Tuesday, April 18, 2017
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Ninja academy teaches discipline, respect / P11 Pulte updates Wood Wind filing / P3
Tenth tree giveaway held at Asa Bales / P5
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April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
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April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
Contact the Editor
Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@ youarecurrent.com. You may also submit information on our website, currentinwestfield.com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication. To contact Editorial Director Sophie Pappas, call 317.489.4444 ext. 7.
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On the cover
Danny Wohlschlaeger creates curriculum for NinjaZone gyms across the world. (Photo by Sadie Hunter) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. X, No. 13 Copyright 2016. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
Pulte Homes has been working with Wood Wind Golf Course to save the only remaining public golf course in Westfield through the development of a neighborhood centered around the course. (Submitted photo)
Pulte refiles updates with city
By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com
month was approximately $219,000. “This development and the price points being where they are, it shows the development Pulte Homes of Indiana initially proposed will more than support itself,” Compton said. “I a development to save the Wood Wind Golf think this is the only plan that has been Course and build development more than 1,000 presented that is supported by the owner of the golf course and the curhomes, multiple rent operator of Wood Wind to save the apartments, an amenity center and a golf course.” commercial area across more than 700 Façade improvements also were acres last August. Since then, plans made, requiring 90 percent of the have changed. homes in the development to have Vice President of Land Acquisition Compton an 18-inch brick or stone wainscoting David Compton will be presenting again around all sides. Compton said special attento the plan commission. On April 7, Pulte refiled an updated petition. Previously, the apartments tion to detail will be made for those homes that back up against perimeters, trails, the golf and commercial area were nixed. course or any open space. With the new filing, Compton said there will “We do not believe that this approval or the be no more than 856 homes, including the custom-home lots not developed by Pulte. There recent approvals by Westfield represent irresponsible growth,” Compton said. “We appreciwill be 1.21 units per acre across the entire site, ate the public input and believe the updated which Compton said is the lowest for developpetition will save the Wood Wind Golf Course, ments in the area. support the school system and set higher arIn addition to fewer homes, architectural chitectural standards for other communities standards were increased and the Wood Wind that follow.” Planned Unit Development also incorporates 13 A small planning group led by concerned buffering agreements with existing neighbors. citizens was established last August. Compton Compton said Pulte used the services of O.W. said Pulte representatives were not invited to Krohn and Associates to conduct an economicthose meetings until October, two months after impact study of the area. The Wood Wind of the group formed. Westfield homes, if approved, would generate In the cities of Carmel and Indianapolis, approximately $600,000 of assessed value per Compton said the process is different and student in the Westfield Washington School driven by either plan commission subcommitDistrict. An assessed value of approximately tees or city staff. $375,000 is needed to support each student in As of press time, the new filing for the Wood the school district. Wind of Westfield development was scheduled Price points for Pulte’s Wood Wind homes to go before the plan commission April 17. This increased to more than $500,000 with the new story will be updated. filing. They were initially priced in the midFor the full version of this story, visit cur$400,000s. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, rentinwestfield.com the median home value of Westfield homes this
Clarification — In the April 11 edition of Current in Westfield, in the story “Residents express concern over development, Wood Wind proposal,” there was an error regarding Mark Heirbrandt’s title. Heirbrandt is a county commissioner. Also, the tag of the story was supposed to read “Development.” Seeking historical photos — Current in Westfield is looking to gather historical photos from the city and community for a regular feature within the publication, “Back in the Day.” Credit for each submission will be given to images sent with a short description and approximate date. For more, or to submit photos, please contact Editor Anna Skinner at anna@youarecurrent.com. Coffee with the editor — Meet Current in Westfield editor Anna Skinner from 10 to 11:30 a.m. April 24 at Titus Bakery at 17471 Wheeler Rd., Suite 110, in Westfield. Ask her questions, suggest story ideas or come to enjoy a cup of coffee and learn about a career in the newspaper business. Annual photo contest — The Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District is once again sponsoring its annual photo contest for youth and adults who reside in Hamilton County. Digital files must be submitted by June 28. Photo entries will be displayed at the 4-H Fair July 20-24. Winners in each category will receive $50. For more, visit hamiltonswcd. org/photo-contest.html. Mother’s Day essay callout — What makes your mom special? What do you love most about your mom? Current wants to know! Send a 300word essay explaining what makes your mom amazing to Sophie@ youarecurrent.com by April 18. Photos are welcome and encouraged. Select essays and photos will be chosen to run in print and online.
April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
obituary Charles Francis Lenhart died March 27. He was born Dec. 17, 1953. He was deaf and had many disabilities. He loved his family, Janus Developmental Services and his staff at New Hope of Indiana. He enjoyed watching sports and got excited during home runs and touchdowns. After his parents died, Charles lived with his Lenhart sister, Sharon, until he went into supported living. Charles was able to live somewhat more independently with a couple of roommates and 24-hour support provided by the dedicated staff of New Hope of Indiana. His staff focused on giving him the best quality of life possible. His love for Janus got him up every day at the crack of dawn. He was an inspiration to many people and he made this world a better place. Charles is survived by his sister Sharon Mengel (Bill); nephew, Michael Wheeler (Benita); nieces, Chris Irwin (Todd) and Michelle Smith (Steve); a great niece, Sara Wheeler; and great nephews, Pete and Will Irwin. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his sister Patsy Meyer. The family would like to thank the staffs at Janus Developmental Services and New Hope of Indiana for their love, devotion and excellent care of Charlie. A gathering of friends and family will be held April 28 at Leppert Mortuary on Range line Road in Carmel from 4 to 7 p.m. with a Celebration of Life at 7 p.m. Burial will take place at Oaklawn Cemetery at 10 a.m. April 29. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorial contributions be made to Janus Developmental Services, 1555 Westfield Rd., Noblesville, Ind. 46062 or New Hope of Indiana, 8450 N. Payne Rd., Suite 300 Indianapolis, Ind. 46268.
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dispatch Rock the Arts to be held at WHS – Rock the Arts, a program hosted by Westfield Fine Arts, will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. April 23 at the Westfield High School auditorium. The high school, middle school, intermediate school and three elementary schools will be participating in hosting a visual art display, a series of performances by the music and theater departments, and student and professional demonstrations of the art and music processes. The event is free and open to the public.
April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
Park hosts 10th tree giveaway By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com For the 10th straight year, hundreds of free tree saplings will be available for Westfield residents to arbor day take home on Arbor Day. This year, State Rep. Donna Schaibley donated an extra 100 saplings to the parks department, so 600 trees will be available. The tree giveaway will begin at 9 a.m. April 22 at Asa Bales Park in Shelter 1. Attendees are encouraged to park at the high school. Trees are first come, first serve, and for the first 30 minutes will be limited to three saplings per family. Parks Director Melody Jones said the city does its best to plant trees throughout the area, but the ability to have residents pick up trees to plant on private property is a bonus. “Trees are important for the community,” Communications Director Erin Murphy said. “Anytime the city does a project or has a development that comes in, it’s important that the trees that need to be torn down are always replanted. It’s a very important initiative for administration and council, and this is a very specific way for the com-
Jim and Becky Shaw pick up saplings from a previous Westfield tree giveaway. (File photo by Anna Skinner)
munity to (become involved in) that.” This is the sixth year Westfield has received the Growth Award from the Arbor Day Foundation. The award is given to cities which have increased planting efforts throught the years. Last year, Westfield completed mitigation with regional detention and planted thousands of trees at Raymond Worth Park. Planting instructions are provided with each tree, and detailed descriptions of the five varieties are available at enjoywestfieldevents.com.
