Tuesday, 18 July 2017

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Karachi, Tue July 18, 2017





he Directorate of Post Clearance Audit (PCA) has made remarkable performance during the Jirst 14 days of July 2017 and detected 14 cases involving revenue of Rs112.2 million. Sources told Customs Today that the Directorate of Post

Clearance Audit headed by Director Gul Rehman detected cases pertaining to short payment of customs duty and sales tax/ and withholding tax (WHT) because of inadmissible concessions, short payment of anti-dumping duty, additional sales tax, federal excise duty (FED) and income tax. The Directorate served eight contravention reports and 14 audit observa-

Vol 2, Issue No. 171

Price Rs. 14.00

tions during 14 days of July 2017 involving total duty and taxes of Rs112.237 million. The companies served audit observations or contravention reports include bulk containers in PICT, M/s Wajiha Export, M/s MK Enterprises, M/s Salima Knitwear and others. The Directorate General of Post Clearance Audit (PCA) has unearthed tax evasion of Rs210 million by importers in June 2017.

PCA detects 14 cases involving Rs 112.2m during first 14 days of July

Quetta Customs foils bid to smuggle plastic dana to Afghanistan

Multan ASO seizes NDP vehicles & goods worth Rs293.13m

Taiw an customs s ei zed us d38 0k f ro m d u o l e a v i n g M a c a u

ASO seizes NDP Toyota Hilux Surf for evading taxes, files FIR

PCA has made remarkable performance during the first 14 days of July 2017 | See pAge 01 |

Customs I&I Quetta has action against smuggling during the month of July | See pAge 02 |

ASOhasimpoundedsmuggledvehiclesand miscellaneous items valued Rs.293.13m | See pAge 04 |

Two men fromTaiwan who won USD400,000 from Macau casinos lost | See pAge 07 |

The Customs Collectorate of Preventive, ASO NMBWharf, Karachi has registered | See pAge 08 |



ASO seizes smuggled diesel oil, vehicle during checking Tuesday, July 18, 2017


FAISALABAD: The Anti Smuggling Organization (ASO) has seized foreign 47450 liters diesel and truck trailer worth Rs7,79,6000 involving customs duty and taxes Rs9,68,320 during a successful raids. According to the details, Collector Muhammad Sadiq received information that huge quantity of smuggled diesel was being smuggled out of Faisalabad. He directed Deputy Collector Usman Tariq to take all necessary measures to foil the attempt.

Quetta customs foils bid to smuggle plastic dana to Afghanistan




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he Anti-Smuggling Organization (ASO) and Customs Adjudication Peshawar arrested six persons and convicted five smugglers respectively during Financial Year FY2016-17. The ASO Peshawar confiscated narcotics worth Rs70.86million during FY16-17. According to details told by sources of Model Customs Collectorate (MCC) Peshawar, during FY16-17 the ASO Peshawar showed outstanding performance against smugglers. During said period, the ASO Peshawar seized huge quantity of narcotics from different locations in various cases. During said period, the ASO Peshawar impounded 149.48 kilogram of hashish valued Rs14.57million whereas it did 39 kilogram of opium during above said period. During FY16-17, the ASO confiscated 25.116 kilogram of heroin priced Rs48.88million. The performance of the ASO Peshawar is practically self-sufficient to carry out operations within its jurisdiction. The ASO collected tremendous revenue by impounding contraband items, Non-Duty-Paid (NDP) and offending vehicles during Financial Year (FY) 2016-17.



ustoms Intelligence and Investigations Quetta has action against smuggling during the month of July, Yesterday Directorate General of Customs Intelligence and Investigations Quetta during its crackdown against smuggling seized 80 shopper ( Boria) of plastic dana, are attempt to smuggled in Afghanistan Another raid the customs team recovered Irani Juices and so many other things. Sources told Customs Today that Deputy Collector Customs Preventive Junaid Mehmood received credible information that some smugglers are trying to smuggle White plastic Dana in Afghanistan, truck is loading and its release after one hour from Mastung area. He immediately constituted a raiding team. The team enhanced vigilance in the area of Mustong and start to searching operation of Vehicles, after one hour the team stop the truck, number BL-3292, and start checking, custom ofJicer found 80 big shopper (Boria) of white plastic dana. The team seized all shopper of plastic dana and arrest one person for attempting to smuggle, source said the price of seaized plastic dana is Rs2.2 million. During another crackdown the Customs Quetta team seized large quantity of Irani juices, Deputy Collector Customs Preven-

Adjudication convicts five smugglers in fY 2016-17

tive Junaid Mehmood received information about Irani juice, immedi-

ately constituted a raiding team and stop the mini truck , during searching

recovered 200 packet of Irani Juices and arrested the driver.

