Tuesday, June 24, 2014
A Giving Tree After H1N1 scare, a Westfield family pays it forward with community pantry / P15
Plan commission tackles football stadium plans / P3
Bilingual daycare finds new home / P5
Simon Moon Park getting new toddler playground / P10
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June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
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June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
Contact the Editor
Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Call Robert Herrington at 489.4444 ext. 206 or e-mail him at robert@youarecurrent. com. You may also submit information on our website, currentinwestfield. com. You can find the Contact Us form under About Us in the upper-left corner. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication.
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Original development plans have 6-foot fencing and columns around the entire stadium along with other landscaping but city ordinances may require a brick wall to hide bleacher seats from U.S. 31. (Submitted rendering)
Stadium plans hit brick wall
By Robert Herrington • robert@youarecurrent.com The design plans for Riverview Health Stadium have reached its first hurdle – a brick wall. According to city ordinances, the Westfield High School stadium is in the U.S. Development 31 overlay and subject to façade building standards. Associate Planner Andrew Murray said all visible façades must be made of brick or 60 percent brick and another building material. This wall would run the length of the home stands on the west side of the stadium. Westfield Washington Schools’ officials argue that the stadium is a structure not a building and are asking for a variance. They have petitioned the Westfield Board of Zoning Appeals for a variance on the development standards. The hearing will be at July 8 BZA meeting. WWS Business Director Nick Verhoff said the potential brick wall would cost the district an additional $300,000 to $500,000 to the project whish is using no taxpayer dollars to build. “We’ve tried to avoid from the start having it look like a brick Taj Mahal. We’re not competing with our neighbors to the south,” he said. “The lights give it away that it’s a stadium. That’s why we are asking for a variance.” Verhoff added that the freestanding wall would
require a change in bleacher designs so the seating is attached to provide support. He also said the district has plans for an LED sign to face U.S. 31. The WHS soccer field, which is adjacent to the football stadium and will share a main entrance, was not required to have the U.S. 31 overlay façade requirements due to a hill behind the stadium. Verhoff said because of a pipeline behind the stadium a large hill is not an option. Jeff Olson of CSO Architects said the district is “pretty limited” with options due to spacing between the stadium and U.S. 31. He said if the galvanized aluminum bleachers are an issue there is a colorful, cheaper option. “The backside of the bleachers could have a powder coating finish on the back and underside but they would not comply (with the ordinance),” Olson said. Besides the potential wall, the Westfield Advisory Plan Commission approved the development site plans for the 5,500-seat community stadium plans, which plans to break ground in July. Verhoff said bids for the project are currently out and expected back by the end of June. Bids will be awarded in early July if reasonably priced and construction will begin. The district expects to close on its land sale of the current stadium and adjacent land in the next 30 days. Verhoff said naming rights are still available for the football and soccer fields. Other business conducted at the meeting included:
What happened: Primary plat and development plan review for 44 single family residential lot. What it means: The property is approximately 16 acres on the east side of Carey Road, south of 186th Street and north of Ind. 32. The proposed development plan is for the platting of 44 single-family detached residential lots within the existing Spring Mill Trails development. Change in zoning for Sundown Gardens, Inc.
On the cover
Christina and Don Stilts will host their next community pantry for those in need from 1 to 3 p.m. July 19 at Ameriana Bank, 3333 Ind. 32, Westfield. (Photo by Robert Herrington) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. VII, No. 27 Copyright 2013. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
What it means: The petitioner requests a change from agriculture single family 1 to the Spring Mill Road/186th Street development. Sundown Gardens, 505 W. 186th St., is approximately 16 acres at the southwest corner of the intersection. The change of zoning would allow for a mixed-use agritourism, garden and lawn center, nursery and commercial development. The development ordinance establishes four areas for the business to be used for garden and design, an outdoor showroom/park, market/plaza and garden area.
Field day – Amateur radio operators will be demonstrating at Quaker Park, 17501 Dartown Rd., Westfield, beginning at 2 p.m. June 28. The public will have a chance to meet and talk with ham radio operators from across the county and see for themselves what the Amateur Radio Service is about. There will be a Morse Code station offering a certificate with quick instruction on sending your initials as well as an open challenge to use a phone and try to text a message faster than an operator can send it by Morse. Instagram contest – Washington Township Parks and Recreation is embarking on new territory – Instagram technology – with a summer inspired contest. Tag WTPR with MacGregor Park pictures @wtprparksnrec. Each month there will be a different theme for the contest. June’s theme is “Summer Style.” Show your summer look: hiking the trails, stompin’ in the creek or chillin’ on a bench to #wtprsummerstyle. Just announced – The 2014 Rockstar Energy Uproar Festival is coming to Klipsch Music Center, Aug. 24. Godsmack is the headliner and the festival features Seether, Skillet, Buckcherry, Pop Evil, Escape the Fate, Redlight King, and many others. Tickets are on sale now and range from $20 to $79.50.
Closed – On June 12 the State of Indiana ordered two Golden Corral restaurants owned by Vaneady Restaurants, Inc., to close due to the franchisee’s failure to pay state taxes – one location was the restaurant at 15755 North Pointe Blvd., Noblesville. Corporate office officials from Golden Corral said the franchisee does not anticipate reopening the restaurants. Achievement – Westfield resident Robert Pickett was among the nearly 800 students who graduated from Bob Jones University earlier this month. Pickett graduated with a masters in educational leadership. Colin Ryan of Westfield graduated May 17 from Rice University with a master of music degree.
DVD review
The Commute
Like its 2007 predecessor, “300: Rise of an Empire” is lusty parade of six-pack abs and copious bloodlettings, set against a historical backdrop that’s been washed through the spin cycle of modern fantasy tropes. It has all the violence of the last movie, though no equally compelling figure like Gerard Butler’s commanding Leonidas, and certainly none of the verve and wit. Read more at www. currentnightandday.com.
INDOT contractors have begun patching pavement on Ind. 32 and Ind. 37 before resurfacing sections of both highways. The section of pavement is more than two miles of Ind. 32 between Hague Road and Ind. 37. Crews are working overnight to minimize disruption. More than four miles of Ind. 37 will be patched between Allisonville Road and Ind. 213. Both projects, totaling $1.6 million in improvements, are expected to be complete before September. Read more at www. currentinwestfield.com.
There are more bicyclists on the street than there used to be. On the surface, columnist Mike Redmond thinks this is a good thing – less pollution and a healthier populace. However, beneath the surface lurks a problem with all these two-wheelers on the road, and he have a bone to pick with bicyclists … namely, if they don’t start paying attention to the traffic laws, he’ll be picking their bones out of his truck grille. Read more at www.currentinwestfield.com.
June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
Amiguitos Daycare/Preschool has moved to its building at 203 Jersey St., which offers more space, a fenced-in backyard, and an open interior design with lots of natural light. (Photo by Lauren Quintanilla)
Unique preschool gets new home By Lauren Quintanilla lauren@currentwestfield.com Amiguitos Preschool and Daycare was opened in Westfield in the fall by Cheyenne Land-Requiz as a place she could teach business children ages 30 months to 5 years Spanish and open them up to a new culture. “There are so many cognitive benefits to learning a second language, and it opens up many career paths all across the world for them,” she said. Amiguitos uses a thematic curriculum that changes every week to teach Spanish and English. This week is “sports of all sorts” and that theme is used to teach motor skills, music and movement, reading, sensory, art and time for free play. Land-Requiz attended Indiana University and graduated in 2008 with a bachelor’s in human development/family studies with a minor in psychology. She started her career at the Goddard School, and then opened a daycare out of her home in Fishers, before opening up Amiguitos at 205 Park St. in downtown Westfield. Land-Requiz has found what she calls the “perfect” location in the Grand Junction area of Westfield. Less than a month ago, she moved into her new building at 203 Jersey St., which is 1,100 square feet and fits the long-term needs of the day care much better. “There will be more space, a huge, fenced-in backyard, and the interior design is very open
Cheyenne Land-Requiz, owner of Amiguitos Daycare/Preschool, left, with Victoria Penaloza, staff member. (Photo by Lauren Quintanilla)
with a lot of natural light,” Land-Requiz said. Land-Requiz has one staff member, Victoria Penaloza, who has a background in childcare, and is a native Spanish speaker. “It’s rewarding to be bilingual and knowing the advantages I’m helping to give the children we care for,” Penaloza said. Amiguitos recently teamed up with Westfield High Schools’ freshmen in the Honor’s Spanish class to create an emersion program. The high school students come to Amiguitos after school on Thursday’s for one hour to practice their Spanish with the children. The program has proved successful and will be continued next year. For more information on openings, visit www. amiguitospreschool.com or call 902-5232.
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June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
Magazine to offer knowledge, support to Austistic families
By Robert Herrington • robert@youarecurrent.com
When autism advocate Jane Grimes’ daughter was diagnosed with autism at age 6, the statistics of those with autism was Autism one in 10,000. Now, nine years later, the national rate is one in 68 children according to a recently released CDC study. This is a 30 percent increase from the 2012 report. Grimes said the increased rate is due to better diagnosis, significant environmental factors, a genetic component and the spectrum is broad. “Indiana is still the seventh highest state in numbers in autism,” she said. “The numbers are soaring and they aren’t going to go away. There isn’t a cure.” Grimes said the top three biggest challenges a family with autism faces are acceptance, the financial burden and support. “As a parent it’s exhausting. You’re so caught up in the now that it’s hard to think of what the next journey is or what the future holds for not only your child with autism but the entire family,” she said. “So immersed in tackling and getting through the day or the week that we don’t spend the time you need to think about two weeks from now, let alone 10 years from now.” Grimes said support can come from a friendly smile during tough times in public to neighbors or family friends offering to watch the child so the parents can get a break or have a date night.
Jane Grimes quit her job to start Autism Companion magazine to support families with an autistic child. (Photo by Robert Herrington)
“Everyone’s heard the word autism. Not everybody understands the different levels of autism but we are getting better,” Grimes said, adding the spectrum ranges from non-verbal to high functioning. Grimes said a lot of individuals with autism look very typical but act up because something in their environments sensory-wise sets them off. “Whether you are a good parent or not, the
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child has a disability,” said Grimes. “People need to be more understanding regardless of where you are at and ask to help. If something happens it’s OK to ask a family if they need help instead of staring or judging. Jump in and help or give them a friendly smile and say, ‘It’s OK.’ These simple things are part of the acceptance goal.” In September, Grimes launched the Autism Companion magazine. “I just jumped in,” she said. “I quit my nice
six-figure job to launch a quarterly magazine. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done. It addresses so many questions, anxieties and worries that a family goes through in the autism journey.” Grimes said the target audience is families, educators and medical professionals. Sections are broken down by years and include several articles in each edition written by those with autism. “It’s a glimpse of what an individual with autism really thinks, how they feel, how their brain works and what they want you to know,” Grimes said. “It brings more knowledge into our community in general.” The magazine, which is created with a team of volunteers, contains expert topics including special education, speech and language, neurology, behavior and nutrition. Grimes said the goal is to inform and let others know they are not alone in the autism world. “I wanted there to be more knowledge in the community and more support to the families – being behind the scenes to make a difference,” she said. “It’s such a significant, difficult journey. A piece of my heart is in each magazine, it’s who I am. Autism Companion is circulated in Hamilton County and the other eight counties surrounding Marion County. For more information, visit www.autismcompanion.com.
