January 15, 2019 — Westfield

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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

‘BE PREPARED’ Troop 107 reaches 70-year milestone of Boy Scouts in Westfield community / P9

Residential Customer Local

Twp. board nixes $15-million bond / P3

IDOE releases graduation results / P7

Styling a home in 2019 / P13



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January 15, 2019

Current in Westfield


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11/2/18 11:13 AM

January 15, 2019


Current in Westfield


It’s time for a Campfire!

Contact the Editor

Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@youarecurrent.com, or call 317.489.4444 ext. 804. You may also submit information on our website, currentinwestfield.com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication.

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On the cover

Scouts Thomas Semler, left, and Charlie Castle are members of Troop 107. (Photo by Anna Skinner) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. XI, No. 52 Copyright 2018. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.



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Township board rescinds $15-million bond, 2-1 By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com The Westfield Washington Township Board of Directors rescinded a previously approved, $15 million bond at its Jan. 8 PARKS meeting. The bond was approved in late 2018 for land acquisition near MacGregor Park along the northern border of the township to possibly connect MacGregor and Bray parks. Board chairman David Gill added the motion to rescind the bond to the agenda at the Jan. 8 meeting. “Many of you have read about this, unfortunately, over and over again and discussed it over and over again, and that’s the issue of the bonds,” Gill said. “I’m going to make it very clear right off the bat. I’m moving we withdraw the petition of the park bonds. If this passes, we withdraw and start over. This has caused a lot of animosity with the community, a lot of anger, and I think it’s time to cool off. This (land acquisition for greenspace) is not an emergency thing, it’s a thing we have pursued for years, and this bond issue is not critical to it. It’s certainly not critical when a lot of people in this community were not asked their opinion of it before the (vote).” Gill made the motion in the wake of several township residents having organized a remonstrance against the bond. Had the bond not been rescinded, the remonstrance would have continued to a signing competition where those in favor and those against the bond would provide their signatures. The side with the most signatures would have won. Although Gill made it clear at the beginning of the meeting there would be no public hearing, board members Danyele Easterhaus and Erica Strahm convinced him to allow attendees to speak because so many came to the meeting. “I think you’re not doing due diligence to your constituents by not asking (the public to speak),” Easterhaus said. “You’re elected as an official. You can remain with the same thing. I’m not saying you won’t vote the same way, but these people have come here to be heard.” Easterhaus said in recent days she had received 28 emails in favor of the bond and only four against.

From left, Westfield Washington Township Trustee Danielle Carey Tolan, board member Danyele Easterhaus, board Chairman David Gill and board member Erica Strahm held a meeting Jan. 8. The board rescinded the $15 million parks bond during the meeting. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

Residents on both sides of the issue spoke, with several requesting the remonstrance be carried out for Gill to truly hear what the public wants. However, when the public hearing closed, Gill and Strahm voted to rescind the bond. Strahm gave a statement prior to her vote, saying her main concerns were the lack of available plans. She suggested the board go through a referendum process, whereby all registered voters can vote on the project and, if approved, would all pay the tax. Strahm also expressed concern that the township didn’t pursue public relations efforts until after the bond had been approved and a remonstrance put in place. “If this is such a great project, why were we not seeing announcements and PR about this project prior to an opposition coming up?” she asked. “The first information fair on Jan. 3 is the first time I and, I believe, the board saw any kind of site concept, and it was available for the public as to what this project would actually be.” Strahm also said she was concerned the land acquisition would occur along the northern border of the township and not be more centrally located. “Park-impact studies show the most successful communities have parks that link

neighborhoods and offer accessibility,” she said. “I would like to have parks interspersed throughout our township and not just concentrated in one area. The $15 million (bond) only goes for land acquisition and building structures on the land but does not go for maintenance, security, insurance. “They’re talking about passive park space, but our largest demographic is people my age with families, and right now, I would like passive parks, but I would also like some usable spaces as well.” Board members discussed the financial burden that could befall the township with rescinding the bond because financial advisors and bond council have already incurred costs. “If we rescind, what’s the cost? Is there a financial burden to the township?” Easterhaus said. “I ask you as board members to at least stay this, what I would consider a ridiculous motion, to rescind the bond and move forward with the remonstrance process and allow the citizens to do what they do best.” Despite Easterhaus’ comments, Gill made the motion to rescind the bond, and the board approved 2-1, with Easterhaus the sole vote against. “I would ask the citizenry to remember this day,” Easterhaus said before the meeting was adjourned.


January 15, 2019

Current in Westfield








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January 15, 2019


Current in Westfield


WMS podcast focuses on parents By Noah Alatza news@currentinwestfield.com

said. Spinner said WMS tries to release a podcast every other week and update them on Mondays. Topics include stress reduction, college “The Toolbox: A WMS Counseling Podcast” and career pathways and social media. was created in September 2017 and has more “Our hope is that we are a resource than 30 episodes of to parents and we bring in guests that EDUCATION content designed to also provide resources that we didn’t help parents. have,” he said. “It’s our hope that par“We launched this and the idea was ents are able to help their sons and that people are busy in our community daughters differently than before they and society in general, and we were listened (to the podcast) and be better not seeing good turnout at parent eveparents and more resourceful.” nings,” Westfield Middle School counSpinner Spinner, along with WMS counselors selor Craig Spinner said. Julie Brown and Jill Yoder, advise, edit and proLast year, WMS partnered with Westfield High School to do a series of podcasts featuring duce the podcast. “We are always open to suggestions,” Spinparents of students in grades seven through 12. ner said. “Most of the time it is parents and Spinner said the lack of turnout at parent kids saying something and that drives the evenings on certain topics changed the way content, and we want to hear from parents if WMS counseling gets “desperately needed” there’s a topic we have not covered.” information out. He said during one of those He said the podcast is not a substitute for evenings, it dawned on him that school officials parent evenings. could do more. “This is just a way in the digital age that ex“We want to get content to parents and ists to reach parents more efficiently,” Spinner have it as timeless, relevant topics that if said. three years from now parents don’t know what The podcast is available on iTunes and (something) is, we are connecting them with Google Play and is available for streaming on the information and it remains relevant, no any device at wmscounseling.com. matter when someone listens to it,” Spinner

