Custom Printed Memorials

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Custom Printed Memorials

Memorial Prayer Cards Memorial Bookmarks Memorial Thank You Notes Memorial Funeral Programs

Q 2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G

Fully Custom Laminated Memorial Prayer Cards Memorial Prayer Cards are full color personalized, custom printed laminated prayer cards with a photo of your loved one with a prayer on one side, and a religious, nature, or secular image on the reverse. Shown here at actual size In Loving Memory of

Mary J. Harrington March 22, 1948 • January 12, 2009

When I must leave you for a little while please do not grieve and shed wild tears and hug your sorrow to you through the years but start out bravely with a gallant smile; and for my sake and in my name live on and do all things the same, feed not your loneliness on empty days, but fill each waking hour in useful ways, reach out your hand in comfort and in cheer and I in turn will comfort you and hold you near; and never, ever be afraid to die, for I am waiting for you in the sky!



• Memorial Prayer Cards measure 2H inches wide by 4G inches in height laminated. • You can select an image from our collection or provide your own image for the front of the card. • You can have any prayer, poem or text you wish on the back of the prayer card.

Over a 1000 different images to choose from or you can provide your own.

5 different prayer card layouts to choose from: In Loving Memory of

Mary J. Harrington March 22, 1948 January 12, 2009 •

In Loving Memory of

Leon Joseph Jackson December 6, 1953 • October 9, 2008

When I must leave you for a little while please do not grieve and shed wild tears and hug yoursorrow to you through the years but start out bravely with a gallant smile; and for my sake and in my name live on and do all things the same, feed not your loneliness on empty days, but fill each waking hour in useful ways, reach out your hand in comfort and in cheer and I in turn will comfort you and hold you near; and never, ever be afraid to die, for I am waiting for you in the sky!

Serenity Prayer God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.

LAYOUT: A Small to medium size photo with name, dates and prayer or poem below.

LAYOUT: B Large photo with name, dates and a short prayer or poem below.


In Loving Memory of

Terri Anne Wilson

In Loving Remembrance of

Robert Scott Mullen

July 14, 1941 • April 30, 2009

August 3, 1928 • September 18, 2008

Safely Home I am home in heaven, dear ones; oh, so happy and so bright! There is a perfect joy and beauty in the everlasting light. All the pain and grief is over, every restless tossing passed; I am now at peace forever, safely home in heaven at last. There is work still waiting for you, so you must not idly stand, do it now, while life remaineth– you shall rest in God’s own land. When that work is all completed, He will gently call you home; oh, the rapture of that meeting, oh, the joy to see you come!

LAYOUT: C Name, dates and prayer or poem only. Symbol optional. No photo.

Beloved mother, grandmother, sister and friend.

LAYOUT: D Large Photo of your own on full front side. Choice of layouts A, B or C for back of card.

LAYOUT: E Large photo of your own on front side with name and dates. Choice of layouts A, B, C or any prayer card from our collection for back.

How to Order To place an order the following pieces of information are needed: 1.) Name, birth date and passing date dates of the departed. If you want a card symbol above name select by number below. 2.) Select a layout for the front of the card. Submit a photo of the departed if you choose. 3.) Prayer choice by number or submit your own copy. 4.) Choose a card image from our collection by number or submit your own image for the back of the card.









CSR. Chi Rho

CSS. Cross

CST. Celtic Cross

CSU. Dove with Olive Branch

CSV. Lamb

CSW. Dove Descending

CSX. Spirit Dove

CSY. Chalice

CSZ. Angel

CSA. Gold Heart Cross

CSB. Gold Celtic Cross

CSC. Gold Shamrock Heart

CSD. Gold Shamrock

CSE. Green Shamrock

CSF. Red Spirit Dove

CSG. Little Angel

CSH. Gold Heart

CSI. Gold Heart Outline

CSJ. Celtic Knot

CSK. Red Heart

CSL. Star of Islam

CSM. Six Doves

CSN. Flying Dove

CSO. Rattle

CSP. Star of David Circle

CSQ. Star of David

CSA2. Rainbow

CSB2. Teddy Bear

CSC2. Baby Angel

CSD2. Pink Angel

CSE2. Praying Angel

Card Symbols


m How to scan your photo for your Memorial Prayer Cards

CSF2. Acorn

1. Select the best photo of your loved one. We will retouch the photo and remove background if necessary. 2. Scan your photo at 300 dpi. Enlarge the photo to the approximate final size. Don’t worry about cropping the image, we will take care of that. If the photo is of more than one person we will remove the others from the photo just indicate the departed. 3. Save the photo in the jpeg format (.jpg) at the highest quality setting (no compression). Use your loved ones name for the file name. (i.e.: Mark Thomas.jpg) 4. Send your scanned photo by e-mail. Please note: Some photographs can still be under the copyright ownership of the photographer who took them. When we receive a photo or scan from you, we do so on the understanding that if it was a professional photo, you have obtained permission to use it for your memorial prayer cards or the photo is not subject to copyright. In scanning your photograph yourself you are assuming responsibility for the quality of the final image.

How to send your photo from a digital camera

1. Select the best photo of your loved one from your digital camera. Download the picture to your computer. We will retouch the photo and remove background if necessary. 2. Use your loved ones name for the file name. (i.e.: Mark Thomas.jpg) Don’t worry about cropping the image, we will take care of that. If the photo is of more than one person we will remove the others from the photo just indicate the departed. 3. Send your digital photo by e-mail.

Memorial Prayer Card Image Categories









Fire Fighter







Over a 1000 different images to choose from or you can provide your own.

Images can be imprinted on: • Memorial Prayer Cards • Memorial Bookmarks with Gold Tassels • Memorial Thank You Notes • Memorial Funeral Service Programs

The finest quality Memorials available anywhere, a real lasting tribute to your loved one. Fine Art


Images of

Jesus Christ In Loving

Sarah Ann e June 18, 1 933 •

Memory of


March 14, 2010

T Our Father he Lord’s Prayer be thy nam , who art in heaven, h e. be done on Thy kingdom com allowed e, thy will earth as it is in heaven this day ou .G r our trespas daily bread. And forg ive us ses, as we fo iv rgive those e us trespass ag into tempta ainst us. And lead u who s tion, but d eliver us fr not om evil. For thine is the kin and the glo gdom, and the pow er, ry, forever. Amen.

Memorial Prayer Card

Memorial Bookmark

Memorial Funeral Program

Memorial Thank You Note

All images available for all four custom printed memorials.

