June 27, 2017 – Westfield

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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Westfield High School grads create business, aid nonprofits / P14 Residential Customer Local

Montalone to replace Verhoff / P3

Current road construction / P5

Local firefighter loses battle to cancer / P7


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June 27, 2017

Current in Westfield


June 27, 2017


Current in Westfield



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Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@ youarecurrent.com. You may also submit information on our website, currentinwestfield.com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication. To contact Editorial Director Sophie Pappas, call 317.489.4444 ext. 7.

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Grate congratulates PAC members, Montalone

APC forwards NewPro Containers building

Compiled by Noah Alatza • news@currentinwestfield.com

Compiled by Noah Alatza • news@currentinwestfield.com

The Westfield Washington School Board met June 13. The next school board meeting has been rescheduled from its original date of July 11 to July 18. For more, visit wws.k12.in.us. What happened: District adds, changes staff roles. What it means: The district announced 25 new hires have been added since the end of the 2017 school year. “It has been pretty busy, to say the least. I always appreciate the curriculum work all the teachers put in during this time,” said Chris Baldwin, WWS executive director of Human Resources. A new assistant transportation director Montalone was named. Joe Montalone, who served 11 years as the principal of Maple Glen Elementary School, is the district’s new director of operations, as Nick Verhoff recently announced his retirement. “I am deeply grounded and humbled for this opportunity and endeavor. It has been a blessing to my life,” Montalone said. “I am grateful for serving the community in this new capacity. However, Maple Glen will always be a very special place.” What happened: Supt. Sherry Grate honored Westfield Yes Political Action Committee chairpersons.

On the cover

Curt Whitesell invested in a new business which will aid nonprofits and provide developers with volunteer hours. From left, Curt Whitesell and Communicode co-owners Trevor Crupi and Cooper Campbell. (Photo by Sadie Hunter) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. X, No. 23 Copyright 2016. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

What it means: Grate honored three Westfield Yes PAC dignitaries, Danyele Easterhaus, Jeff Boller and Ashley Knott. In early May, voters approved a construction referendum with 54 percent of the Grate vote. Grate expressed thanks to the chairpersons for their efforts. “This was a great balance on the team, (Westfield Washington Schools) cannot say enough,” she said. The three also received recognition from the school board. “You have made a difference in the lives of all Westfield students,” Grate said. “On behalf of the administration and school board, thank you for the many hours of your dedication and support. Without you, I just do not know how we could have been successful.” What happened: New business was approved, including appointing a construction manager. What it means: The appointment of a construction manager was recommended by Grate. The manager would help oversee construction for the district, which is planned for next summer. It was announced that Carey Ridge Elementary School is losing a number of computers. The district said it wants to move away from stationary computer labs and put most of them on carts.

The Westfield Advisory Plan Commission met June 19. The next APC meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. July 11 at City Hall, 130 Penn St. For more, visit westfield.in.gov. What happened: NewPro Containers requested a detailed development that was forwarded to the city council, 6-0. What it means: A 48,000-square-foot industrial building would sit on approximately 3.4 acres of the West Oak Planned Unit Development District. The facility would be west of the adjacent Westfield Business Park at 16460 Southpark Dr.

(Submitted image)

What happened: The Hall and House Planned Unit Development was reintroduced to the APC, and petitioners asked for a modification to the sign standards to allow more exposure around the property. A unanimous favorable recommendation was sent to the city council. What it means: The six-acre site includes a real estate area on the southeast corner of Wheeler Road and Ind. 32. This would include the Monon Marketplace and Ricker’s. The property is zoned under the PUD and is primarily used for commercial purposes. What happened: A request for an overall development plan and primary plat for The Trails was unanimously approved. What it means: At the prior Technical Advisory Committee meeting the petition was reviewed. A public hearing was held at the plan commission’s June 5 meeting. The project will sit at the southeast corner of Oak Ridge Road and Ind. 32. Concerns about traffic flow were raised by a community member but was waved off. City attorney Brian Zaiger said the opportunity for those comments from the community is over.

Dispatch Campbell joins Washington Post — ​Current’s own cartoonist Tim ​Campbell will be joining the Washington Post News Service and Syndicate in early July. H​e has been the editorial cartoonist for Current Publishing​for 11 years.



June 27, 2017

Current in Westfield


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June 27, 2017


Current in Westfield



between 146th Street and Greenfield Avenue in Noblesville is ongoing. The highway has been reduced Westfield to one lane both northbound East 151st Street will and southbound in the area. close for construction of a The Indiana Dept. of Transroundabout at Westfield portation expects work to Boulevard. The closure is be completed by the end of expected to last 60 days. CONSTRUCTION CONSTR CONSTRUCTIO ON NS N NSTRUCTION S STRUC TRUCTION CTI CT CTI summer. Motorists traveling eastCarmel bound on East 151st Street City Center Drive and Range Line Road will encounter detour routing which will was closed for roundabout construction bypass roundabout construction at the last week. Construction is nearing the finew intersection of East 151st Street and nal stages. The job was estimated to take Westfield Boulevard between Greyhound 14 days. There will continue to be partial Pass and U.S. 31. Target will only be accesclosures of the intersection until complesible to traffic from the east. tion, which is anticipated to be on or prior Casey Road is closed north of Ind. 32 for to July 1. approximately a half-mile for the construcTowne Road and 106th Street is still tion of the Ditch Road extension roundclosed for roundabout construction. Conabout. The closure is expected to last 60 struction is estimated to take 45 days. days. Hazel Dell Parkway and 116th Street is Noblesville closed for roundabout construction, estiFive-points roundabout: Work on the mated to take 75 days. “five-points roundabout” continues. While Spring Mill Road is closed south of the construction takes place, the intersection that connects 10th Street and Christian and Main Street roundabout to 116th Street except for local traffic. Motorists are enGreenfield avenues has become an all-way stop, one-lane stop. Construction is expect- couraged to use Illinois Street as a detour. The closure is expected to last until fall. ed to end sometime next month. *Updates accurate as of press time. For Ind. 37 drainage project: The second more, visit youarecurrent.com. phase of a $1.5 million drainage project

Neighborhood raises flag

By Noah Alatza • news@currentinwestfield.com The 168-unit Mapleton neighborhood grassy common area is at the corner of 169th Street and Oak Ridge veterans Road near the Countryside neighborhood entrance. It has been a launch site for innovative projects. Mapleton’s Board President MJ Fazio said it all started three years ago. “We put up a little mobile library,” she said. “Following the completion of the library, we have added planters, flowers, a handmade round oak chair.” According to Fazio, the library was the first of it’s kind in Hamilton County. The homeowners association consists of five members in Mapleton, headed by Fazio. “One of our members wanted a bench to sit by the library so people could read at it, so a volunteer made a bench,” Fazio said. A tree and metal bench are just a few of the items donated by residents. Several volunteers, including Kim Freeman and Dan Selear, a military veteran, have performed countless hours of labor, Fazio said. On June 12, residents of Mapleton completed another project with the installation of a

From left, Walt Deeter, HOA vice president of buildings and maintenance and veteran, and HOA Treasurer Jason LaPaliag, raise a flag to honor veterans in the Mapleton neighborhood. (Submitted photo)

telescopic flag pole with a solar light on top. “This is all about honoring our vets and supporting our country,” Fazio said. “We invited veterans for the opening, nine of which live here at Mapleton.” Fazio said thanking veterans for their service is important. “We (need to) thank (veterans) for their service, as we have a country in a lot of turmoil right now,” she said. “But we wanted this to show hope, that we really want things to get better.” The flag will not be removed until Veterans Day in November.


