Tuesday, February 21, 2017
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February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
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February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Contact the Editor
Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@ youarecurrent.com. You may also submit information on our website, currentinwestfield.com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication. To contact Editorial Director Sophie Pappas, call 317.489.4444 ext. 7.
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On the cover
Aaron, Madison and Jen Sherrick are three artistically gifted members of the Westfield family. (Photo by Sadie Hunter) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. X, No. 5 Copyright 2016. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
Gov. Holcomb on drug epidemic: ‘All hands on deck’ By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com When Gov. Eric Holcomb first took the stage at Conner Prairie for a legislative breakfast targeted toward county chamber-of-compolitics merce members, it was all laughs. He joked about his collection of presidential autographs – lacking Washington, the first Adams and Lincoln – and about his height. As the laughter died down, WTHR-13 reporter Kevin Rader brought issues to the surface, beginning with his recent pardon of Keith Cooper. On Feb. 9, the governor pardoned Cooper, a Chicago man Holcomb believed was wrongly convicted for a 1996 Elkhart armed robbery. “I respect where previous governors landed on this issue, but I thought for myself it’s never too late to do the right thing,” Holcomb said. “I thought this gentleman was innocent and, with all respect to our system, this authority is unique to a governor, and I acted. I did what I considered to be the right thing.” Holcomb said he thought about the case every day for the past month, and that he was “110 percent sure” Cooper was wrongfully convicted. Moving on from Cooper, Holcomb explained how he granted East Chicago a disaster declaration for the West Calumet neighborhood, where approximately 99 residents will be relocated due to lead contamination. However, the two largest topics during Holcomb’s time were infrastructure and the statewide drug epidemic. Because Indiana is the Crossroads of America, Holcomb said the phrase is more than just the state’s motto. He mentioned a 20-year plan involving roads, bridges and all other modes of transportation connecting the state to the rest of the nation and the world. “I think we are all in agreement it needs to be a long-term plan, a 20-year plan that gets us to the right place,” Holcomb said. “A lot will change in the world over a 20-year period. We can’t just pour a bunch of money into concrete. We do need to make sure we are not just maintaining but finishing projects and then addressing new ones that come our way, too. We can’t do that unless we have a long-term, sustainable program
Dispatches Trinity Free Clinic staff member to speak — Dina Ferchmin, executive director of Trinity Free Health Clinic will be speaking at the Westfield Lions Club meeting at 7 p.m. March 2 at 120 Jersey St. Anyone interested in finding out more about the Trinity Free Clinic or the Westfield Lions Club is encouraged to attend. Guests eat free. Contact Jeff Larrison at 317-416-8330 with any questions or to RSVP. Join the Pride — The Westfield Lions Club will host an informational meeting from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Feb. 21 at Wolfie’s Bar and Grill, 137 W. Main St. Attendees will learn about local events and groups the club supports through fundraising and volunteerism, or talk with a Lion and find out more about becoming a member. For those who attend, the first beverage is free. For more, contact Jeff Larrison at jeffl@ucindy.com.
Kevin Rader interviews Gov. Eric Holcomb at a legislative breakfast Feb. 10. (Photo by Anna Skinner)
in place.” When Rader asked Holcomb about the drug epidemic, Holcomb said it was “bad enough that all hands are needed on deck.” “No matter where you are in any of the 92 counties, and you realize half of all obituaries are drug-related, something has happened,” Holcomb said. “I saw a sign outside a business in the state of Indiana that said, ‘We do not drug test, now hiring.’ That’s where we are today, so this is not just a personal crisis, this is a business crisis as well. We have to get this right, and it will require all hands on deck at every level – state, especially local, and federal hands all working together or we will continue to see story after story after story and not just budget strain, but lives lost.” Holcomb said that although prevention might be the way to fix the epidemic, treatment must be a priority. “We need to make sure our efforts are aligned and that we are getting folks focused on the prevention, on the treatment and on the enforcement, all three fronts,” he said. “We will have to do more to make sure people get the help they need to get on the path for recovery. We have to have more providers available on the local level. It’s going to need a lot of follow up.”
Dance classes — Westfield Washington Township is offering Latin and salsa dance classes. Classes meet 7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays at the township office, 1549 E. Greyhound Pass. Classes are March 8, 15 and 22. For more, contact Tina Mangos at tinatango@ aol.com. Classes are $45 per session. To register, visit westfieldwashingtontwp.us. Leo Club pancake breakfast — The Westfield Leo Club will host its fifth annual pancake breakfast 8 to 11 a.m. March 25 at the Lions Club clubhouse, 120 Jersey St. The Leos are fundraising to help pay for medical bills for Lucy Nuckols, a sophomore currently undergoing chemotherapy to treat a brain tumor. The cost is $6 for adults and $3 for children, with children ages 2 and under eating free. ADA advisory group — The Indiana Department of Transportation is seeking applicants for membership in its Americans with Disabilities Act Community Advisory Working Group to provide information and recommendations regarding INDOT’s ADA Transition Plan. Submit a letter of interest or a resume by March 1 to Erin Hall at ehall2@indot.in.gov. Authors award nominations sought — The public is invited to submit nominations for the Eugene & Marilyn Glick Indiana Authors Award. The award honors Indiana authors whose work has made, or has the potential to make, a lasting public impact. Nominations will be accepted through March 17. For more, visit IndianaAuthorsAward.org.
February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Local Muslims respond to Trump administration’s travel ban By Ann Marie Shambaugh AnnMarie@youarecurrent.com When Ali Al-Rawi fled the violence in his home country of Iraq in 2007, he joined thousands of other refugees who politics found safety, support and a fresh start in the U.S. For years, he’s been working to bring his family to the U.S., too, which he said will “save their lives.” But those efforts came to a sudden halt when President Donald Trump signed an executive order Jan. 27 temporarily suspending refugee admissions and banning people from seven predominantly Muslim nations from entering the U.S. On Feb. 3, a federal judge blocked the ban. The Trump administration appealed but an appellate court stayed the ruling. Al-Rawi’s brother and his family lived as refugees in Syria for five years. When conditions became too dangerous, they moved to Turkey. Now, he doesn’t know if they’ll ever make it to the U.S. “It’s so bad. I’m waiting for them 10 years,” said Al-Rawi, an Indianapolis resident. “I got (U.S.) citizenship two years ago, and I applied for them. I’m going to be a sponsor for them when they come, find a job for them, buy a car for them, tell them what is the system of life over here, but I think this is just dreams. I can’t make it.” Al-Rawi is a member of Al Salam, a Muslim community center near 96th Street and Michigan Road that serves residents of Carmel, Zionsville and surrounding areas. He is among the many local Muslims struggling to make sense of the Trump administration’s policies they feel indirectly target their community. Hera Ashraf, a Carmel resident and member of Al Salam, said Trump is only following through on campaign promises, but much quicker than she expected. Since he signed the order, she said local response has been positive, as strangers have asked about her well-being and what they can do to help. She was overwhelmed by the show of support at a rally protesting Trump’s travel ban last month at the Indianapolis International Airport and believes these types of events are key in responding to the administration. “The majority of people there weren’t Muslim, so just seeing incidents like this across the country is what’s going to push us forward and get us through this bump in the road,” she said. Ashhar Madni grew up in the Muslim minority in India, and he said the current anti-Muslim
In December 2016, Ali Al-Rawi met then-Gov. Mike Pence when he visited his office to represent refugees in Indiana. Pence had attempted to block aid to Syrian refugees at the state level, but his policy was ruled unconstitutional in court. (Submitted photo)
rhetoric is like déjà vu from his time there. The Carmel resident believes Trump signed the orders to assure his base that he’s taking action, but he’s unsure about its impact and effectiveness. He said the Muslim community must be “more vocal and visible now than ever before” and make an effort to reach out to their neighbors and educate them about their religion. “The onus is on us to do that,” Madni said. Madni is urging the local Muslim community to write to the Trump administration to outline their response to his policies and explain how the orders are affecting them. Ashraf penned a letter to President Barack Obama in 2016 expressing support after he visited a Baltimore mosque. Not only did she receive a reply, but she was invited to the White House and had the opportunity to shake the president’s hand. Ashraf doesn’t expect a similar response from Trump, but she is urging Muslims to engage in conversations and answer questions from their neighbors of all political views. “Now more than ever, both sides need to step out of their comfort zones and really get to know each other’s perspectives,” she said. “That’s the only way we’ll be able to move forward.” Afra Hussain, an Indiana University graduate student who grew up in Carmel, agrees. “The important thing is to be positive and focus on what unites us rather than what divides us,” she said. “We’re all still Americans and we all want the best for our country.”
February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Downtown westfield association holds monthly winter farmers market at Grand Park Julie Sole, left, visits Betsy Rabold at the My Father’s Garden Health and Wellness booth. Jessi Sells buys salsa from Sophie Abell.
Pam Copp sells tea at the farmers market.
Melanie Miles sells Preservation jams at the market.
The Downtown Westfield Association holds a winter farmers market the second Saturday of each month at the Grand Park Events Center. DWA Executive Director Teresa Skelton pauses with intern Taylor Carter. (Photos by Anna Skinner)
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“Processed foods and any foods that are hyperallergenic can take a toll on brain health,” says Medical Daily. The Journal of Clinical Investigation reported high-fat processed food consumption can damage the hypothalamus, part of the brain responsible for regulating hunger and thirst. A study in Neurology reported a high intake of trans fat is linked to brain shrinkage. It’s never too late in life to consciously avoid or limit consuming these foods. You can age-proof your brain at any age. There are several diseases and injuries that can affect the brain, including meningitis, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease. For optimal brain health, it is recommended that people eat leafy greens, fatty fish, nuts, and beans, to get enough brain-friendly vitamins like Omega 3 EFA’s from nuts or fish,
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February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Youth assistance program receives eight Chrome Books
Low-Maintenance Living
Hive U.S. Managing Director Jim Dahl recently donated eight Chrome Books to the Westfield Youth Assistance Program. The Chrome Books can act as a way for students to complete homework, write essays or use the Internet. “Many of our families cannot afford computers solely for the youth to use for their education,” WYAP Early Intervention Advocate Christine Brown said. “It is via these types of donations that we are able to enhance our services to our WYAP families.” Pictured, Jim Dahl donates eight Chrome Books to Christine Brown. (Submitted photo)
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Westfield scores IPEP safety grant By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com
Smitherman said the safety manual will include tornado drills, fire drills and active shooter training, among others. Westfield will benefit from being a recipient The grant will allow the city to purchase of an inaugural safety grant from the Indiana some safety equipment as well. Public Employachievement ers’ Plan, Inc. Smitherman said it would be for highvisibility vests for workers to use The $3,750 while directing traffic. grant will be used to purchase safety “It also will allow us to order more equipment and pay for safety trainbarricades, which will create a safer ing programs that will reduce or limit environment for our work crews,” workers’ compensation exposure. Smitherman said. The grant is for public works emSmitherman Westfield Mayor Andy Cook said ployees and other employees within the city service departments, said Angela Smi- the city cares deeply for the safety of the workforce. therman, assistant director of public works “We are very grateful to IPEP for their assisfor Westfield. tance in providing funding for this important Smitherman said she learned the city had training and updating of our safety manual,” received the grant late last year after WestCook stated in a press release. “Our employfield applied for it in October ees, and therefore our entire community, will “What it is going to do for us is help us benefit from these improvements.’ keep in compliance with our OSHA (OccuAccording to the press release, IPEP was pational Safety and Health Administration) training courses which we already do, but this created in 1989 as a risk-sharing pool for public entities as a response to the need for will also help us go out and get more safety public employers to find affordable workers’ training,” Smitherman said. “We’ve met with compensation coverage. IPEP has grown to Creekside Safety and we’re setting up some provide workers’ compensation claims adsafety training courses with them. They are also going to help us set up our safety manual ministration for more than 700 public entities, including cities, towns, counties and schools. for our city services building.”
