December 28, 2010

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Tuesday December 28, 2010 FREE

Mayor John Ditslear and the city of Noblesville look ahead to 2011 / P9 Photo by CW Photography

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2 | December 28, 2010

(317)776-8701 *** $ ' "(! ) " #! Current in Noblesville

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Resolutions for 2011 Founded Sept. 15, 2009, at Noblesville, IN Vol. II, No. 14 Copyright 2009. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 1 South Range Line Road, Suite 220 Carmel, IN 46032

317.489.4444 Publisher – Brian Kelly / 414.7879 General Manager – Steve Greenberg / 847.5022 Managing Editor - Kevin Kane / 489.4444 ext. 204 Associate Editor – Terry Anker Art Director – Zachary Ross / 787.3291 Associate Artist – Haley Henderson / 787.3291


It is our position that New Year’s resolutions make sense. Isn't a crucial part of life about growing and improving ourselves? And, isn't the New Year is a great time to establish a starting point to work on an aspect of our lives? While some imagine the tradition quaint, we believe the counter reset can be compelling. Many great historical figures were in a constant process of self-improvement. For instance one of our favorite Americans, Benjamin Franklin kept a journal and worked to follow 13 virtues (he identified them at age 20 and worked to implement and perfect them until the end of his life). While we certainly do not expect that most of us are able to set and pursue a single goal for the rest of our lives, we do believe that the at least annual act of contemplating and selecting a worthwhile personal objective is a valuable process. Even if we have never gone to the trouble of making a New Years’ resolution, why not make Jan. 1, 2011 the kickoff year. Weight loss, enhanced learning, expanded vocabulary, and skill development – there has to be an area that is worthy of improvement and remember effort counts too.

Tough process

It is our position that while school redistricting is a necessary and even good at times to balance school enrollments and prevent overcrowding; it is the responsibility of the School Boards to make sure students receive the same high-quality education in every school. Rightly, school redistricting can sometimes be an explosive topic. In some stilted effort to achieve school choice, families routinely relocate to certain areas so that their children can attend a particularly well-rated school. And with length of bus rides a significant area of concern, proximity to those buildings matters. When school boards change building boundaries, parents feel unjustly harmed as they are often paying a housing premium to be in a specific district. Most school administrators would argue that in a perfect world, redistricting would never be necessary. But reality dictates otherwise – some schools are bursting at the seams while others schools see increasingly empty desks. However, long bus rides across town to move kids from top-rated schools to lower performing ones is a tough pill to swallow. What is required to ensure that all schools perform at the top level? School boards must be held directly accountable for the performance (or nonperformance) of individual schools.

The views in these editorials are of reader participants. They do not represent those of Current Publishing ownership and management.

Advertising Sales Executive – Mary Mahlstadt / 370.7015 Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia / 370.0749

Business Office Bookkeeper - Deb Vlasich / 489.4444 The views of the columnists in Current In Noblesville are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

strange laws


Photo Illustration

Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Florida, it is against the law to "break wind" in a public place after 6 p.m. on Thursdays. Source: Weird Laws (iPhone application)

Every week, we will print a portion of the U.S. Constitution, followed by a portion of the Indiana Constitution. We encourage you to benchmark government policies against these bedrock documents. Today: the Indiana Constitution. ARTICLE 4. Legislative. Section 22. continuer Providing for opening and conducting elections of State, county, or township officers, and designating the places of voting; Providing for the sale of real estate belonging to minors or other persons laboring under legal disabilities, by executors, administrators, guardians, or trustees. (History: As Amended March 14, 1881; November 6, 1984). Section 23. In all the cases enumerated in the preceding section, and

Current in Noblesville

in all other cases where a general law can be made applicable, all laws shall be general, and of uniform operation throughout

the State. Section 24. Provision may be made, by general law, for bringing suit against the State; but no special law authorizing such suit to be brought, or making compensation to any person claiming damages against the State, shall ever be passed. (History: As Amended November 6, 1984). Section 25. A majority of all the members elected to each House, shall be necessary to pass every bill or joint resolution; and all bills and joint resolutions so passed, shall be signed by the Presiding Officers of the respective Houses.

December 28, 2010 | 3

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With Forest Hill sold, what's next for Legacy?

From the backshop What the heck were they thinking? We very much hope you enjoyed your Christmas holiday. The city of Noblesville certainly did, what with buying itself an asset for which it seems to have overspent while you were sleeping. We have heavy doubts that the city’s approximately $833,000 expenditure for Forest Hill Elementary School, which will close in August, was a wise use of taxpayer dollars. Here’s why: To our knowledge, FHES was appraised last April at $330,000 and last July at $582,000. The appraisals were issued by different firms. As press time loomed, we were not clear as to whether any other bids were submitted beyond one entered for $330,000 by Legacy Christian School. We don’t understand why the city (and that means Mayor John Ditslear and the common council) chose to top that bid by about $500,000 at a time when County Option Income Tax and other sources of tax dollars are down. Only recently we lauded the city for its fiscal conservancy in crafting the 2011 budget, and now this. It stinks. Where is the transparency? Why is there no concrete plan for using the 15-acre parcel? It seems to be a case of buy it now, figure out what to do with it later – and that is patently unacceptable. While there were meetings held to discuss the idea of purchasing the property, the memorandum of understand-

Brian Kelly & Steve Greenberg ing was not published or posted online prior to Tuesday’s meeting (except by this newspaper). The city attorney had copies, but we had to ask for them. The MOU was not with the meeting agenda, yet the council added it and voted on it. Residents had no chance to raise questions or concerns. The deal says the city will pay $275,000 cash at closing “which may be payable from such funds as the City deems just and reasonable.” As of now, they do not know exactly where the $275,000 will come from – as far as we know – and it is the only number published in the document. The remainder of the $833,000 is made up of waived fees, such as park impact fees, but those are not mentioned in the deal. On its face, at this moment, it’s a shameful expenditure.

If I was a rich man

COMMENTARY By Terry Anker It is a conflict time immemorial. Tevye pined about what life might be like if he “were a rich man;” and in an interestingly close name coincidence, modern music artist Travie (McCoy) found chart-topping success with his ode to immense wealth, “Billionaire.” In itthis young performer dreams of how his life and the lives of those close to him could change were he bathed in billions. It acknowledges the particularly philanthropic and the entirely rapacious. Wealth, it seems like so many things, serves to amplify the existing conflicts within us. It allows us to indulge our desires – good and bad. Tevye couples the fact that money would provide him with time to study religion to become more devout even as it would pay for servants which would allow him to avoid work. Perhaps is the subtle message of the tune, but isn’t it in fact more pious to labor for oneself? Some, especially during the holidays, test their financial limits in seeking to be generous. They

rack up irresponsible debt and push themselves to the brink. Is it possible to envy the generosity of another? Are Tevye and Travie really seeking to be generous, or simply longing for the power of cash? Envy of the wealth of others is an undoubtedly powerful motivator. Art and politics have followed it throughout the generations. Political leaders use class warfare to advance their own personal agenda (often including the tremendous accumulation of wealth). Countless wars and revolutions have been fought from our burning desire to count other people’s money. Yet scores of surveys have shown that most people would be satisfied with 20 percent more than their peer group, ensuring that rich is always out of reach. It seems our perception of wealth is defined by our perception of self. Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may e-mail him at terry@

Is it possible to envy the generosity of another? Are Tevye and Travie really seeking to be generous, or simply longing for the power of cash? 4 | December 28, 2010

Commentary By Kevin Kane On behalf of Legacy Christian School, board treasurer Chuck Williamson effectively waived a white flag at last Tuesday’s Noblesville school board meeting. Last week, Noblesville Schools agreed to sell the soon-to-be-retired Forest Hill Elementary for $833,000 to the city of Noblesville. You can read more about that agreement in today’s paper, and the actual deal between the two sides is posted at In front of the Noblesville school board, however, Williamson said the small private school simply couldn’t compete with the city’s $833,000 offer. Two weeks ago, the school announced that it had offered $330,000 for the property as it seeks to move out of its current rented location at Noblesville Nazarene Church. I’m told the school was prepared to significantly increase its offer if asked to do so, as it viewed the 50-year-old Forest Hill building to be a perfect fit. But like the Kansas City Royals competing with the New York Yankees for baseball’s top free agents, Legacy simply didn’t have the financial resources to remain in the conversation. So now the school must resume, and restart, its search for a permanent home. “There was simply no way we could compete financially with the city's proposal, and we understand why the school district would want

to accept such a lucrative offer,” Karen Hawkins, the school’s communications director, said. “As for our own future, we will now regroup and continue to pray for God's guidance for Legacy. We know the tremendous asset Legacy Christian School is to this community, and we believe whole-heartedly that God will provide.” Hawkins added that there is no timetable for the school to find a solution, but multiple City Council members wished the school good luck at last week’s meeting. Some council members even suggested working with the school in the near future to help successfully end this search for a home. I’m still learning about this school, its academics, and its people, but having the seen the passion with which those at Legacy went after this much-needed improvement, I’d say all of the positive comments made about LCS are likely well founded. Whether it comes through working with the city or another avenue, I think many in the community would like to see this school find what it’s looking for and ensure its long-term future in Noblesville. Kevin Kane is the managing editor of Current in Noblesville. You can reach him via e-mail at Kevin@

READER's VIEWS Wilson gives Current a black eye Editor, We have always loved your publication and its varied and well written articles - except one. That one is Danielle Wilson. We have been appalled by many of her previous articles but her recent article entitled “Kids really do say the darndest things” (published Dec. 14) takes the cake. Do any of you read her articles? Do you honestly approve of your writers and contributors using the “F” word even once let alone three times? Does she honestly think that it is wise to teach her children to talk that way? What is she trying to do? Shock us? Make us sick? Degrade her family? Embarrass her

husband? Make fun of her church? (She IS doing all of those things, whether she intends to or not). Does she think that she is on stage at a comedy club? She is really “cheapening” what is otherwise a very wonderful publication. You and your staff are allowing Danielle to use your magazine as a platform to publicly insult a lot of people including her own family. She also is insulting you. She snubs her nose about getting negative feedback from readers and basically dares anyone to do something about it. Steve and Sandy McCuen 46062

Law creates dangerous opportunities Editor, I totally agree with your editorial board’s published view on forced forfeitures of public property (“Civil pursuit,” published Dec. 14).

