February 12, 2019 — Westfield

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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Westfield couple talks marriage and relationship tips for Valentine’s Day / P12

County-wide job fair returns / P3

Charter school to relocate to Westfield / P7

WPD conducts Coffee with a Cop / P10

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February 12, 2019

Current in Westfield


Lincoln Left for George’s Surprise Party And So Should You – Admission is Free!

Celebrate George Washington, our nation’s founding father and first president, at his surprise birthday party on February 18! Play Presidential Jeopardy with First Lady Abigail Fillmore. Ask President Abraham Lincoln questions about his life or yours. You can even attend a Fireside Chat with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. With games, sing-along songs and storytelling, you’ll absolutely have a Historic Day. © 2019 Conner Prairie. All rights reserved.

February 12, 2019

COMMUNITY Contact the Editor

Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@youarecurrent.com, or call 317.489.4444 ext. 804. You may also submit information on our website, currentinwestfield.com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication.

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Governor makes appointments — Gov. Eric Holcomb recently made several appointments to various boards and commissions, which included appointing Frederick Vaiana, Westfield, an attorney with Voyles Vaiana Lukemeyer Baldwin & Webb, to the Statewide Independent Living Council and Felica Ahasteen-Bryant, Westfield, who is director of the Native American Educational & Cultural Center at Purdue University, to the Native American Indian Affairs Commission.

Officer Ashley Williams, left, speaks to job seekers about the Carmel Police Dept. (Submitted photo)

County-wide job fair returns March 14 at Ivy Tech in Noblesville By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com

On the cover

Tom and Kerri Dooley give tips on what a healthy marriage looks like. (Illustration by Zach Ross) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. XII, No. 4 Copyright 2018. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

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The Hamilton County Youth Assistance Program had so much success with last year’s inaugural Hamilton EMPLOYMENT County Hiring Fair that it plans to play host to a second event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 14 at Ivy Tech, 300 N. 17th St., Noblesville. Last year, 270 job seekers attended. Sixty vendors, each offering full-time positions with a minimum starting salary of $27,000, participated. The requirements are the same for the March event, and organizers hope to have up to 75 vendors. “People came, and not only did they interview for jobs, but actually received job offers that day,” said Jason Ells, a member of the Sheridan Youth Assistance Program board and senior vice president of Custom Concrete in Westfield. “Not only did they do on-site interviews, but people were hired on the spot.” Job offerings will be in specific fields, including health care, hospitality, agricultural science, construction, technology, transportation, manufacturing and public safety. Many of the jobs also offer benefits, and some will offer starting salaries above the $27,000 minimum. Training agencies will be featured as well.

Application and resume assistance will be provided by Work One of Hamilton County. The event is free for job seekers. “We will have training agencies there such as Ivy Tech, and those who are training people versus employers,” said Lisa Samuels, an early intervention advocate for the SYAP. “If you want to learn a trade, there’s also those opportunities, too.” The event will have an open-house feel. Job seekers are not required to attend the entire day. “We are going to have volunteers there to help people, show them around and make introductions to walk them to an area they’re interested in,” Ells said. “It really is a wraparound service for those who are intimidated – the introverted folks who may not necessarily know how to talk to people well. We will have people there to help you with that. There really isn’t an excuse not to be there.” Many of the vendors offering jobs do not require a college degree. Entry-level and experienced skill trades will be offered. “Come meet people who want to meet you,” Ells said. “You’ve got a captive audience of employers who are ready to hire people.” Vendors must sign up by March 7. For more or to register as a vendor, visit eventbrite. com/e/2019-hamilton-county-career-hiringfair-registration-53191767007.

Scholarships offered — Tru Direction, Inc. will award scholarships of $500 to $2,500 per qualified applicant (maximum $10,000 per calendar year) as determined by the scholarship committee. Scholarships may be used for any related expenses for college, university, trade school or technical school. Applications are due by March 31. Learn more at trudirection.org. Civil War roundtable — A. James Fuller will speak at the Feb. 13 meeting of the Hamilton County Civil War Roundtable at Carmel City Hall, 1 Civic Square. Fuller is the past president of the Indiana Association of Historians. He has published six books. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., with the program beginning at 7 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. Democratic women to meet — The Democratic Women of Hamilton County will meet from 10 to 11 a.m. Feb. 16 at the Delaware Township Trustee Office, 9090 E 131st St., Fishers. Coffee will be served beginning at 9:30 a.m. The guest speaker is Dana Black of Indiana’s Own. Casino Night — Congregation Shaarey Tefilla, 3085 W. 116th St. in Carmel, will play host to the 19th annual Casino Night & Silent Auction from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. Feb. 23. Tickets are $25 per person with a $10 voucher to use toward silent auction purchases. Guests must be at least 21 years old. Sign up at eventbrite.com/e/casino-night-silentauction-tickets-53503416158?aff=ebdssbdes tsearch. For more information, emailoffice@ shaareytefilla.org.


February 12, 2019

Current in Westfield


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February 12, 2019


Current in Westfield


Havard files for clerk-treasurer


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Association Network with Cook and managed it for several years. “Just getting to know the residents and information they seek to help their neighThe City of Westfield financial strategist borhood residents, I loved it,” she said. and a senior advisor to Mayor Andy Cook Havard recently oversaw the implemenhas filed to run for clerk-treasurer tation of Westfield’s online fiscal in the 2019 RepubliELECTION can primary. transparency portal, OpenGov. “(OpenGov) was right up my alley Westfield resident with the public,” she said. “We can Tammy Havard, a Republican who inform residents on some of the has lived in the city since 2008, things the city does and through started in local government as the a municipal finance theme explain town transitioned to a city in 2008. things to a resident.” She said she wants to modernize Havard Havard has a master’s degree in and make government processes public policy and management from Carnand systems more efficient. egie Mellon University and is an alumna of “I work a lot with the departments as the Harvard Executive Education Program. well as initiatives on the state level and I She also is a graduate of the Hamilton go to educational conferences and other County Leadership Academy. places where I hear of lot of great ideas,” “I want to see positive change for (the Havard said. “I want to have the ability to clerk-treasurer’s) office,” Havard said. “The implement those ideas in a community that main point is Westfield has a lot of potential is growing.” as we’re growing, and we need to be able to She said if elected, she would work take advantage of that potential.” for more transparency and open Current Clerk-Treasurer Cindy Gossard, communication. a Republican who has been with city since “Communication with residents is impor1993, has filed for re-election. tant to me,” Havard said. For more, visit tammyhavard.com. Havard started the Westfield Community


