Tuesday, November 5, 2019
City reaches connectivity, trail milestone / P15
Parking garage proposed for Clinton Street / P3
Nexxt Spine to expand / P5
General election guide / P16-17
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November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
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November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
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Current in Noblesville reaches virtually 100 percent of the households in 46060 and 46062 by U.S. Postal Service every Tuesday. For more on reaching this audience, call Lindsey Ells at 317.414.9175 or email her at lindsey@ youarecurrent.com.
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On the cover
Diego Parise, left, and Matt Hakey, run at the city’s 100th trail mile. (Photo by Ben Stout) Founded Sept. 15, 2009, at Noblesville, IN Vol. XI, No. 8 Copyright 2019. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Noblesville are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com Clinton Street
Hamilton County commissioners on Oct. 28 unanimously approved a request for proposDOWNTOWN als for construction of a 434-space parking garage on Clinton Street just east of North Eighth Street. County attorney Mike Howard presented the proposal to commissioners Mark Heirbrandt and Christine Altman. Howard Commissioner Steve Dillinger wasn’t present. The county owns a 205-space parking lot south of Ind. 32, where its employees currently park. Employees must cross Ind. 32 to reach the courthouse or the judicial center, a path that can be dangerous because Ind. 32 is the busiest street cutting through downtown Noblesville. The proposed parking garage would relocate all county employee parking north of Ind. 32, eliminating the need to cross the street. The county’s proposed 10-year plan is to construct a 434-space garage with the flexibility to expand it to 583 spaces by adding a fourth level. The parking garage proposal also states that the City of Noblesville will transfer ownership of its 46-space parking lot north of the judicial center to the county. Costs for the project won’t be released until after the RFP is complete. “The structure will be built to accommodate a fourth level, or third, above-ground level, at a later date with (149) additional spaces,” Howard said. “The extra floor would be in the county’s 20-year projections.” Howard noted, however, that a
Logan Street 8th Street
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Parking garage proposed for Clinton Street
Ind. 32
6th Street
Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@youarecurrent. com or call 317.489.4444 ext. 804. You may also submit information on our website, currentnoblesville. com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication.
Maple Avenue A map shows existing county parking south of Ind. 32 and the proposed construction of a parking garage on Clinton Street. (Mapdata: Google©2019)
cause the county uses it for parking. fourth level may not be needed. It will become taxable when a devel“We don’t know what our workoper builds on it. force is going to look like in 10 years,” “The design elements of he said. “We may have more that new structure would people working remotely.” blend with the existing judiAfter 5 p.m. and on weekcial center,” Altman said. “We ends, the garage would be want to make sure everything open to the public. If all goes as planned, the parking gais harmonious.” rage is anticipated to take Besides eliminating the hazard of crossing Ind. 32, 10 months to build and open Altman commissioners have other in late 2020. The south lot reasons for developing the south lot. will then be sold to a developer for a “The other big gem for the commumixed-use development of approximately 200 apartments and first-floor nity is to bring workers to live and work,” Altman said. “It brings local retail. When the parking garage on option income tax.” Clinton Street is operational, the The apartments are expected to be county will seek developers for the market-rate. south lot, which is tax exempt be-
“The design elements of that new structure would blend with the existing judicial center. We want to make sure everything is harmonious.”
— Hamilton County Commissioner Christine Altman.
November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
Join the Current Publishing team — Current Publishing has an immediate opening for a freelancer with opportunities for growth. Applicants must have hard-news reporting experience and must have evening availability. It is preferred that applicants are familiar with the Fishers/Geist area. If interested, please send résumé and news clips to anna@ youarecurrent.com.
Former Globetrotter to sign book — Former Harlem Globetrotters player and author Derick Grant has recently released a devotional for those seeking to find comfort in God’s plans for their daily lives. It is called “Results: An Athlete’s Devotional.” Grant will participate in a book signing from 3 to 5 p.m. Nov. 9 at Barnes and Noble, 17090 Mercantile Blvd.
Living with less pain by the end of the year
Patchett promoted to engineer — Firefighter Ben Patchett has been promoted to the merit rank of Engineer. Patchett was hired by the City of Noblesville in 2010. He will be assuming the spot vacated by Engineer Ben Bender who recently retired. Patchett’s first duty day as an Engineer was Oct. 22.
FUMC conducts men’s group dinner — The First United Methodist Church’s men’s group, Thought’s on the Rocks, is conducting a free Veteran’s Day chili dinner at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 12 at the church’s Teter Retreat/Farm, 10980 E. 221st St. The keynote speaker is Colonel Jerry Hadley. Hadley will speak at 7 p.m. Space is limited and RSVP is required. To RSVP, call the church at 317-773-2500.
BGCN to conduct TopGolf tournament – Boys and Girls Club of Noblesville announced its TopGolf Tournament will return for the second year at noon Nov. 12 at TopGolf, 9200 E. 116th St., Fishers. The afternoon will feature food, drinks, a silent auction, TopGolf gameplay and more. For more about registration and sponsorship opportunities, visit bgcni.org.
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Current in Noblesville
Councilor repurposes signs By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com With the general election approaching Nov.5, plenty of yard signs are likely destined ENVIRONMENT for trash bins after Nov. 6. But Noblesville Common Council member Darren Peterson decided to reduce yard sign trash by repurposing his primary election signs into birdhouses. Peterson got the idea from a friend’s son, who planned to repurpose the signs for his Eagle Scout project. Peterson then made two birdhouses for himself. “I don’t think any birds will live in mine,” Peterson said. “I didn’t do a lot of bird research, but he (the Eagle Scout) has birds living in his.” The project required one sign per birdhouse and took approximately two hours to complete. With his 250 general election signs,
Darren Peterson displays his yard sign birdhouse. (Submitted photo)
Peterson plans to complete a recycling project by melting down and then repurposing the signs into a bench to place in a park. “To me, it’s about taking what already exists and putting a unique spin on it,” Peterson said. “Let’s make things interesting and meaningful for the residents of Noblesville.” Peterson asks anyone with remaining yard signs to not throw them away but email him at darren@electpetersonnoblesville.com.
Council approves tax phase-in By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com
development agreement allows the city to provide a 10-year real property tax phase-in on the $500,000 The Noblesville Common Council investment and a five-year real propunanimously approved an economic erty tax phase-in on the $1.5 million develinvestment. DEVELOPMEMT opment The agreement includes a agreecash grant reimbursement of ment for Nexxt Spine, a spinal up to $250,000. device company at 14425 BerNexxt Spine plans to retain gen Blvd. in Noblesville. Nexxt 50 employees and hire 25 Spine, which recently celenew employees by the end brated its 10-year anniversary, of 2022. The average wage is Johnson purchased the 72,000-square$58,000, excluding benefits. foot building it is located in for future “Nexxt Spine has greatly impactexpansion. ed evolution of spinal surgery and “Due to organic growth and the patient outcomes and continuously addition of a significant global cuspursues technological advancements tomer, Nexxt Spine has outgrown its to develop a robust and effective current lease space,” Economic Develproduct offering,” Johnson said. opment Director Judi Johnson said. Nexxt Spine also has participated in The company asked the council the Noblesville High School internship for assistance. It plans to invest program since the program’s launch. $500,000 in internal real property “Our goal with this agreement is to improvements and $1.5 million in the retain Nexxt Spine,” Johnson said. “We purchase of new personal property want them to stay here and continue by the end of 2022. The economic to grow here in Noblesville.”
On November 5th Re-Elect
A proven leader working to keep Noblesville strong Noblesville needs experienced women and men serving on Council who are focused on the future with an appreciation for our past. Proud to be endorsed by: Paid for by the Wiles4Noblesville Committee, Karen Noel, Treasurer
November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
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Project: Logan Street Project: Ind. 37 ImPedestrian Bridge provement Project Location: NorthCONSTRUCTION Location: Construcbound lane of Ind. 19 tion began at 126th closed between Ind. Street in August will 32 and Logan Street. Westbound be followed by 146th, 131st and 141st lane of Logan Street closed between streets, ending with 135th Street. Ind. 19 and Eighth Street. Riverwalk Expected completion: 2022 path closed. Detour: Ind. 37 will remain open Expected completion: May 2020 during all phases of construction. Detour: Ind. 32, Ind. 38 and Eighth, Project: Utility relocation for future Conner, Nixon and Logan streets 96th Street expansion Project: 276th Street Extension Location: 96th Street between LanProject tern and Cumberland roads Location: 281st Street closed beExpected completion: 96th Street tween Gwinn and Whetston roads expansion to begin next year, utility Expected completion: Nov. 22 work expected for the next several Detour: 286th Street to Ind. 19 months Project: Ditch bridge replacement Project: Downtown infrastructure Location: Joyce Avenue closed beimprovement tween Strawtown Avenue and 241st Location: Lantern Road closed Street south of 116th Street to Fishers Expected completion: Nov. 29 Pointe Boulevard Expected completion: Lantern Road WESTFIELD phase to last 90 days and began Project: Westfield Boulevard Oct. 7. Overall project to be complete connector in fall 2020. Location: This extension will conDetour: Lantern Road access open nect the roundabout at Ind. 32 and from the north for local traffic and Shamrock Boulevard with David Fishers Elementary School but will Brown Drive. be closed between 116th Street and Expected completion: End of 2020 Fishers Pointe Boulevard. Use FishProject: Traffic lights ers Pointe Boulevard for detour. Location: Ind. 32 and Ditch Road Project: Bridge deck overlay Expected completion: Project is Location: Cyntheanne Road over now complete and traffic lights are I-69 operational. Expected completion: Nov. 6.
John Alan Beard, 80, passed away October 27, 2019 in Noblesville. John was born in 1938 to James Allen and Nellda Beard of College Corner, OH. He graduated from Union High School, Franklin College and later earned his MBA from Indiana Central University. John served in the US Army and worked for Indiana Bell and Ameritech for thirty-eight years, ending his career as a district manager in finance. John was an Eagle Scout, a member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity and an avid Indianapolis Colts fan. John was preceded in death by his parents Allen and Nellda Beard, and wife, Barbara Sue Handy Beard.
He is survived by his sister Winifred, son Kent Beard (wife Christy), daughter Tracy Line (husband Steve), six grandchildren: Alyssa, Alexandra, Sarah, Megan, Abby, Quin, and many nieces and nephews. Services will be held at Indiana Funeral Care, 8151 Allisonville Rd, Indianapolis, on Monday November 4, 2019. Visitation will begin at 11:30 am with a memorial service immediately following at 12:30 pm. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Indiana Parkinson’s Foundation (www. indianaparkinson,org).
