January 1, 2019 — Westfield

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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

WHAT’S NEXT? Westfield mayor talks city’s 2019 initiatives / P9

Residential Customer Local

Township to host info fairs / P3

Colts mascot visits WMS / P5

Woman saves baby’s life / P7


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January 1, 2019

Current in Westfield


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COMMUNITY Contact the Editor

Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@youarecurrent.com, or call 317.489.4444 ext. 804. You may also submit information on our website, currentinwestfield.com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication.

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APC sends Southwind to council Compiled by Noah Alatza • news@currentinwestfield.com The Westfield Advisory Plan Commission met for the final time of the year Dec. 17. One item was forwarded to the Westfield City Council and the commission also conducted several public hearings. The next meeting is scheduled for Jan. 7 at City Hall, 130 Penn St. For more, visit westfield.in.gov. What happened: Commission members heard a request for a development plan and primary plat review for the Southwind subdivision inside of the Westchester planned unit development. What it means: Southwind will be on approximately 23 acres to the northeast of 156th Street and Towne Road. The resolution was unanimously approved.

The Southwind subdivision encompasses 23 acres northeast of 156th Street and Towne Road. (Submitted image)

What happened: The APC conducted a public hearing on Bordeaux Walk PUD and the Bordeaux Walk subdivision. The APC forwarded the request to the city council with a unanimous favorable recommendation.

What happened: The APC conducted a public hearing on an amendment to the Chatham Hills planned unit development. The developer requested 60 acres and switching zoning from agriculture to a single family rural district in the Chatham Hills PUD. The development is along Chatham Brooks Drive to the south of 199th Street, west of the Monon Trail and east of Horton Road. What it means: Three members from the public spoke. They were concerned about potential traffic issues, the S-curve in the road at 199th Street and drainage south of the development.

Grand Junction Plaza will include an amphitheater, ice-skating rink and more. Construction starts this summer. (Submitted rendering) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. XI, No. 50 Copyright 2018. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.


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What it means: Beazer Homes of Indiana requested approval for 84 lots on property northeast of Ditch Road and 166th Street. Estimated sale prices will be in the mid-$300,000s.

On the cover

January 1, 2019

Current in Westfield


What happened: The APC unanimously forwarded a request for an outdoor event stage at Grand Junction Brewing Co. Taproom to the city council. What it means: Grand Junction Brewing Co., 1189 E. 181st St., requested an amendment to the 181st Street PUD to permit a small, outdoor event stage adjacent to 181st Street and U.S. 31.

Township to hold information fairs news@currentinwestfield.com Westfield Washington Township recently announced several information fairs, which will educate residents on GREENSPACE the Project Ever Green initiative and the township parks bond. The township stated the purpose of Project Ever Green and the parks bond is to purchase more land in the township as it be-

comes available to be used for open space and nature preservation. The dates are as follows: • Jan. 3: 10 a.m. to noon at New Joy Lutheran Church’s sanctuary, 316 W. 156th St. • Jan. 7: 4 to 6 p.m. at Riverview Health Westfield Hospital in the main entrance lobby, 17600 Shamrock Blvd. • Jan. 10: 4 to 6 p.m. at NSPIRE Church in the lobby, 18097 Sun Park Dr. For more, visit westfieldwashingtontwp.us.

DISPATCHES F.C. Tucker stats — It continues to be a seller’s market in Westfield as sale prices increase and homes left the market faster. The housing market in Westfield shifted to the seller’s favor as homes left the market faster and for more money. According to F.C. Tucker, the average sale price for homes in the city was $345,946, a 4.4 percent increase from November 2017. Homes in the city sold in an average of 58 days, six days faster than November last year. College scholarships — The Westfield Education Foundation is currently accepting applications for five, $1000 scholarships. The application must be in the form of a video and address one of five categories: defining mentorship in association with Westfield schools; how Westfield schools support trades; connecting Westfield’s education, community and diversity; sharing how social emotional learning is embraced at Westfield and highlighting the history of Westfield. The deadline is Jan. 11. For more, email foundation@wws.k12.in.us. Master gardeners offer intern class — The Purdue Master Gardener Program will offer its basic intern training beginning Jan. 14. Training will be from 1 to 4 p.m. on Mondays with two Wednesday dates at the Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds, 2003 Pleasant St., Noblesville. Participants will be introduced to subjects like soil science, plant science, plant problems, using pesticides safely and more. The cost is $175 per participant for materials and class time. For more, visit extension.purdue.edu/ Hamilton. National Charity League offers $500 scholarship — The Crossroads Chapter of National Charity League is offering a $500 scholarship to a female high school senior who has shown consistent involvement in community service and leadership. The deadline to apply is March 1. For more, visit crossroads.nationalcharityleague.org/scholarship.


