Tuesday, August 20, 2019
A COLTS K-9 NFL team supplies K-9 to Westfield Police Dept. / P20
Westfield receives historic designation / P3
Council approves playhouse grant / P7
WHS addresses hallway congestion / P14
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August 20, 2019
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August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
Back, from left, Westfield residents Paul Diebold, Cindy Spoljaric and Marla Ailor and front, from left, Susan Boyer, Elaine Hinshaw, Judi Shuck, Joe Edwards and Linda Nass pause with the city’s National Register of Historic Places certificate. (Submitted photo)
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Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@youarecurrent.com, or call 317.489.4444 ext. 804. You may also submit information on our website, currentinwestfield.com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication.
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On the cover
Billy is a 2-year-old German Shorthaired Pointer and the WPD’s newest K-9. (Photo by Anna Skinner) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. XII, No. 33 Copyright 2019. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
Westfield receives historic designation honor By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com As a lifelong Westfield resident with deep family roots, Westfield Preservation Alliance Executive Director Judi ACHIEVEMENT Shuck has strong feelings about the city’s history. “Over the last few years, we’ve been disappointed losing so much of the older homes,” the 1965 Westfield High School graduate said. “What makes you is your roots. That’s why history is important.” So, she was especially pleased when the City of Westfield learned in February it would have its downtown area placed on the National Register of Historic Places. On Aug. 13 at the Indiana State Fair in Indianapolis, Westfield was presented its certificate for the National Register during a presentation for properties newly listed to the National Register at the ninth annual Dept. of Natural Resources Historic Preservation Awards Ceremony. During the presentation, Westfield Preservation Alliance officers and city councilors Joe Edwards and Cindy Spoljaric, who were key contributors to the nomination process, were recognized. “We hope people can have respect for that history and respect for a building that has been sustainable for over 100 years,” Shuck said. “You can repurpose it to be something charming.” The area includes historical buildings along Main Street as well as the old fire station and businesses and residences on North Union Street and Penn Street. “It’s not only important to preserve them, it’s the history of Westfield,” said Susan Boyer, secretary and one of the founders of the Westfield Preservation Alliance. “It’s the roots
of the city. It’s important to the residents of that area to try to preserve as much as possible for the future of the city. There are close to 50-some buildings. If they are contributing, they have to be 50 years or older. Most of the buildings in that area are from the late 1800s to early 1900s when they were built, so most do qualify for being over 50 years old. Some are well over 100 years old. “They have to meet the integrity of the building and the style of the architecture.” Boyer said the Westfield Preservation Alliance was formed in 2009 and immediately started gathering information about the historic area. “We hired a researcher in 2016 because it’s a very extensive project to research the area and the history of the buildings and the architectural importance of the buildings,” Boyer said. Boyer said the oldest, most important buildings are at Union and Main streets. “The one that used to be Funderberg & Son grocery store was built in 1816 and is now Erica’s Place (102 S. Union),” she said. “The other side of the intersection is the old Mendenhall drug store. That building was built in 1924. The original building is no longer there.” There are 38 contributing buildings, meaning they meet all the criteria, Boyer said. “There are 13 non-contributing buildings, which means they have been altered to the point where it no longer met all the historical attributes,” Boyer said. Union Bible College also is on the National Register, Shuck said. “That was the Quaker school started in 1861 and there are five buildings, and my greatgreat grandfather’s home is one of those buildings,” Shuck said. “He and his wife were in charge of the school.”
DISPATCHES Lawmakers searching for interns — Hamilton County lawmakers are encouraging college students and recent graduates to apply for the Indiana House Republican Internship Program, which takes place during the 2020 legislative session at the Statehouse in Indianapolis. Local legislators seeking interns include State Reps. Tony Cook (R-Cicero), Chuck Goodrich (R-Noblesville), Todd Huston (R-Fishers), Jerry Torr (R-Carmel) and Donna Schaibley (R-Carmel). Those interested should apply before Oct. 31. The positions are full-time, Monday through Friday, lasting from January through mid-March. Interns receive biweekly compensation of $750, and they can earn academic credit through their college or university. Interns also are eligible to apply for a $3,000 scholarship to use toward undergraduate and graduate expenses. For more, visit indianaHouseRepublicans.com/internship. Westfield Democrats to meet — The next Westfield Democrats meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. Aug. 21 at the Westfield Washington Public Library, 333 W. Hoover St., in the basement community room. Riverview looking for volunteers — Riverview Health is looking for volunteers. Some of the volunteer service areas include patient transport, guest services and the gift shop. If someone is interested in volunteering at Riverview Health in Noblesville or Westfield, please contact the manager of Volunteer Services, Melinda Nash, at 317-776-7236 or mnash@riverview.org. F.C. Tucker stats — It’s a seller’s market in Westfield as homes continue to leave the market faster and for more money. According to F.C. Tucker, the average sale price for homes in the city was $372,284 at $143.62 per square foot, an 18.2 percent sale price increase from July 2018. Homes in the city sold in an average of 37 days, 14 percent faster than July of last year. Civil War Roundtable — John Summerlot from Indiana University in Bloomington will be the feature speaker at the Sept. 11 meeting of the Hamilton County Civil War Roundtable. The event is free and open to the public. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with the program beginning at 7 p.m. at Carmel City Hall, 1 Civic Square.
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August 20, 2019
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August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
Council approves Options Charter School, Union Row Compiled by Michael Rheinheimer news@currentinwestfield.com
What happened: The council approved Unified Development ordinance amendment (Summer 2019), 7-0.
The Westfield City Council met Aug. 12. The next meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Aug. 26 at City Hall, 130 Penn St. For more, visit westfield.in.gov. What happened: The council approved the Oak Manor North planned unit development amendment for Options Charter School, 7-0. What it means: The building of an Options Charter School on a 3-acre parcel adjacent to the Grassy Branch Marketplace PUD, north of Ind. 32, was approved. What happened: The council forwarded Atwater PUD to the Advisory Plan Commission, 7-0. What it means: The proposed designation of the real estate to a PUD will receive a public hearing at the APC’s Sept. 3 meeting. What happened: Union Row was approved, 7-0. What it means: The Unified Development ordinance and zoning map designates real estate on South Union Street as a planned unit development. There are seven lots in the development.
What it means: Changes to wording for SF3 zoning districts, architectural standards, landscaping standards, street trees location and spacing, vision clearance, open space and amenity standards, stormwater standards, street and right-of-way standards and utility standards were adopted. What happened: The 181st Street PUD Amendment 5 was forwarded to the APC, 7-0 What it means: The proposed PUD will be given a public hearing at the APC’s Sept. 3 meeting. The proposed amendment would allow for the construction of a warehousing-and-distribution unit with outdoor storage. What happened: The council declared 16805 Southpark Dr. as an Economic Revitalization Area, 7-0. What it means: Declaration of an Economic Revitalization Area is the first step in requesting a tax abatement for development. The resolution will return before the council at its September meeting, when the petitioner will ask for a tax abatement.
What happened: The council approved the Westchester PUD amendment, 5-2. What it means: The stipulation prohibiting a single builder from building more than 50 percent of the lots in the residential areas has been removed from the existing commitments to architectural standards. What happened: The council forwarded Poplar Street Townhomes PUD to the APC, 7-0. What it means: The proposal to build townhomes at Poplar and Park streets will be given a public hearing at the APC’s Sept. 3 meeting. What happened: Bridlewood Subdivision was approved, 7-0. What it means: Real estate at the Bridlewood Subdivision is reclassified from Special Business/Planned Development to a Single-Family High Density District.
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August 20, 2019
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August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
Westfield City Council approves grant for playhouse By Michael Rheinheimer news@currentinwestfield.com
A resolution to authorize a $300,000 grant for the Westfield Playhouse was approved 5-2 during the DEVELOPMENT Aug. 12 Westfield City Council meeting. The money is the city’s contribution toward constructing the playhouse. An additional, undisclosed amount is being donated by the Estridge Foundation to help pay for construction. The city was originally asked to only contribute $100,000 Ake toward construction. Council member Jim Ake explained the need for the grant increase. “The building cost went up, because when you have a theater there are certain things like fire suppression,” Ake said. “The electrical was underestimated at that time. We have our cost now. Those costs ask for a greater participation from the city. Given that, they’re paying that back over a long period of time. It still says something about their commitment to the project.” Council member Joe Edwards voiced concern about how additional funds will be raised. “I’m all in favor of the arts, (but) in my opinion we need to set this aside until the
plan is apparent to all,” Edwards said. “Joe, we’ve been talking about this for a long time,” Ake said. Council member Cindy Spoljaric echoed Edwards’ concerns about funding. A motion to table the resolution was made by Edwards and was defeated by a 5-2 vote. The funding resolution was then approved with Edwards and Spoljaric voting against it. City Attorney Brian Zaiger informed the council that the actual funding appropriation would be voted on at next month’s meeting. He said the resolution simply shows that the Edwards council is willing to move forward with authorizing the grant. Under the resolution’s terms, funds must be used for the construction of the proposed Westfield Playhouse. A construction agreement also must be reached between the Economic Development Commission and Estridge Homes and presented to the city. A Memorandum of Understanding between the EDC, the Theater Group, the Westfield Downtown Merchants Association and the Estridge Foundation must be reached and then presented to the city by Oct. 4, or the money will be returned to the city. The Westfield Playhouse is currently at 1836 Ind. 32 but is moving to downtown.
DISPATCH Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over — The Hamilton County Traffic Safety Partnership will join approximately 230 law-enforcement agencies across the state in the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over mobilization. From mid-August through Labor Day, police will work overtime to arrest impaired drivers. Drivers should expect to see increased sobriety checkpoints, roving patrols and saturation patrols.
