Definition Essay On Fear

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Definition Of Fear

Fear... Its inside of everyone, but not everyone knows what exactly it is until they encounter something that causes them to feel it. What is it exactly? A sign of weakness? A self–defense mechanism? I think it could go either way, but that is just a matter of opinion. Everyone has a fear of something. It could be something simple like clowns, or the dark, but it can also be something as extreme as death. Fear can be different for everyone, but everyone will encounter it at some point in the lifetime. Some people have a fear of the dark, or Nyctophobia which really isn't about the darkness itself. It happens because people imagine things that could go wrong in a dark environment and they get a sense of danger. That sense of danger is what

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Definition Essay About Fear

Fear is a feeling of hesitation or resentment towards a certain aspect that provokes a sense of danger or unpleasantness. Many things can generate the feeling of fear and the emotion is not limited to any individual or type. Fear is most often considered a mental handicap that can hinder one from fulfilling a certain task. Fear is unavoidable and is in every aspect of a person's life. This concept of fear is extremely widespread and does not limit itself specifically to one region. Although many countries are known to have many differences and difficulties, fear still affects all people. Unlike other emotions or feelings, fear is something many people face. The only differences are in the degree of fear or the extent at which it controls a person's life. Fear can be used in multiple ways to control a person or a situation. For example, fear can be used when trying to dictate another person's life. more content...

Psychologically, fear can control people's mind through phobias such as arachnophobia previously stated. These specific types of fear can majorly affect a human's mental state and can, at times, lead to the need for professional help. With such negative side effects of fear, many often have the fear of fear itself. For an emotion to evoke such strong feelings that it causes people to dread even thinking of it, is horrific. Another negative aspect of fear is that any object, person, animals, or thing in general came cause the emotion. This makes it hard to avoid and difficult to

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You know when you're home alone, it's already dark and you hear a noise? You start to make up scenarios in your head of how there's people in your house. That's what fear can do to you, make you paranoid and over think every little situation.

Everybody has fears; whether they'd like to admit to them or not. To each is own on why they won't admit to them but to me everybody in their right mind as at least one fear. Fear is such an unpleasant emotion that is all caused by something or someone that can be some type of danger to you or if you nothing about it's capability. People can be afraid of anything, the most common fears are Death, for the unknown of what comes after you die or the unknown of how you're going to die and Heights more content...

What's my biggest fear ?

Well if I am completely honest I have a handful of fears but my biggest fear would be my future and the future of my generation. Anything associated with the future causes me to worry and a stir of panic to strike through my heart or it can causes me to have an indifferent response and not want to do anything that can help my future self.

My generation, it has its flaws and it's rebellion against the previous generations traditional way of going about things. Which is understandable because name what generation that hasn't gone through that, to make a better future for the rest of humanity. But my generation is making the change for the worse. Have you turned on the news lately ? What good, supporting all of mankind material have you heard while watching the news? None. Politically, we have a bigot and a pathological liar ( in my opinion ) running to be our next commander in chief, the person

Definition Essay
On Fears
Sara–Marie Fears
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Definition Essay About Fear

Fear Fear occurs simply because you are not living with reality, you are living in your mind, recreating unlikely occurrences. Fear is always about what is going to happen next and that mean it does not necessarily exist in reality. Another truth about fear is if it non–existent, then your fear is completely made within your imagination. Insanity, non–existential fear. Living in socially acceptable amounts of insanity, while being afraid of something that does not exist, it corresponds with fear. Boundaries are built up, creating walls of fear. If the boundaries are created, then there is a restriction on your life, which is created within your mind. Fear is not a product of the life you live. Fear is a product of your deceived mind, more content...

I am scared of open heights with even the slightest chance of slipping. The reason I am terrified of open heights is because you are facing death. One wrong move and you will be closer to the ground, only not in the way you expected. Although I am terrified of open heights, I still crave the adventure and adrenaline rush you get from it as you are climbing next to a steep cliff. In four months, I will be travelling to the Dominican Republic to teach English and participate in building a school for the village. During this period of time, we will also be hiking in the national park. This national park contains forests, and of course steep cliffs. Even though I am terrified, I will still be participating in the hike, to prove to myself that fear with realities is still a mental came that can be overcame with a certain mindset. You can only be afraid if you allow the fear to get to you, inside your thoughts. Fear is a thought that you made inside your own mind. Your mind is what controls your fears, and it can be conquered. With that being said, fear is productive: "Why? Some of the reasons are simple and obvious. To show that we can, that we are not afraid." (King, 1982, p. 357). It is simply productive because we are able to accomplish something we would not ordinary do, thus defining a line between reality and

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Definition Essay On Fear

The only person that can control on how you fear something whether it is in a dream or in your everyday life, is yourself. People think that they can't control the fears that come in there life due to not being able to gather yourself and wake up if you are in a dream. There are many ways that fear can come upon your dreams, it could mean that you are trying to get over it, solve it, or facing it head on. When you go to bed your mind wanders about fears that you had in the past or fears in the future. Your fears are then put into images of which then create anxiety after you wake up.

