January 12, 2015

Page 1

Tuesday, January 12, 2016




Jonathan Byrd’s Fieldhouse is booked for the 2016 season / P11

Westfield man helps those in need / P3

Poetry readings to be organized by the Arts Alliance / P5

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Westfield Welcome website to educate Grand Park visitors / P10


January 12, 2016

Current in Westfield


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January 12, 2016


Current in Westfield



Contact the Editor

Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact editor Anna Skinner at anna@youarecurrent.com. You may also submit information on our website, currentinwestfield. com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication. To contact Editorial Director Sophie Pappas, call 489.4444 ext. 5.

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On the cover

Rod Sinn, president of operations, takes a shot for fun in the newly opened Jonathan Byrd’s Fieldhouse. (Photos by Feel Good Now) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. VIII, No. 52 Copyright 2013. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

Helping Hand aids those in need By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com One man aims to make a difference in Westfield for those less fortunate. Tim Hahn, of Westfield, is volunteer the president of Helping Hand of Hamilton Co. He’s been busy for the holidays, but he tries to help those who need it whether there is something to celebrate or not. Helping Hand distributes food every Saturday except the first of the month starting at 10:30 a.m. at North Glen Village trailer park near Grand Park. Volunteers are broken into teams to help distribute the food, and the work is complete by noon. “I could tell story after story of some pretty cool things that have happened that you don’t expect. when you do this kind of work, things happen as a result of it,” Hahn said. The mission began in the 1990s when Hahn joined a Baptist minister from Chattanooga, Tenn. to help feed the poor in Indianapolis. In 2008, Hahn referred to himself as the “first missionary” and branched out to create Helping Hand of Hamilton Co. When his mission first began, he was in Eagletown and only five families showed for food collection. Now, after moving to Westfield, most Saturdays he gets 50 families. Hahn said Hispanics are prevalent, but the language barrier does not cause much trouble. “I have learned that smiles and hugs will get you by because that’s universal,” he said.

Tim Hahn works with a young girl to translate at one of the Helping Hand events. (Submitted photo)

Hahn and his team of volunteers gave out Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. However, food is not his only focus. When back to school time rolls around, Hahn gives out backpacks to kids who need them. In October, Helping Hand of Hamilton Co. gave out 150 coats. People in need also approach him on their own time. “People will talk to me if they’re having trouble with utility bills, especially heat which is a big item in the winter time,” Hahn said. Some grocery stores, such as Kroger and Fresh Market, assist Hahn with his food supply, so he generally doesn’t need food donations from the public. One thing he won’t ever turn down is volunteers. To volunteer, email Hahn at timlinda1968@ comcast.net, or call him at 714-5582

Dispatches McKinney runs for re-election – Hamilton County Council member Rick McKinney (R-At large) filed to run for re-election in the May Republican Primary. Throughout his tenure, McKinney has supMcKinney ported funding for pavement, parks and public safety. He said his two goals if re-elected would be to maintain council’s established pattern of fiscal responsibility and restore transparency of council meetings with live and archived webcasts. For more, visit www.rickmckinney.com. WeCAN meeting – The next Westfield Community Association Network meeting will be Jan. 26, starting at 7 p.m. at City Services, 2728 E, 171st St. An Indiana Bicentennial presentation will occur. The public is welcome to attend. Plan commission – The secondary Advisory Plan Commission meeting will take place Jan. 19 at 7 p.m., 130 Penn St. Teacher of the Month – The deadline to submit an essay for Market District’s Teacher of the Month is Jan. 15. To submit your 100-word essay about your favorite teacher, email it to teacher@youarecurrent.com. Graceland University Honors List – Gabrielle Lapinski, a 2013 Westfield High School graduate, was named to the Graceland University Honors List for the 2015 fall semester. Students with a GPA between 3.65 and 3.99 are added to the honors list.

INDOT 2015 investments exceed $1 billion news@currentinwestfield.com The Indiana Dept. of Transportation announced Jan. 4, that the agency’s 2015 construction season resulted in an investroads ment of more than $1 billion into state and local road, bridge, trail and traffic safety projects. In addition to INDOT’s construction, the state allocated more than $220 million to Indiana cities, towns and counties in 2015 to support local transportation projects. “I want to thank the INDOT team for their ded-

ication to modernizing and maintaining Indiana’s transportation network,” Governor Mike Pence said. “In 2015, we took significant steps forward in enhancing our highway system with the opening of a new section of I-69 in southwest Indiana and the opening of the U.S. 31 freeway in Hamilton County, among other projects. At the same time, we continued to invest in preserving bridges and improving pavement conditions all across the state. “In 2016, my administration is committed to securing additional funding for both state and local roads and bridges, ensuring that Indiana

remains the crossroads of America,” he added. Among the state’s major projects completed in 2015, the new U.S. 31 freeway in Hamilton Co. eliminated 13 stoplights in Carmel and Westfield and, combined with completed U.S. 31 projects in Kokomo and northern Indiana, has reduced travel time between Indianapolis and South Bend by 30 minutes. In total, Indiana opened 180 miles of new road to traffic in 2015 while 1,720 miles of existing pavement and 459 bridges received rehabilitations.


January 12, 2016

Current in Westfield


January 12, 2016


Current in Westfield



APC holds two public hearings

By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com

The first Advisory Plan Commission meeting

of the year, on Jan. 4, held two public hearings. The secondary APC meeting will be 7 p.m. Jan. 19 at city hall, 130 Penn St.

What happened: The commission approved the construction of a Hampton Inn hotel. What it means: On the southwest corner of Wheeler and Westfield Park Roads, a Hampton Inn will be constructed on 2.66 acres. What happened: The board forwarded the construction of detached townhome units in Bridgewater on the northwest corner of Gray Road and Guerin Way onto the Westfield City Council with a favorable recommendation. What it means: The petitioner met with the neighborhood and addressed the concerns of the public hearing Dec. 7. The amount of townhomes was decreased, from 41 to 36, to make room for additional parking spaces and a landscape buffer. What happened: A public hearing was held for petitioner StorAmerica to construct Building H as two stories instead of one story on 4420 E. 146th St. What it means: The request asked for two levels of self-storage units to be constructed with an elevator in the position where a single story was supposed to be built. No comments were made at the public hearing. What happened: The APC held a public hearing on The Trails, two commercial lots to be constructed east of Oak Ridge Road and south of Ind. 32. What it means: Sharon Williams, a resident near the proposal, spoke at the public hearing and asked the commission to make a “decent decision” so she wouldn’t be flooded. No other action was taken.

Arts Alliance to hold poetry event By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com In an effort to bring the arts to prominence in Westfield, the Downtown Westfield Association’s extension, the Westdowntown field Arts Alliance, will hold a poetry reading Feb. 11 in the upstairs portion of Rail Epicurean Market at 211 Park St. DWA Executive Director Teresa Otis Skelton said although people who attend are not required to participate, she hopes for plenty of readers. Poetry can be original or read from others’ works. Skelton referred to the DWA as an umbrella to the Grand Junction Task Group and the Westfield Arts Alliance. The poetry readings are one of many events to try and unite artists around Westfield and promote talent. “We want to bring more arts to downtown, and I think you can do that in a small or large way. We want to have some public and private art displays,” Skelton said. “That’s where this whole poetry reading evolved. This is being geared towards adults, and we want people to be respectful, but I want them to express themselves. I want them to feel comfortable bringing handheld instruments or using minimal props if they need to.” The event will begin at 7 p.m. and last until

The poetry readings will be held at Rail Epicurean Market, which has hosted events for the DWA in the past. (Submitted photo)

9 p.m. The DWA will provide coffee, tea and appetizers, and a cash bar is available. The event will hold a coffeehouse feel, and Skelton said it’s casual. Only 25 seats are available, and reservations are required by Jan. 31 by contacting Skelton at Teresa.otis. skelton@gmail.com or calling 508-3392. Ages 21 and older are invited to reserve a spot for no cost. Local poets will present and also have their works for sale.

NORTHWALK $269,500 patio homes 740 N. Union Street, Westfield 317.867.2880 Low maintenance living with main floor master bedrooms MODEL OPEN: Friday - Monday • Noon - 5:00 p.m.



January 12, 2016

Current in Westfield


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January 12, 2016


Current in Westfield


Lions Club to hold open house By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com The Westfield Lions Club will host an informational meeting Jan. 16 in hopes of attracting more men and women recruitment to join the organization. A PowerPoint slideshow will go over some aspects of the club, and members will be present to answer questions. “Our club gives members an opportunity to advance worthy causes, serve with friends and become leaders in the community. This club means a lot to our Lions, but it means so much more to the people we serve,” Club Secretary Jeff Larrison said. Coffee and donuts will be served at the open house, and Larrison said anyone interested can attend. “Hopefully they will get a well-rounded view of what we’re all about,” Larrison said. “We want to see what folks are interested in, whether it’s fundraising or getting out and doing service work.” Throughout the years, the club has donated funds for local, national and international disaster relief, provided free eye exams and glasses for Westfield school students helped fund leader dog training, donated pairs of used eye glasses and provided financial donations to the Westfield Heart & Soul Clinic, Open Doors Food Pantry, Meals on Wheels and

Duke Energy provides incentives By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com

Mark Albright hands out a dictionary to a third grader, one of the many service projects in which the Westfield Lions Club takes part. (Submitted photo)

other charities. Several service opportunities are available through the Lions Club. The open house will be from 8 to 10 a.m. at the Lions Club, 120 Jersey St. “We want to share the great things we’re doing in the community and let others know how they can help,” Larrison said. Between active and at-large members, the club has 52 members. Last year, seven new members joined the ranks. Although Larrison said the club doesn’t have a specific goal, it is always hoping to increase its numbers. For more, contact Larrison at 416-8330.

writes the business a check as long as they have everything in place.” Although LED bulbs may cost more upElectricity can get expensive, but Carfront, they help with overall energy savings. rie Granitto, commercial sales manager of A 6-watt LED bulb provides the Westfield Lighting, same brightness that a 60 watt savings 3440 Ind. 32, says incandescent bulb provides. Duke Energy has “Most of your energy on incanincentives to help people save. descent bulbs is being extracted “They give energy saving offers as heat, so you’ve created an and a lot of times will send free environment that gets hotter and lightbulbs that are energy efficient,” hotter and hotter,” she said. “That’s Granitto said. Granitto wasted energy.” Duke Energy also makes house Another plus of LED bulbs is they do not calls. contain any mercury and don’t give off UV “They have a home energy house call. rays, which is healthier for the environment. They will come out to your house and tell “We keep using more and more fossil you all the things you can save energy on,” fuels, and it’s a hardship on our ecological Granitto said. “Power management can help arena here. We have to start using less and home owners take care of things in their less energy, but we want to do that and not house and reduce energy costs.” use any of our necessities or the things we Granitto says the Duke incentives can want to have,” she said. “The technology help make Westfield become “clean, lean today is making that very easy to do. I want and green.” She also goes out to the busito get it out how important it is. We have nesses in Westfield and can offer rebates if that available here. We can teach people they switch to LED lighting. here.” “I will go in and take a look at what (lightFor more on how to save, visit Westfield ing) was in there and what the incentive Lighting or email Granitto at carrie.granitto@ would be to change it,” she said. “As soon westfieldlighting.com. as it’s installed, an inspector comes out and