The opportunities created by this law for public abuse by civil agencies are dangerous. Patrick Lovett 46033

Wanna write us a letter? You can do it a couple ways. The easiest is to e-mail it to info@ The old-fashioned way is to snail mail it to Current in Noblesville, 1 South Range Line Road, Carmel, IN 46032. Keep letters to 200 words max (we may make exceptions), and be sure to include your home zip code and a daytime number for verification.

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DISPATCHES » HEPL collecting phones – Hamilton East Public Library is partnering with Prevail to collect unused or retired cell phones to assist victims of domestic violence. Donated cell phones will be refurbished and reprogrammed for emergency calls, or sold to help raise funding for agencies that fight domestic violence. All cell phones must be deactivated prior to donation. Donations will be accepted through March at both the Fishers Library and the Noblesville Library. For more information, call 773-1384. » Chaucie’s Place adds staff – Chaucie’s Place hired Tracey Harvey as the new Body Safety and Stewards of Children Coordinator. In her new position Harvey will help lead and develop the programs in the community which help students and adults learn about sexual abuse and recognize signs of abuse and how to prevent it. She joins Chaucie’s after finishing her social work practicum at Susie’s Place in Hendricks County. » Conservation affiliate program – The Soil and Water Conservation District in Hamilton County is increasing its base of support by developing an Affiliate Membership program. The primary purpose is to provide additional funding for conservation activities. Memberships range from $25-75. Learn more at www. » New Year’s at The Mansion – Ring in 2011 with a celebration at The Mansion at Oak Hill, at the intersection of 116th Street and Hazel Dell Parkway in Carmel. After a culinary feast, dance the evening away to the entertaining sounds of local band Five Easy Pieces, performing music from the ‘40s to today. The event is open to all ages, and reservations are $75 per person. For more information, call 843-9850. » Bus service to continue – CIRTA (Central Indiana Regional Transportation Authority) and Miller Trailways have forged a deal that will continue the popular commuter bus service linking Carmel and Fishers with downtown Indianapolis. The service, funded for the last three years by a federal grant that expires on Dec. 31, was set to end on that date unless new arrangements could be made.

Apparently you can learn a lot from rats COMMENTARY By Danielle Wilson Every year at my children’s school, fourth graders participate in a nutrition unit in which they study the effects of food on lab rats. Each classroom hosts two female albino rats – one to act as the control, the other as the variable – for about a month. Students take turns babysitting over the weekends, and since our oldest had done so two years ago, our twins begged to do the same. But Santa brought a cat last year, you see, and as we all know, cats eat rats. I explained to our kids that if they didn’t want to have to tell their classmates how Ginger slaughtered poor little Zoey, they would need to be diligent not just in caring for their “pets,” but in closing their bedroom doors. They promised, and we agreed. Holy Mary, pray for us. As luck would have it, they both were assigned a rat on the same weekend, which also happened to be a hunting trip for Doo. Yay! Just me, the kids and the afortmentioned rodents for 60 hours. The cat notwithstanding, how hard could it be? And actually, the first two days went well. The twins played with the rats, cleaned their cages and covered them at night. They fed them fresh hot dogs, carrots, lettuce and bread,


pacing in front of Corinne’s room, we were all diligent in keeping the door shut and the cat out. It was incredibly stressful, though, to wonder how many nights the rat had left. Surely Ginger would figure out a way to “go native.” Luckily, she never got the chance. On the very day I was set to go to Petsmart and finally purchase appropriate cage bedding, Corinne came home from school to find Zoey asleep. Permanently. She calmly announced, “It’s OK, Mom. I didn’t expect her to live long anyway.” No tears, no hysterics, just flat-out maturity. Personally, I was just relieved. (Interestingly, the saddest person was the mother of the other rat owner, who emailed when she heard the news: “I’m so sorry! Sorry we didn’t get Zoey!”) But now that Zoey’s gone, I’m realizing how much she actually taught my kids. Nutrition, responsibility and the circle of life … not bad for a rat. Peace out. Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@

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and provided them plenty of clean water. They even made little rat obstacle courses out of cardboard boxes! So cute. On the second morning of their stay, however, something awoke me around 6 a.m. Call it a motherly instinct, but I knew immediately that the cat was attempting a full-frontal assault. I leapt from my bed, ran down the hall, and burst into my son’s room just as Ginger was scaling the side of the cage. Gotcha! I proudly walked into school Monday morning with two 9-yearolds and two live rats. Yes, I am amazing. Ahh, but the story doesn’t end here. Several weeks prior to our rat-sitting experience, one of twins had begged me to let her enter the drawing to become a lucky new rat owner once the project was over. With 22 students and two rats, her odds at winning were one in 11. This meant I could say “yes” and appear to be the best mother ever without any real threat of actually getting the creature. A brilliant plan, if I do say so myself. She failed to tell me that only two students put their names in the hat. Two. So the very day I returned two rats, I got to bring one back home. Awesome! For several weeks, Zoey managed to avoid being eaten. Though I would often see Ginger

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Current in Noblesville December 28, 2010 | 5

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My random thoughts as we wrap up the year Commentary By Krista Bocko I’ve got these random thoughts and questions in my brain, which seem like they would be obvious common-sense things, but aren’t really. You’ll see what I mean. So, I thought I’d compile a few. Here goes: • We buy quite a bit of nondairy milk, but I’ve only ever seen it in half-gallon cartons. Why can’t one buy soy, almond or rice milk in gallon jugs? • Why are the above milks only packaged in non-recyclable packages? That seems extra incongruous, since you buy them in the natural foods section of the store, yet they can’t be recycled? I feel SO guilty throwing them away. • Why are our trash bins twice as large as our recycling bins? No one thought to reverse it and make the trash bins smaller than the recycling bins? No one should be throwing away that much on a regular basis, and having a gigantic bin kind of makes it seem OK. I’ve never come close to filling my

trash bin even halfway, but my recycling bin is always stuffed. Hello! • After being repeatedly asked if I “tweet” or “Twitter,” I finally stopped being a Twitter snob and signed up for an account. Now what? I’m a little confused, but am assured by fellow Twitter-ers that I’ll get the hang of it. • Why do some people get so up in arms this time of year about the word “holidays,” as though to merely use the word “holiday” somehow detracts from Christmas? In reality, the word “holiday” isn’t a euphemism for Christmas, but encompasses all the holidays that occur in December, which also includes Hanukkah, solstice and New Year’s Eve, right? I’ll be back in 2011 with more random ponderings. Speaking of 2011, Happy New Year! Krista Bocko lives in “Old Town” Noblesville with her husband and four children. She can be reached via her blog at www.cachetwrites. com.

After being repeatedly asked if I “tweet” or “Twitter,” I finally stopped being a Twitter and signed up for an 2:43 account. Now 10181 INFINITI Carmelsnob Current_F_12_28 12/20/10 PM Page 1 what?

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Hoosiers think they know about winter driving When I hung up, I thought, “Awww. Isn’t that cute? A Hoosier who thinks she can drive on ice and snow …” I’ve felt superior regarding my snow-driving heritage ever since I moved to Indiana. The idea that somewhere a former Hoosier is sitting in judgment over her D.C. neighbors is a stunning reminder that our beliefs are often founded on limited experience and a self-centeredness that encourages us to hold the world accountable to our own standards – no matter how skewed our assessment of them is. In the extreme, this leads to nationalism, tribalism, clan-ism, Hatfield and McCoyism. Ok, so I made some of these up. Luckily I have a clear-eyed picture of my own winter-driving skills. With record snowfall this December, the roads need more people like me. Never mind my actual winter driving record. That’s between me and State Farm. Brenda Alexander is a freelance writer and resident of Noblesville. You can contact her at AlexanderInk@


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Current in Noblesville

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Commentary By Brenda Alexander Since moving here from Minnesota, I have discovered it is not a universal tradition to stand around the water cooler at work and brag about whose car started in 40 below zero temperature. In Minnesota, if several braggers discover all their cars started, then this ritual escalates to whether or not the car was in a heated garage or the battery was plugged in. It’s like the daring game played in “A Christmas Story” by Ralphie’s classmates. A car that starts in 40 below temperature, outside, with no plug-in, is the equivalent to a triple-dog dare. So it was amusing to hear a Hoosier bragging about her winter driving prowess. Choosing the high moral ground, rather than trotting out my Minnesota trump card, I simply listened, growing more and more bemused. It was like a kindergartener after his first day explaining to his little sister what the world is really all about. Awww. Isn’t that cute? This Hoosier had recently transplanted to Washington D.C. “I took my driving test at 16 on ice and snow. These people just don’t know what they are doing,” she exclaimed.

c u -tr a c k

December 28, 2010 | 7

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City agrees to buy Forest Hill By Kevin Kane Current in Noblesville A longer version of this article first appeared on Dec. 21. A few months ago, the Noblesville City Council decided that acquiring Forest Hill Elementary School was one of its top priorities. A deal was made last week to make that happen. The Noblesville school board held a special meeting last Tuesday night to discuss and eventually approve a memorandum of understanding with the city, effectively selling the school to Noblesville for $833,000. The City Council added the MOU to its agenda during its scheduled meeting and approved the deal 6-1. The deal gives the city the 15-acre property after the school closes in August. In return, Noblesville Schools would receive $275,000 in cash at closing and the waiving of fees associated with its construction of new facilities. The cash and waived fees total about $833,000. Two appraisals of Forest Hill conducted in April and July, respectively, estimated that the current market value of the property is between $330,000 and $582,000. “I think this is a good deal for all of the citizens in Noblesville,” Councilman Mark Boice said. School board officials said that the reduction in fees imposed on the district by the city would mean Noblesville Schools would collect

less money from taxpayers who approved two referendums in May. Additionally, Boice said that, if the impact fees and other fees imposed by the city were not waived for the district, Tax Increment Financing (TIF) dollars collected in that area would have no purpose, meaning they would be sent to the state. He said he was not sure if the TIF money kept within the city equaled the nearly $600,000 in waived fees but reiterated that he thought the deal was good for both sides and an example of government working like it should. Councilwoman Mary Sue Rowland disagreed, though. She said it seems like the city could be paying too high of a price for the property. She added that, while she is not necessarily opposed to the city’s purchasing of the property, she said voting on the deal that night without first allowing a separate meeting for the public to provide input on the specifics of the agreement is “some of the worst government” she’s seen in 17 years. “What’s the rush?” she said. “No one can have this place until August.” Rowland was the only council member to vote against approving the deal. There currently are no definitive plans for the Forest Hill property, though a community center and a programming facility for the parks department have been suggested as potential uses.

