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vol 3 Issue No. 2

Karachi, Tue dec 30, 2014 - mon Jan 05, 2015


Regd. No, mc-1381

Price Rs. 50.00

cOLLecTINg ReveNue

Afghan Transit Trade becomes

‘smugglers haven’ ASO head says Customs Intelligence and Investigation DG Lutfullah Virk has ordered officials to bust smugglers

Appraisement-East has collected Rs 12.43 billion during first 20 days of December. | See pAge 02 | ISSuINg NOTIceS


SOHAIL RAB KHAN www.customstoday.com


muggling of around Rs 100 million is being carried out daily through Afghan Transit Trade (ATT), it was

Appraisement-West has decided to issue show-cause notices to clearing agents who cleared cars under Vehicles Amnesty Scheme. | See pAge 04 | RepLAcINg ONe cuSTOmS

R&A Directorate DG Tariq Ahad says replacing remnants of One Customs by WeBOC is top priority. | See pAge 03 | pROBINg TAx evASION

FBR gives task to DG Haroon Tareen to monitor tax evasion in collaboration with other anticorruption organisations. | See pAge 06 |

learnt. The highly informed sources while sharing their views with Customs Today have disclosed that 95 percent of smuggling of goods including tiles, diesel, cloths, tea, tyres and others is being carried out through Afghan Transit Trade. The sources revealed that ‘Sheela Bagh’ check-post near Chaman border is among one of the burning spots where the smuggled goods are being transported to Quetta and then Karachi while the smuggled goods are also being loaded on the retrograde containers on returning from Afghanistan near ‘Waish’ Border. They further disclosed that the smugglers have strong nexus with the security personnel of Frontier Constabulary (FC) and Customs ofOicials at different checkposts and the receipts of smuggled consignments under the smugglers’ name is being cleared from different check-posts easily without any checking. The sources claimed that 60 percent of smuggling would be curtailed, if strict surveillance and vigilance would be conducted at ‘Sheela Bagh check-post near Chaman Border. They further recommended the authorities concerned of the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) to form joint examination teams comprising of the personnel of Pakistan Customs, Coast Guards and Rangers at National Highway, RCD and Superhighway in order to eliminate smuggling of goods. They further said that the Quetta to Karachi Bus Terminal and Northern Bypass are two more “deliberately” vulnerable spots where the smuggled goods are easily coming into Karachi. When contacted, In-charge Anti-Smug-

gling Organisation (ASO) of the Directorate General of Customs Intelligence and Investigation-FBR Karachi region Haji Muhammad Aslam conOirmed the estimated Oiscal Oigure involved in smuggling of goods from Sheela Bagh CheckPost on daily basis and said that the smugglers’ cartel with the strong alliance of authorities concerned at the check-posts, particularly the Sheela Bagh check-post were conducting their unlawful activities. In-charge ASO-DIT Karachi Region stressed on strong and effective tracking system on Afghan Transit Trade route to curb smuggling activities. To a question, Haji Aslam said that the ASO-Karachi region has clear directives from the Director General-Directorate General of Customs Investigation and Intelligence-FBR Lutfullah Virk and Director DIT-Karachi Region Muhammad Asif Marghoob Siddiqui to bust the smuggler gangs by eliminating smuggling activities and the ASO-DIT Karachi Region has already made the time for smugglers’ difOicult in carrying out their illegal activities.

Smuggling of goods worth Rs 100 million carried out daily through Afghan Transit route

— Exclusive Customs Today photo




DECEMBER 30, 2014 - JANUARY 05, 2015

Sialkot collectorate holds workshop for exporters

SIALKOT: The Model Customs Collectorate Sialkot organised a training workshop, Advantages of WeBOC System, to educate Sialkot-based surgical instrument manufacturers and exporters. Assistant Collector Syed Kareem Adil gave a detailed presentation about the advantages of online submission of the rebate claims and their payments under the WeBOC system. He said that it was high time for the surgical instrument manufacturers and exporters to take the advantages of the WeBOC system.

Collector Seema seeks report regarding Afghan Embassy’s ‘tampered’ land cruiser

Race for federal Board of Revenue chairman’s office gears up

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ustoms Adjudication Collector Seema Raza Bukhari has ordered officials concerned to get a report regarding tampered land cruiser being used by Afghan Embassy in Islamabad. She has also ordered to send the vehicle to Afghanistan and get it verified in 30 days. Afghan Consulate General Third Secretary Abdul Nafay Raghbat had written application to the customs to issue duty-free NOC for the sale of the vehicle. After scrutiny of the vehicle's record it was found that an application for NOC was also submitted in April 2014. When a forensic test was conducted it was found that chassis was tampered. Before chemical treatment the chassis number was HDJ101-0002805 and after treatment HDJ101-0007382. At that time ONO 240/2010 was issued in which the FBR written a letter for unconditional release of the vehicle. The FBR also said the Afghan Embassy was not entitled to sell the vehicle in Pakistan. However, the embassy violated the FBR instructions and used the vehicle for a long time.


RTO-II hopes to collect Rs 5.6b in December LAHORE

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he Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) Regional Tax office (RTO) II would collect almost Rs 5.6 billion taxes during December of current fiscal year. As per details, the RTO-II has collected almost Rs 2.25 billion sales tax, Rs 1.75 billion income tax and Rs 14 million federal excise duty until December 24. As a whole, RTO-II has collected almost Rs 4.022 billion. On the other hand, the FBR has given Rs 6.104 billion target to RTO-II. It was expected that RTO-II could collect Rs 5.616 billion, while all officials of the department were trying to meet the target, sources said. They added that sales tax would be a major source of revenue to meet the set target. He also informed that authorities have directed commissioner, deputy commissioner and special assistants to expedite the work regarding the collections of the taxes. December is the last month of the second quarter of the current fiscal year and it is considered important to cover the shortfall of revenue collections. FBR has set Rs 16.5 billion target for second quarter for the RTO-II, while it has collected almost 14 billion until December 24.