There are five common topics that can arise in a dream that have a specific meaning. Dreaming of losing a tooth or teeth, can occur due to that in the past days you have "bitten off more than you can chew" in a situation. You also may be more content... Being unprepared for an exam could mean that you are experiencing stress in your life at the moment which could have made for a long day. Being chased is another dream people can experience if you are feeling threatened or hurt by a certain thing if they get too close. Your response to this would be that you need to escape the situation in your life. Another would be that something mechanical is not functioning this represents that something in your life is not working or that your life may be a mess and you have no control over it. An infestation of bugs or animals could mean that this is an actual fear and has happened in the past. Could also mean that you are being bugged or irritated by something in you life. In dreams there are connections between animals and feelings, for instance butterflies mean longevity, creativity, joy, and spirituality. Grasshoppers mean freedom and independence. One more example would be ladybugs which could mean beauty and good luck. Wild animals symbol life

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Definition Essay About Fear

What is fear? Is it a perception is it the ability to see, or hear or become and unpleasant or uncomfortable emotion that sets our mind into a downward spiral affect that causes major grief or pain, or does it become a threat? Will this become something that will lead us into a dangerous or threating path that will lead us to our doom.

Fear is defined as a as unpleasant emotion or belief that someone or something is dangerous, that something or someone would will likely cause us a great deal of pain and suffering. No matter how big or how small things are at that moment, it will either grab us and hold us viciously and thrash us savagely, never letting go of us bring us down to the depth of the sea. Does this fear take us in to a world full of darkness that more content...

Are we so, unable to conquer these fears that it leaves us with a sense of vulnerability that multiply the fears of failures and disappointment, which becomes a giant that looms over our every step, that manifest inside our souls. As human beings, we strive to know and understand it all, but we are vulnerable and we can't find a way to explain or fear and so, we become fathomed to our uncontrollable thoughts that teeters and runs wild. This is when we start to become afraid, because emotions play a big role that is so important part of our daily lives. Thus, knowing that we are pre–programmed and wired like animals that we are instinctual to our response that will lead to potential danger. Consequently, experiencing fear in certain areas that are uncomfortable for our brains to rationalize, this triggers a physical response to fear. The chemical in our brain that sets off and alarm that produces adrenaline that leads to a huge amount of stress hormone like cortisol being released into the blood stream that will cause us to have rapid heart rate, that leads to a sure of high blood pressure that

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Definition Essay On Fear

Fear. The number one emotion that runs most of our lives. No matter how many times we try to avoid it, it just seems to keep coming back. Kate Winslet is one of my favorite actresses and she definitely knows what it's like to feel fear. As she has stated many times, some of the toughest roles she's played in films began with the feeling of fear. She would read a script and think to herself, "Wow, I'm scared to take this role. I don't know if I can do this." That thought, however, is exactly what led her to do it and as is turns out, the roles she feared the most turned out to be her best and even earned her many high profile awards, including the ultimate Academy Award.

Kate said this entry's quote when she was fearfully climbing a mountain on the adventure reality television show, Running Wild with Bear Grylls. These words of wisdom talk about how it's a good thing when a person feels fear if it involves going after something he or she really wants. It means that person is facing that fear and when a fear is faced, it's being challenged. Fear will not go away permanently until we keep challenging it and getting past it. Although it may seem like it goes away when you decide to not take a risk, it's only temporary. It's still locked in your core waiting to come out again the second you encounter another risk that you really want to take. If we're not feeling fearful, we're not doing something that is worth the more content... That fear stems from the natural fight or flight reaction our body has to protect us from serious harm. The fear I'm talking about is the fear that we learned as children. It's the fear we learned from society and the situations we had to go through. It's the fear that brainwashes our minds and tells us we aren't worth that risk, that we will fail. This is an unnatural fear and whether we know it or not, it rules our lives in many

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Definition Essay About Fear

Happiness, sadness, excitement, thrill, etc. are feelings. Feelings are what makes every person human, without them we have a meaningless cold life. For some people it's hard to show their feeling but that doesn't mean they do not feel them. I am the kind of person that doesn't like to show my feelings but it is harder for me to express the ones I don't like to feel like loneliness, sadness, depression and fear, but even though I don't like feeling them I do. The moment I experience with these type of feeling I try to supreme it and make it go away without talking about it, but that's never the solution. Fear is one of the feelings I hate the most and have never talk about it before this essay.