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April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
WYSI holds breakfast, cuts ribbon to baseball diamonds
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Last month, Westfield Youth Sports, Inc. held a pancake breakfast and cut the ribbon to the new baseball diamonds at Shamrock Springs Elementary School. (Above) From left, Aaron Sherrick, Kevin Hartman, Blake Collinsworth, Mayor Andy Cook, City Council President Jim Ake, Scott Heinemeyer and John Thibault cut the ribbon to the new baseball diamonds at Shamrock Springs Elementary School. (Photo by Anna Skinner) (Left) Back, from left, Mayor Andy Cook, Mike Lieske, Nathan Rush and Liam Rush. Front, from left, Jack Blevins, Connor Schlesselman, Michael Litchfield and Philip Jacobs. (Submitted photo)
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April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
Sixth annual Westfield Egg Drop held April 8
REMODELING ESSENTIALS Easter eggs are spread out and dropped from a helicopter across a Grand Park field for different age groups to collect.
JOIN US AT OUR REMODELING SHOWROOM Ainsley Parker brings an Easter egg basket to collect candy and prizes to the sixth annual Westfield Egg Drop held April 8. (Photos by Anna Skinner)
Nathan Balsbaugh collects a prize after playing a game.
Jacob Ferreira plays mini-golf.
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April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
HAND offers training sessions By Chris Bavender news@currentinwestfield.com
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6:30 p.m April 25 at Orchard Park Presbyterian Church, 1605 E. 106th St. The other topics are Neighborhood Association and Homeowners Association Basics, set for Hamilton County Area Neighborhood Development will host three training sessions July, and Local Advocacy Basics, set for October. for community “Each session has its own lesnonprofit volunteers. The sons. Board Basics will cover the goal is to help essential roles and responsibilinonprofit boards operate more efties of members of a not-for-profit fectively, help neighborhood groups board. What are the legal requireunderstand their roles and responments? What are the practical sibilities so they can make a differexpectations? What different kinds ence and help those with strong Davis of boards exist and how do they beliefs advocate their positions at interact with staff?” Davis said. the local level. Cost is $20 per session or $50 for all “HAND’s mission is to invest in neighthree and is open to the public. The first borhoods, provide housing solutions and session is limited to 30 participants bedevelop partnerships to improve lives and cause of space. build community in “Hamilton County is Hamilton County,” said fortunate to have acAndrea Muirragui Davis, tive, engaged citizens outreach and fundraishelping to lead huning coordinator for dreds of community orHAND. “Giving volunteer ganizations,” Davis said. leaders a clear idea “The more these volunteer leaders know, of their roles and responsibilities will emthe more effective the organizations will power them to make more of an impact on be. HAND wants to help equip them with the their community.” knowledge they need to make a difference.” The first session, Board Basics, is set for
“HAND wants to help equip them with the knowledge they need to make a difference.”
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April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
Enjoy wine, support pets By Adam Aasen • adam@youarecurrent.com
the wines with fun custom labels featuring longtime shelter cats and dogs. HSHC Executive Director Rebecca Stevens At this year’s Wine, Wags & Whiskers — a said the event is always a lot of fun. fundraiser for the Humane Society of Ham“It’s a great way to bond with ilton County friends over cats, dogs and wine,” fundraiser — attendees she said. “You can buy your favornot only get a ite wines and enjoy passed hors chance to visit with friends as they d’oeuvres and an appetizer buffet. enjoy wine tastings, but shelter You can mingle with shelter anidogs and cats will parade through mals available for adoption at the the crowd to mingle with guests. event. You can be silly and take The event, which has been held Stevens photos in our photo booth. There’s since 2009, will be from 6 to 9:30 a lot going on.” p.m. April 21 at the Renaissance Hotel in Stevens said the fundraising for the Carmel. event is not only for daily operations but It’s a little more relaxed than the annual also to support the Survivor Program, Tinsel & Tails holiday event. Guests walk which raises the funds required to provide around and mingle instead of sitting down. life-saving medical treatment or emergency Attire is business casual. There will be a care to animals in need. shorter presentation, and a video will be There will be a “live ask” to try to get as shown. Tickets will be available at the door many donations as possible. for $65. Limited VIP tickets are $85, which “I have a Boston terrier right now that includes a seat at a VIP table, a complimentary glass of premium wine, additional cash was hit by a car and he had severe ER bills,” Stevens said. “Like we do with all animals, bar access, a keepsake wine glass and exwe will do all that it takes to save his life pedited silent auction checkout. VIP tables and give him a good life.” also are available for 10 people for $900. For more, visit hamiltonhumane.com. There will be specialty wines presented by Crown Liquors, and HSHC has re-labeled
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April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
Reaching Resources aids seniors
By Ann Marie Shambaugh AnnMarie@youarecurrent.com
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“This isn’t just a thing where we’re going to go in and fix everything. This is the community working together with all of the resources. We’re just going to be that oneLegacy Fund has spent the last four stop-shop for the senior to connect to the years expanding the Youth Assistance Proresources.” gram, which The program will be run by philanthropy aims to preShepherd’s Center, a nonprofit that vent at-risk works to support independent livteens from making frequent aping for seniors. Legacy Fund, a Cenpearances in the Hamilton County tral Indiana Community Foundation legal system. With that initiative affiliate serving Hamilton County, showing positive results throughis providing up to $50,000 annually out the county, Legacy Fund is Lowe for four years to launch the proturning its resources to another gram. The goal is for Reaching Resources to group in need: low-income seniors. become self-sufficient in that time. Officials from Legacy Fund and ShepAlthough Hamilton County has the highherd’s Center of Hamilton County gathered est per capita income in the state, 30 perlast month to announce Reaching Resourccent of its seniors live on less than $15,000 es, a new initiative designed to identify seniors in need and connect them to the many per year, according to Shepherd’s Center. “We think many of these problems are local nonprofits and programs available that related to isolation,” Legacy Fund President provide assistance. The program will launch Terry Anker said. “These are folks that in Sheridan, where 68 percent of seniors can be completely isolated and none of us qualify for help, and expand throughout the know. We live in a time where people live county in the next five years. scattered from their families.” “We’re going to start (in Sheridan) with For more information, visit shepherdour coordinator and work with the whole scenterofhamiltoncounty.org or call community,” said Julia Lowe, vice president of the Shepherd’s Center board of directors. 317-674-8777.
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April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
Danny Wohlschlaeger teaches NinjaZone students at the FUNdamentals gym in Westfield.