June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
Westfield’s Marissa Koschnick is chased by her sister, Madisson, during a game of Duck, Duck, Goose. Westfield’s Katie Boldue sings “If You’re Happy and You Know It” with her group, the Cowboy Hats.
Campers toast marshmallows for s’mores snacks. For more photos visit currentinwestfield.com. (Photos by Robert Herrington)
Exploring 4-H day camp
For six hours on June 17 and 18 youth in kindergarten to second grade enjoyed a fun-filled educational program at the Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds, 2003 Pleasant St., Noblesville. During camp, youth had the opportunity to learn about many different topics all related to 4-H. Camp classes and activities included a variety of group recreation, team building, care of small and large animals, crafts, nutrition, health presentations, camp songs, outdoor cooking and a lot of fun.
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Madelynn Garber of Westfield colors western themed pictures for her group’s poster.
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June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
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ER Always Ready for Summer Emergencies Health emergencies can happen at any time of the year, but summertime creates some unique circumstances that, unfortunately, can result in visits to the ER.
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In the event that a health emergency does arise this summer, St.Vincent Carmel Emergency Department is ready to help, 24/7. I hear Common summer from patients all the time emergencies who tell me that we have the fastest and friendliest care Although people spend a lot of they’ve ever received. In fact, By: Steve Baunach time near water in the summer, Director of Emergency our average wait time is less dehydration, heat injuries and Services than 20 minutes. And if you overexposure to sun are all find yourself with an common problems. Simply put, orthopedic injury while participating in people just don’t drink enough water sports you should know that St.Vincent during warmer weather and while Carmel has a very robust orthopedic enjoying summertime activities. program. We have an extensive team of Furthermore, people tend to drink a little sports medicine and orthopedic surgeons more alcohol, especially during summer available for any injuries that may occur. holidays. Not only can alcohol use lead to dehydration, it can also lead to accidents due to being in an impaired state. Since these are the months when people are outdoors and moving more, a lot of orthopedic injuries also occur in the summer. When your activity level is not commensurate with your level of conditioning, you can easily find yourself hurt. At the start of golf season, for example, there are always more heart attacks from people who have been sitting idly all winter and then decide to jump up and play 36 holes. When you’ve got an active summer planned, make sure you’re out walking and preparing yourself beforehand for that level of activity. If you’re starting a new exercise program or going to engage in strenuous activities, you should see your personal physician before you begin. Other common summer emergencies can run the gamut from severe sunburn to allergic reactions to insect stings. Fortunately, many of these injuries can be prevented with just a few precautions. For example, don’t forget to wear sunscreen, especially if you have a light complexion. And before taking a drink from a soda, be sure to check the top of the can for a bee that might like the sweet taste as much as you do.
The entire staff, from the nurses to the physicians and supervisors, is proud of the fact that our ER is an Emergency Center of Excellence. That’s an elite designation shared by only a few other Emergency Departments in the country, and we’re the only hospital in central Indiana with that level of recognition. If you have a problem that is serious enough to warrant inpatient admission to St.Vincent Carmel, you’ll be treated by a 100 Top Hospital, according to Truven Health Analytics. We work incredibly hard to live up to those kinds of standards, but the thanks we get from our patients is the highest praise we can receive. So this season, keep an eye on your surroundings, drink plenty of water, don’t overdo it, and you’ve got an excellent chance of enjoying a fun, healthy and safe summer. Text CARE to 41411 to find current ER wait times at St.Vincent Carmel. For alternate routes during US31 construction, go to stvincent.org/US31. If you are having a life-threatening emergency, please call 9-1-1 immediately.
When you need emergency care, trust St.Vincent Carmel Emergency Department. We make it a point to see you quickly, help you heal and get you home fast. For your convenience, we also offer FREE valet parking at Entrance 5.
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June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
Hiatts to celebrate 60 years
news@currentinwestfield.com John A. and Donita Myers Hiatt will celebrate their 60 wedding anniversary from 1 to 3 p.m. June 29 at Christ United Methodist Church, Westfield. The celebration will be hosted by the couple’s children: Lottie Hiatt Cook, Tony Hiatt, Dona Hiatt Lackman and Dale Hiatt. Friends and family are invited to attend and the children ask for no gifts. Donita is a retired caterer and John is retired from Farm Bureau Farm Records as a tax preparer and formerly served as a Hamilton County Councilman. The couple met at the Hamilton County 4-H Fair at a Horse Show. The Hiatts were married June 26, 1954 at Boxley United Methodist Church by the Rev. Lowell Townsend. In addition to their children, the couple has 11 grandchildren and two on the way.
522 S. Rangeline Rd., Carmel, IN 317.573.0061
John A. and Donita Myers Hiatt met at the Hamilton County 4-H Fair at a Horse Show. (Photo provided by Dona Hiatt Lackman)
obituary Jeremy David Locke, 32, of Westfield, died June 12, 2014. He was born Aug. 22, 1981 in Plymouth. Survivors include his mother, Pam (Wayne Beverage) Locke; father, Hugh David (Rachel) Locke; son, Ethan David Locke; brothers, Ryan (Michelle) Allen, Cameron Locke and Connor Locke; sisters, Megan (Steve) Russell and Claire Locke; grandparents, Dick and Jeanie Alber; and eight nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his grandparents, Martha and David Locke. A Memorial Service was held June 17 at Randall & Roberts Funeral Center, 1685 Westfield Rd., Noblesville, with the Rev. Kevin Russell officiating. Memorial contributions may be made to the Ethan Locke College Fund, c/o Edward Jones, 350 E Main Street, Westfield, 46074. Online condolences may be made at www.randallroberts.com.
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June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
Equipment designed for toddlers By Robert Herrington robert@youarecurrent.com
Desk... 3 EASY WAYS TOLARRY’s SAVE THIS SUMMER! 1. Grab coupons on our website. 2. Play Gettin’ Piggy with It on Twitter and Facebook. 3. Get great tips and insights on Larry’s blog. NO Interest for 12 months! Visa MasterCard Discover Serving Residential & Commercial Customers in Central Indiana
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Dirt and dust are being kicked up a little more than usual at one Westfield park as construction is taking place to reparks move and install new equipment. Administrative assistant Jordan McBride said the current “tiny, playground piece” for 2 to 5 year olds is being removed at Simon Moon Park, 2710 E. 171st St. McBride said the new equipment by Kompan is bigger and includes rocking swings, a playhouse, exploration tunnels to crawl through and an adventure slide. “There are bars to climb, rollover and explore. It helps with balance, movement and spatial awareness,” he said. “It lets little kids interact with each other and improve space awareness.” Construction began on June 17. “The goal is to be finished with installation by Monday, June 30,” said McBride. “It’s been smooth so far. We keep dodging the rain bullet and should open earlier.” McBride said the current playset has not been assigned for reuse. If it does not find a home at another park or city space, McBride said it will be donated. McBride said the other playground equipment for 5 to 12 year olds, which is newer, will not be disturbed.
The toddler playset is being removed for new equipment at Simon Moon Park, 2710 E. 171st St. (Submitted photo)
June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
Towers to serve as city’s beacons Commentary by Jim Ake On April 25, 1896, the Indianapolis News ran a feature on page 12 designed to educate bicycle enthusiasts about the best routes from Indianapolis to Noblesville. Along their trip, landmarks “wheelmen” could expect to utilize everything from major roads – such as the Allisonville Pike – to gravel or dirt roads that would take them on scenic, “delightful riding” through “the best parts of Hamilton County.” Riders could expect to encounter “only one hill of any consequence” between Noblesville and Westfield, the latter of which the writer described as “a picturesque little village, scattered along the road for three-quarters of a mile.” Once again, Westfield is making headlines as a destination for sporting enthusiasts. Our community has a valuable history and a unique culture. Founded by Quakers, early Westfield inhabitants built a community that became integral to the success of the Underground Railroad. We have a tradition of educational excellence that far surpasses that of our regional neighbors, even to this day. And our ability to capitalize on the youth sports industry with Grand Park is simply one more way that Westfield continues to be a destination of choice for recreation-seekers of all ages. Our city is a truly amazing place to live, and we should not be afraid to let our light shine. The Westfield Towers is a project designed
(REGULAR $25) EXPIRES 7/24/14
to create for visitors – and residents – a unique landmark with which they can identify. At night, the illuminated structures will serve as beacons for travelers, alerting adventurers from all over that there is something here not to be missed. For residents, the towers will be extraordinary monuments that represent the pride in our community’s past and its significance to the future of Indiana. As Peter Kagayama writes in his book For the Love of Cities, “It is the new, the different and the unexpected peppered in with the familiar that makes for the most interesting experiences.” While we may have grown from simply being “a picturesque little village,” it is still possible for Westfield to hold on to our heritage while embracing the future. In order for our community to remain competitive in Hamilton County and the State of Indiana at large, we must be willing to think outside the box and invest in growth.
a retreat . . . from a hectic day
PUBLIC invited
OpenHouse Thursday th JUNE 26
Jim Ake is an at-large member and president of the Westfield City Council. He can be reached at councilmembers@westfield.in.gov.
pm 1:00pm - 3:00
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June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
Members of the Hamilton County Leadership Academy meet with Lt. Gov. Sue Ellspermann during one of their classes. (Photo provided by Jill Doyle)
HCLA graduates its 23rd class County; Andrew Litke, Messer Construction Co.; Amy Matthews, Church, Church, Hittle & Antrim; Rita McCloskey Payne, St. Vincent Seton Cove Spirituality Center; Jason Morehouse, Beck’s Superior Hybrids; Chris Owens, Indiana Park & Recreation Association; Nancy Ramsey, Job’s for America’s Graduates; Paul Roberts, Always Best Care; Jason Rowley, CHA Companies; Cierria Schmalzried, BMO Harris Bank; Lisa Sheets, Carmel Swim Club; Todd Thurston, Hare Chevrolet; Jill Troha, United Way of Central Indiana – Hamilton County; Leslie Webb, Carmel Green Initiative; and Jim Wolf, ELFCU Wealth Management. As a part of their graduation requirements, individuals work as a team to complete a community project. This year’s projects included: early childhood curriculum portfolio, HCLA alumni engagement, Hamilton County trails connectivity audit, nonprofit leadership connect, and Youth Assistance Program microloans. For more information visit www.hcla.net.
