July 4, 2017 – Westfield

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Tuesday, July 4, 2017


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Rotary to host presentation on solar occurrence / P10 Residential Customer Local

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July 4, 2017

Current in Westfield


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July 4, 2017


Current in Westfield



Contact the Editor

Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@ youarecurrent.com. You may also submit information on our website, currentinwestfield.com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication. To contact Editorial Director Sophie Pappas, call 317.489.4444 ext. 7.

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On the cover

Greg McCauley will host an informational, free meeting at the The Westfield Rotary Club July 11 regarding the Aug. 21 solar eclipse. (Photo Illustration) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. X, No. 24 Copyright 2016. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

Residents start PAC for Fiscal Conservatives of Hamilton County By Adam Aasen • adam@youarecurrent.com

primary challengers have a difficult time raising money,” Smythe said. Smythe said the PAC is meant to give doA group of politically minded Fishers resinors a vehicle to support fiscally conservadents have joined to form a new political active candidates and help them win tion committee called politics Fiscal Conservatives of elections. “The genesis of this group is to Hamilton County. The publicly announce we are looking group will work to elect candidates in for candidates that might be conCarmel, Fishers, Westfield, Noblesville sidering running for local offices,” and the rest of Hamilton County who Smythe said. “Frankly, we don’t they view as fiscally conservative. know what to expect. We might get The initial efforts will focus on Smythe overwhelmed or perhaps no one will the 2019 municipal elections but the seek our counsel, but we do know what it group will provide endorsements in the 2018 takes to run a campaign and wish to help election cycle. anyone that generally aligns with us.” David Giffel, a Fishers resident who has Smythe said he knows Hamilton County is expressed concerns about tax increment predominately Republican but, from his perfinancing, will serve as CEO of the PAC. Bill spective, not all are fiscally conservative. Brown, a 2014 candidate for city council, will “Do we think there are not fiscal conserbe treasurer. Other members include former vatives in this county? There are plenty,” he town councilor Mike Colby, former president said. “Then there are plenty that are hardly of the Fishers GOP Club Gregg Puls and Bill fiscally conservative but continue to get reSmythe, a local businessman who ran for elected time and again.” county commissioner in 2016. Smythe said he understands change Smythe said the group initially began to doesn’t happen quickly. talk during Fred Glynn’s successful cam“Political movements work best when paign for Hamilton County Council. Smythe done incrementally,” he said. “Believe it or said he supported Glynn because he’s a not, some of us still do love our community fiscal conservative, but started to think and wish to contribute to it in a positive he and others could organize outside the way. We only wish to do what we can with party establishment. Smythe was inspired what we have to work with.” to run for office but lost to incumbent Mark For more, contact Smythe at BillSmytheHeirbrandt. forcommissioner@gmail.com. “What we learned from that experience is that the incumbents are well-funded and

Dispatches Seeking historical photos — Current in Westfield is looking to gather historical photos from the city and community for a regular feature within the publication, “Back in the Day.” Credit for each submission will be given to images sent with a short description and approximate date. For more information, or to submit photos or ideas, please contact Editor Anna Skinner at anna@youarecurrent.com.

Grammar Guy/Gal search – Do you have a passion for wordsmithing? An infatuation with proper grammar? Current wants you! Current Publishing is seeking a columnist to write a weekly grammar column about the usage, and misuse, of common phrases and words in an effort to reprise the popular Grammar Guy column. If interested, contact Editorial Director Sophie Pappas at sophie@youarecurrent.com.

Jack Callahan, right, is sworn into the Zionsville Police Dept. (Submitted photo)

New officer sworn in By Annie Ventura news@currentinwestfield.com On June 5, the Zionsville Police Dept. swore in its newest officer, former Westfield resident Jack Callahan. police “I love the community around there and it just seemed like a place where I wanted to make a career, especially with how it’s growing,” Callahan stated, noting ZPD is a growing department and he’s excited to be a part of it. Callahan grew up in Spokane, Wash., where his father served in the U.S. Air Force. The family moved to Westfield after his father retired from the military when Callahan was in third grade. Callahan attended IUPUI and graduated in 2016 with a degree in public safety management. During college, Callahan had several different jobs. He worked at Hamilton County Parks and Recreation and the National Institute for Fitness and Sport. Prior to joining ZPD, he worked with the Indiana State Capitol Police. Callahan has one major career goal: To grow with ZPD. “I have career aspirations to become a detective, and I think it’d be a great department to work my way into that,” he said. Callahan has learned how to patrol efficiently and enjoys all aspects of his job. “I’ve had a great time working so far,” he stated. “I’ve been learning a lot and it’s been a great experience.”


July 4, 2017

Current in Westfield


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July 4, 2017


Current in Westfield



Willis joins plan commission

Drum Corps International rehearses at Westfield High School

By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com

time and energy in understanding the zoning of the city, how the city is being developed and making your input accordingly,” Willis said. “It’s definitely A new face will join the advisory going to be a learning curve, but you plan commission July 1. Scott Willis, a get a packet of information Westfield resident, City multi-business about any kind of development going on in the city. The good owner and colonel in members dive into the detail the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve,, and understand the impact on will replace Tom Smith on the the community and make recAPC. ommendations accordingly. I “From what I understand, look forward to that. I’m really (Smith) agreed to come on for Willis excited about it. The city has a short period of time while been growing and developing, and I’m they found somebody, but they a need excited to have a say in that.” a longer term commitment. When my Willis owns Arnett Management Soname floated through, he graciously lutions and Jarhead Holdings. stepped away,” Willis said. “I was ac“I know it’s going to be a challenge tive in the community, and I had mento learn not only the role but also tioned to both (city council president) understand where the city’s headed,” Jim (Ake) and the mayor that after he said. “I’ve been pretty involved my run in the senate, I wanted to get just in what is happening in the city, more involved in the community localbut this is another level. It’s a big ly. I think this is probably a big reason responsibility.” why they approached me about it.” Willis’ term begins July 1, and his Willis recently ran against Luke Kenley for State Senate District 20, but first meeting is July 11. To view upcoming APC agendas, visit lost with only 39 percent of the vote. westfield.in.gov. “A lot of (being on APC) is investing

Drum Corps International Blue Stars rehearsed June 21 at Westfield High School for its 2017 Summer Tour opening night June 22 at Lucas Oil Stadium. The summer tour will feature 110 shows in 37 states with 55 drum corps competing. (Submitted photo)

