April 14, 2015

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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

True survivor

Westfield woman shares breast cancer story to aid others / P15

Police investigate recent thefts from vehicles / P4

Humane Society announces plans to move / P12

Harmony adding retail portion to development / P23

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April 14, 2015

Current in Westfield


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April 14, 2015

COMMUNITY Contact the Editor

Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Call Robert Herrington at 489.4444 ext. 206 or e-mail him at robert@youarecurrent. com. You may also submit information on our website, currentinwestfield. com. You can find the Contact Us form under About Us in the upper-left corner. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication.

Current in Westfield



Eyes to the skies this Easter

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On the cover

Westfield’s Missy Boyter Gunnels, a breast cancer survivor, will serve as an ambassador for the Susan G. Komen Foundation. (Photo by Theresa Skutt) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. VIII, No. 12 Copyright 2013. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

As children in the 0-3 age group hunt for eggs the helicopter drops more plastic shells into the older age group fields. For more photos visit currentinwestfield.com (Photos and Story by Robert Herrington)

On April 4, the Imagine Church Easter Egg Drop came to Grand Park in Westfield. This year marked the fourth annual running of the event, although the location was new. “We’ve enjoyed hosting it at various schools in Westfield but we knew that if we wanted to grow the event, we had to find a long-term location that could accommodate where we want to take it,” Imagine Church Pastor Brad Ruggles said. “This year, the City of Westfield joined us as a strategic partner as we moved the event to Grand Park. Everything about Grand Park was fantastic. There was plenty of parking, lots of room for the event and the team of people from the City and Grand Park were awesome to work with. We look forward to continuing to grow the event there for years to come.” This year, the registration for the 850 available slots opened and closed in only 18 hours after the mailer hit mailboxes. “This year’s Easter Egg Drop drew our largest crowd yet and filled up in record time,” said Clay Stevens, connections pastor. “We were thrilled with the turnout and loved the feel of the event in our new location.” For those that did sign up in time, the event was an afternoon of fun-filled activities. By far the highlight of the event was the egg hunt. A helicopter flew over the fields and dropped more than 15,000 plastic Easter eggs. Children were then released by age group to their designated field, to collect eggs and turn them in, in exchange for candy and prizes. Other activities included live music, stage acts, inflatable bounce houses and slides, facepainting, photo booth pictures, carnival games, an inflatable toddler area, and an obstacle course. Volunteers from Imagine Church ran the entire event. “Our volunteers continue to amaze me with their willingness to serve! We had over 90 volunteers of all ages from Imagine Church who covered every aspect of the event - setup, teardown, security, games and much more. It’s truly a joy to work with such dedicated people who are committed to loving and serving their community,” said event coordinator Jessy Cole.

Greta Knight holds a bag open as her daughter, Sophia, places eggs she found.

Cianna Condon picks up an Easter egg.

Imagine Church Pastor Brad Ruggles, left, and Westfield Mayor Andy Cook greet families to the first egg drop held at Grand Park.

From left: Matt, Jacob and Colleen Alber.


April 14, 2015


Current in Westfield


Thieves steal from vehicles

By Robert Herrington • robert@youarecurrent.com

the area of 146th Street and Oak Road for four reported vehicle break-ins. In each case the vehicles were entered as a result of being unlocked In a span of three days, the Westfield Police or the use of an unknown tool. Officials said Dept. had six reported vehicle break-ins near surveillance footage revealed that an unknown 146th Street. crime black male exited a newer model, white Toyota April 6 – The Westfield Police Sienna before entering the vehicles and takDept. investigated two separate ing identification cards, personal checks and incidents of items stolen from unlocked vehicles credit/debit in the area cards. of 146th A short Street and time afOak Road. ter the Among the thefts, an items taken unknown were two female men’s walsuspect lets, sunused glasses, a Westfield police are searching for these suspects in connection with the some of Garmin GPS thefts from vehicles last week. (Submitted photo) the cards at two area businesses. This female and a Stanley battery jump-pack. Officials said and the vehicle also are suspects in a series of they believe the thefts occurred between 7 p.m. similar incidents that took place in Hendricks April 5 and 6:30 a.m. April 6. County earlier that day. In each case, officials said the vehicles were Police are requesting community assistance, entered by breaking one of the windows. A by reporting any suspicious activities observed review of surveillance footage from the area in the area during the time frame of the thefts. revealed that an unknown black male exited a Anyone with information is asked to contact the newer model, black Chevrolet Equinox before forcing entry. On April 8, officials said the suspect Westfield Police Dept. at 804-3200 or the Hamilton County Dispatch Center at 773-1300. Westfield was seen on the northeast side of Indianapolis police also want to remind residents to remove using several of the credit cards stolen during items of value from their vehicles and to lock and these break-ins. secure their vehicles. April 3 – WPD responded to businesses in


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April 14, 2015

Current in Westfield


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April 14, 2015


Current in Westfield


Better service with technology Commentary by Christopher Larsen My path to becoming the director of informatics for the City of Westfield was not as clear as one might think. I started working City for Westfield as a temp in customer service. That position turned full time when I was promoted to being a customer service representative. The former director of informatics noticed my commitment and loyalty to Westfield with an understanding of technology and hired me as his operations coordinator. In that role I flourished as a project manager, I excelled in budget and purchasing and inter department communications. I took the time to learn as much as I could from the director, as I knew it would help further my success in IT. Recently, our department launched WeConnect. It is a customer service management tool that streamlines communication between a citizen and a city employee. Whether you want a sign permit, a specific pot hole to be filled or report graffiti, this system allows a resident to use their phone or computer to report the problem and then track the process themselves. The resident will know when their request is completed, management will know how long it took to complete the request and it helps achieve overall efficiency and fiscal responsibility within

city government. My department is very proud of WeConnect as am I, so when the position of director became available in informatics I applied. I wanted to be a part of WeConnect. A system like WeConnect is never ending. The options that are available are endless and we can continue to make our city more effective by using WeConnect externally as well as internally. This year, more options will be available for citizens in phase 2 and phase 3. In Phase 2 we plan to roll out credit card acceptance for permits and add the building permit process. Phase 3 is still being defined. The next six months can bring great change and shift our priority. That’s technology for you – always changing. I’m researching more ways we can use WeConnect and become a first class city when it comes to technology. I think Westfield is already there, but WeConnect will make the impossible seem possible. To check out WeConnect, download our City of Westfield app or go online to www.weconnect. westfield.in.gov. Christopher Larsen is the director of informatics for the City of Westfield. He may be reached at clarsen@ westfield.in.gov or by calling 804-3165.


Volunteers needed for Hamilton County Medical Reserve Corp By Beth Taylor • beth@youarecurrent.com

Physicians and nurses as well as veterinarians, mental health professionals and dentists can all serve in times of need. Community memThe Medical Reserve Corps is a trained team bers without any medical training can assist of volunteers who are dedicated to improvwith administrative tasks. “We need ing emergency volunteer preparedness and people who have communications backgrounds to distribute public information. strengthening We need people to direct traffic. You the public health infrastructure. The need all kinds of folks,” Zimmerman said. program was founded after President The HCMRC currently has 95 people George W. Bush’s 2002 State of the on the roster. Union Address in which he asked all “We need more volunteers because Americans to volunteer to support their Zimmerman Hamilton County is a big place. A lot can country. In 2005, the Hamilton County happen in a big place,” Zimmerman said. Medical Reserve Corps was established by the HCMRC volunteers receive initial training with Hamilton County Health Dept. to assist with the Hamilton County Health Dept. and local emerpublic health emergency preparedness and gency response partners to prepare to respond response. to public health emergencies. Volunteers are The HCMRC supplements existing local emerrequired to do one training session each year gency and public health resources. and orientation sessions are held quarterly. The “If we don’t have this, then we’re going to sessions include a segment on the basics of strain resources,” said Margaret Zimmerman, family preparedness. Medical Reserve Corps spokeswoman. “We need The next HCMRC meeting is 10 a.m. to noon surge capability.” April 18 at the Hamilton County Health Dept., Zimmerman said that there are three reasons 18030 Foundation Dr., Noblesville. for surge need: infectious diseases, natural diFor more information, visit www.hamiltonsasters and threats of terrorism. county.in.gov or contact Linda Foley at Linda. “To volunteer for MRC, you don’t need to be a Foley@hamiltoncounty.in.gov. medical professional. It’s great if you are, but we need all kinds of people,” she said.

April 14, 2015

Current in Westfield




April 14, 2015

Current in Westfield


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April 14, 2015


Current in Westfield


Forum to focus on heroin use rise By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com Hamilton County Sheriff Mark Bowen said the county is not immune to rise in heroin use in Indiana. prevention To raise awareness, there will be a free forum for families, students and community members from 7 to 9 p.m. on April 21 at the Carmel Clay Public Library, 55 Fourth Ave. SE. The concept for the forum came from five class members from the Hamilton County Leadership Academy. Speakers include Hamilton County/Boone County Task Force members, political leaders and those affected by the drug. State Sen. Jim Merritt (R-Indianapolis), one of the speakers, will talk about the overall heroin epidemic that Indiana is experiencing. “It’s a very inexperienced drug,” Merritt said. “It’s highly addictive and we’re working on saving people that mistakingly overdose. Last year’s lifeline law that added in EMTs can cary Naloxone and Narcan as an overdose antidote. We allowed first responders last year to have it. This year we have a bill to allow civilians to have it and administer it.” Merritt said every community is faced with this crisis. “We’re trying to bring it out into the open so we can solve it,” Merritt said. Merritt said a hit of heroin can be purchased for about $5 now and it’s readily available. “It flows through all ages,” he said. “I’ve talked to 28,000 kids in the last three years. I talk to them about sexting, texting through driving, bath salts, suicide as well as heroin. My concentration

Brandon Villa, 23, right, a recovering addict, with State Sen. Jim Merritt. (Submitted photo)

has been on the Narcan for those who suffer an overdose as well as kids making good decisions when it comes to drugs.” Gina Bardach, the executive director of a foundation called Hope over Heroin, knows the plight of heroin addiction well. Her son, Brandon Villa, is a recovering addict. “It was never spoke about, always swept under the rug,” Bardach stated, in referring to how many overlook drug problems in the schools. Her organization’s advocacy team testified this year for Sen. Merritt to help pass SB-406. Sgt. Tom Weger, public officer/education for Fishers police dept., said they see all types of drugs like any other city would. “I wouldn’t consider it (heroin) to be major problem in Fishers,” Weger said. “But it is something we are concerned about, and it’s on our radar.”

