Sample Reflective Essays

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Reflection On Micro Teaching

This essay will analyse and highlight on the fifteen–minute micro teaching reflection that is vital for the self–evaluation and professional development of my teaching practice. It will further identify my strengths and weaknesses through my peer assessment and reflect on the teaching and learning theories, methods and strategies that are linked and practiced in my micro–teach.

According to the teachers' standards (DfE, 2012) "teachers make the education of their learners their first concern, keep their knowledge up to date and are self–critical." Therefore, this reflection practice will guide me towards the improvement on my lesson planning strategies and delivery. In addition, it will also make an enormous difference in myteaching and learning practice which is vital for teacher training. One of the significant part of this course is micro teaching session, in this session we are required to deliver fifteen–minute planned lesson containing learning outcome. Furthermore, this session was recorded and observed by the peers to evaluate. Due to my interest in ESOL I decided to deliver my session on "Boogle Puzzle" to embed a simple literacy/numeracy activity aims to target ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) learners. In this task, pupils are given activity to make seven – ten words in the English language from the word grid to improve word recognition and spellings. Based on reflection of my micro–teaching I provided learners with the basic instructions on "Boggle puzzle" and opted for potential instruction strategy. I used present, practice and produce strategy (English language resource, 2017) to allow pupils to practice and learn new vocabulary in co–operative way. Similarly, I used co–operative learning method to encourage pupils to learn from each other and gain interpersonal skills. According to Johnson and Johnson (1995) co–operative learning method have proven effective in increasing motivation, self–esteem and problem solving. Thus, to enhance inter dependency, the class was divided into two main groups of fours and were further divided into pairs, to finish their task. According to Mercer (1985) effective communication is as cognitive and social development are intertwined,

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Reading is important in all aspects of learning. It widens vocabulary, improves imagination, and is how we discover new things. More than anything, reading develops the mind. It is important to begin reading with children at a very young age, to introduce new concepts and words creating a strong basis for the future. Most small children love being read to; they find picture books fun and enjoyable because of the animated pictures and presentation of the words. After each time they read a book, they remember the fun pictures or words, looking forward to the next book. If a good memory of reading is planted in a child, as they grow older not only will reading come more naturally, it will bring more pleasure. I believe the key to successfully getting a student to read is to make it as enjoyable as possible. In reading this article, I was able to relate on a few different levels. I could put myself in the teacher's shoes on some levels, but even more so with the students. In Middle School, one of our reading assignments were reading cards, for which our teacher would pick a new genre each month and we had to read chapter books according to the genre. Reading cards were a tool the students would use to summarize their readings each time they read. The reading cards consisted of a chapter book the teacher chose, each month a different genre. After each section we read, a short summary was to be written and we had to write down and look up any words we didn't know. This was

Reflective Essay About Reading
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This reflective memo has been composed to discuss my experience with developing a new resume using the information I've learned in a Professional Writing course. With this assignment, I was encouraged to explore beyond my comfort zone, and as a result I located a job I may actually consider applying too. While the position in sales is a bit out of my reach currently, the only obstacle is the distance as the company is located in Texas. While I was establishing a resume and cover letter tailored to this job add, I found myself trying to write in a more professional way to create a document I would be proud to have over to an employer. I made an attempt to present myself more confidently worked to show more credible information for experience

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Of Reflective

At the beginning of this class, my main objective was to learn more about finance and learn about marketing. When I first review the class's syllabus, I thought this class would be mainly about marketing and investments, but I was glad to find out that the class was about more than just marketing. I would definitely say that I met my objectives and even more because I learned more than I was expecting. This class helped developed a security about a business idea that was on my mind for years which is having my own private investigations company. Before this class, the idea of owning a company about something that I am very passionate about was only just an idea and I never thought I could have been developed a possible marketing plan. Thanks to this class, I was able to work on a marketing plan for my dream company. Even though some assignments were difficult, I felt that no one could have taken the excitement I felt every single time I sat down to work on my own business marketing plan.