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July 4, 2017


Current in Westfield


Man includes family in proposal

Westfield, Noblesville Lions clubs partner for day of service

By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com When Grant Tribbett asked his girlfriend, Cassandra Reschar, and her 5-year-old daughter, Marriage Adrianna, to get dressed up for breakfast on a Saturday morning in May, Reschar didn’t think much of it. “It was kind of a typical Saturday morning for us,” she said. “He does romantic gestures like that.” However, when they went to brunch at Cracker Barrel, Reschar became nervous and hoped nothing would happen in the middle of a busy Saturday morning at the restaurant. The family left, but Tribbett didn’t take a normal route home. Instead, he drove to Ritchey Woods Nature Preserve in Fishers, led the girls to a bridge where family friend and photographer Mandi Gilliland was waiting and got down on one knee and proposed. However, Reschar wasn’t the only girl getting a proposal that day. “I just said, ‘yes,’ and after he proposed to me he got back down again and pulled out another small jewelry box and asked my daughter if he could be her father and

Grant Tribbett proposed to both his girlfriend Cassandra Reschar and her daughter, 5-year-old Adrianna. (Submitted photo)

love and protect her,” Reschar said. “She said yes and was screaming that she finally gets a daddy.” The proposal happened May 27, but when Reschar submitted the story to How He Asked, the website it went viral. Tribbett graduated from Westfield High School in 2006 and Reschar graduated in 2009. The wedding is scheduled for Dec. 6.

Last month, 25 Lions Club members from Westfield and Noblesville volunteered during a day of service for Third Phase Homeless Shelter in Noblesville. Lions built picnic tables, trimmed weeds and bushes, installed a new mailbox, power washed buildings and cleaned up trash. (Above) Westfield Lions Club members volunteer during the Third Phase Homeless Shelter day of service. Back, from left, Mark Albright, Keith Sanborn, Mike Birk, Randy Picek and Bob Benson. Middle, from left, Dave Sobczak, Joel Davis, Gary Smith and Ted Engelbrecht. Front, Jeff Larrison. Not pictured: Larry Clarino. (Right) Noblesville Lion Gary Hipes power washes a Third Phase house. (Submitted photos by the Westfield Lions Club)

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July 4, 2017


Current in Westfield



“five-points roundabout” continues. While construction takes place, the intersection that connects Westfield 10th Street and Christian and Crews are resurfacing GreyGreenfield avenues has become hound Pass. The road is still an all-way, one-lane stop. open, but drivers should be Construction began April 24 cautious of crews. There is and is expected to end by no parking allowed on the CONSTRUCTION CONSTR CONSTRUCTIO ON NS N NSTRUCTION S STRUC TRUCTION CTI CT CTI the end of the month. The street during construction. city has designated a detour East 151st Street will close route of 16th, Pleasant and Eighth streets for the construction of a roundabout to avoid the project. at Westfield Boulevard. The closure is exInd. 37 drainage project: The second pected to last 60 days. Motorists traveling phase of a $1.5 million drainage project beeastbound on East 151st Street will encounter detour routing which will bypass round- tween 146th Street and Greenfield Avenue in Noblesville is ongoing. In this area, the about construction at the new intersection of East 151st Street and Westfield Boulevard highway has been reduced to one lane both northbound and southbound. The Indiana between Greyhound Pass and U.S. 31. TarDept. of Transportation said it expects get will only be accessible to traffic from work to be complete by the end of the the east, so customers approaching from summer. the west will need to utilize the detour Zionsville route. Eastbound traffic crossing U.S. 31 at Construction is still under way for a 151st Street will need to utilize the detour roundabout at the intersection of Ford and or approach 151st Street from U.S. 31 north Mulberry roads. The intersection is expector south. ed to remain open throughout most of the Casey Road is closed north of Ind. 32 for project. The roundabout is expected to be approximately a half-mile for the construction of the Ditch Road extension roundabout. complete before school resumes in August. *Updates accurate as of press time. For The closure is expected to last 60 days. more, visit youarecurrent.com. Noblesville Five-points roundabout: Work on the

Summertime Savings at Summer Trace


Gardeners looking to expand By Sadie Hunter sadie@youarecurrent.com

other places. Training will be held from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Monday evenings at the Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds, 2003 Pleasant Each year, Hamilton County master St., Noblesville. One Saturday workshop is gardeners open their doors to teach their included. trade. Participants will be exposed outdoor On Aug. 14, the to a wide range of subjects, inPurdue Extensioncluding understanding soil and run program will begin offering basics of plant science, diagnosis intern training again, giving of plant problems, using pestiHamilton County and other area cides safely and growing healthy residents a chance to get the vegetable, flower, landscape and hands-on experience required to Turner fruit plants. become a “master.” Materials and expenses for the series “The purpose of the Master Gardener of classes are $150 per person, which Program is to help others grow,” Master covers reference notebooks, mailings and Gardener Coordinator Diane Turner said. name badges, all of which members get “The members of the Hamilton County to keep for their personal collection. program are a vibrant and active group Ongoing projects for new members that annually donate over 10,000 volunwill include helping with the annual plant teer hours on approved projects throughsale, staffing information booths at garout the county.” dening events, teaching public education Master Gardener-maintained gardens classes, speaking to local clubs and orgaand flower beds can be found all around nizations and hands-on demonstrations. the county, including multiple display For an application, contact the Purdue beds and gardens at the Hamilton County Extension Hamilton County office at 3174-H Fairgrounds, Coxhall Gardens in Car776-0854. For more visit hcmga.org. mel, Hadley Park in Westfield and Ritchey Woods Nature Preserve in Fishers, among


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July 4, 2017


Current in Westfield


Grand Park Running Series to kick off in August

By Noah Alatza news@currentinwestfield.com

Genevieve Keegan-Bedano

Anne-Marie Briscoe

Catherine Michael

Thomas Blessing

Ashley Roncevic



calendar dates

Erin N. Johnson

Andrew Bartlet

Kristyn Horvath

Several events will come to the Grand Park Sports Campus in early August. The Grand Park events Running Series is a new family friendly event. It will be held Aug. 6. The running course consists of different loops throughout Grand Park. Each event is Taylor designed for runners who are committed to a healthy lifestyle. “We wanted to create an environment where people who are just starting to run, or have been running marathons before, can join us.” said Taylor Sidwell, account coordinator for Indianapolis-based LST Marketing. “(LST Marketing) wanted to create something where everything is community-focused.” LST Marketing provides communications and event planning services exclusively for Grand Park. Every run has a different theme based on the date. Distances will be

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Aug. 6 – Summer Daze Dash Sept. 3 – Labor Day Lope Oct. 1 – OktoberFast Race Nov. 5 – Gobble Gallop Dec. 3 – Holly Jolly Hustle Jan. 7, 2018 – New Year, New You Run Feb. 4, 2018 - Cupid’s Cruise March 4, 2018 – Shamrock Scuttle April 8, 2018 - Spring Shuffle May 6, 2018 - Checkered Flag Chase June 3, 2018 - Solstice Sprint July 1, 2018 - Patriot’s Pace

marked to make it convenient for runners to follow directions. “We are trying to grow these events, make them family friendly community events and affordable,” said Kate Taylor, an LST communications specialist. The series is partnering with the nonprofit Girls on the Run, which encourages pre-teen girls to develop healthy lifestyle habits. The local Indiana chapter Sidwell will receive a portion of the profits from each registrant, along with an option to donate additional money on the Eventbrite sign-up page. “I am very appreciative of the opportunity to partner with the Grand Park Running Series,” said Angie Smitherman, board president of Girls on the Run in Central Indiana. “This partnership will undoubtedly raise awareness to our cause and will help support our efforts in reaching more girls throughout central Indiana.” LST Marketing has organized everything from the Westfield Mayor’s Yellow-Tie Ball to a 2016 presidential campaign stop for President Donald Trump. Registration for the running series is available online at grandpark.org/Running-Series.

distance pricing • 5K - $25 • 10K - $30 • 15K - $35 • 20K - $40 Prices include medals for all participants, free professional photography and a ‘swag bag’ with a variety of products.

