June 7, 2015 20 anni magnificat corretto

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Magnificat Institute celebrates 20 years

Saint Saviour Monastery, June 7, 2015

Dear friends, professors, students and everyone present

In almost 800 years of its history, the Custody of the Holy Land, besides fulfilling its main tasks for which it was established, promoted and carried out various activities in support of the local population, of peace, of dialogue with everyone. Some of these activities have lost their purpose, others have changed, while yet others have been developed and strengthened, and still others were newly founded. With this course of action, the Custody has always kept alive its presence and its current mission, according to each place and time. Twenty years ago, a new endeavour called the Magnificat Institute was established which responded to the professional requirements of liturgical worship, and at the same time as a school, being a place of formation and training in music. With dreams but modest means, with great courage and the determination of several people, this activity has experienced growth and development, reaching academic levels both in quality and professionalism. Certainly there have been difficulties, but without them it is not possible for growth and solidity. On behalf of Father Custos and the administration of the Custody, I wish to thank in particular the work of our dear Father Armando Pierucci, Ms. Hania Soudah Sabbara, their collaborators and numerous benefactors, known and anonymous for all that they have done for this Institute; and through it, for the Custody of the Holy Land and for the local community. Perhaps none of them imagined the fruits that their commitment and their generosity have produced. Today we, with our eyes and our ears, we can see, hear and contemplate the beauty of that which has been accomplished from the beginning until now. We are harvesting abundant fruit of something that was sown by others. This, however, in addition to being a success, requires a great commitment from everyone not to remain stagnant or passive, but to always work harder and more, because this work continues to bear fruit not only at the professional music level,

but also for dialogue and mutual respect between us all as we are children of the One God. Every growth and development requires larger spaces and suitable environments. The administration of the Custody is aware of these needs and while sharing the joy of its achievements, takes to heart the desire to do what is necessary and possible so that the Magnificat Institute will have everything it needs to grow and develope further. Thank you and best wishes to all!

Fra Dobromir JASZTAL OFM Custodial Vicar

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