January 11, 2011

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Councilman announces candidacy / P6


Tuesday January 11, 2011 FREE

Ameriana Bank's branch in Westfield has raised thousands of dollars for the community and volunteers often. Anne Essex, Rob Garrett, Melissa Hemingway, Chris Dell, and Dawn Beery are all very active in the Westfield area and want to support as many programs as they can.

Indiana-owned bank, Ameriana, is redefining what corporate citizenship is / P9 Photo by Margaret Sutherlin

A new day in Indiana’s health is coming. January 2011. 10710_2904_10.375x1_4c_Transitional_v4.indd 1

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2 | January 11, 2011


Current in Westfield


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Domestic economy Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. III, No. 50 Copyright 2008. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 1 South Range Line Road, Suite 220 Carmel, IN 46032


Publisher – Brian Kelly brian@youarecurrent.com / 414.7879 General Manager – Steve Greenberg steve@youarecurrent.com / 847.5022 Managing Editor – Margaret Sutherlin margaret@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444 Associate Editor – Terry Anker terry@currentincarmel.com Art Director – Zachary Ross zross@ss-times.com / 787.3291 Associate Artist – Haley Henderson haley@currentincarmel.com / 787.3291


It is our position that now that the holidays have officially passed, we can take the much needed break to relax and recover from the seasonal spending “hangover.”To many of us, this time of year means spending money – and, spending lots of it. Christmas joy is often following by January panic. The mortgage, utilities and savings plans compete with newly acquired debt. Our sense of peace is replaced by fiduciary anxiety. We are not descendants of Ebenezer Scrooge. We support generosity in all of its forms. But the holidays provide excuse for our shopping addiction and are often cited as the main reason that people fail their budget. In the excitement of sharing with a family member, friend or charity, we forget about the serious bite it can make into our bank account. Now that the conspicuous giving is over, we can cut back and allow our bank accounts to build back up before the next shopping spree. And with a month to come before Valentine’s Day, those inveterate romantic spenders among us can start working on the creative, if not expensive, gift. It may not be good for the retail outlook; but, it is ideal for our domestic economy.

The $300,000 question

It is our position that our elected officials must exercise extreme caution in the proposed distribution of some $6 billion to an estimated 20,000 people assumed to have been harmed by the terror attacks in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001. We certainly empathize with the individuals and families affected by the heinous crimes. And we congratulate those who routinely risk their lives to assist others. Yet a staged political event enriching the unworthy is not a desirable outcome. If responders and recovery staff fell ill, why didn’t nearby residents? Is there another potential cause? Would Workman’s Compensation Insurance cover these job related health care costs? Should it? How is the $6 billion dispersed; and what is it used to cover? What documentation is necessary to access? How is this program like or dislike those serving other veterans? Certainly, American taxpayers are generous and eager to help those in need. But does this new program make sense or is it a political stunt. It is our position that the 9/11 aid fund must be publicly scrutinized to determine fairness. And, those who choose to question the spending must not summarily be condemned for violating current standards of political correctness.

The views in these editorials are of reader participants. They do not represent those of Current Publishing ownership and management.

Advertising Senior Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia dennis@currentincarmel.com / 370.0749

Business Office Bookkeeper - Deb Vlasich deb@currentincarmel.com / 489.4444 The views of the columnists in Current In Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

strange laws


Photo Illustration

Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Gainesville, Ga., it is illegal for chicken to be eaten in any manner but with your hands. Source: Weird Laws (iPhone application)


Every week, we will print a portion of the U.S. Constitution, followed by a portion of the Indiana Constitution. We encourage you to benchmark government policies against these bedrock documents. Today: the Indiana Constitution. ARTICLE 4. Section 30. No Senator or Representative shall, during the term for which he may have been elected, be eligible to any office, the election to which is vested in the General Assembly; nor shall he be appointed to any civil office of profit, which shall have been created, or the emoluments of which shall have been increased, during such term; but this latter provi-

Current in Westfield

sion shall not be construed to apply to any office elective by the People. ARTICLE 5. Executive. Section 1. The executive power of the State shall be vested in a Governor. He shall hold his office during four years, and shall not be eligible more than eight years in any period of twelve years. (History: As Amended November 7, 1972). Section 2. There shall be a Lieutenant Governor, who shall hold his office during four years. Section 3. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall be elected at the times and places of choosing members of the General Assembly.

January 11, 2011 | 3

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From the backshop Go after light industrial for now ... and then For Mayor Andy Cook and the citizens of our city to fully realize the fruits of tax dollars from businesses, we wonder if it’s time to consider recruiting the heck out of light manufacturing concerns that want to move to a burgeoning city in the hottest county in Indiana. Tax increment financing districts have done wonders in Carmel as far as keeping residential property taxes low. The same can be achieved for Westfield. Retail will come, and it will be good. But for infrastructure upgrades, to speak nothing of creating the future of Westfield, there’s nothing quite like business tax dollars to get things rolling. ••• There has been a chain e-mail going around lately that claims governors of 35 states have filed suit against the feds for imposing unlawful burdens upon them. The missive states that it takes 38 states to convene a Constitutional Convention, and while we’d love to see that happen, it probably won’t. Still, a proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution could be along these lines: “Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives, and Congress shall make no law that applies to

Editor, I am writing to share my opinion of one of your columnists, Danielle Wilson. I’m puzzled as to why she gets such a sizeable column every week. I find her tasteless, vulgar, and offensive. She brings down the caliber of your publication. I couldn’t believe she wrote a whole column on how her children smelled. I’m not sure what

the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.” Wishful thinking? It should be reality. The special treatment and special interests are so horribly conflicting. It’s nice to know people are watching the crooks in Washington. ••• Kudos to Gov. Mitch Daniels, who went to Washington last week to accept an award for his fiscal responsibility. Anyone who really believes he is not presidential timbre hasn’t been paying attention the last handful of years. We hope he declares that he will do for America what he has done – and continues to do - for Indiana.

spilled expressing furor and demanding a pound of flesh. And many good minds are put to work seeking an appropriate outcome for all involved – at least the best outcome given the circumstance. So I won’t bore with a take on the event (or non-event) and its adjudication (or not) but wonder what we can learn as observers to a storm that surrounds such painful controversy. Pundits and bloggers have repeated vociferously that the affluent community that produced the would-be criminals is like any other and must not be treated above the law. Yes! Yet in the same breath, they demand that predators be taught a lesson regardless of legal restriction. Also, yes! So, which lesson do we hope to teach? Shouldn’t the law constrain both criminal and mob? Will it? And, can it? Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may e-mail him at terry@ currentincarmell.com.

Editor, I just wanted to take a moment and respond the letter about Danielle Wilson giving Current a “black eye.” What makes me laugh is that people state how they can’t stand Danielle’s column, yet they take the time to read it each week. It just tells me that she’s a real person and whether we want to admit it or not, we all can relate on some level. She’s real and I enjoy reading her columns, both appropriate and inappropriate, at

that! And if I didn’t like her, I suppose a person with common sense would just simply skip her column and not be disgusted by the article she has written to enlighten those of us that enjoy reading it. Or I could write and tell you how disgusted we were with her column that I still just took the time to read, even though I don’t like reading her columns. Makes sense to me. “Peace out!” Michelle Gilbert 46062

Wanna write us a letter? You can do it a couple ways. The easiest is to e-mail it to info@currentinwestfield. com. The old-fashioned way is to snail mail it to Current in Westfield, 1 South Range Line Road, Carmel, IN 46032. Keep letters to 200 words max (we may make exceptions), and be sure to include your home zip code and a daytime number for verification.

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Shouldn’t the law constrain both criminal and mob? 4 | January 11, 2011

good this did them, and didn’t find it entertaining or humorous in the least. Your paper is wonderful in so many ways, and I think it would be MUCH better off without her. I am sure there are many working moms with the same subject matter at hand who also have a bit of class. MP Sabogal 46220

Skip Wilson’s columns if you dislike them

Brian Kelly & Steve Greenberg

Mob rule

COMMENTARY By Terry Anker Many years ago, a wise woman warnedme to avoid stepping on ground marked “quicksand.” “Even if the sign is wrong,” said she, “you haven’t missed much by avoiding the territory.” It makes good sense, this advice. In my youth I’d often charge into the quagmire to “prove” for myself the ground more than mud with an overzealous alert system. But as I’ve grown older, I find the insight more nuanced. If I can dodge the sticky spot, whether deep or shallow, I often do. Such is my perspective on the young men recently accused of victimizing a peer on a school bus returning from a high school basketball game. It is a deeply powerful and complex issue – flush with age, race, wealth, sport and government. It could make a good Tom Clancy novel. Continuing coverage of this universal tragedy has put us through each stage. We have traversed confusion (how could this happen), anger (make it stop), and thoughtfulness (what can we learn and change). Much ink has been

Wilson needs to be replaced

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h a n g e Vi e





Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.







pizza and in my beloved Italian restaurants. Perhaps I could spontaneously order a mushroom pizza in Denver! • Find a better balance between work and motherhood. I’m doing okay, but there are many days when I come home exhausted, and the last thing I want to do is be with my family. A glass of cab and whatever romance/fantasy I’m reading at the time whisper so seductively that I just want to pretend I’m a single, childless woman who lives alone with her three cats, all named after characters from Great Expectations. I’d like that feeling of resentment to change in 2011. So I plan (spontaneously of course) to spend ten minutes with each child at bedtime, hearing about his or her day, and just being their mom. There you have it folks. My goals for 2011. Here’s wishing you a good one and a chance to meet some resolutions of your own. Peace out.



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» Girl Scout Cookie Time – Girls Scouts of Indiana have kicked off their cookie sales now through March. Orders can be taken now or cookies can be purchased at cookie booths at various retailers across the area starting in February. Cookies may be ordered directly from participating scouts or by calling the Girl Scout Cookie Hotline at 877-474-2249.

Doo and I have been discussing this for many years, since we both went to college in Colorado, but we always find an excuse to put it off. Not this summer! We are making it happen come July, complete with a minivan, several “Biggest/ Greatest/ Largest” exhibits in the state of Kansas, and enough possibilities for road trip mishaps to make the Griswold’s vacation look like delightful walk in the park. Bring it “Holiday Road”! • Publish a book. I’ve wanted to publish a book for several years now but this is the first time I will say it out loud, to you, my adoring public. Maybe if I get it in print, my dream will come true. Can you imagine a better Mother’s Day gift for the women in your life? The complete first season of articles by yours truly! All in a handsomelybound book for your reading pleasure will be sold, I’m certain, at a very reasonable price of something ninety-five. • Learn to like a new food. I despise mushrooms, olives, salmon, sushi, and any game meat, like venison or buffalo. I have decided that in 2011, I will come to enjoy at least one of these foods, preferably one of the first two, as these are in abundance on


» White resigns as GOP chairman – New Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White resigned from his position as chairman of the Hamilton County Republican Party Dec. 31. “I believe that it is important that all Hoosiers have confidence that I will focus my energies on the job I was elected to perform and work for all of our citizens regardless of party affiliation,” White said in his public resignation. Hamilton County GOP Executive Director Andrew Greider said a caucus was scheduled for Monday of this week during which a new chairman would be selected.

