December 20, 2016

Page 1

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Dalton proposes $200 million-plus project for Westfield / P12 Friends remember Zimmer; WPD arrests suspects / P4

Council concerned over self-storage unit / P5

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We’re ready to take care of you. To register for a childbirth education class visit ©2016 IUHealth

Mayor honors WHS football title team / P11


December 20, 2016

Current in Westfield






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150 West 161st Street, Westfield

December 20, 2016


Current in Westfield




December 20, 2016


Current in Westfield

Contact the Editor

Have a news tip? Want to submit a calendar event? Have a photograph to share? Contact Managing Editor Anna Skinner at anna@ You may also submit information on our website, Remember our news deadline is typically eight days prior to publication. To contact Editorial Director Sophie Pappas, call 317.489.4444 ext. 7.

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Current in Westfield reaches 100 percent of the households in 46074 by U.S. Postal Service every Tuesday. For more information about how to reach that audience, call Dennis O’Malia at 370.0749 or e-mail him at

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On the cover

A rendering of the corporate headquarters proposed for the Grand Millennium Center. (Submitted renderings by Cooler Designs and Beyond Architect) Founded Jan. 29, 2008, at Westfield, IN Vol. IX, No. 48 Copyright 2016. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved. 30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444 The views of the columnists in Current in Westfield are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.

Friends remember Cory Zimmer; WPD arrests suspects By Anna Skinner • Cory Zimmer’s friends remember him first and foremost as a man with a big heart. The 24-year-old was killed as result of a beating that occurred at approximately 2:30 p.m. Dec. in memoriam 7 at the 17200 block of Gunther Boulevard. Ben Littrell, a 2012 Westfield High School graduate, met Zimmer in a 2008 computer class, but later reconnected with him when they worked at Buffalo Wild Wings in Cool Creek Commons in Westfield. “While working at (Buffalo Wild Wings), Cory would Zimmer always ask how I was doing. Something we each get day in and day out,” Littrell stated in a letter sent to Current. “So, as we often do, I would consistently respond with ‘good’ or ‘great’ and get on with my day. However, one day I remember coming in stressed out and work was the last place I wanted to be. I told Cory ‘I’m good’ and reiterated the question back. Immediately following his answer, I started to walk off. Cory then proceeded to ask if I was sure. (He) said I was different. And then said ‘if there’s anything I can help with man, let me know.’ He was the first person that afternoon that had even thought about going a step further than ‘how are you?’ It was the little things that made Cory seem so genuine and what makes a story like this just so tragic. Although we weren’t close, Cory will definitely be missed.” Brandon Carlson, also a WHS grad, shared similar memories. Carlson knew Zimmer since his sophomore year of high school. The two had a class together, and Carlson said Zimmer just started talking to him one day. “Cory was the most unselfish person I had ever met,” he stated. “He didn’t care what was going on, he wanted to make everyone laugh. He joked a lot and was really outgoing and funny.” Zimmer was born Feb. 4, 1992, in Indianapolis, as the son of Troy A. and Rhonda J. (Hammons) Zimmer. He attended Westfield High School and earned his GED in Noblesville. He worked as a roofer for Insley Roofing, and he loved to eat chicken wings and hot sauce. He enjoyed music, working out, reading and spending time with family and friends. Cory loved the Lord. Zimmer also is survived by his grandmother, Nell Hammons; aunts and uncles, Alan (Lisa) Hammons, Pam Hammons, Steve (Jean Butler) Hammons, Brenda (Mike Rogers) Ayala, Joann (Mike) Ball and Tammy Brandenburg; several cousins and his cat, Vishnu. He was preceded in death by his grandfather, Norman Hammons, and grandmother, Ruth Murphy. Friends may share a memory or a condolence at Arrests made: Two suspects have been arrested and charged with various crimes regarding the death of Zimmer. Joseph James Coccaro IV of Westfield, 22, and Shakka Eugene Brogdon of Indianapolis, 22, were both arrested on counts of involuntary manslaughter and aggravated Coccaro Brogdon battery. Coccaro also was charged with intimidation and dealing in marijuana. The Westfield Police Dept. Criminal Investigations Division was assisted by the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office, the Hamilton County Prosecutors Office and the Hamilton County Coroner’s Office.

Dispatches Coffee with the editor — Meet Current in Westfield editor Anna Skinner from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Dec. 26 at Titus Bakery at 17471 Wheeler Rd, Suite 110, in Westfield. Ask her questions, suggest story ideas or come to enjoy a cup of coffee and learn about a career in the newspaper business. January program night — The Westfield Lions Club will host Chamber of Commerce President Jack Russell at its Jan. 5 program night. The program will start with dinner at 7 p.m. and Russell’s presentation will follow. RSVPs are required by Jan. 3 and may be made at or 317-416-8330. Dowd named Academic All-MAC — Miami University student-athlete Nick Dowd, of Westfield, has earned Academic All-Mid-American-Conference recognition. Eleven members of Miami’s football team earned the recognition. The Academic All-MAC honor is for a student-athlete who has excelled in athletics and academics. A student-athlete must have at least a 3.2 cumulative GPA and have participated in at least 50 percent of the contests for that particular sport. Humane Society sponsorships — The Humane Society of Hamilton County has a holiday sponsorship program for those wanting to help. Donations in the amount of $25 or $50 will provide an ornament that will decorate the walls, kennels and cages of the Humane Society. To learn more, or make a donation, visit Teacher scholarship deadline — The deadline to apply for the Next Generation Teacher Scholarship, paying $7,500 per year for students pursuing a career in education, is Dec. 31. The scholarship is available to 200 highachieving high school and college students each year who graduate in the top 20 percent of their class or score in the top 20 percentile on the SAT or ACT. Eligible students must be nominated by a teacher and submit their nomination form to the Indiana Commission for Higher Education. Visit for information and to submit an application. License branch holiday hours — All BMV license branches will be closed from Dec. 23 through Dec. 26 in observance of the Christmas holiday. All license branches resume normal business hours Dec. 27. In addition, license branches will be closed from Dec. 31 through Jan. 2 in observance of the New Year’s holiday. All license branches resume normal hours of operation Jan. 3. Free smoke alarms and tests — The American Red Cross Home Fire Campaign is a multi-year effort to reduce the number of home fire deaths and injuries by 25 percent. People of all ages are vulnerable to home fires. During the course of this campaign, the Red Cross in Indiana saved the lives of three children, a 73-year-old grandmother and two adults through the installation of new smoke alarms. The Red Cross encourages everyone to call 1-888-684-1441 to make an appointment to test existing smoke alarms and/or install free alarms in your home. Brooks selected for committees — Rep. Susan Brooks was selected as Chairwoman of the House Committee on Ethics. The committee is the bipartisan supervising ethics office for the House of Representatives. Brooks also was selected by Speaker Paul Ryan to serve as the speaker’s sole designee on the Republican Conference Steering Committee in the House of Representatives. The Steering Committee is responsible for making committee assignments for Republican members of the House and selecting chairmen for each committee in the House. Holiday light recycling — The ability to recycle used holiday lights will be offered at White’s Ace Hardware, 731 S. Range Line Rd., from now through the end of January. The Carmel Clay Schools Green Teams will be offering recycling at the individual schools through Jan. 5. For more information about the holiday light recycling program, call 317-571-2673. Marathon registration open — Registration is now open for the seventh annual Carmel Marathon, to be held April 22, 2017. For more, visit www.

