Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Building bots Shamrockbotics to compete in inaugural year / P9 Westfield Easter Egg Drop returns / P3
Westfield Innovation Contest to take place this month / P6
Cinderella Story provides prom dresses / P7
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March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield
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Maple Glen Elementary School students recently celebrated the Shamrock Club volunteer day. More than 100 students attended and participated in volunteer activities, such as making kindness signs and banners for the schools and community, creating school supply kits for Open Doors of Washington Township, making placemats for local nursing homes and more. (Above) Open Doors of Washington Township Treasurer Jerry Rosenberger pauses with student volunteers Sam Flickinger, Keaton Knott, Elli Canavan, Brennan Canavan, Elsa Fritzsche and Sage Knott (Submitted photo)
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March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield
Contact the Editor
Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@youarecurrent.com. You may also submit information on our website, currentinwestfield.com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication.
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Easter egg drop returns to Grand Park By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com Approximately 30,000 Easter eggs once again will fall from the sky when a helicopter flies over Grand Park on March 24. EASTER This is the seventh year for the Westfield Easter Egg Drop. The event focuses on unifying the community and local churches. “The heart of the event is we wanted to present churches being unified in the community, as the event was originally started by NSPIRE,” NSPIRE Engagement Pastor Matt Gaylor said. “This is the third year doing it with other churches. Three years ago, we took our church name off of it and made it a unified event to invite other churches to be a part of it.” Two changes will take place this year. Registration will increase from a capacity of 1,600 to 2,000, and a Helping Hands area for children with sensory and mobility issues will be added.
A helicopter will drop 30,000 eggs over Grand Park for children to collect on March 24. (Submitted photo)
“It’s not dramatically different from the regular event. Children registered for that area will be able to utilize every other part of the event with no restrictions,” said Spencer Fairfax, event coordinator. “What we’ve done to accommodate them is we have given them a special area of the field where they can
have more space, more time.” The group is released with the first age group, so they have the full length of the egg hunt to search for their eggs. When eggs are collected, they are turned in for prizes. The drops will take place at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Age groups are 1-4, 5-7 and 8-10. Christ United Methodist Church, NSPIRE, Heartland, Thrive and Westfield Friends are volunteer participants for the event. “We see one of the things we are bringing to this event is creating the opportunity for other churches to link arms and for all of us to serve,” NSPIRE Formation Pastor Brad Ruggles said. “We all show up the day of the event all wearing the same shirts, and you can’t tell one church from another. We are all serving alongside one another.” Registration is free and opens at 6 a.m. March 14. A registration code can be found inside this week’s copy of Current in Westfield on Page 24. For more, visit westfieldeggdrop.com.
Westfield YAP to host annual breakfast By Noah Alatza news@currentinwestfield.com
On the cover
The Shamrockbotics team, from left, Dani Mitchell, Addy Famuyiwa, Iris Butterfield, Faith Camire, Noah Pawlowski, Emma Clary, Thomas Hutchens-Crockett and Ty Healy. (Photos by Sadie Hunter) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. XI, No. 8 Copyright 2018. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
In partnership with the City of Westfield, the Westfield Youth Assistance Program will hold its eighth annual RECOGNITION celebratory and recognition breakfast from 7 to 9 a.m. March 22 at the IMMI Conference Center, 18660 N. East St. Teachers and administrators from Westfield Washington Schools typically nominate students for recognition from the WYAP. Nominees are usually at-risk youth. Westfield Mayor Andy Cook will distribute awards during the event. Early Intervention Advocate Christine Brown said the organization has a committee that vets each nominee. “These are those kids who may not otherwise get recognized,” Brown said. “It’s not going to be your typical straight-A student or soccer captain. It could be, but we want to focus on kids who are improving their grades
Mayor Andy Cook pauses with Mia Shinault at the 2017 Westfield Youth Assistance Breakfast. (Submitted photo)
and show they’re making changes. We want to recognize them and say we realize you’re working really hard and keep encouraging you.” Criteria for recognition is based on four factors: If a student can overcome adversity or tragedy at home or school; has demonstrated profound attitude or behavior change;
has performed interesting acts of heroism; or has shown strong academic improvement. “A lot of the nominations are kids who have lost a parent or (have) significant health issues they have risen above, or just those making great choices,” Brown said. “A lot of these kids have dealt with far more than most of us have dealt with in our lifetime.” All nominations are from kindergarten through 12th grade. Cook presents the awards. The teacher or administrator that nominated the student gets a chance to talk about the student’s achievements. The event has traditionally not been a fundraiser. Brown said the WYAP recently started offering table sponsors to help cover costs. “This event allows us to really be able to bring to light some of the great accomplishments and triumphs kids are doing and overcoming,” Brown said.” They have really pulled themselves up.” For more, visit youthassistance.org.
March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield
from Allisonville Road to Hague WESTFIELD Road for the 106th Street InfraResurfacing projects are structure project. continuing throughout Periodic lane restrictions the city. These projects CONSTRUCTION will occur at the intersection include Joliet Road, Cathof 131st Street and Cumbererine Drive, Greyland Road for utility relocation work. hound Pass from 151st to Western Lane restrictions will occur along 131st Way, Greyhound Court, Spring Meadows Street between Allisonville Road and Lansubdivision and half of Pine Ridge and tern Road to allow for tree clearing prior to Quail Ridge subdivisions. the construction of the Conner Trail. Towne Road reconstruction includes Lane restrictions will occur along 136th three new culverts, widening and vertical Street between Southeastern Parkway and sight distance corrections. The project is Prairie Baptist Road for tree clearing to alexpected to be complete by summer or fall low for construction of a new roundabout. of this year. Meadows Drive will be closed between The Monon trail is being extended Frances Drive and Morgan Drive as a sanifrom 191st to 216th streets. The second phase of the riparian corridor tary sewer is installed. Temporary lane restrictions may be in for Grand Junction Park and Plaza is under construction, and most of the work has place on 126th Street from Allisonville Road. and will be done when the water is frozen. Additional lanes are now open CARMEL on I-69 between Ind. 37 Exit 205 and Ind. 38 Temporary barricades are in place Exit 219. A $92-million-project, contractors along River Road between 146th Street and added a third lane in each direction, Community Drive until the City of Carmel repaired pavement and rehabilitated completes a road reconstruction project. bridges and drain structures along 15 miles The speed limit in the area has been of the highway. I-69 South is temporarily reduced to 25 miles per hour. The project is reduced to two lanes to allow space for the expected to be complete in April or later. Ind. 37 and 116th Street entrance ramps to FISHERS merge during construction. 106th Street is closed to through traffic
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March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield
STEM initiative continues
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By Noah Alatza news@currentinwestfield.com Westfield High School junior Bridget Arnold will continue the female STEM initiative, as Emmalee SeverEDUCATION son graduated from WHS last year. Severson started the program three years ago to introduce young girls to the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The initiative focuses on fifth- and sixth-grade girls at Westfield Intermediate School. The STEM program now includes art, creating the STEAM acronym, which incorporates the elements of graphic and web design among computer sciences. Arnold said the project was rebranded this year, and she wants to show girls there are opportunities in dozens of fields across science. “There are not a lot of women in the science, engineering and math fields,” Arnold said. “Emmalee created this to pique those interests, and I want to continue that.” As a priority for district administration, STEM initiatives have grown, especially since the high school’s recently added the
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Sharon Hoffman displays an experiment during a past Girls Rock STEAM event. (Submitted photo)
Idea Farm, a makerspace within the learning center. “There is a growing field to reach out to those girls,” Arnold said. “Young women can have an opportunity in those fields.” Arnold, a project manager for the initiative, said the girls are brainstorming what experiments they want to do, but at the top of the list are chemistry ice cream-making and making elephant toothpaste. The experiments will be showcased by the girls during a free event called Girls Rock STEAM from 10 a.m. to noon March 24 inside the Westfield Intermediate School gymnasium, 326 W. Main St.