Author to speak at WWPL By Noah Alatza news@currentinwestfield.com

with Indiana Humanities stating WWPL’s case for having the author visit. “They asked us things about (the) library in and of itself and our comNew York Times bestselling author munity,” she said. “I let them know we Edward Kelsey Moore will visit the have a lot of strong support Westfield Washand strong readership here LIBRARY ington Public at the library, and having a Library in April local author come, especially as part of the Novel Conversato talk to us about his book tions Speakers Program. A firm and what he does, would be date has not been set, acwell supported here. It would cording to WWPL Information have a positive impact on the and Reference Manager Karyn Millikan community.” Millikan. An exact date hadn’t Moore will discuss his bestsellbeen determined as of press time. ing book, “The Supremes at Earl’s Moore’s work has been featured in All-You-Can-Eat.” the Indiana Review, African American Millikan said WWPL is looking to Review and Inkwell, among other form partnerships in the community publications. to launch what she calls a “citywide Indiana Humanities selected 29 read.” nonprofits to allow them to invite “We want to make this something authors from across the state, with the support of the Glick Fund, which is a little bit bigger,” she said. “I have talked to our director about making part of the Central Indiana Community this a citywide read, which we would Foundation. The organization pays for love to do.” a grant that covers speaking fees. Millikan said she wants to make the Millikan said she filed an application speaking series an annual event.

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January 15, 2019

Current in Westfield


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11/15/18 12:43 PM

January 15, 2019


Current in Westfield


Ake announces re-election bid to speaking with residents in the coming months about their priorities.” If re-elected, Ake plans to focus on Westfield City Council President Jim schools, public safety and responsible ecoAke isn’t quite ready to retire from local nomic development. government. POLITICS Ake lives in Westfield with his The 19-year Westwife, Mary. The couple has two field resident resons. Ake has spent his career as cently announced he is seeking to a business owner and sales execuretain his at-large seat in the 2019 tive. He attends St. Luke’s United primary election. Methodist Church. He was involved Since he took office in 2012, Ake with the inception of the Westfield has played a part in the completion Ake Youth Assistance Program; is a past of Grand Park, the restaurant row president of the Westfield Community Dedevelopment on Park Street, the planning and development of the Grand Junction Park velopment Corp. and the Westfield-Washington Township Public Safety Building Corp.; and Plaza and infrastructure and project is a member of Westfield CERT; has chaired improvements on Ind. 32 and U.S. 31. the Westfield WeCAN Trash and Recycling ““I love Westfield. It’s been a pleasure Committee; has served as the president of a serving the residents. I want to continue 1,200-resident subdivision; and he is an acthe progress we’ve made as a council,” tive member of the Rotary Club of Westfield, Ake stated in a press release. “There are where he serves as the club’s foundation so many opportunities for residents and chairman. business owners across the city from arts to economic development. I look forward news@currentinwestfield.com

WWS 4th in graduation rates By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com On Jan. 2, the Indiana Dept. of Education released graduation rates for all publicschool districts in the EDUCATION state. The waiver graduation rate and the nonwaiver graduation rate increased. In Hamilton County, all school districts had a graduation rate well above 95 percent. Hamilton Southeastern Schools led the county with a 97.13 graduation rate. Carmel Clay Schools had a 96.87 percent rate, followed by Noblesville Schools (96.33 percent) and Westfield Washington Schools (96.01 percent). WWS dropped approximately half a percent in graduation rates from 2017. Hamilton

Southeastern Schools rose approximately 5 percent in 2018. Carmel Clay Schools increased one-third of a percent while Noblesville Schools dropped approximately 2 percent. Overall, schools within Hamilton County’s four cities were all above the state average graduation rate, which is less than 90 percent. “With the increase to Indiana’s graduation rate, it is evident our schools are committed to the academic success of our students,” Indiana Supt. of Public Instruction Jennifer McCormick stated in a press release. “While there is still work to be done, we will continue to partner with local districts to ensure every student graduates prepared for life beyond high school.”

DISPATCHES Clarification – In a Jan. 8 story about eLearning at Westfield Washington Schools, a list of eLearning partners was provided. The McDonald’s at 15101 Thatcher Lane is included in the list of eLearning partners.

Democratic Women to meet – The Democratic Women of Hamilton County will hold a meeting from 10 to 11 a.m. Jan. 19 at the Delaware Township building, 9090 E. 131st St. in Fishers. Coffee begins at 9:30 a.m.

Dee Mahoney to retire – Westfield High School Athletic Trainer Dee Mahoney is retiring at the end of the school year. Mahoney will be honored Jan. 18 at the winter homecoming varsity girls’ and varsity boys’ basketball doubleheader. A reception area/hospitality room will be open from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the classroom next to the gymnasium. Mahoney will be recognized at 7:30 p.m.



January 15, 2019


Current in Westfield



join us for a


with a strong interest in horticulGlen Franklin Kesler, 85, lost ture. He and his wife also spent his battle with cancer and died time living in central Indiana surrounded by his loved ones and the St. Petersburg/ Jan. 5. He was born Dec. Fort Myers in Florida. He 10, 1933, and lived in the volunteered with many Indianapolis area, where programs, including the he met the love of his Hamilton County Parks life and wife of 64 years, Dept., St. Vincent’s HospiNancy Lorene Kesler. They tal and Grand Park. raised two daughters and He is survived by his a son. Glen was a happy Kesler wife (Nancy); three chiland kind man, sharing dren (Destie Ahern, Debbie Kesler a funny joke or a helping hand and Ben (Sheri) Kesler); four grandwherever needed. He attended children (Ashley Ahern-Blanton primary school in the Indianapolis (Mark), Wesley Ahern, Shelbi Kesler area and, after graduating high and Sidney Kesler); and four great school, was proud to have served grandchildren (Jackson, Kathryn in the United States Navy as a and Noah, Skyler). He was precedcorpsman from 1952 to 1954 on ed in death by his parents, John the USS New Jersey. He earned and Laura Kesler, and his brother, a pharmacology degree at Butler Jack Kesler. University in 1959. He worked as a A celebration of life will be pharmacist and in pharmaceutical held from 1 to 5 p.m. Feb. 10 at sales for 50 years in the IndianapThe Meeting House in Centennial, olis and surrounding areas, even going back as a part-time pharma- 14800 Parkhurst Dr., Westfield. In lieu of flowers, contributions may cist after his retirement. be made to the Hamilton County In his spare time, Glen enjoyed Parks Dept. fishing, golfing and bird watching


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DISPATCH Safe Exchange zone created — The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office has created a Safe Exchange Zone in the main parking lot located at 18100 Cumberland Rd. A Safe Exchange Zone also is available inside the main lobby of the Sheriff’s Office and is open around the clock.

