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Athula Retires after 33 Years!

Goodbye, Athula!

At the end of the school year, we say goodbye to Athula Aturugirige, Maintenance Supervisor at Curtis for the past 33 years. Thirty-three years is a long tenure in any position or organization, and Athula is one of the longestserving employees in our school’s history. The number 33 cannot begin to tell the story of Athula’s dedication. Those 33 years comprise many thousands of days of personal attention and loving care from Athula as he supervised the maintenance team and saw to innumerable details behind the scenes to make each school day, meeting and event run smoothly for our community.

Head of School Meera Ratnesar & Athula share a special connection; both have roots in Sri Lanka.

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After so many years making the 70-mile round trip to and from school each day, Athula leaves to spend more time with his wife, Asoka, and daughter, Amali (’12), and to travel. Asked what he will miss most about Curtis, he doesn’t skip a beat: “Everything. Students, parents, teachers—everyone. This is my second home.” In fact, Athula has cared for Curtis the way he would his own home, economizing where he sees opportunities to save and stewarding the landscape as he would tend his own garden. Jeff Albert, Director of Facilities, points out that Athula selected and planted many of the trees that make Curtis such a beautiful place to work and learn—a legacy that will continue to enhance the experience of everyone who steps foot on campus. Jeff notes, “Curtis School would not be the school it is today if it weren’t for Athula. Not only was he instrumental in making the campus beautiful, he did it with love and care for all.”

Now we will have to let go of Athula. While we say goodbye today, we do not say farewell forever. Characteristically, Athula has promised to “return to help out” (rather than just visit) on our most important days of community, including Fairs, International Lunch Days, and Grandparents Days—and because we cannot let go, we will hold him to his promise.

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