Govt is likely to appoint Bajwa as Punjab chief secretary after retirement of Naveed Cheema KARACHI

SOHAIL RAB KHAN www.customstoday.com


he race for the slot of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) Chairman has once again geared up, as the federal government is likely to appoint incumbent Chairman FBR Tariq Bajwa as Punjab Chief Secretary after the retirement of present Chief Secretary Naveed Akram Cheema, Customs Today reliably learnt on Monday. Akram Cheema, an ofOicer of Grade-22 is to complete term on January 5, 2015 and after his retirement from the post of Chief Secretary, the Punjab and federal governments want the services of Tariq Bajwa, an ofOicer of Grade-22 as a Chief Secretary. The sources close to Punjab government informed Customs Today that the Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif wants the services of incumbent Chairman FBR Tariq Bajwa as Chief Secretary Punjab from the federal government. The sources further disclosed that the post of chief secretary will suits Bajwa, as the ofOicer belongs to DMG group and mostly the slot of Chief Secretary is covered by the ofOicer belongs to that DMG across the country. To a query, the sources revealed that the decision regarding the appointment of Chief Secretary Punjab would be Oinalized by the end of this month. It is pertinent to mention here that the rumours were also aired regarding the relinquishment of charge as Chairman FBR by Tariq Bajwa at the start of this year, when he was on foreign tour to United States of America.

— Exclusive Customs Today photo


fBR chairman Tariq Bajwa

fBR has set up a Transfer pricing unit to work towards establishing a strong transfer pricing regime by providing technical backstopping to field officers FBR spokesman and Member Inland Revenue Services (IRS) Shahid Asad Hussain is a strong contender for the post of Chairman FBR, as he had already disbursed his duties on the same post in the absence of Tariq Bajwa, when he was on foreign tour in the start of this year. Meanwhile, Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has set up a Transfer Pricing Unit to work towards establishing a strong transfer pricing

regime by providing technical backstopping to Oield ofOicers. The Transfer Pricing Unit has also been established for building the Oield ofOicers’ capacity, developing a resource base including database of comparables, proposing improvements in law and policy and establishing a regime where transfer pricing adjustments are given due importance during proceedings. The Unit will be headed by Malik

Appraisement-East collects Rs 12.432 billion in first 20 days of Dec



SOHAIL RAB KHAN www.customstoday.com

he Model Customs Collectorate of Appraisement-East collected revenue of Rs 12,432 million during the Oirst 20 days of this month depicting an increase of 27 percent over the revenue it collected during the comparative period last year. According to details, Rs 7,025 million was collected under the head of Sales Tax while Rs 3,355 million was collected in Customs Duty. The Collectorate also collected Rs 2,015 million in Withholding Tax and Rs 37 million under the head of Federal Excise Duty (FED). The MCC Appraisement-East has already achieved 77.2 percent of the overall monthly target including 66.5 percent of the Customs Duty; 82.7 percent Sales Tax and 82.1 percent of Withholding tax. The Rs 12,432 million revenue collected by MCC of Ap-

Collectorate has already achieved 77.2 percent of overall monthly target

praisement-East During December 1-20, 2013 exceeds the Rs 9,809 million revenue that it had collected during the same period last year by Rs 2,623 million or by 27 percent. Meanwhile, Model Customs Collectorate of Appraisement-East has invited bids for maintenance and servicing of electrical equipment and air conditioners. The tender document can be obtained during the ofOice hours from Administration Branch of the Collectorate on or before January 10, 2015. Bidders registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax having their own ofOice and phone/fax numbers and not having been black-listed by any authority in the past have to furnish security deposit of Oive percent of their offer through pay order or demand draft. The servicing of all the air conditioners and periodic maintenance and servicing to ensure that air conditioners and electrical equipment keep running 365 days a year is the primary condition to get considered for the awarding of contract.

Amjed Zubair Tiwana, Chief (Income Tax Policy-II) and will be supervised by Dr Muhammad Iqbal, Special Assistant to Chairman FBR Tariq Bajwa. Meanwhile other ofOicers include Muhammad Khalid Jamilm, Secretary; Dr Tariq Masood, Chief (ITP-I), FBR (HQ); Girdhari Mal,.Addl CIR, LTU, Karachi; Zia Agro, Addl CIR, LTU, Karachi; Abdul Jawwad, Addl CIR, LTU, Lahore and Muhmmad Ali, DCIR, LTU, Islamabad.

Excise Dept serves notices on property tax defaulters SIALKOT


www.customstoday.com he Excise and Taxation Department has started issuing final recovery notices to more than 78,000 property tax defaulters in the Gujranwala region. According to officials of the department, there were 118,000 property tax payers in the region, of which only 40,000 have deposited property tax despite a 5-percent special concession announced by the department. The officials added that the department has served final recovery notices on 6,000 chronic property tax defaulters in the first phase, while such notices were also being issued to 10,000 other defaulters during the second phase.




DECEMBER 30, 2014 - JANUARY 05, 2015

fBR to take action against 35 tax defaulter companies

KARACHI: The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has decided to take action against 35 tax defaulter companies. The companies did not pay tax on the products of billions of rupees. The products have been sold to the non-operative black list units just to evade 5% tax. The lists of tax defaulter companies have been prepared and a stern action will be taken against them.

Yousfani: 27 out of 30 basic modules of WeBOC implemented KARACHI

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wenty seven out of the 30 basic modules of Pakistan Customs automated system have already been implemented, Directorate Reforms and Automation (R&A) Director Abdul Majid Yousfani informed Customs Today. The modules are developed by Pakistan Revenue Automation Limited, known as PRAL, as per the specific requirements of customs departments. Many of them are also designed for use by the taxpayers. The following is the list of the 30 WeBOC modules implemented so far: user management security and authentication, carrier declaration, goods declaration, assessment management, risk management, examination management, payments management and reconciliation, security management, adjudication, exemption regime management, tariff trade policy maintenance, duty tax charges computation engine, clearance management, rebates, recoveries, refunds, quota management and DTRE (Duty & Tax Remission for Export) Management. Similarly, the post clearance audit, transit commercial, manifest clearance, warehouse management, electronic data interchange, transit US/NATO/ISAF, transshipment management and MIS, BI and dashboard modules are also implemented. Of the 30 basic modules, the 26 modules mentioned above have been implemented. Though the four remaining basic modules: agents licence management, valuation and third party valuation database, e-payments and RFID; and image processing technology integration remains unimplemented.