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11450 8 | December 28, 2010

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Mayor John Ditslear and the city of Noblesville look ahead to 2011 UNION CHAPEL ROAD

By Kevin Kane Current in Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear’s goals for the coming year range from completing ongoing road construction to attracting a university to Noblesville, but the theme of the city’s plans for 2011 is to improve Noblesville – and life in it – despite decreased financial resources. In 2011, the city will be dealing with a $2.9 million reduction in revenue, a result of property tax caps and decreases in County Option Income Tax revenue across Hamilton County. Ditslear said cuts had to be made to prepare for the lost revenue, including dropping 21 city employees over the last three years. Still, he said he and the rest of the city’s employees are expecting improvements in some areas next year, thanks to new initiatives, while keeping ongoing projects on schedule.

Phase 4

Phase 3 Phase 1

Taking care of business

Union Chapel Road extension – Ditslear said this project is expected to be completed in 2011. This project will extend the road from E. 166th Street to S.R. 32 as a fourlane divided roadway with center median, curb and gutter, and multi-use trails. When finished, the nearly one-mile road will include up to five roundabouts in addition to a completed bridge over Stony Creek. Phases 1 and 2 of five are now finished. Construction on Phase 3 began this past summer. Phase 4 is scheduled to begin in the spring, with Phase 5 starting in the summer of 2011. The entire project should be completed by late fall next year. Continue Long Term Control Plan – The Long Term Control Plan is a program mandated by both the state and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requiring communities to drastically reduce or eliminate combined sewer discharges into the receiving waters. The city is allowed 15 years to complete this $63 million project, beginning with September 2007. Utility Director Ray Thompson said the city will begin Phase 3 of five in 2011. The entire project must be completed by December 2022.

What’s new in 2011?

Photo by CW Photography

Interactive policing – Noblesville police officers will be more proactive and more involved in 2011, Ditslear said. This new approach, introduced by Police Chief Kevin Jowitt, will get officers more involved in the community. The idea is that, by being better acquainted with the people of Noblesville, the police will be able to resolve some issues before they become problems. New economic plan – Assistant Director of Economic Development Christy Langley said the department has “been doing a lot of housecleaning” lately with its economic plan. “We’d like to create a roadmap for what we’d like to get done,” Langley said. “In 2011, we’re going to gear up and make a new plan.” That plan will detail the types of businesses the city does and does not want to look to attract within the next five to 10 years. Additionally, Langley said the city will revisit its Market Noblesville initiative and plan how to better promote the city as a whole to prospective businesses. Currently, each department within the city has its own logo. This is one change that could be made.

Current in Noblesville

Phase 4

Submitted photo

Union Chapel Road Extension: Phase 1: Began Summer 2009, Completed Fall 2009. Phase 2: Began Summer 2009, Anticipated Completion: Late Fall 2010. Phase 3: Began Construction Late Summer 2010, Anticipated Completion: Late Fall 2011. Phase 4: Begin Construction Spring 2011, Anticipated Completion: Late Fall 2011.

Ditslear added that he’s excited about the potential economic development for the city in 2011 as Noblesville works to fill its Corporate Campus. Ditslear said the city was able to make presentations to various companies on more than 30 occasions this past year. He added that the city is on the short list of three companies looking to relocate or expand, but he could not disclose the names of these companies. Work on Little Chicago – The state has plans to raise, by 10 or 12 feet, the intersection of S.R. 38 and Little Chicago Road. Ditslear said the intersection is dangerous as it is now. After that work is done, though, he said the city will widen Little Chicago from 191st Street to that intersection. NPD attaining accreditation – In 2011, the Noblesville Police Department will seek accreditation from the joint effort of the Indiana Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission and the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies. Ditslear said he believes the NPD already meets all of the necessary requirements to receive this accreditation, but finishing this process, he said, will validate that the department is employing the best industry practices in 110 areas of policing. Luring a university – Ditslear said he has long had aspirations to bring a college or university to Noblesville, regardless of whether it is a satellite campus or a stand-alone university. While there may be no developments on this front in 2011, Ditslear said the city is constantly building its relationship with schools like Ivy Tech Community College in hopes of making this vision become a reality.

December 28, 2010 | 9

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DISPATCHES » Increase in study of sign language – A new study by the Modern Language Association found that, in American colleges from 2006-2009, the study of American Sign Language increased by 16 percent. The growing popularity as a study is credited as being more socially acceptable as a language to study and is useful not just for interpreters, but also for teachers, scuba divers and cognitive psychologists. » Scheib to coach in bowl game – Lance Scheib, Noblesville High School football coach, has been named an assistant coach for the east squad of the 2011 U.S. Army All-American Bowl. The bowl game will be played at 1 p.m. Jan. 8, at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas. Scheib is the first coach from Indiana to coach in the U.S. Army All-American Bowl. » Arizona evaluates teachers in new way – Starting in 2012, all Arizona public school teachers will be evaluated in a new way - including measurements of how well students have progressed academically under a teacher. Currently, the evaluations include Arizona's Instrument to Measure Standards test scores, but they only compare scores from year to year, using different groups of students. The new system will analyze individual student growth over the year. » Info request is legitimate – Noblesville High School alumni should be receiving alumni notification postcards with a return address showing the Publication Office for Noblesville Schools listed as P.O. Box 3140, Chesapeake, VA. The request for updated information is legitimate. Noblesville Schools is working with Harris Connect, a company that publishes high school and college alumni directories, to produce a NHS alumni directory in 2011. » Conner Prairie wins national award – Conner Prairies Interactive History Park was awarded the highest honor for museums, the 2010 National Medal for Museum and Library Service. The award recognized Conner Prairie as one of the top five museums in the nation for its outstanding educational programs and economic contributions to the area. The award was presented by First Lady Michelle Obama.

10 | December 28, 2010

Simple New Year’s resolutions we can all share

PARENTING By Becky Kapsalis Legendary coach and motivational speaker Lou Holtz said, “God put eyes in the front of our head – not in back to see where we’ve been ... but in front to see where we’re going.” This appears to be an appropriate message for the coming New Year. Where we’ve been (2010) is soon to be history, and where we’re going (2011) can be a year for wide-eyed optimism. The older I get, the quicker the holidays seem to come, and my resolutions from the year before creep up on me so quickly that I find there isn’t enough time in a year to see my resolutions to fruition. So this year I’m going to take a much closer look at my resolutions and keep them simple enough to accomplish. I’ve separated my resolutions into three categories. Categories that were instilled in me as a child and resolutions that can be applied on a daily basis – not cumulative – rather collectively. The three categories are God, country and family. GOD: I will give my thanks and gratitude to God, every day, for providing me with all that is possible through Him. I will show my respect to Him by being aware that everything I say needs to be good and helpful so that my words are encouraging to all who hear them. COUNTRY: I will honor my country by reciting, daily … I pledge allegiance to the flag Of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: One Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all. I will give thanks to our military for keeping us safe and I will educate myself and exercise my right to vote for the candidate who best defines my American values. FAMILY: I will not take my family for granted. I will be a beacon of trust, loyalty, humility, sacrifice, perseverance and sterling character, with exemplary morals, values and ethics. I will see to it that my children and grandchildren understand their own responsibilities to God, country and family. Children are our greatest accomplishment. Nothing we accomplish can be greater than the accomplishment of raising kind and decent children. Simple yet succinct resolutions. Resolutions I believe we can all share in. Happy 2011 everyone. Hugs!

This year, I'm becoming a blogger Commentary By Jenna Larson Every year, my resolution gets pushed aside after the first couple days of January. My motivation fades, and I just can’t put forth enough effort to actually reach my goal. Take 2010, for instance. I wanted to be able to complete at least one pull-up by the end of the year. Yeah … that didn’t happen. And I know lots of people have those stereotypical goals they hardly ever reach. Lose weight. Make more food at home. Get out of debt. Stop smoking. We all make them. We usually break them. But this year I’m determined. Yes, 2011 will be the year I actually accomplish something I’ve always wanted to do. And I’m motivated enough to go through with it. It’s taken a lot of thought, but I have my resolution and I’m sticking to it, no matter what. I’m starting a blog. And I’m going to post at least one thing each day of 2011. I’ve already claimed my username and picked out a snazzy background. Every day I’ll have a new post. A picture, a video, a random rant about something trivial

that ticked me off … who knows. As for my reasoning behind all this, I’m certainly not hoping to become an Internet commodity or anything. That’d be a lot of pressure. I’m no Michael Buckley, nor do I intend to become anything of the sort. But I think it’s nice to look back on things I’ve written or experienced and remember what it was like. I love seeing progress and being able to measure change. I used to keep a journal. I started in seventh grade and I would write most nights, recording every meaningless detail of my day. But in the past year or so, it’s become too much of a hassle to bother with. I feel like a blog would be a less intimate but also less intimidating alternative to good old paper and pen. So if you’re ever surfing the Web and need something to do, hit me up: Jenna Larson is a junior at Noblesville High School and is opinions editor for The Mill Stream.

But I think it’s nice to look back on things I’ve written or experienced and remember what it was like. I love seeing progress and being able to measure change.

You can contact Becky Kapsalis at or 317-508-1667 for Parenting Classes.