Danny Wohlschlaeger exhibits what it’s like to be a ninja at the new NinjaZone Academy at the Grand Park Events Center. NinjaZone Academy opened last month and is designed for kids ages 3-13. (Photos by Sadie Hunter)
N i n j a a c a d e m y t e a c h e s d i s c i p l i n e , r e sp e c t By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com Danny Wohlschlaeger knows what it’s like to be a 5-year-old boy wreaking havoc on his family and home. He also knows the best way to teach life’s principles to a young boy is by putting all that energy cover story into something useful. Wohlschlaeger, 23, is the face of NinjaZone, a new “sport” recently created by Carmel’s Casey Wright. Wohlschlaeger creates the curriculum used by approximately 250 NinjaZone gyms worldwide. The newest addition to the program, NinjaZone Academy, opened last month at the Grand Park Events Center at Wright 19000 Grand Park Blvd. Wohlschlaeger originally learned about the ninja sport through gymnastics, which he began coaching his senior year of high school. Originally a wrestler, it didn’t take him long to learn the ropes. “I was coaching a lot of gymnastics (at FUNdamentals gym in Westfield), and Casey had the NinjaZone program already started,” he said. “She opened this gym (FUNdamentals) to just be another gym for NinjaZone to expand in. She just loved my energy and the way
I engaged kids, and she asked me to be the curriculum director for NinjaZone. So, I went through and rewrote curriculum for the ninja program.” With the young ninjas, ages 3-13, Wohlschlaeger doesn’t teach handsprings and round-offs. Especially with the young boys, he helps direct their focus to something tangible which also burns energy, such as making their way through obstacle courses. “Ninja was really breaking into an untapped market,” he said. “What do you do with a 5-year-old kid that’s a boy? They just run around, and they just climb on stuff and they never stop talking and they’re just crazy. All of them are. It’s very rare I meet a 5-year-old ninja that isn’t like just nuts, but in a totally good way, because I really believe that energy is going to be used for something so cool when he’s older. I was probably a terrible 5-year-old child, but now that energy is being used for something so much bigger than my parents ever thought about. It’s cool that NinjaZone gives these kids an outlet to be crazy and run around but also learn about respect.” Through different ninja age groups, Wohlschlaeger teaches participants about different responsibilities. “It’s so cool what these kids are learning. It’s so awesome being able to talk to these kids about respect and work
ethic and responsibility,” Wohlschlaeger said. “When I’m talking to a 4-year-old kid about responsibility, it is things a 4-year-old needs to do, like you have to flush the toilet when you’re done using it and making sure you put your shoes on. When I’ve got a class of 10- or 11-year-old kids, I’m talking to them about self-responsibility. It’s like I’m talking to them about like real things happening in school.” While teaching lifestyle principles, NinjaZone coaches also are creating athletes. “If you’re not giving it 100 percent and you’re not getting something out of it, you’re wasting time,” Wohlschlaeger said. “I think it’s good being able to speak life into these kids. You have to learn how to listen to somebody other than your parents. We are creating early positive experiences.” “Danny is the adult version of so many ninjas in our program. He is full of energy, love and confidence. He connects with kids, peers and leaders in a way that few people can. He exhibits what coaching should be,” Wright stated in an email to Current. For more, visit theninjazone.com.
National Ninja Games hit Indy The National Ninja Games, created by the NinjaZone, will be held Aug. 15 in Indianapolis. The competition, similar to America Ninja Warrior but for kids, will feature obstacle courses with martial arts, gymnastics and more. “Kids are tested on all the things they learn throughout the year at ninja class, and they get to put that into two obstacle courses,” Curriculum Director Danny Wohlschlaeger said. “They are timed on obstacle courses, judged on execution and based on fluidity and amplitude and how flashy it is. It’s really just awesome because girls have dance recitals and all these things growing up to get involved in, and boys typically just aren’t doing that. They aren’t doing dance recitals in preschool class, but ninja games are like they’re putting on a show with this huge introduction.”
April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
o b s e r v ation Shifting loyalties
Pining for a shower, Arnie and the ‘80s
Commentary by Terry Anker
I’m a mess, people. I smell, I haven’t brushed my teeth in over 30 hours and I’m choking back tears as I humor watch an homage to the late Arnold Palmer. Wow. Even I am impressed with this level of falling apart. What gives? Well, as you may remember from last week, I headed down to Florida with five-sixths of my family for spring break vacation. I’ve just returned, having driven through the night for 16 hours straight. Doo helped some, taking the 1-to-5 a.m.“orphan maker” shift, and then again from 7 to 9 when my eyes quite literally began to cross. I suppose when a middle-ager like myself only gets about four hours of upright dozing, she’s bound to be a little off. But I think my emotional reaction to the Masters Tournament is more than the result of post-road trip exhaustion. I grew up watching golf. I have vivid memories of Papaw sipping his highball and cheering on Jack Nicklaus and Tom Watson. My parents have a painting of their favorite players hanging in their kitchen. Doo and I have always followed Phil Mickelson and fondly recall his first green jacket win just a month after our fourth child was born. When I hear the CBS intro music, I get chills. And I may have a commentator crush on Jim Nantz. As I read back through this, I realize how lame I sound. I can’t pull all-nighters and I actually choose to watch golf, even when awesome movies like “Big Trouble in Little China” are on. I suppose the combination of sleep deprivation, a blatant disrespect for personal hygiene and the gorgeous pink azaleas of Augusta National have left me susceptible to a longing for my youth. Oh, how I long for the ‘80s! But here in 2017, I should probably just pull myself together and shower. Peace out.
Kudos to the North Carolina Tar Heels for the solid play during the NCAA men’s basketball championship game. While we can happily celebrate the victory, is it OK to pine a bit that our own Indiana teams didn’t fare as well? My beloved IU failed even to make it to the starting line. Then Purdue, Butler and all the Big Ten teams collapsed in due course. So, we picked a new favorite and cheered for their victory – even if somewhat less passionately! Did we betray our loyalty to our former teams by picking a new hero – or did they fail us by leaving us without one? Our desire to back a winner is a strong one. We find ourselves caught up in the cheering section, advocating for folks that, just a few short weeks earlier, would have seemed inconceivable. Now, we ride the emotional wave with each shot and exchanging lead on the scoreboard. In giving our allegiance so easily, have we debased our commitment to the home team? Or, are we simply making due with the choices available – and vigorously digging in? Whether it’s sports, politics or menu choices, sometimes we must acquaint ourselves with a backup plan. Can the fish be just as good as the pasta? Pasta is our favorite. Should we go hungry if none is offered? Or, should we identify an alternative and find a way to enjoy it, a bit fishy though it may be? The Tar Heels brought some terrific entertainment. And, we enjoyed it. Still, my heart remembers the storied victories of my own alma mater’s past. As a spectator sport, basketball is better when we choose a team to support – even if we hold out, at least a bit of our love, for the home team.
Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@youarecurrent.com.
BEL I EVE I T ! Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Virginia, citizens must honk their horn while passing other cars. Source: dumblaws.com
Commentary by Danielle Wilson
Campaign encourages teens to call or text for help Commentary submitted by CEO Indiana Youth Services Association David Westenberger, Indiana Senator James Merritt, Indiana State Treasurer Kelly Mitchell “If someone had called for help right away, maybe my son would have survived his first high school party.” It’s a statement few parents think they’ll ever make, but one that far too many Hoosier parents have already made. In an effort to create awareness, particularly during prom and graduation season, Indiana Youth Services Association’s Make Good Decisions program and State Sen. Jim Merritt, author of Indiana’s Lifeline Law, have partnered with Indiana’s Text-to-911 services and Indiana State Treasurer Kelly Mitchell, chair of the Statewide 911 Board, to increase public awareness about the ability to call or Text-to-911 in an emergency. Indiana’s Lifeline Law provides legal amnesty from prosecution for underage drinking, and many related drinking offenses, for a person who calls or texts (or for persons assisting) and reports a medical emergency, sexual assault or other crime. The
purpose of the partnership is to encourage young people to contact 911 for help when they find themselves or a friend in an emergency. HOW IT WORKS Those who contact 911 via Text-to-911 or by calling must demonstrate that they are acting in good faith by completing ALL of the following three steps: • Call and provide their full name and other relevant information requested by law enforcement officers and emergency medical responders. • Stay at the scene with the ‘victim’ until law enforcement and emergency medical assistance arrives. • Cooperate with authorities on the scene. Indiana is leading the nation with innovative technology to better serve Hoosiers and make it easier and safer for the public to contact 911 in an emergency. Indiana is one of only four states that offers a statewide deployment of Text-to-911 services. If you’re a parent to teens, please encourage them to call or text 911, and stay and cooperate if they find themselves in an emergency.
Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.
Want to respond to the publishers or send a letter to the editor? Email Letters@youarecurrent.com.
April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
READERS ’ V I E W S Schools hungry for referendums Editor, How many referendums will be enough to satisfy the hunger of the Westfield Washington School administration? The answer to that question may never be known, as the bloated Westfield schools continue to get even more bloated. This money that is planned on being stolen is earned money from property owners; the same folks who must manage their own balance sheets after that money is stolen from them. How ironic. Why are the public schools immune to living within their means? Nowhere in any discussion is there any mention of cost-cutting or efficiency improvements; rather, more and more spending on luxuries that have nothing to do with basic education. What is needed is more constructive instruction, not more and more construction. There is no evidence that this referendum will promote educational
Providing for children
progress. In addition, there has been little to no coverage of the details of this referendum, by either the school administration or the local media (including Current, which has not exactly been challenging the school administration on those details). Purposeful topic avoidance in an off-election year to increase the odds of this referendum passing unknowingly by the citizens is not a new tactic. It is past time for the Westfield Washington School administration to be sent a message that their days of salivating over taxpayer money are over. Voters, do not let complacency or apathy allow a 30year mortgage on YOUR property for more frivolous public spending. Vote “NO” to finally force the Westfield Washington School administration to be stewards of taxpayer monies and start living within its means. Vince Catanese, Westfield
Editor, I am a long-time resident of Westfield and I love this community! I am a graduate of Westfield High School, attended Purdue University, where I met my husband, Dave, and we were excited to pick Westfield as our home. We have two children who have been able to take advantage of the many opportunities in Westfield Washington Schools. In addition to my own children thriving in the school district, I have been able to fulfill my dreams as an educator, opening up Oak Trace Elementary School in August 2000. We work hard every day and achieve academically, but we also are a family and enjoy learning, growing and having fun together. It is unfortunate that schools have been put in a position to ask their communities for funding so that we can continue to offer quality programming and much-needed construction to accommodate our growth. None of us chose this career to be salespeople, trying to make money for our schools. We just want to continue to provide the children and families in our care with an optimum learning environment and quality programming. It is my hope that our community will vote YES on May 2 so that we can continue to be a school district and community that people choose to raise their families. Sincerely, Robin Lynch Principal of Oak Trace Elementary
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April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
Death by Oreos great way to go
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Commentary by Dick Wolfsie
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We hear a lot about frivolous lawsuits, but we don’t hear nearly enough about the delicious ones. A guy from humor Kentucky is suing the company that makes Oreo cookies. He asserts that Oreos are slowly killing him. So what’s the problem? This sounds like a fun way to die. The Nabisco company claims that 450 billion of these treats have been eaten in the last 100 years and no autopsy has ever listed the cause of death as Oreo cookies. I’ve been eating Oreo cookies for 65 years. We know the ritual: A glass of cold milk, plus 20 or 30 Oreos, then you start twisting them apart. Some people eat the side with cream frosting first; some just eat the frosting; some dip the cookie in milk; some guzzle the milk after the cookie. How can you sue a company that has given you so many wonderful options in your life? So, does this guy have a case? Unlike cigarettes, where a warning is clearly emblazoned on the package, there is no admonition anywhere on the Oreo package or on the cookie. Considering how people eat Oreos, maybe inside the cookie, right
in the vanilla cream, the Nabisco people should print: “The Surgeon General has determined that eating Oreo cookies over an entire lifetime can raise your triglycerides and affect your cholesterol levels.” The Nabisco company admits their cookies have many calories, but they claim they are already testing alternatives. When McDonald’s said they were looking for an alternative to their fatty hamburger, they came up with a soy burger. Two out of three people who ate the burgers loved them. That was the problem. In six months, only three people ate them. What about those cauliflower and broccoli farmers who have been getting away with murder for years? People are taking those veggies, breading and deep frying them. Then they dunk them in a creamy cheese sauce. Those farmers better have some pretty good lawyers.
Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.
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April 18, 2017
HEALTH Dispatches New St.Vincent House open for tours — The community is invited to tour the new St.Vincent House from 4 to 7 p.m. April 19. The new facility is located on the campus of St.Vincent Indianapolis and includes private accommodations for up to 20 extended stay patients’ families. The house will benefit patient families who live more than 25 miles from the hospital or those who have a loved one who is receiving long-term care at one of St. Vincent’s hospitals. Amenities include laundry facilities, kitchens, a playground, chapel and gathering spaces. Brain boost to prevent Alzheimer’s — There’s a protein in your brain that protects you from Alzheimer’s disease. It’s called brain-derived neurotrophic factor and it promotes the survival of neurons in the brain. You can boost your brain’s levels of BDNF the following ways: 1. Exercise regularly, even if it’s just walking 2. Add some spice to your diet in the form of turmeric – or curcumin supplements 3. Get some sun exposure 4. Consider intermittent fasting. Source: BottomLineInc.com Free Alzheimer’s class — The Alzheimer’s Association Greater Indiana Chapter offers free education for families affected by Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Upcoming sessions include: The Basics: Memory Loss, Dementia & Alzheimer’s Disease from 4 to 5 p.m. April 25 at Hendricks County Senior Services, 1201 Sycamore Ln., Danville; and Know the 10 Signs, at 2 p.m. April 26 at the Franklin Branch Library, located at Community Health Pavilion Shadeland, Community Room, 2040 N. Shadeland Ave. Registration is requested by calling 800-272-3900. Health and fitness classes — Witham Health Services offers several health and fitness classes for all ages and fitness levels. Classes include: Breastfeeding Education, Diabetes Management, Rock Steady Boxing, Silver Sneakers, Tai Chi and more. Some classes are free. For times and locations, visit witham.org or call 765-485-8120. Support groups available — Witham Health Services offers a variety of support groups for those in need of the services. Groups include: Alzheimer’s Support, Cancer Support, Cancer Gentle Stretch Yoga, Cancer Support Cooking for Wellness, Diabetic Support and Grief Support. For more, visit witham.org or call 765-485-8120.
