Ortodossi pasqua 2014 inglese

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Easter greetings with the Orthodox Churches – 2014 Your Beatitude, Your Excellencies and dear brothers of the Greek community As the streets of Jerusalem are filled with the greeting "Christos anesti", we recall how the first time this announcement was made two thousand years ago when Mary Magdalene crossed these very same streets to announce to the apostles of Our Lord's resurrection. Her announcement resounded not only down through the centuries to our time but also throughout the world. Yes, the Lord is risen! He is truly risen! The joy of the resurrection dispels all darkness, all evil, all that debases humanity. And is this not what the world today is need of? As partakers of Christ's resurrection, we too are called to share this new and eternal life. We rejoice together for this gift and privilege. Let us join Mary Magdalene and the first apostles in their mission to bring spread this joyful Good News - from here in Jerusalem, to the ends of the world. A Happy and Holy Easter to all! Your Beatitude, Your Excellencies and dear brothers of the Armenian community Easter is a time of great joy. It confirms our faith in God's power and justice through His resurrecting His Only Son Jesus Christ from death. It confirms our hope that one day we too will share in this triumph. It also confirms the Charity or Love that the Father showed to us through His Son by redeeming us from sin and evil. Dear brothers, it is faith, hope and charity that Easter evokes in us; and we have come today to embrace with you this joyful message. As we recall the terrible events against christians unfold in the neighbouring regions these days, may your venerable community and ours be united in common faith, hope and charity in the Risen Christ; May we share Christ's triumph over suffering and death with those in need; May we together bring the strength and consolation of the Resurrection to them. A Joyful and Holy Easter to all.

Your Excellency and all the Brothers of the Ethiopic community. Our celebration of Easter is a re-affirmation of our faith in Christ Our Lord's resurrection and His promise that we too will share in this glory. This is the joyful news that we have come today to share with you. Through the common human experience of suffering and death, Jesus Christ Our Lord achieved our redemption. He showed us that suffering and death have a positive value when we believe in Him, and death is but a passage into eternal life. And so my brothers, we rejoice together at this Good News. May we all journey through the rest of the year with this Easter Joy and Hope whenever we encounter difficulties and disappointments. Christ is truly Risen! A Happy and Holy Easter to all. Your Excellency and dear brothers of the Coptic Patriarchate. Today we come with joy to share with you the Good News that Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour is resurrected. Christ's suffering and death seemed such a terrible tragedy but the resurrection removed all fears and despair. It was a hope against hope, the greatest act of love God the Father worked for all his creatures through His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ. God's love conquered evil and death. Today in this fraternal meeting, we come to share this assurance that God's goodness will always triumph. We share this especially with all your brothers who are in Egypt facing difficult situations at times. Christ is risen. He has triumphed. And we who believe in Him will also share in it. A Happy and Holy Easter to you all. Your Excellency and all the Brothers of the Syriac Church in Jerusalem. Today we come to your venerable community to exchange fraternal greetings and share the Good News that Jesus Christ is truly risen from the dead. He is the "firstborn from the dead" as St. Paul says; the firstfruit of new life. And He freely shares this eternal life with us. For this reason we rejoice and sing "Alleluia!" together. The promise of our resurrection offers us a new perspective to daily life and its problems. Instead of despair and anger, the hope of a new and eternal life encourages us to respond with faith and love, with courage and

perseverance, knowing always that Jesus Christ has already triumphed. Today we come to affirm this belief with you, and especially with your and our brothers in Syria. There is no need to fear – Christ has conquered. And in Him, we too will triumph.

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