June 26, 2012

Page 1

Westfield Rocks the Fourth / P3 • Dog Park Contest / P4 • It’s Golden / P20

Tuesday June 26, 2012

Shaune Shelby honors father with bicycle ride for prostate cancer / P9

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Photo by Robert Herrington

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Around town

Westfield Rocks the Fourth Main Stage Schedule 4:14 to 6:45 p.m. – Jai Baker Band 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. – Dave and Rae Band 9:30 to 9:45 p.m. – Welcome (American Legion Honor Guard presents Colors, Kurt Heinzman sings the National Anthem.) Special Events 6:45 to 7 p.m. – Motorcycle Riders for Pros-

tate Cancer – Hoover Street Parade Kids’ Area Schedule (Sponsored by Imagine Church) 4 to 9 p.m. – All Kids’ Area Activities Open • Entertainment • Rock climbing wall • Hands on fun, games and crafts • Bounce houses Kids’ Area Stage 5 to 5:30 p.m. – Tony Wolf, Comedy 6 to 6:30 p.m. – Learn to Make Balloon Art 7:15 to 8 p.m. – School of Rock 7:45 to 8:45 p.m. – Silly Safari

Headliners Car Show Schedule 2 to 4 p.m. – Car Show Registration 4 to 6:30 p.m. – Car Show Judging 5:30 to 5:45 p.m. – Recognition of Military on Car Show Stage 7 to 7:30 p.m. – Car Show Awards: Master of Ceremonies – Fox 59’s Jim O’Brien Headliners Car Show Area (Sponsored by Hare Chevrolet) • Music by Donna’s Rock ’n’ Roll Cruisin’ Oldies • Exhibitors • IZOD Indy Car • Military Showcase

City enters interlocal agreement on 146th Street bridge By Robert Herrington robert@youarecurrent.com

The city of Westfield has approved its end of an interlocal agreement concerning the financing, construction and maintenance of a multi-use path for the Monon Trail over 146th Street. The agreement is between Westfield, Hamilton County, Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation and Clay Township. The Hamilton County Highway Dept. has been the lead agency in designing and obtaining federal funding for a five-span, pre-engineered steel truss bridge to connect the Monon greenway from Carmel to Westfield over and across 146th Street. Officials said the bridge structure will span 428 feet and provide a 12-foot-wide path to provide safe crossing for users and will include heating elements.

Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. V, No. 24 Copyright 2012. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032


Total construction costs are anticipated at $2.9 million. INDOT has allocated $2.5 million of federal STP funds available to pay 80 percent of the project’s cost. Westfield Parks Director Melody Jones said the remaining $585,600 will be divided among Westfield ($156,160), Clay Township ($195,200) and Hamilton County ($234,240). The county will also pay all of the costs of permitting, design and other professional expenses associated with the project. Jones said Westfield will pay its portion Managing Editor – Robert Herrington robert@youarecurrent.com / 489.4444 Associate Editor – Terry Anker terry@currentincarmel.com Copy Editor – Kelly Patrick kelly@youarecurrent.com Art Director – Zachary Ross zach@youarecurrent.com / 489.4444 Associate Artist – Andrea Nickas andrea@youarecurrent.com / 489.4444

from the existing construction funds for the Village Park Economic Development Area – a TIF district. The city also agrees to execute easements in the Westfield Railroad Right of Way, which are necessary for Duke and Bright House Inc. (owner and operators of light poles) to bury their new facilities to accommodate the project. According to the agreement, the county will be responsible for all structural maintenance of the bridge. Mayor Andy Cook said the Clay Township trustee and/or the park board shall be responsible for paying the electric charges necessary to heat the bridge, maintaining the heating system and periodic removal of snow, trash and other debris from the bridge. Officials said project construction will begin on or around June 18 and be completed by Nov. 15. Landscaping will likely have to wait until the spring of 2013. Senior Sales Executive – Dennis O’Malia dennis@youarecurrent.com / 370.0749 Office Manager – Heather Cole heather@youarecurrent.com / 489.4444 Publisher – Brian Kelly brian@youarecurrent.com / 414.7879 General Manager – Steve Greenberg steve@youarecurrent.com / 847.5022

The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.


Current in Westfield

Summer Reading Program – The Summer Reading Program at the Westfield Washington Public Library, 333 W. Hoover St, is underway and continues until Aug. 18. You can sign up online at www.wwpl.lib.in.us or at the library. There are some terrific incentives to get you motivated, including lots of great items donated from around the Westfield business community. Adults will have a chance to win a Kindle Fire, teens can win tickets to the Klipsch Music Center and kids can win a Color Nook. There is also a special drawing for kids and teens to win an iPad. Business After Hours – The Westfield Chamber of Commerce will host its next Business After Hours event from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday at Hamilton Memorial Park Cemetery, 4180 Westfield Rd. Join Chamber members for an evening of jazz music, food and beverages. To reserve your spot, call the chamber at 804-3030. Art Club – School-age kids to teens are invited to be part of the WWPL Art Club. This free club will meet 1 to 3 p.m. on alternate Thursdays at the Westfield Washington Public Library, 333 W. Hoover St. Upcoming planned activities include: July 5 – The Wide World of Paint: Learn how to use paint in new ways like blowing paint with straws, painting with squeeze bottles and painting with pop bottles. July 19 – Collages: Learn about the different materials that can be used to make collages and then make one of your own. Aug. 2 – Torn Paper Art: Explore different media and styles by making different themed pictures from torn paper. Birth & Beyond – IU Health North Hospital, 11700 N. Meridian St., Carmel, is hosting a Birth & Beyond event 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. The event is free and open to the public. Attendees will have the opportunity to tour maternity suites, interact with OBGYNs, maternal fetal medicine specialists and breastfeeding consultants, and meet with local pediatricians. For more information, visit iuhealth.org/north. Smart student – Westfield’s Marcus Bigot has been named to the dean’s list for the spring 2012 semester at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wis. Bigot is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in biomedical sciences. Marquette University is a Catholic, Jesuit university that draws its more than 11,500 students from all 50 states and more than 75 different countries. Holiday closings – City of Westfield offices and the Westfield Washington Public Library will be closed on July 4 in observance of the Independence Day holiday.

To read more about these stories visit currentinwestfield.com June 26, 2012 | 3

Achievements Westfield named dog park finalist COMMUNITY

By Robert Herrington robert@youarecurrent.com

Westfield has been named one of 15 finalist cities in the PetSafe “Bark for Your Park” contest. PetSafe, a leading brand in pet behavior and lifestyle products, created the national contest to award $100,000 to one U.S. community and $25,000 each to two additional cities toward building local dog parks. “With more than 1,000 cities nominated, we are elated with this showing of the nation’s passion for pet-friendly initiatives like dog parks,” said Randy Boyd, president and CEO of Radio Systems Corporation, maker of the PetSafe brand. The 15 finalists represent the top five small, medium and large size cities that received the most votes. The other 14 finalists include: Allentown, Pa.; Auburn, N.Y.; Bloomington, Ind.; Bluffton, S.C.; Derby, Vt.; Essex, Vt.; Hernando, Miss.; Lynchburg, Va.; Mountain House, Calif.; Oak Forest, Ill.; Orland Park, Ill.;

Oxford, Miss.; Temple, Texas; and Texarkana, Ark. To qualify for a finalist slot, the nominated cities had to verify land availability, exhibit documented support from a civic leader and demonstrate community support through online votes. Westfield Parks & Recreation worked with the Hamilton County Leadership Academy in 2011 to create a site plan for a 30-acre dog park at Osborne Park, a currently undeveloped park located at 171st and Ditch Road, just south of Maple Glen Elementary School. From now to Aug. 1, each person can vote twice daily: once per day at www.petsafe.net and once per day on the PetSafe Facebook page (www.facebook.com/petsafebrand). The city with the most votes will be named “Top Dog” and win the $100,000 grand prize. The runner-up city and the city with the highest percentage of votes to its population each will be awarded $25,000. PetSafe will announce the winners in August.

