January 10, 2017 - Westfield

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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Teacher to go on European trip to learn about composers / P7 Residential Customer Local

Aurora sent to city council / P3

Westfield Welcome donates tips / P4


CUSTOM HOME TOUR 2017 JOIN US SATURDAY, SUNDAY, & MONDAY January 14th through 16th

Erotas joins parks staff / P5 VISIT US AT ANY OF OUR 5 DISTINCTIVE MODEL LOCATIONS See back cover for details.

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January 10, 2017

Current in Westfield


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January 10, 2017


Current in Westfield



Contact the Editor

Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@ youarecurrent.com. You may also submit information on our website, currentinwestfield.com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication. To contact Editorial Director Sophie Pappas, call 317.489.4444 ext. 7.

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On the cover

Janie Richardt will travel to Germany, Austria, Hungary and New Mexico to learn about composers, attend music festivals and perform with the First Coast Winds Symphony. (Photo by Anna Skinner) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. IX, No. 51 Copyright 2016. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

Plan commission sends Aurora to council with favorable recommendation By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com After months of adjusting plans, talking with neighbors, presenting to councilors and more, the Aurora Planned Unit Development was development forwarded to the city council with a unanimous positive recommendation from the plan commission Jan. 4. The Aurora PUD was originally approved in 2006, but it was re-introduced to the council and plan commission with various changes, including decreased single-family housing. Other uses of the development include a commerce park, a shopping area and more. The development would span more than 300 acres southeast of U.S. 31 and Ind. 38. Attorney Russell Brown with Clark, Quinn, Moses, Scott and Grahn, LLP, presented some adjustments to the amendment to the plan commission which had been requested by the Responsible Growth Alliance of Westfield. Brown told the plan commission that he and the petitioner, Chris White, requested that the RGAW submit a document detailing their concerns prior to the alliance and the developer’s meeting. “On receipt of that agenda, Mr. White and I determined the response very well thought out and a comprehensive one that went well beyond the discussion of uses and tweaks of the proposal,” Brown said. “It was what we believed to be a complete revamping of the proposal.” Brown said the proposal additions did include some changes and requests from the RGAW document, as well as some in regard to the public comment sessions. Brown then detailed 15 changes to the amendment, including building height, buffering, fast food prevention and more. One concern brought up by the RGAW was the allowance of taverns or breweries in the development, which Brown said shouldn’t be the case. “One concern raised in the Responsible Growth Alliance of Westfield document related to the presence of fast food and bars and taverns,” Brown said. “Fast food is not permitted anywhere within (the proposal) and bars and taverns are generally excluded with the exception of a microbrewery. That’s the only exception to a bar and tavern use allowed in the commerce park area.” Brown also said that although hotels are permitted in the development, they may only be built to the west of the East Street expansion. “We believe what’s before you tonight is a better product with the involvement of you, councilors and neighbors,” Brown told the advisory plan commission

(Above) The Aurora PUD spans more than 300 acres southeast of U.S. 31 and Ind. 38. (Below) Various attached singlefamily homes are proposed for the Aurora development. (Submitted images)

members. “We do understand it’s not going to make everyone happy.” Multiple APC members commented and asked questions following Brown’s presentation, with the majority publicly expressing their support for the project. “I think this has been a good process,” APC member Steve Hoover said. “I believe this was an improvement over what was presented originally. I think through this process we’ve made significant strides with another 15 items just from the last public hearing. I think the process has worked well and we can move forward.” “It certainly looks much better than it did in original presentation,” APC Hoover President Randy Graham said. The proposal was scheduled to go before the Westfield City Council for consideration at 7 p.m. Jan. 9 at city hall, 130 Penn St. For more, visit westfield.in.gov.

Dispatches Coffee with the editor — Meet Current in Westfield editor Anna Skinner from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Jan. 23 at Titus Bakery at 17471 Wheeler Rd, Suite 110, in Westfield. Ask her questions, suggest story ideas or come to enjoy a cup of coffee and learn about a career in the newspaper business. Coffee with a cop -- The Westfield Police Dept. will hold a Coffee with a Cop event 9 to 11 a.m. Jan. 12 at Starbucks, 318 W. 161st St. Community members have the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the department. For more, contact Sgt. Billy Adams at badams@westfield.in.gov.

Birth announcement — Deacon Michael Lee, son of David and Jennifer Lee, and brother of Vanessa was born July 28, 2016, at IU Health North Hospital in Carmel. Deacon weighed 9 pounds, 6 ounces at birth and measured 23 inches. Grandparents are Mike and Judi Culy of Carmel and Mike and Becky Lee of Middlebury. Great grandparents are Ed and Mary Culy of Hagerstown and Virgil Lee of Bristol. (Submitted photo) Free smoke alarms and tests — The Red Cross encourages everyone to call 1-888-684-1441 to make an appointment to test existing smoke alarms and/or install free alarms in your home.