Fear can be shown in many aspects. You can more content...

It is an adjective that is used to express one's dread of a certain thing or situation. Fear is an emotion that is primarily felt when encountered with a threat or danger and occurring in response to a stimulus occurring in the present or in the future that is perceived as a threat to life, health, status, power, or anything that is held valuable. Fear and afraid being two interlinked words that are very closely related to one another, one often tends to forget the correct usage of these two terms.

However, knowing the difference between the two will help you hand in using these two words appropriately in contexts.

Fear is a unique feeling, you can overcome a fear. We all have fears, but we can decide if we want them to continue in our life or to disappear. I feel that I will be able to overcome my fear once I'm in the university and start my path. My biggest fear is not accomplished my personal goals, and like any person I'm afraid to confront them and begin. Even though I fear of it, I am certain that all my dreams and task will not be a challenge. I have no doubt that I will be able to be what I want to be. In conclusion Fear is just a feeling nota life style and if you let it rule you it will rule your entire

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Fear has come to permeate the daily life of our generation. We have become very adept at putting on a brave face which is admirable but ill–advised. We refuse to open up or admit our fear, because we don't want to appear weak to those around us. But every day, all of us go through the same fear. Some days are better than others of course but each and every day we have something that worries us. Something that we may work to hide, and may succeed in hiding from the world and even ourselves for a time. But it is there nonetheless. Each of us deals with stress, pain and fear that is hard for others to understand. We may not even understand it ourselves frankly. Be patient and sympathetic of others, as everyone you see walk past you every day is dealing with something you couldn't possible imagine. Fear is a powerful, dark thing. It looks to drag on each of our lives constantly. Every one of us has a shadow clinging to our backs, whispering our fear in our ear. We do our best to bury in and silence the voice, but it is always in the back of our minds. All of our demons are strong and they work every day to consume us. It takes courage for all of us to confront the fears and anxiety we face.

I tell you this because when you look at other people, realize that. Know that they are going through something just as more content...

We are around ourselves enough to know the full extent of our flaws and our limitations. This leads us to believe we are inadequate for those around us because we recognize the extent of our negative qualities and can reason that eventually those around us will see them as well. I believe social media and the internet age to be a huge cause of this. We now see others' lives through a glowing halo that they intend us to see them through. From a distance it appears they are always happy, successful and living in a paradisiacal

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Definition Essay: The Power Of Fear

Definition Of Fear Essay

I describe fear as something that is frightening that you don't want to face. Fear can strike you at any moment in time, but it's whether you overcome that fear that matters. Everyone has a fear, and they decide whether they want to face it or just let it take over their lives. There have been many times that i've been scared. In my younger days, i would be scared of strange dogs with their big scary teeth, girls and all there cuties, blood sucking spiders. I got over those fears rather quickly though,I love to play with my puppy, and I just smash the gross spiders with my shoe. But there is one fear that took me a while to conquer, my fear of heights. My fear of heights was really holding me back in life, I would always dread having to go

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Fear can be "generated by potentially dangerous ideas and examines the way such powerful mass emotions can cloud human judgment [1]". People are required to deal with threats on a multitude of levels. One level a familiar one. The threat of outside antagonists, with a large and powerful military, that is intimidating to you, with your ideas, example; "The U.S.A had just come out of the Second World War, which was a threat we were accustomed to dealing with [2]".

There where people in the United States who believed in communism and of course they would say what's the big deal, it's a free country your allowed to think what you want, in addition those who where really afraid of communism and alike saw little difference between extreme more content...