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DISPATCHES » Civic to hold auditions – The Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre will hold auditions for its upcoming production of “Cabaret” and “Miss Saigon” Jan. 3 and 4, 7 to 10 p.m., at Marian University, 3200 Cold Springs Road, Indianapolis. Anyone can show up and audition for various roles. Visit or call 924-6770 for more information. » Leap into White – Garvey Simon Art Access, 27 East Main St, Carmel, will present an exhibition of new oil pastel drawings by Daisy Craddock from Jan. 13 to Feb. 26. Craddock has been exhibiting her work nationally since the mid-1970s. Known for her gestural paintings and drawings that explore nature, Craddock’s new body of plein air drawings are the subject of this exhibition. For more information, visit » Registration filling up for mini-marathon – The 500 Festival announced last week that approximately 1,000 spots remain for the 35th running of the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon. The Mini-Marathon and the Finish Line 500 Festival 5K are scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 7, 2011. Registration remains open for the Finish Line 500 Festival 5K at for $35. » Flight attendants fool drunks – If you're noticeably drunk or getting unruly, it's the flight attendant's responsibility to control the situation. "Sometimes if we think you've had too much to drink, we'll serve you, but not serve the whole mini-bottle of booze," confesses one flight attendant. "We may just dip the rim of the glass in enough vodka or gin and fill the rest with mixer." » December gardening tips – 1. As houseplants are growing more slowly in December light, cut down on watering by half until active growth resumes. Hold off on fertilizing as well. 2. Group houseplants near each other to form a support group to cope with the low humidity of most winter homes. » Airlines rake in bag revenue – According to just-released figures from the Department of Transportation, the nation’s top 20 airlines took in $2.56 billion in baggage fees during the first nine months of the year. Since then, they’ve almost certainly topped the $2.7 billion that they earned during all of 2009.

Recycle your Christmas tree and lights By Krista Bocko Current in Noblesville Want a greener option for your Christmas tree once its lifecycle in your home is over? Neither the city of Noblesville nor the parks department have a Christmas tree recycling program, so residents should be aware that discarded Christmas trees placed at the curb will be picked up by trash trucks and go to the landfill. However, there are plenty of places to recycle your tree in and around Noblesville. GreenCycle Landscape will be collecting Christmas trees beginning Jan. 3 and continuing through February. It’s free, and residents can simply bring their trees to GreenCycle during business hours (Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.) and drop it off.

GreenCycle will then chip the trees into mulch. Discarded trees must be clear of all decorations. The Fishers Parks Department also is collecting Christmas trees for recycling. Trees can be brought to one of three parks: Cumberland Park, 10580 Cumberland Road, Roy G.Holland Park, One Park Drive, or Brooks School Park, 11780 Brooks School Road, now through January. Visit or call 5953150 for more information. If you have strands of broken Christmas light sets, don’t pitch them, because those can be recycled, too. Residents can simply take them to the Hamilton County Hazardous Waste Center, where they will be taken to a facility that will grind them up and separate and recycle the compounds.

don't throw away your lights Lights – The Hamilton County Hazardous Waste Center is at 1717 Pleasant Street, just west of the 4-H Fairgrounds, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Friday, and Saturday, 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Call 776-4005 for additional information. Trees – GreenCycle is at 2695 Cicero Road (State Road 19), halfway between 196th and 206th St. Visit or call 773-3350 for more information.

Noblesville author’s Western series to continue By Zach Dunkin Current in Noblesville Texas Ranger Josiah Wolfe, a fictional character created by Western novel writer Larry D. Sweazy of Noblesville, will live on -- at least through 2012. Sweazy says Berkley, the publisher of the series, has purchased two more novels for the series. The third book in the series, “The Badger’s Revenge,” which follows the successful “The Rattlesnake Season” and “The Scorpion Trail,” releases in April, 2011, and is already available

for pre-order at all online retailers, as well as local bookstores. The fourth title, “The Cougar’s Prey,” releases in October, 2011, and the continuation of the series, the fifth and sixth titles, “The Coyote Tracker” and “The Gila Wars,” are scheduled for release some time in 2012. Each book in the series follows Josiah Wolfe, a single father in his early thirties, as he tackles modern problems in a wild west setting. The books are action-packed, compelling, and even

have a little romance in them. The first novel in the series, “The Rattlesnake Season,” was recently a finalist in the 2010 Best Books of Indiana literary completion. Following up on the success of the Josiah Wolfe series, Sweazy also has penned a mystery set in modern-day Indiana. Gale/Five Star will publish the hardcover, “The Devil’s Bones,” in 2012. For more information about Sweazy’s novels, visit A video trailer of Sweazy’s “The Badger’s Revenge” is available on YouTube.

Pick of the week

new years at the jazz kitchen

Indianapolis’s well-known jazz club is hosting a New Years party this year, complete with classic jazz and funk. Two shows featuring local artists such as Brenda Williams, will be on hand to ring in 2011. For more information visit www.thejazzkitchen. com. Where: The Jazz Kitchen 5377 N. College Ave When: Dec. 31, 2010, 8:30 p.m. or 10:30 p.m. Tickets: $25 per show, or $30 for both shows

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A Grecian-inspired holiday appetizer COOKING By Molly Herner During the Holidays I always like to offer an array of appetizers including new recipes and old standards. Here is a great and easy little delight inspired by the Greek dish Spanakopita, a puff pasty stuffed with feta cheese and spinach. My version of this little pie adds ground lamb

and uses puff pastry for a simple and delicious appetizer or side.

Where I Dine


vito ruggieri

Donatello’s Italian Restaurant

Molly Herner, is the baker/pastry chef at Matteo’s Ristorante Italiano. You may email her at odette05@

spanakopita Ingredients • 1/2 of a Spanish onion • 1/2 lb ground lamb or beef • 1 lb fresh spinach • 6 oz feta cheese • 3 cloves garlic, minced • Olive oil • Salt/pepper • A few sheets thawed puff pastry • A bit of flour • 4 tbsp melted butter Directions 1. First, remove the puff pastry from your freezer. It is important to let it thaw for a few hours so it is pliable and easy to roll out. 2. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. 3. Now, sauté the chopped onion and garlic in a bit of olive oil. Add the ground lamb and let cook through. Drain off any excess grease before you add the spinach. You don’t want a greasy pie! 4. Next, add the fresh spinach and let cook into the meat mixture. Add salt and pepper to taste. When the spinach has

Where do you like to eat? “I like to eat at Maneki Neko Sushi & Hibachi.” What do you like to order there? “All the seafood and sushi is very good there.”

wilted, remove the pan from the heat. 5. Roll out a sheet of the puff pastry dough and cut it into six equal squares. Now put a bit of the spinach/lamb mixture into each, I would use no more than a tbsp. Top that with a bit of crumbled feta cheese and pinch each little pie closed at the top by bringing up the sides of the pastry square. 6. Paint the little pies with melted butter and bake them at 350 for 10 to 15 minutes or until golden brown. Serve warm.

What about this restaurant do you like? “They’re honest people, if you order something and they don’t have it or it’s not fresh, they’ll tell you that and not serve you the food, which, as a restaurant owner, I respect.” 214 E Main Street Westfield, IN 46074 317.867.4810

Donatello’s Italian Restaurant is the newest of restaurants in the Carmel Arts District and is nearing their opening day. The owners of Donatello’s are not new to the restaurant industry, having owned Arturo’s in Indianapolis for a number of years. Adam Aasen co-owns the restaurant along with his parents. Aasen and his father take pride in their dedication to the restaurant. Striving for a small, intimate setting, they want their guests to feel personal, genuine service while dining in their restaurant. “We are classic and upscale, without being pretentious. We want to bring back the intimacy of dining.” Aasen said. Seating a maximum of forty people, a nice, small restaurant is exactly what the family was shooting for. Evenings of busy waiters trying to turn tables, impersonal service, and processed food will not be crossed at Donatello’s. “At Donatello’s, we try to make all of our food from scratch, within reason.” Aasen said. Donatello’s serves fine Italian dishes, like Ravioli Gorgonzola, Wild Mushroom Risotto, and Tortellini Michelangelo. Learn more at, and call 317-564-4790 for reservations. To stay up to date with the specials, follow them on Twitter at @eatatdonatellos, where deals and specials will be posted daily.

New Year's resolutions for the traveling sort TRAVEL By Tracy Line Forget trying to lose weight, exercise more or give up caffeine in 2011. Instead, make some travel resolutions, resolutions you can (and want) to keep. Here are a few to get you started. Get a passport. This little blue book literally opens up a world of travel options. Even if you’re not one to go far, it’s now needed for travel to Canada, Mexico and most of the Caribbean. And while it’s not required on cruise ships, it’s recommended, and it makes travel easier. Check out a new destination. Fun can be had in so many places. Think out of the box when you plan your next trip. Visit a city that has always intrigued you, explore a series of small towns, or rent a mountain chalet. Our most unusual experiences are often the most memorable. Give yourself an upgrade. There really is such a thing as being too practical. For once, treat yourself; upgrade to a convertible, take the room with the better view, treat yourself at the

12 | December 28, 2010

spa. Your spirit will soar, and you’ll feel like a kid again; it will be worth every penny. Step out of your comfort zone. Isn’t there a saying about what matters most is the life in your years, not the years in a life? The older we get, the more we stick to our comfort zones. Add some life to your years by doing something different or challenging. Try traveling solo, challenge yourself on an adventure vacation, or take a unique excursion. New experiences give us a fresh perspective on life. Pack lighter. Almost everyone overpacks. And hauling all that gear around gets tedious. Throw caution to the wind and leave the extras at home. You’ll find a way to manage without your tweezers, lotion and extra pair of socks. Lightening your load will lighten your step. Tracy Line is a travel agent for Family Vacations in Noblesville, and also a travel writer. Contact her at 317-770-2211, ext 312, or

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R, 105 minutes

THEATRE ‘Joseph’ at Civic

“Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,” Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice's musical adaptation of the well-known Biblical tale, returns for the holidays. The trials and triumphs of Jacob's favorite son is told entirely in song at Civic Theatre, 3200 Cold Springs Road, Indianapolis. Tickets are $34 and the production runs through Jan. 1. For tickets and show times, visit


Ten years have passed since Brent and Andy shared their deepest secrets. Beethoven scholar Brent drifts from city to city performing and lecturing until he discovers Andy is following him. The production runs at the Phoenix Theatre from Jan. 6 through Jan. 30. Tickets range from $15 to $25 depending on performance dates. For more information, visit

ART Blue Chip Print Show

Featuring artists such as Chuck Close, Tara Donovan, and Sol LeWitt, the Blue Chip Print Show at Garvey Simon Art Access in Carmel highlights post-war contemporary artists up close and in detail. The show runs through Jan. 7, and the gallery is open Wed. – Sat. noon to 5 p.m. For more information, visit

COMEDY Morty’s Comedy Joint

The following acts will be performing at Morty’s Comedy Joint, 3625 East 96th St., Indianapolis. For show times or other details, visit or call 848-5500. Thursday through Sunday – Headliner Costaki Economopolis. Tickets: $12 on Thursday, $25 (7 p.m.) or $40 (9:15 p.m.) on Friday, $15 on Saturday, $5 on Sunday.