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The Hamilton County Leadership Academy, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating and inspiring leadership to create a positive impact in our community, leadership recently graduated its 23rd class. The class included: Dena Aleksa, Community Health Network; Cindy Benedict, City of Noblesville; Nicole Bickett, Mainstreet; Ryan Clark, City of Westfield; Andrea Davis, Indianapolis Business Journal; Mike Dawson, Cloudapt, LLC; Catherine Dixon, Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre; Tom Dooley, First Merchants Bank; Danyele Easterhaus, Student Impact of Westfield; Tammy Elmore, Meals on Wheels of Hamilton County; Susan Ferguson, Prevail, Inc.; Veronica Ford, RCI; Rob Garrett, Ameriana Bank; David Haboush, City of Carmel; Patrick Kelley, Insects Limited, Inc.; Courtney Knies, Mentors for Youth of DuBois
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June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
Touch a Truck
2014 SEMINARY BAND CONCERTS SEMINARY PARK, NOBLESVILLE - 6:30PM Thursday, June 26: 38th Division Infantry Concert Band & 38th Division Infantry Jazz Band Children and adults received an up close view of a variety of vehicles, including a Westfield Fire Dept. ladder truck, during the Washington Township Parks and Recreation Touch-a-Truck event June 12 at Westfield High School’s parking lot, 322 W. Main St. For more photos from the event, visit www.currentinwestfield.com. (Photo by Brianna Susnak)
WPD names best-caption winners news@currentinwestfield.com
As important as social media is to get their message across when issues arise, the Westfield Police Dept. also enjoys having fun with its Facebook followers. For public safety its second “Caption This! Contest” the department used a picture from a recent K-9 training competition. Police Chief Joel Rush said the top three captions will receive a Midland weather radio and the winner also receives a small Westfield gift package. Rush said the captions, which had to come from Hamilton County residents, were judge based on a variety of factors including humor, creativity and amount of likes received. “Caption This! Contest” winners were: • First place – Des Woodruff, “Does it make any difference? I found the ball!” • Second place – Kim Wilson Plummer, “What do you mean I’m not allowed in Grand Park? It’s a park!” • Third place – Mike Cinamon, “C’mon Dad, let me down. I promise I will jump in the water again the cats are laughing at me, this is humiliating…” Honorable mentions included: • Amy Roth Miller: “Man, I sure hope this picture doesn’t end up in a ‘Caption This!’ contest.” • Brent Thompson: “That’ll be the last time you pretend to throw the ball and hide it behind your back…” • Craig Spinner: “Attention Homeowners: This is NOT a coyote!” • David Watkins: “Please be mud, please be mud!”
Sunday, July 6: Lapel Community Band Sponsored by Church, Hittle & Antrim Sunday, July 13: Indianapolis Symphonic Band Sponsored by Resler’s Tax Service Inc. Sunday, July 20: Director’s Jazz Orchestra Sponsored by Harger Family Advised Endowment Fund CICF/Legacy Fund Partnership Sunday, July 27: Barton Rogers Big Band Sponsored by The Farmers Bank Sunday, August 3: Joy Swing Jazz Orchestra Sponsored by Hare Chevrolet Sunday, August 10: Blue Skies Big Band Sponsored by Bryce Adam of Edward Jones Sunday, August 17: Indianapolis Municipal Band Sponsored by Generations in Dentistry
Residents were asked to caption this WPD photo on its Facebook page.
• Jane Paullus Grimes: “Real Men Wear fur” • Robin Van Horn Stump: “Please can I walk? I promise I won’t chase the geese again!” • Wayne Eells: “Take your friend swimming, it will be a blast they said…”
Cellco Partnership and its controlled affiliates doing business as Verizon Wireless (Verizon Wireless) proposes to build a 130-foot Monopole Communications Tower in the vicinity of West 161st Street, Westfield, Hamilton County, IN 46074. Public comments regarding potential effects from this site on historic properties may be submitted within 30-days from the date of this publication to: Trileaf Corp, Timothy Redel, t.redel@trileaf.com, 10845 Olive Blvd, Suite 260, St. Louis, MO 63141, 314-997-6111.
Sunday, August 24: Indianapolis Brass Choir Sponsored by Campbell Kyle Proffitt LLP Shakespeare in the Park AS YOU LIKE IT - Seminary Park July 24, 25, 26, 31 and August 1, 2 at dusk MARCHING BAND COMPETITION July 25 at 6:30 PM Hare Chevrolet Field - $6 Art Fair on the Square August 2 - Historic Courthouse Square
June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
Our Marketing System has the MOST Exposure to Buyers SAMPLE OF DAYS ON THE MARKET: Oak Ridge Crossing - 9 days Columbine Lane - 1 & 20 days Dayton Drive - 3 days Hendon Court - 1 & 8 days River Birch Drive - 4 days Piedmont Drive - 2 & 20 days
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AND MANY MORE! Average days on market is 14.9! Expert advice on how to prepare your home for a quick sale with the least inconvenience to you, for a fast, hassle-free sale! Call me today for your free consultation. Inventory is way down...WE NEED YOUR HOME! We list them...we SELL them.
State runner-up
After the first round of the state finals on June 17, the Westfield High School boys’ golf team was in sixth place and seven shots back from the lead. The Shamrocks shot 10 strokes better and moved up the board to finish in second place at the Legends of Indiana Golf Course in Franklin. Columbus North won the title with an 11-stroke lead over Westfield, denying the Shamrocks a chance to repeat as state champions. Sophomore Johnny Deck, whose 1-under-par 70 tied for the second-best score of the second round, shot a two-day total of 145. He finished tied for fifth place individually. The WHS team that competed at state is comprised of Deck, Thomas Lewis, Pierce Dahl, Timmy Hildebrand and Keith Ponsler. The team is coached by Jon Hoover. (Submitted photo)
The Marketplace at Westfield Fridays June - August from 5 - 8 PM at SR 32 & Carey Rd
The Marketplace features fresh produce from local growers and goods from Indiana artisans. For more information about The Marketplace at Westfield, visit www.ameriana.com, www.facebook.com/amerianabank or speak with an Ameriana associate at 867-7740. MEMBER FDIC
Top netters The Indy Assault 16U-Gold Boys Volleyball Team won the 2014 Asics Jr. National Volleyball Championship held at the Navy Pier in Chicago on June 16 and 17. This team was undefeated for the season, also winning tournaments in Southport and Louisville. From left: Head coach Jon Harmon, AJ Birsfield (Westfield High School), Jackson Tyler (Noblesville), Tyler McDuffy (Carmel), Alex Schmitt (Carmel), Michael Hostetler (Carmel), Jason Schug (Carmel), Jacob Allard (Roncalli), Joel Kellum (Carmel) and assistant coach Jordan Foyer. (Photo provided by Duane J. Hostetler)
June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
A Giving Tree
The Lawson family – Britni, Ashlie and Amy – dispense bread at the June 7 community pantry at Ameriana Bank in Westfield. (Photo by Robert Herrington)
After H1N1 scare, a Westfield family pays it forward with community pantry By Robert Herrington • robert@youarecurrent.com Don and Christina Stilts are making an impact in their community while instilling the importance of serving to cover story their two sons. The couple started Stilts Spirit – A Giving Tree in 2011 after they felt a need to give back following a medical scare. “Our initial mission was to teach our sons, Christian and Sebastian, the meaning of having a Godly heart through the giving of themselves and showing mercy and charity to others,” Don said. Their oldest son, Christian, was diagnosed with H1N1 and pneumonia in July 2011 and the Stilts family spent 13 days at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital. “Other patient families, doctors and staff all surrounded us with love. It uplifted us at a time that was dark and hard for us,” Christina Stilts said. “We were so touched. It meant a lot to us.” In December 2011, the Stilts went back to the children’s hospital dressed as Santa and Mrs. Claus and dispensed gifts to all the admitted patients and children in the ER. “I was bawling the entire time,” she said. Don and Christina returned again the following year but began looking for “something new and more impactful” last year. While serving on the community outreach committee of Imagine Church in Westfield, the Stilts discovered that one of the city’s public schools had 65 percent of its students on free and reduced lunch programs. “We found the statistics alarming – and several other schools were almost as high,” Christina said. “These are our friends and neighbors.
Don Stilts, center, talks with volunteers toward the end of the community pantry on June 7. The Stilts had 45 volunteers and served approximately 400 families at the first pantry on April 26.
People are struggling that we don’t even know about here in Westfield.” Christina said the 501c3 nonprofit started providing food for eight families immediately after forming. Since then the number has grown to 30. On April 26, A Giving Tree started a monthly community pantry for those in need at Ameriana Bank, 3333 Ind. 32, Westfield. “We feed people on three fronts – food distribution, nutrition education and spiritual guidance,” Christina said adding the organization in nondenominational. “We provide them with information about different churches depending on what they are looking for.” The distribution started on April 26. With the assistance of 45 volunteers, the Stilts provided food to approximately 400 people. “We have been welcomed by them. They are
so complementing in what we do. They leave after feeling renewed, with their dignity. We know it takes a lot of courage to ask for help. They shouldn’t be ashamed,” Christina said. Food is provided through private donations and the Stilts have three gardens – one in Westfield, Arcadia and Sheridan – which provide a variety of organic produce and fruits like apples and pears. Don said the pantry is designed to help families in Hamilton County but they will assist others. “It’s for anyone in need and willing to stop at a food pantry,” he said, adding information about other area pantries is provided to non-county residents. Among the volunteers on June 7 was the Lawson family – mother, Amy, and daughters, Brinti and Ashlie.
“I love being able to serve people and see them leaving with full carts. They go home with a couple weeks of food,” Amy said, adding she was not surprised by the number of people coming through to get food. “Having served before, I know there is a huge need in Hamilton County. There are a lot of needy people.” Unlike her mother, Britni said volunteering was eye-opening. “It is amazing how large the population is,” she said. “They’re lost in our own backyard. There is a huge need right here.” Britni said the pantry allowed her to use Spanish. “I don’t get to use it very much. I found it more helpful,” she said. While the food distribution typically takes place on the first Saturday of the month, the next offering is 1 to 3 p.m. July 19 because of the Fourth of July holiday. For more information on volunteering or donating to A Giving Tree, visit www.stiltsspirit-agivingtree.org or e-mail StiltsSpirit@gmail.com. “This is what we are called to do,” Don said. “Every dime we get goes back into bring food to the needy.”
food rocks Stilts Spirit – A Giving Tree has partnered with six 16-year-old students to combat hunger within Westfield. Together, with some assistance from a guidance counselor and two mothers, the Junior Advisory Panel have established a 10-week summer food program that serves 43 underprivileged Westfield Washington Elementary students during the summer. “We could not be more proud or honored to be working with these young teens,” Christina Stilts said. “They share our organizations DNA and serve with a heart filled with compassion for these young students.” Food Rocks began serving the community on June 13.
June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
In all seriousness, mammograms are important
FR O M T H E BACKSHOP The Hillary Show is well on its way Well, its deja vu all over again. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is out pushing her latest book (fiction or non-fiction, depending on which end of the political spectrum one resides) as she readies for another run for president. It’s going to be exhausting. All the old ghosts will rear their ugly heads including, but not limited to, Whitewater, Benghazi and Sandy Burger (You may remember him as “Sandy Burglar,” the former White House national security adviser under Bill Clinton, who pleaded guilty to removing and destroying copies of classified documents about the Clinton administration’s record on terrorism). We wonder what could have been in those documents that would have caused Burger to risk his career and reputation, such as it was, to destroy them. Let’s not forget about the tidy profit she made trading cattle futures. She claimed to have “studied the Wall Street Journal” to learn how to trade, but it eventually came out that she had a highly placed sourced inside Tyson Foods to, well, help her. And, of course, the vast “right-wing conspiracy” called Monica Lewinsky will surface. As we stated, exhausting. We’ll have to endure it all. Perhaps her timing is just about right. As President Barack Obama has shown, you don’t have to have any qualifications or experience to win the presidency, so she seems as good as in. However, as her somewhat-rocky first week touting her book has proven, maybe some are seeing through this empty pantsuit. Who knows? It will be interesting, albeit tiring, viewing. About the only thing that could rival this would be a reappearance of Republican Mitt Romney, who gave away a clear shot at the presidency after the first debate with Obama, obviously having just been discharged from the GOP-funded George H.W. Bush Institute for Spine Removal. Would a bona fide, honest-to-goodness leader, bereft of self-interests, please come to the fore? Now? Brian Kelly, publisher, and Steve Greenberg, general manager, are co-owners of Current Publishing, LLC. Write them at info@ youarecurrent.com.