COMMENTARY By Danielle Wilson Here is my third annual list of New Year’s Resolutions, for what it’s worth. I’ve found that actually writing them down holds me accountable, as does the knowledge that several thousand people know what my goals are. I’m sure my husband Doo is already planning a pool on which ones I’ll keep and which I will toss by February. But that’s alright, I feel better sharing them. • Be more spontaneous. Can you plan to be more spontaneous? I don’t think so, but I can at least keep it in mind as the year rolls along. Hugs, staying up past nine, the occasional Long John Silver’s run: get ready world. This could get crazy! • Paint our family room. I’ve been staring at the walls of our main living area now for five months, every day vowing to call a painter. I’m not entirely sure what’s keeping me from it, but I promise in 2011 that that room will go from sunshine-yellow (the annoying kind that incessantly screams “YOU MUST BE HAPPY!”), to a sophisticated grey-green (which says “It’s okay to cry today”), even if I have to do it myself. • Take our kids to the Rocky Mountains.


» Christmas tree collection – Have your Christmas Trees down before Jan. 15 and Ray’s Trash will pick them up on trash day. For more information visit the City of Westfield, Indiana on Facebook.

New Year's resolutions


» City offices closed – Westfield City Hall and offices will be closed Jan. 17 in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and will reopen on Jan. 18.



c u -tr a c k

» Local business moves showroom – Affordable Kitchens and Bathrooms has moved its showroom and is now offering flooring through Affordable Custom Flooring. The new showroom at 1000 3rd Ave. SW Suite 120 in Carmel allows for the new selection of hardwood, tile, carpet, and other flooring in addition to the kitchen and bath business. Affordable seeks a balance between expense and design and with their experience create attractive, cost-effective designs. For more information on Affordable Custom Flooring visit www.affordable-customflooring.com. To learn about Affordable Kitchen and Baths visit www.affordablekandb.com. » Donation fraud alert – The Indiana Attorney General is warning against fraudulent telemarketers soliciting donations for the Department of Child Services. It is recommended that you do not give any of your personal information, and ask for the telemarketer for the charity and get as much information from them as you can. Be especially alert if they claim you have made a pledge for a donation and haven’t.


Current in Westfield

January 11, 2011 | 5

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Councilman running for clerk-treasurer

Making a difference for kids

the rest of the city government By Margaret Sutherlin uses to also take the position to Current in Westfield the next level; accountability, inWestfield city councilman Ken novation, and integrity. He said Kingshill is running for clerkin the position he would be able treasurer in the upcoming May to help develop the position into primary elections. a more modern one. Kingshill, a one term council“I really think that because the man, was the president of the clerk-treasurer keeps the records, council his first two years in documents, and is someone office, and has been a Westfield people need to be in touch with, resident for 13 years. Citing his Kingshill I’d like to bring a customer serexperience in office and close vice element to the office, and make things work with the clerk-treasurer on the council as transparent as possible, and streamline as when creating budgets, he said his decision much as possible,” said Kingshill. “I think stemmed from his noticing the greatest need we could lead the state into the 21st century, in that particular position. in advancing technology in the office. And “Indeed, it is with much reluctance that it is very important we always meet all state I forego seeking a second term in [the city requirements.” council],” said Kingshill in a statement. Kingshill said that he felt his experience on “However, my experience in city government the council was going to be invaluable to best these past three years has caused me to conserve the needs and citizens of Westfield. clude that I can be of greater service to West“I see this as an opportunity to really be of field by utilizing my talents, work ethic, and enthusiasm in the capacity of Clerk-Treasurer.” greater service to the City of Westfield,” he Kingshill said he fully understands all that is said. Cindy Gossard is Westfield’s current Clerkentailed in the position, and can use his expeAdvertisement rience with the law and real estate to help with Treasurer. The primary election is May 2 and Kingshill is running as a Republican. the office. He wants to use the same motto

COMMENTARY By Jeff Worrell Troop 1746 in Westfield decided to just do it. They resolved to earn their Silver Award which is the highest award a Cadette Girl Scout can earn and the 2nd highest award in all of Girl Scouting. Hearing about Troop 1746 brought back good memories for me about my daughter and her troop’s quest for the coveted Silver Award many years ago. The Dayspring Center of Indianapolis is currently receiving the benefit of the Troop’s benevolent and ambitious attitude. Dayspring is the only shelter for homeless families in our area, which many times, includes kids. Cassidy Ferguson, Dana Abraham, Marissa Barrows, Laurel Mikalouski, Alex Macy, Emma Rohlfing and Destinee Weidman are the young ladies that comprise Troop 1746. It was the seven of them under the watchful eye and guiding hand of Troop Leader, Amanda Ferguson-Macy, who decided to create an activity once a month for the kids at Dayspring. Once, each Sunday for seven months in a row, every girl of Troop 1746 sets up a variety of craft opportunities for the Dayspring children


many couples who have postponed separating. Once children return to school and spouses return to work, many are resolved to proceed

6 | January 11, 2011

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The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice.

Jeff Worrell is a local businessman. He recognizes volunteers on “Connecting with Carmel” on cable channel 16. Contact him at jworrell@advantagemedical.com

The Dayspring Center is currently receiving the benefit of the Troop’s benevolent and ambitious attitude.


Families facThey commit not to go to court or use the Advertisement ing divorce are information shared in collaborative discusoften experiencsions in litigation. Parties have more control ing emotional to work out settlement details and find creAmong family with a fresh start for the new year. and financial criative solutions for their problems, which they law attorneys, JanuInitiating a divorce may seem ses, and concerns understand better than a judge or thirdoverwhelmparty. ary isabout a peak time ing, but alternatives to traditional litigation attorneys’ Positive outcomes are best reached through for new provide more options fornot spouses who are feesclients. and ex- The respectful communications, courtroom penses associated battles. first Monday after concerned about the emotional and finanwith a divorce Retention collaborative attorney does the the holiday break cial burdenofofathe divorce process.After can overwhelm not change the naturesome of thecouples attorney-client has even earned a holiday expenses, may not feel a spouse who as is relationship, butafford insteadtochanges theeven attitudes nickname known that they can divorce, if they already under and tasks both lawyer and client take as they “Divorce Day”. It are struggling with ongoing marital conflict. extreme stress. But even in today’s tough man- age the divorce case. The focus on meantfor tocouples be inRemaining in an parties unhealthy situation economic times, there isn’t are options settlement requires to move out of can be sensitive, but reflects even more damaging, especially if parties who have reached the breaking point, with their corners and into a discussion focused Stephenie Jocham the have attempted counseling and litigation alternatives such on peacefully changing the real statistics that many have not beeninable to repair as mediation, arbitration and family structure the most collaborative law offering mutually advantageous couples are motivated after the their marriages. But options parties moreacontrol withtothe way possible. Negotiatinglaw and holidays to seek solution such as collaborative least financial and emotional amediation settlement can help which their marital difficulties. are also methods impact. and divorce minimize financial Separations are oftentheless costly,imfinancially While mediation and pact of the divorce as parties filingsarbitration typicallyhave slowbecome down more in and emotionally, and empower are avoiding the time, fees the months of November and couples to have more control familiar, few people, including family law and costs incurred with litigation. December as spouses attempt maintain their over the divorce process. It canAcademy facilitate the As members of The International therapists, are familiar withto collaborative law. transition into the next stage and help preserve relationships for thepractice sake ofarea their families and of Collaborative Professionals, This emerging stresses the interests of children and promotes cooperation collaborative relationship, law attorneys of Jocham minimizing children through the holiday festivities. How- thetheco-parenting among the parties rather Jackson,effects PC are of trained to ever, the winter holidays canthan be confrontation very trying in Harden some ofDimick the negative divorce. The the courtroom. In collaborative divorce, these- help you Law determine which optionatisJHDJ best for for marriages that are already experiencing Family Practice Group Law separating couple and their specially-trained you. If your family is facing a crisis, contact rious problems. The additional stress created offers comprehensive legal services including attorneys pledge at the outset to try to work our office at 317-569-0770, or visit www. by financial pressures, family dynamics or litigation, collaborative law, or mediation for things out through open communication, jhdj-law.com to learn more. unfulfilled can accentuate clients considering a freshherein start and using expectations other collaborative experts suchrather as The information contained is forcontemthan mend the cracks in aadvisors, relationship. The plating divorce or separation. counselors, financial and divorce informational purposes only and isTo notlearn in- more long holiday is often the final straw for about to ourbeservices, contact 317-569-0770 or coaches break as necessary to assist in the details. tended legal advice.

to complete. So far, mittens, turkey coasters, ghost kites and a big snowball have been made with the help of the girls. Troop Leader Amanda said, “ I am rewarded when I see the girls progress from shy and timid into confident leaders. Each girl must take the leadership role for a month’s worth of activities, totally planning what will take place and then what will happen.” As part of the experience for the kids at Dayspring, the Girl Cadettes read the kids a story, play games and provide a snack, plus making the crafts. Every detail of the Sunday afternoon is planned in advance. The girl leading on a particular Sunday must come up with a concept or idea for the session. Then the supplies have to be rounded up, outside help solicited and assignments made. It takes excellent leadership skills to manage all of the components plus 25 kids. Good luck to Troop 1746.

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Residents and city seek input on ordinance By Ellen Funke Current in Westfield Residents of Westfield have a few more days to respond to an online survey regarding solicitation ordinances in the city. The ten-question survey is intended to gain information about the current ordinance and gauge how to develop a revision to the current law. The survey will be a major consideration if changes to the current ordinance are made. The current ordinance was last updated in October of 2009. Before that, the most recent revision happened in the 1990s. Problems with the effectiveness of the current ordinance have sparked some concerns by residents. Deputy Clerk Treasurer Teresa Skelton has been a key administrator in the solicitation ordinance discussion. She says the consistency of county solicitation laws is an important aspect of this movement. “We’re not trying to reinvent the wheel here. We just want to unify the county on this,” Skelton said. The current ordinance has been called unenforceable and confusing by some of the revision supporters. Community outreach volunteer Jim Philippi has been involved in the effort to change the solicitation ordinance through his homeowner’s association. He says a new ordinance is a necessity for Westfield. “I feel

that we are the only metropolitan Hamilton County community to not have an enforceable ordinance.” Philippi said. The ordinances in Carmel, Fishers and Noblesville are stricter than the one in Westfield and are being used as examples for Westfield’s potential update. Philippi says that because the ordinances in surrounding areas are stricter and more effectively enforced, Westfield is at a disadvantage when it comes to solicitation. “We have, in essence, become a target.” Philippi said. Violation of the current solicitation ordinance remains a problem according to Skelton, who said litter and criminal activity are the most frequent concerns from homeowners. “Many of these solicitors illegally enter mailboxes.” Philippi said. This can lead to identity theft and medication theft. “We want to protect our citizens from a public safety standpoint.” Skelton said. The current system for obtaining solicitation permits is also a point of concern. There have been reports that solicitors are either not seeking permits or falsifying them. According to Skelton, the survey regarding the solicitation ordinance had just fewer than 180 respondents as of last Tuesday. The survey will be available until January 15. It can be found at http://www.westfield.in.gov/ under Community Updates.