LIVE MUSIC Mickey's Irish Pub

The following performances and events will take place this week at Mickey's Irish Pub, 13644 N. Meridian Street. For more information call 573-9746. Friday, Dec. 31 – Soul Street Saturday, Jan. 1 – Ribs & Bone

Mo’s Irish Pub

The following musical acts will be performing live at Mo’s Irish Pub, 13193 Levinson Lane in the Hamilton Town Center, Noblesville. For more information, call 770-9020. Friday, Dec. 31 – Something Rather Naughty Saturday, Jan. 1 – Jai Baker

Moon Dog Tavern

The following musical acts will be performing live at Moon Dog Tavern, 825 E 96th St., Indianapolis, 46240. Call 575-6364 for more information. Thursday – Ribs & Bone, 8 to 11 p.m. Friday – Loo Abby, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday – Cari Ray, 9 p.m. to midnight

George Clooney plays an assassin in 'The American.'

DVDs By Chris Lloyd “The American” falls uneasily into the thriller category, but its real thrills happen in between the gunfire. George Clooney plays Jack -- that’s his name, at least some of the time -- a veteran assassin for hire. His last job went bad, some unknown forces are after him, and he’s hiding out in a remote Italian village while he waits for more work. Jack is exacting, meticulous and careful. He does not relish his work but takes pride in doing it well. He has learned through harsh lessons that personal connections are not worth the risk. But he’s getting older, his handler needles him that he’s lost his edge, and two denizens of the village end up holding a strong pull for him: The friendship of a kindly priest, and the affec-

tions of the local prostitute. Clooney gives one of his best performances, but it’s a severely understated one that shows up mostly in his eyes and a tightening of his jaw. Audiences who have reliably turned out to see the actor in most everything he does largely stayed away this time. It’s their loss: “The American” is a spare, tightly-wound film whose attributes are not immediately obvious. This is less the story of a man who kills for a living, than what that life has extracted from his soul. Movie: B-plus Read more of Chris Lloyd’s review of current films and DVD’s at www. or www.

Slippery Noodle Inn

The following musical acts will be performing live at the Slippery Noodle Inn, 372 South Meridian Street, Indianapolis. For more information, visit Thursday – Benito & The Black Voodoo Band Friday – W.T. Feaster Band and The Why Store

SYMPHONY A Night in Vienna

Join the ISO to celebrate the start of 2011, as the symphony partners with Dance Kaleidoscope to bring a wonderful night of music and dance. After the performance join in the after party for a champagne toast and ringing in the New Year! Friday, December 31, 9:00 p.m. at the Hilbert Circle Theater. Tickets $35-60. For more information visit

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New Year's party hosting tips This New Year’s Eve, you can have a champagne party on a beer budget through creative planning. Caviar not required – An assortment of raw vegetables are a classy substitute for caviar at a fraction of the price, but presenting them on a platter with dip is boring. Instead, take those same ingredients and place them in individual glass votive candle holders that people can pick up and carry while mingling and then you’ve got something special. Little details like this make your party look trendy and appealing. No filet, no problem – No need to break out the filet mignon if you want to serve more substantial food; cheaper cuts of meat can be presented with flair. For example, you can braise beef in a casserole and serve it in sourdough bread bowls. Stick to classics – For a cocktail party, offer a holiday punch or signature drink to control the costs of buying different types of liquor. Browse the Web for interesting holiday drink ideas -- such as candy cane martinis. Opt for cocktails – Opt for a champagne cocktail instead of regular champagne. Put a few fresh pomegranate seeds in a champagne flute followed by pomegranate juice. Then, fill with champagne. The red-tinted drinks look festive and will stretch out the number of servings you get from each bottle of champagne. Don’t even consider paper – Party hosts often ditch real plates for the convenience of paper plates and plastic utensils. These cheapen the event while adding to costs. Always use real plates and flatware, even if they don’t match. You can even try using vintage handkerchiefs instead of paper napkins. Go natural – Don’t buy expensive holiday decorations for a party when there are plenty of free raw materials in your yard. For example, evergreen shrubs or trees – such as boxwood or holly – can be snipped to make garland and wreaths. Also try Styrofoam cones to artistically display evergreen clippings and make a centerpiece tree. This could cost about $40 at a florist.

14 | December 28, 2010

Hot spinach red pepper dip Ingredients • 1 cup water • 1 cup diced red bell pepper • 1/2 cup thawed frozen chopped spinach • 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese • 2 tablespoons milk • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes • 1/4 teaspoon salt • 1 pinch freshly ground black pepper • 1 tablespoon finely diced red bell pepper Directions 1. Bring the cup of water to a boil in a small saucepan over high heat and add the 1 cup of diced red pepper and the chopped spinach. Bring the water back to a boil, turn the heat down to

medium and simmer until the pepper is very soft, about 10 minutes. Drain the spinach and red pepper in a colander, pressing out as much liquid as possible. 2. Combine the cream cheese and milk in the saucepan and cook over medium heat until hot and softened. Stir in the cooked spinach and red peppers, Parmesan cheese, crushed red pepper flakes, salt, and ground black pepper. Continue to stir until well combined and heated through. 3. Spoon hot dip into a serving dish and serve with the tablespoon of finely diced red bell pepper sprinkled on top for garnish. 4. Carefully hollow out a round, one pound loaf of bread and spoon this creamy cheese dip inside. Serve with toasted bread slices or crisp crackers.

Hot broccoli cheese dip Ingredients • 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened • 1 cup Knudsen Sour Cream • 1 envelope Good Seasons Italian Dressing Mix • 1 (10 ounce) package frozen chopped broccoli, thawed, well drained • 1 (8 ounce) package Kraft Shredded Cheddar Cheese, divided Directions 1. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Beat cream cheese, sour cream and dressing mix with mixer until blended. Add broccoli and 1-1/2 cups Cheddar

Current in Noblesville

cheese; mix well. Spread into 9-inch pie plate. 2. Bake 20 minutes. Sprinkle with remaining Cheddar cheese; bake 5 minutes or until melted.

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Scallops with potato pancakes and caviar sauce

Annex Theater Champagne

Ingredients Pancakes • 1 pound baking potatoes, peeled • 1 large egg, lightly beaten • 1/4 cup matzo meal • 1/4 cup grated onion • Salt • Vegetable oil, for frying Scallops and caviar sauce • 1 1/2 cups Champagne • 9 black peppercorns • 3 thyme sprigs • 1 bay leaf • 1 large shallot, thinly sliced • 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice • 1 1/2 tablespoons crème fraîche • 1 1/2 sticks (6 ounces) cold unsalted butter, cut into tablespoons • 1 ounce caviar • Salt • Vegetable oil, for frying • 20 medium sea scallops (1 pound) • 2 tablespoons minced chives Directions 1. Pancakes: Coarsely shred the potatoes and squeeze out any excess liquid. Transfer to a large bowl and stir in the egg, matzo meal, onion and a large pinch of salt. Shape the mixture into 20 scallop-size cakes, about 1/2 inch thick; press the cakes to compress them. 2. In a large skillet, heat 1/4 inch of vegetable

Ingredients • 1 sugar cube • 1 dash bitters (such as Angostura) • 5 fluid ounces Champagne Directions • Place the sugar cube into a Champagne flute, and drop the bitters onto the sugar. Fill the flute with Champagne, and serve. Do not stir.

oil until shimmering. Working in batches, fry the pancakes over moderately high heat until browned and crisp, about 3 minutes per side. Lower the heat if the pancakes brown too quickly and add more oil if necessary. Transfer the pancakes to a baking sheet and sprinkle with salt. 3. Scallops and caviar sauce: Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. In a small saucepan, combine the Champagne with the peppercorns, thyme sprigs, bay leaf, shallot and lemon juice and boil over high heat until reduced to 1 tablespoon, about 15 minutes. Strain the sauce into another small saucepan. Stir in the crème fraîche and bring to a simmer over moderate heat. Remove from the heat and stir in the softened butter, 1 tablespoon at a time. Stir in the caviar and season lightly with salt. Cover the sauce and keep it warm. 4. Wipe out the skillet and heat 1/4 inch of oil in it until shimmering. Season the scallops with salt and add half of them to the skillet. Cook over high heat until richly browned, about 1 1/2 minutes per side. Transfer to a plate and keep warm while you cook the remaining scallops. 5. Rewarm the potato pancakes in the oven. Arrange the pancakes on a platter and set a scallop on each one. Add the chives to the caviar butter sauce and spoon over the scallops. Serve right away. Note: The pancakes and caviar sauce can stand at room temperature for up to 2 hours. Rewarm the caviar sauce over low heat, stirring constantly.

Current in Noblesville

Swedish Glogg Ingredients • 2 cups water • 12 cardamom seeds • 2 cinnamon sticks • 12 whole cloves • 1/2 orange, zested • 1 cup white sugar • 1 cup raisins • 1 cup blanched almonds • 4 cups Muscatel wine, or orange Muscat • 4 cups port wine (or Burgundy) • 2 cups brandy Directions • Bring water to a boil with cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and orange zest; stir in sugar until dissolved. Remove from heat, and allow to steep overnight. • Place the raisins and almonds into a large saucepan. Strain the sugar water into the raisins, then pour in Muscatel, port, and brandy. Place over medium-high heat, and cook until hot but not simmering. Serve warm in a mug with some fruit and almonds in each cup.