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March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield
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Last month, Westfield High School students presented their business ideas and prototypes for the first round of the Westfield Innovation Contest. The final round will be 6:30 p.m. March 28 at WHS, 18250 N. Union St. (Above) Katy Zaloudek presents an idea for a new type of alarm clock. (Right) John Ryan presents a reusable water bottle cleaner. (Photos by Anna Skinner)
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March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield
Program offers affordable prom opportunity
By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com The Cinderella Story of Hamilton County is making prom affordable for local girls. The program originated 12 EVENT years ago, the brainchild of a group of moms who know proms are expensive and are concerned some girls could miss out because of the combined cost of tickets, dinner, a prom dress and other accessories. Jodi Scott recently became involved with the program and has fallen in love with its mission. “It’s expensive to go to prom, so these moms got together and said, ‘Let’s come up with a way to provide no-cost or low-cost dresses to girls in the community with no questions asked,’” Scott said. A dress with shoes and accessories costs $25, but if a family cannot afford that, then Scott said they email the organization and a solution is found, allow-
ing for the girl to still get her dress and accessories. Last year, the event supplied approximately 150 dresses to girls in the area. Money from the event goes to purchasing plus-size dresses because Scott said those aren’t donated as often. The event is at Monon Trail Elementary School, 19400 Tomlinson Rd. It runs from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 24. Donations of gently used or new dresses may be made to various Century 21 Scheetz locations as well as DC Tux in Carmel; Larry Eckert American Family Insurance in Noblesville; First Merchants Bank in Westfield; Indy Laser in Carmel; and Monon Trail Elementary School in Westfield, among other locations. Although the event is based in Westfield, Scott said girls from all communities are welcome. For more, or a full list of the participating drop-off locations, visit Hamilton County Prom Event on Facebook.
Schools receive high rating By Noah Alatza news@currentinwestfield.com
porating music programs with science and social studies classes. “I feel like our teachers work close together and they are connecting learning Despite five Westfield Washington as much as possible,” she said. “I think we Schools losing a letter grade in last year’s have a very active and involved annual ISTEP ACHIEVEMENT accountability school community, overall.” Oak Trace, which has received report, the Inthe four-star rating every year diana Dept. of Education announced since its founding in 2000, also was March 1 that two WWS schools have recognized as a National Blue Ribearned a four-star rating. The ratbon school in 2015-16. It is the only ing is for the 2016-17 school year. Westfield public school to date to To earn the distinction, a school Lynch earn that honor, prompting a visit must receive an “A” on the state’s and congratulations from then-Gov. Mike A-F accountability scale and provide solid Pence. ISTEP scores. If applicable, schools also Lynch said low staff turnover also is key. must show high graduation rates and “The most important part of my job is where they are closing achievement gaps. putting the very best teachers in the classWestfield High School increased its acroom,” she said. “When you have the right countability rating from a B to an A, and people in place, the sky’s the limit. I want Oak Trace Elementary maintained an A students to love walking in the doors every rating. day.” Oak Trace Principal Robin Lynch attriWestfield High School Principal Stacy butes the rating to continuous involvement McGuire stated in a press release that she inside the school community. was proud of the team effort it took to re“I think consistency is important,” she ceive a four-star rating. said. “We tend to have a very consistent “Their commitment and passion for staff that works very well together to colour students is truly extraordinary, and laborate and make curriculum come alive working with them daily is an honor,” she and connected.” stated. Lynch said one initiative includes incor-
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March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield
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Through an ongoing school spirit debit card program, Indiana Member’s Credit Union recently donated $2,306 to Westfield High School. Each time a Westfield resident signs up for the debit card to show their spirit, the program benefits Westfield athletics. From left, Assistant Athletic Director Andy Tebbe, IMCU Westfield Branch Manager Connie Tyler and IMCU Business Development Manager Gina Terril. (Submitted photo)
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March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield
Shamrockbotics to compete in inaugural year By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com Members of the new Shamrockbotics Club aren’t taking weekends off. On Saturday afternoons, the COVER STORY loud whir of a drill and clanking construction can be heard coming from a classroom at Westfield High School. Members of the club train for seven hours each Saturday to prepare for an upcoming competition – their first as a club. The club allows student participants to spend time building a robot, which they then use to compete against other teams. It also teaches various aspects of community outreach. A group of six adult mentors, five of which are alums of the FIRST Robotics (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), learned there wasn’t a FIRST Robotics group at WHS, so they decided to change that. “A lot of us live up here and knew the impact it had on us as students, and we wanted to make sure Westfield students had that opportunity, too,” said Hannah May, a mentor and alumna of FIRST. Carmel, Noblesville and other nearby areas all have FIRST Robotics teams. Competition themes for the year are estbablished in January. Students have six weeks to build a robot. They then have to cover their robot before the competitions begin mid-March and troubleshoot without working on the robot, usually by watching competition webcasts. They have one sixhour window to allow for changes to the robot sometime prior to the competitions. For this year, competing clubs will be with teams of three and must move cubes to a teeter-totter mechanism to tip it to that team’s side to win. Since Shamrockbotics is a new club, students had to raise $15,000 from scratch for their budget. The money is used for materials to build the robot and cover travel costs to and from competitions. The club received a $5,000 NASA grant and a $5,000 FedEx grant. Students used what they call their “culture projects” to split into teams addressing community outreach, marketing, website creation and more.
proud of the girls taking part in a STEMrelated program. “It’s great because most of our girls are on the construction team, and it’s cool because in one meeting, it was all girls back there, and it was like girl power,” Clary said. “It’s cool to go out and support girls in STEM.” Before joining the club, Clary didn’t know how to use a drill. “It teaches me so much,” she said of the club. “I kind of knew I wanted to be an engineer, but ever since going through the whole process in the club, I’ve learned so much about engineering and even business stuff.” For more, visit the Shamrockbotics Facebook page.