January 10, 2017


Current in Westfield





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Donation effort aids family By Renee Larr • news@currentinwestfield.com Student Impact in Westfield does more than just help students find a safe place to hang out after school. giving back The organization recently partnered with Westfield Welcome to sponsor a local family in need for the holidays. Westfield Welcome is a group of volunteers. “My husband and I had a former foster kid and student who still lives in the community that needed some help for her Easterhaus family before Christmas, so I asked Westfield Welcome if anyone knew where we could find help for them. She contacted us. She has a small child. She’s engaged. They didn’t have enough for Christmas because things didn’t line up,” SI Executive Director Danyele Easterhaus said. “It was about Dec. 15. She knew we were connected in the community to help with resources for people. Unfortunately, at that point, everyone had already signed up to sponsor families, and items were already being delivered. Because of all that I sent a

message to a number of people looking for help.” She decided to ask around within the Westfield Welcome community. “We decided that the group of people that I was asking would sponsor the family themselves rather than an organization doing so. Erin Shockley said she would donate $75 in cash from Westfield Welcome golf cart drivers’ tips,” Easterhaus said. “The biggest thing we do at Grand Park is drive golf carts and deliver people that are elderly or physically disabled to their Shockley game spot or field. At all the entrances, they can call and request a pick up. People want to tip you, and we always say no because we’re just volunteers, and they will say please just take it anyway. Through the last year, we have just been giving our tips to Erin.” In all, the group was able to come up with the cash for the family and gift cards to Kroger, Target and Kohl’s. “They were given the items on the 23rd to provide for Christmas for their young daughter,” Easterhaus said.





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New child care finder service — The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration has announced a new, online tool to assist families in finding child care and early education providers for their children throughout the state. Child Care Finder allows families to search for licensed providers, inspections reports, complaints and enforcement actions against providers. For more, visit ChildCareFinder.in.gov. Siren testing suspended — ­ With the onset of winter weather in central Indiana, Hamilton County Emergency Management has suspended the weekly testing of the outdoor warning siren system. During cold weather, testing is suspended to prevent potential damage to the sirens as a result of moisture freezing on the inner mechanisms. The sirens will still sound in the event of a weather emergency. Testing of the system will resume in spring of 2017.

Free science lectures — Anderson University’s School of Science and Engineering is offering a series of lectures that are free and open to the public. The lectures start at 7 p.m. and are located in Hartung Hall (room 101). An upcoming topic is Feb. 16 – What do the Pharmaceutical Industry and the Manhattan Project Have in Common? For more, contact the AU School of Science and Engineering at 765-641-4374.

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Restoration award nominations – Indiana Landmarks seeks nominations for the annual Cook Cup for Outstanding Restoration. The prize goes to the owner of a historic structure that has been restored following the highest standards in method, materials and design. Eligible owners include individuals, companies, nonprofit organizations, institutions and government entities. Anyone may submit a nomination – the owner, architect, engineer, contractor, neighbor, appreciative citizen. Nomination forms are available at bit.ly/ILawards. The deadline for nominations is Jan. 23.

Corrections officers needed — The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office will be hiring up to 13 new correction officers. For more, visit in-hamiltoncounty.civicplus.com/595/Recruitment and click on the “Corrections and Youth Care” tab.


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Scholarships available — Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Indiana Scholarship Program offers students the opportunity to apply for one of four scholarships honoring the applicant’s heritage to celebrate the growing diversity in Indiana. Applications are being accepted from eligible high school seniors in one of four ethnic categories: Asian, Hispanic, African-American and all others. Applications are due by Jan. 18. For more, visit rmhccin.org. Send us your pics — Current Publishing is now accepting photos from around the community to run in our new community photo section. Photos from kid events, parties, athletic games and more are all welcome. Camera, iPhone or Samsung Galaxy photos will be accepted. All photos must include the names of anyone photographed. Please send them to anna@youarecurrent.com.

January 10, 2017


Current in Westfield



Erotas joins parks department By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com

ment is the biggest part of that. Community outreach management was already doing volunteer stuff and really making the dedicaA new face has popped up in the Westfield tion for that.” Parks and Recreation Dept. Peter Erotas Previously, all events that were considered recently joined city staff as a community a series fell under the responsibility outreach manager for the city parks department. of the community outreach manager, but now that role falls to the parks Erotas comes from the department’s two events managers, Indianapolis Public Schools Education Emily Clark and Kelley Wells. Foundation, where he did fundraising Erotas also is in charge of overseeand development work. His role in the ing the Trail Ambassadors program Westfield Parks and Recreation Dept. and the Adopt A Prairie volunteers. includes seeking sponsorships and Erotas Erotas graduated from the University finding and managing volunteers for of Indianapolis and studied applied sociology various events throughout the year. with a concentration in community leadership. Previously, Brittany Goger served in Erotas’ He moved to Westfield three years ago. role but moved to Ohio after getting married. “Hamilton County is a great place to raise “We actually reorganized and redefined a family,” he said. “Our city has so much gowhat that role was. Upon knowing Brittany ing on right now and is about to explode with was leaving, we were able to redefine what even more growth.” the community outreach manager role was Erotas’ first event as community outreach and make sure we had a little better fit for manager was Westfield in Lights. For more, where we are headed in the future for the visit westfield.in.gov/parks/. department,” said Melody Jones, director of parks and recreation. “Sponsorship manage-

Brooks honors Smith’s service to Westfield, Carmel and Indianapolis U.S. Rep. Susan Brooks recently met with Carmel Fire Dept. Chief David Haboush and Cindy Mowery, widow of past-Fire Chief Keith Smith. Brooks presented Mowery with a copy of the remarks she made May 24, 2016, at the U. S. House of Representatives in honor of Smith’s service to Carmel, Westfield and Indianapolis. Smith served as fire chief of each department during his career. Smith retired in 2012. He died May 2 at the age of 72. Pictured, from left, Chief David Haboush, Cindy Mowery and U.S. Rep. Susan Brooks. (Submitted photo)