Dispatches Christ United Methodist Church Vacation Bible Study — The CUMC Vacation Bible Study will be from 6:30 to 8 p.m. July 17-20 at Asa Bales Park, 211 N. Union St. The program is free to attend and features Bible lessons, memorizing verses, games, prizes and other activities. The event is for children ages 5-12. For more, contact Laura Ballinger at 317-896-5559.

Farmers Market — The Westfield Farmers Market will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays through August in the lawn to the west of City Hall, 130 Penn St. For more, visit westfield. in.gov.

Reserve sheriff applications – The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office is accepting applications for the position of reserve sheriff deputy. For more information and an application, contact Deputy Jeff Larkin at Thomas. Larkin@hamiltoncounty. in.gov or 317-773-1872. Applications are due by July 31.

July 4, 2017


Current in Westfield




back in the day: westfield town hall

Produce donation program announced — The Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District and The Farmers Bank have partnered to launch a new program that encourages the public to donate fresh produce for county food pantries. Every Monday, from June 12 to Sept. 25, the public may drop off produce donations to the Sheridan branch of The Farmers Bank, 987 S. White Ave. between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Every Wednesday, until Sept. 27, the public may drop off produce donations to the Noblesville branch of The Farmers Bank, 16940 Clover Rd., between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. All donations will stay local and be given to food pantries in Sheridan and Noblesville. People are welcome to donate produce they have grown themselves or that they have purchased at farmers markets or grocery stores. No donation is too small; even smaller donations of a few tomatoes or a few ears of corn all add up and make an impact on local food insecurity. For more about the summer produce donation program, call 317-773-2181, or emailcara.culp@ hamiltoncounty.in.gov. College news — Westfield residents James Schroeder, Slaton Blickman and Courtney Tierney graduated from Hanover College. Hannah Jennings and Dan Kinstedt graduated from Miami University.

The previous Westfield Washington Historical Society building used to serve as the old Westfield Town Hall and house the police and fire departments as early as 1923. The WWHS recently had to move out of its original location at 145 S. Union St. to City Hall at 130 Penn St. (Provided by Westfield Washington Historical Society & Museum)

Christ United Methodist Church hosts fish fry — The 76th annual fish fry will be hosted by Christ United Methodist Church from 5 to 8 p.m. July 14 and 15 at the church, 318 N. Union St. Food items are a la carte, and all proceeds go to CUMC preschool, Heart & Soul Clinic, Open Doors, Lucille Raines Home, Children’s Home in Lebanon, Red Bird Mission in Beverly, Ky., World Vision and Hope in the Harvest a mission in Ghanta, Liberia. For more, visit christwestfield.org.

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July 4, 2017


Current in Westfield


Rotary to host presentation on solar occurrence

By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com For the first time in more than 100 years, a solar eclipse will span the United States Aug. 21 during the day at varycover story ing times depending on location. The occurrence, also known as the Great American Eclipse, will have the longest period of totality in Hopkinsville, Ky. During this daytime total eclipse, the sky will go entirely dark. In Indiana, there will be a partial eclipse with 91 percent totality. According to Greg McCauley, executive director of Link Observatory Space Science Institute in Martinsville, the solar eclipse also will be the first time since the 1700s where it is only visible in the U.S. A solar eclipse occurs when the sun, moon and Earth are in line with each other and project a shadow onto the surface of Earth. Eclipses will occur 224 times this century. However, they rarely occur in the same spot. The Great American Eclipse will happen Aug. 21, and it will be visible in Indiana at 2:25 p.m. and last 2 hours and 50 minutes. It will be the last such eclipse in this location for 600 years. “The moon is 238,000 miles from Earth but only 2,159 miles in diameter. The sun is 400 times further away and 400 times larger than the moon, so that equal sizeto-distance ratio makes the sun and moon the same size in the sky,” McCauley said. “A partial eclipse is when (the viewer is) further north or south than the direct line between the sun and the moon. More sun peaks out behind the moon. A total eclipse is what happens when everything goes dark.” The Westfield Rotary Club will host McCauley for a free presentation open to the

Greg McCauley, right, teaches John Salladay about solar eclipses. (Photos by Sadie Hunter)

public regarding the Aug. 21 eclipse at its 7:30 a.m. July 11 meeting at the Bridgewater Club. Special solar eclipse viewing glasses will be provided to attendees so they can safely view the eclipse when it occurs. “This will be the most-viewed astronomical event in the country,” McCauley said. “It’s a big deal, a fun way for people to get engaged with the community. We will provide these inexpensive glasses so kids can watch it safely.” Rotarian John Salladay said although the event is free, people should make a reservation. “(The solar eclipse) is dangerous to look at, but people are tempted to look at it, so we are

giving out these special glasses at the presentation,” Salladay said. “We are going to set this up less as a Rotary Club meeting and more as an event.” As many as 200 people can attend the Rotary event. “We thought people didn’t know about it. We thought (the presentation) was a community service that people would appreciate,” Salladay said. “Occasionally, we host major speakers that are open to the public with widespread topics of community interest.” For more, or to register, visit westfieldrotary.net. Solar eclipse viewing glasses are important to wear while viewing an eclipse to prevent damage to the eye. The Westfield Rotary Club will pass these out to attendees during its free informational event July 11.

Attend the total eclipse in Hopkinsville, Ky. More than 1 million people will travel to Hopkinsville, Ky., to view the total solar eclipse Aug. 21. Link Observatory Space Science Institute will take buses of people to Kentucky to view the eclipse. The partial eclipse phase in Hopkinsville will begin at 11:56 a.m., with totality beginning at 1:24 p.m. Buses will leave the Indianapolis area at 6:30 a.m. and return at 6:30 p.m. The tour costs $135 per adult and $110 per child. It includes a sack lunch, round-trip transportation, soda and water, solar eclipse glasses, an eclipse T-shirt and the opportunity to view the eclipse through an H-Alpha solar telescope. For more or to register, visit linkobservatory. org.

