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A previous year’s fammily Christmas photo shows, from left, Phoebe, now 6; Lt. Scott Peters; Jordan, 13; Corbin, 4; Makenna, 10; Peters’ wife Michelle; Cody, 3; Alyssa, 15 and Kaleb, 8.
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Founded March 20 2012, at Zionsville, IN Vol. XI, No. 42 Copyright 2021. Current Publishing, LLC All Rights Reserved.
30 South Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 317.489.4444
watching Christmas movies and just being a family. So, we can really do that on any day of the week.”
Correction — In the Dec. 20 edition of Current in Zionsville, an article about FreedomDoc Zionsville improperly identified Dr. Anastasia Boyer as Dr. Anastasia Bower.
The views of the columnists in Current in Zionsville are their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper.
Lt. Scott Peters of the Zionsville Fire Dept. was not home for Christmas this year. Because firefighters typically work a 24-hour-on, 48-hour-off schedule, many are not able to be home on Christmas Day and must make alternate arrangements with loved ones so that they can still celebrate with them.
Peters said his schedule can make planning for holidays rather tricky, as he has seven children and a large extended family that he and his wife and children often celebrate with.
“There’s some rearranging of schedules, even for things such as cooking dinner,” Peters said. “For instance, I was asked to make the Thanksgiving turkey this year. I had to prep that around shift days to get it ready several days ahead of time.”
Peters said during the 14 years he has been with the fire department, this year marks only the third time he’d been scheduled to work Christmas Day.
Although his kids — who range in age from 3 to 15 — are used to his alternative work schedule, Peters said it is still difficult to not be with family on the holidays.
“For them, Christmas is not so much about opening gifts and all that,” Peters said. “We do a lot of fun traditions, like we stay in our pajamas all day and we don’t go visit family on Christmas Day. We’re just at home and it’s just us. We open some presents, make a big breakfast casserole or pancakes and just kind of hang out and stay in our pajamas all day, eating and playing and
Peters said his family still did all those things and opened gifts on Christmas Day when he was at the fire station, but they also planned to chat with him over a video call and potentially visit him at the station.
The next day, they planned to do all the same activities again with Peters at home —only without the presents.
“I think it’s hard for us, because they like things the way they like them,” Peters said. “For instance, they like the way I make the pancakes on Christmas morning. When I’m not there on a holiday to make them, they’re like, ‘Oh, I kind of miss Dad’s pancakes.’ But their mom does a great job when I’m not there and she makes it go so much smoother. There’s a great support system and there’s effort from everybody.”
Whether he’s working or not, Peters said he still enjoys Christmas Day, either at the station with the other firefighters or at home with his family. When he comes home the morning of Dec. 26, he said he gets a glimpse of his family’s activities from the previous day before they all wake up.
“I’ll roll in at about 7:30 in the morning and the house will be an utter mess with new toys laying around everywhere and games and all that kind of stuff,” Peters said. “I’ll just sit there for a little while in the quiet and just look and see what the kids enjoyed and what they played with. Then they’ll slowly trickle down and give me ‘good morning’ and ‘merry Christmas’ hugs for the next hour, then we’ll just take off like it’s Christmas Day again.”
County Commissioners release statement regarding LEAP project — The Lebanon City Council voted Dec. 12 to annex more than 5,000 acres of land into the LEAP Lebanon Innovation and Research district. The Boone County Commissioners released a statement Dec. 16 regarding the vote, stating, “The Commissioners respect the votes made by members of the Lebanon City Council on Monday… We have been cognizant of the potential impacts to the rural and agricultural character of our community and are sensitive to the affected residents. About 600 acres of land will remain in Boone County’s control and we fully support the process of implementing a strategic Planned Unit Development (PUD). We believe that development is inevitable, but we want to ensure it is being handled in the appropriate way.”
St. Alphonsus Liguori annual rummage sale — The annual rummage sale at St. Alphonsus Liguori Catholic Church is set to take place Jan. 27, 2023 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Jan. 28 from 8 a.m. to noon. Proceeds from the annual sale will benefit the community of St. Anthony of Padua in Croix Fer, Haiti. Anyone who would like to donate items prior to the event can drop them off at St. Alphonsus Parish Hall, located at 1870 W Oak St., on Jan. 25 from 2 to 8 p.m. or Jan. 26 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more, visit zionsvillecatholic.com.
Rail Trail Closure — A Rail Trail development project will begin early 2023 and will repair and widen the existing Rail Trail from Heritage Trail Park south to Starkey Avenue and create a uniform 12-foot-wide trail with a 2-foot soft shoulder on each side for runners.
Stephanie Perry is the assistant director of community and public relations for the City of Fishers. What follows is a Q&A with Perry, part of a new series of Current Q&A interviews with local officials.
Q: What is your best habit, and what is your worst?
A: When my husband and I are both home in the morning, we have family breakfast with our kids and a cup of coffee together before work. I’m not a morning person, so it’s a great motivator to wake up and spend time together before the craziness of the day begins.
My worst habit is procrastinating, although I’ve gotten much better with it over the years. Breaking projects into smaller, more manageable pieces has been a lifesaver for me.
Q: What do you do when you’re creatively stuck?
A: Take a break and come back to it later. If I take time to clear my head, I can dive back in with a fresh perspective and new ideas. I also love a quick run or walk for a mental break.
Q: Is there a book that you recommend to everyone?
A: I’m currently reading “Atomic Habits” by James Clear and it’s quickly becoming a favorite.
Q: Do you have a favorite podcast?
A: I’m a big “Crime Junkie” fan. True crime is my go-to podcast genre. When I need to feel inspired, it’s “The Lazy Genius” or “The Simplified Podcast” with Emily Ley.
Q: What is your biggest indulgence?
A: Chocolate, a glass of red wine and a true crime documentary.
Q: How do you exercise?
A: I love to run! I’m part of the Fishers Running Club and enjoy running on the Nickel Plate Trail, especially the southern portion near Cheeney Creek. I try to run a couple of local races every year. I love the half marathon at Carmel and Indy Monumental, and we always do the Wishbone 5K on Thanksgiving at the Fishers YMCA. It’s one of my favorite holiday traditions!
Members of the student council at Zionsville West Middle School raised $8,000 in one week to donate to the Make-a-Wish Foundation.
Zionsville West Middle School Principal Shawn Wooden said the fundraiser is another example of the council’s annual efforts to involve students in all four grades in working together to support a cause.
“It’s really exciting to know that kids and their families will be that generous for something like Make-a-Wish,” Wooden said. “I think just the sheer number of kids and families who gave something, that’s what’s even more remarkable to me.”
Wooden said the efforts were aided by
word-of-mouth publicity as well as a homeroom competition, signs that were placed around the school and a notice made on the school announcements.
“Once we put it out there, it was really just up to the student body,” Wooden said. “They really took it and ran with it. We more than quadrupled our highest total raised for any cause amongst the students.”
ZWMS teacher and student council advisor Monica Soel said the council chose to raise money for Make-a-Wish based on member votes.