Afu earns Rs235m more St than allocated target in fY2016-17





he Air Freight Unit (AFU) Islamabad earned Rs235 million extra sales tax against the assigned target of financial year 2016-17. The AFU was assigned the revenue target of Rs1880 million under the same head against the surplus collection of Rs2114.52 million for above said period.

According to details told by Additional Deputy Collector Khawaja Khuram Naeem that the AFU Islamabad was assigned the hard revised targets for the last four months (March to June) FY16-17.During the month of June FY16-17, the AFU Islamabad earned Rs144.24 million extra revenue against the assigned target of ST. During June 16-17, the AFU received Rs584.24 million Sales Tax against the assigned target of

Rs440 million. During the month of May, the AFU generated Rs301.43 million of ST against the target of Rs350 million whereas it was assigned Rs300 million target of ST against the collection of Rs208.57 million during the month of April FY 16-17. During the month of March FY16-17, the AFU got Rs304.63 million against the allocated target of Rs270 million of ST while the AFU earned Rs319.43 million against set tar-

get of Rs220 million of ST during the month of February FY16-17. During the month of January, the AFU generated Rs190.02 million against the earmarked target of Rs260 million of ST. During December FY16-17, the AFU collected Rs388.15 million against assigned target of Rs250 million under the same head while the AFU earned Rs256.64million against the given target of Rs240 million of ST and the AFU did Rs240.58 million against the allo-

cated target of Rs225 million under the same head during the month of October 16-17. During the month of September FY1617, the AFU received Rs304.15 million against the assigned target of Rs176 million of ST. During August FY16-17, the AFU generated Rs210.02 million against the set target of Rs319 million under the same head whereas the AFU collected Rs205.5 million against the earmarked target of Rs190 million of ST.






Tuesday, July 18, 2017


MULTAN ImRAN ALI www.customsbulletin.com


he Anti-Smuggling Organization has impounded smuggled vehicles and miscellaneous items valued Rs.293.13 million during the entire Fiscal Year 2016-17. According to details, Multan Customs Anti-smuggling Organization has intercepted 112 non-customs paid expansive vehicles of different brands. Anti-Smuggling Organization has initiated extensive anti-smuggling campaign against smuggled vehicles in the vast jurisdiction of Multan Customs. Multan Customs has impounded 112 different foreign origin vehicles due to aggressive strategy against smuggled vehicles. These impounded vehicles include costly and luxurious vehicles of various brands and models including Toyota Land Cruiser, Mercedes Benz, Toyota Crown, Toyota Raum, Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic, Toyota Passo , Toyota Hilux Surf , Toyota Fielder, Premio, Suzuki Alto and others. Multan Customs teams were also attacked by smugglers. Multan Customs has also lost two lives of Multan Customs Anti-smuggling Organization employees in a deadly encounter from smugglers

during the crackdown against smugglers in this period. The Anti-Smuggling Organization of Multan Customs has also detected 25 various seizures of worth Rs.111.83 million of goods and articles including 14 kilograms of gold and foreign currency from Multan International Airport. Massive anti-smuggling campaigns assisted Multan Customs to prevent smuggling in their territory and it has also generated handsome revenue for the Collectorate throughout economic year (July to June) 201617. These concerted anti-Smuggling efforts discourage illicit trade and promoted legitimate trade in the Collectorate. The Customs Collectorate has seized 106 vehicles valued Rs171.7 million in their actions during the corresponding economic year 2015-16 and also registered 72 various seizure cases