Westfield in Bloom Current in Westfield A 2011 kick-off meeting for Westfield in Bloom will be held Jan. 13 at 7 p.m. at the City Service Center. This will be an organizational meeting and will determine the projects for the year. Westfield in Bloom is a volunteer committee created by the Westfield Parks Department and includes other community groups, master gardeners, historical activists, citizen volunteers and DocterFlyer_2.ai 1 10/18/10 8:43 PM HOA board members – all with the intention


of competing in the America in Boom national competition. In 2009 Westfield in Bloom competed in the floral category, adding historical preservation and community involvement in 2010. In 2011 the group plans to include environmental awareness as well as urban forestry. The kick-off meeting is open to the public. Interested citizens should contact Westfield Parks and Recreation at 317-804-3150 for information.

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Current in Westfield

January 11, 2011 | 7

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Text and drive: let the state decide COMMENTARY By Ken Kingshill Someone asked me recently if I thought that Westfield should pass an ordinance prohibiting texting while driving. My response was that such a prohibition should come at the state level rather than at the local municipal level. How confusing would it be if each municipality had their own set of rules about distracted driving? Imagine driving down U.S. 31 from Kokomo to Indianapolis. Suppose that Kokomo doesn’t allow driving a car with more than two screaming children in it. Then suppose that Westfield doesn’t allow texting while driving and Carmel prohibits the playing of DVDs in a moving car. Finally, you get to Indianapolis that might not allow smoking in moving vehicles. You probably wouldn’t know that all those rules existed. If each locality erected signs on the highway informing motorists of their particular prohibition, your head would be spinning by the time you got to Interstate 465. It’s bad enough trying to keep track of each state’s laws when you’re driving down to Florida on Spring Break.

8 | January 11, 2011

I’m ashamed to admit it, but I’m guilty of the very occasional brief text transmission while driving. Granted, that’s a bad thing, but how much worse is it really than driving while speaking on the phone? If I’m actively engaged in conversation with a real person in the front seat, I often find myself forgetting to turn at the next roundabout. And how much attention are we really paying to the road when we’re listening to the Colts game on the radio? Distracted driving is distracted driving. Where do we stop when regulating? No texting? No phone? No radio? No eating? No GPS navigation system? I don’t know. If there’s going to be any sort of legislation against distracted driving in Indiana, it’s going to have to be a statewide law. If you feel strongly about the issue, I recommend that you contact your state representative or senator. City Councilor Ken Kingshill is a Westfield resident and Realtor. You may e-mail him at kkingshill@ westfield.in.gov.



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Anne Essex, Chris Dell, Melissa Hemingway, Rob Garrett, Dawn Beery By Margaret Sutherlin Current in Westfield A small Indiana bank is reimagining what it means to be a community focused business. Ameriana bank, headquartered in New Castle, Ind., with branches throughout Hamilton County and Westfield, is making corporate citizenship a priority in their business model. Focused on delivering outstanding banking and financial services, Ameriana bank is also very dedicated to being an active part in the community. “We don’t just think that being a part of the community means being located in it, but participating,” said Rob Garrett the Assistant Vice President and Banking Center Manager at the Westfield Ameriana bank. Though the Westfield Ameriana branch may have only a few staff members, they are making a big impact in the area, raising money and goods for local organizations, and providing hours of volunteering. From their offices and out in the community, Rob Garrett and his team have made a point to serve as many community organizations and nonprofits as they can through their “Community Wall” inside the bank. The feature is unique

be on the community wall To be featured on the Community Wall at Ameriana or get involved, Garrett suggests dropping by the bank, located at 3333 East State Road 32, or calling (317) 867-7740. Though 2011 Community Wall is almost entirely scheduled for the year, Garrett said letting the bank know about needs was the best way to make sure they can help.


Indiana-owned bank, Ameriana, is redefining what corporate citizenship is to their particular branch, and shines a spotlight on a local group that needs support. “The Wall really allows us to support local organizations and help them,” said Garrett. “People are I think still a little confused by the Wall and what it is doing in the bank. We are a community bank. We like to keep it simple. We know who we are here.” Each employee seems to have found their niche in the community and do a variety of service work. Some of the employees are very involved with Westfield in Bloom, other volunteer through churches and with other organizations. In addition to the community wall, Garrett and his bank plan to begin featuring a local business of the month, and not just Ameriana customers.

Top Down Model

The culture of community being bred in Ameriana locations across the area however comes from what might be considered an unusual place: the CEO Jerome “Jerry” Gassen. Gassen’s focus on community started in his redefining what it means to be involved in a community, and really identifying a need in that local businesses needed to reconnect with their customers. The new model centered on customer and community service not only meant that Ameriana would allow their employees to volunteer during work hours, but would encourage it, and would create a banking atmosphere that felt less like a bank, and more like a home. “This all really started from our CEO,” said Melissa Nobbe, a public relations coordinator for Ameriana. “We want to redefine the small community bank and are providing the services to do so. We let our employees volunteer during the day, since it can hard to find the time. We also provide outstanding service in our bank.” In addition to being active in the community, each branch is

Current in Westfield

designed to feel homey with a coffee maker and television, and has a community conference room which is available for public use 24 hours a day. “It’s just good business,” said Garrett. Following though with the model wasn’t hard for Garrett and his team. All Westfield residents, Garret said it was one of his priorities to make sure his staff members were experienced bankers, and from the Westfield area.

Making a difference in a short time

More than anything, Westfield’s Ameriana is proud of its successes only about two years in the area. In 2010, Ameriana rose a little over $10,000 for the community and gave countless volunteer hours. Sharon Hudson, president of the Amanda Strong Food for the Needy Inc, said that 2010 was an especially tough year for her organization, and was so helped by being featured on the community wall at Ameriana. “This is a really unique bank,” she said. “They really helped us out a lot and even though they wanted to collect more toys for our holiday drive, every little bit this year really helped. They really care there, you can tell.” Garrett and his team though hope in the coming years as their business grows so will the spirit for being active in the community and providing services for the Westfield. “It’s been fun so far,” said Garrett. “It’s a different kind of bank and we really want to be here in the community.”

learn more about ameriana To learn more about the bank and their new commitment to corporate citizenship visit: www.ameriana.com

January 11, 2011 | 9

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DISPATCHES » Schools closed – Jan. 17 Westfield Washington Schools are closed in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. » Library closing – The Westfield Washington Public Library will be closed on Monday, Jan. 17, in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. The library will reopen at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 18. » Artist visits library – Talented artist Jan Roland will teach a class in Watercolor Painting and Techniques at the Westfield Washington Public Library on Thursday, Jan. 20, at 10:30 a.m. No previous art experience is necessary, and the class fee of $12 includes all materials. » Conner Prairie free admission – Conner Prairie is offering free admission on community day in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. on Jan. 17. During park hours, the public will get a special preview of the new exhibit 1863: Civil War Journey: Raid on Indiana, and tours and stories about the 28th Regiment U.S. Colored Troops will be shared also. » Avatar student – The initiative TeachME at the University of Central Florida in Orlando has created a new virtual classroom to help teachers learn how to be more effective. Teacher-candidates practice in the simulated classroom which helps them get real, tangible experience in classroom management without harming a student’s education. -www.edweek.org » Survey shows teacher education delay – The Center for Education Policy released a survey last week that said a uniform standard system for teacher education is years away. Of 42 surveyed states, 30 responded they wanted to reform their professional development programs and requirements for teachers, but wouldn’t have the funding or manpower to begin making those shifts until 2013. -www.edweek.org » New grant for agricultural education – Indiana's Family of Farmers hope to make learning about agriculture fun, and are now offering a $2,000 grants to help local communities establish farming educational programming. The grant is meant to increase educational programs and participation by focusing on events surrounding farming or creating lessons about food and farming techniques. Indiana's Family of Farmer's was established in 2009 to bring awareness to Indiana's farming community.

10 | January 11, 2011

Disrespectful language GRAMMAR LESSON By Brandie Bohney I’m irritated, but wrongly so. I got an interesting email request recently: “Will you please discuss how disrespect became a verb. My ears burn when I hear someone say, ‘He disrespected me.’ Ugh!!” My ears burn when I hear such a construction, too. In my response to the email, I explained that I had no idea how disrespect became a verb, but I, too, dislike hearing it used as such and would be looking into its origins. That was when the shocking truth began to unfold. I went to my standard first line of word-use defense: dictionary.com. It listed disrespect as a verb. “Okay,” I thought. “Dictionary.com sometimes has entries that are a little wonky; sometimes the entries from different sources don’t even agree with one another. It’s surely one of those situations.” Nope. Both entries (one from Random House and one from Collins) listed disrespect as a verb. And an entry from a dictionary of etymology dated the word from the 17th century. So not only were the listings in agreement, there was also a listed origin date of 400 years ago. Not exactly a spring chicken in the world

of word usage. So I checked the Oxford Dictionary. Those Oxford people, they don’t mess around. They’d set the record straight. Sure enough, they set the record straight. My record. Use of disrespect as a transitive verb (one that takes an object) has been acceptable for a while now. A long while. And while it may burn many an ear as incorrect, it isn’t. My suspicion is that use of disrespect as a verb fell out of favor for some time (probably in much the same way gay is rarely ever used to mean carefree and happy anymore), but has recently come back into mainstream use, thereby irritating uppity grammar snobs like me for no reason whatsoever. So I stand corrected. I disrespected those who use disrespect as a verb. I suspect, however, that it will always sound incorrect to me and my ears will continue to burn. But, of course, that’s my problem. Brandie Bohney is a grammar enthusiast and former English teacher. If you have a grammarrelated question, please email her at bbthegrammarguru@gmail.com.

While it may burn many an ear as incorrect, it isn’t.

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Meeting the needs of each child through art, music, hands-on activities, and play in a nurturing, Christian environment Preschool and Mother’s Day Out programs for children 9 months to 5 years Registration for the 2011-12 school year begins January 18, 2011 Call today for information, or to set up a tour Cara Paul, Director 252-5511 Second Presbyterian Church 7700 N. Meridian Street Indianapolis, 46260 childrenscircle.org Current in Westfield


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Winter wonderland: What college students can do during Winter Break COMMENTARY By Tanna Hanger Winter Break can be a challenging time between returning college students and their parents. Students often return home exhausted, but with a newfound independence. Parents can quickly lose patience with their students who seem unmotivated and sleep deprived. Although some schools may close just for the holidays, many college breaks extend through mid-to late-January. To make it a good experience for everyone, take the time to consider the many options available during Winter Break before it begins. Do Nothing College life is active, yet stressful. Students juggle classes, studying, friends, activities, and work. Parents, be patient if they need the safe haven of home to sleep, relax, and savor downtime. Take a trip Many schools offer mini study abroad opportunities. These trips provide an invaluable learning experience and give them a taste of what it would be like to study abroad for a semester or full year. Students should apply for or renew their passport while still in high school, so it is readily available. Take a class Short-term classes during this time allow students to explore a new subject or learn a different skill that often times has nothing to do with their major.


Short-term internship This brief time provides a great opportunity for students to get some on-the-job training through an internship. Know in advance if class credit is offered. Job Shadowing also provides hands-on experience and could develop into a future internship. Serve as a volunteer Students can use this time to get out of the house, gain some experience, and feel good about using their time to help someone else. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs Returning to a summer job for a few weeks or taking on a temporary holiday job to earn some extra money can be rewarding. Students can also look for a summer job, submit an application, and ask for an interview. For graduating college seniors, polish up that resume and cover letter, and compile a list of potential employers. Hunt for Money Use this time to get a head start on financial aid paperwork, complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid,) and search for scholarships. Return to High School Local high school students can benefit tremendously from hearing first-hand about college experiences from current college students. Parents and students must work together to find the balance between the need to recharge for next semester and the need to have a purpose during these few weeks.

