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Hamilton County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt speaks at a ceremony for the rebuilt Hamilton County War Memorial at Crownland Cemetery in Noblesville. The effort was led by the Hamilton County Veterans Corp., a nonprofit organization that assists veterans in need.
(Photo courtesy of Bill Doss)
An upcoming resource fair in Noblesville will connect veterans and active military members with about 60 organizations as part of an event that is also designed to be educational for the general public, according to organizers.
The July 8 event is from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and is presented by the Hamilton County Veterans Corp. at Noblesville Schools Community Center, 1775 Field Dr. The event will allow attendees to learn about all the local, state and federal resources that are available, said Bill Doss, secretary and webmaster with the Hamilton County Veterans Corp. The organization, which has a mailing address in Noblesville, was founded in 2003 and became a nonprofit in 2012, according to Doss.
Members include individuals from the American Legion, VFW, AMVETS and other veteran service organizations within Hamilton County, according to its website. Doss, who served in the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam War, said the Hamilton County Veterans Corp. has worked on various projects since its inception.
The organization brought the traveling Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall to Hamilton County in 2003 and again in 2007, while it also rebuilt the Hamilton County War Memorial at Crownland Cemetery in Noblesville after a seven-year fundraising effort, according to Doss. He said the Hamilton County Veterans Corp., which consists of seven members, “is small, but mighty” and pointed out that the organization’s mission focuses on veterans taking care of veterans.
Doss, who lives in Fishers, said the organization also works to assist veterans in
Hamilton County with any issues they might have, noting that all of the VFW and American Legions within the county will be in attendance at the veterans resource fair. The Daughters of the American Revolution will also be present, along with representatives from the Veterans Benefits Administration, Easterseals Crossroads, among others.
“If we all share those resources, the stronger we’re going to be in being able to help our friends, our neighbors,” Doss said. “It just makes more sense to work together and be more connected.”
The veterans resource fair will also allow attendees to learn about what is being done to prevent suicide in Hamilton County through the Stronger Veterans Stronger Communities Coalition, which will be launching the Governor’s Challenge and “Ask The Question” initiatives in Hamilton County this month.
The Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenges, an initiative through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, is an effort “supporting the implementation of a public health approach for the prevention of suicide among service members, veterans, and their families,” according to the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs website.
“These efforts help states and communities develop the capacity to implement interagency military/civilian action plans grounded in evidence-based suicide prevention practices,” the website said.
Earlier this year, Hamilton County was selected to participate in the “Ask the Question” initiative and was the first and only Indiana county selected to participate. The “Ask the Question” initiative and its sister program, Crisis Intercept Mapping, were designed and developed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminis-
tration on behalf of service members, veterans and their families to help communities strengthen the delivery of evidence-based suicide prevention policies and practices, officials said.
Doss, who estimates there are 17,000 veterans in Hamilton County, said many veterans often don’t know about the benefits they are eligible for once they leave their branch of service.
“That is really the hardest part is reaching those that don’t know,” Doss said.
Doss also said many veterans face issues such as PTSD and noted it is important that people recognize ways to help individuals around them.
“It takes the whole community to let them know that they’re not alone,” he said.
But the veterans resource fair is one way the Hamilton County Veterans Corp. wants to connect with veterans who might need assistance. The organization also works with other various entities to assist veterans throughout the year as well.
Projects include collecting bikes, clothes and other essentials for Helping Veterans and Families and Good Samaritan, according to Doss.
It also delivers medical equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, crutches and other items to veterans who may need them, Doss said. The organization also refurbishes, cleans and builds ramps to homes for veterans as well, he added.
“We get phone calls from veterans or friends of veterans or from anyone who knows of a situation that we might help with,” Doss said. “We are here to try and do what we can to serve our military veteran community.”
For more on the veteran resource fair, visit hamiltoncountyveterans.com or call Doss at 317-698-4178.
Two principals, including one from Noblesville East Middle School, are moving into leadership positions within Noblesville Schools.
Rob Williamson, who had served as assistant principal at NEMS since 2015, was recently appointed as director of transportation by the Noblesville Schools Board of Trustees. In his new role, he will oversee all aspects of the transportation department, including staffing, routing, maintenance, and safety, said Marnie Cooke, spokeswoman for Noblesville Schools.
Williamson has a bachelor’s degree in mathematics education from Purdue University, a master’s degree in education from Olivet Nazarene University and leadership licenses from IUPUI and Ball State University, according to the district. His appointment takes effect Jan. 1, 2024, and he will move into the role held by Brian Zachery, who plans to retire, Cooke said.
Noblesville Schools also appointed Julie Thacker, who works at Plainfield Schools as principal of Central Elementary School, to serve as executive director of student services for Noblesville Schools. Thacker, who has also worked as a guidance director, assistant principal and middle school English teacher, will oversee counseling, nursing, social workers, Little Millers Preschool, Miller Explorers, and other support services designed to ensure students can best focus on learning, according to Cooke.
