Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Westfield veteran works with organizations to legalize for pain relief / P9
Grand Millennium Center passes on to council / P3
Do Good Indy fundraiser set in Westfield / P4
Plan commission talks Belmont Woods / P5
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March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
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March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
Contact the Editor
Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@ youarecurrent.com. You may also submit information on our website, currentinwestfield.com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication. To contact Editorial Director Sophie Pappas, call 317.489.4444 ext. 7.
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On the cover
Capt. Jason Straw is a U.S. Air Force veteran who served as a critical care nurse overseas. (Photo by Sadie Hunter) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. X, No. 7 Copyright 2016. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
Grand Millennium Center moves on to council By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com The Westfield Advisory Plan Commission passed the Grand Millennium Center onto the city council with a unanimous vote at its March 6 development meeting. Petitioner Birch Dalton, EdgeRock Development’s owner, presented various changes compiled by the plan commission, staff and neighbor comments. The The corporate office at the Grand Millennium Center, at the public hearing for the northeast corner of U.S. 31 and David Brown Drive, is proDalton proposal was held in posed to be built with mostly metal and glass. (Submitted January. renderings) The proposal consists of approximately 66.2 acres at the northeast corner of U.S. 31 porate headquarters, a possible civic center, and David Brown Drive. It includes commercial, a convention center and various commercial residential, recreational and civic uses. Among uses. the presented changes were buffers, trail lay“One of the significant material issues we out, the parking garage structure and more. have discussed was the use of glass in place “We are acutely aware of making this a very of masonry. We are asking for a high use of pedestrian-friendly project,” Dalton said. “The glass and metal on the corporate headquarters final trail layout would be situated logically and at least one side of the convention center,” (for) the Midland Trace and the Monon to tie in. Dalton said. As we get final detailed development plans, we Council member Steve will definitely have the trails pedestrian-friend- Hoover requested that the dely but mostly attractive to tie in going north to velopment follow a two-to-one Asa Bales Park to the Midland Trace and west proximity slope, which means to get to the Monon.” the further from the property The parking garage has been designed to line, the higher the buildings look like retail or screen in such a way parking are allowed to be. Hoover spaces are not visible other than in the entry“You could also do some way and security areas. The structure would three-story (buildings) and increase the height consist of approximately 800 parking spaces as you moved away,” Hoover said. “I think it and cost between $16-17 million. provides a lot of flexibility.” “We have created a commercial district on The plan commission voted 7-0 to forward the bulk of the property which also consists of the development onto the city council. a mixed-use district and multi-family district. “I think we have a great opportunity here The purpose of this, while we have submitted to meet the comprehensive plan in downtown a site plan and we have a couple of immediate (Westfield) to add high-density housing and users ready, we have not finalized the exact several commercial uses and have an opportulocation within the city for a couple of them, nity with a civic center and YMCA,” Dalton said. so we asked to keep the commercial district a The proposal is estimated to cost approxilittle flexible,” Dalton said. mately $200 million-plus. For more, visit westThe development includes a YMCA, a corfield.in.gov.
Dispatches Seeking historical photos — Current in Westfield is looking to gather historical photos from the city and community for a regular feature within the publication, “Back in the Day.” Credit for each submission will be given to images sent with a short description and approximate date. For more information, or to submit photos or ideas, please contact Editor Anna Skinner at anna@youarecurrent.com. Coffee with the editor — Meet Current in Westfield editor Anna Skinner from 10 to 11:30 a.m. March 20 at Titus Bakery at 17471 Wheeler Rd., Suite 110, in Westfield. Ask her questions, suggest story ideas or come to enjoy a cup of coffee and learn about a career in the newspaper business. Student Impact fundraiser — Bash Boutique, 149 N. Walnut St., and Union Street Flowers, 101 S. Union St., will be collecting donations for Student Impact from March 16 to March 18. Items needed include paper products, gift cards to Kroger, Aldi, Sam’s Club or Costco, healthy snacks or monetary donations. Those that bring a donation will receive 20 percent off of one item at the store. Spring break dates — Westfield Washington Schools is closed March 31 and reopens April 10 due to spring break. Dates for the 2017-18 school year are also available at wws.k12.in.us. Teacher of the Month — Students in grades K-12 are invited to enter Current’s Teacher of the Month contest sponsored by the Edge Guys. Participants should send a 100-word essay explaining why their teacher should be named Teacher of the Month. Winning students will receive a pizza party for their class, sponsored by Papa John’s. Winning teachers will receive a $50 visa gift card. Essays are due by March 27 and should be emailed to Teacher@youarecurrent.com.
March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
Do Good Indy to fundraise at Rail
By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com
Although it’s operated less than six months, Do Good Indy is already making an impact. The nonprofit giving back has hosted multiple supply drives to benefit other organizations, and March 21 to 23 it will be the recipient of its first dine-todonate program through the Rail Epicurean Market in Westfield. Fifteen percent of sales from the event go toward Exodus Refugee Immigration. Diners must present a flier, available on Do Good Indy’s Facebook page, for their payment to benefit the organization. Five mothers launched Do Good Indy last November. “I guess as mothers we feel inclined to want to better our community and make it a happier place for our children,” said Jessica “Jazzy” O’Brien, one of the co-founders. “After the last presidential election, we felt like we wanted to put a little more kindness out to the universe since we are somewhat divided currently.” The program is new to the Rail Epicurean. Its community outreach program benefitted one other organization, the Heart and
From left, Christie Koester, Emily Miller, Stephanie Sasena, Jessica O’Brien and Katie Swaney are the founders of Do Good Indy. (Submitted photo)
Soul Clinic in Westfield, but co-owner Melanie Miles said the program will elicit a larger turnout. “We designed it so that we could help a lot more organizations in our community,” Miles said. “We have five or six more (dineto-donate events) set up through July. We felt limited in resources and wanted to do more, so that’s why we started this program.” For more, visit facebook.com/groups/dogoodindy or email dogoodindy@gmail.com.
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March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
Plan commission talks Belmont Compiled by Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com The Westfield Advisory Plan Commission held a meeting March 6 at city hall.
The plan commission forwarded the Grand Millennium Center to city council, 7-0, and held public hearings for the Belmont Woods and Metric Seals proposals. For more, visit westfield.in.gov.
What happened: The APC held a public hearing for a building expansion at Metric Seals, 17030 Westfield Park Rd. What it means: An expansion of the building and parking lot across 2.1 acres was requested. Nobody spoke at the public
hearing. After the hearing, the plan commission forwarded the proposal onto the city council with a 7-0 vote.
