April 23, 2019 — Westfield

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GraApnrild24 Open House th fro m 5: 30 -7 :3 0 PM



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ces by:


Colts Kick Veteran Indy 50 er - Adam Vinatieri 0 Dr Gabby Chaves ivers - Tyce Carlson, & Dr Jack Miller

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


322 W Main St


(East off of 31 on


e m o c l e W New resident, Mayor Andy Cook talk on city’s welcome program / P11

Residential Customer Local

City conducts events forum / P3

HCSO deputy, sergeant receive Medal of Honor / P5

Council considers enacting topsoil requirements / P6


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April 23, 2019


Current in Westfield


Coffee with a Cop — The Westfield Police Dept. will conduct the next Coffee with a Cop event from 9 to 11 a.m. April 23 at Starbucks, 318 W. 161st St. Community members are invited to ask questions, discuss community issues and build relationships. For questions, email Sgt. Billy Adams at badams@ westfield.in.gov.

Organizations partner for shoe drive — Westfield Foot and Ankle – Dr. David Sullivan, Athletico Physical Therapy locations in Westfield, Whitestown and Noblesville and the Westfield High School Boys’ Lacrosse Team announced they will partner with Changing Footprints to conduct a “Spring Cleaning with Meaning” shoe drive through May 10. Shoes and boots of any type and in any condition for children and adults may be dropped off at Westfield Foot and Ankle and the Athletico locations during their business hours. Westfield Foot and Ankle is at 16411 Southpark Dr., Suite B., Westfield. Athletico has locations at 956 Tournament Trail, Westfield; 6848 Whitestown Parkway, Suite 200, Whitestown; and 15887 Cumberland Rd., Suite 103, Noblesville.

Native plant rescue — The Indiana Native Plant Society is urging companies to contact the group if they are redeveloping properties that include vegetation. INPS will come in and rescue any native plants on the property. INPS volunteers dig up the plants, pot them and relocate them – mostly through an annual sale, which will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 11 at Park Tudor School in Indianapolis. Proceeds fund youth and adult native plant education programs in Indiana. The sale is open to the public. Visit the INPS Plant Sale at indiananativeplants.org for details.

Grant to fund road projects — INDOT has awarded Hamilton County $719,285 as part of its Community Crossings Matching Grant Fund Program. The county will use the money to resurface various deteriorated areas along 146th Street, primarily the intersection of 146th and Hazel Dell Road. This funding also will be used to resurface 196th Street from Promise Road to State Road 13 in Wayne Township. The grant will fund 50 percent of the construction up to the awarded amount. Hamilton County is responsible for funding the rest. Work is tentatively set to start in August.

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April 23, 2019

COMMUNITY Contact the Editor

Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@youarecurrent.com, or call 317.489.4444 ext. 804. You may also submit information on our website, currentinwestfield.com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication.

Current in Westfield



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On the cover

Mayor Andy Cook welcomes Teresa Lutey-Galley as the first new resident to meet the mayor with the City of Westfield’s New Resident Program. (Photo by Anna Skinner) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. XII, No. 15 Copyright 2018. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

From left, Kelley Wells, Alexa Lingg, Baily Spitznagle, Division Chief of Fire Prevention Garry Harling, Chris McConnell, Lt. Mike Vickroy and Chief Joel Rush answer questions during the inaugural events forum. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

City conducts inaugural events forum By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com On April 10, Westfield city staff conducted an open forum for the public to ask questions regarding special events within the city. It was the first of its kind GOVERNMENT for Westfield. “We really just have you invited tonight to talk about special permits for events or block parties, things like that,” Westfield Welcome Director Angie Smitherman said. Westfield staff from various departments presented on their duties. Special events coordinator Kelley Wells spoke on the city’s 17 events each year, four of which are new. The new events are Egg Pawlooza, the Grand Summer Kick Off, the Grand Fall Festival and a mother-son dance. One resident was disappointed when she didn’t see Voices from the Past listed among event offerings. “That one is not being held this year. The past couple of years, we had a public tour portion of it and also a school portion, which we would host second-graders,” Wells said. “This past year, we changed it to where we were just hosting the classes, so we dropped off with the public tours just because we had declining attendance numbers over the past several years.” School officials said they were interested in pursuing other field trip opportunities this year, so Wells said the event was discontinued. “With the cost it takes to put on the event versus the cost from revenue of those kids

attending, it didn’t justify the cost of us continuing it,” she said. “We will re-evaluate it next year.” Volunteer coordinator Bailey Spitznagle explained how the volunteer process worked for those wishing to help out at events. She said volunteers are required to complete a background check. Division Chief of Fire Prevention Garry Harling and Westfield Police Chief Joel Rush spoke on the forms required for residents who want to play host to a special event, such as a block party. “What we look at is public safety, and in the event we need to get the big red truck in there for a fire emergency or EMS emergency, that we can easily go through and get to that individual as quickly as possible, because time is of the essence in our industry,” Harling said. “So, we try to see if there’s another option or another way for us to gain access into that area, we prefer that. But, if it’s a cul-de-sac, we just remind you if you put up barricades, and if we have to get in, we need those barricades and everything moved rather quickly.” For larger events where streets are blocked off, Harling said ever since the Sugarland stage-collapse incident at the Indiana State Fair in 2011, the Indiana Dept. of Homeland Security requires all special events to have a state permit. “If you have a stage, a tent or live entertainment, you are required to have this permit,” Harling said. “We just want to make sure everybody is as safe as possible. If you have a large event you are planning on having, it is

best to call state (officials) and ask for that if you need it.” Rush also reminded attendees about the city’s noise ordinance. “Other things we look at is if there’s going to be a band or music, that opens another door with waivers for an exemption of our noise ordinance,” Rush said. “Our ordinance for noise is really strict, and we would hate to have to, as the police department, come and shut the party down, so that’s pretty important.” Parks and Recreation Dept. Supt. Chris McConnell spoke about how the public can rent park shelters. “We have eight shelters at three different locations: Simon Moon, Quaker Park and Asa Bales North. All of those are available for rent, $45 for a four-hour block,” McConnell said. “It’s really simple. The best way is to get online, go to the parks and rec page, click the tab that says ‘shelter reservation,’ and it’ll walk you right through it.” McConnell reminded the public that the Simon Moon Shelter is unavailable because the park’s playground surface is undergoing an upgrade. One attendee asked about grilling stations at the parks and if they were able to bring their own grill. “We would rather have you don’t (bring your own grill). The grills that are at the parks are large commercial grills and won’t get blown over or knocked over. Just for safety’s sake,” McConnell said. “There is one grill at each park.” For more, visit westfield.in.gov.


