Tuesday, April 11, 2017
12-year-old Westfield resident plans for 350 volunteer hours at Conner Prairie / P13
Neighbors express concern over development / P3
City funds facadeimprovement program / P8
Field Brewing hears residents’ concerns / P9
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April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
To celebrate more than 40 years of Building Dreams, Enhancing Lives, we’re hosting the World’s Largest Showcase of Homes in our cities across the country! From April 1– 30, we invite you to visit any of our beautiful models or Showcase Homes in Indianapolis to see current innovations in design and get inspired with home décor ideas. And, while you’re delighting in our award-winning homes, be sure to register for a chance to win one of these exciting prizes:
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April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
Contact the Editor
Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@ youarecurrent.com. You may also submit information on our website, currentinwestfield.com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication. To contact Editorial Director Sophie Pappas, call 317.489.4444 ext. 7.
Dispatches Seeking historical photos — Current in Westfield is looking to gather historical photos from the city and community for a regular feature within the publication, “Back in the Day.” For more, or to submit photos or ideas, please contact Editor Anna Skinner at anna@youarecurrent. com.
Want to advertise?
Current in Westfield reaches 100 percent of the households in 46074 by U.S. Postal Service every Tuesday. For more information about how to reach that audience, call Dennis O’Malia at 370.0749 or e-mail him at dennis@youarecurrent.com.
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www.facebook.com/currentinwestfield www.twitter.com/CI_Westfield
On the cover
Julia Lamb serves as a youth volunteer at Conner Prairie. (Photo by Sadie Hunter) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. X, No. 12 Copyright 2016. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
Kristen Burkman, left, and Suzy DuBois paired up to express concern over increasing developments in Westfield. (File photo)
More than 100 “Stop Irresponsible Development” signs have been distributed throughout Westfield. (Submitted photo)
Residents express concern over development, Wood Wind proposal By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com According to Westfield resident Suzy DuBois, there are enough proposed neighborhoods throughout the city fundraiser already. She and other members of the southwest quadrant of Westfield, also known as the Conservancy, feel as though the Wood Wind Planned Unit Development proposal only adds to the “irresponsible developments” taking place throughout the city. “The reason people are (placing signs in yards) is because they are tired of the pace of the growth that’s going on in that area of the city,” DuBois said. “That’s kind of the history behind the signs is people believe there is higher potential for the area that is not being realized that would be beneficial for the city, beneficial for the schools and the (2007 Comprehensive Plan). A lot of people living out there that participated in (making the plan) really think it isn’t being followed.” DuBois said in response to Pulte’s Wood Wind proposal, a discussion group was created including plan commission members, county council members, township trustee Danielle Carey-Tolan and concerned residents. “In response to the Wood Wind PUD, because it is so large, we requested there be a discussion group organized,” DuBois said. “Discussion groups are encouraged from the planning perspective, and it helps engage the
public and the public does some work. We requested this discussion group and started meeting in August. At the beginning, we established goals.” DuBois said there are 1,341 lots under construction in 19 new neighborhoods already approved by the city. She also said that 1,323 lots have been approved but construction has not yet begun, and 2,334 apartment units have been approved but not constructed. “In all these public hearings going on (for Wood Wind), not a single resident in the area spoke in favor of this other than the people who are going to benefit financially by the sale of their land. Not one,” DuBois said. “I think what’s really important is that it’s not a message of anti-development, it’s a message of high-quality development that is maximizing the potential of the area. What we are recommending is going to create higher assessed value which is going to help the schools and the city. So basically, the very basic premise is we are suggesting fewer homes that have higher prices that are in Pulte’s portfolio that are not necessarily being built in Westfield right now.” Pulte recently requested a continuance from the plan commission to take extra time and present a new product it has not yet disclosed details of. For more, visit westfield.in.gov. This story will be updated.
Coffee with the editor — Meet Current in Westfield editor Anna Skinner from 10 to 11:30 a.m. April 17 at Titus Bakery at 17471 Wheeler Rd., Suite 110, in Westfield. Ask her questions, suggest story ideas or come to enjoy a cup of coffee and learn about a career in the newspaper business. Mother’s Day essay callout — What makes your mom special? What do you love most about your mom? Current wants to know! Send a 300-word essay explaining what makes your mom amazing to Sophie@youarecurrent. com by April 18. Photos are welcome and encouraged. Select essays and photos will be chosen to run in print and online. Ballroom Basics — Westfield Washington Township and Tina Margos DanceArts Popular will partner to provide a social-dance sampler at 7:30 p.m. Mondays May 8-22 at the Westfield Township Building, 1549 E. Greyhound Pass, Carmel. Registration is $45 per person. For more, contact the instructor at tinatango@aol.com. Teacher of the Month — Students in grades K-12 are invited to enter Current’s Teacher of the Month contest sponsored by the Edge Guys. Participants should send a 100-word essay explaining why their teacher should be named Teacher of the Month. Winning students will receive a pizza party for their class, sponsored by Papa John’s. Winning teachers will receive a $50 visa gift card. Essays are due by April 27 and should be emailed to Teacher@youarecurrent.com.
April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
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April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
Sandusky to speak against abuse By Renee Larr news@currentinwestfield.com
The annual breakfast is held in conjunction with Child Abuse Prevention Month. The 2017 event will feature a few changes. “We will be having a hot breakfast this Matthew Sandusky, adopted son of year. Before we had a continental breakformer Penn State football coach Jerry fast,” Powers said. “We are trying Sandusky, will to make small tweaks, because fundraiser be the featured it’s an amazing opportunity for the speaker at the community to hear about us.” seventh annual Friends of Chaucie’s The event will start with breakPlace Breakfast set for 7 a.m. April fast, followed by a presentation 26 at Ritz Charles. discussing what Chaucie’s Place In 2012, Jerry Sandusky was does for the community. Sandusky found guilty of sexually abusing Sandusky will speak after the presentation. young boys and sentenced to 30 to “We do a state-of-the-center address. We 60 years in prison. Matthew Sandusky said he experienced abuse by his adopted father talk about the agency and the programs we do. The dollars raised go back into our between the ages of 8 and 17. programs. We’re very focused and driven “He has turned that experience as a surby our servitude to the community. We use vivor into starting his own agency called them to reach out about prevention,” PowPeaceful Hearts Foundation. He is speaking ers said. to us about the grooming process by abusThe cost to attend is $20 per person or ers and survival,” said Brady Powers, Chau$250 for a table sponsorship. Guests can cie’s Place director of programs. purchase tickets by visiting chauciesplace. Chaucie’s Place is a child advocacy ororg. Those interested should RSVP by April ganization that focuses on the prevention 19. of child sexual abuse and youth suicide.
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April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
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April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
New Paradox Church embraces bell’s history By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com For Paradox Church Pastor Jordan Gardner, this bell’s significance is powerful. The bell was located at religion Wesleyan-Methodist Church of Westfield during Westfield’s role in the Underground Railroad, which was a network of secret routes and safe houses used by Abolitionists to help slaves escape to free states. The church was a stop on the Underground Railroad. “The bell signifies a community of people who dedicated their lives to the abolition of slavery and welcomed slaves who were seeking freedom,” Gardner said. “Today, our church holds the same values by fighting for the worth of every human life. We believe people are living as slaves to sin, and our mission is to show people who Jesus is so that they can find true freedom in Him.” Paradox Church, 18415 N. Union St., is a member of The Wesleyan Church, which is a merger of the Wesleyan Methodist Church and the Pilgrim Holiness Church. The bell arrived at the church for its first service March 26. The bell’s permanent home is at the Wesleyan Church world headquarters in Fishers.
Happy Hour Monday - Thursday from 3pm-5pm Get a Donut & a Small Coffee for $1.15
Jordan Gardner is the pastor of the new Paradox Church in Westfield. (Submitted photos)
“(Paradox) is the same building where Westfield Wesleyan was, but it is not the original building of the Wesleyan-Methodist Church of Westfield,” Gardner said. “We completely renovated the inside of the building. We put in all new floors, painted every room and updated the foyer, worship center and children’s ministry area. Our team spent about three months making the necessary changes to the inside of the building.” Gardner, 30, said he and his wife, Karen, moved to Westfield with their three children in 2016 “after we felt God calling us to
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This bell, now at Paradox Church, was originally at Wesleyan-Methodist Church of Westfield during the Underground Railroad.
start a new church in Westfield.” “We have only been meeting for two weeks but we are averaging 90 people during our Sunday morning services,” Gardner said. “A few members of our congregation joined our church because they felt called to be a part of a new church plant, but most of our congregation is new to Westfield and joined our church because they were new to the area and were looking for a church to call home.” Gardner was previously serving as a pastor at a church in Brookings, S.D.
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April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
Council approves façade improvement program
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The Westfield City Council recently approved a transfer of $6,627 to provide for additional funding city news for the façadeimprovement program at its March 27 council meeting. The funding will bump the program’s dollars up to $10,000. “We’ve seen a lot of success with our local business community through this program,” Council President Jim Ake stated in a press release sent to Current. “Providing this additional available funding will allow us to continue to assist businesses that want to invest in
Dispatches Earth Day event at the library — Westfield Green Together and the Westfield Washington Public Library will co-host an Earth Day event from 1 to 3 p.m. April 22 at the library, 333 W. Hoover St.