What happened: The APC held a public hearing for Belmont Woods, 16575 Carey Rd. What it means: David Weekley Homes is proposing for a change of zoning to a single-family district to allow for 27 lots across 16.56 acres. There were no written comments prior to the meeting, and only one person spoke expressing concern regarding expansion and the effect it would have on drains. However, most drains are in the common areas of the proposal, which would not be expanded into. Steve Hardin, an attorney with Faegre Baker Daniels, said they likely would not be affected. The homes would be set between the $450,000 and $500,000 price range. The proposal
David Weekley Homes is proposing a change of zoning for approximately 16 acres off of Carey Road. (Submitted image)
was forwarded to city council with a 7-0 vote.
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March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
Wellbrooke holds trivia night By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com
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Trivia nights are popular at Wellbrooke of Westfield, a senior living community. So Wellbrooke Life Enrichevent ment Director Jessica Strausbaugh said she figured why not have the community join in the fun. The Think and Drink Pub Trivia Night is set for 6 p.m. March 23 at Wellbrooke of Westfield, 937 E. 186th St. “We like to do events with our family and community members,” Strausbaugh said. “We thought this is something fun we could do in conjunction with Grand Junction Brewery. So, we are going to feature their beers.” Strausbaugh said it will serve as part of Wellbrooke’s St. Patrick’s Day celebration as well, even though it will be the week after the March 17 celebration. Besides beer samples, complimentary appetizers will be served. “Everything is completely free,” Strausbaugh said. Strausbaugh said the trivia competition will last until 8 p.m. She said the trivia will span a variety of subjects and there will be a host asking the brain-teasing questions.
From left, Kay Grenda, Betty Egler, Sally Levy, Katie Elder, Ruth George, Kristen Candler, Cortney Hicks and Margaret Bartlow play trivia. (Submitted photo)
“People will be divided up into trivia groups of choices,” Strausbaugh said. “We’re going to have lots of neat prizes for winners and door prizes as well.” Community members interested in attending should RSVP by 5 p.m. March 22 by calling 317-804-8044. “We try to do a community event at least once a month,” Strausbaugh said. “We like to do different community events to get people inside the building.”
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March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
Mayor to host Boy Scouts By Renee Larr • news@currentinwestfield.com On March 22, Mayor Andy Cook will host the 12th annual Mayor’s Breakfast for Scouting. The event will giving back be held at Bridgewater Club in Carmel. It is a fundraiser for the Westfield Boy Scouts. “We gather at 7 a.m., and we serve a hot meal at 7:30 a.m.,” Westfield City Council President Jim Ake said. “There is a program involving the scouts and speakers. They can be various ages, from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts to Eagle Scouts, that will address the audience. It’s a fundraiser to help supplement some of the Scouts who are less fortunate and don’t have access to funding for summer camps and outings.” Participants will hear from Mayor Cook and current and former Scouts about how the program has affected them. “The Scouts will talk about their experiences within the organization, which is so important. It’s a great experience. Not only for the boys, but also the attendees,” Ake said. Individuals, companies and groups can all attend the breakfast. “The breakfasts are held by each mayor
Mayor Andy Cook interviews Cub Scouts Jack La Paglia and Seth McConky, right. (File photo)
in each of the four cities in Hamilton County: Noblesville, Fishers, Carmel and Westfield,” Ake said. Reservations should be made by March 17. To RSVP email cgilliat@crossroadsbsa. org.
March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
hamilton county Parks celebrates another year of Maple Madness Wagon rides transport guests to parts of the Bray Family Homestead to learn about maple syrup harvesting and production. (Submitted photos)
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March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
Westfield veteran works with organizations to legalize for pain relief By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com U.S. Air Force Capt. Jason Straw knows firsthand what dealing with medical traumas in a war’s combat zone can be like. cover story “We are dealing with things nobody here in the states has ever seen,” the Westfield resident said. Now Straw, after serving as a critical-care nurse overseas, is working with like-minded organizations in an attempt to legalize medical cannabis to help veterans and victims of trauma deal with acute pain. “In combat, we don’t have to abide by FDA rules,” he said. “We are allowed to do whatever we deem necessary to save the patient as long as we can back it up. If two doctors believe something will save a patient or improve quality of life or save a life, we can do it.” But in the states, FDA rules apply with regard to patient care. Straw said the FDA only allows up to six weeks of opioid prescriptions to treat acute pain. He said that most wounded servicemen and women who suffer traumatic injuries overseas will experience pain much longer than six weeks. Medical cannabis, Straw said, can help. “Inpatient surgery patients can have (opioids), cancer patients can have it. What is (the soldier) going to do?” Straw said. “Acupuncture and chiropractic care has shown to help a little bit, but with medical cannabis they’re showing about 75 percent of patients having some positive benefit similar to the opium.” In addition to managing pain, Straw said medical cannabis helps in preventing opioid addictions and instances where the injured veteran might try to illegally purchase drugs on the street. “My whole goal was to get all of the organizations to talk to each other and get organized,” Straw said. “The problem was there are all these organizations and nobody was talking to each other and there was nobody who understood how the medical side really worked. With my background in research and trauma and critical care, I was able to go through and do research for them.” The organizations Straw works with include The Higher Fellowship, which is a group of advocates for the medicinal use of marijuana in Indiana, and Indiana Normal and Hoosier Vets for Medical Cannabis. “States are having problems with opium-overdose deaths. The more liberal the medical marijuana law, the better the percentage of lowering the opium death rate,” Straw said. “People have pain, you’ve got to treat it. It’s inhumane to have people in pain and not treat it. These guys are going to look for a way to treat their pain.” “This is a historical year for Indiana,” said David Phipps, co-founder and executive director of The Higher Fellowship. “This is the first time in our state’s history that we’ve seen 11 medicinal cannabis bills submitted. Normally, we see two
Capt. Jason Straw served overseas in Afghanistan as a critical care nurse. (Submitted photo)
Capt. Jason Straw is a U.S. Air Force veteran who served as a critical care nurse overseas. (Photo by Sadie Hunter)
to three in that range. We have had 11 bills submitted so far.” Phipps said the big project right now is Senate Bill 15, which would allow for cannabidiol to treat epilepsy. Cannabidiol is derived from marijuana oil. “There is serious suffering going on right now that is completely avoidable through medicinal cannabis,” Phipps said. “That’s what it boils down to is ending this suffering for those patients.” For more, visit iga.in.gov/legislative/2017/bills/senate/15.
Medical cannabis, Capt. Jason Straw said,
can help.
