Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Tina Cardarelli awarded for breastfeeding research / P12
The Trails proceeds to council / P3
CVS plan forwarded to council / P4
Bicentennial torch passes through Westfield / P7
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October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
Contact the Editor
Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact editor Anna Skinner at anna@youarecurrent.com. You may also submit information on our website, currentinwestfield. com. Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication. To contact Editorial Director Sophie Pappas, call 489.4444 ext. 7.
Dispatches Trick-or-treat hours – Westfield’s trick-or-treat hours are scheduled for 5 to 8 p.m. Oct. 31. Student Impact Basketball registration now open – Until Oct. 31, seventh through 12th graders can register for Student Impact Basketball. Registration is completed at therockwestfield.org/sports.
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A rendering of the multi-family apartment complex. All apartment buildings have a minimum of three stories, with 25 percent of the apartments a four-story building. (Submitted renderings)
APC sends The Trails to council with positive recommendation By Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com
On the cover
Tina Cardarelli was recognized with the Torchbearer Award and is the 2016 Indiana Commission for Women Keeper of Light. (Photo by Anna Skinner) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. IX, No. 41 Copyright 2016. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 info@youarecurrent.com The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
Hinging on city council decision, Westfield may see high-rise apartments and commercial development along 21 acres at the southeast corner of Ind. 32 and Oak Ridge development Road in the future. The advisory plan commission held a public hearing for the development at its Aug. 15 meeting, and at its Oct. 17 meeting, the plan commission forwarded The Trails Planned Unit Development District onto city council with a positive recommendation. Developer Birch Dalton, of EdgeRock Development, made a presentation regarding the apartments and the commercial area, which is expected to include a Starbucks, Which Wich, Wings Etc. and a Crew Carwash. “This is a serious apartment development from the quality of work like Bridgewater,” Dalton said. “They view this as the same, if not higher, rent area because of the Monon, Midland Trace (trails) and all other amenities.” The apartments must all be at least three stories high and 25 percent of the apartment buildings will be four stories high. Dalton urged the plan commission to send the project on to city council with a positive recommendation because he wants to deliver the commercial building by September of next year. All plan commission members voted yes to the recommendation, although Steve Hoover – also a member of the city council – voiced some con-
The location of the proposed development.
cerns over the Starbucks. “One (of my concerns) was the Starbucks architecture and how that would tie in with the rest of that proposed building there,” Hoover said. “I know that’s something you’re working on, and I can assure you that was my number one concern, that it’s going to have to look good to get my vote at the council level. The other concern was the apartments. The renderings that were shown two weeks ago as attachments to our agenda I did not feel were the level we wanted to see here, but I think what is shown now does appeal to me. I think it is something different than just standard apartments to me. It looks good and more of a downtown setting. All (apartments) have a minimum of three stories so we don’t get a typical sprawling apartment complex here.” The development is expected to cost $35 million.
Straight ticket voting changes – Straight party voting has changed in Indiana. Hoosiers will still be able to cast a straight ticket Nov. 8, but that vote will not count for individual candidates for county council or town council at-large. Voters now need to select each candidate they wish to elect for at-large county council and town council seats. Fireside tales – Fireside Tales will begin again starting 6:30 to 8 p.m. Oct. 26. Stories are geared toward younger children and involve harvest and animal stories. The program is coordinated through the City of Westfield and Vicki Parker at the Westfield Washington Public Library. Marshmallows are roasted over the fire pit at Simon Moon Park, 2710 E 171st St., and kids are provided with craft. For more, visit enjoywestfieldevents.com. Advisory plan commission – The next plan commission meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Nov. 9 at city hall, 130 Penn St. For more, visit westfield.in.gov. Scholarship news -- Jose Solis-Flores of Westfield was among more than 500 students who earned endowed scholarships at Baldwin Wallace University this fall. SolisFlores, a graduate of Westfield High School majoring in finance, earned the George & Fran Boyer Scholarship. Urban forestry award – Claire Lane, the Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District Urban Conservationist, won the 2016 Individual of the Year award from the Indiana Urban Forest Council (IUFC) during the annual IUFC Conference Oct. 12 at the Indianapolis Zoo. The IUFC Awards honor individuals, Lane projects, organizations and tree stewards whose work enhances the environmental health of Indiana’s cities and towns through urban forestry.
October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
APC sends CVS plan to council
Carmel Chapter of TriKappa Sorority celebrated 60 years
By Anna Skinner anna@youarecurrent.com Just a week after the Westfield City Council approved the GetGo gas station in the Harmony mixeduse district development with a 4-2 vote, the advisory plan commission forwarded the proposed CVS Pharmacy plan A rendering of the proposed CVS to be built in the Harto the city council with a positive mony mixed-use district. (Submitted rendering) recommendation, 5-0, at its Oct. 17 meeting. ing the commission go with white, claiming it The 12,900-square-foot pharmacy is on 1.96 better fits the planned design. acres on the northwest corner of Ditch Road “If you would have asked me without seeand 146th Street. ing the character exhibits, I would have said The proposal received a public hearing natural wood all the time,” plan commission June 6. Since then, architectural changes member Andre Maue said. “It’s my preference, have been made to the developmental plan. but seeing these, I like the white. I think The changes are in regard to a village-theme it looks consistent with the natural color for the pharmacy, similar to the architecture scheme.” throughout Harmony and the GetGo gas staPlan Commission President Randy Graham tion. The petitioner incorporated additional agreed with Maue on the white coloring. gable brackets and a faux window on the “If you would have asked me without seerear side of the building. ing it side-to-side, I would have said natural In addition, the plan commission debated wood as well, but I think the white is more whether it preferred natural wood or white consistent with the theme they are going with gable brackets, with CVS Pharmacy suggestnow. I think it looks better,” Graham said.
The Carmel Chapter of TriKappa Sorority celebrates its 60th year of service to the community this year. The mission of this 115-year-old statewide organization is to promote charity, culture and education. Over the years members have raised funds for scholarships through Breakfast with Santa, poinsettia sales and bingo nights and provides volunteer hours to the Carmel Marathon, the International Arts Festival, Carmelfest, Meals on Wheels and other community activities. Members come from Carmel and Westfield. (Submitted photo)
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October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
SSES implements literacy program By Renee Larr • news@currentinwestfield.com Shamrock Springs Elementary School wanted to find a way to get the whole school excited about reading. education Tara Lynne Sinicki, literacy specialist at SSES, attended a conference last year and learned about a program called One School, One Book. “The whole premise is that everyone reads – teachers, students, custodians and cafeteria staff. The idea is that we have this one giant book club and families are doing the reading at home, either themselves or along with the teachers doing the reading in the classroom,” Sinicki said. The Parent Teacher Organization provided copies of “The Lemonade War” to all the staff and students. “We asked the teachers to pick from a variety of titles, then we compared the book to what our core values are at our school,” PTO President Sherry Shuler said. “We ended up choosing the book ‘The Lemonade War.’ It’s a book about siblings and their rivalry in regards to having a lemonade stand over the summer to make money.” The school began reading the book last month. Along the way, students and staff par-
From left, Michael, Owen and Christopher Lutomski read “The Lemonade War.” (Submitted photo)
ticipate in trivia related to the book. “We have a family trivia that goes home every week. We have trivia on our announcements and in the cafeteria. All three of those places are an opportunity to talk about things like friendship, what you’re good at, how you treat people,” Sinicki said. The custodial staff and cafeteria service workers were excited to be included. “When I personally delivered the books to them, I explained the One School, One Book concept, and that they were part of our school. They were truly excited to get the book,” Shuler said. SSES plans for the literacy program to become an annual event.
October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
Journey to Hildene Commentary by Jonathan Matthes
him. He had been at Appomattox to see the end of the Civil War and told his dad about it. He was invited to accompany his dad to In Manchester, Vt., in front of a mansion Ford’s Theater, but Robert, too tired, declined. called Hildene, a series of bricks are embedRobert was standing 40 feet from ded in James Garfield when he was shot and the lawn. even rushed to his side and called in They form soldiers to disperse the crowd. a square Then he arrived at the same train that matches the exact dimensions station in Buffalo, mere hours after of the log cabin in which Abraham William McKinley was shot. Lincoln was born. That log cabin, back Robert did not let these brushes in Kentucky, didn’t even have a door. Robert Todd with death define him. In his career he Extremely humble beginnings for a Lincoln was a lawyer, a minister to England future president. and a secretary of war. He earned a fortune as The mansion is a different story. president of the Pullman Car Co. and eventually It belonged to Lincoln’s son, Robert Todd. became the chairman of the board. Imagine, the father born in a log cabin withAnd after 82 years, he died at Hildene. A far, out a door, and the son dies in a mansion he far cry from a doorless cabin in Kentucky. owned in Vermont. If that was all to know Special Thanks to: Samuel Wheeler, histoabout Robert Todd Lincoln it would be interrian for the state of Illinois; Seth Bongartz, esting enough. Laine Dunham and Paula Maynard from But there is so much more. Hildene, The Lincoln Family Home Dignified and very private, Robert could’ve run for president many times, but never really wanted to. He’d seen its insides and wanted Jonathan Matthes is a columnist no part of what he called the “guilded prison”. for Current and can be contacted Robert was also connected with the first at jonathanmatthes@yahoo.com. three presidential assassinations. The day his father was killed, Robert had breakfast with
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October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
Bicentennial torch passes through Westfield
Make it Count!
Hamilton County Republican Party Local Candidates MAKING HAMILTON COUNTY A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE, WORK AND PLAY
Jon Brown Judge, Superior Court 2
On Oct. 13, the bicentennial torch passed through Westfield, stopping at the Union Bible College. (Above) From left, Johnny Hartmen, Carol Peed and Al Downs enjoy the festivities. (Left) Sabrina Richard, a torchbearer, with one of the bicentennial torches. (Photos by Anna Skinner)
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October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
Liberty Ridge sent to council with positive recommendation Compiled by Anna Skinner • anna@youarecurrent.com What happened: The plan commission forwarded the Liberty Ridge PUD onto the city council with a positive recommendation.
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What it means: The proposal is on the southwest corner of 151st Street and Spring Mill Road and consists of 142 lots for a proposed subdivision. For the 20 homes facing 151st street, 12 require a side-load garage. Another addition the developer added was rearfacing facades on the homes The concept plan for the proposed Liberty Ridge PUD. (Submitted on lots one through 18 on the rendering) west side of the development, which faces Central Christian Church. Single story ranch homes are limited to no more than 56 of the 142 homes or one per every four homes. What happened: The plan commission forwarded a parking lot addition for the Campus of Westfield onto the city council with a positive recommendation.
What happened: The APC forwarded the Spring Mill Station Subdivision onto the city council with a positive recommendation.
What it means: Campus of Westfield, 2100 E. 196th St., requested a parking lot expansion.
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What it means: The Spring Mill Station Subdivision is on the south side of 161st Street and west of Spring Mill Road. The proposal is for one multi-family residential and one commercial lot on 20 acres.