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4 | June 26, 2012

Current in Westfield



July 4/City

Festive ways to celebrate the holiday

By Robert Herrington • robert@youarecurrent.com Looking to celebrate Independence Day in Hamilton County? Various communities and cities across the county have you covered with all types of events and entertainment. Lights over Morse Date: Friday to Sunday Time: 4 to 9 p.m. Friday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday Where: Cicero Events: Kids Carnival and craft and food vendors all weekend; fish fry, Friday; talent show, basketball and cornhole tournaments and balloon glow, Saturday; parade, music festival and fireworks off a barge in Morse Lake (close to Red Bridge Park), Sunday. Fireworks: 10 p.m. Sunday Web site: www.lightsovermorselake.com CarmelFest Date: July 3 and 4 Time: Noon to 10:30 p.m. July 3 and 8 a.m. to 9:45 p.m. July 4 Where: Carmel Civic Square Events: July 3 – Free live music will take place from noon to 10:30 p.m. with Wright Brothers headlining in the evening, free family entertainment from 1 to 9 p.m., and CarmelFest has Talent semi-finals. July 4 – Freedom run/walk, Fourth of July Parade, outdoor festival, CarmelFest has Talent finals, and live music from The RenFumigants & Pheromones Workshop – During a recent educational workshop in Westfield, Jim Fortier of the British Columbia government, left, learned how to identify a pest insect with the help of entomologist David Mueller of Westfield. Mueller, a boardcertified entomologist, is president of Insects Limited Inc., 16950 Westfield Park Rd., Westfield. More than 200 people from 33 countries and six continents came to Indianapolis to network and learn about the latest advancements in pest management. This year’s theme was Pest Management around the World. The invited speakers from Africa, Europe, South America, and North America covered a wide variety of topics from an international pest management perspective. Part of the conference included nine different handson demonstrations ranging from four unique fumigations, a visit to Insects Limited’s laboratory to see how pheromones are produced, new barcoding, fogging, and new monitoring equipment presentations for small breakout groups. “There are rare moments in your life when you feel proud, happy, sad, relieved, and satisfied. . . at the same time. I experienced them all and more the instant the 10th Fumigants & Pheromones Conference concluded,” said Mueller, conference organizer. www.currentinwestfield.com

egades, Barometer Soup and Carmel Symphony Orchestra. Fireworks: 9:45 p.m. July 4 Web site: www.carmelfest.net Westfield Rocks the Fourth Date: July 4 Time: 4 to 10 p.m. Where: Asa Bales Park, 205 W. Hoover St. Events: Live music from Jai Baker Band and Dave & Rae; kids’ area with games, crafts and bounce houses and kids’ stage with various entertainers; and Headliners Car Show with Fox 59’s Jim O’Brien as emcee. Fireworks: 9:45 p.m. Web site: http://westfieldrocksthe4th.com Noblesville Fourth of July Parade & Festival Date: July 4 Time: 5 to 10 p.m.

Where: Noblesville High School, 18111 Cumberland Rd. Events: Parade begins in downtown Noblesville at 5 p.m. A free festival with live music, games (for adults and children), rock climbing wall and car show is 6 to 10 p.m. at Noblesville High School. Fireworks: 10 p.m. Web site: www.noblesvillefireworksfestival.com Blast on the Bridge Date: July 4 Time: 5:30 to 11 p.m. Where: Geist Reservoir bridge Events: Boat parade, skydivers, music, food vendors and a KidsZone. Fireworks: At dark Web site: http://atgeist.com/blast-bridge Sheridan Date: July 4 Time: Parade begins at 10:30 a.m. Where: Main Street and Biddle Memorial Park Events: Parade from Sheridan High School along Main Street to Biddle Memorial Park, where the celebration and family activities take place. Fireworks will follow at night.





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Current in Westfield

June 26, 2012 | 5


People in the News

Congratulations to, Dena Shepherd Page for being named a Five Star Insurance Professional!

Current recognized for flag etiquette editorial@youarecurrent.com Current in Westfield Managing Editor Robert Herrington, left, accepts a certificate of commendation on behalf of Current Publishing LLC from Michaela Eells of Children of the American Revolution and Joshua Eells of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. The award was presented to Current Publishing in recognition of exemplary patriotism in the display of the American flag – fittingly on Flag Day (June 14).

The 13-year-old Joshua, chairman of the Clarence A. Cook Chapter’s flag committee, said he looked for businesses and individuals who “fly the flag right” by using proper flag etiquette. He also presented certificates to the Westfield Washington Public Library and Bob’s Garage in Westfield. Joshua, who recently completed seventh grade, recognized Westfield Intermediate and Westfield Middle school prior to the end of the school year. “As a descendant of a patriot, it’s our way of saying thank you,” he said.

DIVORCE – WHAT TO EXPECT: Options to Resolve Your Case Prior to Trial In family law, a majority of cases settle outside of the courtroom. There are many reasons to attempt to reach a settlement, including uncertainty as to the judge’s decision, anxiety about testifying in court, the potential to increase animosity between the parties, and the attorney’s fees associated with attending a hearing. It is common for a party to never step foot inside of a courtroom because the parties reach an agreement on all terms without the requiring the court’s intervention. There are two primary methods to reach an out-of-court agreement: informal negotiations and mediation. Informal negotiations involve communication between the parties and/or their counsel concerning the terms of a final agreement. This process involves communication as to the terms of a final agreement without the assistance of a third party (a mediator or judge). In some instances, the parties may be able to reach an agreement on the general terms of an agreement and engage counsel to assist with the finalization of those terms to ensure approval by the court. In other cases, counsel for the parties will exchange proposals and draft agreements in an attempt to reach a resolution. In the event parties are unable to reach an agreement through informal negotiations, mediation is a common next step. Mediation may be agreed upon by the parties or ordered by the court. At mediation, the parties are typically placed in separate rooms with their counsel and the mediator serves as the neutral third party who exchanges proposals between the parties in intensive and focused settlement negotia-

6 | June 26, 2012

Current in Westfield

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tions. The mediator’s role is to assist the parties in their attempt to reach common ground by addressing certain considerations as to an anticipated reasonable outcome in court as well as other realistic and pragmatic concerns with any proposed settlement. There are instances where parties do not reach an agreement during mediation. In that case, a final hearing is the next step as the mediator does not have the authority to order the parties to comply with certain terms or reach a final agreement. A recent trend in family law is for the parties to engage in a collaborative divorce process. In such instances, parties are focused on reaching a collaborative agreement and hire respective counsel trained to do so. The process is similar in many respects to informal negotiations and mediation, with the ultimate goal of reaching an agreeable settlement. One different aspect of the collaborative law process is that in the event parties are unable to reach a settlement, they must hire new counsel and begin the process anew. At Hollingsworth & Zivitz, P.C., our team has the experience, the understanding, and the compassion to assist with your family law needs. If you have questions or concerns regarding divorce, mediation, collaborative law or any other family law concerns, please contact our firm at 317.DIVORCE or visit our website at www.hzlegal.com. Stay tuned for the next installment of “Divorce-What to Expect: Going to Court” by HOLLINGSWORTH & ZIVITZ, P.C.



People in the News

HCLA graduates 21st Class editorial@youarecurrent.com

2013. Applications are due June 30 and can be found online at www.hcla.net or by contacting Jill Doyle at jdoyle@hcla.net or 379-1879.

The Hamilton County Leadership Academy, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating and inspiring leadership to create a positive impact in our community, graduated its 21st class on June 7. The following individuals have now joined the 515 Leadership Academy alumni: Heidi Abel, Patrick Appleton, Shane Barney, Séamus Boyce, David Burian, Ben Davis, Brenda Delaney, Lisa Dick, Robyn Eaton, Patricia GambleMoore, Chad Garrard, Marnie Glanner, Krista Grubb, Joanne Hogle, Kevin Kane, Marcilynn Keys, Darlene Lorenz, Emily Lovi- Members of the Hamilton County Leadership Academy 21st son, Beth Meister, Chris Mertens, graduating class. (Photo by Jill Doyle) The program is available to Hamilton County Matt Mitchell, Ryan Mooney, Andrew Murray, residents or those with business or civic acMary Noble, Jason Shonkwiler, Kanwal Sidhu, tivities within the community. It is a selective MD, Cory Spaulding, Toby Stark, Kyle Sweet, program, and the selection criteria are based on Nick Verhoff and Bill Wendling. leadership capability, an interest in community “We congratulate them on a job well done affairs, an ability to commit to an intensive and wish them well in their efforts to serve the community,” said Carrie Cason, board president program and a desire for increased personal community service. Program participants are of the HCLA. brought together by their commitment of time, The HCLA is accepting applications for the energy and expertise and their desire to be in2012-13 class. The 10-month academy will volved in Hamilton County. begin in September and run through June


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Current in Westfield

June 26, 2012 | 7



(4328) Annual Prevail Gala Aug. 25 – Prevail Inc. presents an evening of fine dining, live music and fabulous live and silent auction items at its 2012 Annual Gala from 6 to 11 p.m. Aug. 25 at the Renaissance Hotel, 11925 N. Meridian St., Carmel. LemonWheel plays the hits of ’70s through today – Tina Turner to Lady Gaga. Prevail Goes Once Upon a Time is presented by St.Vincent Carmel Hospital. For the sixth consecutive year, WISH-TV anchor and investigative reporter, Karen Hensel, will serve as emcee of this sell-out event. A cocktail hour and silent auction will kick off the event from 6 to 7:30 p.m.; seating begins at 7:45 p.m. for dinner at 8 p.m. The live auction will begin at 8:30 p.m., followed by celebration and dancing from 9:30 to 11 p.m. Last year’s event raised $141,000 for Prevail’s programs, which served more than 3,000 victims of crime and abuse. Tickets are $100 per person and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations may be made by calling 773-6942 or visiting www. prevailinc.com.