November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
NHS scholarship to honor Davis, Cole In the span of 15 days, Noblesville High School lost two basketball legends. IN MEMORY Krissi Davis died unexpectedly in her sleep Sept. 7 at age 51. Courtney Cox Cole died Sept. 22 at age 48 after a 5 1/2-year battle with non-smokers lung cancer. The Noblesville High School girls basketball team has established a scholarship fund to honor Cole and Davis, both Indiana Basketball Hall of Famers. NHS volleyball coach Jill Almodovar played with Davis and Cole on the school’s 1987 state championship team and remained close friends with both. “I know both of them would feel as though this is an honor to have a scholarship in their names,” said Almodovar, whose maiden name is Lyon. “They would be proud. They both had amazing basketball careers,
program,” stated Donna Buckley, NHS girls basketball coach. “Krissi and Courtney were role models in basketball and in life, representing excellence on and off the floor. This scholarship will give today’s students an opportunity to follow in their footsteps.” Cole The team will celebrate the legacies of Davis and Cole at the Nov. 9 home game against Fort Wayne Snider. The junior varsity game starts at 5 p.m., followed by the varsity game at approximately 6:30 p.m. Proceeds from the games will go to the scholarship fund. Custom T-shirts honoring Davis and Cole may be purchased through the Noblesville Girls Basketball Club by Nov. 11, with all proceeds going to the scholarship fund. For information on T-shirts or donating to the fund, visit noblesvillegbc.com.
(were) successful businesswomen, big contributors to our community. This is a way of keeping their legacy alive. This will award young basketball players to go fulfill their dreams just like Courtney and Krissi did.” Davis and Almodovar were former Davis NHS volleyball teammates, and Davis had previously served as an assistant coach under Almodovar. Almodovar plans to give an annual Krissi Davis Legacy Award to the most coachable volleyball player. The scholarship fund will be managed through the Noblesville Schools Education Foundation and will provide financial assistance each year for seniors on the NHS girls basketball team. “Honoring the legacy of these two amazing women means so much to me and to our whole basketball
By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com
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November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
From left, Patrick Propst, Jeffrey Yardley, Brenda Gillam, Weston Nicholson, Todd Thurston and Sydney Aleshire attend the event. (Photos by Sadie Hunter)
Supporters of the Prevail, Inc. mission to end domestic violence visited Books & Brews Oct. 24 to launch the organization’s 100 Men campaign for 2020. The Noblesville-based nonprofit works through Hamilton County and beyond to offer resources and counseling for victims of crime and abuse. The 100 Men campaign identifies men in the community to serve as leaders who oppose violence and set an example for others with the goal of creating a ripple effect by modeling healthy relationships, challenging disrespectful comments, supporting equity in the workplace and sharing power with women. Learn more at prevailinc.org/100men.
Sara Roorbach, a primary prevention specialist at Prevail, pauses with Prevail Executive Director Susan Ferguson during the 100 Men kickoff event at Books & Brews in Noblesville.
DISPATCHES Holiday Ideas program announced — The Hamilton County Extension Homemakers have announced “Christmas Morning at Our House” as this year’s Holiday Ideas program. It will be Nov. 15 at the Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds Exhibition Center, 2003 Pleasant St., Noblesville. Doors open at 6p.m. with crafts, food and entertainment beginning at 6:30 p.m. Entry is $6. The price includes craft supplies and a holiday booklet of recipes. Attendees are encouraged to wear pajamas. Registration is required by
Nov. 8 by calling the Purdue Extension Service at 317-776-0854. Annual Bags, Baskets and Blessings scheduled — The Noblesville First United Methodist Church, 2051 East Monument St., will conduct its annual Bags, Baskets and Blessings Party Nov. 8. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. All proceeds go to United Methodist women’s missions such. Tickets are $8 in advance and $10 at the door. To purchase tickets, call Karen Weessies at 248-752-2931.
November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
Jacobs vies for 5th District seat By Ann Marie Shambaugh AnnMarie@youarecurrent.com
cooperation and bipartisan efforts,” he said. It’s a skill Jacobs, 30, said he For Andrew J. Jacobs, politics is in learned from his father, who died in his blood. 2013 at age 81. Both his “He always taught me to ELECTION father and look for the good in every grandfather person, especially the people served in Congress, and Jathat you didn’t expect to find cobs wants to follow in their it in,” Jacobs said. “I get a lot footsteps. The Indianapolis of that sense from him.” Democrat recently announced Among Jacobs’ key issues he will run for the U.S. House is reforming campaign fiJacobs of Representatives in Indinance laws. He does not plan ana’s 5th District, a seat being vacatto accept funds from lobbyists or ed in 2020 when Republican Susan political action committees during his Brooks retires. run for office. Jacobs, a deputy prosecutor in Mar“A lot of people are starting to get ion County, said he’s long considered a sense of no matter who they vote running for office and that a growing for, once (elected officials) get in partisan divide led him to do it now. Washington, D.C., and there’s big mon“I’ve always had patience for hearey interests who are funding their ing people out that I disagree with, campaigns and holding the ax over and I think that I’d be well-suited to them, then they’re not really there go over there and reach across the to represent the people that elected aisle and try to form some friendships them,” he said. and get to a place where there is He also believes that access to
preventative health care should be expanded. “It is unconscionable in a country as wealthy as ours that we don’t provide health care to people,” he said. “It should be a basic human right to have access to a doctor, not only emergency services but preventative services that keep you healthy day to day.” Other Democrats seeking the seat are businesswoman Dee Thornton, scientist Jennifer Christie and former state representative Christina Hale. On the Republican side, candidates are pastor Micah Beckwith, Indiana State Treasurer Kelly Mitchell, fund accountant Danny Niederberger, former Bureau of Motor Vehicles Commissioner Kent Abernathy, nurse and farmer Beth Henderson, pediatric doctor Chuck Dietzen and former State Rep. Steve Braun, who has suspended his campaign for health reasons. Westfield resident Ken Tucker, a stay-at-home dad and former teacher, plans to run as an independent.
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November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
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Local mom launches blog By Renee Larr news@currentnoblesville.com Kristen Wolfred always knew she wanted to be a parent, embracing the lifelong comPARENTING mitment filled with joys along with hard work along the way. The Noblesville resident’s three children are now young adults, and Wolfred wants to share what she has learned on her journey as a parent with others. “I was participating in a mentoring program, and I was doing some soul-searching type exercises,” Wolfred said. “I was thinking about how I have always wanted to write a book about parenting because it’s been a passion of mine.” Wolfred worried that writing a book was too daunting of a task, so in February she decided to start a little smaller with a blog she titled “Parenthood – The Job of Your Lifetime.” “Blogging has become very popular,” Wolfred said. “I decided I would
From left, Alex Wolfred, 23; Jordan Wolfred, 21; Kristen Wolfred; Rich Wolfred; Jack Wolfred, 19. (Submitted photo)
start the blog and share my insights and stories. It’s become an outlet for me.” Wolfred is a mother to Alex, 23, Jordan, 21, and Jack, 19. “I share little quips and stories about, you know, different things I’ve experienced with my kids,” Wolfred said. “I always ask my husband and my kids to review every blog entry before I post it.” For more, visit parenthoodforlife. com.
30 millionth meal coming up By Sadie Hunter sadie@youarecurrent.com Since 2007, Carmel’s Hintz family has been working toward a lofty goal of hunger relief, and NONPROFIT this year, during their annual Million Meal Marathon, they will pack their 30 millionth meal. Dan and Nancy Hintz founded the Million Meal Movement 13 years ago, and as they have for the past eight years, the couple will once again bring together more than 3,000 Indy-area folks at Lucas Oil Stadium to pack at least 1 million meals, all of which will be donated to Indiana food banks. Million Meal Movement reaches all of the state’s 92 counties. The Million Meal Marathon is set for 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Nov. 12. “We have Hoosiers of all walks of life coming together to help others who are in need. In Indiana, one in five are hungry, and I think a lot of people don’t realize that,” Nancy Hintz
From left, Alex, Vanessa, Nancy and Dan Hintz of Carmel at the 2018 Million Meal Marathon at Lucas Oil Stadium. (File photo)
said. “We have a lot of single parents and grandparents raising their grandchildren. We have veterans and seniors who have to make a choice between their medication or food or other bills. The problem is that wages and salaries have not kept up with the rising cost of living.” Volunteers work in two-hour shifts alongside former Indianapolis Colts players and cheerleaders to pack the meals, which consist of vitamins, dehydrated vegetables, rice and soy.
November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
Death by Chocolate to benefit Cherish By Renee Larr news@currentnoblesville.com Cherish will conduct its third-annual Death by Chocolate event Nov. 21 at The Meeting FUNDRAISER House, 2000 East New Market St., Carmel, offering sweet confections to raise money for the county-wide child advocacy group. “We are the child advocacy center that helps coordinate and provide the professional interview and forensic investigations of child abuse,” Cherish Executive Director Wendy Gamble said. “We partner with all of the law enforcement agencies, Indiana Dept. of Child Services and the prosecutor’s office. We help in those initial investigations, the management of the cases and also provide trauma therapy for anyone who needs it.” Cherish’s work can often be challenging to discuss, which is why the organization decided to conduct a non-traditional fundraiser.
Some of the chocolate offerings at the 2018 Death by Chocolate fundraiser. (Submitted photo)
“It’s not a topic that people want to like to talk about,” Gamble said. “So, we decided three years ago that we wanted to have a fundraiser that people had fun coming to because the purpose of a fundraiser is for us to be able to continue doing our work.” The event starts at 7 p.m. Guests can enjoy chocolate and beverage samples from local restaurants and businesses, including Eddie Merlots, Krenolie’s Donuts, Texas Roadhouse, Cooper’s Hawk, divvy, Woodys Library, Sun King Brewery, Basket Pizzazz and Cretia Cakes. “We’ll have raffle baskets, a wine pull, vendors, live music and a fun
photo booth,” Gamble said. “It’s just a fun time for people to come out, mingle, have everything chocolate they can imagine and some wine tasting and bourbon tastings.” The event is the largest fundraiser for Cherish. “We do hold a breakfast every year, but that is more about acknowledging our community partners,” Gamble said. “This is more about having a fun night while raising money for our organization.” General admission tickets are $45, VIP tickets are $100 and a four-pack of tickets is $150. For more, visit cherishcac.org/events.