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Burdell Elaine (Coy) Marcotte, died Dec. 29, 2018. She was 91. She traveled the world with her husband and touched the lives of many with her hospitality. She was preceded in death by her husband of 62 years, Thomas Francis Marcotte, who she married Dec. 29, 1946. Survivors include her children, Thomas Marcotte Jr. of Noblesville, Nancy Marcotte of Ann Arbor, Mich., James (Kathy) Marcotte of Houston, Texas; sister, Geraldine Ritsema; grandchildren, Julie (Joel) Thacker, Marcotte Angie (Aaron) Sanders, Sarah (Nick) Lacy, Kat McKay, Abby (David) Gossett and Elliott Marcotte; eight great grandchildren. Her parents, Harvey and Lialas Burger Coy and sister, Beverly Balthazor, preceded her in death. Burdell was a dedicated homemaker, antique collector and creative crafter with a flair for making every family event special. In keeping Burdell’s wishes, she will be cremated and inurned with her husband at the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Elwood, Ill.

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January 15, 2019


Current in Westfield



Troop 107 reaches 70-year milestone of Boy Scouts in Westfield community By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com For the past 70 years, Troop 107 has instilled the spirit of the Boy Scouts of America’s motto, “Be COVER STORY prepared,” into the hearts and minds of local young boys. Scouts learn not only to be prepared during camping trips and in pursuit of merit badges, but also learn about responsibility, leadership and maturity. Troop 107, chartered by the Christ United Methodist Church, recently celebrated its 70th year. Former committee chair Jim Hester said 29 percent of the 125 boys no longer active in the troop earned Eagle Hester Scout status, the highest rank a Boy Scout can achieve. The national average for achieving an Eagle Scout rank is approximately 5 percent. “If you ask me why do we have 29 percent of our boys reach Eagle versus the 5 percent national average is, we are not an Eagle factory, we just offer a ton of opportunities and a ton of support and a ton of guidance, I think,” Hester said. “I think we try to do a really good job of providing resources and support to the boys to enable them to reach their Eagle versus do it on your own.” By the end of 2018, out of the 125 boys no longer active in Troop 107, 36 had become Eagle Scouts. Currently, 68 boys are active in the troop and three of the active members have already achieved their Eagle rank. Troop leaders expect at least four more boys to reach Eagle Scout rank by the end of the year. Throughout the past decade, the troop has focused its projects and activities in Westfield and tried to attract more youth into its Cub Scout program. “We get requests, it seems, like daily to go do something in Scouts, (such as) ‘Hey, come downtown for the Circle Luncheon, come down here and do that,’” Hester said. “And now, I really (decided) we are going to focus all of our service and our efforts right here in Westfield. Westfield Scouts helping

so we don’t lose them.” To become an Eagle Scout, a boy must progress through all Scout ranks: Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star and Life. They also have to earn 21 merit badges, 13 of which are required. Eight may be picked from a list of 150 badges offered. Boys also must complete an Eagle Scout project.


Boy Scouts currently in Troop 107. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

Boy Scouts gather to celebrate the completion of Curtis Bender’s Eagle Scout project. (Submitted photo)

Boy Scouts from Troop 107 attend a canoe outing. (Submitted photo)

from Lion to Bobcat to Tiger to Wolf to Westfield families is kind of the mantra we Bears. When a Scout reaches the adopted.” Bear rank, he can become a Webelo, Some of the organizations Troop which is the last Cub Scout rank 107 helps in Westfield include Christ before becoming a Boy Scout. WeUnited Methodist Church, Open belos are invited to troop meetings, Doors Food Pantry and the Amanda campouts and other activities. Strong Foundation. The troop also Frequently, boys who leave Boy conducts countless Eagle Scout Scouts do so after passing from projects in the city, such as clearing Mershimer the Webelo rank. Most leave within invasive species out of Cool Creek their first year of becoming a Boy Scout. Park, constructing little free libraries and “Some of them love the outdoors, but building benches. there’s a lot of changes with camping in the Immediate past Scoutmaster Kevin Mercold and eating outside (compared to Cub shimer said Troop 107 also has focused on Scouts),” Mershimer said. “So, I think we put recruiting, specifically at the Webelo level. a higher effort on maintaining those boys In elementary school, Cub Scouts progress

Because girls can now join the Boy Scouts, Troop 107 is acting as a trailblazer. Girls can participate in Cub Scouts, which are co-ed. When girls reach the Boy Scout rank, however, troops aren’t co-ed but participate in co-ed activities. Former Scoutmaster Kevin Mershimer, Scoutmaster Barry Simpson and former committee chair Jim Hester said the logistics are still being worked out but there will soon be a Simpson girls-only Boy Scout troop, to be designated Troop 1070, in Westfield. Simpson has a daughter in elementary school who is a Lion Scout. “She’s super competitive and doesn’t care it’s boys, she just wants to go have fun,” Simpson said. “At that age, it’s about having fun and learning things.” Adult leaders aren’t trying to take away the importance of Girl Scouts. Rather, they are offering an alternative for girls who may be searching for something different. “We support Girl Scouts for ladies 100 percent,” Hester said. “We just know kids involved in programs do better. Boy Scouts only serve about 10 percent of available boys in the United States and Girl Scouts only serve about 10 percent of Girl Scouts, so there’s a lot of opportunities to serve more kids.” “There’s no way it’s just for boys,” Mershimer said. “If we can instill the same value system in girls, why not do it?”


January 15, 2019


Current in Westfield


Is Westfield’s economy sustainable?

ESSAY Vital links

Commentary by Donald Rainwater

Commentary by Terry Anker The California State Railroad Museum in Old Sacramento is widely regarded by visitors to that fine city as worth the trip. Its expansive collection and exhibits inspire and delight for a modest price of admission. One interesting interactive presentation allows for the guest to sit in a mock-up of the cockpit of a famed Japanese bullet train. Acting as engineer, one is challenged to load passengers, leave the station, race across urban and rural landscapes and arrive safely to the end-of-the line within a few feet of the precise drop point. While waiting for the attraction, there are many displays regaling the history and aspirations of these innovations. It refreshed memories of a conversation I had as a college student with the then-president of Indiana University who was imagining such a connection from IU’s Bloomington campus to IUPUI in Indianapolis to Purdue’s West Lafayette home. “Imagine a 45-minute ride from one end to the other,” he mused. What impact might it have had on our state, its institutions and all of us? Would we be more highly regarded or simply bankrupt? We know that points of connection matter. Old west towns came to prominence and then faded based solely on the caprice of an active stagecoach stop or train station. All ancient capitals had navigable waterways. Like the long-past steam trains, schedules must align and access must be convenient. Daylight savings time, direct flights and ample parking all contribute, in part, to the recipe. Likewise, high-speed internet is a connective lifeblood. Understanding the power of assembly and the risk of isolation, can we thrive, or even survive, in a modern landlock? Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@youarecurrent.com.