April 23, 2019


Current in Westfield



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April 23, 2019


Current in Westfield




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From left, Chief Deputy John Lowes, deputy Jeremy Kousen, Sgt. Bill Clifford and Sheriff Dennis Quakenbush. Kousen and Clifford were awarded a Medal of Honor for their actions Jan. 28, when they responded to a report of an attempted suicide in the area of 156th Street and Prairie Baptist Road. A female had reportedly cut her wrists and was losing consciousness. Kousen, Clifford and a Noblesville Police Dept. officer responded to the call. Upon arriving, the NPD officer and Kousen applied tourniquets to her arms and Clifford applied direct pressure. The actions of the three men allowed the medics to immediately administer fluids and other life-saving measures instead of having to first stop the bleeding. The Medal of Honor may be presented to members of the sheriff’s office who, through an extraordinary effort, attempt to or contribute to the saving of a human life. Additionally, when death of the victim seems imminent, the member’s actions significantly assist the life-saving effort. (Submitted photo)

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April 23, 2019


Current in Westfield


Council considers topsoil requirements for developers

By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com At its April 7 meeting, the Westfield City Council discussed the possibility of enacting topsoil replaceENVIRONMENT ment standards for developers, but no vote was taken. Instead, during the next few months, council members plan to meet with local developers to try and reach a mutual agreement. “This would apply to both common areas of the subdivision and the lots themselves,” Economic Development Director Matt Hoover Skelton said. “When I say that, I’m not just talking about residential, it’s really all subdivisions. This proposal was generated in response to a request received last year from some members of the community.” Council member Steve Hoover said he also has heard from the public about the issue. “People are very unhappy with the way their lots are left. I, for one, have experienced this multiple times,” he said. “You try to do foundation plantings and you run into bricks and concrete blocks and plastic and all kinds of construction debris no one ever removed from the site. You also encounter almost exclusively clay, and you have to supplement any place you want to make any plantings.” Hoover said he is willing to work with the development community to amend standards that are cost-efficient and beneficial

to the community. “I am certainly willing to look for better answers to accomplish some of our key goals in this,” he said. “The issue we have right now is topsoil gets about zero percent discussion in the development plan. It’s just been ignored. We need to do something to make sure our current situation is significantly better, and I’m open to what that ends up being.” Hoover said approximately six months ago, there was a meeting between some council members and the development community. “My feeling is (the develAke opers) just wanted it to go away, and they didn’t really want to discuss it,” Hoover said. Council member Jim Ake echoed Hoover’s opinion. “I feel as Steve does. We are hearing some pushback and some reasonable things. they’re things (that) could be done better,” Ake said. “I think we should engage in a conversation and not act on this tonight, but it shouldn’t be a long process. There may be better solutions that would meet our goals. I think we should engage with those most active with it and try to work out something that is more agreeable to everybody and that is more cost-effective and make sure we get the result we are looking for within a structure that makes sense.” The council agreed to have the discussions with the development community within a three-month timeframe. For more, visit westfield.in.gov.

DISPATCHES Used-bike sale upcoming — A used bicycle sale and donation roundup will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 18, sponsored by Recycled Cycles at the group’s repair shop at 810 E. Main Street in Westfield. More than 20 topcondition bikes will be sold at bargain prices. Proceeds will be used to purchase parts to repair other bikes. Last year, Recycled Cycles repaired and gave away 425 bicycles to families who might not otherwise have afforded new bikes. The group repairs child and adult bikes throughout the year under the sponsorship of Good Samaritan Network in Hamilton County. Donations of any used bike, no matter the condition, will be accepted. Donation receipts will be issued for any bike dropped off.

Local car dealer taking part in recycling initiative — In a new partnership with Terracycle, Tom Wood Subaru is taking part in a new recycling initiative encouraging people to recycle three specific types of waste at the dealership. The items include disposable cups, lids and straws; candy and snack wrappers; and coffee and creamer capsules. The Subaru Loves the Earth program turns the recycled product into items like park benches, picnic tables and playground equipment. Tom Wood Subaru will buy back the items created and then donate them to a local school or other community area.


April 23, 2019


Current in Westfield


IMS historian shares story of Beatles’ visit By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com When Indianapolis Motor Speedway historian Donald Davidson is asked about the Fab Four, it’s usually about those four-time Indy 500 champions, A.J. Foyt, Al EVENT Unser Sr. and Rick Mears. However, at The Rotary Club of Westfield meeting at The Bridgewater Club April 16, Davidson was asked about the Fab Four when an audience member inquired if The Beatles did stay at the Speedway Motel in 1964. Indeed, they did, as Davidson launched into a lengthy story about their visit in September 1964, a few months after Davidson had traveled from England to attend his first Indy 500. “Their popularity had exploded, and the thinking was, ‘Where could we put (the Beatles) where no one can figure it out?’” Davidson said. “The Speedway Motel was new at the time, opening in March of 1963. The Beatles did two shows at the State Fairgrounds. The afternoon show was in the Coliseum, and (the) evening (show) was on the track.” Davidson said arrangements were made to bring The Beatles into the back way to

Donald Davidson speaks about The Beatles’ visit to the IMS in 1964. (Photo by Mark Ambrogi)

the motel. “They had three rooms. (Manager) Brian

Epstein had one and the boys doubled up, believe it or not,” Davidson said. “State troopers were assigned the security at the motel. Early the next morning, Ringo Starr comes out of his room and starts talking to the troopers. He’s grateful to breathe the air and not be attacked (by fans). By that time, they were prisoners of their own fame. One of the state troopers offered him a ride, so Starr gets on the floor as they drive out. The state trooper tells Starr his daughter is a huge fan and has pictures of him on the wall. So, Starr offers to visit. “The trooper lived north of Westfield and there was no freeway yet,” Davidson said. “They arrived at the house and go into the daughter’s (room), and the trooper says, ‘Honey, wake up there is someone that wants to meet you.’” The group then went out to breakfast nearby and got some stares. “Apparently, somebody said there is a guy over there wearing a Beatles wig,” said Davidson, who heard firsthand reports from state troopers. Audience members won tickets to the 500 qualifying races May 18 or 19 and tickets to the IndyCar Grand Prix May 11 for correctly answering Davidson’s trivia questions.

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April 23, 2019


Current in Westfield


Construction has resumed WESTFIELD between 166th Street and 161st Effective on or after April Street on Towne Road to al15, Shelborne Road between low for road reconstruction, 146th Street and 151st Street, and between 146th Street and CONSTRUCTION which includes widening, sight distance improvements and 141st Street will be closed for culvert replacement. Towne Road is closed road reconstruction. The road will be closed between 166th Street and 161st Street until to all through traffic, tentatively opening on this project is completed. or before Oct. 21. During the closure, traffic Crews are working to rehabilitate sanishould utilize the signed detour route. Proptary sewer lines along the Midland Trail. erty owners will continue to have access to Work is currently being completed along the their properties through the construction portion of the trail behind the City Services area. This closure is part of the improvebuilding off 171st Street. ments to 146th Street, which will widen the NOBLESVILLE roadway to four lanes of traffic from Towne Work is ongoing on the Logan Street Road to Shelborne Road. Pedestrian Bridge Project in downtown If you see a pothole, let Westfield crews Noblesville. The northbound lane of Ind. 19 know by reporting it online at weconnect. between Ind. 32 and Logan Street will be westfield.in.gov and visiting the Reporting closed the duration of the project, through It tab. September. The detour consists of taking Phase 5 of the Monon Trail will be a peInd. 32 westward, turning northbound onto destrian bridge crossing Ind. 32. ConstrucInd. 38, then eastbound on Logan Street tion is under way, and temporary lane cloand northbound on Ind. 19 to avoid the sures may occur along Ind. 32. The Monon Trail is closed near Ind. 32 until the bridge is closure. On Logan Street, the designated westbound right turn lane on the bridge complete. will become a combined straight and rightMajor utility relocations have begun as part of the intersection improvements at Ind. turn lane. The eastbound straight lane will be shifted north, and the south side of the 32 and Ditch Road, which will include the bridge will be under construction. The Riveraddition of turn lanes and a traffic signal. No walk near this area also is closed. road closures are anticipated at this time.