Dispatches Grand Park – The Butler Bulldogs will face the Indiana Hoosiers at 7 p.m. April 18 at Grand Park Sports Campus Field No. 1. The men’s soccer game is free to the public and a hospitality tent will provide food and drinks.

Fashion show – Prevail’s fourth annual Spring Into Fashion Show will be held at 10:30 a.m. May 14 at Woodland Country Club, 100 Woodland Lane. Cost is $50 per person and includes shopping, raffle prizes, lunch and a fashion show. Reservations are required and can be made online at www.prevailinc.com no later than May 1. Expanded hours – The Strawtown Koteewi Park’s archery range, 22735 Essig Ave., Noblesville, is open 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday through Monday. The range will host a 3D shoot during open hours on Saturday and Sunday. Rates are $10 per hour range fee and $15 for bow and five arrows per hour, including range fee. Discounted range passes and memberships are available. For more information, call 7704400 or visit www.koteewiarchery.com.

Recreation – Warmer weather means doing more outside. The Westfield Parks Dept. will host Soccer for Parent and Child (age 3) and Soccer in Motion (ages 4-6) on Wednesday evenings, May 6 through 27. Kids will learn skills such as kicking, dribbling, blocking, teamwork and more. To sign up, visit http://tinyurl.com/ko2fko5. Civil War presentation – Hamilton County Civil War Roundtable presents the life of President Jefferson Davis with David Walker as Davis at 7:30 p.m. April 15 at Conner Prairie, 13400 Allisonville Road. Walker has been portraying Confederate President Jefferson Davis for the last eight years. Admission is free.

Parkinson’s donation – The Indiana Parkinson Foundation has received a $2,500 donation from Hamilton County farmer Jeanne Flanders and America’s Farmers Grow Communities, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund. The donation will allow the organization to expand their Climb Exercise programs and purchase educational resources for nutritional information and caregiver support.




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April 14, 2015

Current in Westfield



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April 14, 2015


Current in Westfield



OBITUARIES Chapman “CT” Blackwell V, 31, of Westfield, died April 5, 2015 at his home surrounded by family. Born March 5, 1984 in Omaha, he was the son of Chapman and Amy (Horn) Blackwell IV. He graduated Blackwell from Indiana University in 2007 and spent the majority of his career in the construction industry and sales, with his most recent employment at Shepherd Insurance. He had an intense love for life, sports, family, friends and the outdoors. He made a significant impact in the lives of everyone he encountered. Survivors include his wife, Annie (Aff) Blackwell; father, Chapman T. Blackwell IV; mother, Amy Kay Blackwell (Dean Schertz); brothers, Ryan Blackwell and Clayton Blackwell; and grandparents, Harry and Lainie Horn, and Chapman and MaryAnn Blackwell III. He was preceded in death by his grandmothers, Barbara Horn and Nancy Blackwell. Funeral services were held April 10 at Carmel Lutheran Church, 4850 E. Main St., Carmel, with the Rev. Mark Teike officiating.

Jim Harvey, 85, of Westfield, died April 7, 2015 at St.Vincent Carmel Hospital. Born June 12, 1929 in Hortonville, he was the son of Howard Harvey and Nina (Osborne) Harvey. He proudly served his country in the United States Air Force and worked as a supervisor at GM for more than 30 years. He was a Mason and volunteered at the Westfield Historic Society. Survivors include his son, Thad (Linda) Harvey; brother, Allan Kay (Sharon) Harvey; several nieces and nephews and great-nieces and great-nephews; and his close friend, Betty Otis. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Judith A. Harvey; and sisters, Hester Stewart and Jean H. Whitmoyer. Private graveside services will be held at Summit Lawn Cemetery in Westfield.

Arrest made in Sheidan robbery, stabbing The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office has made an arrest stemming from battery that occurred in at 200 block of East Seventh St. in Sheridan in the early morning hours of April 5. Sheriff’s office detectives were called in to assist Sheridan police with the investigation as the incident developed into a robbery and stabbing. The victim, who suffered approximately 13 knife stab wounds in the chest and neck, was able to call for help. He was taken to the hospital and later released with non-life threatening injuries. Orem said electronics including an Xbox One and a Play-

station were taken in the robbery. “It is believed that this is an isolated incident that may be drug related,” Deputy Bryant Orem stated. Using tips, Orem said officers initiated a traffic stop on April 8 on Keystone Parkway between 106th and 116th streets and found the suspect, Shaun Michael Tolan, 23, of Noblesville and previously of Westfield. Tolan was initially charged with two counts of robbery, and one count of criminal confinement, battery with a deadly weapon and criminal recklessness with a deadly weapon. Bond was set at $165,000.

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April 14, 2015


Current in Westfield


Humane Society eyes new, larger shelter By Robert Herrington • robert@youarecurrent.com The Humane Society for Hamilton County has begun plans to move its operation from 1721 Pleasant St., Noblesville, to land donaPETS tion adjacent to Ind. 37. HSHC Executive Director Rebecca Stevens said Brad and Carey Riley donated three acres on Herriman Boulevard in Noblesville between its properties of Recreation Unlimited and Indiana Elite Cheer & Tumbling. Stevens said plans are to build a new, 20,000-square-foot shelter on 1.5 aces and use the other half to create a public dog park. “It’s a great property for exposure and visibility,” she said. “We’ll design (the dog park) with membership fees as a revenue generator for the shelter. It’ll be a place our shelter dogs can exercise and get outside, which we don’t have the space to do today.” Stevens said the plans for the move are still in the early stages. “We’re working on research, best practices in terms of design,” she said. “We haven’t launched a capital campaign yet.” In February, Stevens visited a shelter in Greenville, S.C. “We really liked the visual exterior of Greenville,” she said. “It’s a steel structure and there are all steel buildings on Herriman Boulevard, which is much less expensive to build. We want a place that is very family-friendly, that people

Dispatches Shuttle drivers needed – IU Health North Hospital needs volunteer drivers for its parking lot shuttle. Volunteers are needed Mondays through Fridays for three-hour shifts. Individuals must be at least 25 years old and have a valid Indiana driver’s license. To learn more, contact Ann Sawyer, at 688-2927 or asawyer@ iuhealth.org.

Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness, Carmel City Councilor Luci Snyder, Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear and Humane Society for Hamilton County Executive Director Rebecca Stevens look over site plans for a new shelter in Noblesville. (Photo by Robert Herrington)

are excited to visit.” HSHC moved into its current location of less than 10,000 square-feet in October 2006. “We were out of space with the animals we had the day we moved in. The county did a good job designing an animal control facility,” she said, adding that the facility wasn’t built for long-term inhabitants but HSHC is a no-kill shelter. “We did the best we could all these years … We want to ensure all animals are getting the best chance for a second chance.” Stevens said the new space will allow for other services and programs they currently can’t offer at the shelter. The new facility will be funded 100 percent by the HSHC. “We’re not looking to the county or any municipalities to help us fund it,” she said. “We’re not looking for taxpayer dollars.

Future plans for the current site are unknown at this time. Stevens said county officials are aware of the shelter’s plan to move and the low cost spay and neuter clinic, which shares space with HSHC, has a desire to expand. She added that the shelter has no interest in keeping the space open once it moves. “We’re not looking to operate two facilities. It’s not going to work for our business plan,” Stevens said. Stevens said HSHC is hoping to get the rezoning approved by the City of Noblesville this summer. “We have always been proud to have the humane society in the City of Noblesville,” Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear said. “I am really excited to see them expand and continue their great service to the county.”

Artists needed – Booth space is still available for artists wishing to participate in the second Kirklin Art Fair on June 13. Details and application forms are downloadable at www. kiddomino.com. For more information, call 765-675-3535. Constitutional Patriots meeting – The Constitutional Patriots will meet at 7 p.m. April 21 at Central Christian church, 1242 W. 136th St. WIBC radio talk show host Tony Katz will speak on how the conservative movement is impacting Indiana politics. Disaster preparation – The Indianapolis Division of Homeland Security will host a seminar on disaster preparedness for individuals with disabilities from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 28 at 1313 S. Post Rd, Indianapolis. Sesame Street Live – Sesame Street Live “Let’s Dance!” visits the Murat Theatre at Old National Centre with six performances from May 1 through 3. Tickets range from $16 to $56. For more information, visit www.sesamestreetlive. com.

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April 14, 2015


Current in Westfield



Westfield Chamber panel discusses labor force

By Anna Skinner • news@currentinwestfield.com In line with Gov. Mike Pence’s desire to provide a sufficient and skilled workforce for businesses in Indiana, the Westfield workforce Chamber of Commerce’s focus for 2015 is workforce development for the local business community. On March 27, five panelists discussed the Westfield labor force at Charleston’s Restaurant. The panelists, which consisted of employers and school leaders, spoke of concerns and developed strategies to present to the chamber. Westfield Workplace: Today & Tomorrow was the first of six events in the Economic Development series. The topic of the panel was to discuss how to prepare the students who do not pursue college for careers immediately after high school. Panelists Joel Watson, owner of Esler’s Auto Repair, Inc., and Rex Martin, vice president of MHG Hotels, LLC, spoke on their concerns for finding the right people to employ. “The biggest challenge for me is finding people with the right work ethic,” Watson said. “We need people who are committed to success and committed to doing the job.” However, it is not always lack of education that causes the applicants to falter. “What we are looking for is the service training and life skills, and we are not seeing that,” Martin said. “We need to have the right people

From left: Panelists Joel Watson, Elizabeth A. Meguschar, Daniel Clark and Rex Martin listen to Westfield High School Principal Dr. Stacy McGuire speak at Charleston’s Restaurant. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

get to those applicants at an early stage so they have the right ethic when they come out to apply.” The three educational leaders – WHS Principal Stacey McGuire; Elizabeth Meguschar, assistant principal of Noblesville High School; and Daniel Clark, president of Hamilton County Ivy Tech campus – offered solutions. “At Westfield High School, our ultimate goal is to prepare kids for the day after graduation,” McGuire said. “When they wake up that day after, do they have the cognitive and the non-cognitive pieces to go do and be what they want to go do and be?”