A student controls the robot. (Photos by Sadie Hunter)
The culture projects help with more than fundraising. They allow students to plan a variety of events educating the community on FIRST and WHS’s Shamrockbotics Club. “We planned an open house to tell about the team and have a robot unveiling, and we sent volunteers to a coding dojo at the Westfield library,” said Emma Clary, a senior on the team. “We reached out to government officials and had a meeting with the mayor. We also went to the chamber of
commerce meeting which was focused on nonprofit companies to gather information on volunteering in the community.” There is no age requirement for the co-ed club. Members range from freshmen to seniors. Clary said she’s
UPCOMING COMPETITIONS The Shamrockbotics Club had its first competition March 10-11, and the results were unknown at press time. Its next competition is March 24-25 at Plainfield High School. Admission is free and open to the public. Approximately 36 teams from across the state will compete. Each team competes in 12 matches. If Shamrockbotics wins its district competitions, it could advance to the state competition and then the world competition, which is being held in Detroit later this year. For more about the FIRST Robotics organization, visit firstinspires.org.
The Shamrockbotics’ robot.
March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield
Ominous start to new year
True grit
Commentary by Terry Anker
Commentary by Danielle Wilson
Grit is an old word that has come into new fashion. The 1969 Henry Hathaway film “True Grit,” starring John Wayne and a very young Glen Campbell, recounts the story of a teenage girl wanting to avenge the murder of her father by hiring Wayne’s character, a codgy lawman aptly named Rooster Cogburn, because he was alleged to possess the grit to get the job done. Throughout the film, she comes to realize that the strength of character required resides in all of us – if our will or circumstance can only release it. Wayne’s portrayal illuminated the big screen, ultimately winning his only Oscar after three nominations. Grit, at least as Wayne portrayed it, isn’t pure – it may not even be polite – but it is about doing what is right, what needs to be done and doing it when it is needed. Today, a quick perusal of any bookstore will show scores of tomes dedicated to the subject. Grit, it seems, is making a comeback. Are we tough enough to survive in a difficult world? Can we overcome the inevitable roadblocks along our journey? Can we get back up after something has knocked us down yet again? Today’s authors cite study after study of folks doing extraordinary things against seemingly overwhelming circumstances. A friend was recently sharing that her young son had decided, against her advice, to adopt a dog. The boy had not shown much aptitude for responsibility. But, this loving beast inspired him. Early each morning, they walk. Daily is a ritual of care. His commitment is constant and unbounded. Among all priorities, this is the singular one to which he is dedicated. There is something about doing this thing that drives him. Do we have the same in ourselves?
How’s 2018 shaping up for you? Here’s a rundown of mine: • My teenage daughters are giving me a run for my money. One has decided that Snapchat and the KarHUMOR dashians are way more important than silly things like U.S. history grades and a non-toxic bedroom environment. The other speaks to me only when she is feverish with the flu, needs a ride to Starbucks or has a Geometry question. • On a brighter note, I’ve only received one hate mail thus far. Apparently, I’ve ticked off some moms by insinuating that staying at home is a terribly hard job that requires alcohol to cope. I wasn’t insinuating anything. Motherhood is the hardest thing you can do, and most days with little ones are challenging. Who cares if you need some wine after a botched visit to the Children’s Museum? It doesn’t mean you don’t appreciate your circumstances. It just means you had a rough day and would like a drink. Cheers! • I’m starting to feel my age, at least physically. The knees are constantly cracking, sometimes refusing to work altogether. My hair stylist had to cut out my “grays” at my last visit, which disturbed me to no end. And my hormones are off the charts, causing periodic bouts of insomnia, night sweats and extreme witchiness. This year looks like it might be a tough one. But I have my middle-age health, two male children that love me and this column. Peace out.
Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@youarecurrent.com.
BELIEVE IT! Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Wisconsin it is illegal to throw rocks at a railroad car. Source: dumblaws.com
READER’S VIEW Central Time resolutions Editor, Indiana was shifted from its correct Central Time Zone to Eastern in the mid1960s. However, we didn’t experience a sunlight-schedule change until 2006, when Eastern Daylight Savings Time was adopted. Two resolutions in the General Assembly (HCR 2 and SCR 11) call for an examination of the effect of Eastern’s sunlight schedule on the well-being of Hoosiers. Why is this important? While observing Daylight Savings Time has proven beneficial to Indiana’s economy by keeping our clocks in sync with other states, being in the same time zone as New York is no longer valid. In the meantime, statistics show that our current sunlight schedule is adversely effecting Hoosiers’ well-being. Hoosiers are the eighth-most tired in the U.S. Indiana’s teens have the second-highest suicide attempt rate in the nation. We are the eighth-most obese and seventh-least physically fit. Approximately 55,000 stu-
dents are chronic absentees each year, most due to truancy, and approximately 630,000 adult Hoosiers don’t have high school or GRE diplomas. Approximately 28,000 Hoosiers and 51 public school boards have signed petitions to restore Indiana to its correct Central Time Zone, which simply means that the sun would rise and set one hour earlier. Indiana’s counties would be reunited in the same time zone again. Broadcast of prime time programs and national events (NFL, NCAA, Olympics, etc.) would occur one hour earlier in the evening. July 4 fireworks could return to 9 p.m., and children could grow up seeing the stars and catching lightning bugs again. Students would travel to school in the safety of sunlight, and schools for teens could meet the recommended 8:30 a.m. start time. Central Time is Indiana’s correct time. It’s a no-brainer. Susannah Dillon, president Central Time Coalition, Carmel
Central Time is Indiana’s correct time. It’s a no-brainer.
Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.
Want to respond to the columnists or send a letter to the editor? Email Letters@youarecurrent.com.
Current in Westfield
Catching this late, late show Commentary by Dick Wolfsie The Academy Awards were coming up, and on Friday my wife wanted to see “Lady Bird,” one of the Best Picture HUMOR nominees, but it was only showing at 11:15 p.m., way past my bedtime. Not only that, but if we were to go out for a movie at that hour, we needed something to occupy ourselves between 6 and 10:30 p.m. We ended up watching a movie on Netflix, which is kind of like grabbing a bite to eat at home before heading out for dinner. I asked our friends Bob and Cathy if they wanted to come along. “Bob, Mary Ellen and I are going to an 11 o’clock movie. Want to join us?” “Cathy usually doesn’t get up until noon.” “No, I mean 11 tonight.” “Wait, you guys are going to a movie at 11 p.m.? That means the film won’t let out until tomorrow. Are you writing an article for AARP on the lives of super-seniors?” Bob declined the invitation, so it was just Mary Ellen and me. My concern about the evening proved correct. Mary Ellen kept poking me in my side. “Dick, you’re dozing off.”