One of the patients Capt. Jason Straw worked with while serving overseas. Straw said a patient like this will experience pain for more than six weeks, which is the maximum amount of time for an opium prescription. (Submitted photo)
Town Hall Meeting A Town Hall meeting is scheduled for 11:45 a.m. March 16 at the Statehouse, 200 W. Washington St., Indianapolis. The Higher Fellowship co-founder and executive director David Phipps will be present as well as veterans, former law enforcement members, State Sen. Karen Tallian and State Rep. Sue Errington (D-Muncie). Phipps said he is expecting between 150-250 people. The event is open to the public. “What we’re going to be doing is encouraging our governor to sign Senate Bill 15 to get that medication to epileptic patients that need it, but also motivating legislators to begin writing more medicinal cannabis bills and encourage those legislators that have already written more medicinal cannabis-related bills to take action,” Phipps said. For more, visit thehigherfellowship.org.
March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
Sleeping through a slumber party
o b s e r v a tion
The doors of our lives
Commentary by Danielle Wilson
Commentary by Terry Anker Famed American inventor Alexander Graham Bell once said, “When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” Too often his words reflect in our own lives. We set course planning to move from one space to another without considering a contingency plan. Like people exiting a crowded theater only using the door that is propped back rather than opening any of an array of other adjacent exit doors. We imagine our route, then line up as if our brains cannot conceive of another. Yet whether we can find a new course on the map or not, life continues to move. We pass along its corridors barely noticing until we find a portal locked, obstructing our smooth passage. We strive diligently to bypass it and, in failing, collapse in our own grief believing that our lives will go no further, trapped by our own conception. Yet even if our work creates a path to open, get around or simply break through the barrier to allow us to continue along our way, we might expend such vast resources so as to turn the victory into a loss. How do we know it is time to look for another portal? With time comes wisdom, and our own measure of grit is determined. We learn when to pound the door and when to find another. But isn’t it all made easier if we remember Bell’s admonishment that it is a rare journey with only one path to its final destination? Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@youarecurrent.com.
BEL I EVE I T ! Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Ogden, Utah, persons are only allowed to keep one cow on their property. Source: dumblaws.com
Give the old gung-ho Commentary by Richard K. Egan To be sure, the world we live in isn’t what it used to be. Well, really, nothing is anymore. What was the world back then, and was it any more fun than now? Do we still say that those were the good old days? We had tar-paved streets over cobblestone and the car you drove had to be black. Mother hung clothes on a line in the backyard, and dear ol’ dad shoveled the coal into a shoot. Oh, yes, we cast our vote for the candidate we wished and forgot them until the next ballot, as the elected did the same to us. Boy, have things changed. First radio then television, and now internet. The quickest we used to get breaking news was an extra edition of the newspaper sold on street corners. Now, it’s all instantly being slung at us by so many sources it is hard to keep up with it all. Breaking news, no news, fake news, slanted news, right or left news. In to-
day’s world, it’s hard to differentiate fact from fiction. Everyone seems to have the right answers, which makes for strange bedfellows. Right or wrong, we still have to live with each other whether we want to or not. This is still our country, our land of the free, our heritage and ours to have and to hold. Somehow, somewhere, someone must stand tall to unite us as one people under God, as our forefathers intended. That someone is you. It starts with you and then another until we again have the United States of America. Don’t give up or in, give the old gung-ho to ‘make America great again.’ Richard K. Egan is a retired interior decorator, born a Buckeye, Hoosier at heart. He has been married to his sweetheart Evelyn for 62 years. They have five children, 10 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. He is active in the Indianapolis Aero Club as past president and sergeant of arms.
Recently, I had between 11 and 15 teenage girls asleep in the basement. I lost track of the headcount as soon as they humor swarmed the mini-chocolate fountain with sharp wooden skewers and marshmallows. It was survival at that point, people, so I quickly fled to the relative peace and quiet of the upstairs, shoved a beach towel into the crack at the base of the door (to block both the high-pitched squeals of delight and the overpowering scent of floral deodorant/perfume) and offered up a few Lenten Hail Mary’s to ensure I was alive to see the sun rise on the morrow. Success! I awoke the following morning actually feeling rested. Of course, I had slept fitfully until about 2 a.m. when I couldn’t take the stair-running or the kitchen-banging any longer. But I was smart this year. Instead of channeling “Mommie, Dearest” in full facial mask mode and confronting the masses directly, I simply texted my darling daughter to have everyone prep for shut down. She quickly replied “Gucci,” and I congratulated myself on using technology to communicate with my newly minted 13-year-old. Did I mention these are all competitive dancers? And that within 30 minutes of their arrival this hormonal plague of locusts had already drank and discarded four large bottles of orange Fanta, plowed their way through three bags of Doritos and were clamoring for cheese pizza while attempting to shish-kebob-me on their way to chocolatey goodness? It was only 5:30 p.m.! I can tell you my basement floor looked like a makeshift disaster shelter, with little cocooned bodies lying everywhere. And FYI, I counted 14 before the smell did me in. Peace out. Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.
Q U O T E O F T HE WEEK There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot.
– Plato
Want to respond to the publishers or send a letter to the editor? Email Letters@youarecurrent.com.
March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
Wishing you well, Richard Commentary by Dick Wolfsie In the top left corner of a supermarket tabloid one week in 1983 was a photo of exercise guru Richard Simhumor mons running in Central Park. Next to him was me, at the time the new host of a morning talk show in New York. The caption read: “Jog with a Lover.” This was pre-Seinfeld’s “Not that there’s anything wrong with that,” but there was something inaccurate about it. Yes, we were friends, which is why reports of his absence from the public have been so troubling to me. We met in the ’70s in Columbus, Ohio. On my evening talk show, he counseled audience members. My wife was skeptical of his sincerity, but after the segment, she witnessed him, off camera, consoling an overweight teen. Both Richard and the young lady were in tears. Two years later in the Big Apple, I taped an interview with Richard. As we strode along Fifth Avenue, a woman told Richard that her terminally ill mother had been inspired by him. With that, he hailed a cab and sped off to the hospital to pay his fan a visit, leaving me alone with an entire pro-
duction crew. In 1991, I began my 27-year stretch at WISH-TV, which included my favorite three minutes of unscripted live TV. Richard was appearing at a local mall, his plane set to land early in the morning. My segment was live, so I had no way to ensure his on-time arrival. In a stroke of great luck, his limo pulled up while I sat on my front step interviewing a professional clown and a very overweight chef, both of whom had wanted to meet Richard. When Simmons exited his limo, we all broke into an exercise routine at 5:30 a.m. In the studio, anchor David Barras completely lost his composure. Weeks later, Richard wrote me: “And there we were in front of your house at sunrise. A clown, a chef and a baby beagle. Nobody would believe this.” Wherever he is, I hope Richard is safe and happy. For the full version of this column, please go to: www.currentinwestfield.com
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March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
Westfield Young Professionals host meeting at Wolfie’s Grill
Olivia Huser joins IronStrike as senior director — Olivia Huser is now senior director at IronStrike, a full-service communications firm specializing in leadership and employee communications and change management. In her role, she is responsible for business and strategy development as Huser well as leading communication efforts for various clients throughout Indiana and the Midwest. She joined IronStrike after four years as director of marketing, PR and business development at Riverview Health in Noblesville. There she directed a system-wide brand relaunch and managed the development and implementation of an integrated communications platform for the hospital and its physicians. Prior to Riverview Health, she served as senior marketer for one of the nation’s topranked neuroscience programs, IU Health Neuroscience.
