August 27, 2019 — Westfield

Page 1

Innovations in Joint Replacement

Wednesday, Sept. 11 from 6-7 p.m. See page 21 for more details.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019



TABLE Moyer serves up second outdoor dining fundraiser / P17

Grand Universe may come to Westfield / P3

Midtown at Westfield sent to council / P5

Carmel to update Westfield sign / P11

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August 27, 2019

Current in Westfield

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August 27, 2019

COMMUNITY Contact the Editor

Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at, or call 317.489.4444 ext. 804. You may also submit information on our website, Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication.

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On the cover

The inaugural Dinner Party on Union drew approximately 300 people seated outside. (Photo by Amy Rose) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. XII, No. 34 Copyright 2019. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

Current in Westfield


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Tentative plans for Grand Universe under way By Mark Ambrogi Grand Universe might be coming to Westfield. “It will be a world-class space center here in central Indiana bringing science to life, changing the world ANNOUNCEMENT (near Grand Park),” Link Observatory Space Science Institute Executive Director/ CEO Greg McCauley said Aug. 15 during a combined Westfield and Zionsville Chamber of Commerce luncheon at the Indianapolis Executive Airport. “To the right of Tomlinson Road and the Monon (Trail) is 67 acres called Grand Universe. Our capital campaign is under way.” McCauley said an official public announcement is not supposed to be made until 60 percent of a capital campaign is achieved. “We’re not there yet,” said McCauley, who addressed attendees about the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. The Astronaut David Wolf Observatory is the first stage of the planned development, which will be almost 101,000 square feet, McCauley said. Wolf, 62, was born in Indianapolis and graduated from North Central High School and Purdue University. “In the center is a 60-foot diameter, fulldigital 360 planetarium and IMAX-capable,” McCauley said. “It’s the largest in the state of Indiana.” A twin observatory also is planned, McCauley said. “It would be the largest public urban observatories in the country with researchgrade telescopes, both daytime telescopes for the sun and nighttime telescopes for astrophysics,” he said. “It’s all going to be glass (as the roof). It’s absolutely going to be magnificent. We’re going to have 50,000 square feet of exhibit area. “We have a wide variety of STEM education programs. We are going to propel Westfield schools to No. 1 in the state for education in the state of Indiana from Grand Universe.” McCauley said all schools in Hamilton

Link Observatory Space Science Institute CEO/ Executive Director Greg McCauley announces the tentative Grand Universe space center Aug. 15. (Photo by Mark Ambrogi)

County would benefit. “From there, the rest of the state (will benefit), and from there, the rest of the country and the rest of the world. We’re going to change the world with this,” he said. “Our future project Grand University STEM Learning Center, the Center for Commercial Space Flight, Center for Space Exploration and observatory park along the Monon, it will be the premier Monon destination.” McCauley said the goal is to attract 1 million visitors annually. “We may hit that our first year,” he said. McCauley said the goal is for Grand Universe to be the No. 1 destination for school field trips. “Twenty million dollars in annual revenue above and beyond our capital campaigns,” he said. “It was proven to us once before 50 years ago (with the moon landing), if anything worthwhile is going to be accomplished, you have to dream big.” McCauley did not announce the funds needed to construct Grand Universe, and he also didn’t speak on how much the project has raised so far. McCauley declined to comment further on the proposed development. For more on McCauley and his role, see Page 7.

Candidate doesn’t want donations By Ann Marie Shambaugh

Danny Niederberger is one of several candidates to recently announce a bid for Indiana’s 5th District in ELECTION Congress, but his campaign might look a little different than most. The 27-year-old Republican said he won’t accept donations but will pay for his campaign out of pocket. “For me, (expensive Niederberger campaigns) don’t make any sense,” he said. “Why would you put so much money into electing an official when that money could go toward education or any of the other problems we have in our society?” The Indianapolis resident is a Westfield High School and Purdue University graduate who works as a fund accountant for Miamibased Concise Capital. “I’ve had people offer to donate to the campaign, and I explain why (I don’t accept donations) and they understand,” he said. “The most difficult part about running this campaign is going to be getting in front of people. I don’t want to be on your TV, I want to be in front of you, because I believe that’s what a congressman should be.” Niederberger’s campaign is built on five pillars: rights of the unborn, reducing government debt, supporting the Second Amendment, enacting term limits and reforming education. This is his first run for elected office. “There are a lot of problems in this country, and we see a U.S. Congress that refuses to do anything about it,” he said. U.S. Rep. Susan Brooks recently announced that she will retire from Congress at the end of her term. The 5th District includes all or part of Hamilton, Boone, Marion, Blackford, Grant, Howard, Madison and Tipton counties. Learn more at


August 27, 2019

Current in Westfield

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August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield

Midtown project sent to council By Sadie Hunter A 138-acre project that could bring additional hotels, offices, restaurants and retail to the city received DEVELOPEMENT another step of approval at the Aug. 19 Westfield Advisory Plan Commission meeting. The commission unanimously voted to send a rezoning request from developer Steve Henke to the Westfield City Council with a positive recommendation. Plan Commission President Randy Graham recused himself from the vote as an employee of IMMI, which is owned by the Anthony family, which also owns the land Henke plans to develop. The development plan was introduced June 10 to the city council. The rezoning request was then sent to the plan commission for review and a public hearing July 15. The city council will cast a final vote at its Sept. 9 meeting. The current zoning varies between agricultural/single-family rural, single-family medium density, enclosed industrial and local business.

The Midtown at Westfield project will bring six new subdistricts of office, retail and hotel space to the 191st and East Street intersection. (File map)

Henke’s request would change the zoning to general business, enclosed industrial and general office to accommodate six subdistricts – a hotel and office subdistrict, retail and service subdistrict, mixeduse subdistrict, business and technology subdistrict, east of East (Street) subdistrict and west of East (Street) subdistrict. The Sept. 9 Westfield City Council meeting will be at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 130 Penn St. For more or to see an agenda, visit Read more about the development at


Plan commission OKs Burger King, Northpoint warehouse Compiled by Sadie Hunter •

The Westfield Advisory Plan Commission met Aug. 19 at City Hall. All commissioners were present. The next APC meeting will be Sept. 3 at City Hall, 130 Penn St., Westfield. For more, or to see agendas, visit What happened: The commission unanimously approved a request for a detailed development plan review in the Northpoint planned unit development district. What it means: Petitioner BCNP, LLC requested the review of its proposed 67,200-squarefoot warehouse on a 6.11-acre property at 2101 Bastian Ct., east of U.S. 31 and north of 196th Street. The land is vacant. What happened: The commission unanimously approved a request for a detailed development plan review in the Monon Crossing planned unit development district. What it means: Carrols Corp. requested a review of its plan to build a Burger King restaurant at 819 E. Ind. 32 in the Monon Crossing development. The 3,344-square-foot restaurant would occupy 1.33 acres near the southwest corner of Wheeler Road and Ind. 32, which is vacant. What happened: The commission unanimously voted to send a positive recommendation for a request for a change of zoning in the Midtown at Westfield planned unit development district. What it means: The request, if approved, would change 138 acres from agricultural/ single-family rural, single-family medium density, enclosed industrial and local business zoning to general business, enclosed industrial and general office zoning.

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August 27, 2019

Current in Westfield

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August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield

Moon landing anniversary puts McCauley in demand By Mark Ambrogi

crevices like on the South Pole that are covered with snow. They thought the moon might be covered with things like that and as the astronauts walked around, they could fall With the 50th anniversary commemorainto this quicksand of lunar regolith.” tion of the Apollo 11 moon landing July 20, McCauley said procedure called Greg McCauley has been SPACE in hot demand this for Armstrong to fill his pockets and walk around the lunar module. summer. “Then 20 minutes later if Neil is McCauley, a Westfield resident, still alive, then Buzz would come is the executive director and CEO of out,” McCauley said. “This is dangerthe Link Observatory Space Science ous business. Buzz had his hands Institute. He gave a presentation on the controls. They are ready Aug. 15 to a combined group of the McCauley to get out of there. Let’s send the Chamber of Commerce of Westfield guinea pig out. I’m serious.” and Zionsville at the Indianapolis Executive Mike Collins, the third man on the misAirport in Zionsville. sion, was orbiting the moon the entire time. McCauley said more people watched the “He was the command module pilot. He moon landing on TV or listened to it on radio was making 22 laps around the moon durthan any other event in history. ing the process,” McCauley said. “Mike had In the early 1970s, McCauley worked as a trained for months to fly the command NASA contractor at the Manned Spacecraft Center (now Johnson Space Center) in Hous- module from the moon to the Earth, re-enter and splash down alone. All the systems ton in the Mission Planning and Analysis were made to be used by one man. If the Division. He was actively involved in the other two guys were there, that was a real lunar missions of Apollo 15 and 16 and was plus. This is dangerous stuff. Who signs up a member of the Lunar Launch Team for for stuff like that?” Apollo 17 Before they left, all three astronauts McCauley noted why it took 20 minutes signed 300 postcards emblazoned with for Buzz Aldrin to become the second man their pictures. to step on the moon after Neil Armstrong “They gave 100 of those postcards to became the first man. each of the wives of the three astronauts,” “Buzz was in the cockpit of the lunar McCauley said. “The day they landed on the module ready to come down for the mismoon, a friend of the family would have sion,” McCauley said. “The first thing Armstrong was to do was pick up lunar regolith, those postmarked at the office in Houston and bring back and give them to the wives. which is dirt and rocks, and stuff them in The reason is, if they didn’t make it back thigh pockets of his space suit, so if anyfrom the moon, those postcards would have thing would happen, they could get out of some material value. The wives could aucDodge and at least bring something home tion those off for money to help support the with them.” family. The insurance offered to NASA emMcCauley said no one had knowledge ployees did not cover astronauts in flight. It about the surface of the moon. was called risky and experimental, and the “There were scientists that thought that life insurance policy was canceled during the lunar module after landing would just the flight. That’s a true story. They changed sink into the dust of the surface of the it after the end of the Apollo program.” moon,” he said. “They thought there were

“The reason is, if they didn’t make it back from the moon, those postcards would have some material value. The wives could auction those off for money to help support the family.”