Ivy Tech aligns their classes with what the local workforce is searching for. “The real source of your workforce comes from the high school. There are no two better places that do this than WHS and NHS,” Watson said. “Kids don’t know what they don’t know, so a challenge we have been facing is when is the right time to expose them to these different career choices?” Meguschar said, adding that in the past three years NHS has implemented an internship program for those students. The next panel of the series, developer presentation, is April 24 at Charleston’s Restaurant.

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April 14, 2015


Current in Westfield


Blondin honored with scholarship By James Feichtner • james@youarecurrent.com



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grown since and the amount that we provide has grown. We have aspirations to get much bigger. Now we give a thousand dollars a year for In business for business. That’s the motto of the four years students remain in school.” the Carmel Chamber of Commerce. And while the In order for students to qualify for the CCC, now joined with scholarship, they must meet specific chamber the Fishers Chamber criteria when applying, but do not have as OneZone, may be to go to Carmel or Fishers high school. primarily focused on perpetuating local “The specification is that the scholarbusiness, the Chamber also has a pasship goes to the son or daughter of a sion for aiding in education. chamber member, so it doesn’t matter Named after former Carmel chamber where,” Merhoff said. “Our scholarship member Nancy Blondin, OneZone ofBlondin has gone to students at University, at fers an educational scholarship to an Carmel, at Westfield, a variety of places.” outstanding student each year. Returning for it’s Students must also be active in both in-school 15th year, the Nancy Blondin Scholarship offers and outside school activities in their community a $4000 scholarship to high school seniors that exemplify exceptional standards in their academ- and must submit a written portion to the deciding committee, which includes Blondin as one of ics and community. the judges. The scholarship originally was “She has remained on our committees, so she started by the chamber, helps us choose our winner,” Merhoff said. “We but was renamed to have a committee of people who review. We take honor Blondin upon her a look at scholarship activities at need. And firetirement from the nally students are asked to write an essay about council in 2000. “There was just huge a person who has most influenced them in their career choice. So those are the things we look tremendous growth, so for in selecting the recipient.” Nancy was part of that “It’s the perfect way to recognize [Blondin’s] building of the chamber contribution to the business community,” Merand when she was asked upon her retirement if there were hoff said. OneZone is currently accepting applications a legacy she would like to leave, it was for for the scholarship. Registration deadline is May education, because Nancy was a former teacher 1. For more information or to download an apand education mattered to her,” OneZone Presiplication, visit www.carmelchamber.com/about/ dent Mo Merhoff said. “That’s when the ChamNancy_Blondin_Scholarship.aspx ber’s Nancy Blondin Scholarship was born. It’s

Meet your teacher, Denise Hanlin

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Grade/school: Fourth grade at Monon Trail Elementary Number of years teaching: 14 Background/schooling: Pilot Grove High School (Missouri); bachelor’s in elementary education, Indiana University, IUPUI; and master’s in education, Indiana Wesleyan, Indianapolis. Why did you become a teacher? I pursued my degree in education after my two children were in middle school. I wanted a career that allowed me to contribute positively to the continued development of society, and what greater way is there than nurturing children. What goals do you have for your students? A lifetime goal I have for each student is the desire to succeed with the will to persevere, along with a grateful and happy heart. What do you encourage parents to do at home to help their children strengthen particular skills? Limit the amount of time watch-

ing television (especially that which is void of educational material) and playing video games. Children are naturally curious with great imaginaHanlin tions that should be encouraged. They will have more time to read, discover nature, build relationships, figure out how things work; the list is endless. What is your favorite movie? “Good Will Hunting” with Matt Damon and Robin Williams. Who is your favorite musician or band? Just give me that old time rock and roll! What’s something your students might not know about you? I know how to dress a chicken. It’s funny; children think I actually put clothes on a chicken. I grew up on a farm, so we raised chicks every spring/summer, and then dressed them for freezer storage for winter meals.

Dispatches Summer camp – Summer TOTS Camp located at Monon Trail Elementary opens June 2 to Aug. 10 and is full-time summer childcare for children 12 weeks old through Pre-K. For specific enrollment requirements and enrollment deadline, visit www.wws.k12.in.us.

Scholarships for social media campaign – Indiana high school and college students are being encouraged to put their smartphones to good use by urging others to “Drive Now. TXT L8R”. Several state agencies have partnered to award $5,000 scholarships to students who compose the most creative and viral social media posts on Twitter, Instagram and Vine. Students may register their public Twitter accounts and read contest rules at www.txtl8r.in.gov.

April 14, 2015


Missy Boyter Gunnels receives a hug after reaching the finish line for the survivors walk at the Westfield Relay for Life. (Submitted photos)

Current in Westfield


Missy Boyter Gunnels’ family and friends support her at the Westfield Relay for Life event to raise funds and awareness for all cancers.

Westfield woman shares breast cancer story to aid others By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com At first, Missy Boyter Gunnels wasn’t sure if she wanted to share her story of breast cancer survival. Gunnels finally sent in the application 90 minutes before the deadline to be an ambassador for the Susan cover story G. Komen Foundation. “I struggled because of I didn’t know if I wanted to share my story because I didn’t want to scare other women into not getting their mammogram or surgeries needed because I had a bad experience,” Gunnels said. Soon she realized that she did have a story to share. Gunnels, who has two children – Jon-Michael, 20, and Elizabeth, 12 – learned she had ductal carcinoma in-situ after having her yearly mammogram in December 2013. There were some serious complications in Gunnels’ natural reconstruction following her double mastectomy. “I would tell people it felt like I laid on the railroad tracks and a train ran over me 10 times,” Gunnels said of the of the 11-hour surgery. “That’s what I felt like.” Yet despite her struggles, Gunnels has persevered and she realized she does have a message of hope to share. Gunnels, who turned 47 on Feb. 25, will be taking part in the survivors’ walk in the Komen Race for the Cure on April 18 at Military Park in Indianapolis. The event is designed to raise funds and awareness about breast cancer. Gunnels had her surgery on Jan. 22, 2014. About the one-month mark, her umbilical area was dying and she underwent surgery to repair and remove the tissue. She was then placed on a wound pump. On March 17, she was rushed to the hospital when her wound pump alarm went off. Following 13 days and four surgeries,

In support for the Gunnels family, there were several Faith, Hope, Love and Missy bracelets sold in Sheridan Community Schools. (Photo by Teresa Skutt)

she was finally released to go home. “Through the grace of God, I survived. I’m a miracle. I know I am,” she said. Gunnels, who had been an instructional assistant at Sheridan Middle School before her breast cancer was diagnosed, had hoped life would return to normal quickly after her double mastectomy. “It’s not the story I wanted to have when I sat down with my


From left: The Gunnels family: Mike, Elizabeth, Missy and Jon-Michael.

surgeon,” she said. “I would get well, go back to work and life would go on. But I’m thankful to be alive. I’m thankful for the community of friends who are basically family to us. I don’t think we had a need or a want that wasn’t taken care of.” Gunnels said her family doctor, William Kirsch; surgeon, Dr. Sam Heiser; and Riverview Health staff were great. Gunnels said her husband Mike’s employer, Indiana Oxygen Company, was very understanding when he needed to take time off to help. Her parents and sister, a registered nurse, also came up from South Carolina to help. The Gunnels family has lived in Westfield since 2002. Mike previously was an Army officer so they had lived all over. When Gunnels was hospitalized, she received well-wishers from all over, including Africa and Korea. In support for the Gunnels family, there were several Faith, Hope, Love and Missy bracelets sold in the Sheridan schools. “I’ll never take it off,” Jon-Michael said of the bracelet. “I love her so much. The whole thing tore us down a bit. It brought us in a stronger and deeper connection. Now we wake up every day thankful we’re all together.” His father added, “We started to cherish each day instead of taking it for granted.” Jon-Michael, a 2013 Sheridan High School graduate, was a freshman at Indiana University during his mother’s health issues. He missed so much school as he returned home to help the family that he had to withdraw from school. IU refunded his fees. JonMichael is now taking a year off school to work. “IU was fantastic, giving Jon-Michael that grace because that could have destroyed his GPA for the rest of his college career,” Gunnels said. Life hasn’t completely returned to normal yet. Gunnels wasn’t cleared to return to teaching until September so she couldn’t return to her job as an instructional assistant. “The school has allowed me to sub when I feel like it,” Gunnels said. “I can usually sub three days a week and that pretty much wipes me out.” When Gunnels does sub, she still sees her personalized pink bracelets worn by some students. It still warms her heart. Now Gunnels’ mission is to raise awareness for others. “I want women to do self-exams and then at 40 give yourself a birthday present and get your first mammogram,” she said. For information about the Race for the Cure, visit indy.infokomen.org/site/PageServer?pagename=IND_TR_racedayinfo.

“I’m thankful for the community of friends who are basically family to us.”


April 14, 2015


Current in Westfield


Caffeine catastrophe

FR O M   T HE B A C KSH O P The name game: Hillary or Clinton? With one day remaining before the annual fleecing by the IRS, it’s interesting to us that among the burning topics late last week was this: Hillary Rodham Clinton, who we and the rest of the free world believe will declare for the Democratic presidential race, is being defended by women that consider it sexist to refer to her by her first name. “I think it generally cheapens the image of the candidate,” one wag said last week. Yeah, it’s right up there with Benghazi and personal e-mail accounts. We’re not certain how Clinton prefers to be addressed, but we will defer to the journalistic style of our times and use her full name on first reference, last name on subsequent mentions. This ranks right up there with defending our borders, shrinking government and dialing back spending. It’s interesting to us that Clinton’s team has mobilized a Ready for Hillary super-PAC effort. It’s not too sexist, we suppose, to ask for campaign donations for a firstname-candidate. We further suppose being referred to by her first name beats the tar out of how her husband, former president William Jefferson Clinton, was called Slick Willie. Still, it would be along the same lines of references to Teddy (Theodore Roosevelt), Silent Cal (Calvin Coolidge), Ike (Dwight Eisenhower) and Ronnie (Ronald Reagan). In our view, it is not sexist and this is much ado about absolutely nothing. Still, as we await word from on high as to how we’re expected to address Clinton, we offer these suggestions: former senator, former secretary of state, Bill’s wife, high priestess, her majesty and/or her royal highness (even though the latter two are reserved for a monarchy, which, come to think of it … ).“Part of the rap about (Clinton) has been she’s not accessible and she’s not warm or friendly. This makes her a real person,” said Debbie Walsh, director of the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University. “(Hillary) has become part of the vernacular.” Brian Kelly, publisher, and Steve Greenberg, general manager, are co-owners of Current Publishing, LLC. Write them at info@ youarecurrent.com.