February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
The City of Westfield was granted approximately $2 million to construct a roundabout at Oak Ridge Road and Greyhound Pass. The proposal received backlash from Village Farms neighborhood residents. (Submitted rendering)
Proposed roundabout faces uncertain future, on hold By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com Based on traffic studies and the future of an intersection just north of it, City of Westfield officials believe Oak roads Ridge Road and Greyhound Pass requires a roundabout. The city received a $2 million grant to construct a one-lane roundabout at the intersection, but the proposal met resistance from Village Farms residents. The roundabout has been put on hold, and if the city doesn’t decide to take the grant in the next few weeks, it will not be able to use the money. “We had federal dollars toward the project to build a roundabout,” Communications Director Erin Murphy said. “Public Works has done numerous traffic studies which has shown it would be safer to build a roundabout. They were trying to work with Village Farms residents to come to a consensus and to show this is what our studies have revealed to us. Village Farms residents were very outspoken, and they really don’t want that intersection to be a roundabout.”
The project has been in discussion for approximately two years, and council members, public works staff and Mayor Andy Cook have spoken to Village Farms residents. “It became all too clear this is not what they want,” Murphy said. With or without the grant, Murphy said there will need to be a roundabout at the intersection in the future, but there is no timeline. A roundabout also will be constructed at Oak Ridge Road and 156th Street. “Once that happens, traffic is going to really flood that intersection at the four-way stop at Greyhound Pass and Oak Ridge Road,” Murphy said. “Roundabouts are meant to be safer and more efficient. That will be a more efficient and safer way for people to go and travel, and they will use it and end up hitting that fourway stop, which will make that intersection less safe because it’s not a roundabout.” Village Farms HOA President Doug Holtz stated the HOA board has not taken a position on the intersection and remains neutral. To provide feedback on the project, email councilmembers@westfield.in.gov.
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February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Cherish earns NCA accreditation By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com
The winners for February’s Teacher of the Month contest, sponsored by Edge Guys, are: Student Jaden Cruse • Teacher Wade Denver Westfield High School The winning teacher will receive a $50 visa gift card from Edge Guys and the winning essayist will win a pizza party for their class, courtesy of Papa John’s. The next deadline for submitting essays is Feb. 24. Send a 100-word essay describing your favorite teacher to Teacher@youarecurrent.com.
Cherish achieved a strong affirmation that it is performing its child advocacy role at the highest levels. update Cherish has been awarded accreditation by the National Children’s Alliance following an extensive application and site review process. The National Children’s Alliance is the accrediting agency for Children’s Gamble Advocacy Centers (CAC) across the nation. NCA awards various levels of accreditation and membership to centers responding to allegations of child abuse in ways that are effective and efficient. A nonprofit formed in 2009, the Noblesville-based Cherish serves as the child advocacy center, providing abuse intervention and prevention, for Hamilton County. Services include child forensic interviews, advocacy, community education, trauma therapy intervention and psycho-educational groups. According to a press release, the NCA awards various levels of accreditation and membership to centers responding to allegations of child abuse in ways that are effective and efficient, and put the needs of child victims of abuse first. Accreditation is the highest level of membership with NCA and denotes excellence in service provision.
Cherish Executive Director Wendy Gamble said it is a huge accomplishment for her organization. “This is very rare,” Gamble said. “There are only six (accredited centers) in the state. We’re the only one in the area. This says we are following all the steps correctly at the highest standards nationwide. It’s a very big boost for our whole team.” Gamble said the accreditation helps with credibility with law enforcement, prosecutors and judges. “We were rated at the A-plus level. There was nothing recommended that we work on,” Gamble said. Cherish had been awarded NCA associate member status in late 2015. Gamble said it took nine months for the organization to be accredited. “They go through everything that you are possibly doing,” Gamble said. “Lots of places have the site review, and there are tons of things that they don’t pass and they go through that process.” In March, Cherish will start its Hope for Children campaign. The organization plans to roll out ways the public can help play a critical role in a child’s journey to finding healing, Gamble said. The support will go directly toward providing trauma therapy for children who have been victimized by abuse. Gamble said information will be available soon on the campaign the website, CherishCAC.org.
Dispatches New child care finder service — The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration has announced a new, online tool to assist families in finding child care and early education providers for their children throughout the state. Child Care Finder allows families to search for licensed providers, inspections reports, complaints and enforcement actions against providers. For more, visit ChildCareFinder.in.gov. Free smoke alarms and tests — The American Red Cross Home Fire Campaign is a multi-year effort to reduce the number of home fire deaths and injuries by 25 percent. People of all ages are vulnerable to home fires. During the course of this campaign, the Red Cross in Indiana saved the lives of three children, a 73-yearold grandmother and two adults through the installation of new smoke alarms. The Red Cross encourages everyone to call 1-888-684-1441 to make an appointment to test existing smoke alarms and/or install free alarms in your home.
February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
WWS moves to online registration By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com
Registration is closed from now to its reopening March 9. If a parent or guardian needs to register a student prior to March 9, Westfield Washington Schools is in the they should go to the administration building, process of moving to an online registra1143 E. 181st St. tion system for education new students, Parents or guardians should plan to attend kindergarten/new first including those in grade registration March 9, any time kindergarten. between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. at the WWS Supt. Sherry Grate said it has child’s elementary school. The followseveral advantages. ing items will be needed: birth cer“With the increase in our student tificate, immunizations and proof of enrollment we just wanted to be able Grate residency. Devices and scanners will to provide process for registration be available at each elementary school. that is streamlined, efficient and convenient “One of the positives about the way the for our parents,” Grate said. “In fact, we will be registration process will work is it will work able to have devices available in each of our on any device,” said Cathi Barker, the district’s schools as well as our administration office in manager of software operation. “You can do it the event parents would want to come in and in Safari and Chromebook on your iPad, your do the registration online in our offices.” iPhone, just multiple platforms it’s available, Grate said this seemed like the right time which is really good. It wasn’t ready for that to launch it. a few years ago, so that also helps with our “I would say with our technology and infratimeline.” structure and the timing, we were more preFor more, visit wws.k12.in.us. pared for rolling out this process,” Grate said.
Kids meet search-and-rescue dogs
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Indiana K-9 Search and Rescue brought various dogs to the Westfield Washington Public Library to demonstrate what the animals are capable of to children. (Above left) Candace Hall prepares to demonstrate search-and-rescue tactics with dogs Magic and Ruthie. (Above right) Leah Snyder introduces Axl to Alivia and Emme Meyer. (Photos by Anna Skinner)
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Dispatches Seeking historical photos — Current in Westfield is looking to gather historical photos from the city and community for a regular feature within the publication, “Back in the Day.” Credit for each submission will be given to images sent with a short description and approximate date. For more information, or to submit photos or ideas, please contact Editor Anna Skinner at anna@youarecurrent.com.
Coffee with the editor — Meet Current in Westfield editor Anna Skinner from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Feb. 20 at Titus Bakery at 17471 Wheeler Rd, Suite 110, in Westfield. Ask her questions, suggest story ideas or come to enjoy a cup of coffee and learn about a career in the newspaper business.
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February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Kids read to dogs to strengthen skills
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Each month, the Westfield Washington Public Library hosts a Paws and Read program where children can read books to dogs. The program helps strengthen children’s reading skills. (Above) Kolton King reads to Dickens as Carol Davenport observes. (Right) Kaedon King shows Leo the poodle a picture book as Claire Morrison watches. (Photos by Anna Skinner)
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February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Have peace of mind with our all-inclusive memory care pricing starting at $4,700. All-inclusive assisted living also available starting at $4,085. Hamilton County Parks Naturalist Amanda Smith leads a tour during a previous year of Maple Madness. (Current file photos)
Maple Madness returns to Hamilton County Parks
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By Sadie Hunter • sadie@youarecurrent.com
CAR Current News 2 7 21 17
Explore Hamilton County Parks Naturalist Dan Popiela taps a maple tree at Bray Family Homestead Park. Sap leaks from a maple tree’s spile (spout) at Bray Family Homestead Park.
lot. Although the event is free, registration is required by calling 317-774-2500 or by emailing cool.naturecenter@hamiltoncounty.in.gov. For volunteer opportunities, call 317-7742509, or email volunteer@hamiltoncounty. in.gov.
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Each year, staff from Hamilton Co. Parks & Recreation uses its skills in the outdoors to literally tap into nature for maple syrup within properties and parks owned outdoors by the department. This year is no different, as the department will again host its annual Maple Madness program at Bray Family Homestead Park, 4528 Sheridan Rd., Noblesville, March 4. In an area known as Sugar Grove within the park, guests will learn each step in the syrupmaking process in rounds of free, guided tours that are open to the public. The tour will show how to tap into the trees, then how the sap is boiled down to syrup inside the sugar shack. Traditional and modern equipment and methods used in processing maple syrup will be featured. In the final stops of the tour, guests will learn about the history of the Bray family on the homestead – who owned the land for 160 years and tapped its trees for their personal use – as well as Native American ties to tapping the trees in the Hamilton Co. area, with a final stop at the Sugar Shop, where maple products will be sold. Tours will be given approximately once each hour from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Guests are encouraged to wear warm clothes and boots and enter the park off of Hinkle Road, parking in the paved parking
February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Meet your teacher: Jonathon LaRosa Grade/Subject at what school: Third grade, Washington Woods Elementary School. Number of years teaching: Five. Background/Schooling (college & high school): Speedway High School. B.S. English, Indiana State University. Transition to Teaching Certification, Indiana Wesleyan University. Why did you become a teacher? “In my late 20s, I felt like I needed to rededicate my life to serving others, and being a lifelong learner I thought I could make the biggest, most positive impact with young people.” What goals do you have for your students? “I hope my students will become respectful, responsible people and lifelong learners.” What do you encourage parents to do
at home to help their children strengthen particular skills? “Reading to your child (or your child reading to you) is a LaRosa great way to strengthen this very important skill. Also, discussing realworld situations that encourage them to apply what they’ve learned (shopping and money, for example) add value to their schoolwork.” Name your favorite movie. “‘Dead Poets Society.’” Name your favorite musician or band. The Beatles. What’s something your students might not know about you? “I was a member of a local improv comedy troupe in college.”