Siara graduates from FBI Academy

Lt. Mike Siara of the Westfield Police Dept. graduated from the 266th session of the FBI Academy in Quantico, Va. (Submitted photo)

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January 10, 2017


Current in Westfield


Edge Guys to sponsor Teacher of the Month



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Current Publishing is re-launching the Teacher of the Month program for students in grades contest kindergarten through 12, beginning this month in partnership with Edge Guys Heating and Cooling. Students in all schools are encouraged to send a 100Williams word essay nominating their favorite teacher. Essays should be emailed to Teacher@youarecurrent.com by Jan. 30. If their essay is chosen as a winner, the winning teacher will receive a gift certificate to Edge Guys, and the winning student will win a pizza party for his/her class, sponsored by Papa John’s. For the Edge Guys, participating in the monthly contest falls in line with what they love to do in the community. Edge Guys has provided heating and cooling comfort to the homes of central Indiana families for more than 50 years, and the owners have raised

Edge Guys will sponsor Teacher of the Month. (Stock photo)

their children in central Indiana and have seen firsthand the importance of a quality education and how kids blossom with a great teacher. “I truly feel education is the gateway to success, and the teacher is the first step on the ladder to achieving that success,” Edge Guys owner Jim Williams stated. “Teachers who think outside the box and approach teaching from a number of different angles inspire kids to aim higher than they ever dreamed possible. This award celebrates those teachers and I hope inspires other teachers to find a way to truly make a difference in a child’s life.”

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January 10, 2017


Current in Westfield



Teacher to go on European trip to learn about composers By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com From Munich to Leipzig in Germany, from Salzburg to Vienna in Austria, then to Fertod in Hungary, Janie Richcover story ardt will travel Europe to learn about various musical composers and perform with the First Coast Winds Symphony based in Jacksonville, Fla. The St. Maria Goretti music teacher will then travel back to the U.S., where she will attend the Chamber Music Festival in Santa Fe, N.M. The $12,000 trip was made possible by a Lilly Endowment Teacher Creativity Fellowship grant, which Richardt received in December. “I will get a greater knowledge of composers and enthusiasm for music and bring that back to the classroom,” she said. “I will culminate next school year with the band performing a great composers concert, where I pick age-appropriate music of the great composers and perform for the school and public, in general.” Richardt teaches music to kindergarteners through eighth graders, with three bands. She applied for the grant once before but didn’t receive it. Richardt’s son, Josh, will pay his own way to Europe to aid his mother in documenting her trip with a video camera, which she will show to her students upon returning. The entire trip, including the music festival in Santa Fe, will last four weeks. “The documentary is for the kids to bring back to the school,” Richardt said. “I’m hoping they can see their teacher saying where Mozart was born and showing them where he grew up. I’m doing it as a legacy, I guess, to leave at the school.” Richardt has taught at St. Maria Goretti for 11 years and has taught music at various schools across the U.S. “I’m very excited to be going and for this opportunity to explore the lives of the composers and perform in Europe,” she said. “It’s a dream come true, to perform with other professional musicians and the Vienna Orchestra, that’s like a dream come true for me. I’m hoping that’s something I can give to my students. If you have a dream, you should persevere. You should not give up.” Richardt also plays for the Indy Winds

Janie Richardt is a music teacher at St. Maria Goretti in Westfield. She can play the flute, piano, guitar and trumpet. (Photos by Anna Skinner)

Other Westfield fellowship grant recipients In addition to Janie Richardt, a K-8 music teacher at St. Maria Goretti, two other Westfield teachers also received a $12,000 Lilly Endowment Teacher Creativity Fellowship grant. Janie Richardt directs the St. Maria Goretti band during a holiday concert.

Flute Choir. Besides playing the flute, she plays guitar, piano and trumpet. “It’ll be so great to sit around with musicians of this symphony I don’t know,” she said. “I do that already with the Indy Winds Flute Choir, but this will be great because it’ll be multiple different instruments, which will be so fun.” Richardt said although she can’t be certain, she likely won’t reapply for the grant. The Lilly Endowment Teacher Creativity Fellowship grant is awarded to 100 K-12 Indiana teachers each year. “These dedicated teachers, principals, counselors and media specialists have designed inspirational projects that promise to strengthen them personally and professionally,” Sara B. Cobb, the Endowment’s vice president for education, stated in a press release sent to Current. “For three decades now, we at the Endowment have learned how important it is for educators to have time and space to create and explore. They have shared with us that they return to their schools with a greater commitment to their students and the vocation of education.”

Lindsay Frey

Frey, an art teacher at Westfield High School, is using her grant to attend chalk pastel workshops and create drawings while traveling to Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket.

Christy Ulsas

Ulsas, a counselor at Westfield High School, will volunteer at animal conservation and rehabilitation projects in Brisbane and Cairns, Australia.


