February 6, 2018 — Westfield

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Tuesday, February 6, 2018


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Valentine’s Day n Inside Special Sectio

Local clinic now mobile / P8 Residential Customer Local

Dillinger presents State of the County / P3

School to host Dance Marathon / P6

February is Heart Health month / P15


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February 6, 2018

Current in Westfield


February 6, 2018


Current in Westfield


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On the cover

Heart and Soul Clinic Executive Director Danny Carroll and board president Joann Edwards pause in the new mobile clinic. (Photo by Sadie Hunter) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. XI, No. 3 Copyright 2018. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.


Lunch Special 7.95 $

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Dillinger provides annual update By Sadie Hunter • sadie@youarecurrent.com

135th, 141st and 145th in Fishers and Greenfield Avenue, Town and Country Boulevard, Pleasant Street and Ind. 32/38 in Noblesville. The 29th annual State of the County adThe first intersection to be started is at dress, hosted by the Noblesville Chamber of 126th Street. It will begin in April Commerce, was given COUNTY Jan. 24 by Hamilton 2019 with an estimated completion date of November 2019. County Commissioner The state has contributed $100 Steve Dillinger. million dollars to complete the first Icy weather did not deter guests. phase of the project, while Hamilton The event at Purgatory Golf Club in County, Fishers and Noblesville have Noblesville was sold out with 250 each agreed to contribute $16.5 milpeople. It also had a lengthy wait Dillinger lion. But the second phase remains list. unfunded and without a timeline. In his address, Dillinger discussed county “The projected budget was about $124 finances, infrastructure, capital projects, million, but that’s a moving target,” Dillinger tourism, economic development and more said. “Our hope is that we can get (phase for what’s on the horizon for 2018 while also one) done and then have some extra money highlighting the successes of 2017. to do phase two.” FINANCES 146TH STREET AND ALLISONVILLE ROAD “The Ind. 37 project also creates an issue Hamilton County’s 2017 adopted budfor us as a county at 146th and Allisonville.” get was $98 million, but Dillinger said Dillinger said. “We’ve already assigned an actual spending was approximately $80 engineering firm to take a look at this and million, which brought the general fund start designing some things.” to $33,569,255 and the rainy day fund to Dillinger said money has not yet been $13,735,152, for a 2018 total starting balance secured. of $47,304,407.



“(Infrastructure) is one of the most important things that we can talk about today,” Dillinger said. “When I became a commissioner in 1989, we had a population around 80,000. Today, we’re close to (340,000). There are a lot of assets with that, and there are a lot of challenges with that, and infrastructure is one of the main challenges.” IND. 37 “In my opinion, Hamilton County’s continued success, to some degree, depends on our connectivity to our city capitol of Indianapolis,” he said. “It’s been pretty well taken care of on the west side (U.S. 31). Carmel, a little before that, made Keystone a thoroughfare, much like what we’re going to do on (Ind. 37).” The overhaul of Ind. 37 would completely rid the highway of stoplight intersections through Fishers, the first phase, and Noblesville, the second phase, running the highway underneath elevated, dog bone-style roundabouts at each cross street – 126th, 131st,

GOVERNMENT AND JUDICIAL CENTER EXPANSION Built to meet the needs of the county for 20 years, the Hamilton County Government and Judicial Center at 1 Hamilton County Sq. in downtown Noblesville was completed in 1992. “So, it’s 25 years old now, and we’re getting ready for a 132,000-square-foot expansion to the west at a cost of about $25 million,” Dillinger said. The project will begin in May, with an estimated completion date of October 2019. The expansion will make it possible to move the offices of auditor, assessor, recorder and treasurer to the first floor of the building, which now are housed in the historic courthouse across Eighth Street. Dillinger said the second and third floors of the expansion will remain unfinished until there is a need for more courtrooms. For the full story, visit currentinwestfield. com.

DISPATCHES Clarification — In the Jan. 30 edition of Current in Westfield in the story “Suburban Indy Shows returns to Grand Park,” some information is misstated. The shows at the Indianapolis Fairgrounds are still in operation, as well as the Suburban Indy Shows taking place in Westfield. Author signing at Barnes and Noble — Dr. Erin Leonard will visit Barnes and Noble, 14790 Greyhound Plaza, for a book signing at 7 p.m. Feb. 9. Leonard will be signing her recently-released book “How to Raise a Secure Child.” For more, visit barnesandnoble.com. Hoosier Environmental Council — Westfield Green Together will host the Hoosier Environmental Council to discuss the important environmental issues facing Indiana and how to make the community a greener place. The free event is at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 19 at the Westfield Washington Public Library, 333 W. Hoover St., in the community room. Indiana Author Awards — The public may nominate a writer with Indiana ties for the 2018 Indiana Authors Award. Nominations will be accepted through March 16. Winning authors receive cash prizes, and they are able to select an Indiana library to receive a grant. Former winners include John Green, Barbara Shoup and Philip Gulley. Nominations are free and can be submitted at indianaauthorsaward.org. Student Impact volleyball registration — Student Impact volleyball registration is now open. The season starts March 6 and includes six weeks of matches. Co-ed students in grades 9-12 are able to register. Registration costs $60. For more, visit therockwestfield.org/sports. Newcomers Club meetings — Newcomers Club of Carmel, a non-profit social club, connects its members with friends, engages in fun activities and explores the community. It also serves the Westfield area. For more, visit carmelnewcomers.com or call the Newcomers Hotline, 317-564-8349.


February 6, 2018


Current in Westfield


Student speaks to House By Noah Alatza news@currentinwestfield.com

F E B 8–1 1

The Indiana House Public Health committee voted to increase the state’s smoking age from 18 to 21 durGOVERNMENT ing a Jan. 29 meeting. A portion of the bill, which would’ve hiked the state’s cigarette THU–SAT 10am–9pm tax by $2 a pack, was removed before the final vote. SUN 10am–5pm S U N DAY I S But after House Speaker Brian Bosma made a procedural move to recommit the GRAND PARK EVENTS CENTER, WESTFIELD vote at the House Ways and Means Committee, the bill was killed in the committee in a Jan. 30 session. MAGICIANS, PRINCESSES & SUPERHEROES! Westfield High School sophomore Sydney Clifford was one of six people to speak before the Indiana House panel. “Nowadays, kids are starting earlier than 18. Today, our schools are dealing more and BACKYARD more with the problem of e-cigarettes and MAKEOVER juuls,” Clifford told the panel. general admission Present Clifford said she stands behind her comthis coupon when purchasing tickets ments, despite the bill’s failure. She said at the event, OR purchase ahead online with coupon code CURRENT she often notices adolescents posting AT Community Featureson social media, and videos of themselves FREE PARKING! ENTER TO Compliments of Central even walking outside of school or neighborIndiana Chevy Dealers. hoods, exhaling vape smoke.