Thacker, who began in her new role July 1, replaced Laura Denis, who is relocating out of state, Cooke said.
Thacker holds a master’s degree in school counseling from Indiana State University and a bachelor’s degree in English from Ball State University. She is currently pursuing her doctorate degree in education administration and also has licensing in school administration and as an educational specialist, according to the district.
Project: Pleasant Street
Location: 1.1 miles west of River Road to 10th Street and includes work by Hamilton County for a bridge to be built over the White River.
Expected completion:
End of 2024
Project: Pleasant Street
Location: Under Ind. 37
Expected completion: Construction will continue this year with the trail expected to open by early summer.
Location: Various locations; Eighth Street and Pleasant Street will be closed after Memorial Day (motorists are advised to use detour routes or visit www.reimaginepleasantst.com for more information)
Expected completion: Work will be ongoing
Project: Stony Creek pedestrian trail
Project: Roundabout construction
Location: Ind. 32 and River Road
Expected completion: End of summer
Project: Nickel Plate Trail
Location: The city of Noblesville will construct its portion of the Nickel Plate Trail from 146th Street to Pleasant Street. Trail will be 12 feet wide and include the rehabilitation of two existing railroad bridges and conversion to pedestrian facilities
Expected completion: By Thanksgiving
The first newsletter for Hamilton County’s chapter of Moms for Liberty, a national conservative organization, received a lot of attention because of a quote from Adolf Hitler at the top of the first page.
The first draft of the newsletter, released June 21, had only the quote, “He alone, who OWNS the youth, GAINS the future,” attributed to the Nazi leader, with no explanation of why it was included.
State Rep. Victoria Garcia Wilburn, D-Fishers, responded that night on Twitter.
“It was brought to my attention that a special interest group of Hamilton County has been using quotes authored by Hitler. Let me be very clear. Hate has no place in Hamilton County or anywhere in Indiana,” she wrote. “By definition liberty means the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions, Hitler believed in the opposite of liberty. And if you were looking for a quote regarding youth, here is a better one, ‘The foundation of every state is the education of its youth.’”
Jocelyn Vare, a Fishers City Councilmember, also posted about the newsletter June 21 on Twitter.
“To the local members of Moms For Liberty, our neighbors, I say this: Your Hitler rally cry is repulsive,” she wrote. “Our community will not be undone by your poison.”
A later draft of the newsletter posted on the group’s Facebook page included this ex-
Screenshot from the newsletter
planation: “The quote from a horrific leader should put parents on alert. If the government has control over our children today, they control our country’s future. We The People must be vigilant and protect children from an overreaching government.”
Hamilton County Chapter Chair Paige Miller responded via text to a request for comment.
“We condemn Adolf Hitler’s actions and his dark place in human history,” she said. “We should not have quoted him in our newsletter and we express our deepest apology.”
Moms for Liberty recently was listed as an extremist group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. According to the SPLC. “Moms for Liberty is a far-right organization that engages in anti-student inclusion activities and self-identifies as part of the modern parental rights movement. The group grew out of opposition to public health regulations for COVID-19, opposes LGBTQ+ and racially inclusive school curriculum, and has advocated books bans.”
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Noblesville has purchased 1.55 acres of land near Finch Creek Park from a homeowner for $205,000.
The property at 12651
E. 166th St., owned by Joseph and Mary Bays, was sold to the city after the Noblesville Board of Public Works and Safety in November 2012 approved an option to purchase real estate from the Bays, said Brandon Bennett, city parks and recreation director. Bennett said the option was negotiated as part of a larger real estate purchase involving 18 acres of land from the Bays with the option of purchasing the remaining property when they were ready to sell.
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Bennett said the property owner reached out to the city in the fall regarding the sale of the additional 1.55 acres, which was purchased using park impact fees. Those fees are paid by residential property owners to help fund new park infrastructure projects, according to the city.
The city had the property appraised by two independent appraisers and made an offer to purchase the property that was no greater than the average of the two appraisals, which is required under state statute, according to Bennett. The purchase agreement between the city and Mary Bays and Sheila Bays indicates the price of the property was $205,000, according to city documents.
“It was land we knew we wanted to be part of the park and had purchased an initial 18 acres from them 11 years ago,” Bennett said.
Bennett said the land acquisition will be incorporated into Finch Creek Park, which consists of about 200 acres.
“We’re still imagining that portion of the park from a design perspective, but we couldn’t imagine that part of it without owning (the land), so now we can bring that into the design process,” Bennett said.
• Friendly Drycleaning systems based on DF-2000 Fluid are so dependable and easy to use, you might say they are friendly to everyone: landlords, owners, operators and customers. It is the one alternative solvent that you can look to for peace of mind.