January 10, 2017


Current in Westfield


Lambs are never silent

FR O M T HE backshop

A lesson in ‘weird’ On the whole, we have it pretty darned good in our community. Compare our environs to, say, Portland, Ore., which one of us visited for a family wedding during New Year’s weekend, and there is, well, no comparison. Portland seems to thrive on being, uh, different. That’s all well and good, but when one sees “Keep Portland Weird” plastered everywhere in the Rose City, it creates an opportunity for pause. Portland is doing just swell in that regard. From municipal values to social tenets, we certainly weren’t in “Kansas” anymore. Next time you think about complaining about road construction here, consider that the gem of Oregon seems to want you to, for starters, prefer dodging potholes and not notice bridge abutments crumbling. The recycling protocol there is off the hook, and we are all for recycling … if the matter truly ends up being recycled. Trying to figure out where to put what is more difficult than solving a Rubik’s Cube. Socially, the fine folks out there could learn a thing or three from Hoosier hospitality. On a walk through the Pearl District, one in our party said, half jokingly, “Are we just going to walk through Portland all day?” That prompted a local to comment: “Get out of my city.” Your intrepid writer here took up the cause and told the gent that he should thank his lucky stars for our tourism dollars (among other perhaps less-pleasant suggestions). There are great eateries and quirky, fun shops, though, and lots of gray skies this time of year. It was just, as they tout, weird, and it’s good to be back home and in our element. Brian Kelly, publisher, and Steve Greenberg, general manager, are co-owners of Current Publishing, LLC. Write them at info@ youarecurrent.com.

BEL I EVE  I T ! Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Utah birds have the right of way on all highways. Source: dumblaws.com

Commentary by Danielle Wilson

Never awesome-less Commentary by Terry Anker The cold, gray winter days are laid out ahead of us. Snow, frost and bluster are on the agenda. But like all things, this will pass. Soon, the chill will give way to warmer evenings and emerging flora. As life seems to pass more quickly with each new year, the winters are fleeting. We’ve barely found a matching pair of gloves when it is time to return them to storage for balmy summer days. Even if we know that a better day will come, we can, at times, roil in the discomfort of the day’s unpleasantness. Perhaps this kind of short-sighted critique is uniquely human. We endure failings and peccadillos in our own lives and then imagine that they have set in as permanent fixtures rather than brief moments. We eat or spend a bit too much during the holiday break and then proclaim that we “always do that!” We indulge in a round of self-loathing, claiming that we are deeply and permanently flawed

and incapable of restraint. There are times when we are less than awesome, no doubt. However, there is never a time when we are completely and entirely awesome-less. We all struggle with it at times – a lagging confidence or belief in our own contributory worth to those around us. Some days it is difficult to understand how we add value. It took the angel Clarence to prove to George Bailey that his despair was only temporary and, indeed, that he had a wonderful life. Wouldn’t it be a better and more productive use of our energy to plan a road to improvement rather than claim a constant excuse? As easily as we make wrong choices, cannot we make right ones? If we hold out for the rain to end, surely the sun will shine. Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@youarecurrent.com.

Q U O T E  O F  T HE  W EEK Government always finds a need for whatever money it gets.

– Ronald Reagan

One of my favorite movies is “Silence of the Lambs.” If you haven’t seen it, I recommend you stop reading immehumor diately and get to the nearest pirated-movie website. I want you to fully appreciate my masterful references and make the vow never to help strange men move furniture into unmarked vans. Now, watch me work this 1991-thriller into an entire column on working-mom guilt! When I stayed at home with kids, wallowing in the minutia of diapers, potty-training, cut-up hot dogs, sippy cups, lost pacifiers, training wheels, naps, Playhouse Disney and the god-awful bedtime routine, I never thought twice about enjoying moments by myself. If I somehow stumbled upon a child-free hour or, miracle of all miracles, an overnight, I relished completely forgetting about my parental responsibilities, usually with a nice Chianti. In other words, once they were out of my sight, I no longer heard the lambs crying. But ever since going back to work, quality time away from my children is frequented by anxiety and overwhelming mom-guilt. Take this past week. I spent two days in Kentucky, no kids, no husband, but I constantly worried about who would take Corinne lunch during guard practice, get Andrew to tae kwon do and feed Maddie. It’s like the trauma of being sent to live with my uncle on the sheep farm who won’t let me live my life. Or, more befitting me personally, the constant “on-call” feeling of parenting refuses to dissipate, even when I’m technically not on duty. To alleviate the worry, I usually put the family under full SWAT-team surveillance in my absence, but then the guilt sets in. I hear my precious starlings cry: “Why aren’t you spending time with us, mom?” “Why aren’t you here taking us bowling?” “Why aren’t you teaching us to make clothes out of human skin?” Enough! I just want those little “baahs” to be silent! But perhaps no mother ever experiences a true silence of her lambs. All we can do is continue to rub the balance lotion on our stressed-out skins (zinger!). Peace out.

Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.

January 10, 2017


Current in Westfield



Inspiration, Part II Commentary by Dick Wolfsie Part II about all the things that sparked ideas for my columns in 2016. THANKS to Costco for offerhumor ing a plump, perfectly cooked rotisserie chicken for five bucks. While in the store to purchase one for dinner, I picked up a new iPad, some printer ink and two cases of imported beer. “How can they afford to sell an entire cooked chicken for only $4.95?” I asked the lady at the check-out. “Got me,” she said. “Your total is $352. Enjoy your dinner.” NO THANKS to my 100-bucks-an-hour tech nerd, Kevin, who has on more than one occasion simply put the cord back in the outlet. I was frustrated recently because the power button wouldn’t turn off the computer, so I told Kevin on the phone I was just going to yank out the plug. “Good,” he said. “I can use the money.” THANKS to the investigators who went back in the scientific literature to determine the real benefits of exercise. In 1906, scientists divided people into two groups to compare their relative health. Half the people exercised daily. They are all dead now. So, there you go.