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June 27, 2017

Current in Westfield



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June 27, 2017


Current in Westfield


Firefighter loses cancer battle By Adam Aasen • adam@youarecurrent.com

Robinson was a 1984 graduate of Westfield High School. He attended Northview Church and had previously attended Six Longtime Carmel Fire Dept. firefighter Points Church. Mark Glenn “Robo” Robinson, 51, died June Robinson was born in Noblesville. 19 after a He is survived by his wife Jamie in memorium battle with and their four kids: Jordan, Brock, cancer. Austin and Jenna. It was Robinson’s second bout “Mark and Jamie were able to with the disease. He beat coloreccelebrate 30 years of marriage this tal cancer in 2009 but it recurred year,” CFD Chief David Haboush said. in 2016. CFD crews and supporters “Throughout their journey Mark had would display “Robostrong” in honRobinson a deep appreciation for the Lord or of Robinson during his fight. and his family. He was a devoted and lovRobinson had been with the department ing husband, father, grandfather, brother, for 18 years, most recently with Station uncle and son. Mark spoke often about how 44. He was active in the community and blessed he was and the wonderful life he coached fifth- and sixth-grade football was able to live.” players in the Westfield-Washington area Haboush said Robinson’s brave fight for 16 years. against cancer was an inspiration to others. Renee Butts, a CFD engineer, said she “Mark was a fighter, and his tenacity knew Robinson as a coworker, friend and proved to serve him well during his fight coach of her son’s football team. She said with cancer,” Haboush said. “He loved he coached her son when he was 11 years his family, the fire service, his brothold. Her son is 28 now and still remembers ers and sisters at CFD and the Westfield Coach Robinson. community.” “There are thousands of kids that he Memorial contributions may be made to coached that he had the most positive effect on,” she said. “I can’t even convey what Westfield Gridiron Club, c/o Westfield Athletics, 18250 N. Union St., Westfield, Ind. 46074. a positive effect he had on the community.”

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If you’re contemplating filing for divorce, you may be wondering, “What happens next?” Taking that first step can be scary, can leave you feeling sad, can sometimes even offer forms of relief, but often it just leaves a sense of anxiety because of the unknown. If you take out all the different complexities that can convolute each individual divorce, the legal process itself can be broken down into straightforward steps. Indiana law requires a 60-day cooling-off period. Once divorce paperwork has been filed, a court cannot legally dissolve a marriage until after 60 days have passed. This 60-day waiting period gives couples an opportunity to reconcile before any final court orders are entered, but in the event reconciliation is not possible, this time should be used to determine what will happen with the marital estate and any children of the marriage. Preliminary orders may be necessary. Preliminary orders, often also referred to as “provisional” orders, are one of the first steps to consider after filing for divorce. You can get provisional orders two ways: by agreement or via a hearing with the court. The benefit of these preliminary orders is that they lay out the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of each party during the 60-day waiting period. Who will pay the mortgage? Who will live where? Will I get any maintenance? How about child support? Depending on your own personal family situation, you may or may not need provisional orders. Regardless of the method used, the terms will be binding on both parties until further order of the court or until a final settlement agreement has been entered in the case. Discovery is an important tool and shouldn’t be ignored! You’ll hear the term “discovery” throughout your divorce proceedings. Discovery, simply put, is a way for each party to lay all their assets and liabilities on the table; it provides a means to an end. Why is this important? Because Indiana law presumes a 50/50 split of all marital assets and debts. You can expect to have to fill out forms regarding information such as

your weekly income, monthly expenses, any liabilities you owe, as well as any assets you own, including but not limited to bank accounts, retirement accounts, and even life insurance accounts. You may hear the term Interrogatories or receive Requests for Production of Documents, which are the most common forms of discovery used in a divorce. Although they can be time consuming, these types of discovery requests are an important step in the process because they’re used to gather necessary information to settle divorce. Discovery is typically crafted entirely around the specifics of your family situation so, if you’ve got children expect to see some questions and requests that specifically pertain to those children. If you’re a business owner, you can expect to see the same type of requests surrounding the business. Mediation is a great way to customize an agreement specifically to the needs of your family. After preliminary orders, if any, have been issued and after discovery is complete, the next thing to consider is whether mediation is a viable option. In fact, many courts require parties to at least attempt to settle the divorce at mediation before a final hearing in the matter. Mediation allows the involved parties to negotiate settlement terms without the necessity of attending court. A final hearing is the last step in the process of divorce. When it’s not possible to come to terms on your own, through the attorneys, or via mediation, you can expect you’ll be heading to court. A judge will hear the case and then issue orders regarding property settlement and custody, parenting time, and child support orders. Keep in mind that this step in the process doesn’t afford couples the same flexibility as mediation. At Hollingsworth & Zivitz, P.C., our team has the experience, the understanding, and the compassion to assist with your family law needs. If you have questions or concerns regarding divorce, custody, mediation, collaborative law or any other family law concerns, please contact our firm at 317.DIVORCE or visit our website at www.hzlegal.com.



June 27, 2017


Current in Westfield




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The 10th annual Mayor’s Yellow Tie Ball was held June 17. The event raised more than $25,000 for the fundraiser Westfield Youth Assistance Program. “Of all the things we have done, the thing I am most proud of, the thing that is the most impactful that this city has done is the Westfield Youth Assistance Program,” Mayor Andy Cook said during the event. Glasses of prosecco were sold for $50 each for a chance to win a Moyer Fine Jeweler’s bracelet. Prosecco sales totaled $5,000 raised for WYAP. Judge Paul Felix shared his own personal story about growing up without a father and how were it not for caring adults in his life, he would’ve fallen through the cracks. “The criminal justice system we are a part of is actually hurting the children when they are placed in the system,” Felix said. “We are preventing children from ever getting to Chief (Joel) Rush or (Judge) Steve Nation or myself. The Youth Assistance Program is this community’s safety net. It comes at a cost of less than one-tenth of the juvenile justice system. I want my story to motivate you. Become involved in and become passionate about the Youth Assistance Program. Seek out ways to be a part of our community’s safety net.” Danyele Easterhaus, executive director for Student Impact, also spoke. She said she decided to work with WYAP to fundraise because the program and Student Impact share a passion of helping kids. “Every single child born today is an atrisk kid,” Easterhaus said. “Every kid is one

Mayor Andy Cook and wife Barbara at the Mayor’s Yellow Tie Ball. (Photos by Anna Skinner)

caring adult away from being a success story.” Funds raised went toward providing services for WYAP mentees, such as athletic services, family counseling services or cognitive therapy. “We help connect them to the services they need,” Felix said. WYAP has been the beneficiary of the Mayor’s Yellow Tie Ball for seven of its 10 years. Last year, the event took place in the Grand Park Event Center, with proceeds benefitting the Hamilton County Youth Assistance Program. This year, the program returned to the Bridgewater Club, where 100 percent of proceeds benefitted WYAP. For more, visit youthassistance.org/ westfield.