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Current in Westfield



Cover story Know More Interested in participating in Bike It? The event has three categories – a 5-mile family ride, a 20-mile trip and a 50-mile ride for cycling enthusiasts. Bike It is a unique and exciting ride and is not a race. Cyclists will be allowed to move at their own pace with volunteers and police supporting them along the ride. To sign up, visit www.bikeitpc.org, call 605-4467 or e-mail Bikeit01pc@gmail.com.

Shaune Shelby honors father with bicycle ride for prostate cancer By Robert Herrington • robert@youarecurrent.com Westfield resident Shaune Shelby’s love of cycling began when he received his first 10-speed Schwinn bike as a child. Now, with two wheels and miles of asphalt, Shelby pays tribute to his father, Lawrence H. “Larry” Shelby, by creating and organizing the annual Bike It ride – the only event of this type that solely benefits the Prostate Cancer Foundation. Lawrence had elevated PSA levels for years and was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2008. "After eight biopsies the cancer was detected," Shelby explained. "He opted for total prostate removal, and he had some complication but was still battling to beat the cancer and resumed enjoying his retirement after 42 years of working at GMC Truck and Bus Division in Indianapolis.” Shelby lived in Florida at the time but returned to Indiana to take care of his father for three months as he recovered from surgery. Prior to the surgery, he asked the doctor about prostate cancer to learn as much as possible and was told startling news. “He told me it’s not a matter of if, but when,” he said. “It was a sobering discussion.” For Shelby, that meant getting a baseline PSA sooner rather than later so he could be proactive. He said most men in their 30s and 40s “don’t ask the tough questions when at the doctor’s office.” “It’s not just about prostate cancer but men’s health in general,” he said. “A large majority of men don’t know their family history . . . Make sure you are conscious of their health.” In 2008, Lawrence died two weeks before Christmas – and an important announcement. "I was saving more exciting news about my wife and I expecting twin boys and I never got to tell him," he said. "I knew him as a giver, always there to lend a helping hand. He loved people and had a large group of friends. He didn't like to let anyone suffer. He was very energetic and loved to talk. He was proactive about his health, ate healthy and loved to cook a strong man who took pride in his life and being fit." Shelby wanted to share that message with his boys and set out to remember his father by making a difference. “I hate to run and everybody does a walk of some sort, so I came up with a bicycle ride for www.currentinwestfield.com

(Photo by Robert Herrington) prostate cancer,” he said. Shelby first considered Indianapolis as the site for the ride. But after meeting with officials and even the American Cancer Society, he was left feeling like it wouldn’t work – especially when he was told funds could not be directly allocated to only prostate cancer research. Hearing news of the Grand Junction project, Shelby asked the Westfield Mayor’s Office if he could do something in town. They told him there might be a way the two could work together, and he contacted Melody Jones in the

parks department who said the city would love to have him join them. “It was the first positive news I’ve gotten,” he recalled. “Melody told me of the Fourth of July event, but I had to have it come together in two months.” Shelby worked with the Prostate Cancer Foundation to get started and local bike shops to get riders. The next step for Shelby was finding event sponsors, which included local stores like Kroger at 161st Street, Dick’s Sporting Goods and Speedway.

Current in Westfield

“Local businesses came on board and were very supportive,” he said. “They wanted to make a difference with prostate cancer and make noise.” In its first year, Bike It had 100 participants in the 5-mile family ride and 20-mile ride. It also provided Shelby with an important experience and knowledge. “People love coming to Westfield and love to ride. Westfield was proving to be a bicycle community,” he said. “We want to make this about families, make everybody a part of it.” Year after year, Shelby hears the same stories like his father’s – those that dealt with the cancer in silence. He even met one man who showed him the same scar from the same surgery his father had, completed by the same doctor. “There’s nothing sexy about prostate cancer. Breast cancer and testicular cancer, people get excited about,” said Shelby. “Somebody has to be vocal for us.” Last year’s Bike It doubled to 200 participants, and Shelby said this year’s attendance will be more than 300 riders. “The desire is there, people need to know how to join the ride,” he said, adding that riders come from as far away as Terre Haute, Richmond, Fort Wayne and Bloomington. “It’s not all about the money. It’s about the people and raising awareness.” Shelby said the other problem he’s encountered is people who want to ride but don’t have a bike. To help prevent that from happening this year, the event is offering regular and tandem bicycle rentals. Shelby asks those interested in renting to inform organizers prior to the ride. The third annual event will also expand to provide bicycling enthusiasts with a tougher challenge. In addition to the family ride and 20mile trip, this year’s Bike It includes a 50-mile trip. Shelby said all three will leave Redman Park in Downtown Westfield the morning of July 4. The groups will then separate at Union Street in different directions, but all will end the race back in downtown – right in time to enjoy Westfield Rocks the Fourth activities. “Bike It will never leave the streets of Westfield. It will always start and end here in Westfield,” Shelby proclaimed. Shelby is the main organizer of the event, but is assisted by his sister-in-law and his cousin’s fiance. “We steal time here, steal time there. It has to get done,” he said. “We’re always looking for support. We’re trying to create a foundation here.” June 26, 2012 | 9


Opinion Mitch would be best handling U.S. budget

Firework safety

It is our position that while fireworks are fun to both set off and watch, they are also explosives and can cause serious injury if not handled with the proper respect. As the Fourth of July approaches, we will begin to see temporary signs titled “Fireworks” occupy empty shops all over the county. We urge the patronage of these shops and the use of their products. We do, however, insist on safety being taken seriously. We understand that when it comes to fireworks, accidents happen, even when safety measures are being taken. This gives us even more reason to conduct the seemingly simple task of lighting a firework with caution and focus. Whether it is a defective fuse, misfired bottle rocket or a mortar stuck in the tube, anything can happen (especially when an adult beverage is added into the mix), as any emergency room worker can attest. We hope that everyone has a fun and safe Independence Day. If lighting fireworks, please be sure to drink responsibly (and only if of legal age) and do not be the one in your neighborhood who has the fire department join your celebration.

Wanna write us a letter? You can do it a couple ways. The easiest is to e-mail it to info@ currentinwestfield.com. The old-fashioned way is to snail mail it to Current in Westfield, 30 South Range Line Road, Carmel, IN 46032. Keep letters to 200 words max (we may make exceptions), and be sure to include your home ZIP code and a daytime number for verification. 10 | June 26, 2012

In short supply

Commentary by Terry Anker

The Greeks have decided to stay in the Eurozone and have agreed to continuing negotiations with their creditors to remain fiscally afloat. In elections last week, voters on the historic and blue-watered nation elected, albeit by a narrow margin, political figures who have asserted, albeit in the most tentative of ways, that they are committed to keeping Greece on the path to greater financial responsibility and reducing spending. Good news. The world’s economy has become so intertwined that the failure of one errant nation affects all the rest. Whether these newest office-holders are more successful at keeping spending in line with revenue remains to be seen. But for now, Europe, along with the U.S. markets, is resting a little easier. Would it be particularly pessimistic to believe that the Greeks politicians, like those domiciled here on our own shores, are unlikely to persevere? A recent City-County Council move by our neighbors to the south makes the point. Arguing that an array of city-funded

benefits should be expanded to a new group of employees, no discussion addressed the reality that sharing a pie with more folks means that one needs a bigger pie or will have to serve smaller pieces to each. While we can, and perhaps should, discuss who should have pie – and we can, and perhaps should, determine how much pie each should get – it is patently irresponsible to offer pie to more without in some form acknowledging that there are consequences. The Greeks, like our own humble state, must conform to the basic laws of arithmetic. If we all work less, there is less excess to share. If we all consume more, there is less excess to share. Innovation, creativity and risk can build a bigger pie – but don’t we still have to conform to the rules of supply?