Bennett said the city is still determining its next steps regarding the future of Finch Creek Park, which will ultimately shape the direction the city goes in moving forward regarding its overall design.
Plans to improve and protect Indiana’s water are in the works.
Residents from the Indianapolis area gathered June 23 at the White River Canoe Co. in Noblesville for the unveiling of a report card that will serve as a tool to improve Indiana’s water quality.
The White River Alliance, a nonprofit based in Indianapolis, has been working on the White River Report Card since February 2022, said Kelly Brown, project manager for the organization.
Brown said the WRA reached out to 200 stakeholders from the community, business, industry, government, agricultural, conservation and utility sectors to get a broad understanding of how people engage with the White River.
“The report card is important because it helps us know where we need to focus on to improve on things,” Brown said.
The report card is graded like a school report card, giving scores to three major categories: land, water and community. All scores add up to an overall letter grade with bacteria being one of six subcategories under water, according to the WRA.
“Bacteria is the biggest concern we have. It has a D,” Brown said. “That is due to how often the water is unsafe for human contact for swimming and things.”
The water was safe that day, For more, visit thewhiteriveralliance.org.
SkyView Dental recently opened an office at 350 Westville Rd. in Noblesville.
Dr. Farheen Pasha, owner of SkyView Dental, began her journey in general dentistry at a small corporate office in California before moving to Indiana to be closer to family.
“I enjoyed working for a corporate practice, but I had extra time on my hands,” Pasha said. “I felt the need to start making my own choices and decisions. I wanted to reach out to my community and find the best way to get involved and benefit customers.”
Pasha partnered with her husband, SkyView marketing director and CEO Omer Ali, on opening the new dentist’s office. The couple worked for more than a year developing the business, which opened in March.
“I believe in providing a quality experience to all patients which led me to opening my own practice,” Pasha said. “I have been practicing dentistry for more than 10 years and have gained excellent skills and experience over time.”
The general dentistry practice offers services including root canals, extractions, implants and clear aligners.
Pasha said the dental practice differs from others in the area because it accepts Indiana Medicaid and offers convenient business hours to patients. It also provides in-house membership and corporate plans.
“Our goal is to reach out to those in the community deprived of dental care because of their financial situation,” Pasha said. “We are also open on Saturdays because many patients work Monday through Friday and
cannot make it in. We try to see patients on their time, which sets us apart.”
Ali manages all the marketing, finance and community elements.
“Our vision is to give a quality and convenient dental experience with the hopes of expanding to other communities in the future,” Ali said. “My wife does the clinical work, and I manage the rest. We could not have done it without each other.”
Pasha said she wants the practice to impact the community in a positive way.
“I hope to provide healthy teeth and smiles to as many people as possible in the most affordable way,” Pasha said. “I don’t want people to be afraid to ask for help or get their teeth cleaned because of financial difficulties.”
Pasha said that as the office grows, she will begin to offer more payment plans and ways for customers to maintain their dental care as needed.
“Everyone deserves a healthy smile, and I want to help provide that,” Pasha said. “We hope to have more locations within the next few years.”
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 317-886-9500 or visit skyviewdentalnoblesville.com/.
Hey there, folks! Take a good look at this zoomed-in image we’ve snagged from a spot in Noblesville. We want you to channel your inner Sherlock and head over to youarecurrent.com/mysterysnapshot to submit your best guess about where this photo was taken. Ready for the challenge? Check back next week for the answer.
West of Noblesville on SR 38 to Anthony Road stoplight, turn south to 202 Rd /St. Turn right to sale. (Located east of US 31 and SR 38)
Barn Items, Household, Vintage Furniture, 0ld Dolls, Player Piano, Lots Of Rolls, Glass Globe Wash Unit Fr. Standard Station Rare, Corn Shellers, Cast Kettle, Vintage Toys, Impl Seats, Old Race Horse Pictures, Lots And Lots Of Old Household And Rare Items, Old Toys And Some Windup, Wagonload Of Barn, Misc. Shop And Hand Tools.
Pictures on Auctionzip 22896
The new leader of Riverview Health is settling into his new job with a vision that includes continuing to provide top-notch health care for patients while looking ahead to the future for the hospital system as Hamilton County continues to grow.
Dave Hyatt, who was named as Riverview Health’s president and CEO in March, stepped into the role after serving as the organization’s chief operating officer since January 2022 when he joined the organization. Hyatt, a native of Columbus who now lives in Westfield, brings a wealth of health care experience having worked for IU Health for nearly 15 years in various roles.
Hyatt, 40, said he is honored to lead the independent Hamilton County hospital system as its top executive and is staying busy overseeing day-to-day operations. He was named president and CEO after the hospital system named Keith Jewell to the role in an interim capacity in January.