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October 25, 2016
Stark to leave Chaucie’s Place By Mark Ambrogi mark@youarecurrent.com
such a strong position right now. The staff is second to none. The board of directors is an amazing, committed group of people. Our community partnerships, reFor Toby Stark, it just seemed the right lationships and supporters really time to step down as executive have never been stronger. When director of philanthropy Chaucie’s you think about an organization moving on to its next step or Place. leader, now is the perfect time for Chaucie’s Place is a child that to happen.” advocacy organization based in Stark said the nonprofit was Carmel that focuses on the pregoing through a lot of transition vention of child sexual abuse and Stark when she started. youth suicide. “I set a vision for what I wanted to ac“It’s almost handing off of the baton,” complish for this organization in partnersaid Stark, who has been executive direcship with the staff and the community tor since 2010. “I’m going to stay involved because we never accomplish anything by in the transition as long or as short as ourselves,” Stark said. “In those six years, the board needs me to be a part of it. I’m we collectively accomplished that vision 100 percent committed to the great work and that goal.” that Chaucie’s Place is going to continue Stark said she is proud of the increased to do. I do not have my next chapter lined numbers of children the organization is up, simply because it was so important now serving. When Stark started, she said for me to give the board the flexibility of there was one program in a handful of my time.” schools in Hamilton County. Stark said now that the announcement “Now, we have three programs in seven is public, she will begin to have conversacounties in Central Indiana,” Stark said. tions about her next step. For more, visit currentincarmel.com. “For me, personally, it was the right time,” Stark said. “Chaucie’s Place is in
Current in Westfield
Dispatches District 5 candidate forums – The League of Women Voters of Hamilton County is hosting a candidate forum at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 27 at Shamrock Springs Elementary School, 747 W. 161st St., Westfield. The forum features candidates for U.S. Congressional District 5, including Susan Brooks, Republican, Angela Demaree, Democrat, and Matt Wittlief, Libertarian. The public is invited free of charge and can submit questions to the candidates. Marathon registration open – Registration is now open for the seventh annual Carmel Marathon, to be held April 22, 2017. Early bird registration fees are available for full marathon, half marathon, 8K run and 5K run. For more or to register, visit CarmelMarathon.com. Preservation conference – Indiana Native Plant & Wildflower Society will host its 23rd annual conference from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 5 at 502 East Event Centre. Titled Preservation: Keeping What We’ve Got, Restoring What We’ve Lost, the event is open to anyone with an interest in native plants, conservation, botany, landscaping and wildlife habitat. For more or to register, visit www.inpaws.org. Indiana House internships – The Indiana House Republican Internship Program is accepting applications for the 2017 legislative session. Internships are open to college sophomores, juniors and seniors, graduate students and recent graduates of all majors. For more, visit IndianaHouseRepublicans.com. Application deadline is Oct. 31.
October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
Obituary: Grady Franklin
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Grady Franklin, 86, retired central Indiana news photographer and freelance photo-journalist, died Oct. 2 in Sheridan. Grady also had been employed by Western Electric where he was a section chief and editor of The Dial Tone. His talents as a freelancer were used by numerous publications, businesses and civic organizations. These included The Indianapolis Star and News, The Christian Science Monitor, The Washington Post, IndiaFranklin napolis Power & Light Co., Indiana Bell Telephone Co., the Indiana Bankers Association, (as well as many central Indiana banks), Goodwill Industries, The Boy Scouts of America, Indiana Gas Co. and the Indiana Chamber of Commerce. Survivors include his wife Patricia (Jessup) of Sheridan; 3 daughters, Lee Anne (Bob) Meyers, Jeri (Matt) Wellman, Joanna (Duffy) Mullen; 6 grandchildren; 2 great grandchildren; and a brother, William Franklin (June). Grady was a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean War, a longtime Boy Scout leader in Indiana, Tennessee and Virginia, and an avid fisherman. He was a longtime member of Old Bethel United Methodist Church in Indianapolis and was a current member of the Sheridan First United Methodist Church. Services will be held at noon Nov. 5 at the Sheridan First United Methodist Church, 207 East Second Street, Sheridan, with visitation from 11 a.m. until the time of service. Rev. Carol Frits will officiate. Online condolences may be made at kerchevalfuneralhome.com. The family asks that in lieu of flowers, donations be presented to the First United Church of Sheridan to continue God’s work.
Obituary: Vince A. Hofmeister Vince A. Hofmeister, 25, of Westfield, died Oct. 10. He was born on Oct. 30, 1990, in Indianapolis. Vince was a 2009 graduate of Cathedral High School and Indiana University. He was employed with Medley, Visually, and Initiative. More importantly, Vince loved to spend time with Hofmeister his family. Vince was preceded in death by his maternal grandmother, Marcy Buzzelli and uncle, Joey Gillum. Survivors include his father, James Ramsay; mother, Lisa Marie Hofmeister; brother, Joshua Hofmeister and sister, Lindsay Hofmeister; grandfather, Jim Buzzelli; grandparents, Gary and Giannina Hofmeister; uncles and aunts, Ray and Jessica Buzzelli, Karen and Brian Barnes, Emily Russell, Carter and Kathy Hofmeister; cousins, Lucy Barnes, Maddie and Caroline Buzzelli, Joey, Lucia, Jackie, Gino, Jessica, Joshua, Michael, Mia Gillum, Lauren, Chase, Tristan, and Lily Hofmeister. Donations in memory of Vince, can be given to the O’Connor House, P.O. Box 1061, Carmel, IN 46032. Bussell Family Funerals, was privileged to assist the family in arrangements.
Dispatches Scholarships available – Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Indiana Scholarship Program offers students the opportunity to apply for one of four scholarships honoring the applicant’s heritage to celebrate the growing diversity in Indiana. Applications are being accepted from eligible high school seniors in one of four ethnic categories: Asian, Hispanic, African-American and all others. Applications are due by Jan. 18, 2017. For more, visit rmhccin.org. Negotiation presentation — Harvard educator Dan Shapiro will present on negotiation skills in daily life at 7:30 a.m. and noon Oct. 26 at Grand Park’s baseball administration building, 711 E. 191st St. Tickets are $100, or $175 for those seeking accreditation. For more, visit hcla.net. Send us your pics – Current Publishing is now accepting photos from around the community to run in our new community photo section. Photos from kid events, parties, athletic games and more are all welcome. Camera, iPhone or Samsung Galaxy photos will be accepted. All photos must include the names of anyone photographed. Please send them to anna@youarecurrent.com.
LISA A. SCHMIDT DAUGHERTY October 4, 1963 – October 13, 2016 PLYMOUTH, IN – Lisa Ann Daugherty, 53, a resident of Westfield, Indiana, passed away Thursday morning as the result of an automobile accident in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She was as a supervisor with the U.S. Postal Service – Carmel. Lisa is survived by her mother Judy Schmidt and six siblings. Visitation will be held on Saturday, November 5th from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. EDT in the Johnson-Danielson Funeral Home, 1100 N. Michigan St., Plymouth, IN. Services will begin at 1 p.m. EDT in the funeral home. Preferred are memorial gifts to the Marshall County 4H Program – c/o The Marshall County Community Foundation 2701 N. Michigan St., Plymouth, IN 46563. For condolences and a complete story, please visit: www.johnsondanielson.com
October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
Meet your teacher: Tonja Clary Grade/Subject: Media specialist, Maple Glen Elementary. Number of years teaching: 15. Education: Eastern High School, Pekin, Ind. B.A. Elementary Education, Purdue University. Why did you become a teacher? “My dad was a teacher for many years and then principal of my high school. He inspired me to pursue teaching as a career. Also, I felt that teaching was a great career for me because I was very interested in several different subjects and decided that as an elementary teacher I would be able to teach them all. Finally, I have always enjoyed working with kids. Kids are amazing. Teaching is such a rewarding career.” What goals do you have for your students “In the media center I have many goals for students throughout the year with literature, research skills, technology, etc. However, my true hope for students is that they will have a lifelong love for reading.” What do you encourage parents to do
at home to help their children strengthen particular skills? “I encourage parents to always read with their children. This is a Clary very special way to spend time together that will not only help with improving reading skills, but hopefully will also help with encouraging an excitement and love for reading.” Name your favorite musician or band: “I love all different types of music and many different bands. However, my favorite music is probably music from the 70s.” What’s something your students might not know about you? “I was born an IU fan and attended Indiana University for a year and a half before transferring and graduating from Purdue University. When I transferred it was hard at first to cheer for Purdue, but I quickly realized that I loved both universities. With our son now at Purdue, I will have to say that I am now a true Purdue fan.”
However, my true hope for students is that they will have a lifelong love for reading.
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October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
Tina Cardarelli awarded for breastfeeding research By Anna Skinner • Anna@youarecurrent.com When Tina Cardarelli became one of eight women to receive the Torchbearer Award, she didn’t think much cover story of it. But the more she researched it, she realized it was a bigger deal than she originally thought. Cardarelli was recognized for her nationwide work on breastfeeding education. In addition to the Torchbearer Award, she also received the Keeper of Light Award through the Indiana Commission for Women. “It’s a little mind-boggling to me,” the Westfield resident said. “When you do work, you do what you’re passionate about, and you don’t know if anybody really knows if you’re doing that work because it matters to you. My area is maternal and child health, and we have a very bad infant mortality problem in Indiana.” Cardarelli is a founding member of the Michigan Breastfeeding Network and started her own breastfeeding consulting firm to advise state health departments. She works with hospitals to improve maternity care practices. Cardarelli was originally a teacher but changed directions to work as a nutritionist and breastfeeding coordinator to council pregnant women on nutrition. The more she worked with women who were emotional about the varying opinions on breastfeeding, she learned that many women were not aware of the benefits. “I felt that no one was advocating for women. They were being trivialized around that issue, and no one was speaking about it, either,” she said. “All of my maternal child
Tina Cardarelli, front left, at her award ceremony. (Submitted photos)
health nutrition focused on breastfeeding, and women started coming from all over the place to get advice from me.” Cardarelli has received a variety of awards for her work, and she still doesn’t understand why. However, those who nominate her claim she is changing public health in Indiana. “What’s really cool is I do a lot of speaking around the country about the work we are doing in Indiana. I think that’s cool to teach some of the lessons learned here,” she said. “The style of my work is very different. I like talking at events and meeting people from
hospitals and talking about the real issues. I have a different style of creating change. “It’s a big deal the work we are doing to improve hospital practices in our state,” she added. “Every buzz word in public health and Indiana is we have a problem with infant mortality. The most frustrating thing of my career is the fact that people have not connected the dots between infant mortality and maternity care practice. Breastfed babies are 56 percent less likely to get SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.) Why am I getting an award for talking about what everybody should know?”
When you do work, you do what you’re passionate about, and you don’t know if anybody really knows if you’re doing that work because it matters to you.
From left, a local mom, Lera Woodring, James Woodring and Tina Cardarelli.
Eight women received the Torchbearer Award, and out of the eight Cardarelli was selected as the Keeper of Light, awarded to only one Indiana woman a year. Seven years ago, Cardarelli began a summit in Hamilton County as a conference for the decision-makers in hospitals to learn about breastfeeding. This month, the summit was held at Ritz Charles in Carmel. “I have to be honest, I’m advocating for moms and babies,” Cardarelli said. “I think a lot of it has to do with the messaging that isn’t getting out there in an applicable way for moms and babies and families. Some communities know a lot about stuff, and others don’t.”