On March 2, the Westfield Young Professionals held its monthly meeting. The group heard a presentation by Rick Belbutoski, the manager of volunteer outreach and engagement for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana. (Above) WYP President Joe Vandeusen, left, introduces Rick Belbutoski. (Right) From left, Brad Cozza, Rindy Rodkey and Jon Wright attend the event. (Photos by Anna Skinner)
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New housing data released – Housing data issued by the MIBOR REALTOR Association for January shows an increase in median sales price in Hamilton County when compared to the same period in 2016. Median sales price rose 12.6 percent for the month of January and 3 percent for the three months ending in January. Average sales price increased 2 percent in January and 5.5 percent for the quarter ending in January. Source: MIBOR INDOT student opportunities – The Indiana Dept. of Transportation is accepting applications for Governor’s summer internships paying $11.30 per hour and civil engineering scholarships of up to $3,125 per semester. For more, visit in.gov/spd/careers/internships.htm, visit INDOTScholarship.in.gov.
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March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
Bags to Riches fundraiser set By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com Tracy Miller figures everyone loves to get a good deal on a handbag or purse, especially when it’s for a philanthropy good cause. The fifth annual Bags to Riches, a donation and resale fundraiser, is set for 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 21 in room K130 at IU Health North Hospital, 11700 N. Meridian St., Carmel. “We basically sell gently used handbags, tote bags, golf bags, wristlets and purses,” said Miller, director of philanthropy of IU Health North. “And 100 percent goes to our patients in need.” Miller said the goal is to raise $5,000. Bags start at $1. Some higher-end bags are on the silent auction table with bid pages. “We had a Chanel purse go for $500 in the auction in the past,” Miller said. The collection period is March 25 to April 15. The bags can be dropped off at IU North. In addition, two senior-living communities, Carmel Health & Living, 118 Medical Dr., and Copper Trace, 1250 W. 146th St., Westfield, serve as drop-off points. “The more bags we get in, the more money we make for our patients,” Miller said.
Jill Dodson, an IU Health North Hospital social worker, runs the Bags to Riches event. (Submitted photo)
Miller said the first four Bags to Riches have generated approximately $15,000 for patients in need. The funds are used for patients’ transportation to and from the hospital. “Sometimes people arrive after an accident and they can’t go home in the clothes they arrived in because they could be soiled, torn or ripped, so we get them something to wear,” Miller said. “We provide food vouchers. So it’s patient support that is desperately needed in a time of crisis.” The hospital’s social work department runs the sale. Donations are tax deductible. For more, visit iuhealth.org.
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Register online at www.tuxbro.com or call (317) 867-8085.
Sponsored by the Westfield Washington Education Development Foundation to support college scholarships for new Westfield High School graduates and teaching grants for creative classroom enrichment for all grade levels
March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
Dispatches Local artist recognized — Carmel artist and resident Nancy Kruse had two oil paintings selected into the juried exhibit “Arbitrary Color” at the Foundry Art Center in St. Charles, Mo. Kruse also won the “The Candy Man” by Nancy Kruse. “Juror’s Choice Award.” (Submitted image) For more, visit foundryartcentre.org/arbitrary-color award winners.
A performance of Beethoven’s “Ninth Symphony” with the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, which was held Feb. 28, 1975. To see more historical photos, visit currentnightandday.com. (Photos courtesy of The Indianapolis Symphonic Choir.)
Indianapolis Symphonic Choir celebrates 80th anniversary editorial@youarecurrent.com The Indianapolis Symphonic Choir will commemorate its 80th anniversary with a performance of Felix Mendelssohn’s music oratorio “Elijah” at the Palladium at the Center for Performing Arts in Carmel at 8 p.m., March 17. “In the arts and entertainment world, institutions and individuals often become associated with a particular piece of music or song,” ArtisConductor Mario Ventic Director and Conductor of zago at a performance the Symphonic Choir Eric Stark April 29, 2005 at the stated in a press release to Hilbert Circle Theatre. Current. Stark stated that in the case of the Symphonic Choir, “Elijah” is one of the choir’s signature works. “Although the Symphonic Choir performs music from so many different genres and styles, when you boil it down, this organization especially excels when performing major, large-scale works like ‘Elijah,’” Executive Director Michael Pettry stated. The performance of “Elijah” will feature the 170 voices of the Indianapolis Symphonic Choir joined by the Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra and the Indianapolis Children’s Choir. The performance will feature soprano Christina Pier, mezzo-soprano Kate Maroney, tenor Thomas Cooley and baritone Christòphern Nomura playing the role of “Elijah.” For tickets, visit indychoir.org.
Joe Jackson tickets now on sale — Best known for ’80s hits such as “Steppin’ Out” and “Breaking Us in Two,” eclectic composer and musician Joe Jackson will draw material from across his four-decade career when his Fast Forward Tour comes to the Palladium Jackson June 16. Tickets are now on sale and start at $29.50. For more, visit TheCenterPresents.org.
Current asked: How has the choir changed and grown in the last 80 years? “It feels like the choir has really come into its own in recent years. Artistically, we undertake projects of such scale that few other choirs in the nation have the ability to, and financially we’ve matured to a point of solid stability thanks to strong ticket growth and a committed donor base.” - Eric Stark, who is marking his 15th anniversary as artistic director of the Symphonic Choir. “Over the past 40 years, the Indianapolis Symphonic Choir has grown from a volunteer choir to a professionally run organization. While dedicated singers have been the constant, dramatic change has occurred through organizational structure, outstanding artistic and executive leadership, and the capacity to perform in the community’s best musical venues in concert with soloists of national and international renown.” - Dennis Tackitt, board member with 30-years perspective of the organization, as a singer then as a board member. “Back in the 1970s my dad began singing with the choir (Called the “chorus” then!), and I joined my freshman year at Butler, making it a small family affair. Now, after making the rounds to four other cities, 35 years later I’m back in the Indy Choir alto section and feel very honored to share my musical journey with old and new friends, all the while being buoyed by my parents, who continue their faithful and loving support.” - Becky Peterson, alto in the choir for the past two years.