It is important to mention that my feelings about this great experience are truthful. I understand that some people might say that most students are not truthful when given feedback about the class or the professor because they fear retaliation, but I am very happy to say this is not the case for me. I am a very truthful person and I say it how it is, I am not the type of student that would write something nice to make the professor feel better or to avoid a low grade, I just

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Proficient writing is an essential skill in all aspects of academic and professional achievement. English 101, Introduction to Composition and Rhetoric, provided the framework to good writing, teaching me composition and rhetoric fundamentals, polishing up my grammar and style, and expressing a clear message. English 102, Composition, Rhetoric, and Research, continued to build on the skills I learned in English 101, focusing on the subject matter research process and employing various rhetorical and literary devices to better express a clear message to the reader. The course also improved my critical thinking capacity, allowing me to culturally evaluate my target audience, present logically flowing arguments using appropriate language and structure, and critically reviewing my writing projects for content and expression. Every writer inherently knows there's always room to improve and I hold fast to this mindset in all academic, professional, and personal writing projects. English 102 has both challenged and inspired me to grow into a much better writer than before I began the class, providing the necessary skills to be not just a good writer, but a great writer. Most of my English 102 writing projects are rhetorical arguments, intended to persuade the reader in one direction or another. Reflecting on the many skills I honed in English 102, my predetermined use of rhetorical strategies (ethos, logos, pathos), developing a concise thesis statement, and clearly defining

Reflective Essay On English 101
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Hi, I am Jan Anglade. Currently, I work as an ESOL/ELA teacher at the DeKalb International Student Center in DeKalb County. I have been working in the same school since I moved to Georgia from my native country of Puerto Rico in 2006. 100% of the students in my school are ESOL students new to the country, as well as SLIFE (Students with Limited or Interrupted FormalEducation). In my classroom there could be a 13–year–old student from Guatemala with 5 years of schooling sitting next to a 17–year–old student from Tanzania with no formal schooling. Because of my interactions with the students, I am very interested in researching and contributing to the ESOL sub–field of SLIFEs.

I teach because I enjoy helping others. I think that one of

Reflective Essay Sample
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My self–concept is simply how I perceive myself. The way I define myself and understand my inner identity. It is very vital because it also has a close relationship on how other people perceive you. In that case you must have high definition of yourself at any given time because it will have a reflection on all the relationship around you especially with your spouse. Then, there arises the component of self–image, which is the traits we seem to possess and are identical to us, only. The self–image is vital in the sense that it gives one the feeling of being unique and special from other people and the only thing defining this are the traits we possess. Self–esteem engages the worthwhile aspect of our impact on life and also our interaction with others. We must have very good self–esteem at any given time because when we feel valuable and important to other people, the subtle message is decoded and they reciprocate just that. I remember the way in which I perceived myself as an ultimate self–concept. Where my self–image perceived that I was a taller young man against my peers. My self–esteem then placed high premium on my height so that I joined a local basketball team in the village. The whole process is a reflex in the mind but is happening whether we are aware or not throughout our lives. To boost self–esteem you must always think positively about yourself and your partner to derive the feelings of being unique and is also important to note that stress levels

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Paper On Self Esteem

I had the privilege of meeting IU Health Representatives: Jason, Karen, and Deb, at the recruiting luncheon, hosted at Indiana Wesleyan University this past Tuesday. It was an excellent opportunity to meet IU Health staff and discuss employment opportunities. I am applying to be a Registered Nurse working on the Medical Surgical Unit at IU Health Methodist Hospital because I value people and enjoy bringing communities closer together. I am passionate about providing quality patient care. The IU Health Mission emphasizes innovation and excellence and both are essential aspects of providing quality healthcare.

Currently I work as a Student Nurse at Spiceland Pike Medical Center, and as a Nurse Aide at Glen Oaks Health Campus. With years of

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Sample Reflective Essay

Critically analyze current practice to formulate researchable problems. This course helped me to understand various steps of research processes such as how to critically analyze the current practices and to formulate research questions. A research problem is an area of concern where there is a gap in the knowledge base needed for nursing practice. The primary sources of nursing research problems include nursing practice, researcher and peer interactions, literature review, theory, and research priorities" (Grove, Burns, & Grey 2013). From my area nursing practice, I was able to identify that the increasing obesity in the African–American population as an area of concern as it can lead to obesity–related health disparities in the population. Through the literature review, I was able to learn in–depth about this issue and its increasing impact on the healthcare system. Hence through the nursing practice and by the literature review