FEB 8–11


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Sydney Clifford spoke to the House Public Health committee, which voted 9-0 to support raising Indiana’s smoking age to 21. (Submitted photo)

“In a lot of cases, you don’t have youth standing for the very legislation that can affect us,” she said. “By youth getting involved in politics and for my peers to be able to see that, that’s going to get more people around my age to get involved in legislation that’s going to affect them.” Clifford said adolescents do not understand the harmful effects of tobacco. “Seeing how at this time right now kids don’t see the total effects of tobacco,” she said. “The youth are more focused on what they see in the moments and not future effects.” For the full story, visit currentinwestfield.com

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$400s New homes frommay thequalify $290s to through Beazer Preferred Lender. Beazer Homes is not acting as a mortgage broker for loan or lender. Buyer may finance via any qualified lender but will not be eligible for closing cost contribution. There is or no visit cash beazer.com/indianapolis-IN/hampshire or exchange value for this offer, it may not be used to reduce the home's price and it may not be combined with other offers. Offer not valid on quick move-in homes. $400s Tour today contribution. There is no cash or exchange value for this offer, it may not be used to reduce the home's price andHome it mayCounselor not be combined with other offers. Offer not valid on quick move-in homes. Savings vary per homesite and plan. Pricing, features and availability subject to change without notice. See New for complete details. Homes Tour©2018 todayBeazer or visit beazer.com/indianapolis-IN/hamps Savings vary per homesite and plan. Pricing, features and availability subject to change without notice. See New Home Counselor for complete details. ©2018 Beazer Homes

Savings vary per homesite and plan. Pricing, features subject to change without See New Home complete details. Beazer Homes may qualify for and loanavailability through Beazer Preferred Lender.notice. Beazer Homes is notCounselor acting as for a mortgage broker ©2018 or lender. Buyer may finance via any qualified lender but will not be eligible for closing cost

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*Offer valid only on to be built homes for which buyer signs a purchase agreement between 2/10/18 and 2/28/18 and closes escrow per terms of contract. Savings based on 50% discount on structural savings up to a maximum savings of $10,000, 50% reduction on value of luxury homesites for savings up to $8,500, 50% off the retail value of design studio options selected by buyer and identified in contract, with a maximum possible discount of $10,000, and 50% off closing costs with the use of a Beazer Preferred Lender (Hallmark, Loan Depot and Ruoff Mortgage), up to $1,500. Not all buyers may qualify for loan through Beazer Preferred Lender. Beazer Homes is not acting as a mortgage broker or lender. Buyer may finance via any qualified lender but will not be eligible for closing cost *Offer valid to or beexchange built homes forfor which buyerit signs a purchase agreement 2/10/18 2/28/18 closes with escrow per terms of contract. onhomes. 50% discount on structural contribution. Thereonly is noon cash value this offer, may not be used to reduce thebetween home's price and and it may not beand combined other offers. Offer not valid Savings on quickbased move-in Savings vary per and plan. Pricing, availability subject to change without notice.for See New Home for complete details. ©2018 Beazer Homes savings uphomesite to a maximum savings of features $10,000,and 50% reduction on value of luxury homesites savings up toCounselor $8,500, 50% off the retail value of design studio options selected by buyer and identified in

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February 6, 2018


Current in Westfield



Church to host marriage telecast By Chris Bavender news@currentinwestfield.com

Bethke, will talk about the “joy and importance of marriage.” “This is a rare opportunity to hear globally recognized speakers addressing real A Westfield church will host a telecast issues surrounding marriage,” McColgin of a global marriage conference Feb. 9-10 said. “At Thrive, we believe that designed to reignite building stronger marriages lead to EVENT romance and bring stronger families. Stronger families couples closer. The 2018 lead to stronger churches and ultiXO Marriage Conference is hosted mately to a stronger community.” by Gateway Church in Southlake, Registration for the conference Texas, and streamed around the simulcast is available at atthrive. world. com/marriage. Cost is $30 per “I learned about the conferMcColgin couple. Box lunches for Saturday ence and began searching where can be pre-purchased for an additional $10. I could go to attend a simulcast. I noticed The simulcast will be shown in the worship the nearest locations were either in Fort center at Thrive, 15091 Towne Rd. Wayne or near Chicago,” said Jerry McThe simulcast starts at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 9 Colgin, marriage pastor at Thrive Christian and at 8:30 a.m. Feb. 10. Church in Westfield. “I reached out to the “We already have a number of people hosting church and applied, and Thrive was from other parts of central Indiana who chosen to be a host. This will be a great opportunity to expose Thrive to the commu- have registered, along with people from throughout Hamilton County,” McColgin nity while bringing in a tremendous confersaid. “Seats are limited, so we encourage ence that can benefit married couples of people to register right away. This is a conall ages.” ference that shouldn’t be missed.” Speakers, including Jimmy and Karen EvFor more, visit xomarriage.com/conferans, Max Lucado, Taya Kyle, Craig Groeschel, ence.html. Miles McPherson, Tim Ross and Jefferson

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February 6, 2018


Current in Westfield


WHS to host Dance Marathon


Top Dentist

By Noah Alatza news@currentinwestfield.com

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high school teacher Sarah Gibbs, with assistance from teachers Jennifer Yoder and Angie Torvik. Doyle said when she walked into the Westfield High School will again participate in Dance Marathon. Last year’s inaugu- dance marathon meeting, she was stunned. “We walked into the callout ral event raised meeting in August, and the (room) FUNDRAISER more than was packed,” Doyle said. “Nobody $36,000. expected it to be that full. MemberThe initiative raises money and ship has grown so much, and we awareness for patients at Riley have more set roles this year.” Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis. Dine to Donate is another fundIt will be from 5 to 11 p.m. Feb. 17 raising opportunity for Dance Marainside the Multi-Purpose InstrucDoyle thon, allowing patrons to donate at tional Facility at the high school, various restaurants on certain dates in the 18250 N. Union St. community. Erin Doyle, Westfield High School’s Dance “Students will show up at games and Marathon promotions and merchandising go out to eat, and I absolutely love seeing chair, said this year’s event will be even that,” said Doyle, who is passionate about bigger than last year’s succesful debut. helping Riley patients. “Last year, we probably had 70 to 80 “I definitely do this for the kids,” Doyle committee members,” Doyle said. “This said. “The idea that there are families and year, we sold over 200 committee shirts. It children at Riley that are sick, that’s why doubled in size, if not more. A ton of freshI wanted to educate people and spend my men are stepping up and taking charge. A time doing this. All kids should have the committee meeting I was just at had about opportunity to grow up.” 80 percent freshmen.” The event is coordinated and managed by

