November 22, 2016

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Inspired Senior Living



Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Matt and Teresa Skelton choose to redevelop land / P12

Council hears Drexler Woods introduction / P3

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Sway them. Push them. Love them. If your loved one is a heavy smoker and over 55 years old, encourage them to find out their risk for cancer.



INDOT preps for winter / P4


Schools look at next steps after referendum passes

/ P6


November 22, 2016

Current in Westfield

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November 22, 2016

COMMUNITY Contact the Editor

Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@ You may also submit information on our website, Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication. To contact Editorial Director Sophie Pappas, call 317.489.4444 ext. 7.

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On the cover

Matt and Teresa Skelton at their wedding tree. (Photos by Anna Skinner) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. IX, No. 46 Copyright 2016. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

Current in Westfield

City council divided on Drexler Woods proposal By Anna Skinner • The Drexler Woods Planned Unit Development was introduced to the city council at its Nov. 14 meeting, but two of the five present councilors voted to table the development proposal. The proposal sought to change the zoning of approximately 265 acres northwest of Grand Park to allow for a local business area, multi-family attached homes and, the largest section, an age-restricted active adult community. A part of the plan intersects with Grand Park’s Master Plan area, with suggestions of sports residential. The proposal suggested the construction of a roundabout in the Grand Park Master Plan to better connect 191st and 193rd streets and Springmill and Horton roads. Paul Rioux, president of Platinum Properties which developed Countryside, Maple Villas and more throughout Westfield, was represented by Jim Shinaver with Nelson and Frankenberger. Although the proposal was only an introduction to the council and no vote was supposed to be taken, Councilor Joe Edwards made a motion to table the proposal until next year. “I suggest we table the Edwards introduction until the city council has a chance to meet with school people and some other people to see how our development should flow a little better,” he said. “I am not opposed to this development, but as I read the (Grand Park Master Plan) the northwestern agricultural section was to be preserved. If this is put in, there would be one farm between the township line and this project. That being said, the (Grand Park Master Plan) said in between existing commodity operations there’s supposed to be one acre.” Councilor Cindy Spoljaric agreed with Edwards on his motion to table the introduction. “I agree with Joe wholeheartedly,” Spoljaric said. “We’ve been hearing an awful lot from Spoljaric the community, and I think we need to get our thoughts wrapped around that before we start moving ahead with these large projects.” However, councilors Steve Hoover, Chuck Lehman, Jim Ake and Robert Horkay didn’t believe the proposal needed to be tabled. “Ages 55 and over are not going to have any


Dispatches Concern over cars at intersections – Residents have questioned city cars parked near intersections. They are conducting road impact studies. The cars should have an engineering magnet on them. City staff have also been conducting traffic studies but will be in city vehicles. If you have any concerns about other vehicles, please contact the Westfield Police Dept. at 317-804-3200. State Police taking applications – The Indiana State Police is accepting applications for the 77th Recruit Academy. Individuals interested in beginning a rewarding career as an Indiana State trooper must apply online at The website will provide a detailed synopsis of the application process and information on additional career opportunities with the Indiana State Police. Applications must be submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m. Jan. 2, 2017.

The concept plan of the proposed Drexler Woods. (Submitted image)

negative effect on schools,” Hoover said. “Most likely, it would have a positive effect on the schools. The other reason I would like to consider this is it does accomplish a lot of the goals we had for Grand Park, which aligns some of our roadways up there which currently are not very efficient.” Ake suggested that part of the proposal, which spanned across a designated sports residential area in Grand Park, could include sports housing for athletes visiting Westfield for the season. “(An age restricted active adult community) is something I don’t think we have represented in the community, at least not to a significant degree,” Horkay added. Lehman, the president of the council, agreed that tabling the proposal would not be necessary, but he did caution Rioux and Shinaver to pay attention to the concerns expressed by Edwards and Spoljaric. “It will move ahead, but please be considerate of what you’ve heard here,” Lehman told them. After the meeting, Rioux said that reaction from the council wasn’t unexpected. “I call this a plan with a purpose,” he said. “We are not after a typical subdivision, which I have done many of. This one has a Grand Park Master Plan incorporated with an active adult community, and I think it’s different than everything they’ve seen. I understand the council has seen a lot of projects, but I think when they see details of this, it’s not a business-as-usual approach.” A public hearing before the Advisory Plan Commission regarding Drexler Woods will be 7 p.m. Dec. 5 at city hall, 130 Penn St.

Throw a bicentennial bash – Want to celebrate Indiana’s 200th birthday with your family and friends before the year is through? The Indiana Bicentennial Commission has some ideas for your bicentennial bash. The Indiana Bicentennial Commission has put together “Birthday Bash” – a guide filled with decoration ideas and recipes for your bicentennial party. Visit and type bicentennial birthday bash in the search box. License branch holiday - All BMV license branches will be closed Nov. 24 and 25 in honor of the Thanksgiving holiday. Branches will resume normal business hours Saturday, Nov. 26. No-Shave November – The Westfield Police Dept. is participating in No-Shave November to raise money and awareness for cancer. Normally, the department has strict policies when it comes to facial hair. Employees could donate $30 to grow facial hair during November. Female employees will wear a ribbon. Each employee has a goal of raising $70, or $2,500 total for the department. Donations may be made in the form of checks made out to Relay for Life or American Cancer Society with Shamrockin’ for a Cure in the memo. Send checks to Westfield Police Department, Attn: Sgt. Billy Adams – No Shave November, 17535 Dartown Rd., Westfiel, Ind., 46074. Conservation Creations - The Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District will host its first Conservation Creations program from 4 to 5 p.m. Nov. 28 in the Annex Building at the Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds, 2003 E. Pleasant St., Noblesville. Everyone is invited to join the district to create milk jug bird feeders. Participants are asked to bring an empty washed, rinsed and dried plastic milk jug with cap along with small sticks from their yards. All other materials will be provided by the district. For more, call 317-773-2181 or email soil.water@


November 22, 2016


Current in Westfield

INDOT readies for winter months

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With winter approaching, the Indiana Dept. of Transportation is prepping for snow and poor weather with the purchase roads of 72 new trucks, 12 new tow plows, holding job fairs for winter staff, stocking up on salt and preventing potholes. According to a press release from INDOT, last year the yellow plow trucks logged more than 3.8 million miles, which equates to 152 trips around the earth. This year, INDOT purchased 72 new plow trucks to replace old equipment as well as 12 new tow plows which allows for truck drivers to clear two lanes at once. INDOT will have more than 1,000 plow trucks. Last year, 211,428 tons of salt and more than 2.8 billion gallons of salt brine were used. INDOT already has more than 225,000 tons of salt in stock for the season and continues to receive deliveries. During last year’s winter operations, INDOT

INDOT purchased 72 new trucks and 12 new tow plows for the upcoming winter season. (Submitted photo)

staff worked a total of 202,168 hours. INDOT has been holding job fairs and hiring full-time and seasonal workers. Warmer months were spent resurfacing and sealing state highways to prevent potholes. INDOT has repaved 580 miles and sealed more than 1,200 lane miles of interstates, U.S. highways and state routes this year. For more, visit

Crash in Westfield claims life of Fishers woman The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office responded to a two-vehicle crash at 8 a.m. Nov. 12 at Ind. 32 and traffic accident Gray Road. Deputies determined a 2014 GMC Sierra was travelling east on Ind. 32 and disregarded a red traffic light, colliding into a 2011 Honda Accord travelling north in the intersection.

The driver of the GMC Sierra, John D. Miller, 68, Westfield, said the sun glared into his eyes and he was unable to see the traffic light color and the Honda Accord in the intersection. Jennifer L. Grillo, 45, Fishers, was the driver of the Honda Accord and was pronounced dead at the scene. The investigation was completed by the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office Crash Investigation Team.

Dispatches Scholarships available – Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Indiana Scholarship Program offers students the opportunity to apply for one of four scholarships honoring the applicant’s heritage to celebrate the growing diversity in Indiana. Applications are being accepted from eligible high school seniors in one of four ethnic categories: Asian, Hispanic, African-American and all others. Applications are due by Jan. 18, 2017. For more, visit Increased holiday patrols – Hamilton County law enforcement agencies will increase patrols for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. Statewide, more than 250 law enforcement agencies will join forces to conduct high-visibility patrols encouraging drivers and passengers to drive sober and buckle up for safety.