Riverview Health has more than 1,500 workers on its payroll, a figure that includes more than 500 physicians.
“I’m just honored to be here to lead the crew,” Hyatt said. “When I think of Riverview Health, I try to center it around two things and that’s our mission and vision as an organization.”
Hyatt said Riverview Health’s mission is to preserve and improve the well-being of the individuals it serves. In doing so, that means looking at the health care status of the community, having the latest and greatest technology and determining how to improve care, he said.
“We want people to get excellent care close to home for the communities where we are,” Hyatt said.
Riverview Health has hospitals in Noblesville and Westfield, but also has three standalone emergency room/urgent care centers in Fishers, Carmel and the west Carmel area. In addition, Riverview Health has sites in Cicero and Sheridan.
“Really, we are the county’s health care system, and we take that pretty seriously,” Hyatt said. “We really feel like we’re taking care of our friends, family and neighbors right here. We know who’s working with
us and we know who our team members are, and that team environment lets us create a better culture and a better environment for our patients.
“One of the things I like to say a lot is, when I look at the quality of the care that we provide and the service that we provide to our patients, if it’s not good enough for my family, then it’s not good enough for anyone’s family and I expect everyone in this building to believe that.”
Hyatt said he considers every employee — from top to bottom — a part of the mission and patient care team within Riverview Health. He added that the vision of
Riverview Health is to “redefine the health care experience, becoming the best place to work, practice medicine and receive care.”
Looking ahead, Hyatt said his focus in the next six months will be developing a new strategic plan for the organization. That will involve looking at Riverview Health’s future and how to implement such a plan as it moves forward, he added.
Hyatt, who estimates that Hamilton County has a population of about 356,000 people, predicts more growth on the horizon with an estimated population of 400,000 in the next three to five years.
That population shift, he said, will involve looking at how it continues to provide health care, where it will take place and ensuring the hospital system has an adequate workforce in place to take care of patients.
“Those are a lot of the questions we have to answer: What kind of doctors do we need? What specialists do we need? And what partnerships do we need because we’re not going to do everything on our own,” Hyatt said. “All of those questions have to be addressed in the strategic plan and that work starts soon.”
Hyatt does not rule out the possibility of Riverview Health one day adding a third hospital but said the health care system intends to look at where population growth is taking place to provide the necessary care in those areas.
“We’ll take a look as the demographics shift. You never know, but we also want to make sure we’re being good stewards of our financial resources and keeping that cost of care reasonable as well,” Hyatt said.
Age: 40
Hometown: Columbus
Family: Married to wife Tonya and father of two children, George and Eliza
Education: Bachelor’s degree in public health from Indiana University and a master’s degree in health administration from IUPUI
Health care work history: Nearly 15 years with Indiana University Health in various roles that included president of several hospitals. Hyatt also served in other executive roles with IU Health, including vice president of strategy and ambulatory services for IU Health La Porte Hospital and vice president of operations for IU Health Starke Hospital.
The Indiana Commission for Higher Education is working fervently to reverse a disturbing trend in our state — and in most states — that the rate of high school graduates who matriculate to higher education is continuing a downward slide. In Indiana, the five-year trend delivered another one-half percentage point drop this year. Included in the work being undertaken are programs to ensure that rising high school seniors navigate the federal and university bureaucracy to obtain at least three “pre-admission” letters before graduation. Anything to reduce barriers might help with the problem.
We know that training is required for higher-paying, higher-demand jobs. We know that Hoosiers who are properly credentialed almost always financially outperform their counterparts who do not achieve the degree. If so, how is it that folks are moving against their own best interest? Countless reasons might be included if we were to list the gap. Increasing costs, feelings of exclusion, lack of K-12 preparedness, or concern about aligning one’s interests with employment all might
make the agenda. But we also know that family support — really, the support of anyone — highly correlates with success in education. Are families failing to encourage kids to learn? Studies indicate that some are. Do we hate our children? Do we hate universities? There may be some of both. First-generation or underrepresented kids might see such change through education that they are fundamentally transformed. Where they live, what they think, how they entertain themselves, and what they eat — all differentiate them from their roots. Is it possible to imagine that a parent who discourages higher education loves her offspring so much that she couldn’t bear the changes it might bring? If we dreamed of lives with children and grandchildren close to us, does encouraging education require us to give up our anticipated future for theirs?
Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@youarecurrent.com.
Friends, I recently spent three hours in a Delta Sky Lounge, and as Billy Crystal used to say, “It was mahvelous!”
me were future heirs to a ketchup empire. Does the name Heinz ring a bell?
fallen out of bed. This awakened Mary Ellen.
“That’s so sweet of you to sleep there. Now you won’t be kicking me.”
It was our 43rd anniversary and I decided to take Mary Ellen to a local art show and stay downtown in this quaint bed and breakfast. My wife loves B&Bs, so I was sure she would enjoy the evening.