Enabling optimal breastfeeding would prevent: 2,619
maternal deaths a year
child deaths a year
breast cancer cases
Type II diabetes cases
hypertension cases
heart attacks
child obesity cases
Source: Indiana Perinatal Network
October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
Very superstitious
It sure doesn’t seem that long This isn’t gloating. It’s simply reflection. We had more than a few people look at us, mouths agape, when we said back in 2005 we were going to launch a publishing company. We heard, “Yeah, good luck with that,” “They’re going crush you like an over-ripened grape and spit you out,” and “This is the wrong time to do that, because newspapers are dying on the vine.” OK, thanks, got it. In truth, that actually became fuel to develop what shortly thereafter became Current Publishing, LLC. As some of you might know, we independently were working on plans to do this, when one of us crossed paths with a mutual acquaintance. He suggested we get together and mine each other’s thoughts. So we did that, and after 15 minutes it became readily apparent that with strength in numbers – to speak nothing of combining energies and knowhow – we just might be able to get this done. Sixteen months of market and reader research, and funding, legal, staffing and logistics work ensued, and – it seemed like overnight, truly – our first publication, Current in Carmel, arrived in the day’s mail of Oct. 24, 2006. Ten. Years. Ago. Our dream came true, and it continues to flourish in our second decade as a locally owned and operated business. We can’t even begin to explain how fortunate we are and how grateful we are to so many, including our readership, our advertising partners, our investors, our vendors, our research firm and, last but nowhere near least, our colleagues here at this humble enterprise. Add it up, and it all looks like this: You win with people. In the end, it’s that simple. Getting to this point was anything but. It was a dark-and-stormy night Oct. 19, 2006. We were busy assembling our first edition. Sometime before 10 p.m., everyone left for the night … except for Steve. He had a few more things to do (including an hour nap in his car at 2 a.m.), and that lasted only until about 6 p.m. the next day, when the paper was shipped for the press run … only approximately eight hours late. Brian was pacing with a stack of unpaid ad invoices and a calculator belching smoke. It was quite the scene. We were housed in temporary quarters, “Cubicleville” at the former Thomson USA building at West 103rd and Meridian streets. We met a See BACKSHOP | Page 14
Commentary by Danielle Wilson
Off to the races Commentary by Terry Anker With the rising sun, we all reach collectively for our smart devices. What messages arrived over night? What is the itinerary for the coming day? We run the rat race as if our lives depended upon it. Perhaps they do. Whether corporally perilous or not, we can agree that we are all running somewhere – either toward our objective or away from it. We move, always. Even as we think that we are standing still, we are carried along by those near us. As we consider it now, it all seems very exhausting. So if we are all somehow tied to the race, how do we win – or at least try to keep up? Ask any experienced runner about their technique to victory and one will elicit as many responses as athletes asked. A sprinter will urge an immediate burst from the blocks and a full-on dash through the finish line. The distance runner might encourage a more methodical and deliberate approach to
triumph. Have a game plan. Execute on the plan. Win with the plan. OK, but how does it connect to us? Is life a marathon or a sprint? And if we figure it out, can we plan a strategy that makes it all a bit easier? Conventional wisdom implies that life is a marathon and not a sprint. We are encouraged to hold back so as not to burn out too quickly. It all sounds reasonable, but sometimes it seems more like a relay race. Occasionally, we carry the baton. Other times, we pass it along for another to carry. Then we stand at the sideline and cheer them on – our hopes vested in their talent and dedication. Who knows? Still, if we are off to the races, shouldn’t we determine what kind of race we are running? Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@youarecurrent.com.
O N T HE W EB Looking for Dick W olfsie? This week he is on the web with his humor in a columntitled “The whole tooth.”He writes: “I had never read my own dental chart before. Being familiar with thelaws governing privacy, I assumed that what was going on inside mymouth was really none of my business. But the other day I was at mydentist’s office and there’s my chart sitting right smack in front of me. Iw as stunned at the number of personal observations made by thedental hygienists over the years.”For more, visit currentinwestfield.com.
Are you superstitious? I am. I firmly believe that the only way the University of Louisville can win a game humor is if I wear my Cards T-shirt with a pair of Express jeans and abstain from Diet Coke for the day. And that hearing Rod Stewart’s “Forever Young” in full means a family member is pregnant. I also never take chances with sidewalk cracks, tails-up pennies, spilled salt, or stupid black cats, for obvious reasons. Why I am like this? After all, I’m fairly well-educated and can rationally acknowledge that a kitty sauntering across my path should have absolutely no repercussions on my day. Or that my moving one seat to the left at a Colts game shouldn’t make a bit of difference on whether or not T.Y. Hilton scores a touchdown. I know in my heart that these silly things don’t matter, and yet I can’t prevent myself from acting on them, anyway. Part of my superstitious nature I blame on genetics. I am a ginger twin and have supposedly inherited special sensory connections to my sister, although it’s really only worked one time, and that was on her end. Furthermore, by all accounts, my maternal grandmother was “born under the veil,” and therefore had “the sight.” (I can’t explain what any of this means but it sounds cool.) And my mom is extremely intuitive; always knew when I was pregnant, even before me or Rod Stewart. So I’ve grown up with both an appreciation for trusting my instincts and the belief that “signs” foretelling the future do exist for those who choose to read them. Case in point: My daughter sang in a production of “Joseph’s Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” just one month before I was awarded a travel grant to the Middle East! Anyway, I bring this entire topic up because the most superstitious (and awesome-est) holiday of the year, Halloween, is upon us. Weird things can and will happen, especially if you’re not prepared. So grab a rabbit’s foot, wear some garlic, and take care around mirrors. And if you hear “Forever Young,” congratulations! Peace out.
Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at danielle@ currentincarmel.com.
October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
BACKSHOP | From Page 13 ton of cool and helpful people there, folks that had nothing to do with Current, but who willingly pitched in on matters of technology and communication. On New Year’s Eve 2006, we bade them farewell after sending the paper to press (on time!), boxing up all our worldly possessions and unplugging, maybe, four computers. We were headed for a more permanent home, the Old Town Shoppes at the southeast corner of East Main Street and South Range Line Road in Carmel. We all but outgrew that office in less than a year, but we hung in for nearly five, before moving to our now office/ home/world headquarters at 30 S. Range Line Rd. What a trip! Colleagues have come and gone (fairly rapidly in the beginning as we strove to find our sea legs), but the one constant has been Dennis O’Malia. He has been a vital part of this operation since well before Day 1. Some might not know him as an advertising sales executive extraordinaire and the one who really gave us our “go like hell” tenet, but as a former owner of O’Malia Food Markets. We believe everyone associated with us comprises The A Team, to which we owe a massive measure of gratitude. Even though we can’t mention them all by name here - Brian, aka Mr. Drysdale (see: The Beverly Hillbillies), would faint from the newsprint expense - we seriously would
be remiss were we not to name the folks we call “our bosses in the office”: Zach Ross, our art director and production coordinator, who is far and away the most unflappable/unfazed human around when all hell is breaking loose; Andrea Nickas, our advertising artist, who just keeps quietly super-serving our advertising partners with high-quality and quick work, as does Lara Acton, our ad traffic manager (a job at which either of us would fail in a heartbeat); Raquel Dowley, our office manager, who has built in so many critical efficiencies and is as detail-oriented as they come; Sophie Pappas, our micro-managing (in a fantastic way) editorial director, and her managing editors, Ann Marie Shambaugh (Carmel and Zionsville), Sadie Hunter (Noblesville and Geist) and Anna Skinner (Westfield and Fishers). Those folks and all their associates/charges really are the ones that make Current go, and we tip our hats to everyone. We wouldn’t trade a soul from that lot. Current’s circulation has grown from 26,000 households in 2006 to 125,731 today. We had planned for expansion early on, but each foray into a new market was accelerated at the behest of advertising partners – even through the recession. Today, in addition to Carmel, we are proud purveyors of what we call locallocal content - demanded by readers through research, the information you can’t get from a single source anywhere else - in Fishers,
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Geist, Noblesville, Westfield and Zionsville. That research allows us to provide the content package that resonates with our readers, who linger with the paper and view our advertisers’ messages 2.7 times per single issue. It’s a powerful combination. Too, we have immersed as fully as possible in the communities we serve, especially in the not-for-profit arena. To date since our founding, we have donated in excess of $1.6 million to NFPs, and that never will abate; it’s part of who we are and that for which we stand. We’re often asked, “What’s next?” It’s an excellent question. To be sure, there are other markets – near and far – to be conquered. Time will tell. For now, though, here’s a toast to everyone – EVERYONE! – who made this possible, not the least of which are our incredibly understanding and supportive families. Without them … well, we won’t even ponder that. It’s all extremely humbling. With all sincerity, thank you for reading Current. To the future! Brian Kelly, publisher, and Steve Greenberg, general manager, are co-owners of Current Publishing, LLC. Write them at info@ youarecurrent.com.
October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
READERS ’ V I E W S Vote ‘Yes’ on Nov. 8 Editor, Our family has been very impressed with all the schools from elementary through (having) one (child) graduated and off to college. My wife and I look forward to voting “Yes,” and our family will be happy to help in any way we can. A good public school system is an asset that positively benefits a community beyond
just the obvious benefit to kids. Areas with strong schools have real estate markets with higher home values. These communities are more likely to attract corporations that care about quality of life for employees and have lower crime rates. Vote “Yes” November 8! Randy Zentz, Westfield Washington Schools parent and local real estate developer
Vote ‘Yes’ on referendum Editor, On behalf of our school corporation, I strongly urge my fellow citizens to vote “Yes” and pass the Westfield Washington School Referendum on November 8. This referendum is a renewal request and reduces the amount of your property taxes. When you vote “Yes” for passage of this renewal you will start saving 0.03 cents per $100 of assessed value each year over the next seven years. Strong schools are indicative of thriving, healthy and safe communities. Our schools provide a great value, drawing people to Westfield. More people bring more jobs as
jobs follow the work force in today’s economy. Our economic success is directly related to the quality of our schools. They continue to respond to the needs of our community and are consistently adjusting and improving their performance as indicated by their high test score results and high graduation rate. Again, I urge you to join me in voting “Yes” for our school referendum November 8. Our children deserve our investment in their future and you deserve the tax reduction and rising property values you get. Jim Ake Vice president, Westfield City Council
How fresh is Farm Fresh? processing turkeys for nearly 60 years When you hear the term “farm fresh” turkey, you probably expect never-frozen, Lazzara and Kuck introduced free range living conditions, new breeding practices free range turkeys. Unfortunately, that’s rarely the case. The term ‘fresh’ in poultry to improve the heritage nature of the sales doesn’t include many standards turkeys and successfully implemented and practices you would expect. USDA labeling standards of Joe’s Farm Fresh Turkey. This USDA For example, you can legally call label required a rigorous examinayour turkey “fresh” even if it’s tion of every claim; including free been stored for weeks at 26 range, antibiotic free and humane degrees. Starting in 2009, Joe’s Butcher living conditions. Shop decided to make a change New processing procedures to his standards to ensure all ensure each turkey is just days Lazzara away from processing when turkeys from Joe’s are of the purchased and never frozen. He also highest quality and truly represent the achieved non-GMO labeling status and term “farm fresh”. When Joe Lazzara, owner of Joe’s completed certification with the Global Animal Welfare program. Butcher Shop, set out to make his All of these steps, practices and turkeys hormone and antibiotic free, certifications ensure that these turkeys humanely raised and as fresh as aren’t just fresh, they are Joe’s Farm possible, he teamed up with farmer Ted Kuck. Ted’s family has been raising and Fresh.