Dispatches Teacher of the Month — Students in grades K-12 are invited to enter Current’s Teacher of the Month contest sponsored by the Edge Guys. Participants should send a 100-word essay explaining why their teacher should be named Teacher of the Month. Winning students will receive a pizza party for their class, sponsored by Papa John’s. Winning teachers will receive a $50 visa gift card. Essays are due by Feb. 27 and should be emailed to Teacher@youarecurrent.com.
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Public safety departments host pancake breakfast — The Westfield police and fire departments will host a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 11 a.m. Feb. 25 at Westfield Fire Dept. Station 83, 17944 Grassy Branch Rd. The event will fundraise for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life, and pancakes and sausage will be sold for $5.
February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Westfield students to decorate sidewalks, parking By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com
writing slogans on sidewalks and in school parking lots in chalk March 14. “They will use slogans and decorate artistically to hit home the message of To engage youth in tobacco preventobacco prevention and making this a fun tion, Smoke Free Hamilton County will community event,” Wheeler said. join forces with kids event at Westfield WashEach school in the city will do its version of the event at differington Schools and ent times throughout the day. draw with sidewalk chalk around Wheeler said some examples are the city. schools incorporating the event “Stacy London of Westfield into health or study hall classes Washington Township is on the or possibly a specific period or Smoke Free Hamilton County Wheeler an after-school club. committee, and we have been “We’re really kind of leaving it open to talking about ways to engage youth,” the school or organization for whatever Program Coordinator Holly Wheeler said. is most convenient to them,” she said. “She came up with this idea that we “We will continue that awareness-builddo an event, and she suggested it be in ing throughout the day.” conjunction with National Kick Butts day. Westfield Middle School has more than It’s a national day to encourage youth to 1,000 students participating. Organizabecome involved and say this is a good tions around the city are welcome to day to quit smoking and educate youth.” join the awareness efforts and should Tobacco users under the age of 18 contact Wheeler at hwheeler_PHHC@ are more likely to become lifelong usgsnlive.org. ers. Many Westfield schools and schools For more, visit kickbuttsday.org. around the county will have students
Dispatches Siren testing suspended — With the onset of winter weather in central Indiana, Hamilton County Emergency Management has suspended the weekly testing of the outdoor warning siren system. During cold weather, testing is suspended to prevent potential damage to the sirens as a result of moisture freezing on the inner mechanisms. Testing of the system will resume in spring.
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Corrections officers needed — The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office will be hiring up to 13 new correction officers. Benefits for full-time officers include a competitive salary, health insurance, paid holidays, deferred compensation plans, pension plan, and opportunities for advancement. For more information and to obtain a pre-application, visit in-hamiltoncounty.civicplus. com/595/Recruitment and click on the “Corrections and Youth Care” tab. Send us your pics — Current Publishing is now accepting photos from around the community to run in our new community photo section. Photos from kid events, parties, athletic games and more are all welcome. Camera, iPhone or Samsung Galaxy photos will be accepted. All photos must include the names of anyone photographed. Please send them to anna@youarecurrent.com. Stewards of Children training — Chaucie’s Place will host a Stewards of Children training event 5:30 to 8 p.m. March 13 at the Westfield Washington Public Library, 333 W. Hoover St. For more, visit chauciesplace.org/ march-2017-stewards-of-children-registration-westfield
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February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
(Above) Aaron Sherrick calls woodworking his hobby. (Left) Madison Sherrick is skilled in drawing and animation. (Below) Jen Sherrick has a photography business and specializes in senior and family photos. (Photos by Sadie Hunter)
Local fa mily excels in arts, design By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com Aaron and Jen Sherrick come from a background rich in art, so little wonder they passed those traits cover story on to their children. The Westfield parents’ reassuring vision led to a family of eclectic artists who work in animation, woodworking, photography, YouTube productions, drawing and comedy. “My dad was a business owner. He was an entrepreneur my whole life,” Jen said. “My mom identified I was artsy and good at drawing things I saw, and she would encourage me. I had a lot of encouragement to do whatever I wanted to do.” “Neither one of us was told we could never do something,” Aaron added. When Aaron and Jen met on a blind date, Jen remembers her friend telling her she would love him because of his artistic side. The Sherricks’ 18-year-old daughter, Madison, recently won a Gold Key award through the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. Madison submitted a portfolio of animation and two illustrated pieces. “The more you submit, the more likely you are to win something,” Madison said. “I got an honorable mention for my portrait and a Gold Key for my animation reel. It was like a frame-by-frame kind of animatic. Like one frame every few seconds to get the idea. It was like a little story about someone who gets lost in the snow and finds a lighthouse and there’s a ghost inside of it.”
Because her animation reel received a Gold Key, it will be forwarded to New York City with the possibility of Madison receiving a $10,000 scholarship. Sixteen scholarships are awarded to Gold Key finalists. Jen, a professional photographer who takes mostly senior and family photos, said she saw Madison’s talent from the time her daughter was a toddler. “She’s always drawn things and different than the way I drew and the way (Aaron) did. I have to see it, then I produce it, but she can just visualize it,” said Jen, whose art is photography. “In the end, you want to do what you love. I see people choose a career path that will make them money, and they don’t think art ever will. They regret it and live with the regret of, ‘I don’t
feel like I’m doing what I was meant to do.’ Madison always said, ‘I don’t see myself doing anything different.’ Before she was 5, she was illustrating books and selling them on the corner.”
Worldwide Design Aaron Sherrick is a web designer by day, but he does woodworking and graphic design as hobbies. One of his designs still serves as the Nehemiah Vision Ministries’ logo. He used to serve as the ministry’s president before the organization expanded. Aaron Sherrick “The organization exploded in a good designed the WYSI way after the earthquake (in Haiti), and Cross Country and Nehemiah Vision they needed people with experience to run Ministries logos. the organization, and I didn’t really have (Submitted photos) that,” he said. “Our family was growing, so I stepped out.” Aaron also designed the Westfield Youth Sports, Inc. cross country logo and serves on a civilian communications group with the city.
Aaron is a web designer, but his hobby is woodworking. Over the past few years he has created everything from Adirondack chairs to items for local businesses. “With Grand Junction (Brewing Company), I built eight tables for the new tasting room,” he said. “I’ve made four desks for a mortgage company for a neighbor.” He also redid his own deck and created shelving units and wall desks for his sons’ room. Son Caleb is into drawing. Conner creates YouTube videos. The youngest, Christian, is the class clown of the family. “Caleb is our comedian,” Jen said. “That’s an art in itself.” Madison plans on majoring in animation and eventually work for a company like Disney. She hasn’t decided which school she will attend. For more on Jen Sherrick’s photography, visit jensherrickphotography.com. For more on Aaron Sherrick’s woodworking, contact ajsherrick@gmail.com.
February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Unsolicited advice is best unspoken
Gas tax hike will be helpful
Commentary by Danielle Wilson
It’s easy to say we should look for spending cuts in our current budget to fund our infrastructure needs, but the fact is that after 12 years of sound fiscal leadership, our state budget is about as lean as it can get. We have 20 percent fewer state employees than we had when Gov. Mitch Daniels took office in 2005. And more than half of our current state budget goes to K-12 Education, so any significant increase in spending for infrastructure would likely result in less funding available for public education. We do have about $2 billion in reserves, but that equates to less than 60 days of state spending. That amount is intended to help us through an economic downturn, so spending it down significantly is not prudent. And it contributes to our AAA bond rating, which saves local governments hundreds of millions of dollars. The proposed tax increases in HB 1002 will cost the average Hoosier driver just $5.25 per month. We’re already known as the Crossroads of America, and I believe that the proposed improvements in our state infrastructure will be a great economic development incentive that eventually will increase state tax revenue. I believe the return on investment will more than offset the small contribution that we are looking for from Hoosier taxpayers. It’s a small sacrifice in comparison to the significant tax cuts that House Republicans have spearheaded over the last decade including, among others, significant cuts in the property tax, reducing the personal income tax, elimination of the inheritance tax, and a host of business tax cuts that save consumers money. Jerry Torr (R-39) is a member of the Indiana House of Representatives, serving since 1996. You may contact him at jerry.torr@ iga.in.gov.
B EL I EVE I T ! Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Kaysville, Utah, You must have identification to enter a convienence store after dark. Source: dumblaws.com
Will we need a super substitute? Commentary by Terry Anker The Super Bowl is now behind us. Plays have been made, heroes elevated and shadows cast. The football history books have been adjusted. The wags have had their chance to comment — and comment some more. The T-shirts have been printed, distributed and sold. The commercials have been seen — and seen, and seen. Regardless of one’s favorite in the big game, few can argue that it did not deliver. It was exciting to the end. It zigged and zagged. It lived up to its hype. Even the halftime show met its lofty buildup! But now that the nacho sauce has been cleaned from the davenport, and the beer cans recycled, many have already started planning for next year. A bigger TV? Perhaps. Maybe we won’t invite the in-laws again. Maybe we must. The food, the sofa, the guest list — all are being considered and reconsidered. Who will play almost doesn’t matter. Sure, it would be best if our own Indianapolis Colts took the field. Certainly,
they will give their all to take us there. But regardless, most of us will gather again with friends, food and a television to commune with the football world. It is a tradition. We remember the good times, and bad, from years past. We relive our experiences together and bond in our common memories. Yet, football, like everything, has its detractors. Legitimate concerns are being raised about concussion risks and a variety of other matters. Some indications are that young kids are not taking up the sport, preferring instead soccer or other activities. Will it still captivate our attention and dominate the ratings in the years to come? Who knows? If not, will we find a super substitute for a super tradition? As long as we are doing it together, whatever the game, we can learn the rules. Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@youarecurrent.com.
