August 21, 2018 — Westfield

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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Riverview Health CEO Seth Warren talks grand opening / P16

Residential Customer Local

Dinner Party on Union to stretch 627 feet / P2

WWPL board president resigns / P7


It’s an annual thing. SCHEDULE YOUR ANNUAL MAMMOGRAM TODAY. Call 317.688.2955 or visit

HCSO officer suspended / P15

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August 21, 2018

Current in Westfield

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August 21, 2018

COMMUNITY Contact the Editor

Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at, or call 317.489.4444 ext. 804. You may also submit information on our website, Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication.

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On the cover

Seth Warren and Tammi Nash prepare for Riverview Health Westfield Hospital’s Aug. 31 public open house. (Photo by Sadie Hunter) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. XI, No. 32 Copyright 2018. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

Current in Westfield


Dinner party to stretch 504 seats along Union By Anna Skinner • Dan Moyer will bring what he calls a “historic but fun” event to downtown Westfield Sept. 22. Dinner Party on Union will serve as a fundraiser EVENT for an endowment with the Downtown Westfield Association to create a presence in the Grand Junction Plaza when it’s complete. “As Westfield has grown and is going to grow a lot more here coming up with a whole new downtown, we decided to get the DWA involved in this in ways to promote downtown Moyer Westfield,” said Moyer, president and CEO of Moyer Fine Jewelers in Westfield. Moyer said he doesn’t know what the DWA will decide to endow because of uncertainty about how much money will be raised. Approximately 85 percent of proceeds from the event will benefit the fund. “We want to give back to merchants of the community and be able to do that with no cost to them,” DWA executive director Teresa Skelton said. “We want to promote and support them, which is all what our mission statement is. We have not been in the position to do that a lot, and we know they could use our help.” The dinner party will feature 63 tables — or 504 seats — along Union Street from Penn Street north to the Christ United Methodist Church. Ritz Charles will cater the white-tablecloth event, and Tim Brickley and the List will perform. Lounge areas and four bars will be set up as well. “The fun of it is to do a historic event that will be the longest dining table in the history of Indiana,” Moyer said, adding he wasn’t entirely sure if a longer table had been done before, but he couldn’t find one. The goal is to continue the party each year, adding another table to keep breaking the record if ticket sales allow. Metal gates will be installed temporarily on each side of Union Street, and lights will stretch down the street. An open bar will be available from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., followed by a cash bar until 11 p.m. Guests can opt for a bottle of wine to be at their seating area upon purchasing tickets. Dinner will be served at sunset. A live auction and silent auction also will take place. “It is truly a gala-like event in the street,” said Lauren Bauer, marketing director for Moyer Fine Jewelers. “It is a nice, sit-down dinner with entertainment.” Individual tickets are $250, but a minumum purchase of two tickets is required. Tables for eight are $2,000. Other sponsorship opportunities are available as well. The goal is to raise $75,000 to $100,000 for the endowment fund. Moyer said many of the key players that have assisted in building the city and creating what Westfield is today, such as the mayor and various developers, will be in attendance. The event is rain or shine. For more, visit mpvbQ6.

The layout for the Sept. 22 Dinner Party on Union. (Inset) An example of what the tables may look like. (Submitted photos)


August 21, 2018

Current in Westfield

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August 21, 2018


HCEDC refocuses on workers

Current in Westfield


We are pleased to announce the formation of

By Mark Ambrogi •

than that,” Dickey said. “The EDC will promote many facets of the county and municipalities within the county. The goal will be There is a major reason why the Hamto promote the county’s assets to a wide ilton County Economic Development Corp. audience.” recently voted DEVELOPMENT to shift the A newly created job for a director of marketing in economic developorganization’s ment will be responsible for develfocus to attracting and retaining oping integrated marketing, web skilled workers for new and growcontent and promotional strategies ing companies. to position Hamilton County as a “From a big-picture perspective, coveted place to work, learn, live the EDC is transitioning from a tradiDickey and invest. tional county economic development Dickey said with the county’s low unemorganization which focused on direct busiployment rate, the need for talented emness and investment attraction to an orgaployees is broad-based. nization focused on economic development “The EDC’s efforts will be coordinated marketing,” HCEDC Board Chairman Tom Dickwith, and will rely on data from, many ey said. “This change has been made possible because the four cities (Carmel, Fishers, organizations, including employers in the county,” Dickey said. “According to the Noblesville and Westfield) in the county have Indiana Dept. of Workforce Development, developed their own professional economic Indiana needs to fill 1 million jobs in the development staffs and have deployed their next 10 years. With the economic developown strategies with great success. There is no longer a need for a county organization to ment strategies in place in Carmel, Fishers, Noblesville and Westfield, as well as separately pursue companies.” throughout the county, I am confident a A big part of the HCEDC’s new marketing significant number of those new jobs will focus will be attracting and retaining a talland in Hamilton County, provided Hamilton ented workforce. County’s workforce is ready.” “But the marketing focus will be broader

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August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield

DISPATCHES Top remodelers named — Carmel-based CASE Design/Remodeling has been named by REMODELING 550 as one of the nation’s top full-service remodelers. Overall, it was ranked number 38 in the nation. In addition, it was the highest ranked firm in the state of Indiana. Raising Roofs Gala — Habitat for Humanity of Hamilton County will host its third annual Raising Roofs Gala from 6 to 10 p.m. Aug. 30 at Prime 47, 14300 Clay Terrace Blvd. Proceeds will be used to build homes in Hamilton County. Cost is $150 per person, $1,000 for a full table of eight or $500 for a half table. Register at habitathamiltoncounty. org/gala.

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Animal welfare award given — The Humane Society for Hamilton County’s president and CEO, Rebecca Stevens, is one of five leaders in the animal welfare industry to be chosen as a recipient of the Great Lakes Animal Welfare Conference 2018 Bright Ideas Award. The award honors those who have best showcased cutting edge projects, campaigns and facility improvements allowing other animal welfare professionals to use them as industry models. Affordable vacations in county — Reader’s Digest recently included Hamilton County on its list of 41 Mini Family Vacations That Won’t Break the Bank. Hamilton County attractions mentioned in the article include Strawtown Koteewi Park, Conner Prairie, and the Nickel Plate Express. Orthodontic scholarships given — Gorman & Bunch Orthodontics recently awarded Smile For a Lifetime scholarships to five recipients. They will receive free treatment to correct problems that their families could not otherwise afford to have fixed. Scholarship recipients demonstrate regular participation in extracurricular activities and community service during the treatment program. Summer produce donation program — The Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District and The Farmers Bank have relaunched its annual program that encourages the public to donate fresh produce for county food pantries. Each Wednesday through Sept. 26, the public may drop off produce donations to The Farmers Bank, 16940 Clover Rd., Noblesville between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. For more, call 317-773-2181, or email

August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield

WWPL board president resigns By Renee Larr • Former Westfield resident Mike Thomas attended his last meeting as president of the Westfield Washington PROFILE Public Library Board Aug. 8. He had served the board in various roles for 12 years. A short move across the street forced him to step down. “I actually moved right across the street from Westfield, but I moved out of the district by about 300 feet,” Thomas said. “I don’t qualify to be on the board anymore. Otherwise, I’d still be involved.” A former neighbor approached Thomas while he was walking his dog 12 years ago and invited him to join the board. “That conversation started 12 years of library board involvement,” Thomas said. “I probably wouldn’t be on the board today otherwise.” Thomas joined the board during a particularly busy time. “I joined when the board was in the process of building a new building,” Thomas said. “The project was approved and went forward, then there was a petition remonstrance period. I led the library’s response to the petition remonstrance. That was my

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Mike Thomas attends his last board meeting with the Westfield Washington Public Library board. (Submitted photo)

big involvement right away.” Thomas is sad about leaving the group after 12 years of working so closely together. “It’s weird to leave,” he said. “I met fantastic people on the way. We have great board members. We have a great staff.” The staff at WWPL will miss him as well. “Mike always provided me with thoughtful guidance,” Library Director Sheryl Sollars said. “He was always available to listen and help or to share the excitement in our library’s successes. His wisdom, humor and leadership abilities will be greatly missed by the library board and myself.”

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August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield

d Memorial Golf Outing held


On Aug. 10, the 15th annual Jake Laird Memorial Golf Outing was held at Pebble Brook Golf Club in Noblesville. Laird’s parents, Mike and Debbie, organize the event each year. Laird was a police officer who was killed in the line of duty in 2004 as an officer with the Indianapolis Police Dept. At the event, more than 14 local police agencies were represented. (Photos by Anna Skinner)

: On Aug. 10, the 15th annual Golf Outing was held at lub in Noblesville. Laird’s Debbie, organize the event s a police officer who was duty in 2004 as an officer is Police Dept. At the event, police agencies were repreAnna Skinner) 2: Mayor John Ditslear pauses n employee of the Pebble

3: 4: Debbie Laird speaks during

5: Mike Laird speaks during

6: Rep. Susan W. Brooks event. : IMPD Chief Bryan Roach event.

Avery O’Toole prepares to golf.

IMPD Chief Bryan Roach speaks during the event.