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October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
SALE INDIANA STATE FAIRGROUNDS Blue Ribbon Pavilion 1202 E. 38th St., Indianapolis, IN 46205 FRI, OCT 28 – SUN, OCT 30 FRI & SAT 9 AM – 7 PM • SUN 10 AM – 6 PM The first 200 customers each day will receive a free HPB tote bag!* • • • 70,000 SQ. FT. OF BOOKS • • • FROM MORE THAN 40 HPB LOCATIONS! Accepted Tender: cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover. We are sorry, but we are unable to accept coupons, other discounts or gift cards at the Clearance Sale. All sales are final. *Limit one tote bag per person, 16 years of age and up. Offer valid October 28 through October 30 at Clearance Sale only.
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Zionsville superintendent urges WWS to vote ‘Yes’ Editor, My family settled in Westfield nearly two decades ago. We have two children who are Westfield High School and Butler University graduates. Our son is a sixth grader at Westfield Middle School. It has also been my pleasure to serve as a member of the Westfield Redevelopment Commission since the group’s inception nearly a decade ago. Our community must come together to insure passage of Westfield Washington Schools’ operating referendum. The Indiana General Assembly fundamentally changed school funding in 2008 such that the state’s lowest funded public schools must hold elections to sustain programs for youth. The Westfield Washington Schools receives among the lowest per-student funding in the entire state. I know about this condition first-hand because of my work as the superintendent of the neighboring Zionsville Community Schools, the state’s lowest-funded public schools. State law now forces operating referenda for growing and lowest-funded
school districts like ours. Without success in the election, as ZCS experienced in 2010, class sizes skyrocket and programs for youth are cut when teacher layoffs occur. Referendum failure causes instability to roll like a wave across a community — especially among the excellent teaching and counseling staffs schools like ours strive constantly to recruit and retain.
values or more crime in Westfield. Declining local public schools take safety, property values, and overall quality of life down with them. As for those of us who are parents of WWS youth, our children’s school experiences actually do hang in the balance if the current, already in-force operating referendum is not passed by us at the polls. The WWS Board and our outstanding new superintendent, Dr. Sherry Grate, have put forth a lower referendum tax rate than the current one. This is a no-brainer. We simply must vote to pass the referendum and sustain our fine local schools. Thank you for your consideration of this information. I have confidence that our community will actually go vote and not sit by with the notion that the referendum is going to pass because our schools are so great and so well supported by community members. In fact, we must get out and vote to sustain excellence in our local public schools. Please do your part this November. Sincerely, Scott Robison, Westfield Beacon Pointe resident and WWS parent
This is a no-brainer. We simply must vote to pass the referendum and sustain our fine local schools. Residents without children in Westfield’s outstanding local public schools should know that community safety and property values are two of the strongest, research proven correlates to having great local public schools. I do not know a single fellow Westfield resident or business owner who wants lower property
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October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
IMMI named state’s healthiest employer
By Renee Larr • news@currentinwestfield.com
reporting and analysis. “We believe our team members are our main focus. We want them to be healthy in their Westfield-based company IMMI has just mind, body and spirit, so we offer free access been designated as Healthiest Employer in to our health care clinic right here at IMMI with the State of Indiana achievement for the second a doctor,” Cooley said. “We also have fitness facilities along with a personal year in a row. trainer. We have a chaplain on site. IMMI operates several locations We also offer classes for free financial across the globe with its main headcounseling. This year we increased quarters in Westfield. our commitment by offering Dave “We’re the global leader in the Ramsey’s financial Peace University design, testing and manufacturing to our team members. We also are in vehicle safety systems that proCooley offering our team members to go to a tect tens of millions of lives all over Family Life Weekend or Marriage to Remember the world,” said Julie Cooley, marketing and conferences. We go above and beyond because communications director at IMMI. “Think of we care so much about our team members.” everything from fire trucks to semi-trucks to IMMI employs approximately 550 people in military vehicles to children’s car seats. We its Westfield location, and it believes in giving provide the safety equipment for those. We back to its community. do not provide those for passenger vehicles “This year, we launched our IMMI Serves but pretty much everything else.” Initiative. What that is we will give two paid The honor is determined by scores across days off for any team member to serve in six categories including culture and leadertheir community because we believe giving ship commitment, foundational components, back is so important,” Cooley said. strategic planning, communications and marFor more, visit imminet.com. keting, programming and interventions and
The pumpkin workout Commentary by Kara Babcock Halloween is here, which means everywhere you look you are seeing pumpkin … pumpkin lattes, cookies, exercise cakes, candies, pies … anything and everything is now with pumpkin! So, we thought with all the extra calories we all might be consuming this month due to pumpkins, it would be fun to turn one into our workout equipment. Your little ones can join along in the fun and help decorate the pumpkin when you are finished with the workout, or you can get a little pumpkin for them so they can do a pumpkin workout, too. Here are a couple of our absolute favorite workouts to do with pumpkins. Lunge with a twist A. Stand tall with the pumpkin in your hands with elbows bent. Lunge right leg back and twist left over front leg (make it harder by extending the arms straight out in front of you, then twisting). B. Turn forward and step your right leg forward to meet left and come to standing. Repeat on the other side for one rep. V sit and twist A. Sit on ground and lean back, so that
Kara Babcock demonstrates some of the pumpkin workouts. (Submitted photo)
abs engage. Back should be flat and diagonal from the ground, starting at the tailbone and continuing straight through the spine, long through neck and up the crown of head. Make it harder by lifting feet up to tabletop. B. Lower pumpkin to right hip, then lift overhead. C. Lower pumpkin to left hip to complete one rep. Kara Babcock is an ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor. She can be reached at Kara. babcock@babybootcamp.com. Baby Boot Camp-Carmel, Noblesville & Fishers has classes at St.Vincent Fishers Hospital and The Fashion Mall.
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October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
Bash Boutique celebrates one-year anniversary at Westfield
The Children’s Museum Guild’s 53rd Annual
Haunted House
Now Open! Natalie Shupe looks at clothes.
On Oct. 8, Bash Boutique celebrated its oneyear anniversary at the Westfield location, 149 N. Walnut St. The store had specials and free coffee for those who attended. Pictured, Patty Trimble admires some clothing. (Photos by Anna Skinner)
From left, Julie Kinzer, Beth Reynolds and Owner Amber Noone.
dispatches NAWBO Coffee With the President - The National Association of Women Business Owners will hold Coffee With the President from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. Nov. 4 at Hillcrest Country Club, 6098 Fall Creek Rd, Indianapolis. Board President Carol Curran will share updates and her plans for the upcoming year. Register at nawbo.org.
Supported by
Presented by
Debit cards benefit school – Indiana Members Credit Union recently presented a check for $930 to Lawrence North High School as part of an ongoing school spirit debit card program. The partnership allows Lawrence North fans the opportunity to show their school spirit and support the athletic program by signing up for a Wildcats-themed debit card. Every time the card is used Lawrence North athletics benefits.
Student business partners needed – The IU Kelley School of Business Indianapolis needs local companies to partner with student teams for its Integrative Core Program. Teams of students work to select a project that benefits the company. Students conduct research, analyze findings and provide a recommendation. Any for-profit organization can apply. The company must be incorporated as an S corporation, C corporation or an LLC. For more, contact Teresa Bennett at tkbennet@iupui.edu or at 317-278-9173.
Pacers tech deal – Integrity One Technologies, A Xerox Company, has announced a five-year partnership deal with Pacers Sports & Entertainment. As part of the deal, Integrity One will provide state-of-the-art technology to serve the Indiana Pacers administrative needs as well as to provide technical support and training. The partnership also includes traditional brand elements inside Bankers Life Fieldhouse.
Employment resources – Hamilton County residents who are long-term unemployed or underemployed are eligible to receive free job preparation, job training and paid job experience through October 2018. The program, called Employ Up, is operated by EmployIndy, Marion County’s workforce development board. Services are available to residents in Indianapolis and surrounding counties, including Hamilton. Residents can apply for the program through WorkOne Noblesville or by visiting the Employ Up website at employup.org.
October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
Chiropractor celebrates re-opening By Mark Ambrogi • mark@youarecurrent.com Since moving to Westfield in 2004, Dr. Sandra K. Cunningham had a goal of moving her practice there, too. new biz “I always wanted to live and work in the same community,” Cunningham said. A year ago she finally was able to move her business, Chiropractic Wellness Center of Indiana, from Carmel. The business, 514 Ind. 32, held a ribbon cutting Aug. 31. From 2000 to 2015, the office was in Carmel. Previously, it was near the Castleton Square Mall in Indianapolis, starting in 1986. It is Cunningham’s 30th year of her practice. “Twelve years ago we had a goal of having another office here or moving our office to Westfield,” she said. Cunningham had been checking for several years for the building space to be open. She recently leased part of her space to an insurance agent. Cunningham graduated in 2015 and received her medical acupuncture license. She plans to open another business, Sanctuary of Acupuncture, in the center next spring. “That’s why we’re a wellness center,” Cunningham said. “I want there to be a lot of
From left, President of the Westfield Chamber of Commerce Jack Russell, Chairman Tom Dooley, Mayor Andy Cook, Chiropractic Assistant Lana Murphy, Office Manager Shae Lockridge, Dr. Sandra K. Cunningham, Vice Chairman Rob Garrett, and Steve Benedict. (Submitted photo)
different things that can help people, different services of all different types. I listen to patients and listen to staff, and that’s how I designed this office to accommodate multiple doctors in the same practice and also multiple services so that a patient doesn’t have to go to multiple different locations to find things that are going to help them.” Cunningham has four employees, including a massage therapist. She is a founding member of the Rotary Club in Westfield. She was the driving force in starting the Sensory Gardens at the Freedom Trails Park in Westfield with an idea to create sensory experiences for autistic children. For more, visit cwcofindiana.com.