“In the end, Make-a-Wish had the most votes and interest from the students because they liked the idea of kids helping kids,” Soel said. “We named our weeklong fundraiser ‘Kids for a Cause’ because kids can make a difference in others’ lives.”
where, I’ll be happy for them, but, no lie, I’ll be overly envious … and he knows it.”
CarmelFest 2005 had just wrapped up about nine hours prior, when Carmel resident Steve Greenberg made a call to Brian Kelly, also of Carmel. At the time, each was working on a plan to launch a weekly newspaper in Carmel, but neither of them knew the other was on the same track.
It was at CarmelFest, where Greenberg ran across Ron Carter, the former longtime city councilor. Carter asked how Greenberg’s plan for the paper was coming along, and Greenberg, a career journalist and marketing specialist, said it was developing fairly well, although distribution was kind of a sticking point. Carter asked, “Do you know Brian Kelly? He’s working on the same plan as you are. You ought to give him a call.”
So, at 8:45 a.m. the next day, Greenberg called Kelly, whose career exclusively has been in publishing, and after a short conversation it became readily apparent to both that combining strengths and “going for it” was the wiser move.
Now, more than 17 years later, after launching their dream, Kelly has opted for retirement at the ripe young age of 64. His last day at Current will be Dec. 31. Soon, he and his wife, Maggie, a former media and marketing executive who also is concurrently retiring as bookkeeper for Current, will have no need to set an alarm clock.
Kelly will be succeeded as a co-owner, president and publisher by Carmel resident Ben Weir, who joined Current in September 2020.
“Brian shared heavily in the development of Current, and I believe we’re in a good position for future growth. His retirement is well earned,’’ Weir said.
Greenberg will remain as co-owner and executive vice president with no plans to similarly retire as of now.
“My role still is to serve my customers and help the staff however I can while also helping to further Ben’s development at Current, not that he needs much assistance, believe me,” Greenberg said. “He is the future here, which is exactly what Brian and I wanted.”
What became evident led Kelly to his decision.
“Ben joining us made my decision not only easier, but he made it possible. Maggie and I have been talking about retirement for a handful of years, but the timing just didn’t seem right. Now, it is,” Kelly said. “Ben has brought a lot of energy and new ideas that
have resulted in a lot of growth the past two years, so the timing is perfect.
“We’ve been working on the transition, really, since March of this year. There are a lot of moving parts, but the process has gone quite well. A lot of that is the result of an outstanding staff. It may sound cliché, but it is absolutely true: Current would not be where and what it is without the brilliance of the people I’ve been so fortunate to work with.”
Meanwhile, back to the beginning, Kelly and Greenberg traipsed through the customary startup minefield, always managing to put, collectively, one foot in front of the other. After 16 months of business formation; a capital raise; legal, accounting and logistics work; and hiring a staff, the pair was off to the races, signing landmark advertisers, whose initial commitment to Current never will be forgotten, they said.
“It was pedal to the metal for both of us back then,” Greenberg said. “As late-stage entrepreneurs, it was either success or failure,
and the latter never was an option. I recall a former Gannett publisher telling me, ‘Good luck. You’ll be chewed up and spit out within six weeks.’ I told Brian what was said to me, and, after our respective blood pressures came back to normal, it was ‘go like hell’ from then on. It worked out well, I’d say.”
Joining forces proved to be a successful pairing of strengths.
“The partnership with Brian worked well, just as it will with Ben, because we both brought different attributes to the company. Complementary, I’d say, and perfect for a business with seemingly a billion moving parts,” Greenberg said. “Brian was strong on fiduciary experience and distribution/ operations, while I had heavy newsroom experience and years of sales behind me. Brian could sell, too, and often we paired for ‘four-legged’ sales calls. Suffice it to say, we slept in our spare time. I’m extremely proud of what we built. And if anyone could turn a penny into a spool of copper, it’s Brian. If he and Maggie end up on a beach in St. Some-
Kelly said the “cast of characters” made Current the best stop of his accomplished career. Both founders recognize and appreciate that the accomplishments they’ve enjoyed through the years never would have been possible without the team they assembled way back when and have grown since then. It’s a colorful troupe at Current — and it always has been — so much so that Kelly often would say, “That belongs in the movie,” or “That belongs in the book,” and always preceded by, “Man, I love this place.”
Three of Kelly’s longtime Current colleagues are Mark Ambrogi, Night and Day editor; Dennis O’Malia, senior advertising sales executive; and Zach Ross, art director. Ambrogi actually was a childhood friend of Kelly’s in Cincinnati. Ambrogi is a veteran of central Indiana media. O’Malia was hired before Current even had a business address, and Ross came along in Year 2.
“I can’t say enough about Ambro, Dennis and Zach. You could say we’ve pretty much been through it all,” Kelly said. “I’m amazed at the detail and amount of work they each process week in and week out, year after year, and the same goes for the rest of our team. And speaking of outstanding talent, I can’t say enough about Maggie’s contributions to our company. She’s the best bookkeeper in town!”
Terry Anker, a Current Publishing board member, founding investor and weekly essayist who owns Anker Consulting Group, said, “As a longtime Hamilton County resident, Brian Kelly knew firsthand of the lack of a local journalistic perspective on events affecting our communities. When we were talking about the idea of a new concept in local news that would include print editions, it would be an understatement to say that not everyone supported the concept. Now, almost two successful decades later, Brian and Current have unequivocally proven to me and everyone else that newspapers work, especially the ones that he helped to found. Kudos to him on a well-deserved break from the daily action — but let’s hope he doesn’t go too far. The tireless work he and his bride, Maggie, have done for the not-for-profit community and as an advisor and friend to countless of small business owners and young people just starting their careers is more important now than ever.”
Fellow Current board member and founding investor Ersal Ozdemir owns Keystone
Corp. He offered Kelly “heartfelt congratulations” on his pending retirement:
“Seventeen years ago, Brian co-founded Current Publishing and set in motion several important local publications that helped fill a void in coverage in Hamilton and Boone counties,” Ozdemir said. “Over the years, Current’s publications have become valuable resources to residents and local businesses. This would not have been possible without Brian’s dedication and vision, and I am proud of what he has achieved and has done for so many communities. I am glad to call Brian a friend and wish him the best.”
Long before Current was even an idea, Kelly sold advertising for the Indiana Daily Student while attending Indiana University. Upon graduation from IU’s Kelley School of Business with a Bachelor of Science degree, he joined Gordon Publications, a national trade magazine company. After stints at Gordon’s Tustin, Calif., and Chicago offices, and later, the home office at Randolph, N.J., he was promoted to publisher of Software Retailing magazine at the ripe young age of 28. Later, he would help launch NUVO Newsweekly, and he was the founder of Kelly Publications, Inc., publisher of The Greenwood Gazette, The Greater Greenwood Business Journal and Business Update. He later sold KPI to Central Newspapers, Inc. (now Gannett). He also previously served as publisher of Thomson Newspapers’ niche division in Indiana, launching Indy Curiocity, which was distributed in more than 1,700 Indianapolis-area classrooms, and Image Newspapers, a group of weekly newspapers in Hamilton County.