Ultimate dad/daughter road trip Commentary by Danielle Wilson I’m alive! And so is my dad. We survived a 14-hour road trip to St. Petersburg, Fla., during New Year’s with an overHUMOR night in exotic Valdosta, Ga. Though it was an impromptu decision to join him, I am so glad I did. Memories were made, people! We ate Egg McMuffins in an uncharacteristically dirty McDonald’s somewhere in rural Tennessee, pondering our chances of winning Mega Millions. We enjoyed the last dinner of 2018 at Red Lobster, surrounded by blue hairs and Cheddar Bay biscuits. And we witnessed a small fender bender in a rest area near Ocala, where the victim went from yelling about her car to hugging the old man that had hit her and insisting he get out of the sun. There is goodness in the world! Plus, I learned a few things about my father. For instance, he does not tolerate inferior paper products. Kleenex or Puffs only, please. Also, that his first concert was

Elvis. Elvis! And finally, that he spent a gap year in London before gap years were cool. In the ‘60s. So, my father was basically Austin Powers. True, Dad still gets anxious when I drive, as if I’m 16 again, wedging the Ford LTD wagon between our house and the neighbor’s fence. And he snores, often quite robustly. But on balance, my father is the perfect traveling companion. He’s comfortable with silence, enjoys the music of the Margaritaville channel and pays for everything. Bottom line, friends? If you ever have the chance to spend quality time with a parent, do it! They’re not going to be around forever, but your memories will. Peace out.

Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at info@youarecurrent.com.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both. - Niccolo Machiavelli

Economic growth means more jobs, goods and services are available from which everyone can benefit. GOVERNMENT As the area’s tax base increases, more tax revenue is generated to pay off debt and provide better services at a lower cost per taxpayer. This sounds really great. Economic growth isn’t always stable. When economic growth is organic, it is usually scalable and sustainable. However, when economic growth is artificially stimulated by government intervention and manipulation, the economy becomes dependent upon continued stimulation. Economic growth results in additional police and fire personnel, fire stations, fire trucks, police cars, housing developments, roads, stores, restaurants, etc. All of these things need either tax revenue or consumer spending to remain stable, let alone thrive. Westfield is a wonderful place to live and raise a family. However, our mayor and city council have decided to build our economy on the popularity of sports. They are artificially stimulating our economy instead of allowing it to grow organically. What happens to Westfield when the “Grand” wears off? Donald Rainwater, Westfield, is a candidate for Indiana House District 24. To reach him, write rainwater4indiana@outlook. com.

POLICIES Letters to the editor: Current Publishing will consider verifiable letters of up to 200 words. Anything longer will be returned to the writer for editing. Anything presented as factual matter must be thoroughly vetted prior to submission. Current retains the right to reject or return any letter it deems to carry unsubstantiated content. Current also retains the right to edit letters for style, grammar, punctuation and spelling. Send letters to info@youarecurrent.com. Writers must include a hometown and a daytime phone number for verification. Guest columns: The policy for guest columns is the same as the aforementioned, but the allowable length is 300 words. Guest columns should address the whole of Current’s readership, not simply specialinterest groups, and may not in any way contain a commercial message.

January 15, 2019


Current in Westfield



Channeling Bach and rock Commentary by Dick Wolfsie We recently changed cable services. Our new system allows me to talk to the remote, and magically the TV HUMOR plays my choice. This is a huge advantage for me over the last set-up where, instead of talking to the remote, I told Mary Ellen what show I wanted to view. But then she would put on what she wanted to watch, and I had to go down to the basement. We have enjoyed watching old movies, but mostly we’ve watched music. It’s just like the old MTV, but there’s nothing to look at. It’s a blank screen. We get songs on several channels, each featuring a different genre, like R&B, hip-hop, reggae, soul, smooth jazz, rough jazz, heavy metal, light metal, hard rock and soft rock. My wife hates having to explain everything we view on TV. “Sorry, I had to go the bathroom, Mary Ellen. Did I miss anything?” “Yes, you missed the beginning of Bach’s ‘Cello Concerto in D minor.’ And, no, I’m not going to hum it for you. And explaining music is very difficult.” “Then let’s switch to Easy Listening.”

The music stations display ads in one corner and interesting facts about the song or the artist playing in the opposite corner. Symphonies were written by musicians when they were youngsters. Impressive, but in all fairness, what else was there to do in the 1700s? No Internet, no iPhone 4G. Not even the 3G. The 13th-century French musician Léonin gained fame at Notre Dame. But what did he play? French horn? Violin? Quarterback? I did some research myself: Johann Sebastian Bach’s wife made him a sandwich to take to work every day and is credited with inventing the Bach’s lunch. Beethoven was not deaf. He simply had heard enough already. It wasn’t that Brahms didn’t like children — he just liked them better when they were sleeping. Mary Ellen said I could watch the Colts game this week on our big TV. That was music to my ears.

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.

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January 15, 2019


Current in Westfield



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and CEO of Riverview Health. “These Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital physicians have expertise in newborn care and are prepared to handle everything from normal newborn Riverview Health and Peyton Manning exams to more serious issues.” Children’s Hospital at St. Vincent have anFishers Pediatrics and Noblesville nounced a PARTNERSHIP partnership in Pediatrics, both part of Riverview Health, are expected to remain pediatric care. in their current locations but will The partnership began in October, now be a part of Peyton Manning in which pediatric physicians from Children’s Hospital and St. Vincent Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital Medical Group. are providing care for newborns “This partnership will make it and pediatric inpatients at RiverWarren possible for infants and children to view Health Hospital in Noblesville. The doctors also are consulting in the emer- receive care close to home while providing convenient access to a higher level of spegency room when needed. cialized pediatric care when they need it,” Riverview Health officials said the partPeyton Manning Children’s Hospital Presinership soon will expand. dent Dr. Hossain Marandi stated. “In addition to care provided to pediatric The partnership isn’t the first between inpatients and emergency room patients, Riverview and St. Vincent. Several years families delivering babies at Riverview ago, the two health organizations partnered Health now have around-the-clock access on cardiovascular health services. to an on-site pediatric hospitalist physician at all times,” stated Seth Warren, president