Year-to-date sales 6.3 percent up Commentary by Jim Litten According to statistics compiled by F.C. Tucker Company, August was the busiest month in 2016 for central Indiana’s real estate real estate market so far. Compared to this time last year, pended sales grew more than 15 percent in August, and eight of the 14 counties Tucker tracks recorded double-digit percentage growth in sales. This growth helped raise overall year-to-date sales, which are now 6.3 percent ahead of this time last year. Hamilton County’s pended sales jumped more than 5 percent in August 2016 compared to August 2015. Prices also have increased by 2 percent over last year to an average of $284,539. Low inventory continues to challenge the market. Fortunately, Hamilton County experienced the least amount of declining inventory in August – down 9.7 percent, representing roughly 200 fewer homes available compared to this time last year. • In Westfield, the average year-to-date home sales price increased 4.3 percent to $304,517. • Inventory moved at a slower pace in Westfield in August 2016. Overall, homes
sold in 62 days – 13 more days than this time last year. • Buyers in Westfield had more options available to them. Last month, 255 homes were available for sale – 20 more homes compared to August 2015. • Pended home sales declined in Westfield. In August 2016, 72 homes sold – a decrease of 14 homes compared to August 2015. • Of the pended home sales in Westfield last month, nine were priced $500,000 to $999,999; 16 were priced $300,000 to $499,999; 27 were priced $200,000 to $299,999; and 20 were priced $100,000 to $199,999. Realtors definitely felt the momentum in August. Buyer demand is still strong, and we could see stronger sales if inventory returns to the level it was two or three years ago. We expect 2016 to be our best year since the housing market began its recovery. Jim Litten is the president of F.C. Tucker Company. Comment on this article by e-mailing to editorial@youarecurrent.com.
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October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
Where’s Amy? Where’s Amy? is a photo column by Amy Pauszek, a society girl and film producer. She may be reached at amy@youarecurrent.com.
Jon and Lynn Bereman with Shari and Jeff Worrell. (Photos by Amy Pauszek)
Frank and Katrina Basile.
Where’s Amy attends Songbook Celebration Gala Where’s Amy stopped by the Roaring Twenties Songbook Celebration Gala Oct. 15 and enjoyed mingling with glitzy flapper girls and slick gangsters at the Palladium. The celebration, presented by Krieg DeVault, LLP and hosted by Michael Feinstein, included a stellar performance by Storm Large. Dionne Warwick, who along with Hoagy Carmichael, were honored and inducted into the Great American Songbook Hall of Fame.
Family friends Katherine Eardly and Rollie Dick.
Allied Solutions’ (Carmel) Lisa and Mike Naughton, Kim and Bill Sarsfield with Amy and Jeff Wisdorf.
Leb and Jennifer Woods
Lilly’s Pops Up at The Village of West Clay – On Oct. 28 and 29 Lilly’s Wearable Art Studio Pop Up Show will take place at The Meeting House in the Village of West Clay, 2000 north New Market St., Carmel. The show will be open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Oct. 28 and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Oct. 29. The public is invited to come shop the latest fashion picks. There will be clothing and accessories from around the world. This show is open to the public. New Year’s Eve Extravaganza presented by Taft – At 8 p.m., Dec. 31 the Palladium in Carmel will host another NYE event. Guests will enjoy food, dancing and more. The entertainment includes popular variety band the Impalas on the Palladium stage, the modern country sounds of Joe Hess & the Wandering Cowboys in the Founders Room, the Scott Routenberg Jazz Trio in the Songbook Lounge and DJ Lockstar in the Robert Adam Room. Tickets are $85 and include non-stop entertainment, food and party favors. The early bird special lists tickets at $55 until Nov. 1. For more, call 317-819- 3505. CAC announces Children’s Art Gallery Winter Contest – The Carmel Arts Council is announcing its winter art contest for all artists grades K-12. All entries must be winter-themed, original artwork on an 8 1/2 by 11-inch paper, submitted to SoHo, 620 S. Range Line Rd., by 3 p.m. Nov. 20. Judging will be completed by Nov. 21. An artist reception will be hosted at the Carmel Arts Council Children’s Art Gallery, 40 W. Main St., from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Dec. 2. Songbook Academy All-Stars to perform Jan. 7 – Each summer, the Great American Songbook Foundation brings together 40 of the nation’s top high school vocalists for its week-long Songbook Academy and competition. Only one is named Songbook Youth Ambassador for the coming year, performing with foundation founder Michael Feinstein at such venues as Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center and the Kennedy Center. At 8 p.m. Jan. 7, the foundation will welcome back all seven of its previous ambassadors when the Center for the Performing Arts presents the inaugural Songbook Academy All-Stars concert, a special evening of music at the Palladium in Carmel. Tickets are on sale at TheCenterPresents. org/tickets. For more, visit currentnightandday.com. Concerts at St. Mark’s – The public is invited to enjoy lively musical concerts at St. Mark’s. Upcoming shows, each beginning at 4 p.m., are guitarist John Johns Nov. 13, Indianapolis Brass Choir March 19, 2017 and The Ripple Effect July 16, 2017. For more, visit stmarkscarmel.org, or call the church at 317-846-4912. Ballet Theatre of Indiana announces third season – The Ballet Theatre of Indiana has announced its third season. Performances will include “Myths & Monsters” prior to Halloween and “The Nutcracker,” Dec. 16 through 18. For more, visit btindiana.org.
Laura and Rick Campbell.
Kimberly and Randy Sorrell.
Britt and Jeff McDermott.
October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
Halloween tailgate Commentary by Joe Drozda and Bob Bley Not that we saw it first-hand, but it’s said that trick-or-treating has been a Halloween tradition in America since the late 1920s. In the British Isles the tradition of going houseto-house, in costume and collecting treats at Halloween, can be traced as far back as the 16th century. Why not do your part to keep this tradition alive by staging your own Halloween tailgate? Here’s how to dress-up your tailgate in the Halloween spirit. Have orange and black Jell-O shots for the adults. Carve a pumpkin with your school logo. Have a tub full of leftover candy for passers-by. Have simple Lone Ranger-type masks for your guests. Today, chocolate chip cookie cakes are extremely popular in supermarket birthday areas because they can be decorated like a cake. If you consider the sugar excesses of Halloween season, no one among us should fear the calories of icing and chocolate chips in their system. Here is a cookie bar recipe that can use up a lot of those little packs of Reece’s Pieces and has perfect Halloween colors. PEANUT BUTTER COOKIE BARS Ingredients: 2 7.2 oz. Packages of Betty Crocker Peanut Butter Cookie Mix, 4 tablespoons vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons water, ½ cup peanut butter, 1/3 cup all-purpose flour, 1 cup Reece’s Pieces (11 trick-or-treat size 4.9 oz. bags) Instructions: Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Cover inside of a 10 x 13 baking dish with parchment paper and lightly spray the paper with no-stick spray. Chop about ¾ of the Reese’s Pieces to expose the insides. In a bowl, mix the cookie mix packs with the oil, water, peanut butter, flour and chopped ReThe Center for the Performing Arts – 355 City Center Dr., Carmel – thecenterpresents.org Oct. 29 – Russian String Orchestra Hoosier Park Racing & Casino – 4500 Dan Patch Circle, Anderson – hoosierpark.com Oct. 29 – Cook & Belle Mo’s Irish Pub – 13193 Levinson Ln., Noblesville – mosirishpub.com/indy Oct. 27 – Doug Resendez Oct. 28 – Andrew Young Trio Oct. 29 – Stella Luna
lIve MUsIC
Peanut butter cookie bars (Submitted photo)
ece’s Pieces. Place the dough into the baking dish and using your fingers, gently press the dough to fit evenly in the middle and against the sides. Sprinkle the top with the remaining un-chopped Reece’s Pieces. Bake for 18-20 minutes or until light golden brown. At first the center will be a little soft. Cool the cookie sheet on a wire rack for at least an hour or until the sheet is room temperature on its bottom. The longer you wait the more solid the bars will become. Next, grasping the parchment paper, slide the big bar rectangle onto a cutting board. Be careful because the large cookie/bar will be fragile at this point. Slide the parchment out from under the large cookie and cut it into 24 bars with four rows of six bars per row. On game day, box the bars into a plastic sealable container for transport to the game and wait for the compliments. Joe Drozda is the author of “The Tailgater’s Handbook” and is considered the “Father of American Tailgating.” His website is tailgatershandbook.com. He is a resident of Hamilton County.
Hopwood Cellars Winery – 12 E. Cedar St., Zionsville – hopwoodcellars.com Oct. 28 – Adam Moody + One Oct. 29 – Myra Dworski and Jon Hall Old National Centre – 502 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis – oldnationalcentre.com Oct. 27 – Kansas Oct. 28 – Brothers Osborne Oct. 29 – Stryper Oct. 30 – St. Paul and the Broken Bones; YG Vogue Nightclub – 6259 N. College Ave., Indianapolis – thevogue.com Oct. 27 – DMX Oct. 28 – Yelawolf, Bubba Sparxxx, Struggle Jennings, and Jelly Roll *Performers are scheduled, but may change
October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
‘Cabaret’ on stage Nov. 4-20 By Zach Dunkin • news@currentinwestfield.com
the seedy Kit Kat Klub and revolves around young American writer Cliff Bradshaw and his relationship with Bowles, a 19-year-old Character Sally Bowles is a sexual outcast English cabaret performer. Overseeing the and a misfit who chooses a life of freedom action is the Emcee at the club, which and igserves as a metaphor for the ominous performances norance. political developments in Germany. The young Based on Christopher Isherwood’s performer in the Tony Award-winning short novel, “Goodbye to Berlin,” musical “Cabaret” is a contradiction in with music by John Kander and lyrterms. An emotional roller coaster. ics by Fred Ebb, the musical debuted Or as actress Cynthia Collins, who on Broadway in 1966 and won eight will play the role of Bowles in the Collins Tony’s. It was followed by numerous Actors Theatre of Indiana’s production productions in London and New York, as well as Nov. 4-20 at the Studio Theater described her, the 1972 film starring Liza Minnelli. Collins saw “she’s so messed up.” the Tony-winning Broadway revival in 1998. “The beautiful thing about roles like this is Acknowledging the show’s sexual innuendo that they don’t come around very often,” said and racy, lacy costumes, Collins says ATI’s Collins, taking on the part for the first time in presentation will be PG-13-like. her 25-year professional career. “This role is “We know our audience,” said Collins, also so beautifully written, and the wonderful thing a co-founder of ATI and its associate artistic for an actor is that it’s a role you can really director. “We’re not going over the line. Actusink your teeth into. There’s nothing simple ally, there is no foul language in it because about this character. No, it’s not my life, but the script was not written that way. But the I feel fortunate to be able to step into Sally’s content is pretty heavy.” world each night and bring it to life.” For more, visit centerfortheperformingarts. Set in 1931 Berlin as the Nazis are rising to org. power, “Cabaret” unfolds in the nightlife of
Day of the Dead event held Nov. 1 By Sadie Hunter • sadie@youarecurrent.com For the third year in a row, Nickel Plate Arts will be celebrating Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead. The Mexican holiday, which holiday begins Oct. 31 and ends Nov. 2, will be honored by the arts organization, which serves communities along the Nickel Plate rail line in Hamilton and Tipton counties, Nov. 1 at its Noblesville campus. The significance of the holiday is to remember loved ones who have died, but in America, is often associated with the Halloween and fall season. “Many events in this area focus on Halloween, but Day of the Dead gives community members the opportunity to experience a cultural holiday that occurs around the same time as Halloween,” said Kavita Singh, program director at Nickel Plate Arts. “This event offers community members the chance to sample a handful of Mexican traditions that come with the Day of the Dead holiday, including music, food, traditional crafts, art, calvera skull designs and more,” Singh said. All activities include: • Ofrenda making: An ofrenda is a collection of objects placed on a ritual altar
Nickel Plate Arts’ Day of the Dead celebration with crafts, food, music and more will last through the evening Nov. 1. (Submitted photo)
during the Day of the Dead celebration. Create your own ofrenda to honor and celebrate memories of a loved one that has passed away. • Calvera making: Children often receive delicious sugar skulls or calavera during Day of the Dead celebrations. Come and decorate ceramic versions to make and keep forever while snacking on a sugar skull. • Fortune telling: New this year, join local artist Alys Caviness-Gober in fun, Mexican-inspired fortune telling including tarot cards, reading tea leaves and more. Other Day of the Dead activities will include hands-on Mexican folk crafts, storytelling, live music, piñata smashing and Mexican-inspired food and drinks.