Kelly also is the recently retired chief executive officer of Grow Local Media, publisher of The Southside Times, Hendricks County Business Leader, Hendricks County ICON and Center Grove ICON.
“I’ve been very lucky in life, to say the least,” Kelly said. “I married the woman of my dreams and had a great career in an industry I absolutely love, and always will. The partners I’ve had; the outstanding people with whom I work; the wonderful communities we’re fortunate to serve; and our wonderful customers and readers, many of whom have become great friends through the years … it’s all to be valued. I treasure these relationships, and that’s why Maggie and I will continue to call Carmel home. We’ll be doing some traveling and I’ll be indulging in my favorite pastime, reading. I’m looking forward to the challenge in my next stage in life, but I know I’m going to miss a lot of the day-to-day action in the office, and the people, of course.”
Sam Orme knows one way his Carmel High School basketball team can improve.
“I feel like we can be a lot better defensively as a team right now,” Orme said. “We haven’t got there yet.”
Orme said the Greyhounds have taken some big steps.
“We have a long way to go in becoming our best,” Orme said.
The 6-foot-9 senior is Carmel’s most experienced player. Orme was averaging 16.6 points and 7.5 rebounds as of Dec. 20 for the Greyhounds (5-3). Orme averaged 11.8 points and 5.5 rebounds as a junior.
“He’s a leader by example, more so now,” Carmel coach Ryan Osborn said. “We graduated seniors last year that were naturally leaders, and these (current seniors) have stepped into the role.”
Osborn said Orme is coachable and engaged in practice.
“He’s always willing to do whatever (is
Favorite subject: History
Favorite movie: “Fight Club”
Favorite TV show: “Breaking Bad”
asked), and that goes a long way when your best player is one of your hardest workers,” Osborn said. “He’s turned the page from leadership perspective with his effort with practice every day and showing up to games ready every night.”
Osborn said Orme is the team’s anchor defensively.
“He has a high basketball IQ,” Osborn said. “His confidence exudes to everybody else.
For Jay, the thing that pained him most wasn’t his back, it was living within the limits his back pain set for him. Skipping workouts. Contorting to pick up a shoe. Avoiding playing with Agnes. Now that Goodman Campbell physicians treated not only his pain, but the underlying spine issues that caused it, Jay is back to living the life he loves.
Learn more about Jay and his story at GoodmanCampbell.com.
He passes with either hand and finishes with either hand. He’s efficient offensively for us.”
The Greyhounds won the Class 4A state title Orme’s sophomore year. He averaged 5.8 points in that 2020-21 season. Last season, Carmel lost to Westfield in the sectional final.
“It was a tough one, but we’ll be back,” Orme said.
Orme’s biggest growth spurt came when he grew about five to six inches to 6-foot-6 the summer before his freshman year.
Orme chose NCAA Div. I Belmont over Miami (Ohio) University to continue his playing career.
“Belmont was the right fit for me in the end with the coaching staff and style of play,” Orme said.
Orme said the style of play is similar to Carmel offensively.
“They play a little faster, put up a lot of shots, which is going to be fun,” said Orme, who plans to major in finance.
I spent Christmas away from home twice. Both times when I was in the military. The first time was in Germany when I was in the Army. I had a small apartment in a cozy little village. There was snow on the ground, and it looked like a Christmas card. The problem was, we had gone out on maneuvers the week before Christmas. We fully expected to be back on base by Christmas Eve. But that’s when the snow started coming down.
For five days, it never stopped, and when we were ready to head back home, we couldn’t move. The trucks got stuck in the snow and we spent Christmas Day digging our way forward a foot at a time. Our top sergeant told us he and his outfit had experienced the same situation during the Battle of the Bulge during World War II.
Halfway through the day, our cook unloaded the mess truck in the middle of the plowed road and fixed us Christmas dinner consisting of carrots, potatoes and cabbage – the only food left after a week in the field.
The second time I was away on Christmas was aboard a ship when I was in the Navy. Our squadron was in the middle of a nine-month cruise in the western Pacific. The day before Christmas we sailed into the naval base in Taiwan.
Once we were settled in our berth, the captain sent the supply officer into town to buy Christmas records to play over the ship’s sound system. He returned with several platters recorded by various Chinese musical groups.
The problem was the musicians were used to playing Chinese music and didn’t know what to do with things like Christmas carols. Later, while visiting Hong Kong, I attended a Chinese opera and heard for the first time how beautiful Chinese music could be.
Christmas since then has been a hometown affair with lots of food, presents and carols. But whenever it snows for the holiday, I get a strange yen for vegetables. And at least once I find myself mentally translating a Christmas carol into Chinese.
The best way to celebrate the new year is with a fresh, amazing new home — built for daily living in an exciting community that’s packed with fun things to do! This featured Chamberlain floorplan at Osborne Trails has a flex room, rear covered patio and a luxurious owner’s suite with walk-in closet!
Don’t forget our Everything’s Included® package of extras including quartz countertops in kitchens and baths, stainless steel appliances (including the fridge!), hard surface flooring in main living areas and much more.
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Boone REMC sponsors youth programs — Applications are being accepted for several youth programs sponsored by Boone REMC and other electric cooperatives throughout Indiana. According to Mandy Saucerman, Communications Director for Boone REMC, the electric cooperative supports local students through a variety of programs. To learn more and apply for programs, eligible students are encouraged to visit bremc. com.
Local residents enjoyed carriage rides through the Zionsville Village during the Dec. 15 Traders Point Caring Carriage event. The fundraiser was hosted by Robert Goodman Jewelers at 106 N Main St. in Zionsville. Proceeds went to Sylvia’s Child Advocacy Center in Lebanon.
Frazier said SCAC conducts 1-on-1 interviews in a safe environment with children who have alleged some form of abuse or witnessed violence. The center also provides prevention programs for children who utilize their services.
SCAC is an advocacy center for children
are too rushed to explain everything, hospitals send out surprise bills that don’t make sense, and insurance companies end up sticking you with higher than expected costs. I have experienced this first hand, and I’ve learned that it doesn’t have to be this way.
wallet or the policy.
The new FreedomDocSM primary care office provides on-demand, “streaming” primary care from your own doctor plus discounts on much more (labs, referrals, and medications).
who have been abused.
“It all started in 2010,” SCAC Director Kassie Frazier said. “We started (interviewing) 40 kids a year and now we’re averaging 180 a year.”
SCAC is a member of the Indiana Chapter of National Children’s Alliance, a program committed to the development and growth of child advocacy centers in the state. The center, which serves the Boone County area, is part of a network of child advocacy centers committed to victim advocacy and family healing.
Nearly one-third of the program is funded by state-contracted revenue streams, according to Frazier, and the rest is raised through donations. Boone County Commissioner Tom Santelli, who owns Traders Point Caring Carriage, said he raises funds for various charities throughout the year.
Frazier said Santelli was formerly on the board of directors for the SCAC and always gives back to the organizations he has been a part of.
“It’s really great bringing people together, particularly for the holidays,” Santelli said. For more about SCAC, visit sylviascac.org.
By Christopher HabigWith the world’s best doctors and medical innovations – I often wonder why healthcare in this country is so expensive, confusing, and inconvenient.
