Drug treatment is a very vital step that an addict must undergo to help him recover from the consequences of his addiction. A lifelong journey requires patience, determination and professional help. While most would say that stopping the addiction should be the first step to take, this is easier said than done. The truth regarding drug treatment is that the therapy is very expensive. There are also chances that the individual might fall into relapse only after a few weeks of counseling. Success of rehabilitation would only become a reality when the individual himself is determined enough to start a new life.
Drug therapy comprises of many methods all individualized and all needing professional help. First, drug therapy starts with the help of a medical professional who will help an addict by prescribing some medications that will counteract the effects of withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms are common in drug addicts when quitting is done abruptly. With the help of the medical team, comprising of doctors and nurses, life-threatening conditions brought by withdrawal can be minimized to allow gradual weaning from the addictive substance. Along with the supervision of the medical team, gradual counseling is required to help the patient and his family cope with the crisis.
Treatment for drug abuse may vary from one person to another since every individual has his or her own way of coping and that every situation is unique. While most can say that some substances are easier to wean off than others, this notion is not entirely true. In a physiological aspect, a person's body can react in more ways than one which is why some may be greatly affected in a short span of time while others may not have the same effect.
Therapists continuously assess these qualities to come up with individualized interventions. They may assess the patient's skills and limitations to enable them to see what they can do and what they need to work on to help themselves during rehabilitation. The environment for therapy is also crucial to recovery. While some may need an interactive environment, others may require one on one therapy session. An interactive environment promotes open discussion about life and the issues addicts face on a day to day basis. Through this, they can share experiences with one another and learn from one another.
Resources: http://acadiamalibu.com/treatment-program/ http://ezinearticles.com/?Drug-Treatment---What-Is-It? &id=6283070
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