Brian Kelly, publisher, and Steve Greenberg, general manager, are co-owners of Current Publishing, LLC. Write them at info@ youarecurrent.com.

Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may e-mail him at terry@ currentincarmel.com.

"There are two kinds of light – the glow that illuminates, and the glare that obscures." - James Thurber, American author, cartoonist and celebrated wit

Current in Westfield

With all due respect to our fine governor, Mitch Daniels, and his outstanding track record, we’re saddened to see him become the president of Purdue University. Why? It’s not because he can’t or wouldn’t make quantum fiscal leaps up in West Lafayette – that puckering sound you just heard was the faculty contemplating budget revisions – but, come on, he is exactly the man for the job in Washington, the one where he puts a stop to government taking on nonsensical debt. His blunt approach can hurt – ask anyone connected to higher education in this state – but the pain is “inflicted” for the right reasons. We hope, one day, after his stint in academia, he will pursue a post in Washington. It doesn’t seem likely, but we can hope, right? ••• And so they had a turn-away weekend earlier this month at our region’s Center for the Performing Arts. From the gala – orchestrated by Jim Austin and the centerpiece of which was the induction of Barry Manilow, Alan and Marilyn Bergman and Cole Porter into the Great American Songbook Hall of Fame as the inaugural class – to the stunning performances that night, we were perhaps more impressed with the quality of the 10 finalists at The Great American Songbook High School Competition. Each gave his or her best shot, and, ultimately, 15-year-old Nick Ziobro of Manilus, N.Y., blew away the field (and the judges) to take home first place. Kudos to the Michael Feinstein Initiative (the man, himself, along with staffers Chris Lewis and Karen Kelsey) for putting together an incredibly memorable evening.

Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Michigan, persons may not be drunk on trains. Source: dumblaws.com




Dos and don'ts on your big day Laughs by Danielle Wilson I’m a bossy person by nature; always have been. Some people are just born to lead or at least to tell others what to do. So, in this vein, and inspired by the wedding Doo and I recently attended, here are my dos and don’ts for the Big Day. Do put someone in charge. You don’t have to hire a wedding coordinator, but at least round up a control-freak aunt who isn’t afraid to order people around or have groomsmen hate her. The timing and details make or break a wedding; a BOS (%itch on Site) can ensure everything flows smoothly. Don’t chew gum at the altar, period. Spit. It. Out. Don’t make your attendants stand throughout the ceremony if it’s over 15 minutes. And for God’s sake, make sure they snack beforehand and know not to lock their knees. “Bridesmaid down! Bridesmaid down!” Do consider parking. The reception venue was in a downtown location, with no attached garage. We either had to drive around and wait for a street spot to open or park in a scary pay lot two blocks away under the expressway. Had I known this was an urban safari, I’d have swapped stilettos for hiking boots. Don’t make your guests wait to eat, especially if you have an evening wedding. This past weekend, the only sustenance served between

the end of the ceremony at 7:00 and the opening of the buffet at 9:15 were alcohol and lemonade. When the bride and groom finally went through the line, the rush to eat conjured images of the Titanic life-boat stampede: “Women and children first!” They should have been passing hors d’oeuvres or set up a cheese table. Better yet, they should have let us eat dinner as soon as we arrived; then no one gets wasted on cheap vodka or devours an entire eight-top’s praline favors. Do keep in mind your cleavage. If your dream dress is strapless, please make sure it comes up high enough to cover the girls. The fact that the bride did not experience a wardrobe malfunction is truly remarkable. For the comfort level of your guests, particularly those with heart conditions, consider adding straps for at least the dancing portion of the evening. They’ll make for a much less stressful evening for all! Do make it personal. The bride and groom, both physicians, choose Robert Palmer’s “Doctor, Doctor” for their first dance. Far more unique than “I Will Always Love You”! I’m sure your wedding will be beautiful, but it’ll be better if you listen to me. Peace out. Danielle Wilson is a Carmel resident and contributing columnist. You may e-mail her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.


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Current in Westfield


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June 26, 2012 | 11


Senior living

Mainstreet breaks ground on $13.5M facility editorial@youarecurrent.com Mayor Andy Cook announced last summer that Mainstreet Property Group will build a state-of-the-art senior living facility in Westfield, adjacent to Grand Park. The development, a $13.5 million facility located on 7.5 acres and creating between 140-150 jobs, officially broke ground last week. The project includes 65,000 square feet with 100 suites. Based on the construction costs, Mainstreet will create a total economic impact of $22.6 million in Hamilton Cook County. This includes direct construction costs as well as local supplier purchases and purchases by construction employees. The project supports a total of approximately 209 primary and secondary jobs during the construction period. "As we begin work on our latest facility, our goal will be to create a living space where seniors can receive the quality care they need while living in a place they can enjoy, said Zeke Turner, chairman and CEO of Mainstreet. "With an emphasis on social features, this building will be a true asset to the City of Westfield in addition to creating new jobs in the community.” This state-of-the-art skilled nursing and as-

s ’ n


sisted living community incorporates hotel-style living and social amenities within a short-term rehab and health care assisted environment. The facility will feature private rooms and multiple social destinations, including restaurant-style dining. "This is very exciting for the City of Westfield in that it's a development building in Westfield specifically because of our Grand Park Project, said Cook. "We are already beginning to see a return on our investment and I am extremely optimistic on what the future holds for this area.” Turner Mainstreet Westfield would create an annual operations economic impact of $13.3 million in Hamilton County beginning this year. This means the company would directly and indirectly support $13.3 million in local economic activity through the value of the services they provide, through supplier purchases and through purchases made by employees. The total economic impact over the next 10 years is estimated at $142.3 million, including the economic impact of construction in 2012. Cicero-based Mainstreet Property Group provides healthcare for a variety of short-term and ling-term needs.

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Current in Westfield


June 26, 2012 • currentnightandday.com

“Magic Mike” – In theaters Friday, Channing Tatum, Matthew McConaughey and Olivia Munn star in this film about a male stripper who teaches a young performer how to party, find women and make money in the business. Spec Ops: The Line – On sale today, Delta Recon Team is sent to infiltrate the city of Dubai and find survivors six months after it was devastated by a cataclysmic sandstorm in this game inspired by films like “Heart of Darkness” and “Apocalypse Now.” Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. – $60. (Above left) Blueberry-glazed barbecue ribs feature an interesting twist on a classic summer entree. (Above right) Grilled nectarines can make an excellent appetizer or exciting dessert. (Submitted photos)

With the heat in full swing, it is time to get out the grill and start cooking By Christian Sorrell • christian@youarecurrent.com The warm middle months of the year mean different things to different people: outdoor sports, concerts, farmers markets and festivals all across Indiana. For most of us out there, it also means grilling, especially with America’s unofficial cookout holiday of the year, July 4, quickly approaching. We have assembled two unique recipes that will help integrate the fruitiness of summer into your grilling repertoire and keep you from boring your friends and family with dreary hamburgers and lackluster hot dogs. Grilled Nectarines with Mascarpone Cream Ingredients: 1/3 cup mascarpone cheese, 3 tablespoons plain Greek yogurt, 2 teaspoons sugar, 1 teaspoon chopped fresh tarragon, 4 nectarines, 1 tablespoon canola oil, 8 teaspoons balsamic glaze or honey, 2 tablespoons sliced almonds, toasted

Directions: Preheat grill to medium-high. Combine mascarpone, yogurt, sugar and 1 teaspoon tarragon in a medium bowl. Refrigerate. Cut nectarines in half and scoop out the pits. Brush cut sides with oil. Oil grill rack. Grill nectarines cutside down until softened and beginning to brown. Divide nectarines among eight plates. Fill each half with 1 tablespoon of mascarpone mixture and drizzle with 1 teaspoon balsamic glaze or honey. Top with almonds and chopped tarragon. Tips: When grilling fragile foods that you don’t want to stick, oiling the grill rack is essential. Oil a folded paper towel, hold it with tongs and rub it over the rack. Remember to never use cooking spray on a hot grill! Blueberry-glazed Barbecue Ribs Ingredients: 4 cups water, 4 pounds countrystyle pork ribs, 2 pints fresh blueberries, 1 medium onion, thinly sliced, 3 tablespoons brown sugar, 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar, 1 tablespoon finely chopped ginger root, 1 teaspoon chili powder, 1 teaspoon ground cumin, 1/2 tea-

spoon coarsely ground pepper, 1/4 teaspoon salt Directions: Bring water to full boil in 6-quart saucepan. Add ribs. Cook over medium-high heat until ribs are fork tender (about 20 to 25 minutes). Meanwhile, heat gas grill on medium. Place all remaining ingredients in 2-quart saucepan. Cook over medium heat until flavors are blended (about 12 to 15 minutes). Place ribs on grill. Baste with blueberry sauce. Grill, basting and turning occasionally, until ribs are fork tender (about 20 to 25 minutes). Cook remaining blueberry sauce over low heat, stirring occasionally, until heated through. Serve sauce over ribs.