October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
Grace Church musical opens Oct. 28 By Heather Collins news@currentinwestfield.com It’s the tale as old as time. “Beauty and the Beast” will open Oct. 28 at Grace Church. The hit musical will be family fun directed by Amy Christie. It focuses on the message that “love conquers.” Grace Church’s presentation of “Beauty and the Beast” will focus on the power of transformation, as well as the lives of the various characters. “The vision for the show Osgood is that true unconditional love has the power to transform lives. Seeing beyond someone’s exterior and into their heart is the way lives change. I believe this is a message the world needs to hear right now,” Christie said. “Love conquers. Engage with people that are different from you. Don’t let fear paralyze you. Listen, learn, love. It might transform them and it will transform you.” This year, the “Beauty and the Beast” animated film is celebrating its 25th anniversary and, coincidentally, Grace Church is also celebrating its 25th anniversary.
The cast is composed of about 90 performers, ranging in ages from 8 to 70, and ranging in experience from beginners to Broadway performers. “We really value that. We want people from varied backgrounds and at various ages,” Christie said. “There is something so beautiful as they all come together for a common goal and a higher purpose.” Carmel High School senior Betsy Sandifer will play the roll of Belle. The Beast will be played by Noblesville High School junior Jon Osgood, most recently the winner of “Noblesville Idol.” Sandifer Following each performance, young fans will have the opportunity to interact with the characters from “Beauty and the Beast.” According to Grace Church, the last musical it produced, “Les Miserables,” was attended by thousands. Show dates are Oct. 28-30 and Nov. 3-6. General admission tickets are $11. For the full performance schedule and tickets, visit gracechurch.us/theatre. Doors will open 30 minutes before showtime. Grace Church is at 3305 E 146th St. in Noblesville.
Healthy mornings: Bran muffins
16 1 7
16 1 7
Ukulele Phenomenon
Classical Meets Rock
Submitted content courtesy of Family Features Muffins are perfect for an on-the-go breakfast or as a healthy snack option. Homemade oat bran muffins are a great alternative to large, store-bought muffins that are usually packed with calories and fat. Oat bran is a good source of soluble fiber, which can help reduce cholesterol. Not only do these muffins offer health benefits, the recipe is also effortless, making it a morning time-saver when you need to get out the door in a hurry. You can also switch out blueberries for different fruits, such as a banana, giving you the option to have something new each time. Ingredients: • 2 cups oat bran hot cereal, uncooked • 2 tablespoons brown sugar substitute • 2 teaspoon baking powder • 1/2 teaspoon salt (optional) • 1 cup skim milk • 2 egg whites, slightly beaten • 1/4 cup honey or molasses • 2 tablespoons canola oil • 1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries Directions: Heat oven to 425 F. Line 12 muffin cups with paper baking cups
SAT NOV 18 | 8 PM | THE PALLADIUM Oat bran blueberry muffins. (Submitted photo)
or spray bottoms only with non-stick cooking spray. In bowl, combine oat bran cereal, brown sugar substitute, baking powder and salt, if desired; mix well. Add milk, egg whites, honey, oil and blueberries; mix just until dry ingredients are moistened. Do not over-mix. Fill prepared muffin cups about threequarters full. Bake 15-17 minutes, or until golden brown. Variation: In place of blueberries, stir 1 medium mashed, ripe banana or any other fruit of choice into batter before baking.
SAT NOV 26 | 8 PM | THE PALLADIUM TICKETS Online TheCenterPresents.org or call the Box Office 317.843.3800 These activities made possible, in part, with support from Butler University, Indiana Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.
October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
Your weekly serving of Just the Ticket
First opened in Montana in 1993, MacKenzie River introduced gourmet pizza to the town of Bozemen. The unfamiliar toppings soon caught on, however, and MacKenzie River has expanded into various locations in Montana, Idaho, Washington, North Dakota and Indiana. It is famous for distinctive flavor, a unique atmosphere, fantastic customer service and even environmental awareness. Type of Food: Pizza, soup, salad, sandwiches, pasta dishes. Food Recommendation: The MacKenzie River Pizza, with olive oil, garlic, spinach,
MacKenzie River Pizza roasted zucchini, mushrooms, tomatoes, mozzarella and a dusting of feta cheese. Price Range: $5-15. Reservations: No. Hours: 11 a.m.-9 p.m., Sunday to Thursday, 11 a.m.-10 p.m., Friday and Saturday. Address: 11596 Westfield Blvd., Carmel. Phone: (317) 564-4211.
Pan-Seared Cod over Minted Pea Puree Submitted content courtesy of Family Features Serves: 4 Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 10 minutes Ingredients: • 1/2 cup water • 2 pounds frozen or fresh peas, blanched • 1 package (0.6-0.7 ounces) fresh mint, leaves only • salt, to taste • 4 Alaska cod fillets (4-6 ounces each), fresh, frozen or thawed • olive oil • 1 teaspoon lemon pepper seasoning Pan-served cod over minted pea puree. (Submitted photo) Directions: Add water, peas and mint to blender or food processor; medium. Cook an additional 6-9 minutes for season with salt. Puree until almost smooth. frozen cod or 3-4 minutes for fresh/thawed Cover and keep warm. fish. Cook until fish is opaque throughout. If frozen, rinse ice glaze from cod under To serve, spoon pea puree onto 4 cold water; pat dry with paper towel. Heat plates. Top each with cod fillet and serve heavy, nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. immediately. Brush both sides of fillets with olive oil. Nutrition information per serving: 319 In heated skillet, cook cod, uncovered, calories; 5 g total fat; 1 g saturated fat; 13% about 3-4 minutes, until browned. Shake pan calories from fat; 65 mg cholesterol; 37 g occasionally to keep fish from sticking. Turn protein; 34 g carbohydrate; 12 g fiber; 393 mg cod over and sprinkle with lemon pepper seasodium; 101 mg calcium; 28 IU vitamin D; 200 soning. Cover pan tightly and reduce heat to mg omega-3 fatty acids.
Behind bars: Cucumber Smash Get it at Wolfies, Westfield. Ingredients: 1.5 oz. Hendricks Gin, .5 oz. St. Germain, .5 oz. lime juice, .25 oz. simple syrup, Cucumber wedge, Club soda Directions: Muddle cucumber in glass, mix together gin, St. Germain, lime juice and simple syrup and add to muddled cucumber. Fill with club soda.
October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
Blueprint for Improvement: Transitional bathroom cosmetic update Commentary by Larry Greene
After solutions: The goal was to create a comfortable, more aesthetically spacious master bathroom, while keeping the elements in place that worked most efficiently. 1. The existing vanity cabinets were painted to coordinate with the new fireplace cabinet color. New decorative hardware was added for an extra touch of personal style. 2. While the existing jetted tub functioned well, the tub deck needed a cosmetic update. The beautiful new wood-look floor tile was continued up the side and top of the tub deck, and a beautiful accent tile surround replaced the former outdated white tile. 3. The former alcove shower felt extremely small because of the limited amount of light and glass. The shower transformation included raising the shower ceiling, opening up one of the four walls, new tile, corner bench, large recessed niche and plumbing fixtures. 4. Other beautiful details, such as new framed mirrors, industrial light fixtures, granite countertops, undermount sinks, and oil rubbed bronze plumbing fixtures, were the perfect accompaniments to finish off the space.
Before Background Info: In conjunction with the fireplace remodel we featured two weeks ago, this 1990s Carmel home in the Brookfield neighborhood was in need of updates to the master bathroom as well. The homeowners were looking for the best design solution to combine function with style.
Before problems: The former master bathroom had efficient function and circulation space, but each area, especially the closed-off shower, needed updates to reflect the homeowners’ style and coordinate with the rest of their home.
Larry Greene is the owner of Case Design/Remodeling. You may email him at lgreene@caseindy.com. To see more before-and-after pictures of this project, visit caseindy.com/blog.
DIVORCE – WHAT TO EXPECT: Custody and the Best Interest of the Children
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There are two aspects to child custody—legal and physical. Legal custody refers to the ability to have input on medical, educational, and religious issues pertaining to a child’s upbringing. Joint legal custody is appropriate in most cases unless there is a significant breakdown in communication between the parties. Generally, as long as the parents are able to communicate and cooperate with one another on decisions involving the child(ren) without a high level of conflict, joint legal custody will be ordered and the parents are required to consult one another before making any of these “major decisions.” The second aspect of custody, physical custody, is much more often the subject of dispute. Simply stated, physical custody refers to where the children spend their time. As an initial matter, parents may create a unique schedule which satisfies the needs of their children and each other. Often, however, developing a parenting time schedule can be very challenging. When parties are unable to agree, the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines provide a parenting time schedule that gradually increases parenting time as the children grow older, provides for a division of holidays, and allots time with the children should one parent live a significant distance from the children’s primary residence. It should be noted, however, that the Guidelines represent a minimum amount of reasonable parenting time to be afforded to the non-custodial parent. Often times, Indiana Courts will award a highly involved, non-custodial parent with parenting time in excess of the schedule that is provided in the Parenting Time Guidelines. People often feel the need to “have their day in court,” believing that if the judge hears “their side of the story” the custody order will be in their favor. However, in evaluating whether to ask a judge to
make a ruling on custody and parenting time, the parties would be well advised to keep in mind that time in court is limited, and it is difficult to present all of the information believed to be important. A judge often has a limited timeframe to hear the evidence and limited remedies when determining a parenting time schedule. This is not to say that custody conflicts which arise should not be litigated. However, once you decide to proceed to court, the final decision is out of your hands. Finally, if parties are unable to reach an agreement, Indiana Courts will focus on the “best interest of the children” and in doing so will consider a number of factors in determining an appropriate custodial and parenting time arrangement. These factors include, but are not limited to, which parent has served as the primary caregiver; the child’s age and sex; the wishes of the child and the parties; the child’s relationship with each parent, siblings, and others; the child’s adjustment to their home, school, and community; and the mental and physical health of all involved. Remember, there are a number of benefits to reaching an out-of-court agreement, including but not limited to, allowance for non-traditional work schedules, flexibility for holidays and more importantly the ability to decide and shape your future with your children. Being able to communicate and cooperate on these matters is a win-win for all involved. At Hollingsworth & Zivitz, P.C., our team has the experience, the understanding, and the compassion to assist with your family law needs. If you have questions or concerns regarding divorce, custody, support, or any other family law concerns contact our firm at 317.DIVORCE or visit our website at www.hzlegal.com.