Medical care can be as easy as streaming a movie or your favorite television series, available on-demand, for a price that makes sense.
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Most people expect to have a bad experience when they need medical care. Doctors
WNetflix and other streaming services changed television. My old basic cable packages charged my family hundreds of dollars for a lot of channels we didn’t want. If we wanted to watch something, we had to adjust our schedule to fit. That wasn’t economical or convenient.
Cutting the cord allowed us to access entertainment options we wanted, within our budget without wasting time.
The future of healthcare looks a lot like this. Medical services available on-demand with posted prices for everything. My favorite part is that everyone can access it. Medical care shouldn’t discriminate based on the card in your
This new model is available locally for everyone, even businesses. Entertainment and healthcare might seem vastly different, but the principles of convenience, simplicity, affordability, and personalized options are the keys to fixing healthcare in this country.
Visit www.freedomdoc. care/zionsville or call/text (317) 936-3970 today. 114 N Main St,. Zionsville, IN 46077.
The views expressed in this column are that of Christopher Habig and FreedomDoc.
As the Zionsville Youth Rugby Club enters its second season, its goal is to involve more youth in the program, according to club president Casey Farrell. The club, which was originally limited to Zionsville youth, now invites members from all of Boone County to join, Farrell said. He also wants to start tackle teams for girls in seventh and eighth grade, as well as for high school-age players.
football team. That’s not possible right now, so rugby gives them an opportunity to do something similar.”
Farrell said that by involving more youth from surrounding communities, it will allow for the club to recruit more girls teams for all ages.
“There are other towns like Carmel that have girls teams, so we’re just trying to create that interest here and have this other option for girls in sports,” Farrell said.
“It gives kids an option where they will be guaranteed playing time, and for boys or girls, that is a huge confidence builder. Rugby is not easy,” Farrell said. “For my daughter and her friends, for instance, they would have wanted to play for the Zionsville
The club will host informational meetings Jan. 17 and 18, 2023, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Zionsville Town Hall in room 205. It is only necessary to attend one of the meetings, according to the club’s website.
For more on the teams or on getting involved in the high school or youth rugby clubs, visit zionsvillerugby.com.
On Dec. 14, the Boone County Commissioners released their official findings following Commissioner Tom Santelli’s attendance of the Oct. 21 Indiana Mental Health Summit.
“What we learned was how an inadequate response to mental illness negatively impacts Indiana courts and communities,” Santelli stated in a release. “It was also helpful to observe how local policy teams and Indiana state agencies mapped their behavioral health continuum to identify and address areas of need.”
The release stated that the summit helped commissioners identify service gaps in local systems and develop effective supplemental strategies to address them, building on their ongoing efforts to advance mental health initiatives in the community.
In early June, the Boone County Commissioners approved the use of ARPA funds to replace lost revenue by the Boone County Child Advocacy Center during the pandemic. The commissioners also took part in a groundbreaking ceremony for the expanded Boone County Justice Center project, which will provide space for additional mental health services while focusing on keeping certain offenders suffering crises out of the jail system.
“For years, the Commissioners have been proactive in championing mental health resources in the county. Through our extensive work with community partners, we are tackling mental health, drug addition, domestic violence, suicide and crisis intervention and much more,” Santelli stated.
For more on mental health resources in Boone County, visit livinginboonecounty. com/mental-and-behavioral-health-resources-in-boone-county.
Zionsville Mayor Emily Styron said community development is the theme for 2023. From the Big-4 Rail Trail project to new businesses coming to Main Street and continued growth projected for area schools, Zionsville has a variety of projects on the horizon in the new year.
Styron said the Big-4 Rail Trail widening and Zionsville Road trailhead projects are among many developments residents can expect to see underway.
“We’re looking forward to offering people an even more enhanced experience through this trail-widening project, and we are excited that there will be a Zionsville Road trailhead, which will feature a public restroom and parking, something that folks have desired on the Rail Trail,” Styron said.
Styron said the Oak Street and Boone County Route 800 East multilane roundabout will be constructed in the summer of 2023. Additionally, the Zionsville Dept. of Public Works plans to make headway on the extension of the sewer system to bring sewer service to 350 homes.
Styron said the DPW is also facilitating the construction and engineering of pathways and crosswalks that focus on safety and connectivity throughout the town, especially for the schools.
Per public safety, Styron said the town has an agreement to increase the safety provided by the Zionsville Police Dept. by adding more resource officers to area schools. Thanks to a $1.6 million grant, Styron said the town will also be able to hire six new firefighters to the Zionsville Fire Dept. in the new year.
Furthermore, Styron noted the town’s commitment to enhancing and protecting the town’s natural resources by way of a five-year master plan for the parks and their dedication to Indiana University’s Environmental Resilience Program. The town is set to purchase the Carpenter Nature Preserve in 2023 and wants to turn it into a public space by 2024.
“We keep our mind on how we can con-
tinue to protect our community that has, for decades, been a beautiful space,” Styron said. “We’re going to have (Carpenter Nature Preserve) to the north of us, making us truly a town within a park.”
Scott Robison, superintendent of Zionsville Community Schools, expressed confidence about the future of the district going into 2023.
Robison, who will retire at the end of January, is optimistic about the future of the district in the hands of his successor, Rebecca Coffman.
“Dr. Coffman is the right leader to take ZCS to the next level,” Robison said. “Becky
has helped assemble the outstanding campus and central office leadership team, and she understands well that fostering all employees to lead wherever they are is imperative to achieving the best outcomes for every student ZCS serves.”
Additionally, Robison is optimistic about the Zionsville Community High School remodeling and additions that will come to fruition at various points in 2023 to accommodate the growing student population.
In 2023, 8,000 ZCS students will be afforded opportunities for instructional and extra-curricular activities, academic compe-
titions, internships, shadowing opportunities, travel study experiences, camps, plays, athletics and more, Robison said.
Robison said he looks forward to the coming months at ZCS because of the mission-oriented professionals in the district.
“ZCS is an exciting success story to watch in 2023 and beyond,” Robison said. “We have built a continuous improvement machine made up of outstanding people like Dr. Coffman and the entire ZCS team that she will lead well through innovation and collaboration.”
In the Zionsville Lions Club, improvements to Lions Park and multiple events will happen in the new year. Gail Robbins, club chair of the Lions Club, said the organization is happy to have two puppy raisers in Zionsville and wants to involve more people in the effort to raise puppies for the blind and visually impaired.
Virginia Hilbert, marketing director for the Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library, said the library anticipates the grand opening of its Whitestown Branch, voting for Seed Library Flower of the Year and new MakerStudio Clubs.
Jodi Gietl, president and CEO of the Boone County Community Foundation, expressed enthusiasm for new developments for Boone County nonprofits in 2023, including rolling grants that will allow organizations to apply for grants year-round instead of by a cycle deadline.
Additionally, CFBC’s matching grants for next year will focus on organizations working with mental health, the elderly and literacy. The CFBC will also focus more on promotion of their app, Connect Boone County, which connects volunteers with area nonprofits.
