New York is the fourth most populated state in the US, and is the 27th largest state. With over 345 attractions, 60.3 million visitors a year, and 645 miles of Subway trains New York City is the most . . . (think of something to go after most)
With so many attraction how do you choose what to do? Well Lucky for you I've made a list of 10 things that you must see the next time you visit NYC.!
Why Visit?New York Cityhas so many things to do, like museums, shopping, eating, parks, and famous movie/TV scenes were shot in NYC.
NYC has some very well know spots to check out like the Statue of Liberty, The Rockefeller Center, Madison Square Garden, Radio City Music Hall and many many more.

The 9/11 memorial is a place to remember all the victims who died in the terror attack on the twin towers on September 11, 2001. Being here and looking at this memorial is really an emotional experience.
When you're in NYC times square is a must see. Going there at night and at day are totally different experiences. In the day and night there are just as many people. In times square there is shopping, shows to see, museums to go to, tours to take, and of course people watching.
The Hop–on–hop–off bus tours are the easiest way to get around the whole city and see everything that you want to see. You can take an Uptown, Midtown, and Downtown route. A few places that you can see get off at on the tours include: The Empire State Building, Soho/little Italy and Chinatown, Statue of Liberty, Get more content
I close my eyes and everything seems so calm that it is as if time itself has stopped altogether. A wave of peacefulness rushes over me. New York City, I still cannot believe it. I begin to hear a soft hum in my ears that quickly increases in volume. I open my eyes and I am suddenly brought back to reality as the train rushes by, its horn blowing loud and strong. The train slows to a stop and the doors open. All at once a massive crowd of people rush off of the subway. Those of us standing on the platform push through the crowd, praying that our massive group of dancers will all make it onto the train. Due to the morning rush hour there is not a seat in sight and there is barely any room to stand. As the train lurches forward we struggle to stay standing. I look out of the window and watch the flashes of graffiti on the dark walls as we charge forward. The train stops and starts three times. Each station just as chaotic as the last. We quickly approach our fourth stop, West 4th Street, the nerves begin to kick in. The train slows to a stop and once again we push through the morning foot traffic. We follow the signs towards the West 8th Street exit, struggling to stay together. I think to myself, "whatever happens, don't lose sight of the chaperone." As we approach the stairwell the air begins to feel cooler. We reach the top of the stairs and the entire atmosphere changes. Whereas the people in the subway were frantic and rude, the people that filled the sidewalks are calm Get

When you mention New York to anyone, they automatically think about Times Square. This beautiful place with skyscrapers, Central Park, and a unique transportation system. However, if you were to ask me what I think about New York; I believe the skyscrapers block the sun, Central park is just a regular park for dogs, and the subway trains rarely run consistently especially in the mornings. I have lived in New York for 18 years, and I have yet to understand what everyone likes about the " Big Red Apple." Growing up as a resident of New York, one is taught that there's an opportunity in every corner, but that's not exactly what I see. I have gone to all the tourist sights, and have yet to find it as fascinating as other states such as: California, Florida, Virginia, Boston or even Washington D.C.. Times Square was beautiful in the beginning, but then you get harassed by every person with a costume on, or even if you take a picture with Elmo they charge you five dollars. Everything is also overpriced, no one should be paying a hundred dollars to ride on a horse, or paying three dollars per minute on a bicycle ride. Many neighborhoods have changed, if you go down to Brooklyn it is now hipster, and isn't the way it was before which was considered the "ghetto." Everyone is paying for an experience that can be found in any state and at any time. Also, the traffic that goes on in the trains and on the streets is insane. Whether you take the Long Island expressway, the Clearview expressway or any other expressway you are going to find traffic. New york is probably known as one of the most rat infested city. There are many programs that try to end the rat dilemma, but the rat population is so large that it's hard to control. Not only are rats found on the train, they are also found in neighborhoods such as the Bronx. Many people complain about the rat situation to the city, but the homeowners take no action when it's time to clean up their own mess (Bragdon et al., 2007–2009). Many of the rats that are seen all over the city are huge, and go crawling around for any food that they can find, mainly in trash cans. Whitestone, Queens is the neighborhood that I grew up in. Whitestone is a small community, predominantly Get