Marathon registration open – Registration is now open for the seventh annual Carmel Marathon, to be held April 22, 2017. Early bird registration fees are available for full marathon, half marathon, 8K run and 5K run. This is the second largest marathon in the state. For more information or to register, visit Send us your pics—Current Publishing is now accepting photos from around the community to run in our new community photo section. Photos from kid events, parties, athletic games and more are all welcome. Camera, iPhone or Samsung Galaxy photos will be accepted. All photos must include the names of anyone photographed. Please send them to

November 22, 2016

Current in Westfield






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November 22, 2016


Current in Westfield

Grate comments on referendum, next steps By Anna Skinner •

specifically help us plan for the future of The referendum renewal reduced the previschool district’s configurations or expansions ous seven-year referendum passed in 2010. or additions or any decisions addressing the The referendum renewal lowered the previous With an 81 percent pass rate for the Westrapid pace of growth and enrollment. We hope 23-cent tax per $100 of assessed property field Washington Schools referendum, Supt. people will show up and share their thoughts value to 20 cents per $100 of asDr. Sherry Grate with us.” sessed property value. education is already mak“Moving forward, we will continue ing plans for the to make sure we are doing as much school district’s next steps. attend a focus group as we possibly can to communicate Steps include addressing the rapid • Nov. 28: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Westfield not only with family but with all memgrowth within the schools. Grate said High School, 18250 N. Union St. bers of the community,” Grate said. the district has hired a national firm • Nov. 29: 1 to 3 p.m. at Westfield High One way Grate plans on addressfor a comprehensive demographic School, 18250 N. Union St. Grate ing all members of the community study to prepare for projected stu• Nov. 30: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Westfield are five focus groups to be held regarding the dent enrollment. A comprehensive facilities Middle School, 345 W. Hoover St. future of WWS. • Dec. 7: 1 to 3 p.m. at Westfield Middle study has been completed to plan for mainSchool, 345 W. Hoover St. “We want to get these dates out to everytenance for facilities throughout the district. • Dec. 12: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Westfield InAnother step is discussing grade level configu- one in the community, not just school people termediate School, 326 W. Main St. and school family,” she said. “We want to rations to explore use of space. To RSVP, contact Kim Zachery at zacheryk@ ensure we are hearing the voices representThis was Grate’s first experience with a ing the entire community. The focus groups referendum in a school district she served as superintendent for. “Not knowing exactly why people might dispatches have voted no, I would say perhaps it’s a possibility they weren’t necessarily completely inAdvisory plan commission meetWestfield in Lights – Downtown Westfield’s tree-lighting formed or needed more information,” she said ing – The next advisory plan comceremony will be 3 to 7 p.m. Dec. 3 at the lawn to the west of of the 19 percent who voted ‘No’ on the Nov. mission meeting will be 7 p.m. Dec. city hall, 130 Penn St. Pictures with Santa and Frosty, train and 8 ballot. “Concerns we did hear were about 5 at Westfield City Hall, 130 Penn carriage rides, food and retail vendors, live reindeer and more people not in favor in regards to tax increases. St. Public hearings will be held. For will be available. The event is mostly free, in exception to the While this is a renewal, it is a reduction.” more, visit carriage rides. For more, visit

November 22, 2016


Current in Westfield


Rookie indiana state troopers begin field training

Eleven rookie Indiana State Police troopers recently began their field training program. The field training program is four months long and upon completion, the troopers will be assigned solo patrols within the Indianapolis District, which covers Marion, Hamilton, Hancock, Boone, Hendricks, Johnson and Shelby counties. Before field training, troopers went through a hiring process, more than 500 hours of classroom instruction and more than 300 hours of hands on scenario instruction. Troopers are Christopher Cannon, Nicholas Cox, Tigh Freestone, Chris Hanson, David Herron, Daniel Magnabosco, Joseph Malone, Ty Mays, Taylor McCluskey, David Taflinger and Casey Witzigreuter. (Submitted photo)

Meet your teacher: Matt Pribbeno Grade/subject at what school: Physical education, Maple Glen Elementary. Number of years teaching: Six. Education: North Central High School. St. Joseph’s College. Why did you become a teacher? “My mom had an in-home daycare while I was growing up, and that had a big influence on me. I was helping her take care of the kids, and it helped me know early on I wanted to be a teacher. I also had a second grade teacher, Mrs. Lopez, who was very caring and nurturing. She read the story ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ to me and we did a staring contest. That still is one of my favorite books.” What goals do you have for your students? “I would like for my students to be physically active for the rest of their lives. I believe physical education is not about how much you can run and exercise but being

physically active forever.” What do you encourage parents to do at home to help their children strengthen Durbin particular skills? “Get active with your kids. They really like playing but would enjoy it so much more if you are able to get outside and play with them. Make time to do fun activities that get everyone up and moving.” Name your favorite movie. “‘Hocus Pocus.’” Name your favorite musician or band. “I listen to any and all music. Thomas Rhett is my favorite artist.” What’s something your students might not know about you? “I was born in Imperial, Nebraska, which is a town of only 1,200 people. I moved to Indiana when I was 12 years old.”


dispatches New Year’s Eve tickets on sale – The Downtown Westfield New Year’s Eve Bash tickets hosted by the Westfield Young Professionals are now on sale. All ages 21 and over are invited. Tickets are $30 or $50 for a couple. The event will be 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Dec. 31 at Park Street Pub, 515 Park St. A DJ, drinks, an appetizer bar and prizes will be available. For more, visit downtown-westfield-new-years-eve-bash-tickets-28577138992. Westfield City Services holiday closings – Westfield City Services, 2728 E. 171st St., will be closed Nov. 24 and Nov. 25 for Thanksgiving and Black

Friday. It will reopen for regular hours Nov. 28. City council meeting – The next city council meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Nov. 28 at Westfield City Hall, 130 Penn St. Agendas can be viewed at Magazine recycling – Ready to recycle your magazines? Instead, donate them to IU Health North Hospital to provide reading material for their patients and guests. Magazines should be no older than three months and can be dropped off to the hospital’s first floor Welcome Desk at 11700 N. Meridian St., Carmel.

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November 22, 2016

Current in Westfield

November 22, 2016


Current in Westfield


Rotarians donate books for sixth year This is the sixth year the Rotary Club of Westfield has donated books to the Westfield Washington Public Library. Each week, the rotary club’s speaker signs a book which is then donated to the library on the speaker’s behalf. Eight books are donated to the library every two months. Rotarian Cindy Olson, left, donates books to WWPL Director Sheryl Sollars. (Submitted photo)

Auto shop donates car to mom By Mark Ambrogi • Christian Brothers Automotive Fishers added a new twist on the annual National Service Day. giving back This is initiative for all the Christian Brothers Automotive shops, but Jared Seaman said all the franchise owners decide what they want to do. “Our name comes from a faith-based organization, and we to try to give back throughout the year,” said Seaman, a Noblesville resident who owns the Fishers franchise with his wife, Mandy. “But one big way is to have a National Service Day. It’s a day we give free oil changes to single mothers and widows, mostly, who are struggling to try to get ahead. This is a small way to give back. We partnered with Good Samaritan Network, and they helped us facilitate the families in need that could benefit from a free oil change.” Seaman said the shop decided to do more this year by fixing up a car and giving it to a single mother on its National Service Day last month. A 2002 Chevrolet Cavalier was given to Shayna Cummings of Westfield. Seaman said the shop sometimes gets cars that the owners don’t feel are worth fixing due to the cost of the repairs and the value of the vehicle. “Some of the people don’t have a way of getting rid of the vehicle, so we have a way that they can donate the car to us,” Seaman said. “Through a local vendor, we can fix up

From left, Christian Brothers Automotive Fishers owner Jared Seaman presents car to Shayna Cummings along with Good Samaritan Network Executive Director Nancy Chance. (Submitted photo).

the car at a cost-effective rate and give the car to a local individual or family.” Good Samaritan Network interviewed different candidates for the vehicle. The shop is typically closed on weekends, so Seaman opened the shop for the event. “My seven employees volunteer their time and work for free for the day,” Seaman said. “They look over the cars and make sure they are safe.” Seaman said there were 70 free oil changes given, the most of the three years his shop has held the event. “We put on a fun day of food and entertainment, which is of no cost to the participants,” Seaman said. “They are encouraged to bring their families and kids. This year we had a bounce house, ice cream truck, a face painter, pony rides for kids and adults.”