August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield

DuVall vies for Pink Tie Guy

2 qualify for Junior Olympics

By Mark Ambrogi •

By Mark Ambrogi •

Tim DuVall understands how devastating breast cancer can be. He lost his first wife, Angelia DuVall, to FUNDRAISER the disease at age 41 in 2012. “It was her second battle,” the Westfield resident said. “She was first diagnosed in 2009 or 2010, and it came back in 2011.” DuVall, a partner in the Katz, Sapper & Miller accounting firm, is doing his best to raise money for Susan G. Komen Central Indiana. DuVall, who became a Komen board member in January, is one of five contestants for Pink Tie Guy of the Year. The top fundraiser earns the title. The Pink Tie Ball is set for Sept. 8 at the JW Marriott in Indianapolis. “We’ve sent out information and asked people to donate,” said DuVall, who is being assisted by his wife, Mary. DuVall’s biggest fundraiser is an Aug. 23 golf outing at The Bridgewater Club in Westfield. Check-in is at noon, with a shotgun start at 1 p.m. Golf and dinner is $200. Dinner only is $75. There also will be a silent auction. DuVall and his wife will host a tennis,

Westfield Youth Sports Inc. Green Wave track team member Gianna Ferreri was one of two Westfield team memTRACK bers to qualify for the National Junior Olympics meet. Gianna said the best part of the experience “was meeting and talking to other kids (athletes) from all across the country. Also, hanging out with my dad.” Gianna, who competes primarily in the 800 meters, 1,500 meters and the long jump, has been competing since age 6 in track and cross country. She also qualified in 2017 for the Junior Olympics meet at the University of Kansas in the 800 meters in the same 9-10 age group. She finished 38th this year. “I learned there are some super-fast girls out there,” Gianna said of the national meet. Carmel resident Alexandra Grilliot was the other Westfield team member to qualify. Despite not competing in meets until earlier this summer, Grilliot finished third in the 100 and 200 meters at the USA Track and Junior Olympics Regional 7 Championships for 8-and-under girls division at Ball

Tim DuVall, center, and his daughter, Cara, and son, Kyle. (Submitted photo)

lunch and fashion show Aug. 31 at The Bridgewater Club. “It’s mostly my wife and I getting the word out and getting ancillary help,” DuVall said. “At our firm, a couple of marketing people are helping us.” DuVall said his children, Kyle, 23, and Cara, 19, have been helpful in supporting the event, along with his stepdaughter, Tiffany. “We felt this was the right time to get involved to see where and how we can help,” DuVall said. “We’re trying to raise the most money and hopefully we’re on the right track to do that.” For more, visit TimDuVall.


Gianna Ferreri was a Westfield Youth Sports Inc. track team member who qualified for the National Junior Olympics meet. (Submitted photo)

State to qualify for the Hershey National Junior Olympics at Greensboro, N.C. The Mohawk Trails Elementary School third-grader competed in the 100 and 200 meters July 23 to 29 in Greensboro, N.C. “It was fun seeing how good everyone was around the country,” said Grilliot, adding she met a lot of friendly kids. Grilliot was 52nd out of 60 participants in the 100 meters and 49th out of 58 in the 200. When asked if this made her eager to return to nationals, she said “absolutely.” Eli Lesnet, a Westfield resident and member of Noblesville’s Body in Training team, finished third in the javelin throw for 8-and-under boys.


August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield

Towne Road and 151st Street is now a four-way WESTFIELD stop. Lane restrictions will be in place on U.S. 31 Construction on a new access ramp from Ind. 38 to the U.S. 31 bypass in Tipton from Lowes Way to Keystone Parkway is County for pavement rehabilitation. Traffic CONSTRUCTION under way. Phase one of the project is exwill be restricted to one lane each direction pected to be complete in October 2019. during construction. E&B Paving crews will Utility relocations are ongoing for Monon Trail be patching asphalt and concrete, milling and resurPhase 5, which will construct a pedestrian bridge over facing. INDOT is encouraging drivers to slow down and stay Ind. 32. Letting is on track for this month. The project is alert while driving near crews. Arrow boards and barrels expected to be complete in fall 2019, but a specific date has will be in place to direct traffic around the crews. The projnot been announced. ect began April 30 and should be complete this fall. NOBLESVILLE The Indiana Dept. of Transportation last week announced Some restrictions may be in place on Ind. 32/38 between lane closures on Ind. 32, which were set to begin on or 10th and 19th streets for road maintenance. Drivers should around Aug. 20 for a project that will last through the end expect changing traffic patterns, slowed traffic and narrow of the year. The work is aimed at improving traffic signals lanes. Large trucks are being advised to avoid the stretch at intersections along the road from Westfield to Noblesof road. ville. Morphey Construction crews will close one lane in 241st Street between Overdorf Road and Fall Road in each direction at a time to complete the work. The lane reWhite River Township is closed for the replacement of a strictions will be in place through November. Work will take small structure. The closure is scheduled to open Nov. 7. place on along Ind. 32 at the following intersections: Spring Construction of a single-lane roundabout at Strawtown Mill Road, Dartown Road, Oak Ridge Road, Union Street, Avenue and Ind. 37 in north Noblesville is ongoing. Ind. 37 Grassy Branch Road, Gunthur Boulevard and Moontown will remain open with some changes to normal traffic patRoad. terns. Strawtown Avenue may be closed. The Indiana Dept. The Towne Road Improvement Project is ongoing, and of Transportation expects the intersection to be fully open the road is closed to through traffic from 156th Street to this fall. 161st Street. The closure began July 11, and detours will be CARMEL in place through September. The project is expected to take Carmel Drive and Old Meridian Street are closed for conup to four months to complete and should be finished in Ocstruction of a roundabout. The closure is planned through tober. Three box culverts will be replaced, and new ditches will be cut to facilitate better roadside drainage. Each travel September. Lane restrictions have begun near Keystone Parklane will be widened by 2 feet, and grade adjustments way and 96th Street, where a new roundabout interchange along the road will improve line of sight. The intersection at






will be built. Construction is expected to last through 2019. Phase 2 of the 146th Street construction project is under way between Ditch and Towne roads. A frontage road will be available to access homes and businesses. Phase 2 is expected to be complete this summer. West 96th Street is closed west of Ditch Road for a storm water culvert project. The road is expected to reopen by Oct. 1. North Range Line Road, from 136th Street to U.S. 31 is closed for construction. The closure is planned until early 2019. FISHERS The intersection at 113th Street and Florida Road is closed to allow for the realignment and construction of a new roundabout. The closure began July 24 and will last 90 days. Southeastern Parkway is closed from 136th Street to Isle of Man Way in the Avalon subdivision to construct a roundabout. Traffic should detour on Prairie Baptist Road to 136th Street. Brooks School Road has reopened between Desert Glen Drive and Club Point Drive. 106th Street is closed from Eller Road to Allisonville Road and from Allisonville Road to Hague Road for the 106th Street Infrastructure Project. Closures will also take place from Hague Road to the Crosspoint Boulevard/Lantern Road roundabout. Work will be complete this fall. Eller Road is closed south of White Horse Lane for concrete work associated with the 106th Street Infrastructure Project and should reopen this fall.













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August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield

Girl Scouts upgrade Third Phase, earn their Silver Awards



By Noah Alatza

Hamilton County’s only homeless shelter, Third Phase, at 15755 Allisonville Rd., recently received PHILANTHROPY a major upgrade due in part to two local Girl Scouts working on their Silver Award, the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette can earn. Westfield High School freshman Bethany Huss and Emma Brashear, an eighth-grade student at Well Trained Mind Academy at Northpoint, said after researching a variety of topics for their September 2017 award, they knew they wanted to do something to help Indiana’s homeless population. The Scouts learned of Third Phase, which also serves as a thrift store and food bank. Proceeds cover the shelter’s utilities. “I was surprised to learn that there was a homeless shelter in Hamilton County,” Brashear said. “We have driven by Third Phase many times but never realized how much help they provide to the community.” In November 2017, the Scouts visited the facility and saw the many updates that the 33-room, 20,000-square-foot facility needed. A slick wooden ramp and uneven concrete below it caught their attention because they often caused injuries. Huss and Brashear spoke with family members on how best to renovate the ramp and concrete. They priced repair items at Lowe’s, and through the Lowe’s community service project fund they were able to complete the project only $30 above their budget. Eight people helped with the work, clocking a combined 52 hours of labor. Huss said the project was about improv-


Jake Cesare, a Westfield resident, competes during the Aug. 2-4 U.S. Kids Golf World Championship in Pinehurst, N.C. More than 165 kids from 28 nations competed in the 11-year-old age group. Cesare finished 18th overall. (Submitted photo)

Troop 1696 Scouts Emma Brashear, left, and Bethany Huss. (Submitted photo)

ing the quality of life that a home provides people. “When I see homeless people on the streets, I know they don’t have somewhere like that to go,” Huss said. “So, this project to me meant fixing up part of a warm, safe place where homeless people could find shelter.”

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August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield

Buying Selling Buying Or Or Selling A A Home? Home?