Indy Diesels to play at fieldhouse By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com

“Most of our guys go to Europe and play when they are done with us,” said Hogg, a former Diesels player. Indianapolis Diesels have found the perfect There should be room for 1,200 to 1,500 home, at least that’s what Coach Aaron Hogg fans at home games, Hogg said. The believes. Diesels, who started as the Indigrand park The team will ana Diesels in Columbus, played at play its home Manuel High School in Indianapolis games at the newly opened Jonathan last season. Byrd’s Fieldhouse in Westfield. “My body kind of broke down, so I “I think things are going to be a lot got into the coaching,” said Hogg, a better with attendance with a much physical education teacher at an Indiabetter venue,” Hogg said. “It’s aweHogg napolis Public Schools middle school. some we have a place we can call Hogg played at Warren Central High School home, and we look forward to being here for under Scott Heady, now the Carmel High a long time.” School coach, and at Wichita State. His former The Diesels, part of the Premier Basketball Warren Central teammate Jermaine Dearman, League, a minor professional league, will open their home season against Racine (Wis.) Storm a 1999 Indiana All-Star who played at Southern Illinois, is on the team. So is Indiana Pacers at 7 p.m. Jan. 16. The Diesels open the season on Jan. 15 at Danville (Ill.) Riverhawks. They will forward C.J. Miles’ brother Cameron, who played at University of San Diego. play 12 home games and 12 away games. Byrd’s Fieldhouse, which had its grand “It’s very well-funded, and it’s very competiopening Jan. 5, is 88,000 square feet and tive,” Hogg said of the league. houses eight basketball courts. Hogg said the league has lots of players Tickets will be $10 for Diesels games. that he expects will play in the NBA.


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January 12, 2016


Current in Westfield


Meet your leaders: Matthew S. Skelton As the Hamilton Co. Leadership Academy approaches its 25th anniversary, Current is highlighting local leaders who have helped build and sustain the program, which focuses on strengthening our community by developing informed leaders. In June, another class of engaged citizens will join the 600-plus graduates already working to make a difference. Matt Skelton, HCLA Class of 1998 Hometown: Indianapolis/Logansport Lives and works: Westfield Family: Wife, Teresa Career: Skelton was a town planner in Westfield before getting his law degree in 2004, and he returned to the now-city as director of economic and community development in 2009. Nice to know: “I’m not a bad drummer, if I do say so myself.” What impact has HCLA made in the community? “HCLA builds great relationships among its class members.” Best connection made through the program — and why: “Ken Alexander. We were roomies at the leadership retreat in

Paws and read

1997. We’d never met before. He worked for a prominent local developer, and I worked for the then-Town of WestSkelton field. We became pretty good friends during the leadership academy experience. We kept in touch here and there over the years, but we often went for years without any communication. We reconnected a few years ago for lunch. Little did I know that the planets would align to bring him to the City of Westfield. Not long after that, Ken became the director of Public Works and then later he became the first director of the Grand Park Sports Campus. Westfield is lucky to have him, and I am honored to be working with him to make our little part of the world a better place. If we hadn’t connected in the Class of 1998, well, who knows?” Last book you read? “Rogue Lawyer” by John Grisham Favorite Hamilton Co. restaurant, park, venue, etc.: MacGregor Park Best-kept Hamilton Co. secret: “I’m not telling…”

BMV closings – All BMV license branches will be closed Jan. 16 through Jan. 18 in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Regular business hours will resume Jan. 19.

Last month, the Westfield Washington Public Library hosted a Paws and Read, where children could read for 10 minutes to a trained dog. This is designed to help children who may have trouble reading or who are shy. Simon Foley, left, reads to Feathers and owner, Jean Palmer. The next Paws and Read will be Feb. 13 at 10:30 a.m. (Photos by Anna Skinner)

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Amy Foley, right, reads to Feathers and owner Jean Palmer Heck.

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January 12, 2016


Current in Westfield


Where’s Amy? ‘Where’s Amy?’ is a photo column by Amy Pauszek, a society girl and film producer and partner with Ever Film Productions, LLC. She may be reached at aepaws1@comcast.net.

The Castroverde Moskalenko family celebrate the 2016 New Year at the Palladium NYE Extravaganza. (Photos by Amy Pauszek for Current Publishing LLC. Copyright 2015. All Rights Reserved.)

Palladium Events Manager Laura Varnau and husband Chris (Westfield) were all smiles at the first year NYE Extravaganza bash featuring The Hot Sardines.

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Kimberly and Randy Sorrell (Carmel) had the opportunity to meet Lead Singer Miz Elizabeth and Bandleader Evan “Bibs” Palazzo of The Hot Sardines after the rockin’ jazz concert on New Year’s Eve at the Palladium.

“Where’s Amy?” on New Year’s Eve? … I was rocking out at the Palladium to live music from local band favorites The Bishops and Flatbread Twitch. Next, I was treated to the amazing Hot Sardines who came all the way from NYC to perform to a sold-out crowd at the Palladium’s first New Year’s Eve Extravaganza. Guests who attended dined on delicious hor d’oeuvres, including a fabulous fully loaded mashed potatoes bar, cocktails, champagne, dancing and karaoke. The Palladium staff did a wonderful job and made the night festive and magical. I loved catching up, mingling and chatting with Palladium patrons and supporters of the arts. The highlight of the evening was counting down and ringing in the 2016 New Year with The Hot Sardines live in concert. Bandleader Evan “Bibs” Palazzo and lead singer Miz Elizabeth combined with the Sardine ensemble of powerhouse musicians played the night away including hits from all eras. My favorites were songs from Indiana’s own Cole Porter and a mesmerizing rendition of George Gershwin’s “Summertime.” The fun didn’t end after the ball dropped at midnight. Guests devoured desserts and coffee with the opportunity to meet and take photos with Palazzo and Elizabeth. The Hot Sardines vibrant performances bridge generations and captivate 21st century audiences all around the world. Palazzo told me the band really took a “liking to Carmel, Indiana,” loved performing on stage at the Palladium and enjoyed meeting Mayor Brainard and President/ CEO Tania Castroverde Moskalenko. There will be no question about “Where’s Amy?” next year on New Year’s Eve because I will be at my most favorite place in the world - The Palladium. What a fantastic way to ring in the New Year! I left with an autographed CD, a smile on my face and a tiara. Yep, a little tiara party favor that will remind me of my new Palladium NYE tradition. If you missed out this year, see you in 2017. In the meantime, please continue to support and attend the many concerts and events the Center for the Performing Arts has to offer. Check out what’s happening in 2016 by visiting TheCenterPresents.org.

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January 12, 2016


Current in Westfield


Meet your teacher: Beth Siminski Grade/Subject at what school: Elementary Art, K-4, Maple Glen Elementary Number of years teaching: 20 Background/Schooling (college & high school): Warren Central High School, Indianapolis; B.S. Elementary Education, Ball State University, Muncie; Endorsement in Art Education, Herron School of Art, Indianapolis; M.A. Curriculum and Assessment, Indiana Wesleyan University, Marion. Why did you become a teacher? I have always been a “kid magnet.” I grew up as the neighborhood babysitter and played “school” with my young friends all the time. My favorite teacher, my sixth grade teacher, Jack McKinney, encouraged me to think about teaching. Years later, I was fortunate enough to teach with him while he was a principal. I began my career as a classroom teacher but really struggled when I had a particularly difficult class. I also used art to enhance my lessons because my children developed a greater understanding of the course work. I felt most alive as an educator when I was teaching art! I made the decision to continue my education in the field of art after reading What Color is Your Parachute. I have never looked back! What goals do you have for your students? My students surprise me every year with the artwork they create. By demystifying the art processes, I explain my expectations to my students. I am never disappointed! I

believe children want to do their best. I want them all to appreciate the artwork they view in their future and make the artistic proSiminski cesses a part of their lives forever. What do you encourage parents to do at home to help their children strengthen particular skills? It is so important that parents give their children the opportunity to explore the artistic process. I continue to be surprised by the number of kindergarten children who have never used scissors, glue or paint before. A parent can learn so much about their child from their artwork or how they use their tools. Name your favorite movie. I absolutely love the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Name your favorite musician or band. I have always loved the music of James Taylor. I’m of his generation. A current band I enjoy is Maroon 5. “The Voice” introduced me to Adam Levine. What’s something your students might not know about you? Before Warren Central had its Performing Arts Center, it had a dynamic music and drama department. It is because of its art programs that the Performing Arts Center was built. I played the viola in the Warren Central Orchestra and at Ball State. I am also a thespian.

Westfield Welcome initiated

By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com

have so many tourists going through Grand Park. It is not only marketing Grand Park to visitors, it’s also marketing the city to With Grand Park bringing 1.5 million visitors visitors.” to Westfield annually, Grand Park Marketing The website was launched at the Manager Michelle mayor’s State of the City address in grand park Krcmery wanted 2015. to be sure the Another unique component of the visitors were experiencing the full site is the volunteer opportunities despectrum of Westfield. signed to strengthen the community. Westfield Welcome came about as “When people live somewhere, the solution. there’s nothing that makes you feel “There was a need for a resource Krcmery more a part of it than volunteering,” like this, and we heard a lot of feedKrcmery said. back about how welcoming people at Grand On the website, there are currently only Park are and how that exceeds into the city,” volunteer opportunites through Grand Park, but Krcmery said. “That is something we are alKrcmery said she is interested in expanding with ready known for, so we wanted to brand that other opportunities through the community. and extend it into other uses.” The team will be contacting nonprofits The website dons a blog type component that features different topics, such as walking through the community and listing those opin Westfield, a virtual coffee tour and seasonal portunities on the site. Krcmery said nonprofits are more than welcome to contact her at components like fall flavors and where to find mkrcmery@westfield.in.gov with a description them. There are also general interest articles. of their volunteer opportunity to be placed on “It gives us a lot more flexibility than the the site. city website would to showcase fun and To learn more, visit westfieldwelcome.com. unique things going on,” Krcmery said. “We

January 12, 2016


Current in Westfield



The Jonathan Byrd’s Fieldhouse recently opened and is completely booked for the 2016 season. Rod Sinn, left, is president of operations and his wife, Michelle, is office manager. (Photos by Feel Good Now)

indoor soccer facility

Jonathan Byrd’s Fieldhouse is booked for the 2016 season By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com

do it from the operations standpoint,” Sinn said. “Andy knows everybody and has great connections, and we sat down and met and hit it off. It was a perfect match.” The fieldhouse held a grand opening party for the public Jan. 5. Sinn said the facility is completely booked for tournaments and games through 2016. The 88,000 square foot building holds eight courts to be used for basketball and volleyball, 12 Wi-Fi hotspots throughout