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Summer 2011


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January 11, 2011 | 11 Copyright©2011St.ClaireGroup

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DISPATCHES » Specific geography is a good sign – A wine that says it’s from Napa is probably a better bet than a wine that simply says it’s from California. It’s the same way all over the world. Unfortunately, this will also probably be reflected in the price, so this might not tell you much about value. There are fabled vineyards around the world, plots of land famous for producing high-quality grapes. If you care enough to know a few of these, they might help you make an educated guess about quality. -www.wsj.com » Get live TV on your iPad – Comcast last week unveiled a new iPad app that will allow Comcast subscribers to watch live TV on their iPads (and Android-powered tablets) in their homes. Subscribers will be able to watch ondemand content “on-the-go.” -www.forbes.com » New firepower for your pantry – Basic staples from the Middle East can be game changers in your kitchen, says Men’s Health’s food expert. “Dried Persian lemons, for example, bring bright, intense sour notes to stews and rice dishes. And if you try only one new spice this year, make it za'atar, an Israeli spice blend made with dried oregano, thyme, and other spices. A simple marinade of olive oil and za'atar on meat, fish, or vegetables will transform your normal weekday meal into something really special. Find these and other potent pantry items at sadaf.com.” -www.menshealth.com » January gardening tips – 1. Remove aphids from houseplants with a mixture of equal parts rubbing alcohol and water and add a drop of dishwashing detergent. Apply this to troubled plants with a soft brush. 2. Open the doors and windows when temperatures permit to give your house a change of air. 3. Provide extra protection to houseplants on window sills by placing cardboard between the plants and the glass. Be sure the plants don't touch the windowpanes. -www.almanac.com » The end for Indy? – Harrison Ford reportedly wants his Indiana Jones character to “die and pass on his hat to his son” in the series’ fifth installment. George Lucas reportedly does not like the idea, but Steven Spielberg is considering it. Ford wanted the same fate for Han Solo in “Star Wars,” but Lucas rejected that idea. However, Lucas does not have all the say this time.

12 | January 11, 2011

Carmel filmmaker remembers Haiti earthquake one year later By Jordan Fischer Current in Westfield After 10 years, Carmel resident Jace Freeman was preparing to return to Haiti, a country which had moved him as a child doing mission work. Then the 2010 earthquake hit, changing the face of the country, and his trip, forever. Freeman is the director of the film When the Ground Stopped Shaking, a documentary about the aftermath of the earthquake. “It was just chaotic,” Freeman remembered. “There was no way to commercially get into the country. But it was even more important then that I get down there and make the film.” Freeman was able to catch a ride on a private jet lent to the organization he was working with, Lifeline Christian Mission. He flew directly into Port au Prince, and began filming with his digital camera immediately. The film chronicles both the Haitian community and the efforts of foreign organizations, volunteers and doctors who came to their aid. In one scene, doctors rush to resuscitate a newborn which stopped breathing moments after birth. “That moment was the heaviest moment of my life,” Freeman recalled. “The baby was basically born, and then died a minute after. The doctors rushed him into an area where they could start working on him.” Freeman stopped filming at that moment, fearing the child was dead.

Pick of the week

Live and Let Die: The Music of Paul McCartney The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra and performer Tony Kishman join together to recreate the music of Paul McCartney. From his music as a Beatle to Wings and his solo career, the performance by Kishman, a start of the Classical Mystery Tour, will perform a variety of McCartney’s music that will appeal of audiences of all ages. Kishman will be accompanied by Jim Owen and Chris Camelleri, his Classical Mystery Tour band mates. Performances are Friday, Jan. 14 and Saturday, Jan. 15 at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday Jan. 16 at 3:00 p.m. Tickets are $32-75 dollars and the performance is at Hilbert Circle Theatre. For more information and to purchase tickets visit www. indianapolissymphony.org.

Freeman “Then I heard that baby start crying, and the doctors say they brought him back,” he said. “It was awesome to see how the doctors responded to the situation, and the self-sacrifice of the one who gave the baby mouth to mouth. Many patients in Haiti have AIDS, and he could have easily contracted the virus, but I’m sure he didn’t even think about it.” The film also explores a refugee camp in Port au Prince. Freeman remembered one little girl from the camp in particular who offered a bright moment. “There is a little girl in the film, I call her

‘Madam,’” he said. “She was just happy. She definitely didn’t understand the gravity of the situation, or that her life had been forever changed. She was just continuing on, just doing the things a kid does.” After the film debuted at Indianapolis’s Heartland Film Festival in October of 2010, a family from the mission approached Freeman wanting to sponsor ‘Madam.’ Unfortunately, they had no contact information for her, and it proved to be nearly impossible to find a single person in the tent city. “Later, however, someone from the mission was just walking through the city and happened to see that little girl,” Freeman added. “She’s now entered into the mission directory and being sponsored by that family.” Freeman hopes people watch his documentaries and find them compelling, but also that their interest in helping Haiti does not end there. “I think people are definitely receptive, and they do care,” he said. “But it’s fleeting. Audiences need to have sympathy and understanding that develops into an action for change.” The documentary, When the Ground Stopped Shaking, is available in its entirety online, at www.whentheground.com. On Feb. 1, Freeman’s follow-up film, “The Country Club,” about life in Sean Penn’s Haitian refugee camp will also be available for free viewing at www. thecountryclubfilm.com.

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Keltie Domina

orange leaf yogurt

Keltie’s Restaurant and Catering Where do you like to eat? “I like going to Oakley’s Bistro.” What do you like to order there? “I don’t have a favorite dish. Everything I’ve tried is fabulous. His meatloaf is really good and I like the corndogs, too.” What about the restaurant do you like? “I like supporting locals. He has a great reputation and the food is awesome.” Oakley’s Bistro 1464 86th Street West Indianapolis, IN 46260-2181 (317) 824-1231

Orange Leaf Yogurt opened Dec. 16, offering 16 flavors of frozen yogurt. The yogurt is sold at 45 cents per ounce. Customers are able to get inventive with their combinations of flavors and toppings. Christy Baugh and her husband co-own the franchise with another couple. “You get to create it all yourself,” Baugh said. The store has eight yogurt machines with two flavors in each. The flavors in each machine are specifically selected. “We try to pair two flavors for a fun mixture,” Baugh said. This location is quickly becoming a community hotspot. “Over Christmas break tons of families came in. Now we’re packed with high school students in the afternoons,” Baugh said. One of the owners’ favorite things about the yogurt available at Orange Leaf is the taste, with half the calories of ice cream. “The thing I hear most from our customers is ‘I can’t believe this is yogurt’ because it tastes so much like soft serve,” Baugh said. Flavors like eggnog and red velvet cake will soon be cycled out to make room for new flavors. However, flavors like vanilla, chocolate and cheesecake will always be available. Orange Leaf Yogurt is located at 2760 E. 146th Street. Follow them on Twitter at @myorangeleaf.

Arts center to benefit entire region COMMENTARY By Rollin M. Dick When I look ahead to the week of January 22 at the Center for the Performing Arts, with its full slate of community day celebrations, forums and a star-studded opening gala, I can’t help feeling excited for the years ahead. We have every reason to celebrate. The arrival of such a spectacular new home for the arts happens on very rare occasions. Without a doubt, noted American architect David M. Schwarz has created a stunning 1,600-seat concert hall for our region. Likewise, I applaud Carmel’s leaders who had the vision to understand the significance of this investment in our community, region and state. They have stepped up and said the arts are important, not just for today but for future generations. The city’s leaders understand fully that the arts have a place in building Indiana’s vitality. At the Center for the Performing Arts, one of the ways we are showing our support for the region’s arts community is by offering a wonderful new stage and offering performance groups an amazing opportunity to reach new audiences. The Palladium will become not only Carmel’s concert hall but our entire region’s concert hall. Built specifically for an intimate concert


experience, I look forward to hearing a variety of music styles, including not only the Carmel Symphony Orchestra and Michael Feinstein, but also the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, the world-renowned Vienna Boys Choir, Glen Campbell or Vince Gill. I’m a true believer in the idea that the success of the arts across our region creates a ripple effect of growth and appreciation for all of Indiana’s arts organizations. And the same is true for the success of the Center for the Performing Arts. Our cultural institutions--large or small, established or new, located in downtown Indianapolis, on 38th Street, at Conner Prairie or in the suburbs--are complementary to each other. We are delighted to welcome the community to the Palladium when it opens this coming January. We feel confident that our city, region and state will quickly see that thriving arts institutions reinforce one another, giving strength not just to themselves but to their entire community. Rollin M. Dick is Chairman of the Board of The Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. You can contact him by e-mailing info@ youarecurrent.com.

Current in Westfield

January 11, 2011 | 13

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Four-Layer Appalachian Stack Cake



The Diary of Anne Frank

Mickey's Irish Pub


Mo’s Irish Pub

The Indiana Repertory Theatre will present “The Diary of Anne Frank” Jan. 18 through Feb. 24. Tickets range from $20 to $52 each depending on show times. For tickets or details, visit www.irtlive.com.

Ten years have passed since Brent and Andy shared their deepest secrets. Beethoven scholar Brent drifts from city to city performing and lecturing until he discovers Andy is following him. The production runs at the Phoenix Theatre through Jan. 30. Tickets range from $15 to $25 depending on performance dates. For more information, visit www.phoenixtheatre. org.

9 to 5: The Musical

9 to 5: The Musical is a hilarious story of friendship and revenge in the Rolodex era. This new musical comedy, direct from Broadway, is based on the hit movie and features DOLLY PARTON's original hit title song. The show will be presented at Clowes Memorial Hall Jan. 11 through Jan. 16. Show times for that week are: Tuesday - 7:30 p.m., Wednesday - 7:30 p.m., Thursday - 7:30 p.m., Friday - 8 p.m., Saturday – 2 and 8 p.m., Sunday – 1 and 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $22 to $69. For more information, visit www.cloweshall.org.

The Last Night of Ballyhoo

The Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre will present “The Last Night of Ballyhoo” Jan. 21 through Feb. 5. This 1997 Tony Award-winning comedy by Alfred Uhry, author of “Driving Miss Daisy,” has an illuminating message filled with humor, romance and revelations. Tickets are $28 Friday through Sundays and $21 on Thursdays. For tickets, show times or other details, call 923-4597 or visit www.civictheatre. org.


Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre will present “Fiesta” each weekend from Feb. 11 to 27 Feb. 11, 12, 18, 19, 25 and 26 at 7 p.m. and Feb. 13, 20 and 27 at 3 p.m. at 329 Gradle Drive in Carmel. Due to limited seating, reservations are required and are non-transferable to different dates for this event. Tickets are $35 (includes the concert, light snacks and beverages). For reservations, call 844-2660.