Replacing remnants of One customs by weBOc top priority: dg Tariq Ahad Reforms and Automation head says reach of WeBOC has been expanded to cover 70 percent of customs clearance KARACHI

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eplacing the remnants of One Customs system by WeBOC, the paperless Pakistan Customs system, bringing regulatory ministries and semi-autonomous bodies into the WeBOC system and expanding the universal footprint of WeBOC nationwide are the top priorities of the Directorate General of Reforms and Automation (R&A), FBR. This was stated by the Director General of Directorate of R&A, Tariq Ahad Nawaz while talking to Customs Today. The term “universal footprint”, he elaborated, means that the use of WeBOC system at all the customs stations across the country would now be the same. For instance, so far the WeBOC clearance system has been used primarily at Karachi while in many other parts of the country its use was as low as 57 percent, he said. “We have removed the hitches to ensure that if for instance in Karachi its use is 92 percent the use elsewhere would be also 92 percent,” he added. Nawaz informed Customs Today that the reach of WeBOC system has now expanded to cover 70 percent of the customs clearance. It may be mentioned here that WeBOC was first rolled out in Karachi in 2012 and a year

— Exclusive Customs Today photo

later, that is in 2013 it was rolled out nationwide. “Currently our emphasis is to bring regulatory bodies including the ministries and the government departments, particularly those issue permit and certificates, about the benefits of using WeBOC as the single window automated real-time platform of WeBOC. Chairman Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), Member (Customs) FBR Nisar Muhammad Khan briefed representatives of

dg Tariq Ahad Nawaz

Emphasis is to bring regulatory bodies, including ministries and government departments, particularly those issue permit and certificates

ministries concerned about fifteen days ago in this regard at a meeting in which I was also present. The response to the presentation was quite encouraging,” he added. The WeBOC’s single-window road map would help the regulatory bodies, ministries and other government agencies not only to issue paperless permits and certificates but it would also help them connect with each government agencies, he added.



DECEMBER 30, 2014 - JANUARY 05, 2015

Imports increase by 10% as demand increases for secondhand cars

KARACHI: The demand for secondhand imported cars has been increased in the country. More than 10,000 cars have been imported from different countries including Japan. The cars were imported from July to November out of which 10217 cars imported through personal baggage scheme and 69 cars under transfer of residence scheme. Imports of second hand cars increased 10 percent. All Pakistan Motor Dealers Association has said that the cost of the imported cars is Rs 5.6 billion on which Rs 3.9 billion duty was paid.

vehicles Amnesty Scheme

collector Saleem to issue show-cause notices against clearing agents Appraisement-West collector says Additional Collector Iftikhar Ahmed is preparing list of clearing agents involved in clearance of vehicles KARACHI

SOHAIL RAB KHAN www.customstoday.com

Tighten security at fBR offices: Tariq Bajwa ederal Board of Revenue Chairman Tariq Bajwa has ordered the officials concerned to beef up security at the FBR offices across the country. The security has also been tightened at the FBR Islamabad headquarters and visitors have been advised to take appointments before meeting with any official. Sources told Customs Today that the FBR, in a notification, available with CT, has instructed all visitors to cooperate with security officials and asked them to prove their identity on demand. On the FBR chairman’s instructions, all the RTOs have also started arrangements for security measures and have installed security walkthrough gates and checkpoints on entrances. —CT Report


DC Amir transfers data entry operators egional Tax Office Deputy Commissioner Headquarters Amir Javed has transferred data entry operators of Zone I, II, III and 9 to the computer lab. They have been transferred to ‘punch’ income tax returns in tax year 2014. The chief commissioner has given approval in this regard. These officials will work under the supervision of the PRAL Manager. Those transferred include Saifullah, Imran Shahid, Ali Raza Shaukat, Ali Nasr Turab, Fakhar Iqbal, Haroon Rasheed, Muhammad Irfan Anwar and Nuzhat Akhtar. —CT Report


— Exclusive Customs Today photo


he authorities concerned of Model Customs CollectorateMCC of Appraisement-West have decided to issue show-cause notices to the clearing agents who were found involved in clearance of vehicles under Vehicles Amnesty Scheme (VAS), Customs Today learnt. The well-informed sources told Customs Today that the Appraisement-West is to serve the show-cause notices to around 20 clearing agents in Oirst phase by the end of this week. It may be mentioned here that the MCC-Appraisement (West) while following the directives of FBR authorities concerned had started to scrutinize the data of clearing agents who used to clear the vehicles under amnesty scheme in the year2012. The committee which was constituted on investigating the irregularities in clearance of vehicles under amnesty scheme in the year2012 in its report recommended scrutinizing the data of clearing agents and shipping lines in the clearance of vehicles under amnesty scheme. Subsequently, the Model Customs Collectorate-MCC of Appraisement-West was sent a list of shipping agents, who were involved in clearing vehicles under amnesty scheme in the

collector muhammad Saleem

Appraisement-West is ready to issue notices to clearing agents in current week year 2012-13 to the authorities concerned of the Model Customs Collectorate Preventive. Similarly, the authorities concerned of MCC-Appraisement-West were working on preparing the list of clearing agents who were involved in the clearance of the vehicles under Vehicles Amnesty Scheme (VAS). Collector MCC-Appraisement (West) Muhammad Saleem had al-

ready said that Additional Collector (ADC)-I Dr Iftikhar Ahmed was working on preparing the list of those clearing agents who were involved in clearance of vehicles under Vehicles Amnesty Scheme. The sources informed that the authorities concerned of MCC-Appraisement-West have completed work in this regard and ready to issue notices to the clearing agents in the current week.

Customs issues corrigendum, addendum about toilet soaps he Customs Valuation Directorate General has issued corrigendumcum-addendum to valuation ruling No 702/2014 dated November 25, 2014 in respect of customs values of toilet soaps. The corrigendum-cum-addendum No Misc/01/2008-II-(Part-2)/7946 issued by Directorate, Directorate General Customs Valuation Abdul Rashid Sheikh says, “After the issuance of Valuation Ruling No.702/2014 a number of representations were received from importers for inclusion of the names of their brands in the Ruling. So consequently, in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 25-A of the Customs Act, 1969 the Directorate initiated an exercise for the determination of Customs values of certain soaps.”The corrigendum-cum-addendum to Valuation Ruling No. 702/2014 dated November 25, 2014 shall now be made in respect of customs values of toilet soaps. In Serial No 1, against the brand name Clique, the customs value shall be replaced with $5. It may be mentioned that in valuation ruling No 702/2014 the Clique brand soap having PCT Heading 3401.1100 and 3401.1900 and Proposed PCT for WeBOC of 3401.1100.1000 and 3401.1900.1000 was the only brand mentioned at Serial No 1 that shall be assessed for duty/taxes at $3 per kg. Secondly, the word Yong Chin at Serial No 2 of the valuation ruling 702/2014 may be replaced with Yong Chin/YC (wooden packing). In Valuation Ruling No. 702/2014 Stillman’s, Cuticura, Yardley, Caress velvet bliss, Yong Chin and Dove brands having PCT Heading 3401.1100 and 3401.1900 and Proposed PCT for WeBOC of 3401.1100.1100 and 3401.1900.1100 that shall be assessed for duty/taxes at $1.70 per kg. —CT Report


Customs valuation of formic acid determined T


SYed muHAmmAd ASLAm www.customstoday.com

he Directorate General of Customs Valuation has determined the Customs values of Formic Acid (H.S. Code 2915.1100) vide Valuation Ruling No. 703/2014 dated December 19, 2014. The Directorate General Customs Valuation had received reference No C-13/CH-CC/2014/122.550 dated October 20, 2014 from Pakistan Chemical Dyes Merchants Association. The Association requested the Directorate for revision of Valuation Ruling No. 627/13 dated December 24, 2013. The Directorate initiated an exercise to determine the Customs values of Formic Acid afresh to reOlect the current prices prevailing in the international market.