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Little Free Library moves – The Little Free Library at the Downtown Westfield Association, 211 S. Union St., will be moved from the patio to city hall, 130 Penn St., while Grand Junction Plaza construction occurs.
news@currentinwestfield.com Concerned residents of The Commons at Spring Mill, 17308 Cayuga Dr., reached out to Current in Westfield update due to their water bills rising during the month of March. A representative from Herman and Kittle Properties released the following statement: “The residents of The Commons at Spring Mill received a March water bill that reflects a utility adjustment intended to correct for billing errors that occurred in 2016. Some residents were issued a credit, while others received an increase. This adjustment was approved by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission. This adjustment was a one-time-only adjustment. Residents will NOT see an increase (or a credit) in their bill next month. We regret that this caused any confusion or inconvenience for our residents. If residents have any further questions we encourage them to talk to the property manager.”
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Westfield.” The program offers grants to downtown businesses for up to 50 percent of eligible expenses. The grants are capped at $5,000. The program was launched in 2011 with a $50,000 budget. It has funded 14 local business projects, including façade improvements to My Father’s Garden of Health and Rail Epicurean Market. According to the press release, city staff estimate total investAke ment from the projects is $167,388, with an additional $6,757 anticipated in the next six months. For more, visit westfield.in.gov or contact the Economic and Community Development Dept. at 317-804-3170.
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April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
Brewery hears concerns By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com
Pe r s o n a l T r us t s a n d E s t at e s
Field Brewing will have two buildings, one for a gastropub and one for a distillery. (Submitted photo)
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love that idea to slow traffic down in front of the establishment and make it more comfortable for parents and families to get out of their cars along the front.” Jackie also said the restaurant could even open for breakfast and coffee at 7 a.m. Currently, the exterior design is what Jackie calls “soft” and resembles a barn. For more, visit westfield.in.gov.
Greg and Jackie Dikos gave a short presentation prior to the April 3 advisory plan commission holding development a public hearing for comments regarding the gastropub and distillery proposal. The restaurant and brewery is proposed for .625 acres at the southeast corner of Main and Cherry streets. The Dikos said the lot will have 13 parking spaces with more along the streets of downtown. The two buildings will house a restaurant and brewery in a 5,500-square-foot space and a distillery in a 1,900-square-foot space. Until a distiller’s license is acquired, the building set for the distillery will be used for events. A 2,700-square-foot courtyard will be between the two buildings. Residents who spoke against the proposal voiced opinions of why another alcohol-selling restaurant should be in Westfield, concerns about limited parking and installing a crosswalk to easily access the brewery from the northern side of Main Street. “We are on the same page with the crosswalk there,” Jackie said. “We would
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April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
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Meet your teacher: Jan Carnes Grade/Subject at what school: Seventh grade College/Career Readiness Number of years teaching: 20 Background/Schooling (college & high school): Master’s in technology curriculum, Indiana University, Bachelor’s in education (comprehensive business), Ohio State University, Cambridge High School, Cambridge, Ohio Why did you become a teacher? “As a child, I loved playing school with my friends. Then in high school, I had two inspiring teachers that encouraged me to become a teacher. I love what I do, and I look forward to coming to school every morning!” What goals do you have for your students? “I want students to have a desire to learn not just for grades in the classroom, but for their future. It is important for students to grasp the opportunities they have every day in preparation for what is to come. Education is cumulative. You may not remember everything you learn, but it changes you and becomes a part of who
you are. Hopefully, they recognize that learning will impact their future life, career and communities. I’m hoping to help Carnes students to be difference-makers in their part of the world.” What do you encourage parents to do at home to help their children strengthen particular skills? “Parents can continually encourage their children to pursue their own interest and dreams. Discover what excites them and then do what it takes to achieve their goals. Be an encourager to your child. They are very special, unique and gifted.” Name your favorite movie. “‘Remember the Titans’” Name your favorite musician or band. “Contemporary Christian music; Natalie Grant, Mercy Me, Hawk Nelson, and Danny Gokey.” What’s something your students might not know about you? “I grew up training and showing horses.”
“I want students to have a desire to learn not just for grades in the classroom, but for their future.”
April 11, 2017
WWS to offer more than 90 camps this summer
Current in Westfield
By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com
tunity to learn the layout of the school. Nine full-day camps are offered and more than 90 half-day camps. Camps are best for Nearly 100 camps will be offered this kindergarten to 13-year-old students and summer through Westfield Washington 3- and 4-year-old camps also will Schools. Camps education range from techbe offered. Camps begin in June and end in August. Prices range nical and science between $40 and $300. camps to sports and arts camps. “One of the other things that is “I would say it’s probably not important to know is it’s not just only a good, well-rounded experifor children who attend Westfield ence with different offerings, but Washington Schools,” said Kate it’s a chance for children to be Petty Snedeker, director of strategic parttogether with their friends and also nerships and communications. “It’s for any to make new friends during the summer,” kids in Westfield. You don’t have to go to Administrative Coordinator Kathy Petty our school district to attend, but you have said. “Especially for those children who are to live in Westfield.” fourth-graders this year and will be fifthThe sign-up deadline is 14 days prior to the graders with all other incoming fifth-gradbeginning of each camp. In addition to the ers. It gives them a chance to learn and be intermediate school, full-week camps also with other friends.” will take place at Monon Trail Elementary Many camps will be stationed at the School and Maple Glen Elementary School. intermediate school, and Petty said that For more, visit wws.k12.in.us. gives transitioning students a good oppor-
“It gives them a chance to learn and be with other friends.”
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April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
Westfield to celebrate 10 years of being a Tree City USA Commentary by Erin Murphy
community’s trees. Westfield has embraced the long-term care of trees by establishing and impleThe City of Westfield is celebrating 10 menting all of the standards for at least years of being a Tree City USA. This is a the last 10 years. The city is about to celerecognition given to environment communities from the brate Westfield’s annual Arbor Day Seedling Arbor Day Foundation. Giveaway when the Parks and Recreation Dept. will be giving away 500 tree seedIt is a badge that the Westfield administration wears proudly as Westfield has embraced the lings representing five different trees. This residents and visitors long-term care of trees by year, State Rep. Donna can see from the many Tree City USA signs dis- establishing and implementing Schaibley donated 100 tree seedlings. played at several locaall of the standards for at The event is such a tions throughout the least the last 10 years. special time to honor community. what trees do for our community and our To be considered a Tree City, communiresidents. Arbor Day Seedling Giveaway is ties must follow four standards estabat 9 a.m. April 22 at Asa Bales Park. Pro tip: lished by the Arbor Day Foundation. Step Get there early as the event runs out of one: A community must have a department seedlings within minutes. dedicated to the care taking of trees. Step two: There needs to be an existing tree care ordinance set forth by the city council. Erin Murphy is the City of Westfield Communications Step three: A specific budget is established Director. You may reach her at to ensure the city trees will be cared for emurphy@westfield.in.gov or long term. Step four: An Arbor Day event by calling 804-3004 must take place to honor and celebrate the
Where trust is a tradition!
April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
12-year-old Westfield resident plans for 350 volunteer hours at Conner Prairie By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com When she was younger, 12-year-old Julia Lamb often persuaded her mom to take her to Conner Prairie. She was particularly interested in the staff cover story and volunteers at the interactive history park who did spinning or made wool into yarn. When she turned 10, Julia applied to become a Conner Prairie Youth Volunteer and was one of 23 accepted out of 64 applicants. Now, she is in her third year and not considered new anymore. In a few more years, she will be considered a veteran volunteer. She plays characters in both 1836 Prairietown and the Indian Village. She helps with the yearly Headless Horseman event and many other activities. But being a youth volunteer means more to Julia than time spent at Conner Prairie. She used her Christmas and birthday money to buy a used $300 spinning wheel so she could spin at home. She purchased deer hide at a festival to make her own moccasins. She’s creating her own sash to pair with her Indian Village costume. Julia can be a youth volunteer until she goes to college or graduates. She can then become a member of the Conner Prairie staff. “I’m going to stay as long as I’m allowed. I can have eight years (total),” she said. “If I could get my dream, I would probably go to Purdue and then come back here. If I go to Purdue, I want to be a (film) director. I also really like history.” To continue as a youth volunteer, Julia must volunteer at least 120 hours a year. By volunteering two to three times a week, she plans to more than double that number. Her first year, she reached more than 300 hours. In her second year, she reached 212. Conner Prairie has 100 youth volunteers, and seven of those attend Westfield Washington Schools. Some volunteers even come from abroad. “The fact they all want to be here working and learning about history, I think that just totally shapes their attitude toward the program and how much effort they’re willing to put in,” Youth Experience Man-
Julia Lamb, right, spins wool into yarn on a spinning wheel. (Submitted photos)
ager for Conner Prairie Sarah Morin said. “One thing particularly which is hard for a lot of the younger ones, the 10- and 11-yearolds, is being able to start conversations with guests because those are essentially strangers to them. That takes a lot of gumption, a lot of confidence to be able to do that. “They (volunteers) do know some rather obscure skills. For example, about a third of them know how to spin and weave wool. They might learn how to tan a hide. Some of those may influence particular hobbies they do or even career paths.” Julia’s mom Heather Lamb said from a parent perspective, it’s easy to observe
all the things Julia is learning. To even be considered as a youth volunteer, applicants must go through phone and personal interviews. To strengthen her candidacy, Julia wore full pilgrim attire to her interview. “It’s just amazing the things they teach them and the responsibilities they give them,” Heather said. “We went into reenactment fairs to buy deer hide to make her own moccasins and to get a fire kit, and that sparks a kind of interest not normally found in a 12-year-old.” Julia knows how to start a fire without a match and which natural remedies can be used for common ailments. She knows how to churn butter and make shrub, a
Julia Lamb pauses with Conner Prairie President and CEO Norman Burns, who congratulates her on her volunteer hours.