BELIEVE IT! Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In New York it is illegal to congregate in public with two or more people while each wearing a mask or any face covering which disguises your identity.
Source: dumblaws.com
Commentary by Danielle Wilson
Life is filled with peril Commentary by Terry Anker “Smoking by pregnant women may result in fetal injury, premature birth, and low birth weight,” is a classic. Or maybe one has a preference, “Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide.” Direct and simple works too, “Smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and may complicate pregnancy.” Whichever of the U.S. Surgeon General warnings affixed to tobacco products that we find most compelling, few are missing the point – smoking is dangerous and must be treated as such. Now, we are labeling all kinds of products and activities as risky. Life, it seems, is filled with peril. As my eldest son and his compadres have just embarked into the adult work – some heading to college and others to begin their first full-time job – they are being inundated with all kinds of new experiences. Some quickly become addicted to them. The pain is limited at first but, in time, these addictions will wreak havoc on them, their families and all of our communities. Inevitably, government will attempt to help the hapless and
our ship of state will be swamped by those who were prompted to addiction years earlier. But this danger is almost secret. It is advocated by the government and those who we trust. The pushers come to our homes and to our schools. These dealers want us addicted to debt. Young folks receive a bounty of offers to borrow! Loans, credit cards, deferred payments and advances all are promised as entitlements and deserved rewards. Why wait? Why spend within our means? Why earn it and then spend it? Commercials clog our minds. “Free” government programs! Grab it now! How can anything be free? Somebody is paying. Should the loans be marked, “Borrowing can cause long-term regret and low life attainment;” or “Debt causes anxiety, stress and other related ailments.” Debt is dangerous and must be treated as such. Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may e-mail him at terry@currentincarmel. com.
Q U O T E O F T H E W E E K “A bad attitude is merely a reflection of how you feel about yourself.”
- David Roppo
I just returned from my annual appointment with the mammogram machine, and I have to say, as I do every year, humor “blecht!” I know it’s an important, potentially life-saving procedure, and I understand that in the grand scheme of things, all the poking and pinching isn’t really that big of deal, but I still feel like curling up with a blanket and a hot mug of soup as if victimized. And I don’t know why. My “handler” was actually very nice. She kept me informed throughout the entire process and fed me constant encouragement. She let me see the images as they appeared on the screen, and even congratulated me on my apparently svelte pectoral muscles. But there’s just something about having another human being contorting your half-exposed upper body around and into a cold, stainless and glass contraption that leaves you feeling like a piece of meat being prepped for the sausage maker. It’s breast Twister, with a definite, sadistic, twist. And another thing that rather galled me, as if I haven’t already had to compensate enough for my rather small bosom, is that mammograms are more challenging for the lessendowed. Since there really isn’t that much to work with, you see, scooping and pulling every single ounce of tissue into place is imperative for a readable image. How many times did I hear “Nope, it’s not working. Let’s try again.” But my gal was a perfectionist, so we pressed on with our game: “Left shoulder to blue, chin on yellow, right arm on green, stand on your tippy toes, just lean forward one bit to red, hold your breath and … Let me just change this position here … now try wrapping your hand around blue again….” Argh! Eventually, she did manage some lovely shots, if I do day so myself, but the ordeal left me a bit rattled. It didn’t help that she recommend Tylenol on my way out to help with what I can only assume will be soreness and perhaps bruising. Did you think I was kidding about the manhandling? Again, I know I have no right to complain. Several of my friends are breast cancer survivors (superheroes, every single one!), and they have certainly put these few short moments of mild discomfort into to perspective. But let’s be honest here people, men would never tolerate this “game” for one second if it were their boy parts being smooshed between the glass! Twister? More like Chutes and Ladders. Ah well, until next year. Peace out.
Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@currentincarmel.com.
June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
Our veterans deserve better
Commentary by U.S. Rep. Susan Brooks
The word tragedy is overused in our society, but the word has perhaps never been applied more correctly than to describe what’s been uncovered at the VA. opinion In May, a preliminary investigation by the VA’s Inspector General found some officials in the department had falsified records about how long veterans had waited to receive health care. Specifically, the report found 1,700 veterans at a Phoenix, hospital were kept on unofficial waiting lists in order to keep the publicly-reported wait times down. A similar list was kept at a hospital in Fort Collins, Colo., and problems with health care delivery at VA hospitals have been uncovered from Pennsylvania to South Carolina to Florida. The VA has already admitted that at least 23 people have died as a result of failure to receive care. I have long been concerned with the treatment of veterans seeking care within the VA system. My office opens more cases for frustrated veterans than we do for any other group of constituents. These individuals served our country bravely, yet they struggle to receive the benefits and services they’ve earned. The system must be changed and improved for veterans to truly get the care they need without having to contact their member of Congress to get results or attention. In November, I brought together local and state Veterans Service Organizations for a roundtable discussion focusing on VA health care as well as problems with veteran’s disability claims, employment and homelessness. I believe fixing the systemic problems within the VA requires new national leadership with proven health care delivery experience. That’s why I was pleased when former VA Secretary General Eric Shinseki tendered his resignation last month. The necessary culture shift must start at the highest levels. I was also
Gifts no one wants, needs Commentary by Dick Wolfsie
proud to vote in favor of House Resolution 4031 – the Department of Veterans Affairs Management Accountability Act – legislation which will give the incoming VA Secretary new authority to remove or transfer failing senior executives. This bill passed the House with bipartisan support, by a margin of 390-33. Right now, according to a VA internal audit released this month, 57,000 veterans nation-wide have waited 90 days or more for their first doctors’ visits. In addition, another 64,000 veterans who have requested initial appointments never were added to a waiting list. In Indiana there are 273 veterans who have waited more than 90 days and 230 veterans who have not been placed on official waiting lists. Even one veteran waiting is one too many. With so many veterans returning from recent military conflicts, this is a problem we must address now. This is why the House also recently passed, by an overwhelming margin of 426-0, the Veterans Access to Care Act (House Resolution 4810). This bill requires the VA to offer veterans on waiting lists for more than 14 days, or those who live more than 40 miles from a VA facility, care at a non-VA provider at the VA’s expense. The House will continue to take its oversight role seriously and push for system-wide change at the VA. I hope the Senate will pass the House’s legislation quickly, so that our veterans can begin to receive the care they need. The men and women on the VA waiting lists served our country selflessly and heroically. We owe it to them, and their families, to pursue comprehensive solutions for a deeply troubled system.
The summer edition of the Hammacher Schlemmer catalog arrived in the mail the other day, just in time for Christmas (or was it too late for Christmas?) All great stuff for me – not to humor buy, of course, but to make fun of. For example: FOLD-AWAY ADULT BUNK BEDS This is the perfect gift for ex-cons who simply want to create the homey and secure feeling of being in the slammer. INSTANT BADMINTON COURT What better way to get rid of unwanted guests than to suddenly exclaim: How about a game of badminton? You can set up a full-size court in three minutes replete with racquets and whatever those things are you hit over the net. Invited to a party at someone else’s house? The handy carrying case allows you to ruin anyone’s gettogether at the drop of a hat. SANDLESS BEACH MAT This is a giant blanket made out of two sheets of polyurethane that has thousands of holes so that by merely lifting the first layer, the sand can sift through, making your seashore experience sandfree, which is every beach lover’s dream. (It is?) Hammacher Schlemmer says this technology was developed by the military for desert operations. My guess is that some scientist thought of this idea when his wife made him clean the kitty litter. MOSQUITO-THWARTING CAMP SHIRT Is the pocket protector not doing the trick? Fear not! How about the Mosquito Thwarting Camp Shirt? It looks like a regular shortsleeve shirt, but just when you think it’s time for the sleeves to call it quits, there’s another foot or two of mosquito netting that extends to your wrists. In the photo, it looks like the guy is wearing a seethrough negligee on his forearms. One woman commented on a consumer website: If you want me to be smitten, I’d rather you got bitten. FESCUE FLIP FLOPS These are flip-flops where the inner sole is made of artificial turf so that when you saunter down the street, you feel like you are walking barefoot in the park. Hey, I have a better idea: make a flipflop with the artificial grass on the outer sole so that you can feel like you are walking on artificial turf with your shoes on. FOUR-BOTTLE BEER GLASS Here’s a fun item for men. It’s a pilsner glass that holds four bottles of your favorite brew. It looks like a giant see-thru Borg Warner Trophy. What a cute idea – a way to appease your spouse who has told you to cut your beer guzzling down to one glass a day.
U.S. Rep. Susan Brooks represents the 5th District of Indiana in the U.S. House of Representatives. Please send comments to editorial@youarecurrent.com.
And Libertarians are the crazy ones?
Editor, Let’s see if I can get this straight. So the United States invades Iraq for trumped up reasons and ousts Saddam who was a Sunni – a Sunni who fought against the Shiite government of Iran and kept them in check. While we were bogged down in a 10-year war, we emboldened Iran. We pull out of Iraq and a new Al-Qaedasupported Sunni group is now retaking Iraq. So we ousted a Sunni government, spent billions, lost thousands of lives so that another Sunni group could retake Iraq. But this time with ties to Al-Qaeda. Now the United States is considering joining forces with the Shiite theocracy of Iran to oppose this new threat. The same Iran we are led to believe is fueling terrorists across the Middle East and in Syria. The same Iran that every Presidential
candidate trips over themselves to appear to be the toughest against. The same Iran we sanction. The same Iran that we are told wants to “wipe Israel off the face of the Earth.” The same Iran that is a “very urgent threat.” This is a great example of why a non-interventionist foreign policy is the solution. Our foreign policy has not made us safer, it has squandered our resources, gotten many of our men and women killed and has led to a high rate of post traumatic stress disorder and suicides among our veterans. All while VA scandals are plenty and we provide worse healthcare for our veterans than we do for illegal immigrants. But we will all blindly vote in a Clinton to take on another Bush in 2016. Maybe I should just watch the World Cup. Rant complete. David Stockdale, 46033
Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.