December 28, 2010 | 15

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» St.V names Heart Center president – St.Vincent Health officials announced recently that Blake A. Dye, FACHE has been named the president of the St.Vincent Heart Center of Indiana. Dye will officially start on Jan. 17, and will assume the role formerly held by John Stewart, who serves as president of the newly-formed St.Vincent Medical Group. Dye comes to St.Vincent following an 11-year tenure as president and chief executive officer of Henry County Hospital in New Castle, Ind. » Mood may affect cancer survival – Researchers found that women with advanced breast cancer whose mood lightened during the course of a one-year study lived more than two years longer than those whose mood worsened. But they caution that the potential mindbody connection is still uncertain, and that it's far from clear that depression is at the root of the shorter survival. Depression can burden the body in a number of ways that are linked with cancer progression -- from decreasing immune function to increasing inflammation. » Pain med too risky for elderly? – A type of pain medicine long believed to be relatively safe for older adults appears to come with more risks than other, supposedly riskier, painkillers, new study findings report.The authors found that people on opioids, a class of pain drugs that includes morphine and codeine, had a higher risk of fractures, cardiovascular problems such as heart attack or stroke, hospitalizations, and death relative to other types of pain medication, including over-thecounter drugs. -Reuters » What’s in your water? – According to a recent “New Scientist” report, a comprehensive survey of U.S. drinking water reveals that drinking water may contain a host of hormonally active chemicals. Some of the most frequently found substances included: MTBE (Methyltert-butyl Ether) – a chemical added to fuel to raise octane number; a potential human carcinogen at high doses – and Atrazine – a U.S. herbicide banned in the European Union. A known endocrine disruptor, it feminizes wildlife and lab animals, is linked to reproductive problems in lab animals, impairs immune function, and is linked to both breast and prostate cancers in humans.

16 | December 28, 2010

Making sound decisions for your children COMMENTARY By Carol Rossetti Do you know what was the first gift of Christmas? A child! As a Christian one would think of the child as the Christ Child. I am also thinking of it as all children are gifts from God. Somehow over the past 30 years, we have decided to think of children as small adults rather than the joyful, curious, learners we are given. No time to lay down and count the clouds. Instead we rush them off to some organized activity. We forget to use kindness and compassion when they stumble remembering that we had to stumble also to grow. Children have no voice except the voice their parents and teachers give them. They have few choices in their day-to-day lives. They have to eat the food their parents buy, and they have to live where their parents decide to live. Don’t get me wrong. I am a big believer in parental rights and I want every parent to be thinking about some of these things. Are you using good judgment with the food you purchase for your children to eat? Are you giving your children time to be children, to stop and smell the flowers, to jump in the autumn leaves, to count clouds in a summer sky? As a teacher, are you using compassion with the little ones you have been given to guide? Are you remembering they are children not mini adults. Do you strive to keep in mind they are brand new and in the learning process and it is your job to hold their hearts in reverence gently guiding them. As you approach this Christmas season and beyond, remember the first gift of Christmas was a child. They are our future and will become the kind of adults we teach them to be. We used to be in the business of raising adults. Now we are in the business of raising children. Let’s go back to raising responsible, principled, and moral adults. That can only happen if their teachers, parents, grandparents, etc. are responsible, principled, and moral adults. Another Christmas has passed, a new year is upon us and we have been given the gift of children. How will you treat your gift?

The menace of women's weight loss COMMENTARY By Laura Marenco All right ladies, is it not the most frustrating thing to try to lose a few pounds and you can’t seem to make it happen, while your significant other can just say he wants to lose a few and 10 come flying off?! What gives? I hate to say it ladies, but the men are on to something. As a female, I pride myself for my multitasking abilities. I can empty the dishwasher, choreograph a new Zumba routine and help the kids with homework – all while cooking dinner. I always thought this was a good thing, but (wait for it), this is my weight-loss menace. I try to do too much at one time, and it always seems to backfire. My husband can make the declaration to shed a few pounds and guess what, he does. At first I would make excuses like men have a higher metabolism, and that may be true, but this is not the reason he gets results. You see, men usually do one thing at a time, but they do it well (stay with me fellows). A man will not weigh his food, count the calories and tally up his treadmill burn. He may say, “I think I will stop drinking soda.” Once this declaration is made he sticks to it; here

comes the tricky part ladies, this is all he does different. There is no obsessing. This is a strategy that seems to work. We all want to lose weight and get in shape, and we all want it now. I have to admit I want it to happen yesterday. I have no patience, so I make a list of everything I’m cutting out and everything I must do. I know I’m repeating myself, but don’t change everything at once; it won’t last. Ladies, take a page from the men’s playbook and approach this year’s health journey with a new outlook. Just ease into it, make your one declaration and stick to it! Now, gentlemen, I am not saying you don’t need to work hard for your health. Kudos to you for your one-adjustment-at-a-time attitude, but don’t get lazy and think you‘ve got it made. Giving up soda is great, but if you exchange it for beer … well, you get what I am saying.

It’s estimated that there are up to


29,000 are


Carol Rossetti, N.D. is a Naturopathic Doctor and resides with her husband in Noblesville. She can be reached at Health Connections,. 585-9111 or at

Children have no voice except the voice their parents and teachers give them.

As you make your year-end donations, please consider a $10 contribution to Outreach, Inc.

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Noblesville resident April Conard is an NETA- certified trainer and Group Fitness Director at the Noblesville Athletic Club. You may contact her at nac@

“Homeless Youth in Indiana.” The Indiana Youth Institute. Issue Brief: Dec. 2009.


SINCE 1996, Outreach, Inc. has served 4,056 homeless youth (ages 14-24) in Indianapolis. We provide hope to youth in often overwhelming situations, teaching them the life skills they need to exit street life and become productive adults, citizens, employees and neighbors in our community.

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e • s e n is er Titl reg e • D de S • ADight te • A d e s • a n L P R p c Ge ges ce • • Ra • Tr rgeivil com • FMes • a A Wa an A its Ch • C on- ts ag e • ce •Outer| Lifestyle c Ra ML n n |NPuzzles ac • |WClassifieds AD su Views | Community | Cover Story | Education | Diversions | Anti-Aging | Dough | Inside  F • sio &  ev r • Law EO|CaLaughs tiots • ntrion eran A • s S e t E n e Co s ev AD its • nd I • s ac mi A is I y • mi r tr Com FLS • Ge e V anc scri SecEA • mm A • S er • wsu OC ion n o l t a E i d o e • D n t • C hts ete MLA • Ti reg e • D rad • A ts C FLSGenII • Ly • Eiminaets A • s g • V nc cr cr A E Ri mp • F es • P ac • T e gh e ADivil -co cts Wag ce • R its hargil Ri pet MLA itlegna Dis Se DE ts • • n es C on ra • ra DA su C iv om • F • T re e • de • A igh te A » County home prices increase - Acrg on • s • N ontsioneve • A Law OCn • Con-c cts ges e • PRac Tra ges il R mpeFMLs a o i r Chnat ret A • C mis • SnderVII • • EE tio • Nntra• Waanc A • its • ha • Civ n-c ts • age cording to a report from the Metropolia C s m i A C y c o D r c E u e t e n o n c o e m n S e O i i A s N a • W nce l C e D G o tan Indianapolis Board of REALTORS, the EEiscr de S • A ts C • FL A • • Titgnancrim ecr A • Cissi Sever • Law EO atiots • ntrion era A average sale price of homes in Hamilton D Tra ges igh ete ML es re Dis e S DE mm A • nd II • y • Eimin cre • Co iss ev • ADui • har il R mp s • F ag • P e • rad s • A Co FLS • Ge e V nc cr Se EA mm • S er ws County increased 5.1 percent to $248,109 C Civ -co ct • W nce ac • T ge hts e • LA Titl gna Dis de AD Co LSA nd • La EE during September to November 2010, • Non tra ion era • R its har ig pet FM s • Pre e • Tra s • hts • F • Ge VII cy • im A u C lR m s v r e g te A e n when compared to the same three• e • ac • • COMMENTARY e ML itl nanDisc Se matters Commis• Se • ADawsOput C ivi -co cts Wag ce • R its hargl Ri p • g month period in 2009, resulting in the i n C n min order T u your By David Cain Co SA der II • L• EE n • No ntra n • era ADAaws C C Civ -co s • F s • Pre ce • radees • highest average sale price in MIBOR’s It’s an interesting idea. You’ve got a misFLG en e V ncy atio ts • Co ssioSev r • • L EO on • Non act age ce • • Ra • T rg ivil l a in re • mi • service area. November 2010 average sale s ha C • Tof • de II • E ti tr W n ityour sion statement and some related values gn rim ec DEA om SA Gen le Vncy ina ets Con on • era ADAsuitC C n • Non • e price increased 6.4 percent to $240,240 L v C S organization that hang on a wall in the lobby • io • w O im r • A it a • F tr si e sc Pr Di ade es • htste • LA s • T egn iscr Sec EA mis • S der • La• EE inat etsCon s when compared to November 2009. or the bulletin board of the break room.• There r r I g s D n M A r m m g i i e • Thar il R mpes • F age • P e • Drad s • A Co FLS • Ge e VI ncy cri SecEA • mm they are, sequestered away like tiny deliberating C Civ -co ct • W nce ac • T ge hts e • LA Titl gna Dis de AD Co LSA jurors, just a pipe dream of those who took the • Non tra ion era • R its har ig pet FM s • Pre e • Tra s • hts • F • Ge » More consider walking on mortgage R m A u C s v e g n • e e • ac • time to scribble them onto paper. • – Nearly half, 48 percent, of homeownCommis• Se • ADawsOC ivil -co cts Wag ce • R its argl Ri pet MLA itleg • h i n C m Almost every business has a vision, a mission T u n L a F A o r E • v ers with a mortgage said they would C SA de II • • E n • No ntr n era AD aws C C Ci -co s • s • Pre o L e t statement and organizational values. And so • • o n n • v a i V • y i O L o F c g e e e er o consider walking away from their home if s S e s C is c atattorneys Ebusinesses • Eto a wide array of legalIIservices ion • N tra• Waanc A • Rs • et A •provide • GTitl nan inOur • do most other groups. It might not be written d • m t r V they owed more on it than it was worth, n e law a ts on n er D it E om including employment litigation. cyandin • reg crim SecandDindividuals SA e down and posted in the living room of your A s C • FL • G Titl nan rim creA • CssioSev r • Awsu har according to a Harris Interactive survey P Dis de • A e i C il • more •PC. de La home, but generally everywhere there is a group L sfor E &mKorin, a g ht te eginformation es Kazmierczak • TrCall Kris about Katz isc S released this month. The survey was conr Rigmpe • FMage • Pr • D ade • ADCom LSA GenVII • EOC Civ • of people congregating, there is an idea of where a ducted in November. The real estate inChCivil -co cts • W nce ace • Tr geshts e • FLA • tle y • Eion • you are headed and why you are together, and dustry calls this "strategic default," refer• Non tra ion era • R its har ig pet FM • Ti anc at a collective set of values or rules by which the • onmissSev ADAwsu C C vil Rcom ts • ges egn imin ring to people who choose to walk away C i r • members abide. om A • er • • LaEEO • C on- rac• Wa • Pr isc even when they can technically afford to C t I S N D n d • I e At the end of 2009, I wondered how a busicontinue paying their mortgage. Just six FLGen e V cy atio ts • Consion nc ce • ness could get the most out of its organizational • Titl nan in re A • mis era Ra months ago, a similar survey indicated E our • our community • reg opportunitiEs Envisioning m cliEnts ev and rim ec Dfor values. I pondered how you really could get that only 41 percent of consumers would sc de S • A s Co • S ADA P i people to understand the importance of their • DTra ges ht LSA r • consider doing this. e ig • F actions as it relates to how they represent a • har The emelie Building n 334 SenaTe n indianapoliS, in 46204-2964 RnorTh nndkavenue e e l [317] 464-1100 C i t company. I met a man who had an idea. He v pe • G i C m A asked people in performance evaluations to cite co ML » ‘Austerity’ tops Webster’s search •F things they did to promote the values of the