Jesus Prayer Cards

MPCJ1N Risen Christ 1

MPCJ2N Ascension 1

MPCJ3N Lamb of God 1

MPCJ4N Ascension 2

MPCJ5N Sacred Heart 1

MPCJ6N Risen Christ 2

MPCJ7N Risen Christ 3

MPCJ8N Good Shepherd 1

MPCJ9N Jesus with child

MPCJ10N Jesus the Savior

MPCJ11N Jesus with Angel

MPCJ12N Good Shepherd 2

MPCJ13N Jesus Walks on Water

MPCJ14N Jesus the Teacher

MPCJ15N Sacred Heart

MPCJ16N Rest in the Lord

MPCJ17N Last Supper

MPCJ18N Sermon on the Mount

MPCJ19N Jesus with Crown of Thorns

MPCJ20N Jesus the Resurrector

Jesus Prayer Cards

MPCJ21N Jesus with Angel

MPCJ22N Last Supper

MPCJ23N Jesus with a Child

MPCJ24N The Good Shepherd

MPCJ25N Holy Family

MPCJ26N Jesus the Teacher

MPCJ27N Jesus Prays

MPCJ28N Face of Jesus

MPCJ29N Jesus at the Table

MPCJ30N Jesus Icon

MPCJ31N Jesus Body Put in Tomb

MPCJ32N Jesus Visits the Poor

MPCJ33N Man Bows Before Jesus

MPCJ34N Jesus the Teacher

MPCJ35N Jesus at the Well

MPCJ36N Jesus Ascends into Heaven

MPCJ37N Ascension

MPCJ38N The Last Supper

MPCJ39N Jesus Baptized by John

MPCJ40N Jesus Lifted by Angels

Jesus Prayer Cards

MPCJ41N The Good Shepherd

MPCJ42N The Good Shepherd

MPCJ43N The Good Shepherd

MPCJ44N Jesus Walks with Apostles

MPCJ45N Jesus Icon

MPCJ46N Face of Jesus

MPCJ47N Jesus with a Child

MPCJ48N Jesus Teaching Women

MPCJ49N Jesus as a Boy

MPCJ50N Jesus the King

MPCJ51N Jesus Gives Keys to St.. Peter

MPCJ52N The Risen Christ

MPCJ53N Ascension

MPCJ54N Ascension

MPCJ55N Jesus with Angels

MPCJ56N Ascension

MPCJ57N Jesus Knots at the Door

MPCJ58N Jesus with Children

MPCJ59N Jesus with Children

MPCJ60N Jesus and St. Joseph

Jesus Prayer Cards

MPCJ61N Jesus the Teacher

MPCJ62N Jesus the Teacher

MPCJ63N Last Supper

MPCJ64N Jesus Forgives the Sinner

MPCJ65N Jesus Heals the Sick

MPCJ66N The Stone is Rolled Away

MPCJ67N Jesus before Pilot

MPCJ68N Jesus Carries the Cross

MPCJ70N Jesus at the Wedding

MPCJ71N Jesus the Teacher

MPCJ72N Jesus Feeds the Multitudes

MPCJ73N Jesus Meets John the Baptist

MPCJ74N Jesus with Women

MPCJ75N Jesus the Teacher

MPCJ76N Sacred Heart 2

MPCJ77N Jesus Appears to Saint

MPCJ78N In the Upper Room

MPCJ79N Jesus with Crown of Thorns

MPCJ80N Jesus Taken from the Cross

MPCJ81N Jesus Taken from the Cross

Jesus Prayer Cards

MPCJ82N Jesus the King

MPCJ83N Jesus the King

MPCJ84N Jesus Praying in the Garden

MPCJ85N Crucifixion

MPCJ86N Jesus on a Hillside

MPCJ87N Jesus the Healer

MPCJ88N Palm Sunday

MPCJ89N Jesus with Friends

MPCJ90N Jesus Praying

MPCJ91N Jesus Praying

MPCJ92N Jesus with Apostles

MPCJ93N Jesus Carries the Cross

MPCJ94N Jesus Baptized by John

MPCJ96N Jesus at the Well

MPCJ97N Jesus the Carpenter

MPCJ98N Jesus Turns Water to Wine

MPCJ99N Jesus the Risen Christ

MPCJ100N Jesus Heals the Sick

MPCJ101N Jesus with Children

MPCJ102N Jesus the Teacher

Jesus Prayer Cards

MPCJ103N Jesus with St. Thomas

MPCJ104N Crucifixion

MPCJ105N Crucifixion

MPCJ123N Jesus Mosaic

MPCJ107N Jesus Down From the Cross

MPCJ108N Crucifixion

MPCJ109N Jesus with the Saints

MPCJ110N Risen Christ

MPCJ111N Crucifixion

MPCJ112N Jesus the Savior

MPCJ113N Jesus Down From the Cross

MPCJ114N Jesus Resurrection

MPCJ115N Jesus Son of God

MPCJ116N Jesus in the Temple

MPCJ117N The Last Supper

MPCJ118N Jesus Baptized by John

MPCJ119N Jesus Heals the Blind

MPCJ120N Jesus Carries the Cross

MPCJ121N Jesus Icon

MPCJ122N Jesus With The Word

Images of the Saints In Loving Remembrance of

Harold AustinWalpole April 13, 1926 • July 1, 2009

Thank you sincerely for sharing your sorrow. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated and will always be remembered. Beloved father, grandfather, brother and friend.

Memorial Thank You Note

Memorial Prayer Card

Memorial Bookmark

Memorial Funeral Program

Memorial Thank You Note

All images of Saints available for all four custom printed memorials.

Saint Prayer Cards

MPCST1N St. Anthony

MPCST2N St. Joseph

MPCST3N St. Jude

MPCST4N St. Michael

MPCST5N St. Patrick

MPCST6N St. Francis

MPCST7N St. Theresa

MPCST8N Saint with Chalice

MPCST9N St. Joan of Arc

MPCST10N St. Francis

MPCST11N St. Ignatius

MPCST12N St. John the Baptist

MPCST13N St. James

MPCST14N St. Francis

MPCST15N St. Francis

MPCST16N St. James

MPCST17N St. Joseph

MPCST18N St. Matthew

MPCST19N St. Francis

MPCST20N St. Michael

Saint Prayer Cards

MPCST21N St. Christopher

MPCST22N St. Michael

MPCST23N St. Theresa

MPCST24N St. Anthony

MPCST25N St. Luke

MPCST26N St. Mark

MPCST27N St. John the Baptist

MPCST28N St. Barbara

MPCST29N St. Catherine

MPCST30N St. Catherine

MPCST31N St. Paul

MPCST32N St. Matthew

MPCST33N St. Jerome

MPCST34N St. Michael

MPCST35N St. Francis

MPCST40N Saint

MPCST41N Saint

MPCST42N St. Matthew

MPCST43N St. Joseph

MPCST44N St. John

Images of the Virgin Mary emory of In Loving M

Price Mary Annarech 11, 2009

37 • M July 19, 19

mother, ther, grand o m ed v o el B and friend. sister, aunt

Memorial Prayer Card

Memorial Bookmark

Memorial Funeral Program

Memorial Thank You Note

All images of Saints available for all four custom printed memorials.

Mary Prayer Cards

MPCV1N Virgin Mary

MPCV2N Virgin Mary

MPCV3N Virgin Mary

MPCV4N Virgin Mary

MPCV5N Virgin Mary

MPCV6N Virgin Mary

MPCV7N Virgin Mary

MPCV8N Virgin Mary

MPCV9N Virgin Mary

MPCV10N Virgin Mary

MPCV11N Virgin Mary

MPCV12N Virgin Mary

MPCV13N Virgin Mary

MPCV14N Virgin Mary

MPCV15N Virgin Mary

MPCV16N Virgin Mary

MPCV17N Virgin Mary

MPCV18N Virgin Mary

MPCV19N Virgin Mary

MPCV20N Virgin Mary

Mary Prayer Cards

MPCV21N Virgin Mary

MPCV22N Virgin Mary

MPCV23N Virgin Mary

MPCV24N Virgin Mary

MPCV25N Virgin Mary

MPCV26N Virgin Mary

MPCV27N Virgin Mary

MPCV28N Virgin Mary

MPCV29N Virgin Mary

MPCV30N Virgin Mary

MPCV31N Virgin Mary

MPCV32N Virgin Mary

MPCV33N Virgin Mary

MPCV34N Virgin Mary

MPCV35N Virgin Mary

MPCV36N Virgin Mary

MPCV37N Virgin Mary

MPCV38N Virgin Mary

MPCV39N Virgin Mary

MPCV40N Virgin Mary

Mary Prayer Cards

MPCV41N Virgin Mary

MPCV42N Virgin Mary

MPCV43N Virgin Mary

MPCV44N Virgin Mary

MPCV45N Virgin Mary

MPCV46N Virgin Mary

MPCV47N Virgin Mary

MPCV48N Virgin Mary

MPCV49N Virgin Mary

MPCV50N Virgin Mary

MPCV51N Virgin Mary

MPCV52N Virgin Mary

MPCV53N Virgin Mary

MPCV54N Virgin Mary

MPCV55N Virgin Mary

MPCV56N Rest in the Lord

MPCV57N Last Supper 1

MPCV58N Virgin Mary

MPCV59N Virgin Mary

MPCV60N Virgin Mary

Mary Prayer Cards

MPCV61N Virgin Mary

MPCV62N Virgin Mary

MPCV63N Virgin Mary

MPCV64N Virgin Mary

MPCV65N Virgin Mary

MPCV66N Virgin Mary

MPCV67N Virgin Mary

MPCV68N Virgin Mary

MPCV69N Virgin Mary

MPCV70N Virgin Mary

MPCV71N Virgin Mary

MPCV72N Virgin Mary

MPCV73N Virgin Mary

MPCV74N Virgin Mary

MPCV75N Virgin Mary

MPCV76N Virgin Mary

MPCV77N Virgin Mary

MPCV78N Virgin Mary

MPCV79N Virgin Mary

MPCV80N Virgin Mary

Mary Prayer Cards

MPCV81N Virgin Mary

MPCV82N Virgin Mary

MPCV83N Virgin Mary

MPCV84N Virgin Mary

MPCV85N Virgin Mary

MPCV86N Virgin Mary

MPCV87N Virgin Mary

MPCV88N Virgin Mary

MPCV89N Virgin Mary

MPCV90N Virgin Mary

MPCV91N Virgin Mary

MPCV92N Virgin Mary

MPCV93N Virgin Mary

MPCV94N Virgin Mary

MPCV95N Virgin Mary

MPCV96N Virgin Mary

MPCV97N Virgin Mary

MPCV98N Virgin Mary

MPCV99N Virgin Mary

MPCV100N Virgin Mary

Mary Prayer Cards

MPCV101N Virgin Mary

MPCV102N Virgin Mary

MPCV103N Virgin Mary

MPCV104N Virgin Mary

MPCV105N Virgin Mary

MPCV106N Virgin Mary

MPCV107N Virgin Mary

MPCV108N Virgin Mary

MPCV109N Virgin Mary

MPCV110N Virgin Mary

MPCV111N Virgin Mary

MPCV112N Virgin Mary

MPCV113N Virgin Mary

MPCV114N Virgin Mary

MPCV115N Virgin Mary

MPCV116N Virgin Mary

MPCV117N Virgin Mary

MPCV118N Virgin Mary

MPCV119N Virgin Mary

MPCV120N Virgin Mary

Mary Prayer Cards

MPCV121N Virgin Mary

MPCV122N Virgin Mary

MPCV123N Virgin Mary

MPCV124N Virgin Mary

MPCV125N Virgin Mary

MPCV126N Virgin Mary

MPCV127N Virgin Mary

MPCV129N Virgin Mary

MPCV130N Virgin Mary

MPCV131N Virgin Mary

MPCV132N Virgin Mary

MPCV133N Virgin Mary

MPCV134N Virgin Mary

MPCV135N Virgin Mary

MPCV136N Virgin Mary

MPCV137N Virgin Mary

MPCV138N Virgin Mary

MPCV139N Virgin Mary

MPCV140N Virgin Mary

MPCV141N Virgin Mary

Mary Prayer Cards/Hearts Prayer Cards/Teacher Cards

MPCV142N Virgin Mary

MPCV143N Virgin Mary

MPCV144N Virgin Mary

MPCV145N Virgin Mary

MPCV146N Virgin Mary

MPCV147N Virgin Mary

MPCV148N Virgin Mary

MPCV149N Virgin Mary

MPCV150N Virgin Mary

MPCV151N Virgin Mary

MPCH1 Heart 1

MPCH2 Heart 2

MPCH3 Heart 3

MPCH4 Heart 4

MPCH5 Heart 5

MPCH6 Heart 6

MPCTCH1 Teacher 1

MPCH8 Teacher 2

MPCH9 Teacher 3

MPCH10 Teacher 4

Images of Angels Memorial Funeral Program q

Liturgy of the Word

Mass of Christian Burial Friday, March 14, 2005

Entrance: Amazing Grace Opening Prayer First Reading: Wisdom 3:1-9

Church of St. Mark Garden City, Cranston St. Ann Cemetery Celebrant: Reverend Michael J. Leckie Organist: Kenneth Newman Vocalist: Mary Ward Pallbearers: Kiley M. Richards Cormick B. Lynch Kerry P. Richards Cameron J. Lynch John J. Richards James G. Downing, Jr.