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February 12, 2019

Current in Westfield







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February 12, 2019


Current in Westfield


Options to relocate to Westfield By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com By fall of 2021, Options Charter School plans to serve more students by moving its current EDUCATION Carmel campus, 530 West Carmel Dr., to the northwest quadrant of Ind. 32 and Gunther Boulevard in Westfield. Options is an alternative Gustin school for students who don’t perform as well in a traditional school setting. Many of Options’ students require a smaller setting due to anxiety or a socialemotional issue. Options recently joined the Hamilton Boone Madison Special Services Cooperative and began developing partnerships with traditional public schools in the area. “We started having conversations with Noblesville, Sheridan, Hamilton Heights and, a little later, Westfield, on how we can better partner with them because they’re losing students who aren’t thriving in their environments,” Options President and CEO Mike Gustin said. “So, how can we help identify those students and, for some of those students, we would be a good fit.” Public school districts will transfer students who would be better suited for Options, and several districts actually provide transportation for those students to either the Noblesville or Carmel Options campuses. “They bus students who would have at-

tended Sheridan schools to Options Noblesville,” Options COO Michelle Walden said. “They realize it’s a benefit to the family to make sure they get to school.” “For that reason, our board decided because of the strong partnership with Sheridan and Westfield, our board decided to move (the Carmel campus) a little further north (to Westfield),” Gustin said. Walden The move will not only provide a campus closer to those students residing in Sheridan and Westfield, but it also will help accomplish the goal of switching leases to mortgages. The land and construction of Options Westfield will cost approximately $3 million to $3.5 million. The space will be approximately 15,000 square feet versus 13,000 square feet at Options Carmel. Another benefit is the new Westfield campus will be a one-story building. Options Westfield plans to offer grades sixth, seventh and eighth at the Westfield campus. “Currently, our middle school has a waiting list at Noblesville, and we prefer not to have a waiting list because we feel students on a waiting list means students not being served,” Walden said. The move could happen as early as fall 2020. For more, visit optionsschools.org.

Election filings in Westfield for the May primary Compiled by Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com The primary election for municipal offices in Hamilton County is May 7. The deadline to file for candidacy was Feb. 8 at noon. As of press time, the following individuals have filed candidacy for Westfield offices: Mayor: • Andy Cook (R) Clerk treasurer: • Cindy Gossard (R) • Tammy Havard (R) City council, District 1: • Scott Willis (R) City council, District 2:

• Bob Beaudry (R) • Jake Gilbert (R) City council, District 3: • Joe Edwards (R) City council, District 4: • Charles Lehman (R) • Donald Rainwater (L) (will only be on the general election ballot) City council, District 5: • Jeff Boller (R) • Bob Horkay (R) • Mike Johns (R) City council, at-large (pick two): • Jim Ake (R) • Cindy Spoljaric (R) For a full list of Hamilton County candidates, visit hamiltoncounty.in.gov.



February 12, 2019

Current in Westfield


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February 12, 2019


Current in Westfield


OBITUARIES Catherine Alice “Cate” Weglarz, 5, of Westfield, died Jan. 20 following a very brief illness. She was born May 1, 2013, in Indianapolis, to two adoring parents who lovingly placed Cate in the care of her adoptive parents, Brian and Julie Weglarz, who cherished her every day. Cate was a kindergarten student at Saint Maria Goretti Weglarz Catholic School and had previously attended Orchard Park Learning Center in Indianapolis. Most importantly, Cate was a child of God and entered into God’s family through Baptism on Sept. 21, 2013. Her godparents are Susan Doll and Melissa Hopp. Cate was loving and kind and had a genuine heart. She was a good and loyal friend and quite silly once you got to know her. She enjoyed all crafts, the messier the better, and especially loved coloring, painting and face painting. Her favorite place to play was outside, pedaling her bike, jumping in the leaves or swinging on the play set. Cate adored her dog Lenny and often would crawl into his crate to keep him company. Cate also loved music, dancing, baking, playing with her dolls and stuffed animals and dressing up in her favorite color pink. For more, visit bussellfamilyfunerals.com.

Anita Hicks, 86, of Westfield, died Jan. 29 at Maple Park Village in Westfield. She was born Jan. 9, 1933 to Ralph and Gail (Ford) Locey in Muncie. Anita was a secretary for the Noblesville Library. She was a member of the First Christian Church in Hicks Noblesville. Anita loved playing the organ. She loved to roller skate and participated in skating dance competitions. Anita was a poster artist for many years at the Muncie and Noblesville library. She was a talented and giving person. She is survived by her sons, Steven Thomas (girlfriend, Sandy Rutter) and Jon Thomas; daughter-in-law Teresa Thomas; grandchildren Bobby (Kathy) Thomas, Nick (Tiffany) Thomas, Stephanie (Mike) Smith and Andrew Thomas; 12 great-grandchildren; and brother, Wayne Locey. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, William J Hicks, in 1984; daughter, Jill McCully; and sister, Nancy Lee.

Nedra Jean (Woodworth) Holloway, 75, of Westfield, died Jan. 15. She was a 25-year breast cancer survivor, a sixyear heart transplant survivor, but succumbed to lung cancer after a two-year battle. Holloway She was born Sept. 13, 1943 to Stanley and Patricia Woodworth in Noblesville. Some of Nedra’s hobbies include Dairy Goats at 4-H, Koi fish, woodworking, gardening, butterflies and horseback riding. Nedra was the founder of Indy K-9 Kollege in Beech Grove. Nedra is survived by her loving husband, James V. Holloway, having been married and true partners in life for 55 years; three daughters, Bonnie (Bryan) Morris, Cheryl Holloway, and Tammy (Kane) Hutchison; two grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; three sisters; one brother; and several cousins, nieces, and nephews.

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February 12, 2019


Current in Westfield





$285 PER MONTH* On Jan. 24, the Westfield Police Dept. held a Coffee with a Cop, where police officers spoke to the community and answered questions. Joslin Mclean meets Sgt. Billy Adams of the Westfield Police Dept. (Photos by Ben Stout)

-New, 3-Row Subaru Ascent. t drive at Tom Wood Subaru. *36 month lease, 10000 miles per year, $1999 due at signing, MSRP $27320, on approved credit. See dealer for complete details.

Sgt. Billy Adams, left, and WPD Chief Joel Rush browse pastries.