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November 22, 2016

Current in Westfield

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November 22, 2016


Current in Westfield

Hamilton County GOP Reception held at Grand Park




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Last month, the Hamilton County GOP Reception was held at the Grand Park Event Center. From left, State Rep. Donna Schaibley networks with Jim Ake (Westfield City Council vice president) and Mary Ake. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

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Members of Indiana State Police coordinate with fire and medical personnel on taking a K9 officer through hazardous material decontamination. (Submitted photo)

County completes HazMat training Last month, a three-day training exercise was conducted in conjunction with Hamilton County Emergency public safety Management and Hamilton County Local Emergency Planning Committee at the training grounds on River Road in Noblesville. Scenarios were designed to test and train emergency responders in real-life situations that law enforcement and fire departments may be exposed to. The training also assessed tactics, skills and equipment used in the responses to those situations. The October training included simulated

hazmat materials, such as an anhydrous ammonia release, the discovery of a meth lab and release of hazmat materials that could possibly contaminate soil, air and water. Departments participating in the training included Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office; Noblesville Police Dept.; Noblesville Fire Dept.; Carmel Police Dept.; Carmel Fire Dept.; Westfield Police Dept.; Westfield Fire Dept.; Cicero Fire Dept.; Fishers Fire Dept.; Indiana State Police; Dept. of Natural Resources; and Hamilton County Public Safety Communications. The training was to encourage the cooperation of the departments in preparation for a variety of man-made and natural disasters.

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November 22, 2016

Current in Westfield


Matt and Teresa Skelton choose to redevelop land By Anna Skinner • For nearly a century, members of Teresa Skelton’s family have owned the lot on the corner of Hoover and Union streets. With the development of Grand Junccover story tion Plaza and the growth of downtown Westfield, Teresa said she would rather grow with her city and expand on her lot than move elsewhere. “Knowing the school was getting built and new sidewalks put in and that Hoover Street was being widened, it seemed to be a really good investment for me, and I got a piece of the Matt and Teresa Skelton will be rebuilding their home and building on four more lots along Hoover Street. (Photo by Anna Skinner) Inset: property (in 1993),” Teresa said. “It’s always been sort of a plan The site location. (Submitted photo) to do something there, whatever that is, or to have it as a good investment to sell. For the better part of 10 years, Matt downtown, the vision and planning, has taken place over the Embedded in downtown Westfield (Teresa’s husband and director of the Economic and Commulast 20 or 25 years. It has all kind of led us to where we are nity Development Dept.) and I need a new house. It’s really right now, so I can’t think of a way we can use our property After her family owned the property for nearly a cenhard to let go of your land once you have it because you to be more consistent with the vision outlined in the tury, Teresa Skelton moved into her home at the corner of get attached to it, and you can’t get land back, so I Grand Junction implementation plan.” Hoover and Union streets in 1993 and has lived there ever was really dragging my feet.” Four of the five lots will be for sale for since. She and her husband Matt, director of the Economic The Skeltons own three parcels, custom homes set between $400,000 and and Community Development Dept., have wanted to rebuild one occupied by them and another $600,000. The Skeltons will remain on on the property for 10 years. by Betty Otis, Teresa’s mother. the parcel at the corner of Hoover Teresa has lived in five spots and worked in five spots, They came up with a plan to stay and Union streets. all on Union Street. on their land and also get a new “We decided we don’t need that “I went to kindergarten in what is now city hall,” she home. The pair approached the city much property to take care of. It’s said. “It was my parents’ land where the city market is and was approved last month to a lot to take care of,” Teresa said. “As held.” turn the approximately two acres of you age, it’s not as much fun to Another part of her property near and dear to Teresa is a three parcels into five parcels and deal with.” red oak tree that was planted when she and Matt got marrebuild on that land. “We have wanted to rebuild on ried – with the ceremony held on the property where they “Downtown Westfield is near that property for over 10 years,” live. Teresa said the tree would not be harmed with the and dear to our hearts,” Matt Matt added. “We fell in love with rebuilding of her and Matt’s home and the custom homes said. “We spend a lot of time the neighborhood and our neighbuilt on the remaining four lots. in it, so it was only natural bors. It’s part of us, so to “We married on our property, and the same day we plantto us to the extent that move just seemed like we ed a red oak tree,” Teresa said. “It was part of the service was possible to make our were never going to be and is now 25 feet tall. The tree will not go away.” little corner more like Grand An example of what a home built on the Skeltons’ lot might look like. happier anywhere else.” The Skeltons married in 2001 on the summer solstice. Junction. The emergence of (Submitted photo)

November 22, 2016


Current in Westfield

Thank you, marching band


Aftermath: It gets worse With Donald Trump’s Electoral College victory over Hillary Clinton for president, a number of things have been shaken to the fore, and many of them belong filed under You Can’t Make This Stuff Up: • The “leadership” at some of our colleges endorses offering hot chocolate, cancelled exams and therapy dogs to help students traumatized by the election result. What we find traumatic is these students are future leaders of America. • The president of the University of Virginia, founded by Thomas Jefferson, is being asked to stop quoting Jefferson by some students and staff, because Jefferson – terribly unfortunately, in our opinion – owned slaves, as did others of his era. • The “peaceful” protests in Portland, Ore., recently netted 112 rioters. Please note that 70 percent of the detained did not vote, according to a report. • Calls to abolish the Electoral College continue. They do not take into account the votes of rural America, equally represented with big-city America in the E.C. outcome. With the popular vote as the lone determining factor, campaigns would heavy up in the major metro areas and call it a day. That’s exclusionary, in our view. • The blatant hatred and racism from some of both parties’ voters is abominable. Win or lose, we believe it’s best for everyone to give the outcome a chance to succeed, and to work together for the betterment of our nation. In all sincerity, Happy Thanksgiving. Brian Kelly, publisher, and Steve Greenberg, general manager, are co-owners of Current Publishing, LLC. Write them at info@

BEL I EVE  I T ! Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Clarendon, Texas, it is illegal to dust any public building with a feather duster. Source:


Commentary by Danielle Wilson

Life is for the living Commentary by Terry Anker Driving across the more rural of our environs during the rising of a spectacular harvest moon, one is reminded of the quiet grandeur all around. Big skies, still nights, teeming wildlife and intricately choreographed interconnections, dependent upon one and then another. Nature, by its very nature, is a spectacular. So why do we so regularly fail to notice the symphony taking place around us? What leads us to tune out the drama like a bad soundtrack in a shopping mall – only aware of it at its loudest and most disruptive points? Is it that we humans have become less attentive than our not-that-distant ancestors? Is it that, since we have very little legitimate fear of attack by mountain lion or warring tribe, we have lost some primal instinct to observe the world around us? Or, is it just that the chirping of crickets have been replaced by the chirping of cell phones? To be sure, the devices are de-

signed to drown out all other stimuli. Their chatter aligns to our own desire to feel wanted and responsive. So why doesn’t nature stage a comeback? It does, we’d guess, during a raging blizzard or torrential rainstorm. But can it ever hope to regain our attention in the quiet moments? Can the sunrise get us to put down the remote control? A deaf man whose hearing was restored by modern science was once asked his greatest surprise in joining our noisy world. He responded that he thought the sun would be louder. How can something so majestic be so quiet? He makes a good point. Are we attending to the real beauty in our lives or, instead, are we simply being overwhelmed by the noise? Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at

Q U OTE OF THE WEEK “After a good dinner, one can forgive anybody, even one’s own relations.” – Oscar Wilde