– Greg McCauley


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August 27, 2019

Current in Westfield

COMMUNITY DISPATCHES Correction — An Aug. 20 article in Current in Westfield titled “Westfield receives historic designation honor” contained an inaccuracy. Funderburgh & Son Grocery was established in 1860. Native trees for sale — The Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District’s annual native tree sale has begun. In addition to native trees, 15-gallon watering bags also are available. The sale is the HCSWCD’s largest fundraiser. All proceeds go back into conservation and education. Thirty-nine varieties are for sale for $28 each. Preorders will be accepted through Sept. 30, and orders can be picked up from noon to 6 p.m. Oct. 4 at the llama barn at the Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds, 2003 Pleasant St., Noblesville. Details on tree species and growing conditions, as well as online ordering, are available at Underprivileged children report — According to personal finance website WalletHub’s report, States with the Most Underprivileged Children, Indiana ranks second of all states for the percentage of maltreated children. Indiana ranks fourth for the percentage of children in foster care, eighth for infant mortality rate and 12th for the percentage of uninsured children. View the full report at Centier Bank success continues — Centier Bank announced its ninth consecutive quarter of pre-tax earnings growth as it closed out the first half of the year June 30. The bank was recently named by Forbes as the top ranked bank in Indiana for 2019, an accomplishment that was joined by the bank surpassing $4.7 billion in assets. Centier also achieved $4 billion in total loans in the second quarter. Learn more at Westfield Fire Dept. holds merit commission meeting — The Westfield Fire Dept. will conduct its merit commission meeting at 7 p.m. Sept. 16 at the public safety building, 17535 Dartown Rd. Westfield Lions Club conducts fish fry — The Westfield Lions Club will conduct its 89th annual fish fry from 5 to 8 p.m. Sept. 6 and 7 at the Westfield Lions Clubhouse, 120 Jersey St. Menu items include fish sandwich ($6), pork barbeque sandwich ($5), hot dog ($2), side dishes such as baked beans, coleslaw and potato salad ($1 each), assorted drinks ($1) and desserts ($1 or $2 each). For more, visit

August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield

ed to reopen in November. WESTFIELD Construction of a pathway Shelborne Road bealong the north side of 126th tween 146th Street and Street to connect Keystone 151st Street, and between CONSTRUCTION Parkway to Hazel Dell Park146th Street and 141st way is under way. It is exStreet will be closed for pected to be complete in October. road reconstruction. The road will be A partial closure is expected at 96th closed to all thru traffic, tentatively openStreet and Delegates Row for construction ing on or before Oct. 21. During the closure, of a roundabout. The project is expected traffic should utilize the signed detour to begin in mid-September and end in route. Property owners will continue to December. have access to their properties through NOBLESVILLE the construction area. This closure is part Work is ongoing on the Logan Street of the improvements to 146th Street, which Pedestrian Bridge Project in downtown will widen the roadway to four lanes of Noblesville. The northbound lane of Ind. 19 traffic from Towne Road to Shelborne Road. between Ind. 32 and Logan Street will be If you see a pothole, let Westfield crews closed the duration of the project, through know by reporting it online at weconnect. May 2020. The detour consists of taking and visiting the Reporting Ind. 32 westward, turning northbound onto It tab. Ind. 38, then eastbound on Logan Street Phase 5 of the Monon Trail will be a peand northbound on Ind. 19 to avoid the destrian bridge crossing Ind. 32. Construcclosure. On Logan Street, the designated tion is under way, and temporary lane clowestbound right turn lane on the bridge sures may occur along Ind. 32. The Monon will become a combined straight and rightTrail is closed near Ind. 32 until the bridge turn lane. The eastbound straight lane will is complete. be shifted north, and the south side of the Major utility relocations are ongoing as bridge will be under construction. The Riverpart of the intersection improvements at walk near this area also is closed. Ind. 32 and Ditch Road, which will include In the northern part of Hamilton County, the addition of turn lanes and a traffic between Arcadia and Atlanta, 281st Street signal. Ditch Road is closed between 171st between Gwinn Road and Whetston Road Street and Ind. 32. Drivers also can expect will be closed for construction. The road will lane restrictions on Ind. 32. be closed to all thru traffic until Nov. 22. CARMEL This closure is part of the improvements to Work continues on the expansion 276th Street and will connect to Ind. 19. Durof Cherry Creek Boulevard to complete the ing the closure, local traffic should utilized final phase to connect Hazel Dell Parkway a detour of 274th Street to Ind. 19 and 286th to River Road. The project is expected to be Street to Ind. 19. complete by the end of this month. North of Noblesville in Cicero, Joyce AvA partial closure is under way at 96th enue between Strawtown Avenue and 241st Street and Gray Road for construction of a Street will be closed for the replacement of roundabout. The project is expected to be a small structure. The road will be closed complete this month. to all thru traffic for approximately 120 cal96th Street is closed at Keystone Parkendar days, tentatively opening back up to way for construction of a roundabout intertraffic on or before Sept. 30. change. Drivers can make right turns onto 96th Street from Keystone Parkway, but left turns are not available. 96th Street is expect-










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August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield


Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard shows his support for the Solar United Neighbors first-ever solar co-op in Hamilton County.

Solar United Neighbors of Indiana Program Director Zach Schalk outside the solar-powered home of George and Marilyn Peregrim in Fishers Aug. 5. Schalk announced the first solar co-op in Hamilton County. Joining a co-op will allow participants to leverage their bulk purchasing power when working with their chosen solar installer. (Photos by Ben Stout)

Thinking of

Solar-powered homeowner George Peregrim, outside his home, shares his thoughts on the benefits of solar power at the first solar co-op in Hamilton County Aug. 5.


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August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield


Carmel OKs $64K to update Westfield’s sign By Ann Marie Shambaugh

BE COOL! AC tune ups, 24/7 emergency service and more.

The Carmel Board of Public works approved $64,125 to update Westfield’s welcome sign. (File photo)

on the north and south sides, but Carmel officials said they were only aware of the city name on the south side. The $64,125 will cover fabrication and installation of the new panels, which are illuminated at night. Indianapolis-based Signworks, which designed and built the totem, estimates the project will take eight to 12

weeks for fabrication once Carmel approves the final plans. The totem was a result of a two-year initiative in Westfield to create a welcome sign to greet drivers along U.S. 31. It is made of Corten steel with a natural patina to make it appear rustic.

LIC# CO51300008

A totem sign that has puzzled some drivers near the Carmel and Westfield border soon should make a little CITY NEWS more sense. The Carmel Board of Public Works on Aug. 7 approved $64,125 to change the north face of the sign along U.S. 31 near 146th Street to read “Carmel” instead of “Westfield,” which currently is on the north and south sides of the totem. Many southbound drivers questioned why the sign appeared to welcome them to Westfield as they were entering Carmel. In late 2018, Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard said he discussed the issue with Westfield Mayor Andy Cook and that Westfield officials were open to changing the sign if Carmel paid for it. The City of Westfield spent nearly $300,000 on the totem, which was installed in late 2018. The sign is within Carmel city limits on land owned by INDOT, which gave permission to Westfield to place the sign there. Previously, Westfield officials said they let Carmel officials know before construction that the sign would say Westfield

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August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield

Downey joins WWPL foundation By Mark Ambrogi

that,” Downey said. Downey has an international management degree with a focus in marketing from Butler University. She worked in marketing As the first executive director of the refor several years, then attended IUPUI for cently formed Westfield Washington Public interior design and has operated Library FounDowney Designs for the past 16 ORGANIZATION dation, Erin years. Downey has “I was approached about this set some lofty goals. position and just felt passionate “I feel that with the support of about it because I spend a lot of the foundation, it is our hope that time at the library and wanted to the Westfield Washington Public help,” Downey said. “My background Library will have the resources to Downey isn’t necessarily in fundraising per be proactive and on the cutting se, but I know a lot of people and I’m not edge of technology and services and invest afraid to go and ask for help for the library resources in areas that have the greatest in hopes to make it the best place it can be potential to ensure our library remains a for Westfield. I feel like the public library is vital resource for the community,” Downey the cornerstone of the community. said. “We want to raise awareness about “It provides so much for the people that the library. I want to advocate for it and use it, all the free programs. It’s just really raise funds for it.” an important place of a community.” Downey started her new position earlier Downey and her husband, Patrick, have this month. two children, Kate, an eighth-grader at “The library board had a strategic planWestfield Middle School, and Colin, a fifthning session this spring and decided now grader at Westfield Intermediate School. would be a good time to launch the foundaVisiting with her children, Downey said it tion in hopes of growing the donations to was great to see all the valuable programs the library through the foundation, getting the library offers. more grants for the library and things like

Welcome, Scott Smith, MD

Students benefit from David Weekley homes school supplies drive

Riverview Health Physicians Orthopedics & Sports Medicine is pleased to welcome Dr. Scott Smith to the team at our Westfield office. Dr. Smith provides expert orthopedic care for patients of all ages, using a team-based approach including operative and non-operative treatments. A native Hoosier, Dr. Smith completed medical school at Indiana University School of Medicine.

Indianapolis, IN (August 22, 2019): David Weekley Homes, the nation’s largest privately-held builder, hosted its fifth annual, companywide School Supplies Drive in 18 cities across the country. In Indianapolis, school supplies were collected for Teachers’ Treasures, which obtains and distributes school supplies to teachers in Marion County and surrounding school districts to provide to students in need. In addition to the supplies collected from Weekley Team Members, Homeowners and Real Estate Partners, the local community also donated items to the drive. Through these combined efforts, the Teachers’ Treasures school supply drive provided more than 38,400 students from 96 schools with the supplies needed for the school year. “It was fun to connect with a real estate agency in downtown Indianapolis where the broker was a former teacher and was thrilled to participate,” said Angie Huser, lead internet advisor with David Weekley

Appointment: Dr. Smith’s office is located at Riverview Health Westfield Hospital. To schedule an appointment, call 317.370.3777.

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David Weekley Team Members donated school supplies to the nonprofit organization Teachers’ Treasures.

Homes. “She would often shop at Teachers’ Treasures and understood the impact it has for both teachers and students.” The School Supplies Drive is a volunteer and philanthropic initiative of the company’s CARE program, which joins team members with homeowners, homebuyers, community partners and local nonprofit organizations to live out its purpose of Building Dreams, Enhancing Lives in each of the communities in which it builds.


August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield

Mulitple candidate forums set By Sadie Hunter Election Day is still more than two months away, but the Hamilton County League of Women Voters ELECTION has announced dates for four upcoming candidate forums in September and early October. Each forum will welcome candidates in opposed races in each of Hamilton County’s four cities. The public is invited to attend and ask questions. Here’s a breakdown: CARMEL When: 7 to 9 p.m. Sept. 5 Where: City Hall, 1 Civic Sq., Carmel Who: *Bruce Kimball (R), City Council Central District; Cleaster Davis (D), City Council Central District; *Sue Finkam (R), City Council Northeast District; Ti’gre McNear (D), City Council Northeast District; *Laura Campbell (R), City Council North District; William Howard II (D), City Council North District; Debra Minott (R), City Council West District; Miles Nelson (D), City Council West District FISHERS When: 7 to 9 p.m. Oct. 1 Where: City Hall, 1 Municipal Dr., Fishers Who: *Eric Moeller (R), City Council NC

District; Samantha DeLong (D), City Council NC District; *John Weingardt (R), City Council SC District; Lane Skeeters (D), City Council SC District; *David George (R), City Council SW District; Adam Kaps (D), City Council SW District; *Rich Block (R), City Council At-Large; *Cecilia Coble (R), City Council At-Large; *Todd Zimmerman (R), City Council At-Large; Jocelyn Vare (D), City Council At-Large NOBLESVLLE When: 7 to 9 p.m. Sept. 26 Where: City Hall, 16 S. 10th St., Noblesville Who: *Greg O’ Connor (R), Common Council District 5; Jason Myers (D), Common Council District 5; *Megan Wiles (R), Common Council District 6; Jeremy Hawk (D), Common Council District 6; *Brian Ayer (R), Common Council At-Large; *Mark Boice (R), Common Council At-Large; *Darren Peterson (R), Common Council At-Large; Paula Gilliam (D), Common Council At-Large WESTFIELD When: 7 to 9 p.m. Sept. 30 Where: 130 Penn St., Westfield Who: *Andy Cook (R), Mayor; Donald Rainwater II (L), Mayor; Mike Johns (R), City Council District 5; Kate Healey Snedeker (I), City Council District 5







FISHERS CROSSING: 11684 Allisonville Road • (317) 845-5930 DOWNTOWN INDIANAPOLIS: 1 N. Pennsylvania St • (317) 423-2551 CARMEL: 568 East Carmel Dr • (317) 844-5233 WESTFIELD: 3002 East State Road 32 • (317) 867-1884 WHITESTOWN MEIJER: 6650 Whitestown Pkwy • (317) 769-3553 ZIONSVILLE: 50 North Ford Rd • (317) 733-9141 *APY = Annual percentage yield as of 7/1/19. If 50 or more qualified debit card transactions post per statement cycle: $0-$50,000.00 Earn 4.00% APY; $50,000.01 and greater Earn 0.25% APY; If 18 -49 qualified debit card transactions post per statement cycle: $0-$50,000.00 Earn 2.00% APY; $50,000.01 and greater Earn 0.25% APY; Less than 18 qualified debit card transactions results in entire savings balance earning 0.01% APY. Fees could reduce earnings. Rates are subject to change without notice. Centier reserves the right to discontinue any offer at any time. Other terms and conditions apply. Member FDIC.