July 4, 2017


Current in Westfield


Dance Mom blues

o b s e r v a tion

Commentary by Danielle Wilson

Happy birthday, USA Commentary by Terry Anker For 241 years old, you look terrific. Sure, you are not as young as you used to be. The knees may creak a bit and you may not be quite as far ahead in the race as you once were. But in many ways, you are at the top of your game. Your economic might is renown. You’ve worked hard to educate and provide for your family – and helped with the lives of scores of others not able to do it themselves. Maybe you’d do a few things differently if you had it to do all over again, but mostly it is turning out OK. Still, times are changing. And despite occasional resistance, you are changing with them. Life milestones cause us to pause and take stock. We think about our decisions. We think about where we sit in relation to our hopes, dreams and, honestly, to our high school nemesis! Are we falling behind, keeping up, or surging ahead? Yet mostly, the anniversaries push us to consider the future – to adjust and course-correct. Anyone who has taken a trip or two around the sun will tell you that regret accomplishes little unless it guides us to pursue a new and better tact. Although most agree that our own nation is no longer adolescent, it is impossible to know where we might be along the way. Young family? Middle-age? Twilight? Even as pundits debate whether the nation is on or off track, we might ask ourselves the same questions. Are we at peace with our past? Do we have a plan to advance? Time only moves in one direction – forward. Happy Birthday, USA. We hope it is a good one. Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@youarecurrent.com.

BEL I EVE  I T ! Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Prince William County, Va., no person may keep a skunk as a pet. Source: dumblaws.com


Are you ready for metric? Commentary by Melkote Ramaswamy, Ph.D. Whether you like it or not, America will have to switch to the metric system. The question is no longer observation if, but when? Meters and kilograms are the basic units of the metric system. But in practice, multiples and submultiples are used. Tens are easier to handle. For instance, isn’t it so much more convenient to add eight millimeters and 16 millimeters than 5/16 inch and 5/8 inch? We may not have noticed it, but America is already partially metric. Athletes are all-too familiar with the 100-meter dash. Many of you may have taken part in the March of Dimes 5K walk. Gun owners talk of .38 caliber and camera buffs are too cozy with 35 mm. Despite of all the tooling expenses involved in conversion, in the long run metric will make for smoother international

machine trade. The world will bless America for it. Remember, the United Kingdom gave up LSD (Pounds-ShillingsPence). Aren’t we glad we have dollars and cents, which are metric? Until people become familiar with the metric system, some numbers will sound ridiculous. How do you comprehend a 9060-90 figure or hectare of land? For the heck of it, it is 2.5 acres. Some companies are already doing their bit toward the metric system—the soda people with their liter bottles and the tobacco companies with 100 mm cigarettes. The next time you order a pizza don’t bother to convert. Just ask for a large with everything on it. Let the waiter do the math. Melkote Ramaswamy is a Westfield resident and has a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics from Johns Hopkins University.

Well, friends, it’s official. My transformation to Dance Mom, capital D, capital M, is finally complete. I am currently humor crying alone in a Midwest hotel room over my daughter’s jazz solo score. As I sit on the floor in between the beds, I am actually cursing the judges and blaspheming sweet baby Jesus because my precious little angel didn’t receive higher marks. I mean, seriously. I’m not the 13-year-old here. What is wrong with me? I’ll tell you what’s wrong. I’ve gotten sucked into this racket, hook, line and sinker. I’ve somehow come to accept the opinions of three strangers as truth, as the only legitimate evaluation of my child’s abilities. I’ve forgotten that this is but one day, one stage, one dance among probably hundreds of performances these judges will see. And more importantly, I’ve forgotten that instead of breaking out my mama bear claws and plotting revenge, I should be focusing on why I allow my daughter to compete in the first place – for fun! Although I’ve been able to explain the difference between contemporary jazz and lyrical jazz for some time now (contemporary is sad and/or angry while lyrical is happy and joyful. Duh!), and I do admit to buying hairnets and false eyelashes in bulk, I’ve always labeled myself a “dance mom,” lower case with quotations. I mocked those silly mothers who clearly are living vicariously through their children and plastic adjudication trophies, who become so wrapped up in the dance world that they forget this is about the kids, not them. Hypocrisy noted. And though I vow to stave off all future hotel hysterics, I fear my journey to the Dark Side is complete. I’m a Dance Mom. Peace out.

Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.

Q U O T E  O F  T HE  W EEK The young man knows the rules but the old man knows the exceptions.

-Oliver Wendell Holmes

Want to respond to the columnists or send a letter to the editor? Email Letters@youarecurrent.com.


July 4, 2017


Current in Westfield



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My home office is downstairs, which was just a cellar when we moved into the house in the ’90s. humor We invested a little money to fix it up, so then it became a basement. I guess you could call it a finished basement. But apparently it wasn’t finished, because the builder we hired said that for a few extra bucks he could add some decorative touches and then we could call it our lower level. We didn’t have “that” kind of money. Our original plan was to make it a beautiful room where we could entertain guests and sip white wine as we talked about good books and the current movie scene. Fifteen years later, no humans are allowed downstairs except me and the men from Orkin. We have a pool table that I bought in l998 when I wanted to get my son interested in something other than video games. He started playing video games of people playing pool. I use the cue sticks to wrangle cobwebs from the ceiling. I can store our suitcases underneath, and the tabletop is the perfect

nesting area for a year’s supply of Bush’s Baked Beans. My wife said we’d never use the pool table. Geesh, what a pessimist! Somewhere under boxes of paperback books and musty blankets is a futon. The cat sees the unit as a condo — two beds and a bath, if you know what I mean. In 2000, I decided to learn to play the piano, so I set up an electronic gizmo called a clavinova downstairs. It can be programmed to mimic 30 different instruments, create background rhythms and magically produce chords. I only had to sit there and make each next payment. We built a bar in the corner so guests could grab a cold one without climbing the stairs. But we never put in a fridge, as we planned. Behind the bar is our new sump pump. We’ll install it any year now. I just told Mary Ellen it was time we invited some friends over to play pool. But first, I have a whole lot of beans to eat.

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.