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November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
Teachers, district reach two-year agreement By Sadie Hunter sadie@youarecurrent.com
cent of Noblesville Township voting in favor. In recent years, the district saw A retroactive agreement has been teachers leaving to take jobs at neighreached between Noblesville Schools boring districts offering larger salaries. and its 700Now, district administrators SCHOOLS plus teachers. say the new contract will Last month, address pay gaps, particularly the district and the Noblesfor teachers in the middle of ville Teachers’ Forum reached their careers who haven’t had an agreement that will give raises because of reductions teachers the biggest pay inin state funding. crease in nearly four decades. “This agreement ultimateNiedermeyer The two-year contract, retroly delivers for students by active to July 30 because of a state providing for teachers,” Noblesville law that prohibits contract bargaining Schools Supt. Beth Niedermeyer said. until October, will give teachers an “Taking care of them is a top priority average 9.75 percent raise in its first for our school leadership, and I’m year and another 4.15 percent average thankful the community supported increase in the second year. this needed compensation funding. Raises were expected after the We’re committed to providing competdistrict and its political action comitive salaries so that we can continue mittee declared that approximately to retain and attract top teaching half of money received from a $50 talent for our students.” million referendum would be used The new contract includes added for teacher salary increases. The opbenefits of an increase in leave days erating referendum, which also gave and bereavement benefits. funding to additional safety initiatives Teachers ratified the contract Oct. and mental health programming, was 2. The school board approved the conpassed in November 2018 with 58 per- tract Oct. 10.
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INDOT offering scholarships — The Indiana Dept. of Transportation is offering civil engineering students scholarships of up to $3,125 per semester and paid employment during summer breaks and upon graduation. Students must be accepted or enrolled full time in one of Indiana’s certified civil engineering schools and apply using the form at INDOTScholarship.IN.gov. Applications for the 202021 school year must be submitted by Dec. 31.
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Leaf pick-up under way — The Noblesville Street Dept. is in the process of its annual leaf pickup program, which continues through Dec. 13 or as weather permits. There are two methods that residents may use to dispose of leaves – placing leaves in biodegradable bags or raking
10/17/19 3:27 PM press ready
loose leaves to a grass area next to the curb without them being in the street. Bagged leaves will be picked up on the same day as residents’ regular trash day but not necessarily the same time since leaves are collected by the street department and not Republic Services. Biodegradable bags are available free of charge to Noblesville residents at all Noblesville fire stations, City Hall, 16 S. 10th St., and the Noblesville Street Dept., 1575 Pleasant St. For more information, call the street department at 317-776-6348. Food donations needed — Noblesville Schools is accepting food donations through the year at the Educational Services Center, 18025 River Rd., from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Donations will directly benefit Noblesville Schools students.
November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
Brookshire vendor selected By Sadie Hunter sadie@youarecurrent.com
& Ember Events at Brookshire and Mustard Seed Gardens in Noblesville.” MTS Collective was among seven Brookshire Golf Club has seen many companies that submitted bids to the changes since the City of Carmel purCity of Carmel. Through the agreechased it it in 2006. ment, Iron & Ember will provide food, UPDATE After more than $10 beverage and event management million in renovations services and manage the snack bar at were unveiled in July, Brookshire and Brookshire’s pro shop. the city signed an agreement last According to the agreement, MTS month with MTS, under the name of Collective will pay the City of Carmel Iron & Ember, to operate food services monthly installments of $1,000 for the Take financial possession by 1/1/20, receive $650 off per month for 12 months. at the club, 12160 Brookshire Pkwy. first 12 months. The payment will inThis is good for Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care. MTS Collective is best known for its crease in Iron & Ember’s second year Call (317)249-8830 today for your private This showing. is good for Independent Living, Assist facility in Noblesville, Mustard Seed to $1,250 and to $1,500 in the remain1285 Fairfax Manor Drive, Carmel, IN 46032 • www.roseseniorliving.com Gardens, a historic barn and farming three years of the agreement, Independent Living -- Assisted Living --Memory Care This is good for Independent Living, Assisted Living Memory Care.Assisted Call (317)249-8830 today for y This is good Independent Living, Assisted Living Memory This isfor good for and Independent Living, Living and and Memory Care. Care. house wedding venue on the city’s which ends Dec. 31, 2024. In addition, This is good for Independent Living, Assisted Living and Me west side on Ind. 32, and its former MTS Collective will pay the city an Call (317)249-8830 today for your private showing. Call (317)249-8830 today for your private showing. 1285 Fairfax Manor Drive, Carmel, IN 46 corporate name, Red Barn Events, Inc. additional This quarterly percentage pay- Living, Assisted Call (317)249-8830 is good for Independent Living and Memorytoday Care. for your private showing. This is good for Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care. Call (317)249-8830 today for your private shL Independent Living -Assisted “We felt that (MTS Collective) better ment, which includes 2 percent of 1285 Fairfax Manor Drive, Carmel, IN 46032 • www.roseseniorliving.com Manor Drive, Carmel, IN 46032 • www.roseseniorliving.com represented our entire brand,” said 1285 grossFairfax receipts for the remainder of Call (317)249-8830 today for your private showing. Independent Living -- Assisted Living --Memory Care Call (317)249-8830 Independent Living Assisted Living --Memorytoday Care for your private showing. This isingood for Independent Living, Assisted Living--and Memory Care. Mark Skipper, who owns and operates 2019 addition to 2, 3 and 4 percent Independent Living -Assisted Living --Memory Care the company with his wife, Teresa. of gross receipts for varying levels of Independent Living -- Assisted Living --Memo Call (317)249-8830 today for your private showing. “Previously, Red Barn Events fit us earnings. Independent Living --Memory Care because we only had one venue, and MTS Collective also will payLiving the city-- Assisted Independent Living -- Assisted Living --Memory Care 1285 Fairfax Manor Drive, Carmel, IN 46032 • www.roseseniorliving.com it was a big, red barn. So, underneath $400 per month for utility costs. Independent Living -- Assisted Living --Memory Care the umbrella of MTS Collective is Iron
Take financial possession by 1/1/20, receive Take financial possession by 1/1/20, receive off per month foroff12 months. Take financial possession by$650 1/1/20, receive $650 off per month Take financial possession by 1/1/20, receive $650 per month for 1
Take financial possession by 1/1/20, receive $650 off Take financial possession by 1/1/20, receive by $650 off per month$650 for 12 Take financial possession 1/1/20, receive offmonths. per month
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November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
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Once a month, the OneZone Chamber of Commerce conducts a morning networking event called Caffeinated Conversations. The October event was at the Hamilton County Courthouse and featured county commissioners Christine Altman, left, and Mark Heirbrandt. (Photos by Anna Skinner)
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November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
City reaches connectivity, trail milestone By Sadie Hunter sadie@youarecurrent.com For several years, the City of Noblesville has touted its 85-mile trail network, and COVER STORY recent efforts to expand the network have reached a new milestone. Last month, with the opening of the Levee Trail in the northern part of the city, Noblesville completed its 100th mile of paved pedestrian path, connecting many of its trails through a partnership with Hamilton County Parks and Recreation and Citizens Energy, which owns the land on which the trail is constructed. Fifteen years ago, the city had 35 trail miles. The Levee Trail has added 1.4 miles of multi-use path to the network along the east side of Morse Reservoir from Morse Park and Beach, a county-owned park, to Carrigan Road. The trail also gives the Town of Cicero the opportunity to connect and extend it further north. “The original thought for the Levee Trail came up in 2013 to provide a connection for the neighborhoods off of and near Carrigan Road and beyond, including Cicero, to give them access to our downtown,” said Andrew Rodewald, a city engineer and project manager for the Levee Trail. “If you ever went on the trail prior to construction, there was a well-
From left, Chris Stice, deputy director of Hamilton County Parks and Recreation Dept., Noblesville Common Council members Darren Peterson and Greg O’Connor, Mayor John Ditslear, Noblesville Common Council members Roy Johnson and Chris Jensen, Noblesville Parks Director Brandon Bennett, Deputy Mayor Steve Cooke and project manager Andrew Rodewald cut the ribbon to open Levee Trail and dedicate the 100th trail mile. (Submitted photo)
worn path from all the foot traffic. That specific area was used a lot by local residents. It’s also just a really scenic area and a beautiful section of trail that we know will be well used. “It will complete a connection. You can now get from North Harbour subdivision to downtown on a dedicated pedestrian path.” As part of its agreement with Citizens Energy, the city wants to extend the Levee Trail farther north. “The agreement that we have with Citizens (Energy) says that the city desires to continue this trail north and tie into our northern limit at 216th Street, which ties into a trail that Cicero has that ends there,” Rodewald said. “The ‘how’ of how it gets from here to there is still in the works, so we’re within half a mile of getting to Cicero from Hague Road.” In addition to the Levee Trail, the city is putting finishing touches on two other major trail projects — the
third phase of the Midland Trace Trail on the west side of the city and the fourth phase of the Riverwalk in the southwest quad downtown. Both sections officially opened Oct. 29. “Some of the connection is trail and some of it is sidewalk, but the (100 miles) is all connected through pedestrian facility,” Communications Manager Robert Herrington said. “With these new connections, a resident of North Harbour or Oak Bay could actually get to downtown Indianapolis,” Rodewald said. “Take the Levee Trail to Hague Road, then take Hague Road to the Midland Trace, and then take Midland Trace to the Monon. This makes a vital connection for northern Hamilton County.” Another major pedestrian project in the works in Noblesville is the construction of the Logan Street Pedestrian Bridge, which will make an eastwest pedestrian connection from the downtown square across the river.
OTHER TRAIL PROJECTS “We do have three other major trail projects that we have federal funding for that are three to four years out each,” Andrew Rodewald said of projects that are set to begin construction in 2023 and 2024. Rodewald is a city engineer and project manager for the Levee Trail. The first project is the construction of the Little Chicago Road pedestrian bridge from Carrigan Road to Elderberry Road, which will connect with the trail already in place along Little Chicago Road. Another project is Stony Creek Trail near Ind. 37. “That trail will go alongside Stony Creek and will go under Ind. 37,” Rodewald said. “This pops out near Hare Chevrolet and would be the only grade-separated pedestrian crossing in Noblesville. Then, there’s the Allisonville Trail that will put a bridge over Stony Creek and travel from the five-points roundabout (at Greenfield Avenue and Christian and 10th streets) south to Wellington Parkway.”