Get the most out of your organization's values

p t w r r a n e d sa gro i edt g n ea sc - a ns ver e cd a c e a a oa n r r t d d f m c c i ga i e


©2010 Katz & Korin, PC. All rights reserved.

a l e a n i nc l s a tw t e n d e e e es r e a e c uao t r v r a i cc i d ie tt o a it ss n s

– "Austerity," which Merriam-Webster’s defines as "enforced or extreme economy," spiked to the top of the company's top searches at its website, www. Coupled with No. 2 "pragmatic," the list reflects a year when searchers were still worried about a rocky world economy, said Peter Sokolowski, the dictionary's editor at large. -Reuters » Blockbuster to close 182 stores – Bankrupt video rental chain Blockbuster plans to close 182 stores by the end of the first quarter of next year as it tries to find a way back on its feet. Blockbuster filed for bankruptcy in September, weighed down by its debts and stung by video-ondemand and competitors such as mailorder pioneer Netflix and Redbox, which rents movies through kiosks. Blockbuster has closed about 1,000 stores in recent years as it tries to cut costs, but still had about 2,900 in the United States when it filed for bankruptcy. -Reuters

organization. But why wait until reviews? Why not begin every meeting with, “Let’s go around the table and quickly say one thing you’ve done in the last 24 hours to live the values of this company.” What people never understand is that organizational values are more than big overarching statements about what you want to become. They are statements about what you should be. One of our values is, “Always increase the customer’s confidence in you and the company.” If I ask what have you done to support our values in the last 24 hours, the answers range from, “I gave great recommendations to customer X about their project Y” to “I made a commitment on a timeline and kept it.” When people begin to understand that values aren’t simply decorations that hang in the lobby but instead an overlay to behaviors, you see better results. As this year ends, I’m reminded of this lesson. I’ve also starting thinking in terms of how this applies to my kids. Maybe next year I’ll start going around the dinner table and asking, “What have you done in the last 24 hours to support the values of this family?” It might sound like overkill, but it makes people think and act differently. And sometimes awareness is all it takes to create better results. David Cain works at MediaSauce, a digital media and online marketing company in Carmel. David welcomes your questions or comments at

Current in Noblesville

Welcome Joss Langevin, D.O. Community Physicians of Noblesville is pleased to welcome Joss Langevin, D.O. to our practice. As a pediatric physician, Dr. Langevin will provide care for children of all ages. His areas of special interest are sports medicine, childhood obesity and problematic behavior in young children. After graduating from Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Langevin completed his residency in pediatric medicine at Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis. He served as chief of pediatrics at Henry County Hospital in New Castle for five years before joining Community Physicians of Noblesville. Dr. Langevin is now accepting new patients. For more information or to schedule an appointment with him, call 317-621-9926.

Community Physicians of Noblesville Steven M. Wilk, M.D. David L. Bolin, M.D. Joss Langevin, D.O. 9669 E. 146th St., Suite 250 Noblesville, Indiana 46060

December 28, 2010 | 17

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MONEY MATTERS What is your financial resolution for 2011?



collision cure MY OPINION



“To save more money for college.” Katie Euliss Noblesville

“Our goal is to get our debt paid off.” Sherry St. John Noblesville

“To continue not using credit cards.” Ed Campbell Noblesville

18 | December 28, 2010

Address: 1594 Maple Ave. (Noblesville’s Old Town) Year Built: circa-1860s w/1940 additions Style: Vernacular/Traditional American Rooms: 4 bedrooms, 2 Baths, Living Room, Family Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, Sun Room, Bonus Room. Strengths: Remodeled home on perhaps Old Town’s best street. Updates include newer roof on home, new water heater in ‘08, new furnace in ‘09, and updated windows. Home has tall ceilings, arched doorways, and hardwoods under the carpet. Large deck transitions from main house to two car garage and rental home which could also be in-laws quarters. Bonus room could be used as home office. Weaknesses: Home has separate rental unit in garage which may restrict FHA buyers. Listed by Judy Shelton of F. C. Tucker Company Office: 317-776-0200

Kurt Meyer is a Noblesville resident, freelance writer and realtor for F.C. Tucker. Contact him at 317.776.0200 or

Current in Noblesville

With three additional locations in Anderson, Kokomo and Muncie, when the newest Collision Cure opened in Westfield two weeks ago, Dennis Humphrey, Sales and Marketing Director, made sure that the collision repair shop brought something different to the car service industry. “We want people to feel comfortable when they come in. It’s very nice, very clean. We want it to be above and beyond what you would expect,” Humphrey said. Collision Cure is certified with 24 different insurance companies for training and equipment, making all the standards for a collision shop. Additionally, locating the new facility in Westfield proved a smart choice for Collision Cure, according to Humphrey. “There’s not a lot of collision repair facilities up here,” Humphrey said. Humphrey also touts Collision Cure’s dedication to quality and service among the many attributes of the facility that set it apart from other collision repair shops. After being serviced, all cars that use Collision Cure are guaranteed The Cure, which promises the repair will withstand the life of the vehicle. Additionally, Collision Cure offers free 50-mile radius pickup and delivery. “It’s a win-win situation for everybody that way. We strive to have excellent customer satisfaction,” Humphrey said. 17549 Gunther Boulevard, Westfield

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How to make the perfect guest room COMMENTARY By Sue Pelley Modern living is mobile and fast paced, so it’s not surprising that homeowners can expect to receive houseguests several times a year – especially at holiday time! Whether you’re a growing family or a tiny apartment dweller, your options for guest accommodations are often challenging. The time-honored sleeper sofa has long been a standard, and then along came futons, for those wanting a firmer seat and a solid “mattress.” And today, day beds, complete with trundle inserts, are quite popular. If you must provide guest space in living areas, try to furnish a small chest with empty drawers, which can double as the sofa side table. And don’t forget hanging space in an armoire or nearby closet. Decorative screens are especially popular as room dividers. You might consider investing in one to close off your guest/living area when privacy is needed. If your home has an extra bedroom, decorating for guests can be a most enjoyable project. Why not try some interesting color and accessory combinations to make your guest room even more inviting. And by coordinating your bedspread, pillow shams, dust ruffle and window treatment, your room is guaranteed to be a restful haven for any jet-lagged traveler. And speaking of window treatments, don’t forget to consider a room-darkening treatment on your windows. There’s nothing worse than having

your guest arrive very late and tired, and then having them wake up at the crack of dawn to sunlight streaming into their room! Keep in mind that comfort demands several essential pieces of furniture. The bed, no matter what size, should be as comfortable as your own, and there should be an ample supply of pillows and blankets available. A bedside table and lamp are necessary. If space allows, a small desk and chair are wonderful additions to any guest space, especially if you’ve included pens, stationery, stamps and books about local points of interest. A comfortable armchair will give the room a finished look, as well as provide an even greater sense of welcome for your guests.

An open letter to a certain groundhog

GARDENING By Holly Lindzy Dear Punxsutawney Phil, I know it will be a while before you are awake enough for all of this to register, being that you’re sleeping in your burrow until your anticipated return, but I just had a few thoughts that I had to get down on paper and send to you. It’s cold. I know. And lucky for you, you have nowhere to be right now. However, I’m hustling through the cold and snow, hoping you can hook me up in a couple of months. Give us some good news, please. Winter has not officially arrived, but we are covered in snow and ice already! The only good thing is that bird watching is super incredible right now and I love seeing the bare trees, especially with a dusting of snow. Now about this shadow thing, Feb. 2, when you come out to check the scene, if it’s cloudy

Noblesville residents and business partners Sue Pelley and JoAnne North operate Decorating Den Interiors. Design segments featuring Pelly have aired on HGTV. Pelley can be contacted at: suepel@

and there’s no shadow, we’re good, right? Cause I probably need to think about getting my weed preventative down before it warms up too terribly much. Order some mulch … you know, get ready for the season. But if the sun is shining and you see your shadow, I have a couple of weeks before I need to worry about it. So I need you to be really clear. OK? In the meantime, you just rest up and get yourself ready for that whole shadow thing. Crossin’ my fingers that you aren’t scared off by the sun. Happy hibernating! Sincerely, Anxious Gardener Holly Lindzy is an Indiana accredited horticulturalist and advanced master gardener residing in Noblesville. Email your gardening woes (or wisdom) to (write attn: Holly Lindzy in the subject line).