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August 20, 2019
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A TASTING EVENT Thursday, September 19, 2019 A TASTING EVENT 6:30 - 9:30pm Thursday, September 19, 2019 VIP Pass Entrance 6:00pm 6:30 - 9:30pm A TASTING E VENT VIP Pass The Bridgewater Club Westfield, Thursday, September 14,•2017 • 6:30Indiana - 9:30 pmEntrance 6:00pm Thursday, SeptemberSeptember 19, 2019 Thursday, 19, 2019 • 6:30 - 9:30pm The Bridgewater Club • Westfield, Indiana VIP Pass Entrance 6:00pm 6:30 -Presale 9:30pm VIP Pass Entrance 6:00pm $30 $35 at the Door $40 VIP Pass$35 at the Door $40 VIP Pass $30 Presale The Bridgewater Club • Westfield, Indiana VIPThe Pass Entrance 6:00pm Bridgewater Clubat•www.SavorWestfield.com Westfield, Indiana Tickets and more•info online Tickets and more info online at www.SavorWestfield.com $30 Presale $35 at the door • $40 VIP pass The Bridgewater Club • Westfield, Indiana $30 Presale • $35 at the Door • $40 VIP Pass Find us on Facebook - Savor Westfield us on online Facebook Savor Westfield Tickets are Find available at -www.SavorWestfield.com Tickets and more info available online at www.SavorWestfield.com Savor Westfield is a 21 and older event $30 Presale $35 at the Door $40 VIP Pass Savor Westfield 21 and older event Savor Westfield is a 21 and older event Findatus on Facebook - Savor Westfield Tickets and more info online www.SavorWestfield.com PARTICIPATING RESTAURANTS Savor- Savor Westfield 21Biaggi's andRistorante olderItaliano event Find us onPARTICIPATING Facebook Westfield is a RESTAURANTS • Big Woods Restaurants • Charleston’s Restaurant PARTICIPATING RESTAURANTS Savor Westfield is a 21 and older event Chiba • Cone & Crumb Field Brewing • Grand Junction Brewing Co Biaggi's Ristorante Italiano • Italiano Bier Brewery • Greek’s Blackhawk Winery • •Chiba • Gigi’s Cupcakes Biaggi's Ristorante • Big Woods Restaurants • Charleston’s Restaurant Pizzeria • Grindstone on the Monon • Jan’s Village Pizza • Kizuki Ramen & Izakaya PARTICIPATING RESTAURANTS PARTICIPATING RESTAURANTS Grand Junction Brewing Co. • Greek’s Pizzeria • Kizuki Ramen & Izakaya • Jan’s Village Pizza Pasto Italiano • Rail • Stacked Pickle • The Bridgewater Club ChibaRistorante • Cone &Italiano Crumb • •Big Field Brewing • Grand Junction Brewing Biaggi’s Woods • Charleston’s • Chiba • Cone +Co Crumb The Italian House on Park • Titus Bakery • Urban Vines • Wolfie’s Grill Biaggi's Ristorante Italiano • Big Woods Restaurants • Charleston’s Restaurant Razzo’s 2& Crumb • Rail Epicurean Market ••Pizzeria Stacked Pickle The Bridgewater Club Greek’s• Grand Pizzeria • Grindstone on Co the Monon Jan’s Village Pizza •• Kizuki Ramen & Izakaya Field J. Brewing Junction Brewing Greek’s Chiba • Cone • Field Brewing • Grand• Junction Brewing Co • Grindstone on the Monon • Jan’s Village Pizza Italiano Rail • Stacked Pickle The Bridgewater Club TheRamen Italian House Titus Bakery ••Urban Vines Wolfies GrillClub Greek’s PizzeriaKizuki • Grindstone onPasto the& Monon • Jan’s Pizza • Kizuki Ramen &•Izakaya Izakaya • ••Village Pasto Italiano • Rail Stacked Pickle ••The Bridgewater Pasto Italiano • Italian Rail • Stacked Pickle • The Bridgewater Club The House onon Park • Titus Bakery The Italian House Park • Titus Bakery• •Urban UrbanVines Vines•• Wolfie’s Wolfie’sGrill Grill For information, check out www. SavorWestfield.com The Italian House on more Park • Titus Bakery • Urban Vines • Wolfie’s Grill Find us on Facebook - Savor Westfield
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August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
OBITUARY Along with his family, John loved the Lord John Wetzel LeBaron, 82, Westfield, died and was a supporter of church ministries, Aug. 6 in Westfield. He was born April 7, foreign missions and Christian edu1937, to William B. and Mary (Wetzel) cation. He was s a board member at LeBaron in Lock Haven, Pa. Village Park Bible Methodist Church John attended Frankfort Pilgrim of Westfield and previously served College and Acme Technical Instias treasurer for several churches tute. He worked for nearly 40 years and church plants. as a senior tool manufacturing John is survived by his wife of 57 engineer at Best Lock Corp., retiring years, Linda LeBaron of Westfield; in 2002. LeBaron daughter, Susan LeBaron of WestAt an early age, John developed a love for flying and aircraft from his uncle and field; daughter, Johnna Shaferly (Dennis) of Vanlue, Ohio; son, Timothy LeBaron (Erika) evangelist, Curt Wetzel. He took flying lessons and co-owned an Ercoupe airplane with of Manassas, Va.; and many cousins and his brother. After he got married, John traded extended family members. In addition to his parents, he was prethe plane for a house, but his love of aviation ceded in death by his brother, William J. and space never went away. He was pleased LeBaron in 2019. when his son chose aviation as a career.
DISPATCH Indy area best for recent grads – The Indianapolis metro area ranked at the top of a list evaluating best cities for recent college graduates compiled by HeyTutor, a website that connects students and tutors. Researchers found that recent grads in the Indianapolis area have a median income of $37,712 and that the unemployment rate in Central Indiana is .8 percent with the cost of living 7.2 percent below the national average. View the study at heytutor.com/blog/the-best-cities-for-recent-college-graduates/.
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August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
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Foundations award scholarships — Central Indiana Community Foundation and its affiliates, The Indianapolis Foundation and Hamilton County Community Foundation, have awarded 185 scholarships totaling more than $1.4 million for the 2019-20 academic year. Recipients will receive varying scholarship amounts, with the maximum award for some scholarships equal to full tuition. Scholarship opportunities for the 2020-21 academic year can be viewed at cicf.org/ scholarships in September and applications open in November. Census Bureau looking for workers — The United States Census Bureau is looking for applicants for 2020 census work in both Boone and Hamilton counties. Job types include clerks, census field supervisors, census takers and office operations supervisors, ranging in pay from $14.50 to $20 an hour. Interested applicants can apply online at 2020census.gov/jobs. Gardening help — The Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District has resources available to help with gardening questions and issues. As part of its Urban Agriculture program, SWCD staff members are available for free site visits to any backyard and community vegetable garden in Hamilton County. Staff can provide guidance with planning, advice on weed and pest management, soil health information, yield increase through conservation, tip sheets and more. To schedule a site visit, contact Andrew Fritz at andrew.fritz@hamiltoncounty. in.gov or 317-773-2181. Learn more at HamiltonSWCD.org/UrbanAgriculture. Newcomers Club meetings — Newcomers Club of Carmel, a nonprofit social club, connects its members with friends, engages in fun activities and explores the community. Monthly activities include a Welcome Coffee, a special luncheon at an event venue and 32 interest group meetings. Membership represents Carmel, Westfield, Fishers, Noblesville, Zionsville and Indianapolis. For more, visit carmelnewcomers.com or call the Newcomers Hotline, 317-564-8349.
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Seeking historical photos — Current in Westfield is looking to gather historical photos from the city and community for a regular feature within the publication, “Back in the Day.” Credit for each submission will be given to images sent with a short description and approximate date. For more information, or to submit photos or ideas, please contact Editor Anna Skinner at anna@youarecurrent.com.
August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
County council reaches agreement on 2020 budget By Sadie Hunter sadie@yoaurecurrent.com Two days of budget hearings between members of the Hamilton County Council have GOVERNMENT ended, resulting in several new hires and raises for county employees. A finalized budget of just under $100 million for Beaver the 2020 fiscal year was reached by councilors Aug. 7. “I’d like to commend our council for doing a great job,” Council President Brad Beaver stated. “There are seven different viewpoints on this council and a lot of passion in the decision-making process, but overall, I’m happy with the outcome. We spend very wisely.” The proposed budget includes six new full-time positions, one each in the Surveyor’s Office, Parks and Recreation Dept., Sheriff’s Office, Office of Emergency Management, the Soil and Water Conservation District and the Youth Assistance Program. In addition, a part-time employee also has been budgeted for the Youth Assistance Program, as well as a part-time employee for the Purdue Extension Office. Raises also are on the list of new expens-
es. The proposed budget includes pay increases averaging 7 percent for county employees and 3 percent for elected officials. Approximately $1.2 million also was budgeted to support 13 Hamilton County nonprofit agencies, including Janus Developmental Services, Aspire and the Humane Society for Hamilton County. “All in all, budget deliberations went extremely well,” Council Vice PresiMcKinney dent Rick McKinney said in a statement. McKinney is set to become council president in January 2020. “Hamilton County government is in a solidly strong financial position today, which will continue through the end of 2020,” McKinney stated. A public hearing for the proposed budget is scheduled for 7 p.m. Sept. 4 in the commissioner’s courtroom at the Hamilton County Government and Judicial Center in downtown Noblesville. After the public hearing, the council is set to formally adopt the proposed budget during a special meeting at 8:30 a.m. Sept. 16 in conference room 1A, also at the Hamilton County Government and Judicial Center. When approved, the budget will be sent to the state of Indiana for approval before going into effect January 1, 2020.
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Send us your photos — Current Publishing is now accepting photos to run in the community section. Photos from kid events, athletic games and more are all welcome. Camera, iPhone or Samsung Galaxy photos will be accepted. All photos must include the names of anyone photographed. Please send them to anna@youarecurrent.com.
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August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
CosmicKids! series at WWPL to teach about space science By Jessica Hoover • news@currentinwestfield.com The Link Observatory Space Science Institute will conduct its inaugural CosmicKids! event from 10:30 a.m. to noon Oct. 19 at the Westfield Washington Public LiEDUCATION brary, 333 W. Hoover St. CosmicKids! is a series of events for children in first through third grade. It offers hands-on space science activities and lectures. “We are in connection with NASA and they have a ton of wonderful animation that they give us, like coloring books and activities,” said Kim Fox, program director for CosmicK-
ids! “I think we’ll even be able to bring NASA scientists into the program to do skits or videos or handson activities to get the kids up close and personal with a real-life scientist.” Fox said she came up with the idea for the event when she was unable to find STEM opportunities for her daughter. “I have an 8-year-old right now, and when she first started school in kindergarFox ten, I looked for so many STEM opportunities or things that we could do,” Fox said. “We love making volcanoes explode and balloon rockets at home. I wanted
her to get together with other kids her age to do the same thing, but I found nothing. There was stuff for older kids, so I thought we could start doing something for little kids, so we’re giving kids another opportunity to learn exciting facts about science outside of school.” Admission to CosmicKids! is $10 per event. Parents can attend for free. To purchase tickets, visit eventbrite.com/e/ cosmickids-tickets-68781145257. “It means so much to us to be able to inspire today’s youth,” Fox said. “The sooner you start, the sooner they start, so that’s why we’re doing this CosmicKids! event.”
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August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
Amigos de Westfield returns By Renee Larr news@currentinwestfield.com Westfield Welcome will conduct the fifth annual Amigos de Westfield from 2 to 7 p.m. Aug. 24 at Asa Bales Park, CULTURE 205 W. Hoover Rd. The event provides attendees with a feel for authentic Latin culture with food, music and dancing. “Several years ago, we were approached by an English as a second language class to consider hosting an event like Amigos de Westfield,” said Alexa Lingg, community events coordinator. “It made, and still makes, total sense. Given the growing diversity of our community, it is important that we not only understand our different cultures but celebrate them.” Local musicians and dancers will provide entertainment. “This year, we are kicking it off with Mariachi Sol Jalisciense. They are a popular mariachi band out of the Indianapolis area,” Lingg said. “Grupo Folclorico Macehuani, a new folklore dance group to perform at Amigos de Westfield, will follow and they will feature traditional dances from different regions in Mexico.
The Ballet Folklorico Mosaicos group at a past event. (Submitted photo)
“Our final act is the Ballet Folklorico Mosaicos, which have been part of Amigos de Westfield since the beginning. They are also a folklore dance group that performs traditional dances from the regions of Mexico.” Traditional Latin food will be available for purchase. A kids’ zone will feature inflatables, a craft station and piñatas. Admission is free.
ENTERTAINMENT SCHEDULE 4 p.m. Mariachi Sol Jalisciense 5:15 p.m. Grupo Folclorico Macehuani 6:10 p.m. Ballet Folklorico Mosaicos
AUG 24
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August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
WHS addresses hallway congestion during construction
Built for your next adventure. Built for your next adventure.