Current in Westfield
Riverview fundraiser set By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com
One program that typically receives grants is Riverview’s Touch of Love program, founded by Jerri Barnes. She has a Shopping for a cause will be key in a network of knitting volunteers. Riverview Health Foundation fundraiser. “They knit handmade blankets The foundation and event Noblesville’s Smith’s for every baby born at Riverview,” Deering said. “They also Jewelers will host put together bags of essential jewelery designer Freida Rothbaby items that can be given to man’s Trunk Show from 6 to 8 anyone that has a little extra p.m. April 19 at The Bridgewater need. They’ve extended that to Club, 3535 E. 161st St., Carmel. the cancer program as well. So, Noblesville’s Smith’s Jewelers, Deering they’ll knit hats, shawls and lap owned by Esther and O’Dell Lakes, blankets. Another program that gets a lot will devote 20 percent of sales from the of support is our maternity services. They event to Riverview Health Foundation to will typically purchase car seats so that support the Women of Vision Giving Club. way we can make sure that everybody “We’re going to include hors d’oeurves is able to take their baby home safely if and beverages to enjoy while they’re they are unable to purchase a car seat on shopping,” said Jessica Deering, Rivertheir own. We also have Women’s Center, view Health’s volunteer/events manager. which works with cancer patients. They Deering said Smith’s Jewelers has suptypically will apply for funds to put bookported the club twice previously. lets together for patients who have been The club supports women’s service diagnosed with breast cancer.” programs and equipment with grants at There is a registration fee of $10, which Riverview Health. Those who donate at a also can be purchased at the door. To reglevel of $250 are associate members and ister, contact jdeering@riverview.org or those who donate $500 or more are votcall 317-776-7938. ing members who decide on which of the grant applications to fund each year.
ATTENTION, STUDENTS! Send a 100-word essay (along with your school, name, address and phone number) about why your teacher should win Edge Guys Heating & Cooling/Current in Westfield honor, to teacher@youarecurrent.com. The winning teacher will receive a $50 visa gift card from Edge Guys and the winning essayist will win a pizza party for their class, courtesy of Papa John’s. The deadline for nominations is 4/28/17.
The Benefits of Hiring a Designer By David Decker With the ever-growing popularity of home renovation television shows and websites like Houzz & Pinterest many homeowners have developed the “do-ityourself” mindset when it comes to remodeling their own homes. Unfortunately, what those shows and sites don’t advertise are the true logistics of getting to the finished product; and sometimes it’s those unknowns that take that “dream photo” and turn it into a nightmare. That is why it is important to bring those photos to a design professional instead of attempting to do it on your own. Not only will your designer be able to turn those ideas into a reality, but they will tailor them to your own style to create a space unique to you. A good designer will take the time to get to know you and your needs, determine the struggles that currently exist in your space
and re-design it to guarantee a more functional outcome. Aside from functionality, professionals have an eye for design and the knowledge needed to make appropriate material selections for any space. They get the first look into the latest and greatest trends in the design world and are trained to generate innovative ideas and designs with exclusive materials. Additionally, notable designers are able to guide you to qualified tradesmen to ensure installation standards are met if not exceeded throughout every aspect of the remodel. Renovating your home should be an exciting experience, not a stressful one. Let us help you! For more information or to set up a meeting with one of our designers for your next kitchen or bathroom remodel, give us a call at 317.575.9540 or visit our website at www.theaffordablecompanies.com.
David Decker The Affordable Companies The-AffordableCompanies.com (317) 575-9540
April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
Business After Hours held at Wolfie’s Grill
Nick’s Tree Service
Dispatches Dave Lennox award — Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling has received the Dave Lennox Award for its commitment to excellence. This award is given to only a few dealers across North America each year and signifies that a company has consistently provided clients with first-rate installation and customer service. Engineering award given — CHA Consulting, Inc. has earned the Grand Project Award for engineering excellence from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Indiana. The award recognizes the Indiana Department of Transportation and CHA for their collaboration on the substantial upgrades and transformation of U.S. 31 to improve transportation in Hamilton County.
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The Westfield Chamber of Commerce held a Business After Hours networking event last month at Wolfie’s Grill. (Above) From left, Scott Eales, Wendy Porch, Chesley Sarver and Jessica Jeffers network at the event. (Left) Corky Huston and City Council President Jim Ake meet at the event. (Photos by Anna Skinner)
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Deborah Minth $599,999 Former model home 10ft ceilings hardwoods finished basement rec room & wetbar 317-439-3739 698 MCNAMARA CT., CARMEL blc#21467438
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David Weekley Homes celebrates five years with Race Into Savings event — David Weekley Homes is celebrating five years of building homes in the Indianapolis-area with the Race into Savings event. Buyers will receive a 5 percent home discount on homes purchased in the Indianapolis area between now and April 23. Buyers can choose to build from the ground up, or select from a variety of move-in ready, or ready soon homes. For more, call 800-7486219 or visit davidweekleyhomes.com. Caregiver conference — Author, speaker, consultant and recognized caregiving authority Amy Goyer will keynote the fourth annual Caring for the Caregiver Conference from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 25 at Ritz Charles, 12156 N. Meridian St. Cost is $45 per person and includes morning refreshments and lunch. To register, visit Applegate-ElderLaw.com. INDOT student opportunities — The Indiana Dept. of Transportation is accepting applications for Governor’s summer internships paying $11.30 per hour and civil engineering scholarships of up to $3,125 per semester. For more, visit in.gov/spd/careers/internships.htm or INDOTScholarship.in.gov. Wealthy zip codes named — Peaceful neighborhoods, gated communities, topnotch schools and big, beautiful homes living in one of the best zip codes in America has its perks. GOBankingRates surveyed median home value data from Zillow for hundreds of zip codes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The wealthiest zip code in Indiana turned out to be Zionsville, with a median home value of $324,500. Source: GOBankingRates.com
April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
NVS Designs expands locally
By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com
Fresh Indian Grill in Carmel. Brittian has a chance to reach out even further when he moves to the Brookside NVS Designs launched its debut adverneighborhood in Westfield this summer. tising agency in Indianapolis in 2010 and “With us being in Brookside, opened a location in I’m definitely exited for the opgrowth Beverly Hills, Calif., portunity to meet a lot of other last year, but owner business owners in this area and Chad Brittian isn’t finished making help them out with strategic plans an impact. to increase their business profit“We’ve grown pretty quickly. ability and grow the knowledge of We were named one of the top NVS Designs so people know where 20 advertising agencies in IndiaBrittian we are,” he said. “We’ve been here napolis in 2016, and consistently for for at least a little bit, and we are good at the past three years we were named top what we do.” graphic design agency in Indianapolis and In addition to graphic design, NVS Denamed for the graphic design category for signs also develops search engine optimiAngie’s List Super Service Award in 2016,” zation, marketing campaigns and more. Brittian said. “I feel like there is so much “We want to benefit a lot of business in our world today with technology. It’s owners in and around the Carmel area and so cluttered, and it’s a lot harder for your in Westfield,” Brittian said. “We have a lot business to be seen. There’s so much going of clientele already, and I think knowing on with society in technology, and a true how we built this company from nothing standout marketing campaign will help you and seeing the growth we’ve had in such a rise above the rest, and we’ve proven that short time frame speaks volumes.” time and time again.” For more, visit nvsdesigns.com. NVS Designs serves local businesses, including Wait4U Services in Westfield and
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April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
Vonnegut, Jr. home on display April 29-May 14
By Heather Collins editorial@youarecurrent.com
The 56th annual St. Margaret’s Hospital Guild Decorators’ Show House and Gardens will feature the boyhood home of Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., April home show 29-May 14. The 5,907-squarefoot residence, at 4401 N. Illinois St. in Indianapolis, was built by the author’s architect father, Kurt Vonnegut, Sr. Construction began in the fall of 1922 and was completed in the spring of 1923. The house incorporates a primarily “Arts & Crafts” architectural style, with components of mahogany woodwork, oak floors, ceramic tile and leaded glass interior doors, but also incorporates an eclectic English County and English Tudor vernacular. Architect Evans Woollen III, famous for designing Clowes Memorial Hall and the Barton Towers, also lived in the home.