In addition to Jonathan Byrd’s Fieldhouse, Grand Park will also open an indoor soccer facility to house three soccer fields. The $20 million, 350,000 square foot facility will open later this year. A 1,700 square foot restaurant will be placed in front of the soccer facility.

the building, USB ports, high definition cameras and seat cushion rentals. Sinn said parents can purchase a high-definition For a long time coming, Rod Sinn has imagined a project video of their child playing to send off to college coaches. such the Jonathan Byrd’s Fieldhouse at Grand Park. And now, If there are family members who live far from the tournahis dream-come-true is open. ment, there is an option to purchase a subscription and watch Sinn, president of operations at the cover story fieldhouse, had an idea of the game on their televisions from home. A 300-seat mezzanine is available upstairs implementing a similar projwith viewing of the courts for those who want ect in North Carolina seven years ago. to study, work or just escape the action of the “I always say things happen for a reason, and games for a moment. sometimes things don’t happen for a reason, and In addition to the main facility, a 7,600 square that obviously didn’t happen for a reason,” Sinn said. foot structure will be constructed at the front to A family friend gave Sinn a call, and Sinn travhouse the Jonathan Byrd Restaurant and a sports eled to Westfield to tour Grand Park and listen to rehabilitation facility. the vision of implementing basketball into the city. Sinn said the building was created to fit the “The mayor’s initiative was to get a basketball “Colts standard.” facility in Grand Park because we are Indiana,” “We want people from all over the country to e said. “I was very interested, so the following come here. That is the main goal. We want this to week, I brought my wife to take a look. Five minbe an experience that not only do they come here utes in, she looked at me and said, ‘You have to one time, but I want to make sure we keep them do this.’ This has been going on for the last two coming back,” Sinn said. “We have learned over years really, the idea of bringing it here, to Grand the years that customer service is something that Park and Westfield.” is forgotten, and we want this to be an experience Sinn works closely with Andy Card, who wanted where we make it the best customer service. It’s to get involved in a project similar to Sinn’s hopes. an honor to have them come into the facility, and “Andy wanted to do something similar to the There are eight courts in Jonathan Byrd’s Fieldhouse, which can be used for basketball or that is how they will be treated.” exact same thing I wanted to do, but I wanted to volleyball.


January 12, 2016


Current in Westfield


Post office problems

FRO M   T HE B A C KSHOP So much for the big rally Things have been pretty darned good in our communities for most of us since the recession withered away. Still, we’ve believed all along that the market would “correct” itself in the not-too-distant future, although do not look to us for financial advice. Now comes the news that Richard Fisher, the former head of the Fed in Dallas, spilled his guts on CNBC recently. In a follow-up report by zerohedge. com, we learn market volatility and comments about China driving such wasn’t the case. “It is not China. … What The Fed did, and I was part of it, was front-load an enormous rally market rally in order to create a wealth effect ... and an uncomfortable digestive period is likely now.” Simply incredible. ••• We’ve waxed here more than once about how out of touch the youth/young adults of America are. While not ours, this observation of young liberal America seems right on point. “America’s colleges have always been teeming with Marxist professors and 18-year-olds who don’t know how to do their own laundry, but do know how the world should be run, but they’ve now become havens for the world’s most easily offended people,” according to townhall.com. In 2015, they brought us new terms, including micro-aggression, cultural appropriation and safe spaces, among others. Commentator Mark Steyn might have had the best response of all: “The shrill, little twerps shrieking, ‘You can’t say that!,’ are a far bigger problem than the stuff they object to.” ••• In observance of Martin Luther King Day on Jan. 18, a Monday, the post office will be closed. As such, Current will be delivered to your mailbox on Jan. 16. Brian Kelly, publisher, and Steve Greenberg, general manager, are co-owners of Current Publishing, LLC. Write them at info@ youarecurrent.com.

B EL I EVE  I T ! Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Rhode Island, one must make a loud noise before passing a car on the left. Source: dumblaws.com

Commentary by Danielle Wilson

Our fuzzles, our tinglers Commentary by Terry Anker Now, to paraphrase the great Dr. Seuss, that we’ve packed up “our presents, our ribbons, our wrappings, our snoof and our fuzzles, our tinglers and trappings,” we turn ourselves back to the more normal operations. During the dark, cold days of winter, the sparkle and good cheer help raise our spirits. In fact, the spirits help raise our spirits, too. Americans drink more alcoholic beverages from December through March – average blood alcohol content per person increases by nearly 50 percent. But we can take comfort that the long nights and lazy days have passed as the sun rises a bit earlier and stays a tad longer. Likewise, holiday vacations and year-end bonuses have come and most likely gone. We now look to the coming warmer weather to indicate the emergence of spring and a new season. So for today we pass the time obsessed with political candidates and fleeting primary battles. The partisan parties triangulate and reposition with the emergence of rising

and falling poll numbers. The contenders work furiously in a clumsy ballet of words and half-truths to distinguish themselves from each other and from their expected opponents would they advance to the general election in November. If framed as mutual warriors working to improve the lives of we many Americans, they are friends. If framed as political antagonists (or worse) of the various idiots and scallywags deemed to be scraping for national attention, then, they are enemies. Are we served better by a process of conflict or one of cooperation? Is our nation better attended by a high contrast of ideas or explicit attempts at reconciliation? Maybe the shorter days during the darker months aren’t the only reason for raising a frosty beer; we’re just tired of the conflict! Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may e-mail him at terry@youarecurrent.com.

Q U O T E OF  T HE WEEK The mere fact of being able to call your job your passion is success in my eyes. – Alicia Vikander

Well, it finally happened. That stressinduced meltdown I knew was lurking behind the twinkle lights, cheese humor plates and vacuumed-up tinsel emerged this morning. Read on, my friends, for a tale of going postal. The Saturday started off fine. At 10:30 a.m. I dropped my youngest at dance and then drove straight to Kinko’s with my oldest for a passport photo. After waiting in line for-ev-er, we got his picture and headed over to the Carmel post office. Unfortunately, their passport counter was closed, with no signs indicating hours of operation. So we stood in line. Again. Seven minutes later, I learn it’s by appointment only, made by phone only. Fine. On the way home, I call the exact same post office in which I’d just been standing. Passports are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Not exactly convenient for people who have jobs. The nice man did suggest I try a different post office, which I did. As I am pulling in to my driveway, I discover that if we can be in line at the Fishers PO by 12:30 p.m., we can get the application processed today. Woohoo! Back across town we go. We arrive at noon, but soon realize that we are missing a key component: a paper copy of his driver’s license. There are still three people in front of us, so I dash back to the van and head to another Kinko’s. I make two wrong turns and get stuck behind an accident clean-up, but eventually get the damn copy and return to PO No. 2. At precisely 12:35 p.m., we are called. We hand over his application, photo, driver’s license and copy, social security card and expired passport, as well as my driver’s license. “Birth certificate?” the lady asks. Huh? “Ma’am, we need proof of his citizenship.” “But we have his old passport,” I say. “Doesn’t count. Good day. Next!” And just like that, we are dismissed. No passport, no nothin’. I was in full sob mode even before we exited the building, and I cried the entire way home. Stupid holidays. And stupid post offices. Peace out.

Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@currentincarmel.com.

January 12, 2016


Current in Westfield


Grumpy new man! Commentary by Dick Wolfsie My wife told me the other day that my New Year’s resolution for 2016 should be to stop being so negative and grouchy. humor But my humor columns are dependent on those very qualities. I’ve made a career out of people mistaking my crankiness for wittiness. I once protested to a couple of Girl Scouts that their cookies were too high in fat and that eating Samoas would shoot my lipids through the roof. Their mothers called and thanked me, saying this was a good health lesson for 9-year-olds. They must not have known I bought six boxes. I complained about my neighbors’ unkempt lawns and their putting garbage out at the curb two days before trash pick-up. I whined about kids making a ruckus shooting hoops in their driveways on Sunday mornings. Instead of being annoyed, they made me president of the homeowners association. I’m optimistic about 2016. I’ve already put together my top 10 list of stuff that makes me grumpy 1. I don’t want the clerk to keep asking me if I have a Speedy Rewards Card. I don’t.

2. I don’t want to buy something in a bag that says tear here. It doesn’t. 3. I don’t want tech guys telling me it’s as easy as plugging it in. It’s not. 4. I don’t my wife telling me I can learn to load the dishwasher correctly. I can’t. 5. I don’t want people asking me if I’m the guy who does the weather. I’m not. 6. I don’t want people asking me if my dog, Barney, is still alive. He’s not. 7. I don’t want telemarketers calling to ask if I would like to try a generic Lipitor made overseas. I wouldn’t. 8. I don’t want my wife asking me when I’m driving if I know where I’m going. I don’t. 9. And finally, number 10, just to show you that I don’t end everything on a negative note… 10. I don’t want someone on the phone asking if I mind holding. I DO!



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January 12, 2016

Current in Westfield



Young Carmel actor Wray takes on ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com Mitchell Wray likes being busy, but this schedule was hectic for even the 10-year-old Carmel resident. theater Fresh from completing his run as Michael Banks in the Civic Theatre’s production of “Mary Poppins” on Jan. 2, Mitchell began rehearsals for his role as Dill in the Indiana Repertory Theatre’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” a few days later. The performances will begin Jan. 29 and run through Feb. 28 on the OneAmerica Mainstage. “It’s gets tiring,” Mitchell said. “Sometimes I wish I had a break, but it’s fun.” It’s Mitchell’s choice to keep busy. “We kept asking him if he was sure he wanted to do back-to-back shows,” his mother, Chauncie Wray, said. His mother said her son plans take a break after “To Kill a Mockingbird.” There might be some auditions, but it will be for shows later in the year. “I also like rock climbing, so I’ll do some of that afterwards,” Mitchell said. For now, Mitchell is concentrating on what he describes as a challenging role. “He’s a troublemaker,” Mitchell said of Dill. “He does a lot of things he shouldn’t be doing. He’s like Scout’s sidekick. They do a lot of trouble-making stuff together. They’re very adventurous. They’re very curious about things.” Mitchell said there are some similarities between this role and Michael Banks. “I loved that, just like Dill, Michael is a troublemaker,” Mitchell said. “In the beginning, they are spoiled rotten, and they turn into the

‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ cast members • Atticus Finch: Ryan Artzberger • Jean Louise Finch: Lauren Briggeman • Walter Cunningham/Mr. Gilmer: Charles Goad • Heck Tate: Tim Grim • Maudie Atkinson: Jan Lucas • Dill: Mitchell Wray • Jem Finch: Grayson Molin • Mayella Ewell: Katherine Shelton • Rev. Sykes: James Solomon Benn • Helen Robinson: Shawnte Gaston • Mrs. Dubose/Stephanie Crawford: Laurel Goetzinger • Scout Finch: Paula Hopkins • Tom Robinson: Daniel A. Martin • Bob Ewell: Robert Neal • Boo Radley/Judge Taylor: Christopher Walz • Calpurnia: Milicent Wright

Mitchell Wray

Grayson Molin

best kids ever.” Chauncie said he enjoys singing and dancing. “He never had a dance lesson in his life,” she said. Mitchell also was thrilled he got to fly on stage. “That was on top of my bucket list, so check,” said Mitchell, who wore a harness under his jacket and shirt. His mother said he sings while he is up in the air. Mitchell appeared in his first movie “Cross-

roads of America,” which is now in post production. He also appeared in a short documentary about the Reynolds Farm Light Display. Mitchell is joined in the “To Kill a Mockingbird” cast by another Carmel youngster. Grayson Molin, 13, will play Jem Finch. Grayson began acting when he was 5 years old. “It’s one of my new favorites,” Grayson said of the play. “I hadn’t read the book before. But when I got asked to do the role, I watched the old movie version of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ and I really liked it.”