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January 15, 2019


Current in Westfield


designs, with prices ranging from $269,990 to $399,990. The Shelby Plan is a two-story, single-family home featuring an open-concept kitchen, breakfast area, entertainment Inside the model homes of construcspace and a versatile loft, among other tion company Beazer Homes, the walls features. are decked with Rutherford visited Westfield Nov. INTERIORS on-trend art and 30 to finalize the design on the functional design Shelby model home. The bathroom elements. The company has built or design includes soap, makeup and is building communities in Zionsbeauty products. The loft was turned ville, Westfield, Noblesville, Fishers into a play area, complete with art and Fortville, among other areas. supplies, a teepee, games and comfy Raegan Potter, Beazer Homes Rutherford chairs. The basement contains a full senior marketing manager, said the bar, game table and media room with a large builder puts a lot of weight on the decor sectional sofa. of its model homes. Visitors to the model “(The basement is) very family oriented,” homes often ask questions about furniture, Rutherford said. “It has a pingpong table wall colors and design. made from a modern dining table with a net “They come in looking for decorating put on it.” ideas,” Potter said. Good design should be eye-pleasing and To stylize its model homes, Beazer uses functional, according to Rutherford. When Denver-based Design Lines, a division of designing a new home, she said a good Trio. Design Director Jodi Rutherford and place to start is finding a piece of art or a other members of the Design Lines team rug to inspire the overall feel. travel to Indiana to decorate the model “Start with something you love and crehomes. ate from that,” she said. Design Lines conducts extensive marAlthough designing a home can be ket research on the area before designers overwhelming, Rutherford suggests stickselect flooring, cabinetry, countertops and ing with a timeless style, something that other items. The team envisions a family makes the homeowner feel comfortable. and writes a story about each person who “You can give each room its own indilives there. vidual look,” she said. “We try to evoke emotion around buying Rutherford’s top style predictions for 2019 a home,” Rutherford said. “We want (buyinclude sustainable and natural products, ers) to be able to picture themselves living matte black, curved furniture lines, metalthere.” lics, gray flannel and deep colors, such as West Rail at the Station, a Beazer neighrich reds and jade greens. borhood in Westfield, contains seven home

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This loft was turned into a play area, complete with art supplies, a teepee, games and comfy chairs. (Photo by Benjamin Stout)


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January 15, 2019

Current in Westfield



Carmel residents form champion ballroom dancing duo By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com Within minutes of meeting more than four years ago, Kathleen Ilo and Jonas Kazlauskas realized they had shared goals for their ballroom dancing careers. DANCE The duo from Carmel captured the professional 10-dance title in the U.S. Championships in Orlando in September 2018, for the second consecutive year. The couple placed third in in the professional 10-dance in the World Championships in October 2018 in Minsk, Belarus. The 10-dance competition includes five Latin dances and five standard dances. “Our goal is to keep the streak in the U.S. and climb a few more spaces in the world,” Kazlauskas said. “That’s why we started dancing together and that’s why we’ll keep on dancing until we get to the finish line.” Kazlauskas said the 10-dance can be more expensive for competition because of the need for expert instruction in certain dances. “We like the music of the waltz, but we like the music of the samba and cha-cha-cha, also,” Kazlauskas said. “When you are working and teaching, you can do shows and teach in both styles. It pays back in the end.” The two began dating six months after they started dancing together. Ilo’s parents, Rauno and Kristiina Ilo, former Soviet Union 10-dance champions, own the Starlite Ballroom and Dance School in Indianapolis. Ilo and Kazlauskas are instructors at the school, teaching all levels and ages. “We have a lot of people who come from Columbus (Ohio), Chicago or Michigan just because they’ve heard of our name and they want to come and have lessons,” Ilo said. “They will seek you out if you have done something worthwhile.” The couple travels frequently for competitions and instruction. In 2018, the couple traveled to London, Italy Estonia, Lithuania, Germany, Belarus, France, China and Thailand. Ilo was seeking a new partner because her partner at the time was living in North Carolina and she had to travel back and forth. Her father found an advertisement Kazlauskas put up on dancesportinfo.net seeking a partner in the fall of 2014. Ilo’s father said he seemed to be the right age, height and looks for her. “It’s like a dating site for dance partners,” Ilo said of the advertisement. The next day, she messaged Kazlauskas, and the following day, she flew to Boston for a tryout. “We decided that day we were going to dance together,” Ilo said. “He had a certain amount of achievements, so that was appealing. He is from Lithuania and that’s close to Estonia, so it’s nice to have someone from a similar culture to you. When we met, we had the same goals.”

Kathleen Ilo and Jonas Kazlauskas display their ballroom dance skills. (Submitted photo)

Ilo’s family moved to Washington, D.C., from Estonia when she was 5 years old and then moved to Carmel when she was in third grade. After graduating from Cathedral High School, Ilo graduated from Indiana University with a biology degree. “I kind of always knew I would come back to dancing, but for a long time I thought I wanted to be a dentist. Then I decided I didn’t want to be a dentist,” she said. “Right after school, I started teaching and dancing more seriously.” Kazlauskas moved from Lithuania to England when he was 14. He moved to Boston nine years later. Shortly thereafter, he met Ilo. Ilo is 5-foot-5 while Kazlauskas is 6-foot. “The ideal height would be 5-7 for Kazlauskas for ballroom, but for Latin it doesn’t matter because it’s just a hand connection,” Ilo said. “I wear a higher (heel) shoe and he has to bend a little more. He complains a lot about it, but that’s OK.” One advantage Starlite has is its full competition-sized floor. Kazlauskas agreed it benefits rehearsals. “We’re spoiled. The better the floor, the easier it is to dance sometimes,” he said. Kazlauskas would love to see more younger boys give ballroom dancing a try. Ilo’s brother, Markus, a Carmel High School sophomore, started a ballroom dance club at school.