I was able to formulate the research question. Evaluate research as the basis for decision–making to improve outcomes through translation more content... I was able to explore and examine the problem of obesity. Through research and investigation, I was able to see what has already been done in this field and what research needs to be further investigated. I focused on the research purpose of the research proposal. The PICOT format helped to formulate the research question and assisted with an in–depth literature review. Literature reviews were performed on the topic to gain more knowledge. The Nola Pender's Health Promotion Model (HPM) was selected as the theoretical framework which served as a guide for my study. I was able to identify that my research needed an experimental design. Sample size, as well as the measurement strategies, were identified. Finally, I was able to learn and practice to calculate and analyze data using the help of the statistical program such as

Sample Reflective Essay
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Reflective writing is evidence of reflective thinking, which is a beneficial learning tool as it allows me to critically think about my personal employability skills. This self–reflection mode of writing allows me to recognise and identify my current skills, strengths, weaknesses, progress and achievements.


Time–management is one of my core academic and employability skills I possess. This skill allows me to prioritise effectively, which includes planning workloads, alongside arriving in a timely manner to places such as work or university. Planning my time for university workloads ' is a strength I have, as I am able to organise and prepare myself, to meet coursework deadlines within the time more content...

Figure 1: Gibbs ' Reflective Cycle (2017)

I feel this was a good experience, as it has enabled me to develop and become more independent to further increase my skills, as being out of my comfort zone allows me to explore new depths, which allows me to push past my boundaries in the future, and embrace new changes and challenges.

I was able to make friends easily by applying my interpersonal skills amongst others. This included joining societies as well as, using my communication skills during my seminar group work discussions, where I demonstrated my teamwork skills by co–operating with others during a shared task. Working with others is a vital skill, as I did not only collaborate with them, but learn from them by listening to their thoughts, as we all had diverse ideas and perspectives. This point leads back to my anxiety of interacting within a new environment, which allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and, associate with people from different backgrounds. Therefore, this was a learning curve experience, as I met new people in the same situation as myself, which made me feel more comfortable and at ease. Personally, I think there 's a first time for everything, and I have been able to adapt to new Get

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Senior Reflective Essay Some people say that you cannot change what you refuse to confront. Growing up in Compton it was hard because every action you did had a great consequence. My parents were one of the authorities that set down a path without violence and away from drugs. One of the greatest successes that I experienced in my past was having carried over my community service from where I lived to where I am now. Carrying over my community service experience has made itbetter for me to be around those who I can connect with and have fun helping others. The greatest failure that I've experienced was the choice of friends that I had. With the majority of my "friends" that I had, almost all were under bad influences. That made it harder for me to fit in with kids who I resemble that make more content... Two significant people that made an impact for me are my parents because they have always worked hard to give us everything we need. If it wouldn't have been for my parents guiding me to be better than others I might have Joined a gang or been under bad influences. There are two significant events that really impacted me one was a tragic event that happened to my neighbor/friends, who lost their mother after she died for reasons that I was too young to remember. After watching them live their lives without mothers I couldn't imagine how hard it was for them. The Second event is a shooting that happened at home while we were gone and my brother wasn't with us, my family and I were terrified until my mother received a call from my aunt who lived nearby, who had my brother for several hours. After, that moment my family had begun to feel relieved and learned to not let any moment we spend together be worthless. If there would be one thing that I would change from my past it would be surrounding myself from kids who instead of helping each other rise,

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Examples Of Senior Reflective Essay

Reflective Essay Before I first started my essay, I looked and noticed that I had to do a documented research essay. I then had to come up with a topic for my essay. I chose ADHA for my topic, then I have done some research on this topic. I had to find all the information I wanted to know about this topic I had chosen to write about. I had to write down everything I could find about this topic, so I could write my essay. With this topic, there is a lot of web pages that have a lot of information that will help you get everything you need. My first strategy I did was to collect all information on my topic, so I could do a sketch on topic I had chosen to write about. When researching this topic, I had found there is a lot of web pages with about this topic I had chosen. I made sure to have all my web pages written down so that way I can go back and put all my information down correctly. The next strategy I had done was once I was done I wrote me a sketch with all the information I collected during my research. I then wrote down everything that I had found about this topic I had chosen to write about. While I was doing my research, I have found multiple webpages about this topic and they all had a lot of information about this topic. I made sure I wrote down all the valuable information from each site I had come more content...