Commentary by Danielle Wilson

Armchair sports

Commentary by Terry Anker

Defined as possessing a state of mind including irrational, thoughtless, and negative assessment of people, ideas, or beliefs while clinging to one’s flawed self-perception, bigots love politics. Unquestionably, one could point to grenade throwers on both sides of the recent religious freedom debate. Moralizing has long been an American armchair sport. As discussed and widely expected, the issue seems to have landed in an indecipherable draw with both sides arguing victory while still demanding further “protection.” Were it a lesson to those legislators who would use their power to govern as a tool to force the subjugation of their, well, subjects, we could move on. Unfortunately, it’s added more legislation to more legislation to more legislation. One wonders the good of it. Leaders of countless institutions use broadbrush shaming to demand their own point-ofview. And, it seems to work. Perhaps we could apply the tactic to the on-going executions of “non-Muslims” by “non-Christians” in Africa? Maybe a super-cool company like Sales Force

could lead the way. Or, maybe Apple, which has more employees in countries that execute homosexuals than it does Indiana, could send out a Tweet. Let’s punish all “non-Christians” until they force the capitulation of other “non-Christians” – we can host a bacchanal of self-congratulatory, preening, and likewise erudite editorials cast from the highest reaches of our “right” minded elite. Let’s boycott Africa. It must be a continent of racists! Does New York do business there? One wonders when they will provide the moral beacon to withdraw from Africa with indignation. Will Gov. Andrew Cuomo voice the necessary reference point? What will we do until the press conference is called? Let’s stand by with CNN on live feed learning that Bruce Jenner is sad that his ex-wife’s daughter is sharing his clothes. Life is complex. Shouldn’t we be slow to judge? Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may e-mail him at terry@currentincarmel. com.



Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Oklahoma one may not promote a “horse tripping event”.

To be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.

Source: dumblaws.com

-Nelson Mandela

I’m sitting in Starbucks, trying to finish my column on my latest dental disaster, but I am so distracted by the conversations next to me that I’ve decided to hold the torture experience until next week in favor of expressing my opinions on people in coffee shops. First off, why am I here? Admittedly, I normally pen my articles during down times at school, stolen moments in the morning, or waiting at Tae Kwon Do. But I’m currently on Spring Break, and because my kids are in a different school system, it’s just been the dog and I. This is not a good thing. She’s so excited to have a playmate she literally cannot leave me alone. As soon as I even start to open my laptop or head in the general direction of the office, she grabs her tennis ball and comes barreling at me. “Play with me!” her big, brown, puppy eyes beg. If I ignore her, the barking and jumping begin, quite aggressively I might add, until I have no choice but to head outside and throw the stupid toy. So much for a relaxing vacation! My solution is simply to leave the house. Over the last few days I’ve spent quality hours at Wal-Mart, Jiffy Lube, Meijer, my classroom, Goodwill, Thai Orchid, the orthodontist, and now, Starbucks. When I first arrived, the place was fairly empty - a few professionals having lunch and a couple of retirees hanging out. I needed to charge my computer, so I chose a table in between two ladies. Five minutes after I’d plugged in, three women joined the one to my left. They range in age from mid-20s to probably 50, and now all I can currently do is listen, flinch and type. Holy mackerel! I want to interrupt and remind them that they are in a public place! With no discretion whatsoever, they are speaking quiet emphatically and specifically about their crappy boss, a coworker who is ruining her life with a deadbeat boyfriend, their awful clients, and every bad parenting decision their friends have made in the last three years. They are being caddy and judgmental and self-righteous, and honestly, I’m having difficulty suppressing a strong urge to punch somebody. Since I can’t physically harm them without risking incarceration, I’m writing about them here. Call it therapy! And now I’m just mad. I came here to get away from the crazy, and I’m seated next to a big bowl of it. So let this serve as a kindly reminder that airing your grievances is fine, and even on occasion, healthy, but doing so in a popular coffee shop may end you up in the local paper. Peace out.

Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@currentincarmel.com.

April 14, 2015


Book for seniors or dummies? Commentary by Dick Wolfsie

that last part, but it could entice seniors to the Apple Store. In “How to Choose the Right iPad for You,” we learn that “the new ones are getting I didn’t see the point of owning another eleclighter and thinner—great for the older populatronic gadget, especially since I am still unskilled tion.” This sounds like ad copy for Depends. in the smart phone and computer The section “How Much Memory Do You humor I already have. Then I saw iPad For Need?” is also the name of a brochure available Seniors, For Dummies. I already at my geriatrician’s office. Should you purchase have two Dummies books, Living Vegan for Duman iPad with only Wi-Fi, or mies and Backyard BBQ invest in 3G? The author for Dummies. (I go through phases.) Years ago, I Should you purchase an iPad with asks: “Do you want to use it only at home or do wanted to learn how to only Wi-Fi, or invest in 3G? The you want to walk around throw my voice but was author asks: “Do you want to use with it?” The 3G version disappointed when there it only at home or do you want would be perfect for my was no Ventriloquism for uncle Leo, who occasionDummies available. to walk around with it?” The ally disappears at night The author, Nancy Muir, 3G version would be perfect for and wanders off into the has written 100 articles my uncle Leo, who occasionally forest. on technology. I assume disappears at night and wanders I had trouble undershe is about 11 years old, standing most of the because no one my age off into the forest. book, which made me could know that much feel dumb. That’s when I about computers. decided it was time to buy another one of their The book is for people who have no experiactual top-sellers in the series: Self-Esteem for ence with tablets. I bought it, even though I take Dummies. several tablets every morning. It’s geared toward “mature people,” but if you are north of 50, you’ll have to resist having a tantrum after the first three pages. Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, The introduction includes: “With your new iPad, and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com. learn how to have fun, explore the online world, and look at naughty videos.” It doesn’t really say

Current in Westfield



REA D ER ’ S V I EW Council made a well-informed decision Editor, With Westfield’s good fortune any community in the country could have built our new industry, but they didn’t. Our leadership, working with experts in the sports’ and tourism industries along with municipal economist, recognized its potential as an economic magnet. We beat the world to a winning formula: now 26 baseball/softball diamonds, 31 multi-use/ soccer fields and by next fall a public/private year-round indoor facility with three soccer/ multi use fields, locker rooms, restaurant, observation decks, a store and conference rooms. We’re also getting a private field-house for basketball and volleyball. This Grand Park has already, in its first season, attracted enough neighboring commercial assessed value investment to produce nearly a third of the tax revenue necessary to service the city’s outlay – and it’s only the beginning. I’m writing this because the detractors who are running for office in Westfield are trying to halt our opportunities. They are using fictional math to make their points. Please be wary of this hand full of folks with big voices. With little exception they have not attended the open discussions that they could have and they do not know what they are talking about. The

council knows that the cash-flow will be there. They know that state law residential taxes cannot go over the 1 percent cap, where they are now, unless you again vote for a school tax referendum. Most of the city councilors have listened and are keen on what it takes to attract desired tax-paying businesses. Above all is Westfield’s great fortune to have found a business seasoned visionary for mayor. Andy Cook recognized early the greatest opportunity any community could wish for. It took positive thinking and drive to accumulate the right teams, specialist and investors to put together. Andy is a natural born CEO. By definition a CEO is a leader who has a vision and communicates it well. A CEO has the will and nerve to stand by one’s principals and builds a team to manage the vision as if it were their own. Have confidence, we will grow up into a fine, refreshed city that has worked for eight years to identify and keep its heritage. Can you imagine a more interesting clean industry to support? Good luck Westfield. I beg you to stick with our successes. To read more, visit www.currentinwestfield. com. Mic Mead, Westfield

18 18

April 14, 2015

Current in Westfield


April 14, 2015 • currentnightandday.com

Club Morocco opens May 1

Daniela Pretorius, Alicia Hamaker (as Nugget Rialto), Time Sheehan (as Frank McCann), Becky Lee (as Ruby Pepper), Shannon Wise and Lauren Gentry. (Submitted photo)

By Chris Bavender • news@currentinwestfield.com The music of the American Songbook swing era will take center stage when the Carmel Community Players present Club Morocco May 1 through 17. “The music of The Great American SongPerformance book is timeless and is one of the most important eras of musical development in American history,” said director, Ashton Wolf. “It speaks to people of all ages and lives in the hearts of millions of Americans, young and the young at heart. The music and artist of the swing era have been influencing generations of musical artists and can even now be heard by the likes of Lady Gaga teaming up with Tony Bennet to deliver some of her best performances yet.” A cast of 14 singers and dancers from all over the greater Indianapolis area, as well Carmel, Noblesville and Fishers will bring the show to life.