Fishers Arts Council seeks artists editorial@youarecurrent.com The Fishers Arts Council is seeking 2-D artists to exhibit in the 2019 Art Gallery at City Hall in Fishers. Selected artwork will hang in the gallery for approximately one month. The council is looking for artists to exhibit during the following months, beginning with June: “An Eclectic Affair” (seeking three to five pieces of art from each artist that will be shown all month); August: “New Artists & Others” (looking for emerging artists and artists who have not exhibited at The Art Gallery at City Hall); September: “Rails & Trails” (focus on the rail heritage and woodland heritage of Indiana); and November: “Scenes of Indiana and December: Winter Wonderland.” Those interested in exhibiting are asked to provide name and contact information, residency and statement detailing what artists will provide along with JPGs (if art exists) or description of art to be created to tomrich1952@yahoo.com or sknox0031@ comcast.net by Feb. 15. Westfield — “Uncorked with Andy Schomburg” will be from 7 to 10 p.m. Jan. 19 at Urban Vines & Brewery, 303 E. 161st St. Carmel — Actors Theatre of Indiana’s “Ruthless The Musical!” begins Jan. 25 and runs through Feb. 17 at the Studio Theater in the Center for the Performing Arts. For more, visit atistage.org. Lawrence — Fat Turtle Theatre Company presents “Adults,” a new play by Indianapolis playwright Jeremy Grimmer, from Jan. 17 to 20 at the Theater at the Fort. For more, visit artsforlawence.org. Whitestown — One Size Fits All Comedy, an improv group, is set from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Jan. 16 at the 1915 Room at Moontown Brewing Co., 345 S. Bowers St. Carmel — Carmel Symphony Orchestra’s “Salute to Heroes” is set for 7:30 p.m. Jan. 17 at the Palladium in the Center for the Performing Arts. For more, visit carmelsymphony.org.

January 15, 2019


Current in Westfield


Field Brewing

Field Brewing’s Hot Grain Bowl offers a plethora of grains mixed with squash, kale, cabbage, walnuts and pistachios topped with a poached egg and Chermoula dressing. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

Commentary by Anna Skinner Address: 303 E Main St., Westfield What to get: Hot Grain Bowl Price: $12 Anna’s take: Field Brewing opened in October 2018. The modern restaurant and brewery’s take on a healthy, clean menu leaves taste buds and bodies happy. I started with the grilled chicken wings ($8 for a half order, $16 for a full order). The bone-in wings are braised for 1 1/2 hours, then grillled to create a slightly charred exterior. The wings are braised in a spicy garlic sauce, then tossed with fresh herbs to create a vibrant finishing touch. The wings are gluten-free and served with

a house-made Parmesan ranch. For my main dish, I enjoyed the Hot Grain Bowl, which exudes comfort and earthiness with faro, barley, wild rice, lentils and chickpeas. The dish is vegetarian but has plenty of protein from the grains. Kuri squash is mixed with the grains as well as walnuts, kale, cabbage, pistachios and a Chermoula dressing – an African-style spice. It’s topped with a poached egg. Suggested pairings: For the wings, order a pint of Our Lightest Beer, a German-style pilsner that cuts through the heat. For the Hot Grain Bowl, pair it with a pint of Centerfield pale ale, a collaboration between Field Brewing and Centerpoint Brewing in Indianapolis. All pints are $6.

Behind bars: Flora Y Fuma Get it at Anthony’s Chophouse, Carmel Ingredients: 1.5 oz. Tanqueray gin, .75 oz. St. Elder, .25 oz. agave, .25 oz. lemon juice, rosemary sprig Directions: Combine ingredients into a Yari glass, add ice, stir and strain onto fresh ice in an Old Fashioned glass. Garnish with torched rosemary.

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January 15, 2019


Current in Westfield


Farrell to emcee ‘Salute to Heroes’ By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com






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Indiana co-founders Judy Fitzgerald and Cynthia Collins will perform, as will Jennie Don Farrell has many reasons for wanting DeVoe, The Wright Brothers, the Indiana University Singing Hoosiers and the Ball State to take part in Carmel Symphony OrchesUniversity Dancers. tra’s “Salute to HeCONCERT roes” concert. Farrell will sing “America the Dream Goes On.” He previously “It’s something sang the song with an ensemble special for me, not only because it’s at the 1988 Democratic National honoring the veterans, active military Convention. personnel and first responders, but “I had a very active concert camy Uncle Nick served in the Navy and reer starting back in 1991 when I Uncle Bill was a captain in the MaFarrell started with Erich Kunzel and the rines, serving two tours in Vietnam.” Cincinnati Pops,” Farrell said. In addition, Farrell loves patriotic Kunzel, who died in 2009, also was princoncerts. cipal pops director for the Indianapolis Sym“There is nothing at all like singing phony Orchestra. with a symphony orchestra,” Farrell said. “Then, when we started ATI in 2005, that “Broadway is amazing, but Broadway pit part of my career took a backseat as we got orchestras are only like 20, 22 or 24 pieces. the theater company going,” he said. “I’m To have 70-plus orchestra members behind so excited to start with symphony concerts you, that is a feeling that you can’t quite again.” put into words. It’s an amazing rush. It’s so Farrell worked with CSO music direcwonderful to have all those artists coming tor Janna Hymes with a school program, together to produce such a powerful piece “Sounds Exciting,” in November 2018. of music for the audience.” Veterans, active military members and The “Salute to Heroes” concert, presented first responders receive a 50 percent disby Pedcor & Friends, is set for 7:30 p.m. Jan. count on individual tickets. For more, visit 17. Farrell will serve as emcee. carmelsymphony.org. Farrell and his fellow Actors Theatre of

January 15, 2019


Current in Westfield


“Salute to Heroes,” Carmel Symphony Orchestra, the Palladium, the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel

7:30 p.m. Jan. 17

Pedcor & Friends present “Salute to Heroes” with the Carmel Symphony Orchestra. The concert features patriotic songs by The Wright Brothers, Jennie DeVoe, the Indiana University Singing Hoosiers, the Ball State Dancers, Actors Theatre of Indiana co-founders Don Farrell and Cynthia Collins and Judy Fitzgerald. Cost: $5 (youth) to $50

More: carmelsymphony. org

ShooBeeLoo Music, Peanut 10:30 a.m. Butter & Jam Series, the Jan. 19 Palladium, the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel ShooBeeLoo Music Show presents folk classics, children’s favorites and a few original songs designed for ages 1-7. Cost: $10 per child (with two free adult admissions included)

More: thecenterpresents. org



Compiled by Mark Ambrogi

David Schmittou and Sarah Hund play Vernon and Sonia, a composer and quirky lyricist, in Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre’s production of “They’re Playing Our Song.” (Submitted photo)

“They’re Playing Our Song,” Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre, Indianapolis





per month*

8 p.m. Jan. 15, 17, 18, 19, 22; 1 p.m. Jan. 16; 1:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Jan. 20

Neil Simon and Marvin Hamlisch’s romantic musical is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. More: beefandboards. com, 317-872-9664

Cost: $44 – $69

“Every Brilliant Thing,” Indiana Repertory Theatre, Indianapolis

7:30 p.m. Jan. 17, 18; 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Jan. 19; 2 p.m. Jan. 20

The All-New, 3-Row Subaru Ascent.