DISPATCHES Westfield Lions Club fish fry — The 85th annual Westfield Lions Club fish fry will be 5 to 8 p.m. Sept. 7 and 8 at the clubhouse, 120 Jersey St. Menu items include fish sandwiches, sloppy joe sandwiches, hot dogs and various sides and desserts. Drive thru will be available, and children younger than 5 years old eat free for inside dining. For more, visit

Make Right Make The The Right Move! Move!

Democrat numbers increasing — A record number of Hoosier Democratic women, millennials and first-time candidates are running for seats in the General Assembly this year. Nearly 90 percent of the 125 legislative races on the ballot are filled. The Indiana Democratic Party focused on grassroots organizing during 2017 to generate new enthusiasm in the party.

Elaina Musleh Elaina Musleh -REAL -REAL ESTATEESTATE-

Energy costs — WalletHub recently published 2018’s Most and Least Energy Expensive States. Indiana ranked as the seventh highest energy expensive state in the nation. Rankings were based on energy consumption, electricity and natural gas prices and fuel consumption and prices. Source:

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Electronics makerspace — The Westfield Washington Public Library will host four electronics makerspace featuring STEAM, or science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics. The event is for kids in grades 2-6. The events will be at 6 p.m. Aug. 21 and 4:30 p.m. Aug. 22 at the library, 333 W. Hoover St. Newcomers Club meetings — Newcomers Club of Carmel, a non-profit social club, connects its members with friends, engages in fun activities and explores the community. Membership represents Carmel, Westfield, Fishers, Noblesville, Zionsville and Indianapolis. For more, visit Send us your photos — Current Publishing is now accepting photos to run in the community section. Camera, iPhone or Samsung Galaxy photos will be accepted. All photos must include the names of anyone photographed. Please send them to anna@ Offender Watch website — The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office is encouraging parents to use the Offender Watch Website to increase family safety. The website allows parents to search an address to see if any sex offenders live nearby and to set up notifications if offenders move into the area. For more, visit

August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield



WHO’S BAD: MUSIC OF MICHAEL JACKSON Friday, August 24 & Saturday, August 25 Gates open at 6PM and all performances begin at 8PM

Buy now at, by calling 317.639.4300, or visiting your local Kroger. Get $1 off Adult Single Tickets at Kroger! The Westfield City Market will continue through August in the lawn west of City Hall, 130 Penn St. Jeff and Pam Wilkins set up their booth. (Photos by Anna Skinner)

Mariah Kesterson sells My Dad’s Sweet Corn.

Sue Vetter feeds a treat to Herro, who was up for adoption at the market.

Nell Bryant works her booth.

Trisha Travis sells dog treats.




August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield

Prevail’s gala set for Aug. 25 By Sadie Hunter Prevail, Inc. will host its Signature Gala this weekend in Carmel. Set for Aug. 25, the EVENT annual event is a fundraiser for the Noblesville-based nonprofit that works to prevent emotional, physical and sexual abuse and support those who have experienced it. Since 1986, Prevail has assisted more The Prevail Signature Gala takes place each year at the than 40,000 victims of violent Renaissance hotel in Carmel. (File photo) crimes. In 2017, Prevail provided programs and services to 3,400 survivors. where the winner will get to shop privately Proceeds will benefit the organization with $2,000 while enjoying champagne and its clients. In 2017, more than $170,000 before heading off to a dinner at Matteo’s was raised. Ristorante Italiano. Another item is a beThe event starts at 6 p.m. at the Renaishind-the-scenes look at Conner Prairie. The sance Indianapolis North Hotel, 11925 N. most high-value item is a “culinary escape” Meridian St., Carmel, with cocktails and to Italy, which includes dining, airfare and hors d’oeuvres, followed by dinner and hotel accommodations for two in Rome. silent and live auctions. Guests will have In addition to the auctions, guests will the opportunity to purchase a golden raffle enjoy live music from The Bishops. ticket for a chance to pick one of the live The Signature Gala typically sells out auction items before bidding begins. at more than 400 people. To view auction Live auction items include a “Sip & Sparitems, visit kle” event at Smith Jewelers in Noblesville,

Scout to raise awareness of local human trafficking with run By Renee Larr

The race will begin at the Jack Rabbit store (formerly Blue Mile) at 2452 E. 146th St. in Westfield. It will continue to Cool Creek Park and then loop back. Carmel High School senior Shawn Hor“Blue Mile has really helped me out with rocks is using his Eagle Scout project as a a lot of the planning,” Horrocks way to shine a light 5K RACE on a little-known said. “They even offered to plot out the 5K course. That’s probably problem in the comthe biggest hoop you have to go munity — human trafficking. Horthrough when planning a run.” rocks is hosting The Shawn HorHorrocks isn’t a runner but felt rocks Eagle Project Awareness Run a run was the best way to raise To Stop Human Trafficking at 8 a.m. awarenes of human trafficking. The Sept. 1 beginning in Westfield. Horrocks run benefits Operation Undergound “I think it’s a pretty big issue that Railroad, a nonprofit dedicated to eradicata lot of people, especially in Carmel, aren’t ing sex trafficking. very aware of just because of the stereo“Before the run starts, I’m having type of the lifestyle in Carmel,” Horrocks someone from the organization give a fivesaid. “It’s this idea that a lot of people don’t minute low down on the issue and what realize happens here as well.” people everywhere can do to help raise Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainawareness to fight the issue,” Horrocks able in the Boy Scouts. To earn it, Scouts said. must complete a project that benefits the Cost is $15, which includes a T-shirt that community. may be picked up at Blue Mile in Carmel “I have been working on my project Aug. 31. To register, visit 5ktostophumansince the beginning of summer,” Horrocks said.

Welcome Dr. Reeta Bhargava to our team of highly skilled physicians in Westfield. Now accepting new patients. Dr. Reeta Bhargava, MD Family Medicine IU Health Physicians Primary Care – Westfield 380 S. Junction Drive, Suite A Westfield, IN 46074 T 317.399.3550 We know your schedule is busy, so we’re here to help in a way that fits your needs. To schedule your next visit with Dr. Bhargava: Call our Westfield office at 317.399.3550. Schedule a SAME-DAY appointment by calling 1.888.IUHEALTH. Book online at © 2018 IUHealth 7/18 IUH#28155

August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield

Lutheran church to give back By Anna Skinner • New Joy Lutheran Church will do its part to give back to the community during the Sept. 9 nationwide day of service event called God’s Work Our SERVICE DAY Hands. “It’s basically a call for our congregation to go serve in our community to do the work of God, the work of the Gospel, the work of our church using our hands and to do so very publicly,” Pastor Chris Duckworth said. “Lutherans have been very shy in how they express their faith, and this is meant to be, ‘Let’s get out there and boldly proclaim our love and our service.’” Members will create no-sew blankets for children served by Prevail and also build shelves at the organization. The church also will do restoration work at the Anti-Slavery Friends Cemetery in Westfield. The third project will be assisting the Westfield Parks Dept. with community work. “There’s something about the cemetery project that really speaks to me because it’s hyper-local, and those people that defied their community and state, and even

The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office recently provided details of an internal investigation involving a corrections POLICE officer, an attorney and the alleged Noblesville West Middle School shooter which led to a three-day suspension for the officer. On May 26, one day after the shooting at NWMS that left a teacher and student injured, alleged shooter David Moore met with an attorney at the Hamilton County Juvenile Services Center Secure Detention Facility, where he is being held. Corrections officer Stephanie Kingen was on duty at the facility, operating the control room. According to the HCSO, Kingen attempted to activate a camera in the room where Moore and his attorney were meeting, but it did not work. To fix the issue, Kingen knew activating the intercom also would activate a camera. When Kingen got the camera to work, according to the HCSO, she realized the conversation between Moore and the attorney was audible. As a result, police say she turned the volume completely down to prevent the conversation from being heard.




BEST CHOICE FOR YOUR Matt and Lydia Crouch participate in a previous God’s Work Our Hands event in Westfield. (Submitted photo)

their own church, for the well-being of their fellow people who were oppressed, it’s a beautiful testimony,” Duckworth said. “I’m really jazzed about all these projects. These are necessary efforts in our community, and they’re part of our faithful call to care for our neighbor.” Non-members of New Joy Lutheran Church are invited to participate by calling 317-896-1402.

HCSO suspends officer By Sadie Hunter



According to the HCSO, staff reported the incident through a supervisor, and the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office was immediately notified by Sheriff Mark Bowen. “No details or information beyond the fact that a jail officer overheard part of the conversation was shared with the prosecuting attorney, and the prosecuting attorney immediately contacted counsel for the juvenile in order to advise them of the incident,” a statement from the HCSO read. “Sheriff Bowen then provided further information regarding the incident directly to (Moore’s) counsel.” The HCSO said by early June, an internal affairs investigation was completed. “The investigation concluded there was nothing indicating the conversation was listened to intentionally or that any information was released outside the secure confines of the facility,” the HCSO said. According to the HCSO, Kingen was retrained in job responsibilities for the facility’s control room. In addition, all employees were recommended to receive additional training in attorney/client confidentiality. The HCSO also said the faulty equipment has been repaired.