Responsorial Psalm: Shepherd Me Oh God Second Reading: Letter of St. Paul to the Romans 14:7-9, 10-12 Gospel Acclamation Gospel Reading Homily Prayers of the Faithful Preparation of Gifts Bearers of Gifts: Caitlin-Mary, Joseph & Gemma Downing Offetory Hymn: Lady of Knock Eucharistic Prayers Communion Hymn: Ave Maria Personal Meditation: My Forever Friend

“Whatever you did for the least of

Recessional Hymn: Let There Be Peace on Earth

My brothers and sisters, that you did for Me� ~Jesus

Memorial Prayer Card

Memorial Bookmark

Memorial Funeral Program

Memorial Thank You Note

All images of Angels available for all four custom printed memorials.

Angel Prayer Cards

MPCA1N Angels with Mary

MPCA2N Angel

MPCA3N Angel

MPCA4N Angel Kneeling

MPCA5N Angels Praying Over

MPCA6N Angel with Lilies

MPCA7N Angel Appears to Mary

MPCA8N Angel Praying

MPCA9N Angel Praying

MPCA10N Angel with The Word

MPCA11N Angel Praying

MPCA12N Angel

MPCA13N Little Angel

MPCA14N Angel

MPCA15N Angel

MPCA16N Angel Kneeling

MPCA17N Angel Kneeling

MPCA18N Angel Kneeling

MPCA19N Angel Musician

MPCA20N Angel Musician

Angel Prayer Cards

MPCA21N Angel

MPCA22N Angel

MPCA23N Angel Appears to Shepherds

MPCA24N Angel

MPCA25N Angel

MPCA26N Angel Resting

MPCA27N Angel Statue

MPCA28N Angel Statue

MPCA29N Angel Watching Over

MPCA30N Angel Praying

MPCA31N Angel

MPCA32N Angel

MPCA33N Angel

MPCA34N Angel

MPCA35N Angel

MPCA36N Angels Lifting to Heaven

MPCA37N Guardian Angel

MPCA38N Angel

MPCA39N Angel

MPCA40N Angel Praying

Angel Prayer Cards/Irish Prayer Cards

MPCA41N Stairway to Heaven

MPCA42N Angel with Mary

MPCA43N Angels

MPCA44N Angels

MPCA45N Angels

MPCA46N Angel Watching Child

MPCA47N Angel

MPCA49N Angel Statue

MPCA50N Angel Musicians

MPCA51N Angel Visiting Mary

MPCA52N Angel lifting Jesus

MPCA53N Angel with Jesus

MPCA54N Angel Visiting Mary

MPCA55N Angel Visiting Mary

MPCA56N Angel Music

MPCIR1 Irish castle

MPCIR2 Celtic Cross

MPCIR3 Shamrock

MPCIR4 Map of Ireland

MPCIR5 Flag of Ireland

Irish Prayer Cards

MPCIR6 Irish Flag

MPCIR7 Shamrock Patch

MPCIR8 St. Patrick

MPCIR9 Celtic Cross

MPCIR10 Waterfall at Glecar Lough

MPCIR11 Enbulbin

MPCIR12 Circles at Carrowmore

MPCIR13 Claddagh Circle

MPCIR14 Claddagh Gold Celtic Cross

MPCIR15 Claddagh Ring

MPCIR16 Celtic Cross graphic

MPCIR17 Stone Celtic Cross

MPCIR18 Hills of Ireland

MPCIR19 Collage of Ireland

MPCIR20 Irish Castle

MPCIR21 Tower in Ireland

MPCIR22 Guinness with Blessing

MPCIR23 Guinness with Shamrocks

MPCIR24 Celtic Cross

MPCIR25 Shamrocks and Gold Cross

In Loving Memory of

Allan D.Thompson November 17, 1969 • May 12, 2009 In Boston, May 12, 2009, age 40, formerly of Allston. Beloved husband of Deborah (Rossetti.) Devoted father of Joseph and Valerie. Son of Mary and Albert D. Thompson. Brother of Karen and her husband Albert Wall, Joseph and his wife Barbara Thompson, Uncle of Sam and Annabel. Godfather to Jason Hosman. Co-Founder of Gentlemen’s Gym Boxing of Cambridge and Construction Manager of Thompson Real Estate & Development Company, Inc. In lieu of flowers donations may be made in his name to Dana Farber Cancer Institute.

Images of Christian & Religious Symbols

Beloved husband, father, son, brother, godfather, uncle & friend. You are in our hearts forever. “Whatever you did for the least of My brothers and sisters, that you did for Me” ~Jesus FUNERAL HOME NAME HERE

Memorial Prayer Card

Memorial Bookmark

Memorial Funeral Program

All images of Symbols available for all four custom printed memorials.

Memorial Thank You Note

Christian Symbol Prayer Cards

MPCX1 Bible Rosary

MPCX2 Candles

MPCX3 Resting Place

MPCX4 Cross

MPCX5 Bible with Cross

MPCX6 Keys

MPCX7 Praying Hands

MPCX8 Young Girl Praying

MPCX9 Praying Hands

MPCX10 Thorns with Cross

MPCX11 Crucifix

MPCX12 Crucifix with Lilies

MPCX13 Candle

MPCX14 Candles

MPCX15 Candles

MPCX16 Candles

MPCX17 Explorer

MPCX18 Country Church

MPCX19 Lamb

MPCX20 Chalice Stain Glass

Christian Symbol Prayer Cards

MPCX21 Gold Cross

MPCX22 Wedding Rings

MPCX23 Lambs

MPCX24 Flag with Bible and Cross

MPCX25 Lamb of God

MPCX26 Mountain Church

MPCX27 Cross with Flowers

MPCX28 Holy Communion

MPCX29 Holy Communion

MPCX30 Holy Communion

MPCX31 Holy Communion

MPCX32 Holy Communion

MPCX33 Holy Communion

MPCX34 Dove

MPCX35 Noah

MPCX36 Crucifix

MPCX37 Stick Cross

MPCX38 Doves

MPCX39 Chi Rho

MPCX40 Angel Border

Christian and Other Religious Symbol Prayer Cards

MPCX41 Noah

MPCX42 Risen Christ

MPCX43 Candle

MPCX44 God the Father

MPCX45 Angels with Chalice

MPCX46 Lamb of God

MPCX47 Doves

MPCX48 Serenity Prayer

MPCX49 God is Love

MPCX50 Lamb Graphic

MPCXX1 Saint

MPCXX2 Saint

MPCXX3 Saint Matthew

MPCUS50 Cross with U.S. Flag

MPCUS51 Rosary with U.S. Flag

MPCX51 Church in the Forest

MPCX52 Asia

MPCX53 Asia

MPCX54 India

MPCX56 Islam

Jewish Prayer Cards/Fire Fighter Prayer Cards/Italy Prayer Cards

MPCJE1 Torah

MPCJE2 Moses

MPCJE3 Temple Stain Glass

MPCJE4 Temple Stain Glass

MPCJE5 Temple Stain Glass

MPCJE6 Menorah

MPCJE7 Menorah

MPCJE8 Menorah

MPCJE9 Jewish

MPCJE10 Noah

MPCFF1 Fire House

MPCFF2 Fire Fighter Boots with Seal

MPCFF3 Empty Boots

MPCFF4 Flags on Fire Truck

MPCFF5 Fire Department Seal

MPCFR1 French Flag

MPCFR2 Eiffel Tower

MPCT1 Italy

MPCT2 Vatican

MPCT3 Map of Italy

Images of Flowers In Loving

Jennifer A s

May 14, 1 970 •

Memory o f

hley Gree

en y Gre ghter, e l h s dau fer A Jenni e, mother, f . ed wi riend Belov sister & f

Memorial Prayer Card

Memorial Bookmark

Memorial Funeral Program


August 11 , 2010

Memorial Thank You Note

All flower images available for all four custom printed memorials.