A few days ago, my neighbor shared that someone — some awful, mean-spirited woman — criticized her parenting ... to her humor face! How dare you, ma’am! And so I am forced to remind us all of the seldom-discussed but no less critical rules of mom-to-mom communication. Please take note. • Never express your true feelings about another parent’s choices directly to that person. Vent it out with your spouse or best gal pal, but keep that schtick locked down until you’re back at the house. Unless she solicits advice, I promise she does not want a lecture on why “breast is best” or any of that other Nazi-lactation stuff while she’s barely hanging on thanks to Similac. What’s good for your family may not be good for hers. • Before you speak, put yourself in her position. Remember the days of no sleep and endless diapers and 24/7 anxiety over going back to work vs. staying home? None of us can think rationally when we’re hopped up on caffeine and internet tales of “How Working Moms Produce Serial Killers.” Let Rule No. 1 be your mantra, and then ask if there’s anything you can do to help. • Recognize that all families have different needs that must be met for them to function even a tad bit normally. For some, it’s ensuring only organic food hits the table, while for others, canned spaghetti makes a perfectly nice sit-down dinner. As long as the kids are eating something, the sun will rise tomorrow! Bottom line? Homeschooling, helicopter parenting, Harvard-tracking in preschool ... these are decisions every mom has the right to make without your consent! Unless a choice directly harms you or your kid, zip it. Peace out.
Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at danielle@currentincarmel.com.
Q U O T E O F T HE WEEK “Believe in life! Always human beings will live and progress to greater, broader and fuller life.”
– W. E. B. Du Bois
Want to respond to the publishers or send a letter to the editor? Email Letters@youarecurrent.com.
February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
REA D ER ’ S V I EW Indiana should stop discriminating against smokers Editor, I am writing to support smokers who will be shafted with the new proposed HB1578. This bill proposes to raise the tax by $1.50 per pack. One example of a carton of cigarettes that currently costs $70 would raise the amount to $85 for smokers. This will create a financial burden for some smokers who cannot stop the habit. The Indiana Health Industry promotes this tax as a health bill instead of a new added tax. They point out this will generate $400 million in new state revenue, stating it will be used to promote cessation of smoking and improve the state’s dismally poor health overall. In the beginning, this proposal was suggested to be used to support our roadway infrastructure. Smokers may claim they are the only
ones to use our roadways if they are paying this new, personal tax. Indiana’s dismally poor health is due to poor eating and drinking habits. One example is the addiction to sugary drinks which are introduced at a very young age and are offered at restaurants, sporting events, grocery stores, personal parties and even schools. If our state desperately needs revenue to fund any project, I am proposing taxing all sugary drinks which range from false juices to diet colas and all drinks made with sugar and even corn syrup. These drinks are unhealthy. Indiana needs to stop discriminating against a class of people who smoke. They have been ostracized enough. Mari Briggs, Westfield
This will create a financial burden for some smokers who cannot stop the habit.
Dance is way out of line Commentary by Dick Wolfsie
Foot forward. Pivot. Turn around. Kick. When I was certain I had gotten the moves right, it looked like the other 65 people were doing “Seriously,” I responded to Mary Ellen, “in it all wrong. And in unison. The five men in the middle of the afternoon? At our age? You the class were eager for the session to end. must be kidding.” humor I knew this because they were all dancing in “Why not? If we wait ’til evetheir golf shoes. ning, you’ll just fall asleep. Take Stella advised me to just your little blue pill.” When class ended, dance and not think too I took an Aleve for my arthritis and we headed out Stella said I was the worst much. It was too late for advice: I was already for a line dancing class. dancer she had ever seen. that thinking about how bad I We were in Florida was at this, thinking of all the people staring with our friends Joy and Steve. I figured Joy at me, and thinking of ways I could turn this dragged Steve along every week, but Joy told disastrous experience into a humor column. me that Steve claims he loves the activity. So Then Steve butted in and told me that I wasn’t it turns out that her husband, who is a better keeping time. Not true. I knew there were golfer than I am and a better bowler, is also a exactly 12 minutes and 45 seconds left before better liar. this torture would finally be over. There were about 60 senior women in the When class ended, Stella said I was the class and a few men. I assumed all the ladies worst dancer she had ever seen. were widows simply looking for something to She may call herself a line dance instructor, pass the time, but when I looked out in the but that was way out of line! parking lot there were dozens of cars filled with impatient husbands peering at their iPhones or fast asleep in the driver’s seat. Dick Wolfsie is an author, columStella, the instructor, was quite good at her nist, and speaker. Contact him at job, but she scrutinized me as I tried desperwolfsie@aol.com. ately — and unsuccessfully — to follow her directions. Step left. Step right. Cha-cha-cha.
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February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Dispatches Ribbon cutting — My Father’s Garden Health and Wellness will host a ribbon cutting at 4 p.m. March 15 at 201 Mill St. Used car dealer honored — TruWorth Auto, 3006 E. 96th St., Indianapolis, has been named the 2017 Indiana Used Car Dealer of the Year by DealerRater. TruWorth was selected from more than 400 dealers throughout the state. DealerRater is a customer review platform dedicated specifically to the automotive market. Promotion — Carmel resident Ben Watkins has been promoted to vice president of customer satisfaction for Arbor Homes. Watkins will be responsible for focusing on customer satisfaction, internal and external research and all marketing efforts. INDOT student opportunities — The Indiana Department of Transportation is accepting applications for Governor’s summer internships paying $11.30 per hour and civil engineering scholarships of up to $3,125 per semester. For information about summer internships, visit in.gov/spd/careers/internships.htm. For information about civil engineering scholarships, visit INDOTScholarship. in.gov. Free business workshops — The Entrepreneurship Carmel Workshop Series (E Carmel) is a series of free monthly workshops addressing business ownership issues from concept to start-up to scaling your business. Upcoming topics include: Feb. 21 – Selecting Your Business and How to Fund It; March 21 – Starting Your Business With a Franchise. For more details, or to register, visit frannetmidamerica.com/events.
A 10,000-square-foot professional building will soon be under construction at Radrick Drive and Gray Road. (Submitted rendering)
Health-centric site coming By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com A new professional building will be constructed at Radrick Drive and Gray Road. The groundbreakdevelopment ing is set for 2:30 p.m. Feb. 21 at 14801 Market Center Dr., Carmel. The anticipated finish date is Aug. 1 for the freestanding building, which has a Carmel address but stands in Westfield in the Bridgewater area. Steve Wolkoff said his Indianapolis-based firm, Terra Real Estate, is serving as the owners’ representative for the project. The owner is Dr. Justin Gilmore, a chiropractor whose business Gilmore Chiropractor is nearby at 14643 Gray Rd., Noblesville. “We’re coordinating everything with the general contractor. We did all the zoning work,” Wolkoff said. EMERGENCY SERVICE Same Day - Or It’s FREE!
Adjust retirement portfolio — Among people age 55 and older, 34 percent say they have never made a change in how their retirement money is invested. Failing to do so could be a financial mistake. As you near retirement, you should adjust your portfolio to weigh more heavily towards bonds, which are less risky than stocks. Source: TheDailyBurst Energy Assistance Program — The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority has released plans for the 2016-17 Winter Assistance Program, which runs through March 12. The program provides financial assistance to low-income households to maintain utility services during the winter heating and summer cooling seasons. For more, visit in.gov and type Energy Assistance Program into the search box, or call 866-674-6327.
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Stock decisions — Many people spend time worrying about which stocks to buy but not enough time considering how much money they should invest in stocks. Stock expert Vahan Janjigian recommends investors first determine how much of their portfolio will be in stocks before they start trying to choose which stocks. The balance of the portfolio should be the primary decision, followed by stock choices. Source: BottomLine.com
The building is 10,000 square feet. Dr. Gilmore is taking 2,000 square feet. Motion 4 Life Fitness is a unique health and fitness facility focusing on men and women older than 45. There will be onsite personal trainers at the private club, which will occupy 6,000 square feet. The final 2,000 square feet has yet to be leased. “We’re looking for a complementary user to the exercise facility and the chiropractor office,” Wolkoff said. “It could be medical or dental, or it could be financial planning or any other professional office use.” Mike Cole is handling the leasing for Terra on that space. He can be reached at 317-446-4433. The architect is Rick Thomason of R.E. Thomason & Associates and the general contractor is Greg O’Herren of Shamrock Builders.
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February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Fire department aims for $25k for carbon monoxide outreach news@currentinwestfield.com Busby Eye Care was the first in what Fire Marshal Garry Harling hopes will be many donors for the Westfield Fire Dept.’s new carbon monoxide safety outreach program. Busby Eye Care’s donation will be used to purchase 10 carbon monoxide detectors for Westfield residents. “Carbon monoxide poisoning is responsible for more than 400 deaths in the United States every year,” Harling stated in a press release. “CO detectors will alert residents of a Harling natural gas leak in their home before it becomes deadly. Our goal is to eliminate the barrier of residents not having a CO detector by offering them one free of cost. Busby Eye Care has been gracious enough to be the first to contribute to our program.” Harling stated that he hopes for $25,000 in donations for the carbon monoxide detector outreach program. Those interested in giving to the program, email Harling at gharling@westfield.in.gov.
Dispatches Healthcare ribbon cutting — Obstetrics and Gynecology of Indiana will hold a ribbon cutting at 5 p.m. March 8 at 300 S. Junction Crossing, Suite B. Eating right — March 8 is Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day, and the Central Indiana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is reminding everyone to “put your best fork forward” by making healthy eating choices throughout the year. For more on the campaign, visit eatright.org/nnm. The cheat diet — The Mediterranean diet – plenty of produce, beans, nuts, whole grains, yogurt and fish - is proven to be heart healthy. But do you have to go all in for heart health and give up your favorite donuts or French fries? Recent research suggests that incorporating the healthier foods into your diet will still give your heart some protection even if you don’t totally give up all the bad stuff. Source: BottomLineHealth.com Boost brain health — There are some simple ways you can protect your brain from cognitive decline due to dementia and aging. 1. Get some sun exposure 2. Stay social 3. Increase healthy fats like olive oil, nuts, etc. 4. Walk frequently at moderate intensity Source: BottomLineHealth Support groups available – Witham Health Services offers a variety of support groups for those in need of the services. Groups include: Alzheimer’s Support, Cancer Support, Cancer Gentle Stretch Yoga, Cancer Support Cooking for Wellness, Diabetic Support and Grief Support. The groups are free and meet monthly. For more, visit witham.org. Health and fitness classes – Witham Health Services offers several health and fitness classes for all ages and fitness levels. Classes include: Breastfeeding Education, Diabetes Management, Rock Steady Boxing, Silver Sneakers, Tai Chi and more. Some classes are free. For times and locations, visit witham.org or call 765-485-8120.