The talent that auditioned for this show was amazing. We were able to pull together a dream-team production staff and in addition, we’ve been fortunate to acquire excellent musicianship,” Wolf said. In addition, the show will feature a seven piece band playing songs by the likes of Cole Porter, George Gershwin, Harold Arlen and Louis Prima. “The Music of the swing era was about big bands with lots of horns and great swing arrangements,” Wolf said. “We have stayed true to the arranging style of the time and wanted as many band members as possible to create the big band sound. If you’re going to play swing, you have to have real musicians.” The play opens with actual live film-noir style footage and will “explode into a rainbow of colors on the first downbeat of the music.” “We are turning the entire theatre into the Club Morocco, with tables available for some of our patrons. And, we will invite the

audience to dance if they wish,” Wolf said. “You won’t feel like you are in a theatre, you’ll feel like you are at the Club Morocco, a swanky Hollywood-esque style nightclub akin to those that existed during the heyday of the swing era; Ciro’s, Slapsy Maxie’s, the Trocadero et al.” Wolf said the show isn’t just a play – but an experience. “It’s a high-flying swing-music musical with gangsters and gumshoes, songbirds and hoofers; where the swing is red-hot, the beauty dangerous and the luck as fleeting as the love,” Wolf said. “You’ll come for the mood and the mystery; you’ll stay for the swing because at Club Morocco – ‘Once you’ve had the taste you never lose the hunger.’” Showtimes are 7:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, and 2:30 p.m. Sundays. Tickets are $17 for adults and $15 for seniors (62+) and students. They are available online at www.carmelplayers.org or by calling 815-9387.

April 14, 2015

NIGHT & DAY Young Artists Exhibit at Nickel Plate Arts • Visit this special exhibit from Noblesville elementary students; various art projects from many talented kids will be displayed. • Today from noon to 5 p.m.; April 16 and 17 from noon to 5 p.m.; April 18 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. • Free • 107 S. Eighth St., Noblesville • 452-3690 • http://nickelplatearts.org


Beginning Bird Hikes at Cool Creek • Bird watchers from amateur to pro can join the naturalist staff of Cook Creek Park and Nature Center to catch a glimpse of various species of birds and learn how to identify them. Be sure to bring a pair of binoculars. • Today at 8:30 a.m. till closed. • Free • 2000 E 151st St., Westfield • 774-2500 • http://www.visithamiltoncounty.com/things-to-do/cool-creek-park/ Beef & Boards Presents: “The THURsday Drowsy Chaperone” • This fictional tale of a 1928 musical coming to life before the eyes of a theatre buff tells the funny story of a couple on the night before their wedding, their bumbling best man, intoxicated chaperone and more. • 9301 Michigan Rd., Indianapolis • Tonight at 8 p.m.; April 17 and 18 at 8 p.m.; April 19 at 1:30 and 7 p.m. • Tickets start at $40. • 872-9664 • www.beefandboards.com Hamilton County Culinary Tour • Want to take tour of some of Hamilton County’s great restaurants? Join in on the fun and be chauffeured in a luxury motor coach to four fine Hamilton County restaurants for a guided tour and tasting all in one night. Great for corporate groups, couples, or culinary adventures. • Tonight at 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. • $75 per person • Reservations required • Various Carmel Locations • 863-8257 • http://smallpotatoesindy.com/home.html Springtime Tea Luncheon • Carmel Clay Historical Society invites you to join them for delicious food, great company and to listen to their guest speaker tell her story of historic home renovation of the McShane House. • Today at 2 p.m. • $35 per person • 100 Woodland Ln., Carmel • 846-7117 The Belfry Theatre Presents: “Noises Off” • This hilarious comedy is a play within a play about an ambitious director and a group of mediocre actors. The production is appropriate for young adults and older. • 10690 Greenfield Ave., Noblesville • Tonight at 8 p.m.; April 18 at 8 p.m.; April 19 at 2 p.m. • $15 per person; please call to reserve. • 773-1085 • www.thebelfrytheatre.com


Westfield Playhouse Presents: “The Civil War” • This theatre event is a moving song-cycle with a wide variety of musical numbers. • 1836 W. Ind. 32, Westfield • Tonight at 7:30 p.m.; April 18 at 7:30 p.m.; April 19 at 2:30 p.m. • $15 admission, $13 for seniors and students. • 896-2707. • www.westfieldplayhouse.org A Night in Tuscany • Take a saturday culinary adventure around the regions of Italy, letting the chefs of A Cut Above Catering be your guide. Start your evening off with our Chef-prepared Antipasto. Then, work side-by-side with chefs as you learn how to make various Italian dishes. For beginner to Intermediate skill levels. • Today 6 to 9 p.m. • $65 admission • A Cut Above Catering • 12955 Old Meridian St. Suite 104, Carmel • 575-9514 Owls of Indiana • Visit Founders Park to learn about the various species of owls that inhabit Indiana and how they differ from other birds of prey. Attendants will learn about hunting, raising young and surviving the nocturnal world. Live owls and other birds will be on display. • Today at 1 to 2:30

Current in Westfield


p.m. • $25/Family, $10/individual • Founders Park • 11675 Hazel Dell Pkwy, Carmel • 848-7275 The Center Presents: Herbie Hancock and Chick Corea • Professional keyboardists will be showcasing their musical talent at The Palladium this evening. In a rare and historic duo performance, jazz royalty will reign on the stage as they come together for a very special evening of music. • Tonight at 8 p.m. • Tickets start at $78 • The Palladium • 1 Center Green, Carmel • 843-3800 • http://www. thecenterfortheperformingarts.org/tickets/ Roller Derby Bout at Fishers • The Circle City Derby Girls will face off against the Cincinnati Roller Girls in a roller derby match up at the Forum at Fishers. • Doors open at 5:30 p.m., event starts at 6 p.m. • $12 • Free for kids under 7 • 9022 E. 106th St., Fishers • 849-9930 Zion Nature Center Celebration • Two of Mother Earth’s favorite holidays will be celebrated this month in Zionsville. Both Arbor Day and Earth day will be commended at Zion Nature center. The event will feature music, food and educational exhibits. • Today From 2 to 5 p.m. • Free • 690 Beech St., Zionsville • Rain-out location at Zionsville Town Hall • 873-8950





Indie Arts and Vintage Marketplace • Join a select group of invited purveyors of vintage, antique, junque, artisans, craftspersons, stylemakers and stylebreakers for a monthly celebration of all things unique, indie & stylish. Whether trying to outfit your first apartment, or accessorize your dream homethe marketplace will become your go-to source for inspiration and acquisition. • Today from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. • $5 • Ritz Charles • 12156 N. Meridian St., Carmel • www.iavmindy.com/next-show/ Native American Village Tours • Visit Strawtown Koteewi Park for guided tours by park officials of Strawtown Enclosure, a Native American village that was inhabited over 700 years ago. During the tours, guides will discuss the Native Americans who built and used the enclosure and see some of the recovered artifacts. Tours begin inside Taylor Center of Natural History. • Today from 2 p.m. to end • All ages • 12308 E. Strawtown Ave., Noblesville • 774-2574 Poetry in Free Motion at the Artsgarden • Nearly 30 poems and art quilts will take center stage April 6 through 29 at the Indianapolis Artsgarden, Washington and Illinois streets celebrating central Indiana poets and quilters. This week features readings from Jayne Marek, Lylanne Musselman and Mary Sexson. • 110 W. Washington St., Indianapolis • Today at 12:15 p.m. • Free • Exhibit open Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Sunday noon to 6 p.m. • 624-2563 • www.indyarts.org/artsgarden


Sweet Treat from Fishers Parks and Rec • Calling all children with a sweet tooth, this program’s for you! Children ages 3 through 7 can compete in ice cream cone relay races, sing songs, hear stories, create a craft and can visit the ice cream sundae bar. During this drop-off program your child can also make their own ice cream to try. • Today from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. • R $12/ NR $18 • Billercay Park • 12690 Promise Rd., Fishers • 595-3150


Skype with Award-Winning Author • Visit Noblesville Library to Skype with author Wanda Brunstetter, an award-winning romance novelist who has led millions of readers to lose their heart in the Amish life. • Today from 7 to 8:30 p.m. • Free • 1 Library Plaza, Noblesville • 773-1384

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April 14, 2015


Current in Westfield




Just Announced...

Your weekly serving of Just the Ticket

The Scoop: In the mood for some truly quality fast food? Head over to Jaggers for a chicken sandwich, burger, or salad. All ingredients are prepared daily, ensuring a fresh taste in every bite.

Type of Food: Chicken, Burgers, and Salads Food Recommendation: Try the California Grilled Chicken sandwich Price Range: $4 to $7 Reservations: No Hours: 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday. Address: 14570 Mundy Dr., Noblesville Phone: 773-8471







Vegan Black Bean Soup Ingredients: 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 large onion, chopped, 1 stalk celery, chopped, 2 carrots, chopped, 4 cloves garlic, chopped, 2 tablespoons chili powder, 1 tablespoon ground cumin, 1 pinch black pepper, 4 cups vegetable broth, 4 (15 ounce) cans black beans, 1 (15 ounce) can whole kernel corn, 1 (14.5 ounce) can crushed tomatoes Directions: Heat oil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Sauté onion, celery, carrots and garlic for 5 minutes. Season with chili powder, cumin, and black pepper; cook for 1 minute. Stir in vegetable broth, 2 cans of beans, and corn. Bring to a boil. Meanwhile, in a food processor or blender, process remaining 2 cans beans and tomatoes until smooth. Stir into boiling soup mixture, reduce heat to medium, and simmer for 15 minutes. Allrecipes.com


4 sure

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Ingredients: • 1 1/2 ounce blended whiskey • 3/4 ounce port • juice of 1/4 lemon • 1 teaspoon powdered sugar • 1 egg white • 1 slice pineapple Directions: Shake all ingredients (except pineapple) with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Add the pineapple slice and serve. Drinksmixer.com



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April 14, 2015


Three D’s Pub & Café – 13644 N. Meridian St., Carmel – threedspubandcafe.com April 17 – Toy Factory April 18 – The Hecatombs Moon Dog Tavern – 4825 E. 96th St., Indianapolis