October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
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Martyrs’ Well in Amritsar, India. (Photo by Don Knebel)
Amritsar and independence
Commentary by Don Knebel
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Amritsar, in northwest India, is the site of the Golden Temple, the holiest place on earth for followers of the Sikh religion. travel It is also the site of a massacre that played a key role in igniting the demand for Indian independence. On April 10, 1919, violent protests in Amritsar led British Brigadier General Reginald Dyer to impose a ban on all public gatherings. On April 13, thousands of Sikhs in Amritsar for their annual Baisakhi festival, unaware of the ban, congregated in Jallianwall Bagh, a six-acre public garden near the Golden Temple, where they joined protestors knowingly violating the ban. Seeing the huge gathering as a threat to his ability to maintain order, General Dyer arrived at Jallianwall Bagh with 50 armed troops, who immediately and without warning began firing indiscriminately at the crowd. People tried to run, but their escape routes were blocked by either walls or British forces. Some people were crushed to death as they tried to leave. Others jumped into a large garden well.
The soldiers stopped shooting only when they ran short of ammunition. An official inquiry by the House of Commons, which led to the resignation of General Dyer, counted 379 unarmed dead and 1,200 wounded, including women and children. Indians have always believed the casualty count must have been much higher because of the large number of people in Jallianwall Bagh when the shooting started. What became known as the Amritsar Massacre convinced Mohandas Gandhi to initiate the non-violent struggle that eventually led to Indian independence in 1947. In 1951, the Indian government erected a memorial honoring the victims of the massacre inside Jallianwall Bagh, near brick walls still displaying bullet holes. Perhaps the most poignant reminder is the Martyrs’ Well, with a sign saying that 120 bodies were found piled at the bottom. Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column, visit donknebel.com. You may contact him at news@currentzionsville. com.
Dispatches Kitchen and bath ideas – The National Kitchen & Bath Association Indiana State Chapter presents a kitchen and bath panel discussion at 10 a.m. Oct. 29 at the Indiana Design Center, 200 S. Range Line Rd. Panelists will share ideas on home automation, mixing finishes, cutting edge lighting and more. Free and open to the public. Space is limited so register by calling 317-569-5975.
Tone down spicy salsa – If your salsa is too spicy, mix in a few drops of vanilla extract. It tames the heat, making it seem milder. Source: BottomLineInc.com
Boot storage – Tall boots are fashionable, but they always flop over in the closet. Cut pool noodles to shorter lengths and stuff into tall boots to make them stand upright. Source: TwistedSifter.com
Designer workshop series – The public is invited to connect with design professionals each month on various interior design topics. Join us for Setting Inspired Holiday Tablescapes presented by David Jackson of David Jackson & Co. at 10:30 a.m. Nov. 15 at the Indiana Design Center, 200 S. Range Line Rd. Light refreshments will be provided.
October 25, 2016
Across 1. BSU homecoming guest 5. Self-satisfied 9. Showy display 14. Prepare to sing the anthem at the Indy 500 15. Anti-fur grp. 16. Hoosier honker 17. Three Halloween “C” words
Current in Westfield
20. Waste maker 21. HSE sci. course 22. Understands 23. IU Health physicians’ org. 25. Maneko Neko restaurant sash 27. Not svelte 31. Fleming’s steak sauce 33. Vinatieri 3-pters.
36. ___ vera 37. Rip to bits 39. Fortuneteller’s card 41. Three Halloween “D” words 44. Martini’s partner 45. “The Sun ___ Rises” 46. Break in relations 47. Zionsville winter hrs. 48. McNamara Florists bud
holder 50. African fly 52. Mattress problem 53. Not very many 54. Current’s URL starter 57. Seep 60. Jellied garnish at Ruth’s Chris 65. Three Halloween “G” words 68. ___ Haute 69. From the top 70. Letters above 0 71. Starbucks order 72. Harp’s cousin 73. Homonym of 18-Down Down 1. Indy neighborhood: Chatham ___ 2. Old Italian coin 3. Puts to work 4. Noblesville HS track event 5. Snoop 6. Holy city of Islam 7. Indiana NBA foe 8. Lucas Oil Stadium entrance 9. “I” problem 10. Welsh barker 11. Easy gait at Hoosier Park 12. Like some PU profs. 13. Crooked Stick ball props 18. Thunder sound 19. “Let’s go!” 24. “___ Breckinridge” 26. Butler sorority letter 27. San Diego baseball player 28. Marsh bread spreads 29. Cut of beef 30. ___ Montana Grill 31. Leg joint
32. Indiana Grand Casino chances 33. Some produce at the Westfield Farmers Market 34. Plays a round at Wolf Run 35. Indiana, e.g. 38. Guerin Catholic HS pitching stats 40. An area about the size of the Indy Eleven field 42. Indianapolis Opera star 43. Learning method 49. In awe 51. Indiana Convention Center freebies 52. Burst of energy
53. Indiana sports team 54. “House Hunters” network 55. Carmel Christian Church prayer pronoun 56. Ripped 58. Face-to-face exam at DePauw 59. Wacky 61. Boutique 62. Bishop of Rome 63. “Aha!” (2 wds.) 64. PC key 66. Kona Jack’s necklace 67. Hamilton County Fair barn female Answers on Page 31
October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
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LOOKING FOR WORK AS MOTHER’S ASSISTANT Transportation for After-school Activities. Emergency Sick Day/School Closing Childcare. Errands/Light Housekeeping. House/Pet Sitting. Holiday Shopping/Gift Wrapping. Mature, Experienced with Excellent References. Joyce (317) 769-6106
Pet & House Sitting Service www.pawpatrolindy.com 16 years Experience
317-802-6565 317-432-1627
With Baker Scott
Beginners thru Advanced All styles Electric-Acoustic-Bass Private Lessons Parent-Child Lessons near Carey Road & 146th Carmel 317-
Insured & Bonded
VISA, MasterCard acceptedReach 124,303 homes weekly
Guitar Lessons
Call now for $20 off your first cleaning!
“The Safe and Reliable Alternative to Boarding” Insured/Bonded Serving Carmel & Westfield
Accent′ Bicycles
The Electric Bike Center 622 South Rangeline Rd, #S Carmel, IN 46032 www.accentbicycles.com 317-689-0066 (message center) We only sell Electric Bikes We have dozens in stock Full manufacturer’s warranty We sell electric bikes - We rent electric bikes - We service ALL bikes Come and test ride an electric bike. Pick-up the NY Times article on the health benefits of electric bikes or read the full article on our website. Our regular hours are Wednesday 12 - 4 and Friday through Sunday 12 - 4 If you cannot come in during normal hours we can schedule you for a personal review and test ride. Call me at 317.506.6902
Estate SALES
Guitar Lessons
Will clean out houses, garages, basements, attics, etc; move/haul furniture, trash, etc. clean gutters, rake leaves; run errands; do odd jobs, render personal services. Full insured.: Text or call Jay@ 574-398-2135: Now accepting reservations for snow removal
Book a session for your band! 3 hours/$50 1,000 SF studio, lounge with 60” plasma TV, full PA & backline provided, drums available 340 Ridgepoint Drive, Carmel rick@idealtalentinc.com 317-979-0137 Like us on Facebook! “Between the awesome physical facility, and the exceptional personal service, look no further than Kingston’s.” -Travis Jensen, An Innocent Band
Wth recording artist Duke Tumatoe Learn from professional and have fun All levels - in Carmel duke@duketumatoe.com or 317-201-5856
Estate SALES Estate Sale 12548 Trophy Drive, Fishers Saturday, October 29 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
FOR SALE Brand NEW Queen Pillowtop Mattress and Box Spring set. Still in factory sealed plastic. Never used. ONLY $195. Del. Avail. Call today 317-480-6463
Sell me your...OLD GUITAR Local buyer is looking for older Gibson, Fender, Martin, etc. guitars, amplifiers and musical instruments of all kinds. Friendly to-your-door service! Please call today! 317-771-9294 Thank you, Brian
Now Hiring
Now Hiring
Tempur-Pedic King Size Set Frame & leather recliner & Chaise Lounge 317-582-0252
Carmel Clay Schools is Hiring!
Household items, small and large appliances, costume jewelry and furniture.
Garage sALES
9124 Timberwolf Lane ZIONSVILLE, IN 46077
Garage Sale/Moving Sale: Thursday and Friday October 27-28, 2016 Lots of household and yard items for sale 8:00 am to 4:00 pm both days 14730 Deerwood Drive Carmel, IN 46033
For pricing e-mail your ad to classifieds@youarecurrent.com
(317) 567-2319 www.aether.estate
• • • •
Bus Drivers & Bus Aides Cafeteria Workers Custodians Substitute Teachers Every position has unique opportunities!
Apply online at https://www1.ccs.k12.in.us/district/home
Stop by our office at 5201 East Main Street, Carmel, IN 46033 Email: cmiddlet@ccs.k12.in.us or call 317-844-9961.
October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
Now Hiring
Now Hiring
NOW HIRING Senior1Care
We are looking for Compassionate & reliable individuals to provide non-medical caregiving services to adults in the local area. If you are dedicated, hard-working and have a genuine desire to work in an environment where you will be helping others improve their quality of life, visit us and learn about: • Top Pay, including overtime & BONUS • Great full time and part time hours • Reliable, flexible & steady work
• FREE CNA Training • Fun working environment • Growing Company
Empathy is more important than experience, as full training is provided. Visit our Facebook Pages to learn more about our family’s story and why we started our local business 10 years ago. Call today and set-up an interview at 317-652-6175 or stop by our Carmel office. EOE
Now Hiring National Record Retrieval located in Carmel is looking to hire individuals for the following full-time positions: Call Center, Processing Team and Client Service Representatives. Please email resume to darby@ nationalrr.com. Pay Range $11-$13 PRIME 47 Carmel IS NOW HIRING All Positions. We are growing and Prime 47 is looking for the very best Servers, Bussers, Line Cooks, Host Staff If you want to be part of a growing team of professionals please apply between 1 and 4 M- FR at Clay Terrace Mall next to Dicks sporting goods EOE
Now Hiring
Now Hiring
Partner with GanserToGo.com! We arrange delivery catering orders for full service restaurants. Drivers will be given food at restaurants and deliver it to customers at their homes, offices and special events. Big tip orders! Breakfast, lunch and dinner shifts are available 7 days a week. • Must be at least 21+ • Smart phone to receive orders • Current auto insurance and good driving record • Reliable vehicle! Benefits: • Flexible Shifts! -Days, nights, and weekends available. Full time and part time positions available. • Paid Bi-weekly! - Drivers get paid hourly plus tips and mileage. Drivers are earning up to $12 to $20 per hour! • Freedom! - You don't have to sit in an office waiting for orders. Get orders sent to your phone as you move throughout the city. If you are interested contact us today! Call us Mon-Fri to schedule an interview 317-815-8900 and ask for Mike
Now Hiring The Joint Chiropractic is looking for a Wellness Coordinator for our Carmel clinic.: Must possess friendly demeanor and great communication skills. Essential job functions include managing clinic phone calls, maintaining clinic (light cleaning), greeting patients and assisting patients in completing required paperwork, educating patients on wellness offerings and services, and signing up memberships, completing transactions using point of sale software, and ensuring all member accounts are current and accurate. Must be able to work weekends/ evenings as needed. HS diploma or equivalent required (associates degree or higher preferred). Pay starting at $8/hr plus commission. Qualified individuals should email their resume to kelly.clouser@thejoint.com
Covenant Security Services, a national provider of quality guards is accepting applications for experienced Security Officers in the Carmel, IN and Sheridan, IN area. · Must be 18 years of age, · 2 -3 years of previous security experience · Previous military or law enforcement a plus · Have a high school diploma or equivalent · Excellent customer service skills · Excellent computer service · Excellent communication skills, verbal and written · Must be neat, well-groomed and present a professional appearance We offer competitive wages and a great working environment! We offer medical, dental, vision, paid time off and 401K benefits. Apply online at www.covenantsecurity.com
CITY OF FISHERS Now hiring seasonal, on-call Snow Plow Drivers and Back Hoe Operators. Earn extra money this winter plowing local streets & parking lots during snow events. Training and equipment provided. Help make the roads safe for drivers by joining the best snow removal team in the state! For more information and to apply visit: www. fishers.in.us.