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February 6, 2018


Current in Westfield




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Kathy Kreag Richardson (R) • Hamilton County Recorder Jennifer Hayden (R) • Hamilton County Sheriff Bill Clifford (R), Eddie Moore (R), Dennis Quakenbush (R), Mitchell Russell (R) • Hamilton County Coroner John R. Chalfin (R) • Hamilton County Assessor Robin L. Ward (R) • Hamilton County Commissioner (District 1) Christine Altman (R) • Hamilton County Council (District 1) Jeremy Eltz (D), Fred Glynn (R), Sue Maki (R) • Hamilton County Council (District 2) Amy Elizabeth Massillamany (R) • Hamilton County Council (District 3) Steve Schwartz (R), Mark F. Hall (R), Jeremy Hawk (D), Gregg A. Werling (D) • Hamilton County Council (District 4) Ken Alexander (R), Christine Pauley (R), Rick Sharp (R) • Washington Township Trustree Danielle Carey Tolan (R) • Washington Township Board Jeannine D. Fortier (R), David D. Gill (R), Richard J. Hardcastle, Jr. (R), Gary Southerland (R)


• U.S. Senator Mike Braun (R), Luke Messer (R) • U.S. Rep. (Fifth District) Susan W. Brooks (R), Jennifer Christie (D), Eshel Faraggi (D), Dee Thornton (D) • Indiana State Sen. (District 29) Mike Delph (R), J.D. Ford (D) • Indiana State Sen. (District 31) Crystal D. LaMotte (R), Derek Camp (D) • Indiana State Rep. (District 24) Naomi S. Bechtold (D), Donna Schaibley (R) • Indiana State Rep. (District 29) Brandon (Brad) Beaver (R), Garen T. Bragg (R), Chuck Goodrich (R), Gregory P. (Greg) O’Connor, Tracy M. Roberts (D) • Indiana State Rep. (District 32) Anthony J. (Tony) Cook (R), Amie Neiling (D) • Indiana State Rep. (District 37) Aimee Rivera Cole (D), Daniel J. (Dan) Greenhalgh (D), Todd Huston (R) • Indiana State Rep. (District 39) Mark C. Hinton (D), Jerry Torr (R) • Hamilton County Superior Court 1 Judge Michael A. Casati (R), Will Riley (R) • Hamilton County Superior Court 6 Judge Gail Bardach (R) • Hamilton County Prosecutor D. Lee Buckingham II (R) • Hamilton County Clerk


February 6, 2018


Current in Westfield


Growing with heart

Local clinic now mobile

From left, Heart and Soul Board President Joann Edwards and Executive Director Danny Carroll pause by the new mobile clinic. (Photos by Sadie Hunter)

By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com Since its founding in 2009, Heart and Soul Clinic has grown every year. This spring, the free clinic COVER STORY for the uninsured and underinsured will grow even more, this time in the form of providing mobile service. Heart and Soul Clinic recently purchased a $44,000 RV to create the first traveling clinic of its kind in Hamilton County. The idea came about when clinic officials visited local food banks to educate patients on the nonprofit’s outreach, only to find that many patients have no transportation to the Westfield clinic. “Some patients weren’t able to get here, so while we are willing to provide care to the at-risk population not able to receive medical and dental care due to lack of insurance, we found another roadblock to not being able to access care,” Heart and Soul Executive Director Danny Carroll said. “We believe no one should be denied health care because of a lack of income or lack of insurance, but also because of a lack of

Heart and Soul Clinic will renovate the RV by removing the bed and adding an exam table.

transportation. So, to meet that need, we decided let’s invest in a mobile unit to take medical (care) to places throughout Hamilton County.” Carroll visited multiple RV parks and tried out approximately 70 RVs. Since patients’ privacy is involved, Heart and Soul Clinic needed an RV with a bedroom fully sectioned off from the rest of the vehicle. Carroll found what he was looking for at Mount Comfort RV in Greenfield. When Mount Comfort RV heard of the

need, it reduced the price by $6,000. “They were very cooperative in wanting to help us to get this unit,” Clinic Board President Joann Edwards said. The 2006 Fleetwood Pace Arrow is 38 feet long. The clinic will renovate its interior. Renovations will include removing the bed and adding an exam table. In November 2017, Heart and Soul Clinic held an inaugural bingo night. The event raised $15,000 for the RV. The clinic took out a loan for the remaining cost. Donations are being accepted to help pay off the loan. Also, as a result of the bingo night, a business suite was donated to Heart and Soul Clinic to provide a larger facility. Patient numbers have nearly doubled at Heart and Soul Clinic since its founding. The current location, 202 Penn St., has an operating space of approximately 1,200 square feet. The new location, 17338 Westfield Park Rd., Suite 1, is nearly double that. The larger space will allow for a third exam room and more office space. “One thing about the space we are moving to is, it is a professional atmosphere,” said Edwards, noting the current facility

is a former house. “This is a home, and it served us very well, but as we move forward, I think that a professional space not only will serve the patients but also attract more professional volunteers.” The clinic is hosting packing and moving days in March. For more, to donate or to volunteer, visit heartandsoulclinic.org.

MORE TO COME Heart and Soul Clinic was founded in 2009 and added a dental clinic in 2016. In March, the clinic will move to a new, larger location in Westfield. It also will renovate its traveling clinic. Moreover, the clinic has plans for even more growth next year. “We want to establish a new program here,” Heart and Soul Clinic Executive Director Danny Carroll said. “We have a free medical clinic and a free dental clinic, so we want to offer a free mental health clinic. That (new) space will provide us the opportunity to do group activities and individual one-on-one therapies.”

Valentine’s Day

February 6, 2018

Current in Westfield


Volunteering as couples By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com Volunteering together may be an unorthodox way to celebrate a relationship around Valentine’s Day, GIVING BACK but Fishers couple Jim and Maddie Bromley and Noblesville couple Dale and Jean Morris say the act of giving back has not only strengthened their relationships, but also given them something to do in retirement. Both couples spend time volunteering at Conner Prairie, an interactive history museum at 13400 Allisonville Rd., Fishers. The Morrises help with special events. The Bromleys began their time at Conner Prairie through gardening. “It’s nice to go together. We don’t always volunteer together, but we both do things separately at Conner Prairie,” Jean said. “But if we volunteer for Symphony on the Prairie or special events, we usually go together. It is fun, and we get to know the same people that way and build relationships with people there.” The Morrises began to volunteer at Conner Prairie approximately five years ago when they both retired. The Bromleys have a similar story. When

Dale and Jean Morris have been volunteering at Conner Prairie for five years. (Submitted photo)

they reached retirement, they began searching for something to do. Tending to the museum’s gardens on Mondays, when the museum is closed, sparked their interest. “We went to a volunteer fair, and gardening is something we both do, and that’s how we started volunteering,” Maddie said. The Bromleys also volunteer for Conner Prairie’s special events like Symphony on the Prairie or the Follow the North Star production. “We enjoy doing this together. It’s always fun,” Jim said. “It’s something we are able to do and enjoy, and it just so happens we do it together, and that’s an added bonus,” Maddie said.