CARMEL Range Line Road has reopened to northbound traffic but remains closed southbound between Eighth Street to just south of Clay Terrace for a drainage and stormwater project. Work is expected to be complete by May 3. Lane restrictions are under way near Keystone Parkway and 96th Street, where a new roundabout interchange is being built. Construction is expected to last through the year. Construction on a new access ramp from Lowes Way to Keystone Parkway is ongoing and expected to be complete by June. FISHERS Southbound and northbound traffic on Allisonville Road is now on newly constructed pavement. This will remain the traffic reconfiguration as construction continues into spring 2019. The speed limit is 30 mph. Construction work has begun on Ind. 37. Construction vehicles will use the construction entrance on Lantern Road between 126th and 131st streets, which may cause short delays. There currently are no scheduled lane restrictions. ZIONSVILLE/WHITESTOWN Nearly complete, the Main Street bridge improvement project will provide a 10-foot, multi-use path on each side of the bridge

over Eagle Creek, along with a scenic overlook bump-out on each side. Decorative flower planters are planned in the spring to increase the aesthetics. The bridge project is mostly complete, and the only remaining items are some pavement repairs on the road at each end of the bridge. No closures are expected, but there will be lane restrictions and flagged traffic control. The closure of Zionsville Road began April 1. This reconstruction project involves the widening of a one-mile section of Zionsville Road, converting it from its current twolane configuration to three lanes by widening the existing lanes and adding a center turn lane between Technology Center Drive and 106th Street. The project also includes adding a 10-foot, multi-use pathway along the entire length of the project on the west side of the road. There also will be a 10-foot, multi-use pathway on the east side of the road from Inglenook and Zionsville Cemetery north to 106th Street. The road is closed to through-traffic in order to minimize cost and project duration. The closure is expected to continue through November. Local access for residents to and from homes and businesses will be from the north end of the project. No traffic will be permitted south of the Vonterra subdivision entrance.

April 23, 2019


Current in Westfield




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On April 8, the Hamilton County Leadership Academy received a $5,000 grant from the Duke Energy Foundation. The money will be used to support HCLA’s community leadership curriculum and expand the program’s community impact initiatives. Duke Energy Community Relations Manager Mark LaBarr, left, and HCLA Executive Director John Robbins. (Submitted photo)


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or older. They also must have spent at least ThriveFit, city partner for event — Westthree years volunteering after reaching age field Parks and Recreation and ThriveFit 60; prior volunteer experience also may be have partnered to bring the Be Social Sweat considered as a reflection of their long-term Local Event back for the summer. ThriveFit commitment to volunteerism. will offer free workouts at Asa Bales Park twice a month from May through September. Veterans Hall of Fame – The Indiana Military The City of Westfield built Indiana’s first fitVeterans Hall of Fame seeking nominations ness court in coordination with the National for its sixth class of veteran honorees. The Fitness Campaign, in the hopes of providing non-profit organization honors Hoosier the residents of Westfield opportunities to veterans for service during and after active be active and healthy. A ThriveFit certified duty. Up to 15 veterans will be honored for trainer will be there to teach attendees howTomWoodSubaru.com military service achievements and/or comto use the various stations available on the 855.530.5631 munity contributions. The criteria and nomipad, followed by an interval workout. The nation May workouts will be at 5:30 p.m. May 8 and3300 E packet 96thare Stat imvhof.com/nominate. Nominations will accepted through Aug. 1. 10 a.m. May 25 at Asa Bales Park. Indianapolis, INbe46240 Senior Volunteer of the Year award — The Hamilton County Council on Aging is accepting nominations for its annual Senior Volunteer of the Year Award, which recognizes seniors 65 and older who have positively impacted others through their volunteer efforts. Online nominations are due by April 19 at cicoa.org/senior-volunteer-of-the-year/. Nominees will be recognized at a luncheon May 17, and the winner will be one of eight finalists for CICOA Aging & In-Home Solutions’ Senior Volunteer of the Year Award. The finalists, each representing a county in CICOA’s service area, will be honored at a regional event June 28. To be eligible for the award, nominees must have been 65 years of age

Ladies only free workout — From May through September, ThriveFit will offer a free summer park workout for ladies only on one Wednesday a month. Free childcare will be provided. Each event will take place at a different park in Westfield. Women will be trained by ThriveFit coaches. The first event is 10:30 a.m. May 15 at Freedom Trail Park, 500 Deer Walk Trace. Township summer camp registration open — Westfield Washington Township is now registering for summer camps. To view the summer program guide for dates and costs, visit bit.ly/OWWN_Summer2019. To register, visit bit.ly/WWT_ProgramRegistration.

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April 23, 2019


Current in Westfield




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Carmel.BachtoRock.com Cadets of the Civil Air Patrol had an opportunity to visit the Leadership In Flight Training Academy at the Indianapolis Executive Airport. The Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program is open to youth ages 12 through 18. The Eagle Composite Squadron meets every Tuesday at the Indy Executive Airport on the Westfield border in Zionsville. From left, cadets Ian Malicoat, Daniel Roberts and Andrew Buhrt try out the Diamond plane. (Submitted photo)


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Best Buddies Friendship Walk – The Best Buddies Friendship Walk will be from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 28 at Celebration Plaza at White River State Park, 801 W. Washington St., Indianapolis. For more or to sign up, visit bestbuddiesfriendshipwalk.org/ indianapolis/event-details/. Rain barrels — The Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District has begun selling rain barrels and native plans for the season. Rain barrel pre-orders are $75. The barrels are connected to a home’s downspout to collect rainwater, to be used later for plant watering, car washing and more. In addition, the HCSWCD is selling kits of 50 native plants for $120. The kits can fill a space of 50 to 150 square feet. All orders are due by May 10 and can be completed online at hamiltonswcd.org or at the HCSWCD office at 1717 Pleasant St., Noblesville. Golden Hoosier Award – Nominations are being accepted for the 2019 Golden Hoosier award. The award honors Hoosier senior citizens for their lifetime of service and commitment to their communities. The deadline is April 29. Learn more and submit nominations at in.gov/lg/2532.htm.

April 23, 2019


Current in Westfield


e m o c l e W


New resident, Mayor Andy Cook talk on city’s welcome program

Mayor Andy Cook and Madeleine Sheller encourage new residents to reach out and meet the mayor. (Submitted photo)

By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com Although she’s lived in several cities, new Westfield resident Teresa Lutey-Galley said she hasn’t encountered hospitality quite like the City of Westfield. COVER STORY Lutey-Galley, who moved to the Chatham Hills neighborhood in northern Westfield in January, was the first new resident to meet Mayor Andy Cook through the city’s New Resident Program. The program is similar to the Welcome Wagon concept launched in 1928 in Florida as a way to welcome new residents with gift baskets from local businesses. The New Resident Program welcomes new Westfield residents by providing a gift and a wealth of information about schools, pharmacies, libraries, hardware stores, local businesses, city events and other local resources. “It’s unbelievable. There’s just a spirit of welcome everywhere you go here,” Lutey-Galley said. As part of the program, Cook said he wants to personally meet each new resident. “We are fortunate to have a lot of new residents, young

and old, and part of our outreach is to learn from our new residents,” Cook said. “The question I love to ask is, ‘Why did you move here?’ and we hear a lot of things. We have made a strong effort to reach out to all of our new people and present them with a package of information and things that say, ‘We’re glad you’re here’ and, boldly so, ask if they would like to meet the mayor because I would like to meet each and every one of them.” Lutey-Galley said the welcoming spirit extends beyond city staff. When she visits restaurants like Erika’s Place or eateries on Park Street, locals always tell her where to go for live music and where to find other activities around Hamilton County. “I think there’s a vitality here you don’t find a lot of places,” she said. Westfield Welcome Director Angie Smitherman runs the program. She estimates between 100 and 150 new residents arrive each month. To alert them of the New Resident Program, the city has partnered with Tom Warner, who works for Welcomemat Services. Welcomemat distributes a packet of coupons in the mail to each new resident. The city works

with Warner to include a coupon with a picture of the mayor encouraging residents to reach out and meet the mayor. The New Resident Program launched Jan. 1. Welcomemat Services coupons are mailed at the end of each month. Cook said he never tires of saying, “Welcome to Westfield. Welcome home.”