THANKS to Whole Foods, where I bought a bar of organic green soap wrapped in clear shrink wrap. When I got out of the shower the next morning, I told my wife I didn’t think it lathered very well. “Is it because it’s organic?” I asked Mary Ellen. “No, it’s because you just washed yourself with a wedge of cheese.” THANKS to archeologists for uncovering the world’s first musical instrument. It looked like a kazoo and was found next to a 500,000-year-old skeleton. His body was isolated many miles from the rest of his tribe. Scientists are not sure why this man was left alone to die. I have a pretty good idea. NO THANKS to my wife for visiting her friend in Florida without teaching me how to use all the remotes. We have one for Apple TV, one for the DVR, one for the Blu-ray and one for regular TV. “Could you change the channels?” Mary Ellen asked when she called. “No, but I opened and closed the garage door 11 times.”

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.

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January 10, 2017


Current in Westfield


Is bariatric medicine right for you? Commentary by Dr. Dimitrios Stefanidis There are many options, surgical as well as nonsurgical, that can help you reverse obesity and restore your health. weightloss Of course, nutrition and exercise are key to optimum fitness, but it can be a real struggle to lose weight — and keep it off — when you’re significantly overweight. Very few people can accomplish that kind of weight loss on their own. Surgical treatment. Obesity is a chronic life-threatening disease that causes many serious health conditions, including coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome and sleep apnea. Bariatric surgery is an effective weight loss treatment, which, in turn, helps reverse other medical problems. If you have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more, or of 35 with a serious health condition, you may be a candidate for bariatric surgery. The surgery itself is very low risk and performed laparoscopically (with small incisions), resulting in a faster recovery. Non-surgical treatment. However, surgery isn’t for everyone. Not all insurance plans cover it, and not all overweight patients qualify for it. IU Health offers comprehensive nonsurgical weight loss treatment plans, supervised by health care professionals. We begin by conducting a complete physical exam, including blood tests and an electrocardiogram. In addition to ongoing medical monitoring, treatment may consist of fitness, nutritional and behavioral counseling; medication; support groups; and cooking classes. Dimitrios Stefanidis, MD, PhD, specializes in bariatric surgery. He is a guest columnist and located at IU Health North Hospital, 11725 N. Illinois Street, Suite 350, in Carmel. He can be reached by calling the office at 317.688.2647.

Selling? OLD


Stacey Sobczak $689,000 Great new custom home on pond open floor pln w/ new gas linear fireplace dream KT 317-650-6736 18199 LAKES END DR., WESTFIELD blc#21440021

Smell a grapefruit — Breathing in certain aromas can help reduce stress. In a study at James Cancer Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, researchers tested the effect of pleasantsmelling essential oils by diffusing them in the central nurses station. Oncology nurses, who frequently suffer from work-related stress, compassion fatigue and burnout, reported significant improvements in tension, worry and demands over the course of the study. One of the essential oils tested was grapefruit, which is refreshing and revitalizing and helped boost the body’s feelings of energy and happiness. Source: WisdomPills.co Thieves oil uses — Thieves oil takes its name from a blend of essential oils that was used by those robbing the victims of the bubonic plague. Studies confirm that the blend has many useful properties. Some uses for the oil include: spray on plants as a pesticide, dilute with water and use to sanitize surfaces, blend with a carrier oil and use as an acne treatment, apply to insect bites and stings, apply to cold sores or infected gums, use one drop diluted in water as a mouthwash, massage into temples for headache relief. Source: HerbalTreatmentRemedies.com. Tummy ache relief — When your child gets a tummy ache, it can be upsetting. Here are several natural ways to help relieve the pain. Chamomile tea has anti-inflammatory and sedative properties. Ginger, in the form of ginger ale or fresh ginger tea, is an antioxidant and can decrease nausea. Peppermint can also help settle the stomach, whether in tea or a peppermint candy. Yogurt can help ease cramping and diarrhea. Also, reflexology of the foot can help. Rubbing the arch of the left foot can cause the abdominal area to relax and feel calmer. Source: Parents.com. Free health and fitness classes — Witham Health Services will offer several free health and fitness classes during the coming months. Classes include: Breastfeeding Education, Diabetes Management, Rock Steady Boxing, Silver Sneakers, Tai Chi and more. For times and locations, visit witham.org or call 765-485-8120. Support groups available – Witham Health Services offers a variety of support groups for those in need of the services. Groups include: Alzheimer’s Support, Cancer Support, Cancer Gentle Stretch Yoga, Cancer Support Cooking for Wellness, Diabetic Support and Grief Support. The groups are free and meet monthly. For more, visit witham.org or call 765-485-8120.

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No more UTI’s — Here are the best ways for women and men to avoid these common infections: 1. Visit the bathroom frequently. Holding urine can distend and irritate the bladder. 2. Drink lots of water to flush bacteria from the intestinal tract. 3. Eat yogurt. The good bacteria can improve the overall health of the digestive system. 4. Drink cranberry juice. Be sure to drink real juice, not the flavored cranberry cocktail. Source: BottomLinePublications.com.