type of lemonade or soda that people drank in the 1800s. Despite all that, Julia thinks the most important thing she’s learned is something more practical. “Really, my people skills,” she said. “I’ve learned how to talk to people maturely, and I’ve grown up a lot. My knowledge of history, I’ve learned so much, it’s hard to say it all.” Besides volunteering and school work, Julia, a seventh-grader, keeps busy as a Cadet in Girl Scout Troop 1505. Conner Prairie opened its outdoor grounds for the season March 28. For more, visit connerprairie.org.
Julia’s Tips: How to start a fire with a fire kit • Starting a fire with charred cloth – Hold a burning glass against a piece of charred cloth. Once the cloth turns red, place in a dry paper towel or pile of leaves and ball it up. Blow on it until smoke begins to come out, then wave the ball around in the air to allow for oxygen flow. Once it bursts into flames, place in kindling. • Starting a fire with flint – By chipping flint against steel, a chemical reaction occurs, which creates a spark.
An example of the contents in a fire kit.
April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
Stars align for spring break
o b s e r v ation
Plan the fish fry
Commentary by Danielle Wilson
Commentary by Terry Anker College towns win big. The local economy benefits from the higher-than-average per capita spending of students (and their benefactors – parents and taxpayers). Small-town communities that host significant campuses have seen property values and incomes surge even as peer cities without the industrial locus of higher-ed have almost universally stumbled. Moreover, these places tend to see increased levels of education attainment. As the adage goes, folks are being taught to fish rather than being given a fish. The longterm civic advantage of a well-educated population is thoroughly documented and acknowledged. Indiana State Sen. Luke Kenley has offered a budget amendment to include capital investments into the campuses of Ivy Tech Community College to the tune of $40.2 million for Kokomo and $38.7 million for Muncie. Although not part of our own central Indiana region, it can only serve our larger community. The Kokomo facility was decimated by a tornado this past August. Were it not for the Herculean effort made by students and staff, no learning would be occurring. As to Muncie, it, like all good things, has been a victim of its own success. Thousands of high-paying Indiana jobs go unfilled because Hoosiers cannot access the instruction required to meet demand. Investment in Ivy Tech will reap benefits far in excess of the expense for many years to come. Although there are numerous demands on taxpayers, investments in infrastructure, education and other areas that teach people to fish makes sense. Let’s plan the fish fry.
Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@youarecurrent.com.
BEL I EVE I T ! Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Barre, Vermont, all residents shall bathe every Saturday night. Source: dumblaws.com
READER ’ S V I EW Westfield a spot for top-notch education Editor, I want to say that I loved the article (April 4, “Rebuilding through a Referendum”). I will be voting “Yes” because I support our teachers, children and education. Whenever you have a growth rate of about 250 students a year to a system, you must expand it. Especially when you are one of the most popular places in America to live! If you don’t keep your educational system top-notch then you will soon find people will stop wanting to come live in Westfield because the word will soon spread that the educational system is not up to speed. Some people may want to keep Westfield small, but let’s face facts. The greater Indianapolis area is going to grow, and Westfield is the place to be right now, unless we make it not the place to be. For one, we are next to Carmel, a wonderful cultured area of Indiana. Two, we have U.S. 31 and Ind. 32 running right through us. These are major thoroughfares for
people in Indiana. Third, we are currently experiencing a robust expansion in many areas of our community – Grand Park, the new Riverview Hospital, the newly finished expansion of U.S. 31, and I am sure there is much more I am missing. These things all bring more opportunity for everyone in Westfield, like better jobs, homes and services. But we must be willing to contribute our part to the growth. Let’s look at our cost: $32 a month or $1.07 a day on a $250,000 home, or $16 a month or $.54 a day on a $125,000 home is nothing for all of this. If we don’t do what we need to do, this opportunity will pass us by and someone else will benefit from our stubborn, miserly way toward our children, the future of our city, state and country. Being a retired military member, I fully support our youth and our teachers. Without a strong, first-class education, no community can fully succeed. Jason Straw, Westfield
I made it! I survived a 15-hour car ride through the night that included, but was not limited to, stream-ofhumor consciousness, high-volume diatribes from three teenagers; the constant threat of severe weather; an honest-to-God highway collapse; and a very early morning rendezvous with my husband Doo at the Atlanta airport car rental drop-off. I credit a poorly-made CD of “The Sound of Music” and the promise of sand and sleep for this miraculous feat of driving. Go, me! Yes, friends, for the first time in five years, I am enjoying a spring break vacation with my beloved family (actually, I am missing one child, as she is a member of a militant color guard team and was denied leave. I did consider staying to support her at their national competition, but after about three seconds, opted for vacay). Usually, because I teach in a neighboring school district with a different calendar, I’ve wallowed in Midwest self-pity while they frolic along Floridian beaches. But thanks to a unique alignment of Jupiter and Mars, we had the same week off in April. Woo-hoo! So here I am, two days post-drive, feeling almost like myself again. I’ve slept for 10 hours both nights, already had my coralpainted toes in the Gulf, and unlike Doo and Boy Twin, have successfully avoided Fifth Disease-esque sunburn. And yesterday (gulp), we ate a real dinner, (tear) at a real table, (full-on weeping), all together! Because that is what family vacation is all about - spending time with each other sans the distractions of the daily grind. Re-establishing connections that have been pushed by the wayside. And laughing at my terrible rendition of “Edelweiss” while making fun of Doo’s splotchy red chest. Peace out. Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.
Q U O T E O F T HE WEEK Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.
– Warren Buffett
Want to respond to the publishers or send a letter to the editor? Email Letters@youarecurrent.com.
April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
Costco has never been hijacked Commentary by Dick Wolfsie My Costco cart was laden with soft drinks, garbage bags, a snow tire and a year’s supply of salsa. I was humor in a good mood because I had managed to circle around several demo tables and inhale a dozen different offerings without being fingered as a “repeat sampler.” The employee at the exit door looked me over head to toe. He was holding something behind his back. Could it have been some kind of breath-analyzer to detect whether I had eaten too much free food? He asked me for my receipt but never actually looked in my cart; he just peered at my list of purchases and then at me, which I think is considered facial profiling. Suddenly, he whipped out a yellow highlighter. Would I soon receive that sought-after stripe that squiggles down the list and shows that you have truly arrived? Actually, it shows that you have truly left. OK, so what’s that stripe really for? No one checks your items. You could have murdered the lady behind the lunch counter for taking too long to serve your pizza, stuffed her on the bottom rack of the cart next
to a 12-pack of Coors Light and you’d still proudly make your way to the parking lot with a yellow stripe on that receipt. Truth is, the precautionary measures at Costco are far better than at the airport. Recently, I handed a gate agent my ticket, showed her two pieces of ID, took off my shoes and was herded through a metal detector. “You call that security?” I asked the agent. “Why don’t you guys put a yellow stripe down my ticket like they do at Costco?” “Why do they do that, sir?” “I have no idea, but they are very meticulous about it and everyone gets free quiche and egg rolls.” I’m going to write a letter to the TSA recommending they adopt the Costco approach to security. They may think this is a stupid idea, but here’s the truth: At the Costco on 86th in Castleton, there has never been a hijacking.
Anne-Marie Briscoe
Catherine Michael
Thomas Blessing
Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.
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April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
READER ’ S V I EW In favor of increased Schools unable to control spending, architects serve as sales people cigarette tax Editor, Every week we hear stories about someone overdosing on heroin. It is turning into an epidemic, and I am glad that our lawmakers are serious about tackling the problem. Approximately 95 percent of people who are treated for addiction to opioids also are addicted to cigarettes. If we can help people fight the addiction to cigarettes, or even better, never become addicted to begin with, we will save them from a lifetime of chronic diseases and reduce their risk for abusing other drugs. That is why I am in favor of the “Raise It For Health” campaign to raise the cigarette tax by $1.50 per pack and increase funding for tobacco prevention and cessation programs. Again, I applaud our lawmakers for wanting to tackle the drug problem, and let’s keep our children drug-free by increasing the cigarette tax by $1.50. George L. Kristo, Executive director Hamilton County Council on Alcohol and Other Drugs
Editor, Why are there meetings with architects? (“Rebuilding through a Referendum,” April 4) They are salespeople for the proposed spending, they are not objective bystanders. The (Westfield Washington) School Board and administration need to demonstrate where this huge project cost ($90 million) came from, why it is needed in one referendum and explain the obvious contradiction between planning to build for the future priorities of 5-10 years from now, yet mortgage the future with 20-30 years of bond payments. Westfield is not the population size
or wealth of Carmel or Fishers. Our home prices are the only ones not increasing in the county, and the school officials need to understand the taxpayer is not an unlimited ATM! All school districts requesting a referendum are required to follow a notification process to the County Council. Westfield is the only school system not to do this for the May 2 vote. I am a concerned Westfield resident and voter who is offended and insulted the school system is unable or unwilling to control its spending. Rick McKinney, Westfield Hamilton County Council Member, At-Large
All school districts requesting a referendum are required to follow a notification process to the County Council. Westfield is the only school system not to do this for the May 2 vote.