OTHER WAYS OF ALERTING RESIDENTS ABOUT THE NEW RESIDENT PROGRAM In addition to including a coupon in the Welcomemat Services coupon mailers, the City of Westfield initiated several other ways to alert the new residents of the program. Information was added to the first-quarter billing for trash and stormwater fees, which reaches all residents. The Westfield Welcome website, westfieldwelcome.com, also was updated with a tab for new residents. The link directs them to a page with a video, the new resident packet and information on how to meet Mayor Andy Cook.


April 23, 2019


Current in Westfield


ESSAY Time passages

LETTER Cambell’s cartoon insulting, ignorant

Commentary by Terry Anker Preparations are well under way for the impending high school graduation of our youngest. With the milestone has come the review of countless photographs, each imbued with countless memories. Somewhere along the way, he grew up. And it is good. Still, the years have marched by with such grandeur and fanfare that we barely noticed. Now, there he stands, on the brink of heading off into the world. To be entirely honest, the tempest can leave one breathless. How can he be ready to go? How can we be ready to let him? Just as we indulged in a bit of anxiety-nurturing self-pity, the evening mail arrived and in it was an invitation, cleverly marked with the familiar banner from the newspaper printed in my very own high school decades ago. The class president and a committee of familiar names were summoning me home to recognize the accomplishment of a high school graduation occurring long before cellphones, electric cars or social media. While distracted by the advancing years of our progeny, our own anniversaries were ticking away. How could so much time have passed? There must be some mistake. Unique among most things in the physical world, time moves more slowly the closer one is to it. Were we to stare at our watch, it would take significant commitment to endure as the second hand swept around the face. Yet, we sit comfortably while the years fly by, waiting to take action. Self-improvement, work on broken or damaged family relationships and bucket lists written but never implemented loom as we imagine time to be the lumbering second hand rather than a whipping hurricane. Can it be both? Do we have time to decide? Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@youarecurrent.com.

Fun at a funeral Commentary by Danielle Wilson Funerals. Is it wrong to say that under the right circumstances, they can be a lot of fun? Case in point, I’ve just returned from a weekend to celebrate the life HUMOR of my best friend’s dad. He was 88, had a remarkable career as a trial attorney and was one of the nicest men I have known. As I gathered with her, my twin sister and two of our other close gal pals, we realized that we hadn’t been together since our 20-year high school reunion back in 2010. Sure, there were tears (not from me, of course, at least not publicly because I bottle up emotions until they erupt unexpectedly in a drive-thru). But overall, there was joy and laughter and hysterical memories of teenage antics. Two of us had brought along scrapbooks from the late 1980s, depicting self-organized photo shoots in taffeta gowns and big hair. We giggled at how skinny we all were but how fat we remembered

being. We recalled awkward school dances and scandalous spring break vacations, forgotten boyfriends and girl dramas, stupid wine coolers and even stupider fad diets. We even learned a few new things about each other, like the fact that two of our “Fab Five” secretly went to the Bahamas without any of us knowing! The best part, though, was enjoying the true friendship that can only come after 30 years of knowing someone, of experiencing marriage and motherhood and, now, loss together. So, yeah, funerals are sad, and I am certainly not looking forward to the next, but honestly, I haven’t had as much fun in a long time. Peace out.

Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at info@youarecurrent.com.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK “If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough.”

-Mario Andretti

Editor, I found Tim Campbell’s March 26 illustration depicting an unvaccinated child hooked up to an IV covered in spots insulting and ignorant. He also misspelled “anti-vaxxer” — the correct term is “vaccine safety advocate.” Parents who question vaccine safety are the ones who take the time to actually read the vaccine inserts, scientific studies and educate themselves before blindly following the CDC-recommended immunization schedule, which is currently 72 doses before the age of 18 (by comparison, in 1983 it was only 24 doses). They know that the VICP (Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) has paid out more than $4 billion to families with vaccine-injured children. They know that pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued and that taxpayers pay these families. Even more alarming is that a 2009 Harvard study found that only 1 percent of adverse reactions are ever reported; therefore, vaccine injury and death is much greater than we realize. Given these statistics, parents have a right to be concerned. It’s not about being “anti-vax” but about educating ourselves, advocating for safer vaccines, demanding unbiased studies free from conflicts of interest (aka pharma-funded) and ultimately wanting informed consent — every patient’s right. Sydney Cecil, Fishers

POLICIES Letters to the editor: Current Publishing will consider verifiable letters of up to 200 words. Anything longer will be returned to the writer for editing. Anything presented as factual matter must be thoroughly vetted prior to submission. Current retains the right to reject or return any letter it deems to carry unsubstantiated content. Current also retains the right to edit letters for style, grammar, punctuation and spelling. Send letters to info@youarecurrent.com. Writers must include a hometown and a daytime phone number for verification. Guest columns: The policy for guest columns is the same as the aforementioned, but the allowable length is 300 words. Guest columns should address the whole of Current’s readership, not simply specialinterest groups, and may not in any way contain a commercial message.



FREE EARRINGS when you purchase any two necklace, bracelets or watches. April 23, 2019

Current in Westfield





Free earrings must beequal of equal or lesser earrings must be of orcontrol lesser valuevalue Readers’ viewsFree push government to the lowest full-priced purchased. to the lowest full-priced itemitem purchased.


fact soft targets such as schools are perfect Editor, search will point to the 2013 survey of Editor, Limited to stock on hand. 2 qualifying pieces must be Limited to stock on hand. The 2The qualifying jewelryjewelry must be opportunities for perpetrators topieces carry out Current in Westfield’s “Reader’s View” those scientists which reports that Since the initial letter by Steve purchased the same transaction. Prior purchases excluded. purchased in theinsame transaction. Prior purchases excluded. Charm Charm their evil wishes. In every case, the more columns of March 5 and March 12 have there is 97 percent consensus that jewelry excluded. At participating retailers If you decide to return Simon voicing support for the Green jewelry excluded. At participating retailers only. Ifonly. you decide to return or more itemsitems purchased as part ofpart a Gift offer, you one or more of With aofficials GiftPurchase Withto Purchase offer, you time itpurchased takes forassecurity respond been nothing short of pushing one more govhuman-caused climate change is real. New Deal was published in Current in also return the item. In-store only. tragedy. also return promotional item. only. to promotional athe perp translates intoIn-store more ernment control of our lives. mustmust So, what evidence do we see that Westfield March 5, there have been Free earrings must be of equal or lesser value The real threat is government takeover First, there is Steve Simon, the chamclimate is changing? After all, the two letters of rebuttal and no supof the citizenry of this nation. To those pion of the Green New Deal who is fearful to the lowest full-priced item purchased. actual atmospheric CO2 levels are not 2 2 column x 3" ad • 3¾" x 3" • 6" ad porting letters, so I feel compelled to column x 3" ad • 3¾" x 3" • 6" ad who long The for 2this, two messages inbe of world peace for his descendants. He increasing as much as CO2 emissions, chime in. Limitedisto stock on hand. qualifying jewelry piecesare must purchased same transaction. purchases Charm keepPrior your handsexcluded. off of our pushing the same climate scare that has in theorder. First, so where does that CO2 go? Well, a I understand that many people jewelry excluded. At participating retailers only. If you decide to return wallets andasour there been perpetuated for decades starting good hunk of it goes into the ocean, simply don’t believe that the world’s one or in more items purchased part rights. Second, of a Gift With Purchase offer,is you must also returnathe promotional item. In-store place that gives a viewonly. of your Utopian the 1970s. just like how carbonated beverages climate is affected by human activideas in action: Venezuela. Next, there is Shelley Carey, the gunare made. The bad part is that all that ity. I was particularly amused by Vince Catanese, Westfield supporter whoad is ignorant carbonic acid formed and rising water George Cottrell’s argument (Current in 2control column x 3" • 3¾"ofxthe3" • 6" ad temperatures alter a very delicate Westfield, March 26) that the earth’s ecosystem. climate has changed repeatedly over Another piece of evidence is seathe last 4.5 billion years. What Mr. Cotlevel rise. Miami Beach is installing a trell doesn’t understand is that the $100 million flood-prevention system earth’s rotation precesses (wobbles) to pump the ocean out of the city on its axis with a period of about streets because the flood walls are no 26,000 years; so, yes, ice ages come longer sufficient to hold back the waand go. The point that is failed to be ter. We also are starting to see ocean grasped is that these changes happen island disappearance, such as the over thousands of years. We are experecent northwestern Hawaiian island riencing change such as the dramatic WHEN YOU PURCHASE ANY TWO WHEN YOU PURCHASE ANY TWO submersion. increase in CO2 emissions in a matter Clay Terrace Mall Tom Castle, Westfield of decades. For the full letter, visit Mr. Cottrell asserts that just as currentinwestfield.com. many scientists agree as not that WHEN YOU PURCHASE ANY TWO A Pchange R I L 1is9real. - M A Y Google 12, 2019 climate A quick