Tips & Tricks for a “Stress-Free” Kitchen Renovation By David Decker Let’s face it, the kitchen is the most used room in the house, so being forced to live without it during a renovation can be stressful and difficult. Following these 5 simple steps can help calm some of those renovation jitters. Do a little “Spring Cleaning” A kitchen renovation is the perfect time to purge. While packing up everything in the existing cabinets, consider getting rid of some of the items that haven’t been used in a while. Be sure the countertops are clear of small appliances and remove anything from the room that may get in the way during the renovation. Be Prepared Be sure all details like cabinet hardware, lighting and plumbing fixtures, and electrical locations to name a few, of the renovation have been finalized. All materials should be on site and ready for installation. Living in a disorderly house during a renovation is stressful enough, having to make last minute decisions can cause more frustration and delays. Create a Temporary Kitchen If space allows, create a make-shift kitchen somewhere else in the home complete with
a miniature refrigerator, microwave, & other small appliances that are typically used on a daily basis. Put that Crock Pot to good use and consider buying disposal plates, bowls, cups, & utensils. Communication is Key Stay in constant communication with the Project Manager & Designer throughout the entire project. Ask questions! Don’t be afraid to speak up if something doesn’t look right. Mistakes happen, it’s better to catch them right away rather than having to fix them when the project is near completion. See the Big Picture Okay, yes – even by following these steps the renovation may still be stressful. Things will go wrong. There may be unexpected mechanicals in a wall that is being removed, a cabinet door may be damaged, or an installer may get sick and be unable to work
that day. These mishaps may be inconvenient, but REMEMBER THE BIG PICTURE. Take a deep breath and know these problems will be resolved and in the end, you will get your dream kitchen. At The Affordable Companies, we strive to make every renovation as smooth and convenient as possible. Our knowledgeable design and production team work with you every step of the way to ensure a worry-free renovation. To begin designing your new kitchen, visit our website at www.theaffordablecompanies.com or give us a call at 317.575.9540. David Decker The Affordable Companies The-AffordableCompanies.com (317) 575-9540
February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
A group of campers prepares to launch the catapults they made at Indy Stem Camp’s “Trebuchet & Catapult Camp.” (Submitted photo)
Summer Camps at University High School
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February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Jr. Civic at Civic Theatre to offer two new mini camps
Camp Invention connects children to science, inventors
Commentary by Civic Theatre’s education programs director, Holly Stults Haas
By Heather Collins editorial@youarecurrent.com
Jr. Civic at Civic Theatre is gearing up for another great summer. Musical Theatre Camp is a favorite, and with two brand new camps, Civic has something for any kid ages 3-14. We are excited to offer two new mini camps for our preschool-aged and kindergarten friends. BROADWAY BABY CAMP Broadway Baby Camp gives our 3- and 4-year-olds a chance to shine and explore the world of musical theater and story telling. Music and movement is also a part of this camp, allowing for them to move and groove while using their imagination. This camp runs Monday-Thursday June 19-22, and July 24-27. SUPERHERO STORIES Superhero Stories also is a new mini camp for us. In this camp, each child will create their very own superhero and bring that character to life. Will capes be involved? Most likely! We have no doubt that the 5- and 6-year-olds in this camp will create amazing adventures. Superhero Stories Camp runs Monday-Thursday June 19-22, and July 24-27. For more information about Jr. Civic sum-
Camp Invention, a program by the National Inventors Hall of Fame, will offer week-long sessions for kids beginning in June. “Camp Invention connects children to inventors who changed the world, and enhances the scientific knowledge base of participants,” said Ashley Miller, media coordinator at the National Inventor’s Hall of Fame. “The program hooks children and gives them high-energy, hands-on, innovative fun, while presenting them with challenges that emphasize STEM, collaboration and entrepreneurship through innovation.” This year, Camp Invention will host its newest program, Launch. The Launch program will feature four science-based modules. Module 1, Duct Tape Billionaire, helps students explore patents, launch a business and present their products to mock investors. Module 2, Mission Space Makers, takes children on a quest to locate and prepare a new plant for human habitations, while designing inventions to transform the atmosphere, terrain and ecosystem of an exo-
Students from the Civic Theatre summer camp in 2016 take time to rehearse. (Submitted photo)
mer camps, classes and enrollment, visit civictheatre.org/classes. A note from Civic Theatre’s director of music and education, Brent E. Marty: “Jr. Civic’s Summer Camps have a long-established reputation of offering top-notch training in a fun atmosphere. Our Musical Theatre Camps are unique in that they offer 60 students per week a full day of fun focused on singing, acting and dance with experienced professionals and then the week ends with a presentation on-stage in the Tarkington.”
During last year’s Camp Invention’s Mission Space Makers module, children experience the power of rocket science by building and launching rubber band rockets. (Submitted photo)
planet. Module 3, Have a Blast, is a physics challenge utilizing Bubble Blasters, snowball throwers and a giant air cannon. The camp is offered at various locations with programs being held at St. Louis De Monfort School, Noble Crossing Elementary, St. Theodore Guerin Catholic High School and Zionsville Community High School’s Freshmen Center. Session costs and dates vary based on location. New locations are added weekly. Discounts are available. For information or to register, visit campinvention.org.
Smart Golf Academy & Learning Center At Pebble Brook Golf Course 3110 Westfield Road, Noblesville, IN 46062 Brandon Smart - Owner and Director 765-810- 5588 • Brandonsmart25@gmail.com pebblebrookgolfclub.com/online-store • www.smartgolf.academy
SUMMER CAMPS & OFFERINGS Beginner to Winner: Ages 7-13 • Boys and Girls Includes instruction, on course play, rules, etiquette, tee-shirt, and games. Please bring a lunch for your camper. 9am - 12pm • M-F $225 • June 5th - 9 th • June 12th - 16th • June 19th - 23rd • June 26th - 30th • July 10th - 14th • July 17th - 21st
Mini Masters: Ages 4-6 • Boys and Girls $99 Evening practices throughout the summer PGA Jr. League: Ages 7-13 Boys and Girls $275 Practices and Matches Evenings June 5th - July 23rd Matches TBD. Spring Sessions: Ages 7-13 • Boys and Girls April - May • Dates and Times TBD
February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Jungle Jams returns to Tarkington By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com Lisa Colleen’s Jungle Jams will be making an encore summer camp performance at the Tarkington. “It’s a lot of percussion. We call it moving and grooving,” Colleen said. “We do a lot of free movement, and there is dancing with scarves. Then we bring in percussion instruments. Last year we introduced them to mandolin, the violin and the guitar. It depends who my helpers are and what instruments we bring in.” For the second consecutive year, the Center for the Performing Arts will hold Jungle Jams as a summer camp June 12 through 16 at the Tarkington in Carmel. Colleen said the target age range is 4 to 6 years old for the camp, which will be held from 9 to 11:30 a.m. “Every day they learn about a life skill, and the animals each represent that life skill,” Colleen said. So one day she might tell the kids a story about a zebra named Zeke. “He represents that it’s cool to be unique,” Colleen said. “So all the zebras look the same but their stripes are all different, just like our thumbprints are all different. Every day I make sure they learn something either about teamwork or celebrating differences or celebrating
From left, Elizabeth “Emie” Comer gets violin instruction from Bongo Boy Music School helper Mae Ban. (Submitted photo)
your uniqueness.” Julia Shildmyer-Heighway, the center’s community engagement manager, said Jungle Jams was first a one-day class series. Impressed by the class, Shildmyer-Heighway invited Colleen to make it a camp. “Each day there is a story and craft activity, and they make an instrument to take home,” Shildmyer-Heighway said. Colleen is a former Carmel resident who now lives in Geist. There is a maximum of 20 participants. For more, visit thecenterpresents.org.
February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
University High School to offer yoga, film and more By Heather Collins editorial@youarecurrent.com
Summer Camp!
(INDIANAPOLIS LOCATION) Mud Creek Campus 8550 Mud Creek Road Indianapolis, IN 46256 (FISHERS LOCATION) Promise Road Campus 12756 Promise Road Fishers, IN 46038
Summer U: Summer camps at University High School will host two three-week sessions. The first sessions will take place June 12-30, and the second session takes place July 10-28. According to summer programs coordinator Maggie Becker, costs vary by class, but an average one-week camp costs $150.
Becker said UHS strives to be a community resource for more than only UHS students and welcomes students of all ages to use the programs. “Most of the content is geared toward middle school students, but if you’re a fourth-grader who is especially passionate about Minecraft or Mandarin, we would welcome you in the program,” Becker said. According to Becker, Summer U Becker covers everything from study skills to computer science and programming, and theatre to creative writing. “What’s special about Summer U is that it combines the fun of a traditional day camp with the engaged learning approach and world-class teachers that University High School is known for. Campers who spend their summer with us get a true enrichment experience in a fun, laid-back high school environment,” Becker said. New to Summer U this year, the camp will offer a film camp, a yoga camp taught by a certified yoga instructor and a Raspberry Pi class for coding campers. The camp also will have extended hours. “Every day is different at Summer U, and that’s the beauty of it. One thing all of our
A Summer U camper shows off her artwork created last year. (Submitted photo)
camps share is access to the full, 115-acre University High School campus and all of our technology, artwork and resources,” Becker said. “Campers get to use computers, art supplies, cameras and even a 3-D printer. Last year, one group of campers used the 3-D printer to build a to-scale model of Fairbanks Hall.” Summer U: Summer Camps will be hosted at University High School at 2825 W. 116th St in Carmel. Registration is now open. For more or to register, visit universityhighschool.org/ summer.
Summer Fun. Lifelong Values. Give your child experiences of faith, art, motor development, math and science this summer in a friendly church setting. Choose from weekly themes like Dinosaurs, Summer STEM, Creative Creations, Space Camp, Cooking 101, The Olympics and much more. Kids Camp is available for potty-trained children from age 3-kindergarten and Camp Quest is for students from 1-6th grade. Camps begin in May and run through August.
Please visit www.geistchristian.org for more information and online registration. Or call us at 317-578-4591.
February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Zionsville teacher creates camp based on Minecraft By Desiree Williams editorial@youarecurrent.com Video game lovers are invited to join Indy Stem Camps this summer to venture into the world of Minecraft. Matt Mulholland, a veteran physics teacher at Zionsville Community High School, founded Indy Stem Camps three years ago. He created Indy Stem Camps to target first through eighth-graders and focus on STEM, science, technology, engineering and math. “There’s a big push in educational circles to try to encourage kids to go into STEM-related fields,” Mulholland said. He noticed his own kids were constantly playing Minecraft, which inspired him to learn more about the game and see if he could develop a curriculum around it. “I realized at that point I was on to something. There was a way that I could help kids learn STEM in the context of a game they already love to play. It was a win-win situation,” he said. Mulholland calls Minecraft “the ultimate sandbox game,” meaning the kids can produce anything without limitation. At the camp, kids
INSPIRING FUTURE INNOVATORS Jayden Lyon (11), Cooper Schaaf (8) , Luke Smith (9) (all from Zionsville) take a break from “World of Minecraft Camp.” (Submitted photo)
play in a secure server so they only have access to two worlds in Minecraft. There are seven options for Minecraft camps, each with its own curriculum and goals. Mulholland also leads camps about bridge building, catapult building, robotics and more. The camps are held for three hours each day over five days at Zionsville High School, University High School and Cathedral High School. Kids can attend the morning or afternoon session, or both. Fees vary depending on the type of camp and location. For more, visit indystemcamps.com.