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July 4, 2017


Current in Westfield


Greyhound Nails opens in Clay Terrace

Dispatches Westfield Chamber of Commerce receives award – The Westfield Chamber of Commerce received the Indiana Chamber Executive Association 2017 Innovative New Ideas Award for its two new initiatives, Chamber Innovation and Coffee with the Chamber. Chamber Innovation connects the chamber, Westfield schools and Purdue Polytechnic to open communication between schools, businesses and higher education. Coffee with the Chamber is a monthly morning program featuring assorted speakers and networking events. For more, visit westfield-chamber.org. Spa 32 to present check to Families First — Spa 32 in Westfield will present a check to Families First at 1 p.m. July 10 at 17409 Wheeler Rd., Suite 106. For more, visit spathirty2.com. Leadership luncheon — The sixth annual All-County Leadership Luncheon, hosted by the four chambers of commerce in Hamilton County, will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. July 12 at the FORUM Conference Center, 11313 USA Pkwy., Fishers. Cost is $25 for OneZone members and $35 for nonmembers. Reservations are required by noon July 10 and may be made at OneZoneCommerce.com or by calling 317-436-4653. New associates named — Carmel residents Elizabeth Steele Schmitt and Timothy D. McKay have joined Wooden McLaughlin as associates. Schmitt Schmitt McKay will practice in the areas of insurance coverage, insurance defense, business litigation and asbestos litigation. McKay will practice in the areas of real estate finance and development. County is highest in investments — New York-based financial technology company SmartAsset recently completed its third annual study on counties receiving the greatest amount of incoming investment. The study measured each county on the following data: business establishment growth, GDP growth, new building permits and federal contracts. Hamilton County ranked highest in the state and 102nd nationally. Source: SmartAsset.com


By Chris Bavender • news@currentinwestfield.com Last fall, Vicky Pham sold her nail salon businesses and planned to move out of state. Instead, she opted to stay local and recently opened Greynew biz hound Nails in Clay Terrace. Finding the right location was easy, Pham said. “It is right in the middle of all my clients from past years,” she said. “And, hey, who wouldn’t want to be pampered prior to or after a little day out shopping?” Located between Whole Foods and Sprint, Pham said her goal is to “provide a clean, professional, friendly and enjoyable environment for all of our pampered guests.” “We offer a variety of services, including kids’ nails, artificial nails, manicures and pedicures, facials, body exfoliating, waxing, eye tint and massage treatments,” Pham said. “Greyhound Nails also offers spa services for both nursing homes and in-home private parties.” Pham chose the salon’s name to fit the local community. “I landed on the name Greyhound Nails from the location and the high school mascot and to help represent Carmel,” she said. Greyhound Nails employs four full-time and two part-time staff members who have a combined experience of more than 60 years. For more, visit greyhoundnails.com.

Van Vu, Dieu Suki, Vicky Pham and John Nguyen prepare to cut the ribbon to celebrate the grand opening of Greyhound Nails. (Submitted photo)

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July 4, 2017


Current in Westfield


Stem cells work fast and long Commentary by Dmitry M. Arbuck, MD




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Stem cells are special cells that repair tissue around them. They do this by donating vital parts, including science mitochondria to diseased cells and, if repair is impossible, turn themselves into new and healthy young tissue. This allows healing of virtually any organ. Umbilical cord stem cells come from the donated cord blood of healthy newborns and, because of that, do not present ethical concerns. These stem cells also are not known to cause immune rejection or transmit genetic diseases. Umbilical cord stem cells are widely used to treat conditions in orthopedic and sports medicine, immune diseases and a whole host of other diseases and conditions. Stem cells have special receptors that allow them to identify distress signals from suffering tissues and target the affected area. They even have special intelligence that allows them to differentiate what to repair first. After stem cells are infused into the body, they travel around and concentrate on the organs that are in most need of help. For instance, in

a patient with both muscle and heart damage, they will focus on repairing the heart. Umbilical cord stem cells start to work within hours after infusion, secreting nutritional and immune-regulating factors, vascular repairing factors and cytokines which travel around the body, healing and supporting health. Even though this process happens very quickly, the most dramatic effects are seen over an extended time because the stem cells are multiplying. When infused intravenously, stem cells initially concentrate in the lungs, and there they multiply in the presence of oxygen. Later they are redistributed back to the body. Lung disease patients respond especially well to IV infusions of umbilical cord stem cells because they start to build up first in the lungs. The future is today. Please check StemCellsIndy.com for more information. Dmitry M. Arbuck, MD, is President and Medical Director, Indiana Polyclinic. For more visit, StemCellsIndy. com.

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We’re looking for great people to join our Environmental Services and Food & Nutrition Services teams at Indiana University Health North Hospital. Join us for our next hiring event: Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017 Time: 3:00pm – 7:00pm Location: IU Health North Hospital, Main Lobby 11700 N. Meridian, Carmel, IN, 46032 Interviews and offers on site! Free parking and refreshments! Make your reservation today by calling (317).688.2267

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Op-ed: We can and must do better for healthcare — In an op-ed distributed June 28, CEO of Ascension St. Vincent Indiana Jonathan Nalli writes: “This year, Congress has worked hard to craft solutions to real challenges being experienced in the healthcare marketplace. The fact is Nalli that in many states the individual insurance market needs to offer more health plan options at lower cost for Hoosiers. We need Congress to act now.” Visit youarecurrent.com to read Nalli’s full op-ed. Five-Star Award given — Riverview Health was recently chosen as a 2017 Five-Star Excellence Award winner by Professional Research Consultants (PRC), Inc., a health care market research company. The honor was given for scoring in the top 10 percent nationally among all PRC’s hospitals in three areas: OB/GYN services overall quality of care, outpatient surgery services overall quality of care and discharge information. Alzheimer’s support groups — The Alzheimer’s Association Greater Indiana Chapter offers free support groups across the state for unpaid care partners, family members and friends of individuals living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. For more, call 800-272-3900.


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Pints for Preemies — Do you enjoy beer and supporting babies getting breastmilk? Then don’t miss this event – Pints For Preemies from 6 to 9 p.m. Aug. 24 at Bier Brewery & Tap Room, 5133 E. 65th St., Indianapolis. This is a 21 and over event. All proceeds benefit The Milk Bank. For more, visit themilkbank.org/pintsforpreemies. Turkle practice expands — Turkle & Associates has expanded its practice with the addition of Dr. Matthew Strausburg. He will offer general and surgical dermatology for conditions including acne, athlete’s foot, eczema, hair loss, melasma, psoriasis, rosacea, skin cancer and others. To schedule an appointment, call 317-848-0001. Health and fitness classes — Witham Health Services offers several health and fitness classes for all ages and fitness levels. Classes include: Breastfeeding Education, Diabetes Management, Rock Steady Boxing, Silver Sneakers, Tai Chi and more. Some classes are free. For times and locations, visit witham.org or call 765-485-8120.

July 4, 2017

Current in Westfield




Fourth fun

Hamilton County and Zionsville Fourth of July festivities July 1-4 CarmelFest is back and bigger than ever, running July 3-4. Highlights July 3 include rides and live entertainment, from 3 to 10:30 p.m. On July 4, the “Hats Off To America” parade will be at 10:30 a.m., and the outdoor festival runs from noon to 10:30 p.m. Fireworks will begin at 9:45 p.m. July 4. For more, visit CarmelFest.net.