The All-New,3-Row 3-Row Subaru Subaru Ascent. The All-New, Ascent. Test drive at Tom Wood Subaru. Testdrive driveat atTom Tom Wood Wood Subaru. Test Subaru.

Marcus Truschinski stars in the one-man play by Duncan Macmillan and Jonny Donahoe. 
Cost: $21 – $78

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The All-New, 3-Row Subaru Ascent. TheTest All-New, 3-Row Ascent. drive at Tom Subaru Wood Subaru. The All-New, 3-Row Subaru Ascent. Test drive at Tom Wood Subaru.

Oh, sherry, I’m in love year-long obsession. Bodegas Dios Baco 20-Year Old Amontillado Sherry. This will set you back $80. Keep in mind that this Winter has officially arrived, making is a sipper, so a bottle goes a long way. It it the perfect time to explore sherry. It’s makes a lovely offering with nuts and hard definitely appropriate TomWoodSubaru.com WINEderlust year-round but is a cheeses or after a meal. It has a light maTomWoodSubaru.com 855.530.5631 hogany color and tastes like nuts and carafortified wine (higher 855.530.5631 mel. Serve E it 96th at roomSt temperature. in alcohol) which gives the “warming” ef- TomWoodSubaru.com 3300 El Maestro Sierra offers two Oloroso fect that’s perfect in cold weather. I’m not 855.530.5631 Indianapolis, 46240 3300 E 96thisIN St styles. My favorite this big boy: Oloroso talking about the grody stuff your mom Indianapolis, IN 46240Sierra). ExtraEViejo 1|7 VORS 96th St (El Maestro used for cooking. The wine is Spanish in 3300 This is high in alcohol at 22 percent and is origin and made from white grapes (usuallyIndianapolis, IN 46240 very intense with dried fruit (apricot and the Palomino grape). The wines range from table styles such as Manzanilla and Fino to figs) and roasted nuts (almonds and hazelmuch heavier versions like Amontillado and nuts). Complex with cinnamon, dark chocolate and butterscotch. An enormously long, Oloroso. lovely finish. Extremely limited production. If you’re new to sherry, start with a Half-bottles hover around $100. very old brand, Emilio Hidalgo. An excellent choice is their Bodega Hidalgo La Gitana Elizabeth Morse owned the Manzanilla. A nice, dry table wine, it is wellCorner Wine Bar in Broad Ripple known as a standard by which others are for close to 20 years. She is judged and an excellent jumping-off point. a graduate of IU, is a Hoosier chef, food writer, wine guru It’s about $15. Tastes like apples, with a and Hamilton County Master little bit of herb and salted almonds. Gardener who believes in supAh, this one is an old friend from early porting all things local. Morse has been a resident of Hamilton County for more than a decade. Check out in my restaurant days. I discovered it at a her blog: schlepicurean.com. tasting I hosted in 2002 and it became a

Test drive at Tom Wood Subaru.

Commentary by Elizabeth Morse

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January 15, 2019


Current in Westfield


Blueprint for Improvement: Northern Indianapolis condo expansion Commentary by Larry Greene




We previously highlighted the larger kitchen remodel, but now we will highlight the remaining kitchen and master bathroom that also were included in the remodel. 1. The homeowners decided to keep two kitchens in the now joint condo. The second kitchen was updated with all new cabinetry, countertops and flooring. 2. One section of the cabinetry was removed, and floating shelves were incorporated for a more modern design. 3. Not only were the countertops upgraded to quartz, but the same material also was incorporated as the backsplash, carrying its beautiful veining through the kitchen. 4. The master bathroom materials were completely updated, and a steam unit was added to the homeowners’ new custom-tile shower for a spa-like experience.

Background info: This condo, in the Olde Mill neighborhood of Northern Indianapolis and built in the late ’80s, was a unique project. The homeowners owned two neighboring condos and wanted to create one space to have more room for family and friends to visit.

BEFORE PROBLEMS As highlighted in the previous Blueprint for Improvement, the two condos were small and divided. There were two kitchens that were dated and felt dark and confined. The bathrooms had never been updated and lacked functionality.

Larry Greene is the owner of Case Design/Remodeling. You may email him at lgreene@caseindy. com. To see more before-and-after pictures of this project, visit caseindy.com/blog.

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account ownership category. Please visit www.fdic.gov or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC through Edward Jones are issued by banks and distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered Financial Advisor thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC). . 14747 Oak Rd Ste 200 Carmel, IN 46033 317-218-3799



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Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit www.fdic.gov or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior $5000 1Minimum Minimumdeposit deposit 1-Year Year APY* APY* the investor $5000 to maturity, 1- can lose principal value. FDIC insurance Minimum deposit Year APY* 1-Year APY* does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. quoted net Jones of all are commissions. CDs require 01/29/2018 01/29/2018Yields **Annual AnnualPercentage PercentageYield Yield(APY) (APY)effective effective CDs CDsoffered offered by byare Edward Edward Jones arebank-issued bank-issuedand andFDIC-insured FDIC-insured up up www.edwardjones.com Annual Percentage (APY) effective CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued FDIC-insured the 01/29/2018 distribution of interest and do allow interest to and compound. to to*$250,000 $250,000 (principal (principalYield and andinterest interest accrued accrued but butnot notyet yetpaid) paid) per perdepositor, depositor, per pernot insured insured depository depository institution, for foreach each up Member SIPC institution, to $250,000 (principal andPlease interest accrued but not or yet paid) per depositor, per insured institution, for each account account ownership ownership category. category. Please visit visit www.fdic.gov www.fdic.gov orcontact contact your your financial financial advisor advisor for fordepository additional additional information. information. Subject Subject CDs off ered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts account ownership category. Please visitare www.fdic.gov or contact financial advisor for additional information. Subject to toavailability availability and andprice price change. change.CD CDvalues values are subject subjectAll to tointerest interest rate rateyour risk risk such suchthat that when wheninterest interest rates ratesrise, rise, the theprices prices of of nationwide. CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the tocan availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such value. that when interest rates rise,not the prices of CDs CDs can decrease. decrease. IfIfCDs CDsare are sold soldprior prior to tomaturity, maturity, the theinvestor investor can canlose loseprincipal principal value. FDIC FDIC insurance insurance does does not cover cover Depository Corp. can (DTC). CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover Carmel, INTrust 46032

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losses lossesin inmarket marketvalue. value.Early Earlywithdrawal withdrawalmay maynot notbe bepermitted. permitted.Yields Yieldsquoted quotedare arenet netof ofall allcommissions. commissions.CDs CDsrequire requirethe the losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are Edward net of allJones commissions. CDs the 317-571-0522 distribution distribution of ofinterest interest and and do donot not allow allowinterest interest to tocompound. compound. CDs CDs offered offered through through Edward Jones are areissued issued by byrequire banks banksand and distribution of interest do not allow Jones interest toregistered compound. CDs offered through Edward are issued by banks and thrifts thrifts nationwide. nationwide. All AllCDs CDsand sold sold by by Edward Edward Jonesare are registered with with the the Depository Depository Trust Trust Corp. Corp.Jones (DTC). (DTC). thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC).