The owner offered to take us on a short tour of the historic building. It was quaint and rustic, and we were within walking distance of where we planned to have our dinner. All was perfect … until we saw the bed. It was not a king-size bed. It was not a queen-size bed. It was a double bed. The kind of bed many people sleep in … alone.
“Do you like the room?” the proprietor said.
“I love it,” my wife, said, “but where is my husband going to sleep?”
The woman looked at me and smiled.
“This is your romantic anniversary. I’m sure you will make it work.”
“Even on our honeymoon, this wouldn’t have worked,” my wife said.
“I am not sleeping here. I fell out of bed.”
“That’s terrible. Maybe you should sleep in the middle.”
“It’s a double bed. There is no middle when there are two people. Let’s go back to sleep.”
At 4 a.m., I fell out again, pulling the pillow off with me. Seeing me on the floor, Mary Ellen got out of bed and lovingly placed a blanket over me. And there I slept — tossing, turning, snoring.
“I have a few sleep issues. I snore. I move around constantly, tossing and turning, flipping and flopping. People tell my wife she looks incredible for a woman in her early 70s. I say she’s only 40, but this is what happens when you’ve been sleep-deprived your entire marriage.”
– DICK WOLFSIEIn the morning, the lady at the desk was curious.
“Some of the folks staying at the inn heard loud noises at 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. Are you OK? I hope you guys didn’t have a falling out.”
“I’m fine,” Mary Ellen said. “It was only my husband who was falling out.”
We shared our adventure at the B&B with one of our friends. We told Cathy we enjoyed our stay and that next year we would return, but we were going to make different arrangements.
I filled a plate from a breakfast buffet that included — but was not limited to — Southern grits, link sausages and adorable little pain au chocolat, and then later restocked with lunch nibblies that may have involved a spicy capicola that would have made Tony Soprano weep with gratitude. I sipped two decaf lattes while alternating between online solitaire and Season 17 of “Grey’s Anatomy,” and I delighted in silently creating backstories for my fellow fancy passengers. One guy was definitely CIA, probably on his way to Prague or Moscow or some other former Cold War chic city to chase bad guys and jump rooftops. Another was the CEO of a successful tech startup who’d been visiting her dying grandfather in Savannah to thank him for always believing in her, and I feel confident that the young family next to
Technically, I could have enjoyed the aforementioned activities with the “regular folks” in the main terminal, but of course, it feels better in the lounge. Plus, I didn’t have to drag my luggage into the bathroom stall; I just left it at my semi-private “booth.” Most importantly, all the food and booze was complimentary. No debating whether the $18 mimosa or $20 burger is worth it. It is. Because it’s free!
So, now that I know the secret layover perks of the travel elite, how will I ever fly comfortably again? I won’t. Because it was mahvelous.
Peace out.
Here’s why: I have a few sleep issues. I snore. I move around constantly, tossing and turning, flipping and flopping. People tell my wife she looks incredible for a woman in her early 70s. I say she’s only 40, but this is what happens when you’ve been sleep-deprived your entire marriage.
After dinner, we headed back to the B&B and prepared to turn in.
“Which side of the bed should I take?” I asked my wife.
“Underneath would probably be the best option.”
At about 2 a.m., I was having a very scary dream, and next thing I knew I had
“Are you going to ask for two separate beds?” Cathy said.
“No,” Mary Ellen said. “Two separate rooms.”
Letters to the editor: Current Publishing will consider verifiable letters of up to 150 words. Letters must be thoroughly vetted prior to submission. Current retains the right to reject or return any letter it deems to carry unsubstantiated content. Current also retains the right to edit letters, but not their intent. Send letters to info@youarecurrent. com. Writers must include a hometown and a daytime phone number for verification. Guest columns: The policy for guest columns is the same as the aforementioned, but the allowable length is 240 words. Guest columns should address the whole of Current’s readership, not simply special-interest groups, and may not in any way contain a commercial message.
Mike and Kimann Schultz are true arts lovers.
“Beauty & the Beast” runs through July 9 at Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre in Indianapolis. For more, visit beefandboards.com.
“The way we met was writing songs together, so music has always been a part of our lives,” said Mike, who was working for a radio station in Madison, Wis., at that time. “It’s our love of music and the opera art form that is the main reason we are passionate about the Indianapolis Opera. I love all forms of music and all forms of creative expression.”
Kimann, an author, lyricist and illustrator, is the chair for Lobster Palooza. The Indianapolis Opera fundraiser is set for 6 to 10 p.m. July 15 at the Basile Opera Center, 4011 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis.
Kimann and Mike are Indianapolis Opera board members. Mike, an attorney with Parr Richey, is in his third one-year term as president. Kimann and Mike, who live in Lawrence Township in the Geist area, were co-chairs of the Opera Ball a few years ago.