"It's an integral part in the motivations [10]", it's one of the things that makes history so hard to convert into a science because people and emotions play such a role in why things unfold the way they do. "In the case of the second red scare the emotion is fear [11]" and we can all understand fear, its one of the most valuable evolutionary defense mechanisms we have. Think of the millions of lives, the millions upon millions of lives that have been saved over human existence because of this fear response that allows you to take action without ever having to calculate odds probability, think about outcomes and options, forget about that. Cave man sees dangerous carnivore cave man flees no need to waste time processing info and the cave man survives. "This dynamic and the usefulness of fear works on a mass human society level [12]" too, cave man society number one for example fears cave man society number two may want to attack it so it devotes scarce resources to building a wall that wards off the attack. This is an incredibly useful emotion for that society to have, as long as cave man society number two really was going to attack it, if that wasn't the case then the fear wasn't rational but irrational. Instead of important recourses used wisely for prudent purposes those vital materials where wasted to foster protection against a threat that was never Get

Fear Definition
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What is fear? Fear is a feeling induced by perceived danger or threat that occurs in certain 7 types of organisms , which causes a change in behavior or feeling. I have always for some reason had a fear of stalkers and rape. It has just always been a very big fear of mine. Just think, when you are out and about there is someone out there being kidnapped and the people doing it don't think about their family. Usually all they want is money or to rape them. So , whenever I am at the store I am always aware of my surroundings because obviously I don't want anything bad to happen to me or my siblings. I found that a scientific word for being scared of rape or kidnapped is virgivitiphobia. William sleator shows that martin is unable to overcome

Definition Essay: What Is Fear?
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What is fear ? How do we get over the mental state of fear ? Since the beginning of time, our views on fear have drastically changed. It was once thought that fear was a disease, but what is fear. Is it that horrible feeling we get when our stomach feels like its going to explode, or is something else. We'll forever feel that feeling of fear. From the day we are born to the day we die. Fear is that quintessential human emotion. Regardless of living life with joy, happiness, and pleasure, humans can't escape the feeling of fear and what comes with fear; pain. Fear is a feeling your body produces to tell you about dangerous, threatening, or scary situation. It's what gives you the ability to sense danger and react. We're shaped by fear, despite spending our entire lives trying to avoid fear. Fear is powerful, there is not escaping fear, but there is striving from fear. What is fear? Fear is a hormone, its a survival skill that's programmed into our brain nervous system since we were infants. Fear is what helps us avoid danger, more content... While there are many forms of overcoming a fear, there are three simple, but effective ways to overcome a fear. First things first, you have to identify your fear or phobia. Identifying whether its a fear or phobia is very important, because each one is very different. A fear is being scared of an object or situation, something you can overcome and get through. A phobia is a absolute "NO". Phobias aren't something you can simply get over. Second thing is second, write done your goals, how you want to overcome that fear, and when. Writing down your goals is very helpful it brings out your ideas. You're bound to accomplish a goal more if you write it down. Last but not least, make a coping strategy. It would be naive to think you won't encounter your fear. Making a coping strategy is helpful, due to the fact that if and when you encounter your fear, you'll know what to do because you planned out the

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Extended Definition Essay On Fear

An unpleasant emotion or feeling caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat : Fear. Fear is a strong word, it can mean a variety of things and lead to a variety of things depending on who you are. My fear caused me to shake and tremble as if the world was coming to an end. It makes me feel safe around no one. I look back on my life and ask myself, was it all worth it for this? It makes me shrink and fall the size of of a humming bird. My stomach starts to feel like it never has before. My head is spinning in circles and my hands are trembling to the point where I think they might fall off. Fear, my fear was heights and I was terrified of them. Of course, I hadn 't always been more content...

I started getting into other fun things to do that didn 't involve going high up and it worked life was still good without being high up. And I knew was going to be okay because it not like I had to go anywhere high up, but that where I was wrong... The summer of 2016 was the year my parents wanted to do a family trip somewhere and I was so excited because today was the day they were gonna tell us where we were going. I was hoping somewhere warm like the beach or some sporting event like a Cavs game or something of that relation. My parents voice then interrupted my thoughts and I heard the words Cedar Point and I thought my heart stopped. For those of you who don 't know Cedar Point is one of the biggest roller coaster parks in the world or an other words for someone who is afraid of heights Cedar Point equals death. When parents told me my heart skipped a beat, at first I didn 't say anything and my parents were confused I guess they expected me to be excited. But the thing was I never really told my parents about this new recent fear I had because I knew that if I did I they would for sure make fun of me. So I tried to play it off and act like I was a little excited. After explaining the details of the trip to me and my sisters, my parents told me I could bring a few friends so I guess that made the trip a little bit better. So I called up some of my friends and they said they would be ready to go the next

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Descriptive Essay On Fear

Everyone has felt fear, whether it be at the top of the slide or laying in bed, but fear isn't real. To make such a statement one must understand where fear comes from. Fear is caused by a chemical change in our body that is caused by something that makes us think that we are in danger, or when we misunderstand a situation. Resulting from a conflict of many indescribable feelings which leads to being mistaken for different emotions or feelings. Fear is often confused with anger, sadness, joy, being nervous or even being surprised by something. I believe fear is our imagination getting the best of us. For example, when someone watches a scary movie and they go to bed their mind starts to wander turning simple objects in their room into a supernatural

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Definition Essay: What Is Fear Really Real?