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June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
June 24, 2014 • currentnightandday.com
Freedom Festival a great Fourth of July pre-party By Mackenzie Klahr editorial@youarecurrent.com One of the biggest events in the Indianapolis area will likely draw an estimated 50,000 people this year, making Fishers Freedom event Festival one of the most iconic festivals in the region. “Coming to our events, almost everything is free, and we work very hard to keep it that way,” said Jennifer Kehl, executive director of the festival. Embracing the community of Fishers and maintaining equal opportunities to all who arrive are two goals the festival works hard to achieve she says and keeping it free of charge is a job Kehl does not take lightly. “That is one of our main goals, that no matter what your income level everyone can come out and have the exact same experience,” she said. Two of the most memorable portions of the festival are its parade, which corrals roughly five thousand people onto the streets of Fishers and its fireworks show, which people view from all over town. There will be road closings because of the parade starting at about 3 p.m. Roads that will be closed are: • 116th Street • Lantern Road • Holland Drive • Sunblest: Between Ellipse Boulevard and Lantern Road All streets will be reopened once viewers have left the area and police officials have given the all clear. “It’s relatively a short period of time during one day,” said Don Dragoo, president of the festival’s board. “The inconvenience I hope will be offset by the benefits of serving the community and bringing a family atmosphere.” The fireworks, which are made specifically for the Freedom Festival, are its second highest expense. The 20-minute show includes a personalized Fishers firework at the very end followed by an American Flag design. The festival encourages everyone who attends to bring a canned food item for local food pantries or articles for its school supply drive. Donation stations will be open both days. With the popularity of the festival as great as ever and over a third of attendees coming from outside of Hamilton County, Kehl holds tight to the small town feeling the festival brings to Fishers. “We want to give them something they will remember for the rest of their lives,” she said. “It brings families together as well as friends neighbors to celebrate our independence and the Town of Fishers with community spirit.” Changing the lives of children is what Kehl per-
THIS WEEK Wear your dancing shoes - The nationallyrecognized Indianapolis Jazz Orchestra will bring its unique blend of big band flair CARMEL to the Carmel Gazebo stage at 7:30 p.m. June 25. Indiana’s official ambassadors of big band jazz, this orchestra was created to preserve and advance the entire dynamic history of the big band. Patterned after popular bands, both past and present, the Indianapolis Jazz Orchestra is committed to performing world-class musical arrangements based on classic tunes from the Great American Songbook. In addition to performing the best of the traditional big band repertoire, the orchestra also features outstanding new arrangements and compositions. For more information, visit www. carmelgazeboconcerts.org. Freedom Fest - The biggest event in Fishers comes up this weekend June 28 & 29! Fishers Freedom Festival at Roy G. FISHERS Holland Park is for the whole family and includes plenty of kid activities, craft vendors, food, games, parade, fireworks and more. 1 Park Dr., Fishers June 28 from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.; June 29 from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.; 5:30p.m.-9p.m. (after parade) and after fireworks until 11:15p.m. Admission is free, please bring canned goods or school supplies to donate . Free shuttle service from Fishers Municipal Complex. For more info call 317-595-3195 or visit www.fishersfreedomfestival.org.
A military color guard took part in the 2013 Fishers Freedom Festival parade. This year’s festival will be held June 28 and 29 at Holland Park. (File photo)
sonally feels the festival is all about. She recalls, in particular, a boy who started volunteering in junior high and today, years later, has completed graduate school and lives in California. “Every year his mother finds me and makes a point to thank me for what the committee does for the community, it really means a lot that she comes and does that,” Kehl said. In addition to its entertainment selections,
the festival is excited to add two new attractions this year, a 240-foot zip line along with a photo booth from Viral Booth Indianapolis. The event, commemorating the Beauty of Fishers and American Independence will take place June 28 and 29 at Roy G. Holland Memorial Park. For more information on the festival and what time each event takes place, visit www. FishersFreedomFestival.com.
Fishers Freedom Festival: June 28 & 29 2014 Roy G. Holland Memorial Park Info: fishersfreedomfestival.org
Events: • 5k and 2-mile family walk (Saturday) • Indiana Disc Dog Classic • The Kiddie run • Silent auction • Business Vendors Tent • Arts and Craft booths • Firefighter Combat Challenge • Children’s Tent- contains many crafts such as sand art, face painting, button making handprint poems, puppet shows and other items • Kid’s sport zone
• Kid’s and Adult Firefighter Combat Challenge • Water balloon launch and dunk tank • Beer and Wine Garden • Climbing Wall • Zip Line • Tethered Hot Air Balloon Rides • Teen Area – includes DJ and Dancing • Entertainment Tent • Stella Luna and the Satellites (Saturday) Big Cat Daddy (Sunday) • Children’s Parade (Sunday) • Fireworks (Sunday) • Nondenominational Church Service (Sunday)
Make your own T-shirt quilt – Have a stack of old T-shirts that need to be repurposed? The Noblesville Library, 1 LiNOBLESVILLE brary Plaza, will discuss and demonstrate the basic process of making a T-shirt quilt from 6:30 to 8 p.m. June 26. Participants will observe how to prepare the shirts, how to layout the quilt top, and how to finish the project. If a participant brings a T-shirt to the class, they will leave the session with a sample T-shirt block to be used in a future quilt. Register by calling 776-6939 or online at www.hepl.lib.in.us. For more information, call 770-3209. Walk with a … – Washington Township Parks and Recreation and its “special guests” walk the trail at MacGregor Park, 21105 WESTFIELD MacGregor Park Rd., each week through Aug. 7. The program is designed to get families out to move their bodies and expand their knowledge at 9:30 a.m. Thursdays. Discover more about being a doctor, a fireman, a policeman an orthodontist and many more careers. For more information, visit http://washingtontownship-hc.us. Mi Colombia – The Colombian Folkloric Ballet of Houston will perform at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. June 28 in the Zionsville zionsVILLE Performing Arts Center, 1000 Mulberry St. Tickets prices range from $23 to $30. To purchase tickets, visit www.vendini.com.
June 24, 2014
NIGHT & DAY Beef & Boards Presents: ‘Mary Poppins’ • This familyfriendly tale of Mary Poppins, the extraordinary nanny who flies into the Banks home and changes the lives of the children and the parents, is presented for the first time at Beef & Boards. Enjoy the magic and music of Mary Poppins and be sure to check out the added Saturday matinees. • 9301 Michigan Rd., Indianapolis • Today at 1 and 8 p.m.; June 26 at 1 and 8 p.m.; June 27 at 8 p.m.; June 28 at 1:30 and 8 p.m.; June 29 at 1:30 p.m. • Tickets start at $38.50. • 872-9664 • www. beefandboards.com
Lincoln Park Concert Series • Spend the evening at Lincoln Park in Zionsville and listen to live music every Wednesday evening in June and July. Tonight’s performance is Rockin’ the Blues featuring The Breaks. Seating is limited; food will be for sale and attendees are encouraged to bring blankets and/or chairs. • Corner of First and Oak Streets, Zionsville • Tonight from 7 – 8:30 p.m. • Free • 873-3836 Clay Terrace Summer Concert Series • Enjoy a summer night out while listening to live music from local bands. Pizza will be available for purchase from Tony Sacco’s. Tonight’s performance is by Area Code 812. • Grassy Knoll behind Kona Grill at Clay Terrace • Tonight from 7 – 9 p.m. • Free • 8180725 • www.clayterrace.com
Noblesville Summer Concert Series • Noblesville Parks and Recreation Department offers free summer concerts through July at either Dillon Park or Forest Park. Tonight’s show features My Yellow Rickshaw at Dillon Park. • Tonight from 7 – 9 p.m. • 776-6350 • Free • 6351 Midland Lane, Noblesville • www.cityofnoblesville.org Noblesville Main Street “Thursday Market” • This European-style market offers locally grown produce, artisan foods, high quality art, live music and more. • Located in the urban park just east of 839 Conner St. in Noblesville • Tonight from 5 to 8 p.m. • Free • 776-0205 • www.noblesvillemainstreet.org Dinner on the Deck and Green Market at Traders Point Creamery • Enjoy seasonal menus and live music while dining outside under the summer sky. Shopping will be available at the Summer Green Market from 5 – 8 p.m. • 9101 Moore Road, Zionsville • Tonight from 5 – 9 p.m. • 733-1700 • www.tpforganics.com
Cool Creek Concert Series • Cool Creek Park presents an outdoor concert featuring The Jeremy Vogt Band. Gates open at 6, music starts at 7 and this family friendly event is a great way to experience live entertainment outdoors. • Tonight from 6 – 9 p.m. • $5 for adults, kids 12 and under are free. • 2000 E. 151st St., Carmel • 770-4400 • www.myhamiltoncountyparks.com The Amp After Dark at Nickel Plate Amphitheater • The After Dark series is back in Fishers; all summer long adults are welcome to listen to great music and dance under the stars. Tonight’s performance is from Gene Deer and Doug Henthorn.• Downtown Fishers • Tonight from 9 to 11 p.m. • Free • 595-3150 • www.fishers.in.us/parks Westfield Playhouse Presents: “The Diary of Anne Frank” • This gripping production tells the true story of Anne Frank, a teenager in the Netherlands who, in 1942, went into hiding to escape Nazi persecution. • 1836 State Road 32 W., Westfield • Tonight at 7:30 p.m.; June 28 at 7:30 p.m.; June 29 at 2:30 p.m. • Adult tickets $12, Seniors $10. • 896-2707 • www.westfieldplayhouse.org
Current in Westfield
Summer Nights Film Series at the Indianapolis Museum of Art • The IMA’s beautiful outdoor amphitheater is the place to be for enjoying movies on the lawn. Bring blankets and picnics (no alcoholic beverages); concessions are available. Tonight’s feature is “The French Connection.” • 4000 Michigan Rd., Indianapolis • Gates open at 7 for picnicking; movie starts at approximately 9:30. • $10 per person, $6 for members • www.imamuseum.org Carmel Farmer’s Market • One of Indiana’s largest farmer’s markets, Carmel’s event features over 60 vendors that sell only Indiana-grown and/ or produced edible products. Fun for the whole family, this farmer’s market includes cooking demonstrations, music and free parking. • 1 Center Green, Carmel • Today from 8 – 11:30 a.m.• Free admission • 710-0162 • www.carmelfarmersmarket. com