Sweet Sriracha Pork Skewers

The second-largest fundraiser for the Zionsville Lions Club will take place July 4 at Lions Park. Food, music and family fun begins at 5 p.m. Fireworks will go off at dusk. The Lions Club parking lot opens at 4 p.m., and parking costs $5. The rain date is July 8. Noblesville will host a celebration called “Dreams Come True Under the Red, White and Blue” July 4. The parade downtown will begin at 4:30 p.m. and start at Harrison and 16th streets. The free Fireworks Festival begins at 6 p.m. at the Noblesville High School Campus. Fireworks will begin at 10 p.m.

Recipe courtesy of Pitmaster Darren Warth Content courtesy of Family Features

Westfield residents will once again have a chance to watch fireworks and other activities on Grand Park fields July 4 during the eighth annual Westfield Rocks the 4th event. The fun starts at 4 p.m. with a car show, musical performances, a hot dog-eating contest and more. Fireworks begin at 10 p.m.

Prep time: 15 minutes, plus marinade time Cook time: 15-20 minutes Servings: 4 Ingredients: • 1 Smithfield Fresh Pork Tenderloin • 1/2 cup agave nectar • 2 tablespoons Sriracha sauce • 1 teaspoon minced garlic • 1 tablespoon soy sauce • 1 tablespoon rice vinegar • pint fresh pineapple chunks • wood skewers, soaked in water Directions: Trim skin off pork tenderloin and cut into 1-inch cubes. To make marinade: In bowl, combine agave, Sriracha sauce, garlic, soy sauce and rice vinegar, and whisk thoroughly. Pour marinade into re-sealable bag and add cubed pork tenderloin. Marinate for up to 24 hours in refrigerator. Place tenderloin and pineapple chunks on skewers, alternating so pineapple is tight against tenderloin. Heat charcoal or gas grill to medium heat. Grill skewers, turning every 5 minutes, until all sides are grilled. Cook until tenderloin chunks have reached internal temperature of 145 F.

Behind bars: Frontier Old-Fashioned The City of Fishers and the Geist Lake Coalition are hosting Blast on the Bridge again this year, July 4 on the Fall Creek Road Bridge. The bridge closes to traffic at 3:30 p.m. and will open to the public at 6 p.m. Fireworks will begin at 10:15 p.m.

Symphony on the Prairie’s Star Spangled Symphony concerts run for four nights July 1-4 at Conner Prairie. Shows start at 8 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at indianapolissymphony.org or select Kroger stores.

Get it at Wolfies Grill, Westfield Ingredients: 1.5 oz. Bulleit bourbon, one orange slice, one cherry, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 dash of orange bitters Directions: Muddle orange, cherry, sugar and orange bitters in a glass, add ice and bourbon.


July 4, 2017


Current in Westfield


Hamilton County

Bluegrass Festival

July 7&8

LIVE ON STAGE! Borrowed Tyme Circle City Bluegrass Thorntown Jammers The New Balance &RUQˉHOGV &URVVURDGV The Boxcars

Opera director preps for season By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com

experience the show exactly as it was produced on Broadway with no microphones, Indianapolis Opera General Director David a live orchestra, great classically trained singers and actors. This is something we Starkey is optimistic about how audiences recognized with the success of will respond to the 2017‘Man of La Mancha’ (last season). music 18 schedule. We’re just thrilled to bring that pro“I think it’s a very duction to life here in Indianapolis.” attractive schedule because we are The show will feature one of the just finding a little bit of a stride former students of late Indiana Uniin being in multiple venues, having versity professor Giorgio Tozzi, who some diversity to our programing,” dubbed the singing voice of actor Starkey said. “‘La Traviata’ being Starkey Rosano Brazzi, who played the lead done at The Tarkington is only the role of Emile de Becque in the movie versecond time we will have been there as a sion of “South Pacific.” company. So it’s still new but at the same The Indianapolis Opera also will perform time it’s not completely unfamiliar. We’re “The Magic Flute” with the Indianapolis looking forward to people enjoying the intiSymphony Orchestra June 8 and 10, 2018 at macy but at the same time I think The Tarkthe Hilbert Circle Theatre in Indianapolis. ington does offer a bit of a grandness.” The Indianapolis Opera has two major The Indianapolis Opera opens the season 2017 fundraisers set. Lobster Palooza will with the classic Italian opera “La Traviata” be held July 15 at the Basile Opera Center, Nov. 17 to 19 at The Tarkington at the Center 4011 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis. for the Performing Arts in Carmel. The 42nd Opera Ball will be Nov. 4 at the The second show, “South Pacific,” is at Deer Zink Pavilion on the campus at the the Schrott Center for the Arts on Butler Indianapolis Museum of Art. University March 22 to 25, 2018. For more, visit indyopera.org. “That’s a very familiar place,” Starkey said. “I really challenge the audience to

Band concerts start July 9 By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com

Children 12 and under free with adult



For information please call 317-770-4400


The Noblesville Cultural Arts Commission Summer Band Concerts have a new home, much to Eric Thornbury’s music delight. The concerts have moved from Seminary Park to the new Federal Hill Commons Park. “I am so excited for these (concerts) to move to a park designed for music with a stage and amphitheater,” said Thornbury, who selects the bands for the series. “I hope that these will grow now that they (will) move to Federal Hill and a much larger cross-section of people come out to enjoy these fine groups.” Thornbury, who is in his third year as the series coordinator, said almost all have played the series before. “Lapel Community Band has opened the series every year to my knowledge,” Thornbury said. That will be the case again July 9, when the series opens with the Lapel Community Band. All the concerts are held at 6:30 p.m. Sundays. Spectators are encouraged to bring their lawn chairs or blankets.

New Horizon Band, shown here at a 2016 concert at Seminary Park, will perform again Aug. 13 at Federal Hill Commons Park. (Submitted photo)

Thornbury is the director of bands for Noblesville High School.

Concert Lineup July 9: Lapel Community Band July 16: Ed Zlaty and the GMO Big Band July 23: Joy Swing Big Band July 30: Directors Jazz Orchestra Aug. 6: Indianapolis Brass Choir Aug. 13: New Horizon Concert Band Aug. 20: Indianapolis Municipal Concert Band For more, visit noblesvillearts.org.

July 4, 2017


Current in Westfield



Where’s Amy? Amy Pauszek is a photographer, film producer and scouting and casting associate for Talent Fusion Agency in Indianapolis. She can be reached at Amy@youarecurrent.com. To see more of her photos, visit currentnightandday.com.

Where’s Amy sees new art exhibit

Where’s Amy dines at Tavern on South

Where’s Amy got the 411 sneak peek June 16 at the new American POP Culture and Arts Exhibit at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. Grayson Tate (Carmel), Madison Hiatt (Fishers) and Zackery Tate (Carmel) take in the exhibit. (Photos by Amy Pauszek)

Mary Caltrider (Carmel).

Marissa Mack (Zionsville).