November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
MAYOR Chris Jensen (R) • Personal: Jensen is unopposed. He is married to Julie and has three children, C.J., Vivian and Hank. He works as a client services manager for Lochmueller Group and is the District 2 councilor on the Noblesville Common Council. • Background: Jensen graduated from Noblesville High School in 2002 and from Butler University in 2006 with a degree in journalism. He serves on the boards of the Noblesville High School Alumni Association and Nickel Plate Arts and is a member of Kiwanis and Grace Church. • Website: jensenfornoblesville.com
CITY CLERK Evelyn Lees (R) • Personal: Lees is the incumbent city clerk. She is unopposed. Lees is married to Norman. They have three grown daughters who graduated from Noblesville High School, two sons-in-law, three grandsons and two cats. • Background: Lees has a bachelor’s and master’s degree in education from Ball State University. She is an Indiana Accredited Municipal Clerk and a Certified Municipal Clerk through the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. She is an active member of Noblesville First Christian Church. • Website: None
CITY COURT JUDGE Matt Cook (R) • Personal: Cook is the incumbent city court judge. He is unopposed. He did not respond to request for comment from Current.
COMMON COUNCIL DISTRICT 1 Mike Davis (R) • Personal: Davis is unopposed. He is married to Bobbi and has three children, Karli, Jake and Hank. He is the president of Davis-Haslam in Noblesville. • Background: Davis graduated from Noblesville High School in 1981 and from Ball State University in 1986 with a degree in industrial technology. He is a member of Harbour Trees, board member of the North Harbour HOA, president of the Noblesville Redevelopment Authority, a member and past president of the Hamilton County Fifty Club and past
varsity coach at Noblesville High School. • Website: facebook.com/davisforcitycouncil
COMMON COUNCIL DISTRICT 2 Pete Schwartz (R) • Personal: Schwartz is unoppesed. He is married to Amber and has two children, Emmalee and Conner. He is a realtor with Carpenter Realtors. • Background: Schwartz graduated from Noblesville High School and attended Ivy Tech and Purdue University for nursing and business. He is a board member of Keep Noblesville Beautiful and attends Life Church, where he teaches a youth group. • Website: facebook.com/ peteschwartzfornoblesville
COMMON COUNCIL DISTRICT 3 Aaron Smith (R) • Personal: Smith is unopposed. He is married to Bronwen, and they are in the process of adopting their first child. He is the CEO of Monumental Strategy, a Noblesville-based marketing firm. • Background: Smith graduated from Roncalli High School in 2009 and from Catholic University of America in 2013. He formerly was the digital director for U.S. Sen. Dan Coats. Smith is a Noblesville Main Street board member, Noblesville Chamber of Commerce Business Advocacy Committee member and member of Heartland Church. • Website: aaronsmith.org
COMMON COUNCIL DISTRICT 4 Wil Hampton (R) • Personal: Hampton is the incumbent for District 4. He is unopposed. Hampton is married to Becky and they have three adult children; John, Will and Maggie. • Background: Hampton attended Muncie Burris High School and earned his bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Mississippi. He is a business development specialist with The ELAM Group and 21ology.com. Both are Noblesville-based businesses. • Website: @I’m4Wil on Facebook
COMMON COUNCIL DISTRICT 5 Greg O’Connor (R) • Personal: O’Connor is the incumbent common councilor for District 5. He is married to Teena, and they have two children. He has lived in Noblesville for 32 years. He has served on the council for 12 years. • Background: O’Connor has been a member of the Noblesville Plan Commission, a Riverview Health Foundation board member and a Noblesville Chamber of Commerce Business Advisory member. He has participated in various community not-for-profit organizations including Hamilton County Leadership Academy, Good Samaritan Network, Nickel Plate Arts and Noblesville Mainstreet. Professionally, he is a senior vice president and director for BMO Harris Bank in Indianapolis. • Website: facebook.com/ GregOConnorforNoblesvilleCityCouncil/ Jason Myers (D) • Personal: Myers is married to Adriane. They have two children, Jack and Luke. He works as a quality manager. • Background: Myers graduated from Hamilton Southeastern High School in 2003 and from Indiana University in 2010. • Website: myersforindiana.wixsite.com
COMMON COUNCIL DISTRICT 6 Megan Wiles (R) • Personal: Wiles is married to Greg and has a son, Garrett, a freshman at Mississippi State University, and a daughter, Grace, a senior at Noblesville High School. • Background: Wiles is a graduate of Noblesville High School and Ball State University. She is the executive director for the Riverview Health Foundation, a parent and a volunteer with the Noblesville Marching Millers. She also is a 2019 graduate of the Richard G. Lugar Excellence in Public Service Class, a Hamilton County Leadership Academy graduate, a member of Conner Prairie Alliance and a member of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church. • Website: wiles4noblesville.com
November 5, 2019
ELECTION GUIDE Jeremy Hawk (D) • Personal: Hawk is married to Breanne and has two daughters, Juliana and Isla. • Background: He graduated from Center Grove High School in 2002 and earned his bachelor’s degree in political science from Purdue University. He earned his MBA in leadership from Butler University. He id the chief operating officer for the Indiana School for the Deaf • Website: votejeremyhawk.com
COMMON COUNCIL AT-LARGE (VOTE FOR 3) Brian Ayer (R) • Personal: Ayer is an incumbent at-large councilor. He is married to Toni and has two adult children, Ashley (husband Andrew) and Justin. He is the president of the Noblesville Common Council and is the owner of Ayer’s Real Estate. • Background: Ayer graduated from Noblesville High School in 1976 and received his Realtor designation and license in 1978. He is a member of Noblesville First United Methodist Church, Noblesville Elks Lodge and Noblesville Moose Lodge. • Website: None Mark Boice (R) • Personal: Boice is an incumbent at-large councilor. He is married to Kristen and has two children, Ali and Kate. He is the U.S. Northeastern Business and Fleet Sales senior manager for Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. • Background: Boice graduated from Noblesville High School in 1993 and from the Indiana University Kelley School of Business in 1997. He is a member of the Noblesville Lions Club. • Website: markboice.com Darren Peterson (R) • Personal: Peterson is an incumbent at-large councilor. He is married to Jennifer Roberts and has two daughters, Emily and Ava. He is the owner of Peterson Architecture and is a licensed Wilton Cake Decorating instructor. • Background: Peterson graduated from Randolph Southern Jr./Sr. High School in 1985 and from Ball State University’s College of Architecture and Planning with degrees in architecture and environmental design. He is president of Nickel Plate Arts, a board member of Keep Noblesville
Current in Noblesville
Beautiful, a member of Noblesville Noon Kiwanis, a member of Noblesville Lions Club, and was the 2017-18 treasurer for Noblesville Main Street. • Website: facebook.com/ petersonfornoblesvillecitycouncil Paul Jo Gilliam (D) • Personal: Gilliam is a single parent with three grown daughters, seven grandchildren, with one deceased. • Background: Gilliam is retired from General Motors. She is a graduate of Noblesville High school and a graduate of ITT Technical Institute HVAC. She is on the HAND board of directors, the president for the Hamilton County Democratic Women, a crime watch captain of the Southwest Quad Group, a member of the Indiana Landmarks African American Committee, on the executive board for the Indiana Federation Of Democratic Women, a member of the Indiana Democrat African American Caucus, a member of the Indiana African American Genealogy Group, a trustee for the Roberts Church Chapel and a member of several other organizations. • Website: Paula Gilliam Campaign on Facebook.
Polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Election Day, Nov. 5.
NOBLESVILLE TOWNSHIP • 0601 Noblesville 01, Noblesville Fire Station 75, 10170 E. 191st St. • 0604 Noblesville 04, Hamilton County Fairgrounds, 2003 E. Pleasant St. • 0605 Noblesville 05, Forest Park Inn, 701 Cicero Rd. • 0606 Noblesville 06, Noblesville Utilities Administrative Building, 197 W. Washington St. • 0607 Noblesville 07, Life Church, 2200 Sheridan Rd. • 0608 Noblesville 08, First Christian Church, 16377 Herriman Blvd. • 0609 Noblesville 09, First Presbyterian Church, 1207 E. Conner St. • 0610 Noblesville 10, Restoration Church, 772 N. 10th St. • 0611 Noblesville 11, Noblesville Fire Station 76, 16800 Hazel Dell Rd. • 0612 Noblesville 12, Hamilton County Government
and Judicial Center, 1 Hamilton County Sq. • 0613 Noblesville 13, Restoration Church, 772 N. 10th St. • 0614 Noblesville 14, Noblesville Fire Station 74. 20777 Hague Rd. • 0616 Noblesville 16, Noblesville Fire Station 72, 400 South Harbour Dr. • 0617 Noblesville 17, Life Church, 2200 Sheridan Rd. • 0618 Noblesville 18, White Rock Fellowship, 21070 Schulley Rd. • 0620 Noblesville 20, Northlake Village Apartments, 1100 Northlake Dr. • 0621 Noblesville 21, Noblesville Fire Station 73, 2101 Greenfield Ave. • 0622 Noblesville 22, River’s Edge Apartments, 870 Watermead Dr. • 0623 Noblesville 23, Osprey Pointe Pavilion at Morse Beach, 19777 Morse Park Ln. • 0624 Noblesville 24, White Rock Fellowship, 21070 Schulley Rd. • 0625 Noblesville 25, White Rock Fellowship, 21070 Schulley Rd. • 0626 Noblesville 26, Third Phase, 15755 Allisonville Rd. • 0627 Noblesville 27, Life Church, 2200 Sheridan Rd., Noblesville • 0628 Noblesville 28, Green Valley Church of Christ, 19005 Cumberland Rd. • 0629 Noblesville 29, Green Valley Church of Christ, 19005 Cumberland Rd. • 0630 Noblesville 30, Bethel AME Church, 17777 Little Chicago Rd. • 0631 Noblesville 31, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, 444 South Harbour Dr. • 0632 Noblesville 32, Hamilton County Fairgrounds, 2003 Pleasant St. • 0633 Noblesville 33, Grace Church, 5504 E. 146th St. • 0634 Noblesville 34, Grace Church, 5504 E. 146th St. • 0636 Noblesville 36, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, 444 South Harbour Dr. • 0637 Noblesville 37, Noblesville Fire Station 75, 10170 E. 191st St. • 0638 Noblesville 38, Hamilton County Fairgrounds, 2003 Pleasant St. • 0639 Noblesville 39, Meredith Meadows, 15367 Meredith Meadows Dr. E. • 0640 Noblesville 40, Hamilton County Fairgrounds, 2003 Pleasant St. • 0641 Noblesville 41, Grace Church, 5504 E. 146th St.