Saxony Market • Find fresh produce from local artisans along with prepared food, kids activities and more. • 13578 E. 131st St., Fishers. • Today from 8 a.m. to noon.• Free • 770-1818 • www.saxonyindiana.com Fishers Farmers Market • Visit a variety of vendors at the new location in front of the Nickel Plate Amphitheater; items for sale include fresh fruits and vegetables, honey, coffee, jams, sweet treats and many hot breakfast options. • 1 Municipal Drive, Fishers • Today from 8 – noon. • Free admission • 578-0700 • www.fisherschamber.com Noblesville Farmers Market • The Riverview Hospital overflow lot hosts Noblesville’s Farmers Market which includes fresh produce, bedding plants, fresh flowers, honey, baked treats and more. • SR 19 & 38 in Noblesville • Today from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.• Free admission • 776-0205 • www.noblesvillemainstreet.org Zionsville Farmers Market • Plants and flowers plus produce and baked goods are available for sale. • Corner of First and Hawthorne, Zionsville • Today from 8 to 11 a.m. • Free admission • 873-3836 • www.zionsvillechamber.org Marsh Symphony on the Prairie: The Music of Led Zeppelin • Conner Prairie’s outdoor amphitheater plays host to the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra as they perform the music of Led Zeppelin under guest conductor Brent Havens. • 13400 Allisonville Rd., Fishers • Today from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. • Tickets start at $24; see the ISO website or buy tickets at participating Marsh supermarkets. • 639-4300 • www.indianapolisymphonyorchestra.org The Hoosierland Train • Ride the Hoosierland Train from Fishers to Forest Park in Noblesville or to the Noblesville Square for shopping and dining. Run by Indiana Transportation Museum, this route is designed to enjoy a unique outing with family and friends. • Departs Fishers Train Station at 12:45 today; returns from Forest Park at 2:45 and from the Noblesville Square at 2:55. • Please call 773-6000 for ticket prices and reservations. • www.itm.org
Fishers Summer Concert Series • Free summer concerts at Nickel Plate District Amphitheater are back. Grab chairs, blankets and snacks and enjoy outdoor music from a variety of bands. Tonight Pirates of the Caribbean is playing. • Downtown Fishers • Tonight from 7 to 9 p.m. • Free • 595-3150
June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
Moon Dog Tavern – 4825 E. 96th St., Indianapolis – www. moondogtavern.com June 26 – American Cheese June 27 – Cousin Roger June 28 – Dude! June 29 – Jason Brown Three D’s Pub & Café – 13644 N. Meridian St. – www.threedspubandcafe.com June 27 – I Dream in Evergreen, John and Luke, Max Urasky June 28 – Jenn Cristy, Myah Evans, Thomas Wayne Pruitt Hopwood Cellars Winery – 12 E. Cedar St., Zionsville – www.hopwoodcellars.com June 27 – The Wilsons June 28 – John Hall & Mario Hoven Traders Point Creamery – 9101 Moore Rd., Zionsville – www.tpforganics.com June 27 – Tides Trio Matt the Miller’s Tavern – 11 City Center Dr., Carmel – mtmtavern.com June 29 – KRS Trio Cool Creek Park – 2000 E. 151st St., Westfield – www.myhamiltoncountyparks.com June 27 – The Jeremy Vogt Band Dr. James A. Dillon Park – 6001 Edenshall Lane, Noblesville – www.cityofnoblesville.org/parks June 26 – My Yellow Rickshaw Vogue Nightclub – 6259 N. College Ave., Indianapolis – www.thevogue.com June 25 – Dead Kennedys June 26 – George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic June 27 – Cut Copy June 28 – Bone Thugs N Harmony June 29 – Xavier Rudd *Performers are scheduled, but may change
The Nickel Plate Arts Festival is in the Heart of Tipton
Saturday, June 28, 9 am – 5 pm 128 E. Madison Street In tents east of Tipton’s historic courthouse • Tipton Art Guild Art Show & Sales • Live Music by the Tipton Community Band • Presentations by the Tipton Community Theatre • Art Activities & Youth Art Exhibit at Tipton Public Library • Food including some of Tipton’s favorite pork dishes
Tower of Power ready for spotlight By Joseph Knoop • joseph@currentincarmel.com The soulful tunes of R&B horn section band Tower of Power – famous for its years backing up Huey Lewis & the News – will music arrive at the Klipsch Music Center in Noblesville June 28, and the band wants to remind fans what is, in fact, hip. Founded in 1968 by Emilio Castillo and Stephen “Doc” Kupka, the band originally performed only covers. But Kupka said he preferred to play Bsides or singles, rather than the hits everyone had already heard before and performed better. By 1970, Tower of Power signed a deal for its first album, East Bay Grease, with Bill Graham’s San Francisco Records. Eighteen albums later the band has a well-honed sound that will make them stand out on their summer tour with Journey and the Steve Miller Band. Over their careers the band has fought to play original songs instead of covers. And that fight has led Castillo to try and impart some lessons to younger musicians. “Certain schools have really great programs,” Castillo said. “I noticed in my kids that every other subject got better after they started taking music lessons.” Castillo’s education never stopped, however. “I’ve used what I learned on a hands-on basis with each band,” Castillo said. It’s no surprise that with each bit of wisdom gained over four decades that some things have
Tower of Power will play its own songs when it opens for Journey and the Steve Miller Band on June 28. (Submitted photo)
changed, including the manner in which the band creates new content. “Nowadays, everybody’s sobered up, so we make an appointment. We talk a while, maybe pray, then start writing,” Castillo said. He is actively involved in his church, spending much of his time with his family there. Though their summer tour will take them all over the country, Castillo said he’s looking forward to the show in Hamilton County. “The Midwest is real rock ’n’ roll territory. Kids were raised on it,” he said. Tower of Power with Journey and the Steve Miller Band • Klipsch Music Center • 12880 E. 146th St. in Noblesville • 6:45 p.m. June 28 • Tickets start at $35 • For more information visit livenation.com
June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
Nickel Plate Arts Campus 107 S. 8th St. Noblesville IN 317.452.3690
Your weekly serving of TABLES
The Scoop: Rockstone Pizza is a local restaurant and pub that serves wood fire pizzas, with a wide variety of toppings. The traditional create your own pizzas have the option of a wheat crust. Rockstone Pizza also offers a varied selection of salads, sandwiches, and pastas. The pub features 24 draft beers handpicked from local, regional and imported sources. Type of Food: Italian/American Average Price: $10-$18.50 Food recommendations: The Club Med pizza with dried artichokes, basil pesto, roasted tomatoes, pistachio, peperonata, crumbled feta and ricotta.
Nickel Plate Arts Events
Rockstone Pizza Reservations: No Hours: 3 to 10:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 3 p.m. to midnight Friday, 11:30 a.m. to midnight Saturday and 11:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Sunday. Phone: 288-9761 Address: 11501 Allisonville Rd. Website: www.rockstonepizzapub.com
Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Cake Ingredients: 1 (18 ounce) package small chocolate chip cookies, 1/4 cup margarine, melted, 1 cup hot fudge topping, 2 quarts vanilla ice cream, 1 cup whipped cream, 12 cherries
Visit NickelPlateArts.org for the latest details and pricing. First Friday / July 4, 6-9 pm / FREE ‘Aperture Stop’ Goes Up! Before the fireworks, drop in at Nickel Plate Arts for the opening of “Aperture Stop,” a new photography exhibition featuring optical pyrotechnics. We’ll have cold beer, great art and live music. Exhibition runs through Aug. 30.
Noblesville Street Dance / July 12, 3-6 pm / FREE Pre-Party on the Patio. Nickel Plate Arts will have live music, fun art activities for all ages, art for purchase, and beer and wine sales to get you in a festive mood before Noblesville’s biggest dance party.
Artisanal Skincare Workshops / July 16 and 30, 1-2 pm Soap and Perfume Making for Kids. Bring art to your skincare routine with artist Brian Paffen. The owner of Herbal Art, an Indiana Artisan company specializing in handcrafted soaps and skincare products made with natural and organic ingredients, will teach Soap: My Boo Boo's Paw Print Soap, July 16 (class fee $12), and Happy Sun: Roll-On Perfume, July 30 (class fee $9). Ages 8+. Please register at nickelplatearts.org.
Cocktail: Frozen Lime Daiquiri
Directions: Crush half the cookies (about 20) to make crumbs. Combine crumbs with melted margarine and press into the bottom of a 9-inch springform pan or pie plate. Stand remaining cookies around edge of pan. Spread 3/4 cup fudge topping over crust. Freeze 15 minutes. Meanwhile, soften 1 quart of ice cream in microwave or on countertop. After crust has chilled, spread softened ice cream over fudge layer. Freeze 30 minutes. Scoop remaining quart of ice cream into balls and arrange over spread ice cream layer. Freeze until firm, 4 hours or overnight. To serve, garnish with remainder of fudge topping, whipped cream and cherries. Source: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/chocolate-chip-cookie-icecream-cake/detail.aspx
Ingredients: • 1 (12 fluid ounce) can frozen limeade concentrate • 12 fluid ounces rum • 1 tray ice cubes Directions: In a blender, combine limeade concentrate, rum and ice cubes. Blend until smooth. Pour into glasses and serve immediately.
in concert with nature
Jeremy Vogt Band - June 27 Adults - $5
12 & under - Free
Season Passes - $20
Stacey Sobczak Stacey@talktotucker.com
Cool Creek Park 2000 East 151st Street Carmel/Westfield For details call 317.770.4400 or visit myhamiltoncountyparks.com
For more events, classes and details, visit nickelplatearts.org. All events held at Nickel Plate Arts sponsored by the City of Noblesville and Church, Church, Hittle & Antrim.
C hurch C hurch H ittle & A ntrim
Partner Events Watercolor With J. Rodney Reveal / July 8, 15, 22 & 29 Leave each 3-hour class (6-9 pm) with a completed painting during J. Rodney Reveal’s latest watercolor series at the Hamilton County Artists’ Association in Noblesville. Cost is $125 for four classes or $35 each. Rodney provides paper; student provides other supplies. Space is limited. Call 317-432-3648. jrodneyreveal.com French Market / July 11 & 12 Discover something wonderful during the 6th annual French Market, presented by Horton’s of Tipton. Expect demonstrations and shopping for vintage, shabby, farm, French, artisan and industrial styles. Free admission! Event held rain or shine; Friday, 9 am-5 pm and Saturday, 9 am-3 pm. hortonsoftipton.blogspot.com ‘Beehive’ and Nickel Plate Players / July 19, 7-9 pm Don’t miss the big voices and bigger hair on stage for “Beehive,” presented by the Nickel Plate Players at the Nickel Plate District Amphitheater in Fishers. Free! Come early to get a front row seat. facebook.com/nickelplateplayers Conner Prairie Heirloom Woodworking / July 19 & 20 Start with a log and end with an heirloom-quality woven-seat stool. Learn to use traditional techniques and tools from the pros at Conner Prairie. All materials provided; $160/non-member; $150/member. connerprairie.org Noblesville Cultural Arts Commission / Bard and Bands Seminary Park is the place to be for free NCAC events! Shakespeare in the Park runs July 24, 25, 26 and 31, and Aug. 1 and 2. Curtain opens on “As You Like It” at dusk (8 pm). Free concerts in Seminary Park happen Sundays through Aug. 25 at 6:30 pm. July concerts include Lapel Community Band, Indianapolis Symphonic Band, Directors Jazz Orchestra and Barton Rogers Big Band. noblesvillearts.org
Find More Partner Events at NickelPlateArts.org
June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
GHDT to present ‘Joan of Arc’
By Jessica Fox • jessica@currentincarmel.com
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The Gregory Hancock Dance theatre hopes to enlighten and inspire its audiences with its interpretation of the classic tale of “Joan dance of Arc” at the Tarkington Theatre on June 27 and 28. It’s a dance performance – inspired by the ideal of the misunderstood, uncompromising heroine who remains true to her inner voice and vision. Gregory Hancock said that “Joan of Arc” will feature a group of eight dancers that each represent her voices, her soldiers, her supporters, her accusers and her fire. And along with the “Joan of Arc” performance the company will perform two other pieces. “As a dancer of GHDT, I can’t wait for our audience members to see our upcoming concert. With the beautifully epic piece, ‘Joan of Arc,’ the simplicity of ‘The Sari’ and the world premiere of ‘Until There Is No More…’ the concert conveys a mixture of strength and frailty,” said assistant director and dancer Melanie Eakman. “The Sari” performance portrays the balance and coexistence of tradition and progress. It’s a performance that is more specifically about this coexistence in India. “This is an audience favorite piece and is mesmerizing, poignant and beautiful,” Hancock said. “Until There Is No More…” is a personal piece that was inspired by reoccurring themes in Hancock’s work.