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August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield



Performances at Conner Prairie Amphitheatre in Fishers, Indiana • Gates open at 6PM, concerts begin at 8PM

Media Sponsor:

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Collaborative establishes grant By Renee Larr A new collaborative effort has been established with a $400,000 grant to open employment and education ELECTION avenues for youth in central Indiana. Opportunity Youth Collaborative is the first initiative of the Community Leadership Innovation Fund, established by the Central Indiana Community Foundation, which is comFrancis prised of five philanthropic leaders (Lori Efroymson-Aguilera, Marianne Glick, Myrta Pulliam, Cindy Simon Skjodt, Charlie Sutphin) and three foundations (CICF, represented by Greg Hahn; The Indianapolis Foundation, represented by Milt Thompson and Hamilton County Community Foundation, represented by Jay Merrell). EmployIndy estimates that in Indianapolis, more than 30,000 people, ages 16 to 24, are not employed or enrolled in school. The initiative focuses on re-engaging that group. Five participating organizations will receive grants through the Opportunity Youth

Collaborative. They are: • EmployIndy — Youth Employment System Indy Reengagement Centers-YES Indy REC ($175K) • Indiana Black Expo — Re-engagement through the arts ($75,000) • Martin Luther King Center — Comprehensive opportunity youth services ($50,000) • Groundwork Indy — In-school Green Team at Arsenal Tech High School ($50,000) • Hamilton County Youth Assistance Program — scaling program evaluation ($50,000) EmployIndy plans to invest the funds to expand a pilot program called Youth Employment System Indy Reengagement Centers. The program uses open-gym basketball to bring youth to a space where career services can be offered. “It is an awesome opportunity. CICF is giving us the ability to drill down to the needs of the young people in order to move them to a career,” said Rev. Rodney Francis, senior director of opportunity youth at EmployIndy. “It allows us to provide a holistic approach in order to move them to sustainability.” For more, visit

The Levinson & Transitional Parking Projects are underway.

Get information, parking maps, and more at

August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield



On Aug. 9, Mike and Debbie Laird conducted the 16th annual Jake Laird Memorial Golf Tourney. The fundraiser enables the Lairds to provide financial assistance to public safety officers for equipment, support for various police and fire programs and financial assistance for police officers and firefighters injured in the line of duty. The Lairds’ son, Jake, was an Indianapolis Police Dept. officer who was killed in the line of duty in 2004. From left, State Rep. Donna Schaibley, Mike Laird, Debbie Laird and Noblesville mayoral candidate Chris Jensen. (Submitted photo)

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August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield


Vanessa Emery sells Dark Side Roasters coffee at the Aug. 17 Westfield City Market. (Photos by Anna Skinner)

Katie Koch sells eggs.

Pat Brown, left, and Shelly Brown volunteer at a booth for the League of Women Voters.

From left, Keagan, River and Wyatt Mendenhall work the My Dad’s Sweetcorn truck.

August 27, 2019




TABLE Moyer serves up second outdoor dining fundraiser

By Anna Skinner • Dan Moyer wants to share a meal with the entire City of Westfield. Residents can join in by purchasing tickets for the second Dinner Party on Union COVER STORY fundraiser. The Sept. 14 event features the longest outdoor dining table in Hamilton County and maybe even the state, although Moyer isn’t quite sure about the latter. “Our goal is to make it bigger and better than last year and to get everyone in the community to support this event beMoyer cause it’s part of their community,” said Moyer, who owns Moyer Fine Jewelers in Westfield. “It’s a community-oriented event not for one specific charity. This is just for Westfield. It’s for downtown Westfield.” Originally, the goal was to raise money for an endowment for the Downtown Westfield Association to create a presence within Grand Junction Plaza when it’s complete. However, after raising more than $70,000 last year, Moyer said some of the funds from last year and this year’s event will be part of a $50,000 donation to the Westfield Playhouse, which is moving to downtown Westfield. “We are going to try to help that come to fruition,” Moyer said. “It’s going to be a really cool building right there, right on Union Street, right where our silent auction tent was last year. We are not saying we are responsible for (the playhouse), we are just saying we are helping.” Funds also can be used to purchase items for the Grand

Current in Westfield

Junction Park and Plaza when its complete. Moyer said if a downtown charity requests funds, the endowment may help there, too. “Otherwise, we would just be saving money for Grand Junction Plaza to come up with a monument, and what we could do for the playhouse is way more valuable,” Moyer said. “We want everybody who The inaugural Dinner Party on is involved in Westfield Union drew approximately 300 to get involved in this people seated outside. (Photo by because it’s all about Amy Rose) Westfield. Great new things are happening. There’s the new playhouse going in, the new plaza going in, there are exciting things happening in Westfield, and this event is to help celebrate that and raise some money so we can continue to do exciting things this year.” The event will be from 6 to 11 p.m. Sept. 14. Dinner will be served on an exceptionally long table, that can seat 300plus, stretching down Union Street. Live music will be performed by the band Dude. The meal will be catered by Ritz Charles. The event also will include an open bar from 6 to 7 p.m., a silent and live auction, among other festivities. “We are trying to create this to get everybody to be involved as the downtown evolves,” Moyer said. “There’s going to be a lot of evolvement over the next five to 10 years. We will hopefully make this the annual deal everybody in Westfield goes to for fun, mostly for fun, but also it’s going to help endow and enrich and enhance all things in Westfield we can do through the DWA.” Tickets for a couple are $500, or $2,000 for a table of eight. Sponsorship opportunities are available. In case of inclement weather, the event will be moved inside to the Grand Park Event Center. For more, visit

TAKEAWAYS FROM LAST YEAR Event organizer Dan Moyer declared last year’s inaugural Dinner Party on Union a success. Not surprisingly, he expects this year’s to be even better. “Yeah, I would say (last year’s) was pretty good,” Moyer said. “Until that Saturday morning when I got there and saw tables getting run down the street, saw the stage pushed into place, saw the flowers up and Huston Electric put the lighting up, all of a sudden I said, ‘Wow, this is actually pretty cool, this is looking pretty neat.’ When (I heard) the weather was going to be good, it was really great.” Marketing Director Lauren Bauer said organizers have corrected issues that blunted sound last year at the northern end of the table. “The only thing everybody was kind of in agreement on that could be better was you couldn’t hear as well from the end of the table,” she said. “We will put out more speakers to get people up to the front so they know when the live auction is happening and the music.”

The Dinner Party on Union table will stretch 300-plus seats along Union Street between Penn and Hoover streets. Various different bars and lounge areas will be situated on the street along the table, and the stage will be at the southernmost end of the event.



August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield


LETTER Say no to more Arbor homes

Noticing failure Commentary by Terry Anker The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles is an award winner. It routinely touts itself as an outstanding example of what a citizen-facing government agency can be. Our fine state has long worked to improve its services and attitude in dealing with we Hoosiers. Still, there are no guarantees. In four out of five exchanges, we have come to expect good, quick interactions in a clean and friendly environment. So, what of the dreaded fifth? What is the right number for failure? On a recent such “fifth.” the BMV staff was a bit muddled about how to properly transact a rather unusual swap of titles and plates between related family members. Knowing of the potential for confusion, the local branch was contacted and, separately, so was the main office downtown. Slightly different but related answers gave hope that a solution would be easily found. The ticket number, 44, was called to the desk at around 9:15 a.m. While there were two customers, only one chair was provided. The others were “zip-tied” together. Theft must be a problem. Alas, the transaction quickly flummoxed the pleasant woman seated behind the desk. Her supervisor had little more knowledge. “Try this” he said. If it didn’t work, they’d “try” something else. Soon, an hour passed. Still, while all the employees were comfortably seated, the customer stood. Number 78 was called, then No. 114, then 143. With the closing of another hour, the transaction was finally complete. Under tremendous duress, the branch assistant manager became involved, bringing his own chair to the desk, and was able to find a solution, albeit a clumsy one. Did they even see the failure? Do we notice our own – and if so, do we act like it matters? Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at

Ready or not ... I’m not! Commentary by Danielle Wilson Tomorrow is the big day, people. I’m headed to the West Coast to drop off one of my twinkies at college. Yikes! What if I can’t do it, without, you know, crying? HUMOR The horror! I mean, I should be good, right? It’s not like I haven’t been through this before. When we drove Older Brother down to IU for the first time, I did an amazing job of suppressing my emotions. Now, it helped that he’d chosen a school less than 90 minutes away by minivan and with half of his graduating class in attendance. But still, I handled the adios like a champ. Except for a small meltdown at a Chick-fil-A earlier that summer, I shed no tears whatsoever. “Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out, kiddo!” But this feels radically different. In less than 48 hours, I’ll be single-parenting in a

strange city, 2,300 miles from here, saying goodbye to a son whom I once called my boiled chicken baby (his twin sister stole most of the food, so he was born rather puny. I can easily recall rocking him in those first few weeks and thinking, “I shouldn’t be able to see his bones. Where’s the beef?”). And then I’m expected to board a plane, fly home and ignore the fact that it will be Christmas before I see him again? What the fudge, friends? I’m not sure I can do that with dry eyes and a happy face. Seriously, how am I supposed to let this one go? Tomorrow’s the big day, and he is definitely ready. I’m just worried that I’m not. Peace out.

Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at

QUOTE OF THE WEEK “People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.” — Søren Kierkegaard

Editor’s note: This letter was originally written by a resident to the advisory plan commission. Editor, I have many concerns about (the Orchard View development in Westfield). 1. Developments by Arbor are one of the worst for debris, which is then blown onto private property, common areas and ponds. 2. As subdivisions are developed there are subcontractors who do not come close to respecting the area. 3. I had three, single-spaced typed pages of issues with my home (constructed by Arbor). Arbor took care of a few but, unfortunately, the “replacement” would be just as bad as the original issue. Many times, Arbor denies it is a “warranty issue” and then it goes to “forced arbitration,” which is never in the homeowner’s best interest. 4. Arbor plans another 271 to 275 homes in Orchard View. I am worried that another Arbor community will only end up being another community of homes with poorquality product and poor workmanship, common areas not developed as promised, amenities not developed as promised, more narrow streets that when people park become a traffic hazard and a construction area that looks like a war zone. Dee Burke, Westfield

POLICIES Letters to the editor: Current Publishing will consider verifiable letters of up to 200 words. Anything longer will be returned to the writer for editing. Anything presented as factual matter must be thoroughly vetted prior to submission. Current retains the right to reject or return any letter it deems to carry unsubstantiated content. Current also retains the right to edit letters for style, grammar, punctuation and spelling. Send letters to Writers must include a hometown and a daytime phone number for verification. Guest columns: The policy for guest columns is the same as the aforementioned, but the allowable length is 300 words. Guest columns should address the whole of Current’s readership, not simply specialinterest groups, and may not in any way contain a commercial message.