Once you do the research you find out a lot about your topic and what you wanted to know about it. I have found out that when researching ADHD there is a different diagnosis. You have to always make sure you have everything you have found about this topic cited in your essay as well as at the end of the essay. This helps you make sure you did not copy someone else works and not give them credit for it. Always go through your essay and make sure you have not left out any important information about your

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Examples Of Reflective Essay

Examples Of Academic Reflection

During the whole process of designing the IMC plan for HP Sprocket in this semester, I have earned valuable experience about teamwork, and I have learned lessons not only from class, but also from the whole working process. First of all, I have to admit that this group is one of the best groups I've ever had, I used to think that only failed experience helps people learn and grow. However, this time in a well–organised group, I found that I was wrong, positive experience contributes as well. This essay will reflect what I have learned, and it will be mainly divided into two parts: academic reflection and experiential reflection.

Academic Reflection

In an IMC plan, separate segment needs to cooperate with each other through organisational communications in order to ensure that audiences can receive a same key message from different channels (Ots and Nyilasy 2015, 134–135). Personally, I feel it is perfectly understandable as a first–time IMC practitioner. In this group work, because we do not have much time to discuss the "BigIdea" at the very beginning, we decided to divide the work first and then combine them together to find out the "Big Idea". However, I found that I cannot come up with useful strategies without effectively communicating with my teammates about our goal for this plan. After we have finished our first draft and uploaded it to Google Drive, we all agreed that this is a weak plan, because the messages we try to deliver in each piece do not have much in common.

As Percy (2013, 2–3) pointed out, both the key and the goal of IMC planning are "to deliver a consistent message". This made me think we might be wrong at the aiming stage. In this scenario, assigning work without figuring out the requirement of an IMC plan is the problem of our group, and I need to learn that figuring out the main requirements and setting a clear goal are essential steps for innovative projects like an IMC plan. Because they can improve both individual's task performance and group's working efficiency (Hoegl and Parboteeah 2003, 4). There may have certain groups that can perform well without cooperating tightly, like a calculation group, but IMC group is definitely not one of them. Which reminds me that in the

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From my first days at The College of Wooster, I can tell that I will be aptly prepared to have a successful future both during college and beyond. I'll immediately be challenged and engaged by the First Year Seminar which will provide me with opportunities to make friends, engage in a topic of interest, and further develop my writing skills. In addition, this seminar will prepare me for college success. Writing has always been something of interest to me, so the writing intensive First Year Seminar aligns with my personal passions. The College of Wooster also has a writing club that I would be interested in joining. A writing club would give me weekly chances to meet with fellow creative writers and allow me to become part of a writing

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Personal Reflective Essay

Reflection Of A Persuasive Reflection

Reflection of a Persuasive Essay by Vickie Hale

In my revision, I decided to incorporate actionable feedback from the feedback I received. The feedback I received was that my essay needed more clarification, I choose to use this feedback to help make my argument more developed, I wanted to create a better thought out essay and I worked on the clarification of my argument as well as renewed my research. With that, I did some critical thinking to help work through the weak areas of my essay which was the structure and syntax. Therefore, I incorporated these suggestions because they helped me to improve my essay and help me to create a more persuasive essay. Without these changes alongside the small revisions, I made, I do not believe my essay would have been as well–written so they were much needed. My biggest challenges came from not being able to pin down my argument, it took me a while to come find a side to an argument that wasn't vague. Because, I usually write in a creative way, which does not necessarily have to be persuasive, I usually write fictional stories and people getting the understanding from the experiences of the characters is the outcome, but with persuasive writing, you are trying to get your readers to not only agree with your side of the argument but to see what and why you are arguing your side in the first place. This became difficult for me because I kept feeling like my argument was not central and a little vague. I worked on trying to help my readers understand what and why I was arguing my side of the argument. I had to think about who was reading my essay and this helped. What I could have done differently is choose a more central argument, I believe it would have reduced my challenges. This question is hard for me to answer because I did not receive but one peer feedback, the feedback I incorporated concerning my exploration of the issue was more clarification because that was one of the problems my peer review pointed out. I worked on my clarification because it is one of the main elements, that is needed when you are writing a persuasive essay or any essay for that matter. Clarification gives the essay structure so your readers can have a full understanding of your