The exercise followed the Valuation methods given in Section 25 of the Customs Act, 1969. The Transaction method under SubSection (1), Sub-Sections (5) and (6) of Section 25 of the Act were found inapplicable due to abnormal variation. The Deductive value method under Sub-Section (7) of the Act was, however, exhausted. Finally Sub-Section (9) of Section 25 was applied to arrive at assessable Customs values. After the meetings with stakeholders on October 14 & 21 and December 9, 2014 as well as scrutiny of the contentions forwarded by the Association the Directorate determined that Formic Acid shall be assessed to duty/taxes at the following Customs values. China Origin Formic Acid 85 percent manufactured by BASF having PCT Code 2915.1100

and Proposed PCT for WeBOC of 2915.1100.1000 shall be assessed for duty/taxes at Customs Values (C&F) at $ 0.80 per kilogram. China origin Formic acid manufactured by other manufacturers having PCT Code 2915.1100 and Proposed PCT for WeBOC of PCT Code 2915.1100.1100 shall be assessed for duty/taxes at Customs Values (C&F) at $ 0.72 per kilogram. India origin Formic Acid 85 percent manufactured by All manufacturers having PCT Code 2915.1100 and Proposed PCT for WeBOC of having PCT Code 2915.1100.1200 shall be assessed for duty/taxes at Customs Values (C&F) at $ 0.70 per kilogram. Formic Acid 85 percent manufactured by All manufacturers from “other origin” having PCT Code 2915.1100 and Proposed PCT for WeBOC of having PCT Code

2915.1100.1300 shall be assessed for duty/taxes at Customs Values (C&F) at $ 0.80 per kilogramme. Formic Acid 88 percent manufactured by “All manufacturers” from “All Origins” having PCT Code 2915.1100 and Proposed PCT for WeBOC of having PCT Code 2915.1100.1400 shall be assessed for duty/taxes at Customs Values (C&F) at $ 0.90 per kilogram. The above values are determined for packing 25/35 kilogram drums. A further reduction of US$ 20 per ton is allowed on account of bulk packing, which includes 250 kilogram and above drums. In cases where the declared/transaction values are higher than the Customs values determined in this Ruling, the assessing ofOicers shall apply those values in terms of Sub-Section (1) of Section 25 of the Customs Act.

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— Exclusive Customs Today photos

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DECEMBER 30, 2014 - JANUARY 05, 2015


s n ha and o i t a y g vesti g Securit n i y r n mina , includi i l e r the of se p tments tors u of ) a U k c i r e d a b (FM e Ban BP). u p s a e r d e e d Stat stan (S BSf th evad rnment tants an i a t s o bank x n a Pak areen, is a u t e l f c o inal v u , o c e T o s r a f c s e g n r g c o de from c f f i ficer o e i ank to ori e sou ng o b x a a f t e 1 u h i k t o h t t 2 u n s c t , l a a e r o s b y,” s io to tig ev find of officia n, bank fits nd then ompan s inves se pre - sen nd R ho ha on o o r t c a p u a w l a d r n a a g i e g n d w c y t I e e n ai ns in rv R d bin emen f pakist enio o rvic usly se ositio and s ferr compa f the s the FB aders b sclose t der e s S p i p v i t s l d n io i o m y ry R, fake unts o ng tha f tax ev had d rnmen ange prev ous ke count as Me count- nal I fBR sed invo mission aree of Inlan e T u c i cco d, sayi ides o tion ove Exch tax w e r b a A g i h a g y , t r r o l v a m ic d a e e s, ss stin dit) e T high add nd out nvestig ials fro rity an , bank discl nge com offic nue Serv acro last po yer Au pellat nd e do) i c i a f i u P f c e f p a a o h y C i e v t t i his (Taxp er, A . (SE of o yS s. inar vest it in i gh t fect exch Reve as lim ement namel kistan other lt of in t and er Memb mabad s an ef nce Un onal O t Oib d d a A u v s h n l i i e s e s rved d o t SH e vo ment n of P ors an in re ceme Isla FMU ntellig ternat errori nan R s h s D I a a A A y w B h t t t l t d m A t m ) s ch n er y, lI par missio s, audi ed tha ed tha ISLAM AmmAstoday.co Ben imilarl nancia and i g and est int conFBR n fro viou s key e l i om ltant e shar isclos n r ue ( tigatio h deal h S i l a F C g r n a p n i s e d muwHw.custom e n h u e io d d o su rc es ic ev iriou Lastly, a gard c, regi ey laun to the profess suspicio ial w of R e of inv tors wh electr . con The sou ad been e v r d n c r i g d p n t n o e a c h n or asion l Bo e sco er se mes nst mo nformi thics an o receiv om Oina esses n it nic v ions. as t i i atio s t r e o dera iden th to oth electro e tax e ny has n a f g i , c s e o g s s s F n c a p a rd bu io TR ing he d to w ector rts of ossibl mpa s 10 ked r o anc l standa s funct s and C nancial sary to o s R o e n p c w p f c d t i i a c on o t s c a Oi h he ber tron ve im d ou roni i s tion and it s repor ch non- e nece elec massi s to Oin elect x evas re it g t b n dit), a c u m o y s h u u i d e a t a h s t d A n c s and s m i d m a r l d wit roduc e-base ed in t s e ou regar as tran tution sions a ts. Rw xpay nt cal p Lahor involv a sti rofes objec hat FB ations ering wtax T ( n d i A n t e u p e nd niz unta n fo o and plish thrce said e orga ey lau becaus their c c bee a n com he sou th thes as mo vasion anage ber, m T wi ering tax e y to m e s s e m i g e d it . in rit of Oind ey launctivity is activ vasion autho n reellat IR, p p e s o n h a i t o A x t m t t a a i l m ltan mt bulk usto orm mm buna resu ers co ined fro that c nish inf ods in s bei r T d d o e r i a -I eva s obt rce sa d to fu onic g mpani ased d ench bad B yiel he sou en aske f electr ther co ore- b a T o be so Lah yo ging als import rted b ioned Islam t f dig ilo had