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April 11, 2017
BUSINESS LOCAL Dispatches Case Design/Remodeling of Indianapolis opens second area location — Case Design/Remodeling of Indy has announced the opening of its second Greater Indianapolis location, in Meridian Kessler. Case’s original location, which serves as the company headquarters and remodeling showroom, is located in Carmel. Case has been serving homeowners in the greater IndiaGreene napolis area for more than 13 years. There are several events planned for the coming months to celebrate the grand opening of the new Case Meridian Kessler Neighborhood Design Studio including a Kitchen and Bath Seminar and Launch Party as well as participating in upcoming neighborhood events. The Meridian Kessler Neighborhood Design Studio is at 5912 N. College Ave., Indianapolis. It is open Monday-Friday, from 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. and Saturday by appointment. For more, visit caseindy.com or call 317-846-2600. David Weekley Homes celebrates five years with Race Into Savings event – David Weekley Homes is celebrating five years of building homes in the Indianapolis area with the Race into Savings event. Buyers will receive a five percent home discount on homes purchased in the Indianapolis area between now and April 23. Buyers can choose to build from the ground up, or select from a variety of move-in ready, or ready soon homes. For more, call 800-7486219 or visit davidweekleyhomes.com. Housing data released – Housing data issued by the MIBOR Realtor Association (MIBOR) for central Indiana in February 2017 shows an increase in pending sales of 4.3 percent, while closed sales remained unchanged. There were 1,984 closed sales in central Indiana in February. Closed sales in the three months ending in February increased by 2.9 percent. Source: MIBOR
Current in Westfield
Coyle uses past to launch security consultancy By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com Tom Coyle calls his family a group of public servants. His daughter technology is an analyst with the FBI and his son serves in the U.S. Marines. Coyle himself served 10 years as a national security consultant with the Office of the Coyle Director of National Intelligence and the Office of the Secretary of Defense. He also served as a counterintelligence advisor on the National Insider Threat Task Force in Washington, D.C., where he focused on the human factor. He also served as an NCIS Special Agent. Coyle has used his experience to create Talon Security Solutions, a firm that aids small-to-medium companies with security options by focusing on mitigating data breaches. To combat data disclosures, Coyle focuses on technical and human factors. “My market share is small and mid-sized companies who make things that include sensitive, intellectual property, algorithms and patents,” Coyle said. “That’s my target audience, and the reason they’re the target audience is because Rolls-Royce, Cummins, Diesel and the like already have robust
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security departments.” Coyle gave the example of recently traveling to Florida to aid a portable energy company. “I examine policy and procedures and HR (human resources), how they hire people, how they fire people, if it’s equitable, does it make sense and is it fair to the employer and employee, what security regulations are in place, if any, or if they have a security culture,” Coyle said. “This company in central Florida, they didn’t have any. I provided them with a security audit and reviewed policies and procedures.” Coyle’s consulting agency launched in January 2015, and he is actively working to spread the word of what he provides companies. “I am seeking the ideal way to grow my business,” he said. “I do also assist companies in keeping their competitive edge. You can’t keep your competitive edge if you don’t lock your front door at night.” Coyle operates his business out of his Westfield/Carmel home. For more, visit talonsecuritysolutionsllc.com.
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April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
Never run a marathon? Well, you can do it
Commentary by Christa Robertson
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Regardless of your current level of physical activity, the idea of running a marathon shouldn’t scare you. But it’s a process. The key is to start fitness small and work your way toward endurance very gradually — and by gradually, I mean at least a year or more. For those who are not so active, it’s a good idea to consult your primary care provider before beginning any new exercise program. Having said that, a good starting point would be to walk 10 to 15 minutes, three days a week. This may take several weeks, but when you do feel energized enough to up your routine, try brisk walking for 30 minutes, five days a week. The next step is to incorporate running. Combine a walking/running routine for a few more weeks before you increase distance and endurance. Then gradually build up to a weekly long run, from 10 to 15 miles per week at a slower pace that lets your body adjust. On rest days, keep moving,
#1 Carmel
whether it’s a casual walk, swim or bike ride. Endurance is about building distance rather than speed, and eventually you could be running 20 or so miles per week. The right shoes Yes, you really need to invest in proper running shoes. Consultants at a specialty running store, such as BlueMile, will put you on a treadmill to analyze your gait and stride to recommend the best shoe for you. No matter where you shop, expect to invest at least $100 in a pair of shoes and replace them as soon as the tread shows signs of wear. One more note: Don’t buy brand new shoes for race day. Wear the type and brand of shoes you trained in, and break them in a few weeks beforehand. For more, visit currentincarmel.com.
Christa Robertson, family nurse practitioner with IU Health Family Medicine – Fishers, explains the importance of proper preparation. Learn more
Dispatches Free Alzheimer’s class – The Alzheimer’s Association Greater Indiana Chapter offers free education for families affected by Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Upcoming sessions include: Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body: Tips from the Latest Research from 1 to 3 p.m. April 12 at Franklin Branch Library, 401 State St., Franklin. Attendees will learn about the latest research on lifestyle choices that may help them keep their brain and body healthy as they age and use hands-on tools to help incorporate these recommendations into a plan for healthy aging. Body Knowledge open house – Riverview Health presents Body Knowledge Open House from 4 to 6:30 p.m. April 11 at Riverview Health Rehab & Fitness, 601 Westfield Rd., Noblesville. Riverview Health has developed an innovative and precise program to support your weight management goals with a registered dietitian. Join us to learn more about how the Body Knowledge program featuring the BOD POD can help you reach your health goals.
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April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
St.Vincent honors top paramedics, EMT
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St.Vincent Health recognized several area emergency medical technicians and paramedics March 8 at the fifth annual Angel Medic Awards. Honorees are nominated by co-workers or community members for representing the best the industry has to offer. Back row from left, Pamela Taylor, Wayne Durbin Township Fire Dept.; Dana Howard, Indianapolis EMS; Jacob Bledsoe, Zionsville Fire Dept.; Michael Kirchberg, Jackson Fire Territory; Brent Schnepp, Fishers Fire Dept.; Darren Collar, Cicero Fire Dept.; Tim Hall, St.Vincent StatFlight; front row, Wade Garrett Seymour, Perry Township Volunteer Fire Dept.; Jackie VanVelse, Pike Township Fire Dept.; and Jon Alverson, Carmel Fire Dept.. Not available for the awards presentation were Anthony Murray, Noblesville Fire Dept.; and Joseph Walker II, Westfield Fire Dept. (Submitted photo)
dispatches IU Health North shuttle volunteers needed— Indiana University Health North Hospital is seeking volunteer drivers for a patient shuttle that will operate from mid-April to mid-October. The shuttle, a covered eight-seat golf cart, will be used to transport hospital and Medical Office Building patients from the parking lot to the building entrances. Volunteer drivers can choose from two weekday shifts – 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. All drivers will receive safety and operational training, and must be at least 21 years of age with a current driver’s license. The patient shuttle program launched in April 2014. In addition to driving the shuttle, other hospital volunteer opportunities are available. To learn more or begin the volunteer application process, contact volunteer coordinator Ann Sawyer at 317688-2927or asawyer@iuhealth.org.
Health and fitness classes — Witham Health Services offers several health and fitness classes for all ages and fitness levels. Classes include: Breastfeeding Education, Diabetes Management, Rock Steady Boxing, Silver Sneakers, Tai Chi and more. Some classes are free. For times and locations, visit witham. org or call 765-485-8120.
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April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
Mac n’ cheese festival comes to Hamilton County By Heather Collins news@currentinwestfield.com Hamilton County cheese lovers, rejoice and unite. Return of the Mac will hit Hamilton County June 3. food Chef’s Night Off and MOKB Presents have announced that Noblesville will be the next stop for Return of the Mac, a food festival dedicated to mac n’ cheese. “I’ve spent the last four years working with the upper echelon of the region’s food scene and realized I had been alienating the average diner,” said R.J. Wall, festival co-founder and Chef’s Night Off Ambassador of Awesome. “So I thought and thought about what is the most loved food in America that translates well to a festival style event? Duh! Mac n’ cheese.” Wall said he believes Indiana is a perfect state to represent the average American who loves comfort food. “I’ll bet my bottom dollar that the lion’s share of Indiana’s population loves mac n’ cheese,” Wall said.