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Reflection On My English 101 Experience

Reflecting on My English 101 Experience I used to consider writing as tumble words from your mind, write, read it through, fix minor mistakes, and done. However, you rarely get successful. The truth is many students, including myself, struggle with starting to write a word, or getting stuck in the middle without knowing the main point of the writing. After completing English 101, I can explain the writing process, evaluate the strengths of my essay, and identify my weaknesses. Throughout English 101, I learned that the following the writing process was imperative. Before taking this class, I use to always skip the pre–writing step considering that it is just an easy and unnecessary step. Consequently, I struggled to figure how to start writing, and most importantly I struggled to figure out the main point while writing the draft. And then I finish the first draft close to the deadline that I do not have time to read it not to mention revising. It was after I started this class that learned that pre–writing is vital, and requires time and attention as it holds the base of the whole writing. My professor used different analogies such as blueprint for building and map for navigation to explain the importance. It really speeded up my writing after I started to utilize it. I have learned outlining before, but part of the pre–writing that I was fortunate enough to learning in English 101 is the writing triangle. Even before outlining, the topic, purpose, and audience of the

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Reflective practice in nursing is considered an important aspect to nursing. Durgahee ( 1997) defines reflective practice as a process of learning and teaching professional maturity through the critical analysis of experience, whilst John ( 2009) up to date explanation of reflection is learning through our everyday experience towards realising one vision of desirable practice as a lived reality. Portfolio entry one Practice placement reflection Whilst there are many notion for reflection the main goal is for health professionals to learn, grow and develop through practice. There are a number of models of reflection to help engage in the process of reflection. In this entry I would be using the Driscoll framework of more content...

Having sympathy for the patient can interfere with the care givers ability to accurately perceive the patients experience or offer assistance (Forsyth 1980). In reflection on this experience me becoming involved with the patient did interfere with my ability to offer assistance to the patient and work as a team member. I realised that support can be given to patients without me becoming involved and not feeling negative about my team members that I am working with. Morse et al (1991) states that the process of detachment may be a crucial process that allows nurses to overcome the stress caused by a patients suffering. My feelings of these events are completely different at this moment in time. I have visited more patients and have experienced the different approaches that CPNs use with patients I have insight on how not to get involved with a particular patient as it can hinder recovery by not allowing them to have some insight into their mental illness and it can cloud my judgment. However now that my feelings have changed I do think if what the CPNs have said to me about the patients have influenced the way I feel as well as having more experience with different patients. I have noticed that I am not to quick to be critical about my colleagues behaviour, especially if I have not read the notes about a patient before I visit them. The CPN I attended the patients house with felt that I was polite but with more experience I would learn how

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Reflective Practice Essay examples

Reflective Journal Example

Reflective Journal: Mindset

Harold Lester, Jr.

EXP 105: Personal Dimensions of Education (G301748A)

Dr. Gonzalez

December 5, 2017

Week 1

Reflective Journal: Mindset

For this reflection, you are encouraged to step outside of your comfort zone, dig deep, and be honest with yourself. Keep in mind that there are no right or wrong answers. Therefore, you will not be graded on specific content in your journal. You will be assessed on the depth of your reflection, so take this opportunity to inspire personal thought and ideas. Note: This journal template has two parts that you need to complete. .....................................................................................................................

Part 1

Directions: Respond thoroughly and honestly to each prompt.

1. Describe how you felt when you read through your results of the Mindset Assessment. Were you surprised? Did you agree? Why or why not? Provide examples to support your response.

Answer: I really was not all that surprising about the results of my Mindset Assessment test. I agree with the results. My results state that I am a Dynamic learner. Now that I know what kind of learner I am, I can strive to be a better learner. My results taught me that I use everything at a

use first level. For example, when fixing something or doing homework I have to use systematic directions. My directions have to be clear and precise. My results also state that I am a strong–willed learner. I believe that I can control my plans, ideas, my decisions,

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Self–acceptance is an extremely prevalent issue that numerous people struggle with. It is one of the hardest to surmount, for it is something I still struggle with to this day. Overall, my journey is a working progress as it will perpetuate to have its downfalls to test me. Like many of my generation, social media has played an excessively paramount role in our lives, both negatively and positively. Sources of harmless entertainment have also unintentionally encouraged self–judgment. Be that as it may, my perspective has been widely opened unexpectedly through a speaker's presentation as she showed us how to recognize our self–worth. Confidence and self–esteem are hard to acquire for some, but it should not be a quantity you divest yourself of. Self–acceptance of all insecurities and doubts is paramount since every individual has a unique beauty that should be cherished in order to pursue a life full of love and jubilance.