o en ing imp 10 b edit gard ntities bove m in cr on of Rs t to ina a a m i qu s the wen herethat evas side pany. ce said ed tax mpany f I&I, t s on r o com he sou ention ased co ahore award and T e m ore b es in L pecial hard ind v o O d s s ab ah out by a L unit ba confer worke nce to a g n d d m n o a l i i r l ts, o h erfo igat hou exis ed vest FBR s ials whnary p . w a l op fore e ofOic a ordi nomaly o such e devel perr al a s n y t h r o , t x y a h l e t ards nci ent e in rdin wn sho the Oina h, pres practic extra o onal aw well out lthoug ormal rs with ith nati vices as ates . “A s a n fOice s w ir ser Oice m rve c i o f e e ded acti eir p et it where e awar nize th s and o their s eral t y h a c f h d u g r l t v o w s r a o e o n ng o elec wo ance to rec ir fell uality that s issue ed i gati volv investi elated t vasion form medals ade the e and q alling n this en Oin i o e r s s x a l s w ta and persu e volumaid, rec held o also be ea itie o o wer the FBR ther c olved in t s n as t igher th urce s s were ns had r o give telh othe refore, ers in also inv so ing n tio o e be l of In al t e,” the l meet menda e x pay ere A . h s s a T c r h i e a c w l. a t e i i v r t m k r c e a n e o s r l ta e Gen r Ge h- n rec no av he c secto o d ta at fol t g t n i n i a o h a n e t t i s h v a to irec ean aree otron ot. rd, m ctor be t e Di but nd e n nt m is scri am, th estirega e Dire ation D Khan T collab a- a alized, e r s r i o e h c h n u s iff old t nv ed In t Reven nvestig mad ctors i organiz it n ned t nd I g gh d se Un n rou ource mentio ence a ll-Oled ing nd ham dI h t s Inla nce an on Mu f other rruptio ement fu il e on lig g o o o e a billi -placed e abov of Intel hectic cers ha evac n lig ) Har oring antil a i l Ma wel d by th eneral tarted of ofO d in tax n the (DG t monit other nancia e s n a e G i w i lo orate I) has t cha involv her th star n with ding F rect ons (I& dig ou ments tors ot tio inclu m a o r c c y s, gati cise to depart the se pan ans tion com by me nsexer other itted by c i tra tron lion from comm . elec 10 bil ing and d n s e c s o s t i i s of R posi e-ba tron elec Lahor evasion and de “A tax y n mpa te d mit fake co of a



DECEMBER 30, 2014 - JANUARY 05, 2015

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dreaming a welfare state


he idea of a welfare Islamic state, which was the base of a separate home land, is still a distant dream despite marvelous developments in various social and economic fields in the country. A monotonous routine prevails in official hierarchy, which is incompatible with the fast changing world and it calls for a dire need to introduce structural reforms in civil services, education, health, police and criminal justice for achieving the cherished goal of good governance. Addressing the Pakistan Governance Forum 2014, Ahsan Iqbal, the minister for planning development and reforms, has stressed the need for introducing reforms in civil services structure to achieve the desired results set in Vision 2025 for good governance, economic development and social prosperity. The minister stressed the need for removing bottlenecks in the achievements of goals, which the governments had set for the national development. No doubt the structure of civil serviceis based on colonial era traditionscoupled with outdated methods of implementation which are incompatible with the modern era’srequirements. No mechanism has been evolved to judge the performance of civil servants, and it is emerging as a big hurdle in institutional development and service delivery to benefit the masses. Therefore, Iqbal points out the necessity to put the right man for the right job by devising specialized groups of professionals within the civil services cadre. The country has been passing through the turbulent events since its inception and political stability remained a rare commodity. On another note, inconsistent policies and casual approach toward serious issues remained a major hurdle in the capacity building of the national institutions. The country has been in the grip of terrorism for the last over three decades and the nation needs to show solidarity and unity with those who are fighting against terroristsin various troubled areas of the country. The Peshawar tragedy is a gruesome example of terrorism which is unjustifiable from any human angle. The incident calls for improvement of law and order and unity among the rank and file of political elite to achieve the goal of economic development. It is unfortunate that ad hoc policies, implemented by various successive governments, have accumulated myriads of problems over the years,damaging the cause of good governance. As a result, a huge vacuum at the policy level has bred various challenges for the nation such as shortage of electricity, gas and water. The Vision 2015 is a highway to economic development,but the government needs people’s cooperation as it cannot do the job alone.

Land of natural resources LAHORE




ccording to a report issued by theUS Energy Information Administration(EIA),Pakistan has world’s 9th largest shale gas and oil reserves, greater than the total resources in Central Asian States,estimated at 105 trillion cubic feet shale gas and over 9 billion barrels of oil. The report saysthat the estimates of recoverable hydrocarbon are many times higher than the proven reserves in the country.The currentproduction of gas is nearly 4.25 billion cubic feet per day (BCFD) and of crude oil 70,000 barrels per day. The EIA claims that the investment of only $1.5 billion is enough to produce nine billion barrel oil per day, making Pakistan self-reliant in the energy sector. The cost of extracting shale gas has fallenbelow $1.5 billion, making the shale fuel cost $57 per barrel as drilling companies have discovered inexpensive and modern methods

and technology of excavation. The United States and many other countries are using the latest technology and there is a need to encourage foreign companies to make joint ventures with Pakistani firmsto launch a full-fledged exploration drive. The current demand of gas in the country is nearly 8 BCFD against a total supply of 4.3 BCF. According to the EIA,the estimated risked shale oil in Pakistan and India is 314 billion barrels, with 227 billion barrels in Pakistan and 87 billion barrels in India. The US Federal Statistical System also claims that Pakistan has 586 TCF of risked shale gas in-place which is equal to 400 years’ worth of gas supply while 227 billion barrels of risked shale oil in-placeis equal to 1,700 years’ worth of oil supply. The country’s recoverable shale oil reserves are estimated at 9.1 billion which are equal to 68 years’ worth of crude oil supply. Sembar Shale in the lower Indus basin has a resource concentration of 83 billion cubic feet per square mile

A lot of work needs to be done in the country other than politics

within an area of 31,320 square miles. The dry gas is discovered in 31,320 square miles, wet gas in 25,560 square miles and oil in 26,700 square miles. On another note, a study by the Sustainable Development Policy Instituteclaimsthe country’s oil reserves at 33 billion Ton of Oil Equivalent (TOE), gas reserves 16 billion TOE and hydropower potential 70 million TOE which are far greater than available reserves in other countries of the region. Western countries regard Pakistanis as the poor by choice as despite having fertile brains, fertile land, abundance reserves of oil, gas and coal reserves, most of the people eke out a meagre existence. A lot of work needs to be done in the country other than politics. So far, every political party in Pakistan exhibits classic example of one-man show and this trend can be exploited in a positive manner if all the heads of political parties join hands for the sake of the country and for the development of the country.