Where’s Amy dined with friends for a special media preview at Tavern on South, 423 W. South St., Indianapolis, which is owned and operated by Carmel resident Steve Geisler. The food was delicious, service impeccable and the atmosphere includes a beautiful skyline view of Indianapolis. Pure heaven. Two thumbs-up! For more on this new restaurant, visit tavernonsouth.com. Pictured, Tavern on South owner Steve Geisler with Susan Decker. (Photo by Amy Pauszek)

Absolutely Live • Live music listings for July 1-11 July 1 • Soulflyer, Hopwood Cellars Winery in Zionsville • Carmel Klavier Gala Concert, Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel • Lady Antebellum, Klipsch Music Center in Noblesville • Leisure Kings, The Jazz Kitchen in Indianapolis July 2 • Boston with Joan Jett & the Blackhearts, Klipsch Music Center in Noblesville July 3 • Saxony Independence Celebration and Fireworks, Witten Park in Fishers

July 4 • 311, Pan Am Plaza in Indianapolis July 6 • The Warrior Kings, Rathskeller Biergarten in Indianapolis • Old 97’s, Vogue Nightclub in Indianapolis July 8 • Pieces of a Dream, The Jazz Kitchen in Indianapolis July 9 • Third Eye Blind, White River State Park in Indianapolis July 11 • Sheryl Crow, Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel Compiled by Mark Johnson


July 4, 2017


Current in Westfield


Blueprint for Improvement: Timeless Meridian-Kessler kitchen Commentary by Larry Greene

After solutions:

Before Background Info: This 1930s MeridianKessler kitchen had some functional issues and needed some overall improvements. The owners were prepared to make these improvements when they recently bought the home, so they were very excited about getting the design process started!


Before problems:

The goal was to design a more functional and timelessly designed kitchen the owners could enjoy for many years to come! 1. The protruding peninsula was removed, shifting the main cooking area to the former microwave/oven location. 2. The kitchen was gutted to allow opportunity for taller cabinets, new countertops and a beautiful navy blue tile backsplash as a pop of color. 3. New wood-look tile flooring was installed as a durable solution for their canines. Another important design step was analyzing the lighting to create the best solution for both ambient and task lighting. 4. In the adjacent rooms, new bench seating in the dining space and new mudroom cabinets were designed, allowing the spaces to naturally flow from one to the next, while adding valuable functionality. Larry Greene is the owner of Case Design/Remodeling. You may email him at lgreene@caseindy.com. To see more before-and-after pictures of this project, visit caseindy.com/blog.

With their love of cooking, the owners knew the function of the peninsula would not suit them long-term, especially since it protruded into the circulation path and crowded the sink.





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July 4, 2017


Current in Westfield



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5860 E. 126th St., Carmel, 46033 Western End of the National Cathedral (Photo by Don Knebel)


Washington’s National Cathedral Commentary by Don Knebel The Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul is a stunning example of Gothic architecture, American-style. Its popular name, the National Cathedral, travel is a little misleading. In 1791, when Pierre L’Enfant laid out what became Washington, D.C., he reserved Lot D for “a great church for national purposes.” Because of concerns about church/state separation, nothing came of the idea, and Lot D became the location of the National Portrait Museum. Nonetheless, the dream of a national church persisted. In 1893, President Benjamin Harrison signed a Congressional charter authorizing the Protestant Episcopal Church Foundation to establish a cathedral, the seat of the Bishop, within the District of Columbia. On Sept. 29, 1907, following an address by President Theodore Roosevelt, workers began construction on a 57-acre site atop Mount Saint Alban, named for the first British Christian martyr and the highest point in the city. The cathedral was completed 83 years to the day later, when it was dedicated by President George H.W. Bush.

Erected primarily from Indiana limestone, the National Cathedral is the sixth-largest cathedral in the world, featuring 234-foot twin towers at the western end and a 301-foot tower near the center. The design, inspired by the great cathedrals of Europe, incorporates flying buttresses, a magnificent rose window and 112 gargoyles. The cathedral’s 215 stained-glass windows portray religious and historical events, with a window honoring space flight incorporating a piece of lunar rock. One of its limestone grotesques represents the head of Darth Vader. The National Cathedral has held state funerals for three U.S. Presidents and is the final resting place for more than 220 Americans, including Woodrow Wilson and Helen Keller. Although Congress has designated it the National House of Prayer, the National Cathedral receives no ongoing government funding. Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel.com. You may contact him at news@currentzionsville.com.

Dispatches Uses for salt – Besides seasoning food, salt has many other uses, including: 1. Deterring ants — sprinkle salt in doorways and windows to keep ants from coming in. 2. Oven cleaning — if something spills in the oven, sprinkle salt over the spill. It won’t smoke and will bake into a crust that’s easier to clean up when cooled. 3. Drain cleaning — pour salt followed by hot water into drains to keep grease from building up. Source: PopSugar.com

DIY knife sharpener – Need to sharpen a knife but don’t have a sharpener? Find a mug with an unglazed bottom rim. Turn the mug upside down. Run one side of the knife blade at an angle along the unglazed rim then turn the knife over and do the other side. Repeat until the knife is sharp. Source: Bottom Line Personal





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July 4, 2017


Current in Westfield


Across 1. Droids, e.g. 5. Roman 1052 9. Tibetan priests 14. Dandy 15. Oil grp. 16. Scarlett of Tara 17. Summer holiday 20. Benjamin Harrison and

Bobby Knight 21. Prepare to shoot 22. House tops 23. Part of BYOB 25. Conan channel 28. 17-Across date 33. Hamilton County Court swearing-in words 36. Musical McEntire

37. Sub detector 38. Drop 41. Huge wave 43. Boone County courthouse event 44. Nickel or dime 46. Carmel-by-the-___ 47. 28-Across symbol 51. Needlefish

2017 July 3rd & July 4th




52. Mil. address 53. Femmes fatales 57. DeLaney of Indiana Week in Review 59. Vail footwear 61. 47-Across colors 66. Weapon supplier 67. Bullets, briefly 68. Sicilian volcano 69. Ray Skillman model 70. Do housework 71. Former Connecticut senator Down 1. IMPD rap sheet listing 2. “Tiny Bubbles” singer 3. Part of a WRTV feed 4. Take to the airport 5. Delta Faucet rival 6. IU Health caregivers 7. Roadside bomb, initially 8. Former Indy hockey team 9. Centers of activity 10. “Excuse me” 11. Angry 12. Coach Parseghian 13. Utter 18. El ___, Tex. 19. iPod variety 23. Downtown Indy gambling letters

24. Hypothetical 25. Mitchell’s Fish Market catches 26. Hold responsible 27. Mideast land 29. Leppert Crematory ashes holder 30. Baggage handler 31. Tallahassee sch. 32. Rock’s Bon Jovi 33. Dog collar attachment 34. Skin care prefix