December 20, 2016


Current in Westfield

Council expresses concern over self-storage proposal By Anna Skinner • A proposal for a self-storage unit at the southwest corner of Ind. 32 and Oak Ridge Road development elicited nothing but concern from council members at the meeting Dec. 12. The proposal was an introduction, and although Spoljaric council members didn’t take a vote, they made sure their voices were heard. The approximately five acres in the proposal would include seven buildings, with the southern building holding offices as well as storage space within three stories and 50,000 square feet. American Structurepoint is the petitioner. Cindy Spoljaric was the first to voice her worries with the proposal. “One of my first concerns with this project is I don’t think this was what we envisioned for the (Ind.) 32 corridor in terms of use,” she said. “We are looking for employment-generat-

ing uses.” Councilman Steve Hoover echoed her concern. “If this were to move forward, I think architecturally there would have to be some significant improvements on the exterior buildings, even those on the sides,” Hoover said. “Like Cindy, I would question if this is even the use we want on 32.” Ake Although councilors expressed a desire for the project to not move on to the Advisory Plan Commission, the proposal will be presented at the APC’s Jan. 4 meeting. “We spent a lot of time on the 32 Overlay, and it’s very important to maintain the integrity of this plan, and I don’t see this fitting in,” Council Vice President Jim Ake said. “I think there are probably better locations, but I don’t think this is a use we want taking up our 32 frontage as several of us have said,” Hoover added.

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December 20, 2016

Current in Westfield

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December 20, 2016


Current in Westfield


Meet your teacher: Gracia Lane Grade/Subject at what school: “Librarian/ media specialist at Oak Trace Elementary for past 10 years. Before that, I taught second grade at Washington Elementary, Shamrock Springs and Oak Trace for 17 years.” Number of years teaching: 27. Background/Schooling (college & high school): Westfield High School; B.S. elementary education, Ball State University; M.A. education, Indiana Wesleyan; Library science certification, IUPUI. Why did you become a teacher? “My mom was a third grade teacher, and I think I knew from a very early age that I wanted to be a teacher, too. I absolutely love seeing my students light up when they find an answer to something, when I announce who our visiting author will be, or just find a book they have been anxious to read. Books, actuall paper ones, are still a big and important component of our elementary students’ learning, and I am thrilled to be a part of that.”

What goals do you have for your students? “I would love for each student to find that special book that opens up the Lane exciting world of reading. I also want them to be caring citizens and lifelong learners.” What do you encourage parents to do at home to help their children strengthen particular skills? “Well, read with them and to them, of course. Also, let them see you reading.” Name your favorite movie. “‘Julie and Julia.’” Name your favorite musician or band. “I currently love Luke Bryan, but still like groups like ABBA once in a while, too.” What’s something your students might not know about you? “I played the tuba in the Westfield High School marching band, and I was on the equestrian team at Ball State University.”

State Police taking applications — The Indiana State Police is accepting applications for the 77th Recruit Academy. Individuals interested in beginning a rewarding career as an Indiana State trooper must apply online at The website will provide a detailed synopsis of the application process and information on additional career opportunities with the Indiana State Police. Applications must be submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m. Jan. 2, 2017.

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December 20, 2016


Current in Westfield

Council approves church, fieldhouse signage Compiled by Anna Skinner The Westfield City Council met Dec. 12 to hear proclamations, introductions and to approve various proposals. The last city council meeting of the year is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. Dec. 27 at Westfield City Hall, 130 Penn St. For more, visit What happened: Mayor Andy Cook proclaimed Nov. 17 as World Pancreatic Cancer Day in Hamilton County. What it means: Jeremy Parsons gave a presentation on pancreatic cancer, stating facts such as 53,700 people are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer each year with 41,780 dying from the disease. This year, 860 people will die from pancreatic cancer in Indiana. Pancreatic cancer surpassed breast cancer as the third-leading cause of death and is projected to become the second leading cause of death by 2020. What happened: Mayor Andy Cook proclaimed Dec. 11 as Bicentennial Day. What it means: Indiana celebrated its 200th birthday Dec. 11. During the Bicentennial Torch Relay, the torch passed through Westfield from Cool Creek Park to Bob Beauchamp’s property to Union Bible College.

What happened: The council approved the Chatham Hills PUD Amendment III. What it means: Five new parcels will be incorporated into the Chatham Hills district east of 206th Street and Oak Ridge Road. What happened: The city council approved the Grand Park Fieldhouse Planned Unit Development. What it means: This PUD is an amendment to allow for additional wall signage at the fieldhouse for St.Vincent Sports Performance. The council approved additional wall signage for the Grand Park Fieldhouse. (Submitted photos) What happened: The council approved an ordinance to allow for a religious institution at 1189 E. 181st St. What it means: NSpire Church will build on the property. The location where NSpire Church will build a religious institution.

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December 20, 2016


Current in Westfield

Westfield crash claims Carmel man’s life A Westfield single-vehicle crash killed a Carmel man at 2:04 a.m. Dec. 11 near 15300 Towne Rd. incident Westfield Police Dept. officers were dispatched to the area when a witness dialed 911 after seeing a white truck off the road against a tree. David

Dishon, 58, of Carmel was located in the passenger seat, and the WPD was requested. Dishon was pronounced dead at the scene. He was not wearing a seatbelt. The incident is still under investigation. According to a press release from WPD, road conditions did not seem to be a factor. It is unknown if drugs or alcohol were involved.

Epiphany Lutheran Church (LCMS)

Dispatches Siren testing suspended — With the onset of winter weather in central Indiana, Hamilton County Emergency Management has suspended the weekly testing of the outdoor warning siren system. During cold weather, testing is suspended to prevent potential damage to the sirens as a result of moisture freezing on the inner mechanisms. The sirens will still sound in the event of a weather emergency. Testing of the system will resume in spring of 2017. Corrections officers needed — The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office will be hiring up to 13 new correction officers. Benefits for full-time officers include a competitive salary, health insurance,

paid holidays, deferred compensation plans, pension plan, and opportunities for advancement. For more information and to obtain a pre-application, visit and click on the “Corrections and Youth Care” tab. Free science lectures — Anderson University’s School of Science and Engineering is offering a series of lectures that are free and open to the public. The lectures start at 7 p.m. in Hartung Hall (room 101). An upcoming topic is Feb. 16 – What do the Pharmaceutical Industry and the Manhattan Project Have in Common? For more, contact the AU School of Science and Engineering at 765-641-4374.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


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December 20, 2016


Current in Westfield

Shop for Kids leaves children happy during the holidays

On Dec. 10, members of the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office paired with approximately 40 lessfortunate kids went shopping at a Target in Fishers. Children were able to spend $130 each. Officers, deputies and employees drove the children in a police caravan from the sheriff’s office to Fishers. Shoppers purchased essentials such as coats, boots and shoe supplies as well as toys. From left, Nicole Green, Jayden Little and Deputy Todd Green prepare to shop. (Photos by Anna Skinner)

Deputy David Needham points out music items to Zachary Kirby.