The Royalaires will be on stage March 4. (Submitted photo)
Zionsville Show Choirs update — It was a clean sweep for the Zionsville High School Show Choirs at the Metropolitan Interscholastic Conference Choral Competition March 4. The competition was hosted by North Central High School. Both the Choralaires and Royalaires were Grand Champions of the event and were awarded Best Visuals, Best Band and Best Vocals. Kaycee Beck was named the Outstanding Performer for Choralaires and Sammy Hammer was named the Outstanding Performer for Royalaires. US Foods Chef Penny Davidi and Food Network star Malcolm Mitchell join 2017 Rev event as celebrity chefs — Rev, a Methodist Health Foundation event, will bring US Foods chef Penny Davidi and Food Network star Malcolm Mitchell to the event in May. Its mission is to raise funds for Indiana University Health statewide trauma programs, including those who provide care for drivers and patrons at the Indiana University Health Emergency Medical Center of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. This year’s event will take place May 6 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. For tickets and sponsorship information, visit revindy.org.
March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
Where to celebrate St. Paddy’s Day Compiled by Heather Collins The Friendly Tavern St. Patrick’s Day Tent Party Classic corned beef and cabbage will be served, along with the annual green beer. When: 5 p.m., March 17 Where: 290 S. Main St., Zionsville For more, visit Facebook.com/ FriendlyTavernZionsville. St. Patrick’s Day at Muldoon’s Karaoke, bagpipers and drink specials will be ready for one of Carmel’s favorite St. Patrick’s Day events. Corned beef and cabbage and beef stew will be available. When: March 17 Where: 111 W. Main St., Carmel. For drink specials and more, call 317-571-1116 Carmel Professional Firefighters Local 4444 St. Patrick’s Day Celebration The Carmel Firefighters and Local 4444 again partner for the ninth year in a row to throw a St. Patrick’s party raising money for their bereavement fund. When: The Pumper Pull will begin at 3 p.m. followed by the keg toss and then Carmel Firefighter Ian Reppert playing live at 7 p.m., March 17. Where: Brockway Pub, 12525 Old Meridian
16 1 7
Virtuoso Sitar Player Drummer Dean Paddock with Sparky the dog at last year’s Carmel Fire Dept. and Local 4444 St. Patrick’s Day event. (Submitted photo)
St., Carmel
Mo’s Irish Pub The two-day St. Patrick’s Day extravaganza will include green beer, beer tastings, live music, Irish dancers and more. When: March 17 and 18 Where: 13193 Levinson Ln., Suite 100, Noblesville For more, visit mosirishpub.com.
MAR 17 & 18 | THE TARKINGTON Tickets from $45
FRI MAR 24 | 8PM | THE TARKINGTON Tickets from $40
To see the full list of ideas on where to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in the Indy area, visit currentnightandday.com.
Where’s Amy? Amy Pauszek is a photographer, film producer and scouting and casting associate for Talent Fusion Agency in Indianapolis. She can be reached at Amy@youarecurrent.com. To see more of her photos, visit currentnightandday.com.
SAT MAR 25 | 8PM | THE TARKINGTON Tickets from $35 By Geroge! The Pops play Gershwin
Where’s Amy attends WFYI Wine Fest Marvin Purdy, Ariana Meiser, Eve Wilkerson, Heather Gigliotti and Sharissa Ulroy attend the event. (Photo by Amy Pauszek for Current Publishing LLC. Copyright 2017. All Rights Reserved.)
Where’s Amy attended the recent WFYI Wine Fest and VIP pre-party at the Old National Centre downtown Indianapolis. The popular VIP event included WFYI local celebrity guests and friends, including writer Dan Wakefield, filmmakers Ted Green and Mika Brown, wine and food critics Jolene Ketzenberger and Elizabeth Musgrave, WFYI media specialists Jill Ditmire and Matthew Socey, entrepreneurs Nick and Audrey Taylor and WFYI President & CEO Lloyd Wright.
THURS APR 6 | 7:30PM | THE PALLADIUM Tickets from $55
Arabic Music Master
SAT APR 8 | 8PM | THE TARKINGTON Tickets from $35
TheCenterPresents.org | 317.843.3800 These activities made possible, in part, with support from Butler University, Indiana Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.
March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
Your weekly serving of Just the Ticket
Mama Bear’s Bakery & Café is a Geist favorite. With fresh coffee, breakfast sandwiches, soups, salads, wraps and other tasty baked goods, you’ll feel right at home in the cozy lodge-like atmosphere. Enjoy the patio, homey indoor seating area or the drive-thru window if you’re on the go. Mama Bear’s is the “go to” place, perfect for stopping by after work or school. It also promotes community events on its calendar and aspire to have monthly “after hours” events to bring music, talent, groups and clubs to the Geist area.
Mama Bear’s Bakery & Café Type of Food: American Food Recommendation: Coffee cake. Price Range: Approx. $10. Reservations: No. Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday Address: 10110 Brooks School Rd., Fishers. Phone: 317-288-4831.
Festive Fun for St. Patrick’s Day: American irish stew Submitted photo and content courtesy of Family Features and the following: Recipe is reprinted with permission from the American Institute for Cancer Research.
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Turn your St. Patrick’s Day celebration into a chance to enjoy Irish heritage with hearty foods and a lively atmosphere. When it’s the only day each year it’s acceptable to pinch non-conforming friends and family, it’d be a shame not to go all out. Servings: 6 Ingredients: 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, 1 1/4 pounds beef, top round, cut into 3/4-inch pieces, 3 cloves garlic, minced, salt, to taste, pepper, to taste, 1 medium onion, coarsely chopped, 3 medium carrots, peeled and cut into 3/4-inch pieces, 2 medium parsnips, cut into large chunks (optional), 3 cups low-fat, reduced-sodium beef broth, 4 medium russet potatoes, peeled and cut into large chunks, 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary, 1 leek, coarsely chopped, 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley Directions: In large pot over medium-high heat, heat oil. Add beef and garlic. Cook,
gently stirring until meat is evenly browned. Season with salt and pepper. Add onion, carrots and parsnips. Cook 3-4 minutes. Stir in broth and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer about 75 minutes, or until meat is tender. Stir in potatoes and simmer another 30 minutes. Add rosemary and leeks. Continue to simmer, uncovered, until potatoes are tender. To avoid potatoes falling apart, do not overcook. Serve hot and garnish with parsley, if desired. Nutritional information per serving: 370 calories, 8 g total fat (2 g saturated fat), 43 g carbohydrate, 32 g protein, 6 g dietary fiber, 427 mg sodium.