November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
Referendum conundrum
Trump not a source of pride
Commentary by Terry Anker California nearly has bankrupted itself with referendums. All sorts of initiatives are brought to the ballot without much in the way of how those items might be financially supported. Good citizens evaluate the “worthiness” of the requests and vote accordingly. Without understanding context, or cost, voters leave state officials scrambling to pay for it all. Occasionally, the state’s Supreme Court will prevent the addition of a referendum to the ballot, like it did with a move by many citizens to divide the state into three distinct states. But generally, the initiatives go to the voters with many open questions. Still, referendums may be the most direct way for citizens to interact with our democracy. Voters decide which, if any, things matter. Political subdivisions make choices which may make it more, or less, successful to retain and attract us to the fold. Competition is good. Even if not, it is ubiquitous. In our own fine state, referendums usually are limited to school funding. What is our appetite for spending? What risk will we tolerate? If we don’t support the effort, what harm is caused? Will not spending have a greater impact than the surety if we do? Ballot initiatives are growing in import. Be informed and vote like it matters. Isn’t skipping it assuredly a failure to our responsibility in a democracy? This referendum conundrum requires something from us and we should give it.
Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@ youarecurrent.com.
Aglow in the fall gloom Commentary by Danielle Wilson I don’t know if it’s my British ancestry or my highly flammable ginger complexion, or perhaps HUMOR even, according to my husband, Doo, my cold and dead soul, but I am digging the rainy weather outside my windows right now. There’s just something about a dreary day. I love that Mother Nature has given me permission to sit on this couch and ignore yard work and exercise. I love that I am basically forced to turn on the fireplace. I love that I feel no compulsion whatsoever to literally do anything productive except microwave leftover Stouffer’s lasagna and sip hot tea. I especially love that I can legitimately go to bed at 6 p.m., because glorious nightfall has arrived early, and that I can sleep under the heavy blanket because temperatures might dip below freezing! Fingers crossed! I don’t even care that the semi-monsoon has short-circuited
half of the house. When you have a fabulous Halloween display that includes an animatronic Pennywise, 2,000 feet of orange twinkle lights and dozens of red and green spots, all wired through 15 different extension cords, some rated “inside use only,” you learn to expect electrical mishaps. Nope, no worries here. I am literally soaking up a beautiful gift of a miserable afternoon and considering moving to Seattle or Dublin. Don’t get me wrong. I probably couldn’t handle months on end of no warmth or sunshine. Usually, by March I’m ready to auction off my firstborn to buy an airline ticket to anywhere south. But a good, old-fashioned rainy fall day every once in a while? Well, that’s right up my Irish, redheaded, soulless alley. Peace out. Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at info@youarecurrent.com.
Editor, I have read the letters by Trump supporters lately, informing us that Mr. Trump has been unfairly treated. One thing we can probably both agree on is that Trump’s character is not a source of pride for either of us. Would you want your son or daughter working closely with Mr. Trump? Would you comfortably enter into a business deal with him? I’m guessing Democrats and Republicans have much in common. We care about immigrants, but we believe in rules for immigration. We believe in religious freedom. One thing neither side ever says is, “Trump is forever putting the concerns of our country over his own personal interests.” My Republican family members who profess to love Jesus should be embarrassed about their current support of Mr. Trump. Republicans refuse to mention that Trump’s personal character is shocking and abhorrent. Gaslight much? I don’t want to hear any well-known Republican comment on any future candidate’s morals ever again. Christy Wiegand, Noblesville
POLICIES Letters to the editor: Current Publishing will consider verifiable letters of up to 150 words. Letters must be thoroughly vetted prior to submission. Current retains the right to reject or return any letter it deems to carry unsubstantiated content. Current also retains the right to edit letters, but not their intent. Send letters to info@youarecurrent.com. Writers must include a hometown and a daytime phone number for verification. Guest columns: The policy for guest columns is the same as the aforementioned, but the allowable length is 240 words. Guest columns should address the whole of Current’s readership, not simply special-interest groups, and may not in any way contain a commercial message.
November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
Campaign to recognize local nurses By Sadie Hunter sadie@youarecurrent.com Working an extra hour during daylight saving time is especially tough on the night APPRECIATION shift. For the seventh year, Western Governor’s University of Indiana, an Indianapolis-based nonprofit online college, is kicking off a campaign to recognize local nurses who will work an extra hour during daylight saving time at 2 a.m. Nov. 3. The campaign aims to draw attention to the extra work done by nurses time by giving them appreciation kits while also drawing attention to its scholarship program. One of its stops is Riverview Health in Noblesville. “I was a night shift nurse for 30plus years, and during my days as a WGU student, remarked to former Chancellor Allison Barber how different a night shift nurse’s lifestyle is, everything from sleep, to opportunities for development, to how no
Appreciation kits are given to more than 2,700 nurses each year during the Night Shift Nurses campaign. (Submitted photo)
schools ever came to my hospital at night to talk to students,” said Mary Lawson Carney, state director of nursing for WGU Indiana. “She decided this was a space where WGU could make a difference. So, within a couple of weeks, I was helping her man a table at my hospital from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. Besides the obvious sleep disruption, night shift nurses have traditionally faced barriers to their career progression by not interacting with their leadership regularly, (and)
DISPATCHES Blood drive — From 12:30 to 4 p.m. Nov. 22, Riverview Health will conduct a blood drive with the Versiti Blood Center at the Noblesville hospital, 395 Westfield Rd., in the Krieg DeVault Conference Room (entrance 3). For more, visit versiti.org.
not being able to attend traditional brick-and-mortar classroom education without giving up on sleep.” Delivery of the kits started in 2013, and this year, the kits will reach more than 2,700 nurses at 125 hospitals and health care facilities in the state. Each box contains candy, sleep masks, pens, notepads and information about WGU Indiana’s nursing program. Melanie Russell, a night shift nurse at Riverview Health, said nurses are always excited to be recognized. “That is a forgotten group of nurses. They miss out on pitch-ins, food and parties. It is nice to occasionally (receive a) thank you for keeping things going so others can sleep,” she said. “Most of the nursing staff already work 12 1/2-hour shifts. By the time 7 a.m. rolls around, the staff is more than ready to go home. (The campaign) says to them that other people realize their importance and appreciate that they are working during the night.”
Memory and dementia event — Dr. Nathan Parmer, a neuropsychologist, will give a presentation on common memory and cognitive conditions from 6 to 7 p.m. Nov. 7 at Riverview Hospital, 395 Westfield Rd., Noblesville. This event is free, and a light dinner will be served. Register at riverview.org/classes/ memory-problems-and-dementia. Benefits of cayenne — Cayenne it has many health benefits including pain relief and weight loss. It can be taken as a supplement. The recommended dose is 2mg of capsaicin daily. Source: BottomLineHealth.com
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November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
Craft lover opens AR Workshop Carmel By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurent.com Brenda Armie has always been a lover of crafts. “I love making things, Christmas and birthday presNOW OPEN ents,” Armie said. “I was in technology for the last nine years at Guerin Catholic High School and I decided it was time for a change. I went to one of these types of crafting places. I went to see if there were any franchises and AR Workshop came up.” Armie decided she wanted to open the shop and teach classes. A Noblesville resident, Armie opened AR Workshop Carmel with her husband, Jeff. The store is at 14643 Gray Rd. in Westfield, on the other side of the street from Carmel. The store couldn’t be called AR Workshop Westfield because there was already a store by the same name in Westfield, N.J. The AR Workshop franchise is
Jeff and Brenda Armie recently opened AR Workshop Carmel. (Photo by Mark Ambrogi)
the first in Indiana. The AR name is derived from the last names of co-founders Maureen Anders and Adria Ruff. “I was looking for something different and this was it, especially when I went on the website,” Armie said. “They coordinate everything so well.” Armie said customers can come in by themselves, with a friend or
groups for do-it-yourself projects. The store, which opened in late August, plays host to private parties. Parties and classes are conducted mostly on evenings and weekends. Customers can make items such as cake stands, dog beds, serving trays, cheese and wine trays, pillows and chunky blankets. “I am full time at another job and full time here,” said Jeff, who helps clean up and setting up projects. “I have an art background. At this stage of our lives, it’s nice to have something we can do in retirement.” Armie said nine part-time employees help out. She trained the staff by first having them do projects under her guidance. Employees had their families in the store to wait on them, practicing customer service. There is a calendar on the website, showing when different classes are taught. For more, visit arworkshop.com/ Carmel.