Capt. Dennis Quakenbush shops with Emerson Sigler.

Arie Brownlee and deputy Kent Mustain pause by a shopping cart full of items.

Saige Turner enjoys some post-shopping popcorn.

December 20, 2016


Current in Westfield

The Westfield High School football team won the Class 5A state championship game Nov. 26. (Photo by Mark Ambrogi)

Cook recognizes state-title football team By Anna Skinner • After its 16-13 win over Columbus East, Westfield High School’s football team has elicited plenty of recaccomplishment ognition from the community, one of the latest which came from Mayor Andy Cook, who presented a proclamation to Head Coach Jake Gilbert and some members of the 140man football team and five female managers at the city council meeting Dec. 12. “Westfield schools have a top graduation rate, top test scores, and now we add to it the athletics,” Cook said during the proclama-

When is your big day?

tion. “You boys and ladies have put Westfield on the map for football.” Gilbert shared sentiments of his six years on staff, and the hopes he had since he arrived at Westfield for the football team. “We only won that game by three points, so every little gesture along the way, every little bit of work put in along the way mattered,” he said. “They have sacrificed so much, and I think if you knew the amount of public service they do, whether it be Special Olympics or food pantries, all the things they have done off the field that no one even knows, you would be way more proud of them for that than to know they are the best 5A team in the state.”

In addition to accepting the proclamation, Gilbert also commented that seven of the 40 seniors on the team were named Academic All-Stars. Although he didn’t name the members because those students were not aware of the accomplishments themselves, Gilbert did highlight the requirements to be considered an Academic All-Star. The requirements include high grade point averages and test scores as well as performing in 70 percent of game snaps. Throughout the year, the football team has worked out more times with weightlifting, running and on the field than there are days in the year.

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December 20, 2016


Current in Westfield

Dalton proposes $200 million-plus project for Westfield

A rendering of the convention center proposed for the Grand Millennium Center. (Submitted rendering by Cooler Designs and Beyond Architect)

By Anna Skinner • City council members heard the introductory plans for the Grand Millennium Center at their Dec. 12 meeting. Birch Dalton, owner of EdgeRock Development based cover story in Westfield, presented a proposal to the council detailing the $200 million-plus development that was introduced to the public at the State of the City in November. The project spans 64 acres to the southeast of U.S. 31 and Ind. 32. It proposes a possible 250,000-square-foot corporate headquarters with plans to expand an additional 100,000 square feet, a 20,000-25,000-square-foot urDalton ban grocery/bank/pharmacy development, a 100,000-125,000-sqaure-foot YMCA, not including an Olympic-sized pool, a 130,000-square-foot convention center, three hotels with 400 rooms and a high-quality, high-density housing development that could include townhomes, condos or apartments. “The 31 corridor from 465 to (Ind.) 38, the drive time has gone away. There’s no lights, and with all the amenities we have, we have more trails, we have more restaurants, and if you add in the convention center, YMCA and hotels, this is definitely a corporate site,” Dalton said. Since the original announcement last month, Dalton said multiple well-known developers have contacted him wanting

to be considered for the project. With the convention center and the tentative corporate headquarters planning to bring 1,000-1,200 jobs to Westfield, Dalton said the three hotels would be of full-service, high-end hotel, a middle- to high-grade hotel and a limited-service hotel. The price points for the three separate hotels would range from $79-$200 a night. There also are plans for a 150,000-square-foot civic center that could house city services, township services, the public library and more. With the development would come the extension of Westfield Boulevard running parallel to U.S. 31 from Ind. 32 to 169th Street. Dalton said the look of the development would be very modern, with lots of metal and glass. He plans to break the project up into five to seven sub-developments, as the buildout is expected to take three to five years. The architects for the project are Cooler Design and Beyond Architect. “Cooler Design in a strategic alliance with Beyond Architecture is the Master Architect for EdgeRock Development for this 64-acre site. Our buildings are deliberately colorful in the natural Westfield landscape,” President William Cooler stated in an email to Current. “They are designed to maximize clear glazing to provide the occupants with as much natural light as possible. We believe the designs should be modern to reflect what is possible in architecture and technology today. One important goal of our team is to make sure the site is exciting at a pedestrian level, as the structures will be linked back to

Grand Millennium’s Convention Center vs. Grand Park Events Center EdgeRock Development’s owner, Birch Dalton, said he believes the proposed Grand Millennium’s Convention Center would not compete with Grand Park’s new events center, but would complement it. “The convention center is more of a meeting space, it’s a different (kind of setting). People can have big meetings and break into smaller groups,” Dalton said. “I think it complements the events center. I think as we market this and get (users who need) 300,000 (square feet), we will send them up to the events center. Likewise, if the events center gets a request for (a space for a) 5,000 square feet meeting space, they will send it down here. They do big exhibits and big shows, and we wouldn’t do that. We are more meetings and trade associations groups.” Westfield’s trailways and to one other. We believe architecture, art, and landscape design can reinforce a sense of place and help make it a memorable and exciting destination.” The proposal is moving through the council and Advisory Plan Commission, but Dalton said that if all goes as planned, the corporate headquarters would break ground in the spring and would be followed by a two-year buildout.

December 20, 2016


Current in Westfield

Holiday groove

FR O M T HE b a ck s h o p

Yes, Virginia, there surely is (Excerpted from “Is There a Santa Claus?” and reprinted from the September 21, 1897 edition of The New York Sun.) Dear Editor: I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, “If you see it in The Sun, it’s so.” Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus? - Virginia O’Hanlon. “Virginia, your little friends are wrong. … Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! How dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus? It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. … He lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay 10 times 10,000 years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.” ••• Regardless of what you are doing on Christmas Day, you might consider doing what we do after the dust settles: a simple random act of kindness. Spread a little cheer to, among others, public servants, your 24-hour pharmacist or your favorite convenience store attendant, for example, that happen to be working that day. We’re likely to drop off baked goods. It won’t take long, and believe us when we tell you it makes you feel as good as the recipients do. ••• Merry Christmas to you and yours from all of us at Current Publishing! Brian Kelly, publisher, and Steve Greenberg, general manager, are co-owners of Current Publishing, LLC. Write them at info@

BEL I EVE  I T ! Our nation has all sorts of arcane, nonsensical laws on the books. Each week, we’ll share one with you. In Utah it is against the law to fish from horseback. Source:


Commentary by Danielle Wilson

Smile through fear and sadness Commentary by Terry Anker He was among the first African-American men to host a national television program. His life was cut short among the many to die of lung cancer. He raised a daughter, who, like him, would come to know fame and the many privileges and obligations inure to the designation. Nathaniel Adams Cole lives in the heart and songs of many this season, more than ever. Nat “King” Cole, who likened to the children’s nursery rhyme evoked by his moniker, earned his place as a troubadour for millions. Surely, he suffered immeasurable humiliation as a black man subjugated to the standards of “separate” but equal. There is no place for this identity in passing through this world – or any other. Yet he, like many others, found his way. In bringing voice to music provided by the famed Charles Spencer Chaplin for his 1936 film “Modern Times,” Nat was no doubt tipping his hat to the impoverished English lad-made-good, Charlie. While the lyrics and title came later from a duet of songwriters,

John Turner and Geoffrey Parsons to be exact, the sentiment originated from an earlier, more rudimentary and distinctly thoughtful place. Namely, that life is not as we wish it to be – so what do we do about it? Charlie, somewhat cavalier by today’s ethos, suggested — no, asserted — that that we should simply grin and bear it. To use the much more elegant, even erudite, words of Turner & Parsons, “Smile, what’s the use of crying?” Surely, the admonishment to “hide every trace of sadness” violates some contemporary rule to stew in our supposed transgressions. Is smiling through our “fear and sadness” a talisman to endure a perilous, if not intentionally vindictive, world? Is a smile enough to inoculate against the aspersions and ill-will of the haters in our ranks? Let’s hope so. Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at

Q U O T E  O F  T HE  W EE K “Unless we make Christmas an occasion to share our blessings, all the snow in Alaska won’t make it ‘white’.” Bing Crosby

I’ve finally gotten my holiday groove on, people! I’m just back from a 6 a.m. run to Meijer, followed by humor an hour at Kohl’s. With the help of Amazon, Ticketmaster and a few swigs of a lovely Merlot, I am feeling quite good about the Christmas season. True, I have not written the annual family missive, nor have I mailed a single card. In fact, I haven’t even ordered the cards, so I may very well be sending glad tidings for the New Year! I’m not worried. “Better late than never” is our family motto! Now, if only my husband, Doo, would stop being such a Grinch. I don’t know if it’s Doo or all men, but whenever the stress hits enforce, he cannot seem to pull himself together. He’s been oscillating between “I don’t care if Maddie has dance, we’re going to decorate the front porch NOW” and “I can’t possibly get anything done if you keep nagging me about addressing envelopes.” This is why I’m playing Bing Crosby non-stop around this joint. I need a sultry crooner to keep me from the ledge. I’m also stuffing my face with bourbon-soaked English fruitcake to keep my retorts in check. I want to tell Doo to quit whining and go to the office if he needs to work. Seriously, anyone here expecting to be left alone in the peace and quiet for seven hours on a Sunday is living in a winter wonderland. This place is the Island of Misfits Toys, my friends. We have cats vomiting on rugs, kids freaking out over exams, cars breaking down, and little to no chance of avoiding illness in the next few days. Plus, I teach through Dec. 22. Momma ain’t gonna be around to ensure everyone stays on Santa’s nice list. Let the reindeer games commence! My point is, I need Doo to get on board my “Polar Express,” for him to take a moment to enjoy this crazy season, and more importantly, to revel in my spectacular purchasing prowess. Also, we should probably get on the card thing. Peace out.

Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at danielle@


December 20, 2016


Current in Westfield

Chamber implements new logo Commentary by Jack Russell

Dr. Wendy Schulte DR. WENDY SCHULTE Announces the relocation of her practice to Guardian Pediatrics 11590 N. Meridian St. Suite 170 Carmel, IN 46032 317.848.3040 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm • An established, independent pediatric practice • Preventative well child and same-day sick visits • Quality, comprehensive care for your child's physical, mental and social well-being • Early morning call in time to speak directly with Dr. Schulte • After hours and weekend access to the physician on-call • Personalized patient care, putting your children and families first

Throughout the 35-year history of the Westfield Chamber of Commerce, business has evolved. In this local time, we have seen the amount of letters we send out go down and the amount of Facebook posts go up. As a chamber, we look at your programming and membership to make sure that we can best serve your business community. We are proud to now offer even more programs and have added more than 70 new members this year to the Westfield Chamber. We have such a diverse group of new and established businesses in Westfield that we believed our brand needed updated. We are happy to announce our new logo to the community. Our board of directors believes that the new logo truly represents who we are as a community and further expresses the vison of connecting people with people. As we look ahead, we will begin to evolve a “standard luncheon” from adding more technology, attracting high profiles to speak at our

events, to even slowly eliminating the aptlynamed “Chamber Chicken.” If you have been to any chamber luncheon you will understand. We, at the Westfield Chamber of Commerce, truly believe in challenging the status quo of how chambers are run. Just like business, so many new, great ideas challenge the idea of, “This is how we have always done it,” and that is what we strive to do at the chamber and gladly accept the challenge. If we can become innovative in how we help our business community grow and expand here in Westfield, then we are doing our job. These concepts and ideas that have been discussed are all portrayed in our new logo. As a chamber we acknowledge the past and look forward to the future of business in Westfield. Jack Russell has served as the president of the Westfield Chamber of Commerce since May. During that time he has established partnerships with Indy Eleven, Westfield Washington Public Library, Westfield High School and Purdue Polytechnic. He has also established a new program, Coffee with the Chamber.

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December 20, 2016


Current in Westfield


Poking fun at gifts Commentary by Dick Wolfsie Each year I poke fun at the world-famous Hammacher Schlemmer gift catalog and highlight its most ridiculous holiday humor offerings. This latest December issue had a few doozies, like: The SPINNING SPAGHETTI FORK, which first appeared in the catalog three years ago. It was a boon for people too tired to drive to Olive Garden, only to then have to actually twirl the spaghetti themselves. Apparently, the device was such a hit that in this month’s catalog we now have the LAZY LICKER’S SPINNING ICE CREAM CONE. Yes, as we celebrate the 115th anniversary of the ice cream cone, the folks at Hammacher Schlemmer have finally found a way to take all the fun and guesswork out of eating America’s favorite treat. The battery-operated plastic cone spins at 25 rpm, “providing lethargic lickers” with the joy of their favorite frozen treat without having the tedious task of moving their jaw. This is the perfect gift for … for … I have no idea. The PERSONALIZED TRAVEL MAP is a great gift idea for people who want to document their past and future vacation excursions. I got this for my wife last year from a different

gift catalog so she could insert colored pins in all the places she wants to visit. Because I am cheap and don’t like to travel, when I nix one of her ideas, Mary Ellen is now pretty much just sticking the pins directly into me. How about some TAP A TUNE MUSICAL GLOVES? Put on these hand warmers and you can turn any flat surface into a keyboard, each finger of the glove playing a different note. This is the perfect present for the person in your life who is looking for a new way to annoy people if telling bad jokes, humming holiday tunes or wheezing incessantly just hasn’t done the trick. Finally, there’s the APP CONTROLLED ROOMBA 980. This is a device you can command from anywhere in the world. Using an app on your smartphone, you can tell the Roomba to clean your carpet. I can’t tell you how many times my wife and I have awakened during a vacation, looked into each other’s eyes and said, “Let’s remotely vacuum our carpets.” Happy Holidays!