In this season of Thanksgiving, I’d like to recognize a most unlikely group, a marching band, for salvaging a humor steaming dump of a week. I was on my way home after nearly 12 hours of high school debate competition (always a fun way to spend a Saturday!) when my younger daughter called to say she had not procured a ride to a Bar Mitzvah celebration, and could I please hurry up and take her. Normally, I would have pawned her off on my husband Doo, but he had been MIA for seven days, first on a business trip and then on a manly-man deer shooting expedition. This single-parenting gig had already taken its toll. I’d been forced to deal with the election results and my oldest’s broken-nose surgery alone, on the same day, and hadn’t been sleeping much since. My diminished coping skills had resulted in zero grocery runs, zero papers graded and hours of phone solitaire. I was serving cat food to the dog, Halloween candy to the kids and a heaping pile of pity to myself. But I still had to be mom, and so I got my daughter to her party, took her brother for Steak-n-Shake, and then drove downtown for my other daughter’s band competition. I left as soon as she was finished and mercifully crawled into bed before 11. But this was nationals, and though I was utterly exhausted, nerves and guilt kept me checking the live stream for updates. I’d already missed the prelims and semis. I felt I owed it to her to watch the results, albeit virtually. As the bloggers began posting the finishes in exceptionally drawn-out fashion, adrenaline coursed through my body. Eventually, I had to sit up. Down to the final three, first one archrival and then another, were announced. Her band had won, on a tiebreaker point. I leapt out of bed, screaming and dancing. In that moment, I forgot about everything negative in my world and focused on the happiness of my child. And that made all the difference. Congratulations CHS marching band, and, thank you. Peace out.

Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at danielle@


November 22, 2016


Current in Westfield

When is your big day?





Helping PAWZ Rescue @ Bites Coffee and Dessert Bar 640 S. Main Street #100, Zionsville Friday, December 2 • 6-9pm Tickets: $50 each Includes: dinner, desserts and Big Lebowski themed cocktails Come dressed as The Dude (nothing like a party in a bathrobe), Donny, or your favorite character from the movie. And don't forget: "The Dude adopts." All proceeds from the tickets will go to Helping PAWZ Rescue and help care for rescued animals. There also will be art for sale with a portion of the proceeds going to HPR. SPONSORED IN PART BY

Bridal Show 6th Annual Hendricks County ICON Bridal Show January 29, 2017 Noon to 4pm Held at the Prestwick Country Club 5197 Fairway Drive Avon, Indiana 46123



for Brides, Grooms & Guests

To register, please email: For questions or vendor space information, please contact Sherry Moodie at: or call: (317) 525-1258

In a flash: Locked out Commentary by Dick Wolfsie I had just gotten home after giving a speech, pulled into the garage about 11 p.m. and entered the house through humor the door inside the garage. Mary Ellen was asleep upstairs. I undressed, but before putting on my sleeping shorts, I ran downstairs to grab a small bottle of fruit juice from the garage fridge. I retrieved the drink and turned the knob to re-enter the house. The knob refused to budge. I was locked out. Buck naked. I banged on the door, bellowing Mary Ellen’s name, but the bedroom door was closed and the ceiling fan was whirring. On a scale from 1 to 10, I would need to make a disturbance that was a four. On the Richter scale. My cell phone was in the car! If I called the home phone, that would surely get Mary Ellen’s attention. It rang and rang but no answer. It went to voicemail. Out of habit, I left a message: “Hello, Mary Ellen. If you get this, I’m in the garage with no clothes on. When you have a moment, could you come downstairs and let me in?” I’m not a pessimist, but I knew she wasn’t going to check for messages at 11:15 p.m. Then, I remembered that sometimes I leave

the back door of the house unlocked. All I had to do was sneak around and go through the entrance on the deck. I needed to give some serious consideration to my wardrobe. What was appropriate for this occasion? I had two choices: A 40-gallon black garbage bag or the 34-gallon clear plastic bags. I look terrible in black, but the other option seemed, well, redundant. Instead, I just opened the garage door and made my way along the side of the house. Then, as I neared the back yard, I bolted toward the deck and into the living room. The next morning, I didn’t tell Mary Ellen what happened, but she called from work later that day. “Dick, I just listened to the oddest message. Apparently, last night, there was a naked man in our garage. Who in heaven’s name could that have possibly been?” “I haven’t the slightest idea, Mary Ellen.” She’d never find out. I didn’t leave my name on that voicemail.

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at

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November 22, 2016


Current in Westfield

all-county business after hours

Pended sales up 6.1 percent Commentary by Jim Litten

On Oct. 27, an All-County Business After Hours organized by county chambers was held at the Grand Park Event Center. The event was organized by local chambers. From left, Westfield Chamber President Jack Russell, OneZone President Mo Merhoff and Noblesville Chamber President Bob Dubois. (Photos by Anna Skinner)

Keith Pemberton, left, and Avshalom Gad network at the event.

Erin Shockley sets up the Westfield welcome booth at the event.

Dispatches Job fair – Sheridan Community Schools will host a job fair from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Dec. 8 in the Sheridan High School gymnasium, 24185 Hinesley Rd. This is an open invitation job fair available to anyone searching for employment in the fields of hospitality and tourism, human services, health care, transportation, agricultural science, manufacturing, construction and information technology. For more, contact lisa.samuels@ Credit union merger – Indiana Members Credit Union has finalized a merger with All Seasons Federal Credit Union of Indianapolis. All Seasons Federal Credit Union maintained one branch, located inside the Carrier facility with membership made up entirely of Carrier employees. The merger allows the Carrier employees uninterrupted access to financial services at any of

the 25 Indiana Members Credit Union locations across Central Indiana. Indiana Members Credit Union will also maintain the All Seasons staff. Clay Terrace holiday hours - Clay Terrace has announced its holiday shopping hours. The mall will be open Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 24, from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. On Black Friday, Nov. 25, the mall will reopen at 8 a.m. and remain open until 10 p.m. For a complete list of stores, holiday events and more, visit New hire – Bose McKinney & Evans LLP is proud to announce the hire of Kristina Kern Wheeler as a partner in the firm’s Utilities Group. She will represent businesses, municipalities, executives and government officials in matters related to utility, government, business, bond, administrative and environmental issues.

Central Indiana’s residential real estate market showed steady growth in September, according to statistics real estate compiled by F.C. Tucker Company. Compared to September 2015, overall pended sales rose 6.1 percent despite homebuyers having 2,118 fewer homes on the market from which to choose. The average sales price increased 2.5 percent to $188,145. Statistics for the 15-county region indicate 2016 pended home sales are on track to exceed last year’s results. Hamilton County’s pended sales jumped more than 17 percent in September 2016 compared to September 2015. Prices have also increased by 2.8 percent over last year to an average of $285,496. The number of available homes for sale continues to decline in the region; inventory in Hamilton County slid 8.4 percent in September, a drop of 162 homes available compared to this time last year. • In Westfield, the average year-to-date home sales price increased 5.5 percent to $306,262. • Inventory moved at a slower pace in Westfield in September 2016. Overall, homes sold in 61 days – nine more days than this time last year. • Buyers in Westfield had more options available to them. Last month, 240 homes were available for sale – seven more homes compared to September 2015. • Pended home sales increased in Westfield. In September 2016, 75 homes sold – an increase of 18 homes compared to September 2015. • Of the pended home sales in Westfield last month, one was priced $1,000,000 to $1,999,999; four were priced $500,000 to $999,999; 24 were priced $300,000 to $499,999; 27 were priced $200,000 to $299,999; and 19 were priced $100,000 to $199,999. Despite the drop in homes for sale, home buyers are snatching up available homes rather quickly. Low mortgage rates and appropriately priced homes should keep positive momentum in home buying through the end of 2016. Jim Litten is the president of F.C. Tucker Company. Comment on this article by e-mailing to



November 22, 2016


Current in Westfield

Try a turkey day workout Commentary by Kara Babcock No turkey trot this year due to lots of cooking and preparations for the yummiest holiday of fitness the year? We’ve come up with some fun yet challenging exercises you “can” do to rev up your metabolism before one of the highest calorie days of year. Go to your pantry and grab up two cans of food. This is all the equipment you will require for this great little Thanksgiving Day workout! You “can” do it arms! Stand tall and hold a similar soup can in both hands. From this position, lift the cans to the side and keep your arms straight. Your goal is to lift your arms parallel to the floor. Slowly lower your arms and repeat 10 to 12 times. You “can” do it legs! Strengthen your legs by doing a lunge. Holding a soup can in each hand will provide added resistance to this exercise. Begin by standing tall, then step one foot approximately three feet in front of the other, bending both knees and lowering your body toward the floor. To finish, push off the floor with the front foot and return to the starting position. You “can” do it chest! Soup cans can also be used for a chest fly exercise. Lie on your back and hold a soup can in each hand with your arms extended toward the ceiling. Perform the movement by lowering your straight arms to the sides until you touch the floor in a straight line from your shoulders. Finish off with a little cardio by placing one canned good on the floor and tapping the top of the can with each foot (alternating). Do 30 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, two times. After doing this workout, you will definitely feel less guilty about indulging in that second piece of pumpkin pie! Kara Babcock is an ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor. She can be reached at Kara.babcock@ Baby Boot Camp-Carmel, Noblesville & Fishers has classes at St. Vincent Fishers Hospital and The Fashion Mall.