The Center for the Performing Arts – 355 City Center Dr., Carmel – thecenterpresents.org March 17 – Indianapolis Symphonic Choir Hoosier Park Racing & Casino – 4500 Dan Patch Circle, Anderson – hoosierpark.com March 17 – Fighting Jamesons Hopwood Cellars Winery – 12 E. Cedar St., Zionsville – hopwoodcellars.com March 17 – Steve Fulton Duo
March 18 – Kendall Purdy 8 Seconds Saloon – 111 N. Lynhurst Dr., Indianapolis – 8secondssaloon.net March 17 – Jamey Johnson March 18 – Blue River Band Mo’s Irish Pub – 13193 Levinson Ln., Ste 100, Noblesville – mosirishpub.com/indy March 17 – Bishops, Poparazzi, and DJ P3; Andrew Young Trio, 10th of Never, and The Flying Toasters March 18 – Project 6, Flannel Jane, and DJ P3; Bandwagon, Mix Tape, and Through Being Cool Performers are scheduled, but may change
lIve MUsIC
Photo courtesy of Getty Images.
March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
Blueprint for Improvement: Converting bedrooms into master suites Commentary by Larry Greene
Before Background Info: This 1950’s home in the Devonshire neighborhood of Indianapolis was in need of a functional, spacious master suite.
Before problems: The owners were looking for design strategies to develop a more efficient master suite layout without a full addition. This required some strategic space planning within their existing house footprint. Because of the wooded lot, the interior spaces needed additional daylight as well.
WAXING • FACIALS • MASSAGE MARCH 1 - APRIL 30 SPECIALS 15% Off All Waxing Services & Image Skincare SPF, Concealer & Accessories
ONLINE BOOKING AVAILABLE! 17409 Wheeler Rd., Suite 106, Westfield, IN | www.spathirty2.com | 317-399-7108 Monday: 12pm–6pm • Tuesday: 10am–6pm • Wednesday: 10am–7pm • Thursday: 9am–7pm Friday: 9am–6pm • Saturday: 9am–5pm • Sunday: 9am–4pm
After solutions: The goal was to design a master suite that utilized the existing home’s square footage, while creating a more functional floor plan. 1. To create functional space for the master suite, two small bedrooms were converted into a large master bedroom with a vaulted ceiling and walk-in closet. 2. To create a larger master bath, two full baths were transformed into one full bath and a larger master bath. This was accomplished by creating a two-foot bump-out for the small amount of additional square footage needed. 3. A double vanity and large walk-in shower were accomplished with this new layout. 4. For additional daylight, three skylights were added in the roof system: two in the bedroom and one in the closet. In addition, the existing windows were replaced with larger windows to maximize the daylight and view to the exterior. Larry Greene is the owner of Case Design/Remodeling. You may email him at lgreene@caseindy.com. To see more before-and-after pictures of this project, visit caseindy.com/blog.
March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
ATTENTION, STUDENTS! Send a 100-word essay (along with your school, name, address and phone number) about why your teacher should win Edge Guys Heating & Cooling/Current in Westfield honor, to teacher@youarecurrent.com. The winning teacher will receive a $50 visa gift card from Edge Guys and the winning essayist will win a pizza party for their class, courtesy of Papa John’s. The deadline for nominations is 3/24/17.
Rotary International is a service organization for men and women. Our theme this year is Fun and Fellowship. Visit us Tuesdays at 7:30 am at The Bridgewater Club. If you have been a Rotarian in the past or are interested in finding out more about the Westfield Rotary Club, contact Dave Mueller: 317.966.9808. WestfieldRotary.net
How many keep Current in the home for up to seven days?
Source: SMARI, Inc.
ADVERTISE: info@youarecurrent.com • 317.489.4444, ext. 2
Please join Janus Developmental Services, Inc. for the
2017 Create, Connect and Commit Fundraising Breakfast! 502 East Event Center in Carmel | April 21st, 2017
Mayor John Ditslear from the City of Noblesville Mayor Jim Brainard from the City of Carmel Mayor Andy Cook from the City of Westfield Mayor Scott Fadness from the City of Fishers Janus provides individuals with disabilities the opportunity to participate and contribute within the community. To reserve your place at the breakfast, please contact Joanne McDonough at 317-773-8781, ext. 112 or jmcdonough@janus-inc.org
Sponsored in part by
Sacred Lake at Karnak Temple (Photo by Don Knebel)
Karnak Temple’s Sacred Lake Commentary by Don Knebel The Karnak Temple complex is thought to be the largest religious center in the world. It may have provided the inspiration for a religious ritual practiced by travel billions of people. Around 2000 B.C., Pharaoh Sesostris ordered construction of a temple near what is now Luxor, Egypt. For 1,300 years, his successors kept building on the same site until the collection of temples, halls and obelisks occupied 200 acres. Facilities devoted only to Amun, one of the most important of the gods worshipped at Karnak, occupied 61 acres. In approximately 1450 B.C., Pharaoh Tuthmosis III built an artificial lake lined with stone, 425-feet long by 250-feet wide, just south of the main Temple of Amun. Stone steps on the perimeter of this Sacred Lake lead into the water, which symbolized the primeval waters of creation. Priests living in special quarters south of the Sacred Lake used it to purify themselves before performing religious rituals in the temples of Amun. According to the Bible, after the Isra-
elites left Egypt under the leadership of Moses, they fashioned a bronze basin and placed it near the entrance of their portable tabernacle, where the priests purified themselves in water before performing religious rituals. When King Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem he placed a large bronze basin called the Molten Sea near the Temple, where priests ritually purified themselves and their vessels. Moses’ basin and Solomon’s Molten Sea are echoed in Jewish mikvahs, Christian baptismal founts and Muslim ablution pools. Some people have speculated that the word “amen,” used in many of the world’s religions, is connected with the god Amun, who was worshipped at Karnak. Far more likely is the conclusion that the widespread practice of using water for ritual purification may have begun at Karnak’s Sacred Lake almost 3,500 years ago. Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel.com. You may contact him at news@currentzionsville.com.