DECEMBER 30, 2014 - JANUARY 05, 2015

Team approved for tax facilitation centre at parliament House

KARACHI: The Chief Commissioner of Regional Tax Office Islamabad has approved team of five officials for Tax Facilitation Centre at Parliament House. The team includes officer InLand Revenue Attique ur Rehman, Inspector Income Tax Ahsan Ashfaq and others. Chief Collector had written a letter to Secretary Parliament for the space of Tax Facilitation Centre. Many Parliamentarians have not submitted their returns till yet and FBR officers are facing pressure in this regard.

ASO seizes Rs 11.28m smuggled goods until Dec 24 KARACHI


Bilateral economic ties forge partnership: Indonesian envoy


Indonesia-Pakistan trade figures likely to reach $2.4 billion by year end

he Anti-Smuggling Organisation (ASO) of the Directorate General of Customs Intelligence and Investigation has seized smuggled goods worth Rs 11.28 million during the first 24 days of December in which Rs 1.36 million duty/taxes were involved. According to details, the Directorate General of Customs Intelligence and Investigation has detected seven smuggling cases during December 2014. A first information report has also been registered against the accused for smuggling of 22000 liters of Iranian HSD oil worth Rs 1.79 million and an oil tanker (TUB-384) worth Rs 1.5 million. The ASO also seized 29 bundles of smuggled cloth worth Rs 1.51 million in which Rs 479,797 duty/taxes were involved. The ASO also impounded a smuggled consignment of 141 cartons of food supplements worth Rs 3.18 million. Around 751 kg of cloth worth Rs 543,592 was also seized. The ASO on December 21 has seized two consignments of smuggled Iranian diesel in which 2,100 liters of HSD oil and Toyota pick-up (WAA-926) worth Rs 374,900 in which Rs 500,000 duty/taxes involved. In the second raid, the ASO has seized 2,500 liters of Iranian diesel along with vehicles costing Rs 141,382 in which Rs 500,000 duty/taxes involved. The ASO team has also seized 460used and old tyres worth of Rs 1 million and 75 new rims costing Rs 750,000.


wRITe TO uS YOuR gRIevANceS: Through cuSTOmS TOdAY platform HeLp deSK, now you have chance to dIRecTLY write your problems to top govt. functionaries. If you have any grievances, queries, questions or suggestions, you can write in this section as it provides easiest access to you to approach Customs and Revenue authorities. wHO can write in this section? Importers & Exporters, Customs Agents, Chambers of Commerce, Trade Associations and Customs Officers TO wHOm you can write? Honourable PM, Minister/Secretary for Finance & Revenue, Minister/Secretary for Ports and Shipping, FBR Chairman, Member Customs and Chairperson Senate/National Assembly Standing Committee on Finance & Revenue. Send your letters at: newsdesk@customstoday.com.pk

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onsul General of Republic of Indonesia Hadi Santoso has said that rapidly developing bilateral economic ties between Indonesia and Pakistan offer prospects to further forge the bonds of friendship and to establish broad based commercial partnership. Speaking at a meeting during his visit to Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) on Wednesday, the Indonesian Envoy informed that total trade between Indonesia and Pakistan stood at US$1.69 billion as on September 30, 2014, depicting a year-on-year increase of 60 percent. “We are fairly optimistic that the total trade Oigures could reach at least 2.3 up to 2.4 billion US dollars at the end of this year,” he added. President KCCI, Iftikhar Ahmed Vohra, Senior Vice President KCCI, Muhammad Ibrahim Kasumbi, Vice President KCCI, Agha Shahab Ahmed Khan, Former President KCCI, Majyd Aziz, and KCCI Managing Committee members attended the meeting. The Indonesian Envoy further commented that bilateral economic relations between Indonesia and Pakistan will be more strengthened in the years ahead since Indonesia was the largest economy in SouthEast Asian region and member of G-

— Exclusive Customs Today photo


KccI president Iftikhar Ahmed vohra presents souvenir to Indonesian envoy Hadi Santoso

20 which is expected to become the hub of future economic activities while Pakistan was the second largest economy of the region and was one of the emerging markets in the world. “Indonesia and Pakistan are gifted with tremendous resources and there is a great potential for cooperation in trade sector and what we need is to utilize that potential to the maximum”, he opined. On behalf of government of Indonesia, Hadi Santoso, while conveying deepest condolence and sympathies to Pakistan, particularly the families of victims of the terrorists attack at Army Public School in Peshawar, said that Indonesian government condemns the inhuman act which cannot be justiOied for any rea-

son. “Indonesian government expressed their support and solidarity to the people and government of Pakistan in this difOicult situation,” he added. During the meeting, Indonesian CG also invited a representative from KCCI to accompany him during his visit to Indonesia in order to share information about My Karachi – Oasis of Harmony exhibition to Indonesian business communities, trade bodies and local governments. He assured full cooperation to Karachi Chamber in a common effort to work together for the mutual beneOit of the two countries. Earlier, while welcoming the Indonesian Consul General, President KCCI Iftikhar Ahmed Vohra said that bilateral trade relations between

Pakistan and Indonesia were expanding at fast track and the two countries can further enhance their bilateral trade by exporting products like wheat, fresh fruits, nuts, ready-made garments, Oinished and semi-Oinished leather, Oish and Oish products, cotton fabrics, hide and skins, surgical goods, handicrafts and sports goods etc. “Halal Food industry also holds good potential of enhancing trade between the countries”, he added. He suggested that Indonesian companies can also explore possibility of investment in energy sector and real estate projects in Pakistan. The business communities of both countries must join hands and undertake joint ventures in order to fully explore and beneOit from these sector, he added.

LccI appeals to pSm to withdraw cases against dealers To,

Maj Gen (r) Zaheer Ahmed Khan Pakistan Steel Mills CEO Respected Sir,

The Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry urges you to withdraw NAB cases against traders and dealers of the Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM). There is no justiOication of cases against traders and consumer dealers of the PSM as they have no control over the prices of products of PSM. The Pakistan Steel Mills is the largest industrial complex of our country which led to Pakistan's entry into the elite club of iron and steel producing nations during early 80s. Since January 1985, it has been playing a major role in industrial development of Pakistan.