Allyson Gutwein of the Zionsville Chamber of Commerce said the town can look forward to new businesses coming to the town’s Main Street and the celebration of Hoosier Chocolate Fest at The Sixpence in Whitestown Jan. 27 and 28, as well as the Brick Street Market the weekend before Mother’s Day.
ON THE COVER: The Big Four Rail Trail will see significant improvement in 2023. (Photo courtesy of the Town of Zionsville)
The Wicked Witch of the West famously warned Dorothy, “I’ll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too.” The erstwhile Kansan, at that moment, was under the protection of the most powerful sorceress in the Land of Oz, Glinda, The Good Witch of the South, and far beyond harm’s way. But true to her wicked word, the evil enchantress spent the rest of her life chasing and tormenting the youngster and her pet. Getting even for the accidental killing of her partner in crime, the Wicked Witch of the East, became an overwhelming obsession.
The Hatfields and McCoys battled for decades. Hamlet fought to the death. And Richard Nixon famously kept lists — all to ensure that the score stayed even. Likewise, the Book of Exodus demands “an eye for an eye” in retaliatory consequence. But does it all really do any good? Are we able to extract anything close to justice by tit-for-tat attacks? Or is our effort to find equilibrium creating a hopelessly unstable arms race, sure to collapse like a stack of Jenga?
Political leadership seems especially fond of vengeful action. We have come to expect all manner of investigation, special prosecution, and congressional hearing from one election to another — as if our newly elected majority representatives are the Horsemen of the Apocalypse arrived to right all wrongs perpetrated by the unholy who had ruled just before. Perhaps it’s inseparable from power, this desire to punish those who would challenge or resist us. If so, can we break the cycle? Those in charge would have to show restraint. We’ve done it before with nuclear arms treaties signed by our government. But as the Russians once again maraud, is armed détente more prudent? Still, could a little kindness to our foes impede vengeance from generational reproduction?
Longtime readers know that I am highly conflict adverse. I’m terribly uncomfortable with emotional displays, particularly anger, and avoid hard conversations like they’re large gatherings in 2020. But no more! My New Year’s resolution is to woman-up and learn to engage with friends and family in a healthy, productive manner when the proverbial poo hits the fan. Basically, I’m embracing “Fight Club.”
And I’ve started early. My husband Doo and I have been at each other for a few weeks. The stress of holidays, work and parenting four young adults has led to neither of us sleeping particularly well and numerous stupid but hurtful squabbles. Normally, I run for the hills (i.e., hide in my bedroom) at the first sign of an impending confrontation, but this time I decided to put my big-girl pants on and dive headfirst into the fray.
Terry Anker is an associate editor of Current Publishing, LLC. You may email him at terry@ youarecurrent.com.
After 30 minutes of neither of us really hearing each other and both of us pretty upset, we hit the pause button. I was honest and told him I needed to cry (privately, of course!) and blow dry my hair (which was on the verge of becoming a frizzy monstrosity). I felt better afterward, and when Doo offered to run errands with me, I assumed we were good.
We were not. The next morning, Doo announced he was still mad, and I had to force myself once again to step into an argument. I was anxious and uncomfortable, and we didn’t entirely resolve the issue, but at least we are now on the same page. And more important, I did it!
So welcome, “Fight Club 2023.” I embrace thee!
Peace out.
Letters to the editor: Current Publishing will consider verifiable letters of up to 150 words. Letters must be thoroughly vetted prior to submission. Current retains the right to reject or return any letter it deems to carry unsubstantiated content. Current also retains the right to edit letters, but not their intent. Send letters to info@youarecurrent.com. Writers must include a hometown and a daytime phone number for verification. Guest columns: The policy for guest columns is the same as the aforementioned, but the allowable length is 240 words. Guest columns should address the whole of Current’s readership, not simply special-interest groups, and may not in any way contain a commercial message.
Danielle Wilson is a contributing columnist. You may email her at info@youarecurrent.com.
Tom Wood Subaru believes that all students deserve an equal and fair opportunity for a quality education. Through our partnership with AdoptAClassroom.org, all Subaru retailers combined, have supported more than 300,000 students nationwide and are proud to be their largest corporate supporter!
Millions of students in high-needs schools lack the supplies and learning materials they need to be successful in the classroom. In fact, 92% of classrooms have students whose families cannot afford to purchase any school supplies for their children, often requiring teachers to purchase resources using their own money. We find these teachers just absolutely, amazing individuals!
Here at Tom Wood Subaru, we celebrated Subaru Loves Learning by providing teachers with flexible funding to purchase the school supplies and resources they need to help their students thrive in the classroom, through Adoptaclassroom.org. They believe that every child deserves the tools and materials they need to learn and succeed in school. With the help of sponsors such as Tom Wood Subaru, they’ve helped to equip classrooms with the supplies students need to learn and thrive. Since 1998, AdoptAClassroom.org has raised $57 million and supported more than 5.8 million students across the U.S........So amazing!
Our selected school for the last several years has been Edison School of the Arts. Principal; Amy Berns and
her team have been so amazing to work with and they sent us some amazing photos and videos to share with you! English Teacher; Mrs. Buchanan was so grateful for the new headphones and glue gun she was able to purchase for her classroom. Another teacher sent us a great video of her opening many items she ordered to help calm and destress the children in her class. She opened each box with joy, in amazement that these items were purchased for her classroom!
Edison is still really in need of so many more items though. How can you help you ask........well let me tell you! The teachers have created a wish list of items they are really in need of: https://docs.google.com/ document/d/1lL_vrJ65EzMKqgRXuuE1xmc-cy1GRbNfbyki3DSwVHY/ edit?usp=sharing
If you go to this link, you will be directed to a list of each individual teacher, with the link to their needs included. We would like to thank Subaru and Adoptaclassroom, for providing these great resources to the children in our community!
Every year about this time I look back at the previous 12 months and express appreciation for the people, places and things that have made their way into my weekly columns. So, thanks to:
• My old roommate from college who called me after 55 years. He reminded me we hadn’t spoken in 55 years. I told him it was 57, if you count the two years we lived together.
• My wife’s mother, Margaret, gave an original copy of the “The Joy of Cooking” to Mary Ellen to read. Not to cook anything, just to read. In the poultry and game chapter, here is a summary of its advice: “Draw out the entrails, cut the neck close to the body, remove the windpipe end then chop off the feet.” As you can tell, this book was also a big hit with serial killers.
• My physical therapist, who helped me through rehab. For several months I was encouraged to do Kegels. There is a specialist for that at Community Hospital, but she was out one day, so I asked a question of another therapist who was not trained in the procedure.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Wolfsie, that’s a little over my head.”
“Then you are doing it wrong,” I told her.
• The folks at the Sleep Center at Community Hospital, where I participated in a sleep study. They had lots of questions:
“Does your wife say you snore?”
“She has no idea because she sleeps in another room … maybe because I snore.”
“Mr. Wolfsie, then how do you know you
“I get a lot of complaints from the neighbors.”
• My wife, who wanted to try a new Chinese restaurant, found one online and ordered the food. I called back because I wanted to know how long it would take to get there. “Where do you live?” I was asked. I told him the northside of Indianapolis.