– moondogtavern.com April 17 – Zanna Doo April 18 – 3lb. Universe The Center for the Performing Arts – 1 Center Green, Carmel – thecenterfortheperformingarts.org April 16 – World Voice Day Celebration April 17 – Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra presents Mendelssohns Reformation April 18 – Chick Corea and Herbie Hancock Hoosier Park Racing & Casino – 4500 Dan Patch Circle, Anderson – hoosierpark.com April 17 – Kyxx April 18 – David Fanning 8 Seconds Saloon – 111 N. Lynhurst Dr., Indianapolis – 8secondssaloon.com April 17 – Josh Thompson Vogue Nightclub – 6259 N. College Ave., Indianapolis – thevogue.com April 15 – Lupe Fiasco April 16 – Granger Smith and Earl Dibbles Jr. April 18 – Decibel Noblesville Moose Lodge #540 – 950 Field Dr., Noblesville – indianamoose.com April 18 – Terry Lee & the Rockaboogie Band The Hi-Fi – 1043 Virginia Ave., Indianapolis – hifiindy. com April 14 – Hey Rosetta!, Kevin Garrett and Little Maker April 16 – William Elliott Whitmore and Esme Patterson April 17 – Stampede String Band, Vintage Blue and Knollwood Boys April 19 – SALES Rathsekeller – 401 E. Michigan St., Indianapolis – rathskeller.com April 16 – Howie Day Banker’s Life Fieldhouse – 125 S. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis – bankerslifefieldhouse.com April 17 – Neil Diamond Old National Centre – 502 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis – oldnationalcentre.com April 14 – Yellowcard, Finch and ONE OK ROCK April 15 – Between The Buried And Me and The Atlas Moth April 17 – The Main Squeeze Center for the Performing Arts – 355 City Center Dr., Carmel – thecenterfortheperformingarts.org April 17 – Mendelssohn’s Reformation April 18 – Chick Corea and Herbie Hancock *Performers are scheduled, but may change

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Current in Westfield



IBO presents J.S. Bach: Sacred and Secular, Vocal and Instrumental news@currentinwestfield.com This month the Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra will perform a special rendition of “J.S. Bach: Sacred and Secular, Voperformance cal and Instrumental” in three performances, April 20, 22 and 23. Talented soprano Julianne Baird, conductor and flutist Barthold Kuijken, and IBO competition winner August McKay on the violin, will all participate. The program presented by the Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra will show the two sides of the master of all Baroque masters, Johann Sebastian Bach. With great agility, the orchestra and soloist provide an overview of J.S. Bach’s dual personalities, juxtaposing sacred and secular music, as well as vocal and instrumental. The program is presented three times in central Indiana, the first performance occurring in a co-presentation with the University of Indianapolis Music Dept. in the Ruth Lilly Performance Hall of the Christel DeHaan Fine Arts Center, 1400 E. Hanna Ave., at 7:30 p.m. April 20. The second performance takes place in Richardson Chapel on the campus of Franklin College, Franklin at 7:30 p.m. April 22. The series concludes at 7:30 p.m. April 23,


The performances by Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra will focus on the works of J.S. Bach, the master of the Baroque era. (Submitted photo)

at the new performance home of IndyBaroque Music, Inc., the Indiana Landmarks Center, 1201 Central Ave., Indianapolis. General admission is $20, seniors $15, and students $10. The University of Indianapolis performance on April 20 is free to all UIndy faculty, staff and students, while the Franklin College performance on April 22 is free to all, thanks to underwriting by the Franklin Symphonic Council. For more information visit www.indybaroque.org, or calling the IndyBaroque Music, Inc., office at 808-2224.



For Mendelssohn, his Fifth Sympony ("Reformation") served as a grand commemoration of the Protestant Reformation. Listen for the famous Lutheran chorale, "A Mighty Fortress is our God," that concludes the four-movement symphony.


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April 14, 2015


Current in Westfield


Is vinyl back?

ev t D ict Exch ge

Folks at The Foolery talk quality, sales of vinyl records

FRIDAY 4/17 - SUNDAY 4/19 20% OFF ALL PROM DRESSES Drawings & prizes! 100s of dresses to choose from!

By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com

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Now accepting reservations for Mother’s Day! 14159 Clay Terrace Blvd. Carmel, IN 46032 | henryspubandgrill.com | 317.575.9005

Choosing a Preschool That Will Prepare Your Child for Kindergarten When I was a child, getting ready for kindergarten meant getting new school supplies including that all too familiar paste. Fast forward thirty plus years and we find a much different landscape for parents trying to navigate preschool choices. As a mother who sent her first child off to kindergarten last fall, I know what it means to be faced with the daunting task of choosing a preschool that will prepare your child for kindergarten while still letting you cherish the moment. Think picking a preschool is a daunting task like I did? Getting out and speaking to parents and other teachers is a great first step. I personally recommend that you attend the Community Social being held on Tuesday April 21st, from 6-7pm at the Westfield KinderCare. You’ll get a chance to speak to teachers one on one about how pre-school lays the foundation for kindergarten. Learn about early literacy and STEM while your child has a blast working on a fun arts and crafts project. Call the Westfield KinderCare at 317-569-5150 for more information. Hope to see you there! Julie, Proud KinderCare Mom

Vinyl records began their decline in the late 1980s with arrival of the compact disc. By 1991, the 33 1/3 vinyl records had Diversions left the mainstream. Bob Williams, who coowns The Foolery, 25 W. Main St., Carmel with his wife Julie, is one of those who are taking advantage of the comeback of phonograph records. “The sound quality off of vinyl is better than what you have off digital,� Williams said. “A lot of the younger kids have heard nothing but digital so when they hear the music off vinyl for the first time, it’s like an epiphany of how good it is.� Williams, 45, said many younger bands, such as the Black Keys and Jack White, are producing their music on vinyl. “They realize the sound quality is better and they want their fans to hear it in the best possible light, too,� Williams said. “There is an inexpensive record player from Crosley, which costs $75 to $100 and they’re selling them everywhere. More and more people are getting these turntables because they are inexpensive. People that used to have records and got rid of them are coming back into it again and they love it. It’s

The Crosley Cruiser Turntable is a popular inexpensive record player. This one retails for $79 and can be bought at stores such as Target. (Submitted photo)


Bob Williams, owner of The Foolery in Carmel.

the convergence of the older crowd and younger crowd coming together that you don’t see often.â€? Williams said there also are some higher end record players, which run from $500 to $1,000. The Foolery strictly sells vintage vinyl. Williams said customers buy the records not only as collectors’ items but to play them. Williams has large collections of musicians’ albums such as Beatles, Eagles, Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix and Pink Floyd. The record’s condition determines how much Williams can sell the same album. “At first I thought (vinyl’s comeback) is something that is going to come and go but because there is some substance on why people are going to it, it’s not going to go away any time soon,â€? Williams said. “As a collectible, it’s gaining steam as well.â€? Williams said the vinyl records were the last item they added to the mix when he and wife opened the collectibles store in April 2014. â€œWe had no clue how it was going to work and it’s just blown up,â€? Williams said. “Now it’s half our business. It’s a challenge to get the older stuff. That’s the hardest thing for us in the vinyl, keeping it fresh by getting new collections.â€? The store also features comic books, Pokemon cards, Magic the Gathering products and Star War collectibles.


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April 14, 2015


Current in Westfield


Plans for the Harmony development and Harmony Marketplace. (Submitted photos)

Harmony will add retail shops news@currentinwestfield.com

As the first model homes of Westfield’s Harmony development will open soon, Paul Estridge Jr. and Jay Farmer have construction announced a partnership with T.M. Crowley & Associates to develop the retail component of the new community. Located on the northwest corner of 146th Street and Ditch Road, Harmony is a 275-acre residential and commercial development. The 170,000 square feet of commercial space could include a grocery store, pharmacy, a convenience store, restaurants and a coffee shop. “We’re delighted to be playing one part in the effort to bring new single-family homes, new apartments and new retail options to the area with a plan that will respond to neighborhood needs,” said Tom Crowley, T.M. Crowley & Associates founder and chief executive officer. “We’re actively working now to identify potential retail partners who might be interested in this area at 146th and Ditch Road. While no deals have yet been signed, the Harmony Marketplace project has a footprint ideal for several successful retail stores.” Crowley, who has overseen the creation of more than $1 billion in real estate assets, has been involved in high-profile projects in the greater Indianapolis area including Hamilton Town Center and The Crossing at 146th Street and Ind. 37 in Noblesville, the 1,800-acre Anson project in Boone County and the Giant Eagle grocery store project at The Bridges in Carmel.

Rendering of model homes.

“T.M. Crowley & Associates is a firm known for uniting growing businesses with attractive residential centers,” Estridge said. The residential side of the project includes 650 single-family homes ranging in prices from $275,000 to $450,000 and a 250-unit apartment complex. There are five styles of homes ranging in size from 1,800 square feet to 4,000 square feet. Model homes will open later this month. Amenities will include an expansive “Lifestyle Club” with banquet facilities, miles of winding walking and jogging paths, racquet courts, a fitness/workout center, yoga facilities, exercise and leisure pools, playgrounds, a putting green, lakes abundant green space, and a thriving commercial district. “We’re excited to see the arrival of spring, because that means we’re about to open our doors at Harmony,” Estridge said. “Visitors will find a style inspired by the great homes in MeridianKessler, but with open floor plans and modern conveniences.”

DISPATCHES Top loan originator – Residential mortgage lender Ruoff Home Mortgage announced that Joe Harvey was the top loan originator for their Carmel office for the month of March. The top spot in each branch office is based Harvey on the number of closed loans during the month, as compared to their fellow peers.

Top loan originators – Residential mortgage lender Ruoff Home Mortgage announced that senior loan officer Mark Hardin was recognized as the top loan originator for the Indianapolis Keystone branch Hardin Woodall in March. Senior loan officer, Brian Woodall, was the top loan originator in the Indianapolis West branch.



April 14, 2015


Current in Westfield


Women of Vision luncheon features cardiologist

By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com

We’re not breaking baroque – just showing two sides of one of history’s greatest composers.