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January 10, 2017


Current in Westfield


! 7 1 0 2 y p p Ha It’s time to plan for the “big move” this year… Call me for a

From left, Westfield Chamber of Commerce President Jack Russell, U.S. Rep. Susan Brooks, State Rep. Donna Schaibley and Indiana Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Kevin Brinegar talk focus points for state and nation in 2017. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

Westfield chamber hosts Brooks, Schaibley, Brinegar By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com U.S. Rep. Susan Brooks, State Rep. Donna Schaibley and the Indiana Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Kevin state Brinegar joined with Westfield Chamber of Commerce President Jack Russell to discuss focus points in the state and nation for 2017. Brinegar spoke on eight top priorities for the chamber to focus on in 2017. The priorities, according to Brinegar, are “support establishing a long-term sustainable funding stream for roads and bridges, support the expansion of publicly funded preschool initiatives for children from low-income families, support suitable testing for students and accountability for all involved in the education process, support the comprehensive approach to decreasing the state’s smoking rate, support a statewide water policy to assure future resources and economic prosperity, support making technology innovation an integral part of the state’s identity, support maintaining and enhancing an attractive tax climate and support a work-share program that will allow employers to maintain a skilled stable workforce during temporary downturns.”

“It’s a big difference between whether your child spent three years in a Methodist preschool before going to kindergarten versus some less-advantaged child that spent those same three years in grandma’s house,” Brinegar said on finding a way to fund preschool initiatives for disadvantaged families. “I’m really excited for the coming session with the budget and major roads issues,” Schaibley said. “I’m looking forward to getting back to business down at the statehouse.” On the federal level, Brooks spoke on the Trump administration’s focus on projects such as roads, bridges, dams and ports, and adding the administration is “preparing to move a lot of product” in reference to global trade. “One thing we will start working on when we get back to (Washington) D.C. is repealing the Affordable Care Act,” Brooks said. “What we’re going to do is replace it and provide relief to families and businesses that are losing that insurance. The Affordable Care Act is going to go into a debt spiral. Premiums are spiking in March all across the county. The relief we are going to provide is going to take us a little bit of time, and we need to do it in a wise way (by) infusing competition and putting (insurance) back to a patient-centered health care.”

Dispatches Income tax rate reduced — The Indiana individual income tax rate has been reduced from 3.3 percent to 3.23 percent. Also, the local income tax imposed by a county is the same for both residents and nonresidents. For more information about these changes, review Departmental Notice #42, available online at in.gov/dor/reference/files/dn42.pdf.

Energy Assistance Program — The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority has released plans for the 2016-17 Winter Assistance Program, which runs through March 12. The program provides financial assistance to low-income households to maintain utility services during the winter heating and summer cooling seasons. For more, call 866-674-6327.

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January 10, 2017


Current in Westfield


Popular section of Berlin’s East Side Gallery. (Photo by Don Knebel)

Painting the Berlin Wall Commentary by Don Knebel According to the history books, the Berlin Wall fell in 1989. Actually, a long section has continued to divide German travel citizens. At the end of World War II, the Soviet Union controlled what became East Germany, and the United States, England and France controlled what became West Germany. Berlin, located in East Germany, was divided between east and west. On August 13, 1961, East Germany erected a fence encircling West Berlin to prevent its citizens from defecting. The fence soon became a 12-foot high concrete wall, patrolled by armed guards. On November 9, 1989, East Germany announced that the border would be opened, and thousands of East Berliners crossed into West Berlin without resistance. Artists soon began painting celebratory images on a section of the wall’s gray eastern side along the Mühlenstraße. Eventually, 118 artists from 21 countries had created 105 brightly painted murals. When the government removed the wall in 1990, a 1.3-kilometer-long section containing murals was preserved as the East Side Gal-

lery. One of the most popular images showed an East German car smashing through the wall. Over time, the images in the East Side Gallery were defaced by graffiti and faded by the elements. In 2009, to mark the 20th anniversary of the wall’s collapse, the government of Berlin offered 3,000 euros to the artists to recreate their works. Some artists, including the painter of the car, accepted the offer. Others refused, considering the offer insultingly low. The government then whitewashed the works of those who refused the offer and threatened to hire other artists to recreate the original images. The threats led to a suit in 2011 by 21 artists against the city, claiming copyright infringement and demanding compensation for the destruction of their works. The suit was somehow resolved, and the East Side Gallery continues to attract visitors from around the world. Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel.com. You may contact him at news@currentzionsville. com.



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January 10, 2017

Current in Westfield




‘It Shoulda Been You’ hits Actors Theatre of Indiana By Zach Dunkin • news@currentinwestfield.com

The creative team of the original production, from left, David Hyde-Pierce, Brian Hargrove and Barbara Anselmi. (Submitted photo)

Think of the musical comedy “It Shoulda Been You” like “Will & Grace,” complete with dysfunctional characters tackling controversial performance situations with crazy antics – but accompanied by music. That’s close to what audiences can expect when Actors Theater of Indiana presents the Indiana premier of the new play, Jan. 27-Feb. 12, at the Studio Theater. “What the original creative team tried to do was make this a little bit different kind of musical comedy,” said Cynthia Collins, one of the co-founders of ATI. “They made it a little more interesting in that it plays like a TV sitcom. It’s like the audience might think they are in their living rooms watching television. “It’s fast-moving, 90 minutes non-stop, and it’s happening right there,” she added. “In fact, the original tagline for the play was ‘You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll be home by 10.’ You won’t be there three

hours.” Featuring music by Barbra Anselmi and a book and lyrics by Brian Hargrove, “It Shoulda Been You” follows a Jewish bride as she readies to marry her Catholic boyfriend. When the bride’s ex-boyfriend shows up, the wedding starts to unravel. Religions collide. Secrets are revealed. Plots are conceived. But while the dozen characters might seem like comic-types one might find at a sitcom wedding – overbearing Jewish mother, high-strung bride, alcoholic mother of the groom – they not only deal with a chaotic wedding situation, but with the heavier issues of diversity. “It’s a contemporary spin on the traditional wedding comedy with a message,” Collins said. “It’s about acceptance of others and acceptance of oneself.” The musical premiered in 2011, and last year ran five months on Broadway, where Collins paid a visit to see her old friend, Anselmi, and view the show firsthand. For more, visit centerfortheperformingarts.org.