“Oh, about six hours. Sir, you are calling a Chinese restaurant in Canton, Ohio.”
“That’s OK,” I said. “I love Cantonese food.”
• The researcher at Ohio State University found that the average couple kisses about 25,000 times in a marriage. Were we keeping up with the Joneses, the newlyweds down the street? I told Mary Ellen how beautiful she was, how good dinner was, and how hot she looked in her jeans. I was hoping that kissing up counted.
• My brother-in-law, Tom, who gave me an Apple Watch for Christmas last year. I called him in Oregon and admitted I was overwhelmed by how complicated it was to operate.
“Come on, Dick. You just think you are out of your league. Relax. Don’t be nervous. And don’t be intimidated like so many others have.”
“Tom, that is exactly the same advice you gave me when I married your sister.” I’m not done. More next week.
My old roommate from college who called me after 55 years. He reminded me we hadn’t spoken in 55 years. I told him it was 57, if you count the two years we lived together.
“Clue” will be presented from Dec. 28 to Feb. 5 at Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre in Indianapolis. For more, visit beefandboards.com.
For Jeff Stockberger and Suzanne Stark, it’s only appropriate that the Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre regulars appear in the first show of venue’s 50th anniversary season
Stockberger and Stark will perform in “Clue,” which will be presented Dec. 28 to Feb. 5 at the Indianapolis venue.
Stockberger estimated he has appeared in 75 to 80 Beef & Boards productions as an actor.
“If you add in all the shows that I either directed, stage managed, or backstage managed, that number goes up significantly,” he said.
His first show was “Peter Pan” in 1996 when he portrayed Noodler, the pirate.
“I’ve been a part of the second half of the 50 years, especially the last 20 years, and it’s been amazing to watch this theater continue to thrive in this difficult business,” Stockberger said. “Beef & Boards is one of the few remaining Equity (Actors’ Equity Association) dinner theaters in the country. (Owner) Doug Stark and the whole Stark family have proven that you can have a successful business while treating all employees with respect.
“There is a reason there has been so many people that have worked for Beef & Boards for 20 to 30-plus years. We’re family.”
Stark, the former wife of Doug Stark, has regularly performed in Beef & Boards shows through the years.
“I am terribly grateful to Beef & Boards every time they ask me to be in a show,” Suzanne said. “This year, especially, it really is special. Fifty years is remarkable for any business, and I know that many of the employees have been a part of the operation for a good number of those years. I am blessed to have been a part of the story.”
Stark has never seen “Clue” performed live, but said she loved the movie when it first came out (in 1985).
“I really do love these comedy ensemble pieces,” Stark said. “To know we’ve made
an entire audience let loose and laugh for an evening is really satisfying as a performer. The waves of laughter are a bit addictive.”
Scot Greenwell plays the role of Mr. Green in “Clue.”
“I love ‘Clue,’ the film, which I’ve seen innumerable times, so I have to put that aside because the play is different in some places,” Greenwell said. “And trying not to break character will be a big challenge with this hilarious cast. I love being part of an ensemble, and I haven’t done a mystery like this, so I’m excited. I enjoy Agatha Christie plays, as well as sendups like the film ‘Murder by Death.’ Like those others, ‘Clue’ will be a fun escape for the audience.
Greenwell has performed for several theaters.
“I’ll perform wherever they’ll hire me,” he said. “I’ve acted at Indiana Repertory Theatre, the Phoenix Theatre, Civic Theatre, and Actors Theatre of Indiana. I’ve worked in the galleries of The Children’s Museum, and even outside the (Indiana) Statehouse, playing the father of gerrymandering.”
Greenwell said he wanted to act since he was a child.
“I loved school programs and singing with the church choir,” said Greenwell, who grew up in Loogootee. “I did high school musicals, alongside community theater, then went to the University of Evansville with broader theatrical interests. In 2004, I remembered how much I loved acting, and I’ve been doing so ever since.”
When not doing a play, Greenwell said he works as a standardized patient, “helping health care professionals and students hone their skills.”
Standardized patients are independent specialists who are trained to portray patients in realistic scenarios to help students learn.
Greenwell had an interesting internship with the NBC soap opera “Days of Our Lives” when he was in college.
“I’d watched ‘Days’ since I was quite young, when my mom watched it,” Greenwell said. “So, in 1999, I lucked into an internship there, and it was thrilling. I learned about the soap industry and rubbed elbows with Deidre Hall, Ali Sweeney and Jensen Ackles. I wrote previews for magazines and attended an awards show.”
David Ranalli’s “Deception: An Evening of Magic & Lies” is set for 7:30 p.m. Dec. 29 at Feinstein’s cabaret at Hotel Carmichael in Carmel. For more, visit feinsteinshc.com.
Craig A. Meyer’s “NYE with Elton & Me: My Life as Elton John” shows are set for 7:30 and 10:30 p.m. Dec. 31 at Feinstein’s cabaret at Hotel Carmichael in Carmel. For more, visit feinsteinshc.com.
Songbook Academy accepting applications
— High school students with a passion for singing and the stage can learn directly from Broadway performers and other arts and entertainment professionals at the Great American Songbook Foundation’s annual Songbook Academy, which is now accepting applications for its 14th national summer intensive July 15-22, 2023. Only 40 students nationwide are selected each year to attend the weeklong intensive at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. Candidates may apply at app.getacceptd.com/songbookacademy. The application deadline is March 26, 2023, with an early bird discount available through Feb. 26.
Crash Test Dummies set to perform – Canadian rock band Crash Test Dummies, best known for their 1990s hit “Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm,” will perform March 11, 2023, at The Tarkington at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel. Opening the show will be Carleton Stone, an Americana and pop singer-songwriter from Nova Scotia, Canada. Tickets starting at $40 are on sale at the Palladium’s Fifth Third Bank Box Office, online at thecenterpresents.org and by phone at 1-317-843-3800. The concert is part of the Faegre Drinker Encore Series and the 20222023 Center Presents Season, presented in partnership with Allied Solutions.
After more than a decade, we arrive back in the world of Pandora, where Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) and Neytiri (Zoe Saldana) have started a family and are raising their three children. Life is good until the Sky People invade, led by Col. Miles Quaritch (Stephan Lang) and his troops, who attempt to capture and retrieve Jake.
To protect his family, Jake relocates them to the islands of Metkayina, where the Reef People offer them sanctuary. The tribe introduces the family to their rituals and how they coexist with nature and animals.
In “Avatar: The Way of Water” — the sequel to director James Cameron’s 2009 blockbuster “Avatar” — the audience is treated to a journey alongside the natives as they lead the children through the new aquatic habitat. You’ll need to remind yourself that what you’re watching isn’t real as the ocean floor and its creatures come to life!
Chaos erupts when Quaritch locates Jake and launches a military attack, kidnapping
his children. The Reef People join Jake and Neytiri in a battle to save their kids and protect the “Great Balance” of their world.
A suspenseful battle aboard a warship ensues with thematic and visual elements of “Titanic,” Cameron’s epic, action-packed film.