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February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
art camps
for YOUTH and TEENS camp sessIONs, DetaILs and reGIstratION
aGes 7-11
aGes 12-17
ITA to host TV, show choir camps By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com
second time this summer, set for 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. June 12-16 (ages 6-12). Komarova said the show on the camp’s final day is the The International Talent Academy’s Live on highlight of the week. Friends and family are TV! camp was a big ratings hit with campers invited to watch the campers perform when it debuted last summer. what they learned during the week. “We’ve heard so much positive “Campers loved dressing up for the feedback about all the activities we performance and dancing with props do during this camp week,” ITA Execulike wands and masks used in their tive Director Tatyana Komarova said. songs,” Komarova said. “The room is turned into a TV studio, The Fairy Tale Kingdom camp will where they all take turns to be anbe held for the fourth year from 9:30 chors, reporters, directors, weatherKomarova a.m to 12:30 p.m. June 5-9. men, cameramen, commercial actors, “Each day is a different theme with a difetc. One of their favorite activities was a field ferent dress-up character visiting,” Komarova trip to the Carmel Arts and Design District said. “On the first day they get a passport, where they act out in front of different statand each day they register to go to a new ues or buildings to do their own commercials country. Campers are very enthusiastic about on camera.” ITA will hold the camp from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 the themes and enjoy learning dances, games, songs, (tea party) etiquette, world cultures p.m. June 19-23 (ages 9-13) at Orchard Park and geography throughout the week, all while Presbyterian Church, 1605 E. 106th St. A spepretending to be fairy tale characters themcial moment during a visit to WISH-8 studio selves. The favorite camp day for campers is last year was when campers were invited to the treasure hunt on Pirate Day. Campers love be on the noon news broadcast. searching high and low for treasure hidden “They were literally jumping with excitearound a playground.” ment,” she said. “This was, by far, their favorFor more, visit internationaltalentacademy. ite moment from camp.” org/programs/summer-camps/ The Show Choir camp will be held for the
Go to ART CENTER at SullivanMunce.org for details on each camp, session dates and times, and easy online registration.
The Indianapolis Sailing Club! Camp Weeks Week 1 June 12-16 Week 2 June 19-23 Week 3 June 26-30 Week 4 July 10-14 Week 5 July 17-21 Week 6 July 24-28 *Limited availability
13 beautiful acres on Geist Reser voir is the perfect place for your child to learn to sail. The camp for novice to advanced sailors ages 8-16 is designed to teach basic sailing & water safety for beginners and more advanced sailing and racing to veterans. Camp is divided by age and ability. Camp runs every day rain or shine with lots of sailing, swimming, instructional videos, on/off water coaching and educational games.
Weeks 1-5: Ages 8 to 15 Week 6: Ages 10 to 16 (exceptions in age range may be made during any camp visit)
225 West Hawthorne Street • Zionsville, IN 46077 317.873.4900 • SullivanMunce.org
Please contact Michelle Sarber at office@indianapolissailing.org or by phone at 335-7385. Also see
indianapolissailing.org for photo tour and camp application.
February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Registration opens soon for day camps at Conner Prairie editorial@youarecurrent.com Conner Prairie offers Adventure Camp for youth ages 5-15 from May 30-Aug. 4 and six specialty camps for youth ages 8-12 this summer. All summer day camps run from 8:30 a.m.3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Pricing is $215 for Conner Prairie members and $245 for non-members. Early drop-off and late pick-up options are available for an additional fee; early arrival is from 8-8:30 a.m. and is $19 a week for members and $23 for non-members per camper; late departure is from 3:30-5:30 p.m. and is $31 a week for members and $38 for non-members per camper. Registration will be open online at connerprairie.org in late February or early March. Some of the camps will include: ADVENTURE CAMP (May 30-Aug. 4) Adventure Camp is offered for 10 weeks in the summer. Activities include backyard zip lining and an obstacle course challenge with a huge climbing tire tower and cargo net, swimming, floating on water mats, playing with tubes and other fun water toys, canoeing, horseback riding, water sliding, hiking, cook-
ZCS SUMMER DAY CAMP AT ZWMS Conner Prairie will again offer camps for kids ages 5-15 this year. (File photo)
ing, archery and more. ART CAMP (June 26-30 and July 3-7) The week will be spent creating artwork in various media, culminating in an exhibition of their best work at the end of the week. ARCHAEOLOGY CAMP (June 19-23) Campers will be trained in basic excavation skills and will excavate a recreated excavation site based at Conner Prairie. For more, visit connerprairie.org.
Weekly & one day art camps! In our Myart camps, draw, paint and collage! For spring camps you will create, frogs, birds, animals & butterflies! Our themed summer camps are just around the corner, Rainforest & Pet Animals, On the Beach, Cartooning, Things with Wings, Horses, Australia, Fashion, Super Heroes & lots more!
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February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Indianapolis Sailing Club to host 6 weeks of summer sailing By Desiree Williams editorial@youarecurrent.com
Tumbling & Cheer Summer Camp
Tumbling and Cheer Instruction Free Play Water Games Crafts Snacks & Lunch Team Shirt & Hair Bow! Performance Friday at 3:45 PM Week 1: June 5 – 9, 2017 Week 2: June 26 – 30, 2017 Week 3: July 10 – 14, 2017 Monday – Friday • 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM Daily
Early Drop Off Late Pick Up Options $175 per week Multiple week and family discounts available! Ages 4 and up are welcome!
Indiana Elite, 14888 Herriman Blvd, Noblesville, 46060 (317) 770-9100 www.Indiana-Elite.com • kmc8899@gmail.com
The Indianapolis Sailing Club will offer its annual sailing education summer camp from June 12 to July 28 at the club, 11325 Fall Creek Rd. From 9 a.m to 4 p.m., kids will be immersed in new topics, including water safety, knot tying, wind direction and more. Students are split into groups based on experience level, and the staff follows the U.S Sailing programs to tailor lessons to each group. The camp incorporates on-the-water instruction as well as games, rain or shine. The camp is designed in weekly sessions. Michelle Sarber, junior sailing coordinator, said they organized it this way so that after the first week, kids can decide if they are interested enough to come back for the entirety of camp. Sarber suggests completing all six weeks in order to truly feel comfortable sailing. “Sailing is a lifelong skill,” Sarber said. “It’s one of those things that you may not be able to play soccer all your life or football, but you can sail.” The staff also runs a weekly ranking program, which consists of a verbal and on-
The Indianapolis Sailing Club will again host sailing courses this summer. “Sailing is a lifelong skill,” said Michelle Sarber, junior sailing coordinator. (Submitted by Michelle Sarber)
the-water test. If a student passes, he or she receives a ribbon and a new rank. “We have kids who continue to come back every summer because they want to achieve the highest rank,” Sarber said. Registration for Indianapolis Sailing Club members is $200 per week, and $320 for non-members. The club also offers sibling and multiple-week discounts. Those interested can register online at indianapolissailingclub.org.
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February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Camp Cathedral adds Minecraft, Girl Power programs By Heather Collins editorial@youarecurrent.com Camp Cathedral will take place from June 5 to July 28. It will offer more than 50 enrichment camps and more than 40 different sports camps for its summer session. “No matter what your camper’s interests are, you can find it at Camp Cathedral,” said Anthony Ernst, director of summer programs at Cathedral High School. The camp is geared to students K-12, but also offers a select number of todErnst dler sports for children as young as 3. “As our slogan says, ‘We are a place for growing, laughing and learning.’ We take pride in the experiences we create for our campers,” Ernst said. Camp Cathedral will feature several new offerings, including Fairy Tales and Songwriting Camps for kindergarten to third grade, and Minecraft Camps with a MegaBuild experience. Camp Cathedral has added Girl Power! A
Last year’s campers participate in one of the 40 sports camps offered by Camp Cathedral. (Submitted photo)
Middle School Girls Leadership Retreat, which gives campers the opportunity to experience fun activities combined with message-driven guest appearances from female community leaders, elite athletes and professionals. Camp Cathedral also offers before-and-after care options. Most enrichment camps costs are $125, and athletic camps vary in cost from $50 to $125. Camp Cathedral is held on the campus of Cathedral High School, at 5225 E 56th St., in Indianapolis. For more or to register, visit campcathedral.com.
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February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Hanna Wilhite, from Zionsville, participated in the 2016 Touchstone Energy Camp. (Submitted photo)
Touchstone Energy Camp offers unique opportunity By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com The Touchstone Energy Camp has many aspects of a normal outdoor summer camp but with a twist. “We select up to three students to go to the camp free of charge at Camp Tecumseh in Brookston,” said Mandy Saucerman, Boone REMC communications and marketing specialist. The camp, which started in 2002, is designed for students entering the seventh grade in the fall of 2017. The students are selected from a group of applications. The students’ households must receive electricity from Boone REMC. Along with serving Boone County, Boone REMC serves parts of Clinton, Hamilton, Hendricks, and Montgomery counties. Boone RMC is a nonprofit electric utility cooperative. “It’s the traditional summer camp type of experience,” Saucerman said. “They get to go horseback riding, zip-lining, swimming, rock
climbing, archery, canoeing, all that fun stuff. Then mixed in with that to make it more of an energy camp, we’ve got activities for them to learn about electrical safety, and the importance of that as well as renewable energy sources, and how all that works, and why it’s important. They get the opportunity to test out what it’s like to be an electric lineman by climbing a pole and going up in a bucket truck and things like that.” The overnight camp will be held June 7-10. The campers spend three nights in the cabins and get picked up the morning of June 10. “The counselors are employees of the electric cooperatives,” Saucerman said. “So they get to learn a little bit more about careers in the electric cooperative industry.” About 135 campers from around the state that attend the camp. Applications forms are available at bremc. com/community/youth-programs/. The application deadline is Feb. 24.