of miscellaneous goods Rs.124.67 million during the corresponding period of Fiscal Year 2015-16. Multan Customs Anti-Smuggling Organization has taken effective measures to curb smuggling in the region which is also reJlected in the revenue collection throughout Fiscal Year 2016-17. Meanwhile, According to the details, the Customs Collectorate has surpassed customs duty (CD) collection by collecting Rs.1484.691 million against the assigned target of Rs.1355.210 million during the month of June of Jiscal year 2016-17. Multan Customs has posted 9 per cent increase in the customs duty revenue collection due to sincere efforts of the Collectorate during the month of June. The Customs Collectorate has collected Rs1313.430 million under the head of customs duty in the month of June corresponding fiscal year 2015-16. Multan Customs has collected sales tax amounting to Rs2472.378 million against the assigned target of Rs.6676 million during the month of June in economic year 2016-17. Sales tax collection of Customs Collectorate Multan has been reduced due to decline in the clearance of High Speed Diesel (HSD) g glin g u from Multan Colm s nti112 lectorate in the oms A d t s e t u p c n rce e t last few months. n s i e multa l s ic ha

n e veh izatio pansiv x e organ d i ggling pa stoms ti-Smu u n c A . n s d sive no t bran exten n d e e r t e a i  of di as init ainst tion h gn ag a i z a i p n a m org ling ca vast mugg in the s e l c i anti-s s h led ve ustom ltan c smugg u m f o iction jurisd




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economy in political turmoil


he latest political turmoil shows how some elements have always remained busy in creating fuss and chaos across the country on one pretext or the other. The biggest challenge before the nation is economy which is not picking up to the desire levels despite all the indicators and variables are in its favour. The country is facing mega trade deficit, low industrial output, persistent energy crisis and terrorism. The people lack basic amenities of life such as potable water, health, education and security, but the political elite is busy in settling their personal scores. The biggest business of the political elite is politics and they have nothing to do with plight of the business community in the country. The elite classes have funds and resources to live luxurious life without doing anything and without any known resources of income and this has already created vacuums in various segments of society. It appears the politicians are forcibly pushing the economy to the downward trajectory and it is difficult to ascertain on whose agenda they are working. No sooner the economy shows signs of recovery, they start raising issues which most of the time are non-issues. A media hype had been created during the last few months that the ruling family of the country is corrupt. However, the proverbial idiom“the pot calls the kettle black” also fits on those who are issuing the blemish statements against the family. The Joint Investigation Team, formed by the Supreme Court to investigate the corruption charges against the Sharif family, has found disparities in the family’s known sources of income and their actual wealth. As a matter of fact, this is not only the case of Sharif family, but also every third person of the country. Almost all the politicians are leading luxurious lives without any known source of income. As most of them are not from business community, they don’t pay taxes. However, the JIT statement confirms corruption as an open secret. The movement of illegal money within and outside the country is rampant and some of the government officials work in cahoots with criminal elements. The nation expects that action will be taken against corrupt elements whosoever they are within and outside the government and everyone should be made to pass litmus test of transparency in campaign against corruption.

New rating of pakistan’s economy M LAHORE



oody’s Investors Service has placed Pakistan at B3 with a stable outlook and senior unsecured ratings thanks to the foreign funded infrastructural projects and macro-economic stability in the country. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will address critical infrastructure constraints and tree-year extended fund facility program of the International Monetary Fund has continuing effects on the macrostability. However, the government has failed to generate new sources of income other than costly loans which it is extrava-

gantly obtaining from various international donor agencies. The foreign exchange reserves are maintained on the crutches of foreign loans which are piling up with every passing day. Experts believe the burden of loans is increasing, trade deficit have crossed $32 billion mark and political chaos is adversely affecting the economic growth in the country. The geopolitical situation is fragile and hostile neighbours are doing everything possible to isolate Pakistan from the rest of the world. On another note, generation of indigenous financial resources should be the first priority of the government but those who matter have never thought any-

thing on this subject at any stage. As a result, vulnerabilities of the economy are growing as full dependence on imports is closing the local industrial units at a large scale. At a time the countries in the region are registering two digit growth rates, Pakistan hardly reached 4.5 percent growth in its gross domestic project in the fiscal year ending June 2016. However, Moody’s hopes the country will be able to maintain this level of growth rate in the coming years. According to the agency, the median rate of growth for B-rated sovereigns was just 2.7 percent in 2016. Until the country enhances its industrial surplus and agricul-

tural production, it will be difficult to bring down the fiscal deficit to the desired level. It is yet to be seen how much the government will able to maintain fiscal deficit by banking on $6 billion IMF loan, the country is still looking for loans from various donor agencies. According to experts, the next few years are very difficult for the country as it will not only have to return the old loans, but will also have to pay the markup on fresh loans. Pakistan will have to achieve the real GDP growth of over 6 percent over the next few years to maintain fiscal discipline. As regard to CPEC, it will take time to materialize its economic benefits.