Recovery center opens in Carmel By Mark Ambrogi • Following his son Aristotle’s overdose from prescription drugs at age 24 in September 2015, Westfield resident Joseph Pappas drugs went searching for answers. He hoped to find a solution to keep other fathers from his intense sorrow. Pappas has opened Emerald Neuro-Recover Centers, which provides treatment for people suffering from addiction to opiates, heroin, meth, alcohol and other substances. “If no other father has to go through what I have to go through, I’ll feel like I’ve accomplished a lot,” Pappas said. “I really feel as I’ve been called to this.” Aristotle, known as Ari, was a standout running back at Bishop Chatard High School. “He lost his mother his senior year and was never the same (after her death),” Pappas said. “He got a (football) scholarship to Ball State and broke his hand as a freshman. They prescribed opiates.” His father didn’t realize how bad his addiction had gotten until near the end. “This is what I do for him,” Pappas said. The center uses intense IV NAD+Amino Acids Therapy. NAD stands for Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, a coenzyme found in all living cells. The clinic opened in Fishers in the summer but moved to 12289 Hancock St., Suite 36, in Carmel in September. Pappas said the treatment helps cure cravings. The average treatment is six to 10 hours a day for 10 days, but Pappas said some patients need longer. “We restore the brain by IV therapy to its preaddiction neurologic levels,” Pappas said. “We get rid of all the cravings. We get rid of all the withdrawals. We get rid of the anxiety and depression that are associated with the withdrawals of opiate.” Pappas said Emerald is the only facility in the Midwest using the protocol, which helps to flush drugs from the body, rebalancing and realigning the brain’s neurotransmitters. Caleb Moe, 25, had been to nine other rehab

From left, Joe Pappas is the president of Emerald Neuro-Recover Centers, and Dr. Gabriel Rosenberg is a presiding physician. (Photo by Mark Ambrogi)

facilities for his heroin addiction, and each time he has relapsed. On his ninth day of a 12-day treatment, Moe said his cravings rated a two on a scale of one to 10. “When I came in, the cravings were at an alltime high,” Moe said. His father paid for the treatment as a last chance. Wes, a 24-year-old from Avon who didn’t want his last name used, completed the treatment Sept. 15. He has had no desire to use drugs since then. “It’s almost like I completely hate drugs now,” said Wes, who is going to Ivy Tech in January to become a nurse. The NAD IV treatment costs $12,500 to $15,000. It is not covered by insurance. Pappas said it is still considered experimental, even though it has been used for years. “We’re trying to get it approved by the VA, and that will open the door to other insurance companies,” Pappas said. “I’m hoping within the next two years we’ll be covered by insurance.” Pappas is assisted by Dr. Gabriel Rosenberg, a Carmel resident and long-time pediatrician, and Dr. William Jones, a psychiatrist. Rosenburg said the NAD treatment has an 87 to 90 percent success rate of patients staying off drugs. “To me, this is so exciting,” Rosenberg said. “We’re in a terrible epidemic of drug abuse everywhere. This will help them get back to school, get back to life and be a useful citizen.” For more,

Dispatches Body knowledge open house – Wanting to lose weight or build muscle in the New Year? Riverview Health has development a program to support weight-management goals with a registered dietitian. Learn more about your body and ways to help you reach your health goals from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Dec. 13 at Riverview Health’s Rehab and Fitness Center, 601 Westfield Rd., Noblesville. Attendees will be entered in a drawing to win a free BOD POD initial assessment. This event is free. For more, visit

Joint replacement seminar – Join Dr. Jeffrey Ginther, a board-certified and fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeon, as he discuses the latest techniques and procedures to hip and knee replacement, including anterior hip replacement and computerassisted surgery for knee replacements from 6 to 7 p.m. Jan. 26 at Riverview Health in the Krieg DeVault Conference Room in the lower level of the Women’s Pavilion at the main hospital in Noblesville. This event is free, but registration is required. A light dinner will be served. For more, visit

November 22, 2016

Current in Westfield


Where’s Amy? Amy Pauszek is a Photographer, Film Producer and Scouting and Casting Associate for Talent Fusion Agency in Indianapolis. She can be reached at

Ann Hampton Callaway will perform a holiday concert at The Palladium Dec. 10. (File photo by Amy Pauszek)

Callaway to perform at The Palladium By Zach Dunkin •

Indianapolis City Ballet included powerhouse ballet stars Maxim Beloserkovsky, Irina Dvorovenka, Daniil Simkin and Iana Salenko. (Photos by Amy Pauszek)

Leah Danek (Carmel) and Jane Weiner (Carmel) of Ballet Theatre of Carmel at Performer’s Edge.

Where’s Amy attends Indianapolis City Ballet’s ‘Evening with the Stars 2016’ Where’s Amy was thrilled to attend the annual Indianapolis City Ballet’s ‘Evening with the Stars.’ The night included stellar performances by professional dancers from around the world. Indianapolis City Ballet’s mission is to serve as a ballet center in the Midwest, producing or presenting ballet works of the highest standards. ICB believes in growing the marketplace for dance, creating valuable programming that the community supports and educational resources to the dance community and general public and to serve the people of Indianapolis. ICB is dedicated to inspire current and future generations to achieve their goals, whether in or outside the dance world. It was a magical evening, and I was excited to see Leah Danek (Ballet Theatre of Carmel at Performer’s Edge) be a part of the cast representing the many talented pre-professional dancers of our own local dance community. The night also included a magnificent red carpet VIP after-party where guests were able to meet and mingle with the celebrity ballet dancers and enjoy delicious gourmet food and spirits. Where’s Amy always supports the arts and is a big fan of the Indianapolis City Ballet. Bravo to an unforgettable evening with the stars. For more, visit:

Morgan Rust (Noblesville), Robert Fairchild (New York City Ballet), Julia Rust (Noblesville) and Tiler Peck (New York City Ballet).

Abby and Sara Kimball (Fishers).

Joe Kolker and Hailey Agran (Carmel).