Dispatches Designer workshop series – The public is invited to connect with design professionals each month on various interior design topics. Join us for Inspired Outdoor Living: Turn Your Outdoor Space Into an Oasis at 10:30 a.m. March 21 at the Indiana Design Center, 200 S. Range Line Rd. Light refreshments will be provided. PUBLIC NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY On behalf of the Westfield Board of Public Works & Safety, Butler Fairman and Seufert Inc., 8450 Westfield Boulevard, Suite 300, Indianapolis, Indiana, is submitting an NOI letter to notify the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of our intent to comply with the requirements under 327 IAC 15-5 to discharge storm water from construction activities for the following project: 186th Street and Spring Mill Road located at 40°03’25” N 86°09’56” W. Run-off from the project site will discharge to Little Eagle Creek. Questions or comments regarding this project should be directed to Ali Rittman at ARittman@ BFSEngr.com or 317-713-4615.
Locked iPhone access – If your iPhone is locked with a passcode or finger scan, and Siri is activated, a thief may still be able to access some personal data on your phone. Anyone can ask your locked phone, “What is my name?” and your name and phone number will be revealed onscreen. To deactivate this feature, go to Settings>Siri>Access When Locked and be sure that switch is turned off. Source: Esquire.com
March 14, 2017
Across 1. White River floater 5. ___ Mia! 10. Computer invasion 14. Competent 15. Holcomb Observatory hunter 16. Carey Ridge Elementary School desk item
Current in Westfield
17. BSU Greek group 18. Dashboard control 19. Ripped 20. Westfield HS mascot imposter? 23. Hawaiian island 24. Hamilton Town Center unit 25. Two-finger sign
27. Zionsville summer clock setting 28. Coach Parseghian 31. Used a Kohl’s credit card 33. Nestle candy named for its white covering 37. Indy neighborhood: Chatham ___ 38. Occasion pertinent to
Clean out your closets for a cause! “Bags to Riches” Donation & Resale Event
Please donate your gently used or new handbags and support patients in need!
IU Health North Hospital invites you to donate your new or gently used purses, handbags, wallets, wristlets, backpacks or travel bags for Bags to Riches. All proceeds benefit patients in need at the hospital. Donations Accepted Anytime: March 24–April 14 Bags to Riches Event: April 21 at the hospital For more information, please visit iuhealth.org/northgiving.
© 2017 IUHealth 1/17
this puzzle 41. St. Vincent Health blood fluids 42. Larry Bird’s former team 43. Union demand 45. Star Wars inits. 46. “___ we there yet?” 49. IMPD alert 50. UIndy psych class topics 54. Reis-Nichols gem feature 56. Good fortune near South Bend? 60. iPod variety 61. Complained about being fleeced 62. 2006 Indiana Mr. Basketball from Lawrence North HS 63. IU pre-med class 64. Easley Winery process 65. Annual May event: ___ Marathon 66. Salon01 hair goos 67. Tightly packed 68. Electrical letters Down 1. Pacers Foundation fund-raiser 2. Overseas 3. Parade around 4. PetSmart fish 5. Companion of mean and median in an IUPUI statistics class 6. Millers Country Carpet calculation 7. Irritates 8. Freeloader 9. ___-Saxon 10. Design on a Dime channel 11. Cosmetics ingredient 12. It can be exchanged at the Indy airport
13. Attorney Nunn in TV ads 21. Jungle vine and anagram of 23-Across 22. Governor Holcomb photo ___ (media events) 26. Biblical verb ending 29. PU military group 30. Hoosier farm fraction 32. Indy Fuel protective gear 33. Hot tubs 34. Seek treatment at Riverview Health 35. Greyhounds free throw avgs., e.g. 36. Lose control at the Indy 500 38. Lake dweller’s aircraft 39. Legal body 40. Half Price Books genre
41. Madrid Mrs. 44. Comics shriek 46. Having a low pH 47. Email again 48. Like some cuisine 51. Spoil 52. Can legally drink in Indiana 53. Tuchman cleaning challenge 55. Paradise Bakery emanation 57. Camp Atterbury beds 58. Boone County Fair fowls 59. Barely beat the Colts 60. Unlikely winner at Indiana Downs Answers on Page 23
March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
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Current in Westfield
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March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
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Luxury Executive Residence
16225 Seminole Road, Noblesville
Beautiful, Georgian Style 5 Bedroom / 6 Bathroom Country Estate • 8,900+ TSF • 8.12 AC • Pond • Pool with Cabana • Storage Building • Many Indoor Amenities Including: Main Level Master Suite with Fireplace, Large Open Concept Living Area, Private Home Office, Home Theater, Finished Basement and More! Buy at Your Price - No Minimum, No Reserve! Pre-auction Offers will be Considered! Private Showings Available by Appointment See Website for Full Terms and Conditions Cause #: 29D02-1011-MF-001518 10% Buyer’s Premium Seth Seaton: AU10900115 AC30900124
(317) 353-1100
FOR SALE Brand NEW Queen Pillowtop Mattress and Box Spring set. Still in factory sealed plastic. Never used. ONLY $195. Del. Avail. Call today 317-480-6463
3121 Village Park N. Dr., Carmel, 46033 3 bed, 2 bath $1300/month Westfield Schools Brandi Welch, AM Rentals 138 W. Carmel Dr. 317-848-1588 • www.amrelo.com
Winter Hours: Thursday - Saturdays (1-4) Call anytime for schedule appointment outside normal hours. 317-506-6902 Now Hiring
Now Hiring
NOW HIRING Senior1Care
We are looking for Compassionate & reliable individuals to provide non-medical caregiving services to adults in the local area. If you are dedicated, hard-working and have a genuine desire to work in an environment where you will be helping others improve their quality of life, visit us and learn about our open positions:
CARE COORDINATOR • Manage caregiver and client schedules • Match our quality caregivers with client needs • Intake visits with clients
e! serv
for rent
E-Bikes are Fun. E-Bikes riding is Healthy. E-Bikes can be an alternative form Transportation. Test ride an E-bike, anytime!
CAREGIVER • Top Pay, including overtime & BONUS • Reliable, flexible & steady work • FREE CNA Training
Come enjoy the fun at our growing company as we make a difference in poeple's lives. Visit our Facebook Pages to learn more about our family’s story and why we started our local business 10 years ago. Call today and set-up an interview at 317-652-6175 or stop by our Carmel office. EOE
We are looking to HIRE YOU If you have a compassionate heart and a nurturing soul, Clarity Care is interested in hiring you. We provide non-medical, adult in-home care. We offer: • Flexible schedule - full and part time • Competitive pay - $10-$15 per hour • Night bonus/referral bonus • Employee retirement plan • Custom match care giver to client 317-774-0074 option 5 Apply@claritycaregivers.com New construction cleaning company looking for employees. Please call 317-408-1814 for more information.