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230 N. Rangeline Road, Carmel, IN 46032





August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield

Riverview Health CEO Seth Warren talks grand opening By Anna Skinner • Riverview Health Westfield Hospital has already undergone changes to its development plan prior to being COVER STORY completed, causing the hospital to delay its opening. On Aug. 31, it will host a public open house from 3 to 7 p.m. and will be open for patients in September Current in Westfield conducted a Q&A session with Riverview Health CEO Seth Warren and Executive Director of Riverview Health Westfield Hospital Tammi Nash about the upcoming grand opening and what the hospital will offer Westfield. WHY WAS THERE A NEED FOR A WESTFIELD HOSPITAL? Seth Warren: We are seeing explosive growth over there, and with (U.S.) 31 being a major thoroughfare, we are going to continue to see growth north, and addressing the northern parts there was important to us. And with growth of what’s happening in Westfield in terms of Grand Park, we have thousands of people there on any given weekend. I think we recognized there are a lot of health care needs happening in Westfield for people who didn’t necessarily know the marketplace. WHAT ARE YOU MOST EXCITED FOR WITH THE OPENING OF THE HOSPITAL? Tammi Nash: I think one unique feature we are doing is having the area’s first combined (emergency department) with urgent care. That allows consumers to take the guess out of, ‘I have this illness or this injury, do I need to drive here and go to emergency or do I need to drive here for urgent?’ We will have that available. I think the other thing that’s exciting with the first floor was really looking at all the various inputs to health care. We have that emergent/urgent, but we also have our occupational, so we are meeting the needs of our employers that need occupational health services. The employer clinic, the City of Westfield, Westfield Washington Schools and also Hamilton County, those employees can also seek their health care right there on the first floor. That is also combined, so their pharmacy is right there for them, too. Seth Warren: I’m most excited about having a hospital there. I’m a resident of Westfield and I’m very proud to have Riverview have our hospital in that community.

Seth Warren and Tammi Nash check out imaging equipment in Riverview Health’s new Westfield Hospital. The hospital will hold an open house from 3 to 7 p.m. Aug. 31 and officially open in September. (Photo by Sadie Hunter)

WHY WAS THE OPENING DELAYED? Seth Warren: We’ve expanded the scope of it significantly from the original design. First, it started construction as an outpatient care center, but as we looked at the population growth and what was going on in the market, we decided to add the emergency room and expand with the operating rooms. We were going to open with one, and we have three now. We expanded the diagnostic imaging capability. We weren’t going to have a CT scanner. We now have a CT scanner. Also, we now have inpatient beds. During construction, we had to stop, redo the drawings, redo the design and then continue construction. While it was delayed, we now have a lot more products and offerings than originally proposed.

FLOOR BY FLOOR The first two floors will open first. The four upper floors will open with the next four months.

FIRST FLOOR: This floor will offer emergency/ urgent care, laboratory services, the employer clinic, the pharmacy, an imaging center and a WorkMed clinic.

SECOND FLOOR: This floor will house four inpatient beds and surgery services. There are three surgery suites with recovery rooms and pre- and post-operative rooms. FIFTH FLOOR: This floor will house Riverview Health Physicians primary care providers Dr. Valeria Beard, Dr. Jeffrey Klak and internal medicine provider Dr. Sonal Ravichandran. Endocrinology and general surgery specialties also will be housed here.

THIRD FLOOR: This floor will house 16 in-patient beds.

SIXTH FLOOR: This floor provides room for growth for other physicians.

FOURTH FLOOR: This floor will have an office for Riverview Health Physicians Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, and it also will include sports medicine physicians Dr. Roy Henderson and Dr. Joseph Hui. Also housed on this floor will be orthopedic surgeons Dr. Christy Kellams and Dr. Michael Kaveney. The office will include a walk-in orthopedic clinic. This floor also includes outpatient rehabilitation services such as physical and occupational therapies.

August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield


Pardon my diva moment

O B S E R V AT I O N Selfless sacrifice Commentary by Terry Anker

Commentary by Danielle Wilson

Like any college student, Josh Bleill was imagining how his life as an adult might play out ... well, that and no doubt having a bit of fun along the way. All progressed nicely, and college led to a good corporate job. Sometimes, life goes just like it is supposed to go. Still, the attack on the twin towers of New York’s World Trade Center had an unsettling and profound effect on the young executive — so much so that within two years the then-27-year-old quit his job and enlisted in the United States Marines. Not long after, he found himself in Fallujah, Iraq. A vehicle transporting Josh was destroyed by an improvised explosive device. Days later, he awoke to learn of the fate of his two fellow passengers – both friends and comrades, including Indiana native Sgt. Brock Babb. They did not survive the attack. The caring medical staff also had the burden to help young Josh come to understand that he’d lost both of his legs as well. Years later, Josh has distinguished himself as an author and public speaker. Recently, he addressed an audience assembled for the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation. The organization helps the kids of Marines “with particular attention given to children whose parent has been killed or wounded in action.” Josh recalled to the audience the deep sacrifice made by so many in service to our nation. Each day, he said, he was reminded that he was blessed. On Sept. 13 at Pebble Brook Golf Club, the Scholarship Fund holds its annual tournament and fundraiser and online auction. This year’s event honors Brock. To participate, visit indiana-golf-tournament.

I might have a problem. I got into an argument with one of my sisters over whether her daughter could sing a solo in a family skit I had written. Basically, HUMOR I lost my fashizite because I didn’t want to share the spotlight with a 9-year old! And it’s not like we were performing on national television! It was for our parents’ 50th wedding anniversary party, where the audience would be entirely made up of family and the elderly. Literally, half the crowd wouldn’t even be able to hear what we were saying. But as a closet actress who has limited opportunities to showcase her subpar voice, I live for moments like this one. I wrote the lyrics, I had an artistic vision in mind — and having a cutie-patootie starlet cutting in would completely ruin the magic I’d spent hours working toward. See what I mean? I was behaving as if I’ve dedicated my life to the theater — as if this musical homage to the five decades since 1968 were all about me, rather than my parents and their amazing marriage. I had to get myself under control quickly, or not only would there be some unhappy people, but I’d perhaps damage my relationship with my sister. Luckily, I retracted my head from my rear in time and acquiesced not only to Little Miss Broadway, but all 13 of the grandkids. The finale piece, my clever rendition of the “Rent” song “Seasons of Love,” became a chorus line of voices both young and middle-aged, far exceeding my expectations. Lesson learned? Collaboration with others, even 9-year olds, makes everything better. Peace out.

Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at

BELIEVE IT! Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Alabama, putting salt on a railroad track may be punishable by death. Source:

READER’S VIEW Special initiatives can help

Editor, I recently participated in a school and gun safety panel hosted by the Hamilton County Democrat Club. After giving one of my positions of relooking at plans and developing them further for active shooter events to keep students and staff safer, the students and crowd started making some good comments and asking great questions. The first comment was the students and parents did not want the schools to feel like prisons. Fortifying the schools with police or armed guards made them feel more anxiety going back to school. One of my solutions was prevention classes that start in elementary school that teach kids how to deal with stress and difficult life situations. If we can help students learn to deal with triggers, maybe we can help prevent them from going down that road of violence. Second, they felt disconnected. One student said after the Noblesville school shooting, in which she was at the school when it happened and heard the shots, their solution was to bring in counselors. The student told us that the counselor was in the room for a few minutes to talk about coping techniques such as talking with friends, journaling and reaching out to teachers and parents. If that did not

work, there is a school counselor who might have time to help. If you needed more than that, you could talk to your parents and they can arrange appointments with mental health services outside of school. One of the panelists told us that when their school had a car accident that resulted in a death that the school had chaplains, mental health and volunteers in the school for a week. They also had a memorial service at the school where the kids could have a time to reflect and talk about their feelings and thoughts aloud if they so desired with each other. After listening to the parents and students, I feel even more strongly that we need adult volunteer mentors from the community and classes on how to deal with life stresses and how to deal with situations in a non-violent way. The community needs to be part of the school, not separated from it. If we separate the school from the community, the students will become more stressed. The students are stressed just thinking about the government officials talking about fortifications such as teachers carrying guns, gun/bomb-sniffing dogs, glazed or bulletproof glass, and the list goes on. Jason Straw, Westfield

Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at

Want to respond to the columnists or send a letter to the editor? Email


August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield

Rebooting the dating game Commentary by Dick Wolfsie

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Mary Ellen and I were relaxing on our deck, and after swatting a few mosquitoes, I said, “We should look into HUMOR screening in this area.” “Dick, you’ve been saying that every year for the past 25 years. Not only that, but we are moving next week.” A few minutes later I mentioned how quickly the summer passes after July 4. “You say that every year around this time,” she responded. Suddenly, I realized that after 39 years, I didn’t have a single new thought. Uneasy silence followed. Mary Ellen finally spoke. “When it gets this hot, I think about cutting my hair shorter.” “Where have I heard that before?” I asked. We needed a way to jazz up our conversations. Mary Ellen had an idea. “An article I read recommended that longtime married couples should pretend they are going on a first date, which might lead to a romantic evening.” So, on Friday afternoon, I asked Mary Ellen to go out that night. She was annoyed that I waited until the last minute, assuming she didn’t already have other plans. I

went outside the house and rang the doorbell, like a real date, but she’s no dummy. She knew I had simply forgotten my keys. We drove off. “What shall we talk about tonight, Dick?” “How about movies?” “Great idea. I just saw ‘Mission Impossible.’” “I saw that, too.” “I know, Dick. We saw it together.” “Gone to any good new restaurants lately, Mary Ellen?” “No, my husband likes to go to the same places all the time.” “Mary Ellen, you don’t have a husband. This is a first date. What kind of a jerk goes out with a married woman? Let’s try travel. Have you ever seen the Pyramids?” “We went last year. How could you forget?” We didn’t really hit it off, but we must have connected on some level because despite a dismal first date, we both ended up back at my place.