January 1, 2019

Current in Westfield








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January 1, 2019


Current in Westfield




Colts mascot visits WMS with message of love

By Noah Alatza news@currentinwestfield.com

At the City of Westfield Holiday and Award banquet Dec. 12, several Westfield Police Dept. officers and staff members were recognized for years of service. From left, Lt. Rory Gentry (20 years), receptionist Deb Clement (10 years), Det. Lt. Brodie Houston (25 years), Lt. Mike Seagrave (20 years) and Lt. Bobbie Gorrell (30 years). Not pictured: Officers Broc Larrison and Jeff Swiatkowski (10 years); Capt. Charles Hollowell and officers Bob Mitchell, Kim Daniels and Liz Griffin (15 years); Det. Tony Howard and officer Angie Martin (20 years); and Lt. Bob Rushforth (25 years). (Submitted photo)

Hugging each student who came to speak with him after the show, Trey Mock presented an uplifting message EVENT during a Dec. 12 presentation to Westfield Middle School seventh- and eighth-graders. Mock, a Westfield resident, portrays the mascot Blue for the Indianapolis Colts. He was selected the NFL’s Mascot of the Year in 2016. He created Blue in 2006 and designed everything from the head shape to the color. Mock said he and his wife live in Westfield specifically for the community and school system. He said he decided to focus on bringing his message to schools in order help deliver a positive message to students. “It’s awkward being in middle school and high school and trying to find who you are,” Mock said. “The message of not trying to hide behind a mask, it’s not something that happens overnight.” Mock shared the story of Karyn Rizzi, a

Trey Mock, who works as the Indianapolis Colts mascot Blue, presented at Westfield Middle School Dec. 12. (Submitted photo)

Make-A-Wish child who used her wish to have Blue visit with her family in 2010. Rizzi was fighting cancer, and Mock said what was supposed to be five-minute meeting turned into an unforgettable experience. At a later Colts game, Karyn’s mother, Angie, thanked Mock. Thirty of the 40 shows have already been completed across the state for the 2018-19 school year. Mock is exploring the possibility of bringing the presentation to Westfield High School.

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January 1, 2019

Current in Westfield


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January 1, 2019


Current in Westfield


Woman saves baby’s life


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By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com

who wasn’t wearing shoes or a coat, lived. She knew a nearby home had several children and knew the baby couldn’t have crawled far. She also knew he didn’t belong Becky Ragsdale doesn’t consider herself to the neighbors whom she knew. a hero even though she recently pulled a Ragsdale eventually carried the baby to baby out of the path of an oncoming car the right house and found the gaat Ridgerage door open. She rang the front GOOD SAMARITAN brook doorbell to no answer, then went Drive and through the garage and knocked on Glen Way in Westfield. an inside door. When nobody anRagsdale, a Brookside resident, swered, Ragsdale opened the door had returned from the gym and was and called out into the house. Then, chatting with a neighbor outside she came across the mother, who her home when they noticed someRagsdale was inside. thing in a nearby empty lot. Rags“She didn’t even know he was missing,” dale’s neighbor asked if it was a dog, but said Ragsdale, who said the woman had then Ragsdale noticed it was a baby. been carrying groceries into the house. “I “I immediately said, ‘Come on,’ and didn’t do anything other than just react. I sprinted down there,” Ragsdale said. “I’m a don’t consider myself a hero. I was just in runner, so I could see out of the corner of the right place at the right time.” my eye a car coming down the other street, Ragsdale said the baby was approximateand I said, ‘Oh, my gosh,’ and just started ly a year old and couldn’t walk or talk. waving my hands.” Westfield Mayor Andy Cook heard about The car stopped and the driver informed Ragsdale’s actions and wrote a proclamaRagsdale she didn’t see the baby but saw tion recognizing her at the Dec. 10 Westfield Ragsdale waving her hands. City Council meeting. Ragsdale wasn’t sure where the baby,

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January 1, 2019

Current in Westfield


January 1, 2019


Current in Westfield



Westfield mayor talks city’s 2019 initiatives By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com The City of Westfield will see a busy 2019 with the continuation of several projects, such as the COVER STORY Grand Junction and Northpoint developments as well as the implementation of several new citywide initiatives.