The only good thing is that bird watching is super incredible right now and I love seeing the bare trees, especially with a dusting of snow.

Celebrate the New Year

Current in Noblesville

December 28, 2010 | 19

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The New Year brings new goals, challenges GENEALOGY By Darla Kinney Scoles As the New Year approaches and many goals are set for the next 12 months, I feel compelled to strive to complete the research covering four generations of my family tree. Many who pause at the thought of diving into genealogy do so because of the overwhelming nature of the work involved. To simply think of all those who have gone before and the matter of finding them can halt even the stoutest researcher in their contemplative tracks. But four generations is a doable thing. Many charts exist to help organize this search, and organization could be the key. Often, while working on a particular line, we make discoveries that steer us off course for a while – or even for good if we lose momentum. Then we go back and discover we’ve left gaps while chasing that elusive great-great-whoever and find it tedious to step aside to fill them in before exploring again. Exploring is exciting. Documenting can often be challenging. Staying the course with a simple four-generation plan can help avoid this problem.

I have loved spending time this holiday with the generations mingling, celebrating and sharing the special gifts of time, stories, traditions and love. Everyone you ask agrees that this is one of the most sacred experiences we enjoy as we celebrate with loved ones. It’s not the presents, food, or activities that make us happy, bring us joy. It’s those we share them with. I hope that as you look toward 2011, you’ll at least consider looking back to the generations past and resolve to make them a part of your “present” by documenting their existence in a four-generation chart. Doing so may not only brighten your New Year – it may change your very life. I guarantee it will be easier than losing those 20 stubborn pounds. Happy New Year! Darla Kinney Scoles is a freelance journalist living in Noblesville. Her most recent work involves the creation of “Stories”, an individualized writing service helping people get their personal histories down on paper. Contact her at

I have loved spending time this holiday with the generations mingling, celebrating and sharing the special gifts of time, stories, traditions and love.

Make your life count this year FAITH By Janna Lynas “Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered, how fleeting my life is. You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand. My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath.” - Psalm 39: 4-5 There are many scriptures I can’t comprehend, but these are to the point – so simple to understand, yet so difficult to live. These two scriptures were pasted to my planner each week of 2010 and will remain for 2011. I don’t want to forget just how precious each day is. How precious each life is, and how God wants to use me in each of them. Every moment of my day is important to someone, so how will I use them? How will I

spend them? How will I give them away? Don’t become frustrated with the pace of life. It’s so quick – so blurred – it sometimes seems empty and leaves you wondering what you’re really doing at all. Resolve to make your life count this year. Live like your days are numbered, as they actually are. Remember it’s not about doing more. It’s all about being. Being available, being ready and sometimes being still. More words at this point would only confuse the message, so chew on it, pray and do something about it. But don’t take too long – your life is short.

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Janna Lynas is a stay-at-home mom living in Noblesville with her minister husband Derek and three children. You may contact her at faith@


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Don’t become frustrated with the pace of life. It’s so quick – so blurred – it sometimes seems empty and leaves you wondering what you’re really doing at all. 20 | December 28, 2010




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The finishing touch to the Christmas tree HUMOR By Mike Redmond Naked. There’s no other word for it. My Christmas tree looks naked. Why? Because I can’t find the tinsel. I get this from my father. He was the protinsel protagonist in our house, where every Christmas he and Mom would engage in the struggle that became known in family lore as The Great Tinsel War. It happened the same way every year. “No tinsel this year,” Mom would declare while Dad was under the tree with a spirit level trying get the trunk straight. Dad would come out from under the tree, covered with pine needles, his face flushed with both exertion and agitation. “To (un-Christmaslike word) with that,” he would say. Mom would pretend to relent. “All right,” she would say, “but be tasteful about it. One strand at a time.” She said this so it would be easier for her to go back over the tree and remove all but a few strands of tinsel while we were asleep. After which Dad would sneak out of bed to reapply it. Whereupon Mom would double back and take it off again. Which, of course, led to Dad doubling the amount when he came back just to F U N D













Noblesville, we want to hear from you!

touch things up. And so it would go, night after night until Dec. 25 arrived and brought with it Peace On Earth, including our house. For most of the day, anyway. Whether the tree had tinsel or not on Christmas morning was all a matter of who had gotten to it last. OK, you can see I come by this tinsel weirdness honestly. I am my Dad’s boy on this one. And you can also see why my tree just doesn’t look right to me. What’s aggravating is that I HAVE tinsel. Imported stuff, heavy, not like that shredded Mylar you get at the drug store. I thought it was in the attic, but no. If I didn’t know better I’d say Mom has been up there. Oh, well. I know where I can get some more. If need be, I’ll have it overnighted. It’ll cost a bunch but a proper Christmas tree is worth it … although truth be told, all Christmas trees are proper trees, tinsel or no, for the beauty and warmth and joy they bring to our homes, and our hearts. Mike Redmond is an author, journalist, humorist and speaker. Write him at mike@ or P.O. Box 44385, Indianapolis, IN 46244.

This is YOUR newspaper, so please send your story ideas, news tips, news releases, letters and photographs to our managing editor, Kevin Kane, at

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December 28, 2010 | 21

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Crossword 1


















Find the items in the puzzle going up, down, sideways or diagonally and list them. Each letter is used no more than once. Answers below.





45 48









64 70








Across 1. Strange Law #1: Within ___ hours of eating garlic, a person may not enter a movie house, theater or ride a public streetcar at 78-Across 5. Orange soda maker 10. Nur Allah Islamic Center leader 14. Bear seen at Holcomb Observatory 15. Claude’s restaurant partner in Indy 16. Alexander’s Ice Cream treat 17. Requirement 18. Strange Law #2: It is forbidden to eat ___ in the park at 68-Across 20. Great American Songbook Foundation Executive Director, ___ Anne Sadler 22. S-shaped molding in a Shoopman home 23. Do arithmetic at Durbin Elementary School 24. Item repaired at Kimmel’s 27. Indianapolis International Airport posting: Abbr. 28. Hi-___ monitor 29. Northern Indiana city where 54-Across is the law 32. Scotch’s partner at Lake House Tavern 34. Bob & Tom news director, Kristi ___





22 | December 28, 2010

Indiana Wordsmith Challenge









47 50










Hoosier Hodgepodge 9











21 24



35. “Darn it!” 37. ISO staff symbol 41. Hoosier Park tresses 43. Victory Field single or double 45. Dooley O’Tooles kitchen appliance 46. Denison Parking place 47. Bunched hair 49. “Get the picture?” 50. Taylor’s Bakery specialty 54. Strange Law #3: It is illegal for ___ to threaten to cut off kids’ ears at 29-Across 56. Some UIndy degrees 59. Hr. division 60. Indianapolis Opera solo 61. Circle segment in Westfield HS math class 62. Add to the pot at Indiana Downs! Casino 64. 747, e.g. 68. Marion County city where 18-Across is the law (2 wds.) 72. Angers 73. Sicilian volcano 74. Stalin’s predecessor 75. Kind of tide 76. Appear to be 77. Affirmatives 78. Northwest Indiana city where 1-Across is the law Down 1. Part of UNCF











6 Math Topics

4 Monopoly Game Tokens

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

5 Marine Mammals

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

Using the letters in the name "Andy Mohr," create as many common words of 4+ letters as you can in 20 minutes. No proper nouns or foreign words. Answers below.

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

30+: Word wizard 20-29: Brainiac 10-19: Not too shabby <10: Try again next week

Build the word Use all the letter segments below to fill in the answers to the clues. The number of segments you will use in each answer is shown in parenthesis. The dashes indicate the number of letters in each Indiana Wordsmith Challenge answer. Each segment is used only once. Answers below. ANDO AUL DLA ELIL ILLY LAW MAT NGS NTER RDE RSVU SNO TPAI WMAN YNE

3 Indiana "T" Cities

__________________ __________________ __________________

1) New Year's Eve Song (4) ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___

2) Purdue Coach (3) 2 Ft. Wayne Actresses

___ ___ ___ ___

__________________ __________________

3) Frosty's Kind (2)

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

1 New IU Football Coach


4) Indy Pharmaceutical Company (2) ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___

5) Long-Running Wednesday Night Drama on NBC (4)

2. Black-and-white cookie at Marsh 3. Computer operator 4. Ted’s Montana Grill salad bar veggie 5. Indiana cornfield sound 6. Genetic initials 7. Golden rule preposition 8. Military blockades 9. Regarding this point 10. Indianapolis hockey team 11. Carmel Dental Group tooth 12. Battery terminal 13. Patches up 19. Honey drink

21. Persian potentates 25. Neighbor of Wash. 26. Carve in stone 29. North Meridian Street shade trees 30. Indy Dance Academy jump 31. French Lick Casino bingo relative 33. Be in the cast of a CRT show 36. Big Boy Hobbies buy 38. Misplace 39. “...happily ___ after” 40. Katz & Korin Attorneys charges 42. Catchall abbr. 44. Carmel Symphony Orchestra

Current in Noblesville

___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___

horn 45. Perform at PT’s Showclub 48. Way off, like Evansville build the words 51. Asian nurse 52. Befitting an emperor 53. Main dish at Eddie Merlot’s 55. Rolling up hay 56. “___ in Toyland” 57. Narrow mountain ridge 58. Part of an act for the Mud Creek Players 63. A long, long time

___ ___ ___

65. Miller’s Country Carpet calculation 66. In the vicinity 67. Catch sight of 69. Former IU football coach, ___ Cameron 70. Compete 71. Crane Naval Base rank: Abbr.

Puzzle Solutions Page 21

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December 28, 2010 | 23

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