Flower Prayer Cards

MPCF1 Sun Flower

MPCF2 Empty Garden Chair

MPCF3 Yellow Lily

MPCF4 Plumeria

MPCF5 Daisies

MPCF6 Pink Flowers

MPCF7 Lobelia

MPCF8 Tulip

MPCF9 Tulips

MPCF10 Hyacinth

MPCF11 Wild Flowers

MPCF12 Phlox

MPCF13 Rose Collage

MPCF14 Asian Tulip

MPCF15 Pansies

MPCF16 Purple Flower

MPCF17 Pink Rose

MPCF18 Peach Rose

MPCF19 Pink Rose Bouquet

MPCF20 Two Pink Roses

Flower Prayer Cards

MPCF21 Red Rose Center

MPCF22 Rose with text

MPCF23 Pink Lilies

MPCF24 Yellow Lilies

MPCF25 Water Lily

MPCF26 Imagine Mosaic

MPCJF27 Hydrangea

MPCF28 Pink Daisies

MPCF29 Purple Flower

MPCF30 Butterfly

MPCF31 Windmill & Red Tulips

MPCF32 Windmill Assort Tulips

MPCF33 Dandelion

MPCF34 Yellow Roses

MPCF35 Cyclamen

MPCF36 Water Lily

MPCF37 Gerber Daisies

MPCF38 Yellow Flowers

MPCF39 Yellow Flowers

MPCF40 Begonias

Flower Prayer Cards

MPCF41 Daisy

MPCF42 Impatients

MPCF43 Purple Flower

MPCF44 Pink Field

MPCF45 Purple Petals

MPCF46 Pink Flowers

MPCF47 Single Red Rose

MPCF48 Rose Medley

MPCF49 Tulips

MPCF50 Iris

MPCF51 Cosmo

MPCF52 Plumeria

MPCF53 Purple Tulips

MPCF54 Water Lilies

MPCF55 Daisy

MPCF56 Rest in the Lord

MPCF57 Red & Yellow Tulips

MPCF58 Flower

MPCF59 Flower

MPCF60 Daisies

Flower Prayer Cards

MPCF61 Lupine

MPCF62 Sunflower

MPCF63 Impatients

MPCF64 Pink Rose

MPCF65 Pink Flower

MPCF66 Water Lily

MPCF67 Water Lilies

MPCF68 Black Eye Susan

MPCF69 Yellow Lily

MPCF70 Flowers

MPCF71 Sunflower

MPCF72 Pink Cosmos

MPCF73 White & Pink Roses

MPC74 Pink Flowers

MPCF75 Orange Flower

MPCF76 Snap Dragons

MPCF77 Water Lily

MPCF78 Yellow & Red Flower

MPCF79 Gardenias

MPCF80 Yellow Flower

Patriotic and Military Images emory of In Loving M

l Murphy Arthur PauMarch 21, 2010 1 July 4, 192


ther. er, grandfa th fa , d n a sb Beloved hu & friend. er, brother th fa d n a gr great-

Memorial Prayer Card

Memorial Bookmark

Memorial Funeral Program

Memorial Thank You Note

All Patriotic and Military images available for all four custom printed memorials.

Patriotic and Military Prayer Cards

MPCUS1 American Bald Eagle

MPCUS2 U.S. Flag

MPCUS3 U.S. Flag

MPCUS4 Lincoln Memorial

MPCUS5 Liberty with Flag

MPCUS6 Flag Raising

MPCUS7 Statue of Liberty

MPCUS10 Fighter Jets

MPCUS11 Navy Fighters

MPCUS12 Aircraft Carrier Landing

MPCUS13 Vietnam Memorial

MPCUS14 Air force Wing

MPCUS15 Fighter Jets over Flag Clouds

MPCUS16 Air force Blessing

MPCUS18 Air force Seal

MPCUS19 Rest in the Lord

MPCUS20 U.S. Flag with M.I.A. Flag

MPCUS21 Marine Seal

MPCUS22 Marine Seal over U.S. Flag

MPCUS23 U.S.M.C. Pin over U.S. Flag

Patriotic and Military Prayer Cards

MPCUS24 U.S.M.C. Pin over U.S. Flag

MPCUS25 U.S.M.C. Pin

MPCUS26 Runner with U.S. Flags

MPCUS27 U.S. Flag on House

MPCUS28 U.S. Flag

MPCUS29 Army Seal over U.S. Flag

MPCUS30 Medal of Honor

MPCUS31 Silver Star Medal

MPCUS33 Bronze Star Medal

MPCUS35 Purple Heart Medal Prayer

MPCUS36 U.S. Navy Cross Montage

MPCUS38 Military Taps

MPCUS39 Navy Seal

MPCUS40 Navy Seal over U.S. Flag

MPCUS43 Cross with Flag

MPCUS44 Flag Presentation

MPCUS50 Cross with Flag

MPCUS51 Rosary with Flag

MPCUS54 U.S. Capital

MPCUS55 American Bald Eagle

Images of the Nature In Loving Remembrance of

Henry F. Peabody September 22, 1964 • November 3, 2010

Perhaps you sent a lovely card, Or sat quietly in a chair. Perhaps you sent a floral piece, If so we saw it there. Perhaps you spoke the kindest words, As any friend could say; Perhaps you were not there at all, Just thought of us that day. Whatever you did to console our hearts, We thank you so much

Beloved husband, father, brother & friend.

Memorial Thank You Note

Memorial Prayer Card

Memorial Bookmark

Memorial Funeral Program

Memorial Thank You Note

All nature images available for all four custom printed memorials.

Nature Prayer Cards

MPCN1 Autumn Leaves

MPCN2 Fall Leaves

MPCN3 Leaves Floating

MPCN4 Oak Leaves

MPCN5 Japanese Maple

MPCN6 Fall

MPCN7 Tree in Fall

MPCN8 Reflections of Fall

MPCN9 Autumn Color

MPCN10 Nature in Fall

MPCN11 Mountain in Fall

MPCN12 Hiking Path in Fall

MPCN13 Dusk

MPCN14 One Tree Hill

MPCN15 Big Tree in Meadow

MPCN16 Trees at Dusk

MPCN17 Giant Red Wood

MPCN18 Hillside Tree

MPCN19 Tree with Big Sky

MPCN20 Country Road

Nature Prayer Cards

MPCN21 Red Wood Forest

MPCN22 Tree in Winter

MPCN23 Winter Dawn

MPCN24 Reaching the Top

MPCN25 Footprints in Snow

MPCN26 Lone Kayak

MPCN27 Standing on the Dock

MPCN28 Empty Row Boat

MPCN29 Empty Row Boat

MPCN30 Footprints on Sandy Beach

MPCN31 Footprints in Sand

MPCN32 Footprints

MPCN33 Ocean Views

MPCN34 Palms at Sunset

MPCN35 Sunset

MPCN36 Ocean Surf

MPCN37 Streaming Sunlight

MPCN38 Seagulls

MPCN39 Seagulls

MPCN40 Seagulls

Nature Prayer Cards

MPCN41 Sea Shells

MPCN42 Sea Shell on Beach

MPCN43 Water

MPCN44 Sky at Sunset

MPCN45 Cactus at Sunset

MPCN46 China

MPCN47 Mountain Lake

MPCN48 Mountains

MPCN49 Moon

MPCN50 Lighthouse

MPCN51 Summer Grass

MPCN52 Wind Mill

MPCN53 Country Road

MPCN54 Forest Stream

MPCN55 Big Sky

MPCN56 Meadow

MPCN57 Rainbow Over Trees

MPCN58 Palm Branch

MPCN59 Pine Cones

MPCN60 Pears

Nature Prayer Cards

MPCN61 Ayers Rock

MPCN62 River

MPCN63 Purple Mountain

MPCN64 California Coast

MPCN65 Grand Canyon

MPCN66 Desert Rock

MPCN67 Rock Bridge

MPCN68 Sunset

MPCN69 El Capitan in Yosemite

MPCN70 Sea Gull Over Surf

MPCN71 Sunset with Waves

MPCN72 Zion Narrows

MPCN73 Jasper National Park

MPCN74 Walking the beach at Sunset

MPCN75 Oak Leaf

MPCN76 Half Dome at Yosemite

MPCN77 Jasper National Park

MPCN78 Desert Rocks

MPCN79 Falls Canada

MPCN80 Lightning Storm

Nature Prayer Cards

MPCN81 Mountain

MPCN82 Ocean View

Streaming Light in the Forest

MPCN84 Mountain

MPCN85 Earth from Space

MPCN86 Our Solar System

MPCN87 Rainbow in Canyon

MPCN88 Rainbow over Barn

MPCN89 Lighthouse

Blue Sky with Sun and Clouds

MPCN91 Lighthouse at Night

MPCN92 Lighting Storm

MPCN93 Deep Forest Falls

MPCN94 Water Fall

MPCN95 Butterfly on Flowers


MPCN97 Winter Tree at Sunset

MPCN98 Tree by the Lake

MPCN99 Tropical Island

MPCN100 Rainbow in Winter

Footprints on the Beach Sand



Nature Prayer Cards

MPCN101 Rainbow in the Mountains

MPCN102 Rainbow in the Mountains

MPCN103 Puerto Rico Fort

MPCN104 Tropical Island

MPCN105 Farm by the Sea

MPCN106 Castle by the Sea

MPCN107 Rainbow

MPCN108 Mountain River

MPCN109 Palm Trees at Sunset

MPCN110 Palm Trees at Sunset

MPCN111 Sea Gull

MPCN112 Under the Sea

MPCN113 Overlapping Leaves

MPCN114 Leaves on a Tree

MPCN115 Windmill with Tulips

MPCN116 Windmill

MPCN117 Evergreen

MPCN118 Sunset Through Grass

MPCN119 Stream in Forest

MPCN120 Beach/River Rocks

Nature Prayer Cards

MPCJN121 Beach Walk at Sunset

MPCN122 Conch Shell

MPCN123 Nautical Shell

MPCN124 Mountain Stream

MPCN125 Tree by Water

MPCN126 Sail Boat

MPCN127 Nautical Shell

MPCN128 Nautical Shell

MPCN129 Sea Shells

MPCN130 Ocean

MPCN131 Light House

MPCN132 Leaves on Ground

MPCN133 Mountains

MPCN134 Sail Boat

MPCN135 American Bald Eagle

MPCN136 Footprints on Beach

MPCN137 Swan

MPCN138 Hammock

MPCN139 Dandelions

MPCN140 Tree Roots

Nature Prayer Cards

MPCN141 Pine Cones

MPCN142 Sea Shell

MPCN143 Sunset

MPCN144 Sunset

MPCN145 Evergreen

MPCN146 Palms

MPCN147 Footprints in Sand

MPCN148 Palm Tree

MPCN149 Geese

MPCN150 Sunset

MPCN151 Water Fall

MPCN152 Water Fall

MPCN153 Water Fall

MPCN154 Yellow Flowers

MPCN155 Water Fall

MPCN156 Summer Time

MPCN157 Mountains in Winter

MPCN158 Russian Church

MPCN159 Mountains

MPCN160 Water Fall

Images for Children In Loving

Memory of

Kiel Willia

m Butler February 1 2, 2008 • M ay 26, 201 0

God needed an to stand at angel in heaven His choice the Savior’s feet; must be th a lily pure e rarest and the mighty sweet. He gazed upo n throng then and picked st the best, o opped ur child was His ch ose Jesus he’s n n one with ow at rest.