“Joan of Arc” will feature dancers portraying the different aspects of the life of the classical French heroine. (Submitted photo)
“The concept of being caught somewhere between Heaven and Earth, the challenges in this life, the memories of where we came from and the constant search for answers of where we go after this human life. … I have chosen to present the piece in a way where audiences can create their own interpretation,” Hancock said. Gregory Hancock’s “Joan of Arc” • The Tarkington Theatre at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel • 7 p.m. June 27 and 28 • Tickets start at $38.50 • For more information call 843-3800 or visit www.thecenterforperformingarts.org
NYC comedian returns to Indy
By Adam Aasen • adam@youarecurrent.com
The general consensus is being a woman is a lot easier because you might get noticed a lot easier and you might stick out because there are Katie Hannigan always knew she wanted to fewer women. But I don’t think I ever perform on stage. got any opportunities just because I But she didn’t know comedy she’d be alone on stage was a woman. Some people might be a little harder on female comedians, espe– just her and a microcially if you are this cute little girl doing phone and her jokes. gross-out humor. After graduating from Butler UniverWhen people find out you do sity, Hannigan moved to New York City stand-up, do they ever act weird? with the goal of becoming a serious Hannigan I don’t even tell people that often theatre actor. The Warren Central graduanymore because I just can’t deal with it. I’ll tell ate had started taking theatre classes at age 7. women, but guys can be weird. I’m single now But it wasn’t until she was 23 that she decidand I’m dating. Last year I went through a breaked to give stand-up comedy a try and discovered up. So my friends talked me into signing up a new profession. for Tinder (an online dating site) and whenever Hannigan will be returning home to central these guys asked what I did for a living and I Indiana to perform at Morty’s Comedy Joint with told them the guys kept trying to one-up me, one a 30-minute feature set before comedian Donnie after another. I think men have an interesting Baker on June 26, 27 and 28. response to funny women where they feel the Current recently spoke to her about her upneed to be funnier than me. Hey, I’m not on the coming show. Are you expecting a lot of friends to come clock. Let’s just have a glass of wine and talk about our families and stuff. out for your show? Is there anything that drives you crazy I hope so! Actually my 10-year high school that other comedians do? reunion is in July and I won’t be able to go. I don’t really like low-energy performers. So that’s OK, but hopefully some people from Maybe it’s because I come from a theatre backmy high school can come and we can have a ground but if you love comedy, show some enmini-reunion. ergy! If you are going to be low-energy you have Are you treated any differently as a feto have really well-written material. male comedian?
June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
Homes selling in less than 64 days Commentary by Jim Litten With average home prices reaching $168,669 in May 2014, home sales prices are up 7 percent compared to May 2013. real estate Seven of the nine counties that F.C. Tucker tracks experienced slightly higher home sales prices in the first five months of 2014 compared to the same time period last year. In Hamilton County, prices were up 8.7 percent reaching $259,578. • The average sale price continues to climb in Westfield. For the first five months of this year, homes sold for $269,955 on average – an increase of 7.1 percent compared to 2013. • Of the home sales in Westfield last month, one was priced $2 million or more; seven were priced $500,000 to $1 million; 16 were priced $300,000 to $499,999; 21 were priced $200,000 to $299,999; 41 were priced $100,000 to $199,999; and one was priced at $99,999 or less.
• Home sales in Westfield are down slightly. In May 2014, 87 homes sold, a decrease of nine homes compared to May 2013. • Inventory has increased in Westfield. In May 2014, 251 homes were on the market. In May 2013, 229 homes were available for sale. • Homes in Westfield are selling at a faster pace. For the first five months of this year, homes stayed on the market an average of 64 days, which is 13 fewer days than the same time period last year. • Though sales have been slow to grow this year, we’re still optimistic. Affordability and low interest rates have been favorable for buyers looking to make smart purchases, so we hope to see more positive momentum in the coming months. Jim Litten is the president of F.C. Tucker Company. Comment on this article by e-mailing to editorial@ youarecurrent.com.
Building permits show growth editorial@youarecurrent.com May’s building permit reports indicate that single-family building permits increased 3 percent since 2013 year-to-date and have increased 2 percent over the month construction in central Indiana. Reports indicate there have been 2,189 new home permits issued so far this year compared to 2,130 issued in 2013 during the same time frame. “It is important to note the influence of these County
Total Permits
numbers on the local economy,” said Steve Lains, CEO of the Builders Association of Greater Indianapolis. “Permits equate to a significant local economic impact and job creation which are vital components to a thriving community.” “Additionally, the stable uptick in new construction permits is a definite indicator of solid industry demand,” Lains said. In central Indiana, the permits issued through May 2014 have created a total economic impact of $392,014,445 in local income, $88,993,769 in local taxes and 6,637 local jobs, year to date.
Local Income
Local Taxes
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Local Jobs
Retirees suffer as 401(k) rollover boom enriches brokers - Former employees shifted $321 billion from 401(k)-style plans to individual retirement accounts in 2012, up about 60 percent in a decade, according to Cerulli Associates, a Boston-based research firm. As a result, IRAs hold $6.5 trillion, more than the $5.9 trillion in 401(k)-style accounts. A three-month Bloomberg investigation found that former employees at major companies have complained that sales representatives lured them into rolling over their 401(k) nest eggs into unsuitable IRA investments. While retirees can generally leave their savings in 401(k) plans, financial firms entice them with cold calls, Internet ads, storefront signs and cash incentives to switch to IRAs. They tout the advantage of the IRA’s wide variety of investment choices over the typical 401(k) plan’s limited menu. Yet that appeal can also be a pitfall for retirees offered expensive and high-risk investments. IRAs often charge higher fees than those associated with 401(k) plans, giving brokers an incentive to promote rollovers. “You’re going into the wild, wild west when you take your money out of a 401(k) and put it into an IRA,” said Karen Friedman, executive vice president and policy director of the Pension Rights Center, a Washington-based group representing retirees. SOURCE: Bloomberg News
We provide the ideal solution for seniors who value their independence but may require some assistance of daily living. SUMMER SPECIAL! Come in for a tour and ask about our Christmas in July Special. Assisted Living & Memory Care Community 7960 N Shadeland Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46250 317-376-4639 • www.crownalin.com Managed by RPM Management
June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
Rehab services run the gamut Commentary by Andrea McMath Many people have heard of rehabilitation or physical therapy, and many may know that some hospitals offer a wide array of Wellness rehabilitation services for men, women and children. Still, few fully understand the wide array of services that rehabilitation services cover. In fact, some therapies are rarely discussed. There are many therapy services offered for pelvic pain (in both men and women), but you rarely hear people talk about the men’s therapies and pelvic pain. Typically, people see or hear about women’s pelvic health issues, such as incontinence after childbirth or surgeries, or tailbone pain. Men also suffer from pelvic health issues and will usually see multiple doctors before going through physical therapy. We find that for many patients, going through physical therapy first will better prepare the body for surgery, or sometimes help them avoid surgery all together. Spring and summer tend to be the times of year that we see more pelvic health issues in both men and women. This could be as a result of the fact that with warm weather in the Midwest comes more bike riding – we see many avid bike riders among our male patients - and more time playing outdoors and at the pool chasing kids around, which causes leaking and other pelvic issues in women.
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AVON 7114 Galen Dr. W., Suite 200
CARMEL 2000 E. 116th Street
FISHERS/ NOBLESVILLE 1605 Prosperity Dr.
GEIST 11635 Fox Road
GREENWOOD 8936 Southpointe Dr.
ZIONSVILLE 4545 Northwestern Dr.
(Avon Physical Therapy Center)
(Located in Winslow Wellness Center)
(St. Road 37 and Greenfield Ave.)
(Located next to Marsh)
(Just west of Community Hospital South)
(106th & Michigan Rd. behind Starbucks)
Some rehabilitation services offered for pelvic health issues include exams, exercises, and manual techniques to help with the pain. At IU Health North Hospital, for instance, computer-assisted exercise is deployed when applicable, and it lets patients see how their muscles are reacting to exercises. For many patients, visuals help with the exercises. Lymphedema therapies help to work through scar tissue or swelling that is often associated with cancer and removal of lymph nodes. Therapies for craniosacral issues assist patients who have complaints of headaches, chronic pain, TMJ, and fibromyalgia. Problems can be acute or chronic, and therapies typically involve gentle hands-on techniques. Even better, all of these types of therapies are outpatient therapies, which don’t require hospital stays. Andrea McMath, physical therapist at IU Health North Hospital, is a certified lymphedema therapist and is trained in techniques for craniosacral therapy and pelvic health. For more information, call 688-2021.
diSpatches Stretch first thing in the morning – “Stretching for 10 minutes every morning has a variety of benefits, including decreasing risk of heart attack, alleviating stress, and improving circulation. You can feel the effects in just 10 days. My morning stretch starts with my hips. If I can’t touch my toes, I know I’m too stiff. Then I loosen up my neck, because that’s where I store tension … A lot of times I’ll think, I’m too tired to do my sit-ups today. But after stretching for 15 seconds, I have the energy for them.” – Dr.Oz in Prevention Magazine Exercise – Exercise can help you get a good night’s sleep, especially if you’re older. In a small study in Sleep Medicine, researchers found that people (55 years or older) with chronic insomnia who started doing aerobic activities reported significantly better sleep, mood, and vitality after four months than those who did non-exercise activities. Riverview Health to debut milk bank depot – The Indiana Mothers’ Milk Bank will open a new milk depot at Riverview Health at 10:30 a.m. June 26. While the IMMB has depot locations around Indiana, this will be the first location in Noblesville. “Studies have proven breast milk to be the ideal nutrition for infants and, unfortunately, there’s no way to duplicate it,” said Amy Gardner, department manager of Riverview Health Maternity Center and Pediatrics. “As advocates of breastfeeding, we’re excited to be able to facilitate milk donation opportunities through the Indiana Mothers’ Milk Bank.” Screened breast milk donors will be able to drop off their donations at Riverview Health, where they’ll then be transported to the IMMB pasteurizing facility in Indianapolis to undergo testing to ensure the milk’s safety. Milk from the IMMB is distributed to Neonatal Intensive Care Units throughout the United States. Before the opening of the Riverview Health location, donor mothers in the area would have to drive to drop off their donations at another milk depot or ship milk to the IMMB via mail.
June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
22nd Annual Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank
Wednesday, June 25, 2014 Pebble Brook Golf Club
Crac des Chevaliers near Homs, Syria. (Photo by Don Knebel)
Syria’s castle of the knights Commentary by Don Knebel
Syria’s Crac des Chevaliers is the best preserved Crusader castle in the world. Its fortifications foiled one of the most travel capable military leaders in history and have thus far survived the current war in Syria. Crac des Chevaliers is located atop a volcanic mound along a pass between the port city of Tripoli, Lebanon, and Homs, Syria. The first fortress on the site was built by the Kurds in about 1031 to protect Homs from a sea-borne attack. That fortress was captured in 1110 during the First Crusade and then anchored Tripoli County, a Crusader State. In about 1142, the Count of Tripoli donated the castle to the Knights Hospitaller, a Christian order that arose to assist pilgrims in the Holy Land and evolved into a fighting force to retain the lands taken during the Crusades. The Hospitallers converted the original Kurdish fortress into the most elaborate of their many castles in the Middle East, calling it “Crac de l’Ospital.” The central living and administrative buildings, including a large chapel, were separated from a massive outer wall by a wide moat. Areas for storing grain, olive oil and water were designed to enable a garrison of 2,000 soldiers
and their horses to withstand a five-year siege. Visiting Crusaders returned to Europe with novel ideas for their own castles. By 1187, Saladin, the great Muslim ruler, had retaken most of the lands occupied by the Crusaders, including Jerusalem. He then turned his attention to recapturing the territory controlled by the Knights Hospitaller from their base at Crac des Chevaliers. After viewing what he considered the castle’s impregnable fortifications, Saladin did not even attempt an attack. The castle finally fell to Baybars, a Mamluk Sultan, in 1271 after a siege that reportedly ended with a forged directive telling the Hospitallers to surrender. The conquerors turned the castle’s chapel into a mosque. Crac des Chevaliers, near the contested city of Homs, has been shelled by both sides in Syria’s civil war. The castle, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has sustained damage but remains largely intact, a tribute to the Knights who designed and built it. Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel. com. You may contact him at news@currentzionsville.com.