Grayson performed as Henry Cratchit in “A Christmas Carol” and Jonas in “The Giver” in IRT productions last season. This season he performed as Ghost of Christmas Past and Peter Cratchit. “We’re delighted to have Mitchell and Grayson with us in Mockingbird. They’ve both played lead roles on IRT stages, so they are old pros,” said Janet Allen, IRT artistic director. “But the opportunity for them to take on the literary classic roles of Dill and Jem in ‘Mockingbird’ will hopefully be as much of a delight for them as it will be for our audiences.” For more, visit irtlive.com

Dispatches Martin Luther King Jr. Day – From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Jan. 18, Conner Prairie is hosting a day of storytelling, singing songs and role playing that illustrate King’s vision of what could be achieved through non-violent protests. In collaboration with Conner Prairie, Asante Children’s Theatre will explore the theme of non-violence through a participatory program called “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around, The Power of Freedom Songs!” Learn about the history of freedom songs and how music can continue to play a role in presentday protests.

Legends in Concert – Feb. 19-21, Hoosier Park Racing & Casino will present “The World’s Greatest Live Tribute Show: Legends in Concert” featuring tributes to Steven Tyler, Whitney Houston, Rod Stewart, Tina Turner and Bette Midler. With international acclaim and its storied history, “Legends in Concert” is known as the pioneer of live tribute shows and possesses the greatest collection of live tribute artists in the industry. Each legendary performer not only looks like the star they portray, but uses their own natural voices to pay homage to their iconic music counterpart. “Legends in Concert” live tribute shows are known for their elaborate theatrical sets, magnificent costumes and full array of incredible special effects, including 3D multimedia and multimillion dollar, state-of-the-art lighting, laser and sound systems. An outstanding cast of accomplished tribute artists, talented singers and dancers and a live orchestra comprised of some of the top musicians in the industry support each “Legends in Concert” production. For more, visit hoosierpark.com.

Winnie the Pooh Day – Cumberland Park in Fishers is transforming into the Hundred Acre Wood to celebrate National Winnie the Pooh Day Jan. 17. This program is hosted in an open-house format, which means you can drop by any time and stay as long as you’d like, from 1-4 p.m. During Winnie the Pooh Day, enjoy indoor and outdoor games, and parents, bring your camera. Winnie the Pooh will be available for photos! For more, visit fishers.in.us. This event is free.

The BrewsLine – In celebration of Indiana’s Bicentennial, ride The BrewsLine to sample local craft brews and hear the stories of their historic ties. Brewery stops include Deer Creek Brewery, Deviate Brewing, Grand Junction Brewing Company, Heady Hollow Brewing Company and Sun King Fishers Tap Room and Small Batch Brewery. Visit brewsline. checkfront.com/reserve to make reservations. Tag your bicentennial beer photos with #HCbrews16! This brew tour will be on Sundays until May 22.

January 12, 2016

Current in Westfield



Sun King Fishers Tap Room

Deer Creek Brewery

Heady Hollow Brewing Company

Deviate Brewing

Grand Junction Brewing Company

Bicentennial Brews Cheers to Indiana’s Bicentennial! Celebrate Indiana’s 200th Birthday through the art of craft brewing in Hamilton County. From squirrel stampedes to haunted legends, you can learn quirky bits of history while enjoying a local craft beer. There are many ways to sip and savor bicentennial brews, and the easiest is to hop aboard a Bicentennial Brew Tour with The BrewsLine. The tour transports passengers to five breweries via mini-bus where samples and stories are shared at each stop. Tours are offered each Sunday afternoon through May 22.

Make reservations at VisitHamiltonCounty.com/2016.

Stops on the Bicentennial Brew Tour: Deer Creek Brewery, Noblesville

Deer Creek Brewery is Hamilton County’s newest brewery and sister brewery of Barley Island Brewery, Hamilton County’s oldest brewery.

Deviate Brewing, Carmel

Brew masters here have crafted a special beer: Bicentennial Beer Hop Supremacy, an India Pale Ale made with Indiana grown hops.

Grand Junction Brewing Company, Westfield

Grand Junction’s building was

constructed in the 1860s and used primarily as a blacksmith shop. Stop in to learn the stories behind the names of their brews.

Heady Hollow Brewing Company, Fishers

Heady Hollow, the area where 126th Street and Allisonville Road meet, was known to Fishers settlers in the 1850s as “Devil’s Land.” They offer beers with fun historical namesakes.

Sun King Fishers Tap Room and Small Batch Brewery, Fishers Sun King was the first full-scale production brewery to open its doors in 2009 since Indianapolis Brewing Company closed in 1948.

Yet another reason to raise your glass for Indiana’s Birthday are fun tasting

events with Indiana on Tap. Stop in to a local brewery to try a Bicentennial brew, meet other beer lovers and enjoy specials and giveaways. See the brew events listings at the end of this special section for dates and locations. Mark your calendars now for these monthly toasts to Indiana’s beer scene! Thirsty yet? Grab your growlers and get ready to celebrate Indiana’s Bicentennial with Hamilton County craft beers. Don’t forget to share your beer tasting photos using #HCbrews16! Find more Bicentennial celebration information at VisitHamiltonCounty.com/2016. brewpub, make sure to enjoy a glass of Hamilton County history.

For more information on all things Bicentennial and the Bicentennial Brew Tour go to VisitHamiltonCounty.com/2016

Pour, sip, Share! #HCbrews16

16 Hamilton County’s First Brewery January 12, 2016

Brewing was not a viable business in

Current in Westfield


Grand Junction Brewing Company

Noblesville at this point in time. Even when the brewing business was

Deer creek Brewery

finished, the family continued to make its mark in a variety of ways. One of Xavier’s sons, Julius X. Joseph, became mayor of Noblesville in the

By Hamilton County Historian, David Heighway

1920s. Xavier’s daughter Emma

Beer took some time to establish itself

telegraph operator. Their daughter

as a part of the diet of Hamilton

Helen didn’t like small town life, so she

County residents. Corn whiskey and

moved to Chicago in the 1920s, where

hard cider were the traditional drinks

she became one of Al Capone’s “girls”

and these were usually manufactured

and apparently was quite successful.

at home, although there was a

Eventually, she opened her own

distillery at Strawtown as early as the

speakeasy in Wisconsin called the

1820s. The first known brewery

Sunflower Inn. She acquired the

appeared around 1865 and lasted for

nickname of “Dirty Helen” because

at least five years.

she used strong language. Copies of

married Julius Worley, the Cicero

her autobiography are at the Hamilton The brewery was built by Xavier

East Public Library and have some

Joseph (1824-1901), who emigrated in

information about her grandfather’s

1852 from Germany. He first traveled

brewing business.

to Cincinnati and then settled in

Heady Hollow Brewing Company Deviate Brewing

Sun King Fishers Tap Room

Culinary Experiences The BrewsLine

Throughout Hamilton County, Indiana 317.661.1334 The BrewsLine is a great way to sit back and enjoy the wonderful craft breweries of the Hamilton County area. BrewsLine helps people gain an understanding of the breweries; sample many of their fine beers; share the love and knowledge of beer with others; and most importantly, it is done in a fun and safe way.

Louisville, where he married his wife in

It would take over a century for

1856. He had established a brewery in

professional brewing to return to

Louisville by 1859. Allegedly, Xavier

Hamilton County. The first to open was

objected to slavery and moved to

Barley Island Brewing Company, which

13400 Allisonville Road, Fishers 317.776.6006 ConnerPrairie.org

Noblesville, opening the brewery soon

has shown more staying power that its

Learn about craft brewing through demonstrations and meet with craft beer

after his arrival. It can be seen on the

predecessor. However, they recognize

experts. Explore Conner Prairie’s 1836 Prairietown and taste a historical beer

1866 map of the town. An 1869

their heritage by producing a beer

brewed on site. Additional food centric programs include Hearthside Suppers

newspaper article mentions the

with the brand name of “Dirty Helen.”

and Prairie Plates.

brewery, but the temperance

So, the next time you visit the

A Cut Above Catering

movement was growing at that time.

History on Tap


A hands-on approach to making cooking fun, set in a relaxed environment.

Chocolate for the Spirit ChocolateForTheSpirit.com

Nationally acclaimed, award-winning artisan chocolatier offering chocolate classes.

Indie Indy Foodie Tours SmallPotatoesIndy.com

Tour in a luxury motor coach to local restaurants in one night for a guided tasting.

For more information on all things Bicentennial and the Bicentennial Brew Tour go to VisitHamiltonCounty.com/2016

Pour, sip, Share! #HCbrews16

LOCAL 17 BREWERIES January 12, 2016

Current in Westfield


Barley Island Brewing Company

639 Conner Street, Noblesville BarleyIsland.com

Danny Boy Beer Works

12702 Meeting House Road, Carmel DannyBoyBeerWorks.com

Deer Creek Brewery

17661 Cumberland Road, Noblesville

Deviate Brewing

4004 West 96th St., Carmel DeviateBrewing.com

Grand Junction Brewery

110 South Union Street, WestďŹ eld GrandJunctionBrewing.com

Heady Hollow Brewing Company 11069 Allisonville Road, Fishers HeadyHollowBrewing.com

Union Brewing Company

622 South Rangeline Road, Suite Q, Carmel UnionBrewingCo.com

Tap rooms Sun King Fishers Tap Room & Small Batch Brewery 7848 East 96th St., Fishers SunKingBrewing.com

Upland Brewing Company Carmel Tap House 820 East 116th Street, Carmel UplandBeer.com

Other Breweries Granite City Food and Brewery, Carmel Flix Brewhouse, Carmel Ram Restaurant & Brewery, Fishers

VisitHamiltonCounty.com/Brews for complete listings of local breweries.