Grand Junction

Grand Junction Plaza construction will begin in the summer of 2019, with an estimated construction timeframe of three years. The plaza includes everything within the Mill, Jersey and Union street borders, such as an amphitheater, an ice-skating rink and other features. “What’s happened the last couple years is the boring stuff, the reconstruction of the stream, all the utility relocations, and Citizens is putting in some new sewer lines through that area – things that have to be done years ahead of time, that’s what’s happening now,” Mayor Andy Cook Cook said. “The downtown over the next five years will go through some extensive changes. We want to emphasize the direction of downtown as its development is intended to be unique. It’s intended to build on the success of Park Street.”

Econmic development assets: Grand Park and Northpoint

Cook said the city will continue to market Grand Park to organizations in the business of sports, and the Northpoint development will be marketed to advanced manufacturing businesses. As for Grand Park, Cook said the city will continually market to sports-oriented organizations and companies, such as sports affiliates, sports manufacturers, sports medicine and related industries. Phase 1 of Northpoint — the construction of Bastian Solutions — will be complete in February with a ribbon cutting in April. Following Phase 1, Cook said the city has been working with the Chicago-based, Japanese Consul-Gen. Naoki Ito on the possibility of relocating Japanese companies to Westfield. “We are making some concerted efforts to work with the Japanese business community,” Cook said. “We have visited twice in the last month with the Consulate Gen. Ito in Chicago, who is in charge of the Midwest region, and he is very interested in talking to us about Japanese companies relocating here in this area.” Although potential companies have not been identified, Ito and the City of Westfield also are in discussion about a combined sports venture as Japan prepares to host the 2020 Summer Olympics. Details regarding that venture haven’t been released.

More on sports

The Westfield Family Sports Capital of America was

The YMCA at the southwest quadrant of Wheeler Road and 181st Street is in its fundraising phase but on schedule to break ground in the spring. (Submitted rendering)

Grand Junction Plaza will begin construction this summer, which will include an amphitheater, ice-skating rink and more. (Submitted rendering)

formed in 2018 and will continue meeting in 2019. The group unites Grand Park staff, Westfield Welcome, Westfield Youth Sports, Inc., Fire Juniors Soccer and the Westfield Washington Schools to address the future needs of the schools’ sports facilities, the recreational facilities and Grand Park’s facilities. “We can coordinate those physical needs together to maximize the use of any expansions,” Cook said. “Such as, we know we are short on basketball courts, we are short

FOCUSING ON THE CITY’S CULTURE Mayor Andy Cook said the city will begin to look at its culture in 2019 instead of only looking at what it has accomplished and will accomplish in the new year. “We will be announcing some major programs to address the youth needs (in the community),” said Cook, who hasn’t announced what the programs are. Communications Director Vicki Duncan Gardner said the programs will focus on the overall health of citizens. “From the youth to the older residents, we are just looking at the whole citizen and seeing how we can better integrate services and opportunities for health. We’re not just talking working out, we are talking holistically in terms of physical, mental, spiritual, social and emotional,” Gardner said. “We are looking at how we make this a great community.” Programs will be announced in early 2019.

Big Woods will break ground in 2019. (Submitted photo)

on tennis, we are short on softball – how can all of these entities work together, pool their funds and cooperate in the future?”

Continued construction

The YMCA is in its fundraising phase for the $35 million facility and is on schedule, Cook said. The development previously announced plans to break ground in the spring at the southwest quadrant of Wheeler Road and 181st Street. The Big Woods restaurant at the southwest quadrant of U.S. 31 and Ind. 32 will begin construction in the spring. The Trails development, which includes a Starbucks and Crew Carwash, among other businesses, at the southwest corner of Oak Ridge Road and Ind. 32 is under construction and will open in 2019. Birdie’s, a restaurant and miniature golf facility north of Ind. 32 between Oak Ridge Road and Commerce Drive, is under construction. Cook is unsure when that facility will open.