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April 23, 2019


Current in Westfield


Stand-up comedy Commentary by Dick Wolfsie I always dread the arrival of the monthly AARP magazine. My wife picks through it and confronts me with ways HUMOR we need to amend our current financial and medical approaches to life in our senior years. “Listen to this, Dick. Men over 50 — that’s you since 1997 — who eat fish just once a month are 30 percent less likely to have a heart attack and will live 10 years longer.” “Wow, now that is amazing! So, what’s for dinner?” “Turkey burgers. I don’t want to stink up the house.” This month’s issue had a list of medical questions, including one that caused some distress in our house. One reader was concerned that after she climbed a flight of stairs, she couldn’t catch her breath. “Is this a symptom of heart disease?” she asked. Apparently, she was just out of shape, but then the article’s author offered this: “Here’s a better test. Can you sit on the ground and get up without using your hands? An inability to do this is linked to mortality in adults over 50.” Mary Ellen and I got down on the floor

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in a sitting position, which for me was already way harder than I remembered. We squirmed, rolled around on the rug, grunted, banged into each other and started laughing (which is good for your heart, so we accomplished something). “I’m sorry, Mary Ellen, there’s no way I can get off the ground without using my hands. It’s impossible.” “I saw it in a movie once. This guy sat on his carpet and did it easily.” “You were watching ‘Arabian Nights.’” On YouTube, there were lots of videos of people doing this very exercise. What really unnerved me is that there is a 10-point scale and you lose points for using your arms to get up onto your feet. Loss of four points means your chances of living the next five years are reduced. The next time Mary Ellen and I tried the move, I only lost one point. To get to a standing position, I didn’t require my forearms, my elbows, or my hands. I required my wife.

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.


April 23, 2019


Current in Westfield






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Lois Fisher recently opened Your CBD Store in Westfield. (Submitted photo)

CBD store opens in Westfield By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com Westfield residents can learn more about cannabidiol and the hemp plant and purchase CBD products at the Your CBD Store, which opened April 1 at 17435 NEW BIZ Suite A, Carey Rd. The store is owned by Westfield resident Lois Fisher, a registered nurse. Fisher began selling CBD products two years ago in direct sales and saw people experience the benefits. “I’ve never seen a supplement explode like this in my career,” Fisher said. “People are looking for it, hearing about it, they want to learn about it. I wanted a storefront (where they could come in and learn and talk to a nurse and feel comfortable and not feel pressured.” For those unfamiliar with CBD products, Fisher assures them they are not intoxicating. “CBD stands for cannabinoid, and CBD comes from the hemp plant versus the marijuana plant,” she said. “The hemp plant and

STOCK OF THE WEEK The Charles Schwab Corporation (SCHW) is incorrectly seen by many investors as just a brokerage offering low-priced investments. It pays low interest on cash deposits, including ones held by Schwab investors. This low cost of funds boosts Schwab’s whole business. Revenue was $10.13 billion last year and is likely to be $11.07 billion this year and $11.76 billion in 2020. And Schwab’s dividend of $0.68/share/yr. recently yielded 1.53 percent and appears secure. Source: BottomLineInc.com

the marijuana plant are two cousin plants. Hemp is high in CBD and low in THC.” Marijuana is high in THC and low in CBD. To legally sell CBD products, they must contain less than .3 percent THC. The 2014 Farm Bill allows states and institutions to grow and use hemp. The 2018 Farm Bill removed hemp from the Schedule 1 Narcotic List. “It should never have been placed on that list, but it got lumped in with the 1970s drug war,” Fisher said. Fisher said consumers often use the product for anxiety, sleep-related issues and as an anti-inflammatory, among other uses. “We don’t make medical claims,” Fisher said. “It’s a supplement but it will certainly treat the symptoms.” Fisher sells the product in tinctures, which are oils consumers take sublingually. Products include topical pain creams, CBD gummy bears, CBD collagen skin products and pet CBD products. The Your CBD Store franchise began in Florida less than a year ago, and Fisher’s store is No. 228. For more, visit cbdrx4u.com.


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April 23, 2019


Current in Westfield



Diabetes & Your Heart Join our diabetes educators to learn how diabetes, particularly type 2, can have a serious effect on your heart health, including an increased risk for heart disease and stroke. We’ll discuss how those with diabetes can improve their heart health and conclude the program with a Q&A session. A light dinner will be served.

When: Thursday, May 9 6-7 p.m. Location: Riverview Health 395 Westfield Rd., Noblesville, IN 46060 Krieg DeVault Conference Room (Entrance 3, Lower level of Women’s Pavilion) Registration: Visit riverview.org/classes or call 317.776.7999. The program is free, but registration is required.

Riverview Health recently named it’s annual Golden Oak Award winners, Alyssa Kanable, left, and Erin Rosenthal. Kanable is a family medicine medical assistant and was nominated for helping a nervous patient get a flu shot while making the whole experience a lot less frightening. Rosenthal is a rehab services aide and was nominated by her peers for being an exemplary employee. Golden Oak Awards are given to Riverview Health employees who represent the highest standards and excellent character roots. (Submitted photo)

DISPATCHES New lung cancer therapy — Lung cancer is the No. 1 cancer killer in the country, but a new treatment, called immunotherapy, is giving hope to lung cancer patients because of its recent success. Lung cancer is poorly recognized by the immune system, which delays diagnosis until patients are at stage 3 or 4, when it’s too late. Immunotherapy activates the immune system to help the body recognize the cancer earlier. For more information, visit lung.org. Source: American Lung Association Better way to take meds — Some medicines are better absorbed by the body if taken sublingually. This means the medicine is placed under your tongue and held there until it is absorbed. It can go directly into the bloodstream without being digested first. Source: The Alternative Advisor Don’t reach for probiotics just yet — For some people, taking a course of antibiotics may cause digestive upset and diarrhea. That’s why so many people now take probiotic supplements after antibiotics.The probiotics will replenish the “friendly” bacteria that are killed by the antibiotics, restoring the