For more information on all things Bicentennial and the Bicentennial Brew Tour go to VisitHamiltonCounty.com/2016

Pour, sip, Share! #HCbrews16

2016 Brew Events 18 January 12, 2016

Current in Westfield


Carmel First Friday Firkin

History on Tap

Indiana on Tap Presents: Pours & Pints

Fishers on Tap

Upland Carmel Tap House, Carmel Monthly on First Friday

Conner Prairie Interactive History Park, Fishers June 3

Deviate Brewing, Carmel January 14

Nickel Plate District Amphitheatre, Fishers June 11

Danny Boy First Anniversary Celebration

District BrewFest

Danny Boy Beer Works, Carmel February 5-7

The Warehouse, Carmel August 20

Indiana on Tap Presents: Pours & Pints

Noblesville Brewfest and Wine Garden

Fishers on Tap

Fishers Oktoberfest at Saxony

Indiana on Tap & Hamilton County Tourism event

Beards and Brews

Sun King Fishers Tap Room, Fishers February 20

Forest Park, Noblesville September 24

Forum Conference Center, Fishers February 20

Saxony, Fishers September 24

Downtown Noblesville October 1

Deer Creek Brewery, Noblesville March 10

All Saints Day

St. Patrick’s Day Party

Danny Boy Beer Works, Carmel October 28-30

Danny Boy Beer Works, Carmel March 17

Boo n’ Brew

Indiana on Tap Presents: Pours & Pints

Grand Junction Brewing Co., Westfield April 9

Indiana on Tap Presents: Pours & Pints

Heady Hollow Brewing Company, Fishers May 21

Clay Terrace, Carmel October 29

Holiday Cheers

Conner Prairie Interactive History Park, Fishers Dec. 15

Bicentennial Brew Tour

Sundays, January 10 - May 22 Tours start at 12:30 pm Admission: $40


For more information on all things Bicentennial and the Bicentennial Brew Tour go to VisitHamiltonCounty.com/2016

Pour, sip, Share! #HCbrews16

January 12, 2016

NIGHT & DAY Grown-up coloring • Enjoy a relaxing evening of channeling your inner creativity through drawing a page of intricate and colorful designs with other adults. All necessary materials provided. With soothing music playing, participants are encouraged to use the markers, colored pencils and multiple designs to help alleviate stress and foster community. Participants must be ages 16 and older. Each participant must register separately. • Jan. 13 from 6:30-8 p.m. • Noblesville Public Library: 1 Library Plaza, Noblesville • Registration required • 770-3209 • www. hepl.lib.in.us


Let it snow • As a part of the Prairie Tots events hosted by Conner Prairie, kids age 2 are welcome to join in fun activities including singing songs about snowmen and playing in pretend snow. Make a cute snow craft to take home and put on display! Adult supervision required. • Jan. 14 from 9:30-10:15 a.m. • Conner Prairie Interactive History Park: 13400 Allisonville Rd., Fishers • 7766000 • www.connerprairie.org Excel spreadsheet class at Fishers Library (Part I) • Kick off the New Year with a new skill! In Excel Part I, participants will learn how to create and format a simple spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel 2013. The only requirement is that partakers must be somewhat familiar with computers and know how to use a mouse. Each participant must register. • Jan. 14 from 2-4:30 p.m. • Fishers Public Library: 5 Municipal Dr., Fishers • Registration required • 579-0300 • www.help.lib.in.us


Comedy with a Cause • Enjoy a night of laughs and comedy and support individuals in Indiana at the same time. Comedians John Sherrill, former Indiana Pacer Scot Pollard, Robert Hay-Smith and Jeff Bodart come together in this show to share their humor while giving 100 percent of the proceeds to benefit the Ralph Braun Foundation, which provides vehicle modification grants to individuals with disabilities. A bar opens one hour before the show. • Jan. 15 at 8 p.m. • The Studio Theatre at the Center for the Performing Arts: 355 City Center Dr., Carmel • Tickets up to $37.50 • 843-3800 • www.thecenterpresents.org


Moscow Festival Ballet • Artistic Director and legendary principal dancer of the Bolshoi Ballet, Sergei Radchenko directs leading dancers from Russia to the stage for two exciting productions. On Friday, enjoy the ballet Giselle, a romantic tale of a peasant girl and the strength of true love. Then, for the rest of the weekend, see the magic of Cinderella come to life with stunning costumes and beautiful interpretive dancing. • Jan. 15 at 8 p.m., Jan. 16 at 8 p.m. and Jan. 17 at 3 p.m. • The Center for the Performing Arts, at the Tarkington: 355 City Center Dr., Carmel • 843-3800 • www. thecenterpresents.org Coffee and Donuts: 19th Century-Style at Conner Prairie • Beat the winter blues with the smell of coffee and fresh, warm bread by the fire. This class will allow participants hands-on experience in roasting green coffee beans at the


Current in Westfield


hearth and processing your own fresh java. Then, bake perfect complimentary breads and donuts, reminiscent of 19th century traditions. • Jan. 16 from 9-11 a.m. • Conner Prairie Interactive History Park: 13400 Allisonville Rd., Fishers • $40 per member or $45 per non-member • 776-6000 • www. connerprairie.org Carmel Winter Farmers Market • Missing the Farmers Market this winter season? Check out the Carmel Winter Indoor Farmers Market featuring local grown and produced foods. The market offers a chance for consumers to purchase local produce at reasonable prices. • Jan. 16 from 9 a.m. to noon. Recurs every Saturday. • Founders Park All-Purpose building: 11675 Hazel Parkway, Carmel • 710-0162 • www.carmelfarmersmarket.com




In 1977, twin spacecraft Voyager 1 and 2 launched into space carrying a record-shaped time capsule containing 90 minutes of music. Hear what the record includes from the classical world - works by Mozart, Beethoven and Stravinsky!


Drawing Class • Learn to improve your artistic skills in this art class for all skill levels. Nickel Plate Studio Artists Bruce Neckar and John Reynolds will provide subject matter. Nickel Plate Arts will be responsible for providing graphite sticks, newsprint and drawing boards, although participants may bring their own materials. Must be 15 or older. • Jan. 18-Mar. 7 recurring every Monday, from 7-9 p.m. • Nickel Plate Arts Campus: 107 South 8th St., Noblesville • $100/10 weeks • 452-3690 • www.mkt.com/nickel-plate-arts/ drawing-class-session Salt-N-Pepa concert • American hip hop trio Salt-N-Pepa consisting of Cheryl James, Sandra Denton and Deidra Roper are performing here in Indiana! The group was formed in 1985 and was one of the first all-female rap groups, winning multiple awards and producing hits including “Push It,” “Whatta Man,” and “None of Your Business.” • Jan. 19 at 8 p.m. • The Vogue: 6259 N. College Ave., Indianapolis • 259-7029 • www.thevogue.com




High Tea at Downton • Each Sunsunday day in January, enjoy a midday tea in style as fellow Downton Abbey fans savor last moments of the final season of the series. Come in costume and have a chance to win a prize for the best period dress. • Jan. 17, 24, and 31 • Tina’s Traditional Old English Kitchen: 30 N. Range Line Rd., Carmel • 565-9716 • www. do317.com/events/2016/1/3/high-tea-at-downton MLK Jr. Day and free Admission to Conner Prairie • In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, enjoy storytelling, singing and roleplaying that highlights King’s dreams and activism for peaceful protests. In collaboration with Conner Prairie, Asante Children’s Theatre will explore the theme of non-violence through a participatory program called “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around, The Power of Freedom Songs!” Learn about historical music and the influence it had during this era. • Jan. 18 • Conner Prairie Interactive History Park: 13400 Allisonville Rd., Fishers • Free admission • 776-6000 • www.connerprairie.org


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January 12, 2016


Current in Westfield




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More semi-homemade Super Bowl food Commentary Joe Drozda and Bob Bley Does the thought of cooking from scratch for a lot of people seem overwhelming? Then stop worrying and let us help you provide plenty of good tasting food for your Super Bowl gathering without extra worry and long hours in the kitchen. “Semi-homemade” is the cooking genre rediscovered by Sandra Lee of the Food Network. For the next few weeks we’ll feature our ideas of foods you can purchase that can be completed by you to be appetizing and as good as if you made them yourself. Since the health nuts in your crowd probably don’t know the commandment “Thou shall not diet on game day” the thought of really enjoyable foods for a Super Bowl party probably scares them. So we suggest you name the dishes you plan to serve with tags of very healthy foods like zucchini, one of the very low calorie vegetables that has no saturated fats or cholesterol. Its peel is good source of dietary fiber that helps reduce constipation and offers some protection against colon cancers. It also has anti-oxidants and is rich in flavonoids. So let’s call this next dish Zucchini Pizza Bites. Zucchini Pizza Bites Ingredients: • 1 cup Johnsonville precooked frozen Mild Italian Sausage Slices thawed • 2 medium zucchini cut into 1/4 inch slices • Cooking spray • 1/4 cup favorite pizza sauce

Semi-homemade dishes are easy to make and will have guests coming back for more. (Submitted photo)

• Basil, salt and pepper • 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese Directions: Preheat broiler to high. Arrange zucchini slices on a foil lined baking sheet and spritz each of them with cooking spray. Sprinkle them with salt and pepper. Now broil them a couple of minutes until the zucchini is hot, but still firm. Remove them from the oven. Top each zucchini with a pinch of cheese, one sausage slice, 1/2 teaspoon pizza sauce and one more pinch of cheese. Return the sheet to the broiler for a couple more minutes until the sausage is heated through. Sprinkle the bites with basil and serve. Joe Drozda is the author of “The Tailgater’s Handbook” and is considered as the “Father of American Tailgating.” His website is tailgatershandbook.com. He is a resident of Hamilton County.


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Hamilton Cou. Home Show – It’s time to start planning home projects for the New Year. And, just in time, the fifth annual Hamilton Co. Home Show Jan. 16-17 at the Hamilton Co. 4-H Fairgrounds, is shaping up to be the finest show yet. It’s the best source for the latest in ideas and services, new products and top trends for both do-it-yourselfers and those who prefer to leave it to a professional. Sponsored by Pings Tree Service, this familyfriendly event will feature dozens of local businesses with fresh ideas for making any home more comfortable, more appealing and more valuable. For more, visit hchomeshow. com.

Hoosier Heart-land – Nickel Plate Arts’ February exhibit, which runs Feb. 5-27, puts a sense-ofplace spin on the venue’s annual Love, Lust and Poetry exhibition. In honor of Indiana’s Bicentennial, this year’s “Valentine’s” exhibit features works that depict what artists love about the Hoosier state. The Hoosier Heart-land exhibit is meant to serve as a visual love letter to our state, commemorating the people, places and things that make Indiana what it is today. The goal is to create an exhibit that can lift up visitors’ spirits on even the coldest, dreariest of February days and encourage everyone to marvel at what a complex, vibrant place Indiana has become over the past 200 years.