DISPATCHES Jurczak joins IMCU — Adam Jurczak, Noblesville, recently joined Indiana Members Credit Union as a loan officer and will work in the mortgage department. Indiana’s unemployment rate still falling — Two positive takeaways from Indiana’s August employment report: The state’s unemployment rate recently fell to its lowest level in 18 months, and the number of unemployment insurance claims dropped to their lowest level this year. Indiana’s jobless rate dipped in August to a preliminary 3.3 percent from 3.4 percent in July, according to the Indiana Dept. of Workforce Development. The rate in Indiana hasn’t been that low since February 2018, when it stood at 3.3 percent for three consecutive months starting in December 2017. Source: Indiana Dept. of Workforce Development
November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
Indianapolis Opera brings auto racing connection to ‘Elixir of Love’ By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com Indianapolis Opera General Director David Starkey has a question for opera lovers. MUSIC “Have you ever seen a race car at an opera before?” Starkey said. He knows the answer likely is no. “For the first time at Indianapolis Opera, we will connect the international world of opera and motorsports in the same show,” he said. Starkey has made adaptations to the comic opera “Elixir of Love,” which the Indianapolis Opera will present Nov. 15 to 17 at The Tarkington Veach at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. A 1909 Maxwell, on loan from the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Museum, will make a stage appearance along with IndyCar driver Zach Veach, a Zionsville resident, in the production. “We have slightly adapted the show to a very particular time and location, which is generally not the construction of the opera that Gaetano Donizetti wrote,” Starkey said. “It’s traditionally set around the 1860s in an Italian village.” Inspired by relationships between Indianapolis and Italy, Starkey has set the story in 1910 in Lucca, Italy. “Lucca is a famous Italian city, where for the Andretti family, opera and motorsports came together,” Starkey said. “The Andrettis moved there as refugees from World War II.” The Andretti family later moved to the United States. Starkey saw a documentary
1909 Maxwell car will be featured in “Elixir of Love.” (Submitted phto
about the 50th anniversary of Mario Andretti’s 1969 Indianapolis 500 victory. Andretti and his twin brother, Aldo, were introduced to racing through a mechanic shop in Lucca. “Mario’s father made some extra money by working in the opera house in walk-on roles, and the family would be able to go and see the opera,” Starkey said. “We’re not setting it in the era when the Andrettis were there, which was the ’40s.” Dulcamara, a con man posing as a pharmacist, is selling a fake love elixir, cheap Bordeaux, to the citizens. Starkey said the tie to Indiana is the automotive world that was developing in Europe and the U.S. In Indiana, automakers were developing, and the first Indianapolis 500 was in 1911. Gary Simpson plays Dulcamara. “He is on the docket to do the role soon at The Met, so he is coming here to try it out,” said Starkey, a Geist resident. Veach, an Andretti Autosport driver, will play a character named Mario, representing the assistant to Dulcamara. Andretti Autosport is owned by Michael Andretti, Mario’s
son. “I think Mario (Andretti) was first approached for this role and he had a schedule conflict,” Veach said. “They started looking for other drivers. They called a good friend of mine and he told them about me, and luckily I was available.” Veach, 24, said he fortunately doesn’t sing or have any lines. “I’m strictly a walk-on for this,” he said. “I’m completely out of my elements for this. My girlfriend (Katie McConnell) went to school for musical theater, so she is giving me an idea about it. My life has always been about race cars, so this is going to be a new experience.” Veach has never been to an opera but is glad to be a part of this one. “For me, Mario has been like a grandfather,” Veach said. “I’ve been with the team since I was about 15 years old. He’s been a big part of my life as far as a figure I look up to. He is connected to this with the area he grew up. For me to be a part of that in my own sense is an honor for myself.” The performances are at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 15-16 and 3 p.m. Nov. 17. For more, visit indyopera.org.
CSO romance concert set editorial@youarecurrent.com Carmel Symphony Orchestra will present “Hope of Romance and Adventure” at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 9 at the Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. This concert, conducted by CSO Music Director Janna Hymes, features wistful, imaginative, poignant pieces by legendary composers Giuseppe Verdi, Maurice Ravel, and Robert Schumann. Philippe Quint, an internationally renowned violinist, will perform rare compositions by silent movie icon Charlie Chaplin. There will be a free pre-concert talk, Meet the Music, at 6:30 p.m. to learn more about the concert. For more, visit carmelsymphony.org. Westfield — Uncorked with Terra Hoskins and Owen Welch, set for 7 p.m. Nov. 7, will feature jazz, jump blues and unplugged rock ’n’ roll favorites at Urban Vines and Brewery, 303 E. 161st St. Carmel — Philadelphia Phil performs at 7 p.m. Nov. 8 at Sugar Creek Winery, 1111 W. Main St., Suite 165. Carmel — “The Fourth Wall: Fruit Flies like a Banana,” a hybrid arts ensemble, will hold performances at 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Nov. 9 at The Tarkington at the Center for the Performing Arts. Tickets are $20. Carmel — Indiana Wind Symphony will present a concert of Hoosier composers at 3 p.m. Nov. 10 at the Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts. Carmel — Meet Me on Main in the Carmel Arts & Design District is set for 5 to 9 p.m. Nov. 9. The event, set for the second Saturday of each month, features live music, face painting and caricatures. Galleries and businesses stay open until 9 p.m.
November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
Join us for the 13th Annual
Where’s Amy? Amy Pauszek is a photographer, film producer and scouting and casting associate for Talent Fusion Agency in Indianapolis. She can be reached at Amy@youarecurrent.com. To see more of her photos, visit currentnightandday.com.
Thursday, November 21, 2019 | Ritz Charles, Carmel Tickets and Tables Available at www.TinselandTails.com
Celebrate 2019's most remarkable and inspiring rescue and adoption stories
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Where’s Amy views ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ From left, Paul and Sophie Doell (Noblesville) with sons Tristan and Gawain Doell (Noblesville) attend Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre’s “The Seven Deadly Sins and Other Tales” Oct. 25 at The Tarkington Theatre in Carmel. The production, which opened GHDT’s 22nd season, was filled with the company’s darker dance themes and included a Halloween contest won by sisters Scarlett and Ellington Thacker (Noblesville). For more, visit gregoryhancockdancetheatre.org. (Photo by Amy Pauszek)
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Where’s Amy attends ATI’s powerful ‘Alabama Story’
Tinsel & Tails is proudly sponsored by:
The cast of ATI’s “Alabama Story”, from left, Don Farrell (Westfield), Paul Tavianini (Muncie), Maeghan Looney (Chicago), Cameron Stuart Bass (Las Vegas), Samuel L. Wick (NYC) and Cynthia Collins (Carmel) at Actors Theatre of Indiana’s Indiana Oct. 26 premiere of “Alabama Story.” The Carmel professional resident theater company brought in actors from across the U.S. to perform in this riveting show about an innocent children’s book that tells the story of a black and white rabbit marrying in Montgomery, Ala., when interracial marriage was still illegal in several states and the nation was beginning to confront racism during segregation. The thought-provoking play will make you change the way you think. It’s a must-see for young adults, and the acting and story are top notch. Do not miss this incredible show that runs through Nov. 17. Join ATI in January 2020 for its next show, “Murder for Two,” another Indiana premiere. For more, visit atistage.org (Photo by Amy Pauszek)
November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
Film to examine addiction By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com
friend to suicide from a prescription overdose more than 10 years ago and it still haunts me,” Pauszek said. “AdAmy Pauszek was inspired by a diction sees no age, race or economic Carmel friend’s Facebook post about status.” opioid Zionsville resident Michael DOCUMENTARY addicHusain agreed to direct the tion. feature-length documentary. The friend was saddened Husain said there is probabout having to attend anothably three months or more er young person’s funeral as of filming remaining for the a result of a drug overdose. documentary, which follows “I saw the enormous outaddicts in Brown County. Pauszek pour of love and concern and “We are following characI knew this would be my next docuters over time,” Husain said. “Some of mentary feature film that I wanted to that requires checking in over every produce,” Pauszek said. week or two. We are trying to tell the Pauszek, a Geist resident, reached story of addiction and its impact on a out to former Fishers resident Lisa community.” Hall, who now resides in Nashville, Pauszek said Brown County is a Ind., and works with women incarcermicrocosm of what is happening in ated for substance abuse. Together, small rural counties throughout the they decided to team up as executive the nation. producers to make the film, which is “This is a community that is closecalled “The Addict’s Wake.” knit and so the disease is heavily “This film was important to me, felt,” she said. personally, because I lost my best
November 15, 16 & 17 The Tarkington
at the Center for the Performing Arts
45th Anniversary Season
TICKETS ON SALE NOW indyopera.org thecenterpresents.org 317-843-3800
Farrell takes after parents By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com
for the Performing Arts in Carmel. Lizzie envisioned herself in the role of Katie when she learned about the When Actors Theatre of Indiana character. co-founder Don Farrell read the script “She wants to be an actress and I of “Hollywood, Nebraswant to be an actress,” said ATI ka,” he immediately Lizzie, who likes that her envisioned his daughcharacter is kind and willing ter, Lizzie, in the role of Katie. to help. “I could hear her saying Judy Fitzgerald, Lizzie’s these lines, but I didn’t bring mother, and Cynthia Colher up immediately to the lins are the other two ATI team,” Farrell said. “Not beco-founders. Fitzgerald is Farrell cause I don’t believe in Lizzie. playing Jane in the reading I do, strongly. I hesitated to for fear and is one of the main characters, an of this casting being looked at as actress returning to her hometown. nepotism.” “Growing up surrounded by theater, However, “Hollywood, Nebraska” Lizzie has more insight than most playwright Kenneth Jones had seen 14-year-olds of what it takes to get a social media posts about Lizzie Farrell show off the ground,” Fitzgerald said. and brought up the possibility of her “This will be the first time that my playing the role to her father. daughter and I have had the chance Lizzie, a Carmel High School freshto perform together in a project. I am man, will participate in the ATI’s readbeyond thrilled to share the stage ing of “Hollywood, Nebraska” as part with her.” of the ATI Lab Series at 7:30 p.m. Nov. For more, visit atistage.org. 5 at The Studio Theater at the Center
November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
As an Indiana native, Mike always enjoys a meal at a local restaurant and showing people what the Indy area has to offer. You may find him drinking at local coffee shops, eating brunch in Fishers, shopping and having dinner in Carmel or at the latest concerts. For more, visit @wheresmikeg on Instagram.
Scan this code to purchase gift certificates 317.843.3800 | THECENTERPRESENTS.ORG
Samano’s Taqueria /CPAPRESENTS
Commentary by Mike Gillis Address: 14126 Bergen Blvd., Noblesville What to get: Adrian’s Burrito Price: $9.99 Mike G’s take: You can go Adrian’s Burrito with chicken. (Photo by Mike Gillis) anywhere to enjoy tacos cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla and maybe and burritos, but authentic Mexican some secret ingredients. food with unique offerings is hard to come by. Samano’s has authentic Popular menu items: • Taco Salad, $7.99 – I saw five peoMexican food and the environment is ple order this massive fried tortilla nice. I really like that it’s a fast-casual restaurant. My favorite feature is the shell, with your choice of meat topped with lettuce, cheese, tomaself-service salsa bar with amazing toes, guacamole and sour cream. flavors like jalapeño ranch, guacamole salsa, tomatillo salsa, guahiho salsa • Gringas, $8.99 – Two flour tortillas filled with your choice of meat and salsa de la casa. and cheese. The most popular is What I tried: The most popular item is the Adrian’s Burrito, so I had to the Gringa Especial made with marinated pork, grilled steak, ham, give it a try. This is a unique crebacon, cheese and pineapple. ation — a burrito with your choice of chicken, steak, or pork, avocado, • Tortas, $9.99 — Sandwiches made with beans, cheese, avocado, chipotle dressing, green pepper, rice, lettuce, tomato, onions, mayo and beans and cheese, all wrapped in choice of meat and toasted bread. bacon, then cooked until perfect and crunchy. I washed mine down with a • Tacos and burritos, (varies) — You horchata, one of the restaurant’s flacan never go wrong with tacos or burritos with the meat of your vored waters made from jicaro seeds choice. ground with rice and spices, such as
Meet history’s forgotten hero of free speech in the Indiana premiere of a fact-inspired, highly theatrical new play brimming with humor, heart and humanity. Visit the Center for Performing Arts Box Office, call 317.843.3800 or visit atistage.org to order your tickets!