Lt. Mike Seagrave, right, provides answers and tips to Janet Lome’s about garage and home security.

until the bridge is complete. WESTFIELD NOBLESVILLE • As part of a federally funded • Work is ongoing on project to improve safety, the Logan Street Project in lighting will be added to 20 downtown Noblesville. The intersections throughout the project, which will CONSTRUCTION northbound lane of Ind. 19 between Ind. 32 and Logan be complete in February. Street will be closed the duraNo road closures have been tion of the project, through September. announced. The detour consists of taking Ind. 32 • Crews will be trimming trees along the westward, turning northbound onto city’s trails for the next few weeks. No Ind. 38, then eastbound on Logan Street closures are expected. and northbound on Ind. 19 to avoid the • Citizens Energy Group is constructing closure. On Logan Street, the designated a new sanitary lift station south of Mill westbound right turn lane on the bridge Street to accommodate for the sanitary will become a combined straight and needs of future downtown Westfield right-turn lane. The eastbound straight development. Damaged parts of the trail lane will be shifted north, and the south also will be repaired during this project. side of the bridge will be under construcThe trail is open, but work will be contintion. The Riverwalk near this area also is ued intermittently. Final patching will be closed. complete this spring. CARMEL • Phase 5 of the Monon Trail will be a • Construction on a new access ramp pedestrian bridge crossing Ind. 32. ConYOU WANT. THE WAYWay to Keystone YOU WANT. from Lowes Parkstruction THE is underCAR way, and temporary way is ongoing. lane closures may occur along Ind. 32. The Monon Trail is closed near Ind. 32

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February 12, 2019

Current in Westfield


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February 12, 2019


Current in Westfield


Westfield couple talks marriage and relationship tips for Valentine’s Day By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com Above all, Tom and Kerri Dooley insist their Catholic faith is the glue that binds them together. The COVER STORY Westfield residets were married Oct. 6, 2001, and have five children together. Even after 17 years, the Dooleys realize they have something special. They met while attending Purdue University. “We met at Purdue in class,” Tom said. “It was close to Valentine’s Day when we met because Kerri was sitting in front of me in a lecture, and she turned around and offered me some of those candy hearts, those little conversation hearts.” Kerri, however, said she doesn’t remember offering Tom the candy hearts. “He’d been watching me,” she said, laughing. Tom and Kerri graduated in 2000 and married shortly thereafter. After 17 years and raising a family, Kerri said the biggest challenge she and Tom have as a couple is finding time for each other. “I guess for us the biggest challenge is finding time for just us because we do have five kids,” Kerri said. “And transportation,” Tom added, laughing. The Dooleys make time for each other between their kids’ activities. “We will even both go to our kids’ practices, and last week (we) went to our son’s basketball practice and just walked around the Pacers Athletic Center for a while,” Tom said. By not being “fancy people,” Kerri said they also watch movies or spend time together after their kids go to bed. But again, the couple credit faith for their strong bond.

“For us, it’s to be strong in our faith and have this foundation, and we can go to that whenever we have any kind of (struggle),” Kerri said. On the lighter side, Tom has some advice for others. “(My advice is) to laugh,” he said. “Because neither of us really take ourselves too seriously. We both like to laugh a lot and to make each other laugh, so I think that helps.” As for Valentine’s Day, last year the five Dooley kids fixed their parents dinner at home, and Kerri said she expects them to do the same this year. “Usually, we go out and try different restaurants, but last year we started this thing where the kids love it and have a fancy dinner for us,” Kerri said. “They make the

Dooley. e, Tess, Kerri, Tom, Greta and Finn From left, Silvia, dog Ed Nelligan, Grac (Submitted photo)

dining room really romantic and fancy. We don’t use our dining room a lot. They set out napkins.” “They make it as fancy as they can,” Tom said. “They’ll do little place cards for

Married: Oct. 6, 2001. Kids: Grace, 13; Finn and Greta, 9; Silvia, 7 and, Tess, 4. Favorite restaurant in Westfield: The Rail Epicurean Market. Church life: The Dooleys attend Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church. • Favorite thing about being married: For Kerri, it’s having the one person to go through life with. “Just having your one person, your support system – the one person you can always count on to go to,” she said. For Tom, it’s being his best self while around Kerri. “Just feeling like you never feel like yourself unless you’re with that person,” he said. “You always feel like your best self when you’re with that person.” • Anniversary traditions: Tom and Kerri Dooley try to take a small trip each year for their anniversary and find an antique together to place in their home. Previous antique purchases include a church pew, a buffet table and a metal stool.

everybody.” The Dooleys still have the place cards their kids made last Valentine’s Day hanging in their home to preserve memories.

• • • •

Tom and Kerri Dooley have been married 17 years. They met at Purdue University near Valentine’s Day, and Kerri offered Tom some candy hearts. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

Tom and Kerri Dooley (Photos by Anna Skinner)

February 12, 2019


Current in Westfield


ESSAY Fixing bias

LETTER The next level

Commentary by Terry Anker “As we forgive them that trespass against us…” holds the line from one of the most often recited prayers of the modern era. Originally published in 1611, the 14-line, 70-word devotion encourages us to remember the simple rules of a civilized life. Remember that we are subservient to a higher power. Remember that food and security are not assured. Remember that we are frail and easily tempted to our own destruction and that vengeance benefits not us or those against whom we might seek it. But in a world where many have replaced a Sunday morning reciting of the Lord’s Prayer with an endless watching of the Sunday political shows, our collective conscience seems to have moved from one of self-restraint to one of aggressive demands for retribution. Surely, if not retaliatory, the various talking heads seem to foment a sense of clannish entitlement: “We are wronged. You are taking my stuff/ dignity/position/whatever, and we will fight you to get it back.” A well-respected local arts organization recently announced its intention to adhere to 50/50 by 2020 – a plan designed to reach “parity” in the arts. All voices, if worthy, should be heard. Still, if one is to understand the thinking, because there has been bias, real or perceived, in who is getting selected to volunteer, to exhibit, to evaluate, then we must consider an institutionalized system of bias to stop bias. An eye for an eye and all that thinking. Art has long been filtered by wealth and power. Is it possible that talent matters but only as a subset of what is allowed to be seen? Still, can we expect or hope that an institutionalized bias is the tool used to fix institutionalized bias? Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@youarecurrent.com.