“microbiome” — the balance of gut bacteria that we all need for good health (and good digestion). But surprisingly, proof of the effectiveness of this strategy has been highly debated. Two large studies have taken a closer look, and the argument for using overthe-counter probiotics after antibiotics does not look strong. In the latest study, researchers treated 21 volunteers with a seven-day course of commonly prescribed wide-spectrum antibiotics. Some volunteers were randomly assigned to take an 11-strain probiotic mixture after the course of antibiotics. Result: The microbiomes of the volunteers who didn’t take probiotics recovered within three weeks of the cessation of antibiotics, while those in the probiotic group did not recover even five months after stopping antibiotics. Source: BottomLineInc.com Downside of sitting — Most of us know that sitting for long periods of time isn’t good for our health. One specific problem is that fluid accumulates in the legs during the day. When this fluid moves up into the neck and chest it can cause sleep apnea and heart problems. Source: Naturalon.com

April 23, 2019

Current in Westfield




Civic delivers ‘Newsies’ at The Tarkington By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com Johnny Miller has a special fondness for “Newsies,” so naturally he is delighted to be part of the cast. THEATER “This is one of my favorite shows of all time with such an amazing cast,” Miller said. “I can’t wait for opening night. I can’t wait for the people to come see it. I can’t find anything I don’t like. I’ve listened to it quite a few times.” Miller, a Park Tudor High School junior and Carmel resident, plays Buttons in “Newsies,” which Civic Theatre presents April 26 to May 11 at The Tarkington at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. The musical is based on the Disney film. Jake Letts, a Carmel High School graduate and a Ball State student, plays the lead role of Jack Kelly. Kelly is the charismatic leader of the newsboys and helps lead a strike when New York World publisher Joseph Pulitzer raises the price the newsboys must pay to buy the newspapers from the distribution centers. It is loosely based on New York City’s newsboys’ strike of 1899. Miller has acted in the Civic’s summer program, but this is his first main stage show with Civic. “I’m a singer who happens to move,” Miller said. “I’m definitely in the ensemble, but I kind of do a little bit of everything. Anne Beck, our choreographer, keeps me busy. I have so much fun, it overshadows any problems.” Miller said he became interested in musical theater a couple of years ago. “It was my sister who first showed me this show,” Miller said. “That was my entry into really getting into the theater world. This show means something special to me, for sure.” In Civic’s Young Artists Program, Miller appeared in “Grease” as Roger, one of the T Birds, in 2017 and played one of the gamblers in “Guys and Dolls.” Carmel High School sophomore Emily Chrzanowski plays Les, a newsboy. “I’ve seen the Disney movie and I’ve watched the Broadway stage version,” Chrzanowski said. “The music is amaz-

Stutz open house set editorial@youarecurrent.com Indianapolis art collectors and patrons are invited to visit more than 70 studios filled with one-of-a-kind artwork on display and for sale at the Raymond James Stutz Artists Open House April 26-27 at the historic Stutz Business and Arts Center, 212 W. 10th St. Proceeds benefit the Stutz Residency Program. During the event, Stutz artists and business owners welcome guests to their studios. Guests can browse artworks in creative spaces, experience the Stutz art community, enjoy live music, take a selfie in a Stutz automobile and tour the turn-ofthe-century car factory turned-business and arts center. Times are 5:30 to 10:30 p.m. April 26 and 1 to 5 p.m. April 27. Advance tickets are $16 and are available at the Stutz Business office, 1060 N. Capital Ave., Suite C200, and stutzartists.com until April 24. The tickets are $20 at the door. Children 12 and under are free. Tickets can be used for entry both days.

From left, Johnny Miller, Emily Chrzanowski and Emily Schaab have lead roles in “Newsie.” (Submitted photo)

ing. I love the music. It so touching and the story is so beautiful. Even though it’s taken place over a century ago, it really resonates with today’s environment.” Chrzanowski also performed in “Guys and Dolls” in 2018. On Civic’s main stage in the 2017-18 season, Chrzanowski played Kate, the orphan, in “Annie” and was in the choir for “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” “I love dancing, singing and acting. I love it all,” she said. Emily Schaab, a Noblesville resident, is performing in her first show with Civic. Schaab previously performed with Footlite Musicals and the old Theatre on the Square, which is now The District Theatre.

Schaab plays several different roles. “My main role is Hannah, a secretary,” she said. “I also play a nun, a bowery beauty and a newsie named Newbie.” Schaab said she enjoys playing the mix of characters. “I love the opportunity to play several different characters,” said Schaab, who is originally from New Palestine. “It’s been really fun for me.” Schaab said she has seen the Broadway version several times on Netflix. “I really wanted to do a Civic show, so it was kismet that it was the right time,” she said. “I auditioned and they put me where they needed me.” For more, visit civictheatre.org.

Westfield — Uncorked with Julia Perillo, a singersongwriter from Fishers, will begin at 7 p.m. April 25 at Urban Vines, 303 E. 161st St. Noblesville — Leslie Hudson, Jen Carlson Midkiff and Brenda Sutton will appear in concert at 8 p.m. April 27 at Logan Street Sanctuary. Lawrence — Perry Haughter and the Magical Musical, presented by Q Artistry, will be held April 24 to 28 at Theater at the Fort. For more, visit artsforlawrence.org. Carmel — Carmel Community Players presents Tennessee Williams’ classic “A Streetcar Named Desire” April 26 to May 5 at The Cat, 254 Veterans Way. Carmel — Carmel High School’s Student Government presents Music for Miracles, featuring CHS performers, at 7 p.m. April 28 at the Palladium. For more, visit thecenterpresents.org.


April 23, 2019


Current in Westfield


Mozart’s “Requiem,” Carmel Symphony Orchestra, Palladium, the Center for the Performing Arts

Carmel Symphony Orchestra presents Mozart’s “Requiem” in its final concert of the 2019-20 season

Compiled by Mark Ambrogi

Cost: $5 (youth) to $65

“Going Going Gone,” Main Street 7:30 p.m. April 26, 27, Productions, Westfield Playhouse 2:30 p.m. April 28

More: westfieldplayhouse.org

“A Streetcar Named Desire” Carmel Community Players, The Cat

Cost: $14 to $16

More: carmelplayers.org

7:30 p.m. April 23, 25, 26; “You Can’t Take It with 6:30 p.m. April 24; 1 and 5 You,” OneAmerica Stage, Indiana Repertory Theatre p.m. April 27; 2 p.m. April 28 IRT presents Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman’s madcap comedy, which debuted on Broadway in 1936. Cost: $21 to $78

More: irtlive.com

“Jesus Christ Superstar,” 7:30 p.m. April 25; 8 p.m. April Mud Creek Theater 26, 27; 2:30 p.m. April 28 The Mud Creek Players present the classic rock opera for the first time since 1989. Cost: $10 to 20

More: mudcreekplayers.org

Cost: $25 to $48 Peggy Sawyer (Kayle Verble), center, is surrounded by her castmates, the director and writers of “Pretty Lady” as they try to persuade her to come back and star in the show in “42nd Street” at Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre. (Submitted photo)

“42nd Street,” Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre, Indianapolis

8 p.m. April 23, 25, 26, 27; 1 p.m. April 24; 1:30 and 7 p.m. April 28

The show-biz musical “42nd Street” celebrates Broadway and Times Square while telling the story of aspiring chorus girl Peggy Sawyer, who comes to the big city from Allentown Pa., and lands her first big job in the ensemble of a Broadway musical. Cost: $45 to $70 (includes buffet dinner).