During my sophomore year in high school, we had a Career Day with several guest speakers. They had split us up by gender, the girls stayed on the right side of the school while the boys stayed on the left. We could not enter the opposite sides considering we had presentations concretely for each group. As the boys had speakers to discuss the development of a gentleman, we had speakers addressing topics relating to makeup and on how to be a lady. Towards the end of the day, my friends and I decided to choose our last presentation randomly. As we entered the room, there was this resplendent woman with a surprisingly cordial atmosphere. She addressed us as if we were her own children; you could sense the love she had for positivity before she even commenced to speak. She gave us a background story of her childhood during our age, for she too had struggled with accepting herself with all her insecurities. She described her several encounters with bullying and how it had impacted her self–esteem even though she appeared so vigorous and confident. I admired that about her the most, not once did she ever show the slightest bit of weakness, yet she too had relatable problems. Then she mandated us to indite down the worst thing someone had ever verbally expressed about us, even if it were of our own

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Reflective Essay On Self Esteem

I attend the 2017 Fall Symposium Advocating for TESOL at Miami Dade College. My plan for plan for engaging in advocacy for emergent bilingual students would be starting out with something simple as giving families the resources to advocate on their own behalf (Association, 2015). Some resources I would provide families with are brochures, contact information to local agencies, workshops, and district school meetings. In my plan to engage in advocacy I will start out with connecting with others to share/ gain knowledge for ELL students. I would show this by, attending community events, informal conversations, professional learning communities, and through professional development. My next step in advocating for EB's would be to speak out give feedback on potential new hires whenever possible. For instance, in the hiring committees I would express the need to hire and appropriately train teachers, administrators, and education support professionals who are knowledgeable about and committed to ELLs. In addition, to the strategies mentioned above, I would highlight ELLs achievement. Some ways to accomplish this might be acknowledge ELLs' achievement of language learning goals and/or progression to more content... To further my plan for engaging in advocacy for emergent bilingual students, I need to make sure that get connected and stay up–to–date on all things related to EB's. To do this I would connect with local, state, and national organizations and use online resources as a way of staying up–to–date on funding issues, advocacy efforts, and policy decisions. To help protect the language rights of ELL students and provide them with unfettered access to the curriculum, I will associate with strong models. Additionally, I might visit bilingual programs to talk with educators in these programs about what works well. This will help me to better support EB's students' Get

Reflective Essay Sample
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It has been a while since I started at the internship and I am really glad I decided to work here. I think the experience in this area is a good preview of my career and future. I am learning some important skills and finding out some things about myself and the tough skin I will need in order to stay in the area of juvenile support. One of my responsibilities involved checking the messages from the days before on the office phone. I found that some of the potential mentors sounded older. This got me wondering about the age limits of the mentors. I knew they had to be at least 18, but was there an age cap? Could a 30–year–old join the team and be the mentor to a 12–year–old? I though about the different ways that these more content...

They gave me the basic idea of what was going on with them and how the family could use the support. At this point when I asked what prison the parents were in, they said county. It was then my job to break them the bad news and let them know that their child did not qualify for the program. In my search for organizations that are involved with the system and the families surrounding it, my supervisor referred me to the School District of Philadelphia alternative schools. These are schools children are transferred to based on behavioral problems. Coming from the school district, I have already heard of these schools and knew some of the possible places to contact. Although I have previous knowledge, I decided to start at the school district office to get a list of all the alternative schools. This is where I hit one of the first barriers on my path of recruitment. The school district gave me the biggest run around, sending me from one office to another, then transferring me to completely different buildings and programs. No one seemed to have the answer. I wondered why the home office of all the schools did not have a list available of the possible alternative schools. I then decided to try my search on the internet. I figure, there had to be some sort of list out on the web, but even that was a failed attempt. All I could find was a list of all the schools that were not regular admissions and I could not decipher the alternative versus the remedial Get more content

Internship Reflection Essay example

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