Let snow, let it snow, let it snow Commentary by Danielle Wilson I survived the Polar Vortex of 2019! And what’s more, I was able to reflect on how far I’ve come as a mother. HUMOR Remember the Snowpocalypse of 2014? For those of you still suffering from PTSD (Post-Traumatic Snow Disorder), recall that five years ago we had a winter break that was extended by essentially seven days thanks to a blizzard and record-low temps. I was literally trapped indoors with a moody 15-year-old, bickering twin 12-year olds and a precocious 9-year old for three full weeks. Each night, I would offer up several Hail Marys, burn incense and sacrifice a chicken cordon bleu in hopes that someone, somewhere, would get the schools open. Scrabble and breakfast for dinner can take you only so far before Legos start looking like potential weapons and one begins seriously considering a permanent move to Boca, sunburn and geriatrics be damned.

But no longer! With our oldest away at college and none of the rest emerging from hibernation until noon, at the earliest, snow days are now fun days. I anticipated with delight the dangerous wind chills and the icy roads that would keep us stuck at home by the fire with nothing to do but watch Netflix and eat cookie dough. I applauded when the two-hour delay became a cancellation, and I still had at least three hours to myself to clean the house, stalk Facebook and binge more cookie dough. Vortex schmortex. It was awesome. So, to all you parents with young ones at home, I suppose I’m offering a warm light at the end of future Snowmageddon tunnels. Hang in there! Peace out.

Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at info@youarecurrent.com.


“Independence is happiness.” -Susan B. Anthony

Editor, The governor and our legislature have already invested in programs that are delivering more (than) 100 times the returns to Hoosiers. Prior efforts of Gov. Eric Holcomb and the Indiana General Assembly to invest in our workforce have already positively impacted the lives of many Hoosiers while building upon a solid foundation for economic growth. The 2019 General Assembly has the opportunity to leverage this to achieve exponential growth for Indiana. Tens of thousands of jobs remain unfilled today in Indiana, with a projection of more than 65,000 open tech jobs over the next decade. Thus far, Workforce Ready Grants have already benefitted more than 13,000 Hoosiers and Employer Training Grants, through more than 450 employers participating, and trained more than 6,500. Funded under the governor’s program, Eleven Fifty Academy, a nonprofit organization, has produced 30-plus graduates with a 93 percent graduation rate, an 81 percent job placement and an average starting salary of $51,000. If Eleven Fifty Academy is fully enabled to train 3,000-plus Hoosiers over the next two years, doing its small part to fill those 65,000 jobs, it will create $62.5 million in Hoosier income in the first year. My advice: Leverage the things that are working and invest tenfold, for this is how we move the needle. This is how we win. Scott Jones, Carmel

POLICIES Letters to the editor: Current Publishing will consider verifiable letters of up to 200 words. Anything longer will be returned to the writer for editing. Anything presented as factual matter must be thoroughly vetted prior to submission. Current retains the right to reject or return any letter it deems to carry unsubstantiated content. Current also retains the right to edit letters for style, grammar, punctuation and spelling. Send letters to info@youarecurrent.com. Writers must include a hometown and a daytime phone number for verification. Guest columns: The policy for guest columns is the same as the aforementioned, but the allowable length is 300 words. Guest columns should address the whole of Current’s readership, not simply specialinterest groups, and may not in any way contain a commercial message.


February 12, 2019


Current in Westfield


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Vicious recycle cycle Commentary by Dick Wolfsie Mary Ellen and I had our usual Sunday evening conversation. “Is this the week we put out HUMOR the recycling?” I asked. “No, we put it out last week, didn’t we?” “We did, but they didn’t pick it up, so it must be this week.” “Maybe we put it out too late and missed the truck,” Mary Ellen said. “Does anyone else have their recycle bin out?” “Yes, Jerry took his out,” I said. “You can’t go by him. Jerry puts it out every Monday, Dick. He’s always the cause of the confusion.” “Wait, Eric’s putting his out now. I’m going to take ours out, too.” As I was wheeling our trash and recycling dumpsters out of the garage, Eric called to me. “Dick, is this the recycling week?” “I’m not sure, Eric. But Paul’s putting his out.” I hollered to Paul: “Are you sure this is the week for recycling?” “I don’t think it is, Dick, but I saw you guys putting yours out, and I figured you

knew.” Within minutes, every house had their yellow-lidded receptacles in the driveway. “If this is the wrong week, everyone will be blaming us,” Mary Ellen said. Monday evening, the bins were untouched, so I watched everyone haul their recyclables back into their garages. A lot of people talking trash about the Wolfsies. The next morning, I heard Rays Recycling truck approaching. “NO!” I screamed. It’s Tuesday! Then I remembered, Monday was Martin Luther King Day. No pick-up. I felt guilty for messing up everyone, so I organized a neighborhood meeting where we created a recycling schedule for the next 20 years and emailed the spreadsheet to everyone. The whole thing was very educational, but I agree with Kermit the Frog. It’s not easy being green.

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.






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February 12, 2019


Current in Westfield



Rose Senior Living holds drive By Sara Baldwin Schatz sara@youarecurrent.com Rose Senior Living Carmel partnered with Indiana Blood Center, now managed by Versiti, to play host to a GIVING BACK Jan. 29 blood drive. The blood center bus parked in front of the senior living center, 1285 Fairfax Manor Dr., Carmel, during the event. Blood center technicians Danielle Denise and Charles Arvin accepted blood from donors, including several Rose Senior Living staff. “Rose Senior Living Carmel prides itself in giving back to the community in any way we can,” said Dana Shore, marketing and sales director at Rose Senior Living. “When we realized January was National Blood Donor Month, we knew hosting a blood drive would be a great way to give back.” Indiana Blood Center announced in early January that it was in dire need of donations, as blood donations historically decline in winter months. Certain blood types, such as B positive, are in critically short supply. “Each unit can help up to three people,” Denise said.

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Wendi Coates, life enrichment director at Rose Senior Living, donates blood during the drive. (Submitted photo)

Shore said Rose Senior Living wanted to challenge others to make giving blood a priority. “These donations are imperative to helping those in need,” she said.