14 | January 11, 2011

The following performances and events will take place this week at Mickey's Irish Pub, 13644 N. Meridian Street. For more information call 573-9746. Friday – Loo Abby Saturday – Endless Summer Band

The following musical acts will be performing live at Mo’s Irish Pub, 13193 Levinson Lane in the Hamilton Town Center, Noblesville. For more information, call 770-9020. Friday – Cari Ray Band Saturday – The Bishops

Moon Dog Tavern

The following musical acts will be performing live at Moon Dog Tavern, 825 E 96th St., Indianapolis, 46240. Call 575-6364 for more information. Friday – Zanna Doo Saturday - Roxie

Ingredients: • 5 cups dried apples (about 3/4 pound) • 5 cups apple cider • 1 2/3 cups granulated sugar • 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened, plus more for pans • 3 cups sifted all-purpose flour, plus more for pans • 1 large egg • 1 cup unsulfured molasses • 1 cup buttermilk • 1 teaspoon baking soda • 1 teaspoon ground ginger • 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves • 1/2 teaspoon salt • Confectioners' sugar, for dusting Directions: 1. Bring apples and cider to a boil in a large pot. Reduce to a simmer; cook, stirring occasionally, until apples begin to soften and liquid has reduced, 40 to 50 minutes. Add 1 cup water; cook, mashing apples slightly, until liquid has reduced, about 10 minutes. Add 2/3 cup granulated sugar and 1/2 cup water; simmer until apples are very soft and coated in syrup, about 15 minutes. Let cool completely. 2. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Butter two 9-inch round cake pans. Line bottoms

with parchment paper, and butter parchment. Dust with flour; tap out excess. Set aside. 3. Put butter and the remaining cup sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Mix on mediumhigh speed until creamy, about 3 minutes. Reduce speed to low; mix in egg, molasses, buttermilk, baking soda, flour, spices, and salt. 4. Divide batter evenly between prepared pans. Bake until a cake tester inserted into centers comes out clean and tops spring back when lightly touched, about 35 minutes. Let cool on a wire rack 10 minutes. Run a knife around edges of pans to loosen; invert to unmold. Remove parchment; reinvert onto racks. Let cool. 5. Using a long serrated knife, cut each cake in half horizontally. Place 1 bottom layer on a serving platter. Top with 1/3 of the apple mixture, spreading to edges. Stack 1 top layer on top of apples, and top with another 1/3 of the apple mixture. Repeat with remaining cake bottom and apples, and top with remaining cake top. Let stand at room temperature at least 1 hour before serving. Sift confectioners' sugar over top of cake.

Slippery Noodle Inn

The following musical acts will be performing live at the Slippery Noodle Inn, 372 South Meridian Street, Indianapolis. For more information, visit www.slipperynoodle.com. Friday and Saturday – Jon Strahl Band, Chicago Kingsnakes

Live and Let Die

The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra will perform “Live and Let Die: The Music of Paul McCartney” with noted McCartney interpreter Tony Kishman Jan. 14 through 16 at the Hilbert Circle Theatre. Performance times are at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday and at 3 p.m., Sunday. Adult ticket prices range from $20-$75 for both evening concerts, with special children’s tickets (ages 4-12) from $10-$75 for the Sunday 3 p.m. program only. Call 639-4300 or visit www.IndianapolisSymphony.org for tickets or details.


Warm Cider and Rum Punch Ingredients: • 8 cups apple cider • 1 apple, thinly sliced crosswise • 1 orange, thinly sliced crosswise • 2 cinnamon sticks • 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and thinly sliced • 2 cups dark rum


Creating Patients for Life

COMEDY Morty’s Comedy Joint

Directions: In a large pot, combine apple cider, apple slices, orange slices, cinnamon sticks, and ginger. Bring to a boil over high; reduce to a simmer and cook 5 minutes. (Keep warm over low, up to 2 hours.) Remove from heat and stir in rum. Transfer to a punch bowl; serve warm.

The following acts will be performing at Morty’s Comedy Joint, 3625 East 96th St., Indianapolis. For show times or other details, visit www.mortyscomedy.com or call 848-5500. Thursday through Sunday – Headliner: Hampton Yount and Grant Lyon (co-headliners).


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DISPATCHES » Tips for bright shades – A number of new, bright lip shades will hit counters as we near the spring season. Bazaar’s fashion editor has a few tips for wearing these bright colors. 1. Get an awesome mascara to pump up your lashes and build contrast between your eyes and lips. Stick to black, brown, or navy. 2. Don’t be afraid to wear face makeup, but avoid blush. Tinted moisturizer, translucent powder, and a touch of concealer are fine, but you don’t want to look like you’re part of the circus. -www.harpersbazaar.com » Choose the right sock – If you want to remain active this winter through outdoor activity, you’ll need the right socks. Here are some tips. 1. Turn a sock inside out and look for the teeny terry loops on the padded areas. Although big, loose loops may look and feel cushy, they quickly flatten once you wear the sock. Look for small, dense, tight loops. 2. You want flat seams. A little bump can hobble you on a hike. 3. Be sure the heel pocket and toe area fit snugly. If the sock is at all baggy, it's a blister waiting to happen. Go smaller. Teko socks, $11 and $10, tekosocks.com. -www.menshealth.com » One great scarf? - Is there such a thing as one winter scarf that every man should own? That’s what Esquire readers asked style guide Nick Sullivan. “Scarves are deeply personal, and it really depends on what else you wear,” he said. “I reckon you can't go wrong with navy (or any solid color) cashmere or lamb's-wool plain knit, with a felt-like handle and shortish fringed yarn ends.” -www.esquire.com

Announcing the color of the New Year! COMMENTARY By Vicky Early The color trend for 2011 has been etched in stone. Pantone, the ultimate color authority on all aspects of design and fashion, has announced the color of the year. Drum roll, please… I am pleased to announce that Pantone 182120 Honeysuckle is the 2011 color of the year. Honeysuckle is a vibrant shade of pink. It’s that kind of reddish orange, bright and happy pink. This rosy chosen one will be traveling in all the right circles. It will be seen popping up in women’s fashion, men’s shirts and ties, advertising, interior design and perhaps even cars. While pink is not my first choice in a decorating color, I do appreciate the fresh direction. Not since Mamie Eisenhower decorated a White House bathroom has pink been a trend color of choice! The Pantone press release describes Honeysuckle as a color that “emboldens us to face everyday troubles with verve and vigor…A

dynamic pink, Honeysuckle is encouraging and uplifting. It elevates the psyche beyond escape, instilling the confidence, courage and spirit to meet the exhaustive challenges that have become part of everyday life.” “In times of stress, we need something to lift our spirits.” Amen! Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute explained the choice by

saying, “Honeysuckle is a captivating, stimulating color that gets the adrenaline going – perfect to ward off the blues…Honeysuckle derives its positive qualities from a powerful bond to its mother color red, the most physical, viscerally alive hue in the spectrum.” One byproduct of the Pantone color choice is that it is guaranteed to produces a healthy glow when worn by both men and women. Homes that are currently decorated in a monochromatic color scheme can easily add a lively flair to interior spaces with Honeysucklecolored pillows, small appliances and tabletop accessories. Too much, though, and a room could resemble the set of Miami Vice. Like any other trend color, it is best used as the “dessert” in a room rather than the main course. Vicky Earley is the principal designer for Artichoke Designs in downtown Carmel. If you have an interior design question, please contact artichokedesigns@aol.com.

The Pantone press release describes Honeysuckle as a color that “emboldens us to face everyday troubles with verve and vigor… A dynamic pink, Honeysuckle is encouraging and uplifting.” Know someone outside of Westfield who would like to get


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January 11, 2011 | 15

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seals color, smoothes frizz, repairs damage, prevents split ends, moisturizes dry hair, strengthens fragile hair, prevents flat iron damage, adds shine, softness and silkiness, protects from blow drying dry out, improves texture, manageability.

New Year, New You!

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NOW is the perfect time to update your look for the new year. A cut and color from a talented Salon 01 stylist is the perfect way to get 2011 off on the right foot. Appointments are booking fast, so you should call and reserve your customized consultation time today. 317-580-0101.

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New Year, New Promises Whether you are vowing to drop some pounds, eat smarter, study more or spend more time with loved ones, your friends at Salon 01 have some advice to help motivate you to keep your New Years’ resolutions in 2011! Here is what we found works best for sustaining the promises to yourself, according to the Wall Street Journal. • The best way to ensure your goal is attainable is to be honest with yourself about your limitations and to be specific about your goals. • Declare your resolution publically so you aren’t the only one holding yourself accountable • Temptation will be there regardless, so don’t do anything to heighten it. • Reward yourself for progress (without being counterproductive), and give yourself a break. For more insight on this topic and others, visit our blog at www.salon01. com/blog where we do our best to give you current advice for all your hair, skin and fashion needs and where we dish on tips and trends every season!

16 | January 11, 2011

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» AIDS gel works in monkeys – An experimental gel protected female monkeys from the AIDS virus in a test designed to mimic human sexual transmission, researchers said last week. The gel uses an AIDS drug along with a zinc compound and protected all animals tested from infection with the monkey version of HIV, the researchers report in the Public Library of Science open-source journal PLoS ONE. -Reuters » Some defibrillators aren’t needed – Patients who've had a recent heart attack or recent bypass surgery aren't good candidates for defibrillators, but a first-of-itskind study, which examined nearly four years of national data, 22 percent of the implant surgeries were in patients who fit one of those categories. While some of these surgeries likely were needed, researchers say many were done by doctors who “don’t agree with the guidelines.” -Associated Press

COMMENTARY By Laura Marenco While it is common sense to reduce calories to lose weight, a very low calorie diet is a poor strategy. It only forces your body into survival mode, reducing metabolism to preserve the very fat stores you want to burn. Also, intake of protein will be low which means your body will start to feed off muscle to function. The result is less muscle burning up calories. A better strategy is to eat smaller portions more regularly. When you skip breakfast, for instance, you miss an opportunity to get your metabolism going early. In the morning your blood sugar level is low and your body is not yet giving signals to ramp up burning of energy stores. You can quickly change that by ingesting complex carbohydrates such as oatmeal and protein, like an egg-white omelet in the morning. Eating four to six smaller meals throughout the day helps maintain metabolism. A sample day might incorporate oatmeal and a protein source for breakfast, a mid morning snack of celery with peanut butter followed by a chicken salad for lunch, mid-afternoon snack of a

protein shake and an evening meal of chicken breast with vegetables. A key to successful weight loss is your protein intake. Protein boosts metabolism, making you feel full and maintaining your lean muscle for a more toned look. Eliminate refined carbohydrates from your diet, the kind that are most prevalent in our diet, including cereals, pasta, bread, potatoes, and rice. Get your carbs from natural sources such as whole grains and reduce carb intake in the evening. It may be just good for the psyche, but give yourself one day a week to give in to the guilty pleasure of eating what you want. Think of it as a reward for being good, and one day a week will not hinder your progress. It will also get you out of the cycle of beating yourself up when you slip up with your diet, which will certainly happen from time to time.



» Study: facial bones change with age – A new study found in the Plastic Reconstructive Surgery journal says that, in addition to wrinkles in skin, changes in our facial bones show signs of aging, too. Researchers analyzed scans of people from age 20 to over 65 and found that, in both men and women, the eye sockets became wider and longer with age. The researchers also found reductions in the angles of the brow, nose, and upper jaw bones. The length and height of the lower jaw decreased, as well. Most of these changes appeared earlier in women. -www.myhealthnewsdaily.com

A smarter diet strategy

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_1 PER _ PERSON _ _OFFER _ EXPIRES _ _01-31-11 _ _


Laura Marenco is a certified personal trainer and nutritional advisor for PointBlank Nutrition. You may e-mail her at laura@ pointblanknutrition.com.