Return of the Mac co-founder, R.J. Wall, left, with celebrity chef and male model, Craig Baker of The Local. The festival will feature 25 mac n’ cheese cuisines from local restaurants and chefs. (Submitted photo)
Wall won’t be losing his bottom dollar. It turns out Hoosiers really do love mac n’ cheese. Earlier this year, the festival soldout in Bloomington and Indianapolis, with the Indy festival selling out in less than an hour. Hamilton County will be the final 2017 stop for the festival. “I think Hamilton County is an underserved market with a lot fun people and families looking to get out and have a
great time,” Wall said. “There are so many great facilities and an abundance of awesome, locally owned restaurants to work with.” During the event, attendees can sample cheesy goodness from 25 Noblesville and north Indianapolis restaurants. The mac n’ cheese creations will be judged by a panel of local foodies who will determine the winner of the “Golden Noodle.” Residents can vote in the Yelp! Crowd Favorite Competition. Some participating restaurants include The Local, Barley Island, Four Day Ray, The Coterie and Rail Epicurean. Return of the Mac will be 1-5 p.m. June 3 at the Federal Hill Commons, at 175 Logan St. in Noblesville. The Federal Hill Commons also will host the Noblesville Main Street Farmer’s Market and a free concert by the rock band 16 Candles. Tickets are $25 for general admission, $40 for VIP Early Entry tickets and children under the age of six are free. Tickets grant access to unlimited 2-hour sampling. For information or to purchase tickets, visit returnofthemacfest.com.
Program to celebrate flowers, art April 20 By Heather Collins news@currentinwestfield.com The Carmel Arts Council will celebrate the art of florals April 20 at Ritz Charles from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. EVENT “This is going to be a beautiful event that pairs art with florals,” said Jayme McComas, “Art in Bloom” chairperson. McComas said similar events have been held in St. Petersburg, Fla., and Boston. “I thought it would be a beautiful thing for us to recreate in Carmel,” McComas said. The event will include a luncheon, floral demonstrations, artwork, a silent auction and live music. “Art in Bloom” will highlight the work of floral designers who have created unique floral arrangements inspired by works of art by local artists. The event will feature two live demonstrations, including a floral interpretation
“Riot of Joy” by Deb Slack. Slack will be one the premier artists at Art in Bloom. (Submitted image)
by a floral expert from Oberer’s Flowers and a floral sketch by a local artist. “We are so excited to present this wonderful event to get us all in the mood for
spring arts in Carmel,” McComas said. “We will have nearly a dozen artists and floral designers participating in this celebration of art and spring. They will be paired to create stunning art-inspired florals that will be auctioned at the event.” A 5-foot bling tree will be on display with rings available for purchase. More than 30 baskets will be auctioned during the event, including a VIP basket from the Palladium, a Main Street restaurants basket and a Silver Door Spa basket. PRP Wines International will offer a free wine tasting. The event will also include a cash bar featuring signature spring drinks and live piano music. Tickets are $35. Tables, consisting of eight tickets each, are $260. For more, visit carmelartscouncil.org. Proceeds will support the Carmel Art Council’s community outreach programs, teacher grants and high school scholarship programs.
Easter egg hunts — Ready to look for Easter eggs with your little ones? To see a list of area Easter egg hunts and holiday festivities, visit currentnightandday.com. Saks Fifth Avenue Indianapolis & Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital Celebrate the Season with a Spring Fête — Saks Fifth Avenue will host a special egg hunt benefitting Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital on from 9- 11 a.m., April 15. Tickets are $40 per child and $15 per accompanying adult, and 100 percent of ticket sales will be donated directly to Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital. Children are invited to hunt for colorful eggs filled with candy and springtime treats. A light breakfast will follow, along with festive craft and meet-andgreet photo opportunity with the Bunny. This spring fête of flourishing fashion and hidden treats is sure to be a cheerful family activity benefitting a wonderful cause. To purchase tickets, visit give.stvincent.org/ saksegghunt. Hamilton County Artists’ Association membership meeting — The April HCAA membership meeting will be at 7 p.m., April 12. This is open to the public. Artist Steve Edwards will be demonstrating his watercolor techniques. For more, visit hcaa-in.org. Original Fine Art Trunk Show — CV Art and Frame is hosting the fifth annual Original Fine Art Trunk show from 5-9 p.m., April 13. This event will feature more than 350 original painting of varying styles by emerging, established and museum-represented artists. An evening with Pete Rose – Baseball legend Pete Rose will share tales from his record-shattering and controversial career in this special appearance at 8 p.m., May 5, at the Palladium in Carmel. Rose made his Major League Baseball debut in 1963 with the Cincinnati Reds and closed his career as the team’s manager in the late 1980s. He became a household name as a member of the “Big Red Machine,” the Reds lineup that won back-to-back World Series in 1975 and 1976. Tickets start at $40. For more, visit TheCenterPresents.org.
April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
DNK Presents premieres film By Sara Baldwin news@currentinwestfield.com When is the last time you did something for the first time? Danielle Walter Nolan and EVENT Kate Nolan, owners of Indianabased outdoor adventure company DNK Presents, ask their clients this very question at the beginning of each new journey. Danielle and Kate are wilderness guides, certified mountain bike instructors and Leave No Trace trainers, among several other certifications. They have guided countless trips in and outside of Indiana. DNK Presents provides people with the opportunity and means to explore nature and try something new. “We have a love of adventure and we want to get people back outside,” Danielle said. “Our mission is to get people to try something for the first time, step outside their comfort zone and in turn gain confidence and empowerment through experiential learning and adventure.” DNK Presents offers trips for men and women but specializes in all-female adventures. According to Danielle, many women were coming on the trips and having breakthrough moments while challenging themselves. “The women who were originally hesitant to come on these trips were the ones having more periods of growth,” Danielle said. Danielle and Kate decided to offer a trip specifically for women who would not typically sign up for a trip on their own. In the spring of 2016, DNK Presents hosted its inaugural women’s adventure contest in Indiana. Women had to be nominated by someone. Danielle said in a short amount of time, more than 60 nominations came in. Four women were chosen to win a four-day customized adventure guided by DNK Presents. The women were outfitted with gear like Salomon boots from Rusted Moon Outfitters, Bontrager bike shirts and helmets from Trek Bicycle Co. and clothing from Athleta. All of the food and equipment was provided. The women were required to leave all technology behind. “We took away their cellphones. They were totally unplugged,” Danielle said. “You disconnect from technology but you reconnect with yourself.” The women backpacked along the rugged Tecumseh Trail, practiced yoga and paddle-boarded on Yellowwood Lake. They participated in a mountain bike clinic and
Danielle Walter Nolan and Kate Nolan, owners of Indiana-based outdoor adventure company DNK Presents. (Submitted photo)
had many “surprises” along the way, Danielle said. Danielle and Kate had been photographing and filming some of their previous adventures and found that women were especially inspired by the videos. Through research, they also found that femalecentric adventure documentaries were few. They decided to hire 12 Stars Media and freelance film editor Matt Panfil to film the adventure. Roberts Camera donated rental GoPro cameras for each of the contestants. The “Live Adventurously” film was made over the course of the weekend trip. The film follows the transformational journey of the four women throughout the weekend. “Live Adventurously” premieres April 14 at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, in its outdoor amphitheater. In case of inclement weather, it will be in the Toby Theater. Doors open for VIP ticket-holders at 7 p.m. The film starts at 8 p.m. Drinks will be provided by Big Woods Brewing Company. Pizza from Hot Box Pizza will be served. Trek Bicycle Co. and Rusted Moon Outfitters will have tents at the premier, and outdoor gear will be raffled. The film also was nominated for Best Documentary and Best Cinematography at the Alhambra Theatre Film Festival in Evansville. DNK Presents offers several trail rides and events in Carmel, Fishers and Indianapolis. For more information on DNK Presents, their class offerings and the “Live Adventurously” film, visit dnkpresents.com/ To purchase tickets to the premiere on April 14, visit dnkpresents.com/buy-tickets.
APRIL 21 - MAY 7, 2017
A DRAMATIC AND BEAUTIFUL MUSICAL. TWINS SEPARATED AT BIRTH. ONE RAISED IN WEALTH...ONE RAISED IN SLUMS. Adults: $17.00 Students, Seniors: $15.00 Friday and Saturday: 7:30 pm Sunday: 2:30 pm Carmel Community Playhouse at Clay Terrace 14299 Clay Terrace Blvd Suite 140 - Carmel
DON’T FORGET! Those 21 and over can buy BEER and WINE at our shows!