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist and speaker. Contact him at

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August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield

Bach to Rock music school now open By Renee Larr • A new music school in Carmel aims to teach students in a fun and innovative way. The school is at 2480 E. 146th St. and is owned and directed by Zionsville resiNEW BIZ dents Andy and Jennifer Flickner. “The concept of Bach to Rock is to teach music in a way that is really fun,” Andy said. “We want to teach kids music that they love. At the same time we want to teach them music in a somewhat rigorous way.” The school is open to all ages and has a variety of programs for all age groups. Individual and group lessons are available in piano, voice, guitar, drum, DJ and more. “We have programs for early childhood, toddlers, preschoolers and all the way through adults,” Andy said. “I have some senior citizens we’re teaching already.” Andrew grew up playing music and even considered a career as a pianist. Ultimately, he pursued engineering, a path he perceived as more stable. “When my company began restructuring last year, I decided to leave,” he said. “About that time I discovered Bach to Rock. I fell in love with the concept and the franchise and started to invest and open a school here in Carmel.” Bach to Rock also offers MyB2R, an online dashboard providing customers real-time access to student progress and more. “Parents can monitor assignments and understand what their children are supposed to be working on and what they’ve accomplished,” Andy said. “It also features a music


DISPATCHES Relocation certification earned — Beth Graham of F.C. Tucker Company, Inc. represents the only relocation professional from the state of Indiana to successfully complete the Certified Relocation Professional designation awarded by Worldwide ERC in its latest round of nationwide testing this year. The exam tests candidates’ command of corporate mobility Graham policies and programs, real estate, tax considerations, transferee counseling and other services.

Andy and Jennifer Flickner recently opened Bach to Rock at 2480 E. 146th St. in Carmel. (Submitted photo)

player where students can listen to versions of songs to which we’ve acquired the rights. It’s a great tool for practicing at home.” Bach to Rock hosted a grand opening Aug. 18 for the community to visit the school. Guests were able to tour the school, take a free music lesson and enjoy performances by instructors. For more, visit

Stock of the Week – Devon Energy Corp. (DVN) explores for, develops and produces oil, natural gas and naturalgas liquids entirely in North America. The company is arranging asset sales to improve its financial profile and make its business easier to manage. This will reduce revenue for the next several years, but the more focused company should resume earnings growth. Credit cards for foreign travel – If you’re traveling in foreign countries, credit card transaction fees add up. There are some credit cards, however, that are attractive for foreign purchases. Many cards charge neither an annual fee nor a foreign transaction fee. These nofee cards include Bank of America Travel Rewards, Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards, Discover it Cashback Match and Priceline Rewards Visa. Source:


August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield

IU Health North, Saxony ranked among state’s best hospitals

Sleep Disorders Seminar Join Dr. Michael Levine, medical director of Riverview Health Sleep/Wake Disorders Services, to learn how sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, can have a serious effect on your health, including an increased risk for heart disease, stroke, depression, diabetes and other chronic diseases. Dr. Levine will also discuss the latest techniques used to diagnose and treat sleep issues. A light dinner will be served. When: Thursday, Aug. 30 6-7 p.m. Location: Riverview Health 395 Westfield Rd., Noblesville Krieg DeVault Conference Room (Lower level of Women’s Pavilion)

DISPATCHES Antibiotics and trehalose — If you have a serious infection that’s being treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics, you should avoid any foods containing trehalose. Trehalose is a natural sugar that was approved as a food additive by the FDA in 2000. It is added to some cakes, cookies, ground beef, sushi rice and more. It is generally safe for healthy people. The danger, though, is that it also nourishes C. diff bacteria. So, people with infections can get worse if they consume trehalose. Source: Caffeine and teamwork — Two recent studies were completed about the effects of caffeine on teamwork. In both studies, subjects were put into groups for discussions. Subjects who were given coffee with caffeine beforehand were more focused, contributed more to the discussions and were more agreeable to opposing views. Source: Journal of Psychopharmacology

Registration: Visit or call 317.776.7999. The program is free, but registration is required.

RVH-321-Current-4.7667x 9.5-08.21.18-FNL.indd 1

Indiana University Health North and Saxony hospitals have again been recognized among the top hospiACHIEVEMENT tals in the state. According to a U.S. News & World Report ranking of best the hospitals, the IU Health Medical Center, which includes IU Health Saxony Hospital, appears on the list for the 21st consecutive year. It is the No. 1-ranked hospital in Indiana and Indianapolis and is the only Schulhof nationally ranked adult hospital in the state. The IU Health Medical Center also achieved national rankings in eight specialties: cancer, cardiology and heart surgery, diabetes and endocrinology, gastroenterology and GI surgery, geriatrics, nephrology, neurology and neurosurgery and pulmonology. “These achievements recognize the exceptional, whole-person care that patients in our community expect when visiting our hospitals and receiving care,” Alicia Schulhof, president of the IU Health North Suburban Area, stated. “It reinforces the level of trust and confidence our patients and community have in IU Health’s tradition

8/14/18 8:18 AM

of delivering the best care for our patients, supported by the most skilled professionals delivering leading-edge medicine.” The IU Health Medical Center also was rated high in four of nine adult procedures or conditions, including COPD, colon cancer surgery, heart failure and knee replacement. IU Health North Hospital ranked third overall in the state and second in the Indy metro area. IU Health North Hospital received high performance ratings in two adult specialties – gastroenterology and GI surgery and Puckett orthopedics. The hospital also received high ratings in three adult procedures and conditions: heart failure, hip replacement and knee replacement. “This is a tremendous accomplishment,” Doug Puckett, president of the IU Health Indianapolis Suburban Region, stated. “It’s thanks to the hard work of our team members, leaders and physicians that we have the opportunity to celebrate our ‘Best Hospitals’ ranking each year, and count ourselves among the best hospitals in the state of Indiana.” The full list of U.S. News Best Hospitals rankings is available at best-hospitals.

Post menopause and iron — After menopause, a woman’s daily iron requirement goes from 18 mg to 8 mg. Because iron in blood is no longer lost with each menstrual cycle, iron levels tend to increase after menopause. New research suggests that postmenopausal women who have excess iron in their blood are at higher risk for metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance. Postmenopausal women should get their iron levels checked regularly. Source: Sedentary exercises — If you’re stuck at a desk all day, the lack of movement can cause you to lose muscle mass. Here is one simple exercise you can do at your desk to help strengthen your muscles. When you stand up or sit down, don’t use your hands. Slowly raise and lower yourself while counting to four, using only your legs and core. Source:

August 21, 2018

Current in Westfield


Revving up for Artomobilia in Carmel By Rick Morwick • Carmel Artomobilia always has been a high-octane event for automotive connoisseurs. Now, its shifting into high gear to benefit another group — CAR SHOW gravely ill children. A showcase of nearly 400 collector and enthusiast cars on the streets of the Carmel Arts & Design District, the Aug. 25 IU Health North Artomobilia is expected to draw up to 20,000 visitors from Hamilton County and the greater Indianapolis area. Launched in 2008, the 11th annual Artomobilia will feature a dazzling array of classic cars, sports cars, muscle cars, exotic cars and supercars — of all makes and models — in 20 judged classes and 15 corrals. “That’s the beauty of the event,” Artomobilia Coordinator John Leonard said. “Most events are focused on a specific make or model. Artomobilia is the most eclectic automotive event in the Midwest and offers both breadth and depth of automotive interests.” Free and open to the public, Artomobilia is the namesake attraction of the broader Artomobilia Weekend, which begins Aug. 24 with the fourth annual Fuelicious — a private auto and dining event at Lucas Estate — and the inaugural Aug. 26 SHIFT fundraiser, a private driving event to benefit the Indiana Children’s Wish Fund. A poker run-style car rally, SHIFT is expected to attract approximately 50 drivers — in high-performance cars — for a 180-mile drive through the back roads of southern Indiana. Drivers will stop at designated checkpoints and draw a playing card, which will afford spectators a chance to admire the cars. “The event will begin at SILO Auto Club & Conservancy in downtown Indianapolis and then wind through a set of handselected roads, picking up a playing card at each stop that favor a spirited driving experience,” Leonard said. “We’ll finish back at SILO Auto Club, where the driver with the best poker hand will win bragging rights for the rest of the year.” Registration for SHIFT is $500 per car. All proceeds benefit the Indiana Children’s