August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield

Avoiding a bloodbath

Commentary by Dick Wolfsie Mary Ellen and I just returned from a trip to San Francisco with our friends the Murphys. The last time we were HUMOR in California was 40 years ago on our honeymoon, but we weren’t going to let one bad experience prevent us from giving the Golden State another try. On this vacation, we stayed at a very old hotel, which you would think would be a good choice for four kinda old people. We got a senior discount on the room and senior dinner specials. Why, then, I wondered, did we end up with a bathtub that would be a challenge for a 20-year-old Olympic pole vaulter? The tub was probably in that bathroom since the early 1900s, a time in our history when the average lifespan was 47 years, unless someone never bathed or showered and then could maybe make it to 60 without breaking his neck. This claw-foot tub’s sides were 3 feet high, with no railings or rubber bathmats to reduce the chance of slipping when entering or exiting the combination tub/shower. This freaked out my wife, who said, “You can’t step into something that high above your knees. Not at your age.” “That’s what you said the last time I put on a pair of shorts.” “Dick, promise me you will not get into that bathtub unless I am standing here holding you and watching your every move.” “You know, Mary Ellen, 40 years ago that would have been a really seductive thing to say. Now, it just sounds kind of creepy.” “As for me, Dick, I can’t go another day without washing my hair.” “Well, it’s either dirty hair or a broken neck.” Thankfully, we both managed to bathe and shampoo safely before we packed for our return home. On our flight, we assessed our vacation. “Let’s see,” Mary Ellen said. “We saw Alcatraz and enjoyed hiking Yosemite, we risked life and limb in the bathroom.” “Tell you what, Mary Ellen, let’s just call it a wash.”

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist and speaker. Contact him at


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August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield

Grindstone on the Monon opens in Westfield

By Jessica Hoover

Clancy’s Inc. opened its fifth restaurant, Grindstone on the Monon, an Americanthemed restauNEW RESTAURANT rant in Westfield Aug. 12. Owner and Director of Operations Blake Fogelsong and his family also own Grindstone Public House and Michaelangelo’s in Noblesville, three Grindstone Charley’s in Kokomo, Lafeyette and Indianapolis and the original restaurant that his grandfather started, Clancy’s Hamburgers, in Sidney, Ohio. Fogelsong is part owner of the company along with his father, Perry Fogelsong, and his two sisters, Becky Thomas and Annette Cunion. “Grindstone on the Monon is a new concept for us, but it’s got some of the favorites from some of the other restaurants,” Fogelsong said. “The famous burger that my grandfather started was the Clancy’s Topper, and we’ve got that on the menu. We’ve got the fried green tomatoes that is one of our best-selling items. We brought those favorites in and put those on our menu, so we’ve taken that mold from which we started and kind of elevated it a little bit.” Grindstone on the Monon also offers sandwiches, soups, salads, burgers, housesmoked brisket, tenderloin and a steak selection of filet, ribeye, sirloin and more. Sandwiches and burgers range from $10 to

Grindstone on the Monon opened Aug. 12. (Submitted photo)

$15, and entrees are approximately $18 to $30. There also is a full bar. The restaurant serves food from several local suppliers and farms, such as Miller Amish Poultry, Gunthorp Farms, Tyler Pond Farms, Maple Leaf Farms, Viking Lamb, Silverthorn Farm, My Sugar Pie, Batch No. 2, Fisher Farms and Turchetti’s Salumeria. Grindstone on the Monon is just off the Monon Trail at 17470 Wheeler Rd. The restaurant has 200 indoor seats and an outdoor patio that seats 55. “We saw a lot of growth in Westfield,” Fogelsong said. “With all of the infrastructure that the community is pouring in, we felt like it’s going to be a great location, not only right when we opened but over time. We’re really looking forward to serving the Westfield community and we hope everyone comes out.” For more, visit

DISPATCHES Price checking app — To save some money during the holidays, try the free app ShopSavvy. Whether you’re shopping for groceries or preparing to make a bigger purchase, such as a TV or appliance, if you’ll be visiting a brick-and-mortar store during your search, this app will help you find the best price. While in a store, simply use your phone’s camera to scan an item’s barcode, and the app will show you how much other stores charge for it, both locally and online. Source: BottomLineInc. High on pot stocks — Stocks of cannabis companies have soared over the past several months, but investors need to tread cautiously even though the $10 billion US market for marijuana could reach $50 billion in five years. Already, 33 states and Washington, D.C., allow the production, sale and use of

medical marijuana. Ten states plus Washington, D.C., allow recreational use. But under federal law, marijuana is regarded as an illegal controlled substance, which creates stumbling blocks for U.S. cannabis companies. Banks and credit card companies are reluctant to do business with these companies. Source: BottomLineInc. Cash back app — Dosh is a cash-back app that pays you for making purchases at more than 100,000 hotels, online stores and restaurants, including Starwood Properties, Marriott, Cost Plus World Market, Nike, Target, Chuck E. Cheese’s and many more. You download the app, register and link a credit or debit card to your account. Once you shop at participating stores, you will automatically earn rebates. You can also earn rebates by booking travel through the app.

August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield


Innovations in Joint Replacement

(Above) Mended Hearts, Christ’s Community Church in Fishers and Emmanuel United Methodist Church in Noblesville recently partnered in placing an automated external defribrillator, or AED, at Emmanuel UMC. From left, Maureen Price, Barb and Dave Ryberg of Mended Hearts, Steve Walker, pastor of Emmanuel UMC, and Marv Norman, representing Mended Hearts and Christ’s Community Church of Fishers. (RIght) Linda Mason and Marv Norman of the Hamilton County chapter of Mended Hearts present an AED to Mike Santisteven, pastor of Life Church in Noblesville. Mended Hearts raises money to purchase AEDs from Bolt for the Heart to donate to the community and to various nonprofit groups, with the goal of donating one device each month. (Submitted photos)

Focus on living. Not on joint pain. Has joint pain been holding you back? It might be time to talk to an expert. At our seminar you’ll learn:

DISPATCHES Avoid food poisoning — Studies show that people with a healthy digestive tract are less vulnerable to food poisoning. Boost your gut health by eating foods with beneficial bacteria such as yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut. You can also supplement with a probiotic containing 5 to 10 billion units daily of acidophilus and bifidus. Source: Vinegar for pain relief — For a sunburn or mild muscle strain, try vinegar to reduce the pain. Dilute vinegar with an equal amount of cold water and soak a cloth in the mixture. Apply to the sunburn or sore area and leave on for 15-20 minutes for relief. Source: Blue light glasses — Eyewear companies now offer a costly option for lenses that block blue light emitted by phones and tab-

lets. It’s true that evening exposure to blue light can interfere with sleep. We still need exposure to blue light, however, during the daytime. It’s a natural component of sunlight and enhances attention, reaction times and mood. So, blue light blocking-glasses may do more harm than good. Source: Ginger for pain relief — Ginger has been proven to work in reducing nausea related to everything from motion sickness to chemotherapy. One of its lesser-known benefits, however, is that it also reduces inflammation. Some research also suggests that it works just as well as the migraine drug sumatriptan (Imitrex). To relieve pain, take a 1,000 mg supplement at the onset of pain. Source:

» » »

When it’s time to see a physician for joint pain The latest techniques used for joint replacement at Riverview Health What to expect after a joint replacement procedure

Presenter: Michael Kaveney, MD When: Wednesday, Sept. 11, 6-7 p.m. Location: Riverview Health, 395 Westfield Road, Noblesville, IN 46060, Krieg DeVault conference room (entrance 3) Registration: Visit or call 317.776.7999. A light dinner will be served.



August 27, 2019

Current in Westfield

Brown, Opera in the Park return to Garfield Park By Mark Ambrogi Opera in the Park is back and so is Angela Brown. Brown appeared at the CONCERT last Opera in the Park concert in 1997. The Indianapolis Opera will present the revised Opera in the Park performance at 6 p.m. Sept. 8 at Garfield Park’s MacAllister Amphitheater in Indianapolis. Brown and Daniel Narducci are guest soloists and it will be conducted by the Opera’s new artistic advisor, Alfred Savia. It will be presented in concert format with full orchestra and lively narration. Opera in the Park is an official production of the nonprofit Friends of Garfield Park in partnership with the Indianapolis Parks Dept. Admission is free. “This is going to be a relaxed setting where the kids can come,” Brown said. “You can bring food and your family. You can have a light, enjoyable evening with opera. It’s not such a stuffy experience but one that everyone can enjoy and feel like they can be part of.” Brown, a soprano from Indianapolis, will perform three numbers, “Vissi d’arte” from “Tosca” by Giacomo Puccini with Narducci, “Summertime” from “Porgy and Bess” by George Gershwin and “Brindisi” (“Libiamo, ne’ liter calici”) from “La Traviata” by Giuseppe Verdi. Brown primarily performs across the U.S. and Europe. “Lately, I’ve done more solo work with symphony orchestras and my show ‘Opera … From a Sistah’s Point of View,’” Brown said. “That’s my show I take around to schools and performing arts organizations. It demystifies opera. I do that through my foundation, Morning Brown.” Singing came naturally to Brown. “I always say opera chose me, I didn’t choose it,” she said. “Once I went to school and learned to sing opera, I took to the technique like a duck to water. It was something that did fit my vocal ability. I had done a lot of musical theater in Indianapolis, mostly with the Civic Theatre. (Opera) encompasses everything I do from the acting, the singing, the movement.

Boz Scaggs to perform Nov. 23 at Palladium Singer-songwriter Boz Scaggs and his “Out of the Blues Tour” will make a Nov. 23 stop at the Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. Long considered one of the great “blueeyed soul” vocalists, Scaggs was an early member of the Steve Miller Band before launching a solo career and making his commercial breakthrough with the 1976 album “Silk Degrees.” The multi-platinum release rode the charts for 115 weeks and spawned three Top 40 singles: “It’s Over,” “Lido Shuffle” and the Grammy-winning “Lowdown.” Scaggs’ performance is set for 8 p.m. Nov. 23 at the Palladium, 1 Center Green, Carmel. Tickets starting at $40 are on sale at and through the Box Office at 317-843-3800 or toll-free at 877909-ARTS (2787). The Katz, Sapper & Miller Pop/Rock Series is part of the 2019-20 Center Presents Season sponsored by Allied Solutions.

Angela Brown will appear in Opera in the Park Sept. 8 at Garfield Park’s McAllister Amphitheater. (Submitted photo)

“I consider myself pretty funny sometimes, and then the drama of it all. Opera fits all those.” Brown graduated from Crispus Attucks High School, which was then a medical magnet school “I thought I wanted to go into the medical field, but I ended up going toward the arts,” she said. Brown attended Oakwood University in Huntsville, Ala., and then studied at Indiana University Brown teaches master classes and owns a private voice studio at the Basile Opera Center, 4011 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis. “I’m going to be making my debut with Seattle Opera and New Orleans Opera doing “Charlie Parker’s Yardbird,” and the role I play is the mother, so I’m excited about that,” she said. The program will include excerpts from

the Indianapolis Opera’s 2019-20 productions of “Elixir of Love” and “Don Giovanni,” as well as other familiar chorus tunes and solos. “Elixir of Love” will be presented Nov. 15 to 17 at The Tarkington at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s “Don Giovanni” is set for March 20 to 22, 2020 at The Toby Theater at Newfields in Indianapolis. The third performance will be “Brundibar” and “Vedem” at The Toby April 24 to 26, 2020. The park concert will conclude with a champagne toast (sparkling cider) celebrating the opening of the 45th anniversary season. Beginning at 5 p.m., food from Prime 47 Indy’s Steakhouse will be available for purchase, or patrons can bring a picnic dinner. For more on Brown, visit angelambrown. com. For more on Indianapolis Opera, visit

Westfield — My Yellow Rickshaw will perform a free concert from 6 to 9 p.m. Aug. 29 at Urban Vines, 330 E. 161st St. Free admission, $10 parking. Drink tickets are $8, good for a glass of wine, beer or slushy. Noblesville — Concert at the Commons will feature 16 Candles (1980s music) with an opening band of The Cosmic Situation at 7 p.m. Aug. 31 at Federal Hill Commons Fishers — Tim & Jack will present a free hour-long concert at noon Aug. 26 at the Central Green. Fishers — Blues Fest, an annual Labor Day weekend event, is set for 7 to 11 p.m. Aug. 30-31 at Nickel Plate Amphitheater. Carmel — Soul Street will a perform free concert at 7 p.m. Aug. 26 at the Summer Family Concert Series at the Gazebo. Carmel — Gibson Wells is set to perform at 7 p.m. Aug. 30 and Bryce Taylor at 7 p.m. Aug. 31 at Sugar Creek Vineyard and Winery, 1111 W. Main St., Suite 165.