January 12, 2016


Current in Westfield



Uncertainty guaranteed in ‘Doubt’

Bankers Life Fieldhouse – 125 E. Georgia St., Indianapolis – bankerslifefieldhouse.com Jan. 13 – Jeff Dunham Hoosier Park Racing & Casino – 4500 Dan Patch Circle, Anderson – hoosierpark. com Jan. 15 – Rick Monroe Jan. 16 – DJ Sound Solutions Old National Centre – 502 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis – oldnationalcentre.com Jan. 16 – Biz Markie, The New Romance, and Here’s To the Night Hopwood Cellars Winery – 12 E. Cedar St., Zionsville – hopwoodcellars.com Jan. 15 – Blues with a Twist Jan. 16 – Bomar and Ritter Mo’s Irish Pub – 13193 Levinson Ln., Noblesville – mosirishpub.com/indy Jan. 14 – Wayne Deaton Jan. 15 – Karma Jan. 16 – The Bishops Cobblestone Grill – 160 S. Main St., Zionsville – cobblestonegrill.com Jan. 15 – Matt Record Jan. 16 – Kyle Bledsoe Britton Tavern – 14005 Mundy Dr., Fishers – thebrittontavern.com Jan. 15 – Zanna-Doo Jan. 16 – Corey Cox Vogue Nightclub – 6259 N. College Ave., Indianapolis – thevogue.com Jan. 15 – Greensky Bluegrass and Horseshoes & Hand Grenades Jan. 16 – Clayton Anderson, Joe Hess & The Wandering Cowboys, and Brett Wiscons Jan. 19 – Salt-N-Pepa, Spinderella, and DJ Gabby Love The Hi-Fi – 1043 Virginia Ave., Indianapolis – hifiindy.com Jan. 13 – Wild Belle and Steven A. Clark Jan. 14 – Shannon Hayden, Matt Hagan, and Sedcairn Archives Jan. 15 – DJ Kyle Long Jan. 16 – Sweater Vest and Party Lines Jan. 18 – MOM DJs and DJ Metrognome *Performers are scheduled, but may change

lIve MUsIC

By Zach Dunkin • news@currentinwestfield.com When the curtain closes on “Doubt, A Parable” the audience exits without ever seeing the story’s alleged victim or even theater if there, indeed, was one. Did Father Flynn commit sexual misconduct in a private meeting with a student? Or is Sister Aloysius’ suspicion a result of her deep mistrust toward her students, fellow teachers and society in general? The audience is left to decide. And it is up to Trevor Fanning to generate that air of uncertainty as he portrays the progressive parish priest in question. John Patrick Shanley’s Pulitzer Prize- and Tony Award-winning play runs Feb. 5 through 14 at the Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre. “It’s an important and challenging task to create characters and situations which don’t reveal an outcome of guilt or innocence,” said Fanning, who will be making his Civic acting debut. “Part of my task in creating this character will be maintaining a sense of uncertainty, so that I don’t force the hand of the audience as to Father Flynn’s guilt or innocence, if it is even that black and white.” The only thing black and white about “Doubt” are the habits worn by Lucy Fields, who portrays Sister Aloysius and Jen Agnew, who plays Sister James, a young teacher. Dena Taylor joins the sleek, four-actor cast as the boy’s mother, Mrs. Muller. The play is set in the fictional St. Nicholas Church School in the Bronx in 1965. The meeting between the student and Father Flynn sets off a conflict between the priest and principal Aloy-

‘Doubt, A Parable’ Where: Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre. When: Fridays and Saturdays, 7 p.m., and Sundays, 2 p.m., Feb. 5-14 Tickets: $35 adults, $20 students, thecenterfortheperformingarts.org.

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Nancy L. Trevor Fanning will play the parish priest in “Doubt, A Parable.” (Submitted photo)

sius as she suspects the inappropriate behavior. Flynn explains he was only disciplining the boy for drinking altar wine. “I think the powerful script, and the intimate way that our director (Jennifer Alexander) and the production team will present this play, will have a great impact on Civic audiences, and, hopefully, be the catalyst for many conversations about how people come to conclusions about the certainty or doubt of what Father Flynn is being accused of,” Fanning said.

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January 12, 2016


Current in Westfield


Your weekly serving of Just the Ticket

Enjoy fresh-made breakfast favorites and lunch options at the Lincoln Square Pancake House. Owner George Katris and family implement a group effort to keep their local Indiana restaurants running effectively and efficiently. They strive to make everyone feel comfortable and at home “whether it’s their first or their hundredth time visiting the restaurant,” Katris said. “This is our philosophy compared to franchises.” Type of Food: Pancakes, omelets, French toast, salads, sandwiches, burgers. Food Recommendation: The Lincoln Square Pancake Combo – a short stack of fluffy pancakes dusted with powdered

Lincoln Square Pancake House sugar, topped with homemade whipped butter and served with two farm-fresh eggs, three sausage links, four strips of bacon, hot coffee and fresh orange juice Price Range: Approx. $10 Reservations: No Hours: Mon.-Sat. from 7 a.m.-4 p.m. and Sun. from 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Address: 3186 E. Ind. 32, Westfield Phone: 399-7102

Tortellini Mediterranean Kebabs are a great way to get kids involved in the kitchen. (Photo by Ceci Martinez)

Tortellini Mediterranean Kebabs Commentary by Ceci Martinez

My younger boy who is 13 years old wanted to spice up his lunch menu for school days. He found this yummy recipe, and we love how simple these Tortellini Mediterranean Kebabs are! You can cook the tortellini the night before, and in the morning your kid can assemble the tomatoes with the mozzarella balls in a flash! This flavorful pasta will not go to waste! Enjoy your school lunch! Note: This is the perfect recipe to get your

kids involved in the kitchen! TORTELLINI MEDITERRANEAN KEBABS Ingredients: 10 oz. spinach tortellini, grape tomatoes, 8 oz. fresh mini mozzarella balls, pesto, olive oil, salt and pepper to taste Direction: In a bowl, toss cooked tortellini, grape tomatoes and mini mozzarella balls with pesto, olive oil, salt and pepper. Thread onto skewers. Ceci Martinez is a Zionsville resident who was born in New York and raised in Peru. For more of Ceci’s recipes, visit currentzionsville.com.

Fireball Float Get it at Langton’s, Carmel Ingredients: Caramel Bailey’s Syrup, 1 oz. fireball, Half cup of apple cider, Scoop of ice cream Directions: Layer bottom of glass with Caramel Bailey’s Syrup, then place scoop of ice cream on top. Fill with apple cider and fireball. Can substitute hot apple cider for a warm option.

January 12, 2016


Current in Westfield


Realtor Metken to open Westfield brokerage office

By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com

That’s crazy when you think about the growth and how many people live there.” In her 10th year in the real estate business, Real estate broker Helen Metken doesn’t Metken previously worked for F.C. Tucker Co. try to contain her excitement about opening a “I lived and worked in this region Westfield brokerfor my entire career,” she said. “Real real estate age office. estate is such that we go where our “Westfield is clients take us. I’ve lived in Hamilton an amazing market, and it is poised County for 17 years, so I know a whole to be the next center of growth for lot of people here.” our housing that becomes available Metken was elected to a three-year in the next few years,” Metken said. term as a regional director for the “Westfield is poised for great things Metken Indiana Association of Realtors in Octo come with the opening of Grand tober. She is a district director with the board Park last year and the Grand Junction Plaza of directors for the Metropolitan Indianapolis downtown.” Board of Realtors. She was presented in 2014 Metken, a Carmel resident, has joined with with the Hamilton Co. Division of MIBOR’s RealRe/Max Integra to open the brokerage office tor of the Year award. that will be called Re/Max Ascent. “Helen’s level of professionalism and underRe/Max Ascent will likely open in early standing of marketing are a perfect fit for Re/ spring, Metken said, adding that the contract Max Integra,” said Stacey Gillen, director of reis not yet signed on the space but should be gional operations at Re/Max Integra, Midwest. soon. “We’re excited to watch her grow and succeed “To have a new space in Westfield is huge,” with her clients while working with local realMetken said. “We have so few agents working in Westfield. I think at last count, it’s less than tors who are looking for new opportunities to grow their own real estate business.” 35 agents out of 1,500 in Hamilton County.

Dispatches Maddox elected bank president – Daniel Maddox has been elected as president of Citizens State Bank, New Castle. Maddox presently serves as the bank’s chief operating officer and will succeed Bill Aitchison, who has served as president since 1996.


when compared to the same period in 2015, according to a report from the MIBOR REALTOR® Association. The current median sales price for a home sold in Hamilton Co. is $227,950. The current average sales price is $273,709.


New business banker named – Cassandra Bogaards has joined Horizon Bank as Business Banker at the Carmel office. Bogaards will be responsible for market retention and business development in the central Indiana region.

REI Construction name change – REI Construction, LLC, a central Indiana general contractor and construction management firm, has changed its name to CTI Construction, LLC. CTI President/ Owner David Ford said he always had plans to change the name when he purchased it from REI Real Estate Services, LLC, in 2010. The new name reflects the key values the company holds for its customers – commitment, trust and integrity. Housing sales increased – A one-month review of local housing data reveals an increase in new listings and closed sales in Hamilton County

Stock of the week – Investing in a U.S. oil producer may seem contrary to current practices, but it may pay off big, according to Bottom Line Personal. They recommend Pioneer Natural Resources Company (PXD) as their stock of the week. Even in the current oil market, Pioneer has contracts locking in purchases of 85 percent of its planned production in 2016 and 20 percent in 2017. It has a strong balance sheet that will help it withstand pricing pressure. Source: BottomLinePersonal.com

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Produced By Laptops donated – Financial Center First Credit Union recently donated seven laptops to Trinity House, and its parent organization, Lutheran Child and Family Services Foundation. Trinity House is a group home focused on enhancing social and basic


Visit living skills of residents so that theywww.hchomeshow.com can become independent adults. The laptops will be available to young men living at Trinity House.