By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com
throughout high school, but this year, especially, because there are so many more people in the freshman class,” she Lease a 2019 Subaru Westfield Washington Schools Supt. Sher- said. “The downstairs is a whole lot more mpreza 2.0i AWDa for only Lease 2019 Subaru crowded than the upstairs, so if I have to ry Grate knows there is congestion in the Impreza 2.0i AWD for only travel across the school, I usually hallways of Westfield Lease a 2019 Subaru go upstairs to walk across and just SCHOOLS High School, but she Impreza 2.0i AWD for only go down the stairs closest to my said a photo circulatFor 36 months. $0 due at signing. class so that I don’t have to deal ing on social media on the first day For 36 months. $0 due at signing. Subject to $199 documentation fee. with being so crammed.” of classes was an aberration. Subject toand $199 documentation fee. Offer ends 8/31/19. Plus tax, title, license dealer fees. See dealer for details. On approved credit. Security deposit During the 2018-19 school year, Grate sent a note to parents Offer MSRP ends 8/31/19. Plus tax, title, license and dealer fees. waived. 10,000 miles/year. $20,896. Model: KJB-01. See dealer for details. On approved credit. Security deposit Frei said the halls were so crowded about the picture showing crowded waived. 10,000 miles/year. MSRP $20,896. Model: KJB-01. after second period that she “got hallways Aug. 6. Grate said the Grate For 36 months. $0 due at signing. behind these guys every day and photo was taken the first day they pushed their way through and made a when students were still learning the class Subject to $199 documentation fee. path.” schedule. Offer ends 8/31/19. Plus tax, title, license and dealer fees. Westfield sophomore Kyle Emgenbroich “Additionally, we had challenges yesterSee dealer for details. On approved credit. Security deposit waived. 10,000 miles/year. MSRP $20,896. Model: KJB-01. said the first day was likely a unique issue. day with the bells (signaling class changes) “Yes, they are crowded, but they’re manin the cafeteria, which substantially inageable,” he said. “I think the reason it’s a creased the number of students in and out first-day thing is because that when freshof one area,” Grate wrote in an email to men go in for freshman orientation, they parents. “Normally, because of the delay in are overwhelmed and only see the two main bells, this would not have occurred. It was stairwells, so when they come to school an anomaly.” after freshman orientation, they are like The next day, a manual release of stuprogrammed robots who only know of two dents, greatly improved traffic flow, Grate stairways and they have a specific route said. they know because it was what they pracGrate said safety and well-being of stuticed during freshman orientation. dents is always the top priority. “But as they learn the floor plan of the “The high school building has been school, they learn about all the other stairchecked and rechecked by state and local ways and where they lead, so then it starts officials to ensure we meet existing fire to thin out.” codes and additional safety requirements,” Emgenbroich said he was programmed Grate wrote to parents. “We have been told like that as a freshman as well, but figured we exceed these requirements. We are multiple ways to get to class and avoid in regular, almost daily, contact with the Westfield fire marshal. We are certainly con- traffic. “I think people saw the picture that gested, which is why it was so important was posted and were shocked, but if they to move forward with our construction as walked the hallways during passing periods quickly as possible. We very much appreciom now, they would see how much better they ate the community’s support in helping us TomWoodSubaru.com TomWoodSubaru.com have gotten and be surprised,” he said. work through phases of construction and 317.608.0019 317.608.0019 Carrie Cason, the school district’s director hallways will be much easier to navigate 3300 E 96th St 3300 E 96th St of communications and strategic partnermoving forward.” Indianapolis, IN 46240 Indianapolis, IN 46240 THE CAR YOU WANT. THE WANT. WAY YOU THE CAR YOU THEWANT. WAY YOU WANT. ships, said WHS completed its safety drills However, WHS senior Hannah Frei said THE CAR YOU WANT. THE WAY YOU WANT. (severe weather, evacuation, fire drill) durcongestion has been an ongoing issue. ing the first week of school and exceeded “It definitely is still and has been all evacuation-time standards. INCLUDED WITH ALL NEW VEHICLES INCLUDED WITH ALL NEW VEHICLES
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“The high school building has been checked and rechecked by state and local officials to ensure we meet existing fire codes and additional safety requirements. We have been told we exceed these requirements. – Westfield Washington Schools Supt. Sherry Grate
August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
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W E ST F IEL D - NO RTH 317-399-5513 On Aug. 1, the Westfield Lions Club presented awards to the sponsors of the Lions Car Show at Westfield Rocks the 4th, along with a check to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, the recipient of this years’ proceeds. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Indianapolis was presented with a check for $3,100 from the car show proceeds. From left, Larry Clarino, car show chair; John Wardlow, Westfield Lions Club president; Rod Darring, Indy Bra/Darring Detailing; Ashlee Smith, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation; Bonnie Duplessis, MetroNet. (Submitted photo)
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By Jessica Hoover news@currentinwestfield.com
their structure and compositions, and even their weather. “We are at the cusp of a profound understanding of the story of planets evThe Link Observatory Space Science erywhere, including whether there is life Institute is conducting an event called beyond Earth.” “Discovering New In addition to his other roles, EDUCATION Worlds,” presentMcCauley also has worked at the ed by LinkLive, at NASA Manned Spacecraft Center in 7 p.m. Aug. 23 at the Bridgewater Houston, Texas, in Mission PlanClub, 3535 E. 161st St. in Westfield. ning and Analysis for the Apollo LinkLive public events are audio/ Program. He serves as a solar sysvisual presentations that utilize tem ambassador for NASA/JPL and professional science communicaMcCauley lectures throughout central Indiana tors and digital imagery, animation, about NASA missions, astronomy and space music and multimedia technology. exploration. “Discovering New Worlds” will feature “If it’s a clear night, go outside and look Westfield resident Greg McCauley, execuup,” McCauley said. “Every star you see out tive director and CEO of the Link Institute, there, that’s not just a star, that’s a planas the speaker. He will discuss topics such etary system you’re looking at. Every single as the first discovery of an exoplanet and the 4,000 planets since then that have been star in the sky is a planetary system. And on those planets, is there life? I think there confirmed to orbit other stars. very well could be. We may very well be in “The question is, ‘Are we alone?’” McCauthe center of this community of intelligent ley said. “Are we alone in this universe? Recently, within the last year, we have discov- species and we just don’t know it.” Tickets for the “Discovering New Worlds” ered 21 new planets and 850 more potential event are $10. Children 12 and under are worlds that have yet to be confirmed, all free. Attendees also will receive a free copy residing within a few dozen light years of our own solar system. Scientists around the of “The Search for Planets Beyond Our Solar System.” For tickets, visit linkobservatory. world are analyzing these local exoplanets org/index.html. to determine their properties, including
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August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
final completion expected in October. WESTFIELD Work continues on the expansion of Cherry Ind. 32 wil have lane closures in both diCreek Boulevard to complete the final rections from Wheeler Road to Oak Ridge phase to connect Hazel Dell Parkway to Road on Aug. 21 and 22 for installation of CONSTRUCTION River Road. The project is expected to be the Monon Bridge. complete by the end of this month. Shelborne Road between 146th Street A partial closure is under way at 96th and 151st Street, and between 146th Street and 141st Street and Gray Road for construction of a roundabout. The Street will be closed for road reconstruction. The road will project is expected to be complete this month. be closed to all through traffic, tentatively opening on or 96th Street is closed at Keystone Parkway for construcbefore Oct. 21. During the closure, traffic should utilize the tion of a roundabout interchange. Drivers can make right turns signed detour route. Property owners will continue to have onto 96th Street from Keystone Parkway, but left turns are access to their properties through the construction area. not available. 96th Street is expected to reopen in November. This closure is part of the improvements to 146th Street, Construction of a pathway along the north side of 126th which will widen the roadway to four lanes of traffic from Street to connect Keystone Parkway to Hazel Dell Parkway Towne Road to Shelborne Road. is under way. It is expected to be complete in October. If you see a pothole, let Westfield crews know by reportGuilford Road reconstruction is ongoing between Main ing it online at weconnect.westfield.in.gov and visiting the Street and City Center Drive. Guilford Road was expected Reporting It tab. to reopen between City Center Drive and Emerson Road by Phase 5 of the Monon Trail will be a pedestrian bridge Aug. 13. Construction on a new roundabout at Guilford Road crossing Ind. 32. Construction is under way, and temporary and Main Street is expected to begin in mid-September. lane closures may occur along Ind. 32. The Monon Trail is A partial closure is expected at 96th Street and Deleclosed near Ind. 32 until the bridge is complete. gates Row for construction of a roundabout. The project is Major utility relocations are ongoing as part of the intersection improvements at Ind. 32 and Ditch Road, which will expected to begin in mid-September and end in December. NOBLESVILLE include the addition of turn lanes and a traffic signal. Ditch Work is ongoing on the Logan Street Pedestrian Bridge Road is closed between 171st Street and Ind. 32. Drivers also Project in downtown Noblesville. The northbound lane of can expect lane restrictions on Ind. 32. Ind. 19 between Ind. 32 and Logan Street will be closed the CARMEL duration of the project, through May 2020. The detour conA new multi-use path is being installed along 136th Street sists of taking Ind. 32 westward, turning northbound onto between Range Line Road and Stadium Drive. The road was Ind. 38, then eastbound on Logan Street and northbound on expected to reopen to two-way traffic before Aug. 13 with
Ind. 19 to avoid the closure. On Logan Street, the designated westbound right turn lane on the bridge will become a combined straight and right-turn lane. The eastbound straight lane will be shifted north, and the south side of the bridge will be under construction. The Riverwalk near this area also is closed. In the northern part of Hamilton County, between Arcadia and Atlanta, 281st Street between Gwinn Road and Whetston Road will be closed for construction. The road will be closed to all thru traffic until Nov. 22. This closure is part of the improvements to 276th Street and will connect to Ind. 19. During the closure, local traffic should utilized a detour of 274th Street to Ind. 19 and 286th Street to Ind. 19. North of Noblesville in Cicero, Joyce Avenue between Strawtown Avenue and 241st Street will be closed for the replacement of a small structure. The road will be closed to all thru traffic for approximately 120 calendar days, tentatively opening back up to traffic on or before Sept. 30. ZIONSVILLE/WHITESTOWN The Boone County Highway Dept. closed 96th Street between Ford Road and Moore Road June 10 for resurfacing and safety improvements. Local access for residents will be maintained within the closure. A second, full closure to thru traffic began in late July for a final road surface treatment. For more, contact the Boone County Highway Dept. at 765-482-4550. Zionsville Road remains closed for a reconstruction project involving the widening of a 1-mile section of the road, converting it from its current two-lane configuration to three lanes by widening the existing lanes and adding a center turn lane between Technology Center Drive and 106th Street.
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August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
Ava Durso, center, awaits a pass from Carissa Mayberry during a Cincinnati Play Day in June. (Submitted photo)
Field hockey, anyone? By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com A math class helped Ava Durso discover her favorite sport. Durso, a Westfield Middle SPORTS School seventh-grader, learned about the possibility of playing field hockey through Audra Heilman, her then-fifth-grade math teacher at Westfield Intermediate School. “I like how it’s a team sport and keeps you active,” Durso said. “I like how you can be a little rough but not too rough with it.” Heilman, a Noblesville resident who grew up in Easton, Pa., played field hockey at Indiana University with Indianapolis residents Gaby Olshemski (from Lehman, Pa.) and Danielle McNally (Ocean City, N.J.). When they all settled in the Indianapolis area, they formed the Crossroads Field Hockey Club. “Field hockey and sports led me to become a teacher, so I’m hoping to teach some of the skills I have and help the community even more,” said Heilman, a twotime All-American for the Hoosiers. Their mission is to grow the sport of field hockey in Indiana. “We are the first club team in the state,” Heilman said. Durso said she was the first of her friends to join. Two other friends from Westfield then decided to play on the club. The Southeastern Program of Recreation Team Sports, better known as S.P.O.R.T.S., in Fishers still is accepting registration for the field hockey recreation league for under-12 and under-16 teams this fall. Scott Spillman, S.P.O.R.T.S. executive direc-
tor, said for the first two years, the league has been permitted to accept players from outside of Fishers to help grow the sport. Clay Middle School seventh-grader Caroline Lafferty played in third and fourth grade before her family moved to Carmel. She was disappointed when she heard there wasn’t field hockey in Indiana. So, when Lafferty learned about the Crossroads Club, she joined. “It’s really fun to do because of the teamwork,” Lafferty said. “I like how there are different levels of skills you can use and air dribbling.” Lafferty’s mother, Jill, said it’s rewarding to watch the sport develop in Indiana. “As field hockey develops here in our state, the kids can just have fun and learn together without a ton of pressure,” Jill said. Olshemski said approximately 35 girls have been part of the program at one time or another. “The hardest part is getting people to show up because they don’t know what the sport is,” Olshemski said. “I went to an Indianapolis school and they didn’t know what it was, so I showed them a video of an Olympic game.” Olshemski said she hopes Carmel Dads’ Club and Westfield Youth Sports Association will add leagues in the future. Another coach on the team is Molly McCue, a Zionsville resident and seventh-grade teacher at The Orchard School. McCue played at Denison University. Former IU player Karen Lorite also is a coach. For more, visit crossroadsfhclub. com and hsesports.org.