August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield



2019 - 2020 SEASON

Actor Theatre of Indiana co-founders, front, from left, Judy Fitzgerald, Don Farrell and Cynthia Collins perform at a free celebration of the 2019-20 season Aug. 17 at Midtown Plaza in Carmel. Backing up the ATI trio were Greg Wolff, drums, Greg Gegogeine, bass, and Brent Marty, keyboard. ATI opens the season with “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” Sept. 6 to Sept. 29 at the Studio Theater at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. ATI partnered with Sun King Distillery for the event. (Submitted photo)

10/4 - 10/19

12/6 - 12/28

Blues Fest set for Aug. 30-31 By Mark Ambrogi The seventh annual Fishers Blues Fest will feature something old and something new. MUSIC There will be five performers Aug. 30 and four performers Aug. 31 at the Nickel Plate District Amphitheater. Three of the performers are returning from last year’s Blues Fest. “Governor Davis is always a fan favorite and Blues Ambassadors has been with us for a few years, and we’re looking at the mix of new and fan favorites,” said Kara Hall, marketing and public relations manager for the City of Fishers. Jay Jesse Johnson is the other returning performer. Children’s activities and lawn games also will be offered. “You can bring the whole family. It’s not just for adults,” said Marissa Deckert, assistant director of Parks and Recreation for the City of Fishers. “It’s a great two-day festival and it’s all free, which is pretty amazing. We want to create a different experience. You can hear music a lot of places, but with the festival atmosphere we are going after with all of our food vendors who have joined on,

2/7 - 2/22

3/13 - 3/28

Governor Davis performs at Fishers Blues Fest. (Submitted photo)

it’s a way to come and hang out with the family.” Gates open at 5:30 p.m. Performances will be from 7 to 11 p.m.

CONCERT LINEUP Aug. 30 7 to 7:20 p.m.: John Ford, 7:25 to 8:10 p.m.: Paul Linden & His Agents of Redemption, 8:15 to 8:55 p.m.: Queen Delphine and The Crown Jewels, 9 to 9:40 p.m.: Governor Davis, 9:45 to 11 p.m.: John Primer. Aug. 31 7 to 7:45 p.m.: The Blues Ambassadors, 7:50 to 8:30 p.m.: Jay Jesse Johnson, 9 to 9:40 p.m.: Tad Robinson, 9:45 to 11 p.m.: B.B. King Blues Band featuring Michael Lee

4/24 - 5/9



August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield

Former mayor receives inaugural award By Rick Morwick

MSP Season 2019-2020

Former Noblesville Mayor Mary Sue Rowland did not propose the idea for Shakespeare in the Park at Federal ARTS Hills Commons. But she brought on board the person who did. During her first term in 1992, Rowland appointed Jane Campbell as the city’s first “Minister of Culture,” a position designed to promote and grow the arts in Nobles-


8/9/19 9:46 AM

Mary Sue Rowland, left, is presented the Jane Campbell Award by Noblesville Cultural Arts Commission Secretary David Heighway prior to the Aug. 2 Shakespeare in the Park performance of “Macbeth” at Federal Hills Commons.” (Submitted photo)


who not only had the foresight to appoint ville. A long-time arts advocate and leader Campbell, but also proposed the creation of the Noblesville Shakespeare Club, Campof the cultural board during the first of her bell proposed the popular Shakespeare in two terms as mayor. the Park series in 1993 and remained acHonored to be the first recipient, Rowtively involved in it until her death in 2006. land is even more delighted that the award As a tribute, the Noblesville Cultural Arts by Jethro Compton recognizes Campbell’s legacy for tirelessly Commission created the Jane Campbell Directed by Veronique Duprey local Award, given to an individual who en- 2019 •enhancing September 27-28, October 4-6, 2019arts. “I was very pleased. It was a very hances and supports local arts. The first 11-13, 2019 October thoughtful award,” Rowland said. “It was award was presented Aug. 2 prior to the very special (to receive), especially at the Shakespeare in the Park performance of Shakespeare event.” “Macbeth.” The recipient was Rowland,

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

Over the River and Through the Woods by Joe DiPietro

Directed by Doug Davis November 15-16, 2019 • November 22-24, 2019 November 29 - December 1, 2019

MSP Season 2019-2020

Who Shot Liberty Valance Lie, Cheat,The andMan Genuflect by Jethro Compton

by Billy Van MSP Zandt & Jane Milmore 2019-2020 Season Directed by Jen Otterman MSP Season 2019-2020 January 17-18, 2020 • January 24-26, 2020 Directed by Veronique Duprey September 27-28, 2019 • October 4-6, 2019 October 11-13, 2019

The Con is On!

January 31 -The February 2,Who 2020 Shot Liberty Valance Man Over the River and Through the Woods The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance by Jethro Compton by Jethro Compton

bybyJoe DiPietro Directed Veronique Duprey Directed by Doug Davis4-6, 2019 September 27-28, 2019 • October November 15-16, 2019 • November October 11-13, 2019 22-24, 2019 November 29 - December 1, 2019

MSP Season MSP Season 2019-2020 A Raisin in the Sun 2019-2020 Directed by Veronique Duprey September 27-28, 2019 • October 4-6, 2019 October 11-13, 2019

by Lorraine Hansberry

Directed byThe Nancy Lafferty Man Whoand Shot Libertythe Valance The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance Over the River Through Lie, Cheat, and GenuflectWoods Over the Riverbyand the Woods March 20-21, 2020 • March 27-29, 2020 byby Jethro Compton JethroThrough Compton Joe DiPietro April 3-5,2019-2020 2020 MSP Season MSP Season 2019-2020 MSP Season 2019-2020 MSP Season 2019-2020 bybyJoe DiPietro Directed Veronique Duprey Directed by Doug Davis4-6, 2019 September 27-28, 2019 • October November 15-16, 201911-13, • November October 2019 22-24, 2019 November 29 - December 1, 2019

by Billy Vanby Zandt & Jane Milmore Directed Veronique Duprey Directed by Doug Davis Directed by Jen September 27-28, 2019 • Otterman October 22-24, 4-6, 2019 November 15-16, 2019 • November 2019 January 17-18, 2020 • January 24-26, October 11-13, 2019 November 29 - December 1, 20192020 January 31 - February 2, 2020

Rumors The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance The Man Who Shotthe Liberty Valance Over River and Through the Woods Thethe Man Who Shot Liberty Valance Over River and Through the Woods Lie, Cheat, and Genuflect The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance by Jethro Compton A Raisin in the Sun by Neil Simon Lie, Cheat, and Genuflect The Man Shot Liberty Valance by Jethro Compton Joe DiPietro by Jethro Compton Who by Joe DiPietro by Billy Van & Jane Milmore Directed by Veronique Duprey byZandt by Lorraine Hansberry Directed by Veronique Duprey Directed byJen Doug Davis Directed by2019 Brynn Tyszka Directed Veronique Duprey by Billy Vanby Zandt & Jane Milmore by Jethro Compton Directed by Doug Davis Directed Otterman September 27-28, • October 4-6, 2019 by by Jethro Compton Directed by Nancy Lafferty September 27-28, 2019 • November October 4-6, 20192019 15-16, •• January November 22-24, 2019 September 27-28, 2019 • Otterman October 4-6, 2019 Directed by Jen November 15-16, 2019 • November 22-24, 2019 January 17-18, 2020 24-26, 2020 October 11-13, 2019 May 8-9, 2020 • May 15-17, 2020 Directed by Veronique Duprey March 20-21, 2020 • March 27-29, 2020 11-13, 2019 November 29 December 1, 2019 October 201924-26, by Veronique Duprey January 17-18, 2020 • January November 29 - 11-13, December 1,Directed 20192020 October January 31 - February 2, 2020 May 22-24, 2020 September 27-28, 2019 • October 4-6,April 2019 3-5, 2020 January 31 - February 2, 2020

September 27-28, 2019 • October 4-6, 2019

October 2019 the and Through the October 11-13, 2019 Over the River River and11-13, Through the Woods Woods Lie, and Genuflect Over the River andOver Through the Woods Lie, Cheat, and Genuflect ACheat, Raisin in the Sun by Star Joe DiPietro Rumors Encore Rising Youth Production A Raisin in the Sun by Joe DiPietro Billy ZandtHansberry & Jane Milmore byZandt Joe DiPietro by Billy Van & Jane Milmore byVan Lorraine Directed by Dougby Davis

NotThrough to be in the athe Play Over the River Woods Over30 theReasons River and and Through Woods

byby Neil Simon Directed by•Doug Davis22-24, Directed by Jen Otterman Directed byJen Doug Davis by Lorraine Hansberry Directed by Otterman Directed Nancy Lafferty November 15-16, 2019 November 2019 Directed by Brynn Tyszka November 15-16, 2019 • November 22-24, 2019 January 17-18, 2020 January 24-26,2020 2020 November 15-16, 2019 • January November 22-24, 2019 by Nancy Lafferty JanuaryDirected 17-18, 2020 24-26, 2020 March 20-21, 2020 •• March 27-29, November 29 - December 1, 2019 8-9, April 2020 •3-5, May 15-17, 2020 November 29 - December 1,May 2019 January 31 - February 2, 2020 November 29--February December 1, 2019 March 20-21,31 2020 • March2, 27-29, 2020 January 2020 2020 by Alan Haehnel by Joe DiPietro May 22-24, 2020 April 3-5, 2020 by Joe DiPietro

Directed by Tanya Haas Directed by Doug Davis Lie, Cheat, and Genuflect Directed by Davis Lie, Cheat, and Genuflect AMilmore Raisin inYouth theProduction Sun Lie,ACheat, Genuflect Raisinand inNovember the Sun July 17-19,2020 ••Doug July 24-26, 2020 Encore Rising Star Rumors 15-16, 2019 November 22-24, 2019 by Billy Van Zandt & Jane November 15-16, 2019 • November 22-24, 2019 Rumors by Billy Van Zandt &Otterman Jane Milmore by2019 Lorraine by Billy ZandtHansberry & JaneNovember Milmore byVan Lorraine 29 December 1, byNot Neil Hansberry Simon Directed by Jen 30 Reasons to be in a Play November 29 by - December 2019by Nancy Lafferty Directed Jen Otterman1, Directed Directed by Jen Otterman byby Neil Simon Directed Nancy Lafferty Directed January 17-18, 2020 • January 24-26, 2020 by Brynn Tyszka by2020 Alan Haehnel January 17-18,31 2020 • January 2020 March 2020 March 27-29, 2020 January 17-18, January 24-26, 2020 by Brynn Tyszka MarchDirected 20-21, 2020 • March 27-29, 2020 May20-21, 8-9, • •May 15-17, 2020 January - February 2,24-26, 2020 by3-5, Tanya Haas April22-24, 2020 January 31 - February 2, 2020 May 8-9, April 2020 •3-5, May 15-17, 2020 January 31 - February 2, 2020Directed 2020 May 2020 July 17-19,2020 • July 24-26, 2020 May 22-24, 2020