Memorial Prayer Card

Memorial Bookmark

Memorial Funeral Program

Memorial Thank You Note

All images for children available for all four custom printed memorials.

Children Prayer Cards

MPCC1 Blocks

MPCC2 Crayons 1

MPCC3 Crayons 2

MPCC4 Praying Angel 1

MPCC5 Praying Angel 2

MPCC6 Mary with baby & Lamb

MPCC7 Guardian Angel 1

MPCC8 Guardian Angel 2

MPCC9 Angels watching over

MPCC10 Praying Angel 3

MPCC11 Angel with lily

MPCC12 Thinking Angel

MPCC13 Watchful Angel

MPCC14 Jesus with children 1

MPCC16 St. Joseph with Jesus

MPCC17 Jesus as a boy

MPCC18 Jesus with child

MPCC20 Jesus with children 2

MPCC21 Mary, Jesus & Lamb

MPCC22 Mary with twins

Children and Teen Prayer Cards

MPCC23 Praying Angel 4

MPCC24 Paying Angel

MPCC25 Mother & child with angel

MPCC26 Love rock 1

MPCC27 Love rock 2

MPCC28 Boy angel wings

MPCC29 Girl angel wings

MPCC30 Boy with puppy

MPCC31 Boy tiptoed poem

MPCC32 Girl tiptoed poem

MPCC33 Princess

MPCC34 Girl in garden

MPCC35 Boy with butterflies

MPCC36 Pink Never Forgotten

MPCC37 Blue Never Forgotten

MPCC38 Mint Treeline

MPCC39 Blue Treeline

MPCC40 Pink Treeline

MPCC41 Butterflies

MPCC42 Guitar

Fine Art Images In Loving


ory of Charlene I e s h a Freem Ap ril 12, 198 8•


November 2, 2010

Afterglow I’d like the memory of me to be a one, I’d lik happy e to leave an afterglow o when life is f smiles done. I’d li ke to leave whispering an echo softly down the ways, o times and la f happy ughing tim es and brig sunny days. h t and I’d like the tears of tho grieve, to d se who ry before th e sun of hap memories th py at I leave beh ind when day is done. Helen Low rie Marsha ll

Memorial Prayer Card

Memorial Bookmark

Memorial Funeral Program

Memorial Thank You Note

All fine art images available for all four custom printed memorials.

Fine Art Prayer Cards

MPCFA1 Van Gogh’s Church

MPCFA2 Van Gogh’s Starry Night

MPCFA3 Cubist Village

MPCFA4 Gauguin’s Christ

MPCFA5 Fountain

MPCFA6 Butterflies

MPCFA7 Modern Art

MPCFA8 Castle

MPCFA9 Cathedral

MPCFA10 Tree by the Road

MPCFA11 Pasture

MPCFA12 Farm

MPCFA13 Mountains

MPCFA14 River

MPCFA15 Mountain Falls

MPCFA16 Storm is Coming

MPCFA17 Fishing Village

MPCFA18 Flowers

MPCFA19 Flowers

MPCFA20 Flowers

Fine Art Prayer Cards

MPCFA21 Flowers with Watering Can

MPCFA22 Flowers in Vase

MPCFA23 Flowers

MPCFA24 Flowers

MPCFA25 Flowers

MPCFA26 Van Gogh’s Flowers

MPCFA27 Van Gogh’s Irises

MPCFA28 Van Gogh’s Irises

MPCFA29 Van Gogh’s Meadow

MPCFA30 Van Gogh’s Road

MPCFA31 River

MPCFA32 Trees

MPCFA33 River in Winter

MPCFA34 Lazy River

MPCFA35 Big Tree

MPCFA36 Sunset

MPCFA37 Farmer

MPCFA38 Lazy Days of Summer

MPCFA39 Down the Road

MPCFA40 In the Mountains

Fine Art Prayer Cards

MPCFA41 Castle Tower Ruin

MPCFA42 Lower Falls

MPCFA43 Black Bear

MPCFA44 River

MPCFA45 American West

MPCFA46 Deer on Mountain Lake

MPCFA47 Hay Cart

MPCFA48 Farmers Cart

MPCFA49 Sheep by River

MPCFA50 Sheep Grazing

MPCFA51 Cattle in Nature

MPCFA52 Tropical Beach

MPCFA53 Trees

MPCFA54 Water Fall

MPCFA55 Farm

MPCFA56 Alps

MPCFA57 Puddles

MPCFA58 Rainy Day

MPCFA59 Water Fall

MPCFA60 Sanctuary

Fine Art Prayer Cards

MPCFA61 Mountains

MPCFA62 Spanish Garden

MPCFA63 Flowers by the Barn

MPCFA64 Meadow in Mountains

MPCFA65 Stately Home

MPCFA66 Fall Colors

MPCFA67 In the Artists Studio

MPCFA68 Home Door

MPCFA69 Country Lane

MPCFA70 In the Garden

MPCFA71 Windmill

MPCFA72 Village

MPCFA73 Men at Sea

MPCFA74 Still Life

MPCFA75 Tall Ship at Sunset

MPCFA76 Spring Blossoms

MPCFA77 Beach Scene

MPCFA78 Sailboat on Beach

MPCFA79 Flowers

MPCFA80 Animals

Fine Art Prayer Cards

MPCFA81 Flower Girl

MPCFA82 Foot Bridge

MPCFA83 Nature

MPCFA84 Boat on the Lake

MPCFA85 Flowers

MPCFA86 Flowers and Fruit

MPCFA87 Duck Pond

MPCFA88 Boat on Beach

MPCFA89 River in the Mountains

MPCFA90 Monks in Nature

MPCFA91 Nature

MPCFA92 Nature

MPCFA93 Gazebo

MPCFA94 Person in Nature

MPCFA98 Tropical

MPCFA100 Nature

MPCFA104 Big Sky

MPCFA105 Flower Garden

MPCFA108 Marriage

MPCFA109 Sail Boats

Fine Art Prayer Cards

MPCFA110 Sail Boats

MPCFA111 Birds

MPCFA112 Birds

MPCFA113 Birds

MPCFA114 Birds

MPCFA115 Cove

MPCFA116 Flowers

MPCFA117 Flowers

MPCFA118 Flowers

MPCFA119 Flowers

MPCFA120 Flowers

MPCFA121 Flowers

MPCFA122 Flowers

MPCFA123 Flowers

MPCFA124 Flowers

MPCFA125 Flowers

MPCFA126 Flowers

MPCFA127 Flowers

MPCFA128 Flowers

MPCFA129 Humming Birds

Images of Sports & Activities In Loving

Memory of

Ben Mitch e

ll Winston December 11, 1946 • January 14 , 2011

The Golfe rs Prayer Now I Lay Me Down T I Pray The Lord My L o Sleep ife To Kee Though I p Know You ’ll Eventually Take My S oul Please Let Me Prepare At The 19 th Hole!

Memorial Prayer Card

Memorial Bookmark

Memorial Funeral Program

Memorial Thank You Note

All sports and activities images available for all four custom printed memorials.

Sports and Activities Prayer Cards

MPCSP1 Baseball

MPCSP2 Basketball

MPCSP3 Soccer

MPCSP4 Fishing Rod and Reel

MPCSP5 Gone Fishing

MPCSP6 Football

MPCSP7 Football

MPCSP8 Football

MPCSP9 Golfer

MPCSP10 Golf

MPCSP11 Golf

MPCSP12 Golf

MPCSP13 Golf

MPCSP14 Golf

MPCSP15 Golf

MPCSP16 Hot Air Balloons

MPCSP17 Explorer

MPCSP18 Music

MPCSP19 Sail Boat

MPCSP20 Sail Boats

Sports and Activities Prayer Cards/Background Images

MPCSP21 Sailing

MPCSP22 Tennis

MPCSP23 Tennis

MPCSP24 Chess

MPCSP25 Chess

MPCSP26 Hot Air Balloons

MPCSP27 Sailing at Dusk

MPCSP28 Footballs

MPCSP29 Basketballs

MPCSP30 Campfire

MPCSP31 Buoy

MPCSP32 Buoy

MPCSP33 Sail Boat

MPCSP34 Boat at Pier

MPCSP35 Man at Sea

MPCBG1 Cyan Abstract

MPCBG2 Blue Abstract

MPCBG3 Yellow Abstract

MPCBG4 Purple Abstract

MPCBG5 Orange Abstract

Memorial Prayers This is a selection of popular prayers and poems. If you cannot find a particular verse or wish to use your own words, you can e-mail your copy and it will be used at no additional cost. When you find the poem you want, pleae write down the number for your order. PRAYER CHOICE: W1


(Layouts: A & C)

(Layouts: A, B & C)

Twenty-Third Psalm

Prayer of Solace

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

May Christ support us all the day long, till the shadows lengthen, and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over and our work is done. Then in His mercy may He give us a safe lodging, and holy rest and peace at the last. Amen.