Due to the Pakistan Steel Mills, we were able to get some recognition at international level that Pakistan could also bid for mega projects worth millions of dollars. But unfortunately due to inconsistent planning and lack of vision, it lost its momentum and is still reeling to get back on track. The Pakistan Steel Mills really cuts a sorry Oigure when it comes to production capacity utilization which is still far below than the desired level. Its annual production capacity is 1.1 million tons of steel and whenever any major drop in output appears due to under-production, it further aggravates the imbalance between total demand and supply of iron and steel in Pakistan. It is estimated that Pakistan’s total demand for iron and steel is over 8 million tons a year which has to be fulOilled through imports. For that

matter, he said, the industrialists in particular have to bear extra cost and wait long for the shipments to reach their mills. He said that these factors badly affect the competitive edge of Pakistani industry and it could not fancy much chances of getting sufOicient export orders. The upcountry businessmen have to face relatively more issues because of some factors including deOiciency in purchasing required quantity and quality of steel, extra transportation time & cost, inconsistent supplies of energy for further processing etc. Dear sir, you are urged to draft an action plan to get the PSM out of the present crisis. Thanks and regards, LCCI President Ijaz A Mumtaz



DECEMBER 30, 2014 - JANUARY 05, 2015

chief collector Nazim Saleem assumes additional charge of dg Transit Trade

KARACHI: Pakistan Customs Enforcement-South Chief Collector Nazim Saleem has assumed the additional charge of director general transit trade. Sources said that Chief Collector Nazim Saleem has taken over the additional charge because Director General Transit Trade Khawar Farid Maneka is on vacations from December 24, 2014 to January 5, 2015.

ISLAmABAd: Federal Petroleum Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi cuts cake to mark national day of Qatar.

ISLAmABAd: Federal Finance Minister Ishaq Dar in a meeting with Tajid economic delegation at the Finance Ministry.

— Exclusive Customs Today photo

police arrests 15 fBR officials

ahore Police has arrested at least 15 Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) employees from the Regional Office here Wednesday. According to Federal Revenue Alliance Employees Union (FRAEU) CBA FBR the employees have been arrested on the complaint of RTO Chief Commissioner Waqar Ahmad illegally for protesting to show solidarity with one of their colleague Nadeem Arif who attacked by brain hemorrhage while he was on duty. They said that CC was deploying untrained bailiff to serve as security guard at the main gate while the prevailing state of affairs of the country in the wake of the worst ever terrorism, demands trained security guards’ deployment at the main gate. They held that the CC also


forbids the FBR employees from offering prayer in abstinent for the tragic incident in Peshawar. Following the arrest of the union office bearers their colleagues chanted slogan “Go Waqar Go,” against the chief commissioner, holding placard inscribed with statements, forbidding IG Punjab from cordoning off the Tax Office in accordance with the wishes of CC”. They said that the police has arrested 15 of their collegues including Union central president Mian Abdul Qayoom, Naeem Shah, Wasim Dar, Maraj Din, Iftikhar Ch, Nadeem Punoo, Amir Nazir, Altaf Mehdi, Tariq Jhangvi, Arshad Quereshi, Razi Abbas, Bashir Niazi, Mukamal Khan and others. When the Customs Today contacted RTO Chief Commissioner Waqar Ahmad, he declined to comment. —CT Report





mport section of Air Freight Unit (AFU) ICG has unearthed duty and tax evasion on import of betel leaves second time in current month. As per details the customs authorities of AFU import section audited accounts of Customs Duty (CD) at the National Bank AFU branch and found that Baghaban Traders of Karachi in connivance with his clearing agents International Peoples agency of Ghazi Road, Lahore declared less quantity of betel leaves than actuall import. It was revealed that Baghaban Traders Oiled 39 GDs from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2012 at the AFU for clearance, out of which 28 GDs which pointed out total weight of betel leaves at 11,196kg while the importer and the clearing agent showed only 7,474kg

of the imported betel leaves. The customs authorities calculated that the importer and the clearing agent allegedly evaded duty and taxes worth Rs 821,900. In this regard, the customs authorities accused the importer and the clearing agent of alteration in documents of import and evaded duty and taxes, inOlicting heavy losses to the national exchequer. According to the customs authorities, both the importer and the clearing agent have violated various sections of the Customs Act 1969. The authorities also informed that the accused persons have not deposited GDs to the customs ofOice in order to hide the duty and taxes evasion. The Customs Investigation and Prosecution Department has registered an FIR in this regard and started investigation. The MCC preventive has unearthed second evasion of duty and taxes on betel leaves

— Exclusive Customs Today photo

Customs Preventive unearths tax evasion case in betel leaves import

collector mukarram Jah

during the month of December. Earlier, the collectoarte brought to light mega Rs 26.4 million betel leaves taxes evasion. In the case, MCC collectorate AFU ofOicials upon suspicion audited accounts of Jafa Kash Brothers in National Bank of Pakistan which revealed that the company allegedly in connivance with its clearing agent A-One Enterprises got clearance of imported betel leaves, hiding the actual quantity of the imported leaves. The Customs I&P authorities arrested an accused in this case. It is pertinent to mention here that the betel leaves tax evasions have started coming to light following the collector of customs preventive Mukarram Jah has taken solid measures. He has undertaken large scale reshufOling at all the grades of the staff including additional collectors. On the other hand, he has instructed his ofOicials to be vigilant on duty evasion and smuggling.



DECEMBER 30, 2014 - JANUARY 05, 2015

fBR suspends allowance of officers who failed to file income tax returns

KARACHI: The Federal Board of Revenue has issued ordered to suspend internal job allowance of officials who failed to submit their income tax returns. Earlier, the FBR had suspended funds of several officials. Regional Tax Office sources said the FBR had prepared two lists of such officials. Funds of those officials who fell in the first category have already been suspended. The FBR has written to all offices in this regard. Funds of those officials who did not submit their income tax returns will be suspended.

customs Appellate Tribunal not to hear cases due to winter vacation KARACHI

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o cases would be heard by any of the three benches of Customs Appellate Tribunal at Karachi until 1 January 2015 due to winter vacation. An ofOice order dated December 22 issued by Assistant Registrar Bench II Sajjad Haider Janjua said that Member Judicial Adnan Ahmed and Member Technical Shaukat Ali would be availing winter vacation from December 24, 2014 to 1 January 2015. A similar ofOice order dated December 23 issued by Assistant Registrar of Bench I Zubair Ahmed said that Member Judicial Muhammad Naeem Qureshi and Member Technical Muhammad Yahya would be availing the winter vacation. However, the ofOice will remain open and the ofOicials of the tribunal would be present to attend the routine matter.