New York, the Big Apple, the city that never sleeps. This is the place where my mother, aunt and I are headed for the first time ever. As a freshly graduated girl from high school, I decided this was the best place to take the most important females in my life to for all their sacrifices. However, the reason I choseNew York Cityas the travel destination is because of the highly spoken of theatrical performances. Broadway performances were the one thing that us three enjoyed together most, after shopping of course. Our love first started when my high school had performed a reenactment of the popular musical "Grease". It was so well assemble, decorated and the actors/actress were just amazing. Our eyes stayed on the performance and we payed attention to every detail from scene to scene. Ever since then, they've been talking about seeing another one so I decided that New York City would be the best place for us to enjoy theatre together. As a freshly graduated high school student, I am happy to say that I was able to save up enough money to fund this trip, making the budget $5000. Even though the budget is small, I have faith in myself to plan the most exciting and worthwhile trip ever. Nonetheless, I decided that 7 days and 6 nights in New York would be a reasonable amount of time to enjoy everything the city has to offer. Our round–trip tickets from the Bahamas would be $387 per person. Similarly, a rental car for the 7 days of our trips would be $78 per day and also, we
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New York, New York 2:00 in the morning was the time I had to wake up. It was an important reason, because I had to catch a flight. We had to grab our bags, pick up my Grandfather, then head to Mitchell International airport in downtown Milwaukee. We had to be there for a flight to a city so great, they named it twice: New York, New York.New York Citywas always a dream of mine to visit: to see Times Square, Statue of Liberty, and to pay my respects to the 9/11 memorial. But as an early Christmas gift to me, and also my Grandfather, who has never been to New York in all 65 years of his life, I got to go during one of the best times in New York, Christmas season. This is the time of the year when NBC puts up a giant, towering Christmas tree in the front of their main building, 30 Rockefeller Center. Then you can also see the snow on top of the buildings and atop the Statue of Liberty. New York City is a great city, but first impressions aren't the best. If you fly into LaGuardia Airport, the place is a dump. The floors are cracked and dusty, it smells of jet fuel and Cinnabon, and there isn't even an established taxi stand, they just line up on a dirt road near the side. But given the place was under construction when we arrived, I will give them credit this time. The taxi ride was one of the shortest distance ride I have ever ridden a taxi in, but was also the longest time I have rode in a taxi. Because of the gridlock rush hour traffic, it took us nearly an hour to travel about 10 miles. But for the ride through Brooklyn and into Manhattan, the taxi driver was a good tour guide, pointing out Harlem, the Bronx, and other parts of the city. He pointed out the Brooklyn Bridge, the New York subway, and famous buildings such as the Chrysler building. We finally arrived at our hotel, which was placed perfectly in the heart of Times Square. We stayed in a DoubleTree right on 47th and Broadway, directly across the street from the bleachers that house the Broadway shows ticket vendors. Even during night time, with all the screens and lights, it was as bright as it was in daytime. Times Square is the 2nd biggest tourist attraction in America, so it was one of the busiest parts of the city, especially during rush
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I remember the itchy, navy blue seat. It scratched my leg every time my skirt rode up. Except I was too busy looking out the window to care. The clouds rolled outside the airplane, forming into different shapes and sizes. I saw bird shaped clouds turn into trucks and book shape clouds turn into elephants. My mother sat to the left of me and peered over me whenever she looked outside of the plane; for it was her first time on a plane as well. We were flying to New York. Mama told me that people calledNew York City"The Big Apple." I didn't understand why New York was called that, but I never asked anyone, I was too excited to land. Soon, a man's voice sounded out of nowhere, "Everybody fasten your seatbelts as we make our way into New more content...