R PRAYER CHOICE: W2 (Layouts A & C) There is a season for everything

There is a season for everything, a time for every occupation under heaven. A time for giving birth, A time for dying, A time for planting, A time for uprooting what has been planted. A time for killing, A time for healing; A time for knocking down, A time for building. A time for tears, A time for laughter; A time for mourning, A time for dancing. A time for throwing stones away, A time for gathering them up; A time for embracing, A time to refrain from embracing. A time for searching, A time for losing; A time for keeping, A time for throwing away. A time for tearing, A time for sewing; A time for keeping silent, A time for speaking. A time for loving, A time for hating; A time for war, A time for peace. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8



PRAYER CHOICE: W4 (Layouts A,B & C) Child’s Prayer

Now I lay me down to sleep; I pray thee, Lord, my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to take.

R PRAYER CHOICE: W5 (Layouts A, B & C) Serenity Prayer

God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.

R PRAYER CHOICE: W6 (Layouts A & C) When I Must Leave You

When I must leave you for a little while please do not grieve and shed wild tears and hug your sorrow to you through the years but start out bravely with a gallant smile; and for my sake and in my name live on and do all things the same, feed not your loneliness on empty days, but fill each waking hour in useful ways, reach out your hand in comfort and in cheer and I in turn will comfort you and hold you near; and never, ever be afraid to die, for I am waiting for you in the sky!


PRAYER CHOICE: W7 (Layouts A & D) Safely Home

I am home in heaven, dear ones; oh, so happy and so bright! There is a perfect joy and beauty in the everlasting light. All the pain and grief is over, every restless tossing passed; I am now at peace forever, safely home in heaven at last. There is work still waiting for you, so you must not idly stand, do it now, while life remaineth– you shall rest in God’s own land. When that work is all completed, He will gently call you home; oh, the rapture of that meeting oh, the joy to see you come!

R PRAYER CHOICE: W8 (Layout: C) A Place Where Children Are

What kind of place would heaven be with all its streets of gold, if all the souls, that dwell up there like yours and mine, were old? How strange would heaven’s music sound when harps begin to ring, if children were not gathered ‘round to help the angels sing. The children that God sends to us are only just a loan, He knows we need their sunshine to make the house a home. We need the inspiration of a baby’s blessed smile. He doesn’t say they’ve come to stay, just lends them for a while. Sometimes it takes them years to do the work for which they come. Sometimes in just a month or two our Father calls them home. I like to think some souls up there bear not one sinful scar. I love to think of heaven as a place where children are.


Memorial Prayers PRAYER CHOICE: W9



(Layout: C)

(Layouts: A, B, & C)

(Layouts: A, B, & C)

Going To Heaven

When I am gone, release me, let me go I have so many things to see and do. You mustn’t tie yourselves to me with tears, just be happy that we had some years. I gave you my love, you can only guess how much you gave to me in happiness. I thank you for the love you each have shown, but now it’s time I traveled on alone. Do grieve a while for me if you must then let your grief be comforted by trust. It’s only for a while that we must part, so keep our memories within your hearts. I won’t be far away, for life goes on, so if you need me call and I will come. Though you can’t see or touch me I’ll be near, and if you listen with your heart you will hear, all of my love around so soft and dear. And then when you must come this way alone, I’ll greet you with a smile and say “welcome home.”

R PRAYER CHOICE: W10 (Layouts: A, B & C) The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.


PRAYER CHOICE: W11 (Layouts: A,B & C) Taps

Day is done, gone the sun, from the hills, from the sky. All is well, safely rest, safely rest, all is well. Fading light dims the sight, and a star gems the sky, Gleaming bright from afar, drawing nigh, falls the night. Dear one, rest!


The Blessing of St. Francis of Assisi

The Lord bless you and keep you. May He show His face to you and have mercy. May He turn His countenance to you and give you peace. The Lord bless you!

R PRAYER CHOICE: W13 (Layouts: A,B & C) Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

PRAYER CHOICE: W14 (Layouts: A & C) Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

R PRAYER CHOICE: W15 (Layouts: A, B, & C) Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel from heaven so bright, watching beside me to lead me aright, fold thy wings round me, and guard me with love, softly sing songs to me of heaven above. Amen.



I’d like the memory of me to be a happy one, I’d like to leave an afterglow of smiles when life is done. I’d like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways, of happy times and laughing times and bright and sunny days. I’d like the tears of those who grieve, to dry before the sun of happy memories that I leave behind when day is done. Helen Lowrie Marshall

R PRAYER CHOICE: W17 (Layouts: A & C) A Little Step Away

To close the eye, to fall asleep, to draw a labored breath, to find release from daily cares in what we know as death– Is this the crowning of life, the aim or end thereof? The totaled sum of consciousness, the ripened fruit of love? It cannot be, for works of God are wrought for nobler ends, and those away continue on in the hearts of kin and friends. It cannot be, for they live on a little step away, the soul, the everlasting life, has found a better day.

R PRAYER CHOICE: W18 (Layouts: A, B, & C) God Needed An Angel

God needed an angel in heaven to stand at the Savior’s feet; His choice must be the rarest a lily pure and sweet. He gazed upon the mighty throng then stopped and picked the best, our child was His chosen one with Jesus she’s [he’s] now at rest.


Memorial Prayers PRAYER CHOICE: W19



(Layouts: A, B, & C)

(Layouts: A, B, & C)

(Layout A & C)

We sat beside your bedside

Walk In Sunshine May you always walk in sunshine and God’s love around you flow, for the happiness you gave us, no one will ever know, it broke our hearts to lose you, but you did not go alone, a part of us went with you, the day God called you home. A million times we’ve needed you. A million times we’ve cried. If love could only have saved you. You never would have died. The Lord be with you and may you rest in peace. Amen.

We sat beside your bedside, our hearts were crushed and sore; we did our best to the end, ‘til we could do no more. In tears we watched you sinking, we watched you fade away; and though our hearts were breaking, we knew you could not stay. You left behind some aching hearts, that loved you most sincere; we never shall and never will forget you Mother [Father] dear.


R PRAYER CHOICE: W23 (Layouts: A, B, & C)


Mother You can only have one mother patient, kind and true; no other friend in all the world, will be the same to you. When other friends forsake you, to mother you will return, for all her loving kindness, she asks nothing in return. As we look upon her picture, sweet memories we recall, of a face so full of sunshine, and a smile for one and all. Sweet Jesus, take this message, to our dear mother up above; tell her how we miss her, and give her all our love.


(Layouts: A, B, & C) Broken Chain

Little knew that morning that God was going to call your name. In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone; for part of us went with you the day God called you home. You left us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide, and though we cannot see you, you are always by our side. Our family chain is broken and nothing seems the same, but as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again.

R PRAYER CHOICE: W21 (Layouts: A, B, & C) Walk Alone Should you go first and I remain, to walk the road alone, I’ll live in memories garden, dear, with happy days we’ve known. In spring I’ll wait for roses red, when faded, the lilacs blue. In early fall when brown leaves fall, I’ll catch a glimpse of you. I’ll hear your voice, I’ll see your smile, though blindly I may grope, the memory of your helping hand will buoy me on with hope. Should you go first and I remain, one thing I’ll have you do: walk slowly down that long long path, for soon I’ll follow you. I want to know each step you take, so I may take the same. For someday down that lonely road, you’ll hear me call your name.


I Said A Prayer For You Today

I said a prayer for you today and know God must have heard. I felt the answer in my heart although He spoke no word! I didn’t ask for wealth of fame, I knew you wouldn’t mind. I asked Him to send treasures of a far more lasting kind! I asked that He’d be near you at the start of each new day; to grant your health and blessings and friends to share your way! I asked for happiness for you in all things great and small. But it was for His loving care I prayed for the most of all!

(Layouts: A, B, & C) Miss Me But Let Me Go


When I come to the end of the road and the sun has set for me, I want no rites in a gloom-filled room. Why cry for a soul set free! Miss me a little, but not too long, and not with your head bowed low. Remember the love that we once shared, miss me but let me go. For this journey we all must take, and each must go alone. It’s all part of the Master plan, A step on the road to home. When you are lonely and sick of heart, go to the friends we know and bury your sorrows in doing good deeds. Miss me, but let me go.



(Layouts: A, B, & C)

You toiled so hard for those you loved. You said goodbye to none, your spirit flew before we knew, your work on earth was done. We miss you now, our hearts are sore, as time goes by we miss you more. Your loving smile, your gentle face: no one can fill your vacant place. Your life was love and labor. Your love for your family true. You did the best for all of us. We will always remember you.


PRAYER CHOICE: W27 (Layouts: A, B, & C)

Those we love must someday pass beyond our present sight... Must leave us and the world we know without their radiant light. But we know that like a candle their lovely light will surely shine to brighten up another place more perfect... more divine. And in the realm of Heaven where they shine so warm and bright. Our loved ones live forevermore in God’s eternal light.


Memorial Prayers/ Irish Blessings PRAYER CHOICE: W28



(Layouts: A, B, & C)

(Layouts: A & C for a woman)

(Layouts: A, B, & C)

A bouquet of beautiful memories, sprayed with a million tears, wishing God could have spared you, if just for a few more years. It does not take a special day, for us to think of you, each Mass we hear, each prayer we say, is offered up for you. We cannot bring the old days back, when we were all together, our family chain is broken now, but memories live forever.