FOR TICKETS: www.carmelplayers.org or call 317.815.9387
April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
HCAA, Unique pair for fundraiser
Westfield Lions Club’s TEXAS HOLD ‘EM “POKER FOR SIGHT”
By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com
1ST PLACE PAYS $10,000 CASH! Over $25,000 in prizes guaranteed! (dealers provided) April 28th & April 29th Hamilton County Fairgrounds 2003 Pleasant Street, Noblesville, IN QUALIFYING SESSIONS: Friday, April 28th | 10 a.m-4 p.m. Friday, April 28th | 6 p.m-12 a.m. Saturday, April 29th | 10 a.m-4 p.m. Top 15% of the players from each session advance to the Championship round: Saturday, April 29th | 5:30 p.m. - midnight Buy-in as low as $100 Visit www.lionspoker.org for details and tournament rules or call 317.804.1875 with questions Register on line! Walk-ins welcome! Proceeds go to support the Westfield Lions Club’s projects including free eye exams & glasses for children, disaster relief efforts, educational grants, leader dog training for the blind, the Indiana Eye & Tissue Bank and many other worthy causes
Approved by the State of Indiana Charity Gaming Division Permit #136470
Nicole Tredup had an idea of bringing together two organizations that she supports. art Unique is an organization that supports families with rare chromosomal disorders. “My daughter is 4 years old and she is special needs. She has a very rare chromosomal abnormality,” said Tredup, a Fishers resident. “Unique has helped my family tremendously with research and putting us in touch with other families who are afflicted with my daughter’s disease.” Tredup, a landscape photographer, is the membership chair for the Hamilton County Arts Association. So she suggested dual fundraisers for the organizations. “It was met with overwhelming approval,” Tredup said. HCAA and Unique will hold a month-long “We Are All Unique” exhibit in June in the HCAA’s The Birdie Gallery, 195 South 5th St., Noblesville. The HCAA artists will be exhibiting work that makes their representations of what is unique. There will be an exhibit block party and opening reception
Nicole Tredup, left, became involved with Unique because of her daughter Skyler’s chromosomal disorder. (Submitted photo)
from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 17. Tredup said there will be a silent auction and face painting. “I want it to be a fun event where we can bring the arts community and special needs community together,” Tredup said. Tredup said 50 percent of the proceeds will go to the HCAA and 50 percent to Unique. To donate to the Unique fundraiser, visit squareup.com/market/hcaa/item/ donate-to-unique.
Donatello’s to host fundraiser editorial@youarecurrent.com
Forum Conference Center
5:00 to 8:00 PM
$40 $20 $20
General Admission Designated Driver Wine Ticket
Donatello’s Italian Restaurant in the Carmel Arts & Design District is hosting a wine dinner April 27 to restaurants benefit the Cheetah Conservation Fund of Indiana, a new statewide chapter to help protect and conserve the threatened African cat. Tickets are $95 per person and include tax, tip and a donation to the group. The event starts at 6:15 p.m. and includes six dishes paired with six wines. Chef Patrick Aasen will prepare specialties such as sautéed calamari, scallops and shrimp, a linguini with braised rib eye, crumbles of gorgonzola cheese and a light sauce, and chicken francese, which has a sauce of lemon, butter and capers. Nicole Phillips, a CPA who lives in Carmel and graduated from Carmel High School, volunteers with the cheetahs at the Indianapolis Zoo in her spare time. “Everyone knows that cheetahs are the fastest land mammals, but not everyone knows their populations are rapidly declining,” Phillips said. “They’re beautiful creatures with great personalities, and it’s
Nicole Phillips stands in front of a cheetah on exhibit. The Cheetah Conservation Fund of Indiana will benefit from the fundraising dinner at Donatello’s April 27. (Submitted photo)
heartbreaking to know that their numbers are dwindling. I wanted to get involved, even though I live in Indiana.” The event will also feature a silent auction with gift cards from local businesses, a gift bag from internet cat sensation Lil’ Bub, artwork and cheetah-related prizes. Tickets can be purchased by phone at 317-564-4790 or online at donatelloswinedinner.eventbrite.com. For more, visit indianacheetah.org and to get involved with the Indiana chapter visit their page on Facebook.
Grammy and American Music Award Winner
Where’s Amy? Amy Pauszek is a photographer, film producer and scouting and casting associate for Talent Fusion Agency in Indianapolis. She can be reached at Amy@youarecurrent.com. To see more of her photos, visit currentnightandday.com.
16 1 7
16 1 7 KENNY G
Mixing Persian and Western April 11, 2017 Current in Westfield Music Traditions www.currentinwestfield.com
Tickets from $45
Tickets from $40
A Night of Inspiring Jazz Music Grammy and American Music Award Winner
Where’s Amy sees ‘Motown The Musical’
Mixing Persian and Western Music Traditions
Tickets $25 Tickets from from $45 3
Tickets from $40 | Adults from $15 $10 Kids Tickets
AN EVENING WITH Featuring Bill Frisell
A Night of Inspiring Jazz Music
Broadway stars Chester Gregory (Gary) and Raymond Davis Jr. (Indianapolis). (Photos by Amy Pauszek)
“MOTOWN The Musical” rolled into Indianapolis and Where’s Amy scored an exclusive photo shoot with Indiana native Broadway stars Chester Gregory (Gary) and Raymond Davis Jr. (Indianapolis). Gregory and Davis Jr., shined in their roles and said it was an honor to be back home in Indiana to perform at the iconic Murat Old National Centre. The story revolves around the life of Motown founder Berry Gordy’s journey from featherweight boxer to heavyweight music mogul. Helaunched the careers of Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Smokey Robinson and many more. The songs of Motown brought the world together and made us all move to the same beat. I loved running into the fabulous Daniel Klingler (Indianapolis), who designed several wigs and hairpieces for the Broadway production. The actors and stage sparkled as everyone in the audience, young and old, participated in song, dance and, of course, rockin’ out with our ABCs! If you missed this sensational show, don’t worry. Broadway Indy has an amazing 2017- 18 season, including “Kinky Boots,” “Beautiful,” “A Christmas Story,” “Les Miserables,” “Finding Netherland,” “Rent,” and “Wicked.” Where’s Amy can’t wait to see you there. For more, visit BroadwayInIndianapolis.com
Featuring Frisell FeaturingBill Vince Gill, Kenny Sears, & Paul Franklin
SAT APR 29 | 8PM
Tickets $35 Tickets from from $25 Judy Fitzgerald (Carmel), Broadway hair designer Daniel Klingler (Indianapolis) and Cynthia Collins (Carmel) paused for Where’s Amy after the sold-out show.
$10 Kidsfrom Tickets Tickets $55 | Adults from $15 Tickets $40
TheCenterPresents.org | 317.843.3800
activities made RisingThese Star ofpossible, in part, with support from Butler University, Indiana Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. Classical Crossover!
THE JACKIE PETE ROSE TIME JUMPERS EVANCHO LIVE! Featuring Vince Gill, Kenny Sears, & Paul Franklin
SAT APR MAY 20 8PM ||THE THEPALLADIUM PALLADIUM FRI 28 | | 8PM Tickets from Tickets from$55 $35 Randy and Kimberly Sorrell (Carmel) said Motown is their favorite kind of music and loved the show.
Tickets from $40
TheCenterPresents.org | 317.843.3800 These activities made possible, in part, with support from Butler University, Indiana Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.
April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
Your weekly serving of Just the Ticket
Goose the Market is a restaurant and shop built around food and the people who enjoy it. Within the doors, you will find a daily selection of soups, sandwiches and other meal plates as well as cut-to-order beef, pork, poultry and game from small Indiana farms that raise their animals on pasture. Goose the Market’s most popular combination, however, is probably its extensive cheese and wine selections they offer. Dining here will be unlike an average restaurant meal, but it is certainly worth it! Type of Food: American lunch and dinner
Goose the Market dishes. Food Recommendation: Lucky Lime Oysters. Price Range: Approx. $10-$40. Reservations: No. Hours: 10 a.m.-8 p.m., Monday-Friday. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Address: 2503 N Delaware St., Indianapolis. Phone: 317-924-4944.
Baby Chick Cupcakes Submitted content and art courtesy of Family Features.
Botox • Dysport, • Xeomin Restylane • Restylane Silk • Restylane Lyft Radiesse • Juvederm • Voluma • LipSense Viora Radiofrequency for Skin Tightening/Cellulite Revitalash • Latisse • Color Science Mineral Makeup Medical Microdermabrasion • Glycolic Peels Our office is located in a beautiful and relaxing wooded setting. We pride ourselves in taking the time you need to understand the many products and procedures available, so that you can make the best decision for YOU.
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16404 Carey Rd., Westfield, IN 46074 • 317.208.FACE (3223)
For more recipes and tips, check out McCormick.com and visit McCormick Spice on Facebook and Pinterest. Prep time: 30 minutes Servings: 24 Ingredients: 1 package (12 ounces) white confectionary coating wafers, 1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened, 2 teaspoons McCormick Pure Vanilla Extract, 1 box (16 ounces) confectioners’ sugar, 1 jar (7 ounces) marshmallow creme, 1 teaspoon Sunflower color from McCormick Color from Nature Food Colors, 2 tablespoons milk, plus additional (optional), 48 unfrosted mini yellow cupcakes, baked in white paper liners, sprinkles (optional), additional McCormick Color from Nature Food Colors (optional). Directions: To make broken egg shell pieces: melt coating wafers as directed on package. Spread on large foil-lined baking sheet to 1/4-inch thickness. Refrigerate about 10 minutes, or until firm. Break into small, irregular pieces. Set aside. In large bowl, beat butter with electric mixer on medium speed until light and fluffy. Add vanilla; mix well. Gradually beat
in confectioners’ sugar, beating until well blended after each addition, frequently scraping sides and bottom of bowl. Beat in marshmallow creme until well-blended. In small bowl, stir food color into milk until dissolved. Add colored milk to frosting; beat until light and fluffy. Stir in additional milk, as needed, to reach desired consistency. To decorate cupcakes: spoon frosting into large pastry bag fitted with large round tip. Pipe two dollops of frosting on top of each other to form baby chick. If desired, insert sprinkles into face for eyes and beak. Or tint any remaining frosting with food colors to pipe out eyes and beak. Place coating wafer pieces around bottom of baby chick to resemble broken egg shell.