The Levinson & Transitional Parking Projects are underway.
Get information, parking maps, and more at NoblesvilleNow.com
August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
Car show set for Sept. 14 By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com Kevin Macadaeg has been contemplating holding an event such as the Cruise Indy car show for 20 years. CRUISE INDY Macadaeg had watched as his hometown of Pontiac, Mich., held the Woodward Dream Cruise, which started in 1995. “They were expecting 25,000 at the first one and ended up with 250,000,” Macadaeg said. “It’s become the largest cruise event.” So Macadaeg, a doctor and founding member of Carmel-based Indiana Spine Group, finally launched Cruise Indy, a 12-mile open cruise between Carmel and Indianapolis Sept. 14. “With me being a motorhead wannabe and a supporter of the military, I was looking for a good venue for the military and I think this could be a good thing for Carmel, the state of Indiana and for Folds of Honor,” said Macadaeg, adding that Indiana Spine Group often supports charitable causes. Folds of Honor-Indiana provides scholarships to families of veterans who have
Is your head in the cloud? Commentary by Feras Mash Kevin Macadaeg with his 1967 Corvette, which was owned by his father. (Submitted photo)
died or are disabled. Folds of HonorIndiana presented 44 scholarships totaling $216,800 in 2018 The cruise travels from Smokey Row Road and heads down Range Line Road to 96th Street and turns around. The event will be based at the Indiana Spine Group, 13225 N. Meridian St., from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be food, ice cream trucks and a bourbon tent. There will be an appearance by actress Catherine Bach from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The cruise is set for noon to 2:30 p.m. The cost is $30 to enter a car. For more, visit cruiseindy.com or call 317-275-1947.
Some people always thought the cloud is just this white “thing” in the sky that provides shade, precipitation or TECH a beautiful sight to see. But then came technology and its “cloud.” That changed the perception a bit and confused us all. So, what is the cloud and why should you care about it? In a nutshell, the cloud is a vast network of servers and computers that have unique functionality and purpose to serve mankind with tasks such as streaming videos, delivering email, providing software services or social media, among other functions. So, instead of accessing files and data from a local computer, you’re accessing them online from any internet-capable device, and information is available anywhere you go and anytime you need it. The cloud has many variations, such as public, private and hybrid, but they all do almost the same thing: Deliver information when needed. The cloud is controlled and delivered by conglomerate cloud-computing providers such as Google, Amazon and Apple.
So, why should you care about the cloud? Well, you really don’t since you’re probably already using the cloud for your email, which was the first cloud application that ran on the internet. You just access the tools you need such as email, Facebook, YouTube and whatever you want and use out of the box without knowing or caring it is being run through the cloud. This approach saves consumers and businesses money and resources, allows for multi-device support, provides easy file and data sharing and accessibility with massive storage space. If one had to do what the cloud does on a massive scale, he or she would have to spend millions of dollars. Instead, we pay $19.95 for a subscription and get all we want or need without forking out a fortune. So, the cloud is cool and it’s here to stay. Feras Mash is the owner of Computer Troubleshooters of Carmel and a contributing columnist to Current Publishing. For more, write him at fmash@comptroub.com.
317-975-3802 jkerr@thurstonspringer.com
August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
Tony Trent speaks about his son, Tyler, during a July 30 Rotary Club of Westfield event. (Photo by Anna Skinner)
Tony Trent speaks on son’s legacy at Rotary event By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com Tony Trent said he always told his son, Tyler, that God had something great in store for him, but he never imagined FAMILY that something would include osteosarcoma. Trent, a landscape architect who attended Purdue University, spoke about his son at a July 30 Rotary Club of Westfield event. Tyler died Jan. 1 at age 20 of osteosarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. “Cancer robs us of so many things, both the patient and family, physically, emotionally, mentally, monetarily, time, energy. Can I just say that cancer sucks? It does,” Trent said. Trent said in 2014, Tyler complained about arm pain, which turned out to be cancer in his shoulder. Trent compared the shock of finding out Tyler had cancer to that of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. “It’s kind of like 9/11. You are somewhere and you find out where or when that happened and you always remember where you were at,” he said. “I always remember where I was at and the look on my wife’s face. Emotionally, it’s the hardest thing I have ever had to do is share with my child that he has cancer, but also to do it three times. The look that comes from your child is seared in your mind.” On the mental health side, Trent said his wife, Kelly, struggled with depression, and the Trents’ other son struggled with drugs
and ran away from home during Tyler’s cancer battle. “Monetarily, you have to deal with insurance companies and the loss of jobs because you can’t get to them because you’re dealing with your family,” Trent said. Trent talked about all the posititive things that have been done in Tyler’s name because of his courageous fight. He also discussed the book he wrote about his son, “The Upset.” “There are many things that are now done in Tyler’s name,” said Trent, citing a scholarship at Purdue University called the Tyler Trent Courageous Perseverance Award. Tyler also was presented the Disney Spirit Award, the Sagamore of the Wabash and the Stuart Scott ENSPIRE Award at the ESPYS. “I want to ask you if there’s something unfinished in your life you need to deal with. Is there something you need to do, some conflict you have with somebody (to solve) to make your life better?” Trent said. “Is there something in your life nagging at your heart, because I will challenge you that there may not be tomorrow. Tyler, in his talks he gave to high school kids and to youth groups, would always end his talks in the same manner, and today I would like to end mine to honor him in that same manner. “He would always say, ‘Everybody has a story. There just needs to be somebody to listen to that story.’ Thank you for taking a moment for hearing our story.” For more or to purchase “The Upset,” visit tylertrentbook.com.
August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
A COLTS K-9 NFL team supplies K-9 to Westfield Police Dept.
From left, Westfield Police Dept. officer Anuar Velazquez, K-9 Billy, Westfield Mayor Andy Cook, WPD Chief Joel Rush, Dennis Ells, Westfield Washington Schools Supt. Sherry Grate, Kalen Jackson and Westfield City Council member Jim Ake introduce K-9 Billy Aug. 5. (Photo by Anna Skinner)
By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com The Westfield Police Dept. recently acquired its third K-9 officer. The Indianapolis Colts covered the dog’s $11,000 price tag. COVER STORY The Indianapolis Colts donated the K-9, and Westfield-based Custom Concrete covered the materials and labor to build the dog’s kennel. The dog, a 2-year-old German Shorthaired Pointer named Billy, is paired with officer Anuar Velazquez. Primarily, the partners will work at Westfield High School, but they also will provide a presence at future Indianapolis Colts’ training camps at Grand Park. Billy is trained in explosives detection. The Indianapolis Colts, the City of Westfield and the Westfield Police Dept. announced the donation Aug. 5 on the Grand Park practice fields just before Colts began practice. “This is going to be one of the best-educated dogs in the City of Westfield because he’s going to be spending a lot of time in our schools,” Mayor Andy Cook said. “In this day and age, there is a great need to continue our public safety. We are so grateful to our Custom Concrete and also to the Irsay family and the Indianapolis Colts for this very generous gift. “Believe me, for a little city our size, this is a luxury, and
we are very blessed to have Billy with us, so we really want to thank our two donors very much.” Kalen Jackson, vice chair and co-owner of the Colts, said gifting the K-9 was something the Colts organization has always wanted to do. “This is something that has been close to our hearts, not just in Westfield, but other cities in the county and in Indianapolis, and we are just so happy to be a part of it and to increase security in a place that now is our home for part of the year, so we are just so happy to be a part of it,” she said. Dennis Ells, vice president of residential sales for Custom Concrete, said he looks forward to seeing Billy more often. “The opportunity to be able to help the school and community like this is just awesome,” he said. Westfield Washington Schools Supt. Sherry Grate said school safety is multi-faceted, and WWS already has a close relationship with WPD. “We are so grateful to be able to have Billy and have a K-9 of our very own,” she said. “The students just absolutely embrace and love Billy.” WPD Chief Joel Rush expressed the department’s gratitude for the K-9. “On behalf of the police department, I would really like to
just thank the Colts and Custom Concrete for their donation,” he said. “Billy is at the school when he’s not here, and he makes our department better, he makes Anuar better, but it’s all about community, right? We come out here, and I think we all have a huge sense of community. The Colts organization has proven themselves to be just a bunch of great characters, great professional people and we love serving not only for the Colts and providing a safe environment for them, but also the community.”
NOT YOUR AVERAGE K-9 OFFICERS The Westfield Police Dept. has three K-9s, an explosives detection dog named Billy and drug dogs Scout and Pilot. The dogs, however, don’t look like typical police K-9s. Billy and Scout are German Shorthaired Pointers and Pilot is a golden retriever. “Our dogs are not biting dogs,” WPD Chief Joel Rush said. “They’re all drug or detection dogs. It makes them more public-friendly because the handler doesn’t have to worry about them biting everybody. A lot of departments are getting away from biting dogs. There’s still a need for them, but in Westfield, we are getting away from them.”
August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
LETTER Response to Mead
Best friends Commentary by Terry Anker In the 1963 film “The Courtship of Eddie’s Father,” a boy, portrayed by then 9-year-old Ron Howard, schemed to find a mate for his recently widowed father. A 1969 sitcom of the same name found the youngster, worried about dad’s imagined loneliness, playing matchmaker for three seasons. Bill Bixby, who would go on to play the mild-mannered David Banner to Lou Ferrigno’s green menace in “The Incredible Hulk,” would always end his son’s failed attempt to marry him off with some Saturday-morning-special retelling of how the boy was “his best friend” and that no other person was needed to fulfill his emotional needs. We should be close to our family, especially our children (of any age). And, good, it is not necessary to have a spouse or partner to be complete humans. But, should an adult man make a little boy his best friend? Can a 9-year-old carry the weight? Conventional wisdom suggests that a dog is man’s best friend. They don’t talk much. Now, it has become an almost expected convention at weddings to hear the groom and bride wax poetic about how their betrothed is their best friend. Ask the question of the internet: Who should be my best friend? The answers include spouses and pets. Buzzfeed earnestly outlines how to pick a celebrity BFF. Maybe it’s all semantic. Still, can a spouse be a best friend? Can a child? Could a pet? Aren’t they something more, something immeasurably extra, sublime, profound and enduring? Can parent, spouse, adult and friend be vested in one bestie? Should they? Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@youarecurrent.com.
I’ll have a serving of yoga Commentary by Danielle Wilson School started for me last week, on Wednesday mind you, and I’m already exhausted (it’s Friday). All I can do when I come home is collapse onto the HUMOR couch and hope my children will leave me and my Cheese Puffs alone. I’ve become the stick of butter sitting on my kitchen counter – soft and melty and slightly salty whenever someone wants dinner. What gives? A measly three days with teenagers shouldn’t wear me out like this, even if two of those days were spent in exceptionally high heels. I’d like to blame it on flu or mono or another insidious kid-borne illness, but no, my friends, I’m simply out of shape. And I suppose it makes sense. I did cut back a bit on exercising this summer. And by “cut back” I mean “all but eliminated.” I convinced myself that walking the dog around the block was a solid cardio workout
and that switching to un-iced Pop Tarts basically burned calories at the same rate as squats. I knew I’d be traveling, I had no upcoming races where beating my husband would be a priority, and I am the queen of excuses (it’s too hot, I’ll go tomorrow, knee fat is trending). I’ve spent the last two months eating, lounging and bingeing on an inordinate amount of television. Am I really surprised that a few days at work has me leaving the aforementioned couch only to head to bed? So, a pledge. Starting this week, a little jogging, some bendy yoga, perhaps a visit to a sweaty weight room. Fitness is now on the menu (along with my Cheese Puffs, of course)! Peace out.
Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at info@youarecurrent.com.
QUOTE OF THE WEEK “Wisely, and slow. They stumble that run fast.”
- William Shakespeare
Editor, In response to Mic Mead’s letter in the Aug. 6 edition, I must pass on his assertion that a Democrat shouldn’t run on climate issues. They are the only candidates that do, so I’m not sure what his point was. That is not the greatest of my concern over his letter. First, he implies that all living things are made of carbon and, as such, CO2 is good for them. Well, cyanide is made up of carbon and nitrogen (80 percent of the air you breathe is nitrogen, so cyanide is good for you, right?). My main beef with Mr. Mead’s assertions, though, is his lame sources of facts. The statement he refers to regarding thousands of scientists signing a petition denouncing the detrimental effects of climate change was called the Global Warming Petition Project (or the Oregon Project) that ran from 1999 to 2001 urging the U.S. to disavow the Kyoto Accords of 1997. Three criticisms of this effort have been made over the last couple decades. First, the language of the petition was pretty extreme “In the foreseeable future, will cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.” Second, no competing statement was offered in order to gauge the level of consensus. Third, virtually none of the signatories of the petition actually work in the field or have even been trained in that area. Tom Castle, Westfield
POLICIES Letters to the editor: Current Publishing will consider verifiable letters of up to 200 words. Anything longer will be returned to the writer for editing. Anything presented as factual matter must be thoroughly vetted prior to submission. Current retains the right to reject or return any letter it deems to carry unsubstantiated content. Current also retains the right to edit letters for style, grammar, punctuation and spelling. Send letters to info@youarecurrent.com. Writers must include a hometown and a daytime phone number for verification. Guest columns: The policy for guest columns is the same as the aforementioned, but the allowable length is 300 words. Guest columns should address the whole of Current’s readership, not simply specialinterest groups, and may not in any way contain a commercial message.
August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
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Mead’s letter inaccurate Editor, This is in response to Mic Mead’s letter to the editor entitled “Christie running in the wrong party” (published Aug. 6). In that letter, Mr. Mead makes a number of inaccurate assertions concerning climate science and Christie’s understanding of the peer-reviewed literature. He suggests that you can’t be a Republican if you accept the scientific consensus that humans are causing global warming. Two hundred words are insufficient to address all of the misleading assertions in his letter, so we’ll discuss the most important. In 2016, John Cook et al. published an article entitled “Consensus on consensus: a synthesis of consensus estimates on hu-
man-caused global warming.” They reviewed six independent peer-reviewed studies and found a 97 percent consensus that humans are causing recent global warming. This was based on 11,944 abstracts of research papers. They further found that the level of consensus correlates with expertise in climate science. It turns out that Mr. Mead’s 31,000 opposing “scientists” were scientists only if your definition of a scientist is anyone with Bachelor of Science degree, rather than a degree in climate science. However, Mic’s most important question stands: Can you be a Republican if you believe in climate science? Dave and Ginny Kelleher, Westfield
Special needs children are special Editor, Special needs children are special for a reason. Granny and I, Grandpa, are the ones that smile when children cry in church. They bring life to lives, especially in church. We have a special needs grandson. He has a genetic condition called Angelman syndrome. He is always smiling and laughing. It used to be called the happy puppet syndrome. He is different but not really. At 15, he loves food and pretty girls! But why do people stare and glare at him? He would love to share his happiness with you, but you look at him with con-
tempt. Your body language gives you away. He ends up teaching us about love. So, I ask everyone this question: Is this the kind of example you want to set for your own children? Maybe you need to teach them to smile instead of glare. Maybe you need to come over and say hello. Parents would really appreciate this. You do this and attitudes will change. One person at a time can change society because it is contagious. Maybe I am being overly optimistic. Maybe you are that one person! Make this a better place, one smile at a time. Steve Russell, Westfield
Editor, As a central Indiana resident and chairman of the Board of Indiana Trails, I am appalled to learn there were no satisfactory bids to do a complete job of removing the Nickel Plate Railroad tracks, ties and rail spikes, and then rebuild the railroad crossings impacted. Yet, the Hoosier Heritage Port Authority still voted to move forward. There is a simple, practical answer to the situation that would actually be more beneficial to the community: Leave the tracks where they are and create a biking/ *select pieces in stock only. jogging/ hiking/walking trail along the rightDecember Januarypieces 13th, in 2018! *select pieces in stock only. 26th, 2017 thru*select stock only. of-way of the existing tracks. That course Hurry inDecember for Best Selection! December 26th, 2017 thru January 13th, 2018! 26th, 2017 thru January 13th, 2018! of action would save the taxpayers the sub*select pieces in stock only. Hurry in for Best Selection! Hurry in for Best Selection! December 26th, 2017 thru January 13th, 2018! Hurry in for Best Selection!
stantial expense of removing the beds and building new crossings at street and road intersections. Plenty of evidence exists of “rails and trails” coexisting for the benefit of the communities they serve. An analysis of the existing Nickel Plate right-of-way reveals there is sufficient space for a synergistic solution that will allow the creation of the trail and keep the railroad tracks for historic and entertainment purposes. Let’s do something positive for the northeast side of our community: Develop the “rails and trails” potential of the Nickel Plate. Tom Williams, chairman Indiana Trails, Inc.
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August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
I’m all ears
Buying Selling Buying Or Or Selling A A Home? Home?
Commentary by Dick Wolfsie We’re about to travel to the West Coast and I dread the long plane flight. I have some interesting audio books HUMOR but listening to them requires either headphones or earbuds. Mary Ellen says if I wear headphones, it will look like I’m making fun of the guys who flag the plane into the gate. My earbuds are terrible. I’ve lost the foam covers, so now they don’t stay in place. If the right one falls out and dangles alongside my neck, the left one loosens and lands in my beverage. Often, when I’m riding my bicycle, the entire wire falls and gets tangled in the greasy chain. Once, when I was driving my car, I leaned over to get something out of my glove compartment, hooked the wire on my gear shift and almost strangled myself. I thought I was alone in my plight but apparently there are others suffering in silence. Literally. According to a New York Times article, many people have a disorder called “earbud cartilage deficiency syndrome,” known as ECDS. If you’re looking for a good laugh at a cocktail party, you really need to say all those complete words out loud. My wife doesn’t have this problem, by the way. She is cartilaginously wellendowed and, I am proud to say, it is all natural. One techie website reports that people with this problem lack an antitragus in the ear canal, which is “a small tubercle that points anteriorly and is separated from the tragus by the intertragic notch.” Sorry to bore you with the obvious. I want these earbuds, as described on eBay: “Full metal housing, cold forged from solid aluminum, anodized, with a full spectrum of hyper-balanced micro drivers.” Or, were they describing a lunar module? One website sells a pack of earbuds in three assorted sizes. OK, some people have two different-sized ears — I get that. But the market for three mismatched ears has limited sales potential. I should stop obsessing about this. I’m already dealing with failing vision, sinus problems and a receding hairline. I don’t need to be distracted by side issues.
Make Right Make The The Right Move! Move!
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Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist and speaker. Contact him at wolfsie@aol.com.
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August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
Hamilton County a top place for small business news@currentinwestfield.com SmartAsset recently released a new study which ranks the top STUDY places in Indiana for small business owners. The study examined three factors, including the percentage of people in a county with
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
County Adams Lagrange Hamilton Daviess Boone Dubois Floyd Warrick St Joseph Monroe
Small Business Returns percentage 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.27 0.27 0.21 0.20 0.20 0.17 0.22
small business income, the proportion of that income to overall income and taxes paid by small business owners. The study found Hamilton County ranked third as a top place for small business owners. For more, visit smartasset.com/retirement/ aig-annuities-review#indiana. Small Business Income Percentage 0.17 0.15 0.13 0.17 0.13 0.15 0.14 0.10 0.10 0.10
Income Taxes $10,507.28 $10,661.73 $10,437.89 $10,857.59 $10,437.89 $10,437.89 $10,521.83 $10,158.09 $9,878.29 $10,465.87
Small Business Index 44.27 40.54 40.31 39.71 38.84 35.38 32.08 30.68 29.94 28.98
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(317) 896-5561 WWW.TOMROUSHMAZDA.COM Not all lessees will qualify. Lease is 36 months, 10k miles, with $2,499 DAS + tax, title, 1st payment, and $199 doc fee. Must take new retail delivery from dealer stock by 9/3/19. See Tom Roush Mazda for complete details.
Credit cards for foreign travel — If you’re traveling in foreign countries, credit card transaction fees add up. There are some credit cards, however, that are attractive for foreign purchases. Many cards charge neither an annual fee nor a foreign transaction fee. These no-fee cards include Bank of America Travel Rewards, Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards, Discover it Cashback Match and Priceline Rewards Visa. Source: BottomLineInc.com Networking mistakes — Here are five networking mistakes you might be making: 1. Canned communication – templates are fine as a start, but take time to personalize correspondence. 2. No communication – take time to stay in touch with those who helped you. 3. Missing meetings – don’t agree to meet if you can’t afford the time and then cancel at the last minute. 4. Offering to make an introduction and not following through. 5. Asking for something at every contact. Source: Forbes.com Indiana No. 1 with lowest credit card debt — WalletHub recently released a study that showed Indiana ranked first as the state with the lowest credit card debt. Some of
the statistics the study found about Indiana include a median credit card balance of $2,313, a median income of $42,438, a cost of interest until payoff of $167 and an expected payoff timeframe as nine months and 29 days. Source: Wallethub.com New car replacement insurance — Typical insurance policies only pay a depreciated value for your car if it’s totaled in an accident. Recent ads offering full replacement cost are very common. They don’t, however, tell the whole story. Full replacement cost coverage will increase your premium by at least 15 percent and is only good for a limited time period, or specific number of miles. It might not be worth the extra premiums given the chance of totaling your car is less than 1 percent in a year. Source: BottomLine.com Safe Exchange zone created — The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office has created a Safe Exchange Zone in the main parking lot located at 18100 Cumberland Rd. Residents who need to complete internet transactions or parents who need to do child custody exchanges can use this area. A Safe Exchange Zone also is available inside the main lobby of the Sheriff’s Office and is open around the clock.
August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
Wide-eyed and horrified Commentary by Dr. Jeremy Ciano If you are like most air-breathing humans, getting your eyes dilated is about as anticipated as dental work. Blurred VISION vision, sun sensitivity and not being able to read are all part of the annoying process. So, why on earth do eye doctors insist on torturing our patients with this procedure? Simply put: Because we care. Dilating the eyes is one of the most important diagnostic tests we can perform to make sure your overall ocular (and some systemic) health is being properly monitored. When you come in for an annual eye examination, getting the correct glasses and contact lens prescription is important, but the most important part of the exam is the health evaluation. Dilating your eyes allows us to monitor a variety of ocular and systemic issues: Cataracts, glaucoma, floaters, diabetes, macular degeneration, retinal detachments and even some hypertensive and thyroid changes. The eye is the only place in the human
body where we can monitor the blood vessels in their natural state without having to do any sort of invasive procedure. The eye truly is the window to the soul with respect to your overall health! The good news is we now have technology that replaces your need to be dilated (in most cases). The OptoMAP retinal imaging allows us to see inside your eye but without all of the debilitating effects of having them dilated. A quick digital photo is taken, and your images pop up on a screen for you to see while your doctor shows you the health of the inside of your eye. It is quick, comprehensive and dilation-free. You now have access to the best of both worlds: The benefits of a comprehensive evaluation without the aggravation of dilation drops. Dr. Jeremy A. Ciano, an international lecturer and published author, is a Current Publishing columnist. For more information or to ask a question, he may be emailed at DrCiano@RevolutionEYES.com.