PARKS PRESENT PARENT-KID DANCES FOR VALENTINE’S DAY editorial@youarecurrent.com FISHERS PARKS AND RECREATION Fathers and daughters, ages 5 to 12, are invited to Fishers Parks & Recreation’s annual Father Daughter Sweetheart Dance. The semi-formal night will have light refreshments, dancing, prizes and more. • When: 7 to 8:30 p.m. Feb. 13 • Where: Mill Top Banquet and Conference Center, 802 Mulberry St., Noblesville • Cost: Tickets must be purchased for both fathers and daughters for $10 each at fishers.in.us/parks or the Fishers Parks and Recreation Office, 11565 Brooks School Rd., Fishers. NOBLESVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION Parents have the opportunity to treat their little valentines to a semi-formal night of dancing and fun as the Noblesville Parks and Recreation Dept. will host its annual Royal Ball. The evening includes two dances: Knights in Training (mother/son) and Princess Ball (father/daughter). The events will include a carriage ride, sundae bar, fun activities and a photo in a frame. • When: 7 to 9 p.m. Feb. 17 • Where: Recreation Annex at Ivy Tech, Gate 10, 300 N. 17th St., Noblesville

• Cost: Cost is $30 per couple for Noblesville residents and $45 for non-residents. Additional children are $8 each for Nobelsville residents and $12 for non-residents. Pre-registration A father and daughter must be made enjoy last year’s Prinby Feb. 12. For cess Ball from Noblesmore, visit noville Parks and Recreblesvilleparks. ation. (Submitted photo) org. HAMILTON COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION This marks the 12th year for Hamilton County Parks and Recreation’s annual Daddy Daughter Dance. Refreshments, music, crafts and games will be on the agenda. • When: 6 to 8 p.m. Feb. 8 or Feb. 9 • Where: Cool Creek Nature Center, 2000-1 E. 151st St., Carmel • Cost: $10 per father/daughter couple. $3 for each additional daughter. Preregistration is required by calling 317-770-4400.



February 6, 2018

Current in Westfield


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Valentine’s Day

February 6, 2018

Current in Westfield



Intimate Apparel is about


Matt and Kelli Yates learn to play the ukulele from Geoff Davis at a past Nickel Plate Arts Date Night. (Submitted photo)

Arts org to host ‘Valentine’s Day for All’ By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com Couples and families will have an opportunity to get involved with the Nickel Plate Arts on Valentine’s Day, THINGS TO DO as the organization is once again hosting its couples nights and family events. The “Paint the Town Red” exhibit utilizing the color red also will be open through Feb. 24. “Our key program, the signature Nickel Plate event for the Valentine’s Day holiday is our date-night program,” Executive Director Aili McGill said. “We invite local artists to come in and lead activities based for couples. These (projects) we have designed are pretty much guaranteed that anyone can do them, be successful, and make a cool piece of art. Couples always marvel about how much they learn about their partner through making art together.” Some of the activities offered at date night include a poetry station, ukulele lessons, a cupcake-decorating station, creating an essential oil infuser, making ceramic tiles and a puzzle collage. The activities cost $10 per couple, or $50 per couple for all six activities. Date night will be from 6 to 9 p.m. Feb. 14, 15 and 16. “All the artwork (from ‘Paint the Town Red’) will be for sale and makes a great backdrop for our date night,” McGill said. Family Valentine’s Day will be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Feb. 10, and families are able to create arts and crafts. The crafts are inspired by famous artists’ work. Crafts are $5 to $10, or $20 for unlimited crafts. All activities will take place at Nickel Plate Arts, 107 S. Eighth St., Noblesville. For more, visit nickelplatearts.org.

This Valentine’s Day, there’s something for everyone at your local library. Here are some Valentine’s Day-themed events happening at branches across Current’s coverage area. Blind Date with Book Ends From now through Valentine’s Day, Carmel Clay Public Library is looking to set you up on a blind date with a book. Adults are encouraged to stop by the Readers’ Advisory display on the second floor or check the special cart in the first floor lobby. Readers’ Advisory staff have chosen a variety of books, wrapped them and shared the first sentence of the book with you. Blind Date with a Book titles will be available until Feb. 14. For more, visit carmel.lib.in.us Love on a Leash The Fishers and Noblesville branches of Hamilton East Public Library each will host animals from Love on a Leash for February installments of its regular Paws and Read program. The registered therapy animals will be on site from noon to 2 p.m. Feb. 10 in Fishers and Feb. 24 in Noblesville for kids to read stories to


Love! Local libraries will host various Valentine’s Day events. (Submitted photo)

them. For more, visit hepl.lib.in.us. Un-Valentine’s Day for Teens Beginning at 3 p.m. Feb. 14, Westfield Washington Public Library will host an Un-Valentine’s Day Party for teens. Guests can enjoy crafts, games and a movie in the teen room. Snacks will be provided. For more, visit wwpl.lib.in.us. Kids Valentine’s Day party Join the staff of the Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library, 250 N. Fifth St., Zionsville, for a Valentine’s Day Party from 10:30 to 11 a.m. Feb. 14. For ages 3 to 6, this event will feature Valentine’s Day-themed games and activities. For more, visit zionsvillelibrary.org.

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Valentine’s Day

February 6, 2018

Current in Westfield


RECIPES FOR THE HOLIDAY OF LOVE Cocoa-kissed red velvet pancakes

Simply Cranberry Mimosa Get it at Another Broken Egg Café, Fishers Ingredients: • 2 oz. Simply cranberry juice • 6 oz. Wycliff champagne • 1/2 lemon wheel Pour cranberry juice into a stemless wine glass and add champagne. Garnish with lemon wheel.

Serving: 10 pancakes What you need: • 1 cup all-purpose flour • 1/4 cup granulated sugar • 3 tablespoons Nestlé Toll House Baking Cocoa • 1 teaspoon baking powder • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1 large egg • 1 cup reduced-fat buttermilk or low-fat milk • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract • 1 teaspoon red food coloring • Heart-shaped pancake cutters or cookie cutters (optional) Garnishes: Butter, powdered sugar, maple syrup, fresh berries In large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking cocoa, baking powder, baking soda and salt; stir well. In separate large bowl, whisk together egg, buttermilk, unsalted butter, vanilla extract and food coloring. Add to flour mixture; stir to combine. Allow mixture to sit 5 minutes. Heat nonstick skillet or griddle over medium heat.

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Make cocoakissed red velvet pancakes for Valentine’s Day. (Submitted photos)

Stackable Ombre Heart cookies can be enjoyed on Valentine’s Day.

Stackable Ombre Heart Cookies

Brush with oil or butter. Add 1/4 cup batter to skillet. Cook approximately 2 minutes or until bubbles start to form on top. Flip and cook 1 to 2 minutes, or until bottom is lightly browned. Serve immediately with garnishes. Recipes courtesy of Family Features

What you need: • Favorite roll-out cookie recipe • Cookie icing (rose color) • Small icing decorations Prepare and roll out cookie dough following recipe directions. Use three cutters from a nesting set. Bake and cool cookies. Divide icing into three equal portions, and tint three shades of rose. Thin a portion of each shade following recipe directions. Use full-strength tinted icing to outline cookies. Use thinned tinted icing in cut decorating bag to fill in cookies; gently tap to smooth icing. Let dry overnight. Use icing to attach cookies, stacking largest to smallest. Place icing decoration on top.