Summer Dance Camps Workshops & Classes 317-769-2223 www.villagedancestudio.com
February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
‘The Cross and the Light’ comes to Carmel By Heather Collins editorial@youarecurrent.com The Detroit-based international and critically-acclaimed musical experience “The Cross and the Light” will be theater performed March 10-14 at the Carmel High School auditorium. “The Cross and the Light” depicts the story of the Passion, Resurrection and Pentecost of Jesus Christ. According to critics, “The Cross and the Light” adheres to the Biblical version. The play has been performed for more than 70,000 people across the world, including a sold out performance in Detroit with more than 22,000 in attendance. Kelly Nieto, creator and executive producer of “The Cross and the Light” and former Miss Michigan winner and Miss America runner-up, said the writers were not afraid to tell the story of Jesus in contemporary terms, while adhering to the authentic story. “We really speak the language of the 21st century, but we tell the greatest love story of all time in a really powerful, life-changing way,” Nieto said. “We like to say it’s a baptism of the imagination. It literally immerses people in a beautiful cinematic image.” The performance features high-powered projectors that create 150-foot wide by 30foot high images to transform the walls of the
“The Cross and the Light” depicts the story of the Passion, Resurrection and Pentecost of Jesus Christ. It will be performed in Carmel next month. (Submitted photo)
Carmel High School auditorium. According to Nieto, “The Cross and the Light” is for all Christians, music-lovers and theater buffs. Critics have compared the show to “Jesus Christ Superstar” and “Godspell.” “It’s important in this post-Christian world that we start proclaiming (Jesus’s) story with passion and the best production value possible,” Nieto said. Shalom World TV will be on-site to film the Carmel performance and will be broadcasting it to more than 100 countries. Performances are scheduled for 7 p.m. March 10, 11 and 12, and 2 p.m. March 11 and 12 at the Carmel High School auditorium.
Tickets begin at $20 and are available online at crossandlight.com/tickets. Seventy-five percent of proceeds from the ticket sales will benefit the Carmel Deanery, consisting of 12 local Catholic churches, including Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Online buyers can select which church they’d like to support. Tickets also are available at the following participating Hamilton County churches: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, St Elizabeth Ann Seton, Holy Spirit Parish at Geist, St. John Vianney Catholic Church, St. Louis De Montfort Catholic School, Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church and St. Alphonsus Liguori Catholic Church. For more, visit currentincarmel.com.
Actors Theatre of Indiana to host Sip & Song By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com
Main St., Carmel. The $30 ticket, along with a small Eventbrite service fee, includes pizza from Bazbeaux Pizza, cupcakes from Gigi’s The Actors Theatre of Indiana is trying to Cupcakes and wine tasting from Peace Water fundraise more often rather than focusing on Winery. one major gala. fundraiser Merritt said ATI will receive a por“We’re trytion of each bottle of wine purchased ing to fundraise at the event. monthly if possible because ticket The ATI trio of co-founders Don sales only make 30 percent of our Farrell, Judy Fitzgerald and Cynthia total budget,” said Kristen Merritt, Collins will perform a short set. ATI director of marketing. “We did a “My intention is to have prizes only fundraiser at Sun King in January. We Merritt from Carmel businesses as part of it,” try to partner with local businesses. Merritt said. Different events will appeal to different peoThere is space for 50 people. ple. We’re hoping to reach a wider variety of The next ATI event, Trivia Night, will replace people who have never been to our events.” the annual gala, Merritt said. The Sip & Song will be held from 6:30 to “I think people are sort of over getting 8:30 p.m. Feb. 22 at Peace Water Winery, 37
dressed up and spending a $100 or $125 a ticket to come to an event,” Merritt said. “So our intention is to see how this Trivia Night goes.” The Trivia Night from 6:30 to 11 p.m. March 11 is in a banquet room above the Table by Market District restaurant, 11505 N. Illinois St., Carmel. The cost will be $40 a person and $300 for a table of eight. There will be complimentary pizza, appetizers, wine and beer, along with a cash bar. Scott Semester will serve as the master of ceremonies. “People can come individually but we encourage people to have teams of eight,” Merritt said. “I’ve been to a couple of them. The Trivia Nights are fun and casual.” For more, visit atistage.org.
Ball State students real-world ready for Masterworks concert at Palladium — Ball State University’s School of Music will make its debut at the Palladium at The Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel, Indiana, at 3 p.m. Feb. 26. Ryan Hourigan, the school’s director, said Masterworks concert at the Palladium is the largest ever performed by Ball State students. It will feature the school’s symphony orchestra, wind ensemble, and a 200-plus-member choir in collaboration with the Indianapolis Children’s Choir. Concert tickets range from $10-$40. Student tickets are $5 and can be purchased through the thecenterpresents.org or by calling the box office at 317-843-3800. ISO brings Teddy Bear Concert Series to Carmel — At 11 a.m., March 4, the Indiana Symphony Orchestra will bring its popular Teddy Bear Concert Series to Carmel. “Giant’s Violin” will be performed at the Carmel Clay Public Library. The ISO launched the free series in 2014 in Indianapolis and continues to expand the program to more central Indiana locations. Enthusiasts can follow Leonard “Leo” Bearnstein, the Teddy Bear Series mascot, on Instagram. For more, visit IndianapolisSymphony.org. ‘Abstract Painting in Europe, 1949-1968,’ this spring at the Eskenazi Museum of Art at Indiana University -- From March 11 to May 7, the Eskenazi Museum of Art will present ‘Abstract Painting in Europe, 1949-1968,’ curated by Jenny McComas, the Eskenazi Museum of Art’s Curator of European and American Art. The works in the exhibition were created between 1949, the year that saw the division of Germany into East and West, and 1968, a year marked by civil and political unrest across the continent, from student and worker uprisings in Paris to anti-Soviet protests in Prague. Ten paintings from the museum’s permanent collection representing artists from Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, France, Hungary and Poland will be on view in the exhibition. For more, visit artmuseum.indiana.edu. Governor’s Arts Awards — The Indiana Arts Commission is accepting nominations for the 2017 Governor’s Arts Awards. Nomination forms are available on the IAC website at in.gov/arts/2332.htm. Nominations will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. March 15. Nominations originally made, but not selected for the 2015-16 Bicentennial Governor’s Arts Awards, will automatically be reconsidered for 2017. However, nominators may wish to submit updated information if there have been significant changes in the nominee’s accomplishments or contributions to the arts since the original nomination.
February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Emmet Cahill to perform solo concert at Studio 37 By Desiree Williams editorial@youarecurrent.com
generation to generation. “What I’m trying to do is bring people back to their childhood,” he said. “There’s nothing Emmet Cahill, Irish tenor and primary singer like a song to bring back a memory.” Cahill said Irish music resonates with so with the Irish show Celtic Thunder, is bringmany people because it speaks of ing his debut album family and a sense of belonging, concert to the U.S. He will and he wants to emulate that at his perform at 7:30 p.m. concert. March 4 at the Ji-Eun Lee Music Acad“My show is a show that really emy, 10029 E. 126th St., Fishers. appeals to family, young and old. I try Cahill’s mother and father introto create an evening to give people duced him to music at a young age by a bit of an escape and maybe bring performing together at the Cathedral Cahill them to Ireland for a couple of hours,” of Christ the King Church in Mullingar, he said. Ireland and teaching music lessons. Cahill Other than traditional songs, Cahill also will stayed involved with the cathedral as he grew sing Broadway hits, movie favorites and even up and received classical training at the Royal some opera tunes. Irish Academy of Music in Dublin. Cahill said meeting and interacting with He joined Celtic Thunder six years ago and fans is one of his favorites things to do, so he toured in the U.S., Canada and Australia. Now, will offer a meet-and-greet session before the Cahill has signed with Sony Music Entertainconcert at 6 p.m. ment and is touring to promote his debut Tickets are $45 to include the meet-andalbum, “Emmet Cahill’s Ireland,” which will be greet, or $30 for general admission. For more, released Feb. 24. The album features 11 classic visit emmetcahill.com. Irish songs that have been passed down from
Acting bug bites Fishers youth By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com
WAXING • FACIALS • MASSAGE ONLINE BOOKING AVAILABLE! 15% Off All Massage & Facial Services Through Feb. 28 17409 Wheeler Rd., Suite 106, Westfield, IN | www.spathirty2.com | 317-399-7108 Monday: 12pm–6pm • Tuesday: 10am–6pm • Wednesday: 10am–7pm • Thursday: 9am–7pm Friday: 9am–6pm • Saturday: 9am–5pm • Sunday: 9am–4pm
malisa said. “If you say your line wrong, he’ll say, ‘No, it’s this.’” Lex, 11, said he watched the “Stuart Little” One acting camp and Lex Lumpkin was movie and read the book a hooked. couple of times. “I like being on Theater stage in front of Stuart is a boy-like mouse who falls in love with a bird named people, entertainMargalo. ing people,” Lex said. “I just get Following the acting camp he the thrill of it. It’s really fun.” took last summer at IRT, Lex was The Fishers resident will debut invited to audition. in the title role in the Indiana “We were shocked when he Repertory Theatre’s production got it because there were 10 of “Stuart Little,” held Feb. 25 to other boys auditioning,” TomMarch 26 at IRT, 140 W. Washingmalisa said. ton St., Indianapolis. There are Lex Lumpkin will play the His father, TiJuan Lumpkin, two matinee performances at title role of “Stuart Little” signed him up for the acting IRT on every Saturday and Sunclass because Lex kept asking if day during that span. In addition, at IRT. (Submitted photo) the cast will be doing performances for school he could audition for a commercial or a play. During the weeks of the show, Lex’s grandchildren through the week. His mother, Tommother Effie Alexander, a retired teacher, will malisa Lumpkin, said there are more than 50 come to Florida help him keep up with his performances. Lex, a fifth-grader at Hamilton Southeastern schoolwork. “She’s a strict woman, too. It won’t be an Intermediate/Junior High School, said he likes easy ride for him,” Tommalisa said. to make people laugh. Lex’s brother, TiJuan Jr., a sixth-grader who “I don’t like memorizing the lines, that’s the goes by T.J., also took the acting camp. He down part,” Lex said. might want to act as well but singing is his Tommalisa said her son is good at it. real love. “He knows everyone else’s lines, too,” Tom-
February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Where’s Amy? Amy Pauszek is a photographer, film producer and scouting and casting associate for Talent Fusion Agency in Indianapolis. She can be reached at Amy@youarecurrent.com. To see more of her photos, visit currentnightandday.com.
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Where’s Amy meets artists Zac and Patrick Kinkade at CV Art and Frame Gallery Janice and Mike Baugh posed with up-and-coming artist Zac Kinkade. (Photos by Amy Pauszek)
Artist Patrick Kinkade hams it up for Where’s Amy in between clients at CV Art and Frame Gallery.