March 13, 2018
VIEWS “I told you this would happen if we went to a late movie.” “I know, but we’re still in the car on the way to the theater.” This particular cinema had state-of-theart seating: Recliners with comfortable armrests and a place for snacks and drinks. “Do not fall asleep this time,” cautioned my wife. “I want to talk about the movie on the way home.” As we headed back later that night, Mary Ellen asked me what I thought of the flick. I told her that I really related to the part where the guy went to class and forgot to study for the exam and that he forgot to wear pants to school. “That wasn’t in the movie, Dick. That’s one of your recurring nightmares.” Yes, I had nodded off, but I was thrilled my dreams were Oscar material. On Sunday night, we watched the Academy Awards. I have no idea which film got best picture. I fell asleep by 10:30.
Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.
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March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield
Artful Living gift shop opens in Clay Terrace By Heather Collins news@currentinwestfield.com
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Carmel residents and Artful Living owners Ryan and Jeannie Warzynski describe their shop as the perCOMING SOON fect gift store. The Warzynskis are keeping Artful Living in the family. The shop was started by Ryan Warzynski’s aunt and uncle 17 years ago in Atlanta. When his aunt and uncle retired, the Warzynskis thought it would be the perfect opportunity to transition from the corporate world to owning their own company in Carmel. “We watched them be successful and have fun with it,” Ryan Warzynski said. The Warzynskis each had a 13-year career with KAR Auction Services and relocated from Wisconsin to Texas to Indiana for work. They said they’ve settled in Carmel and are excited to raise their family and launch their business there. The boutique-style gift shop features a wide variety of unique items, including personalized signs, coffee mugs, jewelry, collectibles, figurines and home decor. A majority of the items, ranging in price from $3 to $300, are locally or American-made.
Artful Living owners Ryan and Jeannie Warzynski pause with their children, Morgan, 15, and Mason, 11. (Submitted photo)
“There’s just so many unique things. Your eyes are always active. It’s just fun to look at all the inventory,” Jeannie Warzynski said. “There truly is something for everyone.”
Artful Living opened March 1 and is on the south end of Clay Terrace between Old Navy and Orvis. The couple also owns Tucker Automotive Group in Westfield. For more, visit artfulliving.today.
DISPATCHES Best places to work — The Indiana Chamber of Commerce and Best Companies Group recently named Hamilton County Tourism as one of the Best Places to Work in Indiana. The statewide survey and awards program is designed to identify, recognize and honor the best employers in Indiana, benefiting the state’s economy, workforce and businesses.
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consumer need for wireless data. American Tower Corporation (AMT) is a tower-leasing company for cellphone companies and others that operate by giving customers access to the broadband spectrum. It reorganized as a REIT—real estate investment trust—in 2012, and since then has paid out 90 percent of earnings to shareholders annually. Profits and dividends are expected to increase. Source: BottomLineInc. Restaurant stocks to benefit — Stocks of several restaurant chains are among the most surprising beneficiaries of cuts in corporate taxes under the new federal tax law. Stocks that could benefit the most include Domino’s Pizza, Texas Roadhouse and Wingstop. Source: BottomLineInc. Free tax assistance – The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help to people who make $54,000 or less, persons with disabilities and limited English speakers who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns. To find assistance, visit IRS.gov and click on the Free Tax Assistance link.
March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield
A heart scan can help detect early warning signs Commentary by Dr. Ronald Mastouri Heart disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women, and the deadly condition can PREVENTION often strike without warning or symptoms. For many adults, however, there is a way to learn more about their heart health through a heart scan. A heart scan is a computed tomography (CT) scan that measures the amount of calcified or hardened plaque buildup inside the coronary arteries. The scan is completed in just a few minutes and does not require a contrast dye injection. Reviewed and evaluated by a cardiologist, the series of images of the arteries and blood vessels reveals early warning signs of heart disease. Heart scans are intended for adults age 40 to 75 who have one or more risk factors for heart disease, which may include: • High blood pressure • High cholesterol • Family history of heart disease, stroke
or vascular disease • Diabetes • Smoking • Obesity • Other vascular disease Based on your risk factors and medical history, your primary care provider can help determine whether you are a good candidate for a heart scan. Although the scan won’t tell definitively whether you will or won’t develop heart disease, it is a valuable and effective diagnostic tool for predicting whether future heart disease is possible. Depending on the results of the scan, the cardiologist may recommend additional tests and advise diet and lifestyle changes or medication to help lower your risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Dr. Ronald Mastouri specializes in cardiology. He is a guest columnist located at IU Health Physicians and can be reached by calling 317-962-0500. For more health information, subscribe to Strength in You at iuhealth.org/StrengthInYou.
DISPATCHES Ceramides for skin — For skin health, the best lotions contain ceramides, fats that are a natural constituent of skin cells. They help repair the skin’s protective barrier. Ceramides also help treat eczema and psoriasis. Brands to try to include are CeraVe and Eucerin. BottomLineHealth.com Blood pressure measurement — Blood pressure is most accurately measured when you have been sitting quietly for at least 5 minutes. If you get a high reading in the doctor’s office, ask for a second and even third reading after you’ve had a few minutes to settle down. That way, you won’t get a false high reading. Source: BottomLineHealth.com Health and fitness classes — Witham Health Services offers several health and fitness classes for all ages and fitness levels. Classes include: Breastfeeding Education, Diabetes Management, Rock Steady Boxing, Silver Sneakers, Tai Chi and more. Some classes are free. For times and locations, visit witham.org or call 765-485-8120.
Healthy greens — Leafy greens are the superstars of the vegetable brigade. Kale, widely considered the king, is high in calcium, magnesium and vitamin K and is loaded with disease-fighting phytochemicals, such as lutein and vitamin C. But, it does taste bitter. Healthy alternatives include arugula, spinach and parsley – all of which pack a pretty powerful punch. Source: BottomLineInc.com Support groups available — Witham Health Services offers a variety of support groups for those in need of the services. Groups include: Alzheimer’s Support, Cancer Support, Cancer Gentle Stretch Yoga, Cancer Support Cooking for Wellness, Diabetic Support and Grief Support. The groups are free and meet monthly. For more, visit witham. org or call 765-485-8120. Free meditation class — Sahaja Meditation Indiana presents a free mediation class at 7 p.m. on Fridays. Learn to reduce stress and experience inner peace through meditation. The class will be held at Old National Bank, 1430 S. Range Line Rd. For more, visit IndianaMeditation.org.