Dick Wolfsie is an author, columnist, and speaker. Contact him at


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December 20, 2016


Current in Westfield

Rabold moves to larger location near Grand Junction Plaza

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By Anna Skinner • With all of Betsy Rabold’s plans for community involvement in the future, the original My Father’s Garden 800-squaregrowth foot space on Union Street was not big enough. She searched around for a while and settled on a spot almost twice the size at 201 Mill St. “I knew I wanted to do more for the community. I wanted to offer more options,” she said. “I was just so limited on space that I couldn’t.” The new spot features a spa/oxygen bar/ foot detox area, a separate massage room with a sauna, two classroom spaces for yoga, private sessions and health and wellness classes, and there’s a courtyard for events such as Party on the Patio during warmer months. There’s also an expanded front parking lot and a full kitchen. “The possibilities are endless,” Rabold said. “People did not feel like they had a place to park (before.) I think it’s going to be huge for us. I think we will get so much exposure.” The location is opposite from the site for Grand Junction Plaza, and Rabold said she believes that will bring in foot traffic.

Betsy Rabold moved her business, My Father’s Garden, to a larger location in a prime spot on Mill Street. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

Although she moved into the location late last month, the garage area to be used for yoga classes still needs some updates and should be finished by mid-January. For more, visit myfathersgarden4health. com.

Dispatches Hangover recovery – Too much eggnog at the holiday party? Here are some foods to help prevent or reduce hangover effects: 1. Fruit/veggie smoothie – quickly gets nutrients into your system. 2. Bananas and avocados – for potassium. 3. Eggs – for the amino acids and B vitamins. 4. Pickle juice – a couple of swigs before going to bed will help prevent the hangover. Source:

Baby hat donations needed – The American Heart Association is kicking off this year’s Little Hats, Big Hearts campaign by collecting knitted or crocheted red baby hats. The hats will be distributed to babies born in hospitals throughout Indiana during February, American Heart Month. Hats will be collected from now through Dec. 31. Volunteers are encouraged to visit for hat patterns and more information about the initiative.

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December 20, 2016


Current in Westfield

White and Champagne hosts ribbon cutting


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KEITH ALBRECHT Earlier this month, White and Champagne, a law firm specializing in personal injury and family law litigation, opened its second location at 121 Walnut St. in Westfield. Its first location is in downtown Indianapolis. From left, Tom Dooley, Tess White, Eileen Champagne, Joan Champagne, Jim Ake, Kent Champagne and Jack Russell. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

The Keith Albrecht Team

Call us today for a free market analysis! (317)580-9955 Check out all of our listings at /TheAlbrechtTeam • *Each office independently owned and operated.

Book examines engagement By Mark Ambrogi • Long-time friends Todd Richardson and Santiago Jaramillo have similar thoughts on employee engagement. jobs That made the task of co-authoring “Agile Engagement” easier. Jaramillo is the founder and CEO of Fishersbased Bluebridge, a mobile app engagement platform. Richardson serves as Bluebridge’s chief people officer. They are co-founders of Emplify, a Bluebridge subsidiary focusing on employee engagement. “There are certain areas where he would have more input and certain areas I would have more,” Richardson said. “We feel like we have produced something that is a strong piece, and we’re still friends. So it’s a success all the way around.” Richardson, a Westfield resident, said he was able to examine his experiences over the last 20 years and put them into a more succinct format. “We spend two months researching the book, three months writing and another three months editing,” Richardson said. “We continually talk to business leaders that understand the importance of employee engagement but don’t understand how best to formulate a

Todd Richardson (left) and Santiago Jaramillo have co-authored “Agile Engagement.” (Submitted Photo)

strategy to improve employee engagement or to put a strategy in place to execute a strategy. The book focuses on how to develop an engagement strategy and the best practices in executing employee engagement strategies.” Richardson said employee engagement impacts businesses of all sizes and from all industries. The book helps business leaders tackle challenges such as how to build a futureproof strategy for employee engagement; how to use data to improve employee engagement strategy; and how to drive engagement within your organization.

WAXING • FACIALS • MASSAGE ONLINE BOOKING AVAILABLE! 15% Off All Image Skincare Products & Gift Certificates 15% Off Massage Services Nov. 1 - Dec. 31 17409 Wheeler Rd., Suite 106, Westfield, IN | | 317-399-7108 Monday: 12pm–6pm • Tuesday: 10am–6pm • Wednesday: 10am–7pm • Thursday: 9am–7pm Friday: 9am–6pm • Saturday: 9am–5pm • Sunday: 9am–4pm


December 20, 2016

Current in Westfield

Where’s Amy? Amy Pauszek is a photographer, film producer and scouting and casting associate for Talent Fusion Agency in Indianapolis. She can be reached at

Janie and Mickey Maurer with Civic’s Chairman of the Board Andy Buroker and his lovely wife, Susan, (all of Carmel) at the “Beauty and the Beast” pre-party hosted by The National Bank of Indianapolis. (Photos by Amy Pauszek)

Where’s Amy attends ‘Beauty and the Beast’ and opening night party at Civic Theatre

Will Tople and Virginia Vasquez backstage on opening night at “Beauty and the Beast.”

Best pals Anjali Rooney and Mary Kate Tanselle (both of Carmel) were excited to see “Beauty and the Beast” with their family and friends.

Where’s Amy had fun catching up with actress Nathalie Cruz, Civic’s Director of Music and Education Brent E. Marty and Civic board member Ian Cruz before the show.

Carmel’s own Susan Smith (Mrs. Potts) came out after the show to mingle and offered a cup of tea to Where’s Amy.

Where’s Amy attended a fabulous “Beauty and the Beast” pre-party hosted by The National Bank of Indianapolis at Civic Theatre. If you are looking for something to do this holiday season and want to see the best acting in town, beautiful costumes, vibrant sets and your favorite Disney tunes, get to this show! Trust me, Civic’s production is not only magical but will have you grinning earto-ear. I loved looking around the theatre and seeing kids and adults of all ages with faces light up with glee. Yep, everyone who attended was indeed a happy ’guest,’ enjoying the classic Disney tale that is as old as time, “Beauty and the Beast.” The show runs until Jan. 1 with several family friendly events and opportunities for kids of all ages to meet the cast. Visit or call 317-843-3800 for tickets. Where’s Amy hopes to see you and your family there!