J.S. Bach Sacred and Secular Sacred and Secular

journey and address the challenges women face today with their personal health care. She is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the Chicago Jessica Deering is convinced the 11th annual area. Johnson attended University of Illinois MedWomen of Vision luncheon speaker will attract ical School and completed her residency attendees for philanthropy two reasons. at Cook County Hospital in Chicago. She is board certified in internal medicine Dr. Sarah and cardiology. Johnson will be the speaker for the “We’ve had national speakers in the luncheon on April 23 at the Renaispast and had a budget for it,” Deering sance Indianapolis North Hotel, 11925 N. said. “But in the past few years we’ve Meridian St., Carmel. Medtronic Cardiac realized there are so many resources and Vascular Group is serving as the Johnson here in the Hamilton County area who speaker sponsor. The event is presented like to share their vision with women so we’ve by Riverview Heath Foundation Community Relautilized those resources. Because Medtronic has tions Committee. sponsored Dr. Johnson to speak, that’s why we “Heart health is such a big issue with women have this opportunity for this national speaker.” in the United States,” said Deering, the philanThe Women of Vision was developed with a thropy officer for the Riverview Health Foundaclear focus. tion. “With her being one of the first women “It’s for women to build each other up and interventional cardiologists, we just thought it learn and grow together,” Deering said. hit so many touch points on the type of woman Registration and shopping begins at 10:30 who typically attends our event. We hope it a.m. with the luncheon at noon. Tickets for the draws people who are concerned about their luncheon are $45 for individuals and $625 for a health as well as people who are just looking to corporate table. To register, visit riverview.org/ be inspired by somebody who has achieved her womenofvision or call 776-7938. dreams and goals.” Johnson will speak on her medical career

dispatches Cardio-oncology clinic opens – Understanding the connection between heart disease and cancer treatments has driven Community Health Network to launch the first Cardio-Oncology Clinic in Indiana. Community’s Cardio-Oncology Clinic, located at Community Hospital North, will provide an individualized cardiac risk evaluation and treatment plan to cancer patients. Advance care planning – In observance of National Health Care Decisions Day, Franciscan St. Francis Health will set up booths with information about advance health care directives. The booths will take place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 16 in multiple locations including, Franciscan St. Francis-Carmel, 12188-B N. Meridian St., main lobby.

MONDAY, APRIL 20 7:30 p.m. University of Indianapolis

Christel DeHaan Fine Arts Center 1400 E. Hanna Ave.

THURSDAY, APRIL 23 7:30 p.m.

Indiana Landmarks Center 1201 Central Ave.

Tickets at

www.indybaroque.org General admission: $20 Seniors: $15 Students: $10

Back pain seminar – Physical Therapist Bill Hartman will host a session for Hamilton County residents who are living with back pain at 7 p.m. April 23 at Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training, 9402 Uptown Dr., Suite 1600, Indianapolis. Hartman will show you how effective breathing, movement and other techniques will eliminate your pain. Cost is $20. Register at http://bit.ly/WhyDoesMyBackStillHurt. GMOs to fight cancer – Scientists are working on a slew of new GMO crops (genetically modified organisms) that, in addition to coming in fun summer colors, will possess exaggerated health-promoting traits, like cancerfighting pink pineapples and heart-healthy purple tomatoes. Due to significant genetic juggling, the pineapple, created by Del Monte Fresh Produce, is rich in the cancer-fighting chemical lycopene. Source: TheWeek.com

Joint replacement seminar – Dr. Jeffrey Ginther, a board certified and fellowship trained orthopedic surgeon, will speak about the latest techniques and procedures for hip and knee replacement, including anterior hip replacement and Exactech Guided Personalized Surgery for knee replacements from 6 to 7 p.m. April 16 at Riverview Health. A light dinner will be served. The program is free, but registration is required and may be done at riverview.org/classes or by calling 776-7999. Chronic heart failure – Hamilton County Mended Hearts Chapter 350 will host a free educational session on managing chronic heart failure at 7 p.m. April 21 in the Krieg DeVault Conference Room at Riverview Health. Dr. John Paris, chief medical officer at Riverview Health, will present important information on chronic heart failure, including what it is, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and the best options for treatment and management of chronic heart failure. Light refreshments will be served. Register at riverview.org/ classes or call 776-7999. Foot health seminar – Riverview Health will host a free foot health seminar from 6 to 7 p.m. April 28 in the Krieg DeVault Conference Room. Dr. Scott Schulman and Dr. Tracey Ikerd will discuss common foot problems, such as warts, ingrown toenails and bunions. They will also talk about the advanced wound care technology available at Riverview Health for foot infections and ulcers. Register at riverview.org/classes or call 776-7999. Fertility herbs – Many couples face fertility issues. In vitro fertilization is one option but is costly and not highly successful. These are some of the top herbs known to boost fertility. • Stinging nettle – high in Vitamin K and folic acid • Red raspberry leaf – tones the lining of the uterus • Red clover – corrects cervical mucus issues. Source: Naturalon.com

April 14, 2015


Current in Westfield


Coming to a newspaper near you Commentary by Jordan Fischer The Associated Press released last month the list of changes and new entries for the 2015 edition of its stylebook. grammar guy As the default style guide newspaper, magazine and TV writers adhere to the in U.S., there’s a high probability you’ll be seeing some of these changes soon. Here are some of the more noteworthy updates: 1. BLT is now acceptable on first reference for a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich. Which AP senior editor has been sticking to his guns on this – and how long does it take him to order lunch? 2. The stylebook finally has an entry for “meme.” YTMND launched in 2001, guys. With this and the BLT thing … you’re not exactly on the bleeding edge of the culture. 3. You’ll be seeing “animal welfare activist” instead of “animal rights activist” from now on. 4. Kathmandu will now be spelled Kathmandu instead of, you know, however else we were spelling it. 5. This one I really like: There is now an entry chiding sportswriters for all the terrible clichés they use. I’m just going to excerpt it in its entirety: “A team losing a game is not a ‘disaster.’ Home runs are homers,

not ‘dingers,’ ‘jacks’ or ‘bombs.’ A player scored 10 straight points, not 10 ‘unanswered’ points. If a football team scores two touchdowns and the opponent doesn’t come back, say it ‘never trailed’ rather than ‘never looked back.’ In short, avoid hackneyed words and phrases, redundancies and exaggerations.” 6. That being said, they’ve added “parking the bus” as an acceptable description of a team packing its defense to protect a lead. 7. On a more serious note, the stylebook now advises against using the phrase “execution-style” to describe killings. 8. “Favorite” is now a verb – as in clicking that star button on Twitter and then never looking at the tweet again. 9. “Craft brewery” is now the preferred term instead of “microbrewery.” 10. Last one: Ulan Bator is out. Ulaanbaatar is in. Should make your upcoming trip to Mongolia a lot smoother. Those are the big ones. Nothing so controversial this year as in 2014, when they decided “more than” and “over” could be used interchangeably - except in Current. Jordan Fischer is a contributing columnist for Current Publishing. To ask Jordan a grammar question, write him at rjfische@gmail.com.





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April 14, 2015


Current in Westfield



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Commentary by Don Knebel

The tomb of Emperor Humayun near Delhi, India, is a spectacular example of 16th century Persian architecture. It inspired what many travel consider to be the most beautiful building in the world. Humayun became the second Mughal Emperor in 1531 A.D. upon the death of his father, Babur, a descendant of both Timur and Genghis Khan who founded the Empire in 1526 after capturing northern India. Pashtun rebels drove Humayun from his throne in 1540 and he obtained sanctuary in Persia. When he regained control of the Mughal Empire in 1555, he brought back to India Persian tastes and a Persian wife named Haji Begum. Six months after his triumphant return, Humayun died after falling down the steps of his library. Haji Begum was devastated by her husband’s sudden death and sought solace by undertaking the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. She returned motivated to erect a magnificent building to serve as Humayun’s mausoleum, personally funding its 1.5 million rupee cost and supervising its five-year construction. Completed in about 1572, the tomb was constructed primarily of red sandstone, accented with white and black marble. Designed by Persian architect Mirak Mirza Ghiyas, the symmetrical two-story octagonal structure incor-

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porated Persian architectural details, including a large double dome and arched alcoves. The innovative design also featured classic Indian kiosks called “chhatris” positioned around the dome. Humayun’s tomb was surrounded by a 30acre square garden called a “charbagh” (four gardens), divided into four identical sections by intersecting water channels symbolizing the Islamic image of the rivers of paradise. When the English gained control of India, they had a different idea of paradise and replaced the charbagh with a proper English garden, complete with roundabouts. The garden was restored to its original design after Humayun’s tomb became a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1993. Humayun, a mediocre emperor, is remembered primarily for being the father of the third Mughal Emperor, Akbar the Great, renowned for his religious tolerance. Humayun’s tomb, built by a grieving wife, is remembered as the architectural and inspirational ancestor of the Taj Mahal, built by a grieving Shah Jahan, Akbar’s grandson, as a tomb for his favorite wife.

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Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel. com. You may contact him at news@currentzionsville.com.

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April 14, 2015


Current in Westfield



Transforming a family home to a sophisticated residence Commentary by Larry Greene EXISTING KITCHEN: Built in 1987, this east side Carmel home suffered from a choppy floor plan and outdated cosmetblueprint for ics. “After becoming improvement empty nesters, we were ready for a change. We considered upgrading to a newer house, but decided to stay in our family home due to comfort, familiarity and our outdoor landscaping that took years to perfect. Our goals were to open up the main level without breaking the budget, create more storage in the kitchen and modernize the design for a grown up look.” OPEN & AIRY: To create a more open look without the incremental costs of tearing down walls and installing support beams, the six main level doorways were widened to nearly double in size. Removing the bulkheads in the kitchen and powder room, adding recessed can lights and installing engineered hardwood throughout the main level also helped make the space feel more open and airy. THE KITCHEN: The original U-shape layout made the space feel cramped and uninviting for guests. Removing the existing closet pantry and desk and replacing it with a wall of storage allowed for a new open cabinet layout with an island. SOPHISTICATED DESIGN: “Over the years, the design of our home centered around our children.

before & after

Now that they have moved on, we wanted to create a more grown up look.” To achieve the desired mature look, Giallo Fiorito granite and a stone backsplash tile was selected for the powder room and kitchen. New decorative light fixtures in a bronze finish were installed in the dining room, kitchen and foyer on dimmable switches. The dark family room built-ins were replaced with maple cabinets with an ivory finish to match the kitchen island.

RESULT: “The remodel completely changed the way we live and entertain in our home. We love that we can comfortably entertain family and friends. The openness of the kitchen and family room now allows people to freely move around.”

Larry Greene is the owner of Case Design/Remodeling Indy, a full-service design/build remodeling firm serving Boone, Hamilton, and Marion Counties. Contact him at 846-2600 or lgreene@caseindy.com. Visit caseindy.com for more info.