Extension of Westfield Boulevard to David Brown Drive is expected to begin construction this year. The south side of the Ditch Road and Ind. 32 intersection will be upgraded to include turn lanes, and a traffic light will be installed at the Ditch Road and Ind. 32 intersection. The survey, planning and design phase for the widening of Ind. 32 from Poplar Street to East Street will begin. Construction will begin in 2021.


January 1, 2019


Current in Westfield


ESSAY Maintaining dignity

LETTER No reason to run Biden cartoon

Commentary by Terry Anker Dignity is a word bursting with so much emotion that it packs a social and political wallop. Human dignity. Basic dignity. Since the 18th century brought with it our own age of enlightenment, we have found our way to the notion that there are inalienable and inherent “rights” bestowed on all. Dignity stands among those rights as a demand that we are worthy of ethical, moral and respectful treatment. So far, and for the last almost 300 years or so, we have all managed to agree on these fundamental tenants. But as with many things, we gild the lily to the point that it is really not so much a lily as an object of gilding. Dignity is so broadly defined that it now demands attention almost in any circumstance that includes we humans. In fact, some extend the thinking to animals, plants and the animate and inanimate environment around us. OK, is it necessarily a bad thing to live a life dedicated to the general respectful treatment of the world around us? Still, if dignity, or anything, becomes inure to all things then what does it really mean? If there is dignity in work, can there be dignity in not working? If there is dignity in honesty, can there be dignity in guile? Is there dignity in doing the right thing, quietly and without fanfare? Still, too, is there dignity in doing the right thing publicly for all to see? It is all a bit confusing. If we progress to a fully dignified place, how do we reconcile our disagreements without being, well, undignified? Perhaps it is best not to dignify that question with an answer. Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@youarecurrent.com.

Nirvana: A survivor’s tale Commentary by Danielle Wilson Last weekend was a travesty, people. Doo and I were forced to spend the Saturday before Christmas in a swanky HUMOR hotel in Louisville, without our precious little angels. Can you imagine? We drove two whole hours to celebrate with my family and they could only muster enough air mattresses for our kids. Such bull. This stupid arrangement meant we had to leave the party early, before we could help clean up after 15 grandchildren. The Uber driver wasn’t going to wait forever to whisk us off to the dreaded, marble-clad Omni, so we karaoked one Adele song and snuck out the back. After checking in, we wandered around the dump and discovered its 1920sinspired Speakeasy Bar. White-coated servers mixing cocktails and pouring bourbon alongside a charming two-lane bowling alley? The horror! Even worse, our room had two beds. That’s right, Doo and I had to

sleep separately, tolerating six down-filled pillows each and an absurdly heavy but nottoo-hot comforter. Very disappointing. In the morning, I was stuck eating French toast and eggs perfectly cooked over-easy across from Doo, commenting on the industrial-loft feeling as we perused newspapers and sipped coffee. Ridiculous. The kicker of this nightmare? I wrote this piece alone in a quiet space called “The Library,” next to a fireplace and surrounded by wall-to-wall bookshelves, black-and-white photos and tufted velvet settees. Think Restoration Hardware meets Maker’s Mark. Truly uninspiring. I hope at least part of your holiday was as awful as mine. Peace out.

Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at info@youarecurrent.com.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK “For last year’s words belong to last year’s language And next year’s words await another voice.” — T.S. Eliot, “Four Quartets”

Editor, I’m a Carmel resident. I enjoy perusing Current when it arrives faithfully, and I appreciate learning about what’s new in our community as well as what is happening in the arts. So, imagine my incredulity when I opened the Dec. 11 edition to a tasteless, disrespectful and beyond juvenile cartoon about Sen./ Vice President Joe Biden. I’m aware that this cartoonist, Tim Campbell, has been called out before for partisan cartoons. It concerns me that you have made the editorial decision to publish this one, which does not serve the purpose of political cartooning in general. It does not adhere to guidelines or useful political cartooning. It does not instruct or display any issue of public concern. Political cartooning has a long tradition in American journalism. It’s a powerful satirical tool. But, now more than ever, it needs to be tempered by knowledge of civics and by some civility. Current is a useful publication and is good for our town. And although Current is known for its bias to the right, I think the paper is growing in recognizing the diversity of thought and of the voices in our community. Having said that, I’m baffled by your decision to print a nasty and smarmy political cartoon. An apology to your readers would be in order. Beverly Thornburg, Carmel