Christmas album sales to benefit Haiti By Mark Ambrogi • Jim Geiman had a fundraising idea to raise money for a church music ministry by producing a Christmas album. However, when Hurricane Matthew giving back slammed Haiti in October, he decided to devote the proceeds to the storm victims. “Once we saw that, it was a no-brainer. They were devastated,” Geiman said. Geiman runs the Glass Eye Group, a video production service operated out of Kingston’s Music Showcase, 340 Ridgepoint Dr., Carmel. Kingston’s allowed Geiman to use the space and equipment to make the CD, called “Christmas from the Heart.” “The church I go to has been trying to raise money for the people in Haiti for the last 15 to 20 years,” said Geiman, who attends St. BerAll “Christmas from the Heart” album pronard’s Catholic Church ceeds will benefit Haiti. (Submitted image) in Crawfordsville. “There is this one part of Haiti (rural Carrefour Sanon) where we’ve been putting in floors on their huts. Their mortality rate for kids is 70 percent. We found when we put concrete floors down, the mortality rate goes down to under 20 percent. It costs $350 to $400 a floor.” Many houses were destroyed during the hurricane. The community’s school and clinic lost their roofs. “We were first going to give a couple of bucks for each CD sold,” Geiman said. “When we found out how bad it was, we decided we would give it all. They lost everything. They lost all their livestock and all their crops.” Geiman approached vocalist Rick Bzdok, St. Bernard’s music coordinator, about the album and he readily agreed to help. Several other area musicians, including Tim Wright, Devon Ashely, Austin Johnson, Anne Wolfley and Roderick Johnson, donated their talents to the album. “You go through life and you’ve got to do something to pay back,” Geiman said. “You get a CD that sounds good, and you get to help somebody. It’s a win-win for everybody.” Geiman said he is hoping to raise $5,000 through album sales. Geiman said he welcomes other store owners wanting to see it in their stores. The albums are on sale for $10 at Kingston’s or visit cdbaby. com/cd/rickbzdok to download or purchase a CD. It’s available on under Rick Bzdok’s name. For more on the Haiti project or to donate, visit

December 20, 2016


Current in Westfield

‘Christmas Carol’ now on stage

By Zach Dunkin •

Since 1990, Janet Allen has stood by as a parade of talented directors came to the Indiana Repertory Theater performance to lead the way on one of her favorite stage productions, “A Christmas Carol.” Not this time. The theater’s executive artistic director is holding the reins as director when the holiday classic runs through Dec. 24. “I return to making of this joyous play for the first time since 1998,” Allen said. “I have directed it many times but this time is a very humbling experience. I’m delighted to help guide this group of actors, whose collective experience with this tale is powerful and deep, through the task of making it sing for three generations of Hoosiers.” Many of Indy’s favorite actors return to the IRT stage, including Ryan Artzberger, who will again take on the role of Ebenezer Scrooge, along with Chuck Goad as Marley’s ghost. Since 1990, IRT theater-goers have enjoyed the Charles Dickens classic, the story of a bitter old miser named Ebenezer Scrooge and his transformation into a gentler, kindlier man after visitations by the ghost of his former business partner Jacob Marley and the Ghosts

Ryan Artzberger, Teddy Rayhill and Emily Ristine perform in “A Christmas Carol.” (Photo by Zach Rosing)

of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come. “There is, perhaps, no other story so capable of turning our heads this time of year,” Allen said. “What always fills my heart with joy in watching ‘A Christmas Carol’ are the hidden, surprising moments of generosity from characters from whom we least expect it,” Allen said. “Often, these characters have very little in the way of material possessions or wealth. What they have instead is a sense of the promise of humanity and the joy of reaching out to others.” Tickets start at $25 and can be purchased at

The Impalas to perform at party By Mark Ambrogi • The Impalas have more than their share of fun on stage. “It’s all talented people that event get along and enjoy each other’s company,” singer Michael Wiltrout said of the 10-piece event band. “If you play with people whose company you enjoy, that not only makes it more fun for you, but that energy comes across to the people in the crowd.” The Impalas will be featured performers at the New Year’s Eve party at 9 p.m. at the Palladium in Carmel. “We do some contemporary stuff and even some Big Band numbers, but our strength is soul music from the ’60s and ‘70s from Stax Records and Motown,” Wiltrout said. Wiltrout, a 48-year-old Indianapolis resident, started the Impalas with his best friend Adam White in 2001. White, a drummer who lives in St. Louis now because of his wife’s career, helps promote The Impalas. Wiltrout, a North Central High School graduate, took 12 years to get his undergraduate degree at Indiana University. He had a good reason because he was a professional musi-

Christmas Eve From left, The Impalas singers Jamika Jones, Michael Wiltrout and Julianne Hess (Photo by Jason Katner).

cian much of the time. Wiltrout was a member of a third wave ska (a fusion of rock and reggae) band called Johnny Socko that was formed in Bloomington. Although it’s not his full-time job, Wiltrout loves keeping his hand in music. “I wouldn’t want a life without it. By the same token I would never solely depend on it for a living again because that’s when it breaks your heart,” Wiltrout said. The Palladium’s New Year’s Eve party includes two other bands, Joe Hess & the Wandering Cowboys and the Scott Routenberg Jazz Trio, and a DJ. For more, visit

Come meet Santa! Treats for the kids! Win dinner and tickets to see DISNEY’S BEAUTY AND THE BEAST at Flix Brewhouse, in theaters this spring!


DISNEY’S BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.



December 20, 2016


Current in Westfield

Your weekly serving of Just the Ticket

Rosie’s is a comfortable café in Old Noblesville, offering traditional Midwestern food cooked just the way you like it. Families and friends alike love to gather here for a delicious breakfast or lunch. Rosie’s Place only uses fresh, local ingredients, so you are always sure to get the best items available for the healthiest benefits. Type of Food: Breakfast foods, soup, salad, and sandwiches. Food Recommendation: Brown sugar oatmeal pancakes. Price Range: $5-$15.

Rosie’s Place Reservations: No. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Address: 68 N. Ninth St., Noblesville. Phone: 317-770-3322.

Low-carb Pumpkin Pecan Cheesecake Content courtesy of Family Features and Servings: 4 Prep time: 25 minutes Cook time: 50 minutes Ingredients: • 2/3 cup halved pecan nuts • 2/3 cup sucralose-based sweetener (sugar substitute), plus 1 tablespoon • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon • 3/4 tablespoon unsalted butter stick • 1/2 large egg white • 9 2/3 ounces cream cheese • 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream • 6 ounces canned pumpkin, without salt • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract • 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice • 1 1/4 large eggs To make crust: Heat oven to 350F. In food processor, combine pecans, 1 tablespoon sugar substitute and cinnamon. Process until finely ground. Toss with butter and egg white; press onto bottom of 9-inch springform pan, rounding up to cover pan seam. Bake until

golden and set, eight to 10 minutes. Cool completely on wire rack. To make filling: Reduce oven heat to 325F. In large bowl, combine cream cheese, 2/3 cup sugar substitute and cream. With electric mixer at medium speed, beat until smooth. Add pumpkin puree, vanilla and pumpkin pie spice, mixing to combine. Beat in eggs, one at a time, until just combined. Pour batter over crust. Bake until just set, 45-50 minutes. Turn off oven and let stand 10 minutes; transfer to wire rack and cool completely. Cover and refrigerate until chilled, four hours or overnight. Slice and serve.