DISPATCHES Avoid food poisoning — Studies show that people with a healthy digestive tract are less vulnerable to food poisoning. Boost your gut health by eating foods with beneficial bacteria such as yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut. You can also supplement with a probiotic containing 5 to 10 billion units daily of acidophilus and bifidus. Source: BottomLineHealth.com Vinegar for pain relief — For a sunburn or mild muscle strain, try vinegar to reduce the pain. Dilute vinegar with an equal amount of cold water and soak a cloth in the mixture. Apply to the sunburn or sore area and leave on for 15-20 minutes for relief. Source: Livestrong.com Blue light glasses — Eyewear companies now offer a costly option for lenses that block blue light emitted by phones and tablets. It’s true that evening exposure to blue light can interfere with sleep. We still need exposure to blue light, however, during the daytime. It’s a natural component of sunlight and enhances attention, reaction times and mood. Source: BottomLineHealth.com Health and fitness classes — Witham Health Services offers several health and fitness classes for all ages and fitness levels. Classes include: Breastfeeding Education,
Diabetes Management, Rock Steady Boxing, Silver Sneakers, Tai Chi and more. Some classes are free. For times and locations, visit witham.org, or call 765-485-8120. Support groups available — Witham Health Services offers a variety of support groups for those in need of the services. Groups include: Alzheimer’s Support, Cancer Support, Cancer Gentle Stretch Yoga, Cancer Support Cooking for Wellness, Diabetic Support and Grief Support. The groups are free and meet monthly. For more, visit witham.org, or call 765-485-8120. Ginger for pain relief — Ginger has been proven to work in reducing nausea related to everything from motion sickness to chemotherapy. One of its lesser-known benefits, however, is that it also reduces inflammation. To relieve pain, take a 1,000 mg supplement at the onset of pain. Source: BottomLineHealth.com Moving for better health — Sitting for most of the day is terrible for your health, raising your risk for diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. For better health, try to get up and do some light activity several times a day, even if you have a sedentary job. Source: BottomLineHealth.com
Welcome, Rachel Davenport, MD Riverview Health Physicians OB/GYN is pleased to welcome Dr. Rachel Davenport to the team. Dr. Davenport provides OB/GYN care for women of all ages throughout every stage of life. Her specialties include low and high risk pregnancies, minimally invasive gynecologic surgeries and infertility.
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August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
Johnny Magic set for prime-time debut By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com Jonathan Mobley was hooked after attending his first magic show. “I loved the amazing TELEVISION feeling I had when I saw a magician fool me and an entire audience in my hometown of Batesville when I was only 8 years old,” said Mobley, known as Johnny Magic. “Since then, every birthday and Christmas I asked for magic tricks so I could entertain friends and family. I also saved my money so I could visit magic shops, so I always had something new and exciting.” Now 34, the Westfield resident became a full-time magician in 2016. “I love being a magician because it gives me a platform to connect with others and inspire them to see beyond their limiting beliefs,” he said. “For me, it’s so much more than entertainment. Magic offers joy and wonder that can only be experienced by being in the moment.” His biggest break so far came earlier this year when Mobley submitted a video to the producers of “Penn & Teller: Fool Us,” and was asked to appear on the show. “Since they’re in their sixth year, they’ve seen a lot, so I sent them something brand new they’ve never seen before,” Mobley said. “They said, ‘It’s amazing. We don’t know how you did it.’ I have magician friends who have been trying to get on the show for awhile, so it was quite a privilege.” Mobley filmed his appearance in February. The episode will air at 8 p.m. Aug. 26 on The CW Network. Mobley will see it for the first time with the rest of the nation. “A lot of producers from other shows watch it, so it may be a springboard to some other opportunities,” he said. “I really want to stay performing in the Midwest. I like (my) kids growing up here and staying with my family. The exposure locally will help, too, because I love performing around here.” Naturally, Mobley was thrilled to be invited to perform on the show. “The timing was a little tricky since my wife had just delivered our second child
‘Grateful’ set for Jewish Film Festival editorial@youarecurrent.com
Jonathan Mobley, known as Johnny Magic, in front of his demonstration sign for magic tricks at the Indiana State Fair in Indianapolis. (Submitted photo)
a few days before I was scheduled to fly into (Las) Vegas,” he said. “The show producers were amazing to work with and made me feel very welcome. I also hired a magician consultant to help with the whole experience and created a new illusion for the show. I had never performed the illusion on stage before the episode. My parents also surprised me by flying into Vegas to watch me perform live.” Mobley and his wife, Amanda, have two sons, 5-month-old Levi and 3-year-old Caleb. Mobley primarily performs at corporate events. “We sold our house and quit my (video production) job and we went for it,” he said. Mobley moved to Westfield from Noblesville this summer. He has previously lived in Fishers and Carmel. “I grew up in a performing family, always on the stage,” Mobley said. “No other magicians, though, just acting and singing. Growing up on the stage in local theater helped develop my comfort on stage. I’m a self-taught magician, so growing up I read every magic book I could get my hands on. “I would perform constantly to learn what people enjoyed. I quickly discovered how to use magic to tell stories and con-
nect with my audience.” Mobley enjoys sharing his skills with young magicians. “My other favorite thing to do is to teach, so we have a magic course for kids from 8 to 12,” Mobley said. “They can buy a kit and learn watching videos by me, step by step. We make them here locally. It’s a real passion of mine. I grew up homeschooled, so I grew up in a real teaching environment.” Mobley grew up doing improv, so there is a lot of interaction on stage. The best part of magic, he said, is the surprise factor. “I like the audience to think one thing is going to happen and then surprise them with something else,” he said. “People love to laugh, and I have a kind of stand-up comedy-feel.”
VIEWING PARTY There will be a viewing party from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Aug. 26 at the Main Event, 4016 E. 82nd St., Indianapolis. The show airs from 8 to 9 p.m. on a large screen. The event will include a 10-minute interview with Johnny Magic and a 10-minute magic show. There will be a magic kit giveaway, magic tricks for sale, photos and autographs. Food will be available for purchase.
The Indianapolis Jewish & Israeli Film Festival is set for Aug. 25 to 29. The Aug. 26 program at the Hasten Hebrew Academy of Indianapolis Cultural Arts Center, 6602 Hoover Rd., includes a 6 p.m. screening of “Grateful: The Jenni Berebitsky Story.” At age 33, Indianapolis Jewish community member Berebitsky had been married for 2 1/2 years, had a 15-month-old son and was just finishing her residency as a naturopathic physician when she was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. The 17-minute documentary was produced by Geist resident Amy Pauszek, whose Where’s Amy column runs in Current Publishing newspapers. The film was directed and produced by Indianapolis resident Paul Nethercott. Geist resident Jean Miller Thompson was an executive producer and Justin Park, a 2018 Carmel High School graduate, was the director of photography. Westfield — The Brothers Footman will perform a free concert from 6 to 9 p.m. Aug. 22 at Urban Vines, 330 E. 161st St. Admission is free. Parking is $10. Drink tickets are $8 and are good for a glass of wine, beer or slushy. Noblesville —Hairbangers Ball, a 1980s rock hairband will perform at 7 p.m. Aug. 24 at Federal Hill Commons. Electric Revolution will be the opening band. Noblesville — New Augusta Bluegrass Band’s free concert is set at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 24 as part of String-Time on the Square, 16 S. 10th St. Carmel — The Hamilton County Artists Association’s 69th annual exhibit is set at the Carmel Clay Public Library Aug. 21 to 30. There will be an opening reception from 2 to 4 p.m. Aug. 25 at the exhibit, which will include live music and refreshments. Carmel — GreekFest is Aug. 23 to 25 at the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral, 3500 W. 106th St. For more, visit indygreekfest. org.
August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
Revving up for Artomobilia
By Rick Morwick rick@youarecurrent.com
More than 400 collector and exotic cars will be on display during Artomobilia Weekend. (Submitted photo)
Indiana and draw a playing card at five designated checkpoints along the way, affording spectators a chance to admire the cars. Registration is $500 per car. The event, dubbed “A Celebration of Wheels and Warriors,” begins and ends at the SILO Auto Club & Conservancy in downtown Indianapolis, where the driver with the best poker hand will earn “bragging rights.” The event is from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. A few hours later, the fifth annual Fuelicious begins at 7 p.m. and runs until 11 p.m. at Lucas Estate in Carmel. Themed “A Celebration of Horsepower & Heart Health,” it will feature 50 collector cars and combine fine dining and live entertainment. Tickets are $275. Tables of 10 are $2,500. Proceeds benefit Bolt for the Heart. Free and open to the public, Artomobilia is the namesake of the broader Artomobilia Weekend. Presented by KAR Auction Services, the Aug. 24 event is from noon to 5 p.m. in the Arts & Design District. It will feature more than 400 collector and enthusiast cars. A new addition to Artomobilia is PorschePalooza. Presented by Tom Wood Porsche, it will feature more than 100 Porches from 1954 to present. For more, visit artomobiliaweekend.com.