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February 12, 2019


Current in Westfield



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Office Depot employees hold a ribbon cutting Jan. 10 to celebrate renovations to the store in Greyhound Plaza. The store near the Westfield and Carmel border is the first of 16 in the district to undergo renovations to create a more customer-friendly layout and move print services and in-store pickup areas to the front. Back, from left, Office Depot employees Jeff Dial, Matt Graffen and Chris Dennis. Middle, from left, Brad Burke, Al Rodriguez, Andrew Ricketts and Mike Seybold. Front, from left, Phil Smith, Jeff Conder, Al Macak, Cindy Shurtz and Art Atlas. (Photo by Ben Stout)

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February 12, 2019

Current in Westfield




Carmel Community Players production takes a lyrical look at relationships By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com The four-person cast of “I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change,” hastens through rapid character THEATER development. “You don’t have arc of character throughout the show, but you have that in every scene,” actress Brenna Whitaker said. The Noblesville resident appears in the Carmel Community Players’ nine performances of the musical on weekends from Feb. 22 to March 10 at The Cat, 245 Veterans Way, Carmel. The musical examines relationships from first dates to dealing with marriage, child rearing, empty nests and beyond. “I did this show for the first time at Mud Creek, maybe 10 or 15 years ago,” Whitaker said. “A few years after that I did it at Myers Dinner Theatre in Hillsboro. Every character plays multiple parts. We’re a different person in every scene. After this show I will have done every women’s part. The fun thing about doing it multiple times is I was at a different stage in life each time I did it. The first time it resonated because I was single and dating. Now, I’m married with a young son, so the second act is what is resonating now.” Westfield resident Dee Timi suggested staging the musical to CCP, having directed it in Joplin, Mo., in 2008 when she lived there. “It’s that show that makes you laugh, makes you cry,” Timi said. “No matter what stage of life you’re in, it’s fun.” Libby Buck, an Indianapolis resident, saw the musical for the first time in New York on a field trip with her Valparaiso High School musical theater class. “I’ve been obsessed with it ever since,” Buck said. But she hasn’t seen it since. “This has been one of my bucket-list shows, so it’s been really exciting to participate,” she said. “The most challenging part is recalling what your character is from scene to scene. When I saw it in high

‘Cat in the Hat’ set for B&B editorial@youarecurrent.com A beloved children’s book comes to life on the Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre stage for the first time Feb. 15 as the Pyramid Players present “Dr. Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat” to open the 2019 Live Theatre for Kids season. The performances run through March 2. Andy Kear stars in the title role, with Nikki Miller as Sally, Chris Trombetta as her brother and Sally Scharbrough as Fish. AnnaLee Traeger and Christine Zavakos round out the cast as Kitten 1/Thing 1 and Kitten 2/ Thing 2, respectively. The show is directed by Elizabeth Stark Payne and choreographed by Jennifer Ladner. The musical director is Kristy Templet. Ed Stockman is the stage manager. Performances are at 10 a.m. Fridays, and at 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Saturdays. All tickets are $17 and include a snack. For more information or complete show schedule, visit beefandboards.com.

Christian Condra (seated) and, from left, Libby Buck, Jonathan Scoble and Brenna Whitaker form the cast of “I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change.” (Submitted photo)

school, I just thought it was funny. Now, I’ve been married for 10 years and have two kids of my own, so a lot of the second act makes more sense to me now.” Buck and the two male cast members, Jonathan Scoble, Carmel, and Christian Condra, Indianapolis, are making their CCP debuts. “Playing different characters is the thrill,” Scoble said. “Playing different characters are, to me, what is the most fun about acting. It’s hilarious. The script drew me in pretty quickly.” Scoble said he got a call that CCP was looking for men because not many showed up to the auditions. “Christian and I have been working together for a couple of shows now and we want to work together more,” Scoble said. Scoble, who is single, said he identifies

with several of the characters. “The trials and tribulations of dating, don’t we all have a story?” Scoble said. “From beginning to end, you can see interactions between men and women, which is fascinating.” The experience is new for Condra. “I’ve always done shows that are one consistent story, and this is a bunch of different skits,” Condra said. “It’s almost ‘SNL, the Musical,’ that’s what stood out to me. It runs the range of different acting styles.” Noblesville resident Sandy Baetzhold is the musical director. The book and lyrics are by Joe DiPietro and the music is by Jimmy Roberts. The musical played off-Broadway for more than nine years before being released to community theaters. For more, visit carmelplayers.org.

Zionsville — “A Toast of Bubbly to 40 Fine Arts Years” will be held at 5 to 8 p.m. Feb. 15 at CV Art and Frame, 110 S. Main St. This is the first of many exhibits to celebrate the gallery’s 40th anniversary. Carmel — The Indiana Wind Symphony concert, with pianist Kelleen Strutz, features selections from Aaron Copland, George Gershwin and James Barnes at 3 p.m. Feb. 17 at the Palladium, For more, visit indianawindsymphony.org Carmel — The Peanut Butter and Jam series will feature Three Little Hoosier Pigs, an Indiana twist on the fairy tale, at 10:30 a.m. Feb. 16 at the Palladium. The series is designed for ages 1-7. For more, visit thecenterpresents.org. Indianapolis — The IRT “Celebrity Radio Show,” the Indiana Repertory Theatre’s annual fundraising event, is presented as a 1940s radio program at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 15. For more, visit irtlive.com


February 12, 2019


Current in Westfield


Where’s Amy? Amy Pauszek is a photographer, film producer and scouting and casting associate for Talent Fusion Agency in Indianapolis. She can be reached at Amy@youarecurrent.com. To see more of her photos, visit currentnightandday.com.

Where’s Amy attends ‘School of Rock’

From left, music instructors Matt Mellen (Fishers), Adam Shuntich (Fishers), Emily Peach (Carmel) and Tyler Downhour (Carmel) of School Of Rock Carmel and Fishers gave Broadway Indy’s “School of Rock” attendees free lessons on guitars before the Jan. 29 opening night of Broadway Indy’s “School of Rock The Musical” at Clowes Hall. (Photo by Amy Pauszek)

Valentine wines under $20

Commentary by Elizabeth Morse

Introducing a new tasting menu 5 course paired wine dinner $65 per person Cheese Couple Ginger Sake Scallop Taco Panko Duck Tenders Bubbly Break Grilled Lamb Chops Dessert Duo view menus at divvycarmel.com

divvy ... a dining experience to be shared. 71 City Center Dr., Carmel 317.706.0000 | divvycarmel.com Earn 25% off next visit when you join divvy’s loyalty program

“Love is like wine. To sip is fine, but to empty the bottle is a headache” — Julio Iglesias WINEderlust Looking for a special Valentine bottle? Show your love some love with one of these great options that won’t break the bank. I’ve got three pretties to share: a white, a red and a sparkler. Just because it’s good doesn’t mean it has to be expensive. Cheers! The white is 2014 Hugel Gentil, an Edelzwicker (blend) from Alsace, France. It’s heavy on the Gewurztraminer with smaller amounts of Riesling, Pinot Gris and Muscat. A full-bodied and refreshing wine with a beautiful, perfumey nose. In the glass are crisp fruit flavors with a lean, lemony finish. A great choice with fish and shellfish. This wine is an old favorite of mine that is consistent from year to year. Dry and $15. 2015 Charles Smith Wines “Velvet Devil”

Merlot, $14, is from Washington. A dense red wine that begs for beef dishes or dark chocolate dessert. Expect a mouthful of dark cherries and blackberries, big cedar and sweet tobacco. Velvet Devil offers big flavor in a luxurious, velvety smooth finish. This one goes down fast and easy. This unique sparkler is bone dry and dark red with pretty pink foam. Midici Ermete I Quercioli “Secco” is a Lambrusco from the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy and will set you back about $15. This works beautifully with cheesy pasta dishes like ravioli and also is a successful choice with clams, mussels and oysters. Elizabeth Morse owned the Corner Wine Bar in Broad Ripple for close to 20 years. She is a graduate of IU, is a Hoosier chef, food writer, wine guru and Hamilton County Master Gardener. Morse has been a resident of Hamilton County for more than a decade. Check out her blog: schlepicurean.com.