It was nothing like the airport in Iowa. The airport was packed with different people, and there were so many different signs pointing to so many different places. Mama and I just looked for the exit signs. When we got outside the air was cool and crisp. I heard lots of honks and car engines in the distance and saw so many different people entering and leaving the airport with us. One thing that struck me was the number of people awake at 3:00 am. Why were there so many cars on the streets? Why were there so many lights on in the buildings? What were these people doing at this time in the morning? I asked Mama this, and she said, "Ha, I bet all of the other people awake at this hour are asking the same question about us." I clutched my necklace tight. Mama got it for me when I was very little. It has a star and a moon. I wear it every day. I looked at it very carefully while Mama was on the phone with the person who is picking us up from the airport. I watched the people walk out of the sliding doors, people of all different hair colors, eye color, and skin color. Most of my friends have dirty blonde hair and brown eyes like me. I wondered about their lives, families, and
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New York. Phenomenal buildings and structures pierce the sunny sky. The mobbed streets are loaded with taxi cabs and cars go to and from, in various bearings leaving the fragrance of exhaust surfing through the air. The congested sidewalks are loaded with individuals frantic to a shop in which the celebrities dwell. The ongoing flow of pedestrians talking on their cell phones and drinking Starbucks keeps on coming and rushing from store to store. All the sounds and smell of different things mix to make one strong scent and noise. But once again, I was disturbed with the voices of the never ending attractions that call out and envelope me with awe. I once again feel like a young child on shopping spree in a candy store. I was yearning to discover the "New York Experience "and ignored my feet that are swelling from the continuous walking. As I go deeper in the inner city, the aroma of many restaurants passes through my nostrils and I find myself craving for food. As I walk even further, I found myself lost in the Big Apple. I turned off of a street and through a narrow gully to a community of abandoned tenements behind the barbed wire fence. The barbed wire fence divides the subway exit door which says "Do Not Enter" in cheap, peeled paint. I look for some people but all I can see are gangs smoking in the distance. The light that blinded me a minute ago was blotched by the high, graffiti brick buildings. Even the tiniest fragment of light had not seeped in to enlighten the

New York City. One of the greatest states. And full of tourist! Whenever tourists come to New York City, there is a checklist of place to see and visit. There is the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State building, Central Park, and, of course, Time Square. Time Square is the center of everything touristy. It is full of shopping, food, lights, and Broadway plays. Almost anyone who comes to visits always goes there. Take it from a girl who use to be a tourist herself. Whenever I was visiting New York City, my family and I would never miss Time Square. We would always make our way there and especially at night when the lights are shining. Time Square really is the enhances New York's Motto as the city that never sleeps. However, Time Square did not start out as the center of tourism. It has a whole history behind it and how it became the attraction it became! Time Square, the intersection of Broadway and Seventh Avenue, wasn't originally calledTimes Square. It was actually called Longacre Square in the 19th century. It was named after London's carriage district (New York Times). Yes, Times Square used to be a horse and buggy neighborhood. Just imagine Times Square full of horses. It was named Longacre square because it was named after Long–acre in London. Long acre was a horse–coach industry that did business with the people in New York (New York Public Library). But eventually, with the opening of businesses, subways, and Broadway shows made it hard so
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It is early morning and the subway cars clang along the tracks, rocking rhythmically back and forth. The train sways from side to side, in New York City, causing people to drift off to sleep, while others sip their coffee and munch on their breakfasts, read the newspapers and engage in conversation. There are all different kinds of people, from all different locations. The train slows then halts to pick up and drop off people at the next stop. While the train is waiting in the station, there is a loud din from all the people talking, but as soon as the cars begin to move the loud rumble of the train drowns out the voices of the people. The train is filled to capacity, so people sit jammed between others and many stand holding poles, so they do not fall from the motion of the train. Finally, the train starts with the inevitable lurch and throws many other standees forward, causing them to fall on the laps of those sitting. The motorman, oblivious to the havoc he wreaked, continues along and the people compose themselves and are content to resume their former activities. The train stops and starts; workers and professionals more content...
The van zigzags back and forth on the road that twists and turns; it veers along the side of forests and deep cliffs and the driver can only see a short distance ahead. Everyone sits clutching their seats so as not to slide back and forth with the movement of the van. The passengers' eyes are fixated on the road; even though they are exhausted and starving, they do not sleep or eat. The passengers are terrified of crashing into an oncoming car because they are on a narrow, two–way road. If another car would hurtle down the road and try to swerve, they would surely crash or one of them would be forced to topple over the side. Although, they are all friends, traveling together to the same location not a sound can be heard inside the

The New York City
Living in America is a fantasy for a lot of people, but living in New York City is something even better, and more magical than any fantasy. Although regarded as the `most populated city ' in the United States, the whole city has something interesting to offer everyone. It is sub divided into five boroughs , being Queens , The Bronx , Brooklyn , Manhattan , and Staten Island respectively .The landmarks in New York cityare known all over the world . There is the famous Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, Wall Street, the sky scrapers, and the World Trade Center, now called ground zero. One of Manhattan's famous landmarks is Times Square. Different kinds of lights illuminate the area, where people more content...
You can buy anything at anytime during the day or night because the shops never close.