June 27, 2017


Current in Westfield


Westfield graduate awarded state’s top technology award By Noah Alatza news@currentinwestfield.com

Westfield High School graduate Samantha Fassnacht recently won top honors at the Indiana Stateachievement house for her work in the STEM Educational Initiative. This was the first year for the Governor’s STEM Team awards, and four students were selected, one for each letter. Fassnacht received the ‘T’ Technology award. Gov. Eric Holcomb and Supt. of Public Instruction Jennifer McCormick were on hand for a ceremony in recognition of Fassnacht’s and the other students’ achievements. Holcomb launched the new program earlier this year. It is designed to showcase high school students’ achievements in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. “Indiana is well known for its love of sports, but we must also be a state that uplifts its rock-star students — especially in the STEM subjects that are fueling the innovation and entrepreneurship to build our economic future,” Holcomb stated in a press release sent to Current. “The Governor’s STEM Team will recognize our state’s best and brightest young people with an honor that elevates their status, just as our society does for its finest athletes.” All submissions were examined by a panel of experts, including teachers, college and university professors and staff from the Indiana Dept. of Education and State Board of Education. “It was an honor to receive this award from Gov. Holcomb and Supt. McCormick, personally, in the governor’s office.” Fassnacht said. “Having the opportunity to discuss the future of STEM in Indiana with the governor was incredibly exciting.” The panel evaluated the students’ “exem-

Dispatch Westfield travel team wins tournament – The Westfield Rocks 10U travel softball team won the Future Stars of Sports tournament in Columbus held June 10-11. Top, from left, Addison Greenwalt, Ava Kainrath, Dani Schade, Cara Snedeker and Grace Fanelli. Bottom, from left, Marisa Stormer, Brittney Dollens, Kenzie Hiatt and Samantha Breaux. Teammates not pictured: Aubrey Crockett and Tori Fanter.

STAR SPANGLED SYMPHONY From left, Gov. Eric Holcomb, Samantha Fassnacht and Supt. of Public Instruction Jennifer McCormick. (Submitted photo)

plary performance in one of the STEM subjects,” including work inside the classroom, extracurricular activities, research projects, leadership roles and community service. Fassnacht said she applied for the award after seeing an announcement online. “The opportunities that STEM fields offer are limitless,” Fassnacht said. “STEM plays such a large role in today’s society, and these fields provide countless career options and ways to positively impact the world.” The new initiative already adds to the state’s yearly Mr. and Ms. Math and Science awards. Each winning student received a $1,000 college scholarship and a letter jacket identifying them as members of the team. Fassnacht also was recognized in late 2016 for receiving a perfect score on the ACT exam. She plans to study computer science at the University of Toronto in the fall. For more, visit istemnetwork.org/ category/indiana-stem-news/

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June 27, 2017


Current in Westfield


Rotary club purchases, assembles GaGa Dodgeball Pit

The Westfield Rotary Club recently purchased and assembled a GaGa dodgeball pit at Washington Woods Elementary. Also, four tricycles were purchased for the school’s new kindergarten wing. Three tricycles were donated to Oak Trace Elementary’s new kindergarten wing. The materials were purchased with the aid of a grant from the Walmart Foundation. Pictured, from left, Rotarians and volunteers Dave and Marybeth Mueller, Kurt Wanninger, Cindy Olson, Gary Murray, Martha Compton and Michael and Linda Crews. (Submitted photo)

Westfield Fire Dept. receives grant for carbon monoxide detetors

The Westfield Fire Dept. recently received a $1,000 grant from State Farm to purchase carbon monoxide detectors for local residents. “CO detectors will alert residents of a natural gas leak in their home before it becomes deadly,” Westfield Fire Marshal Garry Harling stated in a press release sent to Current. “My mission is to buy enough CO detectors, with the help of businesses like State Farm that Westfield residents will never have to experience a carbon monoxide death.” Pictured, Ben Brown, left, and Garry Harling. (Submitted photo)

Dispatches College news – Samford University student Emma Phillips, of Westfield, won the Wheeler Hawley Award for Excellence, 300 level Spanish. Gabrielle Adams was named to the William Woods University spring 2017 Dean’s List. Annie Huesing of Westfield was named to Miami University’s President’s List.

Christ United Methodist Church Vacation Bible Study — The CUMC Vacation Bible Study will be from 6:30 to 8 p.m. July 17-20 at Asa Bales Park, 211 N. Union St. The program is free to attend and features Bible lessons, memorizing verses, games, prizes and other activities. The event is for children ages 5-12. For more, contact Laura Ballinger at 317-896-5559.

June 27, 2017


Current in Westfield


Disney grant stocks little library


317-818-0497 Youth Service America and the Walt Disney Company recently awarded a $500 grant to Katie O’Daniel to provide books at a little library at Simon Moon Park in Westfield. O’Daniel, left, presents the check to Westfield Mayor Andy Cook. (Submitted photo)

Mascots to play peewee teams By Renee Larr news@currentinwestfield.com The NFL Mascots vs. Peewees Game 2017 will return June 29 at Carmel High School. The game is held in confootball junction with the NFL Mascot Summit. “We started the summit last year. It’s a week of business meetings for all of us to get better with community initiatives,� said Trey Mock, mascot coordinator for the Indianapolis Colts. “We also wanted to come together and come up with a great event to benefit the community of Indianapolis.� Last year, the games raised more than $5,000 for Special Olympics of Indiana and $5,000 for a family that had just lost a young son to cancer. “This year we’re doing the same thing. This year all the proceeds are going to Make-A-Wish and the Colts Foundation, which is our not-for-profit of the Indianapolis Colts. It allows us to do all the things we do in the community,� Mock said. Gates open at 4 p.m. The NFL mascots will be present for an autograph session from 4 to 5:30 p.m. “The AFC mascots will come out first, and then the NFC will come out. We’ll also have all of our inflatables out there,� Mock said. “People will get to do the quarterback toss and go down the inflatable slide. We also have a Play 60 zone out on the field so kids


L to R: Shannon Poe, Victoria Pelly, Laura Bradley, Tom Quinn, Brynn Moore, Holly Blevins & Meredith Ward

Let us introduce you to some of Indy’s finest Kitchen and Bath Designers and Remodel Specialists! Desmond Duffy runs to the end zone with mascots Blue of the Indianapolis Colts and Staley Da Bear of the Chicago Bears in pursuit. (File photo)

will be able to run some actual NFL drills on the field.� At 6 p.m. the field will be cleared and pre-game festivities and the national anthem will be performed. The game starts at 6:30 p.m. “The mascots will play four peewee teams. Each team will get a quarter,� Mock said. Teams include Carmel Dad’s Club Pups, Westfield Youth Sports Shamrocks, Avon Junior Athletic Association and Zionsville Youth Football League. The cost is $5 in advance or $7 day of the game. To purchase tickets, visit colts.com/ fanzone/mascot/mascot-game.html.