More: beefandboards.com, 317-872-9664



The Cat in Carmel 254 Veterans Way, Carmel IN 46032 TICKETS: Adults: $18.00 Seniors (62+) and Students: $16.00

TIMES: Thursday, Friday and Saturday: 7:30 pm Sunday: 2:30 pm

FOR TICKETS: www.carmelplayers.org or call 317.815.9387

More: civictheatre.org

“Forbidden Broadway, It’s Back, It’s New and Better Than Ever!,” Actors Theatre of Indiana, The Studio Theater, the Center for the Performing Arts

7:30 p.m. April 26, 2 and 7:30 p.m. April 27; 2 p.m. April 28

Actors Theatre of Indiana founders Don Farrell, Judy Fitzgerald and Cynthia Collins are joined by Logan Moore as they perform parodies of 28 musicals. Cost: $20 to $45

More: atistage.org

6:30 p.m. April 23; 7:30 p.m. April “Amber Waves,” Upperstage, Indiana 24, 26; 2 and 7:30 p.m. April 25; 4 and 8 p.m. April 27; 2 p.m. April 28 Repertory Theatre “Amber Waves” follows a year in the life of an Indiana family as they face the prospect of losing their farm. Cost: $21 to $78 Car mel

More: irtlive.com

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7 p.m. April 26, 27, 2 p.m. April 28

“Newsies” follows the story of Jack Kelly, a charismatic newsboy and leader of a band of teenaged newsboys.

7:30 p.m. April 26, 27; 2:30 p.m. April 28

Tennessee Williams’ play centers on Blanche DuBois coming to live with her sister and brutish brother-in-law in New Orleans.

More: carmelsymphony.org

Disney’s “Newsies,” Civic Theatre, The Tarkington, the Center for the Performing Arts

Ken Levine’s play centers around four sportswriters, whose lives are changed during the course of one game in a press box. Cost: $12 to $14

7:30 p.m. April 27

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April 23, 2019


Current in Westfield


ATI stages ‘Forbidden Broadway’ By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com Don Farrell and his fellow actors had one problem during the first rehearsal for “Forbidden PARODY Broadway: It’s Back, It’s New and Better than Ever.” “It’s like we all reverted back to high school,” Farrell said. “We were constantly cracking each other up. We Farrell have to get the laughs out of the way now so that we don’t laugh on stage and we allow the audience to laugh.” Actors Theatre of Indiana founders Farrell, Judy Fitzgerald and Cynthia Collins, along with Logan Moore, are appearing in the musical parody from April 26 to May 19 at the Studio Theater at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. “We’re making it fresh for those who have seen what we’ve done in the past,” Farrell said. “And it’s going to be great for people that have never seen it before. It’s zany. A lot of the shows we are parodying have been done in the area. We’re doing something on ‘Newsies,’ which Civic Theatre will be doing at the same time.”

ATI had staged “Forbidden Broadway” in 2011 and then a version at District Theatre in Indianapolis in July 2018 There are 28 Broadway shows parodied in the performance. Billy Kimmel directed the District Theatre production and is returning to direct again. Kimmel estimated 85 percent of the material has changed since the July show. Some greatest hits Kimmel are staples, Kimmel said. Kimmel has been involved with “Forbidden Broadway” since 2003. “I’ve done national tours and Broadway productions through the years,” Kimmel said. “They finished the last version of ‘Forbidden Broadway’ in 2014. The show has been running more than 30 years. It started at a little club in 1982 and grew and grew.” Gerard Alessandrini, creator of “Forbidden Broadway,” is now focused on “Spamilton: An American Parody.” Kimmel and Collins have known each other since attending Ohio University together. Kimmel has acted and directed with ATI since it began in 2005. For more, visit atistage.org.

CSO to play Mozart’s ‘Requiem’ By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com

piece so large and so different from what we’ve played the rest of the season. When you do a big choral piece like this, it stands For Carmel Symphony Orchestra Music out. I haven’t done a lot of choral pieces in Director Janna Hymes, Mozart’s “Requiem” Carmel yet. We haven’t done any will be a fitting way CONCERT to close the 2018-19 large classical choral pieces. Even though the ‘Requiem’ is a piece that season. is written for the dead, it’s a really Mozart’s “Requiem” is set for 7:30 glorious piece.” p.m. April 27 at the Palladium. WolfCount Franz von Walsegg, a gang Amadeus Mozart was working wealthy landowner from Austria, on the piece when he died at age had commissioned the piece to 35 in 1791. Hymes honor his deceased young wife, . “It’s such an incredible piece,” The concert will start with the “Russian Hymes said. “It’s very beautiful. He wrote it Easter Festival Overture” of Nikolai Rimskyon commission but it was never finished. It Korsakov. Hymes is conducting that piece was finished by some other composers of along with “Requiem.” the time. He drafted it out so there was an Rick Sowers, director of choirs at Anoutline and they finished it the way they derson University, is conducting American feel Mozart would have written it. It’s a composer Morten Lauridsen’s “Lux Aeterna.” piece that has a lot of discussion because Anderson University Chorale, Anderson of that. It’s glorious. It doesn’t call for a Symphonic Choir and Anderson University huge orchestra.” Alumni will be part of the concert as well. Hymes said the arrangement has two A “Meet the Music” pre-concert discussion clarinets, two bassoons, three trombones, will start at 6:30 p.m. For more, visit carmeltimpani and strings. symphony.org. “It doesn’t have a big brass section and Hymes said the 2019-20 season will be all the winds aren’t playing,” she said. “I’m announced at the concert. really excited to end our season with a

4/26 - 5/11


live in the story





April 23, 2019


Current in Westfield


Flower Market

The medium Cashew Nut option at Chiang Mai Thai Noodle in Broad Ripple. (Photo by Anna Skinner)


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Chiang Mai Thai Noodle Commentary by Anna Skinner Address: 815 E. Westfield Blvd., Indianapolis What to get: Cashew Nut Price: $11.95 Anna’s take: Chiang Mai Thai Noodle has ample menu options. Guests can choose between mild, medium, medium hot, hot, extra hot or Thai hot options. I went with the medium option. If you’re looking for something spicy, I suggest medium hot or hot. I am a big fan of Cashew Nut, a stir-fry

chicken with cashews, carrots, mushrooms, baby corn and bell pepper. Chiang Mai Thai Noodle is right off Westfield Boulevard in Broad Ripple, so the bustling restaurant is an excellent option if you’re looking for an authentic Thai meal while walking the Monon. During warm weather, I suggest you sit on the patio. Suggesting pairings: I had never sampled Thai iced coffee before, and this was a groundbreaking experience for me. It was refreshing and slightly sweet. Get it for $2.99.

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April 23, 2019


Current in Westfield



Blueprint for Improvement: Building a better bathroom in Carmel Commentary by Larry Greene




This bathroom had great space but hadn’t had any updates in several years. The homeowners decided to update the look and layout to create a space they could truly enjoy. 1. The linen closet was removed to allow space for a second master closet, accessed from the bedroom. 2. The cabinetry to the left and right of the sink area features pull-out shelves and an extended depth for ample storage. 3. The bathtub was removed to make way for a larger walk-in shower with two heads. The toilet was relocated to its own room. 4. The quartz countertop and backsplash beautifully complement the black slatetile flooring! To get started on your own remodeling project, visit us at caseindy.com or stop by one of our three locations.

Background: This home was built in 2004 in Carmel’s Valleybrook neighborhood. The owners fell in love with the location and the layout of the home and knew they could make cosmetic updates to suit their style.