Mike is a member of Invisible Ray, which will perform at Lobster Palooza, a New England-style lobster boil dinner.
“We are creative people,” Kimann said. “We write and we compose things. In the social world, if it’s arts-related, that’s what we love to do best. It’s not just about inspiring people to create themselves, whether artists or musicians, it’s about supporting those who do it.”
Kimann is a staunch proponent of the Indianapolis Opera’s residence artist program.
“It fosters new talent and fosters people who have this great courage and capability to take to the deep dive from doing any number of jobs that anybody can support themselves, and they are launching careers where they want to sing and do what we call music-storytelling opera to make their living,” Kimann said. “That’s a really cool thing. I’ve always said the arts are a bridge between man and mankind. I
think the arts have a way to bring diverse people together who are truly different. It elevates us and it inspires us.”
Kimann said the Basile Center is a mid-century building, which was once the home of the Greek Orthodox Church.
“It’s had a wonderful renovation done to it,” Kimann said. “It’s a cool mid-century structure. It’s situated in a beautiful neighborhood that I love. In years past, I drew homes for the Meridian-Kessler Home Tour.”
Kimann said the event is planned indoors, so rain isn’t a concern. Last year’s Lobster Palooza was planned outdoors in tents at Daniel’s Vineyard but had to move inside because of heavy rain.
“We have some outdoor access,” Kimann said. “We should have the best of both worlds.”
Kimann said Mike’s job keeps him from performing too often but said it’s one of his joys of life.
Mike, 54, has played with several bands through the years, starting in high school.
“I’m usually playing keyboards and singing,” Mike said. “It’s usually rock ‘n’ roll. I played in a country band somewhere down the line.”
The band, Invisible Ray, is headed by guitarist/vocalist Dan T. Hall, a filmmaker who has a video production company.
“To be involved in the entertainment for one of our fundraisers is going to be a fun time,” Mike said. “We’ll play danceable rock songs. We cover a lot of genres. I sing some songs from Dobie Gray and Marc Cohn and the Little River Band.”
For more, visit indyopera.org.
Actors Theatre of Indiana co-founder Don Farrell will present a tribute to Frank Sinatra at 7:30 p.m. July 6 at Feinstein’s cabaret in Hotel Carmichael in Carmel.
“An Evening with Samantha Pauly” is set for 7:30 p.m. July 7-8. For more, visit feinsteinhc. com.
Red Barn Summer Theatre will present “Curtains” July 6 through 16 at the Red Barn Theatre in Frankfort. For more, visit redbarntheatre.net.
“Raiders of the Lost Ark: Live in Concert” will be featured at 8:30 p.m. July 7-8 in the Symphony on the Prairie series at Conner Prairie in Fishers. For more, visit indianapolissymphony.org.
ICC to hold summer music camp — The Indianapolis Children’s Choir will host an Imagine Summer Music Camp July 10-14 at Butler University for young singers. The camp is an introduction to the ICC’s choral instruction and artistic excellence. Along with part-singing and music theory, campers will explore the movement side of music and play several instruments like drums, xylophones and more. The camp session concludes with a concert, and the public performance is a display of how much campers can learn in just a week’s time. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the door at Cornerstone Lutheran Church in Carmel on the day of the performance. Ages 5 and under can attend for free. Camp registrations can be accepted until the first day of the session and financial assistance is available for children in need. Registration can be completed online in advance at icchoir.org/camp.
The musical was written by composer John Kander and the late lyricist Fred Ebb, who wrote “Chicago” and “Cabaret.”
Office,” “Bad Teacher,” “Good Boys”) shows off his quick wit and gift for awkward timing in “No Hard Feelings,” an edgy coming-of-age story despite a 13-year age difference between the main characters.
Maddie (Jennifer Lawrence) is a local in the beautiful surfside community of Montauk, N.Y. She works as a bartender and Uber driver while chipping away at the thousands of dollars she owes in escalating property taxes. When her car is totaled, she risks losing her home and becomes desperate for a solution.
Enter wealthy helicopter parents (Matthew Broderick and Laura Benanti) in need of their own solution to a hopeless situation. To prepare their introverted 19-year-old son for college life, they seek out a female who will casually date him, forcing him from his shell.
In a last-ditch effort to save her childhood home, Maddie accepts their offer to advance Percy’s development for the promised payout: A Buick Regal. She creates a sexpot image and secretly plans to “deflower” the Princeton-bound recluse.
The movie treads a risky storyline on the surface but delivers harmless scenarios where there’s no real romance between the characters. Percy (Andrew Barth Feldman) is smarter than his parents give him credit for. He doesn’t fall for Maddie’s bombshell persona, which is more bark than bite, and has no real interest in losing his virginity. Yet the experiment boosts his confidence, leading to a confrontation with his parents and a significant change in his life choices.