For more great recipes for both the grill and the kitchen, be sure to visit currentnightandday.com/category/ recipes and keep reading Night & Day throughout the summer for one new recipe each and every week!

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“Overexposed” by Maroon 5 – In stores and available for download today, the fourth studio album by the pop rock sensation Maroon 5 features the singles “Payphone” and “One More Night.” “Ted” – In theaters Friday, Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane makes the jump to film in this movie about a man and his teddy bear that comes to life due to a childhood wish, starring Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis. For a list of local events, see the Event Calendar on Page 15. Vol. I No. 21 Managing Editor – Christian Sorrell christian@youarecurrent.com / 489.4444 Advertising Executive – Jennifer White jennifer@youarecurrent.com

at the Palladium


press ready

6/1/12 2:39 PM


Event Calendar

BBI • Bring a picnic, lawn chairs or blankets to enjoy BBI as they perform Top 40 Billboard Hits at this free concert that is part of the Fishers Summer Concert series. • 7 p.m. • Fishers Town Hall, 1 Municipal Dr., Fishers • Free • 595-3150


“The Wizard of Oz” • The classic tale of Dorothy’s journey to the land of Oz comes to the Beef and Boards stage featuring all of the great songs from the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion. Children 3 to 11 will receive a $10 discount. • Tuesday to Friday – 8 p.m., Wednesday – 1 p.m. • Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre, 9301 N. Michigan Rd., Indianapolis • $37 to $60, includes dinner buffet • 872-9664

Park & Nature Center, 2000 E. 151 St., Carmel • $5 adults, free for children • 770-4404 Westfield Farmers Market • Come and see what all of Westfield’s best farmers and artisans have to offer at the Westfield Farmers Market, featuring local music and weekly events. • 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. • North Union Street, one block north of Main Street by City Hall (130 Penn St.), Westfield • Free • dwna. org Westfield Historic UnderSaturday ground Railroad Ghost Walk • Join Unseen Press for a brief encounter with Westfield’s most haunting legends and folk tales. Reservations required. • 9 p.m. • $15 • 840-6456

Summer Concerts at wednesday the Carmel Gazebo: Air National Guard Band of the Great Lakes • Air National Guard Band of the Great Lakes performs as part of the Carmel Gazebo Concert series including a children’s pre-concert show at 6:15 p.m. The series provides family concerts promoting community vitality. • 7:30 p.m. • 1 Civic Square, Carmel • Free • carmelgazeboconcerts.org Corey Cox • Come enjoy the weather and see Corey Cox perform live as part of the Noblesville Parks and Recreation Dept. Summer Concert Series. • 7 p.m. • Dillon Park, 701 Cicero Rd., Noblesville • Free • 776-6350


“Forms and Function” • Come see the latest exhibit by the Hamilton County Artists’ Association. • Thursday to Saturday – 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. • The Birdie Gallery, 195 S. Fifth St., Noblesville • Free admission • 776-2278 LeAnn Rimes • After bursting onto the country music scene at age 14, Rimes has been on the rise ever since. Her seven-octave voice and impressive stage presence make it easy to see why. • 8 p.m. • The Palladium, 1 Center Green, Carmel • $23 to $88 • 843-3800


Lights over Morse Lake • Come and join the tons of great Fourth of July activities for the whole family planned from Friday through Sunday at Morse Lake! • Various times and locations • lightsovermorselake.com The Hunchback of Notre Dame • A timeless tale of love and jealousy, Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre’s “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” celebrates Victor Hugo’s dark tale with contemporary dance flair. • Friday and Saturday – 8 p.m. • The Tarkington, 3 Center Green, Carmel • $39 • 843-3800 Symphony on the Prairie: The Music of Queen • The Music of Queen will showcase some of the classic music from one of the greatest rock groups of all time. Bring your own chairs, blankets, food and drinks. • Friday and Saturday – 8 p.m. • Conner Prairie, 13400 Allisonville Rd., Fishers • $22 adult, $10 child, $20 parking • 639-4300 Cool Creek Concert Series: The HillBenders • Come wind down from the busy week and enjoy the music of the HillBenders. Bring your own lawn chairs, kids and picnic baskets! • 7 p.m. • Cool Creek www.currentinwestfield.com

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Saxony Market • The market features a number of central Indiana businesses and farmers while creating an outdoor forum for family and friends alike to gather, shop and share ideas. • 8 a.m. to noon • 131st Street and Olio Road, Fishers • Free • SaxonyIndiana.com Zionsville Farmers Market • Come see Zionsville’s greatest farmers and local artisans at the weekly farmers market. • 8 to 11 a.m. • Parking lot at Main and Hawthorne, Zionsville • Free admission • ZionsvilleFarmersMarket.org

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Carmel Farmers Market • One of the largest farmers markets in Indiana, the Carmel Farmers Market will feature more than 60 local vendors. • 8 to 11:30 a.m. • Carmel Farmers Market, 1 Center Green, Carmel • Free admission • 710-0162 Fishers Farmers Market • The Fishers Farmers Market now showcases more than 35 high-quality vendors offering fresh produce, live goods, bakery items, meat, cheese and handmade gifts. • 8 a.m. to noon • Fishers Farmers Market, 11601 Municipal Dr., Fishers • Free admission • 578-0700

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Noblesville Farmers Market • Shop local. Pick up farm-fresh produce, vegetables and much more at the market. • 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. • Riverview Hospital Overflow Parking Lot, Ind. 19 and Ind. 38, Noblesville • Free admission • 776-0205 Symphony on the Prairie: Star-Spangled Symphony • Star-Spangled Symphony will feature some of America’s most iconic and patriotic songs to celebrate Independence Day. Bring your own chairs, blankets, food and drinks. • Monday – 8 p.m. • Conner Prairie, 13400 Allisonville Rd., Fishers • $22 adult, $10 child, $20 parking • 639-4300


To submit your event for future editions, please e-mail christian@youarecurrent.com.

For a complete list of events this week, visit currentnightandday.com

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Current in Westfield

June 26, 2012 | 15



Yellow Brick Road leads to Beef & Boards for local ‘munchkins’ By Patricia Rettig • editorial@youarecurrent.com Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre’s current production of “The Wizard of Oz” offers four local young thespians a rare opportunity to make Munchkinland a reality. They were chosen from more than 100 central Indiana children who auditioned for the limited number of roles. “I have loved the movie and the music since I was little,” remarked Madison Moll, who will attend Hamilton Southeastern Junior High this fall. This is the 11th production for 11-year-old Madison. “I like being able to play a character and be someone different than who I am,” she said. For 10-year-old Sydney Grace Johnson of Fishers, performing doesn’t require a stage. “I love choreographing performances for the neighborhood with my friends,” the Sand Creek Intermediate student said. And Sydney has no plans to stop. “(I want to) obtain a theater/ dance degree at IU – and be famous!” Sharing her fellow Munchkins’ love of performing is Kendall Greene, 10, a student at College Wood Elementary. “I love being in front of people and being on stage,” she said. When not on stage, she’s a dance student at Performer’s Edge in Carmel, and a competitive gymnast at Deveau’s in Fishers. Sydney Greene, a student at Carmel Middle School who also takes dance at Performer’s Edge, would like to become a professional


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Performing as Munchkins in “The Wizard of Oz” are Kendall Greene (front), Carmel; (back row, from left) Sydney Johnson, Fishers; Sydney Greene, Carmel; and Madison Moll, Fishers. singer or actor. Excited to perform in her first theatrical production, Sydney said she loved the movie, “The Wizard of Oz” and its lesson: There’s no place like home.