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January 12, 2016


Current in Westfield


Any Lab Test Now increases testing By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com Any Lab Test Now, which provides a variety of lab testing for blood, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy allergies and much more have seen an increase in their aids/hiv AIDS/HIV testing. Chuck Lehman, president of Westfield City Council and co-owner of the Fishers and Carmel locations of Any Lab Test Now said in the past year, there has been an increase of STD testing. “We are a great resource for someone who just wants to know about their health,” Lehman said. “We would be a great resource for someone who wanted to check for an STD just so they know for self-protection. We don’t ask any questions. We simply say we can do the test, and then they can get the results anonymously.” Lehman co-owns the two locations with his sister-in-law, Chris Suever. Any Lab Test Now doesn’t prescribe medications for treatment, although they do have a list of trusted references they can provide patients with. “HIV testing has risen within last year,” Lehman said. “In this calendar year, we have seen more interest and more activity in the




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Sydney Gilbert, left, and Jackie Roeder are two of the certified staff at Any Lab Test Now in Carmel. They work at both locations and have been with the lab for years. (Submitted photo)

entire range of sexual health tests across the board. We have seen an increased awareness. Obviously right now there’s been more awareness brought to it because certain high profile people have let it be known that they have issues and concerns about what’s happening in their life.” Any Lab Test Now does not take insurance or offer payment plans. Lehman referred to his business as a “point of purchase,” but said since they don’t work with insurance companies, they can keep their costs low. They also have low test times, as Lehman said a typical STD test only takes 15 minutes. “We offer a comprehensive STD panel. That includes eight different tests,” Lehman said. The panel costs $229, which he said, by indus-

try standards, is very reasonable. Results usually arrive within three to five days and most can be emailed or faxed. AIDS results must be picked up in person. “We are making a comfortable environment for people getting something done that they don’t necessarily look forward to getting done,” Lehman said. “We are open and friendly and people walk in here for all kinds of things. People walk in here every day and nobody knows what the other one is getting done.” Any Lab Test Now is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Walk-ins and appointments are both accepted. For more, visit www.anylabtestnow.com/ franchises/carmel-46032.

Dispatches Women’s health event – Riverview Health will host a women’s health and wellness event from 8 a.m. to noon Jan. 23. Enjoy a morning filled with health information, screenings and assessments designed to educate and inspire women. Some screenings require advance registration. For more, visit www.riverview. org or call 776-7999.

Riverview receives donation – Riverview Health Foundation recently presented Riverview Health with a check for $500,000 towards the purchase of a new large-bore MRI machine, the renovation of the hospital’s atrium and several other projects. This is the tenth consecutive year Riverview Health Foundation has gifted $500,000 or more to Riverview Health.

Franciscan anniversary – Franciscan Alliance celebrates the anniversary of treating its first patient 140 years ago. In 1876, just three weeks after arriving from Germany, the six Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration cared for an ill civilian at their new building in Lafayette. Since then, the Franciscan family has expanded to 14 hospitals, employing nearly 20,000 individuals who provide care for thousands of patients each day.

Free antibiotics – From now until Feb. 28, Market District Advantage Card customers can receive generic oral antibiotics free with a prescription. The pharmacy will provide up to a 14-day supply of the following generic oral antibiotics free of charge: Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Cephalexin, Ciprofloxacin, Penicillin VK, SMZ/TMP, SMZ/TMP OS. Visit www.GiantEagle.com/FreeAntibiotics or the pharmacy for a complete list of qualifying medications and restrictions.

January 12, 2016


Current in Westfield



Adding color to your kitchen cabinets Commentary by David Decker Colorful cabinets are back in style and one of the most popular design trends. Don’t get us wrong, classic home interior white cabinets are still very popular and something clients frequently request. However, colorful hues in the kitchen are popping up more and more. Bright cabinets can really brighten up the space of your kitchen and can transform otherwise dated cabinetry. Even just a painted island can liven up a space and add a new look to your kitchen. Black cabinets are a color option that adds a serious look of sophistication. We’ve seen black gain popularity recently, especially in modern homes. These cabinets usually bring a glossy, formal finish to the room and compliment almost any other accent color. Another popular interior color, gray, is also becoming more common on cabinets. Less traditional than white but also a neutral option, gray still allows for easy decorating and is available in a large variety of shades. Another color to consider for cabinets is blue. This is a great option when looking to add a nautical or cottage feeling to your home. The list of blue hues available is end-

Teacher of the Month!


Colorful cabinets are back in style. (Submitted photo)

less and choosing one for the upper cabinets and a different for the lower cabinets can add interest you may not have had before. Whatever your style, make your selection carefully. Colors especially seem to come in and out of style quickly, which makes it a little difficult to select a timeless look that features a lot of color. If you are choosing to implement colorful cabinets, you will want to make sure that it does not overpower the

design scheme of the room or the rest of your home. David Decker is president of the Affordable Companies, which include Affordable Kitchens and Bathrooms and now Affordable Custom Flooring. They are based in Carmel (575-9540, www.theaffordablecompanies.com). E-mail home improvement questions to david.decker@theaffordablecompanies.com.

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The winning students will get to have a lunchtime party and the teachers will receive gift certificates to Market District. The next deadline to submit an essay is Jan. 15. To submit your 100-word essay about your favorite teacher, email it to Teacher@youarecurrent.com.

When is your big day?

Bridal Show



The winner for this month's Teacher of the Month contest, sponsored by Market District, is: Ms. Glenn & student Ellie Kimpel Westfield Intermediate, 6th grade

Vendors as of January 2016 • Aadvance Limousine • A Fitting Creation • Active Family Chiropractic of Brownsburg • Avon Wedding Barn • Blanton House • BMO Harris Bank • Carole’s Boutique • Cruise Planners • CCS Counseling • Donnas Dress Designs • Doterra Essential Oils • Elegance Boutique of Pittsboro • Elmwood by Redwood • Glory Nails of Avon • Its All About Thyme • JJ’s Catering • Louies Tux Shop (Avon Location) • Mary Kay (Lauren Gentry) • Melissa Cain Art Studio of Danville • Mindy Tasich-Koyani, Carpenter Realator • My House Fitness of Avon • North Salem Garden Gate Gifts and Flower Shop (Designs By Terri Solomon) • Photography by Fast • Photography by Sarah Crail • Pop O Licious of Brownsburg • Special Occasion Design • Visit Hendricks County • White Lick Creek by Redwood

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January 12, 2016


Current in Westfield


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Espionage Tunnel in Berlin’s Allied Museum. (Photo by Don Knebel)

Berlin’s clandestine tunnel Commentary by Don Knebel

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Berlin’s Allied Museum collects and displays items from 1948 to 1990, when the city was divided between east and west. travel The museum’s most fascinating item reflects western espionage activities during the Cold War. The Allied Museum occupies the building and land of the U.S. Army’s “outpost” movie theater, used to entertain troops stationed in Berlin’s American sector until the troops left in 1994. Located outside the main building are a number of large items from Berlin’s divided past, including an American guardhouse from Checkpoint Charlie, a British Hastings TG 503 airplane used during the Berlin airlift in 1948 and 1949 and a French railway car. A small section of the Berlin Wall stands in front of a concrete watch tower once used by East German border guards. Inside the museum are exhibits from Berlin’s Cold War history, including a display remembering President John Kennedy’s trip to West Berlin in 1963, when he famously declared: “Ich bin ein Berliner” (“I am a Berliner.”). The museum’s largest enclosed exhibit is


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a 22-foot long tube, about six feet in diameter. The metal tube once formed part of a 1,500-foot-long tunnel built by the American CIA and the British SIS in 1953 and 1954. The tunnel originated in the American sector of Berlin and extended east about 1,000 feet underground into the Soviet sector, intersecting 1,200 buried telephone lines. Beginning in 1955, American and British intelligence operatives intercepted more than 440,000 telephone conversations involving the Soviet military. The interceptions stopped when Soviet intelligence discovered the tunnel in April 1956, creating an international controversy. The refurbished tunnel section now in the Allied Museum came from the western segment, excavated in 1997. Remains of the eastern segment of the tunnel, discovered in a German forest about 100 miles from Berlin in 2012, are stored in a museum warehouse.

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Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column, visit donknebel.com. You may contact him at news@currentzionsville. com.

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January 12, 2016






Current in Westfield

www.currentinwestfield.com 6











36 41







39 43


53 58


54 59

















26 32


















14 17



Across 1. City Securities pessimist 5. Oak Hill Mansion decorative pitcher 9. Treat badly 14. Fishers HS breakout 15. Truth or ___ (slumber party game) 16. Less decorated 17. Mellencamp flip side for an IND traveler with a suitcase? (3 wds.)



19. Ire 20. Current reporter’s question 21. Regard highly 23. WISH weatherman Brewer and tight end Dilger 24. Anthem boardroom bigwig 25. Respond to the alarm 27. Artillery fragments 32. Peru’s tent show 36. Lucas Oil Stadium seating section

4 8 9 2 1 7 3 4 5 4 6 5 8 8 7 9 5 37. IUPUI windshield parking sticker 39. Indianapolis Indians bat wood 40. Terre Haute-to-Noblesville dir. 41. Mellencamp flip side about Indianapolis? (2 wds.) 43. Prefix with “natal” at St. Vincent Hospital 44. WFMS revenue source 45. Native Alaskan represented in the Eiteljorg Museum

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Find the items in the puzzle going up, down, sideways or diagonally and list them. Each letter is used no more than once.

1 6 4 9 4 1 2

46. Marble Hill nuclear reactor part 47. Healthy breakfast cereal at Marsh 49. Indy pump company 52. Nur Allah Islamic Center leader 54. Contend (for) 55. Disinfectant’s target 58. Online biz (2 wds.) 61. Zionsville Community Schools grp. 64. Take as one’s own at the Hamilton County Humane Society 66. Mellencamp flip side about a mini-hike at Eagle Creek Park? (2 wds.) 68. Westfield Washington Public Library listing 69. Indianapolis Fencing Club sword 70. Black-and-white cookie at Kroger 71. Antiknock gas additive 72. IHSAA tournament whistle-blowers 73. Pepsi’s first lemon-lime drink Down 1. ISO composer 2. Marengo Cave sound effect 3. All over again 4. VCR button (Abbr.) 5. The Wizard of Menlo Park 6. Light bulb unit 7. Miami County community with the same name as a Great Lake 8. Extend a subscription to Indianapolis Monthly 9. Leonard, McGinnis & Daniels org. 10. Chase loan officer, for one 11. Encourage 12. Viewed 13. Goofs up 18. Maintain 22. Indianapolis Zoo parrot 24. Brickyard 400 entry








6 Diamond Cuts

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

5 Beatles Songs

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________








4 Indy Department Stores

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

3 Common Baking Ingredients

__________________ __________________ __________________

2 Shapiro's Deli Meats

__________________ __________________

1 Circus Capital of the World


26. Oven at Creative Escape Pottery 27. Cook clams at Mitchell’s Fish Market 28. One who prays to Vishnu 29. Actress Witherspoon 30. Barely beat the Greyhounds 31. Abate (2 wds.) 33. Fall Creek craft 34. Computer operators 35. DSW’s pumps and clogs 38. Pigeon’s home 41. Burt’s Bees Lip ___ 42. Trojan War epic 46. Browns on a Lucas Oil Stadium scoreboard 48. Without fanfare 50. Conjures up 51. Mackey Arena hoops

53. Crooked Stick Golf Club fairway cutter 55. Bankers Life Fieldhouse entrance 56. Blue-pencil an article in the Carmel Business Leader 57. Type of IRA at PNC 59. Pacers locker room supply 60. Indianapolis Children’s Choir staff symbol 61. Randall Dermatology skin opening 62. Hoosier National Forest unit 63. Hamilton Southeastern HS physics class topic 65. ___ Aviv 67. Angela Buchman summer weather word Answers on Page 31