Buffett bets big on power with $9b Oncor deal Tuesday July 18, 2017


KHATMANDU: Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc said on Friday it agreed to pay $9 billion to buy the parent of Texas power transmission company Oncor Electric Delivery Co, stepping up its pursuit of steady profits from utilities and infrastructure deals. If the all-cash purchase wins approval from federal and state regulators and a bankruptcy judge, Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Energy unit will assume control of one of the largest US electricity transmission companies. “Buffett views infrastructure bets as a good long-term investment,” said Steven Check, president of Check Capital Management Inc in Costa Mesa, California, which invests $300 million of the $1.4 billion it oversees in Berkshire.

taiwan customs seized usd380k hobby Lobby fined $3m over smuggled artifacts from duo leaving macau KABUL

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wo men from Taiwan who won USD400,000 from Macau casinos lost USD380,000 of that when they were crossing the Taiwan border to enter Taipei city. According to a report by Apple Daily Taiwan, the two men, both in their 20s, took a Jlight from Macau to Taipei last Saturday. The Taipei customs authority found USD400,000 in cash in their possession, at which point the two men were questioned about the money’s source. The duo admitted that the money had been given to them by someone they met in Macau’s casinos However they reportedly did not know the identity of the person who gave them the money. Then, the Taipei customs authority ques-

customs seizes drug pills at airport UWAIT CITY: Customs officers at Kuwait airport arrested an Arab expatriate who tried to smuggle into the country 200 Tramadol pills carefully hidden inside small medicine containers. A security source said the officers aroused suspicion of the Arab while checking his luggage upon arrival from an unnamed Arab country. He was found in possession of 200 Tramadol pills concealed in medicine containers, which he intended to sell to customers here. Meanwhile, officers from the Public Security Sector apprehended a citizen in Farwaniya area in possession of illicit pills Capti, Shabu and tools for administering drugs. He was referred with the items to the General Department for Drug Control. Also, security operatives arrested a Kuwaiti citizen in Salmiya area under the influence of drugs. The suspect who was found sleeping on the ground kept repeating unintelligible words on his arrest. –CB Report


tioned the two men about whether they had been paid to carry the money out of Macau, but they refused to answer. In accordance with Taiwan’s anti-money laundering policy, USD 380,000 was subsequently seized by customs. According to the Taipei customs authority, this case involves the largest amount of cash ever car-

ried to Taiwan. Taiwan customs are reminding the public to be careful with how much cash they take to Taiwan. An individual is only allowed, at most, to bring NT100,000, RMB20,000, and USD10,000 in cash to Taiwan. Any amount above the limit must be declared to Taiwan customs, otherwise the Customs authority will seize the surplus.

Qatar Airways gets out from under uS laptop ban on middle east carriers


atar Airways joined two other major long-haul Gulf carriers on Thursday in getting off a US ban on laptops and large electronics in airplane cabins, despite facing logistical challenges amid a diplomatic dispute with several Arab nations. The Doha-based Qatar Airways, the Abu Dhabi-based Etihad, the Dubai-based Emirates and the Istanbul-based Turkish Airlines all have

put security procedures in place to satisfy American authorities. US ofJicials instituted the ban in March across 10 Middle East cities over concerns Islamic State Jighters and other extremists could hide bombs inside laptops. Qatar Airways said that with “immediate effect, all personal electronic devices can be carried onboard all departures from Hamad International Airport to destinations in the United States”. –CB Report

round 10 packages were shipped to the Jirm, Jive intercepted by customs which had shipping labels falsely declaring that the artifacts came from Turkey. “We should have exercised more oversight and carefully questioned how the acquisitions were handled”, Hobby Lobby President Steve Green said Wednesday. The family that owns the company is also bankrolling a $500 million Museum of the Bible slated to open in Washington in the fall. “The Company. did not fully appreciate the complexities of the acquisitions process”. The result, insisted the company, were “some regrettable mistakes”. “Hobby Lobby has cooperated with the government throughout its investigation, and with the announcement of today’s


settlement agreement, is pleased the matter has been resolved”. The Justice Department announced a settlement with the Oklahoma-based store chain on Wednesday, which says Hobby Lobby began bringing the items into the country, from Iraq, almost a decade ago. Visit an antique shop in the UAE’s Abu Dhabi, Dubai or Sharjah, and there is a good chance that numerous items for sale are from Afghanistan. Hobby Lobby said that company officials didn’t understand the rules for properly bringing antiquities into the country. It is unknown if any of the packages were delivered to the Santa Clarita Hobby Lobby, but a manager at the store said the location was purely retail based, and had no knowledge of any corporate packages moving through the store. Once they are sold on the black market, and most likely sold again and again, the likelihood is high that they will never return to their provenance.