February 6, 2018


Current in Westfield


Three cheers for sleep


Doing the doing

Commentary by Danielle Wilson

Commentary by Terry Anker Folks learning to speak English as their second language are known to complain about our propensity for homonym. Can we blame them? Take the word proof. Among the abundance of potential meanings, online dictionaries define it as evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement; as able to withstand something damaging; resistant; and, interestingly, to make fabric waterproof. OK, maybe these definitions hang together. But also proofing yeast (as opposed to proofing the shaped bread dough) refers to the process of first dissolving yeast in warm water to make bread. Then, we warp the definitions to conform with our evolving modern lexicon. We attempt to prove our worth. We strive to prove our love. Yet, can we hope to advance evidence of our value? Can we make someone see our contribution? Or, do we waste our time talking about the doing instead of, well, doing the doing? For now, let’s defer the semantics to a superior expert and focus on a simple example. We spend billions of dollars annually on attempting to prove we are sexy. The ubiquitous commercials aimed at teenage boys for Axe Body Spray seem to wink at this reality, all the while selling tanker trucks of product to help these youngsters prove their worth. The question remains: Can we prove any personal characteristic to anybody? Can we generate sufficient evidence to show that we are sexy? If we attended to our actions as much as we do to those actions being noticed, would we accomplish more? Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@youarecurrent.com.

BELIEVE IT! Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Wisconsin, margarine may not be substituted for butter in restaurants unless it is requested by the customer. Source: dumblaws.com


We have gone digital – sort of Commentary by Melkote Ramaswamy For a long time, we lived in an analog world. The world is now changing to digital. OPINION In simple terms, analog implies continuous while digital stands for discrete or in steps. For a long time, analog watches with moving hands were the most popular and perhaps the norm. Along came digital with the appeal and convenience of easy and instant readout, not having to figure out where the clock hands are. Some watchmakers tried to create the best of both worlds by combining analog and digital. The artistic nature of analog watches seems to give them a distinct edge. As a matter of fact, if you were to look at the selection of watches on display in a department store, one is amazed at the preponderance of analog

watches – it is considered a piece of jewelry. Analog is where you have dials and knobs and digital is when you see switches. Our house is sort of hybrid. Our television set is digital along with remote. So, too, is our microwave. You might still see some microwaves in motel rooms which still have a knob for time setting and having a ring instead of a beep. Our weighing machine is digital but not all of our clocks. We still have analog clocks. These serve two purposes: They brighten the place as a wall decoration, but more importantly we can depend on them in case of power failure. Melkote Ramaswamy, a Westfield resident, is a physicist, writer, speaker and author of “An Immigrant celebrates America” (University of Indianapolis Press, 2007.)

What a difference a good night’s sleep makes! I just rolled out of bed after a solid 11 hours of slumber. “Kids, it’s HUMOR safe to come out of your rooms! Mommy’s OK now!” It’d literally been days since I’d been able to make that statement because a string of late evenings, 3 a.m. interruptions and early mornings have had my patience ready to commit hari-kari and my family ready to hit the Our Lady of Perpetual Peace speed dial. My body simply refuses to function properly when I don’t get at least eight quality hours. Headaches, nausea and an acute sense of pettiness envelop me until I can find a dark, quiet place to lie down. Sure, I can fake it and continue on about my business as if nothing is wrong, but inside I am judging my husband, children and complete strangers for their inequities and blaming everyone for my misery. And I can’t hold all that crazy in forever, so inevitably by evening I’m passive-aggressively trying to garner support and sympathy through childish rants. Though theatrically impressive, it’s really quite pathetic. Of course, I’ve known how important sleep is for years, but it wasn’t until recently that Doo understood. He attended a conference on how people can be happier in the digital age and learned that, although volunteering, exercising and building relationships are key, the No. 1 thing a person can do is sleep. Ah-ha! Validation at last! This past week, sleep deprivation reared its ugly head, pushing me to the brink of an emotional and physical breakdown. But I’m back now. What a difference a good night’s sleep makes! Peace out. Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK “A day without laughter is a day wasted.” -Charlie Chaplin

Want to respond to the columnists or send a letter to the editor? Email Letters@youarecurrent.com.

February 6, 2018


Current in Westfield


Chewing the fat on science Commentary by Dick Wolfsie




They just reported on the local evening news that Indiana is the 10th-fattest state in the U.S. Where did they do HUMOR their research? The state fair? The mini-marathon? That could make a big difference. I have made fun of scientific researchers for their fascination with bizarre and meaningless numbers. These are individuals who, statistically speaking, are among the unhappiest people in the world. About 75 percent of the studies show that 57 percent of statisticians are 49 percent unhappier than 75 percent of all other scientists. Here are a few odd stats: Redheads need 25 percent more novocaine in the dental chair than people with other hair colors; 67 percent of men prefer gas to charcoal grills; pet owners wake up 45 percent more often in the middle of the night. According to the University of Illinois, overweight people use more gas per mile than people who are thin. This information helps Americans understand the crisis we face with our dependence on foreign oil. Seems to me that the real crisis is more in domestic oil, canola, peanut and corn, all



of which can take a simple potato and turn it into a cholesterol catastrophe called a French fry. Imagine telling someone who orders a Big Mac, large fries and a Coke for lunch that if he would just switch to a salad with no dressing every day for a month, he could get an extra mile per gallon. Oprah didn’t really care how she looked on the cover of O,but she lost weight to save 34 bucks a year on gas. The other day my Speedy Rewards Card indicated I was eligible for a free chocolate doughnut, an egg-and-cheese sandwich and a jumbo fountain drink. Did they mention that by consuming these, I was going to end up spending more for fuel? We should not be proud of being the 10th-heaviest state, but I try to look at the positive side of things. Last year I had the occasion to drive from one end of Kansas to the other. I don’t care what the scientists say about overweight Indiana, Kansas is wider across the middle.

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.