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On stage at Beef & Boards through July 15, “The Wizard of Oz” offers a $10 discount on tickets for kids ages 3 to 15. Tickets range from $37 to $60 and include a familyfriendly buffet. For reservations, call the box office at 872-9664. For more information, visit www.beefandboards.com.



Indiana Child Support Statute Changes

Are you aware of the upcoming changes in Indiana child support statutes that may affect child support payments and your child’s eligibility for educational support? Effective July 1, 2012, Public Law 111-2012 will change a child’s presumptive age for termination of child support from twenty-one to nineteen. The law also amends the time frame in which a child may seek educational support, affecting children in the 18-21 age range who may need educational support or may soon lose their eligibility for support. Parents with previous support orders may want to revisit the issue if the order does not explicitly refer to “educational support.” All parents should consider seeking legal advice prior to terminating their support obligations when their child turns nineteen. Although many parents’ duties to pay child support will end when their child turns nineteen, a parent who fails to pay support that is owed risks a finding of contempt and possible criminal sanctions. Also, if you have additional children subject to a child support order, you will likely need to modify your child support obligation upon the emancipation of your nineteen year old. Our firm is committed to providing clients with personalized service and updating parents on changes in Indiana law that may affect their interests and their children. We encourage parents who believe that their child may be affected to contact counsel and assess whether action is necessary before Public Law 111-2012 becomes effective July 1, 2012. Please contact Harden Jackson Law at 317-569-0770 or www.hardenjacksonlaw.com for more information about the changes in Indiana's Parenting Guidelines.

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The above is for informational purposes only should not be considered legal advice. Each case is unique and you should consult an attorney for advice regarding your particular situation.

317-569-0770 • hardenjacksonlaw.com 16 | June 26, 2012

Current in Westfield



Snapshots: Encore Celebration

Great American Songbook contestants Genevieve Ellis and Tori Anna

Westfield Mayor Andy Cook, left, with Brian Zaiger, Heather Zaiger and Barb Cook

Bethany Danko, left, with CFTPA Outgoing Chairman Rollin Dick and Butler University President James Danko

Doris Anne Sadler and Tim Sadler

Barry Manilow with Maggie Kelly

(Left to right) Terry Jackie, Barb Austin, Alexa Austin, Claire Austin and new CFTPA CEO Tania Castroverde Moskalenko with husband Alexei John Hughey, external relations director for the CFTPA

To read a review of the Encore Celebration Gala Performance featuring Barry Manilow and Michael Feinstein as well as view the full gallery of photos from the night’s events, please visit currentnightandday.com. (Photos by Alan Petersime, Karl Ahlrichs and Jordan Fischer)

Skip Watson and Gary Sherman

Paul and Jennifer O’Connor

Christy Vezolles and John Vanausdall

CFTPA Artistic Director Michael Feinstein inducts Barry Manilow into the GASHF.


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Current in Westfield

June 26, 2012 | 17



Toppers Pizza The Scoop: How about a pizza place that isn’t a “typical” pizza place? How about a pizza place with a casual, laid-back atmosphere, comfortable seats and four plasma televisions? The name of this place is Toppers Pizza. Toppers Pizza is on a mission to make their restaurant first on your list. For starters, Toppers offers more than just pizza – toasted grinders, wings and quesadillas round out a menu that also allows you to build your own pizza. Toppers also accepts online orders. Type of food: Pizza, wings Price of entrees: $6.49 to $23.99 Specialties: Pizza Reservations: Not accepted Dress: Casual Hours: 10:30 a.m. to 3 a.m. every day. Location: 12545 N. Meridian St., Carmel Phone: 569-6031 Web site: www.toppers.com

Chamron Brown, manager, Logan’s Roadhouse Brown Where do you like to dine? Kobayashi Sushi and Asian Kitchen What do you like to eat there? I really like the Kobayashi Roll. What do you like about Kobayashi? The service is good and the servers are always friendly. Kobayashi Sushi and Asian Kitchen is located at 2295 Greenfield Ave., Noblesville. They can be contacted at 774-8188 or online at www. kobayashisushi.com.

Rainbow Shots

Mixed by: Nick Ford, Claude and Annie’s (9251 E. 141 St., Ford Fishers) Ingredients: 1 ounce grenadine, 1 ounce rum, 1 ounce peach schnapps, 4 ounces orange juice, 1 ounce vodka, 1 ounce triple sec, 1 ounce blue curacao, 3 scoops ice Directions: Add grenadine in the bottom of a shaker. Add a scoop of ice. Add rum and peach schnapps over a spoon. Add another layer of ice. Add orange juice over a spoon. Add another layer of ice. Add vodka and triple sec

Grilled Peach and Sweet Onion Salsa Ingredients: 1 small sweet onion, peeled, diced; juice of 2 limes; 1/2 teaspoon salt; nonstick spray; 3 peaches, peeled, halved; 1 jalapeno chili, diced; 1/4 cup mint, chopped; 1 teaspoon sugar Directions: Preheat grill. Toss onion with lime juice and salt. Allow to sit for 30

minutes. Spray cut halves of peaches lightly. Lay cut side down on hot grill. Grill on each side for 3 minutes. Remove and cool. Dice into 1/2-inch pieces. Combine peaches, chili, mint and sugar into onion mixture. Serve with grilled meat or fish. –WellFedHeart.com

Recommendation: Scharffenberger Brut NV ($12) Light sparkling wines, such as Scharffenberger Brut NV, Piper Sonoma Brut and Toad Hollow Vineyards Amplexus, are all generally crisp and fruity, which will pair well with the peach, mint and jalapeno present in the dish. Available online and in specialty stores. 18 | June 26, 2012

Current in Westfield



Et cetera


Thursday – Chad Mills Friday – My Yellow Rickshaw Saturday – Gemini Seasons 52: 8650 Keystone Crossing, Indianapolis – seasons52.com Sunday – Heather Ramsey Casler’s: 11501 Pavilion Dr., Fishers – caslers.com Friday – Big Country Saturday – Corey Cox Moon Dog Tavern: 825 E. 96th St., Indianapolis – moondogtavern.com Saturday – Toy Factory Sullivan’s Steakhouse: 3316 E. 86th St., Indianapolis – sullivanssteakhouse.com Thursday – The Joe Deal Trio The Stacked Pickle: 11621 Fishers Station Dr., Fishers – stackedpickle.com Friday – The Varsity Blues Saturday – Jai Baker

Mickey’s Irish Pub: 13644 N. Meridian St., Carmel – mickeysirishpub.com Friday – Endless Summer Band Saturday – TBA Wolfies Grill: 1162 Keystone Way, Carmel wolfiesgrill.com Saturday – Aberdeen Project The Place: 3855 E. 96th St., Indianapolis – daddyrealstheplace.com Thursday – The Bart Walker Band Friday – Jake Henson Saturday – Deaon Forever Mo’s Irish Pub: 13193 Levinson Lane, Noblesville – mosirishpub.com Wednesday – Dave Grodzki Duo

Punch Brothers bring “jeans and jamming” to Palladium – Bryan Ferry reviews Punch Brothers’ recent performance at the Palladium in Carmel. While the band performed wonderfully, he came away wishing that the audience could have loosened up and moved! For the full review, please visit currentnightandday.com. Dave Matthews performs at Klipsch Music CenteR - Current in Noblesville managing ed-

itor Robert Herrington reviews Dave Matthews’ weekend performance at Klipsch Music Center in Noblesville including a full photo gallery from Friday night’s concert. For the complete gallery and review, please visit currentnightandday.com. Hope Baugh reviews Beef and Boards’ “The Wizard of Oz” – “The classic messages of ‘There’s no place like home’ and ‘All you have is all you need’ are as powerful as ever, but I also received new food for thought about the importance of friendship in this story.” For the full review, please visit currentnightandday.com.





