1 minute read
from Exchange, Issue 3
by cusoa
IWI works within the Columbia Artist/Teachers (CA/T) program at Columbia University School of the Arts’ Writing Program. We gratefully acknowledge support and guidance from CA/T Director Stephanie Wobby and CA/T Faculty Advisor Alan Ziegler. Our gratitude to the Prison Creative Arts Project at the University of Michigan. We’d also like to thank Writing Program Chair Lis Harris, Director of Academic Administration Frank Winslow, Program Assistant John McShane. Thank you to Columbia’s School of the Arts: Carol Becker, Dean of Faculty; Jana Hart Wright, Dean of Academic Administration and Planning; Laila Maher, Dean of Student and Alumni Affairs; and Christina Rumpf, Senior Director of Communications.
This publication would not have been possible without the generosity of the Mark R. Robin Memorial Fund for Creative Writing.
Writers interested in submitting to Exchange can send their work to ColumbiaIWI@gmail.com, or physical copies to:
Incarcerated Writers Initiative 415 Dodge Hall Mail Code 1804 2960 Broadway New York, NY 10027
We only accept digital art submissions at this time.