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Golf registration opens
11 am
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June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
Grammar and the B-52s
Commentary by Jordan Fischer
$3 HAPPY HOUR FEATURES! 3PM-7PM & 9PM-11PM 14159 Clay Terrace Blvd. Carmel, IN 46032 henryspubandgrill.com | 317.575.9005
Question: “Dear Jordan – Your commentary is always my favorite part of CURRENT IN WESTFIELD. When you get grammar guy shifted to the Internet, I am always disappointed. Would you please cover this: 50s or 50’s? 60s or 60’s? Example: The Four Aces were singers in the 50s is correct. However, virtually always, that kind of sentence will appear as The Four Aces were singers in the 50’s. Help all of us old teachers out by setting the record straight on this one. Thank you.” (James E. Walker, Westfield) Answer: Flattery will get you everywhere, as they say. It’ll certainly get you an answer about those pesky misplaced apostrophes. As I recall from grade school, we had it drilled into us early on that apostrophes are used to make two main categories of words: possessives and contractions. Why folks are so ardent to add plurals to that list, I’ll never know. At any rate, there are a handful of occasions when you do use an apostrophe to make something plural. The two that you are most likely to encounter are: abbreviations combining upper and lowercase letters or with interior periods (i.e. Ph.D. becomes Ph.D.’s) and the plural of lowercase
letters (i.e. p’s and q’s). There are some exceptions, like uppercase letters which otherwise form a word when “s” is added (You can write A’s with the apostrophe, for example, so that it does not look like the word “As.”), but generally in all other circumstances an apostrophe makes things possessive or indicates omission, as in the case of contractions. For the good of the order, some quick examples: • Years written as numerals: 1900s, not 1900’s • Uppercase letters: Ts, Rs, M&Ms (some exceptions apply, as noted above) • General words: Haves and have nots, buts, dos and don’ts (maybe’s is an exception) • Numbers: 50s, 8s, etc. As a final thought, there is only one example I know of in which apostrophe use is based upon a time component: The B-52s. Prior to 2008, the band used an apostrophe in its name, a la The B-52’s. After 2008 – no apostrophe. I guess they finally came to their grammatical senses. Jordan Fischer is a contributing columnist for Current Publishing. To ask Jordan a grammar question, write him at rjfische@gmail.com.
As I recall from grade school, we had it drilled into us early on that apostrophes are used to make two main categories of words: possessives and contractions.
Divorce – What to Expect: The Benefit of Reaching an Agreement on Custody
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There are two aspects to child custody. The first is legal. Legal custody refers to the ability to have input on medical, educational, and religious issues pertaining to a child’s upbringing. Joint legal custody is appropriate in most cases unless there is a significant breakdown in communication between the parties. Generally, as long as the parents are able to communicate and cooperate with one another on decisions involving the child(ren) without a high level of conflict, joint legal custody will be ordered and the parents are required to consult one another before making any of these “major decisions.” The second aspect of custody is physical custody, which is much more often the subject of dispute. Simply stated, physical custody refers to where the children spend their time. As an initial matter, parents may create a unique schedule which satisfies the needs of their children and each other. Often, however, developing a parenting time schedule can be very challenging. When parties are unable to agree, the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines provide a parenting time schedule that gradually increases as the children age, provides for a division of holidays, and time with the children should one parent live a significant distance from the children’s primary residence. It should be noted, though, that the Guidelines represent a minimum amount of reasonable parenting time to be afforded to the non-custodial parent. Many Indiana Courts commonly award an involved, non-custodial parent parenting time in excess of the schedule provided in the Guidelines.
People often feel the need to “have their day in court,” believing that if the judge hears “their side of the story” the custody order will be in their favor. However, in evaluating whether to ask a judge to make a ruling on custody and parenting time, the parties would be well advised to keep in mind that time in court is limited, and it is difficult to present all of the information believed to be important. A judge often only has fifteen-thirty (15-30) minutes to hear evidence. This is not to say that such conflicts which arise should not be litigated. However, once you proceed to court, the final decision is out of your hands. If parties are unable to reach an agreement, Indiana Courts will focus on the “best interest of the children” and in doing so will consider a number of factors in determining an appropriate custodial and parenting time arrangement. These factors include, but are not limited to, which parent has served as the primary caregiver; the child’s age and sex; the wishes of the child and the parties; the child’s relationship with each parent, siblings, and others; the child’s adjustment to their home, school, and community; and the mental and physical health of all involved. There are a number of benefits to reaching an out-of-court agreement, including but not limited to, allowance for non-traditional work schedules and flexibility for holidays. When parties are able to communicate and cooperate on these matters, it is a win-win for all involved. At Hollingsworth & Zivitz, P.C., our team has the experience, the understanding, and the compassion to assist with your family law needs. If you have questions or concerns regarding divorce, mediation, collaborative law or any other family law concerns, please contact our firm at 317.DIVORCE or visit our website at www.hzlegal.com.
June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
Converting screen porch into sunroom adds living space Commentary by Larry Greene EXISTING SCREENED PORCH: The owners of this home in the Lincolnshire addition on the west side of Carmel blueprint for quickly ran out of space improvement as their family grew. “The bigger our family grew the less room we had for seating. It always felt too crowded and dysfunctional.” So they set out to expand their kitchen by expanding into the adjacent screened-in-porch. Creating a cozy seating area just off the kitchen was the main goal of the project. SALVAGING ROOF: Salvaging only the existing roof structure and windows, the existing siding, screens and interior wall between the kitchen and sunroom were removed. To support the cathedral ceiling, new structural beams were installed. After the completion of the structural prep work, framing was installed and the masonry for the fireplace and brick base was completed. To ensure the room stays warm during the colder months, fiberglass batt insulation was added to the ceiling, walls and floor. EXTERIOR FINISH: Matching cedar siding was added to the walls of the sunroom and painted “Soft Yellow” to match the rest of the house. The three salvaged windows and three additional matching windows were placed around the perimeter of the room giving the space an abundant amount of natural light. Matching trim
before & after
completed the exterior finish – making it appear as if the sunroom was originally built with the house. INTERIOR FINISH: An extensive amount of trim work was incorporated into the design of the fireplace and interior walls. Adding coffered ceilings added an upgraded look while also adding architectural interest. The entire room was painted “Delicate White” and finished with oak hardwood floors which match up perfectly with the existing kitchen flooring.
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FINAL RESULT: What was originally an underutilized screened porch is now a cozy dream space creating a better flow for the kitchen and surrounding rooms. “We couldn’t be any happier with our new sunroom addition. Of the entire space, we love the coffered ceiling the most. It really adds so much character and definition to the room.”
Larry Greene is the owner of Case Design/Remodeling Indy, a full-service design/build remodeling firm serving Boone, Hamilton, and Marion counties. Contact him at 846-2600 or lgreene@caseindy.com. Visit caseindy.com for more info.
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28 1
June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
www.currentinwestfield.com 3
20 23
30 36
1 1
37 41
47 51
59 63
5 7 1 7 2 6 2
1 4
44. KFC chicken piece 45. WRTV weekly program 48. Wild Birds Unlimited feed morsel 49. Indiana State Fair barn female 50. Gator’s kin 51. To be specific 53. Brickyard 400 engine sound 54. Dry, like wine from Eddie Merlot’s 55. Norma ___ (Sally Field role) 56. Indianapolis Zoo critter sniffer 59. Make happy 61. Satan’s domain 62. Fine-tune 64. End-of-week cry
2 3 9 8 1 3 6
26. Indianapolis hockey team 27. Second-leading vote-getter in Indiana in the 2000 U.S. Presidential election 29. Comment 31. Dan Coats’ assistant 32. Jim Davis’ Garfield, for one 35. Allege in Hamilton County Court 36. Toadies (2 wds.) 38. “Wheel of Fortune” buy on WTHR (2 wds.) 39. Around, in a date 41. IndyCar dashboard abbr. 42. Mournful song
Find the items in the puzzle going up, down, sideways or diagonally and list them. Each letter is used no more than once.
5 9
4 8
Across 1. Chooses, with “for” 5. Redbox rental: “___ Attraction” 10. Whipped cream dollop at MCL 14. Indiana NBA foe 15. Indiana General Assembly candidate’s concern 16. Kona Grill outdoor party 17. Yellow Cab vehicle 18. Like a Purdue streaker 19. Meadowlark Park picnic pests 20. Indian corn 22. Ray’s pick-up 23. Indiana Department of Natural Resources mine find
53 56
9 68. Second closest Great Lake to Indy 69. Crack a case for the IMPD 70. Narrow margin of victory at Hoosier Park 71. Revolving entrance to Nordstrom 72. Indianapolis Monthly magazine model 73. Swear to Down 1. Victory Field ump’s call 2. Noblesville Schools District org. 3. Indiana sales levy 4. Lowe’s leveling wedge 5. Resembling a picky eater 6. Astound 7. Give’s partner 8. The Current obituary datum 9. Was ahead at Hinkle Fieldhouse 10. I-465 driving problem, maybe 11. Broad Ripple record store name 12. Fox Hills Stables feedbag contents 13. Leading vote-getter in Indiana in the 2000 U.S. Presidential election 21. Indy Tire Centers supply 22. The way things are going 23. Soothsayer 24. Work as a critic for NUVO 25. Come out 27. A two-inch putt at Crooked Stick, e.g. 28. James Whitcomb Riley’s words of praise 30. Circle segment in a Zionsville HS math class
6 Former Colts QBs
4 Celebrity Chefs
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
3 Water Activities
__________________ __________________ __________________
5 Indy Zoo Cats
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
2 Indy Summer Sports Teams
__________________ __________________ 1 July 4 Tradition
31. Jellied garnish 32. Life’s work 33. Meteorologist Buchman 34. Hippie T-shirt type 37. Westfield HS baseball player’s miscue 40. The Men’s Wearhouse fancy tie 43. Suffix with ideal 46. Century 21 competitor 47. Pacer footwear 52. Perform with the Mud Creek Players 53. Maple Glen Elementary School measuring stick
54. Underground Railroad user 56. Tool building 57. Emperor who “fiddled” 58. Fishers N-S road 59. iSushi Cafe fish 60. Sicilian volcano 62. Cobblestone Grill kitchen meas. 63. Go a-courting 65. Pos. of man whose name is in the puzzle’s circles 66. Downtown classical music org. 67. Tom Cruise flick: “A ___ Good Men” Answers on Page 31
June 24, 2014
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June 24, 2014
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Now Hiring Maid service seeking quality employees
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June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
Now Hiring
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June 24, 2014
Current in Westfield
Take a test that could save your life. Our physicians recommend a yearly mammogram for women 40 years and older. And at Indiana University Health North Hospital, we not only offer mammograms from expert technicians, but a free in-depth risk screening and a prevention program to help fight breast cancer before it even begins. Of course, should you need treatment, you’ll find all the specialists you need in one convenient location, providing comprehensive care, support and education every step of the way.
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