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February 12, 2019


Current in Westfield


Mud Creek presents dramedy chuckle. Your emotions will be all over the place.” Odle, who has acted at Mud Creek for If you need a dose of convincing to try the “Almost, Maine” dramedy arriving at Mud more than 20 years, discovered the play a few seasons ago when Mud Creek Creek Theatre on THEATER East 86th Street from alum Gary Cohen exposed her to the play. Feb. 15 to March 2, it “It has been in the back of my is highly recommended you visit the mind,” Odle said. “It kept popping up play’s website (almostmaine.com). as something we should do.” There will be no turning back at Odle chose the small cast route, that junction. The website offers a selecting her husband, Mason Odle, sweeping endorsement and shows Odle and daughter, Lexi Odle, along with there is nothing “almost” or “nearly” Kyrsten Lyster, Matt Hartzburg and Jennifer about this 95-minute performance scripted Poynter, to play 19 different roles. Lyster by actor and playwright John Cariani of and Hartzburg will be making their initial “Law & Order” fame. appearances at Mud Creek. Indeed, this February special at Mud Meanwhile, the Odles have clicked in Creek provides a series of sizzling love and rehearsals. romantic episodes in which a variety of “Mason’s not scared to put himself out figures fall in and out of love in unique and there,” Andrea said. strange ways. The actors, four souls who But there are more than two Odles in “Alplay multiple characters in the nine acts, most, Maine.” Lexi pops up on stage, while bounce from one setting to another, usdaughters Kenzie and Rylee assist mom ing romance as a common thread in their with stage preparations. stories. “It helps having everyone there,” Andrea “It is an amazing roller coaster of emotions,” said Noblesville resident Andrea Odle, said. “When I go home at night, they understand what I have been through.” the first-time director of the Mud Creek version. “You may cry, or you may have a belly editorial@youarecurrent.com

STARRING: Libby Buck Christian Condra, Johnathan Scoble Brenna Whitaker An hilarious musical look at relationships, engagements, marriage, and kids. ALL PERFORMANCES AT:



The Cat in Carmel 254 Veterans Way, Carmel IN 46032

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February 12, 2019


Current in Westfield


“To Kill a Mockingbird,” The Tarkington, the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel

Civic Theatre presents the play based on the classic novel by Harper Lee about a black man falsely tried for raping a white woman in Alabama in the 1930s.

Compiled by Mark Ambrogi

Cost: $25 to $43

2 and 7 p.m. Feb. 16 and 2 p.m. Feb. 17

“The Diary of Anne Frank,” OneAmerica Stage, Indiana Repertory Theatre, Indianapolis

More: civictheatre.org

“Perfect Crime,” Main Street 7:30 p.m. Feb. 15, 16; Productions, Westfield Playhouse, 2;30 p.m. Feb. 17 1836 W. Ind. 36, Westfield

IRT relays the true story of Anne Frank’s faith in humanity while hiding with her family during Nazi Germany’s occupation of the Netherlands. 
Cost: $21 to $78

Margaret Thorne Brent is a renowned psychologist, but is she also a cold-blooded killer who has just committed the perfect crime?

More: irtlive.com

Cost: $12 to $14

“Grease,” Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre, Indianapolis

8 p.m. Feb. 12, 14; 15, 16, 19; 1 p.m Feb. 13, 1:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Feb. 17

More: beefandboards.com, 317-872-9664

“Ruthless! the Musical,” Actors Theatre of Indiana, The Studio Theater, Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel

7:30 p.m. Feb. 13, 14, 15, 16; 2 p.m. Feb. 17

ATI presents this dark comedic spoof of several musicals and movies. Cost: $20 to $45

More: atistage.org

More: westfieldplayhouse.org

“The Wild Wild West,” Academy of Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre, 329 Gradle Dr., Carmel

Sarah Daniels stars as Sandy in the classical musical based at a high school in 1959. Cost: $45 to $70 (includes buffet dinner).

7 p.m. Feb. 14, 15, 16; 2 p.m. Feb. 17

Gregory Hancock’s original production pays homage to the old Westerns, featuring saloon girls, cowboys, bandits and a damsel in distress.

Broadway singer-actress Megan Hilty will perform at 8 p.m. Feb. 15. (Submitted photo)

Megan Hilty, the Palladium, the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel

8 p.m. Feb. 15.

WEEKLY SPECIALS More: thecenterpresents.org

Actress-singer Megan Hilty first attracted fame on Broadway as Glinda the Good Witch in “Wicked.” She also appeared in “9 to 5: The Musical” and “Noises Off.” Cost: $25 to $85

7 p.m. Feb. 16, 3 p.m. Feb. 17

Cost: $35

More: gregoryhancockdancetheatre.org

“Almost, Maine,” Mud Creek Players, Mud 8 p.m. Creek Theatre, 9740 E. 86th St., Indianapolis Feb. 15, 16 The residents of Almost, Maine find themselves falling in and out of live in the strangest ways. Cost: $15

More: mudcreekplayers.org



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February 12, 2019


Current in Westfield



Celebrate Punchbowl Social The Cook’s Salad from Punchbowl Social in downtown Indianapolis is a fresh, unique combination of many vibrant ingredients. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

Commentary by Anna Skinner

my mother’s fried bologna for breakfast. For my main dish, I ordered the Cook’s Salad, a giant bowl of little gem lettuce, bacon, crispy chicken, tomatoes, pickled green beans, creamy avocado, hard-boiled eggs, gruyere cheese, Dixie Caviar (which is actually just a fancy way of saying blackeyed peas) and a shallot-thyme vinaigrette dressing. The salad was fresh, filling and had a unique twist with the combination of ingredients. Suggested pairings: Punchbowl Social has several punch bowls, and if they’re in the restaurant’s name, you know they have to be good. There are three main offerings – The Watermelon Polo Bowl, It’s a Mer-Man’s World and The King’s Cup, all $9. A featured punch, which the bartender will educate you on if you visit, is $8. All contain alcohol and are delicious. For more, visit punchbowlsocial.com.