Now Hiring
Permanent part-time position Mon., Wed., Fri. 9-4. Order Entry, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, phone and filing. Send resume to: PO Box 756 Carmel, IN 46032
College not for you?
Simpson Construction Services, LLC, a family owned general contractor, would like to hire skilled construction carpenters. Our company is growing, and we are looking for craftsmen that take pride in their work and want a future with our company. Contact Gary Simpson at 317.703.9575.
Immediate opening for full time, entry level, dental laboratory technician. Experience beneficial, but not required. Please forward inquiries to Hunterdentallab.com using the contacts page. Resume may be faxed to (317) 843-1277
Background or Not in dance! Join the team at Fred Astaire Dance Studio Carmel, Indiana. We will train you in all aspects of the ballroom dance business. Why Fred Astaire? We offer a great environment, guaranteed starting salary, great training and opportunities to travel and compete. Need we say more? Call Dan at 317-846-3237
Now Hiring
NOW HIRING HOUSEKEEPERS! The award winning Cambria hotel and suites in Noblesville is now hiring Housekeeping associates to complement our wonderful team. We offer competitive weekday pay and premium pay on the weekends. We also offer insurance, hotel discounts, and monthly associate appreciate luncheons. More importantly, we treat all of our associates with RESPECT! We’re located across from the Hamilton Town Center Mall. Please apply within. 13500 Tegler Dr. Noblesville, IN 46060 317-773-4970
MUSSELMAN LANDSCAPE SOLUTIONS, LLC NOW Hiring Seasonal Delivery Drivers and Office Help. Retirees welcome. Please inquire at mike@musselmanlandscape.com or 317-773-5399
Local construction company looking for a hands on supervisor. Roofing and sheet metal background a plus. Responsibilities include but not limited to: - Manage Employees - Inventory - Scheduling Please e-mail your resume to mcmwinc@mcmwinc.comcastbiz.net
H&L Pools - Now Hiring: Lifeguards/Headguards/Swim Instructors & Aquatechs. Facilities in Noblesville, Carmel, Lawrence, and Indianapolis. Pay rates $8 - $16/hr. Ellis Lifeguard Training required and provided. No experience necessary/Apply online @ hlpools.com. For more information, call 877-330-POOL
NOW HIRING SEASONAL POSITIONS: Seasonal Laborers – Work outside and be part of team that maintains City’s streets, parks, and athletic fields. 35-45 hours per week. Summer Camp Counselors – Lead youth and preschool campers in games, songs, crafts and other activities. 30 hours per week. Internships and full-time positions are also available. For more info and to apply visit: www.fishers.in.us
$15/hour avg for experienced painter. Interior/exterior. Work available all year. Mon-Sat, no Sundays. Servicing Hamilton County. Must have excellent cut-in skills, be clean and organized, and deliver detailed quality work. Must have reliable transportation. Call Jonathan 317-999-8124. www.wallapainting.com
Bub’s Burgers and Ice Cream is currently hiring all locations and shifts! Positions available: Servers, Hosts, Bussers, Ice Cream Cashiers, Dishwashers, Kitchen. Please email resumes to info@bubsburgersandicecream.com
ASSISTANT TEACHERS NEEDED The International Montessori School (www.intlmontessori.com), located in Carmel, Indiana, is looking for Assistant Teachers. Hours would be from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM OR 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM Monday through Friday. Qualifying candidates should be comfortable working with children ages 3 through 6 years old and should be enthusiastic, kind and creative with a love for children. Compensation is competitive and based on experience. REPLY TO: RKD1948@SBCGLOBAL.NET ***** No phone calls, please. *****
NOW HIRING Waiters/Waitresses Line Cooks $10-$14/HR OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 160 E Carmel Dr. Carmel, IN
March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
Now Hiring
IMMEDIATE ASSEMBLER OPENINGS IN INDIANAPOLIS! -First Shift Position with Competitive Pay! -Build patio furniture and grills for a grocery store display! Call Sherry Elliott at 317-579- 8428 or sherry.elliott@kroger.com Apply At: http://plmarketing.net/careers/
The Better Way to Play
317-848-7634 www.centennialremodelers.com
Brightview Now Hiring
Landscape Crew Leaders and Crew Members
• 4 bed, 2 bath • 2,736 sq. ft. • Walking distance to Arts District!
For pricing e-mail your ad to dennis@ youarecurrent.com
$1,700/month Player Rewards Code
Scott Pools in Carmel is currently hiring full time seasonal helpers for our service department. A valid drivers license, background check and some weekend work is required. $12.00 per hour. Experience helpful but not necessary. If you like working outdoors, this job is for you! Give us a call, email or stop by the store to fill out an application. Scott Pools - 904 W. Main Street - Carmel, IN 46032 - 317-846-5576 - scottpools2@gmail.com
Member Central Indiana
Competitive Wages Located in Westfield www.jobs.brightview.com 317-721-HIRE
If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, that’s our business. Call Alcoholics Anonymous (317) 632-7864 www.indyaa.org Now Hiring
111 LANTERN LN., CARMEL, 46032
138 West Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 317-848-1588 • www.amrelo.com
March 14, 2017
Current in Westfield
5th A n n i v e r s a r y
We’re on track to win our own Indy 500 by closing on our 500th home this year. We invite you to join us on our victory lap by enjoying a 5% Home Discount when you purchase your very own David Weekley home between March 1 and April 23, 2017.
Choose from a variety of award-winning floor plans and build from the ground up, or select one of our beautiful Showcase Homes ready for immediate move in, or ready soon, to take advantage of our Five-year Anniversary Savings Event!
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From the $390s 317-669-8633
From the $230s 317-669-8634
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3. The Lakes at Shady Nook
From the $560s 317-669-8636
Get in gear and learn more by visiting any of our Indianapolis-area communities or contacting 800-748-6219
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6. The Residences at Lawrence Village at the Fort
From the $290s 317-669-8630
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2. Jackson’s Grant on Williams Creek Creekside
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See a David Weekley Homes Sales Consultant for complete details. Not valid with any other offer or on previously written contracts. Anniversary Savings Event (5% Home Discount) offer only valid for Homebuyers who purchase a David Weekley home in the Indianapolis area between March 1, 2017, and April 23, 2017. Maximum discount not to exceed $35,000. Offer must be presented to Sales Consultant prior to signing of contract. David Weekley Homes reserves the right to terminate the program or change rules at any time. Prices, plans, dimensions, features, specifications, materials or availability of homes or communities are subject to change without notice or obligation. Illustrations are artist’s depictions only and may differ from completed improvements. Copyright © 2017 David Weekley Homes - All Rights Reserved. Indianapolis, IN (INDA85533)