Sarkozy’s aide convicted of tax fraud former adviser to former French president Nicolas Sarkozy was convicted on Friday of tax fraud and money laundering after being caught trying to take hundreds of thousands of euros in cash out of France. Boris Boillon, 47, was given a one-year suspended prison sentence and barred from holding public ofJice for Jive years. Customs ofJicers stopped Boillon at Paris’s Gare du Nord railway station in July 2013 with luggage stuffed with 350,000 euros ($400,000) and $40,000 in undeclared cash as he was about to board a train for Belgium.

The court on Friday ordered the seizure of the funds and the payment of a customs Jine of 95,036 euros as well as the payment of 30,000 euros to the French government for tax fraud. Boillon, who was Sarkozy’s ambassador to Iraq from 2009 to 2011, was also convicted of failure to declare a Jinancial transfer within the European Union exceeding 10,000 euros. The exdiplomat claimed to have made the money working as a middleman for an Iraqi company, mainly for a public works project. He blamed Iraq’s deJicient banking system for the need to carry cash. –CB Report

french state to make 4.5b euros in savings this year


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rench government ministries will tighten their belts to find 4.5 billion euros ($5.13 billion) in savings on their operational budgets this year, Budget Minister Gerald Darmanin told Le Parisien newspaper. The interior

and defense ministries will bear the brunt of the cuts, in steps meant to allow France to post a deficit below 3 percent of growth domestic product, honoring an EUagreed limit for the first time in a decade. “We have identified 4.5 billion euros in savings to bring the deficit below 3 percent this year on the state’s budget alone,” Darmanin told the newspaper, saying

the government would not increase taxes or ask local authorities to contribute and that public services would not be affected. Savings would include closely negotiating calls for tender and better managing a pool of official cars, he said. Some 850 million euros in savings would come from the defense ministry and another 526 millions euros from the inte-

rior ministry. Darmanin said the government was looking at reforms of housing and vocational training policies with the goal of saving more next year. Sources said on Monday that the government would push ahead in 2018 with tax cuts promised by President Emmanuel Macron, rowing back on comments from the prime minister that some could wait.



Faisalabad Customs Adjudication decides 30 cases FAISALABAD: The Collectorate of Customs Adjudication decided 30 various seizure cases worth Rs60.11 million during the month of June 2017. According to the details, the Customs Adjudication decided 30 seizure cases formed by Anti Smuggling Organization (ASO) Faisalabad and Customs Intelligence and Investigation during the said period. Collector adjudication Mirza Mibashir Baig decided seven seizure cases involving Rs 37.559 million. He settled all cases in favor of customs department, while no cases were decided in favor of taxpayer.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


ASo seizes non-duty paid toyota hilux Surf for evading taxes, files fIR KARACHI m A ABDuLLAh



he Customs Collectorate of Preventive, Anti Smuggling Organisation NMB Wharf, Karachi has registered the First Information Report against the suspects, who were allegedly involved in evading taxes of around Rs 5,287,370/-, and launched investigation regarding the matter. The complainant, Senior Preventive OfJicer, Custom House, Azhar Malik, in the FIR mentioned that Muhammad Nadeem (occupant/driver) and Muhammad Yaqoob (both absconder) were allegedly involved in a case of using smuggled/nonduty paid vehicle, Toyota Hilux Surf, bearing Registration No: CP-0693 and this particular vehicle was spotted plying in the vicinity of Gulbai area, Karachi. The FIR mentioned that on the basis of information a team was constituted to watch and intercept the vehicle. The Custom’s team found the Toyota Hilux Surf parked near Gulbai location. As per the FIR, the occupant/driver of the vehicle introduced himself as Muhammad Nadeem son of Allah Ditta to the team. He was asked

to produce the documents to substantiate the lawful import, procurement and possession of the said vehicle. According to the FIR, the Nadeem informed that the vehicle was purchased though public auction held at Customs, M.I. Yard and produced photocopies of auction documents consisting (i) certiJicate

under rules 22 (ii) letter from PA Auction to the Excise and Taxation OfJicer, Motor Registration Authority, without number and date, (iii) tax payment receipt dated on 07/10/1990 (iv) sale voucher dated 07/10/1990 in the name of Muhammad Iqbal amounting to Rs4, 40, 000/- (v) delivery order number