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February 6, 2018

HEALTH DISPATCHES Blood urgently needed — Blood supplies at the Indiana Blood Bank are dangerously low. Currently, it has only have a one-day supply on hand. Locations and hours are available on the website at indianablood.org/locations. Better way to take meds — Some medicines are better absorbed by the body if taken sublingually. This means the medicine is placed under your tongue and held there until it is absorbed. It can go directly into the bloodstream without being digested first. Source: The Alternative Advisor New blood-cancer treatment — A type of blood-cancer treatment that has shown remarkable success in clinical trials is beginning to receive FDA approvals. In CAR T-cell therapy, blood is drawn from a patient to isolate T-cells, the powerhouses of the body’s immune system. The T-cells are reprogrammed to kill tumor cells and then infused back into the patient. This appears to be most effective with certain types of blood cancers. Source: BottomLineInc.com

Current in Westfield


Doctor highlights heart health By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com February is Heart Health Month, and Dr. Emily Ruden has created some initiatives to educate women on PREVENTION preventative methods for heart disease. Ruden, a cardiologist who runs the Women’s Heart Clinic at Hamilton Heart in Noblesville, offers a prevention clinic for women. Women’s Heart Clinic is Ruden affiliated with Riverview Health. “Women’s Heart Month is a campaign that’s been around for a while now to get the word out,” Ruden said. “Heart disease remains the No. 1 killer of women and tends to be a silent disease until it’s not. Women are typically the last to take care of themselves. They take care of everyone else and don’t think about their risk and health until everyone else is taken care of.” Ruden said common risk factors include high blood pressure, high cholesterol and smoking. To help prevent heart disease, she said the most important thing is to quit




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February 6, 2018


Current in Westfield


Office cleaner rises to owner By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com

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Armando Ascencion was considering pursuing a career in accounting. However, the entreLEADERSHIP preneurial spirit struck the Mexican-American, who now owns his own Office Pride franchise, primarily serving Carmel, Westfield and Fishers. While at Ivy Tech, Ascencion, who moved with his family from Mexico to Indianapolis when he was 3 years old, started selling advertising for a Spanish newspaper. The 26-year-old North Central High School graduate began working for Office Pride, a commercial cleaning operation which specializes in commercial work, while at Ivy Tech. “The owner had some smaller accounts but then purchased more accounts,” Ascencion said. “I was 18 years old when I started, and six months later I was promoted to supervisor. We had 25 employees. After a year and a half, I was promoted to general manager. He had purchased accounts from another franchise owner and we were up to 80 employees.” Ascencion credits his former boss, Scott

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Office Pride CEO Tom Hopkins, left, presents Armando Ascencion with the Employee of the Year Award at the 2016 national convention. (Submitted photo)

Gipson, with his success. “I wouldn’t be here if weren’t for him,” Ascencion said. In 2016, he was Office Pride Employee of the Year at the national convention. In August 2017, Ascencion purchased his franchise. He plans to move from the south side of Indianapolis to the north side early in 2018.

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February 6, 2018

Current in Westfield




CSO to feature ‘Love Letter’ to violinist By Zach Dunkin • zach.dunkin@youarecurrent.com One might describe their romantic connection as “love at first note.” “It kind of was,” violinist Tessa Lark said of her MUSIC relationship with composer-musician Michael Thurber. “I mean, I had met him before as alumni of NPR’s ‘From the Top,’ and we had mutual close friends for years and knew about each other’s works. We don’t really believe in love at

first sight, but when we sat beside each other at a board meeting, we liked what each other said.” They soon fell in love. Attendees at Carmel Symphony Orchestra’s Feb. 10 concert at The Palladium will hear and feel just how much in love these two music-types are. Lark will join the CSO in the world premiere of a composition called “Love Letter,” composed by, yes, boyfriend Thurber. “I was so impressed with Michael’s writing that I asked him to write a concerto for me,” said Lark, the silver medalist in the ninth Quadrennial International Violin Competition of Indianapolis in 2014. “There was a lot of back-and-forth during the writing process. We wanted something with a lot of my different styles in it and written in kind of ‘letter movements.’” “Love Letter” consists of four movements and embodies Thurber’s admiration for Lark as both a musician and human being. “Each movement is a tone poem that depicts different sides of Tessa’s personality and musicianship,” said Thurber, a double bassist who occasionally plays with Lark as a duet, playing a blend of bluegrass, jazz and classical. “I didn’t know until the end that it was called ‘Love Letter,’” said Lark, a native of Richmond, Ky. “When it was finished he slipped the score under my door and with the words ‘I love you.’ It was an unbelievable gift, and it means everything to me to be able to play it.” Although Lark has played two movements of the piece in public, this will be the official world premiere. Thurber, a native of Ogden Dunes in Northern Indiana, will not only be in attendance for his girlfriend’s performance, but will work with the CSO during rehearsals since the piece is so new “Michael has never heard it with a full orchestra, so he’s excited about it,” Lark said. “I think everyone will love it. And if the crowd claps really loud for it, there may be a special guest appearance. Hint, hint.” Continuing the love theme in recognition of Valentine’s Day Feb. 14, the CSO also will perform familiar melodies of Gershwin and Bernstein, such as the Gershwin Brothers’ hit “Girl Crazy,” “Embraceable You,” “But Not for Me” and “I Got Rhythm,” and Bernstein’s “Three Dance Episodes” from “On the Town.” Following intermission, the CSO will perform Charles Ives’ “Variations on America,” and Howard Hanson’s “Symphony No. 2 in D-flat Major, Op. 30 Romantic.”

When: Feb. 10, 7:30 p.m. Where: The Palladium, Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel More: carmelsymphony.org.

Art patrons support Magic Thread Cabaret editorial@youarecurrent.com The Magic Thread Cabaret recently received a $10,000 donation from art patrons Marianne Glick and her husband Mike Woods. The Magic Thread Cabaret recently announced it has been a resident company of The Cat Theatre in Carmel. The sponsorship will assist Klein & Alvarez Productions LLC with its mission to bring talented artists to the 120-seat venue at 254 Veterans Way. Glick said she and Woods, CEO and owner of M.S. Woods Real Estate, love cabaret as an art form. “The artist chooses particular songs to tell a story that’s personal to them,” Glick stated in a news release. “So, you get to know the artist in a deeper way and enjoy great music at the same time. One of the things that we like about the Magic Thread Cabaret is the focus on Indiana performers. Supporting local artists is important to us.” Glick, who is an artist, is the retired president and founder of Glick Training Associates.

Westfield — Main Street Productions, 1836 Ind. 32 West, will perform “33 Variations” at various dates and times throughout February. Tickets are $14. For dates and times, visit westfieldplayhouse.org. Noblesville — Logan Street Sanctuary will host “The Vagina Monologues” at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 8 through 10. For more, loganstreetsanctuary.org. Carmel — The Dance Discovery Class on Swing will be held at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 7 at The Palladium. For more, visit thecenterpresents.org. Fishers — Pure Eatery, 8235 E 116th St., will host a Pine2Posh pallet painting event from 7 to 9 p.m. Feb. 8. Tickets are $45 with the $30 off code on pine2posh.com Zionsville — Zionsville United Methodist Church, 9644 Whitestown Rd., will host a winter carnival from 6 to 8 p.m. Feb. 10. For more, visit zumc.org/wintercarnival.


February 6, 2018


Current in Westfield


Where’s Amy? Amy Pauszek is a photographer, film producer and scouting and casting associate for Talent Fusion Agency in Indianapolis. She can be reached at Amy@youarecurrent.com. To see more of her photos, visit currentnightandday.com.