Where’s Amy had the honor of meeting Thomas Kinkade studio artist Zac Kinkade (artist Thomas Kinkade’s nephew) and Patrick Kinkade (art historian and Tom’s younger brother). Zionsville’s own CV Art and Frame Gallery hosted the two-day event, where clients were the first to see brand-new Zac Kinkade originals and have their Kinkade limited edition canvas personally remarked. I loved meeting Mike and Janice Baugh (Zionsville), who commissioned Zac to create a special piece for Mike’s collection of the Yankee Stadium. I also got a sneak peek of Patrick painting a special ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ oil painting for a client. Be sure to stop by CV Art and Frame in Zionsville, where owner Barbara Jennings and gallery manager Rhonda Crawshaw will educate and introduce to you to beautiful artwork and the best up-and-coming artists in town. From left, CV Art and Framing Gallery owner Barbara Jennings, Zac Kinkade, Mike and Janice Baugh with Patrick Kinkade.
office: 580-9955 • mobile: 590-7878 keithshomes.com team@keithshomes.com /TheAlbrechtTeam *Each office independently owned and operated.
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February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
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Jockamo Upper Crust Pizza is a family friendly neighborhood pizza place that will cater to everyone’s cravings, from the Slaughterhouse Five pizza for meat-lovers to the Jockamo Special for vegetarians. Jackamo’s also offers an extensive beverage menu to accompany your pizza of choice. Enjoy a dining-room atmosphere with walls adorned with the work of local artists. You’ll feel right at home! Type of Food: American-Italian Food Recommendation: Lazyboy Pizza Price Range: $10-$25
Jockamo Upper Crust Pizza Hours: 11 a.m.-10 p.m., Sunday to Thursday, 11 a.m.-11 p.m., Friday and Saturday. Address: 5646 E. Washington St., Indianapolis Phone: 317-356-6612
Resolve to make your lunchbox healthier: Wonton Taco Cups Submitted content courtesy of Family Features
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It’s the perfect time of year for families to get back on track and pledge to eat healthy lunches for the remainder of the school year. Total time: 25 minutes Servings: 8 Ingredients: 3/4 pound lean ground beef, 1 tablespoon low-sodium taco seasoning, 1 Roma tomato, 2 mini sweet peppers, 1/4 small sweet onion, 1 tablespoon chopped cilantro, 24 wonton wrappers, 1/2 cup shredded lowfat cheddar cheese, 2 avocados, sliced, 1 lime, juiced Directions: Heat oven to 350 F. Spray 24cup mini muffin pan with nonstick spray and set aside. Heat large, nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add ground beef and cook 5-7 minutes, or until cooked through. Drain and return to pan. Add taco seasoning and mix well.
Add tomato, peppers, onion and cilantro to food processor and chop until fine (or finely chop by hand). Add to ground beef and mix well. Line muffin pans with wonton wrappers, placing one in each cup. Add taco mixture and top with cheese. Bake 12-15 minutes, or until wontons start to brown on edges Meanwhile, toss avocados with lime juice. Top each taco cup with avocado.
Behind bars: Mango basil martini Get it at Mackenzie River, Carmel Ingredients: 1.5 oz. Titos vodka, 1 oz. Triple Sec, 1 oz. mango puree, 2 oz. sweet and sour, Basil Directions: Shake with ice and strain into martini glass. Garnish with basil leaf.
lIve MUsIC
The Center for the Performing Arts – 355 City Center Dr., Carmel – thecenterpresents.org Feb. 23 – Martina McBride Feb. 24 – Yellowjackets Feb. 25 – Kelly & Emily Thompson; Indiana Wind
Symphony Feb. 26 – Ball State Wind Ensemble, Ball State Symphony Orchestra, combined Ball State Choirs, and the Indianapolis Children’s Choir Hopwood Cellars Winery – 12 E. Cedar St., Zi-
onsville – hopwoodcellars.com Feb. 24 – Paul & Rick Feb. 25 – Delta Duo Mo’s Irish Pub – 13193 Levinson Ln., Ste 100, Noblesville – mosirishpub.com/indy Feb. 23 – Dave Grodzki Feb. 24 – Andrew Young Trio Feb. 25 – Liquid Groove Vogue Nightclub – 6259 N. College Ave., Indianapolis – thevogue.com Feb. 22 – Lettuce and The Russ Liquid Test Feb. 24 – Rumours and Jessie & Amy Feb. 25 – Juvenile *Performers are scheduled, but may change
February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
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Yacht Harbor in Antalya, Turkey. (Photo by Don Knebel)
Antalya: World-class resort city Commentary by Don Knebel When Americans think of cities in Turkey, most probably don’t picture a cosmopolitan seaside resort featuring a harbor travel once used by the Romans. But Antalya, the fastest growing city in Turkey with a population of more than 1 million, meets that description. Antalya was founded on the Mediterranean coast of what is now Turkey in about 150 B.C. by King Attalos II of Pergamon. Attalos based his powerful navy in Antalya’s natural harbor. When Antalya came under control of the Roman Empire in 133 B.C., Roman fleets continued to use the harbor. By the first century, Antalya was a thriving port city, attracting people from around the Mediterranean. In about 45 A.D., the Apostle Paul and his companion Barnabas visited Antalya during their first missionary journey. A visit to Antalya by Roman Emperor Hadrian in 130 A.D. was commemorated by a three-opening ceremonial gate that still leads to the ancient walled city center adjoining the harbor. For much of its history, Antalya was not closely connected
with the surrounding areas and developed as a unique multicultural city, attracting Jews, Christians and Muslims alike to its beautiful beaches and flourishing commercial district. Since the 1970s, the Turkish government has developed Antalya into a world-class resort city, with luxurious hotels available at remarkably low rates stretching along its long beach front. Although the government has closed Antalya’s hotel casinos, alcohol is still available to foreign visitors, more than 12 million of whom come each year to what has become known as the Turkish Riviera. Visitors wanting more than sun and sand crowd the shops in Kaleiçi, the historic city center near what is now Antalya’s yacht harbor. So prevalent (some would use other words) are Russian tourists in Antalya that some hotels proudly advertise that they are not popular with the Russians. Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel.com. You may contact him at news@currentzionsville. com.
Dispatches Good preservatives — Preservatives have gotten a bad reputation among health conscious consumers. But there are many foods we could not have without preservatives. Here are a few: 1. Wine – contains sulfites, produced during the fermentation process. 2. Peanut butter – even organic brands need a touch of sugar or salt to keep them fresh 3. Pickles – the fermentation process requires salt or vinegar as a preservative 4. Jam and jelly – require benzoic acid to prevent mold and bacteria from growing. Source: MentalFloss.com
Designer workshop series — The public is invited to connect with design professionals each month on various interior design topics. Join us for Inspired Outdoor Living: Turn Your Outdoor Space Into an Oasis at 10:30 a.m. March 21 at the Indiana Design Center, 200 S. Range Line Rd. Light refreshments will be provided.
Black ink substitute — If your printer happens to be out of black ink and you don’t have a spare cartridge, try this instead. Highlight all the text and change the color to very dark blue. Source: 1000LifeHacks.com
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February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
Across 1. Hamilton County pound sound 5. Village Tailors worker 10. Start of a Zionsville HS play 14. Jim Davis pooch 15. ___ Stoppers of Central Indiana 16. Pork choice at Joe’s Butcher Shop
17. Annapolis inits. 18. Shoopman Homes bay window 19. U.S. Postmaster General from Indiana 20. Noblesville car wash 22. Stair part 24. ISO string instrument 26. Regal Cinemas film 28. Indianapolis Zoo swinger
31. Soundless communication: Abbr. 32. The ___ Suspects 34. Anesthetized at IU Health 36. St. Alphonsus Catholic Church sisters 38. Mich. neighbor 39. Allergic reaction 40. U.S. Vice President from Indiana
Carmel High School Auditorium | March 10-12, 2017 | Hurry! Seats are Limited | www.CrossAndLight.com
www.CrossAndLight.com Suitable for Children Age 8+ with Adult Supervision There are 2 ways to purchase tickets: (1) by mailing a CHECK with this completed order form to OLMC, 14596 Oak Ridge Rd, Carmel, IN 46032 Attn: R. DeKlyen (2) or with CREDIT CARD by visiting www.CrossAndLight.com/Tickets Desired Show (select one) Buyer Information (please fill in all fields) Friday, March 10, 7:00 PM NAME _____________________________________ Saturday, March 11, 2:00 PM STREET ____________________________________ Saturday, March 11, 7:00 PM CITY/STATE/ZIP ______________________________ Sunday, March 12, 2:00 PM EMAIL _____________________________________ Sunday, March 12, 7:00 PM PHONE _____________________________________ (1) Front/Center Sections of Lower Level Price per Ticket
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43. Purdue science class 46. Local place to see a Monet, briefly 47. Hoosier Park pace 51. Boone County Fair pack animal 52. Senseless 54. French Lick Resort Casino roulette bet 55. Cowboy’s moniker 56. Brooklyn “Island” 58. Karma 60. Deadly 62. Carmel HS fans chant: “___ number one!” 63. U.S. Speaker of the House from Indiana 65. Prolonged attack 68. Best picture of 2012 71. List bit 72. Signed a Pacers contract 73. Little swab 74. U. of Evansville athletes 75. Looks like 76. Cole Porter song: “It ___ Done” Down 1. IUPUI map phrase: “___ are here” 2. Current staffers, briefly 3. U.S. President from Indiana 4. Moyer Fine Jewelers thing of beauty 5. Harbor vessel 6. Be human 7. Nintendo console 8. Chef Lagasse 9. Indiana State Museum piece 10. Be sore after the Run for Riley 11. Blatant deception 12. Part of a Happy Meal 13. John Morton-Finney Center for Educational Services org.
21. Perrier, in a Fishers HS French class 23. Shut out the Colts 24. U-Haul rental 25. Larry Bird’s coll. 26. Endow, as a DePauw scholarship 27. Place to go at Camp Atterbury 29. Brick-shaped candy 30. Afore 33. Big name at Best Buy 35. Hoosier National Forest home 37. Hoax 39. Marsh checkout action 41. Put into law at a Westfield City Council meeting 42. “If ___ be so bold...” 43. McAlister’s Deli order 44. Bullfight cheer
45. Like some bonds 48. U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice from Indiana 49. Indiana Poet Laureate words of praise 50. Andrew Luck stats 52. Skate type 53. Second of all? 57. Desert pit stop 59. Basra native 61. Indiana National Guard weaponry 62. Says “I do” 63. Ray Skillman brand 64. Et al. kin 66. Scrape (out) 67. J.C. Sipe sparkler 69. Big Red Liquors buy 70. Choose Answers on Page 39
February 21, 2017
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February 21, 2017
Current in Westfield
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