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June 27, 2017


Current in Westfield


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“The Secretary of State told (election administrators) ... none had evidence of being hacked,” Richardson said. Recent national media reports claim that Richardson said as for Hamilton County, Russian hackers might have infiltrated as there is no chance Russians could many as 37 states’ hack anything because “the votelection voting systems, but ing system is not attached to the local officials said internet in any way,” noting that Indiana was untouched. everything from the tabulation to According to Hamilton County the laptops used for voting are not Elections Administrator Kathy Richconnected to the internet. ardson, there is talk that Russian “Most Indiana voting systems are hackers got into a voting system Richardson that way,” Richardson said. used by multiple U.S. states, called She added that the only thing in regards VR Systems. to elections that is linked to the internet However, she said that only six Indiana is voter registration, which can be done counties use VR Systems – Cass, Montgomery, Wayne, Vigo, Vanderburg and Floyd- but online. those six were untouched. news@currentinwestfield.com


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Dispatch Seeking historical photos — Current in Westfield is looking to gather historical photos from the city and community for a regular feature within the publication, “Back in the Day.” Credit for each submission will be given to images sent with a short description and approximate date. For more information, or to submit photos or ideas, please contact Editor Anna Skinner at anna@youarecurrent.com.

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June 27, 2017


Current in Westfield


Ake talks city’s history, future


By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com City Council President Jim Ake presented to the Westfield Kiwanis Club at its June 6 meeting. He spoke on Westevent field’s history and the city’s goals for the future. “I think the challenge for us to figure out what our mission is going forward and into the future is to make (the city) prosperous, sustainable, a place for future generations and our own kids to come back to,” he said. “We have people moving here that want to be here.” Ake said when Westfield became a city in 2008, Mayor Andy Cook and the city council decided to focus more on business-based development. One such economic engine was Grand Park, which opened in 2014. “Since its opening, (Grand Park) has been our economic driver, adding diversity to our tax base and changing it and helping us grow again,” he said. “It’s filling the very need we perceived would happen.” Last year, 612,172 visitors brought 1,869,395 visits to Grand Park. That totaled to more than 60,000 nights in hotel rooms and 11,344 sports teams. Visitor spending was $97 million in 2015 and rose to $145 million in 2017. “That is the impact of Grand Park,” Ake said. “It’s trending upwards as word spreads, as we book more tournaments and diversify the use of the inside facility. You can expect that trend to continue.” Ake noted two other ways the city has strengthened the past few years. Those are the water and wastewater utility sale to Citizens Energy Group in 2014 and the development of U.S. 31. The utility sold for $91 million. Ake also addressed the city’s economic development front. “We have $92 million in development already built or under construction (and)


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FBFITNESS.COM • CALL TODAY 317.250.4848 Westfield City Council President Jim Ake presents on Westfield’s past and future at a June 6 Kiwanis meeting. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

$491 million approved or currently in the planning process,” Ake said, citing developments such as Cambria Suites, Hampton Inn, Grand Millenium, Riverview Hospital and Aurora, a 300-acre industrial park originally proposed in the early 2000s. “These are things that add to the economy,” he said. Ake followed the economic development numbers with a residential development update. “We no longer have (new) starter homes in our community,” he said. “New additions include Chatham Hills, Derby Ridge, Harmony and Osborne Trails. The point is we are adding value every day in this community. Our future is bright. Indiana’s population has slipped from the 15th most populous nationally to 17th, with 85 percent of the population growth concentrated in only five counties – Hamilton, Marion, Tippecanoe, Hendricks and Allen. “Many Indiana counties and towns are suffering while we are growing. Westfield is doing the right things for the right reasons. It’s a competitive world out there, and Westfield needs to compete with other locations, even in our own county.”








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June 27, 2017


Current in Westfield


Westfield High School grads create business, aid nonprofits By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com Cooper Campbell and Trevor Crupi are 2017 Westfield High School graduates, but they are already putting their skillsets to good use. cover story On July 1, they will launch Communicode, a coding company aimed at assisting nonprofits with websites and marketing tools. The company connects nonprofits with programmers searching for volunteer work. “We basically match nonprofits with programmers and designers to help give nonprofits technological help,” Crupi said. “The programmers and designers are getting portfolios out of the deal and volunteer hours and philanthropy. The nonprofit is getting technological help, social media marketing, (things) like website creation, mobile apps and digital marketing.” The idea originated three years ago, when Crupi and Campbell were coding with some friends and realized many nonprofit websites weren’t very attractive. “Most people’s first interaction with a nonprofit is their website,” Campbell said. “When all of (the websites) are a jumbled mess of text, it’s hard to find out when and where (the nonprofit) is meeting. We are really enabling them to increase their own effectiveness in the community.” The co-owners created an algorithm to match the nonprofits with programmers. Neither the nonprofit nor the programmer has to live in Indiana, or even the United States. The algorithm connects nonprofits and programmers which selects similar sets of interests, such as environment, sports or education. Crupi and Campbell are exploring ways to make their

Trevor Crupi, right, works with Communicode members, from left, Xander Weintraut, Daniel Adlefinsky, Nich Dullam and Charles Engel. (Photos by Sadie Hunter)

company profitable. The basic program provides nonprofits with volunteer services. “We have a whole array of ideas we can implement,” Campbell said. “We can start by having different levels of accounts, for instance a nonprofit that just needs a small website that consists of one page, that would take minimal time and effort for a developer to make. Developers are less likely to voluntarily do a website that is 15 pages long and take 70 hours just out of their own goodwill. That’s a lot of time and effort they could be using at work. We could have different tiers of accounts, where the developer pays $5 for a premium account per month to have access (to a larger pool of nonprofits). Nonprofits then pay (the developer), but it

will be extremely discounted for the nonprofit going through Communicode.” Another plan they may implement is charging nonprofits to boost their work to developers’ feeds once it is posted. However, Campbell’s and Crupi’s immediate focus is on launching their company. When they leave for Purdue in the fall (Campbell will major in chemical engineering and Crupi in computer science), they will still operate the company remotely, relying on the other 13 members to work on it locally in Westfield. For more, visit the Communicode Facebook page or communicode.co.

Getting started

Communicode originally launched as a Westfield High School club, when co-owners Trevor Crupi and Cooper Campbell held a callout meeting where 18 students showed up. The co-owners then joined a competition similar to Shark Tank put on by the high school’s Idea Farm program. The competition involved studentcreated companies pitted against each other. Certain members of the community selected a a winner. Communicode didn’t win but did reach the final tier. It attracted attention from WKRP Indy Real Estate owner Curt Whitesell, one

of the competition judges. Whitesell decided to invest in Communicode, and now the company functions out of the Union, a coworking space operated by Whitesell. “To me, they were the most structured from an organization standpoint,” Whitesell said on why he invested in the group. “All they needed was the business side, and that comes from experience. They had the energy and a really strong passion about one thing as a group, which is really impressive. These guys are filling a void that development companies aren’t taking advantage of.”