Behind Bars: Naughty or Nice Hot Cocoa Get it at Scotty’s, Carmel Ingredients: 1.5 oz. candy cane vodka, 1 packet hot cocoa mix, 5 oz. hot water, whipped cream. Directions: Mix cocoa in an Irish coffee glass, add vodka and top with whipped cream. Optional: Add crushed candy cane or a mini-candy cane to the glass.

Dispatches New Year’s Eve Extravaganza presented by Taft – At 8 p.m. Dec. 31, the Palladium in Carmel will host another NYE event. Guests will enjoy food, dancing and more. The entertainment includes popular variety band the Impalas on the Palladium stage, the modern country sounds of Joe Hess & the Wandering Cowboys in the Founders Room, the Scott Routenberg Jazz Trio in the Songbook Lounge and DJ Lockstar in the Robert Adam Room. Tickets are $85 and include non-stop entertainment, food and party favors. The early bird special lists tickets at $55 until Nov. 1. For more, call 317-819-3505.

December 20, 2016


Current in Westfield

Where’s Amy? Amy Pauszek is a photographer, film producer and scouting and casting associate for Talent Fusion Agency in Indianapolis. She can be reached at

Where’s Amy sees ‘Completely Christmas’ Where’s Amy was thrilled to catch up with her pals from left, ctress Mary Jayne Waddell, ATI Production Stage Manager Kevin Casey and ATI Co-Founder/Artistic Director Don Farrell at Actors Theatre of Indiana. Yep, their super fun and festive holiday production of “Completely Christmas Memories, Mistletoe and Manger Included” had guests raving about the famous “Sleigh Ride” sing-a-long and said they loved every minute of the show’s glitz and festive glam. If you missed it, don’t worry, there are a lot more exciting shows coming in 2017, including the next show, “It Shoulda Been You!” Be sure to check out the fun at ATI. Where’s Amy can’t wait to see you there! Visit: (Photos by Amy Pauszek)

lIve MUsIC

The Center for the Performing Arts – 355 City Center Dr., Carmel – thecenterpre- Dec. 22 – Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra The Warehouse – 254 1 Ave. S.W., Carmel – Dec. 27 – Sara Watkins Mo’s Irish Pub – 13193 Levinson Ln., Ste 100, Noblesville – Dec. 22 – Stella Luna Dec. 23 – Flannel Jane Cobblestone Grill – 160 S. Main St., Zionsville – Dec. 23 – Jason Longoria Rathskeller – 401 E. Michigan St., Indianapolis – Dec. 23 – Rods & Cones Reunion Vogue Nightclub – 6259 N. College Ave., Indianapolis – Dec. 21 – The 12 DJs of X-mas Dec. 23 – Avant Old National Centre – 502 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis – Dec. 21-23 – Straighter No Chaser Dec. 27 – Machine Gun Kelly *Performers are scheduled, but may change

Dispatches Songbook Academy All-Stars to perform Jan. 7 — Each summer, the Great American Songbook Foundation brings together 40 of the nation’s top high school vocalists for its week-long Songbook Academy and competition. Only one is named Songbook Youth Ambassador for the coming year, performing with foundation founder Michael Feinstein at such venues as Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center and the Kennedy Center. At 8 p.m. Jan. 7, the foundation will welcome back all seven of its previous ambassadors when the Center for the Performing Arts presents the inaugural Songbook Academy All-Stars concert, a special evening of music at the Palladium in Carmel. Tickets are on sale at Gingerbread village — Conner Prairie will feature its Gingerbread Village daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. until Dec. 31. Admission is $8, and attendees will see a variety of gingerbread houses made by amateurs and professionals. Upcoming shows at Belfry Theatre — Belfry Theatre, 10690 Greenfield Ave, Noblesville, will present “How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying” beginning Jan. 27. Other showings are Jan. 28, Feb. 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 and 12. For more, visit Martina McBride presents at the Palladium — Martina McBride will stop at the Palladium during her “Love Unleashed” Tour at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 23. Her concert will feature Lauren Alaina. For more, visit



December 20, 2016


Current in Westfield

Blueprint for Improvement: Meridian Kessler reconfiguration Commentary by Larry Greene

After solutions:


The goal for this house was to make the most of the space available . 1. The second bedroom was the first priority. A small closet was removed to relocate the hallway and another larger, more functional closet was added with previous hallway space. 2. New enlarged dormer: A new hall bath was created by expanding the existing dormer. The addition of another full bath adds to the function and value of the home. 3. The existing bathroom was remodeled and transformed into a true master bath and is now accessible from the master bedroom through a sliding barn door. These clients really wanted to make the most of their space while still keeping with the original style of their 1920s home 4. The relocation of the hallway gave the upper level a more open and naturally lit layout.

Before Background Info: The owners of this 1920s Meridian Kessler home in Indianapolis needed some extra space for their growing family. They loved their home and their neighborhood, but needed an update to fit the needs of their family.

Before problems: These clients needed an update to the layout of their upper level. The house had unused attic space and the hall bath placement meant looking down the hallway at the commode. They needed another bathroom on the upper level and a dedicated bath for the master suite.

Larry Greene is the owner of Case Design/Remodeling. You may email him at To see more before-and-after pictures of this project, visit


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December 20, 2016


Current in Westfield

Michelangelo’s ‘Pieta’ in St. Peter’s Basilica. (Photo by Don Knebel)

Michelangelo and his ‘Pieta’ Commentary by Don Knebel Michelangelo’s “Pieta” is the most famous work of art in Rome’s St. Peter’s Basilica. According to its creator, the mastravel terpiece discloses an anti-aging secret. In 1496, Michelangelo, already well-known at age 21, went to Rome to continue the work as a sculptor he started in Florence. A year later, French Cardinal Jean de Billheres commissioned Michelangelo to create a monument for his funeral, showing Mary holding the body of Jesus. Two years later, Michelangelo unveiled his “Pieta,” meaning “pity.” The work, carved from a 6-foot-high block of Carrara marble, was initially placed in the Chapel of Santa Petronilla, a mausoleum in St. Peter’s that Cardinal de Billheres selected for his interment. When Michelangelo overheard admirers attributing his work to another sculptor, he entered the chapel at night and carved his name in the diagonal ribbon on Mary’s dress, the only time he ever signed his work. The “Pieta” cemented Michelangelo’s reputation for genius. In 1749, the “Pieta” was moved to the Cru-

cifixion Chapel, on the right just after the entrance to St. Peter’s, where it has remained except when it was in New York during the 1964 World’s Fair. In 1972, a mentally ill man attacked the “Pieta” with a hammer, breaking off Mary’s left arm and her nose. Even though people witnessing the attack walked off with souvenir pieces, including the nose, the “Pieta” was meticulously restored. Today, bullet-proof glass stands between the work and its millions of admirers. Because the overall design is so natural, most observers overlook the fact that the lower half of Mary’s body is out of proportion, allowing her to hold Jesus’s body unawkwardly in her lap. Early critics said Mary’s face was too young-looking for the mother of the 33-yearold Jesus. Michelangelo said they were ignoring the rejuvenating properties of perpetual virginity. Who knew? Don Knebel is a local resident who works for Barnes & Thornburg LLP. For the full column, visit You may contact him at news@currentzionsville. com.