A celebration of eclectic cars, fine dining and charitable causes, Artomobilia Weekend offers something for CAR SHOW everyone as it revs up for its 12th consecutive year on the streets of Carmel, the backroads of southern Indiana and the luxurious grounds of Lucas Estate. “First and foremost, it’s a great weekend that really shines a spotlight on some of the best assets the City of Carmel has to offer the broader community,” Event Coordinator John Leonard said. “We are very fortunate that our event growth has been tied to the growth of the City of Carmel, the Arts & Design District and now the Midtown area.” The three-pronged event begins Aug. 23 with SHIFT, a poker run-style car rally in southern Indiana, and Fuelicious, a private auto and dining event at Lucas Estate. It concludes Aug. 24 with Artomobilia, a glittering showcase of collector and enthusiast cars on the streets of the Carmel Arts & Design District. Proceeds benefit the Three Points Racing Foundation, a nonprofit that assists veterans, and Bolt for the Heart, a nonprofit that provides automated external defibrillators, or AEDs, to first responders and trained individuals in public places. “Each of our events focuses on eclectic groups of cars, and as a result, there is something of interest for everyone,” Leonard said. “Likewise, all the events contribute to the charities we support.” Launched last year, SHIFT is a private driving event that benefits the Three Points Racing Foundation, which helps veterans transition from the military to successful careers in motorsports. More than 25 drivers in high-performance cars will motor 180 miles through the backroads of southern
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August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
FAVORITE SEATS Reserve yours now for the entire 2019-20 Season. PRICING PERK Up to 30% savings over the cost of single tickets* TALK BACKS Find out how it all comes together! Meet the cast and
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August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
CHS graduate returns to Beef & Boards stage By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com
cal. In one scene, all of us kids were being reprimanded by our father, lined up in the famous Von Trapp family line. As we stood there in silence, I remember soaking in Anna Lasbury never viewed “Hairspray” the moment and thinking to myself that I as a dream show to perform in. wanted to pursue performance as “But with the MUSICAL violent and racist more than just a hobby. “Here I am, 10 years later doing acts our country has just that. I feel so grateful that I recently encountered, it is clear found something I was so passionthis story still needs to be told,” ate about at such a young age.” Lasbury said. “I do find the musical Lasbury plans to move to Chicago very enjoyable, and I hope our audito break into theater, TV and comence leaves both entertained and Lasbury edy after “Hairspray.” enlightened.” Lasbury graduated from Oklahoma City The 2015 Carmel High School graduate University, where she performed in several returns to Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre shows. She played Grandma in “The Addams as Tammy in “Hairspray” Aug. 22 to Oct. 6. Family” earlier this year. “Hairspray” follows teen Tracy Turnblad as “This was such a fun show because the she tries to bring integration to a Baltimore character was so far TV dance show in 1962. Lasbury last appeared As we stood there in silence, removed from who I am my day-to-day life. at Beef & Boards 10 I remember soaking in the in It allowed me to make years ago. She made moment and thinking to absurd choices and put her first appearance as Brigitta in “The myself that I wanted to pursue 200 percent energy on the stage,” Lasbury said. Sound of Music” and performance as more than “Not to mention, the old later appeared in “Annie” just a hobby. age costume makeup and “A Beef & Boards was a blast. The proChristmas.” “Even coming back to the theater to audi- duction itself was completely student-run, which I always enjoy because it shows tion for this show, I was very nostalgic,” everyone, including ourselves, what young Lasbury said. “One of my best memories performers and people of the arts are cafrom working at Beef & Boards was during pable of.” ‘The Sound of Music,’ my first ever musi-
Transitional wines under $20 Commentary by Elizabeth Morse As we turn from really hot to cooler weather, I’m suggesting a few bottles that are dually suited. Bonus WINEderlust that all of them are less than $20, making them even more likable. Cheers! Martin Codax Albariño, $15. From the Famed Rias Baixas region of Spain, this white blend is refreshing and crisp. A tiny bit salty with loads of citrus and stone fruit flavors, I’d call it medium-bodied and great with food. Smells like jasmine. Next up is one of my favorite California producers: Sanford. Sanford’s Pinot Noir Rosé is the quintessential barbecue wine. Refreshing and fragrant (think tart fruit like cranberry and blood orange with rosy
warmth on the nose) — a delicate, feminine style ($19). A lighter-bodied red from South Africa is my pick for the next few weeks. Natte Vallejo Cinsault is at once earthy and fruity. Big, wild strawberry flavors with a touch of spice and just the right amount of acid make this a perfect selection for a late summer day on Geist. Oh, and it’s vegan! ($18). Elizabeth Morse owned the Corner Wine Bar in Broad Ripple for nearly to 20 years. She is a graduate of IU, is a Hoosier chef, food writer, wine guru and Hamilton County Master Gardener. Morse has been a resident of Hamilton County for more than a decade. Check out her blog: schlepicurean.com.
September 15 1-5:30 p.m. Free & Open to the Public See this year’s band line up at carmelporchfest.org Sponsored By
Food & Beverage Provided By
August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
As an Indiana native, Mike always enjoys a meal at a local restaurant and showing people what the Indy area has to offer. You may find him drinking at local coffee shops, eating brunch in Fishers, shopping and having dinner in Carmel or at the latest concerts. For more, visit @wheresmikeg on Instagram.
Fresh to Order
Commentary by Mike Gillis Address: 13230 Harrell Pkwy., Suite 400, Noblesville What to get: Everything Price: $7-15 Mike G’s take: It’s exactly what they call it, fine, fast food. Fresh to Order has a big, healthy offering made simple with its breakdown into the following categories: panini sandwiches, soup Blackened Lime Shrimp Small Plate. (Submitted photo) and salads, outside-thetender and topped with a ginger apricot box burgers, chef’s small plates and entrée vinaigrette sauce. long plates. If you like dishes with chicken, • Grilled Salmon Entrée Long Plate, shrimp, salmon, steak and substitutes like $14.30 – You can try this with black bean tofu with fresh vegetables and ingredients, orange sauce and fresh coconut curry this is the place for you. sauce. It’s topped with a roasted corn What to try: relish that is amazing, a side of baby • Blackened Lime Shrimp Small Plate, greens and wheat berry rice. $6.50 – It’s a small dish loaded with flavor from the blackened seasoning on the The owners founded this place on the premise, “you don’t have to go broke to have a shrimp, served on a bed of Asian slaw, fresh meal.” You can enjoy a good meal at mandarin oranges and drizzled with lime a max price of $15 opposed to paying more ranch dressing. than $30 at a fine dining restaurant for simi• Smokey Southwest Chicken Panini lar meals. If it is your first time get two small Sandwich, $8.90 – Served on toasted plates opposed to one long entrée plate with ciabatta or whole wheat flatbread, each of the small plates, you can add a halfstuffed with spicy hand-pulled chicken soup or side salad for an additional $2. A kids breast, cheese, tortilla strips, lettuce menu ranges from $4.50 to $6.50 and offers and southwest ranch dressing. fresh vegetables paired with chicken tenders • Crispy Calamari Small Plate, $6.50 – or dishes similar to the adult meals. Fried to perfection, making the calamari
Behind bars: Drogon’s Revenge Get it at Alcomy, a mobile mixology business Ingredients: • 2 oz. Milagro Silver Tequila • .75 oz. Marie Brizzard Parfait Amour • 1 oz. lime juice • .75 oz. agave nectar • 1 oz. blood orange juice • 2-3 basil leaves • 2-3 jalapeno slices • 2-3 dragon fruit chunks Directions: Muddle all, add alcohol, shake and strain over ice into margarita glass. Garnish with dragon fruit chunks and flaming lime wheel soaked in absinthe.
August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
Bigfoot Yancey, the Palladium, Center for the Performing Arts, Carmel
8 p.m. Aug. 23
Bigfoot Yancey, a fixture on the Indiana club and festival scene, has a style featuring the best of folk, Americana and roots-rock music. Cost: $15
Compiled by Mark Ambrogi
Korn and Alice in Chains, Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center, Noblesville
Iron Maiden, “Legacy of the Beast Tour,” Ruoff 7:30 p.m. Home Mortgage Music Center, Noblesville Aug. 2
6:30 p.m. Aug. 20
Iron Maiden’s tour production and setlist is inspired by Iron Maiden’s mobile game, Legacy of the Beast.
California nu metal band Korn and Seattle rock band Alice in Chains join forces for a tour. Cost: $28.50 to $148
Cost: $35 to $215
More: livenation.com
Night Fever, The Bee Gees Tribute, Kroger Symphony on the Prairie, Conner Prairie, Fishers
The musical focuses on Tracey Turnblad’s dream to dance on “The Corny Collins Show,” a Baltimore TV dance show. Cost: $45 to $70 (includes buffet More: beefandboards.com, dinner.) A $6 ticket discount is 317-872-9664 available for ages 3-15.
Cost: $13 (ages 2-12) to $32 More: indianapolissymphony.org
Jason Aldean brings his “Ride All Night Tour” Aug. 23 to Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center. (Submitted photo)
Jason Aldean, “Ride All Night Tour,” Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center, Noblesville
7 p.m. Aug. 23
Country superstar Jason Aldean is joined by Kane Brown and Carly Pearce. The tour is named “Ride All Night” for his 2018 album “Rearview Town.” Cost: $92.75 to $205.75
More: livenation.com
Carmel resident’s play set for Aug. 25 reading — Carmel playwright Lou Ann K. Behan’s newest play, a full-length comedy titled “Terrible Truth,” will have a reading at 7 p.m. Aug. 25 in The Cat Theater, 254 Veterans Way in Carmel. Admission is free, and the public, age 12 and older, are encouraged to attend. “Terrible Truth” is about a husband and wife caught on a stormy Halloween night at a work party in a castle-themed restaurant in the middle of nowhere.
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8 p.m. Aug. 24
The tribute band recreates with incredible accuracy the look and feel of Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks.
The group performs the music of the Bee Gees, including “Night Fever,” “Jive Talking,” “More Than a Woman” and “Stayin’ Alive.”
“Hairspray,” Beef & Boards 8 p.m. Aug. 22-24, 27; 1:30 Dinner Theatre, Indianapolis and 7 p.m. Aug. 25
More: livenation.com
Fleetwood Mac Mania, Kroger Symphony on the Prairie, Conner Prairie, Fishers
8 p.m. Aug. 23
Cost: $13 (ages 2-12) to $32 More: indianapolissymphony.org
More: thecenterpresents.org
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August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
Coordination, imagination bring project together Commentary by Randy Sorrell and Bill Bernard
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This Williams Creek project spanned several months, and phases, with multiple trades interacting and BEYOND THE favorably coordinating BAC KDOOR schedules. The results are stunning! • A “carriage house” is a tasteful architectural addition to the property and houses a comprehensive wood-working studio. • We employed the historic feel of a crushed stone driveway, bordered with limestone curbs that extend from the reconfigured asphalt driveway. • Formal blue stone walks and an oversized patio echo notes of the leafy neighborhood, as do the rich clay paver edge and inserts. • We constructed a Trex deck with a hidden plug system that wraps around a hot tub and steps off toward the grill station through crushed stone landings. • Santarossa provided the stunning grill station counter and Ferguson provided the grill components. It brilliantly
Williams Creek outdoor renovation project features a blue stone patio, wisteria-covered pergola with shade and privacy drapes, above, and a grill station with the carriage house nestled behind the space, right. (Submitted photos)
blends with the surroundings and the linear fire feature constructed out of complementing materials. • The pergola was retrofitted for our purposes. The flowering wisteria is a showstopper, as is the updated privacy landscaping throughout. Most projects require some coordination between trades, this one certainly more than others.
We were thrilled to host this neighborhood party to christen the new space and the reviews were marvelous, of course! Randy Sorrell is president of SURROUNDINGS by NatureWorks+, a Carmel homeimprovement firm. He may be reached at 317-679-2565, randy@choosesurroundings.com or www.choosesurroundings.com.
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August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
DON’T WASH YOUR FACE IN THE SHOWER During an interview with The Gloss, dermatologist Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi revealed that the sink, not the shower, should be the only place to cleanse facial skin. “I recommend that my patients wash their faces at the sink,” Tanzi said. “You can gauge the temperature more effectively and should use lukewarm to cold water, which is better for delicate faces.” A burst of cold water, which you probably don’t want in the shower, can also work wonders when it comes to your skin. Source: MSN.com ADVERTISEMENT TO PRE-QUALIFY TO BID Project: Grand Junction Plaza, located in Westfield, Indiana. F.A. Wilhelm Construction Company will receive pre-qualification statements until 5:00 P.M, August 28th, 2019 for the above project. Interested bidders must first go online to https://forms.gle/kXRd5W7C6gGx9Kqq9 to access the Request to Pre-Qualify form. Pre-qualified bidders will receive an invitation to bid on the above referenced project. Please direct all questions to Tyler Blank and Jay Trauring at (317) 3595411 or tylerblank@fawilhelm.com and jaytrauring@fawilhelm.com . F.A. Wilhelm is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to their protected veteran status and will not be discriminated against on the basis of disability.