Hopwood Cellars Winery – 12 E. Cedar St., Zionsville – hopwoodcellars. com April 14 – Michelle Qureshi April 15 – Jazz Elements Trio 8 Seconds Saloon – 111 N. Lynhurst Dr., Indianapolis – 8secondssaloon.net April 13 – Granger Smith April 14 – Steel Woods; Whiskey Myers
April 15 – Neon Cowboys Mo’s Irish Pub – 13193 Levinson Ln., Ste 100, Noblesville – mosirishpub.com/indy April 13 – Joe Hess April 14 – Mr. Zero April 15 – Through Being Cool Vogue Nightclub – 6259 N. College Ave., Indianapolis – thevogue.com April 14 – John 5 & The Creatures and Hero Jr. April 15 – DJ Gordo, DJ Chars, and DJ Bado *Performers are scheduled, but may change
lIve MUsIC
April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
Blueprint for Improvement: Stunning laundry transformation Commentary by Larry Greene
After solutions:
Before Background Info: These owners reside in the Geist-area Anchorage neighborhood in Fishers. They knew they wanted to update their laundry and adjacent powder bath spaces but did not really know where to start.
Before problems: The previous laundry room did not inspire the already tedious task of laundry for this busy family. The builder-grade cabinetry and outdated laminate flooring needed a fresh update in aesthetics and functionality. With the powder bath in proximity to the laundry room, the owners wanted the two spaces to coordinate and update the outdated finishes to reflect their style.
LEGAL NOTICE OF DUKE ENERGY INDIANA, LLC’S STANDARD CONTRACT RIDER NO. 67 CREDITS TO REMOVE ANNUAL AMORTIZATION OF CINERGY MERGER COSTS DUKE ENERGY INDIANA, LLC (“Duke Energy Indiana”) hereby provides notice that on April 18, 2017, Duke Energy Indiana will submit its Standard Contract Rider No. 67, Credits to Remove Annual Amortization of Cinergy Merger Costs (“Standard Contract Rider 67”) to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (“Commission”) for approval under the Commission’s thirty-day administrative filing procedures and guidelines. Standard Contract Rider 67 provides the adjustment to rates to remove the amortization of the costs associated with the Cinergy Corp. merger. Standard Contract Rider 67 is applicable to all Duke Energy Indiana retail electric customers and will be deemed approved thirty-days from the date of its filing on April 18, 2017, unless an objection is made. Any objections may be made by contacting the Secretary of the Commission, or Tyler Bolinger or Randall C. Helmen of the Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor at the following addresses or phone numbers: Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission 101 W. Washington St. Suite 1500 East Indianapolis, IN 46204-3407 317-232-2703 Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor PNC Center 115 W. Washington St. Suite 1500 South Indianapolis, IN 46204 317-232-2494. Duke Energy Indiana, LLC By: Melody Birmingham-Byrd, President
The goal for these areas was to improve functionality, update the aesthetics to the homeowners’ preferred style and strategically design the aesthetics to feel continuous throughout both spaces. 1. The washer and dryer appliances were stacked, creating more space for functional storage and work space. New cabinets and granite countertops were designed to maximize functionality. One of the cabinets even doubles as a trash can and a clothes hamper. 2. A small drop-zone for shoes, coats and bags was incorporated into the design as well. 3. In the adjacent powder bath, a new vanity, champagne bronze plumbing fixtures and a mesmerizing light fixture add a beautiful elegance to that space. The new cabinetry stain color in the powder bath matches the color in the laundry room. 4. For an added aesthetic that ties into other elements in the home, a reclaimed wood accent wall was installed and stained to coordinate with both the new cabinet color and the existing floor. Larry Greene is the owner of Case Design/Remodeling. You may email him at lgreene@caseindy.com. To see more before-and-after pictures of this project, visit caseindy.com/blog.
Strike Out Cancer Tournament Make-A-Wish and USFA are partnering to support Halle Guilliam's fight against cancer, and her desire to help others. Let's help strike out this disease! Friday, April 28th - Sunday, April 30th $350 Entry Fee + $125.00 Pre Paid Gate Fee. 4 Game Guarantee. All umpires are USFA registered and trained. 10U, 12U, and 14U Open Tournament. Sponsorship and Media Contact: Ben Weir, Make-A-Wish Board Member 317-748-2662 • bweir@myindyford.com Olio Fields 14181 E. 126th St. Fishers, IN 46037
April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
It’s prom time at Amanda’s Exchange!
(Not valid with other offers or discounts. Valid thru 5/4/17)
715 E. Carmel Drive, Carmel, IN 46032 • 317.573.4400 • AmandasExchange.com London’s Tower Bridge. (Photo by Don Knebel)
317-848-7634 www.centennialremodelers.com
Commentary by Don Knebel Tower Bridge is one of the most recognizable symbols of London. Often confused with the London Bridge that travel was always falling down, Tower Bridge is a marvel of 19th century engineering. London planners wanted a bridge across the River Thames just east of the Tower of London that would accommodate tall ships sailing to the port at the London Pool. The solution was a unique combination of bridge-building techniques. Two suspension bridges link the river banks to two 213-feettall towers supported on massive concrete piers in the middle of the river. A drawbridge with twin 1,000-ton leaves goes between the Victorian Gothic towers, designed to be compatible with the Tower of London. Two walkways 140 feet above the river mechanically connect the towers to anchors on the river banks, providing structural support. When the bridge opened in 1894, at a cost equivalent to $150 million today, the leaves could be raised completely in a minute or so by an ingenious mechanism relying on
steam power and pressurized water. The bridge was so successful that it soon put out of business a nearby pedestrian tunnel. The little-used upper walkways attracted prostitutes and pickpockets and were closed to the public in 2010. In preparation for the Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II in 1977, Tower Bridge was painted red, white and blue, and the mechanism for raising the drawbridge was replaced by one using electric power and hydraulic oil. The original blue and white colors were restored in 2008. Today, the drawbridge leaves are raised completely in salute when the Queen passes under the bridge. For anyone else, the leaves are raised no higher than necessary to accommodate the passing ship. Persistent rumors that the buyer of London Bridge, now located in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, thought he was buying Tower Bridge are false. Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel.com. You may contact him at news@currentzionsville.com.
WAXING • FACIALS • MASSAGE MARCH 1 - APRIL 30 SPECIALS 15% Off All Waxing Services & Image Skincare SPF, Concealer & Accessories
ONLINE BOOKING AVAILABLE! 17409 Wheeler Rd., Suite 106, Westfield, IN | www.spathirty2.com | 317-399-7108 Monday: 12pm–6pm • Tuesday: 10am–6pm • Wednesday: 10am–7pm • Thursday: 9am–7pm Friday: 9am–6pm • Saturday: 9am–5pm • Sunday: 9am–4pm
David Weekley Homes to host showcase — David Weekley Homes is hosting the world’s largest showcase of homes in cities across the country. Throughout April, the community is invited to visit any model or showcase home in Indianapolis to see current innovations in design and décor trends. To celebrate the event, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Indiana will receive a $5 donation for each visitor who registers with a sales consultant during the month of April. In addition, each registered visitor will also be entered for a chance to win one of three prizes: a smart watch, $1,500 appliance package or $2,000 electronics package. For more, visit davidweekleyhomes.com.
Designer workshop series — The public is invited to connect with design professionals each month on various interior design topics. Join us for Master the Art of Small Space Design at 10:30 a.m. April 18 at the Indiana Design Center, 200 S. Range Line Rd. Light refreshments will be provided.
April 11, 2017
Across 1. Puppy sounds 5. Woodland bowling challenge 10. Patrick Rodgers’ links org. 13. Taj Mahal site 14. Finish second at Hoosier Park
Current in Westfield
15. Trudge 16. Family group 17. Have supper at home 18. Italian coin 19. Start of a holiday riddle 22. Color wheel display in a Fishers HS art class 23. Venus’ sister 24. Sen. Joe Donnelly, e.g.