A champion of the Great American Songbook, singer-songwriter Ann Hampton Callaway considers Barbra Streisand a friend. Yet, it’s not as if she can call her on the phone and say, “Hey, Babs, I’ve got another song for you.” music “I’ve had many wonderful conversations with Barbra over the years,” Callaway said. “But no matter how wonderful our times have been, I still feel in a state of awe over her. Your heart always beats faster when you’re in the same room with her. It’s like finding out that Santa Claus is a real person.” Callaway and conductor Charles Prince and Carmel Symphony Orchestra will deliver a family-oriented holiday package of pop, jazz and classical holiday tunes at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Dec. 10 at The Palladium. Callaway’s music and lyrics have been performed and recorded by Liza Minnelli, Carole King, Michael Feinstein and Pattie LuPone, to name a few, but one of her favorite projects was writing the lyrics to “I’ve Dreamed of You” for Streisand, who sang the song to James Brolin on their wedding day. “Barbara had fallen in love with the melody by Rolf Lovland, a great composer from Norway, so she asked me to write the lyrics,” Callaway said of the wedding song. “What I didn’t know was that she was getting married three days later. I wrote the song just in the nick of time. She got it three hours before she was getting married.’’ Callaway also wrote “A Christmas Lullaby” for Streisand’s “Christmas Memories” before recording her own Christmas album, last year’s “The Hope of Christmas” with holiday lyrics written by two-time Emmy Award winner William Schermerhorn. Her holiday concert will include her own “God Bless My Family,” Ella Fitzgerald’s “Blues in the Night,” a song recorded by Streisand, “At The Same Time,” and a couple classics mirroring Streisand’s interpretation. “I happen to be a very sentimental person when it comes to the holidays, so it was a wonderful adventure.” For more, visit


November 22, 2016

Current in Westfield

November 22, 2016


Current in Westfield

Tailgater Christmas shopping Commentary by Joe Drozda and Bob Bley Since 1932, Thanksgiving weekend has been regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season in the U.S. This is the best time to think of tailgating equipment and gear, because tailgate stuff is a group of items greatly reduced in price to clear store shelves of goods not needed until next spring’s camping season. Usually, football fans miss Black Friday events due to scheduling of games important to them. That’s OK, however, because there’s more to tailgate bargains than just on one day. They last at least a whole week. “Forbes Entrepreneurs” reported in 2013 that Cyber Monday, the online counterpart to Black Friday, has been gaining unprecedented popularity — to the point where cyber sales are continuing throughout the week, earning the name Cyber Week. Here is our short guide for shopping for the tailgater: • Make a list of things you have found that you need. • Exclude cutesy things like spatulas with school logos; odd shaped tables; games you don’t need; grills with built-in coolers; things the wind will blow away. • Find the items you want online. • Check the availability of your items with local stores with online shopping. • Compare the online prices with those at your local stores. • Always ask for a price match if the local price is higher. • Don’t pay shipping unless there is no other option. Christmas shopping season can be an ordeal, so to make sure you have energy to stay

Hoosier Park Racing & Casino – 4500 Dan Patch Circle, Anderson – Nov. 25 – Flynnville Train The Center for the Performing Arts – 355 City Center Dr., Carmel – Nov. 26 – Big Bad Voodoo Daddy The Warehouse – 254 1 Ave. S.W., Carmel – Nov. 25 – Howard Jones Mo’s Irish Pub – 13193 Levinson Ln., Ste 100, Noblesville – Nov. 23 –10th of Never and DJ Big Poppi Nov. 25 – Carl Storie Band Nov. 26 – Project 6

lIve mUsIC

Bring Chex bars along for a Christmas shopping trip. (Submitted photo)

out and make one more stop, try these Chex bars. Make a good supply to carry on your trip. Holiday shopping snacks: Chex bars Ingredients: 5 3/4 cups Chocolate Chex™ cereal, 3/4 cup salted peanuts, 3/4 cup light corn syrup, 1/3 cup sugar, 3/4 cup creamy peanut butter, 1/3 cup M&M’s chocolate candies and/or Reece’s Pieces Directions: Spray the bottom and sides of 9-by-13 baking pan with cooking spray. In a large bowl, mix cereal and peanuts. In a saucepan, heat corn syrup and sugar over medium heat, stirring constantly until it first boils. Remove from heat; add peanut butter and stir until smooth. Pour over cereal mixture in bowl, stirring until evenly coated. Stir in candies and press firmly in pan; then allow one hour to cool. Cut into rows of your desired size and store loosely in covered container. Joe Drozda is the author of “The Tailgater’s Handbook” and is considered the “Father of American Tailgating.” His website is He is a resident of Hamilton County.

Rathskeller – 401 E. Michigan St., Indianapolis – Nov. 25 – First Time Caller Band Nov. 26 – Uncle JuJu Hopwood Cellars Winery – 12 E. Cedar St., Zionsville – Nov. 25 – M Squared Project Nov. 26 – Jesse Lacy Trio Old National Centre – 502 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis – Nov. 26 – Gogol Bordello Nov. 28 – Band of Horses Vogue Nightclub – 6259 N. College Ave., Indianapolis – Nov. 23 – The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band, The Stampede String Band, and Cari Ray Nov. 25 – JJ Grey & Mofro and Parker Milsap *Performers are scheduled, but may change



November 22, 2016


Current in Westfield

Show celebrates 25th year By Mark Ambrogi • Former Carmel High School choral director Ann Conrad had a good feeling that Holiday Spectacular would be performance a success. “The community embraced it from the beginning, and we thought it was a great way to get kids involved in a concert that wasn’t just a concert but a little more elaborate,” said Conrad, who retired in 2014. “I’m proud of that being part of my legacy to be involved with that creative team.” The Holiday Spectacular celebrates its 25th anniversary this year with performances at 7 p.m. Nov. 30, Dec. 1, 3 and at 2 p.m. Dec. 3-4 at the CHS auditorium. Kathrine Kouns, director of choirs, said when she came to CHS, she was well aware of the Holiday Spectacular’s tradition. “Over the years, it has become a tradition for people all across Indiana to enjoy as they kick off their holiday season. The show has grown in spectacle and always features hundreds of students, thousands of costumes, fantastic sets, amazing fun and inspirational music, and always a visit from Santa himself,” Kouns said. “It is a family friendly show for all ages, and the Carmel students have as much

The Carmel High School choirs during the 2015 Holiday Spectacular. (Submitted photo)

fun putting it on as the audience has watching it.” The 2016 theme is “Let There Be Peace On Earth,” featuring music from around the world. “After showcasing all of our differences, we will end the show by coming together and realizing our common bonds.” Kouns said. “No matter what you celebrate, or where you live, this is a time of year to focus on universal commonalities such as the love of family, the desire for peace, the gift of generosity and the hope for miracles.” During the Holiday Spectacular shows, the choir department will sponsor the Backpack Program, benefitting Carmel Clay Schools families. Food, monetary gifts (cash or checks) and gift cards will be collected. For tickets, visit

Semler performs for CIDE By Zach Dunkin •

dancers who have experience in the dance industry. It helped me realize the competition of the dance world and how hard and comSince she was 6 years old, Hannah Semler petitive this art form really is.” has performed in Central Indiana Dance EnSemler started dance at the semble’s annual age of 3. In 2009, she entered holidays presentation of CIDE’s 2009 summer intensive Tchaikovsky’s program. From that point she magical holiday ballet, “The realized ballet was her passion Nutcracker.” and started taking her training Not only is the sophomore seriously. She is a two-year stufrom Westfield High School “exdent in CIDE’s principal company, cited” to play the Snow Queen for the highest class. the first time, she is appearing “Hannah is a very talented with the pre-professional dance company as a recent award win- Hannah Semler will per- young lady with an enormous form in CIDE’s “Nutcrack- amount of potential,” said Artisner. Semler tied for first, edging er.” (Submitted photo) tic Director Suzann DeLay, who out 27 other contestants ages 13founded the Carmel-based school in 1999. 18, to share a $1,500 dance scholarship in the Semler will share the Snow Queen role with 34th annual Carey Rose Winski Dance ScholarCarmel High School student Paige Hall and the ship competition at Chicago’s renowned Hubrole of Arabian Coffee with Audrey Burdick, bard Street Dance Company. also a Carmel student. “When my name was announced, I could Performances of “The Nutcracker” at the not believe my ears,” Semler said. “I was shocked. Not only was it a confidence booster, Zionsville Performing Arts Center are at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 9 and 10 and 2:30 p.m. Dec. 10 and 11. but it was a way of showing myself that I Tickets are $25 for adults and $18 for students could do it, and that all the work I put into the 18 and younger. They can be purchased online weeks of preparation really did pay off. at or by calling 317-844-7453. “Also, I got feedback from professional

November 22, 2016


Current in Westfield

DECEMBER 2 – 18, 2016

Your weekly serving of Just the Ticket

Since 1996, The Roost has been a Fishers local favorite for breakfast, no matter what time of day, as well as a popular lunch spot. Customers love the local, fresh ingredients and the friendly atmosphere. As a member of the Sahm’s restaurants, exclusive Sahm’s favorites are available here. Enjoy a cup of coffee and a great plate of food, no matter which meal you decide to go for. Type of Food: Breakfast and lunch. Food Recommendation: The West Coast Sunrise Omelet, with avocado, spinach, Roma tomatoes, bell peppers, Smoking


The Roost Goose Chorizo sausage, and feta. Price Range: $5-$10. Reservations: No. Hours: 6:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. Monday through Saturday, 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday. Address: 7371 E. 116th St., Fishers. Phone: 317-842-3735.