THE CHALLENGE The homeowners wanted to update several areas, so the projects were planned in phases. Once the interior was complete (including master bath, kitchen, two bathrooms and basement), the homeowners moved in and the exterior phase began.

Larry Greene is the owner of Case Design/Remodeling. You may email him at lgreene@caseindy.com. To see more beforeand-after pictures of this project, visit caseindy.com/blog.

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April 23, 2019


Current in Westfield


There is no future Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt There is no future. Feel free to go back to bed now. You probably GRAMMAR GUY think I’m referring to the fact that we recently took a picture of a black hole, or maybe that climate change is happening at such a rapid pace it seems as if our planet is a lost cause. Actually, I don’t want to talk about the future today. I’d like to discuss the future tense, which, in English, technically doesn’t exist. According to Bas Aarts, author of “Oxford Modern English Grammar,” “English has no future tense, because it has no future tense inflections, in the way that many other languages do, nor any other grammatical form or combination of forms that can exclusively be called a future tense.” When we learn Latin, Spanish, or French in high school, we learn all the first-, second- and third-person verb conjugations in past-, present- and future-tense inflections. English only has one way to express tense with inflections (word endings), and that’s in the past tense.

When we add -ed to a verb like “punt,” it becomes a past-tense verb. I punted the ball onto my neighbor’s roof. We have no future inflections in English. What about “will?” I knew you’d ask. In a sentence like “I will go to the gym tomorrow,” “will” serves as a modal verb, which is an auxiliary verb that expresses necessity or possibility. Other modal verbs are words like shall, can, may and could. In grammar, there’s an important distinction between tense and time. Tense is a grammatical term that is directly tied to a verb’s inflection. Time is a human construct by which we base our reality. In that construct, we have three times — the past, present and future. When we use “will” with a verb, we are expressing future time, but we are not technically making something future tense. If you ask me, it won’t be the future until our flying cars are powered by trash. Curtis Honeycutt is a national award-winning, syndicated humor writer. Connect with him on Twitter (@curtishoneycutt) or at curtishoneycutt.com.


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Main Concourse of Grand Central Terminal. (Photo by Don Knebel)

Visiting Grand Central Station Commentary by Don Knebel New York City’s iconic Grand Central Terminal, usually called Grand Central Station, is famous for the vaulted ceilTRAVEL ing of its Main Concourse. Sky watchers have long noticed curious discrepancies between the ceiling and what it was supposed to mimic. In February 1913, the New York Central Railroad opened the Grand Central Terminal at 42nd Street and Park Avenue in New York City to service the many inter-city passenger trains entering and leaving the city every day. To make sure passengers appreciated the meaning of “grand,” the 48-acre facility included an enormous concourse at the center of its ground level. The 30,000-square-foot hall featured an elliptical barrel ceiling rising 125 feet above the floor. The original idea of covering the ceiling with skylights was scrapped in favor of painting it blue and adding 2,500 stars arranged to depict the constellations visible in New York’s winter sky. Immediately after the public opening, New Yorkers pointed out that the positions of most of the con-

stellations were reversed left to right from their observable positions. No one has adequately explained the mix-up, which was intentionally repeated when the celestial mural was recreated on a wooden ceiling placed beneath the leaky original. Today, Grand Central Station’s 44 underground platforms, the most of any railroad terminal in the world, serve more than 250,000 passengers traveling each day within New York City and to and from nearby cities. An additional 20 million people visit the terminal each year to enjoy its 60 shops, 35 restaurants or just each other, consistently ranking it among the world’s 10-most visited places. Grand Central Station is featured in “Carrying the Banner,” one of the principal songs in Disney’s “Newsies,” the Broadway hit that opens Friday for a three-weekend run at Carmel’s Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre. Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel.com. You may contact him at news@currentzionsville. com.

DISPATCHES Wood floor repair — Some wood-floor scratches look worse than they really are. If you run your fingers over the scratch and you don’t feel a deep gouge, try this remedy to make it disappear. Dab a bit of white toothpaste onto the minor scratch, and rub it in with a damp sponge. Wipe the scratch area completely clean with a dry cloth, and your scratch should be gone. Source: BottomLineInc.com

Recycle dryer sheets — One good way to use up old dryer sheets is to tuck them into any items that are going to be stored away. Items such as camping gear, boots, linens, storage boxes, etc. are ideal. The dryer sheets can help ward off musty odors that may accumulate in such items over time. Source: FamilyHandyman.com

April 23, 2019


Across 1. Garmin gizmo 4. Pacific plants 9. Pacific island 14. Dada artist with works at IMA 15. Provide gear 16. YSL fragrance 17. Fa follower

Current in Westfield


18. Russian money 19. Miracle food 20. Solar beam 22. Slow walkers 24. Public protest 25. “Before” to 53-Across 26. ___ de deux 27. Tilly and Ryan 28. Fishers HS physics class

particle 30. Pick up on 33. Not post34. Explode 36. Indy Fuel venues 37. Earthlings 39. I-69 haulers 42. Praises 43. Long-running CBS drama


46. Establishes as Indiana law 48. Race the engine 49. Wolf Run golf club 50. Do it wrong 51. Mellencamp lyric: “All my friends ___ so small town” 53. Indiana Poet Laureate Matejka 55. Parcel 58. I-465 entry 59. Intense pain 60. Donatello’s pasta topping 62. Sis or bro 64. Bottled spirit 65. Woodworkers’ tools 66. “___ the ramparts...” 67. Polishes these puzzle clues 68. Brown County cabin location 69. Org. with its annual meetings in Indy this week...and the letters found in the puzzle’s circles Down 1. Citizens Energy fuel 2. Flourish 3. Blow the budget 4. ___ cotta 5. Indianapolis Zoo fish habitat 6. Moyer gem 7. It’s crude, at first 8. Take a stab at 9. Crown Hill Cemetery chamber 10. October stone 11. Bowl 32 back-row target

12. Rifles holder 13. Stockpiles 21. Refusals 23. Palladium restroom sign 24. Victory Field arbiter 25. Catch in a trap 29. Dental exam 31. Tolkien beasts 32. 20-20, e.g. 34. Noblesville Police action 35. Zionsville HS test choice, maybe 37. Fruit drink brand 38. Moved forward 39. Loss due to leaks 40. Furious

41. Radio pioneer 43. ___ and cream 44. More lathered 45. Overnight stop 47. Droop 49. 401(k) alternative 52. Cut again 54. Westfield HS prom purchase 56. Make a scarf, say 57. Nautical yeses 58. Greek drink 61. Bard’s bustle 63. Bikini part Answers on Page 27





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April 23, 2019


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Each CertaPro Painters® business is independently owned and operated.

Each CertaPro Painters® business is independently owned and operated.


J. Seward Johnson Statue For Sale Rarely available to the public. Life-sized J. Seward Johnson 2-person bronze statue “Courting”. Owned by private collector in West Lafayette for over 15 years. Restored by JSJ foundation in 2013. Enjoy privately or share with the neighborhood. Always garners lots of great attention. $72,500 Todd 317-281-5178 call or text Answers to HOOSIER HODGEPODGE: Cities: ANN ARBOR, DETROIT, FLINT, KALAMAZOO, LANSING, SAGINAW; Words: GAVEL, JUDGE, JURY, LAWYER, ROBE; Banks: CHASE, FIFTH THIRD, NATIONAL CITY, REGIONS; Mannings: ARCHIE, ELI, PEYTON; Monkeys: HOWLER, SPIDER; Winner: WILL POWER


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April 23, 2019

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