Definition Essay On Fear

When in a frightening situation, such as being scared for a biology test, or having a burglar break into your house, you react using fear. It is a healthy fear because when someone is scared they know they need to react to the threatening issue. This healthy fear can become unhealthy if it is too strong. When recalling past incidents and injecting them into the current situation, this is an unhealthy fear because it changes how people will behave towards something or someone after being scared once before. Fear always follows right behind the corner and is one step ahead and is different for each individual. Everyone has fears, whether they want to or not. It gives them an unpleasant emotion they can't get rid of unless they face it. more content...

A fear is so much more than just being afraid of a tiny spider. That is only the beginning. From growing up people learn how much life can be a challenge to them. In order for them to overcome those challenges they need to overcome their fears first to set them aside and focus on other issues rather than debating to go for something or not because they may miss out on something then and regret it later when it was just their fears standing in between them. What's hard is a fear never goes away after overcoming it, another one may come. People don't know when or what it will be, but after overcoming one they know they can do it and aren't as afraid for the next test coming their way. Now for some people it is still truly hard to overcome their fears, which is okay because everyone has a long list, but if they don't learn now eventually the list will become unhealthy and they're going to be stuck inside because they have ophthalmophobia, the fear of seeing someone or anyone seeing them. People cannot let fears take over they need to take over their

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Definition Essay: The Power Of Fear

Fear...what is it? Ralph Waldo Emerson remarked that fear emanates from ignorance, but how can we be so blind towards something we constantly encounter throughout our lives? For something we are so familiar with, fear is quite complex, taking into account dozens of variables varying by individual. For hundred of years, fear has played a vital role in the survival of the human species, but it has played an equal role in masking human potential. Many of us live our lives in fear, I lived my life with the fear of failure, but what I had not realized was the power I had given fear. Dr. Smiley Blanton said, "Fear is the most subtle and destructive of all human diseases" and I could not agree more. Fear has killed dreams, prevented miracles and put

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Definition Essay On Fear

Fear. The number one emotion that runs most of our lives. No matter how many times we try to avoid it, it just seems to keep coming back. Kate Winslet is one of my favorite actresses and she definitely knows what it's like to feel fear. As she has stated many times, some of the toughest roles she played in films began with the feeling of fear. She would read a script and think to herself: "Wow I'm scared to take this role. I don't know if I can do this." That thought, however, is exactly what led her to do it and as is turns out, the roles she feared the most turned out to be her best and even earned her many high profile awards, including the ultimate Academy Award. Kate said the quote in this entry while fearfully climbing a mountain on the reality adventure television show, "Running Wild with Bear Grylls." These words of wisdom talk about how when a person feels fear for something they ultimately want, it's a good thing. It means you're facing that fear and when a fear is faced, it is being challenged. Fear will not go away permanently until we keep challenging it and getting past it. Although it may seem like it goes away when you decide to not take a risk, it's only temporary. It's still locked in your core waiting to come out again the second you encounter another risk that you really more content...

It's O.K. to be scared of something, but don't ever let it make you miss out on who you want to be and what you want to achieve. Don't ever let fear make you run away from what is truly important to your heart. Don't let it stop you from pushing the limits and giving it your all. The more you run away from fear, the stronger it gets. It won't remain strong if you decide to rebel against it and the weaker it gets, the stronger your authentic self and mind will

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Definition Essay Fear

Fear is an emotion that plays a part in our everyday life. Fear is an unpleasant, and dreadful emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or trouble.

Fear is an emotion that mostly everyone haves. It is a feeling caused by awareness of danger or a threat. The opposite of fear is curiosity. Curiosity means, a strong desire to know or learn something where fear is to be afraid of something, or to push away from something.

"Fear is known to cause a change in metabolic and organ functions and ultimately a change in behavior." (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

When in fear most people either, flee, hide, or freeze. "When someone fears something or someone an area of the brain is activated and controlled

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