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Where’s Amy sees Art Garfunkel Above, from left, JauNae Hanger (Indianapolis), Helen Eby (Westfield) and Karen Bush (Westfield). Left, Art Garfunkel on stage at The Palladium. (Photos by Amy Pauszek)

Where’s Amy attended Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award recipient and Rock & Roll Hall of Fame member Art Garfunkel’s performance at The Palladium Jan. 25. Known for his iconic work with Paul Simon, Garfunkel charmed the sold-out crowd with combinations of hit songs and excerpts from his 2017 memoir, “What Is It All but Luminous (Notes from an Underground Man).”


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February 6, 2018


Current in Westfield


Commentary by Mark Johnson Where to go: Arni’s Restaurant Where it is: 4705 East 96th St., Indianapolis When it’s open: Sunday through Thursday, 11 a.m to 10 p.m., Friday and Saturday. 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Mark’s take: Pizza, pizza and more pizza, that’s the main draw of Arni’s Restaurant. However, there’s much more to the menu. Pasta dishes, sandwiches, appetizers and salads fill out the many offerings. You’ll also find a casual atmosphere that offers something for everyone. What to get: Arni’s is a longstanding tradition for my wife and me. Although we’ve sampled many of the items on the menu, we always come back to the pizza. For us, a large with sausage, pepperoni and extra

Arni’s Restaurant features pizza. (Submitted photo)

cheese goes a long way. What’s the cost: Entrees run $10.99 to $21.99. Carry Out: Available Online Ordering: Available Reservations: Accepted Want to know more?: Call 317-571-0077 or visit meetyouatarnis.com.

Behind bars: Grapefruit Basil Tini Get it at The Local Eatery and Pub, Westfield Ingredients: 1.5 oz. vodka, .5 oz. triple sec, .5 oz. simple syrup, 3 oz. grapefruit juice, 3 or 4 basil leaves Directions: Shake with ice and strain into a martini glass.

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February 6, 2018


Current in Westfield




Compiled by Zach Dunkin

“The Love: Gershwin, Bernstein and a Love Letter,” The Palladium, the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel

7:30 p.m., Feb. 10

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, love is in the air for the Carmel Symphony Orchestra with some familiar melodies from Bernstein and Gershwin along with a world premiere of “Love Letter,” a concerto written for violin just for guest violinist Tessa Lark. Cost: $5-$65.

More: carmelsymphony.org

From left: Lanene Charters as Rosie, Amy Bodnar as Donna Sheridan and Jalynn Steele as Tanya from “Mamma Mia!” cast. (Submitted photo)

“Mama Mia!,” Beef & Boards 8 p.m. Feb. 6, 1 p.m. Feb. 7, 8 p.m. Feb. 8-10, 1:30 p.m. Dinner Theatre, Indianapolis 

 Feb. 11 and 8 p.m. Feb. 13 (continues through April 8). Nominated for five Tony Awards, the musical weaves an enchanting tale of love, laughter and friendship as ABBA’s greatest hits tell the hilarious story of a bride’s search for her birth father on a Greek island paradise. Cost: $44-$69 (includes buffet dinner). More: beefandboards.com, 317-872-9664.

2.20 - 3.1 The Cat is back for a limited time. Come one come all, It’s worth every dime! If you’re an adult, or if you’re a tot, It’s a show you can’t miss, Oh no, you cannot. So don’t wait around, No don’t do that. Join Civic Theatre for The Cat in the Hat!

“Other Desert Cities,” Carmel Community Playhouse, Carmel

Spanning the international disasters of war, the bitter feuds of American politics and the intricate and equally bitter dynamics of one family’s love and grief, Jon Robin Baitz’s “Other Desert Cities” is a scintillating and sharply observed dark comedy, with themes of depression, addiction, family and memory. Cost: $14-$16.


More: carmelplayers.org.

“Sense and Sensibility,” The Tarkington, the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel.

7 p.m. Feb. 8-10 and 2 p.m. Feb. 11 (continues through Feb. 17).

Civic Theatre presents a playful, new adaptation of Jane Austen’s novel that follows the fortunes (and misfortunes) of the Dashwood sisters after their father’s sudden death leaves them financially destitute and socially vulnerable. Cost: $24.50-$40.50.


7:30 p.m. Feb. 9-10 and 2:30 p.m. Feb. 11.

More: civictheatre.org.

“The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee,” The Studio Theater, the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel.

7:30 p.m. Feb. 7-10 and 2 p.m. Feb.11

An eclectic group of mid-pubescents vie for the spelling championship of a lifetime, and then, one by one, candidly disclose hilarious and touching stories about their home lives. Cost: $20-$45.

More: atistage.org.

“SIMCHA,” Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre Academy, Carmel

7 p.m. Feb. 10 and 3 p.m. Feb.11 (continues through Feb. 18).

Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre’s annual fundraiser offers a variety of Yiddish and Klezmer music with vignettes showcasing dance and costume from Jewish culture and heritage. Cost: $35 (includes refreshments).

More: gregoryhancockdancetheatre.org.

February 6, 2018


Current in Westfield


Gallery features local artist By Desiree Williams editorial@youarecurrent.com Michael Janosky has been an artist for as long as he can remember. After reading articles about art, watching art ART documentaries and drawing as a child, he found his passion for oil painting in high school. Now, Janosky primarily paints landscapes in his studio at Nickel Plate Arts in Noblesville. “I really enjoy looking Janosky for changes in the landscape through the seasons, and also at different times of day and under different skies and different types of clouds in the sky,” he said. Janosky’s work will be on display with that of Kathryn Houghton in an exhibit at the Hoosier Salon Carmel Gallery, 22 N. Range Line Rd. The exhibit, “Near and Afar: A Matter of Perspective,” will begin at 5 p.m. Feb. 10 with an opening reception and will run through February. Janosky said his paintings show subjects from a distance while Houghton’s fo-

The “Near and Afar: A Matter of Perspective” exhibit will open Feb. 10. (Submitted photo)

cus more on close-ups, which inspired the theme of the show. “I’m really excited to have this opportunity,” he said. “This will be the biggest exhibit I’ve been part of in my career at this point, so it’s an exciting opportunity.” Janosky is creating two large-scale paintings for the exhibit and showcasing more than 20 other pieces, all of which will be for sale. Many of his paintings feature beaches, dunes and lighthouses inspired by his hometown of Michigan City with its views of Lake Michigan and the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.