POLICIES Letters to the editor: Current Publishing will consider verifiable letters of up to 200 words. Anything longer will be returned to the writer for editing. Anything presented as factual matter must be thoroughly vetted prior to submission. Current retains the right to reject or return any letter it deems to carry unsubstantiated content. Current also retains the right to edit letters for style, grammar, punctuation and spelling. Send letters to info@youarecurrent.com. Writers must include a hometown and a daytime phone number for verification. Guest columns: The policy for guest columns is the same as the aforementioned, but the allowable length is 300 words. Guest columns should address the whole of Current’s readership, not simply specialinterest groups, and may not in any way contain a commercial message.

January 1, 2019


Current in Westfield


Now read this Commentary by Dick Wolfsie Until recently, I didn’t realize that instead of using my sausage fingers to text a message, I can press this tiny HUMOR microphone symbol and then simply talk into my phone. Magically, the words are transcribed. Am I that stupid? No, I’m 71. The discovery of this simple feature has changed my life. No longer do I send messages that say things like: “I gat your email anf hipe to see yiu doon.” “Wait, don’t you have spellcheck?” you might ask. I don’t use spellcheck. If I type principal instead of principle, it doesn’t get corrected and it makes me seem ignorant when I text a friend saying, “I stand up for my principals.” It looks like I’m complimenting local school officials. The other day I was in my home office texting my friend, Bob, and I said into the phone, “Can we meet at Starbucks tomorrow?” As the text was being transcribed, my wife heard me from upstairs and thought I was talking to her. “Dick, why are we meeting at Starbucks tomorrow?” I yelled upstairs, “I wasn’t talking to you! You and I are not going to Starbucks tomorrow.” My message read: “Can we meet at Starbucks, tomorrow? I wasn’t talking to you. You and I are not going to Starbucks tomorrow.” Then, I accidentally sent the text. I got this back from Bob: “Dick, are we meeting at Starbucks or not? And if you aren’t talking to me, why are we getting together?” I texted back and told Bob that I was actually talking to my wife but the text said that I was not talking to Mary Ellen, so Bob thinks she and I aren’t on speaking terms. See how rumors get started? This morning, Mary Ellen overheard me saying this into my phone: “Hey it’s me exclamation point I’d like to get together Monday dot dot dot Will that work for you question mark.” “That is so strange,” she said from the kitchen. “I know you are a grammar nut, but I just heard you talking and punctuating your own speech.” I hollered back, “I do not want to talk about this ever again. Period.”

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.


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January 1, 2019

Current in Westfield



Berg details story for rock ’n’ roll in Palladium performance By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com Neil Berg might be better known for his Broadway work and his “100 Years of Broadway” tour. MUSICAL However, the composer/ lyricist has ties to the rock ’n’ roll world, so doing “50 Years of Rock and Roll” seemed a natural progression. Berg will bring the show to the Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel at 8 p.m. Jan. 12. “It’s been a lifetime of work,” Berg said. “I probably researched it for a year before I did it.” Berg said the show had some test runs and then he launched it in 2017. “It’s been incredibly well received,” Berg said. “It’s been heartening to see people respond so passionately to this creation.” Berg said he had a dual path coming out of college, touring with a band called Joe D’Urso & Stone Caravan. The band has opened for groups like Stray Cats and Steppenwolf. “After my Broadway career took off, I was asked to be the musical director for the 100th anniversary of the Harley-Davidson tour (in 2013),” Berg said. “They played speedways. They had huge rock concerts. I was out with bands like Aerosmith, The Doors reunion, Ted Nugent, Journey, you name it. There were a lot of top acts from the ’60s and ’70s.” Berg said his background is storytelling. “That’s the Broadway side of me,” Berg said. “I felt the best thing to do was do it chronologically. We start at the beginning of the Delta blues of Robert Johnson. We go through the great musical influences, the gospel blues of Sister Rosetta Tharpe, jump jive of Louis Jordan, then we get into Jimmy Preston and Ike Turner’s ‘Rocket 88.’ People come to the show and they are learning something they didn’t know. The average rock ’n’ roll fan had no idea these influences got them there.” Eventually, the journey takes Berg to Bill Haley and the Comets and the explosion of rock ’n’ roll. Berg serves as narrator.