Eliminate refined carbohydrates from your diet, the kind that are most prevalent in our diet.

» More treatments offered to fix spider veins – A growing number of products— including lasers and face creams—are being marketed to tackle the ugly network of spider veins that can develop on the face. Dermatologists say there's little scientific evidence for the creams, but laser treatments do effectively remove the veins. Laser treatment typically results in clearance of 80 to 90 percent of blood vessels in one to five treatments and can range from $200 to $1,000 per session. -www.wsj.com » Have a steamy moment – Have a flu or cold? Inhaling warm, moist air can help thin out and loosen mucus. Make a mini steam bath by leaning your head over a bowl of hot water, being careful not to scald yourself. Or indulge in an extra-long shower. -www.prevention.com


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January 11, 2011 | 17

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Plastic surgery predictions COMMENTARY By Barry Eppley As we begin a new year, it is time once again to make fearless predictions about what we will see in 2011. There are endless lists of guesses this time of year, so why not one for plastic and cosmetic surgery as well? 1) As the economy improves, albeit slowly, expect to see the number of people undergoing plastic surgery to increase. The past two years have seen the number of major cosmetic surgeries decrease by anywhere from 10 percent to 25 percent. If the economists are right, this will be a turnaround year. Nips and tucks that people have put off in the recession will create an increased demand. 2) The demand for nonsurgical procedures will continue to increase. With new injectable fillers, competitive products to Botox, laser and light therapies for skin tightening and different methods to zap unwanted fat, science and technology continue to expand the non-surgical market. The possibility of looking five or ten years younger in just one office visit assures a surging public interest. 3) The desire for body contouring after substantial weight loss will rise this year. As more and more people undergo bariatric surgery with weight losses in excess of 100 pounds, the burgeoning amount of flabby skin will parallel that

18 | January 11, 2011

of the national debt. 4) Cosmetic procedure disaster stories will continue. From discount injectable products to surgeries performed in hotel rooms or personal homes, those searching to gather quick cash from naïve patients will keep contributing to this type of plastic surgery news. 5) The number of reality plastic surgery TV shows will reach new lows. The list of cringeinducing reality TV shows continues to grow. Just when I thought it couldn’t possibly get any worse than with the debut of Bridalplasty last fall, next up will be Mistress Makeover, a show focused on women who have had alleged illicit affairs with celebrities. I think I could have stomached a show on pet makeovers better. 6) The hottest body fashion trend this year will be the one you sit on. Because of the influences of celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Beyoncé and Jennifer Lopez, women are increasingly seeking a more shapely rear-end. Buttock lifts and fat injection buttock augmentations will become more common. Dr. Eppley is an Indianapolis board-certified plastic surgeon. Comments can be sent to info@ eppleyplasticsurgery.com

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DISPATCHES » IRS releases new mileage rates - The Internal Revenue Service has issued the 2011 optional standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes. The standard mileage rates are now 51 cents per mile for business miles driven; 19 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes; and 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations. » McKenzie Real Estate debuts – Jason O’Neil, Jim McKenzie and John McKenzie have come together to form McKenzie Real Estate. The trio has 70 years of combined experience. McKenzie Real Estate is at 4631 Lisborn Drive, Carmel, and provides real estate services in Indianapolis and surrounding areas. » Job hunting? Start a Web site - Starting a Web site can showcase your skills and talents in a thorough and interesting way, and it'll add to your professionalism and give you credibility. Plus, it's not as costly or as time-consuming as you might think. Domain names can be registered on sites

like GoDaddy.com for around $10, and Web hosting can cost as little as $3 per month. If you're not particularly tech savvy, Wordpress.com has tons of template options and also provides great technical support for novices. -www.msn.com » Japanese stocks are good value - While China may be everyone's favorite emergingmarket investment right now, Japan’s economy could outshine it. Try stocks like Itochu (ITOCY), which which gets a very big part of its revenue by selling metals and raw materials in high-growth countries like China. Itochu also sells packaged food, textiles, chemicals and industrial components there. In short, it is a China play, but on the cheap. -www.moneycentral.msn.com » Financial workshop - Is one of your New Year's resolutions to focus on your family's estate planning? Joel Harris of Amicus Financial will host a free educational workshop on estate planning at the Monon Community Center in Carmel on Wednesday, Jan. 19 from 6 to 8 p.m. Call 613-7557 or e-mail joel@goamicus.com to RSVP.

Resolve to commit this year COMMENTARY By David Cain It was a conscious decision to address my New Year’s goals after the New Year had started. I had planned to tackle that annual ritual before New Year’s Eve, but when I looked at my resolutions from 2009, I realized I hadn’t accomplished anything I had laid out. I scurried around the house and dug up some other years’ resolutions. None of them were done. I was still overweight and underpaid. What was the problem? I wasn’t committed to the goals, so they were more of a dream than a goal. Goals, after all, imply that you will accomplish them. It implies you have a tactical plan for how they will be achieved. I’m a big believer in goals and work militantly to accomplish them at work. However, for some reason, my New Year’s goals weren’t getting done. I knew two guys that smoked and every year they resolved to stop smoking. Within days of welcoming the New Year, I would see those same two guys in front of the office puffing away. I’d ask what happened and both would reply sheepishly with some excuse. One year, however, I was greeted by only one of the pair. I asked, “What happened?” and he offered up some lame excuse. I responded with, “No, where’s Ian?” “Ah, he is serious this time,” was the response.

I sought out Ian to see what increased his resolve. There he was in his office, not smoking. After quick congratulations, I asked what was different this year. He told me of his plans to start a family. This was the year he and his wife were going to have children. His wife was quitting smoking too. And this time, unlike the years before, was for real. This year his decision was rooted in fear. If you don’t quit, you might not see your kids grow up. When fear or pain drives your decisions, it’s easier to hold to the commitment. It’s easier to be accountable. It’s what discipline, as in punishment, is all about. You are afraid not to do something or you’ll be punished, embarrassed, humiliated, lose, or disappoint someone. Most of the goals I achieve are founded in my fears rather than my desires. This year, each goal I made I searched for what I was afraid of. What made me want more money and less weight? When I realized it was really about working less and living longer, I feel like I’ve got a better chance of staying with it. What a difference a day makes, when it’s New Year’s Day. David Cain works at MediaSauce, a digital media and online marketing company in Carmel. David welcomes your questions or comments at David.Cain@MediaSauce.com.

Fine Tuned Living

THE RESIDENCES at Carmel City Center


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January 11, 2011 | 19

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MONEY MATTERS How much of your annual income do you save toward retirement? “Well, I am retired and don’t save much. I retired from the military and I’m also on social security disability.” Charles Boots, 61 Westfield

“I would guess somewhere around 10 percent.” Roslyn Colwell, 41 Westfield

“I probably save $1,200 a year.” Michael Utz, 24 Westfield



Soho Café & Gallery




Type: 2-story w/ Finished Basement Age: Built in 2007 Location: Near 126th & Towne Neighborhood: Village of West Clay Square Footage: 4,100 Sq. Ft. of finished living space Rooms: Beautiful, “nearly new” 5 BDRM, 3.5 BA home has all the amenities including a gourmet kitchen w/ stainless steel appliances & granite countertops. A light & airy GR w/ bay windows & fireplace, sunroom & screened-in porch. Finished bsmt features a home theater, bedroom, full bath, wet bar & rec room. Hardwood floors, crown molding, built-in shelving, vaulted ceilings & wood detailing are featured throughout Strengths: Formal model home loaded with upgrades and a nicely finished basement. Low Maintenance home located in the desirable Village of West Clay. Fenced-in back yard with extensive landscaping. Challenges: Situated on a corner lot facing a busy street (Towne Rd.)

Keith Albrecht is a Realtor with RE/MAX serving Hamilton County and Indianapolis. Contact the Albrecht Team by phone at 580-9955 or via e-mail at team@keithshomes.com.

Soho Café & Gallery has opened in the Elliot’s Mohawk Shopping Center as a space for artist studios, galleries, and also a unique café. In addition to providing artists with studio space between the Center for the Performing Arts and Arts and Design District, the café and restaurant right off the Monon promises to help bring visitors in to experience the art. Customer feedback is the priority of the new café. Coffee flavors and brands are always evolving. Baked goods come from the neighboring Eat More Cake and Rene’s Bakery in Broad Ripple. Going with the local, organic and natural feel of the café, Soho owners are also always looking improve their green status. All dairy products are organic and paper products used are compostable and made from at least partially recycled materials. The currently concrete area beside the café will soon be transitioned into an outside sitting space and a projection screen for film students to show their pieces during the warmer months. Join Soho Café & Gallery for their Grand Opening on Jan. 20 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. for a full day of activities, discounts, coffee, and art. 620 S. Range Line Road Unit M, Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: 317-564-4800 Web site: www.sohocafecarmel.com/

www.brainbalanceindy.com 20 | January 11, 2011

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Faith and knowing what you know SPIRITUALITY By Bob Walters Simon Peter evidently was the first of the 12 apostles to catch on to who Jesus really was. In Matthew 16:16, Mark 8:29 and Luke 9:20, Peter identifies Jesus as “the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.” Peter knew the truth not because someone told him. He knew because, well, he just knew. Isn’t our faith still that way? We simply “know.” Like Peter, we see things we can’t explain. We feel things we can’t explain. We do things we can’t explain. We understand things we can’t explain. Faith in Jesus Christ is a completely knowable, experiential, real, absolute, moral, living relationship, but trying to explain it falls short of proving it. Why is that? The key is the next verse, Matthew 16:17. Jesus explains that Peter’s faith “was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.” Maybe we can’t “prove it” to others because we’re not supposed to; because our faith in Christ comes from God. Faith is in our own hearts because God put it there, not because some human argued it into us. The historical wave of mankind’s own knowledge hinders faith, too. The Classical Greek influence in epistemology (the study of how knowledge is formed and known) has urged the Western world to “prove it” for the past 2,500

years. Thanks to the lasting intellectual influence of Socrates, Aristotle and Plato, if we can’t prove something by talking about it or showing evidence, then what we have is an opinion, not the truth; certainly not The Truth – the ultimate, inviolable, objective Truth of God revealed in Jesus Christ. When Hebrew Jesus showed up, he threw the Greek knowledge of knowledge entirely out of round. It wasn’t the intellectual elites who first identified the Truth. It was the simple, hotheaded, uneducated, until-then unspecial Jewish fisherman Peter who first understood what the anointed John the Baptist (not John the Apostle) had been saying all along; that Jesus was the Christ, the living Son of the Creator God. We possess Truth not because a human argued it, but because God’s word demands it, Christ’s sacrifice proves it, the Holy Spirit reveals it and my heart and mind know it. Jesus wasn’t here to argue His case with the Socratic Method. When our faith and God’s Truth join forces, relax. There’s nothing left to prove. Bob Walters (www.believerbob. blogspot.com, email rlwcom@aol. com) loves a good debate, but is thankful the Holy Spirit does the heavy lifting where faith is concerned.