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getinshapeforwomen.com Current in Westfield

June 26, 2012 | 19


Salute to senior service Noblesville woman honored as Indiana’s top senior volunteer By Jordan Fischer • jordan@youarecurrent.com Noblesville resident Patricia Rew was honored this month as Indiana’s most outstanding senior volunteer by Home Instead Senior Care. The 70-year-old volunteer was selected to receive the Salute to Senior Service award for her “dedicated community service,” including her work at Agapé Therapeutic Riding Resources, Inc., located in Cicero. “Patricia is a valued member of the community and a senior hero to many,” said Jeff Huber, president and chief operating officer of Home Instead, Inc. “She has shown that volunteer opportunities for older adults should not diminish because of age. Seniors such as Patricia are making important contributions to their communities through charities, nonprofit organizations and faith communities.” Agapé provides horses, equipment, facilities and helpers for more than 800 riders with physical, mental or emotional challenges and also at-risk youth. Rew’s duties include assisting each rider and helping to guide the horse around the indoor arena and on wooded trails. She also provides expertise in event coordination, fundraising and artistic abilities. Volunteerism has been a constant for Rew since her teen years. Her service extends into the Agapé Literacy Program; The Cowgirls of Agapé; Helping Hands of Agapé; Breakfast for the Barn; Par for the Horse Golf Outing; volunteer fairs at local high schools and churches; and Agapé’s Miniature Horse Program.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 Vol. 2, No. 1 with our special needs riders, able to make each one feel loved and appreciated for their individuality. She helps them enjoy a great experience while they are here, they have fun and at the same time learn and improve their capabilities. It is not always easy volunteering with horses and a special needs population – there are the physical challenges, hot weather, mosquitoes, cold weather, the occasional horse hoof stepping on a foot, a rider grabbing or pinching a volunteer. It never phases Pat, she keeps coming back and she keeps smiling through it all, and then asks, ‘Is there anything else I can do?’” As a state winner, Rew was considered for the national Salute to Senior Service award. The national award was presented to Clark Paradise of Lakewood, NJ, who was honored for his work with Your Grandmother’s Cupboard, a nonprofit organization he and his wife founded to meet the needs of the thousands of homeless families throughout New Jersey and parts of Pennsylvania. For more information about Rew or the Salute to Senior Service award, visit www.salutetoseniorservice.com.

“There are no words to describe the dedication Pat has for Agapé,” wrote Katrina Brown, a therapeutic riding and horsemanship instructor at Agapé, on Rew’s nominee profile (which can be found online at www.salutetoseniorservice. com). “Pat is a ‘go to’ woman in our organization. She is always willing to stay late to get the job done and does so with such joy in her heart! She is wonderful with the students, families, and volunteers/staff. She is constantly honing her skills and broadening her education to give more at Agapé. I am so proud to work with Pat and watch her touch so many lives!” According to Chris Sorenson, program coordinator for Agapé, it’s “a pleasure to work with Pat Rew! She comes here with a radiant smile and a heart of gold. She has a gift of working

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Current in Westfield



Now Open

In-laws expand ReStyled to Westfield By Robert Herrington • robert@youarecurrent.com

Odekirk. “We take pieces and parts and make something else or make it look better.” In the summer of 2011, the two were introThe mother- and daughter-in-law team of duced to Annie Sloan Chalk Connie Odekirk and Sasha Paint and said it was love at Hostettler has opened a new first brushstroke. store in Jollietville, 17610 “It’s a wonder paint for Joliet Rd., just outside of do-it-yourselfers,” said Westfield. The two have been Hostettler, adding that the in business together for three paint does not require prepyears repurposing old furniping, sanding or primer. ture, vintage signs and paint“You just clean and paint.” ing furniture and décor. ReStyled began stocking Hostettler and her husChalk Paint in December band attended an estate sale with friends when she first ReStyled’s Sasha Hostettler, left, and Con- 2011 and was the first retailer in Indiana to do so. nie Odekirk at their new store. (Photo by discovered the idea for the Robert Herrington) They currently are the Chalk business. Paint supplier for two-thirds of the state – from “I fell in love with old interesting pieces of Ind. 26 in Lafayette south to Kentucky. Hostetfurniture you don’t see in stores anymore,” she tler and Odekirk also teach workshops on Chalk said. “We came home with two truckloads of Paint and the wax coating that finishes it. furniture.” “I love the way furniture looks and feels (with Using Odekirk’s background as an interior Chalk Paint),” Odekrik said. designer, the two now restore and transform ReStyled, 17610 Jolliet Rd., is open 9:30 a.m. previously loved items into beautiful, versatile to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday to Friday and for spefurniture and accessories for the home and cial shows and workshops. They can be reached garden. at 804-1373 or online at restyledfurniture.com. “We live in a throw-away society. We wanted ReStyled is also located at Booth No. 110 to give beautiful pieces another chance at life,” within Logan Village Mall in downtown Nosaid Hostettler. “Through processes such as painting, distressing and construction, we create blesville. Logan Village Mall is open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. extraordinary from the ordinary.” Sunday. “We will not paint a real antique,” added

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Current in Westfield

June 26, 2012 | 21



The value of validation Commentary by Kristen Boice

It’s a basic human need to want to feel significant, safe, important, understood and valued. We want to be and feel heard. It’s important to use this with your partner, children, friends, family and any other relationships in your life. First, let’s understand what validation means. It’s accepting someone’s feeling. It is to really understand where they are coming from. When we validate someone, we acknowledge and accept their uniqueness and individuality. A big misconception is to think that if we validate someone, then they are going to think we completely agree with them. It simply means you get them. You understand what they are feeling and saying. Often, we don’t learn this growing up, yet we have a need to experience feeling heard and validated. The good news is, it’s a skill we can learn. If there is conflict, it can be because walls of invalidation have been built. Ultimately, validation allows someone to feel safe and encouraged to express their feelings. It will build stronger and deeper connections. Below are some steps to begin using validation immediately. Work on your own judgments and feeling. Work through your own hurt and pain. Perhaps this is in the way of really connecting with others. Be in an accepting and open space.

Listen with your eyes, ears and body. Face the person and make eye contact. Notice your body language and if you are open to really hearing them. Be present with them. No texting, using your computer or doing something else while you are with them. Allow the person to safely share their thoughts and feelings without judgment or blame. Mirror back what you heard. For example, “What I heard you say is ….” You are repeating or paraphrasing what you heard. You will notice someone nodding or saying, “Yes. Exactly.” They are feeling heard. This shows them we care and are in tune with them. Use short phrases to show you understand. For instance, you might say any of these statements, “I can understand how you feel. It sounds like you are really feeling ____. It sounds like ____is really important to you. It makes sense how you feel.” Don’t give advice. Most of us truly want to help others. We don’t know how to help. We start giving advice, as our parents did to us. If you just validate someone, they are able to work out their own emotional issues faster than if you give them advice. Kristen Boice is an individual, couples and family counselor and speaker with Pathways to Healing Counseling & Education. Contact her at kristen@ pathwaystohealingcounseling.com.

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Current in Westfield




Gardeners grow up with vines Commentary by Holly Lindzy

commonly planted hyacinth bean vine, which is stunning from flower to fruit – big leafy stems of purple flowers followed by shiny purple seed pods in the fall – it’s so great I almost hate to share my secret about it. I’ve also planted morning glories with moonflower to have flowers all hours of the day. They’re a cinch to grow and fun to watch bloom, as the huge white moonflower opens at the same time every evening. No place for a vine to climb? I doubt that! A simple trellis will suffice or bamboo stakes found in any garden center and some twine does the trick for a natural look. You can even grow your vines up tall sunflowers! No excuses! Have some fun with your challenging spaces and grow up this season. It’s not too late – there’s a long summer ahead of us. And maybe giggle like a kid doing it. Happy climbing!

Gardening can be a challenge regardless of your living situation. Farmers battle droughts, suburbanites combat rocky soils and apartment dwellers are space challenged. It can be frustrating, indeed but I have two words for you . . . grow up! Literally – I’m talking about growing vines! Living in an old house in town, I’m space challenged. Definitely the highlight of the house is the spacious front porch – a dream to sit on in the rain but no place to dig up a garden bed. Obviously. Luckily, I’ve always been fond of container gardening. The soil is just right, they’re easy to water and you can move them around to highlight something in particular. And I have railing and posts that scream for scrambling vines, so I stick a few seeds in the containers on my porch to cover them. It’s always a show stopper. They’re easy enough to grow but hard to find in the nurseries, so it just makes seed shopping all the more fun. My absolute favorite? The un-

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Holly Lindzy is an Indiana accredited horticulturalist and advanced master gardener residing in Noblesville. Email your gardening woes (or wisdom) to hollylindzy@gmail.com.