Neil Berg’s “50 Years of Rock ’n’ Roll” is set for the Palladium at 8 p.m. Jan. 12. (Submitted photo)

“I have the best performers in the world performing the music authentically,” he said. “These are Broadway stars who specialize in rock and roll. That helps us tell the story very well.” The story goes from 1931 to 1981. “In my opinion, those 50 years ended with the death of John Lennon in 1980 and culminated the next year with the beginning of MTV, which was more about video than the music,” Berg said. “It’s a good place to stop. Obviously, disco had taken over a lot of charts and radio air play in the late ’70s. We do the real history. It went so well we’ve been invited back to every single venue.” Berg has added a Part 2 for venues that have already hosted Part 1. It covers the same time period but with different musical selections. “There is only so much you can do in a 2

1/2-hour show,” Berg said. Part 1 is what people will most expect with a few exceptions to make sure the story is authentic, Berg said. Berg doesn’t like medleys, but he takes out the repetitive parts of songs. “We do the beginnings and endings, but we may not repeat every verse and chorus,” he said. The show includes Brook Wood, who graduated from Warren Central High School in Indianapolis. He also has toured with Berg’s Broadway show. “This show is just loads of fun,” Wood said. “People sing along, dance in the aisles and get to take a walk down memory lane. We perform all the hit numbers of these decades, so rarely will you hear a song you don’t know. I sing about eight tunes. I’d have to say my favorite is ‘Piece of My Heart’ by the incomparable Janis Joplin.”

Petersen to hold Palladium recital editorial@youarecurrent.com

Drew Petersen’s career has been on the rise since he made his Carnegie Hall’s Weill Recital Hall debut at age 5. Petersen, winner of the 2017 American Pianists Award and recipient of the Christel DeHaan Classical Fellowship, will perform a solo recital at 3 p.m. Jan. 13 at the Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. Petersen also has been a prize winner in the Leeds International Piano Competition, the Hilton Head International Piano Competition and the New York Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition. Petersen will perform pieces by Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Schubert. Franz Lizst, Frédéric Chopin and Enrique Granados. There will be a pre-concert discussion led by Heather Platt, professor of music and musicology at Ball State University. Complimentary for ticket holders, the lecture provides attendees an insider’s perspective on the works performed at the venue’s classical performances. For more, visit thecenterpresents.org.

Noblesville —An acoustic, family friendly open-jam session for folk, rock, blues, bluegrass, country and more will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Jan. 8 at Hamilton East Public Library. For more, visit hepl.lib.in.gov for more. Carmel — Living Proof, a popular cover band, will be featured on the Palladium stage at 9 p.m. Dec. 31 during the New Year’s Eve Extravaganza. Other performers include Martinie’s Boogie, Scott Routenberg Jazz Trio, DJ Futon John and A Touch of Grass. For more, visit thecenterpresents.org. Whitestown — Chamber Music Band, a soul music band, will perform at the Moontown Brewing New Year’s Eve party from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Dec. 31. Tickets are $20 and include appetizer buffet and midnight champagne toast. Music will be from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. For more, visit events.ontaptickets. com/e/moontownNYE.

January 1, 2019


Current in Westfield



Big Hoffa’s Smokehouse

Commentary by Anna Skinner Address: 800 E Main St., Westfield What to get: The Captain Price: $7.99 Anna’s take: The thing I love most about Big Hoffa’s, other than the barbecue, is the diversity of the menu. A lot of barbecue places I’ve visited stick to just barbecue. Although I love barbecue as much as the next person, I think it’s important to have an offering for different tastes, and Big Hoffa’s does. I ordered The Captain. It reminds me of poutine. French fries rest atop pulled chicken and creamy macaroni and cheese. Buffalo sauce and ranch dressing are drizzled on top. You’ll need a fork and several napkins to eat these, but it’s so worth it. Be sure to add a generous helping of pickles on the side. Big Hoffa’s also offers traditional barbecue meals with a sandwich and two sides. It also offers meat-only, served by the halfpound and pound, so pick some up before stopping by your next family gathering.