Cranberry-Orange Pecan Bread Submitted content courtesy of Family Features Ingredients: • 1 rounded cup fresh or frozen cranberries (about 4 1/2 ounces) • 2 cups unbleached allpurpose flour • 1 cup sugar • 1 teaspoon baking powder • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda • 3/4 cup toasted pecans or walnuts, coarsely chopped • 1 large egg • 2/3 cup low-fat buttermilk • 6 tablespoons butter, Cranberry-orange pecan bread. (Submitted photo) melted cranberries. • 2 tablespoons orange zest In small bowl, whisk together buttermilk, • 1/3 cup orange juice butter, orange zest, orange juice, bitters and • 2 teaspoons Angostura Orange Bitters vanilla extract. Add to dry ingredients and stir • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract gently until fully moistened; do not over mix. Directions: Heat oven to 350 F. Lightly Spoon batter into pan and smooth out top. grease 9-by-5-inch loaf pan. Bake 50 minutes, or until toothpick inserted If using frozen cranberries, spread berries in center comes out clean. Let rest in pan 10 out on cutting board and let rest for 10 minminutes then turn out onto wire rack to cool utes. Cut large cranberries in half. completely for at In large bowl, combine flour with sugar, least 1 hour before baking powder, salt, baking soda, nuts and slicing. egg; blend thoroughly with whisk. Stir in

Behind Bars: The AnaMosa Get it at Grand Junction Brewing Co., Westfield Ingredients: 4 oz. Champagne, 2 oz. orange juice, 4 oz. 1520 Hefeweizen, Orange Directions: Fill half of glass with Champagne and orange juice, top with 1520 Hefeweizen. Garnish with an orange slice.

the best time in the whole world is christmas, and this is the story of the funniest christmas ever!

Adults: $16.00 Students: $8.00 Seniors: $14.00 Friday and Saturday: 7:30 pm Sunday: 2:30 pm

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November 22, 2016


Current in Westfield

Blueprint for Improvement: Outdoor living spaces Commentary by Larry Greene

After solutions:


Before Background Info: This 1920s Meridian-Kessler kitchen was in need of an upgrade. The small layout wasn’t giving the family the space they needed to gather. The homeowners knew they needed a more updated kitchen, and also wanted to keep the design integrity of their older home.

Before problems: The original kitchen was closed off to the living room and the rest of the house. This older home had a small kitchen and a breakfast room. This is a typical design for these older homes in the Meridian-Kessler area. In this particular home, it resulted in a fragmented layout and unusable space.

The goal for this Meridian-Kessler kitchen was to create more storage and functional counter space, as well as creating seating for the family. 1. The original cabinets and countertops were replaced to make the room, light, bright and white. The homeowner wanted marble countertops like her grandmother used to have. This was a great choice to both update the space and respect the integrity of the original design. 2. By reworking a doorway into the kitchen, more usable wall space was available to contain appliances and create a new walk-in pantry. An original door was repurposed for the pantry to maintain consistent style through the home. 3. An archway into the old breakfast room was relocated to elongate the kitchen footprint. This space now houses a wine fridge and additional storage. 4. Wood floors were installed to match the rest of the home’s aesthetic. Design details such as the hardware, mercury glass lighting and stainless steel range hood update this otherwise traditional kitchen. Larry Greene is the owner of Case Design/Remodeling. You may email him at To see more before-and-after pictures of this project, visit

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November 22, 2016


Current in Westfield


What percentage of homes with no one 18 or younger?


% Source: SMARI, Inc.

Pet adoptions every Saturday at the Carmel PETCO from 12pm until 3pm! Stop in and meet your next best friend! They are fully vetted, freshly groomed and waiting for you!


ADVERTISE: • 317.489.4444, ext. 2

One of those days?

Great Synagogue in Budapest, Hungary. (Photo by Don Knebel)

Budapest’s Great Synagogue Commentary by Don Knebel The Great Synagogue of Budapest is among the five largest synagogues in the world and is a symbol of religious tolerance. Sadly, it also remembers a period of extreme travel religious hatred. By the middle of the 19th century, Jewish residents represented about 25 percent of the combined populations of Pest and Buda, Hungary, which later merged to form Budapest. In 1854, residents of Pest began building a monumental new synagogue along Dohány Street. Ludwig Förster, the building’s architect, was reportedly unable to identify a distinctively Jewish style, so he based the exterior design on Islamic buildings in Spain and Morocco, incorporating two onion domed towers resembling minarets. He located a rose window reminiscent of the great Gothic cathedrals above the entrance. The interior included three aisles and a nave resembling European basilicas and a 5,000pipe organ, unique among synagogues. When completed in 1859, the Great Synagogue had 1,492 seats for men on the main floor, 1,472 seats for women in the balconies and stand-

ing room for another 2,000. The Great Synagogue was severely damaged during World War II by the Nazis, who used it as a stable. Under the Communists, the few Jews remaining in Budapest began using it again for worship. After Hungarian democracy was established in the 1990s, the synagogue was restored with government funds and private donations. Today, the Great Synagogue’s ark includes scrolls recovered from synagogues destroyed by the Nazis. The synagogue building is attached to the Jewish Museum, which includes a Holocaust Room remembering the events that led to the deaths of about 400,000 Hungarian Jews. A cemetery north of the building includes a mass grave of those killed in the Holocaust. The interfaith design of the Great Synagogue has influenced synagogue designs around the world. The Central Synagogue in New York City, built in 1872, is almost identical. Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column, visit You may contact him at news@currentzionsville. com.

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Roasting turkey upside down – Roasting a turkey upside down has quite a few benefits. It doesn’t require basting as the juices from the fattier meat, like the thighs, drips into the turkey. The white meat won’t dry out, and the turkey will cook faster. Source: theKitchn Make Thanksgiving easy – Do these three things to make Turkey Day a little simpler: Check your serving platter inventory to make sure you have enough bowls and platters to serve, plan the buffet route and place utensils at the opposite end

so guests grab them last, and determine the dish order as people fill up their plates more at the beginning so place bread, salad and side dishes before richer dishes so you are sure to have enough of everything. Source: theKitchn Computer keyboard germs – Computer keyboards were the second dirtiest office item according to a new study. Computer keyboards were found to have 3,543,000 colony-forming units per square inch. The average toilet only has 172 CFUs per square inch. Source: Esquire

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The Village of Zionsville

Celebrates the Season saT/noV 26 noon Trolley service 2 pm Horse & Carriage rides


Call on us at any time for services including:

3:45 - Petting Zoo 4:30 pm Pony rides s’more station 5 pm Christmas Parade followed by Tree lighting live entertainment Photos with santa live reindeer

CelebraTion ConTinues Visit Santa at the Santa House and enjoy carolers, live music, carriage rides and more! Every weekend, December 3-18. » ladies night out, Dec 8 » elf scavenger Hunt, Dec 10 » Christmas Crawl, Dec 15 » last Dash, Dec 20 For a complete schedule of events, visit


November 22, 2016


Current in Westfield

Across 1. Some Colts linemen 5. Cozy corners 11. WFYI network affiliation 14. Send to the canvas in an Indiana Golden Gloves bout 15. Sign up for classes at Ivy Tech 16. Downtown acting venue, initially

17. Ogled the Pacemates 18. Indy steak house (2 wds.) 19. ___’easter 20. For real 22. Shelton of WTHR’s “The Voice” 24. Corp. bean counter 27. Dress styles 29. Butler fraternity letters 30. Notre Dame’s Parseghian