There are a few hiccups with the story: a rocky road into Pandora at the film’s beginning, and Quaritch’s obsession with tracking and capturing Jake is never really explained.
But for its hitches, this long-awaited sequel grabs the audience with stunning special effects and wholesome themes.
“Avatar: The Way of Water” is a flight of imagination showing that family isn’t just who you start with but those you connect with along the way.
During the past 14 years, Julieanna Childs has worked as a film studio representative, contracting for all the major Hollywood studios, including Marvel, Disney, Sony, Netflix, Universal, Paramount, Columbia, and Warner Bros. Her film reviews can be found at TheJujuReview.com. She is a Hamilton County resident.
The Izzy Spritz features Exotico reposado tequila, aperol and grapefruit soda
To see a video of this drink being mixed, scan this QR code.
The City of Carmel’s sister city relationship with Cortona, Italy, will bring a taste of Italian culture to Carmel in February 2023.
Repertoire. He began practicing the piano at the age of 6 and performed his first concert at 11.
Attesti has recorded several albums and performs regularly in internationally prestigious concert halls around the world. He has performed approximately 1,000 concerts in 40 nations, including the United States.
Cortona Deputy Mayor Francesco Attesti, who also happens to be a well-known classical concert pianist, will perform with the Carmel Symphony Orchestra at 7 p.m. Feb. 19 at the Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts. The concert will be followed by a VIP reception in the Cole Porter Ballroom of Hotel Carmichael. In addition, Attesti and his AB&C Trio, which includes Attesti (piano), Maurizio Bozzi (double bass) and Maicol Cucchi (drums), will perform a jazz concert at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 17 at Feinstein’s at Hotel Carmichael for a special black-tie event that begins at 5:30 p.m. and will feature a celebration of Cortona food and wine. The weekend is called “Arte D’Italia.”
The Rotary Club of Carmel, in conjunction with the City of Carmel and the Carmel-Cortona Sister City Committee, is presenting the events. Rotary president-elect Julie Lundin-Shadinger is serving as chair of the committee for the shows. Proceeds will benefit the Rotary Club of Carmel and the many local projects it supports throughout the year.
Packages and tickets are available at the Center for the Performing Arts box office.
Lundin-Shadinger said Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard talked with the Rotary Club about inviting Attesti to the city for the concerts.
“It seemed like a good fit,” she said. “He’s the deputy mayor, and to boot, he’s a world-renowned concert pianist. It’s a wonderful way to celebrate that kind of culture in a community where culture has been wonderful here.”
Among his generation of musicians, Attesti is considered one of the finest interpreters of the Romantic and early Twentieth Century
The citizens of the Zionsville Community Schools, Boone County, Indiana (the “School Corporation”), are hereby notified that the Board of School Trustees of the School Corporation (the “Board”) proposes to (1) undertake certain interior renovations, improvements and updates at all or any portion of one or more of the existing facilities operated by the School Corporation, including, but not necessarily limited to, (a) replacement of all or any portion of the floor covering at one or more of the existing facilities operated by the School Corporation, including, but not limited to, all or any portion of the existing Pleasant View Elementary School, Eagle Elementary School and Freshman Center, and (b) renovation and updating of all or any portion of any of the restrooms at one or more of the existing facilities operated by the School Corporation, including, but not limited to, all or any portion of the existing Pleasant View Elementary School, (2) update one or more of the playgrounds at one or more of the existing facilities operated by the School Corporation, including, but not limited to, all or any portion of the existing Pleasant View Elementary School, Boone Meadow Elementary School and Stonegate Elementary School, (3) undertake other miscellaneous facility renovation and/or improvement or equipping projects at any of the facilities operated by the School Corporation, and (4) undertake all projects related to any of the projects described in any of clauses (1) through and including (3)(clauses (1) through and including (4), collectively, the “2023 District-Wide Facility Interior and Playground Renovation, Improvement and Update Project”).
Furthermore, the citizens of the School Corporation are hereby notified that the Board proposes to issue general obligation bonds of the School Corporation in one or more series or issues, in an original aggregate principal amount not to exceed Six Million One Hundred Five Thousand Dollars ($6,105,000), to be designated as the “Zionsville Community Schools, Boone County, Indiana, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2023A” (the “2023A General Obligation Bonds”), for the purpose of procuring funds to pay for all or a portion of the costs of the 2023 District-Wide Facility Interior and Playground Renovation, Improvement and Update Project and to pay for all or a portion of the costs associated therewith, including, but not limited to, the expenses in connection with or on account of the issuance of the 2023A General Obligation Bonds therefor. The 2023A General Obligation Bonds shall have a final maturity date of no later than January 15, 2029, and bear interest at a maximum rate or rates not to exceed six percent (6.00%) per annum, the exact rate or rates to be determined by negotiated sale with Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated or by bidding if such negotiated sale is no longer permitted by law.
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned that the Board will, on January 9, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. (local time), in the Horace Mann Room of the School Corporation’s Educational Services Center, located at 900 Mulberry Street, Zionsville, Indiana, conduct a public hearing (1) to explain the potential value of the 2023 District-Wide Facility Interior and Playground Renovation, Improvement and Update Project to the School Corporation and the community, and (2) regarding the matter of appropriating the proceeds of the 2023A General Obligation Bonds and investment earnings thereon. All interested parties are entitled and encouraged to attend to present their testimony and ask any questions relative to the 2023 DistrictWide Facility Interior and Playground Renovation, Improvement and Update Project or the 2023A General Obligation Bonds.
Subsequent to the public hearing, the Board expects to consider adoption of a resolution regarding the nature of the 2023 District-Wide Facility Interior and Playground Renovation, Improvement and Update Project and to consider adoption of a resolution regarding the appropriating of the proceeds of the 2023A General Obligation Bonds and the investment earnings thereon for the purposes described herein.
Dated this 27th day of December, 2022.
By:Dr. Scott Robison, SuperintendentAttesti has served as deputy mayor and councilor of culture and tourism for Cortona since 2019.
Cortona, which is known for its wineries, is a historic city in the Tuscany area of Italy with landscapes of low mountains and lakes.
Following the Feb. 19 concert, there will be an “Elegantly Italian” VIP dessert reception at 8:30 p.m., featuring desserts, coffees and liqueurs.
On May 23, Carmel and Cortona became official Sister Cities, signing an official agreement designed to promote international goodwill, understanding, student educational exchanges and expanded business relationships between the two cities and their respective nations.
“I’m a pianist and this meant a lot to me,” said Ludin-Shadinger, a minister of music at King of Glory Lutheran Church in Carmel. “Our college choir sang at various locations in Italy. In a way, this is a perfect fit for my background. It gives me a little extra joy to do this.”
Lundin-Shadinger is the organist and directs the adult and children’s choir at King of Glory.
For tickets, visit thecenterpresents.org.