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GOT TALENT? CarmelFest Has Talent - the annual statewide competition showcasing undiscovered local talent - is now accepting applications! Contestants will compete for Cash Prizes. Semi-Finalists & Finalists will perform on stage at CarmelFest (July 3rd & 4th). For more details - visit www.CarmelFest.net or email TalentShow@CarmelFest.net

Friends of Chaucie’s Place Breakfast Featuring Paula Sellars, MSW Creator of Stewards of Children A child sexual abuse prevention program for adults.

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28 1

April 14, 2015


Current in Westfield




















25 28




31 38







1 2 5 9 6 2 4 9 5 7 4 7 2 3 5 1 5 3 9 8 1 4 8 5 9 7 1 8





52 57

53 58













46 49


















Across 1. Offshore (2 wds.) 6. Sheep bleat 9. Furious 14. WTHR helicopter sounds 15. City Barbeque offering 16. Indiana blue-ribbon expos 17. Fishers HS track event 18. Sphere seen from the Holcomb Observatory 19. Has the Seafood Stew at Hamilton Restaurant 20. “Is it soup ___?” 21. Smaller amount 24. IU School of Optometry affliction




25. Tom Wood Ford Explorer, e.g. 26. Abominable Snowman 28. Package that’s en route 33. Enthusiastic about the Boilermakers 37. Indiana Toll Road service area 38. Have supper at home (2 wds.) 40. VCR button (Abbr.) 41. Tom O’Brien Italian model 42. Uses a swizzle stick at Stacked Pickle 43. “Hold your horses!” 44. Fifth Third Bank offering, for short 45. The Palladium seating request

46. San Diego baseballer 47. Trip to the top 49. Most tranquil 51. “Just the facts, ___” 53. Indianapolis Zoo beast 54. Dance Class Studio lesson 57. Kind of apple or potato at Meijer 60. Govt. org. in the news this week that can be found nine more times in this puzzle 63. Eagle Creek Park nest 65. Summit Lawn Cemetery letters 66. 1950s presidential candidate Stevenson

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CALL NOW: 317.957.3850 ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions Services, which help you manage your home environment and family lifestyle, require the purchase and/or activation of an ADT alarm system with monitored burglary service and a compatible computer, cell phone or PDA with Internet and email access. These ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions Services do not cover the operation or maintenance of any household equipment/systems that are connected to the ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions Services/Equipment. All ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions Services are not available with the various levels of ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions Services. All ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions Services may not be available in all geographic areas. You may be required to pay additional charges to purchase equipment required to utilize the ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions Services features you desire.**Thermostat controls not available in all states. ^$99 Customer Installation Charge. 36-Month Monitoring Agreement required at $36.99 per month ($1,331.64), 24-Month Monitoring Agreement required at $36.99 ($887.76) for California, including Quality Service Plan (QSP). Form of payment must be by credit card or † Total package includes 6 door/window sensors. No substitutions allowed. Labor charges may apply. Licenses: AL-15-1104, AK-35221, AZ-ROC217517, AR-2008-0014, CA-ACO6320, CT-ELC.0193944-L5, DE-07-212, FL-EC13003427, DC-602513000006, GA-LVA205395, HI-CT30946, ID-ELE-SC-39312, IL-127.001042, IN-City of Indianapolis: LAC-000156, IA-AC-0036, KY-City of Louisville: 483, LA-F1082, LA-F1914, LA-F1915, ME-LM50017382, MD-107-1626, MA-1355C, MI-3601205773, MN-TS01807, MS-15007958, MO-City of St. Louis: CC354, St. Louis County: 74889, MT-247, NE-14451, NV68518, City of Las Vegas: 3000002944, NJ-34BF00021800, NM-353366, NY-Licensed by the N.Y.S. Dept. of State UID#12000286189, #12000286451, NC-1622-CSA, OH-53891446, City of Cincinnati: AC86, OK-1048, OR-170997, Pennsylvania Home Improvement Contractor Registration Number: PA22999, RI-3582, SC-BAC5630, SD-1025-7001-ET, TN-C1520, TX-B13734, ACR-3492, UT-6422596-6501, VT-ES-2382, VA-115120, WA-602588694/PROTEYH934RS, WV-042433, WI-City of Milwaukee: PAS-0002696, WY-LV-G-21499. 3750 Priority Way South Dr. Suite 200 Indianapolis, IN 46240 ©2014 Defender Security W

68. Twosomes 69. IUPUI campus map blurb: “You ___ here” 70. Hoosier National Forest dens 71. Angela Buchman winter forecast, maybe 72. Hallucinogenic drug 73. Joints with caps in a Ball State anatomy class Down 1. Out of whack 2. Carmel Christian Church prayer pronoun 3. White River sediment 4. Noblesville HS pitcher’s stat 5. Where mad villains get locked away 6. Ringling or Warner sibs 7. Broadcasts on WRTV 8. The Beatles’ “___ Road” 9. Circle City org. that goes to blazes 10. Kroger cereal fruit 11. The Grammar Guy’s taboo word 12. Hinkle Fieldhouse 3-point basket 13. UIndy Latin 101 verb 22. “The Three Faces of ___” 23. Notre Dame grad Philbin 25. Rotisserie rod at Big Hoffa’s 27. Chateau Thomas Winery cask 28. Bulgaria’s capital 29. IMPD forensic evidence, often 30. CCPL author Asimov 31. Pacers foe 32. Colts pregame coin-flip call 34. Letter from a Westfield HS

Find the items in the puzzle going up, down, sideways or diagonally and list them. Each letter is used no more than once.







6 Rhymes of Eye








4 Indiana U.S. Reps

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

3 M Countries

__________________ __________________ __________________

5 Indiana Spring Flowers

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

2 Princesses

__________________ __________________

1 Indy Spring Race


teacher? 35. Will-reading attendees 36. Indianapolis Square Dance Club group, e.g. 39. Adrian Orchards unit 42. Ravi Shankar’s instrument 43. Wind down 45. Start of an Anderson University cheer: “Gimme ___!” (2 wds.) 46. Jaguars halftime speech (2 wds.) 48. Darth Vader’s dominion 50. Redbox rental: “Norma ___” 52. Carmel wall art

54. Gullible sorts 55. Shade of blue 56. Second closest Great Lake to Indy 58. “Dear” ones 59. Went fast on I-69 60. Indianapolis tennis tournament champ Nastase 61. Pinkish at St. Elmo 62. “___, boom, bah!” (Var.) 64. Zionsville winter hrs. 67. Former Indiana senator Quayle Answers on Page 31


April 14, 2015


Current in Westfield


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Now Hiring

April 14, 2015

Current in Westfield



Now Hiring

Now Hiring

Now Hiring

Now Hiring

Now Hiring

Now Hiring

Aquatic Management of Indianapolis

We are seeking applicants experienced in pet care. Daytime, evening, weekend. Must be over 21. Apply at www. FetchPetCare.com

Residential House Cleaners Needed


The Hearth at Windermere NOW HIRING CNAs for day and evening shifts; weekends required; full and/or part time available; Please apply in person at 9745 Olympia Drive; Fishers, IN 317-576-1925

The Hearth at Windermere NOW HIRING Housekeepers day shift w/ weekends required; Please apply in person at 9745 Olympia Drive; Fishers, IN 317-576-1925

is now hiring summer swim team coaches. Apply online at indianapolis-pmg.com/ employment or call 317-804-9124.

JOB OPPORTUNITIES AT JANUS DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES, INC 1555 WESTFIELD ROAD NOBLESVILLE, IN 46062 FULL TIME DRIVER Janus Developmental Services is seeking substitute Bus Drivers to be responsible for the safe and courteous provision of transportation services to individuals of the Hamilton County Express Transportation System. High School Diploma or equivalent required along with a valid Public Passenger Chauffeur’s License. PART TIME BUS MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Janus Developmental Service is seeking a part time Bus Maintenance Technician. Successful Candidate will perform general upkeep of all agency's vehicles and buses to be in compliance with INDOT standards. High school diploma or equivalent, general truck maintenance knowledge, First Aid and CPR certification, Valid Indiana Public Passenger/Chauffeur License. To apply, visit Janus’s website at http://www.janus-inc.org/who-we-are/careers and download our application, or fax your resume to 317-773-8798

Residential cleaning company in Fishers is seeking Full time and Part time housecleaners. Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm. Needs reliable transportation, current auto insurance and a great attitude. Please call the Housekeeping Maid Easy office for more information or to apply 317-579-1988 or email lindsey@housekeepingmaideasy.com.

Call 317-842-2887 or email aywcleaning@yahoo.com


Nights – Full time/Part time Monday – Saturday - apply in person Dooley O’Tooles 160 E Carmel Drive 843-9900


Simpson Construction Services, LLC, a family owned general contractor, would like to hire skilled construction carpenters. Our company is growing, and we are looking for craftsmen that take pride in their work and want a future with our company. Contact Gary Simpson at 317.703.9575.

Commercial cleaning company seeking individuals to join our team. Seeking cleaners, floor techs, and supervisors. Health insurance and benefits available. Must pass background checks. Call the office for more info and to apply 317-849-0466.

Seasonal Laborers for Spring, Summer and Fall. Work outside, learn new skills, make money, and be part of the team that maintains Fishers’ streets, parks, athletic fields and facilities. Approx. 35-45 hrs/wk. Min age: 16 years old. Some evenings and weekends. For more info and to apply visit: www. fishers.in.us

Company expanding in Indiana

Talented Sales Professionals needed full or part-time. Work around any schedule and even from home. 435-615-1958


Management company in Westfield, IN seeking a full-time controller to oversee corporate accounting functions. Experience in financial reporting required and state/local tax compliance knowledge preferred. Excellent compensation and benefits offered. Please send resumes to spicareersnow@gmail.com


Applicant must be experienced and have excellent cut-in skills. Looking for painter with passion for quality work and attention to detail. Must be well organized and maintain clean work area. Must have reliable transportation. Pay based on skill and experience. 35-40 hours of work per week, Mon-Fri, no work on weekends. Servicing Hamilton County. Call Jonathan 656-7045

puzzle answers A W R Y
























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April 14, 2015

Current in Westfield


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