Jewish rock musician to honor Cantor Roger By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com Jewish rock musician Dan Nichols performs in more than 180 shows per year, typically in front of Jewish congregations. His Indianapolis appearance will be to celebrate the upmusic coming retirement of Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation Cantor Janice Roger. “It’s an added bonus to me, personally, because when I was a child I belonged to Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation, and Cantor Janice was my cantor when I was a kiddo,” Nichols said. “Her professional life had an impact on me becoming a Jewish musician and being touched by the beauty and power for Jewish communal singing.” Nichols will appear at the Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation, 6501 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, for a concert at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 25. “It’s a bit of a homecoming for me, not just to Indianapolis but IHC, where my Jewish story began,” said Nichols, who has performed a few times at IHC over the years. Nichols, 47, moved from Indianapolis in the middle of eighth grade. Nichols, who lives in Raleigh, N.C., spent 10 summers at the Goldman Union Camp Institute in Zionsville before receiving his degree in vocal performance at the University of North Carolina. Nichols’ repertoire includes a wide range of sounds and styles, from energetic Jewish rock anthems to moving interpretations of traditional Jewish liturgy. Nichols started a Jewish rock band 20 years ago. The band is called Eighteen, which is synonymous with the related Hebrew word chai (life or long life). Nichols will perform solo at the event honoring Roger. “It will be an acoustic set with a lot more folk style in nature, and I’ll be

Dispatches Upcoming shows at Belfry Theatre — Belfry Theatre, 10690 Greenfield Ave, Noblesville, will present “How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying” beginning Jan. 27. Other showings are Jan. 28, Feb. 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 and 12. For more, visit thebelfrytheatre. com/2016-2017-season/how-to-succeedin-business-without-really-trying/. Martina McBride presents at the Palladium — Martina McBride will stop at the Palladium during her “Love Unleashed” Tour at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 23. Her concert will feature Lauren Alaina. For more, visit thecenterfortheperformingarts.org.

Dan Nichols will honor Cantor Janice Roger at an event Feb. 25. (Submitted photo)

doing more song leading,” Nichols said. “Essentially, the congregation will become the band, and I sure hope that I’m going to be singing with Cantor Roger. She is a very accomplished flute player. So I hope she’ll be playing flute and singing with me.” Tickets for the concert are $18 for adults and $10 for children 10 and under and college-aged students. Tickets for adults at the door are $20. To purchase tickets, visit bit.do/DanNicholsIHC.

KKBB concert — KKBB salon in Fishers and Carmel is hosting a 10th anniversary after-party concert at the Old National Centre from 9 p.m.- midnight Jan. 21. It is open to the public. Because of the salon’s L.A. music connection, the concert will feature Jared Watson of the Dirty Heads. The KBB after-party will also feature Know-Madik, DJ Indiana Jones, Gabby Love and Melody Hunter. Tickets are $22.50 at any KKBB salon location, $27.50 at Old National Centre Box Office and $32.50 at Ticketmaster. A portion of the proceeds will go to Susan G. Komen of Central Indiana.


January 10, 2017


Current in Westfield


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Fri. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and 5-8:30 p.m., Sat. 5-8:30 p.m. Address: 933 Conner St., Noblesville Phone: 317-770-4545

Mini Popcorn Balls with Chocolate ‘Fondue’ Submitted recipe and photo courtesy of Family Features and Orville Redenbacher

One more layer and it all falls apart...

National Popcorn Day is Jan. 19. What better way to celebrate than with a sweet spin on the classic snack? Prep time: 25 minutes Servings: 12 Ingredients: 1 bag Orville Redenbacher’s Smart Pop! 94 Percent Fat-Free Butter Microwave Popcorn, nonstick cooking spray, 1/4 cup stick butter or margarine, 1 package (10 ounces) marshmallows, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1 1/2 cups light chocolate syrup, colored candy sprinkles (optional). Directions: Prepare popcorn according to package directions. Remove all un-popped kernels. Spray large bowl with nonstick spray; add popped corn. In medium saucepan over medium heat, melt butter. Add marshmallows and vanilla. Heat 5 minutes, or until marshmallows melt,


stirring frequently. Pour over popcorn; mix well with spoon sprayed with cooking spray. Moisten hands with water before shaping popcorn mixture into 24 small balls, about 1/3cup popcorn mixture each. In small saucepan, heat chocolate syrup over medium heat 5 minutes, or until warm, stirring occasionally. Transfer to small, fonduestyle pot. Use wooden skewers or fondue forks to pick up popcorn balls and dip into chocolate and sprinkles, if desired.

Behind Bars: Lemon shake-up Get it at The Stacked Pickle, Westfield. Ingredients: 1.25 oz. Deep Eddy Lemon Vodka, 8 oz. lemonade, 2 lemon slices, 2 packs of sugar Directions: Shake vodka, lemonade and sugar and pour into a glass with a sugar rim. Garnish with lemon slices.