The Indianapolis home is owned by the Walton family, which purchased it in 2008. (Submitted photos)
Decorator Chair Joan Hilger said the Decorators’ Show House and Garden is one of the oldest traditions of Indiana. In-
dianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett, in partnership with the the Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library and Visit Indy, proclaimed 2017 “The Year of the Vonnegut.” According to Hilger, through remodeling projects, 26 designers and two landscape artists have upgraded the house to give it a fresher, more modern look while maintaining the same footprint and “great bones” of the house. “It’s a unique house, and it’s a great way to raise money for a great cause,” Hilger said. Proceeds for the 2017 St. Margaret’s Hospital Guild Decorators’ Show House and Gardens will benefit Eskenazi Health. The show house will be open Tuesday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. April 29 through May 14. Adult admission is $20. Senior tickets are $18 and children tickets are $5, available at the door only. For information or to purchase tickets, visit showhouseindy.org.
Sondheim revue set for The Cat By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com Ellen Kingston fully embraces cabaretstyle shows. “I was the artistic director for Raleigh’s Dinner Theater in Indianaptheater olis for a number of years down on Mass. Ave. (in Indianapolis),” Kingston said. “I got to do all kinds of revue shows. I love everything about them.” “Side by Side by Sondheim” will be held May 4 to 17 at the 150-seat The Cat, 254 1st Ave. SW., Carmel. “It’s a real cute show and pulls out a lot of his best stuff,” said June Clair, a Carmel resident. The revue features songs from Sondheim musicals such as “Company,” “A Little Night Music” and “Follies.” In addition, there are songs Sondheim wrote the lyrics for from “West Side Story” and “Gypsy.” “The challenge is I expanded the cast a bit because we wanted to be a little more inclusive and reach more people and
From left: Cast members Carolyn Lynch, David Duncan, Ellen Kingston, Thom Brown, Gail Payne, Matthew Vire, who will all perform in “Side by Side,” from May 4-17. (Submitted photo)
include more people in our production,” Kingston said. “So we have two couples, myself as the narrator and two accompanists. The challenge has been assigning everything. The original production only had three people on stage. So it’s taking this gorgeous music and assigning it to the different people that I have. It’s fun and challenging.” As narrator, Kingston explains the setup for each number. Clair and her husband, John, took over Carmel Repertory Theatre in 2013 and renamed it Carmel Theatre Company. The group had been using Studio 15 on Main Street. Kingston said with her role as artist
concierge with the Palladium, she can only direct one or maybe two shows a year. “The goal is to direct one and appear in the other and not have to direct,” Kingston said. “I’ve never done as much directing as I have now. It’s mostly been performing or costuming.” The Clairs ran Broad Ripple Playhouse for several years before it closed. Then Clair taught music for 15 years at Clay Middle School and helped with the theater productions before retiring in 2011. Tickets are $20 for adults, $10 for seniors and students. There are 7 p.m. performances May 4, 5, 6, 12 and 13 and 2:30 p.m. May 7. For tickets, visit brownpapertickets.com/event/2912415.
Optimists announce annual Taste of Spring event — The Zionsville Optimist Club will have its third annual Taste of Spring” Fine Wine & Craft Beer tasting event and silent auction on April 29. This year’s event is from 5-8 p.m., April 29, at the Lions Club Building, 115 S. Elm St. Tickets are $25 during pre-sale and $30 at the door. Beverage partners include Grapevine Cottage, Moontown Brewing Company, Noble Order Brewing Company and Sun King Brewers. Tickets for the 2017 Taste of Spring event are available at zionsvilleoptimist.org. For more, email zoptimistclub@gmail.com. Ken Yates returns to Logan Street Sanctuary – At 7 p.m., May 7, musician Ken Yates, of Canada will return to the Logan Street Sanctuary stage. For more, visit kenyates. org. Tickets now on sale for Sheryl Crow show – Chart-topping singer-songwriter Sheryl Crow will visit the Palladium July 11 with new material that returns to her pop-rock roots. The nine-time Grammy Award winner is releasing her ninth studio album, “Be Myself,” this spring. The 11-song project sees her reuniting with the writing and recording partners who helped craft such hits as “Everyday is a Winding Road” and “My Favorite Mistake.” Starting at $79, tickets are available online at TheCenterPresents. org or by phone at 317-843-3800. David Gray brings solo acoustic show to Carmel – David Gray will perform at 7:30 p.m., May 23 at the Palladium in Carmel. Tickets are now on sale and start at $35. For more, visit TheCenterPresents.org. An evening with Pete Rose – Baseball legend Pete Rose will share tales from his record-shattering and controversial career in this special appearance at 8 p.m., May 5, at the Palladium in Carmel. Rose made his Major League Baseball debut in 1963 with the Cincinnati Reds and closed his career as the team’s manager in the late 1980s. He became a household name as a member of the “Big Red Machine,” the Reds lineup that won back-to-back World Series in 1975 and 1976. Dubbed “Charlie Hustle” for his energetic approach to the game, Rose also played for the Philadelphia Phillies and the Montreal Expos. Tickets start at $40. For more, visit TheCenterPresents.org.
April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
Amy Pauszek is a photographer, film producer and scouting and casting associate for Talent Fusion Agency in Indianapolis. She can be reached at Amy@youarecurrent.com. To see more of her photos, visit currentnightandday.com.
Where’s Amy attends Kenny Rogers concert Grammy Award-winning country artist Kenny Rogers live at the Palladium. (Photo by Amy Pauszek)
Where’s Amy attended Kenny Rogers’ “Final World Tour: The Gambler’s Last Deal” at the Palladium with special guests Linda Davis (wife of country singer Lang Scott and mother of Hillary Scott of “Lady Antebellum”) and up-and-coming guitarist Joe Robinson. Fans from surrounding states and cities flocked to the venue for the chance to see Rogers for the last time. What a treat it was to see a true country legend perform right here in our own backyard at the Center for the Performing Arts. Hats off to Country Music Hall of Famer, pop superstar and multiple Grammy-winning artist Kenny Rogers for one unforgettable concert.
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Starring Katy Gentry as “Garland”
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Where’s Amy?
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Westfield Lions Club’s TEXAS HOLD ‘EM “POKER FOR SIGHT” 1ST PLACE PAYS $10,000 CASH! Over $25,000 in prizes guaranteed! (dealers provided) April 28th & April 29th Hamilton County Fairgrounds 2003 Pleasant Street, Noblesville, IN QUALIFYING SESSIONS: Friday, April 28th | 10 a.m-4 p.m. Friday, April 28th | 6 p.m-12 a.m. Saturday, April 29th | 10 a.m-4 p.m. Top 15% of the players from each session advance to the Championship round: Saturday, April 29th | 5:30 p.m. - midnight Buy-in as low as $100 Visit www.lionspoker.org for details and tournament rules or call 317.804.1875 with questions Register on line! Walk-ins welcome! Proceeds go to support the Westfield Lions Club’s projects including free eye exams & glasses for children, disaster relief efforts, educational grants, leader dog training for the blind, the Indiana Eye & Tissue Bank and many other worthy causes
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April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
Where’s Amy? E TO TH A M ILY THE F
Amy Pauszek is a photographer, film producer and scouting and casting associate for Talent Fusion Agency in Indianapolis. She can be reached at Amy@youarecurrent.com. To see more of her photos, visit currentnightandday.com.
