. No longer is leather relegated to sofas, chairs and ottomans. The market has seen a recent influx of leather wrapped chests embellished with nail heads for a stylish twist on masculine decorating. The element of comfort is critical for a space speaking to the male species. A chair or sofa has to be deep enough to comfortably accommodate the longer upper legs of men. Delicate furnishings probably won’t be invited to a male-inspired room. A traditional male space is the perfect showcase for rich paisley prints, stripes and plaids. Menswear designers such as Joseph Abboud and Ralph Lauren are well known for their detour from the path of attire to the world of interiors. It goes without saying most men are not great fans of pastels.

Stock photo

The deeper end of the color spectrum is where they tend to land. Charcoal gray, slate blues, merlot and chocolate brown are a few of my favorite decorating colors for men. Sherwin-Williams’ high tea is a perfect color example. Relevant artwork goes a long way with male decorating. Works reflecting the occupant’s interests are outstanding choices. An avid sailor will revel in paintings of boats and shorelines. Sports fans will appreciate a touch of memorabilia, such as framed jerseys or autographed photos. Globes and maps will speak to the adventure in a man… and don’t forget about the golden Lab. Vicky Earley is the principal designer for Artichoke Designs in downtown Carmel. If you have an interior design question, please contact artichokedesigns@aol. com.

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24 | October 4, 2011

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To begin, towel dry your hair and mist a leave-in conditioner (such as Biominoil Leave In Treatment) and a volumizer (try Brocato’s Volumizing Tonic). Then begin blow drying your roots while pulling them away from your scalp.

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When your hair is completely dry, wrap 1-inch sections in Velcro rollers. Once your hair is set, blow dry with a diffuser for another 10 minutes on the hot setting, then 10 minutes on the cool setting. Alternatively, you could use large hot rollers or a curling iron once your hair is completely dry.

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After removing the rollers, combine a drop of shine serum (like Brocato’s Shine Drops) and a light hold gel (Salon 01 brand Flex Hold Gel) in the palms of your hands. Run your hands throughout your hair and move your voluminous locks into place. For added boost, gently tease your roots around the crown of your head. Finish off the process with a blast of moveable hold hairspray to keep your ‘do in place. Looking for more hairstyling tips? Check out our blog at www.salon01.com/blog/.

Attention Brides To Be! Did you know that Salon 01 is able to handle large bridal parties? Our unique facility and large staff allows for your entire wedding party to receive hair services at the same time! Schedule up-do’s for all your bridesmaids and even treat your mother and new mother in-law to a shampoo and style for your big day. Salon 01 has customized bridal packages available. Our bridal director will be happy to assist you in scheduling all your appointments. Call today at 317-580-0101.


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Covered porch creates new outdoor living space COMMENTARY By Larry Greene Original home: The seven-year-old home is located in the Centennial Subdivision in Westfield. The current homeowners have lived there for five years. Motivation for creating a new outdoor living space: According to the homeowner, “I had a back porch as I was growing up. Plus, I have lost three tables and an umbrella in the last five years from the wind.” Porch details: The new porch is supported with concrete piers which extend below the frost line. The new patio surface is brushed concrete with an arched step extending from the patio door and an area for grilling. The new porch finishes include painted cedar posts and wrapped beams. The porch is trimmed with cedar to match the new column trim. The beadboard porch ceiling is vaulted throughout to create a more open feeling. Finally, a new ceiling fan was installed from the center ridge beam. Favorite features: The homeowner commented, “I work from home and it is so nice to go outside during the day and not bake from

26 | October 4, 2011

Before the sun. Our family can actually talk and relax in the new porch now. We have used it a lot already and it’s only been a few weeks since completion.” According to the homeowners, “We are planning on having our neighbors over soon to show off our new porch. They have all been watching with envy as the project progressed.” Larry Greene is the president of Case Design/Remodeling, a fullservice design/build firm serving Hamilton County. Contact him at lgreene@indy.rr.com.