The citizens of the Zionsville Community Schools, Boone County, Indiana (the “School Corporation”), are hereby notified that the Board of School Trustees of the School Corporation (the “Board”) proposes to (1) undertake roofing repair, replacement and/or restoration at all or any portion of one or more of the existing facilities operated by the School Corporation, including, but not necessarily limited to, all or any portion of the existing Educational Services Center and Freshman Center, (2) restore, repair and, if necessary, replace all or any portion of the parking lot surface, curbs and sidewalks at all or any portion of one or more of the existing facilities operated by the School Corporation, including, but not necessarily limited to, all or any portion of the existing Eagle Elementary School, Zionsville Middle School and Zionsville High School, (3) undertake other miscellaneous facility renovation and/or improvement or equipping projects at any of the facilities operated by the School Corporation, and (4) undertake all projects related to any of the projects described in any of clauses (1) through and including (3)(clauses (1) through and including (4), collectively, the “2023 District-Wide Roofing Restoration, Outdoor Site and Facility Improvement and Update Project”).
Furthermore, the citizens of the School Corporation are hereby notified that the Board proposes to issue general obligation bonds of the School Corporation in one or more series or issues, in an original aggregate principal amount not to exceed Six Million One Hundred Five Thousand Dollars ($6,105,000), to be designated as the “Zionsville Community Schools, Boone County, Indiana, General Obligation Bonds, Series 2023B” (the “2023BGeneral Obligation Bonds”), for the purpose of procuring funds to pay for all or a portion of the costs of the 2023 District-Wide Roofing Restoration, Outdoor Site and Facility Improvement and Update Project and to pay for all or a portion of the costs associated therewith, including, but not limited to, the expenses in connection with or on account of the issuance of the 2023B General Obligation Bonds therefor. The 2023B General Obligation Bonds shall have a final maturity date of no later than January 15, 2029, and bear interest at a maximum rate or rates not to exceed six percent (6.00%) per annum, the exact rate or rates to be determined by negotiated sale with Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated or by bidding if such negotiated sale is no longer permitted by law.
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned that the Board will, on January 9, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. (local time), in the Horace Mann Room of the School Corporation’s Educational Services Center, located at 900 Mulberry Street, Zionsville, Indiana, conduct a public hearing (1) to explain the potential value of the 2023 District-Wide Roofing Restoration, Outdoor Site and Facility Improvement and Update Project to the School Corporation and the community, and (2) regarding the matter of appropriating the proceeds of the 2023BGeneral Obligation Bonds and investment earnings thereon. All interested parties are entitled and encouraged to attend to present their testimony and ask any questions relative to the 2023 District-Wide Roofing Restoration, Outdoor Site and Facility Improvement and Update Project or the 2023B General Obligation Bonds.
Subsequent to the public hearing, the Board expects to consider adoption of a resolution regarding the nature of the 2023 District-Wide Roofing Restoration, Outdoor Site and Facility Improvement and Update Project and to consider adoption of a resolution regarding the appropriating of the proceeds of the 2023B General Obligation Bonds and the investment earnings thereon for the purposes described herein.
Dated this 27th day of December, 2022.
By: Dr. Scott Robison, SuperintendentBuilt in 1957 in Indianapolis’ historic Crow’s Nest neighborhood, this home’s primary bathroom had seen its fair share of renovations through the years. The homeowners were ready for a fresh revamp — looking to update the dated aesthetic while staying true to the home’s historic roots.
• The floorplan was redesigned to accommodate a larger shower, a soaking tub and a master closet.
• The custom wall treatment and floating vanity feature clean lines and warm wood tones, adding a touch of mid-century modern flair that honors the home’s roots
• Matte black plumbing fixtures and a quartz countertop elevate and modernize the space while minimizing maintenance.
• The curves on the soaking tub, vanity mirror and vanity pendants balance the room’s clean lines for a sleek appeal.
Larry Greene is the owner of Worthington Design & Remodeling (formerly Case). You may email him at lgreene@worthingtonindy.com or visit worthingtonindy.com for more remodeling inspiration and advice.
words like “moist,” “slurp,” “bulbous,” “pus,” “phlegm,” “mucus,” and the like.
But today we’re not focusing on “moist” and its legions of blech; we’re going to take a “meh” word and make it marvelous by using euphonyms.
GRAMMAR GUYThere’s a subreddit page I like to visit called r/eyebleach. It essentially gives your eyes a break from scrolling through cynical and often disturbing Reddit entries by showing photos of kittens, baby otters and puppies doing funny puppy things. The page has 9.4 million subscribers.
Our eyes and brains all need a respite from bad news, polarized politics and 2 a.m. doomscrolling. But, what about our ears?
There’s a term I love for synonyms that sound more pleasant than similar words: euphonyms. A euphonious word is a word that is pleasing to the ear. C.S. Lewis posited that the most pleasant-sounding term was “cellar door.” Others have their preferences, but I like cellar door.
On the other hand, many people have unofficial list of their least-favorite words. My friend Jeff has an official list in a Word document. The term for avoiding icky terms is called “word aversion.” By employing word aversion, we can avoid
Euphonyms allow neutral or negative-sounding words to seem more pleasant. We take “moist,” and it becomes “dewy.” “Supple” (one of the words on my “ick” list) becomes “limber.” We can replace “orifice” with “aperture.” Pleasant-sounding synonyms can really save a sentence.
You may be reading this and wonder, “Could a euphonym have a different definition?” Yes! We can consider an alternate application for this pleasing prose. Personally, I’m fond of the sound of former Major League Baseball pitcher “Goose” Gossage.
Curtis Honeycutt is a national award-winning, syndicated humor writer. Connect with him on Twitter (@curtishoneycutt) or at curtishoneycutt.com.
Today, as we begin our trip through Israel and Palestinian territories, we stop at one of the area’s most scenic and historically significant sites. Tel Dan Nature Reserve is a 120-acre park in the far northeastern corner of Israel, about 100 miles from Jerusalem. The Dan River, fed with runoff from Lebanon’s nearby Mount Hermon, runs through the park. Trails along the river, the most important source of the River Jordan, pass through lush forests, including 60-foot-tall ash trees.
The park also includes Tel Dan, a large archeological mound that has produced many important archaeological discoveries. The oldest structure uncovered in Tel Dan is a mud-brick gate from Laish, a city established by the Canaanites about 4,000 years ago. The gate includes the oldest known arched opening, an invention once incorrectly attributed to the much later Romans. According to the biblical Book of Joshua, members of the Israelite Tribe of Dan conquered Laish from the Canaanites. Archaeologists have unearthed stone gates and walls from the period of Israelite occupation of Dan, which formed the northern boundary of the United Monarchy established by King David. Visitors can also explore an excavated “high place” the Bible says King Jeroboam built when the northern Kingdom of Israel split from the southern Kingdom of Judah after the death of David’s son Solomon. Dan’s high place, originally featuring a golden calf, competed for worshippers with the Temple in Jerusalem.
During excavations at Tel Dan in 1993 and 1994, archaeologists discovered pieces of a broken stele (monument), probably erected by King Hazael of Aram-Damascus in the
late ninth century B.C. Aramaic writing on the stele boasts of capturing Dan and killing Israel’s King Jehoram. Most scholars now believe the writing also says the king killed Ahaziah, “son of (a king) of the House of David,” the first non-biblical evidence of David’s existence.
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