Where’s Amy meets Academy Award winning actress Octavia Spencer Last week, Where’s Amy was invited to attend a special afternoon with Academy Award-winning actress Octavia Spencer at Indiana University. As a photographer and film producer, it was an exciting opportunity for me to meet and hear Spencer talk about her take on life and movies that continue to pave the roads to make the world a better place. (Photo by Amy Pauszek)
4/28 - 5/13
APRIL 21 - MAY 7, 2017
Friday and Saturday: 7:30 pm Sunday: 2:30 pm
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DON’T FORGET! Those 21 and over can buy BEER and WINE at our shows!
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April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
16 1 7
Your weekly serving of Just the Ticket
Vida combines rustic and modern flair for a special dining experience. With two menus to choose from, a seasonal à la carte menu or the rotating, five-course tasting menu, Vida is dedicated to freshness and health, featuring ingredients from local farmers and an in-house hydroponic wall of greens. The talented chefs offer new dishes often that complement the season, while two in-house sommeliers carefully manage the wine selection. Type of Food: Formal dinner courses. Food Recommendation: Orechiette.
Vida Price Range: $65 per person (five-course menu). Reservations: Optional. Hours: 5-10 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, 5-11 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Bar opens at 4:30 pm. Address: 601 E New York St., Indianapolis. Phone: 317-420-2323.
S’mores Ice Cream Birthday Pie
Submitted content courtesy of Family Features and Breyers Prep time: 20 minutes, plus 8 hours 40 minutes freezing time Serves: 12 Ingredients: Nonstick cooking spray, 8 ounces milk chocolate, coarsely chopped, divided, 2 1/4 teaspoons canola oil, 30 chocolate wafer cookies, pinch of salt, 5 graham cracker sheets, broken into bitesize pieces, 6 cups Breyers Natural Vanilla Ice Cream, softened, 4 large egg whites, 1/2 cup sugar, birthday candles (optional) Directions: Lightly spray 9-inch springform pan with 3-inch high sides with cooking spray. In small bowl over simmering water, stir 3 ounces chocolate and oil until melted and blended. In food processor, grind chocolate wafer cookies into fine crumbs (about 1 1/3 cups). Add chocolate mixture and pinch of salt and pulse until moistened. Press crumb mixture evenly onto bottom and 1 1/2 inches up sides of pan. Freeze for about 10 minutes, or until crust hardens. In large chilled bowl, fold graham cracker pieces and remaining chocolate into ice cream. Pour mixture into frozen crust and
smooth top. Freeze for about 8 hours, or until ice cream hardens. Remove pie from pan and transfer to platter. Return pie to freezer. In large bowl, using electric hand mixer on medium-high speed, beat egg whites until foamy. Gradually add sugar and beat for about 5 minutes, or until firm glossy peaks form. Using a large spoon, dollop meringue onto pie and spread decoratively. Using a kitchen blowtorch, torch meringue until browned all over. Freeze pie for about 30 minutes, or until meringue has stiffened. Note: Pie, without meringue topping, can be made up to 1 week ahead, covered and frozen.
The Center for the Performing Arts – 355 City Center Dr., Carmel – thecenterpresents.org April 20 – Charles Lloyd & The Marvels April 22 – Indiana Wind Symphony Hoosier Park Racing & Casino – 4500 Dan Patch Circle, Anderson – hoosierpark.com April 21 – The Purple Xperience Hopwood Cellars Winery – 12 E. Cedar St.,
Zionsville – hopwoodcellars.com April 21 – Rick Matillo April 22 – Curve Appeal Mo’s Irish Pub – 13193 Levinson Ln., Ste 100, Noblesville – mosirishpub.com/indy April 20 – Jason Longoria April 21 – The Doo Vogue Nightclub – 6259 N. College Ave., Indianapolis – thevogue.com April 21 – Yacht Rock Revue April 22 – Sixteen Candles *Performers are scheduled, but may change
lIve MUsIC
Tickets from $55
TheCenterPresents.org | 317.843.3800 These activities made possible, in part, with support from Butler University, Indiana Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.
April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
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Neva River in St. Petersburg, Russia. (Photo by Don Knebel)
St. Petersburg: What’s in a name? Commentary by Don Knebel St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Its various names reflect Russian history. travel In 1703, 31-year-old Tsar Peter I founded a port on a marshy area at the eastern end of the Gulf of Finland that he had captured from Sweden. The port, along the Neva River, gave Russia access to the Baltic Sea. To protect the port from a feared counter-attack, Peter built a fortress on an island in the Neva River that he named for Saints Peter and Paul. A city developed around the fortress, expanding onto other islands. Peter named his new city Sankt-Petersburg, a German formulation honoring St. Peter as patron. Having become fascinated with European culture and architecture during an 18-month visit to European capitals, Peter gave his city a distinctly European look, with classical façades and broad canals. Peter, known to history as Peter the Great, made St. Petersburg the capital of Russia in 1712. In 1914, after war broke out with Germany, the city’s name was changed to the
Russian-sounding Petrograd, with Peter I now its patron. In 1924, after the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks renamed the city Leningrad. After the fall of Communism, the city regained its original name after a public vote in 1991. Today, St. Petersburg is the secondlargest city in Russia, home to more than 5 million people. The historic area around the Peter and Paul Fortress is preserved as a UNESCO World Heritage site, with large buildings prohibited. St. Petersburg is home to at least 220 museums, including the one-of-a-kind Hermitage, and more than 2,000 libraries. Its many colorful churches include St. Issac’s, the third-largest domed cathedral in the world. Because of its network of canals and rivers, the city is one of several dubbed the “Venice of the North.” St. Petersburg is not Moscow’s Russia. Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel.com. You may contact him at news@currentzionsville.com.