Current in Noblesville



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Connect with family by blogging Genealogy By Darla Kinney Scoles Why you should create a blog was the topic of a recent post on “Genealogy top of the day.” I have toyed with the idea of creating a blog for several years, but I haven’t taken the plunge, or thought about creating a blog about my family genealogy. Michael John Neill’s column was helpful and encouraging. I thought I’d pass it on in case readers might be sitting on the same blog fence I was on. “Creating a blog is easy,” Neill said, “It may also help you break down brick walls and make connections with others who could help with your research. Creating short posts about various ancestors, mentioning names, dates, places and other details helps others to find your information.” Since I have performed searches, I thought this blog might be another way to reach those who have information about my family I might miss out on with other options.

Be sure to document all information collected this way, and what a personal means of researching. One could gain valuable names, dates and other data, or connect with a fellow family member. Several blog readers have commented, and said they heard from relatives who stumbled across posts containing common names. Many referred to older posts, and it’s not even about how often you keep up with a blog. It just needs to be out there. Start with a search on “creating a blog” and soon you may be creating connections on your family tree as well. That’s my plan, anyway.

I thought this blog might be another way to reach those who have information about my family I might miss out on with other options.

Darla Kinney Scoles is a freelance journalist living in Noblesville. Her most recent work involves the creation of “Stories”, an individualized writing service helping people get their personal histories down on paper. Contact her at darlakinneyscoles@gmail.com.




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October 4, 2011 | 27

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Do you take things too personally? sibility for them. Blaming others prolongs RELATIONSHIPS the healing process, and delays your growth. By Kristen Boice Figure out how you might have contributed How many times does someone’s actions hurt to the situation and let go of the rest. your feelings? However, after you stop and think 2. Examine the situation. Peel back the onabout it, the situation seems as if it’s not about ion and look at what is really going on. Ask you – it’s about them. Do you feel like you take questions. Maybe things too personally? If something else is you said yes to any of these There is no such thing as a perfect going on, and it has questions, you have some things to unpack. life. We all have feelings triggered nothing to do with you. You might have Pictures and metaphors by situations in our lives. The triggered the other help us look at things from feelings might be stirred up by person’s pain or you another angle or perspective. Imagine everyone cardifferent situations or people. were in the wrong place at the wrong rying a suitcase filled with time. different issues – some 3. Talk to someone safe. It can be extremely might have more in their suitcases than others. powerful to process the situation with However, everyone has something they are dealsomeone else for outside perspective. They ing with in their life, but we might not be able might see something you are not able to to see it from the surface. see. Be ready for the feedback. There is no such thing as a perfect life. We all Everyone is in your life for a reason. Try to have feelings triggered by situations in our lives. figure out what lesson you are supposed to The feelings might be stirred up by different learn, or the gift this person brings to your life. situations or people. Look around, and think Breathe and let the rest go. about what is really in your suitcase. Usually it is something related to the other person’s suitcase or issues. Kristen Boice is an individual, couples 1. Look inside your suitcase to understand and family counselor and speaker with Pathways to Healing Counseling your issues. This is the first and most im& Education. Contact her at kristen@ portant step. What are your feelings, choices pathwaystohealingcounseling.com. and behaviors? Take ownership and respon-