June 27, 2017


Current in Westfield


Summer stress, Part II

o b s e r v a tion

Silence of our own music

Commentary by Danielle Wilson

Commentary by Terry Anker Walking across the lush grounds of any college campus, one is struck by the silence of the students as they pass. The teeming masses slip by quietly, ears filled with tiny buds delivering music, podcasts or other noise directly into the brain of the would-be scholar. Without looking up, they stare blankly into the phone or other device controlling the flow of bits and bytes. But is it the same to listen to music in one’s ear as it is to hear it in a crowd? As we become more isolated in our opinions – and our sources of information – we rarely share communion with our fellow humans in its receipt. Is music, and so many other things, better if it’s experienced collectively? Do we become trapped in our own thinking as we restrict our sources? To be sure, we are often best-advised to stand on our own. Peer pressure and the lemmingeffect have ruined any number of young and promising lives. We must stand for our own sense of right and fight for those unable to defend themselves. Yet, if we hear only our own music can we hope to understand the perspectives of others? We pass links of funny YouTube videos – but it is in watching the videos together crowding around the same tiny screen that we find the most joy. In retreating into our own personalized and shrinking minorities, do we ensure our own isolation even as we imagine that we are simply living a life of our own design? Can we hope to understand the music of others if we never have occasion to hear it? Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@youarecurrent.com.

BEL I EVE  I T ! Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Norfolk, Va., women must wear a corsette after sundown and be in the company of male chaperone. Source: dumblaws.com


Reasons to participate in the Grand Run Commentary by Erin Murphy Running prevents heart disease, relieves stress, eliminates depression and some experts say it things to do even helps reduce the risk of breast cancer in women. Sounds like a simple way to get healthy, so why not start your running career at this year’s Grand Run at Grand Park? The Grand Run is a terrific family event. This year we have added even more options to accommodate all skill levels. We have a 1-mile, which is a great way to walk or run through Grand Park. It is short enough that you can even have your kiddos participate. If the kids are up for it, we have our usual 5K. A 5K is another great race to enjoy walking or running. This year we decided to add a 10K. This distance offers experienced runners a substantial race July 4, but it is a short enough distance that new runners can challenge themselves to complete.

If you are a serious runner, I encourage you to sign up for our challenge. This is a combo of the 5K and the 10K, making it just shy of 10 miles throughout Grand Park. Lastly, if your kids are under the age of 5, they can enjoy a race around a field in the free Kids Run. This is the fourth year for the Grand Run at Grand Park. It started when Grand Park officially opened in June 2014 and has continued ever since. Grand Park has more than 10 miles of trails throughout the 400-acre park, which makes it the perfect place to run. Sign up today by going to westfieldwelcome.com. Proceeds from this year’s race will go toward Wounded Warriors. I look forward to seeing you our at Grand Park July 4! Erin Murphy is the City of Westfield Communications Director. You may reach her at emurphy@westfield.in.gov or by calling 317-804-3004

For the second leg of my 2017 Summery Vacay Series, I spent a week on the Carolina coast with my family. We humor were 25 people ranging in age from 1 to 75, sharing a single house with untrustworthy toilets and a kitchen sink literally too small to wash dishes. In retrospect, the trip went about as smooth as possible. My two “party” sisters kept it in check this year, and because we traveled in June, the normally oppressive heat wasn’t a factor. But you can’t put that many souls together without a few snafus, although there was nothing as exciting as my 2015 accidental attempt to OD my brother-in-law with Advil that was actually Ambien. Sorry! For starters, someone sabotaged the rib dinner my twin and I made on Monday. After two hours of supposed cooking, we discovered the oven had been turned off. Needless to say, that meat did not fall right off the bone. And of course, most of us are pasty-white gingers who have no business being in the sun. No blistering or vomiting, but we did have a few aloe-requiring burns. The most fascinating “failure” of the trip came while we were all on our way home. Somewhere in Kentucky the first of many text messages pinged: “House worst condition cleaning crew has seen. Security deposit forfeited. No re-rental.” This was incredibly surprising because we hadn’t broken or damaged anything and had emptied the fridge and done the dishes. True, we did leave two toilets clogged, but in our defense, there were no plungers! Attorney Sister … Activate! Peace out. Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.

Want to respond to the columnists or send a letter to the editor? Email Letters@youarecurrent.com.


June 27, 2017


Current in Westfield


Howdy, column readers Commentary by Dick Wolfsie I turned 70 this year. And so did a 10-year-old freckled little boy named Howdy Doody. For those too young to humor remember, “The Howdy Doody Show” debuted in 1947, its star a convivial wooden marionette whose human partner in the show, Buffalo Bob Smith, lived in my hometown of New Rochelle, New York. Each show had a story line featuring Bob and Howdy. Howdy’s voice was actually Bob Smith’s, which had been prerecorded. Within the show was a cast of characters, some human (like Chief Thunderthud and Princess SummerFallWinterSpring), along with several wood-be human marionettes, like the grumpy Mr. Bluster and the polymorphous creature Flub-a-Dub, who comprised the characteristics of eight different animals. And there was Clarabell, the voiceless clown who communicated with two horns strapped to a box around his waist, one side labeled YES, the other NO. Clarabell uttered not a sound for 13 years until the final show, when he said, almost under his breath, “Goodbye, kids.”

The iconic program left us with at least one cultural reference: the peanut gallery, the studio area for the live audience. No adults allowed. The children were welcomed at the top of the broadcast with a robust chant by Buffalo Bob: “What time is it, kids?” The response from the audience was equally rousing: “It’s Howdy Doody time!” In 1948, Howdy ran for president with the slogan: VOTE FOR A REAL PUPPET. His platform included two annual Christmases, fewer school days and more pictures in history books. More than 250,000 kids requested I’M FOR HOWDY buttons. He lost to Harry Truman. In my home office sits Howdy Doody, a decades-old facsimile puppet, courtesy of my friend and toy collector Phyllis Baskerville. Her priceless gift to me had no strings attached (that’s why it’s a puppet and not a marionette). For the full column, visit currentinwestfield.com.

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.


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June 27, 2017


Current in Westfield


Program renews funding

Dispatches Stroke seminar – Riverview Health will host a stroke seminar from 6 to 7 p.m. June 27 at Riverview Health in the Krieg DeVault Conference Room, in the lower level of the Women’s Pavilion. Dr. Ron Miller will discuss the benefits of physical, occupational and speech therapies as well as education on stroke prevention. A light dinner will be served. The program is free but registration is required. Register at riverview.org/ classes or call 317-776-7999. New communications director – Angela Blackwell has been appointed the new internal communications director for St.Vincent. Blackwell is a native Hoosier and graduate of Carmel High School and DePauw University.