ATI stages Hawaiian luau fundraiser

The annual Carmel Artomobilia event showcases an array of classic cars, ranging from sports cars to muscle cars to vintage cars to exotic cars. (Submitted photos)

Wish Fund, a statewide nonprofit that grants wishes to Hoosier children ages 3 to 18 with life-threatening or terminal illnesses. “It will feature 50 performance automobiles from the last five decades on the best roads southern Indiana has to offer,” Leonard said. “Because we have such great sponsors during Artomobilia Weekend, 100 percent of the car entry fee for SHIFT will go to support the important work of the Indiana Children’s Wish Fund.” Although geared toward car enthusiasts, Artomobilia isn’t strictly for gearheads. It literally has something for everyone. “Each year, we curate a unique collection of collector and enthusiast cars. You might see cars that are impossibly rare,” Leonard said. “Equally important, the event is hosted in the Carmel Arts & Design District, and as such, it provides an unmatched atmosphere that can be enjoyed by guests of all ages.” For more, visit

CARMEL ARTOMOBILIA WEEKEND Fuelicious: A Celebration of Heart Health and Horse power When: Aug. 24, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Where: Lucas Estate, 1143 W. 116th St., Carmel Tickets: $275 per ticket or $2,500 per table; proceeds benefit Heart Reach/ Bolt for the Heart. For more: ••• Artomobilia When: Aug. 25, noon to 5 p.m. Where: Carmel Arts & Design District Admission: Free and open to the public For more: ••• SHIFT When: Aug. 26, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Where: Roads of southern Indiana Registration: $500 per car, limited to 50 curated collector cars; proceeds benefit Indiana Children’s Wish Fund For more:

An End of Summer Hawaiian Luau fundraiser to benefit Actors Theatre of Indiana is set for 6 to 9 p.m. Aug. 29 at Danny Boy Beer Works, 12702 Meeting House Rd., Carmel. Cost is $50 per person, which includes two free drinks. Music will be provided by Dwight Lightning and the Conch City AllStars, who play hits from the 1960s to today. Hawaiian shirts and flip-flops are welcome. For tickets, visit The next fundraiser for the Carmel-based ATI is the Fall Barn Bash set for Oct. 18. Carmel-based ATI will open the 2018-19 season with “A Comedy of Tenors” Sept. 7 to 30 at The Studio Theater in Carmel, followed by “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play” Nov. 16 to Dec. 14; “Ruthless The Musical” Jan. 25 to Feb. 17; and an updated version of “Forbidden Broadway” April 26 to May 19. For more information about the season, visit Westfield — The Flying Toasters will perform a free concert at 7 p.m. Aug. 23 at Urban Vines Winery. Carmel — The Woomblies Rock Orchestra will appear at 7 p.m. Aug. 22 at the “Summer Family Concert Series” at the Gazebo. Fishers — Houndmouth, with special guests Mt. Joy, Liz Cooper & The Stampede, will perform at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 24 at Nickel Plate District Amphitheater. Tickets are $9.23. Noblesville — The New Augusta Band will perform a free concert at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 25 at the Hamilton County Courthouse as part of the String-Time Concert Series, sponsored by Legacy Keepers Music. Fishers — Doug Henthorn will appear at noon Aug. 22 at Liberty Plaza on the Central Green. Noblesville — The BrewBQ will be from 4 to 10 p.m. Aug. 25 at the Federal Hill Commons. For more, visit brewbq/.


August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield

Dark Mule features classics By Mark Ambrogi •


September 16 1-5:30 p.m. Free & Open to the Public See this years band line up at Sponsored By

Food Provided By

Gov’t Mule will turn to the Dark Side when it lands in Noblesville. Gov’t Mule will be joined by MUSIC The Avett Brothers and The Magpie Salute with the concert starting at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 23 at Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center in Noblesville. “The Dark Side of the Mule” tour features Gov’t Mule performing some of Pink Floyd’s beloved songs. “‘Dark Side of the Mule’ has been fun because we hire background singers who are the wives of Jorgen Carlsson, the bass player, and Danny Louis,” drummer Matt Abts said. “We hire an extra keyboard player. It’s something Jorgen joined. It’s a big band. We do a theme every Halloween and New Year’s, and one year we did a Pink Floyd theme (in 2008). Someone contacted us and wanted us to do more, so we’ll do some this summer. We got all the lasers and light shows going on. Wow, what an extravaganza.” Prior to this summer, Gov’t Mule had done just two Dark Side full sets. Gov’t Mule has performed it four times this summer. Noblesville is one of four Dark Side stops

From left, Jorgen Carlsson (bass), Warren Haynes (vocalist/guitar), Matt Abts (drums) and Danny Louis (keyboards, guitar and backing vocals). (Photo by Jacob Blickenstaff)

remaining this year. “It took a lot of rehearsal and prep to get everything working, but we love doing it,” Abts said. Since there are two other bands, Abts said he expects there will only be time for the Dark Side set. Abts is one of the band’s remaining original members, along with Warren Haynes, who was a longtime guitarist for the Allman Brothers. “It’s been a blast for the last 24 years,” Abts said.

The Four Freshmen to perform By Mark Ambrogi • Neil Lantz has been president of The Four Freshmen Society for six years. He and his wife, Sara Lou, have been CONCERT members of the fan club for more the than 20 years. “I’ve been a fan since my high school days back in the late ‘50s,” Lantz said. Naturally, the Fishers resident can’t wait to see the quartet play so close to home. The Four Freshmen will perform a free concert at 7 p.m. Aug. 24 at the Federal Hill Commons in Noblesville. Lantz and his wife will then go see the group play at Columbus North High School. The 31st annual Four Freshmen Society Convention is Oct. 18 to 20 in South Bend, with the group performing the final two nights. This is the 70th anniversary of the group’s formation. Brothers Don and Ross Barbour, Columbus, Ind., their cousin Bob Flanigan, Greencastle, and friend Hal Kratzsch, Warsaw, started the group at Butler University in 1948. Their blended style of harmonizing later inspired The Beach Boys, among other groups.

From left, Tommy Boynton, Jonathan Gaines, Bob Ferreira and Stein Malvey will appear Aug. 24 in Noblesville. (Photo by Ryan Merrill)

The longest-tenured member of the group is Bob Ferreira, who is starting his 26th year. Ferreira, 48, sings bass vocal parts and plays the drums. He joined The Four Freshman in 1992. For the full story, visit

August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield

Where’s Amy?



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Amy Pauszek is a photographer, film producer and scouting and casting associate for Talent Fusion Agency in Indianapolis. She can be reached at To see more of her photos, visit

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Where’s Amy sees ‘The Kitchen Witches’ Crew and cast members, from left, Producer Dee Timi (Westfield), actress Sydney Heller (Plainfield), Stage Manager Angela Staggs (Noblesville), Assistant Stage Manager Emma Lechner (Indianapolis) and Director Courtnie Janikowski (Westfield) share a few laughs on stage before Carmel Community Players’ opening-night production of “The Kitchen Witches” Aug. 10 at The Cat in Carmel. The fast-paced show will delight and remind you of legendary comedic actresses Lucille Ball and Carol Burnett’s way of making you laugh at real-life situations dealing with friends and family. Throw in some serious food fights and creativity and you have one heck of a show. Grab your foodie friends and family, bring your appetite and do not miss “The Kitchen Witches.” You will eat it up. The show runs through Aug. 19. Support Carmel Community Players. Where’s Amy can’t wait to see you next at CCP’s ‘Forever Plaid’ Sept. 21 to Oct. 7. (Photo by Amy Pauszek)

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Rotary’s BrewBQ set for Aug. 25 By Mark Ambrogi • Carrie Dixon figures barbecue, brews and music create an irresistible mix. The Noblesville Rotary Club EVENT secretary is eager for the third annual Noblesville BrewBQ, set from 4 to 10 p.m. Aug. 25 at the Federal Hill Commons in Noblesville. “It’s our one big fundraiser, so it supports primarily the scholarship fund for Ivy Tech Noblesville campus,” said Dixon, a Noblesville resident who is in charge of marketing/fundraising for the event. “Last year, we had 350 people. Our goal and what we prepare for is 600 people. I think we’ll be somewhere in between that.” Dixon said proceeds allowed the Rotary to provide $7,200 in scholarships for the first two years. The Rotary Club awards the scholarships to high school graduates. The pulled chicken, ribs and burgers will be prepared by contestants. The barbecue will be judged by a celebrity panel. Dixon said BlueSky Technology will likely put together an online poll so there is a popular vote winner. Nameless Catering is providing the side dishes. Bier Brewery is returning as a beer vend-

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From left, Rotary members Joe Carnavale, Carrie Dixon (secretary) and Jeff Derda (president) discuss the BrewBQ event. (Submitted photo)

er along with new vendors Blind Owl Brewery and Moontown Brewery. Blackhawk Winery and Vineyard is new as well. Garden Party Botanical Hard Sodas is a returning vendor. Music is provided by The Dialtones from 4 to 6 p.m. and That’s What She Said from 7 to 10 p.m. Advance admission is $45 for a drinking ticket and $35 for a designated driver ticket (unlimited sodas/water). There is a $5 increase on both tickets on the day of the event. For more, brewbq/.