Address: 120 S. Meridian St., Indianapolis What to get: Cook’s Salad Price: $14 Anna’s take: Punchbowl Social offers more than just extraordinary food and drinks. It features an arcade, a bowling alley, karaoke, games like giant Scrabble and giant Jenga, the famous red cursive “I love you so much” wall and more. Before I even ordered, I was brought a complimentary basket of the most delicious little biscuits and jam. For an appetizer, I started with the Lil’ Fried Bologna and Cheese Sandwiches ($8). I grew up in the country, so taking a bite out of these bologna, tomato, olive tapenade and gruyere sandwiches was like a slightly fancier memory of eating

Behind bars: Mexican Manicure

Valentine's Day in the


Get it at 3UP Rooftop Bar, Carmel Ingredients: 1.5 oz. Maestro Dobel, 2 oz. watermelon, .5 oz. lemon juice, .25 oz. agave nectar Directions: Combine ingredients in a shaker tin, add ice, shake and strain over small ice cubes in an old-fashioned glass. Garnish with a watermelon wedge pick.

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February 12, 2019


Current in Westfield


Blueprint for Improvement: White-hot kitchen remodel in Indianapolis Commentary by Larry Greene




Our team transformed this ho-hum kitchen into a true centerpiece of the home. 1. The homeowners chose a gorgeous gray for the lower cabinets and white for the upper cabinets. 2. Bulkheads over the cabinets were removed and replaced with taller cabinetry that not only provides more storage, but makes the room seem taller. 3. A quartz countertop was installed, and the tile backsplash was taken all the way to the ceiling to give the illusion of a taller ceiling. 4. Instead of two smaller pantries, the design gave the homeowners one larger, more functional pantry space and a new counter for meal prep. To get started on your own remodeling project, visit us at caseindy.com or stop by one of our three locations.

Background: Built in 1985, this home is near Eagle Creek Reservoir. The homeowners were looking to modernize their space and streamline their lives.


Larry Greene is the owner of Case Design/Remodeling. You may email him at lgreene@ caseindy.com. To see more before-and-after pictures of this project, visit caseindy.com/blog.

The homeowners worked with our designers to create a space that felt bigger without knocking down any walls. They also wanted more functional storage space.


LEGAL NOTICE On January 31, 2019, Duke Energy Indiana, LLC filed a Verified Petition with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission in Cause No. 45193 requesting the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission to decline its jurisdiction over, or otherwise approve an alternative regulatory plan for the offering of a Prepaid Advantage Pilot Program applicable to residential customers pursuant to Indiana Code §§ 8-1-2.5-5 and 8-1-2.5-6. Duke Energy Indiana, LLC By: Stan Pinegar, President

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February 12, 2019


Current in Westfield


From rocks to riches in Sydney

Homemade pimple remedy — Try this homemade remedy for pimples. Make a paste using equal amounts of cornstarch and rubbing alcohol and put it on the pimple. Leave it on overnight and the zit should be history in the morning. Source: Livestrong.com

ASN Co. Building in The Rocks, Sydney, Australia (Photo by Don Knebel)

come to The Rocks to take advantage of its now respectable bars and pubs, two claiming to be the oldest in Sydney. The place once to be avoided at almost all costs has become the place not to be missed. Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel. com. You may contact him at news@currentzionsville. com.

Anyway, not any way is right Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt I think we have a strong, American impulse that tells us to do something despite someone else’s warning to not do that very thing. I’m sure someone GRAMMAR GUY cautioned motorcycle stuntman Evel Knievel not to attempt jumping over a box of 50 rattlesnakes followed by two mountain lions in 1965, but he did it anyway. I suppose it doesn’t matter that he bumped into the edge of the box of snakes when he landed, causing the onlookers to scramble for their lives, because this stunt literally launched Knievel’s career as an entertainer and household name. Now, it’s time to launch into today’s grammar lesson. When should you use “anyway” and when should you use “any way”? And is “anyways” ever acceptable? Let’s jump in. Anyway means “in any case” or “regardless.” Even though many people warned him, Evel Knievel attempted to jump across the canyon anyway. You also can use anyway to signal you’re continuing a story that was interrupted. “So, anyway, I told the guy, ‘That’s not even my dog!’ Jeff joked.” When it comes to “any way” as two words, the rules are

DISPATCHES Keeping coffee fresh – For storing coffee and keeping beans on hand, here are some helpful guidelines. 1. Store whole beans, not ground — ground coffee loses flavor quickly 2. Use coffee beans within two weeks for the best flavor 3. Store beans in an airtight container somewhere dark and cool — but not in the refrigerator Source: TheKitchn.com

Commentary by Don Knebel The Rocks, a fashionable area in Sydney, Australia, was once home to English convicts. Its name comes from the quarries where they hewed rocks. After the American colonies gained indeTRAVEL pendence, England selected eastern Australia, then uninhabited by Europeans, as the new overseas dumping ground for its convicts. On Jan, 26, 1788, its anniversary celebrated as Australia Day, an English fleet brought 850 convicts to the southern shore of what is now Sydney Harbor. The prisoners built their own homes from mud and wood among the nearby sandstone quarries where many were forced to work. After Sydney became a port city, the quarry area, called The Rocks, was home to brothels and bars serving incoming sailors. The area’s reputation took more hits when it was quarantined during the plague of 1900 and when the approach to the Sydney Harbor Bridge sliced through its western side in 1923. By mid-century, Sydney’s city planners proposed leveling all the remaining structures in the dreary slum and replacing them with high-rises. A protest by residents of The Rocks, some tracing their families’ roots in the area to 1800, led to a 1975 agreement that buildings, including residences, would be preserved and important buildings restored. When cruise ships began docking nearby, restored buildings in The Rocks were transformed into popular tourist destinations. The picturesque ASN Co. Building, once a warehouse, now houses a gallery and retail shops. Other restored buildings became museums and restaurants. The area under the Sydney Harbor Bridge is now a park, with a spectacular view of the Sydney Opera House. Sydney’s sophisticated young people


different. The word “any” modifies “way.” Any way means “by any manner” or “by any method.” For example: There wasn’t any way the rattlesnakes were going to go back into the box voluntarily. In order to get my kids to go to sleep at night, I’ll bribe them in any way I can. “Anyways” is a nonstandard, or colloquial, way of saying “anyway.” I wouldn’t advise you to use it in a formal speech (like while delivering a eulogy or a State of the Union address), but it’s not necessarily wrong. Use it only in informal speech or writing. However, as soon as I try to forbid you from using “anyways” in your lexicon, you’re totally going to do it. It’s just like when someone told Evel Knievel he couldn’t jump over 50 cars — he did it anyway. As soon as anyone attempts to limit the American psyche or tell us we can’t do something, we answer the doubters and haters by saying, “Just watch me.” Just make sure the snakes stay in their box this time. Curtis Honeycutt is a national award-winning, syndicated humor writer. Connect with him on Twitter (@curtishoneycutt) or at curtishoneycutt. com.