Relationship resolutions for the New Year RELATIONSHIPS By Rachael Noble Here I am looking at my New Year’s resolutions for 2011, and I’ve got the typical things listed, such as working out and so on. But as far as relationships go, I know I need to add some better practices to my status quo. Don’t you hate those darn unhealthy patterns and how they tend to creep up on you? I’m so ready to work on these, and what better time than at the start of this New Year! I’d like to encourage us all, whether we are in a relationship, single or married, to do an exercise to add to our New Year’s resolutions. Take a moment to write down what you think your faults are when it comes to relationships. Then, beside them, write down how you intend to change this behavior. So that you don’t feel alone in this quest, I will list some of mine here (if I listed all, I’m sure I’d need a lot more space to do so). So here are some of my shortcomings and how I intend to change them going forward: I tend to use fear as a reason not to get to close to someone (fear of being cheated on, fear of being hurt). This year, I will continue my quest to get closer, recognizing my fear and not

allowing it to dictate my actions. I love work – which in itself is not a bad thing. But I have used work as a way to stay too busy to get into a relationship (see No. 1 as the reasons behind my “workaholism”). I’ve come a long way on this one, but I still have a long way to go. I will strive to live in the moment, enjoy my relationship and not use work as a reason to not get closer. In the past, I have looked for reasons to NOT get into a relationship, reasoning to myself why it wouldn’t work out. This one isn’t easy for me to admit, because I usually try to see the world in a positive light. So in 2011, I intend to focus on the good and not look for an out. Thank you for taking this “journey” with me as we reach for excellence in 2011 in the most important area of our lives: our relationships. And here’s wishing you and yours a successful, love-filled new year! Rachael Noble is a single Carmel resident and contributing columnist. She can be reached at nobleadvice@yahoo.com.

I’d like to encourage us all, whether we are in a relationship, single or married, to do an exercise to add to our New Year’s resolutions. www.youarecurrent.com

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January 11, 2011 | 21

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New basement exercise room in Hamilton County COMMENTARY By Larry Greene ORIGINAL BASEMENT: This custom home in the Brighton Woods subdivision on the east side of Carmel was built about 10 years ago with a partially finished basement. As the homeowner’s young children grew older, they needed to add a dedicated exercise room and a separate kids play area. They also needed to modify the existing in-wall TV area to accommodate a new flat screen and A/V components. MULTIPLE FUNCTIONALITY: The goal of the new design of the unfinished space was to find the best way to allow the owners to exercise while they kept an eye on the young children. The solution was to creatively divide up the 600-square-foot unfinished area by using half walls and columns. This provided the designated spaces without completely closed off walls. The exercise room was divided into a cardio area and a weight room separated by decorative columns. In addition, the project included a new storage closet, a new A/V closet and an unfinished storage closet. FINISH DETAILS: The following details were included in the final remodel: • BOOKCASES: Four new 27”w x 15”d x 36”h unfinished bookcases were installed with decorative wood countertops. The new bookcases were primed and painted with two coats of semi-gloss latex paint to match existing trim. • ARCHED CASINGS: Three new arched cased openings (approximately 3’-10” wide) were installed between the exercise room and playroom. In addition, one new arched cased

Before opening (approximately 9’-0” wide) was installed between the exercise room and the weight room. • FLUTED COLUMN WRAPS: Two fluted column wraps were installed within the wall separating the playroom from the exercise room. The new column details were made to match the existing basement column wraps as closely as possible. • MIRRORS: Two new full-length wall mirrors were installed in sections. A 96”w x 72”h mirror was installed on the wall of the new weight room and a 154”w x 72” h mirror was installed in the exercise room.

Global warming a cloudy issue GARDENING By Holly Lindzy You wouldn’t know it by the frigid air, but they say we got this “global warming” thing going on. Thanks for the info, Al. Sure, the ice caps are melting … and it’s not funny because several species are struggling to exist and one day, Floridians may have to retreat to dry land. But a person can only be responsible for what they personally do, right? No one knows what may happen 100 years from now, and let’s face it: Some of it is just out of our hands. But in the last 100 years, think of the changes that have occurred, some of them by leaps and bounds. The average number of cars per household has risen considerably in the last 50 years. More cars mean more roads, which in turn means more pollution. Cars emit carbon dioxide, which is good, because trees need it to thrive and create life-giving oxygen. But at the same time, we keep clearing trees to make room for all of our strip malls with “for lease” signs in front of them. Without the trees to clean the carbon dioxide from the air, the atmosphere suffers. Plant more trees! On top of that, the invention of plastic cre-

ated this “throw-away” society in which we live. We throw every darn thing away, and it all gets hauled off to landfills. So … we get in our cars to drive to our barren strip malls to buy more plastic stuff to throw away. It’s a vicious cycle. Not that I don’t blow dry my hair and drive around in my V6 with my plastic tumbler of coffee; I do. But I use the same tumbler every day, and fuel efficiency was a major factor in the purchase of my vehicle. I recycle what I can, plant trees like mad, and save energy where I can. I think that as long as we are trying to do the best we can and set an example for our kids, then that is doing a lot. I don’t have time to go to Congress, and what good would that do anyway? I just have to take this life and do the best with it, every day. And enjoy my time doing it. Holly Lindzy is an Indiana accredited horticulturalist and advanced master gardener residing in Noblesville. Email your gardening woes (or wisdom) to info@currentnoblesville.com (write attn: Holly Lindzy in the subject line).

I think that as long as we are trying to do the best we can and set an example for our kids, then that is doing a lot. 22 | January 11, 2011


Larry Greene is owner of Case Handyman & Remodeling. You may e-mail him at lgreene@caseremodeling.com or call 846-2600. Visit www.caseremodeling.com for more information.

Reflections in the new year COMMENTARY By David Decker Want your home to reflect your taste and creativity? Truth is, you can do a lot of it with mirrors. Our friend Donna Moulder at Mirror Concepts in Carmel knows more about mirror design than anyone else I know. Entering the new year seemed the perfect time to “reflect” with her about updating mirrors and unique home improvements. Donna notes that the entire look of a twosink bathroom, for example, can be changed just by replacing the (typically) enormous mirror over the twin vanity with a pair of smaller custom mirrors that can be beveled or framed or both. Many folks have older mirrors with black blotches around the edges. “Black edge” is caused most often by ammonia in glass cleaners. Ammonia runs down the mirror, seeps into the bottom edge, and destroys the copper in the reflective “silvering” on the back. It’s the “silvering” that turns a piece of glass into a mirror. Sealants and frames can protect a mirror or cover up “black edge,” but there’s no repairing it. Mirror Concepts recommends “Hi-Sheen” industrial foaming glass cleaner for all sorts of glass and metal surfaces. It has alcohol instead of ammonia, and Donna tells me customers buy

Current in Westfield

it by the case once they’ve tried it. Mirror Concepts warns that it’s important to consider what’s being reflected before installing large mirrors. Does the panoramic mirror over the fireplace show your guests the un-cleared dining room table or a dirty kitchen? It’s something to consider. Too many mirrors on multiple walls – workout rooms, wardrobe closets, maybe bathrooms – can create an “infinity” effect that will make you dizzy or physically ill. “Well-designed and well-placed mirrors, when combined with smart lighting and function, are dazzling,” Donna says. “But there’s a fine line when too much of a good thing becomes completely the wrong thing.” And Donna knows. We’ll reflect more on this in later columns. David Decker is president of Affordable Kitchens and Bathrooms, based in Carmel (877-252-1420, www. affordablekandb.com). Have a home improvement question? E-mail David at david.decker@affordablekandb. com, and he will answer in an upcoming column.


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From serious to seriously, folks

Life at the cellular level

HUMOR By Mike Redmond Hello, class. Today we shall take up the subject of Hugh Hefner and Crystal Harris, those two crazy kids in love. Well, actually, make that one crazy kid and one even crazier geriatric. In case you haven’t been keeping score, here’s the deal: Crystal, a blonde of the type so often seen on Hef ’s arm these last few years, is the Dec. 2009 Playmate of the Month and an entire 24 years old. Hefner, also known as “Hef,” also known as “Make Sure There’s A Defibrillator In Every Room,” is 84. Let’s do the math, shall we? 84 minus 24 equals Old Enough To Be Your Late Great Grandfather. But love knows no boundaries and age is nothing but a number and all that kind of nonsense. Wedding bells will soon be ringing and if the groom turns up his hearing aid, he might even be able to hear them. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Mike Redmond, you are just jealous because Hef Hugher has a 24-year-old fiancée and you do not.” And to that I say, “Of course I am.” No, wait. To that I say “Are you kidding? I have SHOES older than that person.” Look at it this way. At 24, that person has likely never used a dial telephone, never changed a television channel manually, never known a world without microwave popcorn, and most importantly never known Playboy magazine when Hugh Hefner was actually someone who deserved to be taken seriously. I realize this skirts dangerous close to the old “I just get it for the articles” lie told by every man who was ever caught “reading” Playboy magazine, but the fact of the matter is there once was a time when you COULD just read Playboy for the articles thanks to Hefner’s unerring skill as an editor. In a way, I owe my living to Playboy. In those

pages, perused with feigned nonchalance while hanging out after school at Dee’s Newsstand in LaGrange, Ind., I discovered the work of the author Jean Shepherd. Of course, I also discovered Misses September through May, 1969 to 1972, but it was Shepherd who made the more lasting impression. Really. I can’t say as I recall a single one of those Playmates, but Shepherd fortified my desire to become a writer and, eventually, a humorist, which is not to compare myself with Shepherd. For one thing, he actually made money at it. Later in life I happened into a large collection of Playboy magazines dating back to the late 1950s. In those I came across the Playboy Philosophy – Hefner’s own work outlining his belief in free speech, the separation of church and state, civil rights and other matters having nothing to do with 36-24-36. It seems so quaint, maybe even naïve, in these days of instant downloadable porn and 24-hour political invective -- girlie pictures and reasoned discourse together in one magazine. That was Hugh Hefner as I prefer to see him – as a pajama-clad, pipe-smoking, Pepsi-drinking intellectual with a genius for finding talent, considerable talent of his own, a belief in civil liberties and a healthy single man’s interest in s-e-x. Now he’s just some weird old dude with a babe on his arm … for all we know, propping him up. You just can’t take him seriously anymore. What a shame. He has become a caricature of his satyric (as opposed to satiric) self. Marrying someone 60 years his junior? It reminds me of another old joke: At his age, the man shouldn’t even be buying green bananas.












Mike Redmond is an author, journalist, humorist and speaker. Write him at mike@ mikeredmondonline.com or P.O. Box 44385, Indianapolis, IN 46244.