Behind bars: Rosemary lemon drop martini Get it at Four Day Ray, Fishers Ingredients: • 1.5 oz. Titos vodka • 1 oz. limoncello • 1 oz. lemon juice • .75 oz. simple syrup • Lemon wheel • Rosemary sprig Directions: Shake ingredients with ice and strain into martini glass with a sugar rim. Garnish with a lemon wheel and a rosemary sprig.
Current in Noblesville
“Harlem 100: Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Harlem Renaissance,� the Palladium, Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel
“Little Shop of Horrors,� 8 p.m. Nov. 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12; 1:30 and 7 p.m. Beef & Boards Dinner Nov. 3, 10; 1 p.m. Nov. 6 Theatre, Indianapolis
Cost: $15 (student) to $65
The musical focuses on Seymour, a hapless florist shop worker who raises a plant that feeds on humans.
7:30 p.m. Nov. 5
A reading of playwright Kenneth Jones of two actresses making a homecoming in their small town. More: atistage.org.
2 and 7 p.m. Nov. 2
“Dracula,� Ballet Theatre of Indiana, The Tarkington, Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel
The Ballet Theatre of Indiana presents its own unique version of Bram Stoker’s classic novel. Cost: $25 to $40
More: btindiana.org
More: thecenterpresents.org
“Hope and Romance and Adventure,� 7:30 p.m. Carmel Symphony Orchestra, the Nov. 9 Palladium, Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel
Cost: $45 to $70 (includes buffet More: dinner), a $6 ticket discount is beefandboards. available for ages 3-15.
 com, 317-872-9664
“Hollywood, Nebraska,� ATI Theatre Lab Series, The Studio Theatre, Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel
8 p.m. Nov. 8
Michael Mwenso and the Shakes, a Harlem-based band, present a tribute to jazz greats such as Duke Ellington, Fats Waller, Billie Holiday and Langston Hughes.
Compiled by Mark Ambrogi
Cost: $20
November 5, 2019
Concert features wistful, imaginative, poignant pieces by legendary composers Verdi, Ravel and Schumann. Philippe Quint, an internationally renowned violinist, will perform rare compositions by silent movie icon Charlie Chaplin
Maeghan Looney and Cameron Stuart Bass appear in Actors Theatre of Indiana’s “Alabama Story.� (Photo by Ed Stewart)
“Alabama Story,� Actors Theatre of Indiana, The Studio Theater, the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel
7:30 p.m. Nov. 2, 6, 7, 8, 9; 2 p.m. Nov. 3, 10
Cost: $5 (youth) to $60 More: carmelsymphony.org
The story of a librarian who tries to keep a children’s picture book, “The Rabbits’ Wedding,� about a black rabbit and white rabbit marrying, from being banned CH ER I S H in Alabama in 1959. A state senator views the book as promoting interracial marriage and integration.
DISPATCH Basile named Discovering Broadway board chair — Philanthropist has advi2 0 1 9 DFrank E A T H Basile BY CH O C been O L A T named E sory board chair of the recently launched nonprofit arts organization, Discovering Broadway.
Cost: $20 (students) to $45
 More: atistage.org
Death by Chocolate is a delectable fundraiser that supports Cherish in their efforts to address and prevent child abuse in our
community. Patrons will enjoy chocolate and beverage samples
2 0local 1 9restaurants D E Aand T businesses H B Y atCtheHbeautiful O C OMeeting L AT from
201 9
House at the Village of WestClay. The event also includes bar
What is Death by Chocolate?
service, wine pull, raffle prizes, boutique vendors, and a VIP area. This is aDeath sweet evening that you do want to miss! by Chocolate is not a delectable fundraiser
Craft Show presented by: Hey, Kids! Get your photo taken with Santa! Noon to 2 PM
thatDeath supports inistheir efforts tofundraiser Death by Chocolate aCherish delectable fundraiser that supports byisChocolate a delectable that s
address and prevent child abuse in our Get your tickets at www.cherishcac.org/events Cherish in their efforts to address and prevent abuse Cherish in their efforts to address andchild prevent childin
community. Patrons will enjoy chocolate and community. will enjoy chocolate community. Patrons willPatrons enjoy chocolate and beverage sam 4-Pack of tickets - $150 VIP Tickets - $100 beverage samples from local restaurants andand bevera atevent, the abeautiful Meeting House VIP tickets include access to our VIP area which opens 30 minutes before main gift bag, and complimentary drinksat & the beauti fromthelocal restaurants and businesses from localbusinesses restaurants and businesses at the beautiful Meet hors d’oeuvres. Some sponsorship levels include VIP tickets. Make sure to get your of VIP WestClay. tickets early asThe VIP tickets will also be limited! at the Village event House at the Village of The WestClay. The also inc House at the Village WestClay. alsoevent includes ba includes barofservice, wine pull, event raffle prizes, service, wine pull, raffle prizes, boutique vendors, an boutique vendors, and aboutique VIP area.vendors, and a VIP service, wine pull, raffle prizes, When: Where: Indulgence Hours: This a sweet evening that do want not want to mi This isofais sweet evening that you you do Thursday, November 21st The Meeting House, Village WestClay room at not 6:30pm; This is a sweet evening that VIP you doopens not want to miss! to miss! 2000 E New Market St, Carmel Main Event 7:00 – 9:00pm General admission tickets - $45
Get your tickets at www.cherishcac.org/events
Get yourGettickets atat www.cherishcac.org/events your tickets www.cherishcac.org/events Questions or to discuss
General admission $45 of to tickets - $150 CherishGeneral would like to Admission thanktickets all of our -sponsors for their commitment sponsorships, KellyVIP at Tickets - $ - $45 • 4-Pack 4-Pack - $150 • VIPcontact - $100
Date: November 9, 2019 keeping youth safe in our community4-Pack and for helping to make this sweet 317-773-3275VIP or email General admission tickets - $45 of tickets - $150 Tickets - $100 VIP tickets include access toto our VIP area which opens minutes and complim VIP tickets include access our VIP area which opens3030 minutesbefore beforethe themain mainevent, event,a agift giftbag, bag, event possible. See our website for sponsorship details. Kelly@cherishcac.org. Time: 9 am - 4 pm and complimentary drinksopens & levels hors30 d’oeuvres. sponsorship levels include VIPtickets tickets. hors d’oeuvres. Some sponsorship include VIPSome tickets. Make sure to get your VIP early as VIP tickets VIP tickets include access to our VIP area which minutes before the main event, a gift bag, and complimentary dri sure to$500 get -your VIP tickets early as VIP tickets will be limited! – PresentingMake Sponsor Chocolate Location: Hendricks County hors d’oeuvres. Some$2500 sponsorship levels include VIP tickets. Mousse Make sure to get your VIP tickets early as VIP tickets will be li Learn more: $1000 - Chocolate Ganache $250 - Chocolate Truffle 4-H Fairgrounds, www.cherishcac.org/events When: Where: Indulgence Hour 1900 E. Main Street, Danville Thursday, November 21st Thursday, November 21st The Meeting House, Village of WestClay VIP room opens When: Where: Indulgence Hours: Price: $3 per person 2000 E New Market of St, Carmel Main Event 7:00 The Meeting House, Village WestClay The Meeting House, Village of WestClay VIP room opens at 6:30p children under 12 free Thursday, November 21st Vendor Space is available For more information, or to register as a vendor, visit
2000 E New Market St, Carmel 2000 E New Market St, Carmel Main Event 7:00 – 9:00pm Questions or to discu VIP room opens at 6:30pm; Main Event 7:00 – 9:00pm
Cherish would like to thank all of our sponsors for their commitment to
sponsorships, conta
Questions317-773-3275 or to discussor em To purchase become a sponsor, visit our website: keeping youthtickets safe inor our community and for helping to makewww.cherishcac.org/events this sweet
Cherish would like to thank all of our sponsors forsponsorship their commitment event possible. See our website for details. to
sponsorships, contact Kelly a Kelly@cherishcac.or
keeping youth safe in our community and for helping to make this sweet
317-773-3275 or email
event possible. See our website for sponsorship details.
Learn more: Kelly@cherishcac.org.
$2500 – Presenting Sponsor
$500 - Chocolate Mousse
November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
Blueprint for Improvement: A charming mid-century kitchen Commentary by Larry Greene
1. The wall opposite the window was removed and replaced with a support beam and column — detailed to match the existing trim — to open the space. 2. A generously sized island with seating and storage was added where the wall once stood. 3. The existing hardwood floors were repaired and stained. 4. The overhead soffits were removed; the original windows are now a highlighted design feature. 5. The hardware selected for the glass front cabinets is true to the kitchen’s mid-century roots.
THE CHALLENGE Built in 1955, this Meridian-Kessler bungalow was in need of some big changes. The new homeowners wanted to remove the walls separating the kitchen, dining and living rooms to create an open floorplan. They also wanted to update the kitchen with a focus on retaining the original charm of the home.
Larry Greene is the owner of Case Design/ Remodeling; email him at lgreene@caseindy. com. Visit caseindy.com for more remodeling inspiration and advice.
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November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
Use magic verbs Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt
Jerónimos Monastery in Belém area of Lisbon. (Photo by Don Knebel)
A history of Jerónimos Commentary by Don Knebel Belém, named for Bethlehem, is an area of southwest Lisbon along the Tagus River. By the 15th TRAVEL century, sailors were leaving from the Belém port to explore the western coast of Africa and beyond. The Order of Christ provided assistance for arriving and departing sailors. In about 1460, Henry the Navigator built the Church of St. Mary of Belém near the port. In 1496, Portuguese King Manuel I petitioned the pope to convert the deteriorating church into a monastery, where monks of the Order of St. Jerome could pray for his eternal soul and provide spiritual assistance to the explorers who were traveling further and further toward Asia. In 1498, Vasco de Gama reached India, the first European to reach Asia entirely by sea. Portugal soon established a lucrative sea trade with Africa and the Orient, bringing enormous wealth to Portugal. As a result, King Manuel greatly expanded his vision of the
Jerónimos Monastery, employing architects to design a massive complex in the ornate style that eventually became known as “Manueline.” Construction of the monastery began Jan. 6, 1501, financed with a 5 percent tax on goods arriving at the Belém port from Africa and Asia. When completed about 100 years later, the monastery had become one of the most important buildings in Portugal and the burial place of Portuguese royalty. The Jerónimos Monastery survived the 1755 earthquake that destroyed much of Lisbon, but was secularized by government decree in 1833 and is now operated by a private charitable organization. In 1983, the Jerónimos Monastery and the nearby Tower of Belém were named UNESCO World Heritage sites and are now the two most visited sites in Lisbon. Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel.com. You may contact him at editorial@youarecurrent.com.