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed proposals for Ditch Road Phase 2 will be received by the City of Westfield, Indiana, at the Westfield Public Works Building, 2706 E. 171st Street, Westfield, Indiana, 46074 until 1:00 p.m., local time, on Friday, March 8th, 2019. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Any bids received later than the above time and date will be returned unopened. No conditional bids will be considered. The Ditch Road, Phase 2 Project includes construction of improvements to the intersection of Ditch Road and SR 32 and asphalt milling and overlay of approximately 2200 feet of Ditch Road south of SR 32. Intersection improvements include widening of the pavement to provide approximately 500 feet of dedicated left and right turn lanes on the east and west approaches and approximately 200 feet of dedicated left and right turn lanes the north approach. The project scope for the project includes, but is not limited to, pavement construction, curb and gutter, storm drainage and the underground infrastructure for a future traffic signal. Bids shall be properly and completely executed on the Proposal Form obtainable at the office of the Owner. Each bid shall be accompanied by Form 96 Contractor’s Bid for Public Works, including Non-Collusion Affidavit as prescribed by the State Board of Accounts, completely filled out, signed, and notarized as required by the statutes of the State of Indiana, Section III of Part II of Form 96 titled “Contractor’s Financial Statement,” and acceptable bid security. The bid security shall be a certified check made payable to the Owner or satisfactory bond by an incorporated surety company in good standing and qualified to do business in the State of Indiana in an amount equal to 5% of the bid, said deposit being for the purpose of ensuring the execution of the contract for which bid is made. Any bid not accompanied by the above required items shall be deemed to be a non-responsive bid by the Owner. No consideration for escalation on prices can be considered; therefore, contractors are advised to not include any such escalation clauses in their proposal for this project. The Contractors to whom work is awarded shall be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price, and they shall be acceptable to the City of Westfield, Indiana. No bidder may withdraw their proposal within a period of 60 days following the date set for receiving bids. The City of Westfield, Indiana reserves the right to retain the three lowest bid proposals for a period of not more than 90 days, and said proposal shall remain in full force and effect during said time. The City of Westfield, Indiana further reserves the right to waive informalities and to award the contract to the lowest and most responsible bidder or bidders, all to the advantage of the City of Westfield, Indiana, or to reject all Proposals. An optional pre-bid meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 20th, 2019 at 1:00 pm. The Contract Documents and drawings will be available to all interested parties from: Butler, Fairman and Seufert, 8450 Westfield Boulevard, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 by remitting $75.00 for each paper or digital set Please direct all questions regarding this project to Andrea Langille, Butler, Fairman and Seufert, 8450 Westfield Blvd, Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN, 46240, (317) 713-4615. alangille@bfsengr.com By: Andrea M. Langille, PE Butler, Fairman and Seufert 317-713-4615


February 12, 2019


Current in Westfield


Across 1. Hoosier National Forest tree 6. IMPD drug buster 10. “Golly” 14. Sweethearts candy message 15. Murphys PubHouse road 16. Candy message

17. Ruth’s Chris order 18. ___ Cop 19. Unlikely story 20. Pine product 22. Radiance 24. DJT foe 27. Sows again 29. Flat sound 30. Candy message

32. Felt bad about 34. Live coal 35. Signaled, in a way 39. Gullible one 40. Candy message 42. Island feast 43. Poison remedy 45. White sale buy 46. Blow a horn


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47. Candy message 49. UND’s conference 52. Tidal wave 54. Victory Field turf 55. Teen’s deadline 57. Take forcibly 59. Slanted type (Abbr.) 60. Units of corn 62. Brown photo tone 66. Candy message 67. “Do it or ___!” 68. Candy message 69. Conner Prairie one-pot meal 70. Crooked Stick golf bag items 71. Blender button Down 1. IU Health VIPs 2. Part of IMA 3. For each 4. Indy Zoo animal house 5. Absolute ruler 6. Without a downside 7. Unescorted 8. City Barbeque bit 9. Candy message 10. Office nos. 11. Indiana State Fair bearded butters 12. Car bars 13. Active folks 21. Fraction of a min. 23. Not new 24. “Laughing” beast 25. Kind of numeral 26. Biblical measure 28. God of love 31. Equip again 33. Indian city 35. Scot’s denial 36. Tunes for two

37. Fitness regimen 38. Exposed 40. Candy message 41. “___, Brute?” 44. Overdo the TLC 45. Roils 47. Glasgow gals 48. Ostrich’s cousin 49. Liquids in a Carmel HS lab class 50. Do the job

51. Desire 53. St. Vincent Hospital worker 56. Imperfection 58. City on the Wabash River 61. Mill Tavern brew 63. Buddy 64. Mensa data 65. Had a Bub’s burger Answers on Page 26



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February 12, 2019



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February 12, 2019

Current in Westfield




199TH ST

from noon to 5:00 p.m. from noon to 5:00 p.m.

191ST ST


Model Home: 1048 Chatham Hills Blvd



Home for Sale: 20275 Chatham Creek Dr

151ST ST



from noon to 5:00 p.m. p.m.




38 38




151ST ST 146TH ST

146TH ST




Model Home: 505 Jackson’s Grant Blvd SPRING MILL RD



Model Home: 15275 Maple Ridge Dr Home for Sale: 15404 Maple Ridge Dr



NEW Model Home: 9856 Morningstar Ln


Home for Sale: 1522 Evenstar Blvd


116TH ST


Home for Sale: 9858 Morningstar Ln


116TH ST


106TH ST







Tour our NEW model home, 3 other fully decorated model homes & 4 homes for sale.


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