R PRAYER CHOICE: W29 (Layouts: A, B, & C) I’m Free

Don’t grieve for me, for now I’m free; I took His hand when I heard Him call; I turned my back and left it all. If my parting has left a void; then fill it with remembered joy. My life’s been full, I savored much; good friends, good times, a loved one’s touch. A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss; ah yes, these things, I too, will miss. Perhaps my time seemed all too brief; don’t lengthen it now with undue grief. Lift up your hearts and share with me; God wanted me now, He set me free.


PRAYER CHOICE: W30 (Layouts: A & C -for a man) Remembrance

You can shed tears that he is gone, or you can smile because he has lived. You can close your eyes and pray that he’ll come back, or you can open your eyes and see he has left. Your heart can be empty because you can’t see him, or you can be full of the love you shared. You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday. You can remember him and only that he’s gone, or you can cherish his memory and let it live on. You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back, or you can do what he’d want, smile, open your eyes, love and go on.



You can shed tears that she is gone, or you can smile because she has lived. You can close your eyes and pray that she’ll come back, or you can open your eyes and see she has left. Your heart can be empty because you can’t see her, or you can be full of the love you shared. You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday. You can remember her and only that she’s gone, or you can cherish her memory and let it live on. You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back, or you can do what she’d want, smile, open your eyes, love and go on.

Irish Blessing

May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. And rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

R PRAYER CHOICE: W35 (Layouts: A, B, & C) Irish Blessing


Walls for the wind, and a roof for the rain, and drinks beside the fire - laughter to cheer you and those you love near you, and all that your heart may desire!



(Layouts: A, B, & C)


Life is but a stopping place, a pause in what’s to be, a resting place along the road to sweet eternity. We all have different journeys, different paths along the way, we all were meant to learn some things, but never meant to stay. Our destination is a place far greater than we know, for some, the journey’s quicker, for some the journey’s slow. And when the journey finally ends, we’ll claim a great reward, and find an everlasting peace, together with the Lord.

May the Irish hills caress you. May her lakes and rivers bless you. May the luck of the Irish enfold you. May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you.


(Layouts: A, B, & C)

PRAYER CHOICE: W33 (Layouts: A, B, & C) Father

A light is from our household gone, a voice we loved is stilled, a place is vacant in our home which never can be filled. God gave us a beautiful father - a father who never grew old, you were always there with a helping hand help us now to accept His plan. We miss you now, our hearts are sore, as time goes by we miss you more, your loving smile, your gentle face no one can take our “father’s place.”


(Layouts: A, B, & C) Irish Blessing

R PRAYER CHOICE: W37 Irish Blessing

May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light, May good luck pursue you each morning and night.


Irish Blessings/Spanish Memorial Prayers

(Layouts: A, B, & C) Irish Blessing

May God be with you and bless you, May you see your children’s children, May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings. May you know nothing but happiness from this day forward.

R (Layouts: A, B, & C) Irish Blessing

Irish Blessing

May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night, And the road downhill all the way to your door.

R (Layouts: A, B, & C) Irish Blessing

May there be a generation of children On the children of your children.


May you live as long as you want, And never want as long as you live.

(Layouts: A, B, & C)


May you always have work for your hands to do. May your pockets hold always a coin or two. May the sun shine bright on your windowpane. May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you. And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.

(Layouts: A, B, & C) Irish Blessing

May your neighbors respect you, Trouble neglect you, The angels protect you, And heaven accept you.

R (Layouts: A, B, & C) Irish Blessing

May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past.

R (Layouts: A, B, & C) Irish Blessing

May the roof above us never fall in. And may the friends gathered below it never fall out.

R (Layouts: A, B, & C)

Irish Blessing

R (Layouts: A, B, & C) Irish Blessing

Always remember to forget The things that made you sad. But never forget to remember The things that made you glad. Always remember to forget The friends that proved untrue. But never forget to remember Those that have stuck by you. Always remember to forget The troubles that passed away. But never forget to remember The blessings that come each day.


Spanish Memorial Prayers PRAYER CHOICE: WS1

(Layouts: A,B & C) Ave Maria (Spanish Hail Mary) Ave Maria

Dios te salve Maria. Llena eres de gracia El Señor es contigo bendita eres entre todas las mujeres bendito es el fruto de tu vientre Jesus. Santa Maria Madre de Dios ruega por nosotros los pecadores ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amen.


(Layouts: A,B & C) Oración al Angel de la Guarda Angel de Dios, Mi querido Guardián; fuiste enviado para protegernos. En este día permanece junto a mí, para alumbrar y guiar, guardarme y dirigirme. Enseñame, mi querido Angel de la Guarda, a conocer a Dios, para amarlo y servirlo por siempre. Aléjame de todo peligro y enseñame el camino al Cielo. Amén.

R PRAYER CHOICE: WS3 (Layouts: A & C)

(Spanish Twenty-Third Psalm) El Señor es mi pastor; nada me falta, en verdes pastos él me hace reposar y adonde brota agua fresca me conduce. Fortalece mi alma, por el camino del bueno me dirige por amor de su nombre. Aunque pase por quebradas muy oscuras no tengo ningún mal, porque tú estás conmigo, tu bastón y tu vara me protegen. Me sirves a la mesa frente a mis adversarios, con aceites tú perfumas mi cabeza y rellenas mi copa. Me acompaña tu bondad y tu favor mientras dura mi vida, mi mansión será la casa del Señor por largo, largo tiempo.


Spanish Memorial Prayers PRAYER CHOICE: WS4 (Layouts: A & C)

(Layouts: A,B & C)



Oración a la Virgen de Lourdes Oh, Virgen Inmaculada, Virgen María, tu eres el refugio de los pecadores, de la salud de los enfermos y el consuelo de los afligidos. En el santuario de Lourdes tu has otorgado muchos favores a personas como yo lo necesitaban. Por esta razón acudo a tí, para que intercedas por mí y me concedas la gracia que te pido. Amén.

Señor, dame la serenidad necesaria para aceptar las cosas que no puedo cambiar. Coraje para cambiar las cosas que puedo y Astucia para saber la diferencia entre ellas.


Dios te salve María: llena eres de gracia, el Señor es contigo. Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús. Santa María, Madre de Dios ruega por nosotros pecadores ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén

Oración al Sagrado Corazón de María Purísimo corazón de María, manten mi corazón libre del pecado. Dulce Corazón de María Sálvame. Nosotros confiamos en que intercedas por nosotros ante tu hijo Jesús. Ayudanos, Oh Madre a poder aguantar todas las pruebas de esta vida: para así poder compartir la vida y la paz eterna con Dios por siempre. Amén

PRAYER CHOICE: WS5 (Layouts: A & C)

El Señor es mi pastor, nada me falta, en verdes pastos el me hace reposar y adonde brota agua fresca me donduce. Fortalece mi alma, por el camino del del bueno me dirige por amor de su nombre. Aunque pase por quebradas muy oscuras no temo ningun mal, porque tu estas conmigo, tu baston y tu vara me protegen. Me sirves a la mesa frente a mis adversarios, con aceites tu perfumas mi cabeza y rellenas mi copa. Me acompaña tu bondad y tu favor mientras dura mi vida, mi mansion sera la casa del Señor por largo, largo tiempo.


(Layouts: A,B & C) Corazón de Jesús en Vos Confío Sacrantísimo Corazón de Jesús, ten piedad de nosotros. Si la confianza es prueba de ternura: Esta prueba de amor daros ansío. Aun cuando estésumido en al amargura: Sagrado corazón en tí confío Yo siento una confianza de tal suerte: Que sin ningún temor, Oh Dueño mío! Espero repetir hasta la muerte ¡Sagrado Corazón en tí Confío!


(Layouts: A,B & C) Oración a la Virgen de Guadalupe Oh amada Virgen de Guadalupe, rosa mística, intercede por nosotros ante tu Hijo y obteén por nosotros las gracias que te pedimos. En los momentos de angustia defiendenos de las fuerzas de nuestros enemigos, y a la hora de nuestra muerte recibe nuestra alma en el Cielo. Amén




(Layouts: A,B & C) El Ave Maria


PRAYER CHOICE: WS10 (Layouts: A,B & C)

Oración a Nuestra Santa Madre

Dios mío te rogamos nos concedas tu gracia para que por la intercesión de vuestra Gloriosa Madre la Virgen María de que seamos enrriquecidos por las bendiciones perpetuas y libres de peligros y que por medio del amor y caridad de la Virgen seamos uno de corazón y mente por los siglos de los siglos. Amén


PRAYER CHOICE: WS11 (Layouts: A,B & C) En Memoria

Oh Dios, através de la muerte de tu Hijo en la cruz, tu has sobrepasado el sufrimiento de la muerte por nosotros. Através de su entierro, Tú has hecho la tumba un lugar sagrado. Rogamos por todos los que han muerto creyendo en Jesus, y han sido enterrados con Él creyendo que algún día llegaría el día de la resurecciòn. En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Amén.


(Layouts: A,B & C)


PRAYER CHOICE: WS13 (Layouts: A,B & C)

Oracion de San Francisco

Señor haced de mi un instrumento de vuestra paz. Que allí adonde aya ofensa, ponga yo perdón; Que allí donde haya discordia, ponga yo armonía; Que allí donde haya duda, ponga yo la fe; Que allí donde haya tinieblas, ponga yo la luz; Que allí donde haya tristeza, ponga yo alegría. Oh Divino Maestro, Que no me empeñe tanto en ser consolado, como en consolar; en ser comprendido, como en comprender; en ser amado, como en amar; pues dando es como se recibe, perdonando se es perdonado y muriendo se resucita a la vida eterna.