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March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield
Indian vocalist to appear at Creekside Middle editorial@youarecurrent.com
Nickel Plate Players presents cabaret-style production on mental health Front, from left, John McLean, Natalie Shea, Vicki Elaine and Joseph Cook. Back, from left, Afton Shepard, Jeremy Ogden, Elysia Rohn, Adam Allen and Chase Andreae. (Submitted photo)
By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com
the project viable; a great cause, a beautiful message, hope for those who suffer from mental disorders, relevant information and entertaining music. I felt it was of great sociological imporAdam Allen found an extremely personal motivation for his setance to our communities.” nior capstone project as a Ball State University theater student. Wolf said the production is fully endorsed by Mental Health “Late in my junior year, I found out that I had an anxiety disorAmerica of Indiana. der,” Allen said. “As I tried to understand my own MUSICAL issues, I started noticing how many of my friends “This production also serves our vision statement well in that it continues our mission of creating educational opportunities and family were talking about anxiety on Facein the theatre along with our commitment to developing new, book. At the same time, I started noticing how much they were visionary works that give local artists opportunities that they talking about depression. I did a little digging and found out the would not otherwise have,” Wolf said. two often go hand-in-hand.” CAST MEMBERS “Most importantly, it is an opportunity Allen presented his work, “The Masks for us to be a part of this extremely imWe Wear,” at Ball State as a cabaret Afton Shepard: Indianapolis portant conversation and to let others production. He has tweaked his producVicki Kortz: Greenfield know that they are not alone, that there tion over the last two years and will Elysia Rohn: Indianapolis is help and that there is hope.” join Nickel Plate Players to perform the Natalie Shea: From Fargo, N,D., lives in Muncie. Allen describes it as a theatrical show at 7:30 p.m. March 16 and 17 at The Chase Andreae: from Mishawaka, lives in Muncie. exposé. Jeremy Ogden: Indianapolis Cat, 254 1st Ave. SW, Carmel. Allen will Joseph Cook: From Fort Wayne, lives in Muncie. “We want to get the dialogue going direct as well as act in the show. The Adam Allen: New Palestine about the realities concerning mental Indiana Theatre Company is the parent health,” Allen said. “We are trying to company of Nickel Plate Players, banish negative stigmas.” ITC co-founder and Artistic Director Ashton Wolf said Allen had The production is a cabaret-style format with eight performbeen in two prior shows with Nickel Plate Players and knew of ers, including Allen. its reputation as a theater company that specializes in creating, “There are songs throughout the show, but between the writing and producing new plays and new musicals. Wolf said he songs there is dialogue with a mixture of personal experiences, immediately recognized the importance of the production when personal observations, other people’s stories and actual data Allen presented it to him. concerning mental health,” Allen said. “It seems, now more than ever, we need a more informed and For tickets, visit ITCindy.com. Tickets are $15 in advance or $18 open dialogue about mental health in America,” said Wolf, a Fishthe day of the show. ers resident. “Adam’s work has all the components that made
Dr. Sudha Ragunathan, one of the top vocalists in the Carnatic musical tradition from the south of India, will perform in Carmel at 3 p.m. March 17 at the Creekside Middle School Auditorium. The event will be hosted by the Carnatic Music Association of Indianapolis, a nonprofit dedicated to promoting Carnatic music in Indianapolis and surrounding areas. Tickets are $50 for a family of four and $25 for individuals. CMAI members are admitted free. Ragunathan has won numerous awards, including the highest honor bestowed by the Indian government to an artist. Visit cmaiindy.com to buy tickets online.
Westfield – Urban Vines, 303 E. 161st St., will host a trivia night at 7 p.m. March 15. The trivia theme will be St. Patrick’s Day. For more, visit Urban Vines’ Facebook page. Westfield – Urban Vines also will host a St. Patrick’s Day party from noon to 11 p.m. March 17. Live music will be from 3 to 10 p.m. Carmel – Knox College will hold a choir concert at 7 p.m. March 18 at St. Peter’s United Church of Christ, 3106 E. Carmel Drive. The free event is part of the choir’s spring tour. Fishers – Four Day Ray Brewing, 11671 Lantern Rd., will host a St. Patrick’s Day celebration weekend from March 16 to 17. Events and ticket prices vary. For more, visit the Four Day Ray Facebook page. Zionsville – All-female acoustic trio Curve Appeal will perform from 7 to 9 p.m. March 17 at Hopwood Cellars, 12 E. Cedar St. Carmel — Pink Martini, a small orchestra featuring a unique mix of jazz, classical and old-school pop music, will visit The Palladium for an 8 p.m concert March 16. For more. visit thecenterpresents.org.
March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield
CHS graduate starts new job By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com
rooted passion of mine, the Great American Songbook.” La Schiazza said the Songbook FoundaRenee La Schiazza seems perfectly tion changed her path as an artist and a suited for her new role as manager of person. programs and commuMUSIC nications for the Great As part of La Schiazza’s duties, she oversees Perfect Harmony, a American Songbook music therapy program for those Foundation. with dementia and Alzheimer’s The 2012 Carmel High School disease. graduate first became involved La Schiazza said the most chalwith the Songbook Academy in lenging aspect of her position is to 2009 when its inaugural competiLa Schiazza further the foundation’s nationally tion was held at Butler University. focused mission despite being a small nonAlthough she was not chosen as one of the profit with limited staff. 10 finalists, she attended every weekend “It is easy to dream big and see where intensive by observing the Master Classes our public programs are desperately as an audience member. needed, how they could make a difference As a senior, she was chosen for the and who we could impact,” she said. “The Songbook Academy regional final and comchallenge is making those dreams a realpeted at that level in Ann Arbor, Mich. After ity for an organization that may be small her freshman year at Elon (N.C.) University, in size but mighty in scope. I look forward she served as a Songbook Academy intern. to meeting this challenge, and creatively “This new position is an incredibly growing our public programming on a nameaningful opportunity for me professiontional level.” ally,” La Schiazza said. “I am humbled to be La Schiazza graduated from Elon in 2016 trusted with a managerial level of responwith a bachelor of fine arts degree in musibility at this point in my career, and even sic theater and a bachelor of arts in arts more so, to have the opportunity to focus administration. on preserving and promoting a deeply
HSE grad brings Purduettes home By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com Each of the 60 singers for the Purduettes, Purdue University’s female ensemble choir, has the opPERFORMANCE portunity to sing in their hometown for a show. Ashley Straut, a 2014 Hamilton Southeastern High School graduate, chose to perform her home show her senior year. Straut said the Purduettes are similar to show choir. The group performs all genres, usually donning sparkling outfits. “We often perform at various events like religious services, alumni association events and retirement facilities,” she said. “We have a tradition in the Purduettes where we allow each woman to have the opportunity to have a home show if they so choose. It’s a way to say goodbye and to show the (other) women where you’re from.” The Fishers Purduettes event will be at 7 p.m. April 14 at Cornerstone Lutheran Church, 13450 E. 116th St. There are six members from the Fishers area. “I wanted to bring the Purduettes to Fishers because there are so many ladies
3/23 - 4/8
The Purduettes will perform at 7 p.m. April 14 at Cornerstone Lutheran Church. (Submitted photo)
in the group from the Indy area, and I thought it would be a great way for a lot of family that have never seen the Purduettes before,” Straut said. Other Fishers members are Casie Blair, Caroline Gruver, Zane Wright, Kylee Switzer and Caroline Shanley. A dinner provided by Famous Dave’s will be available for $10 before the show. Dinner tickets must be purchased in advance. Tickets for the show range from $10 to $15. To purchase tickets, visit cornerstonelutheran.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/427/ responses/new.