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35. Wicker willow 39. Indy 500 entry 40. A Manning 42. WTHR hit since ‘75 (Abbr.) 45. Lennon’s lady 48. “Pretty please?” 49. Like some Pacers fans 50. Yakked 54. Very, to an ISO player 55. Joe’s Butcher Shop unit 56. Suffix with farm or home 57. Impressed 58. Drag racing org. 59. ___ Club 60. Hoosier Trails Boy Scout bow 61. Colt foe 62. Fishers HS pitcher’s stat 63. Noncombat area, for short 64. Little bit 65. Indianapolis Zoo big bird Answers on Page 23

July 4, 2017

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Guitar Lessons


Wth recording artist Duke Tumatoe Learn from professional and have fun All levels - in Carmel duke@duketumatoe.com or 317-201-5856


Topping – Removal Deadwooding – Landscaping Stump Grinding – Gutter Cleaning INSURED -- FREE ESTIMATES Call Steve 317-341-4905 or 317-238-9314

Available services include Mowing, Mulching, Landscape, Hedge Trimming, Snow Removal 765.620.5000

Will mow yards, trim shrubs, clean out houses, garages, basements, attics, gutters, paint, do odd jobs, demo small buildings, provide personal services. Fully insured. Text/call Jay 574-398-2135; shidelerjay@gmail.com




• Tree Removal • Trimming • Stump Grinding • Finish Grading • Bucket Truck Work • Climbing • Lot clearing

CALL TODAY! (317) 524-9100 MOBILE SHARPENING & MAINTENANCE Specializing in lawn care, residential and commercial. Sharpening mower blades, hedge trimmer blades, chain saws, garden tools. Maintenance, oil changes, filters, grease or lube. 317-937-2803



For pricing e-mail your ad to classifieds@youarecurrent.com



Guitar Lessons With Baker Scott

Beginners thru Advanced All styles Electric-Acoustic-Bass Private Lessons Parent-Child Lessons near Carey Road & 146th Carmel 317-



To Your Door Pet Services I offer nail trims, anal gland expressions and medication administration such as insulin injections, subcutaneous fluids and more! I have over 15 years of pet care experience, 8 of which were spent as part of the nursing staff at a veterinary hospital. Please contact me at (317) 908-1556 or toyourdoorpetservices@gmail.co m to make an appointment. I serve the Fishers and Geist area. Let me help your pet in the comfort of their own home.

The Home of Plug and Play RETAIL • REHEARSE • REPAIR Now offering guitar, drum and voice lessons Ask about our HD video services Fully equipped studios, In-ear (“silent”) studio Book Studio A for private parties, CD release events, showcases, recitals, meetings and more! Come see for yourself why hundreds of bands and performers refine their shows in our studios! Call Rick Kingston at 317.979.0137 340 Ridgepoint Drive, Carmel 46032 kingstonsmusicshowcase.com

July 4, 2017

Current in Westfield



For sale FOR SALE:

Pet & House Sitting Service www.pawpatrolindy.com 17 years Experience

317-802-6565 317-432-1627

“The Safe and Reliable Alternative to Boarding” Insured/Bonded Serving Carmel & Westfield

Yamaha DGX-660 Digital Piano. Home/Studio Kit w/ Pedals, stand and storage Bench. Purchased new a month ago for $900. Like New. $600.00. 772-882-5962 Located Carmel.

Your classified here email dennis@youarecurrent.com



Now Hiring


Do you take pride in your skills, and are you reliable without fail? If you don’t, or you’re not, stop reading. If you do and are, Roberts Painting would like to speak with you now. We are a local, family owned business with full-time work for the right candidate. We have been serving fellow Hamilton County residents since 1984. You must have dependable transportation. Compensation is based on experience and is open to discussion. Again, serious inquiries only. Contact Tim (317.847.2704) or Rick (317.847.4780), or e-mail robertspaintingcarmel@gmail.com for immediate consideration. EOE.

We are looking to HIRE YOU If you have a compassionate heart and a nurturing soul, Clarity Care is interested in hiring you. We provide non-medical, adult in-home care. We offer: • Flexible schedule - full and part time • Competitive pay - $10-$15 per hour • Night bonus/referral bonus • Employee retirement plan • Custom match care giver to client 317-774-0074 option 5 Apply@claritycaregivers.com MKM Distribution Services, Inc.

CAreer fairs

CAreer fairs


Caring people are in high demand! Come visit our Career Fair & learn more about starting a career as a Caregiver and/or CNA with our family friendly organization. We are looking for compassionate and dependable individuals who want to make a difference. Legacy is recognized as the finest CNA training school in the area. CAREGIVER • Top Pay, including overtime & BONUS • Reliable, flexible & steady work • Quality on-site training & RN support

LEGACY CNA STUDENTS • 3 week training school • On site state testing • 100% PASS RATE

Walk-ins are welcome for the Caring Career Fair, or schedule a time by calling our office at 317-652-6175. Senior1Care/Legacy CNA Training is located at 598 W. Carmel Dr, Ste F, Carmel, IN 46032. www.Senior1Care.com. www.LegacyCNATraining.com. EOE




The Electric Bike Center

622 South Rangeline Rd Suite S Carmel 46032

Direct: 317-506-6902 Message: 317-689-0066

Now Hiring

Now Hiring


Now Hiring



Experienced interior painter. Pays $15-17/hour. Full-time local work All year, Mon-Fri. Comfortable work environment, consistent hours. Must have good cut-in skills, be clean and organized. Must have own transportation and tools. Call Jonathan 317-999-8124. www.wallapainting.com

Motivated people who want to join our team. Work outdoors in landscape maintenance and project installations. Experience helpful but not necessary. Pay between $12-$18/hr depending on experience. Call us or email your application: 317.443.6514 abby@primelineoutdoorliving.com


If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, that’s our business. Call Alcoholics Anonymous (317) 632-7864 www.indyaa.org puzzle Answers

is now hiring for a transportation broker manager. We are looking for an individual who is ambitious and highly motivated. Ready to run own division. Salary plus sales commission. Please email resume to mkhurley@mkm-logistics.com

College not for you?

Background or Not in dance! Join the team at Fred Astaire Dance Studio Carmel, Indiana. We will train you in all aspects of the ballroom dance business. Why Fred Astaire? We offer a great environment, guaranteed starting salary, great training and opportunities to travel and compete. Need we say more? Call Dan at 317-846-3237

CARPENTERS NEEDED NOW Simpson Construction Services, LLC, a family owned general contractor, would like to hire skilled construction carpenters. Our company is growing, and we are looking for craftsmen that take pride in their work and want a future with our company. Contact Gary Simpson at 317.703.9575.

NOW HIRING Waiters/Waitresses Cook Dishwasher OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 160 E Carmel Dr. Carmel, IN



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July 4, 2017

Current in Westfield


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