26. Double curves on the IMS road course 30. MCL option: pie ___ mode 33. Riddle, part 2 38. A Simpson on WXIN 40. Duke meter reading 41. Endorse a check at PNC Bank
42. Riddle, part 3 45. Opposite of post46. Petite Chou Restaurant farewell 47. Not neg. 49. Freud topic 54. Ghana’s capital 58. Riddle answer 61. April 1 victim 62. Eccentric 63. An area about the size of the Colts field 64. Fashion inits. at Nordstrom 65. Like a Purdue streaker 66. Think ahead 67. Hi-___ image 68. Prepare for a Westfield HS test 69. In the mail Down 1. Marina sight 2. Arctic abode 3. Mitchell’s Fish Market crustacean 4. Smoothed a board 5. Went fast on I-69 6. Noblesville city maps 7. Wood shaper 8. More hazardous, as winter roads 9. Stretched tight 10. Electric cord’s end 11. Resembling Indy’s Fright Manor 12. Much ___ About Nothing 15. Winged horse 20. “Aha!” 21. First-floor apartment, maybe 25. Hawaiian isle 27. Boone Village Barber
Shop scissors sound 28. PU grad, often 29. “Auld Lang ___” 30. Geist Reservoir organism 31. Committed perjury in Hamilton County Court 32. ___ Spumante 34. Zionsville-to-Louisville dir. 35. Wee bit 36. Freud topic 37. Start another hitch with the Indiana National Guard 39. In a proficient manner 43. Fox Sports 975’s Limbaugh
44. Warty hopper 48. Odds and ends 50. Signs of boredom 51. Use crib notes in a Carmel HS class 52. Short poem 53. Slipped up 55. Ride a bike on the Monon Trail 56. Aired again on WRTV 57. “You ___ kidding!” 58. Heard reveille 59. Charged atoms 60. Small whirlpool 61. HST predecessor Answers on Page 31
April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
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April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
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Pet & House Sitting Service
Wth recording artist Duke Tumatoe Learn from professional and have fun All levels - in Carmel duke@duketumatoe.com or 317-201-5856
For pricing e-mail your ad to classifieds@youarecurrent.com
Guitar Lessons
www.pawpatrolindy.com 16 years Experience
317-802-6565 317-432-1627
“The Safe and Reliable Alternative to Boarding” Insured/Bonded Serving Carmel & Westfield
Guitar Lessons With Baker Scott
Beginners thru Advanced All styles Electric-Acoustic-Bass Private Lessons Parent-Child Lessons near Carey Road & 146th Carmel 317-
The Home of Plug and Play RETAIL • REHEARSE • REPAIR Now offering guitar, drum and voice lessons Ask about our HD video services Fully equipped studios, In-ear (“silent”) studio Book Studio A for private parties, CD release events, showcases, recitals, meetings and more! Come see for yourself why hundreds of bands and performers refine their shows in our studios! Call Rick Kingston at 317.979.0137 340 Ridgepoint Drive, Carmel 46032 kingstonsmusicshowcase.com
.com House and condo cleaning. Will do what you can't get to. References upon request. 317-485-6158
MOBILE SHARPENING & MAINTENANCE Specializing in lawn care, residential and commercial. Sharpening mower blades, hedge trimmer blades, chain saws, garden tools. Maintenance, oil changes, filters, grease or lube. 317-937-2803
need to rent space
Individual looking for 2500 sq. ft.+ w/ overhead door-to clean vehicles. 24/7 access with ALL utilities (Rent Only). Carmel/Westfield area. Call Dan: 317-431-1861.
Boone County 210 liquor license
(three way) for sale. Available immediately. $30,000 obo. Phone 317-219-8446. leave message.
Services To Your Door Pet Services I offer nail trims, anal gland expressions and medication administration such as insulin injections, subcutaneous fluids and more! I have over 15 years of pet care experience, 8 of which were spent as part of the nursing staff at a veterinary hospital. Please contact me at (317) 908-1556 or toyourdoorpetservices@gmail.co m to make an appointment. I serve the Fishers and Geist area. Let me help your pet in the comfort of their own home.
For pricing e-mail your ad to classifieds@ youarecurrent.com
April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
The Electric Bike Center
622 South Rangeline Rd Suite S Carmel 46032
We only sell electric bikes. We have the largest assortment of electric bikes in Indiana. Come try one or try as many as you like. 317-506-6902 AUCTION
Now Hiring
Now Hiring
We are looking to HIRE YOU If you have a compassionate heart and a nurturing soul, Clarity Care is interested in hiring you. We provide non-medical, adult in-home care. We offer: • Flexible schedule - full and part time • Competitive pay - $10-$15 per hour • Night bonus/referral bonus • Employee retirement plan • Custom match care giver to client 317-774-0074 option 5 Apply@claritycaregivers.com
We are looking for Compassionate & reliable individuals to provide non-medical caregiving services to adults in the local area. If you are dedicated, hard-working and have a genuine desire to work in an environment where you will be helping others improve their quality of life, visit us and learn about our open positions:
If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, that’s our business. Call Alcoholics Anonymous (317) 632-7864 www.indyaa.org for rent Now Hiring
Come enjoy the fun at our growing company as we make a difference in poeple's lives. Visit our Facebook Pages to learn more about our family’s story and why we started our local business 10 years ago. Call today and set-up an interview at 317-652-6175 or stop by our Carmel office. EOE
3121 Village Park N. Dr., Carmel, 46033 3 bed, 2 bath $1300/month Westfield Schools Brandi Welch, AM Rentals 138 W. Carmel Dr. 317-848-1588 • www.amrelo.com
INTERVIEWING NOW! •Daytime, full-time Locate Technician positions available •100% PAID TRAINING •Company vehicle & equipment provided •PLUS medical, dental, vision, & life insurance REQUIREMENTS: •Must be able to work outdoors •HS Diploma or GED •Ability to work OT & weekends •Must have valid driver’s license with safe driving record
Apply today: www.workatusic.com We are an Equal Opportunity Employer
Background or Not in dance! Join the team at Fred Astaire Dance Studio Carmel, Indiana. We will train you in all aspects of the ballroom dance business. Why Fred Astaire? We offer a great environment, guaranteed starting salary, great training and opportunities to travel and compete. Need we say more? Call Dan at 317-846-3237
Scott Pools in Carmel is currently hiring full time seasonal helpers for our service department. A valid drivers license, background check and some weekend work is required. $12.00 per hour. Experience helpful but not necessary. If you like working outdoors, this job is for you! Give us a call, email or stop by the store to fill out an application. Scott Pools - 904 W. Main Street - Carmel, IN 46032 - 317-846-5576 - scottpools2@gmail.com
The Better Way to Play
NOW HIRING Waiters/Waitresses Cook Dishwasher OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 160 E Carmel Dr. Carmel, IN
LEGACY CNA INSTRUCTOR • Part time Position • Licensed RN or LPN • Training Experience a plus • Flexible Hours
Now Hiring
College not for you?
CAREGIVER • Top Pay, including overtime & BONUS • Reliable, flexible & steady work • FREE CNA Training
Now Hiring
ASSISTANT TEACHERS NEEDED The International Montessori School (www.intlmontessori.com), located in Carmel, Indiana, is looking for Assistant Teachers. Hours would be from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM OR 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM Monday through Friday. Qualifying candidates should be comfortable working with children ages 3 through 6 years old and should be enthusiastic, kind and creative with a love for children. Compensation is competitive and based on experience. REPLY TO: RKD1948@SBCGLOBAL.NET ***** No phone calls, please. *****
Seeking self motivated person with retail management background to work as parttime manager of retail outlet. Respond to: sendresumehere2017@gmail.com
CARPENTERS NEEDED NOW Simpson Construction Services, LLC, a family owned general contractor, would like to hire skilled construction carpenters. Our company is growing, and we are looking for craftsmen that take pride in their work and want a future with our company. Contact Gary Simpson at 317.703.9575.
Brookdale Carmel is looking for : Cook Full time Maintenance Tech PT Housekeeper FT & PT CNAs FT & PT all Shifts LPNs PRN all shifts 301 Executive Dr. Carmel, IN, 46032 317-580-0389
Full and Part Time Endurance Consultants: Endurance House, a full-service run, walk, bike and swim athletic store is hiring at our locations in Zionsville and Fishers. Individuals must have proven customer service achievements and retail experience is preferred. Our mission is to help people redefine their possible. If you wish to be part of our team, please apply by emailing justin@140-6llc.com or mailing your resume to 640 South Main Street #400; Zionsville, IN 46077
For pricing e-mail your ad to classifieds@youarecurrent.com
April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
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Businesses around the world depend on Computer Troubleshooters. .We’re the “computer experts”... the people to call when your computer breaks down, when your machine or software needs to be upgraded, when viruses attack or even when you’re about to throw your computer out the window.
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Purse lovers unite! April 21, 2017 7am - 4pm “BAGS TO RICHES” DONATION & RESALE EVENT JOIN US FOR THE EVENT - it’s free and open to the public! Friday, April 21, 7am – 4pm IU Health North Hospital, room K130
“Growing a successful company requires marketing, promotions and advertising. These methods bring attention to our product and ultimately increase our sales. I have put great faith in Current Publishing to achieve on our marketing needs. The results we have received have been outstanding. I personally recommend, if you are looking to expand your business, that you turn to Current Publishing, where you’ll find professionals that desire to provide an increased customer base for your company.” - Gary Simpson, owner and president Simpson Construction Services
Peruse bags and goodies and participate in our silent auction. Buy that perfect item knowing your money is going to a good cause! All proceeds will go to the Social Work Fund, which provides meal vouchers, gas cards and prescription help for patients in need. QUESTIONS? Please contact Jill Dodson at jdodson@iuhealth.org
© 2017 IUHealth 1/17
April 11, 2017
Current in Westfield
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