1076, dated 07/10/1990 (vi) no objection certiJicate dated 01/01/1991 from PA (Auction), M.I, Yard, Karachi, in his support along with registration coupon number:B0187082 of government of Sindh, Karachi for the vehicle bearing registration No CP-0693 dated 18/12/1990 showing description

as Toyota Hiace Surf (Station Wagon), Chassis No LN1300009771, Model 1990, 2958 CC, registered owner as Muhammad Yaqoob son of Haji Muhammad Ishaq. It also shows that M/s PRAL Customs, User Support Group, Custom House Karachi, clariJied that no record was found against the import of said vehicle and MRA Karachi has responded vide letter No ETO/MRA(OR-A)4483 and intimated that origin Jile of vehicle had already been returned to its registered owner and provided computer-based detail report. The FIR also claimed that on veriJication of auction documents produced by the driver, the Principal Appraiser (Auction) MCC Appraisement (East) Custom House, Karachi,vide letter No SI/Misc-02/2013-DC-E/W conJirmed that (presented) documents were not issued by their ofJice and declared them as fake/forged and fabricated. The FIR while quoting Principal Appraiser (Auction) report said that said vehicle in question has also not been auctioned against delivery order number 1076 which was produced by the driver. In light of the investigation, it has been established that the Toyota Hilux Surf was brought into the country other than authorised route and without payment of duty/taxes and got registered on the basis of fake and fabricated documents.

hyderabad ASo impounds vehicles, goods valued Rs35m HYDERABAD

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he Model Customs Collectorate Hyderabad’s AntiSmuggling Organization (ASO) impounded smuggled goods including non-duty-paid vehicles, tyres and tubes, autoparts, and other contraband cigarettes, Gutka, all brands and electronic items, laptops,

note books, hard dics, projector, LED TVs, high definition, car air-conditioner compressors, dry milk powder, Rani juice, mobile accessories, sports goods, toiletries, cosmetics, shampoo, and other goods worth Rs35million from Hyderabad, Sukkur and Larkana-Jacobabad in June 2017. Following the instruction of Hyderabad Customs Collector Akhlaq Ahmad Khattaq under the supervision of Additional Collector Rehmatulah Vistro, the ASO conducted various op-

erations to save the country from inflation and decline of progress. The customs team impounded different items including three vehicles (u/s 16) valued Rs03million, imported smuggled 257 tyres & tube valued Rs02million and different foreign origin 13,335 cartons of cigarettes worth Rs315000 and other miscellaneous items. The ASO seized foreign origin auto-parts worth Rs07.3million, foreign origin 144,500 sachets of Indian Gutka worth Rs01.5million,

and toiletries including cosmetics and shampoo valued Rs865200. Besides, the ASO seized miscellaneous items including electronic goods, laptops, note books, hard dics, projectors, LED TVs high definition, car air-conditioners compressors, dry milk powder different brands, fireworks, Rani juice, mobile accessories and sports goods worth Rs12million under the supervision of Deputy Collector Mushtaq Shahni, Customs Preventive Assistant Collector Customs Preventive

Published by M S Raza Off# 42, 3rd Flr Gull Plaza M.A Road Karachi, Printed by Dhoom Printing Building No RY/A, 11/6,11/7, Mashoor Mahal,off I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi

Sukkur Mumtaz Ali Ghangro. The ASO team, comprising of Superintendent Ghulam Shabbir Phalputo, Inspectors Imdad Ali Abro, Iqbal Mughal, Asaduddin Mirza, Mushtaq Ali Lakho, Waqar Ahmed Baig, Waqar Ahmed Surahio, Shakeel Khan, Aziz Ahmed Katpar, In-charge check-post Jacobabad Makhan Khan, In-charge Sukkur CheckPost, Sepoys Ghulam Sadiq, Ayuob, Abid Razaq, Hawaldar Muhammad Ahmed, Drivers Nisar Ahmdani, Sadiq Khaskheli and Khan, participated in the said operations.

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