New physician on staff – Dr. Vera Shreder joins St.Vincent Medical group as an experienced family medicine physician. She is accepting new patients at her Carmel office, 13250 Hazel Dell Pkwy., Suite 104. For an appointment, call 317-415-6900. Physician joins medical staff – St.Vincent welcomes Dr. Christopher Anzeveno to the medical staff. He focuses primarily on adult primary care but also takes interest in weight-loss with his understanding of how a healthy weight improves all areas of health and wellness. He is accepting new patients at his office, 12708 E. 116th St. For an appointment, call 317-415-5800.

By Jessica Hoover news@currentinwestfield.com

“Almost 25 percent of our (Hamilton County’s) population is under the age of 17,” Wheeler said. “Our biggest goal is working toward youth programs so that In Hamilton County only about 12 perwe can keep this from happening. The cent of adults smoke, but that does not best way to control tobacco use stop Holly Wheeler, county program coordinais prevention. (We want) to really work with schools and with tor of Smoke-free youth organizations to engage Hamilton County, from wanting youth advocates through peer adto lower the number. To help with vocacy programs, so other youth the mission to prevent and deare communicating to their peers crease tobacco use, the Indiana about nicotine and tobacco use.” Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Wheeler Wheeler said that because of Commission has renewed grant Hamilton County’s low use of tobacco, funding for SFHC. she is worried that citizens might be less According to Wheeler, there are spelikely to have conversations about the cific priorities that SFHC has to meet in significance of prevention and quitting. order to receive funding. It must aim to “My hope with this grant is that we prevent smoking, decrease exposure to are able to restart a conversation about secondhand smoke, help people quit and tobacco control and the importance it has build a partnership within the communion the health of people here in Hamilton ty. To help meet some of these priorities, County,” Wheeler said. “If we lead the way SFHC plans on focusing on changing poliin terms of youth prevention, education cies and systems, such as switching to and working with providers toward cessmoke-free campuses and working with sation, hopefully other communities will health providers to encourage people to follow suit.” quit smoking. Youth programs also will For more, visit hamiltoncountyphhc. be a large contributor in SFHC’s efforts to com/tobacco-prevention-cessation. prevent smoking.

Health and fitness classes – Witham Health Services offers several health and fitness classes for all ages and fitness levels. Classes include: Breastfeeding Education, Diabetes Management, Rock Steady Boxing, Silver Sneakers, Tai Chi and more. Some classes are free. For times and locations, visit witham.org or call 765-485-8120.




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Swai fish recall – Channel Fish Processing Co., Inc, is recalling approximately 840 pounds of breaded swai products due to misbranding and undeclared allergens, the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has announced. The products may contain milk, a known allergen, which is not declared on the product labels. The breaded swai fillet items were produced Feb. 22, March 20 and May 2, 2017. Consumers who have purchased these products are urged not to consume them. The products should be thrown away or returned to the place of purchase.



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June 27, 2017


Current in Westfield


New company offers spin on summer treat By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com

Meghan Doran, owner of Jersey Girl’s Italian Ice, serves up a scoop of the cool treat during a festival. (Submitted photo)

Meghan Doran grew up in New Jersey. When she moved to Westfield, she decided to create a business that offered a little taste of home. new biz “Italian ice is very popular on the East Coast,” said Doran, owner of the new Jersey Girl’s Italian Ice. “It’s a big, popular dessert that reminds me of my childhood. When I moved to Indiana, it was a product I couldn’t find. I began trying to make it in my own kitchen and realized a lot of people weren’t familiar with Italian ice.” Doran said customers initially think Italian ice is similar to snow cones, but she said it’s much different. “(Italian ice is) a product not many people are familiar with,” she said. “It’s very similar to sorbet. It’s very similar in consistency, but it’s a lot sweeter. A lot of people compare it to shaved ice and snow cones, but we are very different from that product because we make it completely different than your average shaved ice product. We have a unique freezing process where we add flavoring through the freezing process, which creates a smoother product with more flavor.” So far, Doran said she’s received lots of positive feedback. Jersey Girl’s Italian Ice is a mobile vendor available at the Westfield City Market from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays through August. Doran also will serve her product during Westfield Rocks the Fourth. Doran typically has five flavors on her cart but can make many different kinds. Some are even natural. Doran is a registered dietician. Prices range from $3 for a small size to $4.50 for a large. For more, visit facebook.com/jerseygirlsitalianice/.

What percentage of initial readers are female?





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Commentary by Karen Tanner and Annie Schweiger The summer market has arrived. There is still an abundance of buyers, but the limited inventory has constrained sales. Homes are still selling rapidly and current market conditions are favoring sellers heavily. The aggressive market has caused properties to move rather quickly, with an average of 40 days on market. Sold properties are up 5.2 percent from this time last year with the median list price being $262,000. Sellers are getting 98 percent of list price in this market. If you’ve been thinking about selling, now is the time! Karen Tanner and Annie Schweiger are brokers with Bonwell Tanner Group. They have a combined industry experience of 14 years. Bonwell Tanner is a full-time, full-service Real Estate team. For more, call 317-361-6333.


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HCLA applications — The Hamilton County Leadership Academy (HCLA) is accepting applications for the 2017-18 class. Applications are due June 30. The application may be found online at HCLA.net/application. Housing permits increase — The Builders Association of Greater Indianapolis has released its single-family permit data through May. In the Greater Indianapolis nine-county area, the number of singlefamily building permits rose 10 percent last month compared to last year’s numbers. As of May, there were 2,497 new home permits issued year-to-date compared to 2,404 in 2016, a 4 percent collective increase. New hires at law firm – Carmel resident James A. Carter has joined Wooden McLaughlin LLP as an associate. Carter will practice in the areas of real estate, business and eminent domain litigation. Jill Vandegriff, also of Carmel, has joined the firm as business development and marketing manager.

June 27, 2017

Current in Westfield




Nearby parks to visit this summer Lilly Lake inside Eagle Creek Park. (Photos by Jessica Hoover)

Fort Harrison is a state park in Indianapolis.

Fort Harrison State Park

The Rock Garden at Holliday Park.

Commentary by Jessica Hoover If you’re looking for a place for outdoor fun of all kinds, Eagle Creek Park is the place to go. With hiking trails family fun spreading across 3,900 acres and even passing by Eagle Creek Reservoir, the park is a hiker’s paradise. Along with the reservoir, Eagle Creek is home to Lilly Lake — a popular fishing spot — and an ice-skating pond. Water activities include boating, fishing, swimming and visiting Plunge Harbor, which has an inflatable water slide, trampoline, climbing wall and more. If you’re an animallover like I am, you’ll love that the park has a bird sanctuary and even an ornithology and discovery center. But if birds aren’t your thing, your favorite four-legged friend is welcome as long as they are on a leash, or you can set them free at the dog park located inside the park. Eagle Creek Park has something for everyone, complete with a golf course and a tree-top obstacle course. The trails inside Cool Creek Park make for a nice nearby getaway.