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FDI-1916G-A FDI-1916G-A




Member SIPC

LIC# CO51300008


2.74 %

* Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 01/08/2019. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit www.fdic.gov or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs *sold by Edward Jones Yield are registered the2/26/18. Depository Trust Corp.by (DTC). Annual Percentage (APY) effwith ective CDs offered




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2159 Glebe St Suite 150 150 2159 Glebe St Suite Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel, IN 46032 317-571-0522 317-571-0522


January 15, 2019


Current in Westfield



Besides, I’m beside myself Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt

The Alhambra in Granada, Spain. (Photo by Don Knebel)

Tales of the Alhambra Commentary by Don Knebel The Alhambra in Granada, Spain, is one of the world’s finest examples of Islamic design. For a time, its primary occupants were Granada’s homeless. TRAVEL By the 13th century, Christian forces of the Reconquista were making real progress in recapturing Spanish cities from the Muslims. To make sure that Granada would not fall, in about 1230 A.D. Sultan Muhammad I, the founder of the Nasrid dynasty, began building a fortified palace atop a hill overlooking the city. Subsequent Nasrid sultans continued the project, adding lavishly adorned rooms, courtyards and gardens, along with barracks for up to 40,000 soldiers. Nearly every interior surface was covered with intricate carvings and plasterwork, some reflecting Arabic writings. The complex became known as “La Alhambra,” after an Arabic name meaning “red castle.” Although Granada was the last Spanish city to remain in Muslim hands, La Alhambra’s fortifications and troops eventually proved inadequate. On Jan. 2, 1492, Sultan Boabdil surrendered to Ferdinand II and

Isabella I, who made La Alhambra their royal residence. From there they issued the Alhambra Decree, requiring all Jews to leave Spain within four months unless they converted to Christianity. In about 1527, Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor and emperor of Spain, ordered that parts of the Alhambra be replaced with a Renaissance-style palace so he could enjoy what remained. The Alhambra was abandoned in the 18th century, falling into disrepair and becoming a refuge for beggars. From 1808 to 1812, the Alhambra was occupied by Napoleon’s troops, who blew up parts of it. Restoration of the Alhambra began in 1828, when it was visited by Washington Irving, who brought its magnificence to western audiences with his 1832 publication of “Tales of the Alhambra.” The Alhambra, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has become one of Spain’s most popular destinations, welcoming up to 6,000 visitors a day.

Did you know that “I Am the Walrus” was the B-side to The Beatles’ 1967 single “Hello, Goodbye?” GRAMMAR GUY Usually, a B-side served as a virtual throwaway for a band — a discarded song that would never get radio airtime. The focus was always intended for the A-side to shine. When I learned this piece of Beatles trivia, I was beside myself. Does anyone besides me feel the same way? Today, we’re taking a look at “beside” and “besides.” The two words are often used interchangeably, even though they have distinct intended usages. Let’s start with “beside.” Beside is almost always used as a preposition that means “next to” or “on the side of.” I sat beside my record player while trying to dissect the meaning of Lennon’s kooky lyrics. Occasionally, “beside” means “in comparison with.” Here’s an example: As The Beatles’ songs gained more popularity, they earned their place in rock ‘n’ roll history beside greats like Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry. This usage of beside is more figurative, instead of being literally next

Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel.com. You may contact him at news@currentzionsville. com.

DISPATCHES Easy homemade latte — The only equipment you need to make milk foam for your at-home latte is a jar. Pour milk (2 percent or nonfat is recommended because the added protein helps it foam) into a jar, seal it and shake it vigorously for up to a minute until it becomes foamy. Then stick it in the microwave for 30 seconds. The heat will stabilize the foam so it won’t immediately dissolve into your cappuccino. Dineoutemirates.com

Stamp-removal tip — If you need to take a stamp off of an envelope it’s already stuck to (or are looking to save a stamp for your collection), you can easily pry it off without damaging it. Put a few drops of water onto the stamp and put it in the microwave for approximately 20 seconds. When it comes out, the stamp will peel right off of the paper. Dineoutemirates.com

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to Elvis and Chuck Berry. “Besides” can be used as either an adverb or a preposition. As an adverb, it means “in addition to,” “also” or “otherwise.” For example: My friend Byron believes Paul McCartney died in a car crash in early 1966; besides, he’ll buy into just about any conspiracy theory. As a preposition, besides means “in addition to” or “except.” “Besides the clues on the cover of ‘Abbey Road,’ there’s evidence in countless Beatles lyrics to prove the theory,” Byron argued. The easy way to remember when to use beside or besides is that “besides” has one additional letter, and it also means “in addition to.” Use the longer word when you mean “in addition to.” Just like Paul McCartney (who is 100 percent alive) doesn’t want to be accused of being an imposter, don’t let people think you’re a grammar wannabe — know the difference between beside and besides. Curtis Honeycutt is a national award-winning, syndicated humor writer. Connect with him on Twitter (@curtishoneycutt) or at curtishoneycutt.com.


January 15, 2019


Current in Westfield


Across 1. Spoiled kid 5. Ward off 10. Strikebreaker 14. Puerto ___ 15. Caribbean isle 16. Insect stage 17. Start of a local jingoism 20. Calm state

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30. Ex-Pacer Orr 32. Right on a Fishers map 33. Needle case 34. Local radio announcers Kristi and Kevin 37. Shrek, e.g. 38. Classic theater name 41. Simmers with rage 44. Gobbled down 46. Gaelic tongue 47. Wanders 48. Saint Meinrad Monastery

head 49. Possibly 50. Climber’s spike 51. Secret supply 53. Former 54. Taj Mahal city 55. Wyo. neighbor 56. Brainchild 58. BHO’s predecessor 59. Area sports marketer Compton Answers on Page 23



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January 15, 2019

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