March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield
“Celtic Nights; Oceans of Hope: The Epic Journeys of Our Ancestors,” The Palladium, the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel
Paul Galbraith helped design this eight-string “Brahms Guitar.”
This crew of singers, dancers and musicians champions the proud tradition of Celtic music and culture. The new production captures the essence of the immigrant experience, telling the epic story through Irish eyes.
Compiled by Zach Dunkin
“The Masks We Wear,” The Cat Theatre, Carmel
7:30 p.m. March 16-17
Cost: $15-$65.
Hoosier writer and director Adam Allen worked with Nickel Plate Players to deliver his poignant cabaret about the realities of anxiety and depression to central Indiana, bringing together popular musical theater songs, mental health statistics and raw emotion. Cost: $15-$35
“Mama Mia!,” Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre, Indianapolis
More: thecattheatre.com
“Cinderella,” Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre, Indianapolis
10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. March 17
8 p.m. March 17
For more than two decades, this “little orchestra” of a dozen musicians and vocalists has delighted audiences around the world with its multilingual mix of jazz, classical and old-school pop music. Cost: $15-$85
More: thecenterpresents.org.
Indianapolis Opera presents Rodgers & Hammerstein's Tony Award-Winning Musical
Paul Galbraith, The Palladium, the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel.
7:30 p.m. March 15
The Scotland native has shaken the world of classical guitar with his innovative style on the “Brahms Guitar,” an eight-string instrument, positioned like a cello and offering an additional octave beyond the standard guitar range. Cost: $15 - $40
h t u So c i f i c Pa
“Appoggiatura,” Main Stage, Indiana Repertory Theatre, Indianapolis
More: beefandboards.com, 317-872-9664
7:30 p.m. March 13, 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. March 17, 2 p.m. March 18 (continues through March 31)
A trip to Venice brings love, loss, pain and joy to three weary travelers in search of healing and happiness. Cost: $20-$75
More: irtlive.com
More: thecenterpresents.org
Please join Janus Developmental Services, Inc. for the
Tenth Annual Create, Connect and Commit Fundraising Breakfast! 502 East Event Center in Carmel | April 20, 2018
With Special Guest Congresswoman Susan W. Brooks and Honorary Co-Chairs Mayor John Ditslear from the City of Noblesville Mayor Jim Brainard from the City of Carmel Mayor Andy Cook from the City of Westfield Mayor Scott Fadness from the City of Fishers
March 23, 24, 25
The Schrott Center for the Arts
For tickets visit indyopera.org or call 317.283.3135
8 p.m. March 13, 1 p.m. March 14, 8 p.m., March 15-17, 1:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. March 18, and 8 p.m. March 20 (continues through April 8)
Cost: $44-$69 (includes buffet dinner)
More: beefandboards.com.
Pink Martini, The Palladium, the Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel
More: thecenterpresents.org
Nominated for five Tony Awards, the musical weaves an enchanting tale of love, laughter and friendship as ABBA’s greatest hits tell the hilarious story of a bride’s search for her birth father in a Greek island paradise.
This Prince Street Players production is a magical retelling of the beloved story that takes one girl from pauper to princess, all presented in a tuneful, fast-paced, English pantomime-style. Cost: $16.50 (including snack)
8 p.m. March 16
Sponsored in part by
March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield
Commentary by Mark Johson Where to go: Verde Where it Is: 1111 W. Main St., Carmel 11680 Commercial Dr., Fishers When it’s open: Monday through Sunday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Mark’s take: How about enjoying a little authentic Mexican cuisine? Better still, how about a lot of authentic Mexican cuisine? Then add Verde to your list of restaurants. Appetizers, soups, salads and entrees are all part of the menu. You’ll find a wide variety of burritos, tacos, enchiladas, and so much more. What to get: I like Tex-Mex a lot. So, I went for the combination entree. I chose the burrito, enchilada and taco, all filled with seasoned ground beef. The portions were very large and very filling. I was a
Verde offers Mexican cuisine. (Submitted photo)
very satisfied customer. What’s the cost: Entrees run $11 to $20. Dress: Casual Carry-out: Available Want to know more? Call 317-578-7511 for Fishers, 317-853-8208 for Carmel, or visit verdeflavorsofmexico.com.
Behind bars: Tequila Smash Get it at The Local, Westfield Ingredients: 1.25 oz. Jose Cuervo, 1 oz. simple syrup, fresh mint leaves, orange slice, soda water Directions: Lightly muddle the orange, mint and simple syrup. Add ice and tequila, shake and top with soda water.
FHS students win contest By Renee Larr editorial@youarecurrent.com Two Fishers High School juniors employed their shared love of writing to create an award-winning screenplay. FILM Whitney Roberts and Cinder Foulke learned about a writing competition called Project Pigasus from Roberts’ mother. Bloomington-based Pigasus Pictures hosts the contest for budding film writers. “My mom had been watching the news and there was a segment about Project Pigasus and last year’s winner,” Roberts said. “She told me she thought I should check it out because I’ve always been very interested in film.” Roberts asked her friend to help her with the project. The two began writing their screenplay, “As We Begin,” in early December 2017. The story focuses on 17-year-old Jordan Smith and her best friend, 18-yearold Dakota Hawkins, through the navigation of family related issues, preparation for college and angst about the future. “We definitely drew from our own experiences,” Foulke said. “Obviously, we haven’t quite gotten to the exact point they were
From left, Cinder Foulke, Whitney Roberts, Pigasus Pictures owners John Armstrong and Zach Spicer. (Submitted photo)
at in their lives, but both of us were thinking about the pressure of finals, college and how hard it will be to leave all of our friends and not be able to see each other for a long time.” Foulke and Roberts were surprised when Zachary Spicer and John Armstrong of Pigasus Pictures visited their school Feb. 26 to let them know they won. The screenplay will be turned into a short film that will be shot in Fishers. “They said not only would we have our short film played before a release of one of their new movies, but also possibly enter it into film festivals,” Roberts said. For more, visit pigasuspictures.com.