Walking down the Manhattan streets, it's almost customary to smell the smoke of exhaust from thousands of cars. The smoke coming from Subway stations underneath the roads can get to your nostrils quicker than it can be seen. It almost makes you feel like if you are a big giant walking along houses under your feet that have smoke coming out of their chimneys. At the same time the smell of hotdogs stands, salted pretzel stands make you aware of their presence as your smell sensors go crazy, and start telling your brain to get some. You can try your best but the smell from Italian pizzerias will sure pull you in for a slice or two even if you are not a pizza lover. Then you have the fresh smell of different fruits coming from the fruit stands on the streets, reminding you that New York City even has choices for everyone even for healthy conscious ones.
I lived and liked Brooklyn borough of New York City because it has so many Pakistani people, that it's called "Little Pakistan." There you will find tasty Indo–Pakistani food. Your taste buds will thank you for the spicy aroma, and tenderness of chicken or beef kabobs perfectly done on clay oven called "tandoor". Chicken curry, beef curry with freshly clay oven baked Naans, Bryani, or tandoori chicken will give you the perfect combination
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As someone walks over the grates in the sidewalk, they can feel the wind rush up from the subway cars flying through the tunnels. While they continue walking down the street and looking at all the different people that they pass, they can smell the hotdogs being cooked in the food truck. In the distance, they hear a siren weaving through the congested narrow streets of this busy city.New York Cityis a one of a kind type of place. It is the only place in the world where so many different cultures and backgrounds are all in one place. Along with the multitudes of different types of people and cultures, New York City truly is the city that never sleeps. The city that never sleeps, New York City, is full sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and feels. Sight enables a person to realize what is happening around them. Humans rely on sight for everything. It keeps them spatially aware, helps them get places, and entertains them. There are so many interesting and unique sights to be seen in New York City. As a person approaches New York City, a famous and breathtaking sight is to be seen. The New York City skyline is an amazing thing to be able to see. In New York City, a person will see a lot of people. Millions of people are on the island of Manhattan on a daily basis. The amount of information that is broadcasted on signs in New York City is crazy. Those signs that people look at everyday are all over the city, and they help get people from one place to another. There are various

As I walk over the grates in the sidewalk, I can feel the wind rush up from the subway cars flying through the tunnels. While I continue walking down the street and looking at all the different people that I pass, I can smell the hotdogs being cooked in the food truck. In the distance, I can hear a siren weaving through the congested narrow streets of this busy city. New York Cityis a one of a kind type of place. It is the only place in the world where so many different cultures and backgrounds are all in one place. Along with the multitudes of different types of people and cultures, New York City truly is the city that never sleeps. The city that never sleeps, New York City, is full sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and feels. Sight enables a person to realize what is happening around them. Humans rely on sight for everything. It keeps them spatially aware, helps them get places, and entertains them. There are so many interesting and unique sights to be seen in New York City. As a person approaches New York City, a famous and breathtaking sight is to be seen. The New York City skyline is an amazing thing to be able to see. In New York City, a person will see a lot of people. Millions of people are on the island of Manhattan on a daily basis. The amount of information that is broadcasted on signs in New York City is crazy. Those signs that people look at everyday are all over the city, and they help get people from one place to another. There are various forms of Get

Placing as the capital of the world financial markets, theater and surrounding fashion, New York City has plenty to offer young people with high dreams. Post one's arrival the astonishingly tall buildings will be sure to catch one's eye! Moving into the jungle of vast buildings, the streets filled with cabs, limos, and cars going in each and every direction you can imagine, leaving behind the aroma of exhaust tracing through the air. Progressing towards the inner city of New York the smell of different restaurants will soon be introduced to one's nose straightaway. Down on the corner of each street be ready to approach a street vendor calling out your name! Heaps upon heaps of pedestrians will be flowing down the sidewalks, reminding one of a stream of diversity. The largest city in the US, New York is an "architectural marvel with plenty of historic monuments, magnificent buildings, and countless dazzling skyscrapers." As stated by A View on Cities states in their most recent web page for the city of New York. Put aside the beautiful views of the architectures New York is overflowing with different opportunities to all of the visitors. New York happens to be the lovely home to plentiful historic museums, huge open parks, fashionable shopping streets, and neighborhoods. The tragedy that many around the world got to know, but not better than the residents ofNew York Cityknew it, happened on September 11th of 2001. Located right downtown in New York City, exactly where

The feeling you get when you first enter the atmosphere of New York City is one that differs from every other place. The absolute chaos that is the city some how gives you a strange sense of serenity. The streets are never empty, the sidewalks never bare. Between the sirens going off in the distance, the myriad of conversations taking place in every direction, and the street performers playing their unique styles of music, there is never silent moment. The blazing street lights, the neon store signs, and the headlights of the cabs will make it so there is never a corner not lit. The subways shaking the sidewalks and the breeze coming off every corner makes the city feel like it's alive. Yet when you combine all these factors, a strange more content...