PRAYER CHOICE:WS14 (Layouts: A,B & C) Oh Piadoso Corazón de Jesus siempre presente en el Sacramento, siempre lleno de amor ardiente por las pobres almas cautivas en el Purgatorio, ten piedad del alma de quien llega a Ti con humildad. No seas muy severo en Vuestro Juicio y deja que algunas gotas de Vuestra Preciosa Sangre caigan en las devoradoras llamas y haced, oh piadosa Señor, que Vuestros Angeles conduzcan el alma de quien a Ti clama, a un lugar de descanso y paz eterna. Amen.


Memorial Thank You Notes

Memorial Thank You Notes Custom designed with the image and copy you choose. The thank you notes are printed on a heavy card stock and envelopes are provided with every order.

The family of

Mary J. Harrington wishes to say...

Choose to have a white border around image or full image thank you. You can have the inside blank or printed with text, prayer, and a photo.).

Thank you note with full card image

The family of

Robert Michael Wilson

wishes to say...

Thank You Cards measure 4G� x 5H� when folded. Over a 1000 different images to choose from or you can provide your own.

Thank You

Quality envelopes included with order.

Memorial Thank You Notes Thank you note inside with photo, dates and thank you text inside

Your kind and thoughtful expression of sympathy is deeply appreciated In Loving Memory of

and gratefully acknowledged.

Mary J. Harrington March 22, 1948 • January 12, 2009

Loving wife, mother, aunt, grandmother & friend.

Memorial Thank You Notes can be customized with any text or prayer and are available with or without a photograph.

I’m Free Don’t grieve for me, for now I’m free; I took His hand when I heard Him call; I turned my back and left it all. If my parting has left a void; then fill it with remembered joy. My life’s been full, I savored much; good friends, good times, a loved one’s touch. A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss; ah yes, these things, I too, will miss. Perhaps my time seemed all too brief; don’t lengthen it now with undue grief. Lift up your hearts and share with me; God wanted me now, He set me free.

A friendly smile, a casual touch. These are the things that mean so much. To know you are with us in our time of sorrow. Sharing our prayers, today and tomorrow.


Thank you sincerely for sharing our sorrow. Your kindness is deeply appreciated and will always be remembered. The family of Robert Michael Wilson

Memorial Thank You Notes Memorial Thank You Note wording for the front of cards. Please feel free to choose a message from the choices below, write your own or to revise any of the choices to make it personal and unique. TYNCW1

The family of (Your Loved One’s Full Name) wishes to say… Thank You TYNCW2

The family of (Your Loved One’s Full Name) wish to say… Thank You TYNCW3

In Loving Memory of (Your Loved One’s Full Name) TYNCW4

Thank You for Your Sympathy TYNCW5

(Your Loved One’s Full Name) date of birth ~ date of death TYNCW6

Thank You

Memorial Thank You Note wording for the inside of cards. Please feel free to choose a message from the choices below, write your own or revise any of the choices below to make it personal and unique. Please copy and paste your selection to the order form. You may also have a prayer or additional message printed on the inner left panel at no additional cost. TYNIW8

Your kind expression of sympathy during our time of sorrow was greatly appreciated. TYNIW9

Our family acknowledges with great appreciation your kind expression of sympathy. TYNIW10

Your kind expression of sympathy is gratefully acknowledged and deeply appreciated. The family of (Your Loved One’s Full Name) TYNIW11

The family of (Your Loved One’s Full Name) acknowledges with deep appreciation your kind expression of sympathy. TYNIW12

Thank you sincerely for your kind and thoughtful expression of sympathy. TYNIW13

Just a note to thank you for your kindness during our time of need.

Memorial Thank You Notes TYNIW14


Your kind and thoughtful expression of sympathy is deeply appreciated and gratefully acknowledged.

Words cannot express the feeling in our hearts. Thank you for being with us during this difficult time. Your thoughts, prayers and words of sympathy will always be remembered.


Thank you sincerely for sharing our sorrow. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated and will always be remembered. TYNIW16

Your thoughtfulness has meant so much and everything you have done is truly appreciated… Thank you. TYNIW17

During this time of sorrow we learn how much our family and friends really mean to us. Thank you so much for your kindness and sympathy at a time when it was deeply appreciated. TYNIW18

A friendly smile, a casual touch. These are the things that mean so much. To know you are with us in our time of sorrow. Sharing our prayers, today and tomorrow. TYNIW19

Perhaps you sent a lovely card, Or sat quietly in a chair. Perhaps you sent a floral piece, If so we saw it there. Perhaps you spoke the kindest words, As any friend could say; Perhaps you were not there at all, Just thought of us that day. Whatever you did to console our hearts, We thank you so much whatever the part.


Thank you sincerely for sharing our sorrow. Your kindness is deeply appreciated and will always be remembered. The family of (Your Loved One’s Full Name) TYNIW23

Your kind expression of sympathy is deeply appreciated and gratefully acknowledged by the family of (Your Loved One’s Full Name) TYNIW24

Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Your generosity and support during this difficult time has been greatly appreciated. This is a very difficult time for all of us. We are saddened by the passing of (Your Loved One’s Full Name) TYNIW25

(Your Loved One’s Full Name). Your presence helped to lighten our burden. We enjoyed your company and were grateful for the shared memories.

Memorial Funeral Programs

Memorial Funeral Programs Custom designed with the images and copy you choose. You can have the inside printed with funeral service, prayers, obituary and photos. Memorial Funeral Program are custom printed in full color and can be personalized with a photo of your loved one, name, dates, prayer or any other text you wish. You can choose from our 40 program images or provide your own. Perhaps a full cover photo of your loved one or a favorite family photo.


Mass of Christian Burial Friday, March 14, 2005

Liturgy of the Word Entrance: Amazing Grace Opening Prayer First Reading: Wisdom 3:1-9

Church of St. Mark Garden City, Cranston St. Ann Cemetery Celebrant: Reverend Michael J. Leckie Organist: Kenneth Newman Vocalist: Mary Ward Pallbearers: Kiley M. Richards Cormick B. Lynch Kerry P. Richards Cameron J. Lynch John J. Richards James G. Downing, Jr.

Responsorial Psalm: Shepherd Me Oh God Second Reading: Letter of St. Paul to the Romans 14:7-9, 10-12 Gospel Acclamation Gospel Reading Homily Prayers of the Faithful Preparation of Gifts Bearers of Gifts: Caitlin-Mary, Joseph & Gemma Downing Offetory Hymn: Lady of Knock Eucharistic Prayers Communion Hymn: Ave Maria Personal Meditation: My Forever Friend

“Whatever you did for the least of

Recessional Hymn: Let There Be Peace on Earth

My brothers and sisters, that you did for Me” ~Jesus

Sample inside layout with funeral service.

From Saint Patrick’s Breastplate Christ be with me Christ before me Christ behind me Christ in me Christ beneath me Christ above me Christ on my right Christ on my left Christ where I lie Christ where I sit Christ where I arise Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks of me Christ in every eye that sees me Christ in every ear that hears me Salvation is of the Lord.

Words can never adequately express our sincerest and most heartfelt

Reduced for example only. Actual size is 8H” x 5H”

thanks to everyone for sharing this day with us as we honor and celebrate the life of our dear “Mary.” The love and devotion shown for him

In Cherished Memory of

Mary McDonald November 23, 1929 1960 • March 10, 2008

Beloved Beloved wife, wife, mother, mother, sister, sister, aunt, aunt, grandmother grandmother & & friend. friend. You You are are in in our our hearts hearts forever. forever.

and his memory will remain with us forever and help us carry forward. With deepest gratitude, The family of Mary McDonald

Over 40 different program covers to choose from or you can provide your own.

Sample Cover layout with prayer and thank you note on back cover.

Memorial Funeral Programs

Memorial Funeral Programs

Memorial Bookmarks

Memorial Bookmarks

Memorial Bookmarks measure 2 1/2” wide by 7 3/4” in height laminated and are available with or without a gold tassel. The bookmarks can be customized in any way you wish. You can select an image from collection of 60 designs or provide your own image(s). You can have any text, prayer, poem you wish on one or both sides of the bookmark.

In Loving Memory of

Allan D.Thompson November 17, 1969 • May 12, 2009 In Boston, May 12, 2009, age 40, formerly of Allston. Beloved husband of Deborah (Rossetti.) Devoted father of Joseph and Valerie. Son of Mary and Albert D. Thompson. Brother of Karen and her husband Albert Wall, Joseph and his wife Barbara Thompson, Uncle of Sam and Annabel. Godfather to Jason Hosman. Co-Founder of Gentlemen’s Gym Boxing of Cambridge and Construction Manager of Thompson Real Estate & Development Company, Inc. In lieu of flowers donations may be made in his name to Dana Farber Cancer Institute.

Beloved husband, father, son, brother, godfather, uncle & friend. You are in our hearts forever. Shown here at actual size.

“Whatever you did for the least of My brothers and sisters, that you did for Me” ~Jesus FUNERAL HOME NAME HERE

Memorial Bookmarks Memorial Bookmarks can also be printed with your loved ones obituary on it.

60 different Memorial Bookmarks to choose from or you can provide your own.

Custom Printed Memorials Memorial Prayer Cards Memorial Bookmarks Memorial Thank You Notes Memorial Funeral Programs

2 0 1 1 C ATA L O G Available from select Funeral Homes.


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