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Views | Community | Cover Story | Education | Diversions | Anti-Aging | Dough | Panache | Inside & Out | Lifestyle | Puzzles | Classifieds Across 1. Indy newspaper 5. Taj Mahal city 9. Sharply dressed, like a WRTV anchor 14. Red Skelton persona 15. Leak slowly 16. James Whitcomb Riley’s “prior to” 17. Colts kicker, ___ Vinatieri 18. Retain 19. Fluorescent bulb gas 20. Veolia product 22. Indiana U.S. Senator, and anagram of 35-, 46- and 56-Across (2 wds.) 24. Soap ingredient for Indiana’s Amish 25. Indiana State Fair mo. 28. Chop off 29. Battery partner 31. Catch some Zs 35. Frog tins (2 wds.) 38. The Current boss 40. On the briny (2 wds.) 41. Mellencamp booking 43. Stirs up 44. Broad ___ 46. Lacking sorrowful felines (3 wds.) 48. “Hey...over here!” 49. IND carousel sight 51. Eagle Creek Park beachgoer’s goal, often 52. “Double Fantasy” collaborator at Indy CD & Vinyl 53. David & Mary Salon, e.g. 56. Responds to a posting on Craigslist (3 wds.) 61. Like a Purdue streaker 63. It’s a no-no 64. ___ & Boards 67. Told a whopper 68. Some abstract works at IMA (2 wds.) 69. Children’s Museum building block 70. Mo. for Indy’s annual Labor Day parade 71. Capital of Western Australia 72. IUPUI halftime lead, e.g. 73. Guesstimate phrase (2 wds.) Down 1. Bit of attire for a Yellow Rose Carriages ride, maybe 2. WTHR morning show 3. Diminish 4. Indiana town on the Ohio River that shares a name with a European capital 5. Query 6. “Fancy that!” 7. Miss Indiana 2010, Gabrielle ___ 8. Horrify 9. Civil rights org. 10. Retro ‘do for Pacer Darnell Hillman 11. Butler fraternity party wear 12. Hoosier Park pace 13. Desires 21. Verizon Wireless Music Center band: ___ Flatts 23. ISO musical mark 26. Bright House cable network 27. Spanky’s group 29. Highly skilled 30. Taking advantage of 31. Part of LED 32. Ear-related at IU Health 33. Barefoot Olympics runner, ___ Budd 34. Prefix with “while” 35. Victory Field rain cover 36. Former Indiana governor, ___ R. Bowen 37. Egyptian snakes 39. Fire-breathing beast 42. Kind of boot or dancer in the ‘60s





















22 26


29 35


38 41











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Use all the letter segments below to fill in the answers to the clues. The number of segments you will use in each answer is shown in parentheses. The dashes indicate the number of letters in each answer. Each segment is used only once. ATRE ESKY GEH HED ILLA IMA KER LUK OG PIE SHAR VAN WAL XTHE

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2010 RX350

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


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3) Big Black Marker Brand (2)


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19k Miles.................................$42,995

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___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

5) Star Wars Character (4) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

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Using the letters in Nancy Noel, create as many common words of 4+ letters as you can in 20 minutes. No proper nouns or build the words foreign words.

NANCY NOEL __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________


46k Miles.................................$45,995

2008 ES350

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___


Loaded....................................$46,988 WOW........................................$66,995

1) Plain (2)

___ ___ ___ ___


__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

35+: Word wizard 25-34: Brainiac 15-24: Not too shabby <15: Try again next week




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45. Indianapolis furs name 56. Perched on Chase Tower 47. Jennings County town: ___ 57. Superhero accessory Jacinto 58. Paoli Peaks lift 50. Not having what it takes 59. Do a laundry chore 51. It may be filled at Dentistry 60. Scout’s good work on 116Indiana Wordsmith Challenge62. “The Sun ___ Rises” 53. One getting towed at Geist 65. Sunshine Cafe omelet 54. Chicks’ sounds ingredient 55. Increase (2 wds.) 66. Greyhounds adversary

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October 4, 2011 | 29

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October 6-7 (Thurs- Fri) 9a – 4p 12014 Pymbroke Place, Fishers In (near 116th & Allisonville). Three family sale includes Raggedy Ann dolls; household items, clothing, holiday decor; office furniture & more

Waterstone Neighborhood Wide Garage Sale

Tons of homes participate. Make sure you get to all four neighborhoods! Designer clothing, furniture, housewares, kids stuff, and incredible deals! This sale is too good to miss! Waterstone is east of Gray Road between 116th and 126th Entrances to neighborhood are at 116th, 126th, and Gray Road Includes: Bayhill, Brookfield,Stonewick, and Windpointe October 6th, 7th, and 8th from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. daily

October 4, 2011 | 31

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