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August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield




Member Central Indiana


5280 Bistro

Commentary by Anna Skinner Address: 5280 Bistro is a food truck that travels around the area. To find it, visit What to get: 5280 PB&J Price: $10 Anna’s take: It sells a wide variety of items, frequents Fishers Farmers Market and also can be seen at many beer festivals across the state. MashCraft Brewing Company, 11069 Allisonville Rd., features offerings from 5280 Bistro not offered on the food truck’s menu. I ordered one of the restaurant’s more popular items, the 5280 PB&J. The PB&J stands for “pork, bacon and jam.” Three to four slabs of pork loin are layered in a toasted pretzel bun. Thick, peppered bacon blankets the pork, and a homemade fig plum jam is smeared on the top bun. It’s a handful of a sandwich, and its flavor notes are sweet and savory. 5280 Bistro’s signature crispy potato chips, fondly referred to as “crack chips,” and a sprig of cilantro

The 5280 PB&J stands for pork, bacon and jam. All ingredients are sandwiched between a pretzel bun and accompanied with seasoned potato chips. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

accompany the sandwich, which is stacked high. The generous portion is well worth the $10. 5280 Bistro’s menu changes frequently, but the 5280 PB&J is one of its staples, and for good reason. Prepare to get your hands messy as you dive in, though. Suggested pairings: Craft beer. Chef’s take: Chef Joseph Hsu is from Taiwan. He said the main reason he and his wife began the business in a food truck is because the financial risk is much smaller. Also, the couple found the food truck is wildly popular at craft beer festivals, where Hsu said 5280 Bistro has found its niche. “We go outside the box and use things to make the food more interesting,” he said. “Especially coming from the pairing with beer events, the festivals we do, we want to stand out and look different from everybody else.”

Behind bars: Cucumber Gimlet Get it at Ocean Prime, Indianapolis Ingredients: 1.5 oz. Bombay Sapphire gin, 4 to 5 slices of cucumber, 1 oz. fresh lime juice, 1 oz. simple syrup, serpentine cucumber slice for garnish Directions: Fill highball glass with ice. Add cucumber, fresh lime juice and simple syrup to shaker. Muddle with three ice cubes until cucumber is dissolved. Add gin and ice to shaker to fill half way. Shake gently and strain into iced highball serving glass.

Gov’t Mule, The Avett Brothers, Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center, Noblesville

“Million Dollar Quartet,” Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre, Indianapolis

Cost: $21 to $88.50

8 p.m. Aug. 21, 23, 24, 1 p.m. and 8 p.m. Aug. 22, 1:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. Aug. 25.

8 p.m. Aug. 24, 25.

The Ultimate Michael Jackson tribute band returns for the third year featuring the chart-topping music and dance moves of the King of Pop. Cost: $37 for adults and More: $13 for ages 2 to 12. season/symphony-on-the-prairie

Niall Horan, Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center, Noblesville

Luke Bryan will perform at Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center at 7 p.m. Aug. 24 at Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center (Photo by Eric Ryan Anderson)

7:30 p.m., Aug. 26

Luke Bryan, Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center, Noblesville

Irish singer/songwriter Niall Horan’s “Flicker World Tour” will include special guest Maren Morris. Horan rose to prominence as a member of One Direction. Cost: $19 to $106


World travelers display photos — Former radio personalities Ann Craig-Cinnamon and John Cinnamon, world travelers and photographers, will be displaying 70 of their travel photos throughout September in the Art in City Hall display in Fishers. The couple’s photos capture the people, iconic places, events and animals from the more than 100 nations and all seven continents they have visited. Visitors can meet the husband and wife photographers at a reception at Fishers City Hall Sept. 7 from 6 to 8 p.m. Murray brings New Worlds to the Palladium — Actor/comedian Bill Murray will bring his New Worlds project to The Palladium in Carmel at 8 p.m. Oct. 5. New Worlds is a collaboration between Murray and acclaimed German cellist Jan Vogler and is an exploration of classic American music and literature. Accompanied by Vogler, pianist Vanessa Perez and violinist Mira Wang, Murray sings and recites works of Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, Walt Whitman, James Fenimore Cooper, Leonard Bernstein, the Gershwins and other artists. For more, visit or call 317-843-3800.

More:, 317-872-9664.

“Who’s Bad: Music,” Symphony on the Prairie, Conner Prairie, Fishers.

7 p.m., Aug. 24

The Luke Bryan “What Makes You Country Tour” stops in Noblesville. The tour includes Jon Pardi and Morgan Wallen. Cost: $98.25 to $128.25



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6:30 p.m. Aug. 23


The musical focusing on the memorable night in 1956 when Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis and Elvis Presley showed up together at Sun Records in Memphis. 
Cost: $44-$69. Discount of $10 for children ages 3-15


Gov’t Mule’s “Dark Side of the Mule Tour” features The Avett Brothers and The Magpie Salute. The “Dark Side of the Mule Tour” features Gov’t Mule performing some of Pink Floyd’s beloved songs.

Compiled by Mark Ambrogi



Current in Westfield

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August 21, 2018


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August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield

Firing up a hot patio grill as a gathering station Commentary by Randy Sorrell A client boldly declared, “I want my place to be where our kids and their friends want to hang out.” I dig that charge! That is certainly the most captivating and frequent request we are charged with. OUTDOOR LIVING This Carmel project resoundingly accomplished that. Although the pool in the background didn’t hurt, the adhesive that pulled it together are the multi-level patios, modern fire feature and cobblestone grill station. Process and rough sketch Initial meetings focus on visioning and developing a relationship which fuels stories about how the space will “feel,” materials and its desired use. A quick on-site rough sketch proved we were heading in the right direction, and a few weeks later a formal design/proposal was produced. A few design tweaks and the plan was promptly blessed by the Architectural Review Committee. The fun process can be high-energy and spilling with emotion. Fire/grill station Fire features and grill stations are gathering magnets, comparable to your granite kitchen counter. Even when the fire is not engaged or the grill is empty, it’s a comfortable spot to start a conversation that often spills over to comfy patio furniture. It’s a launching point. The cultured cobblestone on the grill face and blue stone counter speak well to the home’s formality and lush neighborhood, just as the linear shape of the space offers

Multi-level patios showcase cobblestone grill station. (Submitted photo)

a sense of modern and fresh. Mexican beach pebbles in the fire feature marry well with the grill station elements. I confess the greatest satisfaction of creating incredible living spaces is building relationships and imagining how the space will be used. Hearing the joyful confessions of those patio gatherings is the incentive to do more.

Randy Sorrell is president of SURROUNDINGS by NatureWorks+, a Carmel home-improvement firm. He may be reached at 317-679-2565, or

G. Puccini’s



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August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield

Buda Castle and the holy hand Commentary by Don Knebel Probably because of its previous association with the Soviet Union, many American visitors find Budapest unexpectedly beautiful and sophisticated. The Buda TRAVEL Castle is among its most popular destinations. When Maria Theresa of Austria became ruler of Austria and Hungary in 1740, Castle Hill, along the west bank of the Danube River in Buda, Hungary’s capital, had been the site of palaces for 500 years. To reward her Hungarian subjects for their support of her contested efforts to assume the throne, she erected a new palace atop Castle Hill that became known as Buda Castle. In 1771, Maria Theresa obtained possession of what was reputed to be the long-missing right hand of Stephen, Hungary’s first king. She gave this so-called “Holy Right,” claimed to have miraculous powers, to Hungary, which placed the mummified fist in the chapel of Buda Castle. Having no interest of living in Hungary, Maria Theresa allowed an order of nuns to use Buda Castle but soon decided that her lavish palace was no place for a nunnery. She evicted the nuns and the palace housed a university. The palace was substantially damaged as it repeatedly changed hands. When Franz Joseph became King of Hungary in 1867, he made Buda Castle his primary residence and began a series of renovations and additions to make the now neoclassical palace the rival of any others in Europe.

Buda Castle in Budapest, Hungary. (Photo by Don Knebel)

In 1873, Buda and Pest, previously joined by the Chain Bridge across the Danube, merged to form Budapest. Today, Buda Castle is home to the Budapest History Museum and Hungary’s National Gallery. Its beautiful grounds and spectacular views make for an ideal walking tour, but anyone hoping to see the Holy Right will be disappointed. The bejewelled relic was removed from Buda Castle in 1944 and now resides across the river in St. Stephen’s Basilica.

Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit You may contact him at

Verbs that mean business Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt You’ve gone over your expertly tailored business suit with your lithium battery-powered lint roller in the executive bathroom. You’ve humbly positioned GRAMMAR GUY your luxury watch so it peeks just so outside your shirt cuffs (which are crisp and precisely the right length). Now, you’re assuming your power stance at the front of the conference room, getting ready to share your big PowerPoint presentation (or — as it’s known in startup circles — your “slide deck”). You’re about to deliver a crushing dose of Six Sigma business power to the other suits sitting around the conference table, who flew in for this meeting in their corporate jets. But, to get the seven-figure multi-national merger deal done, you’re going to need one more key ingredient: power verbs. We all know that verbs are action words, but some of them are puny, anemic and overused. If you use weak verbs in your presentation, the overseas investors are going to start yawning and looking at their own (probably Swiss) luxury watches, wondering at which Michelin-star restaurant they should dine later tonight. Let’s take the word “said” as an example. It’s boring, yet we drop it in by default into our everyday communication. Instead, consider more powerful verbs like yelled, demanded, explained or insisted. “Walk” is another verb that screams “weak sauce.” No one just “walks” anymore, unless you want to walk straight to the unemployment office. Instead, consider using strut,

dart, march, mosey or meander. See what I mean? Talk about “walking” like a boss, and you’ll soon be the boss. You can almost smell the rich mahogany of your boss’s desk, can’t you? Now, let’s take a look at “look.” No one even gives it a second glance. Instead of look, use a more creative, evocative word like gape, examine, notice, glare or stare. Finally, let’s talk about “talk.” Talking is for career midlevel managers (at best). Instead, use a stronger verb like spout, reveal, divulge, gab or mumble. Power verbs will win you friends and influence people, especially executive corporate vice presidents of overseas fiduciary acquisitions. Using power verbs will knock the designer socks off your potential investors. Curtis Honeycutt is a national award-winning, syndicated humor writer. Connect with him on Twitter (@curtishoneycutt) or at curtishoneycutt. com.

Spring Mill Grand Station, LLC (910 N. Shadeland Avenue #6, Indianapolis, Indiana 46219) is submitting a Notice of Intent to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of our intent to comply with the requirements of 327 IAC 15-5 to discharge storm water from construction activities associated with Spring Mill Grand Station located at 16156 Spring Mill Road, Westfield, Indiana 46074. Runoff from the project site will discharge to the John Edwards Legal Drain to Little Eagle Creek and ultimately into the White River. Questions or comments regarding this project should be directed to John Perine at Spring Mill Grand Station, LLC.


DISPATCHES Track your water consumption — A clever new water bottle can help you keep track of how much water you’ve had for the day. The Hidrate Spark 2.0 is a water bottle with an internal sensor. Using the free Hidrate app, you can sync the bottle to your smartphone for updates on your water consumption. Source: DIY nonslip hangers — You can make your own grippy hanger for those slippery items. Simply apply a bead of hot glue along the top arms of a regular hanger. Let it dry completely. Source: Legal Notice of Public Information Meeting The City of Westfield will hold a Public Information Meeting on Tuesday, August 28, 2018 regarding the proposed extension of East Street in northern Westfield (Des. No. 1700728). The meeting will begin promptly at 6:00 PM at the City of Westfield – Department of Public Works Office, which is located at 2706 E 171st Street, Westfield, Indiana. The format of the meeting will feature a formal presentation beginning at 6:00 PM with an informal open house session starting immediately following the presentation and continuing until 7:30 PM. The open house session will provide the public an opportunity to view project displays and to interact with the project team. The purpose of this public information meeting is to obtain the public’s views regarding the purpose and need for the new roadway, the alternatives evaluated as part of the ongoing environmental process. The public will be afforded the opportunity to provide comments on the information presented at the meeting for a period of 14-days following the meeting. The proposed project is located in Washington Township of Hamilton County in the northern part of the City of Westfield. The proposed extension of East Street North is from its current terminus at 196th Street north to State Road 38. The purpose of the project is to provide improved connectivity and accessibility between 196th Street to State Road 38 and US 31 to Grassy Branch Road. The need for the project is driven by diminished access to developing areas of Westfield, lack of system continuity, and future safety concerns associated with an undesirable offset intersection. The typical section of the new roadway includes two travel lanes (one in each direction), the outside of each lane would be bordered by a bike lane and curb and gutter. To the inside of each lane would be a paved shoulder and curb. The widened travel lane section created by the inside shoulder and the outside bike lane and gutter provides additional clearance for emergency service vehicles. The northbound and southbound travel lanes would be separated by a raised median. An multi-use path is proposed along the west side of East Street. Additional permanent right-of-way will be required for the construction of the proposed project; however, exact quantities are not known at this time. As design of the roadway progresses, the right-ofway limits will be refined. This notice is published in compliance with Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 771.11(h) entitled “Early Coordination, Public Involvement and Project Development” and the INDOT Public Involvement Policies and Procedures Manual, approved by the Federal Highway Administration, US Department of Transportation, on August 16, 2012. Please direct any questions or comments concerning this project to Ms. Ruth Hook, Lochmueller Group, Inc., 3502 Woodview Trace, Suite 150, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 or at (317)-222-3880 or by email at Comments on the proposed project will be accepted for 14 days after the Public Information Meeting. All comments should be post marked by September 11, 2018. All comments received within the designated timeframe will be included in the project record. In accordance with the “Americans with Disabilities Act”, if you have a disability for which the City of Westfield would need to provide accommodations pertaining to the accessibility to program documents and participation at the public meeting or if you are a persons of Limited English Proficiency (LEP) requiring assistance pertaining to accessing project documents and participating at the public meeting venue, contact Ms. Ruth Hook, Lochmueller Group, Inc., using the contact information above.


August 21, 2018


Current in Westfield

Across 1. Geist sailboat support 5. Downtown Indy hotel 9. Victory Field concession stand buy 13. FWIW kin 14. Indiana Grand Racing shoe spot 15. Long past

16. “Let’s go!” 17. Woodland Country Club charges 18. Indiana state flower 19. Start of a quip 22. Pink-slip 23. ___ and wisdom 24. Electrician on a film set 28. Cherry throwaway

30. Distress letters 33. Where Steve Alford coaches 34. Tara owner 35. Notre Dame’s athletic org. 36. Quip, Part 2 40. Go bad 41. Churns up




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42. “Leave it in” mark 43. IU Health VIPs 44. Dooley O’Tooles pan handler 45. Send home, in a way 47. GWB successor 48. WRTV’s channel 49. End of quip 57. Nice forecast for Angela Buchman 58. At the summit 59. “You have no ___” 60. Temporary home for strays 61. “Ditto” 62. Raggedy Ann, e.g. 63. Indiana House members, briefly 64. Thunder god 65. Cruise stop Down 1. Ind. neighbor 2. Shoot Point Blank supply 3. Chase off 4. A whole lot 5. “My, my!” 6. Stop at Flanner and Buchanan 7. Zionsville artist 8. “In that case...” 9. Nasty forecast for Angela Buchman 10. Scent 11. Fail to grant, in Hamilton County Court 12. “___ news?” 15. Best-case 20. Indy Fuel rink surface 21. Pipsqueak 24. Colts line position 25. Mud Creek Players performer

26. I-465 tire mishaps 27. Email alternative 28. Half Price Books space 29. New Mexico resort 30. Took care of 31. Brown County fall color 32. Former Pacer Skiles 34. Mayberry Cafe tyke 37. Independent school on West 64th Street 38. “Ain’t gonna happen!” 39. Seer’s claim 45. St. Vincent Hospital nursery staple 46. Bus. card abbr. 47. N.K. Hurst Company

bagful 48. Instant replay effect 49. ___ vera 50. Do another stint with the Indiana National Guard 51. Like Indy 500 cars 52. NBA Western Conference team 53. Modest skirt 54. Hubbubs 55. Be a snitch 56. In fine shape 57. Forest Park lifeguard’s skill, initially Answers on Page 31



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August 21, 2018

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August 21, 2018


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August 21, 2018

Current in Westfield




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With over 30 years of experience in the special event industry, Ritz Charles specializes in innovative, upscale and superior event services. Ritz Charles has a strong presence in the event market. Our multiple culinary teams, service staff and event planners host a variety of on and off premise events year- round. Our company has the resources to manage large events yet the personal touch of a small caterer. With our fast paced energetic work environment, we have a need for motivated individuals who can give excellent customer service. If you are looking to join a company with a dedication to excellent customer service and a friendly atmosphere, Ritz Charles has bartending, banquet server, doorman and set-up positions available.

Small medical office in Carmel is seeking a mature, experienced Admin Assistant with significant experience with computer programs used in general office function. And Internet function abilities. Scheduling appointments and processing billing. Schedule is Mon- Thursday 8:30 am to 2:00 pm and other times as needed. Will be asked to occasionally fill in for full time employee when on vacation. Advancement is possible if willing to learn new unique skills. Knowledge of medical terminology is a big plus but is absolutely not necessary. Position available immediately. Job Type: Part-time Salary: $13.00 to $14.00 /hour


Do you care about youth and want to make a difference? If so, Chaucie’s Place has the perfect job for you!




Carmel Market District is now accepting applications for dedicated Team Members. We of of departments, including: Weare arehiring hiringfor fora avariety variety positions including:

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August 21, 2018

Current in Westfield

“So it’s an annual thing for me now?”

For women 40 years old and older, and for those with a family history of breast cancer, getting an annual mammogram is a part of life. The highly skilled team at Indiana University Health is here to answer all your questions and help make things easier on you.


©2018 IUHealth 07/18

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