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Hoosier Park Racing & Casino – 4500 Dan Patch Circle, Anderson – hoosierpark.com Jan. 14 – Living Proof Hopwood Cellars Winery – 12 E. Cedar St., Zionsville – hopwoodcellars.com Jan. 13 – Jack Whittle Duo Jan. 14 – Kendall Purdy Bankers Life Fieldhouse – 125 E. Georgia St., Indianapolis – bankerslifefieldhouse.com

lIve MUsIC

Jan. 12 – Justin Moore and Lee Brice 8 Seconds Saloon – 111 N. Lynhurst Dr., Indianapolis – 8secondssaloon.net Jan. 11 – Craig Morgan and Drew Baldridge Jan. 13 – Henry Lee Summer and Voodoo Daddy Jan. 14 – Southern Bridges Mo’s Irish Pub – 13193 Levinson Ln., Ste 100, Noblesville – mosirishpub.com/indy Jan. 12 – Dave Grodzki Jan. 14 – Poparazzi *Performers are scheduled, but may change

January 10, 2017


Current in Westfield


Where’s Amy? Amy Pauszek is a photographer, film producer and scouting and casting associate for Talent Fusion Agency in Indianapolis. She can be reached at Amy@youarecurrent.com.

Where’s Amy rings in 2017 at the Palladium The Impalas perform on stage at the Palladium in Carmel. (Photos by Amy Pauszek for Current Publishing LLC. Copyright 2017. All Rights Reserved.)

Frank and Katrina Basile (Carmel).

Joyce and Jim Winner (Carmel).

Vince and Cindra Venturella with Randy and Kimberly Sorrell (Carmel).

The walls were rocking and the roof was on fire at the Palladium’s New Year’s Eve Extravaganza. Where’s Amy rang in the new year with friends and guests at the annual event, which included four marvelous parties, live music, non-stop dancing, scrumptious hors d’oeuvres, cocktails, Champagne and fireworks that topped off the festive evening with a bang. Nothing beats dancing on the Palladium stage to the beat of The Impalas while celebrating good times with friends dressed to the nines. Yes, the Palladium staff did it again by ringing in 2017 with all the glitz, glamour and razzle dazzle that the special night of celebrations deserved. Where’s Amy can’t wait to see you in the new year. It’s going to be the best one yet. Together, let’s make a difference, because we can.

Nichole Morrow (Carmel), Vahida Ganchi (Indianapolis), Angela Morrow (Carmel) and Dena Powell (Indianapolis).

Carolyn Anker, Diane Syrcle and Terry Anker (Carmel).



January 10, 2017


Current in Westfield


Across 1. Smartphone downloads 5. Carmel Dads’ Club members 10. Pacific island 14. Thai money 15. Licorice flavoring 16. Ind., for Indiana 17. Arab ruler

18. Channel 13 anchor John 19. Noblesville HS track event 20. M 23. Ristorante Roma good-bye 24. B1G Conference foe for IU 25. MA 29. Suit well

34. Hoosier Park feedbag morsel 35. St. Vincent Health medicine amount 36. Feast alternative 37. “The Art of Love” poet 39. MAR 41. Rajeev Ram org. 42. Breakfast item

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44. Zionsville artist Nancy 46. USSR today 47. Prepare, as tea 48. MARS 50. CNO Financial Group bean counter 52. Mud Creek Players part 53. MARSH 59. iPod variety 60. Japanese cartoon art 61. Sansui Sushi Bar fish 64. Norway’s capital 65. Walked nervously 66. Simon ___ 67. Current reporters’ questions 68. Tulip Noir biscuit 69. Hoosier National Forest unit Down 1. Indiana’s Lincoln 2. WFMS singer Tillis 3. Goliath was one 4. Engage in an annual Purdue prank 5. Time gone by 6. Add to the pot at Indiana Grand Casino 7. Geist fishing spot 8. “Ain’t that ___” 9. Feudal workers 10. Colts contest 11. Yellow Cab alternative 12. Cain’s brother 13. The A-Team star 21. Word with pigeon or open 22. HSE marching band instrument 23. Necktie 25. Dispositions 26. Comedy Central’s ___.0

27. Dooley O’Tooles kitchen meas. 28. Hotelier Helmsley 30. Indianapolis Zoo big bird 31. Katz, Sapper & Miller period 32. Eventually 33. Make frizzy at Salon01 36. Ran from the IMPD 38. Fizzle out 40. Used model at Saturn of Fishers 43. Pet lovers’ grp. 45. Harp’s cousin 48. French brandy

49. “___ for the weary” 51. Airplane wing parts 53. Mascara site 54. The O in SRO 55. Whispers sweet nothings 56. Puerto ___ 57. Sign of things to come 58. Hand over 59. This instant 62. Soap ingredient for Indiana’s Amish 63. Westfield-to-Louisville dir. Answers on Page 19

January 10, 2017


Current in Westfield


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January 10, 2017

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Now Hiring: Dining Room Staff

Donatello’s Italian Restaurant is looking for motivated individuals for dining room and kitchen positions, such as bus person, hostess and dishwasher. Weekends are the biggest need with occasional weeknights. Pay starts at $10 an hour. E-mail a resume to donatellositalian@gmail.com or stop by at 9 W. Main Street in Carmel. Must have reliable transportation and be at least 16 years old.





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January 10, 2017

Current in Westfield


Visit 5 Distinctly Decorated Model Homes!



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from 10 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.








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from noon to 5:00 p.m.




from noon to 5:00 p.m.

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