COMMENTARY By Dick Wolfsie My father used to hold his hand up next to his face and flap his thumb and four fingers together to mimic my mom’s incessant yakking on the phone. My wife is very different from my mother. Mary Ellen does not talk much on the phone. Not that she doesn’t try. The problem started after I replaced the phones in the kitchen and living room about three years ago and added a second line. When I call the house to speak to Mary Ellen all I hear is a series of clicks, an occasional “huh?” and then a dial tone. I try back on our second line. Same thing. Later, when I arrive at the house, we have the identical conversation every time... “Mary Ellen, why didn’t you answer the phone?” “I tried, but I never know what line you’re calling on.” “It’s the one that lights up.” “Since when?” “Since the spring of ’08.” “Well, I always hit line one, then line two, just in case.” “Don’t you see, when you hit line two, it disconnects you from line one?” This seemed to fluster my wife, who continued to maintain that I had installed a system that was far too complicated for the Wolfsies, the proof being that by my own admission this was called a hard-line phone, apparently a little too hard. To combat this problem, I began calling Mary Ellen only on her cell phone. No answer. But 10 seconds later my cell rings: “Dick, I saw that you just called.” “I don’t want you to see that I called, I want you to hear that I am calling and then answer it. Maybe if you had a little more practice at home.” “Are these the same people who make the

phone in the living room? Wait, maybe I’m missing an app.” “You don’t need an app to answer your phone. I may have to write a column about this.” Boy, was that the wrong thing to say. The next day, Mary Ellen made a list of all the stuff I can’t master. “Let’s see, you have no idea how to open the car door with that little remote on your keychain. You click to open the passenger side door for me but all you do is double-lock all the doors; then you click again and only your door opens. Then the windows lock and the alarm goes off. I know this isn’t easy. You’ve only had that car for six years.” “Is there more?” I asked. “How about that TV remote? You stand in front of the set and hit every button: CABLE, ON, POWER, DVD, ALL. The TV sort of comes half on, then the DVD tray opens, then everything goes black, so you push all the buttons again. Then you walk out of the room like you do at work when you screw up the Xerox machine. “Anything else, dear?” “You still don’t know how to turn off the toaster oven, so you just yank the plug out of the wall. And that microwave must be a real stumper because I’ve caught you running your fingers over the control panel like it was an Ouija board. And finally, “Tear Here” doesn’t mean “tear there,” or “tear nearby.” The words “slash with a knife” are not visible anywhere on your package of baloney. I think she had more to say, but I couldn’t bear to listen. If you’d like to hear more, give her a call. On line two. Good luck.

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.

"To combat this problem, I began calling Mary Ellen only on her cell phone. No answer. But 10 seconds later my cell rings."

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January 11, 2011 | 23

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DISPATCHES » Cats act sick when upset – They don't talk, but when cats are upset about a change in their environment they let you know by acting sick – refusing to eat and vomiting excessively, even if they're healthy, a new study finds. When cats in the study experienced "unusual external events," such as a change in the caretaker or feeding schedule, the healthy ones were just as likely as the chronically ones to exhibit sickness behaviors as the unhealthy ones. -www.livescience.com » Bella most popular pet name – Hollywood's blockbuster "Twilight" franchise has ushered in the dawn of a new, favorite pet name among animal-adoring Americans: Once again Bella was the No. 1 name for dogs in a survey released this month by Veterinary Pet Insurance, the nation's largest provider of pet health insurance. It was also No. 2 for cats and No. 7 for exotic animals. -www.pawnation.com » Dog bite incidents increased sharply – A study recently published by the Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality shows that dog bite-related emergency room visits and hospitalizations increased a startling 86 percent over 16 years, from 5,100 in 1993 to 9,500 in 2008. -www.pawnation.com

Easing winter aches: What you can do COMMENTARY By John Mikesell • Don’t be too quick to dismiss your old dog’s inactivity or stiffness as normal for his age; he may have an acute condition that requires treatment • Have your older dog examined by your holistic veterinarian twice a year; discuss your dog’s diet and supplements with the vet at that time. • Try an improved diet and natural, gentle treatment before using prescription pharmaceuticals. • Vitamin C helps many dogs with arthritis; use sodium ascorbate, rather than ascorbic acid. Diet is the key Good-quality protein – based on its digestibility and the completeness of its amino acid composition – is at the nutritional core of arthritis prevention. However, many commercial dog foods (especially the inexpensive ones) are made with poor-quality ingredients. Whether you care for an arthritic elder or are planning long-term prevention strategies for a new puppy, start feeding the best food you can afford right now food that is made with topquality, whole-meat protein ingredients. At the very least, avoid foods that utilize byproducts (meat and grain) as their main ingredients, and those with chemical preservatives or artificial flavorings. Enzymes and probiotics It is also important to optimize the digestive and final elimination of the good food you feed. This is easily accomplished with a sprinkle or two of a digestive enzyme and probiotic supplement with each meal.

Essential fatty acids It is also important to supplement each meal with an essential fatty acid (EFA) supplement that is balanced to meet the nutritional needs of dogs. The best will contain both vegetable oils and whole-body fish oils. Going with glucosamine If, like my dog Isabelle, your companion is already experiencing the effects of old injuries or chronic arthritis, you should consider a few other supplements as well. At the top of the list is glucosamine. As a bare minimum, most dogs will need at least 350mg of glucosamine per day to realize the benefits of the supplement, but those with preexisting joint problems may need considerably more. Herbs and joint repair You might also consider adding a few herbs to the mix to help your canine pal heal and find relief from his aching. Yucca root (yucca shadier), alfalfa, licorice root and other herbs that contain rich concentrations of phytosterols and other anti-inflammatory compounds are among the most popular of the herbal anti-arthritics. It is important to remember that when used as a stand-alone anti-inflammatory remidies, herbs can remedy only the symptoms. Last but not least The next thing to bring into action is the proper type and amount of exercise. It is very important that like any athlete, he or she needs to stretch and warm up before any strenuous exercise. Stiff joints and sleepy muscles are easily injured John Mikesell, owner of Izzy’s Place, A dog Bakery in Carmel, can be reached at john.mikesell@att.net.

Pets of the week Kenzie is a two-year-old female black and white merle Catahoula Leopard Dog mix. Kenzie is a very sweet and loving girl who gets along with people of all ages. She arrived at the shelter with an eye injury and after a veterinary exam and x-rays, we found out she has buckshot throughout her body and that is causing her eye problem. She can see out of her eye just fine and the doctor believes it is not painful for her, but she does require an inexpensive steroid eye ointment two times per day for the rest of her life. Josie is an eight-year-old female tortie DSH. Josie is a gentle and loving girl who has gorgeous green eyes and her claws have been removed from all four paws. She is looking for a quiet home where she can be the only pet and she prefers the companionship of women after being abused from her previous male owner. Josie previously dealt with urinary tract infections from crystals developing in her urine, but since she has been on a special formula of cat food, she hasn’t had any issues and she uses her litter box without issue. She is best suited in a home with a single lady with a laid-back lifestyle. For more information on these and other animals at the Humane Society, call 317-773-4974 or go to www.hamiltonhumane.com

A.M. RENTALS - The Woodlands This 4 BR & 2.5 BA, two-story home w/ finished basement is located on a cul-de-sac lot. Kitchen w/breakfast bar & stainless steel appliances. Family room w/fireplace. Formal living & dining rooms. Master suite has WIC w/built-ins & private master bath. Laundry room w/storage. Rec/play room, family room & workshop in basement. Screened-in porch overlooks the fantastic tree house in the large backyard. This cozy home is within walking distance of Woodland's Lake, pool & tennis courts. 3272 total sq ft.

Offered For Lease at $1795/mo Your full service Real Estate and Property Management Company Visit us at www.amrelo.com

24 | January 11, 2011

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Crossword 1








Hoosier Hodgepodge

Indiana Wordsmith Challenge

Find the items in the puzzle going up, down, sideways or diagonally and list them. Each letter is used no more than once.

Using the letters in Dog Dayz, create as many common words of 3+ letters as you can in 20 minutes. No proper nouns or foreign words.











35 41










43 49











Across 1. Hoosier National Forest branch 5. IU student Gabrielle Reed: ___ Indiana 2010 9. “Get out of here!” 13. Bistro de Paris farewell 15. Needle case 16. Make, as money 17. 35-Across south of 10th (2 wds.) 19. Take IndyGo 20. Home of the Angels 21. 86th and Meridian condos: Lion’s ___ 22. Indianapolis International Airport posting: Abbr. 23. Have the Ultimate Skinny Dip at Ted’s Montana Grill 24. Postal creed word 26. Fifth Third Bank offering, for short 28. Say 30. Indiana General Assembly staffer 31. Our Lady of Grace priestly garb 32. Yemeni city 33. Perturb 34. Big Apple inits. 35. Indy road named to honor a civil rights leader, very briefly 39. Sis’s sib 42. Disorderly commotion 43. SS. Peter & Paul Cathedral area 47. Sleep stage



57 60























62 65 68

48. Carmel’s Hampton and Residence 49. Reddish brown color at Hoosier Park 51. Will Smith title role 52. Holiday in the Arts District quaff 53. Brit. fliers 54. Jim Davis comics cry 55. Marengo Cave sound effect 57. Pulls plugs from a Fox Prairie fairway 59. Prefix with legal or graph 60. 35-Across north of 38th St. (2 wds.) 63. Indiana Downs gait 64. Yats gumbo ingredient 65. Arab leader: Var. 66. Former WTHR anchor, ___ Ryder 67. Super Bowl III coach from Richmond, Ind., ___ Ewbank 68. Small whirlpool Down 1. Hamilton County Sheriff, with “the” 2. Conceived an ad campaign at Young & Laramore 3. Assign an incorrect title 4. VHS alternative at Goodwill 5. Kind of pay raise for a Purdue employee 6. The Current news bit 7. Longtime Indiana State Senator



6 Rhymes of Cat





4 Indy TV Stations

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ 5 Farm Females

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

10+: Word wizard 7-9: Brainiac 4-6: Not too shabby <4: Try again next week

Build the word Use all the letter segments below to fill in the answers to the clues. The number of segments you will use in each answer is shown in parentheses. The dashes indicate the number of letters in each answer. Each segment is used only once. Indiana Wordsmith Challenge AQU ARI ATE BAL CONS ECO EGR FIE IT KEFE LDH LLER LST OUSE ROC TRU US

3 Indy Car Dealers

__________________ __________________ __________________

1) John Wayne Classic Remade in 2010 (3) ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___

2) David Letterman's Alma Mater (3) 2 Australian States

___ ___ ___ ___

__________________ __________________

3) Oil Tycoon/Philathropist (3)

___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

1 2012 Super Bowl Site


4) Big Ten Basketball Tournament Locale (5) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

5) January Sun Sign (3)

from District 6, ___ Landske 8. PetSmart obedience school command 9. American Red Cross of Greater Indianapolis supplies 10. Caribbean native 11. Clarian Hospital attendant 12. Former IMS organization: Formula ___ 14. Conseco Fieldhouse worker 18. John Kirk Furniture wood 21. WRTV show: “___ Anatomy” 22. Indianapolis Indians pitching

stat 24. “Teenage Mutant ___ Turtles” 25. Smell at Carmel’s sewage treatment plant 27. Channel 6’s network affiliation 29. Plus 30. Egyptian symbols of life 33. Beside 36. Indianapolis Zoo heavyweight 37. Like recordings at Westfield Antique Mall 38. Harrison Paving goo 39. PillowTalk lingerie purchase

Current in Westfield

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

40. Brush up on 41. Butler sorority letter 44. Primped 45. Becomes angry or looks at a build the words group of IU fans (2 wds.) 46. Noblesville BPOE member 49. Amber Indian Restaurant wrap 50. Can legally drink in Indiana (2 wds.) 53. Dallas Clark’s post-op time 56. Detest

57. Waterman’s Farm measure 58. Domesticate 59. Carmel Clay Schools grp. 60. Cut a swath for Emerald Green Lawn & Landscaping 61. ___ and Jonesy’s 62. Like some martinis at Stacked Pickle

Puzzle Solutions Page 23

January 11, 2011 | 25

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