As the oasis of this city, this massive park provides a get away from the concrete jungle into a traditional park. Located in the heart of the city, you can truly forget where you are while in this park. Surrounded by trees, bushes, and grass for as far as the eye can see, it is citadel from the craziness the resides all over the city. There are dozen of running/walking trails, fields, and playgrounds. On a nice day it can feel like half the city is out in this one gigantic park. Located right in the middle of this sanctuary is a lake that legitimately makes you forget where in the world you

A violin song pulls us out of sleep, dreams of trains and pineapples, like a silk rope. He notices the morning light come to the wall. In the city we left only a few days ago, we learned about waking up before dawn, not to the light, but to the stirring that moves the blood in our thighs and hands. The morning was ancient before the sun even rose.
Rising early in New York City allows you to hear the birds on the street. When we emerged from the tight doorway leading out of the apartment, I saw that the color of the sidewalk and street matched the tone of the sky. A perfectly unassumingshade to provide backdrop for the yellow taxis and traffic signals. Scuff went out heels of our cowboy boots over the sparkling sidewalk. Sparkling more content... Now, at this hour of the morning when most of the city is just turning in for the night, we are awake to witness the changing of traffic signals with no cars on the road. Just a couple in boots and a street full of birds and empty taxi cabs.
The city is awake inside Penn station. We sit down right in the middle of the platform and tell eachother stories about trains. I want to sit down and talk all the lost history like that deserving lover, writes Michael Ondaatje. There is a lot of history to tell each other so we begin at haphazard places, bouncing off new scenes we stumble upon. Trains. I want him to know about how I visit my family in North Carolina by taking the train down from Union Station to Raleigh. Even the plastic cup of fresh squeezed orange juice we bought for breakfast reminds me of places I have been that I want to tell him. We stumble over our histories, not awkwardly, but with the kind of joyful clumsiness and fervor of having too many layers of clothing to take off.
Riding the train with my forehead pressed up against the window as we passed over the city from high up on a bridge, I thought about Mama's street in Bensenhurst. The city lay out beneath the railroad tacks in a limited palette of brown and gray. The first thing I noticed when we emerged from the apartment this morning were these dirt tones. When Mama told me about her neighborhood, I always pictured
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There are so many places on Earth that encapsulate a feeling that no other place can. It's a place to escape to when everything in life is hectic, and a place that pops into your dreams from time to time. One of the largest cities in America, New York City, often captures the minds and hearts of those who visit or even those who saw the electricity and life that flows through the city in a movie. The City is one that can't be compared to any other.New York Cityis the greatest city on Earth due to the diversity of people, the endless new attractions, and the magnitude of opportunities found within the taxi–crammed streets. The Big Apple can seem like it's overpopulated and burdened by all of the people crowding on every corner, but the people are the key to the functionality of the city. Walking down Broadway, there's a million and one different ethnicities; a thousand languages are flying all around. Every person on that street has a different background, yet they are all walking in unison because of the allure of New York. In New York, languages, customs, and even recipes for the best pad that are spread like wildfire through the relationships formed between the multitude of cultures that have collected in The City. They are attracted by the lights and tourist attractions, but most stay because New York comes with the sense of belonging no matter where you come from. What primarily attracts tourism to New York, New York is the bright lights, the flashy billboards, and the overwhelming amount of attractions that are almost impossible to miss. No matter what the people come for whether it's an escape from work, a bucketlist necessity, or a huge obsession with Gossip Girl there's always something to see. Often times, there's too much to see. Some of the most popular and beloved sites are the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, and the World Trade Center, which are all incredibly packed with history and architectural beauty. New York is often the hub for entertainment such as traditional diners with a musical twist singing waitstaff like Ellen's Stardust Diner. Along with unique eateries, the Big Apple also has a numerous amount of television and movie sets such as the fountain from the
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There are so many things to see and do in New York City. New York City is one of the most visited cities in the world. There is a lot do, such as going to see broadway or looking at all of the historic buildings and statues throughout the City and is sure to be a trip to remember. Millions of people a year visit New York Cityto experience its iconic buildings and statues. There are many reasons why New York City is one of the most visited places in the world. New York is a diverse city and as such has a variety of food chains to choose from. They have everything from hot dog stands, to pizza places, chinese and many more to choose from. What makes New York's dining options even more appealing is the fact that some of the restaurants are in high rise buildings and have seating options on balconies where you can enjoy a nice meal and beautiful scenery of the city. "New York City." If you're looking for iconic places to go and dine, then a pastrami sandwich from katz's deli should be on your list of places to eat at while in New York. If you're a fan of Pretzels, then you should stop by a pretzel cart and pick up a pretzel with cheese. New York is known for many things and that includes pizza. New York has some of the best pizza in the country and should also be on your list of things to eat while visiting.