Dispatches Hot Chocolate toppers – For a fun hot chocolate topper, make a batch of whipped cream. Spoon it into a frosting bag with a decorative tip and pipe onto cookie sheets lined with parchment paper. Freeze until solid then place in a ziplock bag in the freezer. When making hot chocolate, drop a frozen dollop of whipped cream on top. Source:

Christmas morning help – If you have little ones, opening toys on Christmas can be frustrating. All those clips, wires and tape to secure toys in the package make them very difficult to open. Make Christmas morning go more smoothly by removing toys from packaging before wrapping them. Once all the fasteners are removed, place the item back in the box and wrap it. This will make Christmas morning more fun for everyone. Source:

Ceiling fans in winter – During cold weather, you should run your ceiling fan on low but switch the direction so that it spins clockwise when you look up at it. Warm air rises to the ceiling and the clockwise spin will push that warm air back down. Source: PioneerSettler. com



December 20, 2016


Current in Westfield

Across 1. Bill Estes car sticker abbr. 5. From the Netherlands 10. Remove, as a hat 14. Eiteljorg Museum Plains people 15. Eiteljorg Museum Plains people 16. “I cannot tell ___!” (2 wds.)

17. Far from tanned 18. Indiana’s is 320 feet above sea level in Posey County 19. Golfer Ballesteros 20., e.g. 21. “Last one ___ a rotten egg!” (2 wds.) 22. Bluespring Caverns

sound effects 24. A holiday flier 26. ___ E. Coyote 27. Fall Creek crew need 28. Westfield civic club member 32. A holiday flier 35. A holiday flier 36. ___-Magnon

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14945 OAK RD., CARMEL, 46033


138 West Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 317-848-1588 •

37. Oscar winner Jannings 38. Spanish houses 39. Wild hog 40. Old Point Tavern drink: Mai ___ 41. A holiday flier 42. Holiday fliers’ pilot 43. Develops rust 45. “Quiet!” 46. Shade of blue 47. A holiday flier 51. Speed Stick brand 54. Hold on to 55. Buy on WTHR’s “Wheel of Fortune” (2 wds.) 56. Former WISH newsman Halvorson 57. Flowing Well closer 59. Mohawk Hills rental units (Abbr.) 60. They’re spotted at Hoosier Park Casino 61. Sound at the beginning of “gym” (2 wds.) 62. Indianapolis Fencing Club sword 63. Crystal ball user 64. Nothing-but-net sound at Hinkle Fieldhouse 65. Respiratory disease in 2002 news Down 1. Clean, as a spill (2 wds.) 2. Fab Four drummer 3. Missouri campus town 4. Baseball Hall of Famer: ___ Wee Reese 5. A holiday flier 6. IND carrier, once 7. Small amounts 8. Hollywood techie’s special effects (Abbr.) 9. Cry of discovery (3 wds.)

10. A holiday flier 11. Marsh bread spread 12. Last number of Muncie’s area code 13. Katz & Korin Attorneys charges 21. Confident comment (2 wds.) 23. Attired 25. Christmas carol 26. Tom of WISH’s “The Dukes of Hazzard” 28. Deceptive ploys 29. James Dean, for one 30. “I smell ___!” (2 wds.) 31. Writer Ephron or Roberts 32. Mike Pence’s no 33. Hamilton 16 big-screen film format 34. Unlucky Roman numeral 35. Indianapolis Zoo animal with a hump

38. Snug state 39. Thai money 41. Art-film theater 42. Cruise vessel 44. A holiday flier 45. The holiday fliers’ vehicle 47. Alternatives to suspenders 48. Frank of the Mothers of Invention 49. Sign on a Palladium door 50. Sniffers 51. Lilly drugs, briefly 52. Second closest Great Lake to Indy 53. Opposite of naughty on a list 54. Ex-UN chief Annan 58. Fair Oaks Farms female 59. Two-time loser to DDE Answers on Page 27

December 20, 2016


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December 20, 2016

Amazing Tails Current in Westfield

Natural Path to Health, LLC

Mobile Pet Spa



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Book a session for your band! 3 hours/$50 1,000 SF studio, lounge with 60” plasma TV, full PA & backline provided, drums available 340 Ridgepoint Drive, Carmel 317-979-0137 Like us on Facebook! “Between the awesome physical facility, and the exceptional personal service, look no further than Kingston’s.” -Travis Jensen, An Innocent Band


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NOW HIRING Volunteer wanted:

Seeking a volunteer/Admin for one night, one hour a month from 6-7pm for a pain support group in Noblesville IN. Starts March 2017. For more information, leave message at 765-465-5589 PRIME 47 Carmel IS NOW HIRING All Positions. We are growing and Prime 47 is looking for the very best Servers, Bussers, Line Cooks, Host Staff If you want to be part of a growing team of professionals please apply between 1 and 4 M- FR at Clay Terrace Mall next to Dicks sporting goods EOE

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December 20, 2016

Current in Westfield

Now Hiring

Now Hiring

Office Professional/Administrative Assistant Republic Development is currently seeking an office professional with recent experience for a potential part-time to full-time hire position for the north side office. The qualified candidate should be an outgoing, polished individual who meets the following criteria: • Availability on a set weekly schedule (ideally 24 hours/week minimum) • Well versed in Microsoft Office. • Professional appearance and attitude • Excellent verbal and written communication skills • Ability to manage multiple tasks and meet deadlines simultaneously This is an excellent opportunity where the selected candidate will receive hands-on experience handling daily tasks related to residential and commercial real estate. The administrative assistant will participate in planning meetings (when appropriate), accommodating office visitors, general administrative duties and other tasks as assigned. Please send resume and references to


Full Time Optician

Busy, growing optometry practice in Westfield is looking for a full time optician. Duties include but are not limited to fitting, selling and dispensing eyeglasses, filing vision insurance claims, and ordering contact lenses. No experience required, on the job training provided. Please fax resume to 317-896-5335 or email info@

Now Hiring: Dining Room Staff

Donatello’s Italian Restaurant is looking for motivated individuals for dining room and kitchen positions, such as bus person, hostess and dishwasher. Weekends are the biggest need with occasional weeknights. Pay starts at $10 an hour. E-mail a resume to donatellositalian@ or stop by at 9 W. Main Street in Carmel. Must have reliable transportation and be at least 16 years old.

Now Hiring

Now Hiring

Now Hiring


Now Hiring

Carmel Clay Schools is Hiring! • Bus Drivers & Bus Aides $1500 signing bonus for drivers*

• Custodians • Childcare Workers We are looking to HIRE YOU If you have a compassionate heart and a nurturing soul, Clarity Care is interested in hiring you. We provide non-medical, adult in-home care. We offer: • Flexible schedule - full and part time • Competitive pay - $10-$15 per hour • Night bonus/referral bonus • Employee retirement plan • Custom match care giver to client 317-774-0074 option 5

Every position has unique opportunities! *Call for details

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December 20, 2016

Current in Westfield

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