March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield
Blueprint for Improvement: Crooked Stick backyard transformation Commentary by Larry Greene
Background Info: This home is in the Crooked Stick neighborhood in Carmel. Built in the 1980s, this home was in need of a larger kitchen with higher ceilings and updated outdoor living space.
The goal for the exterior remodel was to create a more functional backyard by adding spaces for the homeowner to entertain and enjoy the pool with family. 1. The existing sunroom was removed, and the kitchen was expanded. The new space was used to add a covered porch, which created shade in the backyard. 2. Two ceiling fans were added to the porch. New lighting also was added. 3. A new Trex composite deck was added to the left of the covered porch. The deck gives the homeowner extra space for outdoor seating and the grill, which was previously on the pool deck. 4. Design elements were added to the exterior of the home: Contrasting Trex railing and steps on the covered porch.
BEFORE PROBLEMS The home had plenty of exterior space to work with, but the design was not functional for the homeowner. The sunroom in the rear of the house was not being utilized. There was no shaded area in the backyard. Aside from the pool deck, there was no good space to entertain guests.
Larry Greene is the owner of Case Design/Remodeling. You may email him at lgreene@ caseindy.com. To see more before-and-after pictures of this project, visit caseindy. com/blog.
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March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield
Interpreting the British Museum’s Rosetta Stone
Commentary by Don Knebel
London’s British Museum, founded in 1753 to accept Sir Hans Sloane’s extraordinary collection of rarities TRAVEL from around the world, is the world’s oldest public museum, displaying treasures from every continent. Although many of its 8 million items provide insights into other cultures and eras, only the Rosetta Stone provided the key to Rosetta Stone in London’s British Museum. understanding an entire civilization. (Photo by Don Knebel) As visitors to Egypt know, the walls of its ancient temples and monuments are understanding of Egyptian history and becovered with hieroglyphs. After Christians liefs. Today, the Rosetta Stone, behind glass closed the temples in the fifth century, near the entrance, is the British Museum’s knowledge of the hieroglyphs’ meanmost visited object. ings was lost. Despite extensive efforts, scholars were unable to make any sense Don Knebel is a local resident of the 1,000 symbols, most assuming that who works for Barnes & Thorneach symbol represented a different word burg LLP. For the full column or person. In 1799, a soldier in Napoleon’s visit donknebel.com. You may contact him at news@curarmy found a broken stele, weighing about rentzionsville.com. 1,700 pounds and made of pink granodiorite, near the town of Rosetta in the Nile Delta. After the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed proposals for Westfield Wayfinding Project will be British defeated the French received by the City of Westfield, Indiana, at the Westfield Public in Egypt in 1801, British solWorks Building, 2706 E. 171st Street, Westfield, Indiana, 46074 until diers obtained the Rosetta 1:00 p.m., local time, on Tuesday, March 20, 2018. Bids will be Stone, which they carried publicly opened and read aloud. Any bids received later than the above time and date will be returned unopened. No conditional bids will be aboard a captured French considered. frigate to London. They Project generally includes fabrication and installation of specialized presented the stone to King wayfinding signage throughout the City of Westfield. Bids shall be properly and completely executed on the Proposal George III, who donated it to Form obtainable at the office of the Owner. Each bid shall be the British Museum. accompanied by Form 96 Contractor’s Bid for Public Works, including The Rosetta Stone inNon-Collusion Affidavit as prescribed by the State Board of Accounts, cludes three sections of incompletely filled out, signed, and notarized as required by the scribed text, the top section statutes of the State of Indiana, Section III of Part II of Form 96 titled “Contractor’s Financial Statement,â€? and acceptable bid security. The in hieroglyphs, the middle bid security shall be a certified check made payable to the Owner in ancient Egyptian Demotic or satisfactory bond by an incorporated surety company in good script and the bottom in standing and qualified to do business in the State of Indiana in an amount equal to 5% of the bid, said deposit being for the purpose of Greek. Scholars quickly unensuring the execution of the contract for which bid is made. Any bid derstood the Greek section not accompanied by the above required items shall be deemed to be a to be a proclamation issued non-responsive bid by the Owner. on behalf of Pharaoh PtolNo consideration for escalation on prices can be considered; therefore, contractors are advised to not include any such escalation emy V in 196 B.C. Although clauses in their proposal for this project. scholars assumed the top No bidder may withdraw their proposal within a period of 60 days section contained the same following the date set for receiving bids. The City of Westfield, Indiana reserves the right to retain the three lowest bid proposals for a period of decree, it was another 20 not more than 90 days, and said proposal shall remain in full force and years before Jean-François effect during said time. The City of Westfield, Indiana further reserves Champollion was able to the right to waive informalities and to award the contract to the lowest translate the hieroglyphs, and most responsible bidder or bidders, all to the advantage of the City of Westfield, Indiana, or to reject all Proposals. recognizing that the symThe Contract Documents and drawings will be available to all bols could represent both interested parties from: Repro Graphix, 437 North Illinois Street, words and sounds. This Indianapolis, IN 46204 or at eplanroom.reprographix.com. discovery eventually led to Please direct all questions regarding this project to Jeremy Lollar, City of Westfield, Department of Public Works, 2706 E. 171st Street, the translation of all hieroWestfield, IN 46074, (317) 804-3195, jlollar@westfield.in.gov glyphs and a much clearer By: Dustin Shoe, City of Westfield
MaRch 7-27 OnLy! Restylane, Silk, Refyne $375 or 2/$650 Radiesse, Lyft, Defyne $450 or 2/$800 Xeomin $8/unit Dysport $3/unit Botox $10/unit Microneedling $150 each or 3/$399
March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield
Across 1. High points 6. Sunrise Cafe meas. 10. Cole Porter song: “It ___ Done” 14. Indiana Ceramic Supply materials 15. Size up on Angie’s List 16. Indy org. with a Hall of
Champions 17. Start of a Colonel Eli Lilly quote 20. Indiana Department of Natural Resources mine finds 21. WTHR transmitter 22. St. Vincent Sleep Center acronym