“No Hard Feelings” is a semi-rom-com that works better than it should, shining a little tenderness into the prickly business of putting out.
During the past 14 years, Julieanna Childs has worked as a film studio representative, contracting for all the major Hollywood studios. Her film reviews can be found at TheJujuReview.com. She is a Hamilton County resident.
Red Barn Summer Theatre Artistic Director Michael Taylor was intrigued by the prospect of bringing “Curtains” to his Frankfort venue.
“I saw it on Broadway and I really enjoyed it,” Taylor said. “It’s a big show and I thought this would be a fun show if I can figure out how to downsize enough to fit the Barn’s stage. After working with my choreographer, some of the other directors, we kind of put our heads together and figured out how to make it work. We are really bringing something new.”
Red Barn will present “Curtains” from July 6 to 16. Kiara Wood is the choreographer and has a lead role, and Cole Riegle is the assistant director.
“It’s one of those shows that still has that old-school feel,” Taylor said.
“It’s a musical whodunit, so there is a little bit of a mystery,” Taylor said. “It’s a big song and dance show. We haven’t done anything this large with a large ensemble in a while, so that’s going to be a lot of fun. It’s challenging because of that.”
TaylorThe plot centers on the leading actress who is murdered and a detective, played by Adam Nichols, tries to solve the case. In the meantime, they are still trying to put on a show.
The number of cast members is 22.
“We had 18 last year for the musical, which was big for us, too,” Taylor said. “Generally, a big cast for us is 10.”
Taylor said the music is catchy.
“It’s a much lighter show than what ‘Chicago’ is,” Taylor said.
For more, visit redbarntheatre.net.
The 2023 recipients of the Fantastic Family Award are Amie and Michael Ellis (Fishers), with their children, from left, Sabastian, Izzy and Alex. (Photo by Amy Pauszek)
Where’s Amy attended Jr. Civic Theatre’s “Newsies Jr.” opening night June 23 at The Tarkington at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. These young future stars of tomorrow had the audience’s attention from start to finish with their singing and dancing. Civic Theatre’s Brent Marty and Holly Stults presented the Outstanding Alumni award to Jr. Civic Theatre alumni Mary Caltrider, a Carmel High School graduate, who is now a TV journalist in St. Louis. Civic stage manager Sydnie Blair (Indianapolis) earned the Peggy Cranfill “Yes, Let’s” Award for advocacy and excellence in theater education and the Ellis Family of Fishers took home the Jr. Civic Fantastic Family award. Be sure to check out Civic Theatre’s Young Artists Program’s “Mean Girls” July 27-July 30. For more, visit civictheatre.org.
The Carmel Jazz Fest will feature a first for the city.
During the Aug. 11-12 festival, all the main musical venues will be utilized at the same time, Carmel Jazz Fest executive director/chief executive director Blair Clark said.
“One of the great things is we have multiple venues that are different experiences for everyone,” Clark said. “You have the Gazebo experience, the Palladium experience, where it’s a concert in a beautiful state-of-the-art facility. We’ve got Feinstein’s, where you can have a nice meal and it’s a cabaret-type of setting.”
In addition, there are outdoor concert spaces at Carter Green and indoor experiences at The Tarkington and Studio Theater at the Center for the Performing Arts.
more knowledge from people who have done it year after year.”
Clark said CarmelFest organizers have been especially helpful. CarmelFest is run by the Rotary Club of Carmel.
Jeffrey McDermott, Center for the Performing Arts president and chief executive officer, is glad the Center venues are taking part in the festival.
“I think it’s wonderful we can be a part of it and that the City of Carmel has the infrastructure to make something like this happen between the three venues at the Center for the Performing Arts and all the other community spaces and Feinstein’s,” McDermott said.
McDermott said the Center focuses on rental opportunities for weddings and corporate functions during the summer because the average music patron likes to be outdoors.
McDermott“So, you have these six venues with various experiences all in close proximity with one another,” Clark said.
Along with music, there will be food and alcohol vendors.
Clark said partnering with the City of Carmel, the Center for the Performing and Feinstein’s at the Hotel Carmichael has been essential.
“It really does take a village to pull it off and make it successful,” Clark said. “We have to collaborate on so many different levels. That takes a lot of organization and cooperation. We were thankful for the sponsors we have.”
Clark said he has received advice and help from Indy Jazz Festival, the Elkhart Jazz Festival and CarmelFest.
“I know the music business, but I’ve never done an event of this size,” he said. “Since this is a big undertaking, there have been organizations that have been nice enough to lend their knowledge and help me and the people who are a part of this. We have a great board but there are always going to be things you need a little
“This is a great combination because there is an opportunity for the festival to secure some spaces through us for what they are offering and have our own performance with Spyro Gyra during the festival weekend,” McDermott said. “It’s a nice coordination of events and spaces where these spaces might not be available at different times of the year.”