Collector Seema seeks report about Afghan Embassy’s ‘tampered’ land cruiser

customs foils bid to smuggle 384 Samsung mobile sets from Abu dhabi LAHORE

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ustoms authorities at Allama Iqbal International Airport Monday foiled a bid to smuggle in 384 Samsung mobile phones of various models from Abu Dhabi to Pakistan. Customs sources said that the accused was trying to smuggle notified mobile phone sets using the green channel when superintendent of customs Waqar Ahmad Cheema upon suspicion asked him whether he has any objectionable items with him in his bags. The accused replied in no. However, when his bags were scanned 154 and 230 Samsung mobiles respectively were discovered from his two shoulder bags. The Customs authorities informed that the passenger was travelling from Abu Dhabi to Pakistan on PIA flight no PK296. They added that the passenger was destined to land at Rahim Yar Khan but due to bad weather conditions the flight landed at the Allama Iqbal international Airport Lahore. The accused said that he was carrying the mobile sets for personal usage not for commercial purposes. According to the customs sources total value of the notified mobile phones has been calculated at Rs 38,40,000. The customs authorities accused the traveler of violating customs act 1969 and FIR has been registered under Section 2(s) 16,139,156(1) (8) (70)-157. The Customs investigation and prosecution department has arrested the accused seizing all the 384 mobile phone sets and started further investigation.




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ustoms Adjudication Collector Seema Raza Bukhari has ordered ofOicials concerned to get a report regarding tampered land cruiser being used by Afghan Embassy in Islamabad. She has also ordered to send the

vehicle to Afghanistan and get it veriOied in 30 days. Afghan Consulate General Third Secretary Abdul Nafay Raghbat had written application to the customs to issue dutyfree NOC for the sale of the vehicle. After scrutiny of the vehicle’s record it was found that an application for NOC was also submitted in April 2014. When a forensic test was conducted it was found that chassis was tampered. Before chem-

ical treatment the chassis number was HDJ101-0002805 and after treatment HDJ101-0007382. At that time ONO 240/2010 was issued in which the FBR written a letter for unconditional release of the vehicle. The FBR also said the Afghan Embassy was not entitled to sell the vehicle in Pakistan. However, the embassy violated the FBR instructions and used the vehicle for a long time.

DC Amir transfers data entry operators SLAMABAD: Regional Tax Office Deputy Commissioner Headquarters Amir Javed has transferred data entry operators of Zone I, II, III and 9 to the computer lab. They have been transferred to 'punch' income tax returns in tax year 2014. The chief commissioner has given approval in this regard. These officials will work under the supervision of the PRAL Manager. Those transferred include Saifullah, Imran Shahid, Ali Raza Shaukat, Ali Nasr Turab, Fakhar Iqbal, Haroon Rasheed, Muhammad Irfan Anwar and Nuzhat Akhtar.




DECEMBER 30, 2014 - JANUARY 05, 2015

customs court grants bail to 35 in diesel smuggling cases

KARACHI: Link Judge Customs and Taxation Court Arshad Noor Khan granted bail to 35 accused who had tried to smuggle over 166,000 litres of diesel. The accused were caught last month by the officers and staff of Directorate of Customs Intelligence and Investigation, FBR, Karachi during an operation supervised by the Anti Smuggling Wing with the coordination of Pakistan Maritime Security Agency and other agencies. The launches and the diesel fuel were confiscated by the Customs Intelligence.

Finance Ministry proposes steps for textile industry to compete with India, Bangladesh government has decided that there would be zero load shedding for all industrial units across country

and these countries are posing serious challenge to Pakistani exports, especially the textile sector. According to export data released by Apparel Export Promotion Council, India overtook Germany and Italy to emerge as world’s second largest textile exporter. Underneath these circumstances, the ministry had proposed a package of proposals and recommendations to enable Pakistani textile industry to meet the criterions set by competitors in the arena of exports.


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he Commerce Ministry has proposed various steps to enable textile industry to compete with textile industries of India and Bangladesh. The World Bank has placed both Bangladesh and India in the list of top 10 countries with highest textile exports in the fiscal year 2013

“Draw-back for local taxes and levies will be given to exporters of textile products on fright on board (FOB) values of their enhanced exports on an incremental basis if increased beyond 10% over previous year’s exports,” a well placed source at the ministry said, adding that mark up rate for Export Refinance Scheme of State Bank of Pakistan was being reduced from 9.4% to 7.5% to provide easy finance to exporters. The source said that as per proposals that textile industry units in the value added sector would be

provided with long term financing facility (LTFF) for up gradation of technology from State Bank of Pakistan at the rate of 9% for 3-10 years duration. Moreover, import of textile machinery will be duty free for the period of two years” the source said adding, “A new vocational training programme will be launched to train 120,000 men and women, over the five year period, for skills required in the value added sector such as garments and made ups, etc.” “Factually, textile sector is fac-

Weather affects checking of consignments at KICT, PICT



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he examination process of the imported consignments at the Karachi International Containers Terminal (KICT) and Pakistan International Containers Terminal (PICT) is being affected by the cloudy weather of the city, Customs Today learnt here on Wednesday. The Customs sources said that the examining staff of the Oield formation Collectorates i.e. MCC-Appraisement (West) and MCC-Appraisement (East) have reduced the examination of the sensitive/fragile consignments owing to cloudy

weather and predicted rain in the city. “Reducing the examination at KICT and PICT is certainly affecting the cost of doing business, as the importers will have to pay demurrage and detention charges to the terminal operators and shipping lines,” sources added. They further said that the light drizzle on Tuesday morning has created a back-log of the imported containers in the yards of PICT and KICT. However; the Customs authorities at terminals were making efforts to wipe-out the backlog of the containers by the end of this current week. To a query, the sources said that the Collectors of both the Col-

ing some problems which are hampering its rapid growth especially power outages/ load shedding,” he said, adding that the government decided that there would be zero load shedding for all industrial units throughout the country. Therefore, the source said that it was hoped that the production in the textile sector would achieve targets due to the reduced prices of the petroleum products which would lead to enhanced cost effective textile production because State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) had also reduced interest rate.

lectorates have clear directives to the authorities concerned to ensure zero-pendency by the start of next week. The sources further disclosed that the examining staff of Pakistan Customs will also carry-on the examination process on public holidays i.e. 25 December and Sunday in order to ensure zero pendency and to remove the back-log of the containers by the start of next week. Responding to another query, the sources said that the Customs authorities were keeping safe examination of the sensitive/fragile consignments, so that the consignments could be saved from any damage due to expected rain in city.

Published by M. F. Riaz, Off. 91, 3rd Flr, Gul Plaza, M.A. Rd., Karachi, for Customs Today and Printed at Dhoom Printing Press Masheer Mahal Building, Off: I. I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi

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