FINDING A NEW CAREER WITH TMS HEALTH, A XEROX COMPANY At TMS Health Career Fair! * We’re Hiring Top Performers to Represent our Healthcare Clients*
When: Wednesday, October 26th Time: 3:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Where: Hampton Inn and Suites 11575 Commercial Drive, Fishers, IN, Off I-69 Today, we are growing our team in our Fishers, IN location, and we’re looking for qualified Customer Service and Inside Sales professionals to join us in a new business venture!
TMS Health employees enjoy a rewarding competitive compensation plus incentives and comprehensive benefit packages. Bachelor’s Degree Required for all Positions. New College Graduates with a Bachelor’s degree are encouraged to apply! Customer Care Specialist Job# 16026960 English - Provide Tech Support and professionally handle inbound calls from consumers using a medical device. Customer Care Specialist-French Job# 16026966 Bi-lingual French - Provide Tech Support and professionally handle inbound calls from our Canadian consumers using a medical device. Inside Sales Representative-HCP Job# 16021068 Make outbound calls to engage and educate Physicians on a medical device product. Responsible for growing your own territory. Inside Sales Representative-Retail Job# 16026349 Make outbound calls to engage and educate pharmacists on a medical device product. Responsible for growing your own territory. For more information contact: Senior Recruiter 317.937.1904 Submit your application online: www.tmshealth.com Applicants must apply online to the job number in order to be considered for a position with TMS Health, a Xerox Company.
©2015 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. XEROX® and XEROX and Design® are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries
Cafeteria Manager Noblesville Schools • Minimum 3+ years School Food Service Experience Preferred • Management Experience Preferred • Advanced knowledge of Food Safety and Sanitation Practices • Apply on line at: www.noblesvilleschools.org or contact: Sue Dunn, FS Director @ 317-773-3171.
Residential cleaning company in Fishers is seeking Full time and Part time housecleaners. Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm. Needs reliable transportation, current auto insurance and a great attitude. Please call the Housekeeping Maid Easy office for more information or to apply 317-579-1988 or email lindsey@housekeepingmaideasy.com. SALES HELP WANTED
The Village Clock Shop & Home Furnishings in Clay Terrace Carmel is seeking a part time sales associate. 15-20 hours per week. Previous sales experience helpful. Flexible hours. Apply in person. 14299 Clay Terrace Blvd Carmel 46032
Automotive Finishes
P/T Associate/Driver needed to make local deliveries and counter sales. Please apply at: Sherwin-Williams Automotive Finishes 14064 Britton Park Road Fishers, IN 46038 Ph: 317-770- 1014 Fax: 317-770- 1664 EOE M/F/D/V
Now Hiring: Dining Room Staff
Donatello’s Italian Restaurant is looking for motivated individuals for dining room and kitchen positions, such as bus person, hostess and dishwasher. Weekends are the biggest need with occasional weeknights. Pay starts at $10 an hour. E-mail a resume to donatellositalian@ gmail.com or stop by at 9 W. Main Street in Carmel. Must have reliable transportation and be at least 16 years old.
College not for you?
Background or Not in dance! Join the team at Fred Astaire Dance Studio Carmel, Indiana. We will train you in all aspects of the ballroom dance business. Why Fred Astaire? We offer a great environment, guaranteed starting salary, great training and opportunities to travel and compete. Need we say more? Call Dan at 317-846-3237
Westfield sign manufacturer $12-14/hr. Shop experience a plus Job involves painting with HVLP guns and/or running CNC routers Call 317-371-4468
Caregivers Wanted!
-Our Employees are our clients too -Flexible scheduling because life is busy. -Locally owned by nurses -Owners Available to you directly -Full and part time positions -Competitive pay -Retirement plan -317-774-0074 option 5 Apply@claritycaregivers.com
Applicant must be experienced and have excellent cut-in skills. Looking for painter with passion for quality work and attention to detail. Must be well organized and maintain clean work area. Must have reliable transportation. Pay based on skill and experience. 35-40 hours of work per week, Mon-Fri, no work on weekends. Servicing Hamilton County. Call Rich 317-696-5722.
Now Hiring Waiters/Waitresses APPLY IN PERSON 160 E Carmel Dr. Carmel, IN
October 25, 2016
Current in Westfield
Now Hiring
CAREGIVERS NEEDED! Help brighten the lives of aging adults in our community. Provide non-medical home care services to help seniors remain at home for as long as possible. Training, support and flexible shifts provide. No degree necessary Call (317) 774-1750
Now Hiring
Now Hiring
Veterinary Assistant
Part time veterinary assistant open at a caring and friendly locally owned 3 doctor practice in Westfield. The ability to multi task, maintain written records and computer skills are needed. This is a physically active position that requires lifting. Please fax resumes to Administrator at 317-867-2374 or fill out an application in person at Westfield Veterinary Care 17735 Sun Park Drive, Westfield. Visit our website at: www.westfieldvetcare.com
Simpson Construction Services, LLC, a family owned general contractor, would like to hire skilled construction carpenters. Our company is growing, and we are looking for craftsmen that take pride in their work and want a future with our company. Contact Gary Simpson at 317.703.9575.
When is your big day?
Bridal Show 6th Annual Hendricks County ICON Bridal Show
Pet adoptions every Saturday at the Carmel PETCO from 12pm until 3pm! Stop in and meet your next best friend! They are fully vetted, freshly groomed and waiting for you!
January 29, 2017 Noon to 4pm Held at the Prestwick Country Club 5197 Fairway Drive Avon, Indiana 46123
What percentage of initial readers are female?
Now Hiring!
Customer Service Reps Come in for an interview! Monday - Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm
2828 Enterprise Drive Anderson, IN 46013
for Brides, Grooms & Guests
To register, please email: sherry@icontimes.com For questions or vendor space information, please contact Sherry Moodie at: sherry@icontimes.com or call: (317) 525-1258
Source: SMARI, Inc.
ADVERTISE: info@youarecurrent.com • 317.489.4444, ext. 2
Job Requirements:
• Must have high school diploma or GED • Must pass background check & drug screen
Visit Us Online at:
http://jobsatxerox.com/anderson-vin EOE M/ F/Disability/Vet
SHOP NOW FOR BACK TO SCHOOL! CAstleton square mall P : 317.849.5790
the fashion mall at keystone P : 317.574.0777 ©2016 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox® and Xerox and Design® are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. BR 19255
12651 CERROMAR CT. | CARMEL, 46033
$1,880/month • 3 bed, 2 bath • Very bright, open and spacious!
138 West Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 317-848-1588 • www.amrelo.com
October 25, 2016
we’ll cater your party! Current in Westfield
party subs
party platters cookie platters boxed lunches 15 SANDWICH PORTIONS (5 ASSORTED FOOTLONGS)
3 foot - $48 (feeds 8-10) 6 foot - $96 (feeds 18-20)
onlY $38 (feeds 8-10)
EXPIRES 12/31/2016. Valid only at 976 Tournament Trail, Westfield, IN 46074, 2001-8 E. Greyhound Pass, Carmel IN 46033 and 201 E. Main Street, Westfield IN46074 SUBWAY® restaurants. Plus applicable tax. Additional charge for extras and Deluxe. No cash value. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Void if transferred, sold, reproduced or auctioned. One coupon per person per visit. Must surrender coupon at point of purchase. SUBWAY® is a Registered Trademark of Subway IP Inc. ©2016 Subway IP Inc. subin-27839
EXPIRES 12/31/2016. Valid only at 976 Tournament Trail, Westfield, IN 46074, 2001-8 E. Greyhound Pass, Carmel IN 46033 and 201 E. Main Street, Westfield IN46074 SUBWAY® restaurants. Plus applicable tax. Additional charge for extras and Deluxe. No cash value. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Void if transferred, sold, reproduced or auctioned. One coupon per person per visit. Must surrender coupon at point of purchase. SUBWAY® is a Registered Trademark of Subway IP Inc. ©2016 Subway IP Inc. subin-27839
$6.50 - 6", chip, cookie $8.50 - 12", chip, cookie
only $18
Bottled drinks available (additional charge)
EXPIRES 12/31/2016. Valid only at 976 Tournament Trail, Westfield, IN 46074, 2001-8 E. Greyhound Pass, Carmel IN 46033 and 201 E. Main Street, Westfield IN46074 SUBWAY® restaurants. Plus applicable tax. Additional charge for extras and Deluxe. No cash value. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Void if transferred, sold, reproduced or auctioned. One coupon per person per visit. Must surrender coupon at point of purchase. SUBWAY® is a Registered Trademark of Subway IP Inc. ©2016 Subway IP Inc. subin-27839
EXPIRES 12/31/2016. Valid only at 976 Tournament Trail, Westfield, IN 46074, 2001-8 E. Greyhound Pass, Carmel IN 46033 and 201 E. Main Street, Westfield IN46074 SUBWAY® restaurants. Plus applicable tax. Additional charge for extras and Deluxe. No cash value. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Void if transferred, sold, reproduced or auctioned. One coupon per person per visit. Must surrender coupon at point of purchase. SUBWAY® is a Registered Trademark of Subway IP Inc. ©2016 Subway IP Inc. subin-27839
*24 hours notice appreciated for all catering orders. Deposit may be required.
Load any amount of money! Great gift for Christmas and birthdays! for a limited time load $25 get a free 6"
Pre-order your holiday catering order by 11/20 for pick up or delivery from 11/25-12/24 and receive
10% off the order
VILLAGE PARK PLAZA SUBWAY 317.575.9547 2001-8 E. Greyhound Pass Carmel 46033 (South of Marsh) Ask for Kim, catering expert
317.867.1621 201 E. Main Street (State Rd 32) Located in downtown Westfield Ask for Kelli, catering expert
Conveniently located North, South, East, West to better serve all of Westfield! GRAND PARK SUBWAY
DRIVE 317.867.1594 THRU! 976 Tournament Trail Near Wheeler Rd & State Road 32 Ask for Stephanie, catering expert
31 146TH ST.