Hedda Gabler Lie, Cheat, and Genuflect by Henrik Ibsen Lie, Cheat, and Genuflect A Raisin Raisin in the the SunRising Star Youth Production Encore A in Sun

Rumors by Adam DavisMilmore A Raisin in the SunDirected by Billy Van Zandt & Jane Rumors Encore Rising Star Youth byProduction Billy Van Zandt &Reasons Jane Milmore by Lorraine Hansberry Hedda Gabler to be in a Play by Lorraine Hansberry 18-19, 2020 •30 September 2020 byNot Neil Simon by Lorraine Hansberry Directed by Jen Otterman byNot NeilSeptember Simon Directed by Nancy Lafferty 25-27, Directed by Jen Otterman 30 Reasons to be in a Play by Ibsen Directed by Nancy Lafferty Directed by Brynn Tyszka Directed Lafferty Directedby byNancy Brynn TyszkaMarch by Henrik Alan Haehnel October 2-4, 2020 20-21, 2020 27-29, 2020 January 17-18, 2020 •• March January 24-26, 2020 Directed by Adam Davis March 20-21, 20203-5, 2020 January 17-18, 2020 • March January 24-26, 2020 May 8-9, 2020 15-17, March 2020 March 27-29, 2020 by2020 Alan Haehnel May20-21, 8-9, • •May 15-17, 2020 Directed by• May Tanya Haas2020 April 2020 27-29, -- February 2, September 18-19, 2020 September April 3-5, 2020 May 22-24, 2020 April22-24, 2020 Directed by3-5, Tanya Haas January May 2020 July 17-19,2020 •• July 24-26, 25-27, 2020 2020 January 31 31 February 2, 2020 2020 October 2-4, 2020 July 17-19,2020 • July 24-26, 2020


Music by15-17, Charles Strouse Lyrics by Martin Charnin, Directed by•Brynn Tyszka by Alan Haehnel Directed by Brynn Tyszka by Henrik Ibsen Alan Haehnel by Lorraine Hansberry Book by 2020 Thomas Meehan Directed by, Adam Davis May 8-9, May 2020 by Hansberry MayLorraine 8-9,May 202022-24, • May 15-17, Book 2020 by2020 Thomas Meehan Directed by•Tanya Haas25-27, 2020 MayDirected 8-9, 2020by• May 15-17, Adam Davis Tanya Haas2020 September 18-19, September 2020 Directed by Nancy Lafferty Directed by Jan Jamison 2020Lafferty by•2-4, Jan Jamison July Directed 17-19,2020 July2020 24-26, 2020 May 22-24, 2020 September 2020 September 2020 May Directed by22-24, Nancy July 18-19, 17-19,2020 •• July 24-26, 25-27, 2020 October March 20-21, 2020 • March 2020 Holiday 2020 ! 27-29, October 2-4, 2020 MarchEncore 20-21, 2020 March 27-29, Holiday 2020 2020 ! Rising Star• Youth Production AprilStar 3-5, 2020 Encore Rising Youth Production Encore Rising Star Youth Production


Directed by Michael Blatt Choreographed by Carol Worcel Bohon

One hotel suite, four tenors, two wives, Musical Direction by Bob three girlfriends, One hotel suite, four tenors, two wives, and a soccer stadium filled with screaming fans. three girlfriends, and a soccer stadium One hotel suite, four tenors, two wives, filled with screaming fans. What could possibly go wrong? three girlfriends, and a soccer stadium , two wives, filled with screamingWhat fans. cer stadium could possibly go wrong? fans. What could possibly go wrong?

o wrong?



317.843.3800 317.843.3800 317.843.3800

Presented through special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.

The characters from Lend Me A Tenor are back in this Actors Theatre of Indiana 317.843.3800 510Theatre 3rd Avenue SW, Suite D of Indiana fast-paced, over-the-top farce! Presented throughActors special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc. 317.843.3800 Carmel, IN 46032 510 3rd Avenue SW, Suite D 317.843.3800 cters from Lend Me A Tenor are back in this Actors Theatre of Indiana Actors Theatre of Indiana is the Carmel, IN 46032 Principal Professional Resident Company It’s 1930’s Paris and the stage is set for the concert of 510 3rd Avenue SW, Suite D 317.843.3800 of The StudioNONPROFIT Theater at The Center for the Performing Arts. Actors Theatre of Indiana ORG. , over-the-top farce! Actors Theatre of Indiana is the Presented through special arrangement withIN Samuel Carmel, 46032French, Inc.

Principal Professional Resident Company U.S. POSTAGE

April 3-5,to 2020 Hedda Gabler Hedda Gabler Annie 30 Not be aa Play Please phone ahead for reservations or go on-line 30 Reasons Not to be in in Play 30 Reasons Not to be Reasons in a Play Annie by Henrik Ibsen by Henrik Ibsen ahead by Music by Charles Strouse Lyrics by Martin Charnin, Alan Haehnel Please phone for reservations or, go on-line



Annie Rumors Rising Star Youth Production Encore Rising Star Youth Production Rumors EncoreHedda Rumors A Raisin Gabler in the Sun by Neil Simon Annie 30 Reasons Not to be in, a Play Hedda Gabler 30 Reasons Not to be in a Play Music by Charles Strouse , Lyrics by Martin Charnin by by Neil Simon in the by Neil Simon A Raisin by Henrik Ibsen Directed Brynn TyszkaSun




Indianapolis, IN Permit No. 5677

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atHaas by Alan Haehnel Directed by AdamMeehan Davis by Alan Haehnel Music by Charles Strouse Lyrics by MartinDirected Charnin Directed by, Adam Davis by, Tanya Book by Thomas Directed by•Tanya Haas2020 September 18-19, 2020 September Directed by•Tanya Haas25-27, September 18-19, September Book by2020 Thomas Meehan July2020 17-19,2020 July 24-26, Directed by •Jan Jamison25-27, 2020

Rumors at Rumors

July 17-19,2020 Westfield • July 24-26, 2020 October 2020 July Directed 17-19,2020 July2020 24-26, 2020 Playhouse • 1836 SR 32 West October by•2-4, Jan Jamison Holiday2-4, 2020 ! by Simon Holiday 2020 ! by Neil NeilWestfield, Simon IN 46074 • (317) 402-3341

Westfield Playhouse • 1836 SR Annie 32 West Hedda Gabler Directed by Brynn Tyszka Hedda Gabler Hedda Gabler Annie phone ahead for reservations or go on-line May •• May 15-17, byPlease Henrik Ibsen May 8-9, 8-9, 2020 2020 May 15-17, 2020 2020 Directed by Brynn Tyszka

Please ahead reservations or go on-line Westfield, IN 46074 •at (317) 402-3341 by Henrik Ibsen Music by Charles Strouse , Lyrics by Martin Charnin, by for Henrik Ibsen Musicphone by Charles Strouse , Lyrics by Martin Charnin May 22-24, 2020 Directed by, Adam Davis May2020 22-24, 2020 Directed by •Adam DavisBook Directed by AdamMeehan Davis Thomas Meehan at Book by Thomas September 18-19, September 25-27, by 2020 September 18-19, 2020 • September 25-27, 2020 September Directed 18-19, 2020 September Directed by Jan Jamison by •Jan Jamison25-27, 2020OctoberWestfield 2-4, 2020 Playhouse • 1836 SR 32 West October 2-4, 2020 October 2020 Holiday 2020 ! Holiday2-4, 2020 ! Encore Westfield Playhouse • 1836 SR 32 West Youth IN 46074 • (317) 402-3341 Encore Rising Rising Star StarWestfield, Youth Production Production Westfield, IN 46074 • (317) 402-3341 Annie Annie Please phone ahead for reservations or go on-line Annie Please phone ahead for reservations or go on-line

30 30 Reasons Reasons Not Not to to be be in in aa Play Play

August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield

Concerts move to Lions Park By Mark Ambrogi For 28 years, Zionsville has presented a weekly summer concert series at Lincoln Park. MUSIC That reign has ended as the Zionsville Cultural District recently announced the series will move to Lions Park in the summer of 2020. However, the ZCD plans to present periodic concerts at Lincoln Park. ZCD assumed operation of the Lincoln Park Concert Series six years ago from the Chamber of Commerce. “We found the acoustics were not that good and the gazebo was too small,” Zionsville Cultural District President Carla Howie said. Howie said the ZCD also wanted more space for its sponsors and was concerned about lack of restroom facilities. “If we wanted to do something larger, Lincoln Park wasn’t able to accommodate that,” Howie said. “Lions Park seemed welcoming. They have a bigger gazebo and a concession stand they would offer during the season. We’re looking to make the series more robust.”

Lincoln Park gazebo is more suited for smaller groups. (Submitted photo)

Lions Park has more restrooms and a playground. “We have a lot of space for the crowd like Conner Prairie,” Howie said. The Zionsville Cultural District decided to produce a 266-square-foot mural of Abraham Lincoln on a building near Lincoln Park. “We thought, what a wonderful way to honor Lincoln Park by a mural of Abraham Lincoln,” Howie said. “What we’re hoping to do is program expansion and do a smaller concert, maybe not every week but several times during the summer.” Howie said that would be in addition to the concert series at Lions Park.

Autumn Elegance STYLE SHOW & LUNCHEON Sponsored by the Riverview Health Medical Staff

Riverview Health Auxiliary invites you and your friends to attend the Autumn Elegance Style Show & Luncheon featuring the latest fashions by The Secret Ingredient. When: Thursday, Sept. 26, 2019 Where: The Bridgewater Club, 3535 East 161st Street Registration and shopping: 11 a.m.-noon Luncheon and style show: 12 p.m. Registration: Visit or email for more information. Individual ticket: $45



August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield

As an Indiana native, Mike always enjoys a meal at a local restaurant and showing people what the Indy area has to offer. You may find him drinking at local coffee shops, eating brunch in Fishers, shopping and having dinner in Carmel or at the latest concerts. For more, visit @wheresmikeg on Instagram.