LOSE WEIGHT NOW... AND KEEP IT OFF! 28 January 12, 2016


Current in Westfield


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FOR Sale

FOR Sale

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Current in Westfield


Clean of Hearts Cleaning Service


Pet & House Sitting Service

January 12, 2016


Specializing in de-cluttering your closets, attics, and garages! Start off your New Year clutter free! sweetorganizations@gmail.com 317-453-0754


Book a session for your band! 3 hours/$50 1,000 SF studio, lounge with 60” plasma TV, full PA & backline provided, drums available 340 Ridgepoint Drive, Carmel rick@idealtalentinc.com 317-979-0137 Like us on Facebook! “Between the awesome physical facility, and the exceptional personal service, look no further than Kingston’s.” -Travis Jensen, An Innocent Band

PREPARE FOR WINTER NOW SNOW BLOWER TUNE-UPS & REPAIR It’s not too early to prepare for Spring! MOBILE SHARPENING & MAINTENANCE Specializing in snow blowing equipment, lawn care, residential and commercial. • Sharpening • Maintenance 317-937-2803 for sale


Brand NEW Queen Pillowtop Mattress and Box Spring set. Still in factory sealed plastic. Never used. ONLY $195. Del. Avail. Call today 317-480-6463

FOR RENT: 2 Bedroom Apartments $700 - $750 Month & HEAT PAID 1055 N 10th Street Nob In. 46060 Call 317-523-1891

Assisted Living Private home & total assisted living for female resident. Over 20 years experience with Alzheimer’s & Dementia. Call 317-529-2467 or visit afamilyformom.com

Top Dog Carts Star Ev Brand Electric Golf Carts Now offered in Noblesville! Our 2016 Carts have just arrived. Star EV Still rated best drive train in the industry, which means more speed, torque, and dependability. Star EV offers a four year warranty. These carts are made street legal at our factory in South Carolina, USA. Buy a new, dependable golf cart for less than the price of a street legal used cart. Call to set up a personal appointment today! (317)774-6530 New location at: 1385 S. 10th street Noblesville, IN 46060

now hiring

$5,999.00 OBO Rug priced new at $19,900.00. Beautiful, Black & Beige, 9'x12', Indo-Tabriz Oriental Rug. Handmade in India. Wool and Silk. We used the rug for 3 years, but we moved and now have a different color scheme for our decorating. Before storing, we had the rug professionally cleaned by Joseph's Imports, Inc., in Indianapolis, IN. It truly is an amazing rug! 812-350-4523

Now Hiring Servers and Line Cooks APPLY IN PERSON 160 E Carmel Dr, Carmel, IN

Passionate About Health and Fitness? Motivated, Outgoing, and Like Helping People? Then We Are Looking for You! A Few Benefits of Working for Us: Get Valuable Training in Health and Nutrition, Fun and Flexible Environment, and FREE Supplements. If Interested, Send Resume to jobs@pointblanknutrition.com.


January 12, 2016

Current in Westfield


Now Hiring

Now Hiring

Floral Designer needed for local shop opening soon. Experience desired, love of flowers and creativity required. Competitive pay and flexible hours. Email resume to bloomsbydragonfly@ gmail.com.

Flower delivery driver needed for local shop opening soon. Clean driving record required. Vehicle and insurance provided. Flexible hours. Email resume to bloomsbydragonfly@gmail.com or call 317-445-2829.

Partner with GanserToGo.com as a self-employed driver! We arrange delivery catering orders for full service restaurants. Drivers will be given food at restaurants and deliver it to customers at their homes, offices and special events. Big tip orders! Breakfast, lunch and dinner shifts are available 7 days a week. • Must be at least 21+ • Smart phone to receive orders • Current auto insurance and good driving record • Reliable vehicle! Benefits: • Flexible Shifts! - Choose the days/number of shifts you want to work during the week. • Paid Weekly! - Drivers get paid delivery fees weekly, tips nightly. Drivers are earning up to $60 to $100 per shift! • Freedom! - You don't have to sit in an office waiting for orders, they're sent right to your phone and you get to accept or decline as you move throughout the city. If you are interested contact us today! Call us Mon-Fri to schedule an interview 888-334-9675 ext 0

Now Hiring USIC LOCATE TECHNICIAN Daytime, full-time Locate Technician positions available! • 100% PAID TRAINING • Starting pay $13.50/hr • Company vehicle & equipment provided • PLUS medical, dental, vision & life insurance Requirements: • Must be able to work outdoors • HS Diploma or GED • Ability to work OT and weekends • Must have valid driver’s license with safe driving record Apply today: www.usicllc.com EEO/AA


The Village Clock Shop in Clay Terrace Carmel is seeking a part time sales associate. 15-20 hours per week. Previous sales experience helpful. Flexible hours. Apply in person.

Now Hiring Veterinary Assistant

Part time veterinary assistant open at a caring and friendly locally owned 3 doctor practice in Westfield. The ability to multi task, maintain written records and computer skills are needed. This is a physically active position that requires lifting. Please fax resumes to Administrator at 317-867-2374 or fill out an application in person at Westfield Veterinary Care 17735 Sun Park Drive, Westfield. Visit our website at: www.westfieldvetcare.com

Take This Job and Love It

We’re two nurses in the business of aiding the elderly in the comfort of their own homes. If you’re a caring, compassionate, mature caregiver who’s ready for a job with heart, Clarity Care Givers wants you! We offer flexible scheduling AND the opportunity to make a difference. Send resume and inquiry to: applicant@malkoffandhughes.com

No More Late Nights! Join Carmel’s Future Breakfast of Choice. Wild Eggs restaurant, a breakfast experience with an upscale twist, is hiring all positions (experienced line cooks, dishwashers, prep cooks, host/hostess, servers and bussers) for our new Indy area locations. Well qualified candidates have the opportunity to make up to $15/hour. This fun, professional environment has loads of opportunities due to our rapid growth; our recruiting philosophy is to promote from within. Our goal is to have three restaurants in the Indy area by summer of 2016. INTERVIEW WITH US: Wednesday, January 6, 2016 – Saturday, January 16, 2016 8:00a – 5:00p LOCATION: 1438 West Main St., Carmel, IN 46032 Interviewing in the trailer at our new location - Look for the Now Hiring Signs

Exciting opportunity for Claims Customer Service Representatives in Indianapolis, IN!

Start your new career at Liberty Mutual Insurance as a Customer Service Rep (CSR) in our Personal Insurance Claims division. As a Claims CSR, you will provide exceptional service to our customers each and every day by completing First Notice of Loss, handling service calls on existing claims, and addressing customer inquiries in a variety of areas. We provide competitive pay, comprehensive benefits packages and outstanding advancement opportunities. For more information and to apply, please visit: LibertyMutual.com/careers and search job 69561. EOE. M/W/V/D. Drug Free Workplace.

Send resumes to: erin.hulsey@renaissancehotels.com 11925 N. Meridian Street Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 816-0777

Court-Ordered Auction Wednesday • Jan 20 1 pm

6,754 ± SF, 5 BR / 5.5 BA Home 5015 Nightshade Lane, Noblesville 2-Acre Waterfront Estate Lot • Full Basement • Attached 3-Car Garage • Corner Lot • Located on Noblesville’s Far Northwest Side in Hinkle Creek Estates Excellent Opportunity to Buy at Your Price!

(10) Villas and Town Houses & (2) Development Tracts (10) Income Generating Properties and (2) Development Tracts • Located in Westfield’s Bridgewater Club and Westfield’s Andover Place • See Website for Full Listings, Rent Roll & Auction Details!

All Properties Sell with No Minimum, No Reserve! Auction Location: 8580 Allison Pointe Blvd, Indy Previews: By Appointment

(317) 353-1100 Now Hiring Self Motivated People for; Kitchen Cooks AM & PM, PM & Weekend dish Pay based on exp. Servers FT, Bartender FT, Avg. $20+hr. including grat. Banquet Servers, Bartenders & Set up Crew $10+ per hour Grounds Maintenance Pro Shop Cart staff for March Apply in person 3535 E. 161st Carmel, In. Send resumes; don.france@thebridgewaterclub.com

The Greenskeeper, Inc. Fall Landscape Services Seasonal Help Wanted Now Thru Mid-December Landscape Labor: Fall Clean-ups & Leaf Removal: Must apply in person at our Westfield location. 17309 Westfield Park Road 317-804-8877



VOLUNTEER READING TUTORS URGENTLY NEEDED DESPERATE-TO-LEARN IPS STUDENTS GRADES 1-3 During School Hours OASIS Hi-Impact Tutoring Program • No experience required • All training, materials, & ongoing support provided • 1-on-1 with same child throughout school year • Individuals, Buddies or Groups • Innovative intergenerational opportunity

Contact: Joyce Buntin, 317 396-3751or jbuntin@oasisnet.org OASIS is a national nonprofit 501 (c)(3), with a very active local chapter, promoting education, entertainment, and health for those 50+.

Free classes/events/trips catalog Contact OASIS at 317-396-3751, or oasisindy.org

NOW HIRING Front Desk 3pm – 11pm Servers 4pm – 10pm Banquets 6am – 2pm Banquets Serving Banquet Bartending Dishwasher Housekeeping


See Website for Full Terms and Conditions Cause #: 29D02-1011-MF-001518 10% Buyer’s Premium AC30900124, Seth D. Seaton: AU10900115

Carmel Based Cleaning Company

Now Hiring - Employment opportunities are available in the Carmel area. We are currently hiring part time help 25-30 hours per week for our day shift team. Starting pay $10/hr, potentially more depending on experience with opportunities for advancement. *Criminal background check is required. Experience is preferred but not required. *Having the following is helpful: Cell phone with texting Reliable transportation GPS is helpful *We will train you to clean with attention to detail. We employ only honest and responsible individuals. Join our professional cleaning crew! CALL 317-587-1294 TO APPLY Please email us today for more information at details@detailsbyots.com or you may apply online at www.detailsbyots.com


Assistant Teachers Hiring Immediately! International Montessori School, Inc. is in need of excellent Assistant Teachers! The candidates we are seeking should be comfortable working with children ages 3 through 6, and be able to work 35 hours per week, Monday through Friday, from 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM. Resumes should be forwarded to rkd1948@sbcglobal.net

Need to fill A Job Opening? Place your classified ad with Raquel. Call 489.4444. ext. 4

January 12, 2016

Current in Westfield





























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January 12, 2016

Current in Westfield


Back pain doesn’t have to snowball. Get expert care today. Nationally ranked expertise in spine care is nearby at Indiana University Health North Hospital. Backed by the full capabilities of Indiana University Health, comprehensive care has never been more accessible to more people. We combine experience and leading-edge therapies to provide a coordinated treatment plan that meets your specific needs. For a personal pathway to back and neck health, our specialists are ready to see you now.

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