Cool Creek Park

Holliday Park

6363 Spring Mill Rd., Indianapolis As one of Indianapolis’ oldest parks, Holliday Park is rich in both history and beauty. One of its most prominent features is a sculpture called “The Ruins,” which was made by combining different sections of demolished historical buildings. As soon as you walk in the park, the stunning landscaping will catch your eye, particularly when visiting the rock garden. However, the trails boast a natural beauty as you take a scenic trek along ravines, the White River and many other bodies of water. Holliday Park also has a playground for the kids and an impressive nature center for people of all ages.

. A bike ramp at Town Run Trail Park

Town Run Trail Park

6000 N. Post Rd., Indianapolis

15513 S. Union St., Carmel

5325 E. 96th St., Indianapolis

All nature enthusiasts need to visit Fort Harrison at least once. The park has a variety of trails: some for solely hiking, some for biking and hiking and a horse trail. The horses live in the park and are available to rent from April to October. Other facilities include a visitor center, a dog park and the Museum of 20th Century Warfare. I’ve been to this park multiple times, and the beauty of it never seems to get old. Plus, when you live in central Indiana it’s hard to find anything other than flat land, but Fort Harrison State Park does have the occasional hill to mix things up a bit.

Cool Creek Park is a place you’ll want to go to with the kids or if you just want to take a leisurely walk through the woods. The 4 miles of trails are fairly flat and wide, making it easy enough for even young children to hike. Next to the entrance there also is a playground, music pavilion, soccer field, softball field and basketball court. The nature center is educational for all ages, teaching the whole family about the importance of preserving plants and animals. The park also offers programs for children and adults throughout the year, most of which focus on nature or art.

Although Town Run Trail Park is a bit off the beaten path, it is like a small, hidden gem that you’d drive right by if you didn’t know it was there. With the main trail following along the edge of the White River, you can see the water just between the trees. It seems to be a popular place for biking, so if you are hiking or jogging there, be cautious and ready to move out of the way. One thing about this park that stands out compared to other Indiana parks is that there are some man-made hills, which makes a bit more of a challenge if you’re up for it.


June 27, 2017


Current in Westfield


Where’s Amy? 17/18

Amy Pauszek is a photographer, film producer and scouting and casting associate for Talent Fusion Agency in Indianapolis. She can be reached at Amy@youarecurrent.com. To see more of her photos, visit currentnightandday.com.


Where’s Amy attends Inside the Bottle

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Michael McDonald with Marc Cohn

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Sat Nov 18 at 8pm

Pink Martini

Celtic Thunder Symphony holiday concert

Michael Feinstein

Sun Dec 10 at 7pm

Royal Philharmonic Orchestra with Pinchas Zukerman Sun Jan 21 at 7pm

Where’s Amy attended the annual Inside the Bottle event at Lucas Estate for the Outside the Box Organization June 15. Forrest Lucas (Carmel) with Outside the Box co-founder and Emeritus Director Kelly Hartman (Fishers) (Photos by Amy Pauszek)

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Sat Apr 21 at 8pm

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Itzhak Perlman

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These activities made possible, in part, with support from Butler University, Indiana Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.

Susan Burh (Fishers), Sue Carich (Fishers), Mel Cochran (Fishers), Jenny Budreau (Noblesville) and Susan Delafield (Fishers).

Trina Einterz (Zionsville) with Chip Roth (Zionsville).

June 27, 2017


Current in Westfield



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Second Saturday Art Activities July 8, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., $5/craft: Tie Dye Art!

JULY EXHIBIT: In Living Color July 7-29

Get it at Wolfies Grill, Westfield Ingredients: 2 oz. Tito’s vodka, .25 oz. olive juice, Dash dry vermouth, 3 olives, Nyla’s Bleu Cheese Dressing Directions:Shake first three ingredients over ice and strain into martini glass. Garnish with three olives stuffed with the famous Nyla’s Bleu Cheese Dressing.




First Friday White River Sound Chorus and Maker Erin Goodman

Behind bars: Not So Bleu Martini




Recipe courtesy of Chef Alyssa, ALDI Test Kitchen Content and photo courtesy of Family Features Ingredients: 4 wooden skewers, 1 zucchini, cut into rounds, 1 yellow pepper, chopped, 4 mushrooms, halved, 4 cherry tomatoes, 1 ear sweet corn, cut into rounds, 2 tablespoons Carlini Pure Olive Oil, 1 teaspoon Stonemill Iodized Salt, 1 teaspoon Stonemill Ground Black Pepper, 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar Directions: Soak wooden skewers in water for 10 minutes before grilling. Heat grill to medium-high (400-425 F.) Pierce vegetables with skewers and drizzle with oil. Sprinkle with salt and pep-



Christine Merchent Showcase July 1-31

Meyer Najem Showcase: Marianne Glick July 1-31, viewing Mon Fri., 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Meyer Najem Building, Fishers

Rachel Johnson Sculpture Showcase July 1-31

107 S. 8th Street Noblesville, IN 317.452.3690 NickelPlateArts.org

PARTNER EVENTS Belfry Theatre Disney’s The Little Mermaid July 28-Aug 6, Fri. & Sat. at 8 p.m. and Sun. at 2 p.m. Noblesville For ticket information visit: thebelfrytheatre.com

Fishers Arts Council Fishers Arts Crawl July 14, 6-9 p.m. Nickel Plate District, Fishers fishersartscouncil.com Fishers Music Works “Sounds of America” The White River Wind Symphony July 2, 4 p.m., Legacy Bible Church, Fishers Nickel Plate Arts is brought to you by:

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Logan Street Sanctuary Page & Stage Theatre “Ten Pin Alli” - Nickel Co. Summer Workshops: Plate Players July 21, 22, 28, & 29, 7 p.m., Shakespeare Acting July 1, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. July 23 & 30, 2:30 p.m. Theater At The Fort Stage Makeup For ticket information on July 1, 2 - 6 p.m. all performances visit: Second Saturday fishersmusicworks.org Songwriter Showcase July 8, 7 p.m. Hamilton County Jason Wilbur Concert Artists’ Association July 22, 7 p.m. Noblesville Visitor’s loganstreetsanctuary.org Center Art Exhibit: Chris Griffin-Woods Noblesville July 1-31, Thurs.-Sun. Cultural Arts 12-5 p.m. Concerts in the Park: Birdie Gallery Exhibit: All Lapel Community Band of Our Best Exhibit July 9 July 1- August 26, Thurs/Fri: Ed Zlaty & GMH Jazz 12-4 p.m. & Sat: 10-4 p.m. Orchestra HCAA-in.org July 16 Directors Jazz Orchestra July 23

Joy Swing Jazz Orchestra July 30 Shakespeare in the Park July 27-August 5, Thurs., Fri. & Sat., 8:30 p.m., Federal Hill Commons noblesvillearts.org Wafford Theater Movies in Forest Park: All movies start at dusk, approx 9:15 p.m. Third Finger, Left Hand (1940), July 7 The Shaggy Dog (2006) July 8 Crocodile Dundee (1986) July 14 Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988), July 21 The Mask (1994) July 28


June 27, 2017


Current in Westfield


Westfield girl fulfills grandmother’s prediction editorial@yoaurecurrent.com When Mary Kate Tanselle attended Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre as a young girl with her theater grandmother, she enjoyed the Live Theatre for Kids productions – and the juice box and treat that always accompanied them. “We went for many years,” Tanselle, 12, said. “My grandmother said to me once, when we saw Cinderella there, that she’d be seeing me on that stage someday.” Her grandmother’s prediction came to fruition when Tanselle made her debut as one of the storybook Three Little Pigs in the current production of “Shrek, The Musical” at Beef & Boards. “I have a passion for musical theater, so I am always excited to perform in a show. I love the music of ‘Shrek,’ one of my favorite animated movies and musicals,” she said, adding she particularly likes the humor of this musical. “My favorite types of shows are those that take an audience out of their daily tedious routines and lift their spirits.”