Fat Dan’s Chicago Style Deli

Commentary by Mike Gillis

MORE NICKEL PLATE ARTS EVENTS: A TIME TO RE-MEMBER Featuring works from our artist members September 6–28, Wed.-Fri., Noon-5 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Judge Stone House Gallery, Free SEPTEMBER FIRST FRIDAY September 6, 6–9 p.m. Nickel Plate Arts campus Live music from Danny Thompson with Travis Brant

The Belfry Theatre Well Until Dark Sept. 27-Oct. 13, Fri. & Sat., 8 p.m., Sun., 2 p.m. $17 adults, $14 ages 0-12 & 65-100 Caravan Classes Wednesday Art Classes September 4, 11, 18, 25 $15 per session 11-11:30 a.m. Family Art Time AGES 6-11: 1:30-2:30 p.m. Homeschool Art 4-5 p.m. After-school Art 5-6 p.m. Teen Art 6:30-7:30 p.m. Adult Art Class 92 S. 9th St., Noblesville or call 765-557-1969

SHOWCASE EXHIBIT: Claudia Labin: Destination: Unknown September 6–28, Wed.-Fri., Noon-5 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Stephenson House Gallery, Free

Hamilton County Artists’ Association HCAA Showcase at NobleMade: Nancy Waltz, Sept. 1–15 Joanne Roeder, Sept. 15 - Oct. 31 NobleMade Gift Shop, 839 Conner St. First Friday at HCAA Sept. 6, 6:30-8:30 p.m. HCAA presents “Our Creative Community” Exhibit Sept. 6-28, Thurs: 1-3 p.m., Fri: 1-4 p.m., Sat: 10-4 p.m. Watercolor Workshop with Stephen Edwards Sept. 20-21: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Cost: $200 for two days or $100 for one day The Birdie Gallery of HCAA 195 S. 5th St., Noblesville

COMICS & CARTOOING CLASS with instructor Ed Gedeon August 28-October 2, Wednesdays, 3:30-5 p.m. Nickel Plate Arts campus, $36 for a 6-week session, supplies included IN FISHERS Meyer Najem Showcase: Ben Jennings September 1 - September 27 Mon - Fri., 8 a.m.-5 p.m.. Meyer Najem 11787 Lantern Road, Ste. 100 Free

Address: 840 W. Main St., Carmel What to get: Fat Dan’s OG Smoked Jumbo Wings Price: $12 Fat Dan’s OG Smoked Jumbo Wings (Photo by Mike Gillis) Mike G’s take: Think big! hours, you get to top them with the This menu is widespread, with Chicagosauce of your choice: BBQ, hot BBQ. Fat style hot dogs and Italian beef, burgers, Dan’s hot sauce, teriyaki, blue cheese or deli sandwiches with corned beef, loaded honey dijon. In each bite you can taste tots and homemade fries. Fat Dan’s smokes the hickory flavor and it’s so tender that different meats like pork, brisket, ribs and, the meat comes right off the bone. my favorite, jumbo chicken wings. Fat Dan’s • Italian Beef — Juicy, thin-sliced roast atmosphere has a neighborhood feel, a beef on Italian bread with giardiniera place to hang with family and friends while peppers served dry, dipped, or wet, just enjoying great food. The Carmel restaurant like you get in Chicago. is different than the Broad Ripple and down• Stove oven pizza ($11-$17) – Like many town Indy locations in that has a stone places, Fat Dan’s has specialty pizzas. oven where fresh calzones, pizza, breadYou can also build your own. For the first sticks and other items are prepared. time I would suggest that you select one What to try: of the combinations and then venture off • Fat Dan’s OG Smoked Jumbo Wings – to your own thing. Dry rubbed and hickory smoked for three

Behind bars: Java The Hut Get it at Alcomy, a mobile mixology business Ingredients: 1 oz. coffee liqueur, 1 oz. bourbon, .75 oz. St. Germain, Milk stout Directions: Shake and strain over ice into highball glass. Top with milk stout, garnish with a dollop of whipped cream, shaved chocolate, blood orange zest, espresso beans and elderflower mist. NobleMade Gift Shop

Fishers Arts Council New Artists Exhibit Sept.3-27, Mon.-Fri., 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-12 p.m. The Art Gallery at Fishers City Hall , FREE Fifth Anniversary Arts Crawl Sept. 14, 4-9 p.m. Fishers Nickel Plate District FREE


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Nickel Plate Arts is brought to you by:



August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield

“ZOSO — The Ultimate Led Zeppelin Experience,” Kroger Symphony at the Prairie, Conner Prairie, Fishers

Cost: $13 (ages 2-12) to $32 


8 p.m. Aug. 29

Floyd Factor, Kroger Symphony at the Prairie, Conner Prairie, Fishers

Cost: $13 (ages 2-12) to $32 

Cost: $13 (ages 2-12) to $32. More: ($50 to 55 reserved seating)


8 p.m. Aug. 27, 29, 30, 31, Sept.3; 1 and 8 p.m. Aug. 28; 1:30 p.m. Sep. 1

Bryan’s concert postponed to Oct. 11 — Country star Luke Bryan’s concert at Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center in Noblesville has been rescheduled until Oct. 11. The Sunset Repeat Tour concert, including Cole Swindell and Jon Langston, was postponed Aug. 18 because of severe thunderstorms.

The musical focuses on Tracey Turnblad’s dream to dance on “The Corny Collins Show,” a Baltimore TV dance show. Cost: $45 to $70 (includes buffet More:, dinner.) A $6 ticket discount is 317-872-9664 available for ages 3-15.

The Fab Four, a Beatles tribute band, will perform at Conner Prairie at 8 p.m. Aug. 30. (Submitted photo)

Kiss, Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center, Noblesville

“Fab Four — The Ultimate Tribute,” Kroger Symphony at the Prairie, Conner Prairie, Fishers

7:30 p.m. Aug. 31

Rock ’n’ Roll Hall of Fame band is on what it calls its final tour, titled “End of the Road World Tour.” Cost: $38.50 to $324


8 p.m. Sept. 1

The band is described as a lively bootleg showcasing the precision, passion and sheer power of Pink Floyd.

Cary Hoffman is known as one of the premier Frank Sinatra interpreters, with an ability to channel Sinatra’s voice.

“Hairspray,” Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre, Indianapolis

8 p.m. Aug. 31

The Los Angeles Times describes ZOSO, formed in 1995, as “heads and shoulders better than other Zeppelin tribute bands.”

Compiled by Mark Ambrogi

“My Sinatra,” starring Cary Hoffman, Kroger Symphony at the Prairie, Conner Prairie, Fishers


8 p.m. Aug. 30

The Emmy-winning Fab Four cover every era of The Beatles with an incredible stage performance Cost: $13 (ages 2-12) to $32.

Silvernotes seeking members —The Hamilton County women’s chorus, the Silvernotes, is starting its 2019-20 singing season and seeks prospective members. Women interested in a professional singing group should call the Hamilton County Indiana Extension Office at 317-776-0854 for contact information. Rehearsals are Monday evenings, September through June 2020, from 7 to 8:30 p.m.

SEPTEMBER 14, 2019 9 am - 3 pm @ Indiana Spine Group 13225 N. Meridian, Carmel, IN 46032

Car show and 12-mile car cruise between Carmel and Indianapolis benefiting Folds of Honor - Indiana Chapter Special Guest Appearance by Catherine Bach from the original Dukes of Hazard: 10am – 2pm FOR MORE INFO OR TO REGISTER: or 317.275.1947


August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield

Blueprint for Improvement: A masterful bathroom remodel in Fishers Commentary by Larry Greene



Background: This home was built in 1999 in the Fishers’ Sandstone Lakes neighborhood. The master bathroom included original finishes, plus a freestanding shower and standalone tub.

THE CHALLENGE This bathroom is connected via an open doorway to the master bedroom. The homeowners wanted to create a sophisticated, spa-like retreat that would blend seamlessly into their master suite.

THE SOLUTION 1. The floorplan was redesigned to connect the bathtub and shower into a single “wet room,” which maximizes available space and gives a true spa-like experience. 2. The double window over the tub was replaced with a sleek, single window that allows for privacy without the need for window coverings. 3. The tile floor features a glazed porcelain finish with the illusion of textured fabric. 4. The homeowners wanted a lot of drawer space, so the cabinets under the sinks were designed with drawers at the bottom to avoid interference with the plumbing. For the vanity, the countertop was lowered to make way for four small cosmetics drawers. To get started on your own remodeling project, visit us at or stop by one of our three locations. Larry Greene is the owner of Case Design/Remodeling. You may email him at To see more photos of this and other Case projects, visit


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August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield

History of Amsterdam Central Station Commentary by Don Knebel Amsterdam Central Station has become a symbol of the city, attracting more visitors than any TRAVEL other of the Netherland’s more than 60,000 national heritage sites. Like many other now iconic structures, critics originally panned its location and its design. Amsterdam developed along the south shore of a bay now known as IJ Front of Amsterdam Central Station. (Photo by Don Knebel) Lake. By the 17th century, the bay was among the busiest ports in the world. travels by train, she has access to an ornately decorated By the 1870s, trains had become as important as ships in waiting room built exclusively for her. bringing people to Amsterdam from throughout Europe. As a result, city planners identified potential sites for a major railroad terminal about a mile-and-a-half inland from the Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes port. Railroad engineers had a different idea. They wanted & Thornburg LLP. For the full column visit donknebel. to build the station on three interconnected artificial com. You may contact him at news@currentzionsville. com. islands spanning the south end of IJ Lake. The Dutch government accepted that plan despite strenuous local objections. Because the terminal’s location effectively separated ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Amsterdam from its port, many at the time called the locaSealed proposals for Westfield Boulevard Connector Project will tion a catastrophe. The station’s ornate brick exterior, feabe received by the City of Westfield, Indiana, at the Westfield Public Works Building, 2706 E. 171st Street, Westfield, Indiana, 46074 until turing turrets and intricate details, was designed by Pierre 1:00 p.m., local time, on Thursday, September 10, 2019. Bids will be Cuypers, who also designed the Rijksmuseum, Amsterpublicly opened and read aloud. Any bids received later than the above dam’s famous state museum. Protestant critics lambasted time and date will be returned unopened. No conditional bids will be its resemblance to medieval cathedrals. The station opened considered. The project generally includes new road and bridge in 1889, after a number of delays caused by the instability construction, installation of a closed storm sewer system, milling of the marshy soil. It rests on more than 8,000 wooden and overlaying, widening, curb ramp construction, pavement piles and includes a platform more than nearly a half-mile markings, and maintenance of traffic for David Brown Drive, Park long. The cast iron roof, supported on 50 curved trusses, Street, and Poplar Street in the City of Westfield. Bids shall be properly and completely executed on the Proposwas imported from England. al Form obtainable at the office of the Owner. Each bid shall be Today, Amsterdam Central Station serves more than accompanied by Form 96 Contractor’s Bid for Public Works, including 160,000 passengers a day, many arriving and departing on Non-Collusion Affidavit as prescribed by the State Board of Accounts, completely filled out, signed, and notarized as required by the statutes one of 50 international trains. The only passengers now of the State of Indiana, Section III of Part II of Form 96 titled “Contraccoming to Amsterdam’s port arrive on cruise ships, which tor’s Financial Statement,” and acceptable bid security. The bid security dock near the backside of the station. When the queen shall be a certified check made payable to the Owner or satisfactory

DISPATCHES Orange oil for mood — Need a mood or energy boost? Sniff an orange. Studies have shown that orange essential oil helps boost mood and alertness and can reduce anxiety. If you don’t keep the fresh fruit on hand, buy some bottled oil and dab a drop on each wrist or massage into your temples for the same effect. Source: Dishwasher boost — Add two tablespoons of baking soda to the usual amount of dishwashing liquid you use. It will give your detergent a powerful boost and easily clean dishes. Source: Trimming tall grasses — Large ornamental grasses can be daunting to trim back each fall. Make the job smoother by wrapping a bungee cord around each clump of grass before pruning. The cord will neatly collect the clippings, making them easier to move away from the area when you’re done. Source:

bond by an incorporated surety company in good standing and qualified to do business in the State of Indiana in an amount equal to 5% of the bid, said deposit being for the purpose of ensuring the execution of the contract for which bid is made. Any bid not accompanied by the above required items shall be deemed to be a non-responsive bid by the Owner. No consideration for escalation on prices can be considered; therefore, contractors are advised to not include any such escalation clauses in their proposal for this project. The Contractors to whom work is awarded shall be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price, and they shall be acceptable to the City of Westfield, Indiana. No bidder may withdraw their proposal within a period of 60 days following the date set for receiving bids. The City of Westfield, Indiana reserves the right to retain the three lowest bid proposals for a period of not more than 90 days, and said proposal shall remain in full force and effect during said time. The City of Westfield, Indiana further reserves the right to waive informalities and to award the contract to the lowest and most responsible bidder or bidders, all to the advantage of the City of Westfield, Indiana, or to reject all Proposals. The Contract Documents and drawings will be available to all interested parties from: Repro Graphix, 437 North Illinois Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204 or at Please direct all questions regarding this project to Kelli McNamara, WSP, 115 W. Washington St., Ste. 1270S, Indianapolis, IN 46204, (317) 287-3416, By:Kelli McNamara, PE, WSP