Harrods department store in London. (Photo by Don Knebel)
Harrods: World’s most famous store Commentary by Don Knebel
Many visitors to London consider their trip complete only when they have obtained an iconic green bag from Harrods, the world’s most famous department store. TRAVEL In 1849, Charles Henry Harrod, an East London wholesale grocer, opened a small retail store in Knightsbridge, then a village outside London. Selling fruit, vegetables, perfumes and medicine, he hoped to take advantage of the Crystal Palace Exhibition, the first World’s Fair, opening in nearby Hyde Park in 1851. The plan worked and both Knightsbridge and the store boomed. By 1881, “Harrods Store,” known for high-quality products and personalized service, had 100 employees. Richard Burbridge bought the store in 1894 and completely rebuilt it, installing London’s first moving staircase in 1898. Customers willing to ride the elegant new contraption were offered brandy and smelling salts at the top. The current domed building, encompassing 1.1 million square feet on seven floors, was completed in 1905. Up to 300,000 people now visit Harrods each day, served by a staff of 5,000 from more than 50 nations. Reflecting Easy upgrades — When preparing to sell a house, owners will often spend a lot of time and money doing repairs and upgrades. One of the easiest, and most affordable, DIY updates is to replace outlet covers with higher tech versions. Outlet covers now come with built-in USB chargers, nightlights and more. These features make the standard outlet much more versatile. Source: FamilyHandyman.com
the store’s motto, “Omnia, Omnibus, Ubique” (all things for all people, everywhere), 330 departments sell everything from pet food to important works of art. Food served at its 23 restaurants ranges from tapas to high tea. Among many attractions is the bank, where gold bars weighing 12.5 kilograms and marked with the Harrods name sell for more than $500,000. When Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed were killed in 1997, Fayed’s father, Mohamed Al-Fayed, owned Harrods and immediately created a memorial inside the store to the young couple. In 2005, he added a controversial bronze statue of them dancing, which he labeled “Innocent Victims.” Harrods’ current owner, Qatar Holdings, the sovereign wealth fund of Qatar, recently returned the statue to the Fayed family, hoping to regain the patronage of the royal family Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel. com. You may contact him at news@currentzionsville. com.
Best seafood picks — The seafood counter can sometimes be confusing to navigate. You want to purchase the best quality catch for your budget, but you also want to know where your seafood is coming from. Before buying, check SeafoodWatch.org. The site will let you know what harvesting methods are environmentally best for that type of fish. Source: MyRecipes.com
Small room furnishings — To make small rooms look larger, use light colors and furniture with legs showing. Source: FamilyHandyman.com
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed proposals for Westfield Boulevard Connector Project will be received by the City of Westfield, Indiana, at the Westfield Public Works Building, 2706 E. 171st Street, Westfield, Indiana, 46074 until 1:00 p.m., local time, on Thursday, September 10, 2019. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Any bids received later than the above time and date will be returned unopened. No conditional bids will be considered. The project generally includes new road and bridge construction, installation of a closed storm sewer system, milling and overlaying, widening, curb ramp construction, pavement markings, and maintenance of traffic for David Brown Drive, Park Street, and Poplar Street in the City of Westfield. Bids shall be properly and completely executed on the Proposal Form obtainable at the office of the Owner. Each bid shall be accompanied by Form 96 Contractor’s Bid for Public Works, including Non-Collusion Affidavit as prescribed by the State Board of Accounts, completely filled out, signed, and notarized as required by the statutes of the State of Indiana, Section III of Part II of Form 96 titled “Contractor’s Financial Statement,” and acceptable bid security. The bid security shall be a certified check made payable to the Owner or satisfactory bond by an incorporated surety company in good standing and qualified to do business in the State of Indiana in an amount equal to 5% of the bid, said deposit being for the purpose of ensuring the execution of the contract for which bid is made. Any bid not accompanied by the above required items shall be deemed to be a non-responsive bid by the Owner. No consideration for escalation on prices can be considered; therefore, contractors are advised to not include any such escalation clauses in their proposal for this project. The Contractors to whom work is awarded shall be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price, and they shall be acceptable to the City of Westfield, Indiana. No bidder may withdraw their proposal within a period of 60 days following the date set for receiving bids. The City of Westfield, Indiana reserves the right to retain the three lowest bid proposals for a period of not more than 90 days, and said proposal shall remain in full force and effect during said time. The City of Westfield, Indiana further reserves the right to waive informalities and to award the contract to the lowest and most responsible bidder or bidders, all to the advantage of the City of Westfield, Indiana, or to reject all Proposals. The Contract Documents and drawings will be available to all interested parties from: Repro Graphix, 437 North Illinois Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204 or at eplanroom.reprographix.com. Please direct all questions regarding this project to Kelli McNamara, WSP, 115 W. Washington St., Ste. 1270S, Indianapolis, IN 46204, (317) 287-3416, Kelli.McNamara@wsp.com By:Kelli McNamara, PE, WSP
August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
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What’s up with ‘that?’
Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt Sometimes you can have too many of one thing — like presidential primary candidates, for instance. You can GRAMMAR GUY also have too many pillows on your bed. Organization expert Marie Kondo is a household name because of her minimalistic outlook. However, you don’t want to get rid of all of your pillows, right? You need at least one. In our writing, we tend to overuse the word “that.” We sprinkle little thats into our writing as if they were throw pillows on our furniture. “That” is a conjunction that connects dependent clauses to independent clauses. We need it if a subordinate clause uses conjunctions such as after, before, because, while and in addition to. For example: He said that because he likes hotel waffles so much, he intended to set the alarm clock on his phone before going to bed. The AP Stylebook instructs us to use “that” “to introduce a dependent clause if the sentence sounds or looks awkward without it.” Here’s an example: I think that I am a robot. Another: I find that no one believes my robot claim. Most of the time, we should also use the word “that” before certain verbs, including assert, declare, make clear, point out and state: I would like to point out that I haven’t mentioned Abraham Lincoln up until this point. Now you’re thinking about Abraham Lincoln. Usually, we can omit “that” when a dependent clause follows a version of the verb “to say.” For example: Abraham Lincoln said he looked better without a mustache. Our inclination is probably to insert “that” after “said.” Also, rewrite a sentence if the word “that” appears back to back. What have we learned so far? We only have a few reasons to omit the word “that.” In fact, the AP advises, “When in doubt, include that. Omission can hurt. Inclusion never does.” Does this mean we should use throw pillows with reckless abandon? Maybe – but don’t tell Marie Kondo. Or perhaps this is a lesson we can apply more broadly to our lives: Omission can hurt; inclusion never does. Curtis Honeycutt is a national award-winning, syndicated humor writer. Connect with him on Twitter (@curtishoneycutt) or at curtishoneycutt.com.
August 20, 2019
Across 1. Colts org. 4. Recipe amt. 8. Wasn’t selfish 14. Peyton’s bro 15. Listen 16. Montenegro neighbor 17. Evansville mayor 19. “Let me check”
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
20. Hoosier National Forest unit 21. Dating from 23. Daybreaks 24. White River feeder 26. Dog Chow maker 28. Carpe ___ 30. Pest control device 33. Type of alert
Dehmal & Associates
36. Engrave a plaque at Noblesville Trophies 38. HBO rival 39. Cheaply ornate 40. ___-friendly 41. Microwaves 43. Ottawa’s prov. 44. Deadly ‘17 hurricane 45. Japanese cartoon genre
46. Catch a bug 49. Old Russian ruler 51. Village Tailors measure 53. Lacking vigor 57. Temper tantrums 59. Like most Pacers 61. Built for speed 62. Byes at the French Open? 64. Bloomington mayor 66. Old codger 67. Newton County community 68. Fishers-to-Cleveland dir. 69. Ticks off 70. Gambling mecca 71. Puncture sound Down 1. Tiny amphibians 2. Bat eyelashes, perhaps 3. Cruise ship 4. John Green book: ___ Fault in Our Stars 5. Turned into 6. Fashion Mall store, briefly 7. St. Vincent Hospital area, informally 8. Glide over Geist 9. “Not so fast!” 10. Tilted 11. Lafayette mayor 12. Tied up 13. Stag mates 18. Necessary 22. Elan winter luxury wear 25. Well-ventilated 27. Westfield HS pep rally cheer 29. Indy Zoo critter that lives in a “mob” 31. “Pardon me...”
32. Sit for pix 33. Wide-eyed 34. Hoosier Park stable locks 35. South Bend mayor 37. Film buff’s channel 41. India Cafe bread 42. Fictitious 44. Carmel Skadium rink surface 47. Allergic reaction 48. Bank named on a credit card 50. Mitchell’s Fish Market
dish 52. Real Time host 54. Parcels out 55. Fox Prairie golf clubs 56. I-69 road work markers 57. Sitar music 58. Yemeni port 60. Pinheads alley 63. Zionsville HS yearbook sect. 65. Monument Circle music grp. Answers on Page 39
What is your goal?
August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield
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August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
VISA, MasterCard accepted. Reach 128,087 homes weekly
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Trim shrubs, remove or trim some trees, Clean out houses, garages, basements, attics, gutters, paint, Do odd jobs, demo small buildings Provide personal services Fully Insured Text or call Jay 574-398-2135: shidelerjay@gmail.com www.jayspersonalservices.com
FIREWOOD SALE Topping – Removal Deadwooding – Landscaping Stump Grinding – Gutter Cleaning INSURED – FREE ESTIMATES Call Steve 317-341-4905 or 317-932-2115
Guitar Lessons With Baker Scott
Beginners thru Advanced All styles Electric-Acoustic-Bass Private Lessons Parent-Child Lessons I teach improvisation for all instruments. Gift Certificates Available near Carey Road & 146th • Carmel 317-
For pricing e-mail your ad to classifieds@youarecurrent.com
Wth recording artist Duke Tumatoe Learn from professional and have fun All levels - in Carmel duke@duketumatoe.com or 317-201-5856
Experienced Gardener. Weed, trim, plant in the Carmel area. $25/hr: Call Karen 317-846-3521
Outstanding Lowrey Fanfare EY300 organ Extra Clean furnishings Quality furniture Collectibles & Housewares A 1-1.5-hour Desirable POA Sale Saturday, Aug 24th @ 12 noon 18 Natasha Drive, Noblesville Auctioneer: Mark Volk 765-713-9700 www.MARKVOLK.com
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SEC of CR 267 & I-74 // Brownsburg, IN 46112 Buildable Lot with Commercial Development Potential Sealed Bid #2019-32-1
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RESOURCE Auction Services Nathan Smith // 317.663.6535 AU11300133 // AC31100033 OWNER: State of Indiana 10% Buyers Premium
Visit www.IndianaStateSurplus.com for more information on this and other properties.
August 20, 2019
Current in Westfield currentinwestfield.com
VISA, MasterCard accepted. Reach 128,087 homes weekly
For pricing e-mail your ad to classifieds@youarecurrent.com
this is a part-time position up to 29 hours per week. The candidate should be proficient with accounting software (Quick Books, other) payroll processing, Word and Excel with 2-3 years prior experience in a bookkeeping and/or financial assistant role. Duties and Qualifications: Perform general bookkeeping duties, including posting information to accounting software AP, deposits, etc. Pay debts as they come due for payment, including necessary bills as well as supplier and vendor invoices. Maintain the annual budget and chart of accounts. Perform reconciliations of bank accounts on a monthly basis and year end close to insure accuracy. Issue financial statements to various staff members and committees. Make deposits and record all cash receipts. Process company payroll. Provide administrative support to management when required. Minimum of Associate’s degree in business administration, accounting, or relevant field along with accounting and bookkeeping principles. Send resumes to ksweeney@carmelumc.org
Kindergarten Teacher Private School 8-3, 5 days, 9 months, Carmel School Holidays, text or call 317-414-4458
Smitson Erhart-Graves Tax Advisors, an Indianapolis-based CPA firm located in The Pyramids, specializes in tax preparation and planning. We are seeking to hire an experienced, seasonal Tax Accountant to prepare income taxes February through April with production-based pay. Preferred candidates will have a minimum of 5 years tax preparation experience with individual and multi-state returns, and a bachelor’s degree, CPA license, or Enrolled Agent certification. Excellent communication, strong analytical and interpersonal skills are a must. Ability to multi-task in fast-paced, deadline-oriented environment. Should be proficient in QuickBooks, Adobe and Microsoft Office, with preferred experience in Drake Tax Software. Send a cover letter, resume, and references to info@segtaxadvisors.com
THETA CHI FRATERNITY HEADQUARTERS IN CARMEL, IN SEEKS ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT • Full-time position with health, dental, vision insurance, PTO & paid holidays, 401(k) • 1-3 years professional office experience with excellent communication skills & proficiency in Microsoft Office • Position details and application instructions at www.thetachi.org/administrative-assistant
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