The Captain reminds me of poutine because it serves French fries on top of pulled chicken and macaroni and cheese with buffalo and ranch sauces drizzled on top. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

Big Hoffa’s is in the same building as Main Street Shoppes, a two-story antique store. Big Hoffa’s has purchased the space and will begin to expand later this month. The menu will grow along with beer and wine selections. Suggested pairings: Typically, I grab a beer or wine to go with my meal but Big Hoffa’s is an excellent spot to swing by on your lunch break, so I paired my meal with an ice-cold Fanta. Big Hoffa’s offers three kinds of wine and eight types of beer in bottles or cans. You have domestic options like Miller Lite and Angry Orchard, but Big Hoffa’s also offers a few local options such as Sun King Sunlight Cream Ale and Sun King Wee Mac Scottish Ale.

Behind bars: Breakfast in Bed Get it at 3UP Rooftop Bar, Carmel Ingredients: 2 oz. Rittenhouse Rye, .5 oz. maple syrup, .5 oz. orange juice, 2 dashes orange bitters, 2 dashes black walnut bitters. Directions: Combine all ingredients into a Yarai mixing glass, add ice, stir and strain over one large ice cube in an old-fashioned glass. Garnish with an orange peel.

Join the Riverview Health wellness dietitians to learn how the Body Knowledge program can help you achieve your weight loss and wellness goals in 2019. Riverview Health offers multi-dimensional weight loss programs featuring the BOD POD, which can precisely measure body composition and help determine individual calorie needs. This seminar is a great opportunity to ask questions and learn how you can help set yourself up for continued weight management success and improved well-being. When: Thursday, Jan. 10 6-7 p.m. Location: Riverview Health Rehab & Fitness 601 Westfield Rd., Noblesville, IN 46060



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January 1, 2019


Current in Westfield



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Beef & Boards presents ‘Song’ By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com

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Promises” and “God’s Favorite” as a senior in high school. “But I love Neil Simon’s writing,” SchmitBeef & Boards is celebrating the 40th tou said. “I think ‘The Odd Couple’ is one of anniversary of the Broadway premiere of the great American comedies of all “They’re Playing Our THEATER Song” by bringing the time. And I think ‘Barefoot in the Park’ is also a really fantastic and show to the stage. well-written play that still holds up Not only has New York City-based today.” actor David Schmittou never perSchmittou usually spends seven formed in the musical, he’s never or eight months each year out of seen a production of it. town performing. The musical, which runs from Jan. Schmittou “My last appearance at Beef & 4 to Feb. 3, centers on a composer Boards was as Professor Henry Higgins in and his relationship with a quirky young ‘My Fair Lady,’ which was also one of my female lyricist. It was written by Neil Simon with music by Marvin Hamlisch and lyrics by favorite experiences there,” he said. “I also loved doing ‘The Sound of Music,’ ‘Lend Me a Carole Bayer Sager. Tenor’ and ‘The Drowsy Chaperone.’” Schmittou, who plays the composer, said Indianapolis resident Jeff Stockberger there are some challenges with a cast of is directing “They’re Playing Our Song” and only six performers. Doug King is the choreographer. “On a small-cast show like this, of course Beef & Boards previously presented the there is a lot more material to be learned by musical in 1983 and 1986. each person in the same amount of time,” “It is a gem that is not done very often Schmittou said. “But it can also be a reand the audience will love it,” Beef & Boards ally wonderful experience because with so owner Doug Stark said. “And how can few people, you really have to time to build you go wrong with Neil Simon and Marvin strong relationships with each other.” Schmittou said the other Neil Simon plays Hamlisch?” he’s has done were the musical “Promises,



Where’s Amy at IBC’s ‘The Nutcracker’