Slim – Storms are a part of summer, butjJust what are the chances of getting struck by lightning? About 1 in 3 million. By comparison, you have a 1 in 5,800 chance of dying in a car accident and a 1 in 342,000 chance of dying in a plane crash. - almanac.com

Shoo, Bugs – Rabbits from eating your flowers? Try dusting the flowers with sulfur, sprinkling them with red pepper or spraying them with a mixture of one teaspoon Lysol and one gallon water. - almanac.com

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June 26, 2012 | 23 6/5/12 11:33 AM



New master bath with custom closet Commentary by Larry Greene Original bathroom: This home is located in the Woodacre subdivision on the west side of Indianapolis. The homeowners built the house in 1990 and now that they are empty nesters, they are slowly remodeling the whole house to get it ready for eventual sale. They had already remodeled the kitchen so the master bath was next. New skeek tub: The owners commented, "The bathroom had a huge garden tub, and I like the sleek look of the new one. After having a garden tub for years, I wanted something different. The glass block behind the tub was a last minute change. I was having trouble finding a window treatment that I liked, and my designer suggested the glass block. We did not choose the most popular style. We did not have to be too concerned with the amount of light the glass block let in because we also have a skylight. We were able to choose the glass style even though it did not let in as much light as other styles. We also found that replacing the windows and getting new window treatments was actually going to cost more than the glass block." Husband & wife decision making: The owners worked together with the design team on the selection of the materials. "My husband was in charge of the shower and I focused on the vanity areas. I wanted the vanity tops to be granite, but

I did not want them to look like a kitchen, so that led me to my color choice. The plumbing fixtures were chosen to be sleek and modern."

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begINS here. New closet space: The homeowners noted, "My favorite part of the remodel is the closet. The old one had a loft that felt very dark and closed. Now the closet is bright and new, and I can see everything. We have many more shelves and the space has been opened up. It helped me organize my things." Larry Greene is the president of Case Design/Remodeling, a full-service design/build firm serving Hamilton County. Contact him at lgreene@ indy.rr.com.

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24 | June 26, 2012

Current in Westfield



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29 35




41 44 47

46 48 52











26 30




24 27





50 55











Across 1. Words to live by 6. *Unexpected windfall 10. Silent assents 14. McAlister’s Deli soup server 15. Border on 16. Face-to-face exam at DePauw 17. List components 18. Indy’s Congregation ___-El Zedeck 19. Butler sorority letter 20. Indiana State Fair porker pad 21. Mellencamp lyric: “And the drifters did come and ___ go.”




23. Swell 24. Feature on an old phone at the Indiana State Museum 25. ISO woodwind 27. Purdue science class 30. Kimmel shoe part 34. Town terrorized in “Jaws” 35. Bad, as some Indiana winter weather 38. Gun an IndyCar engine 39. White River fisherman’s whopper? 40. Suffix that can be added to the answers of the six starred clues to

make Hoosier city names 41. Indiana Antique Mall retro lamp type 42. Westfield HS lineman 43. Nonsensical 44. No longer on the plate at Bub’s 45. Sonora snooze 47. Brownish-green eyes 48. Geist driver’s seat 50. Like a busybody 51. Scatter 54. Take a dog home from the Hamilton Co. Humane Society 56. David & Mary Salon, e.g. 59. Fishers HS swim meet venue 60. Big name in small PCs 61. Island in New York Harbor 63. Spirited horse 64. Huff and puff on the Monon Trail 65. Indiana Golden Gloves boxer’s stat 66. Neat and orderly 67. *WIBC’s Limbaugh 68. “Forget it!” (2 wds.) Down 1. Illegal Colts block 2. PNC Bank posting 3. Hancock County town named after a Genesis location 4. Stately tree along North Meridian Street 5. Fate 6. Biblical tower site 7. Comply with the IMPD 8. Perform better than the Pacers 9. Ultimate degree 10. *Lords and ladys 11. Black-and-white cookie at Marsh 12. Anthem spreadsheet numbers

13. Kittle’s bed support 22. Fair Oaks Farms fodder 23. Scrawny 24. Dinner and a show at The Palladium, perhaps 26. Contemporary Dental Concepts request 27. *”Psycho” motel name 28. Saudi neighbor 29. Zionsville HS Spanish class squiggle 31. Use a soapbox at the Indiana Statehouse 32. Shoopman Homes builder’s tool 33. *Bob ___ Restaurant 35. Common Dads Club soccer game score 36. Apiece, at the Carmel Racquet Club 37. Devious and cunning 40. UIndy lab vessel 41. Having no get-up-and-go 43. Indy eatery: John’s Famous ___ 44. Central Indiana’s time zone 46. *WFMS songstress, ___ Lynne 47. ‘50s dance at Noblesville HS 49. Chinese gambling mecca 50. Indiana’s side in the Civil War 51. Cross words 52. Spelling of WXIN’s “Beverly Hills 90210” 53. Hague or Gray, e.g. 55. Carmel Cub Scout Packs 124 and 197 56. Shapiro’s Deli side 57. Typewriter type 58. Pasty-faced 60. NCAA Final Four mo. 62. Benjamin Harrison’s astrological sign Answers on Page 27

Find the items in the puzzle going up, down, sideways or diagonally and list them. Each letter is used no more than once.


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6 Indianapolis Zoo Animals

4 Cities in France

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

5 Chess Pieces

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

3 Ruth's Chris Steaks

__________________ __________________ __________________ 2 Penske Honda Models

__________________ __________________

1 U.S. Secretary of Agriculture


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Skip’s Auctions Gallery

Waiters/Waitresses Full/Part-time Dooley O’Toole’s 160 E. Carmel Drive 317-843-9900

Every Thursday Night 6pm Auction Zip #26565 14000 St. Rd. 32E, Noblesville, IN 765.606.6001 Always accepting clean consignments.


@Emoona Nails SPECIAL




VISA, MasterCard accepted Reach 104,000 homes weekly


Estate Sale

Carmel Clay School Corporation is accepting applications for School Bus Aides for the 2012-2013 school year. Assist special needs children to and from school working a maximum of 4 hrs/day on morning and afternoon routes.Training provided. $10.77 per hour. Salary credit given for Bus Aide experience. Available to earn attendance bonus. Must be able to pass criminal history check.


June 29th and 30th (Friday and Sat) Silver Thorne E 151st & Meridian 14908 Oak Road Furniture & Misc. 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

RENTALS DESIGN / Artist studio space for rent

Apply on-line to www.ccs.k12.in.us AA/EOE

at 421 South Rangeline Road. aprox. 225 square feet $400 per month includes conference room / gallery area, etc... 317-679-2565.

Great Deals Savings Magazine is

Now Hiring

sales representatives for NE Indianapolis. Salary and commission to start. Direct Advertising Sales experience a Plus. Call 1-877-587-9780 or send resume to Jim@ GreatDealsMagazine.net


Recently married, divorced or graduated? This starter condo is perfect for first time homeowner or for new beginning. 2 Bed-2 Bath – laminate stainless appliances – hardwood – carpet. Pool, Tennis court & Exercise room – Contact 317-848-5116


MIdwest Academy, an independent school located in Carmel, is seeking applicants for a middle school language arts and reading teaching position. A valid Indiana teaching license is required with preference given to a license in special education. A longterm middle school substitute position is also available. Salary and benefits are competitive. Interested candidates are invited to contact the school: kfoster@ mymidwestacademy.org

DON’T MISS THIS! HOUSE FOR RENT Royal Run 3 BR, 2 BA Avail. 7/1 All App Pool/Z'ville Schools No Pets. Min 1 yr lease $1200/mo. + Dep + Ref 6761 Lexington Cir. 317-750-5433

Puzzle Answers


























June 26, 2012 | 27

Delivering a fun and informative event for mothers and mothers-to-be. Join the OB/GYNs, nurses and staff of Indiana University Health North Hospital at a FREE event where you’ll learn everything you need to know about the top-ranked maternity and Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health services offered here.

Birth & Beyond | Saturday, June 30 | 10 am – 1 pm n n Maternity suite tours Prenatal & mommy/baby yoga class demonstrations n Maternity info from OB/GYN practices n

Breastfeeding consultants


Car seat safety inspections



Raffle prizes, giveaways and refreshments FREE cosmetic bag to the first 250 women to attend

Riley Safety Store IU Health North Hospital, 11700 N. Meridian St. | Carmel, IN n

For more information, visit iuhealth.org/north

©2012 IU Health 06/12 HY09312_5472

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6/11/12 3:03 PM

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