Mary Kate Tanselle will perform as one of the little pigs in ‘Shrek, The Musical’ at Beef & Boards. (Submitted photo)

Delighted to play Little Pig No. 3, Tanselle said she’s had many fun roles in such shows as “Annie Jr.,” “The Sound of Music” and “The King and I” at Sycamore School, where she is a seventhgrader. Her résumé also includes the title role in “The Trial of Goldilocks” and Gracie Shinn in “The Music Man” at Booth Tarkington Civic, plus an appearance as a guest artist in “Gypsy: A Musical Fable” at Anderson University last fall. “I like having the chance to put myself in someone else’s shoes and try to get her, or his — I played a boy once, too — message across,” she said. Tanselle said she would like to be on Broadway someday, or perhaps be a doctor or lawyer. “I love the audience, too,” she said. And she is looking forward to one special person being in that audience. “I wanted to be a part of this show as much for (my grandmother) as for myself. I can’t wait for her to come see the show,” she said. Tanselle is the daughter of Jack and Laurie Tanselle of Westfield. For more, visit beefandboards.com.

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June 27, 2017


Current in Westfield



Cienfuegos: The Pearl of the South Commentary by Don Knebel Many visitors to Cuba consider their trips complete when they have spent a few days in Havana. Cienfuegos, a coastal city 160 miles to the southeast, travel provides an entirely different experience. Cienfuegos lies along the Bay of Cienfuegos, a haven for 18th century pirates of the Caribbean. The city was founded in 1819 by French-speaking immigrants, some of them from New Orleans. Based on then-modern ideas of urban planning, the streets where laid out on a grid, with a park at the center. The city soon became an important international port, exporting sugar cane, tobacco and other crops grown in the fertile fields nearby. Within 40 years of its founding, Cienfuegos had become the third-wealthiest city in Cuba. With their wealth, local residents built impressive neoclassical buildings along the streets surrounding the park, including a domed city hall, a theater and a cathedral. As the city expanded beyond its original 25 blocks, the grid pattern was meticulously maintained and the buildings in the city center were expanded. Because of its magnificent

Center of Cienfuegos, Cuba (Submitted by Don Knebel)

architecture, Cienfuegos became known as “La Perla del Sur,” the Pearl of the South. In 1902, when Cuba gained its independence, the central park was renamed in honor of José Martí, a Cuban national hero who had long argued for independence. A large statue of him was erected in the park. In 2005, the center of Cienfuegos was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site because of its representation of early urban planning in Latin America. Today’s visitors see an outstanding example of a 19th

century colonial city, with the historic center much like it was more than 100 years ago. Visitors so inclined can take a ferry across the Bay of Cienfuegos to Castillo de Jagua, a fortress built by the Spanish in 1742 to protect the area from pirates. Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel.com. You may contact him at news@currentzionsville.com.

Dispatches Temporary email — 10 Minute Mail is a website that lets you create temporary email addresses that expire in 10 minutes, or whatever time frame you request. This allows you to sign up for sites, lists and deals without opening your regular email account up to all the spam that accompanies those sign-ups. Visit 10minutemail.com

Cleaning with ketchup — Ketchup can be used to clean copper pots and pans. The acid from the tomatoes removes tarnish and brings out the shine. Source: LifeHacks.org LEGAL NOTICE IMMI (with corporate offices at 18881 IMMI Way, Westfield, Indiana 46074), is submitting and NOI letter for our facility (located at 18881 IMMI Way, Westfield, Indiana 46074) to notify the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of our intent to comply with the requirements under 327 IAC 15-6 to discharge storm water exposed to industrial activities. Storm water run-off from the facility will discharge to a ditch that ultimately drains into the John Wheeler Regulated Drain. Questions or comments should be direct to Phil Fanning at the abovementioned IMMI corporate address.


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June 27, 2017


Current in Westfield


Across 1. Tell all 5. Indy CD & Vinyl collectible 10. Chanel of the Fashion Mall 14. Ace Hardware garden tool 15. Smallest member of the European Union

27. A Simpson on WXIN 29. Sign a check 33. Mini-whirlpool 36. Ed Martin Nissan model 38. Clean air org. 39. ___ Lingus 40. Fishers mayor 42. Salon01 offerings, briefly 43. ___-pitch softball

16. Zionsville mayor 17. Atlas section 18. Jazz Kitchen style 19. Witty Bombeck 20. Noblesville mayor 22. Mudville batter 23. Ice Skadium patron 24. Hit a fly just past the infield

2017 Monday, July 3rd & Tuesday, July 4th




44. Cold Stone Creamery utensil 45. Carry 46. Indiana Downs tout 48. Dreyer & Reinbold showroom model 51. Sheriff’s group 53. Rio Grande city 57. Hoosier Park boost 60. Carmel mayor 62. Crooked Stick caddie’s offering 63. Single-masted vessel on Geist 65. Not much 66. Westfield mayor 67. Looks after 68. Coach K’s school 69. Cable TV sports award 70. Check casher 71. Letters on an old phone button Down 1. Pitt and Stevens 2. Ossip eye procedure 3. Japanese dog 4. Abominable 5. Yellow shades 6. ___ Land 7. Book jacket promo 8. Eiteljorg Museum tribe 9. Some advanced degs. at PU 10. Tightwad 11. IU crew team equipment 12. Showed up 13. “Fine by me” 21. Kona Jack’s necklace 22. Area and zip 25. Folk hero 26. Load to bear 28. Passions

30. Word processor command 31. Parking place 32. “___ on Down the Road” 33. Right on an Indiana map 34. Shapiro’s, for one 35. Withdraw from a Butler class 37. Musical Yoko 40. Camera setting 41. Indianapolis Zoo primates 45. Kevin Gregory’s twister 47. Gritty 49. Go by, as time

50. ___ tai 52. ISO piano key material 54. “Dig in!” 55. Male duck 56. More eccentric 57. Woe at the Marion County animal shelter 58. Greek love god 59. Gunk 61. Took an IndyGo bus 63. Indy 500 letters 64. Grazing ground Answers on Page 27

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June 27, 2017


Current in Westfield

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June 27, 2017

Current in Westfield




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June 27, 2017

Current in Westfield


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