Where’s Amy attended Indiana Ballet Conservatory’s opening night of “The Nutcracker” Dec. 13 at Newfields in Indianapolis. The Party Girls backstage at “The Nutcracker” included, from left, Eva Marsden (Westfield), Cayley Gibson (Carmel), Clara Crane (Westfield), Arabella Kimball (Fishers) and Evelina Rubchinsky (Carmel).The holiday classic delighted and charmed the audience under the brilliant direction of Alyona Yakovleva-Randall (Geist), and the performances of talented ballerinas and featured guest artist Lasha Khozashvili. A magical night was had by all. Where’s Amy thinks it’s safe to say that the audience members slept soundly with visions of Sugar Plum Fairies dancing in their heads. For more, visit IndianaBalletConservatory.org. (Photo by Amy Pauszek)

January 1, 2019


Current in Westfield



Blueprint for Improvement: Northern Indianapolis condo expansion Commentary by Larry Greene


Background Info: This condo in the Olde Mill neighborhood of northern Indianapolis was built in the late ’80s and was a unique project. The homeowners owned two neighboring condos and wanted to create one space to have more room for visiting family and friends.




The goal was to take the two neighboring condos and create one cohesive and modernized home. 1. One of the largest changes was opening up the wall between one of the kitchens and the existing dining room. The change also allowed more natural light and ultimately made the kitchen feel larger. 2. The cabinets were updated and functional storage solutions were incorporated. 3. Countertops were replaced with quartz and a waterfall butcher block countertop was added around the wine fridge for a unique focal point. 4. The doorways to the hallway and dining area were expanded to create more of an open concept. 5. The project also included a second kitchen and multiple bathroom updates. Details on the rest of the project can be found in the next Blueprint for Improvement.

The neighboring condos were small and divided. There were two kitchens that were dated and felt dark and confined. The bathrooms had never been updated and lacked functionality.

Larry Greene is the owner of Case Design/Remodeling. You may email him at lgreene@caseindy.com. To see more before-and-after pictures of this project, visit caseindy.com/blog.


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January 1, 2019



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January 1, 2019


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January 1, 2019

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DaVita Carmel Health and Living (05085), located at 118 Medical Drive Ste. 114 in Carmel, will cease operations as of January 14, 2018. During the next several weeks, patients at this location will be assisted in arranging for dialysis treatment at alternative locations to ensure their continuity of care.




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PERSONAL WEIGHT LOSS COACH Dream-Create-Celebrate Your Life

near Carey Road & 146th Carmel 317-

You may be spending a majority of your day at work and your life style while at work has an impact on your overall health. Your health is important to you so you can enjoy life. Are you spending 8 to 10 hours at work for 5 or more days a week? Everyone gets 168 hours every week. This time includes the work day, home life, and time for sleep. Having an onsite wellness coach at work can help you meet your weight loss goals. This is especially important when your insurance will pay for the onsite coach. How can this work for you? Mary Ann Wietbrock is an Advanced Practice Nurse and a Weight Loss Coach. She comes to your worksite and provides the coaching. One on one coaching sessions are the most popular method. The 30 minute sessions are private and individualized. Thirty to sixty minute group sessions are also popular. These coaching sessions can be set up if at least 10 employees are signed up. She

recently met with 31 employees. The employees lost 163.8 pounds of body weight and 39.8 inches off their waist. Their average blood pressure started at 138/82 and was considered high. After several weeks their average blood pressures were 127/78 and considered to be normal. This onsite weight loss program is covered 100% by insurance. Anthem and United Health Care are the plans available for this onsite program. The first step is to call Mary Ann and set up a time to meet her. The employer will provide a private space or office. A screen is available if the space is not in an office. The sessions are set up and the insurance claims are filed by Mary Ann. Neither the employer, nor the employee, will receive a bill. There are no co pays and no deductibles. There are no payments due. There are no hidden costs. The health insurance pays for the entire program. Cardinal Elements Inc. web site is an excellent place to learn more about this program and how your worksite can participate. Check testimonials at www.cardinalelements.com.

Mary Ann Wietbrock, RN MSN

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January 1, 2019

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New Year Sale


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o t e v a h doesn’t ! e r o m u cost yo

The Largest Designer Showroom in the Indianapolis Area



Bring a fresh look to your home Take 25 to 40% off in-stock accessories. All Stickley Furniture special orders 45% off msrp. Christmas Department items 25 to 50% off. All in-stock Stickley Furniture 50% off. All in-stock sofas, sectionals and chairs 50% off. All bedroom, dining room and occasional furniture 40 to 60% off.

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