ADVERTISEMENT TO PRE-QUALIFY TO BID Project: Grand Junction Plaza, located in Westfield, Indiana. F.A. Wilhelm Construction Company will receive pre-qualification statements until 5:00 P.M, August 28th, 2019 for the above project. Interested bidders must first go online to to access the Request to Pre-Qualify form. Pre-qualified bidders will receive an invitation to bid on the above referenced project. Please direct all questions to Tyler Blank and Jay Trauring at (317) 3595411 or and . F.A. Wilhelm is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to their protected veteran status and will not be discriminated against on the basis of disability. Legal Notice of Public Hearing The City of Westfield will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday September 12, 2019 regarding the proposed extension of East Street in northern Westfield (Des. No. 1700728). The hearing will begin promptly at 6:00 PM at the City of Westfield – Department of Public Works Office, which is located at 2706 E 171st Street, Westfield, Indiana. The purpose of this hearing is to inform the community of the project scope and schedule, describe preliminary design plans, solicit input and comments from the community, and address questions or concerns. The proposed project is located in Washington Township of Hamilton County in the northern part of the City of Westfield. The proposed extension of East Street north is from its current terminus at 196th Street north to State Road 38. The purpose of the project is to provide improved connectivity and accessibility. The need for the project is driven by diminished access to developing areas of Westfield, lack of system continuity, and future safety concerns associated with an undesirable offset intersection. The typical section of the new roadway includes two travel lanes (one in each direction), the outside of each lane would be bordered by a bike lane and curb and gutter. To the inside of each lane would be a paved shoulder and curb. The widened travel lane section created by the inside shoulder and the outside bike lane and gutter provides additional clearance for emergency service vehicles. The northbound and southbound travel lanes would be separated by a raised median. An multi-use path is proposed along the west side of East Street. An additional 21.54 acres of permanent right-of-way (ROW) and 5.83 acres of temporary ROW are required for the proposed project. One residential relocation will occur as part of the project. This project is being processed as a Categorical Exclusion (CE) Level 4 document due to the construction of a new alignment roadway. There will be no impacts to stream or wetland resources. Copies of preliminary plans and the environmental document are available at the following locations: 1. City of Westfield’s Department of Public Works Building at 2706 E 171st Street, Westfield, IN 46074. 2. Westfield Washington Public Library at 333 W Hoover Street, Westfield, IN 46074. 3. Lochmueller Group at 3502 Woodview Trace Suite 150, Indianapolis, IN 46268. 4. The City of Westfields Website Please direct any questions or comments concerning this project to Ms. Ruth Hook, Lochmueller Group, Inc., 3502 Woodview Trace, Suite 150, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 or at (317)-222-3880 or by email at Comments on the project will be accepted for 14 days after the Public Hearing. All comments should be post marked by September 26, 2019. Public comments will be reviewed, evaluated, and receive consideration as part of the decision making process. In accordance with the “Americans with Disabilities Act”, if you have a disability for which the City of Westfield would need to provide accommodations pertaining to the accessibility to program documents and participation at the public meeting or if you are a persons of Limited English Proficiency (LEP) requiring assistance pertaining to accessing project documents and participating at the public hearing venue, contact Mr. Michael Pearce from the City of Westfield at 317-804-3150 or This notice is published in compliance with Code of Federal Regulations, Title 23, Section 771 (CFR 771.111(h)(1) states: “Each State must have procedures approved by the FHWA to carry out a public involvement/public hearing program.” 23 CFR 450.212(a)(7) states: “Public involvement procedures shall provide for periodic review of the effectiveness of the public involvement process to ensure that the process provides full and open access to all and revision of the process as necessary.”, approved by the Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation on August 16, 2012.


August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield



Keith Albrecht (317) 580-9955


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Apply sunscreen early and often Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt Did you know that redheaded people only make up 1 to 2 percent of the world’s population? There’s GRAMMAR GUY a reason we are so scarce: the sun. This is why I always apply sunscreen. I apply it early and often. If you noticed, I used a few adverbs just now (always, early, often). Not only did I employ a handful of adverbs, but I used a handful of adverbs of frequency. Adverbs of frequency describe how often something happens. They include always, usually, sometimes, never, frequently, often, then and weekly. And, I have more good news for you: Adverbs of frequency come with their own set of rules. When your sentence has more than one verb, use your adverb of frequency before the primary verb. Here’s an example: I have often received a sunburn during the month of November. Here, we sandwiched our adverb of frequency (often) between the bread slices of our sentence’s two verbs (have and received). If your sentence contains only one verb, place your adverb of frequency after your

subject and before your verb. Curtis never tans. He always wears a swim shirt to the pool. We use adverbs of frequency to signify things that happen on a routine basis. Because of this, we usually employ these adverbs with the present simple tense. If you want to “throw shade,” as the youths say, when you’re using an adverb of frequency in the negative while forming a question, place your adverb before your primary verb. Are you normally so angry, or are you just like this on days that end in “-ay”? Most of the time, place definite adverbs of frequency (including finally, last week, today, monthly and already) either at the beginning or at the end of your sentence. When the adverb is the focus of your sentence, save it for the end: I will do the laundry tomorrow. When it’s not the emphasis of your sentence, use a definite adverb of frequency at the beginning: Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever do laundry again. Curtis Honeycutt is a national award-winning, syndicated humor writer. Connect with him on Twitter (@curtishoneycutt) or at

August 27, 2019


Across 1. Rodeo wear 6. Otherwise 10. Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center boosters 14. Pledges 15. Geist fishing gear 16. Air show stunt 17. Good name for a lawn

Current in Westfield

care business 19. Awaken 20. Church area 21. Foam ball brand 22. Nary a soul 23. Bikini top 25. Krzysztof Urbanski’s grp. 27. Indiana map abbr. 28. Good name for a window

Dehmal & Associates

company 34. Boone County Fair barn sound 35. Four-letter US city with the highest population 36. Mill Tavern bill 37. Door part 39. Blond shade 41. Surfer’s stop

45. Cloth scrap 48. “Phooey!” 51. WTHR’s Days of ___ Lives 52. Good name for a restaurant specializing in spicy chicken fare 56. Eagle Creek rowing need 57. Penny head 58. Org. for Colts and Cowboys 59. Light refractor 61. Pixie powder 64. Kick back 68. White River Campground sight 69. Good name for a Chinese take-out place 71. Tense 72. Nabisco nosh 73. Backhoe brand 74. Riverview Health medicine amount 75. Stinging insect 76. Uses FedEx Down 1. Vegetative state 2. 25-Across instrument 3. Chase PIN requesters 4. Friends role 5. Fishers-to-Evansville dir. 6. Deco designer 7. Shakespearean king 8. Pic from a stick 9. Pipe bend 10. In addition 11. Part of GM 12. Erik Clark Athletic Center scoreboard count 13. Shopping binge 18. Absurd 22. Letters on some Pelicans jerseys

24. Hinkle Fieldhouse backboard attachment 26. Ind. National Guard rank 28. Kid’s sandwich, for short 29. Small battery 30. ‘60s war zone 31. IND screeners 32. “He ___ got a clue” 33. Belly muscles, briefly 38. “It’s freezing!” 40. Mellencamp album: “Uh-___” 42. WIPX network 43. Yank 44. IU Health trauma ctrs. 46. Colts kicker Vinatieri 47. Gooey lump 49. Extra inning at Victory


Field 50. Personal ad letters 52. Texas border town 53. Round gaskets 54. Indiana Jones’ hat 55. “Maybe” 56. Chose 60. Eyelid woe 62. Luau strings 63. Main Street road sign 65. Spencer’s county 66. Animal fat 67. Caustic stuff 69. “Awesome!” 70. Broad Ripple bouncers’ requests Answers on Page 35




What is your goal?

August 27, 2019


Current in Westfield


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August 27, 2019

Current in Westfield Jorge Escalante

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August 27, 2019

Current in Westfield


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Smitson Erhart-Graves Tax Advisors, an Indianapolis-based CPA firm located in The Pyramids, specializes in tax preparation and planning. We are seeking to hire an experienced, seasonal Tax Accountant to prepare income taxes February through April with production-based pay. Preferred candidates will have a minimum of 5 years tax preparation experience with individual and multi-state returns, and a bachelor’s degree, CPA license, or Enrolled Agent certification. Excellent communication, strong analytical and interpersonal skills are a must. Ability to multi-task in fast-paced, deadline-oriented environment. Should be proficient in QuickBooks, Adobe and Microsoft Office, with preferred experience in Drake Tax Software. Send a cover letter, resume, and references to



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SEC of CR 267 & I-74 // Brownsburg, IN 46112 Buildable Lot with Commercial Development Potential Sealed Bid #2019-32-1


AT 3:30 PM EST


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this is a part-time position up to 29 hours per week. The candidate should be proficient with accounting software (Quick Books, other) payroll processing, Word and Excel with 2-3 years prior experience in a bookkeeping and/or financial assistant role. Duties and Qualifications: Perform general bookkeeping duties, including posting information to accounting software AP, deposits, etc. Pay debts as they come due for payment, including necessary bills as well as supplier and vendor invoices. Maintain the annual budget and chart of accounts. Perform reconciliations of bank accounts on a monthly basis and year end close to insure accuracy. Issue financial statements to various staff members and committees. Make deposits and record all cash receipts. Process company payroll. Provide administrative support to management when required. Minimum of Associate’s degree in business administration, accounting, or relevant field along with accounting and bookkeeping principles. Send resumes to

For pricing e-mail your ad to




Auditions for “Over the River and Through the Woods” by Joe DiPietro will be held September 9th and 10th in the lower level of Westfield Playhouse from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. This will be the last Christmas show at the old Playhouse location. Show dates are Nov 15-16, 22-24, and Nov 29-Dec 1, 2019. Be part of Westfield Playhouse’s history and be in this Christmas show directed by Encore award-winning director Doug Davis and his talented assistant director, Jan McGill. Story: All of the family has left Hoboken, New Jersey except for Nick and his two sets of grandparents. When Nick is offered a job out West, his grandparents put a plan in motion to keep him near. One of Joe DiPietro’s funniest, well-written comedies. Characters: Nick: Stage age 30-40’s Frank: Maternal grandfather, stage age 60-80’s Aida: Maternal grandmother, stage age 60-80’s Nunzio: Paternal grandfather, stage age 60-80’s Emma: Paternal grandmother, stage age 69-80’s Caitlin O’Hare: Stage age 30s-40s Looking forward to seeing you at auditions! If you have any questions, email director Doug Davis at or call (765) 659-1577.

RESOURCE Auction Services Nathan Smith // 317.663.6535 AU11300133 // AC31100033 OWNER: State of Indiana 10% Buyers Premium

Visit for more information on this and other properties.

ESTATE HOME SITE FOR SALE - 14.516 ACRES SWC 106TH & SPRING MILL TO SEC 106TH & HUSSEY LANE Now Available For the First Time in 80 Years! 575 W 106TH STREET // CARMEL // $2,775,000

14.516 acres in Carmel with Brown County like woods, Williams Creek, pond, flowers, garden, walking trail, circular drive, etc, etc, etc. Available for 1/2 the 2008 appraised value. Special properties like this one rarely change hands.

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August 27, 2019

Current in Westfield





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August 27, 2019

Current in Westfield


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