February 6, 2018


Current in Westfield


How to properly get lit Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt

Genevieve Keegan-Bedano

Anne-Marie Briscoe

Catherine Michael

Thomas Blessing

Ashley Roncevic

I’m a lamp guy. I love lamps. They serve a functional purpose and provide beauty in a room. So when I GRAMMAR GUY see a great lamp at an antique store or at an upscale garage sale, you’d better believe I’m going to buy it, put it in the back seat and put a seat belt on it. But the real question is, once I find the right spot in my living room for my new lamp, does it make the area well lit or well lighted? What is the difference between lit and lighted? Grammar Guy’s on the case. The super-short answer is both lit and lighted are correct past tense forms of light. Technically, lit is considered an irregular verb because you have to change the spelling of light to make it past tense, whereas lighted is regular because you simply add -ed. Although through the years lit has gained popularity in common usage, there are some distinct ways each word usually gets used. Lit is usually used as the simple, past tense verb of light. It means to illuminate or set on fire. The cake’s lit candles inadvertently set aunt Helen’s hair on fire. Or

this: The fireflies’ pleasantly blinking butt muscles lit the dark forest clearing. Lighted can either be used as an adjective or a past tense verb. When lighted is used as an adjective, it means something like relating to being illuminated: The brightly lighted living room shone brilliantly thanks to dad’s new leg lamp. Or this: The glow of my lighted torch allowed us to see in the secret cave. As a past tense verb, lighted should be used as the past participle of light. As a reminder, a past participle verb usually requires an auxiliary word in front of it, like had or have: We had already lighted our glow sticks by the time the dance party got into full swing. Although technically lit and lighted are interchangeable (and therefore correct), in popular usage, lit is more commonly used in the simple past tense while lighted is more commonly used as a past participle verb. Curtis Honeycutt is a freelance humor writer. Have a grammar question? Connect with him on Twitter @curtishoneycutt or at curtishoneycutt.com.






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February 6, 2018


Current in Westfield




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False Bay at Muizenberg, South Africa. (Photo by Don Knebel)

South Africa’s true False Bay Commentary by Don Knebel

remains a quaint fishing village, with an active harbor. Muizenberg is famous for its waves, providing some of the best surfing opportunities in the world for beginners. On their way to or from Cape Town, visitors to False Bay often stop in Stellenbosch, a Dutch town founded in 1679 and renowned for its world-class wineries at the foot of Stellenbosch Mountain. A visit to Cape Town, a beautiful and sophisticated city, should be on everyone’s bucket list. A visit there is not complete without at least a day trip to False Bay.

Whatever is your current image of South Africa, it will be changed by a visit to False Bay, ironically the largest true bay in the nation and one of the largest TRAVEL in the world. In the 17th century, Portuguese ships returning home from the East Indies stopped for supplies in Cape Town, located on Table Bay on the western side of the Cape Peninsula at the southern tip of Africa. The returning ships often mistook a rocky cape to the east of the Cape Peninsula as the point to turn north and found Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornthemselves in a gently curving bay almost burg LLP. For the full column 20 miles wide. They named the mistaken visit donknebel.com. You may cape the “False Cape,” and the bay dividcontact him at news@currentzionsville.com. ing the capes became the “False Bay” by association. Today, the sandy northNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE west shore of False Bay, CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket No. 17120001 SU approximately 30 miles Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals, at across the Cape Peninsula a meeting on Monday, the 26th day of February, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in from the center of Cape The Palladium at The Center for the Performing Arts, 1 Center Green, Carmel, Indiana 46032, will hold the continuation of a Public Hearing Town, is lined with charmupon an application for a Special Use in the Carmel Zoning Ordinance ing villages, each with its to allow for the construction of a place of worship on the northwest own unique character. corner of the intersection of West 141st Street and Shelborne Road at Simon’s Town is home both 14120 Shelborne Road (approximate address). The application is identified as Docket No. 17120001 SU. to the South African navy The real estate affected by said application is located on the and a rare colony of Afrinorthwest corner of the intersection of West 141st Street and Shelborne can penguins that swim Road. along with the tourists. The application and supplementary documentation may be viewed at the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, One Civic Seal Island, a short boat Square, Carmel, Indiana, 46032. All interested persons desiring ride from Simon’s Town, is to present their views on the above application, either in writing home to more than 70,000 or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the abovecape fur seals. Fish Hoek mentioned time and place, or may file written comments with the Department of Community Services prior to the hearing. The hearing is known for its unique may be continued from time to time as may be found necessary. shops and whale-watching Kevin G. Buchheit, Krieg DeVault LLP, 12800 North Meridian Street, opportunities. Kalk Bay Suite 300, Carmel, IN 46032, (317) 808-5820.


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February 6, 2018


Current in Westfield


Across 1. Job safety org. 5. Sunrise Cafe meas. 9. Kind of legend 14. Blackball 15. Indianapolis Opera solo 16. J. Razzo’s pasta topper 17. Duke Energy unit 18. Hang loose 19. Not fulfilled, as needs

20. Bypass a chilly journey? 23. Purdue Hall of Fame QB Dawson 24. Keyboard key 25. Positive aspect 28. Fantasy 30. ISO strings 33. Eric Holcomb bobblehead movement 34. Some Butler fraternity

men 36. Commit perjury in Hamilton County Court 37. Former Indiana governor Bowen 38. Fishy pasta cookware? 42. ___-Dick 43. Woodland Country Club cotillion girl 44. Stop ___ dime

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45. Ravens on a Lucas Oil Stadium scoreboard 46. “Old MacDonald” refrain 48. Salesforce Tower elevator stop 52. Straightens 54. The Friendly Tavern or 32 Degrees 56. Hillcrest Country Club instructor 57. Pacers’ leading scorer and an anagram of 20- and 38-Across 61. Egypt’s capital 63. Stir up 64. Contented sighs 65. “Get ___ of yourself!” 66. Four six-packs at Big Red Liquors 67. Victory Field computation 68. Salon01 job 69. Like many of the movies at Heartland Film Festival 70. Boone County Fair fowls Down 1. US president’s assassin 2. Barber, at times 3. Andrew Luck call before a snap 4. Opposed 5. Fishers Barber Shop powders 6. Pretty pin 7. Hoosier farm cylinder 8. Xpress Tobacco Outlet buy: ___ Mall 9. Takes over 10. Hindu royals 11. Meet by accident 12. Noblesville hardware store 13. Westfield HS tennis court divider

21. Take exception 22. Mississippi city where Elvis was born 26. “Go ahead!” 27. Current staffers, briefly 29. Local auto dealer Mohr 31. Cover story in Marion County Court 32. Brazilian city, familiarly 35. Cruel person 37. John Mellencamp’s October birthstone 38. IPL fuel 39. Nowhereness 40. Flying geese formation 41. Prefix with red or structure 42. IU degree for a future CEO

46. Make secret 47. Carmel HS orchestra member 49. Addictive narcotic 50. Parentless child 51. Sleeping spots 53. Ball State sorority members 55. Woodland Bowl pin site 58. Ocean predator 59. Brickyard 400 engine sound 60. Short run 61. Ray Skillman product 62. Mitchell’s Fish Market tuna Answers on Page 27

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February 6, 2018

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February 6, 2018

Current in Westfield




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February 6, 2018

Current in Westfield


“My midlife crisis wasn’t a sports car. It was a heart attack.” – dave r.

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