23. Crafty website 24. Following behind 28. Guitar or drum material at Meridian Music 30. In the Victory Field batting cage 32. “I got this covered” speaker 36. Reunion group
INSPECTION 765-421-3370
37. Quote, Part 2 41. WFYI program 42. Woodworker, at times 43. Unnamed person 46. Greyhound’s restraint 50. Sleep disorder 51. At the peak of 54. Neckline shape 55. Snooze 58. WFMS singer Evans 59. End of quote 63. Wicked 64. Winter transport 65. Children’s Museum haunted house sounds 66. Indy’s Glick or Sease 67. Well ventilated 68. Fashion Mall shopping binge Down 1. Mud Creek Players members 2. Kahn’s Fine Wines product from Bordeaux 3. Bully’s dare 4. Storm centers 5. Westfield-to-Bloomington dir. 6. Part of LGBTQ 7. Off-the-wall 8. Ossip Optometry concern 9. Working stiff 10. IU Health newborn 11. Carmel HS subj. 12. A Bobbsey twin 13. Little bit 18. Lids buy 19. Indiana National Guard group 23. Ultimatum ender 25. Polynesian carving 26. Tom Carnegie Indy 500
phrase: “He’s ___!” 27. Chicago-based superstation 29. Zionsville Farmers Market corn unit 30. Powerful auto engine 31. Persia, today 33. Back talk 34. “Do ___ others...” 35. Nutritional fig. 37. Sight in a Noblesville driveway, often 38. Ex-Governor Bayh 39. Type of seaweed 40. Indiana Poet Laureate’s “before” 41. Unpaid WRTV ad 44. Chocolate company with a plant on I-69 45. Brickyard 400 winner
Earnhardt 47. Online persona 48. Tranquil 49. Flanner and Buchanan car 51. Li’l one 52. Victoria’s Secret lingerie item 53. Holcomb Observatory sphere 56. Holcomb Observatory bear 57. Timbuktu’s country 58. Dot on an IndyGo map 59. Panhandle 60. Adam’s madam 61. Atomic #50 in a Fishers HS chem class 62. Ambulance letters Answers on Page 23
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March 13, 2018
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March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield
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CALL TODAY! (317) 524-9100 Will mow lawns, do Spring Clean Up, trim shrubs, remove or trim some trees, clean out houses, garages, basements, attics, gutters, paint, do odd jobs, demo small buildings, provide personal services. Fully Insured. Text or call Jay 574-398-2135; shidelerjay@gmail.com
JACKSON LAWN MOWING Local Family Business Father and Son 35 Years Experience Insured-References Free References 317-727-0948
Two burial plots in Lincoln Memory Gardens, military section, section 6, lot 117C, spaces 3 and 4, $1,000. Call 317-846-4318
NOW HIRING Seeking caregiver for elderly man in Carmel. Needs 24/7 care. Live-in preferred, could be split shifts. Call Julie 512-633-7807 for info.
With over 30 years of experience in the special event industry, Ritz Charles specializes in innovative, upscale and superior event services. Ritz Charles has a strong presence in the event market. Our multiple culinary teams, service staff and event planners host a variety of on and off premise events year- round. Our company has the resources to manage large events yet the personal touch of a small caterer. With our fast paced energetic work environment, we have a need for motivated individuals who can give excellent customer service. If you are looking to join a company with a dedication to excellent customer service and a friendly atmosphere, Ritz Charles has bartending, banquet server, doorman and set-up positions available. If you are interested in learning more about our company, please contact Kate McGowan at KMcGowan@Ritzcharles.com
March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield
Scott Pools in Carmel is currently hiring full time seasonal helpers for our service department for March 1st start date. A valid drivers license, background check and some weekend work is required. $12.00 per hour. Experience preferred but not necessary. If you like working outdoors, this job is for you! Give us a call, email or stop by the store to fill out an application. Scott Pools - 904 W. Main Street - Carmel, IN 46032 - 317846-5576 - scottpools2@gmail.com.
Automotive Detail Manager
High-end Westfield Detailer seeks professional working manager to help expand current business. Reliable/Dependable Good w/Customers & Employees Excellent Driving Record/Drug Test Verifiable Experience Compensation includes: ANY Three (3) Desirable Benefits: Negotiable $250 Sign on Bonus* Send Information and Wage request to: Email: dan@dansdetail.info or Mail: DAN’s Detail, P.O. Box 1801 Carmel, IN 46082
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Apply Today Start Monday! 8731 Americana Blvd Indianapolis 46268
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Now Hiring! Behavioral and Primary Health Professionals! Think you might be the right person? Visit www.aspireindiana.org for details about job openings and APPLY TODAY! Call Morgan or Hilary at 317-587-0500 with questions.
USIC LOCATE TECHNICIAN INTERVIEWING NOW! • Daytime, full-time Locate Technician positions available • Start ing pay $14.50/hr • 100% PAID TRAINING • Com pany vehicle & equipment provided •PLUS medical, dental, vision, & life insurance
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Carmel Clay Schools is Hiring!
Noblesville Schools Noblesville Schools Spring Job Fair Spring Job Fair
• Bus Mechanic Fluids Technician • Bus Drivers • Bus Aides Apply online at https://www.applitrack.com/ccs/onlineapp/
If you are interested in the following positions:
If you are interested in the following positions:
March 24, 2018 from 8:00am to noon You are invited to our *speak with a current supervisor *submit an online application Spring Job Fair
March 24, 2018 from 8:00am to noon TWO LOCATIONS: *speak with a current supervisor Bus Driver and Bus Attendant Please come to our Transportation Facility *submit an online application 19790 Hague Road from 8:00am to noon
Email: abeaven@ccs.k12.in.us or call 317-844-8207.
Bus Driver (training provided)
Bus Attendant Bus Driver (training provided) Custodial Bus Attendant Food Service Custodial You are invited to our Food Service Spring Job Fair
Custodial and Food Service
Bus Driver and Bus Attendant Please come to Noblesville High School,
18111 Cumberland Road from 8:00am to noon Please come to our Transportation Facility (enter building at Gate #1 off of Cumberland Rd.) 19790 Hague Road from 8:00am to noon
Any questions may be directed to: Custodial and Food Service Brian Zachery, Director of Transportation
Please come to Noblesville High School, (317) 773-7203, ext. 34110 Steve Coverdale, HS Building Supervisor 18111 Cumberland Road from 8:00am to noon (317) 773-4680, ext. 12132 (enter building at Gate #1 off of Cumberland Rd.) Sue Dunn, Director of Nutrition and Food Services (317) 773-3171, ext. 10420
Any questions may be directed to: Brian Zachery, Director of Transportation (317) 773-7203, ext. 34110 Steve Coverdale, HS Building Supervisor (317) 773-4680, ext. 12132 Sue Dunn, Director of Nutrition and Food Services (317) 773-3171, ext. 10420
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March 13, 2018
Current in Westfield