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Member Central Indiana
April 18, 2017
Across 1. Covert agents 6. Hobbling, like an injured Boilermaker 10. Contract 14. Hamilton County Court call 15. “Excuse me” 16. Indiana NBA foe
Current in Westfield
17. Zionsville artist Nancy and family 18. Eli Lilly’s birthplace 20. Local place to see a Van Gogh, briefly 21. Part of www 22. Fine fur 23. Lilly’s rank in the Indiana Cavalry
26. Bean counter, for short 28. Coffee holder at The Egg & I 29. Broadway program 34. Irsay or Simon, e.g. 37. Distinctive flair 38. Eiteljorg Museum tribe 39. Eli Lilly and Co. industry 42. Forum wear
Purse lovers unite! April 21, 2017 7am - 4pm “BAGS TO RICHES” DONATION & RESALE EVENT JOIN US FOR THE EVENT - it’s free and open to the public! Friday, April 21, 7am – 4pm IU Health North Hospital, room K130 Peruse bags and goodies and participate in our silent auction. Buy that perfect item knowing your money is going to a good cause! All proceeds will go to the Social Work Fund, which provides meal vouchers, gas cards and prescription help for patients in need. QUESTIONS? Please contact Jill Dodson at jdodson@iuhealth.org
© 2017 IUHealth 1/17
43. Indiana State Fair ovine calls 44. Tilts to one side 45. Least respectful 47. Disney frame 48. Ultimate degree in an HSE math class 49. Lilly’s occupation 53. Loony 57. Take to Boone County Court 58. “This instant!” 59. Lilly’s final resting place 62. Words on the spine 64. Oscar winner Paquin 65. Do work at Current 66. Did a lap at the Indy 500 67. Like some IU profs. 68. Cleans up a spill at Bazbeaux Pizza 69. Put in stitches at Toula’s Alterations Down 1. Drive-in burger joint 2. WRTV teaser 3. Pinnacle 4. I Love Sushi fish 5. Fishers HS yearbook sect. 6. Tag 7. Moby Dick captain 8. Ex-Pacer Daniels 9. CPR expert 10. Mountain lion spotted in rural Indiana 11. One small step 12. Former Marion County Prosecutor Brizzi 13. Carmel Christian Church prayer pronoun 19. “By Jove!” 21. Soaked 24. Basile Center musical
works 25. Average guy 26. Santa ___ 27. Huff and puff on the Monon Trail 29. Tuchman Cleaners fold 30. “Don’t panic” 31. Tehran’s land 32. Cheery tune 33. More or ___ 34. Chooses 35. “Hold your horses!” 36. Hoosier Park’s unlikely winners 37. PayPal money, e.g. 40. Assist, in a way 41. Slurpee alternative 46. ___ a good thing 47. “Evita” role
49. Religious sects 50. Following behind 51. Crack a case for the Noblesville Police Dept. 52. Like some wool jackets 53. March Madness org. 54. Ashes holders at Leppert Crematory 55. Bear Run Coal Mine measures 56. IMPD team 57. Lingerie item 60. Village Tailors bottom line 61. Altar vow 62. Luck stats. 63. Anger Answers on Page 27
April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
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April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
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POOLS N PONDS Grand Opening May 1, 2017 Pool and Spa Supplies FREE water testing Ask us about free home delivery Store Hours: M-F 11-6:30, Sat 10-1 17408 Tiller Court Suite 100 Westfield Indiana 46074 317-986-2131 mypoolsnponds.com
Found: purplish - blue 20” mountain bike: Noblesville call : 317-502-0122
for sale Brand NEW Queen Pillowtop Mattress and Box Spring set. Still in factory sealed plastic. Never used. ONLY $195. Del. Avail. Call today 317-480-6463
200 year old blue lake antique chairs large roll top desk. Pennsylvania house highboy chest and large pennsylvania house dresser with mirror. 2 metal file cabinets. Hide a bed sofa and a Sectional sofa. Computer desk, 2 book shelves. Large selection of magazines .. many indianapolis woman magazines, out of print now,. Misc. odds and ends, good prices. contact before sale if you want to purchase before sale, and I can text a picture 317-645-5736
April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
The Electric Bike Center
622 South Rangeline Rd Suite S Carmel 46032
1/2 PRICE RENTALS MONDAY-WEDNESDAY We only sell electric bikes. We have the largest assortment of electric bikes in Indiana. Come try one or try as many as you like. 317-506-6902 AUCTION
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Now Hiring
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NOW HIRING Senior1Care
We are looking for Compassionate & reliable individuals to provide non-medical caregiving services to adults in the local area. If you are dedicated, hard-working and have a genuine desire to work in an environment where you will be helping others improve their quality of life, visit us and learn about our open positions:
CAREGIVER • Top Pay, including overtime & BONUS • Reliable, flexible & steady work • FREE CNA Training
If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, that’s our business. Call Alcoholics Anonymous (317) 632-7864 www.indyaa.org for rent
3121 Village Park N. Dr., Carmel, 46033 3 bed, 2 bath $1300/month Westfield Schools Brandi Welch, AM Rentals 138 W. Carmel Dr. 317-848-1588 • www.amrelo.com
for sale Extra-wide new wheelchair and extra-wide new rolling walker with seat. If interested, please call 317-585-0093.
Now Hiring
ASSISTANT TEACHERS NEEDED The International Montessori School (www.intlmontessori.com), located in Carmel, Indiana, is looking for Assistant Teachers. Hours would be from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM OR 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM Monday through Friday. Qualifying candidates should be comfortable working with children ages 3 through 6 years old and should be enthusiastic, kind and creative with a love for children. Compensation is competitive and based on experience. REPLY TO: RKD1948@SBCGLOBAL.NET ***** No phone calls, please. *****
LEGACY CNA INSTRUCTOR • Part time Position • Licensed RN or LPN • Training Experience a plus • Flexible Hours
Come enjoy the fun at our growing company as we make a difference in poeple's lives. Visit our Facebook Pages to learn more about our family’s story and why we started our local business 10 years ago. Call today and set-up an interview at 317-652-6175 or stop by our Carmel office. EOE
Position: Youth Advocate Location: Noblesville, IN Type: Full Time Organization: Prevail, Inc. Description: Prevail, Inc. provides crisis intervention and restorative support services for adult, adolescent and child survivors of crime and abuse to residents of Hamilton and surrounding counties. Prevail is seeking a full-time Youth Advocate responsible for crisis response, prevention and intervention services for youth victims of crime, family violence and sexual assault. Services include individual and group facilitation for child survivors (ages 5-13) of family violence and sexual assault. Duties: Provide intervention and follow-up services to clients as needed, which may include (but are not limited to): intake assessment, community referrals and resources, court advocacy, assistance in filing protective orders, completing safety and action plans, and inter/intra-agency networking and advocacy on behalf of the victim. Facilitate at least two support groups for children (ages 5-13), which may include primary and secondary victims of family violence, as well as a family group. Provide individual services on an as needed basis. Maintain and update group curriculum, identifying resources, materials, speakers, etc. Serve as a reference guide for the community in the areas of victim resources and violence prevention, by direct referrals for clients, and through public presentations and participation in community organizations. Complete 24-hour on-call crisis line shifts and provide coverage to the Child Advocacy Center. Collaborate with Prevail staff, other agencies, groups, organizations, and individuals to identify and develop prevention/intervention services for victims of crime and other populations within the community. Qualifications: Minimum of Bachelor’s degree in social work, counseling, psychology or related field; or a combination of experience, education and/or training. Competitive compensation package including medical, dental, vision, paid time off, paid holidays, and professional development. Salary commensurate with education and experience (starting salary - $16/hour). Submit cover letter, resume and salary requirements to Michelle Moen – mmoen@prevailinc.com
Now Hiring
Now Hiring
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April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
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Now Hiring
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Background or Not in dance! Join the team at Fred Astaire Dance Studio Carmel, Indiana. We will train you in all aspects of the ballroom dance business. Why Fred Astaire? We offer a great environment, guaranteed starting salary, great training and opportunities to travel and compete. Need we say more? Call Dan at 317-846-3237
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Strike Out Cancer Tournament Make-A-Wish and USFA are partnering to support Halle Guilliam's fight against cancer, and her desire to help others. Let's help strike out this disease! Friday, April 28th - Sunday, April 30th $350 Entry Fee + $125.00 Pre Paid Gate Fee. 4 Game Guarantee. All umpires are USFA registered and trained. 10U, 12U, and 14U Open Tournament. Sponsorship and Media Contact: Ben Weir, Make-A-Wish Board Member 317-748-2662 • bweir@myindyford.com Olio Fields 14181 E. 126th St. Fishers, IN 46037
April 18, 2017
Current in Westfield
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