No City is safe from disasters and that includes New York. Many disasters have happened during New York's lifespan, most notable though are the 9/11 attacks on Get more content

A few years ago I was able to revisit the city that I had dreamed of going to. New York City is one of the most magnificent cities that I have ever been to and I will never forget the sights, smells, tastes and sounds that I experienced while I was there. I have plenty of fond memories that I will keep with me until the day I die from this trip. I hope that I can sum up the trip in words as the city that never sleeps is something that should only be experienced in person. One early morning, before the sun had even risen, my family and I got up in the midst of the darkness of the night to set out on a journey to Greenville–Spartanburg Airport for our 5:45 A.M. flight to LaGuardia Airport inNew York City. The ride to the airport was a cold, desolate and somewhat creepy ride as we were one of the only cars on the interstate and the darkness almost seemed eerie. Nevertheless, we arrived at Greenville–Spartanburg Airport around 5 A.M. and before I walked into the airport, I was expecting the place to be almost dead. When the automatic sliding doors slid open, the fresh smell of breakfast bagels and coffee filled my nostrils. We were greeted by smiling security workers and absolutely no line at all for airport security. The flight was a very short flight, only a couple of hours actually, which made for a great time to catch up on sleep. When we stepped foot out of the airport, the sights were amazing. We were surrounded by the ever so peaceful, Hudson River. The birds were flying above our heads, the people were yelling, car horns were honking, it was wonderful! One drawback to New York City is the smell. I remember getting out of our taxi in Times Square and it actually smelled like the sewage was above the ground instead of under. We got to our hotel that was located in Times Square, and it was extremely clean. The hotel had the whitest sheets i've ever seen, a marble countertop in the bathroom, a 360 degree shower head, and smelled of lilac. My family and I decided that we would go get something to eat and I distinctly remember the aroma, that sometimes overpowered the smell of sewage, of pizza. Pizza was everywhere and I knew that I had to try some of this "New York Style Pizza." The pizza was ridiculously
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Have you ever been to New York City? Over the summer I had the greatest opportunity to go and visit the "Big Apple." I had really enjoyed my time there with my family. When I was there I saw many great and cool things. I had the chance to tour a majority of the attractions. I was really amazed by the Skyline of New York Cityand how it presented itself. I was also stunned to see how great and big the city that never sleeps really is. The first thing we explored was the famous Empire State Building in New York City. I was shocked how tall this skyscraper is. It is a lot taller than the surrounding buildings. We had to wait in a long line for a while because a lot of tourist wanted to go see the city from the top of the building. When it was finally our turn, we first had to take a small elevator about half way up and stopped at the little museum inside the building. In the museum, we could read about the history of the Empire State Building and the process of it being built. It also had pictures of the difficult construction process and early blueprints of what it was going to look like. Furthermore it explained the construction of the building and gave us facts about the measurements. After that, we took an elevator all the way to the top. As soon as I stepped out onto the observation deck I was speechless. The view was breathtaking. From the top, I could see all of New York City. I could look on top of other skyscrapers and see their swimming pools and roof gardens. The view was just stunning. I even saw the beach and the Atlantic Ocean. People looked like little dots and cars like ants crawling through the streets. It was just fascinating to see this. After taking in the view for a little while, we sadly had to leave. The next attraction was the 9/11 Memorial or Ground Zero in the lower part of Manhattan. Once we got there it was really quite and peaceful. There were two reflecting pools which looked like big black squares with water running down the walls. The pools are where the twin towers of the New World Trade Centerstood. Around the sides of the memorial pools are the names of the people inscribed in the stone that have died in the tragic attack. I saw some people laying flowers down next to names Get more content