31. Part of AARP (Abbr.) 32. Home Depot woodworking tools 34. Mr. pluralized 36. Carmel Dads Club members 37. Performer who sang “I Won’t Back Down” at Verizon Wireless Music Center 38. Local Mazda dealer

42. Indiana ___ and Gun Club 44. Weasel’s cousin 45. Kin of “hallelujah” 49. Geist snorkeling accessory 50. “___ lost!” 51. Cyber Monday auction site 52. Not in class at Westfield HS 54. Psychic’s “power” 55. Thanksgiving pie part 57. Word of exception 59. Little butter in an Indiana State Fair barn 60. Balance sheet items at Somerset CPAs 62. In the cellar of the Hoosier Crossroads Conference 66. Kona Jack’s garland 67. Keanu of “The Matrix” 68. Fishers N-S road 69. Crane Naval Base rank (Abbr.) 70. Thanksgiving Day event 71. Chris Wright front type Down 1. Barely make, with “out” 2. Zionsville Town Council no vote 3. Salon01 coloring 4. Fizzy drink at Marsh 5. Snuggles down 6. Sense instinctively 7. IU basketball coach 8. Brown County scream 9. Hoosier National Forest tree 10. Untidy one 11. Big hit at birthday parties 12. Former Channel 13 “Nightly News” anchor

13. Emphasize 21. Overhead compartment item 23. Rent collector 24. Pitch a tent at Fort Harrison State Park 25. At no cost, like Current 26. Broad Ripple Brew Pub kiln 28. Bit of a draft at Park Street Pub 33. Mom and pop 35. Humane Society for Hamilton County critters, often 39. Encourage 40. Observes 41. URL starter 43. IMPD crime lab evidence 44. Deft touch

45. Badger a Morty’s Comedy Joint performer 46. Local Chrysler dealer 47. Riyadh residents 48. Fairbanks rehab candidate 49. Like a Brickyard Billiards table 53. 1983 Indy 500 winner 56. Victory Field rain cover 58. Noblesville East Middle School street sign 61. Carmel-by-the-___ 63. Tenn. neighbor 64. Common Indiana National Guard address 65. Type of turkey and first name of 37- and 38-Across and 7-, 12-, 46- and 53-Down Answers on Page 27

November 22, 2016


Current in Westfield

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26Protect what November 22, 2016

Current in Westfield

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Estate Sale




ESTATE SALE I N I N DY NOVEMBER 25/26, 10AM-2PM 11536 Old Stone Drive 46236

Residential cleaning company in Fishers is seeking Full time and Part time housecleaners. Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm. Needs reliable transportation, current auto insurance and a great attitude. Please call the Housekeeping Maid Easy office for more information or to apply 317-579-1988 or email

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Guitar Lessons With Baker Scott

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Business for sale RESTAURANT FOR SALE!

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NOW HIRING Now Hiring: Dining Room Staff

Donatello’s Italian Restaurant is looking for motivated individuals for dining room and kitchen positions, such as bus person, hostess and dishwasher. Weekends are the biggest need with occasional weeknights. Pay starts at $10 an hour. E-mail a resume to donatellositalian@ or stop by at 9 W. Main Street in Carmel. Must have reliable transportation and be at least 16 years old.

• • • •

Bus Drivers & Bus Aides Cafeteria Workers Custodians Substitute Teachers Every position has unique opportunities!

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November 22, 2016

Current in Westfield

Now Hiring

Now Hiring

Now Hiring



Looking for receptionist who is good with people and multi-tasking with basic computer skills to provide general office support for Noblesville congregation and staff. Position is 32 hours per week. Email resume and questions to

Simpson Construction Services, LLC, a family owned general contractor, would like to hire skilled construction carpenters. Our company is growing, and we are looking for craftsmen that take pride in their work and want a future with our company. Contact Gary Simpson at 317.703.9575.

College not for you?

Background or Not in dance! Join the team at Fred Astaire Dance Studio Carmel, Indiana. We will train you in all aspects of the ballroom dance business. Why Fred Astaire? We offer a great environment, guaranteed starting salary, great training and opportunities to travel and compete. Need we say more? Call Dan at 317-846-3237

is accepting applications for full time/part time Sales Associates/Cashiers. Apply in person to 603 Westfield Rd Noblesville Indiana 46060

Veterinary Assistant

Part time veterinary assistant open at a caring and friendly locally owned 3 doctor practice in Westfield. The ability to multi task, maintain written records and computer skills are needed. This is a physically active position that requires lifting. Please fax resumes to Administrator at 317-867-2374 or fill out an application in person at Westfield Veterinary Care 17735 Sun Park Drive, Westfield. Visit our website at:

NOW HIRING Senior1Care

We are looking for Compassionate & reliable individuals to provide non-medical caregiving services to adults in the local area. If you are dedicated, hard-working and have a genuine desire to work in an environment where you will be helping others improve their quality of life, visit us and learn about: • Top Pay, including overtime & BONUS • Great full time and part time hours • Reliable, flexible & steady work

• FREE CNA Training • Fun working environment • Growing Company

Empathy is more important than experience, as full training is provided. Visit our Facebook Pages to learn more about our family’s story and why we started our local business 10 years ago. Call today and set-up an interview at 317-652-6175 or stop by our Carmel office. EOE

Caregivers Wanted! • Employees are our Clients too • Flexible Scheduling because your life is busy • Locally owned by Nurses • Owners Available to you directly • Full and Part Time • All hours needed. Are you a night owl? Bonus for nights! • Competitive Pay/Overtime/ Bonus Opportunities • Retirement Plan 317-774-0074 option 5 Partner with! We arrange delivery catering orders for full service restaurants. Drivers will be given food at restaurants and deliver it to customers at their homes, offices and special events. Big tip orders! Breakfast, lunch and dinner shifts are available 7 days a week. • Must be at least 21+ • Smart phone to receive orders • Current auto insurance and good driving record • Reliable vehicle! Benefits: • Flexible Shifts! -Days, nights, and weekends available. Full time and part time positions available. • Paid Bi-weekly! - Drivers get paid hourly plus tips and mileage. Drivers are earning up to $12 to $20 per hour! • Freedom! - You don't have to sit in an office waiting for orders. Get orders sent to your phone as you move throughout the city. If you are interested contact us today! Call us Mon-Fri to schedule an interview 317-815-8900 and ask for Mike


puzzle answers

PRIME 47 Carmel IS NOW HIRING All Positions. We are growing and Prime 47 is looking for the very best Servers, Bussers, Line Cooks, Host Staff If you want to be part of a growing team of professionals please apply between 1 and 4 M- FR at Clay Terrace Mall next to Dicks sporting goods EOE

Answers to HOOSIER HODGEPODGE: Acronyms: IMO, LOL, OMG, POV, TMI, YOLO; Things: FROG, GRAPE, LEAF, LIME, MONEY; Drinks: ESPRESSO, FRAPPUCCINO, LATTE, MOCHA; Stores: CHICO’S, GAP, LULULEMON; Restaurants: CAPITAL GRILLE, ST. ELMO; Governor-Elect: HOLCOMB ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT VACANCY AT THE INTERNATIONAL MONTESSORI SCHOOL, Inc (IMS). There is an immediate vacancy for an Administrative Assistant at the International Montessori School, Inc ( ) for work from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM. The successful candidate should have a college degree (or equivalent), be very familiar with MAC and/or PC computers, knowledge of Microsoft office applications, good in math, and be passionate about customer service, children and parents. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills (oral and writing) will be necessary. Prior experience working in an office will be an advantage. The chosen candidate will report to the President and Principal of the school. Resumes with a cover letter should be forwarded to:

Now Hiring Waiters/Waitresses APPLY IN PERSON 160 E Carmel Dr. Carmel, IN

“Growing a successful company requires marketing, promotions and advertising. These methods bring attention to our product and ultimately increase our sales. I have put great faith in Current Publishing to achieve on our marketing needs. The results we have received have been outstanding. I personally recommend, if you are looking to expand your business, that you turn to Current Publishing, where you’ll find professionals that desire to provide an increased customer base for your company.” - Gary Simpson, owner and president Simpson Construction Services

For pricing e-mail your ad to


November 22, 2016

Current in Westfield

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