Spyro Gyra will perform in a separate ticketed event at 8 p.m. Aug. 12 at the Palladium. The shows at The Tarkington and Studio Theater might expose new audience members to those venues as well.
“I always say, statistically, if someone comes to the Center for the Performing Arts once to see a show, there is an 80 percent chance they’ll come back,” McDermott said. “Any time we can bring in new people who haven’t experienced performances, educational events, celebrations, we’re likely exposing them to something they are going to enjoy in the future.”
Feinstein’s will have two separate ticketed jazz events during the Carmel Jazz Festival. They are Harry Allen with Rossano Sportiello Aug. 11 and Denise Thimes Aug. 12. For more, visit carmeljazzfest.org.
“So, you have these six venues with various experiences all in close proximity with one another.”
Today, on our continuing journey through Alaska, we visit Denali National Park & Preserve.
In 1906, American conservationist Charles Sheldon initiated efforts to create a national park around then-Mount McKinley, the tallest mountain in North America, to protect the pure-white Dall sheep that lived at high elevations in the area. On Feb. 26, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson signed legislation creating Mount McKinley National Park. In 1937, a 93-mile road paralleling the Alaska Range, most of it still unpaved today, was completed from the park’s entrance to about its center. In 2015, President Barack Obama renamed the mountain Denali, the name, meaning “high one,” given it by the indigenous Athabaskan people.
After several additions, the Denali National Park & Preserve now encompasses about 6 million acres, one fourth the size of Indiana. About 600,000 people visit each year to view the sparkling lakes and snow-capped mountains. Glaciers cover about one-sixth of the park’s areas. Runoff from the shrinking glaciers creates “braid-
ed rivers,” with their strands constantly changing. Large animals in the park include caribou, moose, grizzly bears, black bears and Dall sheep. Smaller animals include coyotes, foxes, wolves, beavers, porcupines and more. Private vehicles are allowed only on the first 15 miles of road, ending at Savage River. Tour buses, leaving from the informative visitors’ center, go further, with knowledgeable guides stopping whenever anyone spots an animal. Guides use hand signals to tell each other of animals ahead. In the winter, travel within the park is limited to dog sleds.
For anyone going to central Alaska, at least a day in Denali National Park & Preserve is a must. However, unless you intend to spend a long time, don’t go just for the opportunity to see Denali. Because of persistent clouds, visitors have only a 30 percent chance of sighting the 20,000-foottall mountain.
1. IndyCar RPM indicator
5. B-52 org.
9. Bitter conflict
15. VJ Day ended it
16. Performed with the Westfield HS choir
17. Rang
18. National Register of Historic Place also known as Lilly House and Gardens
20. Zionsville HS athletes
21. Facts and figures 22. Unadorned 23. St. Vincent Hospital areas 26. Evergreen tree 29. Colts’ grp. 32. Bee’s quest 34. Gun owners’ org. 35. Sleep disorder 37. Htaw Metta cuisine
38. Hoosier Youth Challenge Academy participant 40. Submarine tracker
41. National Register of Historic Place also known as Indiana’s Basketball Cathedral
44. Hoosier Pulitzer Prize winner Pyle
45. Poorer, as excuses go
46. Lo-cal
47. Birds in a gaggle
48. Santa ___ winds
49. Loose overcoat
51. Roulette bet
52. Radiate
54. Colts stats
55. Razz
57. Cool, in ‘90s slang
59. Prefix meaning “false”
62. National Register of Historic Place also known as Das Deutsche Haus
67. Move quickly
68. Hibernation spot
69. Lion’s pride
70. “You bet!”
71. Helps
72. Ship’s front
27. The Hoosier State
28. Robbins’ “Shawshank” co-star
29. Retirement investment
30. Had a lot to eat
31. Lifelong jobs
33. Polynesian carvings
35. Fireplace residue
36. Cement ponds?
39. Burning
42. Rocker David ___ Roth
43. Preference, so to speak
50. Be inclined
52. Piano key material
53. Garden pest
55. Spunk
56. Notion
58. Pat down
59. Butler frat letter
60. “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” regular Cousin ___
61. Immigrant’s subj.
62. Miss. neighbor
63. Mai ___
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to guide design team members through the preparation of programmatic, schematic, design development and construction documentation, as well as maintaining, updating and validating strict estimate adherence. Position based in Fishers, Indiana. Requirements: Bachelors Degree in Construction Management, Building Construction, Engineering, or similar field, as well as at least 3 years experience in construction, commercial development, and/or estimating. Also requires knowledge of MS Project, Gmail, Google Drive, Project Management software applications Procore, Prolog, Constructware and PDF annotation. Send resume to Amanda Good, 8890 E. 116th St., Suite 250, Fishers, IN, 46038
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