Answers 8 6 1 3 4 5 7 2 9 to HOOSIER 2 7 4 9 1 8 3 5 6 HODGEPODGE: 3 9 5 6 2 7 8 1 4 Teams: ALA1 5 6 8 3 2 4 9 7 BAMA, CLEMSON, 9 4 2 1 7 6 5 3 8 FLORIDA, LSU, 7 3 8 4 5 9 1 6 2 OHIO STATE, OKLAHOMA; 5 8 7 2 9 1 6 4 3 Questions: 6 2 3 5 8 4 9 7 1 WHAT, WHEN, 4 1 9 7 6 3 2 8 5 WHERE, WHO, WHY; Brands: CHRYSLER, DODGE, JEEP, RAM; Holidays: HANUKKAH, SHABBAT, YOM KIPPUR; Artists: VAN GOGH, WARHOL; Garden: HOLCOMB
Your résumé (or curriculum vitae, if you speak Latin) can be like a key that unlocks GRAMMAR GUY the door to an interview for your dream job. You don’t have to have a funky design. Instead, drop in some well-placed success verbs. According to corporate success guru Marc Cenedella, action words aren’t enough. Instead, he suggests, use what Cenedella calls “success verbs” to strengthen your résumé. When listing your work history accomplishments, use bullet points. Follow each bullet point with an energetic verb that packs a powerful punch. After each success verb, add a specific numerical value for your career accomplishment. First, let’s focus on some tired, weak verbs most of us have on our résumés. Words like “managed,” “led,” “established” and “performed” are boring and overused. Just be-
cause you did these things doesn’t mean you were any good at them. Let’s shift our focus to the magical words that can help get you hired. Cenedella lists 25 specific, compelling verbs: accelerated, achieved, added, awarded, changed, contributed, decreased, delivered, eliminated, exceeded, expanded, gained, generated, grew, improved, increased, introduced, maximized, minimized, optimized, produced, reduced, saved, sold and streamlined. These verbs possess vigor and translate to bottom-line organizational impact. Now, all you have to do is follow these verbs with a measurable statistic that will impress the socks off your potential employer. Curtis Honeycutt is a national award-winning, syndicated humor writer. Connect with him on Twitter (@curtishoneycutt) or at curtishoneycutt.com.
LEGAL NOTICE OF DUKE ENERGY INDIANA, LLC’S STANDARD CONTRACT RIDER NO 67 TAX AND MERGER CREDITS ADJUSTMENT Duke Energy Indiana, LLC (“Duke Energy Indiana”) hereby provides notice that on or about November 15, 2019, Duke Energy Indiana will submit an update to its Standard Contract Rider No. 67, Tax and Merger Credits Adjustment (“Standard Contract Rider 67”) to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (“Commission”) for approval under the Commission’s thirty-day administrative filing procedures and guidelines. Standard Contract Rider 67 provides the adjustment to rates to remove the amortization of the costs associated with the Cinergy Corp. merger and amortization of Excess Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes resulting from the Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017. Standard Contract Rider 67 is applicable to all Duke Energy Indiana retail electric customers. This submission is expected to be approved approximately thirty days after filing, unless an objection is made. Any objections may be made by contacting the Secretary of the Commission, Mary M. Becerra or Barbara A. Smith or Randall C. Helmen of the Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor at the following addresses or phone numbers: Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission 101 W. Washington St. Suite 1500 East Indianapolis, IN 46204-3407 317-232-2703 Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor PNC Center 115 W. Washington St. Suite 1500 South Indianapolis, IN 46204 317-232-2494
Duke Energ Indiana, LLC By: Stan Pinegar, President
28 1
November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
www.currentnoblesville.com 3
51 55
5 46
8 6
8 6
62 68
Across 1. Hoodwink 5. Atkins Diet no-no 9. Refuge/Needy people 14. A Guthrie 15. Nautical term 16. Speak one’s mind 17. Glean 18. Sphere/Voting slips 19. Greenbacks 20. Relinquish
58 61
5 8
52 56
2 7
29 32
35 39
22. Frozen treat 24. Afire 25. Huge/Intolerant ones 26. Indiana Geological Survey periods 29. Marengo, e.g. 30. Tympanic membrane 32. Marks common in Current stories 34. Lotion additive
5 8 7
35. Indiana Statehouse VIPs 38. Colt’s contract negotiator 39. Words to a gal pal after a breakup/Blue flowers 42. Hoosier Lawn Care tool 45. Capel Rugs calculation
Our innovative dining concept at Hamilton Town Center in Noblesville has openings NOW for server assistants, servers, prep cooks, expeditors, dishwashers, cooks, bartenders and hosts/ hostesses. We will open later in November.
For IMMEDIATE consideration, please visit
7 1 2 46. Org. 50. Make bubbly 52. Teach 54. Blind part 55. Classic Fords 58. Mug/Automatons 59. Mrs. Fields cookie container 60. Footnote abbr. in a Westfield HS paper 61. Carpentry joint 63. African antelope 65. Fervor/Extremists 68. Farm structure 70. Emmis business 71. Hawaiian island 72. “Step ___!” 73. Will/Mild onions 74. Geist fishing-line mishap 75. Merchants Bank charges Down 1. Kings, on a Bankers Life Fieldhouse scoreboard 2. Very important 3. Swiftly, to the ISO 4. Jell-O shaper 5. Indianapolis Taxi vehicle 6. MCL dessert: pie ___ mode 7. Indiana State Museum piece 8. Big burp 9. Victory Field plate 10. GI address 11. Break, as laws 12. Pep up 13. Least sloppy 21. James Whitcomb
Riley’s “always” 23. Ward & Ward lawyer’s letters 25. Cole Porter’s “___ Clown” 27. Engine sound 28. IU frat letter 29. French brandy 31. Bring down the Eagles 33. Mideast inits. 36. Part of MPH 37. Hamilton County Fair critter 40. Food scrap 41. None-for-the-road grp. 42. Spring holidays 43. Tom Jones hit 44. Alhambra’s city
47. Catch crammed in a can 48. Snitch 49. Kan. neighbor 51. IND posting 53. EUR competitor 56. Amazon founder 57. “In other words...” 60. False god 62. Up to 64. Indy Eleven goose egg 66. “Eureka!” 67. Car nut 69. Pacers game addons...and add-on that forms new words for the highlighted answers Answers on Page 27
Current Noblesville What iswww.currentnoblesville.com your ingoal? November 5, 2019
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November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
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November 5, 2019
Current in Noblesville
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Creative individual will help turn your personal or business space into the style you desire. Let me assist with the selection of your colors, furniture, artwork, accessories, as well as lighting. Contact Sue Ramsey at 317-407-9855 or saramsey71@gmail.com
Conveniently located at 12345 Old Meridian St. Call today to reserve your spot. 317-846-4040
NOW HIRING Full-time experienced personal trainer for a locally-owned fitness facility. BA/BS 4-year or greater degree in exercise related field with a minimum of two years of experience providing personal training and class instruction for adults. We are searching for trainers who work effectively in a team setting and are passionate about learning and changing the lives of adults. Send resume and cover letter to employment@ motion4lifefitness.com
We are looking for a really good worker! We are wrapping up the lawn cutting season and starting fall cleanups and leaf removal. If you are a motivated and hard working person who wants to work in a fast paced and fun environment, we would be interested in talking with you...especially if you have experience in lawn care. You will need transportation to get to work and will then be riding with one of us all day.
Todd Tarbutton Yardvarks Lawn Care, Inc. 317-565-3540
For pricing e-mail your ad to classifieds@youarecurrent.com
NOW HIRING Front of House Team Members Now hiring hosts, to-go, servers, and bartenders.
Part-time and full-time positions available. Flexible hours, great work environment, and fun atmosphere. Ask for an application today! Stop in Monday thru Friday for an interview: 13445 Tegler Drive, Noblesville In 46060
The International Montessori School (www.intlmontessori. com), located in Carmel, Indiana, has a Teacher Assistant position available immediately for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Working hours will be between 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM Monday through Friday. Qualifying candidates should have an undergraduate degree or a diploma from a technical school and be comfortable working with children ages 3 through 6 years old, should be enthusiastic, kind, and creative with a love for children. Compensation is competitive and based on experience. PLEASE REPLY TO: RKD1948@SBCGLOBAL.NET ***** No phone calls, please. *****
The Carmel Clay Public Library is seeking a part-time (20 hours/week) Courier to safely transport library materials and property from the main facility to the new west branch. He/she will also assist with performing light maintenance, setting up rooms for programs/events, assembling/moving furniture, picking up supplies. Requirements include a high school diploma or equivalent, valid Indiana operator’s license, good driving record, and customer service skills/experience. Please see the Jobs page of our web site, www.carmel.lib.in.us/about/jobs.cfm, for a detailed job description. Minimum pay rate $13/hour. To apply, please send a resume or application to Cindy Wenz, Carmel Clay Public Library, 55 4th Avenue SE, Carmel, IN 46032. Email: cwenz@carmel.lib.in.us Staffing for Life’s Journey Home Hospice Life’s Journey will be opening another Home Hospice location. We’re looking for experienced Hospice nurses in the Zionsville - Lebanon area. Our staffing needs consist of: CNA, RN, NP and MSW Applicable experience is a plus. We offer a great benefit program, and flexible work hours. Join our growing staff. Call Bob Wallace at 317-561-6838 or visit www.LifesJourneyHospice.com for more information and an on-line application
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Email your ad to classifieds@youarecurrent.com or call 317.489.4444
Live the Life You’ve Imagined. Our attractive amenities and relaxed lifestyle at Hoosier Village are unmatched in the Indianapolis area. We’ve met demand by expanding our duplex homes and giving you plenty of options to enjoy maintenance-free living in the finest neighborhood in town. Start living the life you always imagined. Come take a tour of our luxury community today! For more information, call 800-567-8517. 800-567-8517 9875 Cherryleaf Drive Indianapolis, IN 46268